Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL220007B
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00:15 >> Welcome back to 3, A B and live tonight. We are. Taking a couple hours to delve into the 00:21 topic of forgiveness, a program titled is Fruits of forgiveness. And if you are 00:26 with us on the first hour, we're with pastors John Lowe. McCain. John didn't state. We 00:36 have discussed what is forgiveness, what are the steps to forgiveness? 00:39 Recognizing the sacrifice recognizing our own shortcomings and sins 00:46 confessing our sand receiving God's forgiveness. >> And we sure it's getting 00:53 into repentance. We need this kind of stretch that out just little bit. 00:56 >> But so far it's all been about this vertical. Relationship. It's the 01:04 restoration of our relationship with caught this hour. We're going to delve 01:08 into the top horizontal forgiveness as well. So John, would you have the opening 01:15 prayer once again? And would you also then just talk a little about what is 01:22 repentance. >> father heaven as we continue in our program today, 01:25 we to pray that as we now talk about the horizontal forgiveness that you'll 01:30 continue to guide our hearts and minds. People watching and listening to this program. 01:36 That are themselves wondering, how do I approach what are the benefits? One of the 01:42 blessings? What do I do? How do I bring unity and my family and my home and my marriage 01:48 and my job. My relationship. So give us guidance. We ask me a word. Be clear and concise. 01:57 May those listening and watching have open hearts to receive not only instruction, 02:00 but the power. live out and receive forgiveness, sweep Can you tease us? May have 02:10 >> So we've concluded this last hour. We just got through the confession of receiving 02:14 God's forgiveness. But that's not it is. You're telling the story about a man who kept 02:18 sending over and over again. The Bible tells the Senate acts by the 5. 31. God grants 02:31 repentance to us. It's even repentance having the to turn away from our San. To God. 02:41 It's a gift of grace to talk to us a little more about repentance. You know, I talked 02:46 about. >> Devine, Liberation and divine Now, let me talk about 02:50 divine rejoicing. They This is something that I think people say, OK, what happens when I 02:55 ask for forgiveness? Well, let's start by looking at Luke 15%. That's good. Going to 03:02 talk about what what is heaven's response to a person giving his or her life to the 03:09 Lord and asking for forgiveness. And by the way. This word here that we're 03:14 going to read. Is broader than we often think of it. Luke, 15, 7. I say to you that. 03:25 Likewise, there will be more joy in heaven. Over one sinner who repents and over. 99. Just 03:33 persons who need no repentance. Now, why is repentance fair? Because it is 03:39 the first step. I believe. And according to script, share this verse in just a moment, 03:45 it is the first step to now pursuing forgiveness. Hacks 3 verse 19. Repent, therefore. 03:57 And be converted your sins may be blotted out. So when we look at that, the time of 04:03 refreshing comes from the presence of the Lord. We talked about a moment ago 04:07 Micah where this ends a not only forgive him, but there cast into the depths of the 04:11 sea. Here now doctor Luke writes in the book of acts, chapter 3 verse 19 when we 04:18 repent, then the conversion comes. Then our sins being blotted out as one man is what 04:23 follows that to me that that experience of divine forgiveness also brings with 04:28 it divine rejoicing. so but that's the first thing that happens. And when to get into 04:36 want to get into how is on side of it in just a moment. Kate, let me just add one 04:40 thing. Romans, 8, 13, 14 goes to what you are saying about this man. 04:48 >> When we come before the Lord confessing or suit. We received his forgiveness. He 04:52 gives us the power. And I encourage you to ask for it. Help me to turn away from his 04:58 saying give me the power company free from the the bond. The wicket turn me round 05:05 and he will. It is a gift from him. By the power of the Holy Spirit. Working in your look 05:12 at moment, a 13 14. The Bible says Paul says if you live, according to the flesh, what's 05:19 going to happen? And I kind of guy so you can't just can Fisher sand and say thank you, 05:27 Lord, to go out and live. According to the flesh. But if 5, spirit. You put to death. 05:37 The teens of the body. You will live. You can't put to death the deed to the body by 05:44 yourself, the holy spirit to not going to do it for you. It is by his power that you and 05:50 the Holy Spirit you have to Cooperate. CO operate with him to put to death the deeds of 06:00 the body. He said as many as are led by this spirit of caught. These are the children 06:05 of got so God isn't going to say, I forgive you, go Rob the bank Now. It doesn't work like 06:12 that, OK? So we've built grant. Ah, yes, I'm reading from Isaiah Chapter one and 06:20 beginning in verse 16 because we're talking that turning away from sun as well as part 06:24 of receiving the blessing. >> And notice how he says. Wash yourselves, make 06:31 yourselves clean. In other words, there says cooperation because without she says we 06:35 can do nothing. He says. >> Put away the evil. Of your doings from before my eyes 06:41 cease to do evil. Learn to do good, seek justice. Rebuked the oppressor. The for the 06:47 defend the fatherless plead for the weather. So instead of doing wickedness, these are 06:52 things that we should do, says the Lord. And now he says Dole, your sends are like 06:56 scarlet. They shall be as white as snow. All they are ran like crime son. They shall 07:01 be s school. And this is this is got offering this to us. And if you read the condition 07:08 of the people of Israel before. God offering them and opportunity. They you. Do. You 07:16 cannot pass up. You should not pass up into tonight. We have an opportunity that we should 07:22 not pass up got is offering forgiveness and Jesus Christ has already paid the price. 07:29 Take advantage before. It's too late to and a man, OK? So we're going to try to quickly 07:34 cap off the first hour and then get into the horizontal. But what are the fruits of 07:42 forgiveness? Now? I know you guys out just jotted down a few. 07:47 >> There's the cleansing of The justification being pardon from or sand. There's the re 07:56 choice sing in the reconciliation of our relationship with the Lord. 07:59 And I wanted to keep you this one because it's one of my favorite scriptures. Look 08:04 7.47. This is the woman. Talking about the woman about the alabaster box. She she 08:14 says had clinched her of so many sense CAS 7 demons from her. Chase us. So is talking 08:23 to his host. He says you see that woman. He said, I say to you her which are many are 08:30 forgiven for. She loved much but to little is forgiven. The same loves little. I'm gonna 08:37 tell you. I you know, Paula said I am the chief of centers. I think we can all 08:43 say that all race Monaghan did say that before God found me. I was chief of centers. 08:53 Happens when you recognize you need for a savior, you may think, you know, I thought I 08:58 was a good person. I saw told how good a plus. When you recognize your true condition, 09:07 you need for safer and you go before the Lord. you realize you've been forgiven and what 09:11 God has stood. >> Love. >> Just wells up in your heart 09:18 for him. So what you all think about the fruits of forgiveness. OK, I've been 09:22 using a lot of terms that seem kind of out there like Divine Liberation, Devine advocacy 09:29 now on to talk about divine reciprocity. Now, what on Earth is divine reciprocity? I 09:37 say that forgiveness is reciprocal on 2 levels. Now we're going to transition from 09:41 the vertical to horizontal and divine reciprocity is both. I watched. Let's talk about this 09:47 for a brief moment. Matthew, 6.14, this is the transitional stage. go from Matthew 6.14, 09:55 and then go back to Matthew 6, 14 15. And I'll tell you the next person just a moment. 10:00 Let's look at the divine reciprocity because Florida's promised he says, and if I can 10:04 just simply. A picture in your mind, if you've ever been through a revolving door, you 10:12 know, there years ago it could be freezing outside and that revolving door is the 10:18 difference between. >> Cold weather and a warm department store and it's just 10:25 turning around. It has 4 sides to this way to that way. And when it stops, it seals off 10:30 what's coming in and the SEALs offense going out. There's a ceiling between a past and our 10:35 future. Let's go win. Forgiveness is activated. And I call that divine reciprocity 10:40 because it's a revolving door. Look at Matthew 6 plus 14. Here's how the Bible Express 10:45 it in the words of Christ. For if you forgive men, their trespasses, that's what's 10:51 going out. You have any father will also forgive you. That's what's coming in. But if you 10:58 do not forgive, mend their trespasses, that's what's not going out. Neither will your 11:04 father forgive your trespasses. They nothing coming in. So we just stuck. 11:09 And there you can find that yours is. The dog can spin. But you refused to send 11:15 anything out. So nothing's coming in. good. And and the other thing about that is and 11:19 I've seen this, this is something that you might experience if you have to be 11:24 in coal city. cold time of the year to experience this briefly when that door spins 11:28 and it's freezing outside this woman, the department store, you might notice when somebody 11:32 comes in that little compartment in the door grabs a little bit, a little bit of 11:36 the cold air and brings it in. And at the same way, the one that's on the inside grabs a 11:41 warm and takes it out. You feel for a split second and what that is, in essence an to 11:46 me. As for a brief moment, you understand that you've gone from the cold cold 11:50 relationship, too warm, warm relationship. You want to send that Kardashian to you. I 11:56 understand it. You extended forgiveness to your fellow man. Now you freed me to 12:01 extend forgiveness to you. That's why. When we understand Matthew 6.12, we begin to 12:08 fully understand the blessing of divine reciprocity and versus 14, 15 that I read. 12:14 With, which is a revolving door. I want to just say this as I as I look directly in the 12:17 camera. This is an impact. Herat IV. This is not an optional text. First is 14 15. 12:26 So if you're expecting to get forgiveness, it's not going to come unless you extend 12:32 forgiveness. You notice the lot puts the responsibility. You forget men their 12:38 trespasses. You have any father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men, 12:44 their trespasses, neither will your father. Forgive your trespasses. So a lot of people 12:48 are saying, wow, and why and why receding cause forgiveness? Because the key 12:52 is in your hand, this is imperative this is not even an optional thing. A look at the 12:58 blessing of divine reciprocity. This is beautiful. That's why Matthew 13:04 6 deals with you Matthew, 6 deals with just beautiful contacts to forgiveness. And 13:13 verse 12 and forgive us. Our debts as we forgive our debtors. And you know why with 13:23 the Bible used the word debt? Today? We don't say it. I want to give you your debt. So that 13:29 you forgive me. My dad. Because there was debtors prisons 13:34 >> you in the day they're going prison. the prison. It would debtors prisons. 13:40 >> And people, you know, the story of the man who owed a lot of money was put in jail. 13:44 But then his debt was forgiven that out and found a guy that had very little deadening. 13:48 Where's my money? And they heard about that. After he had been forgiven a huge debt, a 13:57 large became somebody said. I don't like the way you looked at me and to me making a big 14:03 deal out of the way, let the you just kill the whole family. They just to give you 14:08 that. I'm just using this as an illustration here and actually do that. When the 14:11 Lord for gives us a grade Sen don't hold a small sent in. By the way, I'm not measuring one 14:17 on the scale against the other, but sometimes we refuse to let go of a minor things 14:22 that have happened God is forgiveness of major things in our lives and will never 14:28 experience Devine reciprocity, the blessing of the 2 way revolving door of cots, 14:33 forgiveness. If you don't forgive first, don't expect to come back to you all. back to 14:38 you on that note, OK, Jenny? You know, we mentioned this, but I like to read this Isaiah 14:44 55 6, 7, And this is a call from the lords to seek the Lord while he may be found 14:51 call upon him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake his way. 14:55 >> And the UN rights as men. His thoughts let him return to the Lord and he will have 14:59 mercy on him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon. So the idea of coming to the 15:07 Lord and asking for forgiveness, the low will abundantly pardon. In other 15:11 words, you will be completely forgiven. And this is what happened with the the man he 15:17 owed a huge debt. And that's that's the parable of the unforgiving master Matthew 15:21 Chapter 8 men to Chapter 18. >> And and and the man was begging for mercy and he says, 15:28 Lord, please give me time and I will pay you all. But the the person he owed the money 15:33 tool. He didn't say, OK, I'll give you time to pay. No, he forgave him. Is that and that 15:42 that should have all created him gratitude to the degree that if him unless the minute 15:46 amount the 100 in their eye, it was just a minute amount compared to what he old. He 15:51 should have been able to set. You know, I was just forgive and I'm so grateful. I forgive 15:57 you, too. But no, he was holding a grudge against this person and the mandate and put 16:03 the person in prison where he should have won, though. it is an unforgiving spirit. 16:08 >> And, you know, Gee says since that terrible saying 18 in verse it back 18. 35. That 16:15 if we are like that of forgiving person, he said so my father also will do to you 16:22 because the guy ends up being thrown into prison. If each of you from this heart does not 16:29 give his rather his Forgiving others should be a reflection of God's grace. It should be a 16:41 reflection of our understanding of what has forgiven us and it should be. 16:49 Reflections of our experience, but not me. I just took a minute to ride out what 16:54 forgiveness is not. We took a week to find forgiveness, but I you know, some people I 17:02 talked to them about forgiving, holding on to things from the past. Here's 17:07 what we're talking about forgiving others, people will say don't want to condone 17:11 their experience. Now. It's not condoning the offense. Forgiving others is not saying 17:19 it's OK or justifying their actions. It's not forgetting what happened when God 17:24 forgives and forgets. He's not taking action on it. We do the same as matter of fact, we we 17:30 can't just forget somebody will well, I can forgive, but I can't forget. That's good. 17:36 Because if we forgot, we never learn negative experiences. It's not a guarantee. The 17:43 other person will change their behavior. Reconciliation is the goal. The goal of 17:49 forgiveness is reconciliation. It's getting relationships back together. But if they're 17:57 unrepentant, if you've got a husband and his abuse too, you can forgive that person. But 18:02 honey, don't cope back there until they show repay debt. I mean, there's got to be up 18:10 proof of it. You change the rules of engagement. Don't take your child back into an 18:18 abusive situation. You've got to. yourself against repeated injury, but it doesn't mean 18:24 you can't Forgiveness is not not you fully restoring trust. Trust must be Maybe your 18:33 wife's having adulterous affair. You can forgive her. That doesn't mean you got a 18:38 letter run around all hours of the night. Interesting or 2. She's earned your trust it is 18:45 not necessarily East Sea. What I have found. When in Matthew, 18. When Jesus started with 18:55 this parable. Peter, it just asking times to have to forgive somebody. 7 times 7 19:03 was supposed to be the number of completion. Jesus said no, 70 come 7. What can you 19:10 measure what Peter size 490 times at telling you for times and those same day but can 19:17 only be death. I got scrase forgiveness is not. So enduring to a person but to 19:25 God slump, it's not doing the favorites doing yourself a favor when you from Kiev. If 19:33 you don't it's like you have. Swallowed poison. It's going to cost in you. It's going to 19:44 change you. It's not hard. Them and forgiveness is hurting. You. So it will 19:52 contribute up forgiveness contributes to depression and behaviors in a Teton alienate 19:58 us from God. So what is forgive that, OK? >> It is not in can it is not 20:07 continuing to impute that person's Sen against him saying up pounding. So so 20:14 you're not forgiving it, but you're not holding it against them. Let's look at a prison 20:18 that has just been set free, served his or her time. And on the record book. This stellar 20:26 record of what they had done. But now they've served their time and they are set free. 20:31 Yeah, I'm a free. not walking the streets saying you should be in jail, didn't you steal a 20:39 car 4 years ago? Well, now the state has cleared me now, but that that act that had 20:47 happened 4 years earlier it is remembered. But that's not. Held against him. Now. And 20:52 this is the thing that we have to keep in mind. I'm going to go to collections 3.13, 20:57 because there's something else that happens. Something else that happens in forgiveness. 21:02 If first of all, the reciprocity of it, which is a divine promise that is also 21:06 important to us as humans. When we do the very same thing when we get when we forgive 21:09 others, then we can also expect the forgiveness packed. But I would also say that if I 21:13 go to collection, 3 13th forgiveness is a one-way street. Forgiveness doesn't 21:20 require 2 people. That's good. It's a choice. It's it is a choice on the part of one of 21:26 us. And I'll talk about why it's a one-way street. The uses Christ himself. Yeah. 21:31 When he was dying before he died, said father forgive them for they know not what they 21:34 do, but he didn't commit to relationship with them by saying father, forgive them 21:38 for they know not what they do because he said when they when they torment tormented him and 21:43 said I enjoy you, are you the crisis that I am and you'll see me. He made an appointment 21:49 and we know that, you know, every I will see him, even those who appears I think 21:53 revelation one and for 7, every I will see him. Even those who Ps he by no means 21:57 clear the guilty. But he said father don't hold it against. Forgive them for. They don't 22:03 know what they're doing. He left the door open for them later on to come to the 22:09 acknowledgement of their sin and coming to a relationship with him. Then. But when we do 22:12 the same thing. We've cautions 3.13, and we begin to see now I call this the quantity 22:19 imperative, the quantity imperative. I mean, this is what will happen when you both 22:26 decide what, what, what? moving in the right direction. There's a quantity of 22:30 happening. Explain quite inequality is what fellowship. Okay. All right. And that's 22:34 why we find first John. One for 79. If we walk in the light as he is in the light, 22:42 we have fellowship with one another first 7 and the blood of Jesus Christ. His son 22:47 cleanse us from all That's the benefit of being in fellowship with one who is now in 22:51 fellowship with you because of forgiveness being extended, both directions that fight 22:55 cautions 3.13 says it this way. Bearing with one another. And for giving one another. If 23:03 anyone has a complaint against another, even as Christ forgave, you. So you also must 23:09 do so as saying. So here's let's say this a different way. D*** Rice, forgive you. 23:15 The should forgive them. the quantity imperative it is. If you want to be in fellowship 23:21 of Christ and Fellowship with others, you've got to be willing 2. Bear with one 23:28 another now that were built with money doesn't mean tolerate one. Another. That 23:32 means be merciful towards one. Another because sometimes people say I forgave him, but 23:37 I just cannot stand the sight of them. That is not what this Texas saying, Barry, with one 23:42 another and forgiving one. Another. Can you imagine cries for giving I cannot the sight 23:46 of John. It just every time I see I'd divine. My divine anger just boils up again. No, 23:56 he brings us into relationship into fellowship with one another. That's pride boiling 24:01 up pride boiling up that and that's why I'm giving back to now. That's why patients for 24:04 32 adds to this quantity imperative Ephesians 4.32. And be kind to one another. Tender 24:14 hearted forgiving one another. And Paul says it again, even as God in Christ forgave you a 24:20 of the benefits of if you really want to have peace, you want to be tender hearted. You 24:24 want to experience forgiveness, dude, what you want others to do to you and 24:30 do that in the way of forgiveness there, people, Shelley and churches and 24:33 families and marriages and businesses to some people that would say and I and I this is 24:38 terrible. I'm gonna take this to my grave. All never forgive that person for what they've 24:44 done and you know what? They're right. They didn't take it to their grave because 24:47 they've just cut off any possibility of them receiving cause forgiveness, demand. 24:51 Yes. You know, there and experience in our family with time. My father and my sister 25:03 some my sister had done something in. My father said, you know, you're not too old 25:07 for me to with you and my my sister said something. And it was like in our all they hit 25:16 him in the heart and we were out. We were on our way home. And for about 20 minutes, he 25:24 telling her, you know, I have done this. We have done this for this for you. And he 25:27 speaking at a level that wouldn't allow her to speak. We got home. He was still part 25:33 that hurt that he was still talking about. It and that night the last time he spoke 25:37 to her for years and years. And I was. Frank for both of them. You know, you know, 25:48 they're says he's not forgiving her. And I would talk to him from time to time 25:51 to find this moment of quietness and something he would say. I would say, you 25:56 know that, you know, there's just problem still, you know, you should forgive from on 25:59 out. She needs to come to me and ask for forgiveness. So after a while that he's he, he 26:09 bares his heart to me that, you know, she needs to come to the U.S. will get that. I went 26:11 to talk to my sister. You know, you should go to him and asking for forgiveness. I 26:16 already tried. I wrote him a letter. I saw him read it. He just laid aside like I did 26:22 nothing it. So there was this problem between both of them that I was praying for both of 26:28 them, you know, and it was years and years and years. And one day, I think I was already 26:33 working at 3 Min. I I was talking to him. He is. Yes, it was here. And I'm like off the 26:43 pastor for the church, a brother so No, no. He says. Mercedes was here. I was like 26:51 she had not stepped into the house for over 10 years. Homers. They have not talked 26:56 to each other. was like what happened? All you know, we began to talk and they had a a 27:04 reconciliation that move OK? They had a reconciliation. I say, wow. And for years and 27:10 years praying about this. But people hold on to my father was hurt. There is that 27:16 category of people. They've been hurt by someone else and they can't seem to let go of 27:19 the hurt. Okay. So this is a this is another category of people. They can't seem to let 27:25 go of But at the same time, you know, we you've read some scriptures to say. As Christ 27:35 forgave you. also forgive, we have to let go hurt. And if you have heard asked a lot to 27:39 to heal you from the hurt and asked the Lord to help you forget because it is this in 27:46 Matthew Chapter 6, as you forgive not you the USGA, forgive you. I just read here. 27:56 Says SA and forgive us, our debts as we forgive our debtors. This is part of the 28:01 Lord's Prayer in Matthew. Chapter 6. So there's a need for us to ask the Lord, Lord, 28:08 I'm having this problem for giving this person. I've been hurt by what this person said 28:12 or done. You have to ask the Lord to help you forget because devil can hold you 28:19 prisoner there. You know, we talk about you can be held prisoner in that category. And 28:22 then maybe people listening data and are in that they've been hurt by somebody, but 28:27 they can't seem to the gold hurt. They need to let go ask God to forgive that. Help them 28:33 heal from that. But how give them power given the victory and to be able to forgive the 28:41 2 things that are just like, oh, yes, a 2 things that you said. 28:47 >> Ardis running through my mind. One is this. When we get wounded when we get hurt. I 28:54 mean, you want something happened in? I was in the shower, not praying. Somebody 29:00 had tree really offended me. >> O lord change them in bubble. Up up, up up. What the 29:06 Lord told me. >> The spirit of offense. It's a spirit of pride. Which is 29:14 the spirit event to Christ. Well, you think about that for a minute. The only reason. 29:20 ended. It's because somebody heads, we'll get our pride. But what you're talking about 29:31 is what happens in so many cases. People get frozen and a time capsule. When when you 29:41 when there's an forgiveness you frozen in this time capsule in begins to in 29:50 crossed around this time capsule. And you know who you're hurting yourself. I 29:55 asked the Lord. Illustration. I couldn't think of that word. I asked to look for an 30:06 illustration forgiveness because God was asking me to forgive somebody wants. And 30:10 that's like. >> are not a lot of forgive them. Let them. Go. You know, 30:12 where? God said, I'll forgive you, she forgive it. And it was OK, we're wrestling. Now. 30:20 >> And we're going to talk about how do we forget the Lord? You just said we have to 30:26 learn how to forgive. We need to pray. Got encouraged me to pray for this person, 30:32 salvation. You know what at the time? I don't care if they got saved. Really. I mean, I 30:38 was a baby Christian. This is. 35 years ago. I didn't care if they were saved. And finally, 30:48 I said to the line, OK, all pray for their salvation. You know, I don't mean guess what 30:52 happened as I began praying for their Salvation, God poured his love for them into 30:57 my heart. A man pretty soon a minute. I and and soon as I experience that I forgave that 31:06 pursuit. But here's the illustration got gave me. Let's say that there's this 31:11 tiny stream peers. Here's a mountain and it's coming down. The stream is coming down into 31:17 a ballot. If you take a string of wire and you anchor it on this side of the stream, the 31:23 new anchor it on the other side of the street, somebody upstream throws trash into the 31:29 water and it comes down. What happens when it reaches that wire catches? It catches on 31:34 the walk. Somebody throws more trash. It comes down. Piece by piece that rash of life is 31:40 coming along that stream. It the street just like a a beeper with build a dam. Just 31:50 piece by piece. Well, here's what the Lord showed me. Think of the water as living water 31:57 flowing through and that little piece of wire isn't forgiveness in your heart. 32:05 When we hold an forgiveness in our heart, all of us said somebody says some all this 32:12 trash starts collecting around this water pretty soon. We block the flow of the Holy 32:16 Spirit in our life. We've got recent. We've got bitterness. God can flow through us. But 32:25 as soon as we for A priest oars, our relationship with the Lord. And we can possibly 32:36 be reconciled to the other John, you know, there's a realization that each one of 32:40 us need to really focus on. >> you know, get out era and just look at yourself. And 32:46 this is what I want talk about right now. Because when we started with divine 32:52 forgiveness, said even if you did nothing wrong, we are all sinners by nature when it 32:57 comes to an infraction against some on somebodys infraction against you. It's amazing how 33:02 divinity works. Let's go back to the very first act in the Garden of Eden. Oh, yeah, Adam 33:05 and Eve. Send. The Lord. Didn't say Adam say God, where are you? Cudd said, Adam, 33:12 where are you? And this is illustrated in the words of Christ in Matthew Chapter 5. 33:22 And people wonder dollars tweeting this, Texas someone wants and they paused and said 33:24 I read that text. Hundreds of times in my life. But it for the first time, it just really 33:29 hit home. And I said, why does it hit home? Because it illustrates Christ to the very 33:33 first act. One man send. He came looking for them. Look at this. Matthew Fivers. 23, 33:40 we're going to talk about this. This is the realization this is a responsibility each 33:44 one of us has when it comes to an infraction between one another. First of Matthew 5. 33:50 Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar, let me pause for a moment. What is 33:55 your gift? It may be singing. It may be Maybe teaching you gifted. And the law says you 34:00 bring that gift to the altar. And it says and there remember that your brother has 34:07 something against you. Now, you know, say, well, this is probably just going sing and 34:12 preach and teach till he gets over it. Plus of wait a minute. Look at the next 34:19 verse. 24 leave your gift there before the altar and go your way. First, the 34:26 reconciled to your brother. And then come. And offer you a gift visit quotation, Elena 34:35 bring out real quickly is very short, but it's powerful. How when we when when we don't do. 34:45 OK watches here does decide they just page 3.10. Listen to this. Many are zealous and 34:50 religious service. While between them and their brethren are unhappy 34:54 differences. They might reconcile. Now, watch this. God requires them to do all in 35:06 their power to restore harmony and are you ready for this until they do this? He cannot 35:13 accept their services soup. Yeah, the Christians duty in this matter is clearly pointed 35:21 out that's Matthew 5 verse to verse. I just read versus 23 24 are once again, another 35:28 imperative. Yes, you may be great and gifted in all these but I'm not accepting you get 35:33 because, you know, and you have the responsibility 15 west between you and your 35:38 brother, you and your sister or another fellow worshiper, a family member. If you claim to 35:41 be Christian, this is now where forgiveness goes to the next level. Remember, I said 35:46 forgiveness is requires one person. This is the touchy part of this aspect. First be 35:54 reconciled. Reconciliation pathogens in Shelley requires 2 people. Now, the one that 35:59 you got to be reconciled to and also by Sen. But what if they don't want to reconcile? 36:05 let's repeat that because some people that may just zipped over their 36:09 >> Forgiveness only requires one person put it. Reconciliation requires to do 36:15 that right. So if that person doesn't want to be reconciled to you, you have at least done 36:21 your part. You've extended the olive branch. You extend the olive leaf. You said that this 36:26 is my responsibility. And then you have to give that person time because I remember, you 36:35 know, when you that's why teach young people to say I apologize and don't teach them 36:37 to say I'm sorry. Because sorrow is that produced by God, godly sorrow. convicts us 36:47 to say I'm sorry. They have to come to realization that what they've done is previous. If 36:53 you say I'm sorry and they've not the not even acknowledge what has been done. Then it's 36:59 a cheap. It's a cheap grace back and fought. I see. But that that is wrong to say, I'm 37:05 sorry. It's just that you got to really get that understanding the point of 37:09 what what a lot of it Aren't you? Sorry? What are you sorry about that stuff said the 37:14 people, OK, what are you sorry about? that you okay. What are you sorry about the specific 37:20 I'm sorry that I said oh, did exactly what I said or did. That's good. So I could know 37:26 when you go pit bill, I do youth do you throw money in an envelope and mailed to any 37:30 company to snow? did you spend a specifically? This is my light bill for the lights and 37:37 I use for the last month when it comes to Sen. This is what I'm asking forgiveness for. 37:43 Will you forgive me for this work and reconciliation? So give you that part until I go 37:46 to the next part. It's a reciprocal responsibility on your part. And here's the big 37:51 part of it. The person who was offended. Has the heavy responsibility. And the 38:01 offender that's that is a heavy part. That's huge. That's big. And I'll give you 38:07 a chance to talk to that I yes, that I remember being in a and in a meeting, you know, 38:14 there there was something to happen between 2 people. And I encourage the person, one 38:20 person, you know, you, you. You did. >> The person perceives you 38:23 did wrong. So even though you don't feel you did wrong, you should consider asking for 38:28 forgiveness because the person was offended. So anyway, the eventually says, OK, come with 38:34 me. So I went with the person and we went before the other person that was offended. And 38:40 the the person that was offended heard. The the person say, you know, I'm really 38:47 sorry for what I said. offend you. I'm sorry about that. And the person that heard the 38:56 apology said, well, you know. I appreciate you coming here, but I'm not going to forgive 39:02 you. He says I know you need to learn a lesson side, not forgiving him. And so. We 39:11 couldn't talk very much after that. As we left. And so the other, the person that I 39:16 hadn't courage to ask for forgiveness. Says, you know, I don't understand, you know, I 39:21 I I ask for forgiveness. He's not forgiving of simple. You've done your part. All 39:25 right. You have done your part and now the responsibilities on the other person. Because 39:33 this is this is what you read in Matthew 18. if if if you remember this, you look at the 39:39 5, you, Matthew, 5, that the person has something against you going after them so that 39:46 that now you are relieved responsibility, which is which is something good. You can now 39:52 be a piece you knew you can be at peace with the Lord. But I do want to talk to the that 39:58 are holding on. To a grudge that are holding on in a forgiving because this is a 40:06 serious, serious thing. 8 they need to pray and ask to help them to forgive because 40:14 they're there's a heaviness upon them in. Let me give you the example. We were watching 40:19 the news one day and they put on a report. They had done a study and they were 40:26 interviewing people. What they were looking for is what happens to people. That's 40:31 something had happened in their life that they were offended. They were hurt. And 40:33 now years have passed. They have and they were just talking. They put the probes 40:40 on them to measure the blood pressure and heart rate and everything else. And then 40:44 after they were calm talking about the weather and how to like going and things like 40:47 that. The people were joking and carrying on. He says, you know, we want to ask you 40:51 something. We're doing this is this. So this study has something happened in your 40:55 life. The hurt deeply. perhaps not settled. Could you tell us about it? The person began to 41:03 tell the experience and many of these people that will be for smiling and laughing 41:10 there. Their blood pressure began to rise. were angry. Some of them cried and they 41:14 were really angry. The study concluded that these people are. Have things inside and 41:24 resolved. Anger and resolve anger and hurt. You know, I I I there's this this thing here 41:33 from Mayo Clinic that talks about what happens to people. They have issues with their 41:38 health and they may not know why. But they're holding a more anger. And so, yeah, this 41:44 is what they say. Letting go of grudges and bitterness can make way for improved health 41:49 and peace of mind. This is scientific. This is from the Mayo Clinic and it says 41:54 forgiveness can lead to healthier relationships, improved mental health, less 42:01 anxiety, stress and hostility, lower blood pressure. Fewer symptoms of depression, a 42:07 stronger immune system, improved heart health and improved self esteem. And, you 42:14 know, there is a story in the Bible. I know you have something said better stop and 42:22 there's a starting Bible. You know it. And I think we alluded to it. We read some 51 42:27 concerning this person. David, he seems to have this connected himself to the Lord 42:32 to some degree that he didn't understand the seriousness of the evil he had done by taking 42:39 this. This man's wife. And so Nathan, the profit goes to him. There was a man had one 42:46 little laugh and there was a Richmond ahead. Maybe and he tells him the story. And so 42:53 the evening begins to get upset with this person that took the one and Davis says 42:58 that man needs to, you know, a nice I used to pay for his crime and they to have You are 43:04 the man. And then he he was told what, what what he had done. Then he began to 43:11 understand is like some peoples have turned off. Or not, really not not listening 43:16 to the Holy spirit that they need to to ask the Lord for forgiveness and that they have 43:22 this thing is still there. And that's that's the people still have to confess Tess. And so 43:29 there you have the aspect of those that are not forgiving. And those to have a say and 43:34 they have not confessed. Both are in the same condition. Yeah. They need to make peace 43:38 with the Lord and in so much as possible that I was in so much as possible if they peace 43:43 with all because you can come like this person and say, would you please forgive me 43:49 and walk away with? No, I'm not going to forgive you, but then, OK, you've done what 43:55 you're supposed to pretty for the person that you wished you were talking to pray for the 43:57 person that right. >> let's let's recap the steps because we we clearly outline 44:02 new steps to forgiveness, vertically, you know, understand and accept the 44:09 sacrifice Christ. Recognize your sand confess your sins before the Lloyd receive this 44:16 forgiveness and then repent. Turn away from that scene. But >> I didn't in our outline all 44:24 of the steps here. >> I would say that the first thing if we're gonna start 44:32 listing steps, the first step to forgiving others is to remember what God has done for 44:37 you. Remember how much you been forgiven. Then I would put right up there close to 44:44 the top. We need to pray. Pray, pray, pray. pray. God gives us the forgiveness in 44:53 the way he does not believe his says Romans, 5, 5, says caught pours his love to our 45:01 hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit in, you know. The famous love chapter says that 45:08 love and it's not. It keeps no record of frogs. So then we've got to do our part. We've got 45:18 to issue said attorney go to that person. How would you what steps would you add 45:24 coaster somebody out here going and I from you, but I can't. But what you said, 45:30 Jonny it is. So I mean, there's daddy. After study after study. When chases told 45:37 us to love our enemies to forgive our enemies. He was doing that for our own 45:43 benefit. Yes, because I know when I forgave someone that. even threatening my life. And 45:51 who Dennis, great financial damage when JD and I write before we married. You know 45:58 what? When I forgave that, this is the one I said that God should pray for his 46:01 salvation. I was pretty angry with him. But when I forgave it, do you think it anything 46:09 to this person? No, but it completely change my life. Jesus tells us to what are 46:17 some others. It is cathartic. It is something that >> we're holding on. 46:23 >> To this sadness is sorrow and all the grievous thinks it's like I can still look 46:30 back in my life. So, yeah, this person did this, this this and this but I can do it 46:34 without all of that emotional turmoil. I've forgiven him. It's got is healed. What steps 46:40 would you add, John? >> The first one to me is the most important collation 6, 46:45 one. And this is something you have to have the right spirit. If you go to somebody and say 46:50 I want to be reconciled, you don't see, you know, we fix this. That's the roster. It 46:53 you know, you did something to me that you need it. I mean, I'm coming giving you a chance 46:57 to No, that's the wrong spirit. Collation 6, one, Reverend, if a man has 47:03 overtaken in any trespass. You who are spiritual, you have to have a spirit. You have to be 47:12 spiritual. This can be just a transaction. This has to be God ordained moment. But Cod 47:18 shines through you putting down the pride you who are spiritual. Restore such a one, 47:25 an a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lets you also be tempted. Don't go to 47:32 people acting like you above them. Sometimes people extend forgiveness almost as though 47:40 they're saying to the other person holding out the hike through the king right? I'm up 47:46 here and you'll get up here eventually. I'm just a good person in this He says. 47:53 Considering yourself less, you also be tempted to spirit of gentleness. meek Spirit has to 47:59 be. So it's the attitude you bring. And then when you bring the right attitude, here's 48:03 what's going to happen. This is one that's exactly what the Lord did for us. He didn't 48:09 come to us when we were in good standing from a 5 or 6 to 11. Look at this. For when we 48:14 were still without strength. There's some people that a week they can't even handle 48:18 what they did to you. In due time. Christ died for the ungodly. Amen. For scans 48:26 before, right. Dismantle one perhaps for good man. Someone would even dare to die. 48:29 Because this. Comments, 5, 8, but God demonstrated his own love towards us. Why? And that 48:36 while we were yet sinners Christ died for us, he didn't way to the person got right to 48:41 go after them. He went after them when they was centers. And then so now he did that 48:48 for Sam looking now, look at our responsibility. First 9 of Romans, 5, much more. Then 48:53 having now been justified by his blood. We shall be saved from RAF through him. Watch 48:59 this. The RAF it you have for that person. When you reconcile that wrath is gone. 49:04 There's no more rest between the That is not like I see an Stay away from me. No, that 49:13 rap is removed. God removes his wrath. When he forgives us, we should remove our 49:15 wrath. When we extend forgiveness is somebody else. That's why he says in verse 49:19 10, look at this for if when we what enemies we reconciled to God through his debt to the 49:25 death of his son. Much more. Having been reconciled. We shall be saved by his life. 49:33 not only that, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through 49:38 whom we have now received reconciliation. And first Corinthians 5 verse 20 says we 49:45 have been given the Ministry of Reconciliation. So we think that the preaching of the 49:49 everlasting gospel is what we've been given. We've been given the Ministry of 49:54 Reconciliation. You've been reconciled to God through Christ. Jesus now do the same 49:58 for your brother and your sister and do it in a spirit of humility. means that's the 50:02 everlasting gospel rather than just saying the market, the pieces be half but the ones to 50:09 quick thinking, ah, well, I want to say, you know, I was worried about my father, you 50:13 know, going to the grave and not making reconciliation. My sister. 50:17 >> And I praise the Lord after this experience happened with my sister 2 years later, he 50:21 passed away. he's resting in the lower side. Praise the Lord for that. I have here a 50:29 quote that I like to really quick because it is very powerful. It says that there 50:35 have been difficulties, brother and sisters, if end the malice bitterness, evil 50:41 surmising have existed. Confess the sins not in a general way but go to your 50:44 brother sisters personally. The definite if you have commit one wrong and they 20 50:51 confessed that one as though you were the chief offender. take them by the hand. Let 50:57 your hearts often under the influence of the spirit of God in say, will you forgive me? I 51:04 have not felt right toe but do I want to make right every wrong that nothing may stand 51:10 registered against me in the books of heaven. I must have a clean record. Cook. Think of 51:15 you would withstand such a movement as this. There's too much coldness and indifference 51:20 to much of the I don't care spirit exercise among the professed followers of Christ 51:25 all should care for one another jealously guarding each other's interest. Love 51:30 one. Another. Then one. Then we should stand a strong wall again, Satan's devices. So we 51:36 see this is from Rivian. Harold December 16, 18 84 Reagan, Harold December 16, 51:41 18. 84. And I do want to say something because some people may have not had the 51:48 opportunity to ask forgiveness for someone and that person has passed away. And you're 51:52 maybe carrying a load and I didn't have a chance to ask that person for forgiveness. 51:57 What I've done well, in the absence of that person, yeah, the person you need to go to 52:04 his god and confessed deaths in to that person and say Lord, forgive me, I I didn't 52:09 have the opportunity to ask for forgiveness, but forgive me for this wrong. And the 52:13 Lord, as the Bible says, if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive 52:16 us for our sons and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness praise the Lord for a man. 52:23 Here's the things that are just coming right down to the last few minutes. But 52:28 >> the first hour we talked about that fruits of forgiveness. If that's the for 52:35 Tuchel that is being cleansed from on righteousness is the first one. chess to fight. Our 52:45 our sins are pardoned. We have peace of mind as we are. You reconcile this. Our 52:50 relationship with the Lord is restored. And we love the Lord and heavy turn a lot. But when 52:55 we look at horse song toll for caithness us forgiving others. What are the Well. So similar, 53:09 we have peace of mind and then we are no longer frozen in that time capsule. Like your 53:15 part, we don't have all of that pain and agony in our hearts. We're clans from 53:23 unrighteous feelings. And I want to, you know, the Holy Spirit. As I said, the 53:26 illustration God gave me the Holy Spirit can flow through has once again and 53:35 forgiveness. Doesn't always reconciliation, but it makes it possible. I just want to 53:40 give you one scripture. They're going to get closing thought from both a few. I 53:44 love this scripture. I say a 43 18 19, OK, God since. Do not remember the former 53:54 things. Hey, forget the past. They say don't dwell on the past. Did he says nor consider 54:03 the things bold don't get stuck back here and something that you did that, you know, 54:13 wounded God, you'd ask for forgiveness, receive it. Don't get stuck back here. Thinking 54:19 all this is what my mother did to me and I I I couldn't lift this for the rest of my life. 54:23 No. Gottis be hold. I will do a new thing. Now. Now it will spring forth when you go to 54:38 God. And as I said, should assist to revelation. It is a story of forgiveness. A story 54:46 of reconciliation. You go to God, let go. It's a Lord. Help me. Forgive. Fill my heart 54:52 with your love. Help You know, watch me, Lou. Cleanse me of these failings and you'll have 54:59 a new beginning. John. >> Very quickly does just pace for 40 paragraph 2, when you 55:03 go to somebody, the meek do not put him to shame by exposing his false to one 55:09 another. Well, bring dishonor upon the Lord, but you are not to judge make no attempt at 55:16 Self-justification. But all your efforts be for his recovery. And when we are in 55:20 the right spirit, we will be at the pace with God can use our actions. It says in 55:25 treating the wounded. The sole there is a need for the most delicate touch and the finest 55:32 sensibilities only love that flows from the suffering on Calvary can avail. This but 55:38 Pitying tenderness. That brother deal with brother knowing that if you succeed, 55:41 you will save us all from death and hide a multitude of have the right let God work 55:45 because you do not put. >> Hemp to shame by exposing his false to Because when you 55:50 forgive him and everything is reconciled, everybody says remember everybody's still 55:57 remember us, Well, I praise the Lord of the Door of Mercy still Open, asked the Lord to 56:02 forgive you and ask the Lord to give you strength and courage to forgive others and 56:06 go to them and ask for forgiveness. >> I want to thank you both. 56:12 You are. It's wonderful to work with someone, you know, has a close relationship with 56:17 you we don't have to worry about what we're going to bring to the table because God 56:21 has given us a lot to say with really just touched on this topic. I pray that tonight. If 56:27 you don't know. Peace, if you haven't been reconciled to God confess your sins, ask him to 56:34 forgive you and enjoy that. And if you need to be reconciled with someone else 56:39 or just for giving the other person. Pray that God will help you with fat tonight. 56:46 Don't put it off. There's no need to suffer any longer. Our prayer for you. He said the 56:54 love at the grace our Lord Jesus Christ. The love of a father and the fellowship of 56:59 the Holy Spirit. >> We'll be with you and all thanks for being with us. 57:08 ♪ ♪ ♪ 57:23 ♪ ♪ ♪ 57:38 ♪ ♪ ♪ 57:53 ♪ ♪ |
Revised 2022-09-09