Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL220008A
00:00 ♪ >> I want ♪
00:56 ♪ ♪ >> hello, I'm Sheli Quinn. I'm 01:09 Jake. Well and we welcome you to use 3 A B life. And now have an incredible program 01:18 tonight. It is not only compelling, but it is cautionary. We're going to be 01:23 talking about counterfeit reality and how to escape. The counterfeit reality. Our 01:31 special guest, you want to introduce? >> Yes, this is a blot. Most 01:35 call Scott Scott Ris a month, right? ripped them up. And if you spell it, it's just the 01:43 way that you pronounce it. I was working on that rehearsing and, you know, I got that. 01:53 >> Haha. >> Scott is one of the smart young man. There's just fun to 01:57 be around. You know, it seems like you really been paying attention for the last 20 02:02 years anyway, 15 years. Yeah. About >> Well, I'll tell you what I 02:08 think is exciting. You have to dinosaurs from the sick with you. And that's what I'll call 02:14 a says, the But then we have this man who is the speaker director from Built of Truth 02:21 Ministries. He's also a 3, a bean. glamour. He hosts a program called digital but 02:30 we're going to get into. Look at what happened to Scott Spring. He has more 02:37 information. I could just push the button and letting go. He has studied how Satan 02:46 manipulates the media, the social media and everything that's going on. And what is 02:50 happening not just to but as he has a particular passion. What's happening with her 02:59 children and how they're being drawn into this Think where no one knows what is truth, 03:08 what's reality or not? So we'll be addressing all of that. I just really want to 03:14 recommend that you get Pan Pace paper. He's going to have fascinating statistics. Great 03:20 instruction for all of us, but particularly for parents and grandparents. How you can 03:25 protect your children. And this is something that very relevant to our day. We see so 03:33 much going on. But Scott, just again, thank you for being here. Thanks for having me. 03:41 It's a blessing to be back at 3ABN. >> And what a joy to sit down 03:45 and talk about some of the most important things there are to talk about. And that is 03:48 our children, their future and God's plan for them. >> Amen. 03:53 >> Think what I like about Scott is it seems like in your studies because you initially 03:57 were a teacher, yes, right? Yes. And so paying attention at that at that particular 04:04 age, you have in your children that you really love. You were able to pay attention and 04:08 start connecting dots. >> And he is and and fresh. Well, whatever you can connect 04:15 dots, you like to be kind of person because most of us have questions. 04:20 >> But were either not wired a certain way, but we don't really know. Well, how come 04:24 how calm? And we really don't want to take that energy to find out how calm. But you're 04:29 one of those who came along that want to know why. >> But before we get into the 04:34 wise Yes. E T every day t work shared 3 ABN. We love the Tay. She's got magical fingers and 04:40 she's going to have our special music most told Jesus. 05:14 ♪ ♪ ♪ 05:29 ♪ ♪ ♪ 05:44 ♪ ♪ ♪ 05:59 ♪ ♪ ♪ 06:14 ♪ ♪ ♪ 06:29 ♪ ♪ ♪ 06:44 ♪ ♪ ♪ 06:59 ♪ ♪ ♪ 07:13 ♪ ♪ ♪ 07:28 ♪ ♪ ♪ 07:43 ♪ ♪ ♪ 07:58 ♪ ♪ ♪ 08:13 ♪ ♪ ♪ 08:28 ♪ ♪ ♪ 08:43 ♪ ♪ ♪ 08:58 ♪ ♪ ♪ 09:13 ♪ ♪ ♪ 09:28 ♪ ♪ ♪ 09:44 ♪ ♪ ♪ 09:59 ♪ ♪ ♪ 10:13 ♪ ♪ ♪ 10:28 ♪ ♪ >> Thank you so much. E T this 10:42 is a woman who is for its She's got a passion for listening to God it doing. She 10:51 responds very quickly and got directs its amazing, beautiful song. Thank you so much. We're 10:56 so glad that you have to us for tonight. We have a ferry. Interesting inspiring. And as 11:05 I said, compelling cautionary tale tonight. How about escaping counterfeit reality. 11:13 Our is speaker director tells the Truth Ministry Scott rips a month. And Scott, before we 11:17 kick this off. I would like it if we could go back into the past. Talk a little bit about 11:26 you're growing up how you can us a child when it became real for you. Your passion for 11:33 Jesus and the truth and just kind of give us a little background. 11:38 >> You know, like I had the privilege of growing up in a Christian home, we were in 11:42 church every week. And in fact, not just in church. I sometimes when I speak at 11:48 churches now I have to jab out on the Adam a little bit and say, you know, this idea of 11:51 coming to it 10, 50 service at 11, 15 or 11, we were in church 5 minutes early every 12:01 Sunday. we weren't there early or late. And so there was there was much yet to learn. 12:07 And but I do value that early introduction. 2, who Jesus is and that there's a creator, 12:14 God that Jesus is coming again. I grew up understanding and believing that the clouds 12:18 of heaven will part and he will come So there's so much to the value there it became 12:25 problematic a bit as I do proceeded into the teen years and the world was alluring 12:30 like so many young people. >> You know, the things of mom and dad and church and the 12:37 Christian school teacher. >> And cut doesn't compare Dow cool. This band is or how fun 12:43 this violent video game is R The Hollywood movies and it all starts captivating. I 12:49 think probably many people of your viewers have had that experience and I I would not 12:55 say that I was walking with the Lord during those teen years and got so actually 12:59 immersed in in the music. The worldly music began playing at got a bass guitar, started a 13:07 band with some friends and we were just rocking out to our ears were bashed in head, 13:13 banging and everything in the 1990's with the alternative rock in the punk rock and 13:18 listening to every form of on thing you can imagine and then playing and performing at 10 13:26 the oh. So you know, that's a that's a detour from the Lord's plan where, you know, 13:29 you think that that's going to bring to have to fulfil. You know, that's going to bring 13:34 joy when in the end, I remember when I was, you know, sneaking out and doing things 13:39 I shouldn't do I go to bed at night and I'm 15 years old. 16 years old and I would feel 13:44 pangs of conscience. I would feel, you know, when numbing it with doing all that 13:50 worldliness, you don't think about it in in the moment. But those quiet moments. The Holy 13:53 Spirit is speaking. >> Well, because you had had seeds of Exum, good seed 14:01 planted. And so holy Spirit could to remembrance. What you've heard. That's the Bible 14:06 truth. And it will not return. And you know, I had some theological misunderstandings, 14:11 though, at that time. I thought as long as I went to bed after saying your God, 14:15 please forgive me for my son's name and go to sleep. Get up the next day. 14:18 >> With no intention to do anything different. Then I had the day before. It's not a 14:23 true conversion from self and self-seeking to the glory of God. So I I actually thought 14:29 that during those rebellious teen years, I thought that I'm in a safe condition because 14:34 after I deliberately willfully rebel against God daily. I ask forgiveness at the end of the 14:38 day. And so we're good, right? Is that is that the Christian theology that it's going to 14:42 give the itching, ears what it wants to hear. So, you know, it really a dramatic turning 14:50 that I guess what what the word repentance really means is to turn turning from the 14:54 old ways and the old life and having a different identity surrender to God and for young 15:01 people brought that about. >> From. You know, for me is when the Bible really started 15:06 to come alive. And it's, you know, sometimes I think we tempts our young people into 15:14 worldliness when we present the bible in a way where it's where it's dry and the adults 15:19 in your life aren't really that enthusiastic about their face witnessing wasn't isn't 15:23 happening so much an. When I discovered incredible things about Bible history, about 15:30 Bible prophecy. You start to say, wow, this is very, very credible. And I voice like to 15:38 think about things from an analytical and historical perspective. I get that from 15:41 my mom. She's always been a a bit of an unconventional thinker. And my grandpa was a 15:46 a late historian, basically. And so when that when I started seeing wow, the Bible 15:50 is really action. Actually an amazing book. I gave it a chance. I had never really 15:54 studied it wait a minute. Hit the pause. But could you just painted this picture of this 16:00 head banging? >> Yeah. Rocking kit. Haven't got get your attention to get 16:05 you into the Bible. Was someone a teacher? Did someone come along who introduced the 16:11 streets to you in a buy Opel way. >> Yeah, it was a number of 16:17 steps. I'm one of them was just being out in nature. That was the first domino to fall 16:23 and it was in a youth camp setting being out in God's creation. The music is left at 16:28 home. And, you know, we talk about this when we get into the media about nature being 16:32 antidote for so much of And it was the conviction was not something that could continue 16:36 to be swept away where you just go back and forth to the please forgive me. I'm a rebel 16:42 again anyway. And it was I'm surrendering all and I'm not listening to that music 16:47 anymore. I'm not participating with that worldliness anymore because I just really sense 16:52 that the Lord was near and leading me and asking me to do that. And there's nothing I 16:55 can too, but say yes to that. And then subsequent to that it was growing up into that with 17:01 the Bible coming alive and truly walking into that. So it's not a momentary no 17:06 emotional thing. It was a real depth of the scriptures. As you mentioned, somebody 17:10 teaching and leading. I listen to prophecy meetings. I listen to. But Bible studies in 17:14 sermons about the history of the Bible times. And those kinds of things were really 17:18 what captured me to personally pursuant study the Bible personally want to actually 17:24 teach these things because I was training to be a teacher at the time. This is now up on 17:27 into the early college years. And I was studying history as majoring in history at the 17:32 time. And I learned a little bit about the the 4th commandment and the change 17:38 from the first day of the week to the 7th day of the week that transpired in early 17:41 Christianity would be get a set of commitments Remember the Sabbath day to keep it 17:47 holy. And when I when I was introduced to me as a as a part of this process, I 17:49 thought there's no way you know that that all of Christianity just got that 17:54 wrong. When did it change? Where did it change? Why did it change? How did it change? 17:58 Who changed it? And so that pursuit of that history. I stayed one night. I don't 18:01 recommend this, but I was so intrigued to dig into this. I stayed up all night one night 18:07 and was reading through this history, trying to understand the nature of that site. It 18:11 was it was engrossing. I couldn't put it down. And that with that was part of it. The 18:16 history of this out of the history of prophecy. And then what's coming next. And that 18:21 really lays a responsibility on our laps that God is asking us to prepare people for his 18:28 soon coming that these are urgent and sober times. And the Bible says that now is 18:32 says in Romans chapter 13, that now is the time to awake and out of sleep awake and out 18:40 of our stupor. For his coming is nearer than when we first believed the men. So you had 18:44 the >> Hart Awakening. When you are at a Christian cam. Yes. 18:52 And you decided you were going to Now you are studying. Yeah. You mentioned that you are 18:56 going to church every Sunday. At what point is God is leading. You. We've been 19:01 showing the 7th Day Adventist Church. >> You know, that was a number 19:04 of years later. Actually, I was understanding the 7th Day Sabbath, just as a doctor and 19:09 Bible teaching not being associated with a denominational affiliation at 19:12 that time. But it was really I was it was human pride at that point. It was a you know, I 19:19 kind of want to do what I want to do on the 7th. They sure I won't go to work. And I want 19:22 study my homework. But I'll go do whatever I wanted to. I didn't know about the Isaiah 19:28 Passage that says seeking your own pleasure on his holy day. And so that's what I was 19:31 doing. Taking my own pleasure holy Day. So there was some steps yet to take. And that 19:35 was few years really went by before before the Lord revealed to me what's in 19:40 revelation, 12 14 and 13 relation 13 talks about what the mark of the beast crisis 19:47 is going to be. And so these issues about worship in God's law are going to take center 19:51 stage and are very important. And then you see the 3 Angels messages in revelation, 14 and 19:57 you see the identity of the remnant Church of Bible prophecy and revelation 12. So 20:01 in that all finally came together, that would be around 2008 is when my wife and I 20:05 were married and I was now married at this point. And we we we continued our journey 20:09 with the Lord Jesus into the 7th Day Adventists movement after, you know, it's so 20:13 interesting. she a white person? Yes. So you've got to why people? Yes, exact. I'm a 20:20 white person. Yeah, everything has to you know, I'm and I'm a linear. 20:23 >> When you talk about connecting the dots, I have to connect all the dots. When I 20:28 studied. And it's interesting because, you know, I was the 7th keeper for 2 years before 20:34 ever. Became a 7th day Adventists. Yeah. As frankly, I thought they were cope. I 20:41 didn't know anything about them. And I was investigating. But God called me to full-time 20:47 ministry and he told me to forecast what I thought. I knew that he would teach me 20:51 when I went to the Bible and began studying and realize commitments the cross, no, God 20:59 brought me and I'm out teaching these things kind of like you said. But I didn't 21:02 know about it in a straight line. And all the truce that got us me come to find out was 21:08 something that the ad thinnest also taught. So you and look and let me interject something 21:15 right here because this is a teachable moment right now. >> Was racing the cell to Got 21:21 a white person. I'm not a white person. Should have been but I was witnessing she was 21:28 she was searching since I was in a white person. I have no idea why. parents. We're so 21:37 did costs without So please, parents, listen to this teach your children. You know, don't 21:45 get upset. Want when you have a child says, well, why? Well, why? You know, there are 21:52 independent thinkers, others they just follow along. It's this is really kind of ironic. 21:59 Yeah, but not here. You've got to want people. >> And God. that is, you know, 22:04 I always tell people I was the 7th and minutes before ever talk to the 7th. And then as 22:08 before or during the church. >> So the same for some So now you go when you first started 22:17 get teaching in the 7th and the new school. Tell >> What how catapulted you 22:22 from being a I teacher in 2 a preacher Oh, There's a there's a few steps on that journey 22:32 and we were talking earlier was like it was like Lily pad says what JD said. 22:35 >> Leaping from here to here. And I guess, you know that the frog analogy is a good one 22:40 because we're all under under God is working on a strike. We go from from swimming in the 22:47 water and you've got the legs and a tail and then you move on up and you're leaping as a 22:51 frog. And so that's something God wants to do in each one of our lives. What is he going to 22:58 do with you That's always the question we need to be asking. And at the time that I came 23:03 into these understandings of prophecy and Bible Truth, 7th Day, Adventists truth. I was 23:09 teaching history and government and economics and I had been for 4 and a number of 23:14 years. I had taught in public schools and charter schools in in Christian schools that are 23:21 non denominational. at when I was teaching these things, it was it was quite something to 23:25 be involved with. My fellow teachers as they were seeing. Okay. What is Scott into not? 23:32 What is he talking about? Check this out. You know, that kind of thing. And there was a 23:36 moment where I was transitioning out of teaching. The last school was at a 23:40 charter school. So its public schools where you're not supposed to talk religion in 23:43 the classroom, but I would teach world history. And so I would teach the history of the 23:47 reformation and, you know, histories that are objective and factual untrue. Students 23:52 began asking me questions. They come at lunch. What is what is teacher reformer, a 23:58 teach? How is different in this in my friend as of this and what does that mean? So we 24:00 have to start having these lunchtime, voluntary Bible studies basically looking at 24:06 history and looking at the different movements of truth in the development of truth 24:09 over time through the reformation and on through history. And then a tragedy 24:13 happened at that school, a student. It was a small school, but a student is 24:18 killed in a car accident going into her senior year. It was something that I was not 24:21 prepared for because I was so wet behind the ears, if you will, as far as witnessing. 24:29 They that I was I was there at school in the summer in the morning when the news came in. 24:33 And everybody who was there was grieving for this girl who had been killed for her 24:37 family. Her mother was the secretary of the school. >> And 24:42 >> we're going, oh, wow, that must be what they are going through. I came in. Imagine. 24:47 She comes stumbling into the school the next morning. She hasn't slept all She's coming 24:51 to work. This is summer school. Hardly anybody. Is there. The assistant principal 24:57 comes and grabs me. She says so. And so is here. You need to go talk to her. She needs 25:02 spiritual counsel because I had wanted on my sleeve that I was a Christian. So she's 25:07 like, where's a Christian? She's going to need somebody's of faith. And when I went into 25:13 that room with a couple of the staff of the school, it was it was it. It was a moment where 25:21 I realized that witnessing in ministering to souls is of higher value. Then all the 25:28 interesting academic pursuits and teaching said I can do in economics and whatever, 25:34 because she looked at me with the most pain in anybody's eyes have ever imagined and 25:37 said why Scott, why did God do this and what would you say that guess you want to give a 25:48 whole Bible study on the origin of evil and that an enemy has done this and it's a 25:53 ton to sow the seeds of destruction in the parable of the weeds and wheat that we 25:58 tears. I'm not really the time to do an intellectual philosophical treatise on why 26:03 there's evil in pain and suffering universe God is all powerful and all loving it. 26:09 These are these are questions that take some time to study through. So I simply shared 26:13 with her. I say a 63 verse 9. And I said. In our affliction, God is afflicted. I'd sit in 26:20 your affliction. I was afflicted the men. And so he's right here with you and the 26:26 pain of this moment. And they had that was as far as we went at that time. But subsequently 26:31 to that students had questions. What's going on with how do we understand 26:37 this? So they started meeting. I asked the administration, can I meet with them Kiper 26:42 mission to meet with them when they said we can't do it at the school, we open up our 26:45 house. My wife and I cleared out the furniture in the living room because we got 26:48 flooded with sizable portion of the school coming over to listen. A Bible studies on the 26:54 full teaching of what his got character. How do we understand evil pain and 26:58 suffering? We did weekly Bible studies and then that led to wanting to do evangelism 27:03 preach. The prophecies are local pastor said you'd like an opportunity to preach these 27:09 things. So I got to do evangelists to meetings and then a Bible teaching position 27:12 opened up at the local have been a stuck at me and I said, hey, can I throw my hat in the 27:16 ring for that? Because I'm loving this stuff. they said, well, you have a Bible degree. 27:21 No, I've history and master's in social sciences and well, no, you can't teach 5 of them, 27:27 OK? Well, then they get back to me. Actually, we've got an exception. We're going to move 27:32 you toward a Bible. A certificate. Just got to start your studying now with them. 27:34 And we're going to interview for the position. I was able to teach Bible they now for a 27:37 few years, which is just a great joy. Yeah, but now you had. 27:42 >> Even in Christian schools, you're beginning to notice. In Merced. 27:51 >> Our new generations are yes, in media, social media. Games and all of this. Tell us 28:00 about the effect you are seeing on your student. >> So that was a shock because 28:03 a lot of times when you get fired up about prophecy in your likes the remnant Church 28:07 of Bible prophecy. And you get this elevated view and then you forgot to read revelation, 28:12 Chapter 3, which talks about and how we are really struggling. We need to wake 28:14 up. Call it. We all need a wake-up call that I saw my students really struggling 28:19 with temptation that allure to the world. media like I had struggled with and frankly, 28:24 media consumption that was happening was no different from the public schools and 28:28 other schools. Tonight tot at. And so it was really a desire. >> So out, I want and I want 28:34 to underline that put exclamation point just because you are sending your child 2 28:41 for Christian education, which we believe is so important. don't think that they are to 28:50 the influences that are happening too. Their age group to the World Cup. Yes, so 28:58 true. And so I wanted to kind of put a mirror up against their own. 29:02 >> Use of time. And I did a survey an anonymous survey. I asked them how much time are 29:05 you spending on, you know, worldly media and I just to find that like you said as 29:10 video games, violent video games only and Hollywood entertainment. It's a very 29:13 narrow definition of media consumption. But estimate how many hours a week this past 29:18 week you spent on violent video games and Hollywood entertainment and then also 29:24 take inventory of how much time he spent in God's word are other spiritual books or 29:29 any why definition of spiritual pursuits going for a walk in nature prayer, you 29:32 name it. Qualify that. And we're going to compare the 2 and I collected the data 29:40 anonymously. This is not a witch hunt. We had a great relationship through this, it 29:43 was a 25 to one ratio for every one hour that they were in the word. 25 hours in the 29:49 world. Wow. That was a shock to me to them. I think they don't realize they didn't 29:54 realize how deep that really was until those numbers came in. And so that actually led 29:59 to me teaching on media to my own students to help them understand the effects of 30:03 these things. >> And then you began industry you had a question great 30:07 questions about his spell truth Ministries. >> Well, I was what reporters 30:12 have come from, what I know where it comes from, you know, but I mean, or did it come 30:13 from how to fit into where you were at that particular time? But we know the armor of God. 30:20 And we put on the full armor of God and one of those implements one of those 30:23 emblems on the armor of God is the belt. >> Turning up the loins with 30:28 the truth. And the belt is actually a key part of the armor of God in the ancient 30:33 Roman regalia that their military gear, you might think a belt. Isn't that important? 30:36 Like let me pick a cooler one like a sword. But the belt is where the sword would would 30:40 hang where the breastplate would be linked in to where it was. It was kind of the center 30:43 point for it. All. And isn't that who Jesus is? He is the way the truth and the life. 30:49 Hey. So that's that's kind of the meaning behind the concept, but that there's more 30:53 to the story as well as we as we go forward. You bet and help. Here's here's the deal. 30:59 And >> Is when Scott made that transition and started belting 31:05 Truth. Ministry said, you know what? I don't. I think you are just still brand new and 31:11 somebody sent me the whole media on the brain. Wasn't that your first series? I was 31:16 the one may on the brain makes it. You got Here's this guy. So you really have got a lot 31:22 of research. You are putting it out there. It is a fascinating study of media on 31:29 the brain that's available still available well as relevant as ever. Really. I 31:34 mean, you think these things are becoming chance, but we're dealing with media now more 31:36 than ever. >> Now. Let's transition because we promised on this 31:41 wonderful, compelling information tonight. >> Here's my thought. In 31:45 revelation, 13 verse 8. John, the revelator rights also dwell on the Earth says 31:54 revelation 13 per se also well on the earth. All. Well worship. Can the beast whose 32:04 names have not been written in the book of Life of the Dam. That was slain from the 32:09 foundation of the world. >> He's talking about the based and he's talking about 32:16 those who don't know the truth, how they are going to be DC does Jesus said in 32:21 Matthew. 24. Do not be deceived. There's going to be false profits. There's going 32:27 to be people who walk around like they are counterfeiting. Message. And then here's the 32:35 interesting thing. Satan. The Bible says. Our enemy is like a lion. All right. line who 32:49 seeks to the May devour? You know what? I think it's talking about his appetite 32:55 because that is much more subtle in his approach to us. And he's always use deception 33:00 from the beginning when he deceived But how do you when you think of a counterfeit you 33:07 can't be does seedbed if you know what the real McCoy is, a man. But the deception and 33:15 people who are deceived don't know their deceit because what say does is he takes 85% truth 33:23 and many billions in 15 person air. So talk to us about your seminars, Bible prophecy. 33:31 Let's just get going on. Tonight's top. >> You know, it's a media on 33:35 the brain was the first foray into speaking in churches and doing seminars for those very 33:41 reasons because we want to unmask the enemy's deceptions and how he will use Hollywood, 33:45 how he will use the entertainment industry, how he will use even big tech and all 33:49 sorts of media avenues to deceive the masses and prepare the world for his final 33:54 deception. But, you know, really the hope and the truth. As you mentioned, we are 33:58 settled into the truth. I like talking about other things like to education, parenting 34:06 nature, exposure in these positive things, some of which we get into in digital 34:10 disconnect. So, you know, when we are naming the ministry Belt of Truth, Hey, should we 34:14 call the ministry media on the brink? Because that was the first seminar. And that's all 34:17 we had at that point. Well, you know, I don't really want to be just only on that topic 34:22 only so always call it something about truth. Yes, melt of truth because then 34:26 that can open things wind up in wherever the Lord's word wants to speak to our present 34:33 times and our and our areas where we need to hear his voice. We can go there. So, 34:38 yeah, that's kind of odd that the beginning Sarah media on the brain was was to help 34:42 people awaken to the nature of the deceptions that are happening so that we can be 34:46 settled into Bible truth. >> But let's talk about the term think because the 34:52 scripture says that all, you know, who are not written in the name. The in the Lamb's 34:58 book Life. All. Follow after the space talk about group. Think, yeah, you know, and 35:08 subsequently in Chapter 13, a says the whole world's wondered after the BBC can 35:12 kind of imagine this like a hypnotized masses. >> Why is everybody so drawn 35:14 to a deception when the truth is so clear. So from a historical perspective, 35:21 actually, there have been mass formation, events, mass psychosis, if you will. There 35:25 have been developments of cults. There have been developments of of tyrannies 35:28 like an Adolf Hitler's Germany. And so you see in prophecy that there's going to 35:34 be a global formation of a deception. And can we learn a little bit from history and 35:39 can we see how media have been the founders of modern media have admitted that they are 35:43 actually set about to do those very things like take Edward Bernays, for example, Edward 35:49 Bernays, the founder of Modern Public Relations. He's the guy in the 1920's that was forming 35:53 the mass popular culture and how everything would be standardized. The advertising 35:59 industry has borne the popular stars of the day would be given their script and told 36:03 what to put out there and then the masses would follow. And that big that gave us the last 36:08 century of popular culture. Will Edward Bernays stated in his book propaganda. He said 36:14 we're the ones that pulled the wires that control the public mind. And he said if we 36:19 understand how the public mind works, we can control the group mind and they won't even 36:22 know about it. So that's groupthink. And groupthink is a term from psychology. And I 36:29 remember learning about that as a senior in high school, my sociology class, and we're 36:32 studying group thinking how Colts work and how those those type authoritarian societies 36:38 have become so captive to a nominate leader. And, you know, God wants to set us free 36:45 from the being captive to man. It says in cautions to it says don't be taken captive by 36:51 Halloween deceptive philosophies. So their agendas out there seeking to take us 36:54 captive. We will control the group mind and they won't even know about it. And Edward 36:58 Bernays also said that our ideas are suggested our tastes are formed. Our thoughts are 37:05 implanted in our minds largely by men. We have never heard of who he called the invisible 37:08 government. Now that kind of sounds ominous. That sounds like some sort of script for 37:12 some, you know, sci-fi thing. But that's reality. Like prophecy indicates a truth 37:16 that is stranger than fiction. A reality that is more intriguing. Interesting 37:22 historically relevant and presently prophetic. Then sci-fi scripts you could come 37:28 up with. So that's one of the things we want to do is help people come to terms with the 37:32 nature of the deception and how how how widespread it can be and how easy it can be for 37:38 the masses to become taken by it. We don't even realize you're a part of it. You eat 37:43 your along with the flow and the current and not even knowing has ever been a set. 37:47 So kind of take us through and how jump in and any time. But >> we're thinking when you 37:51 were talking, I was thinking of Jim Jones. And formed the call to end. They all 37:58 committed mass suicide and there are some very intelligent people. All right. 38:02 What are some of the steps? 2 people What someone wants them without question. I that's a 38:13 very good question. Scholars have looked at this and they they put out certain criteria 38:17 of the immediate context and scenario that make someone more susceptible. 38:22 >> But one thing that I really want to bring to the table from historical perspective is 38:27 the life's training that leads up to and mass formation type of event. In other words, what 38:33 kind of media are we exposed to as children? What is our educational philosophy in the 38:38 schools? Are we teaching our children to be thinkers or mere reflectors of other men's 38:43 thoughts. So when you look at the Edward Bernays of the world and you see that the 38:46 media has been full for a century preparing society in priming us for falling prey to 38:53 such types of cold events as that or more widespread global ones like we read about in 38:58 prophecy. But also the founders of industrial era Schooling, if you will, the 39:03 modern world. The schooling philosophy was similar to what Edward Bernays was just saying 39:06 there when I was paraphrasing him, we're the ones that poll the wires that control the 39:10 public mind, the founders of the schooling philosophy that emerged around the turn of the 39:14 century. Turn of the night in the 1900's where is admitting and saying in their 39:20 publications that what we're funding here and founding here is to tots. That's that's 39:25 their words. I've got seminars on this where you can see all the quotes. I have to take my 39:28 word for it now. 99 students out of 100 will be will become automatons. They will be das. 39:37 find to some people at home. robots. Yeah, careful to walk in the prescribed path. The 39:43 quote says careful to follow prescribed custom. And we want to be careful to obey God, but 39:48 because we're choosing him intelligently our children to obey their parents, but also 39:54 to become thinkers. And that's what we were getting on to earlier about us. Really 39:58 understanding the truth that we're taught as children really probing and asking the 40:02 tough questions and understanding the whole biblical Fiala G behind what 40:04 it is. We believe not just because I was born into this or whatever I want to be born 40:09 again. And that involves accepting the truth for myself. So those founders of 40:12 modern public schooling and that's not to impugn any public school teacher, ice to 40:18 be a public school teacher. And I would share these quotes with my students. So they're 40:20 good people in that system. But they would say things like, you know, we want to 40:26 have the children collected from private households and we will shape them on the social 40:30 meeting board and we will have their there will be yielding themselves with perfect 40:35 aucilla t to our molding hands and we don't want them to become thinkers and scientists 40:41 and and doctors and lawyers and all these great things. We simply want them to be das. 40:47 I'll thoughtless and contented. Those are all quotes like word for word. And 40:48 you think they actually would say these things out. They wrote these things. This goes 40:53 back to oppression, style schooling 100 years before it came to America and the 40:58 founder, oppression schooling, Johann Gottlieb said. The goal here is we will destroy free. 41:03 Well, so they were just come out and say it little more honest, maybe back then. But 41:07 some were still dealing with the legacy of that because when you have an education 41:10 system and of worldly media system that is indoctrinating the minds of the masses for 41:15 generations. Then the final deceptions com or a societal crisis comes that precedes 41:24 that one particular called scenario like the Jim Jones or pick your example through 41:30 history. People are ready and primed to not have that individual critical thinking 41:35 capacity to not have the courage and the 42 to stand up against and say this is wrong 41:41 because I know from the word of God, I stand alone on the word of God. Let me see if I 41:45 can kind of summarize courts coming to my mind. >> Is that what you're saying 41:50 is the people who pulling streaks. trying to make Tama towns are well pots at They're 41:58 trying to conform you. Yes, and you know, because it just occurred to me that you may be 42:04 watching said you Christians are the one who had group-think because you're all 42:11 saying the same thing. But the point is God gave us free will a man. What a God is so 42:20 interested in and detail of your life. But he will never for shoe and what God offers 42:29 is not conformity. It's not about conforming to diet or lifestyle. What got offers is 42:40 a putting a new heart in us giving us by free will the choice to walk into dance that 42:47 choice 2 to receive his lab in their way hit back. So. What you're saying is it's 42:58 critically important for parents to understand what they're being taught at best 43:02 for their children to be being taught it in public schools are Christian schools where 43:08 ever they need to learn to become thinkers for themself to receive got street. 43:14 >> A man and that's Romans. 12 ERs to use alluded to it there. And if that's do not 43:19 become formed to this world, a man transformed by the renewing of your mind. God 43:22 wants us to have an individual might. They can choose him and serve him and fend off the 43:28 deceptions of the last days and not get s***** into those types of events. That are so 43:32 common throughout history. And we know prophetically are coming globally and it's 43:35 coming soon. You know, we see events heating up a heightening and we know that 43:39 we want to be settled with with settled into the truth. Both intellectually and 43:45 spiritually, that we cannot be moved the price point to the forehead as the seal deal got. 43:50 >> I think it's very important that you're bringing out these points because there's a lot 43:52 of people they probably always they may be 90. Not even their thinking and thing called 44:01 really there's not somebody out there that's really. You know, part of the strange 44:07 never think really work like that because, you know, we hear and brother, big 44:12 government, whether it be in in corporate world wherever it is. You know, that there's oh, 44:18 well, you know, there's always a system out there. >> advertising agencies handed 44:24 down pat down you. See how they introduced things on ads that not only become accepted, 44:31 they become popular and we're seeing some really interesting ads, but I just was thinking 44:40 tonight we're talking about escaping the counterfeit. You win when you doing your series 44:46 digital disconnect, which by the way airs on 3ABN Sundays at 05:00AM Tuesday said one PM 44:56 and Wednesdays at 09:30PM, and working fabulous responses too. Your messages on digital 45:02 disconnect? You used a counterfeit reality. I think that's a fascinating. It's a 45:15 sounds like an oxymoron. us what, what does that term counterfeit reality me. 45:23 >> Those who studied the origins of evil. This great controversy between crisis 45:27 saying are aware of the fact that he attempted to be in the position of God in heaven. I 45:32 will. I will ascend. I will be above the other Angels eyes. Isaiah 14. I will be like the 45:37 most high. So he wanted to be got the suffered. It you can't be because he is a created 45:44 being. So that was a non-starter from the beginning. God just because 45:49 and I created suffers a created. He cannot be got. >> God speaks this world into 45:53 existence in 6 days. You can imagine how Satan is feeling at that moment like. I claimed 46:01 I could be in that position. I can't do. That is his angels are looking on like sir, can 46:04 you do No, I can't. He could never create reality. God can speak the universe into 46:14 existence Galaxy's into existence this world. Our consciousness are our breath 46:17 in our Long's our love. He can create a living Soul. Satan can't even make matter. He 46:23 can't do any of that. So how are you going to be a creator? He can't be. So he set about 46:29 for the next 6,000 years to are the creation that God made to mess it up to try to 46:35 destroy the image of God and man, particularly. And you did so by destroying. 46:43 >> What man believes anyone in the midst of what got you got is, you know, and what his 46:49 personality. >> Yeah. So you create a false con conception of God in the 46:51 minds of people. We adopt a false picture of God that disrupts our relationship with 46:56 God that the severe relationship of trust and then the cross bridges that gap 47:01 again because we're saved by faith through the name of blood of Jesus Christ. Well, 47:05 here we are now at that final end of this controversy. According to Daniel 8.14, you 47:13 know, we're in the and now as of just years ago. Now, here we are in the final event. 47:19 He's gotten out technological capacities. To s*** people in to experience online. Whether 47:25 that be the online video game portal where there's a whole narrative and there's a whole 47:32 identity you adopt and you are in there with your clan in your Gildan, you're s***** in 47:36 your living there. You're on a quest. You have purpose to gain victory over the enemies 47:40 of such and such round and some fake thing right which he's always been able to weave 47:45 a dream in people's minds through fiction novels and fantasy novels and things like 47:49 that. But when it's visual, it's captivating the video game or goes in there and it's 47:53 a counterfeit reality or take social media, you might say, well, that's real people. 47:58 You're interacting with real plane. It's not pretend like video games are. But what if 48:03 your persona? And there is not you and you're putting on a false pretense of an image you 48:08 want to portray to the world and you see that false image and others. And what if that 48:13 becomes then heightened by merging into this thing that's coming that they're saying is 48:19 the metaverse instead of just typing and texting things on social media, you go in there 48:24 visually and you'll be looking at people's avatar interacting in there. So it's a digital 48:27 plane of existence that replaces the three-dimensional actual world God made. This is 48:34 reality where we see each other talk to each other and Satan says, well, what if I 48:39 just get you living online and not hugging your children anymore. Not petting your dog 48:45 anymore. Not climbing that regionally. Majority of 11 year olds in the UK have never 48:47 climbed a tree at some point. So so it's it's a counterfeit reality of virtual plane of 48:54 existence. Now we want to be careful because these are tools that can be utilized. 48:58 You go online. You look something up. Put something online. Watch a video. You 49:03 know, so not to get too extreme with our understanding of it. But if it's our new 49:06 place, we live and our new identity and it's a false identity. Then it is a 49:11 counterfeit reality. And Satan has succeeded in creating a world to subsume the human 49:17 consciousness into where we become divorce. That from God's plan and will for our 49:20 lives, which is just pure joy. God wants us to be happy. These things. That's a key 49:24 win. Don't fulfill. And you ask anybody who's come out of that or he was honest and is 49:29 currently a an addict to video games are online pornography or whatever. The counterfeit 49:34 maybe it's not a place of joy and fulfillment and freedom. It's it's chains that bind a 49:41 virtual prison. >> Don't forget. I want to come back to that word. do you 49:45 recall? Oh, this is 4 years ago, probably Weaver in Dallas for Christmas. We were all 49:51 week been shopping all day long we said are we saw sat down for a little while and we 49:58 saw 3 girls, probably 16. They passed by us. And laughing and having the best time. 50:06 >> And the other little girl walking along with France, but she's texting. as about an 50:14 hour passed by, I think we're going to something. We see the same 3 little girls. 50:20 >> 2 of haven't out wonderful. >> Social interchange exchange. Social exchange and 50:27 the other little girl is And I told Katie, she's artificially connected death feeling like 50:38 she's having social interaction. She was missing all the fun with her friends. 50:44 But I want you to speak to before it was only got about 6 minutes left in this hour. 50:51 Speak to D*** teeth nature. And it's not just violent video games. You've heard 51:00 about these potato chip companies that put something in it so that you don't just 51:04 can't just eat one. Well, these games are good. Now out. But playing scientist people 51:14 no. How to hook you when you think all I'm just going to play a couple of games of 51:20 this. And the next thing, you know, you've spent an hour doing that, but there actually 51:26 young people, probably middle aged people that you hearing. are staying up. 51:31 >> All night long. >> Playing these games in this counterfeit reality. Speak to 51:38 the >> If that sounded hard to believe, by the way, I've 51:44 talked to many, many people in doing this ministry who've literally stayed up all night 51:47 long playing video games. In fact, doing that Friday night doing that again Saturday 51:52 night. Maybe catch a couple hours of sleep Saturday night doing it again Sunday night. 51:57 Maybe catch a couple hours of sleep Sunday night. But you go. You're playing all weekend 52:02 from Friday afternoon till Monday morning and then go back to work that how do you 52:09 even do that? I mean, that sounds like somebody who's doing enormous amounts of hard 52:13 drugs, doesn't it? Because it's a digital drug, its digital doping. Me. I'm the 52:17 author of the book Glow Kids. Nicholas Carr, Doris is his name. He's treated located 52:22 below kids. Yeah, I'm like the glow of the of the screen on the face. He stated he's 52:30 treated hundreds of heroin addicts in his practice and also has now treated also 52:36 screen addicts, media and he says it is easier to treat a heroin addict. Then a true 52:43 screen addict. Wow. So the fact that it's an addiction is not just hyperbole. It's not 52:49 rhetoric. It's not a word we use to describe something in more fuss way. Clinically the 52:54 American Psychiatric Association diagnosis video game addictions definitely 52:59 lost addictions online pornography addictions. These are very real quantifiable 53:05 addictions even before they started embracing that in the diagnostic and Statistic 53:10 Manual of Mental Disorders. And even before it was official. There was a survey 53:13 done by George Barna and he asked Americans across the board widespread survey. You 53:22 know how we are, how we are dealing with our media habits, the things we can't help. But 53:27 do you know the things that just give us that pleasure hit? And specifically he took 53:32 the 7 question survey that the American Psychiatric Association uses to diagnose 53:37 addictions. Any set of asking people those questions about alcohol consumption, which is 53:42 an addiction or other physiological addictions. He asked those same 7 questions. 53:48 The diagnose, whether you're addicted or not. He applied those 2. Your video games here 53:53 watching Hollywood movies, you name it and he found the majority of Americans actually 53:58 qualify for an addiction. 2 media literacy and those have been questions. You know, do 54:05 you have withdrawal symptoms when you when you can't, when you can't have do your example 54:09 they just somebody at home, if you leave the house and you get a 5 blocks away and 54:16 realize you left your cell phone >> what do you do? Okay? 54:22 >> Yeah. You know, irritability rises >> Do you do you hide the 54:26 quantity of time that you're doing and lie about it? You know, it's it's the same kind 54:30 of questions. People asked for a gambling addict. In fact, it's the very same 54:36 neurological sequences happening with video game addiction and gambling 54:38 addiction. It's hitting the nucleus accumbens of the brain in the exact same way that 54:42 drugs too video games do that. These other things I've mentioned in other times a 54:47 number of times, just like gambling. And so you might think what can be an addiction 54:50 because it's not a substance. The psychiatry profession begs to differ and very much as an 54:56 addiction. And so to immerse our children in that we would never give our children drugs. 55:00 And, you know, I've gotten a little bit more strong in my advocacy for children on 55:04 behalf of children in the years of doing this to the point where, you know, it's an 55:09 innocent game, you know, car Doris says that even a game like mine craft, he says your 55:15 kid's brain on my craft looks like a brain on drugs. So it's not just the violent video 55:18 games that we're dealing with there. Everybody's got their own hang up. It's not just a 55:22 video game. Some people can be addicted to social media and the exact same way. It's very 55:26 much a tool and can be used in a positive way as well. But some becoming harder and 55:30 harder these days to navigate that counterfeit reality and maintain your individuality 55:36 and independents and grip reality. >> And then, you know, I'm 55:40 just sitting here thinking about sometimes I feel you remember Pavel off the 55:46 scientist and his experiment. I feel like dog my my up to. >> In week. A lot of work. You 55:55 know, I mean, I love my smartphone because >> it gives people the ability 56:02 to text me a quick question that somebody needs an answer. It working. 56:05 >> It's time saving. Thanks. But how deep into doing something and working on my 56:11 computer and my phone is sitting by my side. And it goes buzzer goes off vibrates 56:18 or 8 games. I'll tell you, I'm like path off stump. I'm like, oh, and you stop and you pick 56:27 it up to see what the notification was A text message that's coming in. It 56:35 makes me efficient. People like that. I answer their texts right away in that 56:39 sense. But it totally destroys your heart. Ability to concentrate and stay focused. 56:48 It's And so what happens is on 7 S I'm beginning to put my phone away because it even 56:55 interrupts my Bible study. got a lot more. Scott, like I said, I could push that. let 57:04 him go. He's got so many facts and figures statistics in his hip. But when we come back. We 57:10 will be discussing how do we this counterfeit reality? How do we of quote, unquote, that 57:23 trapped. How do we let God confessed? Transform us rather than being conformed. 2, this 57:33 current world. right back. Please ♪ 57:45 ♪ ♪ |
Revised 2022-03-02