>> As you're well aware, we're living in unprecedented times. Join us now for today's 00:00:02.63\00:00:06.87 special program. ¤ >> I want 00:00:06.87\00:00:26.32 ¤ 00:00:26.32\00:00:41.20 ¤ ¤ >> hello. I'm Sheli Quinn and 00:01:03.89\00:01:18.01 we will continue to 3 a B in today. Live. Tonight. We will too, is look at a Bible topic 00:01:18.01\00:01:26.18 in a Something it's from Genesis to revelation. So we're going to 00:01:26.18\00:01:29.48 be skimming across the top of that. It's what the Bible is all about. Really the story of the 00:01:29.48\00:01:36.59 Bible got holes, unrepentant sinners, toes cooler covenant breakers. Those who did not 00:01:36.59\00:01:42.26 walk in his government. If you love and his cabinet law, he host them guilty of Sen. But 00:01:42.26\00:01:50.67 the whole Bible Peking uses 3.15, in all the way to the end of revelation is about the 00:01:50.67\00:01:58.88 forgiveness of God and the fruits of forgiveness. And that's what our topic is 00:01:58.88\00:02:03.65 tonight, the fruits of forgiveness it was Prophesied is a current event. It's 00:02:03.65\00:02:08.59 relevant. It's a critical topic because if we don't understand 00:02:08.59\00:02:15.63 the for Tuchel forgiveness, how we have steps to forgiveness of God to us. We're in trouble. But 00:02:15.63\00:02:21.67 we also need to understand the horizontal forgiveness what got expect our hearts to do in 00:02:21.67\00:02:31.01 forgiving others. That will be our second hour. But first, let me introduce my brothers 00:02:31.01\00:02:36.45 who are sitting at the table. Pastor John Lowe became my 00:02:36.45\00:02:42.76 pastor. Welcome. >> Good to be here, Shelley. This is a powerful topic people that 00:02:42.76\00:02:48.20 living in prisons. And I'll talk about that in a moment. Explain Bice use were prison. 00:02:48.20\00:02:52.97 >> Okay. And then and Pastor John didn't see brother. Good to 00:02:52.97\00:02:56.71 have you here. >> As a blessing to be here and tonight I am blessed and happy to know that 00:02:56.71\00:03:00.11 the door of seat is still open. 10. Johnny, would you please open with Because we certainly 00:03:00.11\00:03:06.78 there's so much to cover and we don't really know what each one of us is bringing to the 00:03:06.78\00:03:13.19 table, but we just wanted to be cohesive than that happened leading up the Holy Spirit. 00:03:13.19\00:03:17.09 Amen. Let's pray together. Our loving heavenly father. As we come before your throne of 00:03:17.09\00:03:24.83 Grace, Lord become in Jesus name. >> We pray that our hearts 00:03:24.83\00:03:29.34 will be soft and police and our minds will be open. We pray that 00:03:29.34\00:03:34.08 Holy Spirit will lead us in guide us into thy truth. And we pray heavenly father, that. 00:03:34.08\00:03:38.18 >> People all over the world. Well, welcome. >> The message 00:03:38.18\00:03:42.95 you have for them from having. We place ourselves in your hands. We pray that your holy 00:03:42.95\00:03:48.16 spirit will use us according to your good pleasure. And having follow there are people 00:03:48.16\00:03:52.23 hurting. There are people that are afraid to ask for forgiveness from others. There 00:03:52.23\00:03:59.33 are people afraid to even approach your throne of grace. They don't know how pray that 00:03:59.33\00:04:04.41 you will make the word plane and that a message of hope will be heard. Such that lives 00:04:04.41\00:04:10.58 will be transformed. They will be reconciliation between. People and you. People among 00:04:10.58\00:04:20.26 people, we pray. Heavenly father for a blessing upon all, we ask 00:04:20.26\00:04:23.96 it in the Holy and blessed name of Jesus. Amen. >> It and then thank you, I'm going to read 00:04:23.96\00:04:30.90 Exodus. 34 67 to begin. It says this is when. >> Ascot to show him his glory. And you know 00:04:30.90\00:04:41.04 what? The coin of the Lord is his character. He hides Moses and the cliff to the rock he 00:04:41.04\00:04:45.95 passes by Moses. Only These are the words of the Lord. He says the Lord, the Lord God, 00:04:45.95\00:04:52.52 this is Scott. Speaking of himself, he's about to define who years, merciful and 00:04:52.52\00:04:58.56 gracious long suffering a founding and goodness and truth 00:04:58.56\00:05:05.33 keeping mercy for thousands forgiving. And Nick, what he transgressions and sin. But by 00:05:05.33\00:05:16.58 no means clearing. God has a covenant law. He's keeping got. We'll forgive those who are 00:05:16.58\00:05:28.12 repented. Let's talk about what is the definition. How do you define if somebody's skin 00:05:28.12\00:05:33.03 watching insane? What do you mean? Forgiveness? How would you define forgiveness? God's 00:05:33.03\00:05:37.80 forgiven him. A fresh eye. Sure. Go ahead. Okay. Well, I call forgiveness, Devine. 00:05:37.80\00:05:46.07 >> Liberation. >> Fine. Liberation, like, you know, when we talk about being 00:05:46.07\00:05:51.58 liberated, that's a word that had a lot of influence throughout the course of human 00:05:51.58\00:05:56.22 history. People wanted to be liberated from whatever was holding them. Some people 00:05:56.22\00:06:01.62 weigh in concentration camps. They want to be liberate us. A very touchy subject, very 00:06:01.62\00:06:05.49 sensitive to who have a generational reminders of. Parents and friends held 00:06:05.49\00:06:10.70 against their will. Then there are those who for racial reasons wanted to be liberated 00:06:10.70\00:06:16.84 from the stigma of being held back. And there are those who work in family circles. One of 00:06:16.84\00:06:24.68 liberation from something of their past, something they did not something done to them 00:06:24.68\00:06:29.92 because the second I want to talk about the other way around. Yeah, something done 00:06:29.92\00:06:31.95 to them. so I look at forgiveness has defined liberation, the simplest of 00:06:31.95\00:06:37.23 tax that we have often coated and those who watching But first, John, 1, 9, look at 00:06:37.23\00:06:44.03 this liberation. This is the promise of liberation. If we confess our sins, he is 00:06:44.03\00:06:48.74 faithful. And just to forgive us, our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness 00:06:48.74\00:06:54.84 That's personal liberation. That's what I receive from God. 00:06:54.84\00:06:59.11 But then there's corporate liberation, which is second chronicles 7.14. Yes, you know, 00:06:59.11\00:07:06.86 if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves. The plurality. And pray and seek 00:07:06.86\00:07:12.19 my face and turn from their wicked ways. Then I will hear from heaven. I will forgive 00:07:12.19\00:07:17.80 their sin and heal their land. The words themselves. They're they're just a corporate God 00:07:17.80\00:07:26.31 wanted to extend to the children of Israel. And then David, the Somme U.S.. One. 0, 3, verse 00:07:26.31\00:07:30.65 3. Who forgives all our your iniquities in heels, all your diseases. so I look at it in 00:07:30.65\00:07:38.75 every respect is divine liberation. I love I love that. Johnny, how would you 00:07:38.75\00:07:45.29 define? >> Forgiveness construct it. >> You know, I I looked what 00:07:45.29\00:07:51.30 it ancient. She Hebrew mission, which was interesting. And the 00:07:51.30\00:07:56.14 word forgiveness is to forgive, but also a sense lifting one out of debt. We goes which goes 00:07:56.14\00:08:00.84 into line with past eliminating because there's liberation the 00:08:00.84\00:08:05.65 person that needs forgiveness. >> Has a a record has a heavy weight upon them. When we're 00:08:05.65\00:08:13.72 talking about. >> Just in the context of Sen the person that 00:08:13.72\00:08:19.49 needs forgiveness, there's a wait. And there's also a sentence upon the individual 00:08:19.49\00:08:23.10 because the Bible says the wages of sine is death. and so the liberation that comes from the 00:08:23.10\00:08:30.07 forgiveness to God only can give gives deaf freedom. You've been 00:08:30.07\00:08:35.88 liberated from death. You've been lip liberated from the penalties of sins and the guilt 00:08:35.88\00:08:41.68 because there is a guilt that carries weight upon the mind. And the devil tries, you know, 00:08:41.68\00:08:50.16 to to do something to people that need forgiveness. Many different ideas he put in 00:08:50.16\00:08:55.90 people's minds. Everybody does it. Your tool to evil to receive forgiveness? He plays 00:08:55.90\00:09:03.27 with the minds of people. And I hope that tonight people will 00:09:03.27\00:09:08.01 see that there is forgiveness with God complete and full. >> Then, you know, if I think 00:09:08.01\00:09:14.75 the term forgiveness, I love that deadline liberation. But what I'm realizing is that 00:09:14.75\00:09:20.86 when we stand, breaking covenant with God. We're not in cup in 00:09:20.86\00:09:27.66 that relationship. So forgiveness means got no longer counts are sins against us. It 00:09:27.66\00:09:37.71 means that God as judge has park and a** and we could spin hours talking about that. But it is 00:09:37.71\00:09:47.82 his covenant Grace to us and it's how he brings as back into Cabinet. Last sinks. I love this 00:09:47.82\00:09:55.56 scripture, Micah 7, 18 19. Micah says to God and and see, this is important because forgiveness 00:09:55.56\00:10:02.96 was. God's active grace. His has said his covenant Love Mike us his. Hui SEC got like 00:10:02.96\00:10:13.64 you pardoning. And Nick, what and passing over the train scratching of the remnant of 00:10:13.64\00:10:21.18 his heritage. He does not retain his anger for ever. You need to 00:10:21.18\00:10:24.65 hear that. You may feel like caught is angry at you. He's angry at you say yes, but he 00:10:24.65\00:10:31.76 does not retain his saying are forever because he can lights in mercy. He will again, have 00:10:31.76\00:10:37.73 compassion on us. He will said to our and now he's talking to God to recollect and he says, 00:10:37.73\00:10:47.41 Hugh, well cast all of our sins into the up to the scene. What beautiful, beautiful. Would 00:10:47.41\00:10:59.65 anyone like that? Before we go on to step-up forgiveness, have 00:10:59.65\00:11:02.42 a thought. >> The other thing is forgiveness is also. Devine advocacy. Now that's can 00:11:02.42\00:11:09.33 divine advocacy first liberation on the I'm making you free. But 00:11:09.33\00:11:16.10 I'm following you and your freedom cushy might slip along the way. That's lovely. So 00:11:16.10\00:11:20.41 divine advocacy first divine liberation. People want to be let free. I want to track that 00:11:20.41\00:11:26.18 with me any longer. I want to get out of that prison and what has held me. But then the 00:11:26.18\00:11:30.49 Lord says feature from the past. But in the event. That you stumble along the way. 00:11:30.49\00:11:38.96 First, John, to verse one. This is divine advocacy. My little children. These things 00:11:38.96\00:11:42.86 I write to you so that you may not Sen. But look at this. And if anyone sins, we have an 00:11:42.86\00:11:50.84 advocate with the father, Jesus Christ, the righteous. So to me, forgiveness is also 00:11:50.84\00:11:56.68 divine advocacy. He says I had made you free. My designs. Few not to continue and Sen now as 00:11:56.68\00:12:05.65 Paul. So continuance and that grace me a pound. But this on to unintentional, send the 00:12:05.65\00:12:10.29 stumbling in the direction of the Kingdom. Lewis has. But if you do Sen, am your divine 00:12:10.29\00:12:17.13 advocate, I will forgive that Sen if anyone since he has an advocate with the father, 00:12:17.13\00:12:23.47 somebody who stands in behalf of him or her an extensive that person, the forgiveness 00:12:23.47\00:12:30.28 that they know they need a tense moment. like that John Egypt. Another comment. I do 00:12:30.28\00:12:34.02 want to say this. I know we're going to go into this. In a moment. But there's an aspect 00:12:34.02\00:12:39.32 of forgiveness that we need to keep in mind is that when we send and God forgives us, we 00:12:39.32\00:12:45.49 have to remember that a priceless pay near the price was paid was the very life of 00:12:45.49\00:12:52.20 the son of God. It's what provides for us. The forgiveness 00:12:52.20\00:13:00.34 because he's not just all right. I forgive you. And that said that the price had to be paid 00:13:00.34\00:13:05.65 and Jesus Christ came from heaven. The divine son of God. There had no sin upon him and 00:13:05.65\00:13:15.82 offered his life to make what the Bible calls and a tow meant for our sins and man. And, you 00:13:15.82\00:13:23.83 know, we we may be, but that's a perfect transition, actually, 00:13:23.83\00:13:26.43 because >> what I'd like us to do is, look, it steps to forgiveness and that first step 00:13:26.43\00:13:32.87 is the sacrifice without Christ's sacrifice. There would be no forgiveness, but we're 00:13:32.87\00:13:38.35 going to look at what we need to do. And I want to >> we want 00:13:38.35\00:13:44.85 look at. >> Recognizing our CNN, we want to look at the confession of sand and receiving 00:13:44.85\00:13:56.06 God's forgiveness and then we'll cool content in repentance. So let me just I want we could 2 00:13:56.06\00:14:01.57 hours on this topic. So. >> I've put together just a little short 00:14:01.57\00:14:11.95 understanding of forgiveness in cup under the Old Cup in it and in has got progressively 00:14:11.95\00:14:18.29 unfolds. His cabinet, we see the renewed COVID what we call the new Everything from covenant was 00:14:18.29\00:14:27.46 petition UL and pointed to she says so, you know, Jesus, the Bible says fit. He came to 00:14:27.46\00:14:33.03 save his people from son tried not in the Senate and he said this is the of the new 00:14:33.03\00:14:41.71 cabinet. The Eternal Covenant, My blood for the remission of sins, the Old Covenant was a 00:14:41.71\00:14:50.05 shadow. It was sacrifices and promises temporary. They and they became obsolete with the 00:14:50.05\00:14:56.49 new covenant. We find the new covenant is Hebrew 7 and Chapter a Chapter 10 tells us 00:14:56.49\00:15:04.03 the new Covenant has. We had promises because it is the and these better promises. Our per 00:15:04.03\00:15:13.54 minute. Now, the old Kevin, it you had a priesthood, but these were sinful priests. 00:15:13.54\00:15:21.32 They had to sacrifice for themself and it was their priesthood. Plus, limited by 00:15:21.32\00:15:28.29 death of the priest in the new cabinet. And Jesus is our sinless high priest. I do 00:15:28.29\00:15:34.20 lives for ever. covenant had daily ongoing animal sacrifices. 00:15:34.20\00:15:41.00 And, you know, I think about that the horror of it. But you think about. We need to remember 00:15:41.00\00:15:51.15 when someone send under haven't it and they took perfect spot little Lamb to the priest who 00:15:51.15\00:15:57.39 had to cut the throat of the lamb. The people who stand and we need to remember that since 00:15:57.39\00:16:03.53 not to be taken lightly but that was day after day year after year and the beloved of those 00:16:03.53\00:16:13.07 animal sacrifices. The recent Yoko fun. It is. Is not. could not be successful is because 00:16:13.07\00:16:21.24 they could never really take away the scene. They were pointing they were provisional 00:16:21.24\00:16:26.55 to point us to Christ the Lamb who was slain from the foundation of the earth. But 00:16:26.55\00:16:31.32 what we have with we find in Hebrew 7, 9, and tan that he gave once for all sacrifice 00:16:31.32\00:16:44.10 doesn't need to be repeated. came down, took on flesh, lived a perfect life. He died 00:16:44.10\00:16:55.38 for us on the cross for that hit home. When you are talking about 00:16:55.38\00:17:01.28 and you know what cabinet. They just had a year-by-year, a tongue in a as they cleanse the 00:17:01.28\00:17:06.99 sanctuary with Jesus. That's the internal appreciation. So that's 00:17:06.99\00:17:11.89 just kind of. Distilling it down. Before we go on to recognizing her son. But do you 00:17:11.89\00:17:18.53 all have a comment on that? When you look at what you just talked about, this is really important 00:17:18.53\00:17:24.81 because the whole purpose of the center's services. So that was too. >> Was to keep people clean 00:17:24.81\00:17:28.41 before the Lord. I mean, this whole purpose of it it would have served absolutely no good 00:17:28.41\00:17:35.88 purpose. It was just there for services singing communion, so to union with one another. But 00:17:35.88\00:17:44.63 the whole purpose of it in every particular from the out of court to the an accord to 00:17:44.63\00:17:46.70 the holders of the most holy, everything was about forgiveness 00:17:46.70\00:17:53.13 about coming back into relationship with God. And the priest was continually a 00:17:53.13\00:17:57.17 reminder that we have a high priest and all the blood that was being shed was reminding us 00:17:57.17\00:18:01.24 of the penalty of send the wages of sin. As you said, his death Romans, 6.23. So this entire 00:18:01.24\00:18:06.75 system was set up so that the children of Israel Abraham went out early and provide a 00:18:06.75\00:18:11.99 sacrifice for his family job did the same thing. This was to remind us that as you said, Sen 00:18:11.99\00:18:21.43 And if we didn't think of sin is a cost, then it will be lightly received. But many people today 00:18:21.43\00:18:27.54 that a far removed from the sanctuary system knows. And wow, if you look back on this, a lot 00:18:27.54\00:18:32.64 of blood that was shed. Yes, yes. And the Bible talks about when we send intentionally we 00:18:32.64\00:18:37.68 crucify the son of man fresh all over again. But then the forgiveness side of it. That's 00:18:37.68\00:18:42.88 why talk about divine advocacy. So thank you for John that 00:18:42.88\00:18:46.52 picture about the sanctuary because a lot of people think it was just a whole Cala blue 00:18:46.52\00:18:49.29 killing animals and wave-offerings and she chief offerings and all these types of 00:18:49.29\00:18:56.03 offerings. whole purpose of it was to bring us into one S but the COD today, a on that, a man 00:18:56.03\00:19:00.14 and you know. >> I guess my favorite scripture to explain if 00:19:00.14\00:19:07.01 you had to say what is the everlasting gospel revelation. 13 8 is the everlasting 00:19:07.01\00:19:12.01 gospel. The lamb who was slain before the foundations of the world. So God had a plan. He 00:19:12.01\00:19:20.86 introduced Genesys 3.15, and then he's unfolding. This plan the rest of the time. But I'm 00:19:20.86\00:19:27.23 so glad you brought up. It's not it's free to us. His forgiveness 00:19:27.23\00:19:33.37 and mercy, but it certainly was free to God. >> You know, you've mentioned that Jesus is the land 00:19:33.37\00:19:39.87 flame from the foundation of the world. And that's a that you don't. You don't see it until 00:19:39.87\00:19:46.51 you read the book of Revelation. Yes, it's very powerful to 00:19:46.51\00:19:53.99 consider that as soon as there was a center, there was already a savior. he says his DeLand 00:19:53.99\00:19:58.43 slaying from the foundation of the World disliked God for song. That's all that Adam and Eve 00:19:58.43\00:20:05.90 with fallen to send in the human race would fall into sent and provide it the sacrifice to 00:20:05.90\00:20:09.54 make forgiveness possible. Reconciliation. And next sept and back. That we may become 00:20:09.54\00:20:17.25 sons and daughters of not again, you know, it's it's a it's a beautiful message that 00:20:17.25\00:20:22.35 we have throughout the Bible about what God is willing to do 00:20:22.35\00:20:29.72 for us. So. >> How do we recognize Aunt? I mean, we're sitting here talking about what, 00:20:29.72\00:20:34.96 let's keep some definition of sun. So how do we wreck nice and John? >> Well, let's talk about 00:20:34.96\00:20:41.84 it in 2 categories. We have the Christian who when he or she acknowledges cuts 10 00:20:41.84\00:20:46.91 Commandments, we have something to measure our actions by. And 00:20:46.91\00:20:51.58 as Paul says, I had not known Sen except the law said so that's one of the ways we 00:20:51.58\00:20:57.59 recognize Sen is a violation of what's in the Commandments of God. But sometimes it's not 00:20:57.59\00:21:01.92 listed as black and white as thou shall not Ocean, not thou shall not. The other way to 00:21:01.92\00:21:06.86 recognize that in relation away. We're going to talk about that in the second now in more 00:21:06.86\00:21:11.87 detail, it's a 5 hurt. Someone else I can't wait to get that part of the program. Encouraging 00:21:11.87\00:21:14.27 to stay there to stay tuned. So any time a relationship is broken. We have to acknowledge 00:21:14.27\00:21:24.05 our role and that broken relationship without acknowledging your role in a 00:21:24.05\00:21:29.18 broken relationship. And there's even no desire to seek any forgiveness. That's why, 00:21:29.18\00:21:33.02 you know, 51. David said. And some 51 for 3 full. I acknowledge my transgression 00:21:33.02\00:21:41.73 and my son is ever before me So we have to first. The first thing is we have to 00:21:41.73\00:21:45.53 acknowledge is something wrong happened. And if if we don't acknowledge that. We are a 00:21:45.53\00:21:52.87 person's oblivious. What is existing between us and someone else for us and God. 00:21:52.87\00:21:57.08 >> So Johnny, what is sand? >> In first, John, Chapter 3 verse 4 is what you would call 00:21:57.08\00:22:04.55 the classical or the very clear its definition in the Bible sin is the transgression 00:22:04.55\00:22:08.99 of the law. That's the King James version. There's the new King James saying is 00:22:08.99\00:22:16.06 lawlessness. Basically you are showing disregard for the law and you're disobeying in now. 00:22:16.06\00:22:21.64 I have to say this. I know it's not a topic, but there are some 00:22:21.64\00:22:26.11 groups to have an incomplete message. Why? Because they say the law has been done away with 00:22:26.11\00:22:31.68 the 10 Commandments are non-binding. When you limit eliminate the 10 Commandments, 00:22:31.68\00:22:37.85 you don't have anything by which to. Understand what's in But it is the law that says what 00:22:37.85\00:22:46.29 finance. So the idea that the law has been done away with is not a complete message from 00:22:46.29\00:22:51.53 the Bible. It's a misunderstanding. And having put that aside, costs us 00:22:51.53\00:22:58.77 separation between us and got him in and in God is offering that reconciliation to bring 00:22:58.77\00:23:05.91 us back into harmony with him. I love that. And, you know, I always tell people when I run 00:23:05.91\00:23:12.55 into occasionally someone will say. >> commitments were nailed 00:23:12.55\00:23:18.53 to the cross. Well, they haven't read in Hebrews, the new cabinet 00:23:18.53\00:23:24.47 that loss on our heart. But here's a question. If you do believe that. Let me ask you 00:23:24.47\00:23:28.60 this. What she says have to die on the cross. He died pay penalty. The wages of sin. The 00:23:28.60\00:23:38.08 staff. He died to pay a penalty for us breaking that cup law. The law of love liberty. The law 00:23:38.08\00:23:47.62 of, you know, God's government is a government of flop. And this team, these 10 Commandments 00:23:47.62\00:23:55.20 or inside the Ark of the Covenant under the seat of Mercy. This was the foundation 00:23:55.20\00:24:02.10 of cuts government. But here's the point. If got was going to to say, OK? I'm coming down. And 00:24:02.10\00:24:09.88 as the person of Jesus Christ, I'm gonna die for your son's under that. But oh, well, 00:24:09.88\00:24:16.62 we're going to do away with it after I'm dead. I don't want to be. Disrespectful, but that 00:24:16.62\00:24:27.10 would make Christ's death on the cross. A mockery of law. Curry of no. Why would he have 00:24:27.10\00:24:35.84 to die for our sins if you're just going to to do away with that? So that is the classic, 00:24:35.84\00:24:40.48 you know. Following on that. >> if the idea was that one Christ with he would take the 00:24:40.48\00:24:49.45 10 Commandments law away. Why not take it away before and you know that he would not 00:24:49.45\00:24:54.89 have to. That's exactly what we're >> introduced a law to 00:24:54.89\00:24:59.03 begin with, but the Bible says and then look up and assist. The Bible says that the law is 00:24:59.03\00:25:03.97 holy. >> Just and good assist us in the book of Romans. I think 00:25:03.97\00:25:11.21 to 5 was set for Sept 7 thank you. So the laws. Holy Justin, good and it and Paul continue 00:25:11.21\00:25:17.05 say, says, do we make void? >> The law. >> Through faith, he 00:25:17.05\00:25:23.59 says God forbid we law and men I just want to make perfectly was only 7 0st 12 from And I want 00:25:23.59\00:25:30.26 to make perfectly clear, we're not saved by keeping the law. saved by grace alone through 00:25:30.26\00:25:38.33 Jesus Christ. But the law is God's covenant law. It was part of the covenant. Now it 00:25:38.33\00:25:47.11 is the 10 Commandments were not the old covering it. You need to read exit is 24. When 00:25:47.11\00:25:53.48 when Moses got no to 10 Commandments on tap. But with his own finger says he spoke 00:25:53.48\00:26:00.86 to Moses and gave him the Constitution for the new Israel that had civil laws, 00:26:00.86\00:26:07.96 ceremonial laws and Moses wrote that in the book of the Cuff in it, which is the book 00:26:07.96\00:26:12.77 of the Law and he feels the altar. He makes a sacrifice. He sprinkles that people with 00:26:12.77\00:26:20.14 blood in the book with the Blood. But the 10 Commandments were the heart of cabinet. 00:26:20.14\00:26:25.21 They are the heart of the new covenant I just want to before we go on to confession. We 00:26:25.21\00:26:33.12 know breaking the law. But here's the one that gets me the most. First John 5.17. As 00:26:33.12\00:26:39.83 far as the definition of sand. All on righteousness is sand. Do you realize what that what 00:26:39.83\00:26:48.87 is righteousness, righteousness is doing gods. I acting 00:26:48.87\00:26:55.94 according to God's right way of acting righteousness is fitting in right standing with got so 00:26:55.94\00:27:04.75 any time we missed the Mark Roman's 14, 23 says that whatever's not from faith is 00:27:04.75\00:27:09.29 sand James for 17 says if we know to do good and we don't do it that theirs since of 00:27:09.29\00:27:16.97 Comission things we go out. Do but their sins of omission. So this whole topic of CNN to me 00:27:16.97\00:27:23.20 is brought down right into first John 5.17. All Unrighteousness 00:27:23.20\00:27:33.28 is CNN and CJ says came to live for us from our scene. So you had started the next step. So 00:27:33.28\00:27:39.05 what the first step it is. The sacrifice. The second step for We've got except sacrifice. 00:27:39.05\00:27:48.36 She says the second step is too recognize our son and I pray. Lord, make me quick to 00:27:48.36\00:27:54.84 recognize my sand and even quicker to what he had something 00:27:54.84\00:28:01.71 I would kind of probably change the order. Let me tell you why. >> When a person is 00:28:01.71\00:28:05.35 incarcerated. They know that they've done something wrong, but they're looking for 00:28:05.35\00:28:12.39 somebody to I the lessen the sentence or to liberate them. That's why they've recognized 00:28:12.39\00:28:17.83 their shift, I think, is a very recognize that, yeah, I've done 00:28:17.83\00:28:21.33 something wrong. That recognition. So we recognize something has been violated. The 00:28:21.33\00:28:27.57 law of God. Well, the law of the land of the law of the community, right? That's the 00:28:27.57\00:28:29.40 acknowledgement part. The other aspect of the next step would be 00:28:29.40\00:28:34.28 could be for OK, right before yet for they seek to beef released. They have to that Sen. 00:28:34.28\00:28:43.02 >> Same recognize it. And we confess. So you started with with push on Monday. First, 00:28:43.02\00:28:48.36 1st on 1, 9, Do you have one that you want to talk about? Confession comes to me the 00:28:48.36\00:28:53.70 most beautiful. One of the most beautiful psalms description. 00:28:53.70\00:29:01.57 Some 51 is a beautiful. Oh, yeah. asking for forgiveness, confessing your son in receiving 00:29:01.57\00:29:07.64 net. But did you have something you wanted to talk about on 00:29:07.64\00:29:13.01 confession? I do. >> wait when we look. >> At this aspect of sent in needing it is God really 00:29:13.01\00:29:23.53 moving up on the heart of the individual. The has committed Sen tool awaken in the person, 00:29:23.53\00:29:30.23 a desire to be forgiven. A desire to seek forgiveness and the Holy Spirit works upon the 00:29:30.23\00:29:37.81 heart so that we will design year to be liberated from the condemnation. The guilt. And 00:29:37.81\00:29:44.08 the wages of sin. so it it is got initiating these things and the person responds Tool. 00:29:44.08\00:29:54.26 The love of God by understanding God is making an offer that you 00:29:54.26\00:29:57.36 cannot get anywhere else. No one else can forgive you for your son. And so the only way is to 00:29:57.36\00:30:07.94 Jesus Christ soak confession of Sen takes place. When you 00:30:07.94\00:30:13.98 recognize I I need forgiveness. If I don't receive forgiveness, I am doomed. And Jesus is. Jesus 00:30:13.98\00:30:21.15 has made the sacrifice. The Holy Spirit calls our minds. And our hearts draws us. wake 00:30:21.15\00:30:25.69 is in us, a desire the forgiven and then we express that we have 00:30:25.69\00:30:32.76 violated the law. I have done this wrong. You know, there's something interesting when you 00:30:32.76\00:30:37.80 you're talking about going to prison and things like that in the court system. When you're 00:30:37.80\00:30:42.24 taking before the judge, you are asked a question. How do you plead you that the the 00:30:42.24\00:30:50.61 offense is mentioned? How do you plead and some people will either say not guilty. And 00:30:50.61\00:30:59.55 because they they have come up with some kind of defense. And some people say guilty. But 00:30:59.55\00:31:06.59 the people that claim not to be guilty when when you're before God's judgment, see you 00:31:06.59\00:31:10.60 can I say not guilty because you have committed to set the record. Is there not only 00:31:10.60\00:31:14.90 that, we have got keeping record, but the devil keeps a record. Sheli Quinn has done 00:31:14.90\00:31:19.94 this on this date in this specific. How are the specific second, the specific minute? 00:31:19.94\00:31:25.68 She deserves to be punished. He deserves the wages of scent. So 00:31:25.68\00:31:29.72 Shelley Quinn, how Pleat. She would have to say guilty. But I appeal and then I appeal for the 00:31:29.72\00:31:39.83 blood of the lamb to cover mice. And confession ascent. And and God You have made the right 00:31:39.83\00:31:45.63 decision and then you are forgiven praise. Be to God for that Intel. Would you repeat 00:31:45.63\00:31:50.31 first, John, when 9 your first John, 1, 9, if we confess our our sins, he is faithful and 00:31:50.31\00:31:58.58 just to forgive us, our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. How exciting 00:31:58.58\00:32:04.75 Sunday had something to that. As I want. I want to differentiate 00:32:04.75\00:32:12.46 between sins and sin, OK? Because we talked about the SEC officials system, the sanctuary 00:32:12.46\00:32:14.56 services. It was it was bigger than just for getting people of their sins because when 00:32:14.56\00:32:19.57 John? The Baptists introduce Jesus, he says behold the lamb of God to take it away to Sen 00:32:19.57\00:32:26.47 of the world's singular there. And that you want to know why a call his name Jesus. We 00:32:26.47\00:32:32.25 shall say this. People from various sins, plurality there. The act. For the nature. 00:32:32.25\00:32:41.66 >> Food. That's Good now, you know, the reason why go to that 00:32:41.66\00:32:46.59 is because. >> Romans 3.23. Now comes into play when as a nature park because somebody might say 00:32:46.59\00:32:51.33 I met a matter of time until the story, a to Doug Best and I would do in a series of second 00:32:51.33\00:32:56.14 essential many years ago with an evangelist a series and was a lawyer. So that attended 00:32:56.14\00:33:01.31 this female and at the at the exit of the church. She you know, you made and also calls 00:33:01.31\00:33:08.35 night, I didn't respond because I haven't sent. I haven't done 00:33:08.35\00:33:14.22 anything. You haven't done anything but broken the big candy. I haven't She said I 00:33:14.22\00:33:18.46 don't live that way. I don't. I don't Sen. She was talking about s I N Romans. 3.23. For all have 00:33:18.46\00:33:26.03 sinned and fallen short of the glory of God that. That's the other one. First, John One 00:33:26.03\00:33:31.54 not. I John, one for 29. The land that take away the son of the world. So so let me 00:33:31.54\00:33:37.05 broaden the topic right here because we talk about the vertical forgiveness. There 00:33:37.05\00:33:42.48 are those that might be saying I am a good citizen. I pay my taxes. I don't bother anyone. 00:33:42.48\00:33:47.12 I contribute all the community. Vans. If his donations, may not 00:33:47.12\00:33:52.09 make it to the Red to whatever other organization. I'm a nice guy. Everybody likes me. 00:33:52.09\00:33:55.40 Everybody likes me. I'm a nice the woman. I haven't done anything on my life. My children 00:33:55.40\00:34:00.44 love me. My family loves me. am I asking forgiveness for? That is the sand that will cause 00:34:00.44\00:34:06.68 you to parish in Louisiana. This is because Bible doesn't say you did anything wrong. I 00:34:06.68\00:34:12.91 broke somebody's window, shot stall from somebody. The Bible is not saying that the kidneys 00:34:12.91\00:34:18.19 were talking about in this part of the program is the broken relationship? Yes, the 00:34:18.19\00:34:22.29 Romans 3.23. Romans, 3.23. Also, how do we get to that? First first Corinthians, 15 00:34:22.29\00:34:28.80 first. 22 has an Adam all die. Even so Christ, all shall be made alive. So this first 00:34:28.80\00:34:34.07 hours talking about you may say. I'm a really good person. And I always say, you know 00:34:34.07\00:34:42.08 something. There's a question once they came up all of our program, somebody says why do? 00:34:42.08\00:34:44.91 Bad things happen to good people? And my immediate response was that's 00:34:44.91\00:34:52.19 presupposing were good people. Haha. Okay. What's good for the virus is nobody's good. 00:34:52.19\00:34:55.62 No, there's no one good. No, not one. All right. Just misses filthy rags 60 forest 00:34:55.62\00:35:02.86 So we have attitude in society today, upstanding citizens, well educated people, people 00:35:02.86\00:35:08.54 to have good means people may not have the means, but they're just good people. That 00:35:08.54\00:35:13.81 was what I don't really Do I really need to go? >> And confess my sins before 00:35:13.81\00:35:18.11 God meat, but I haven't really done anything. Let me make a point very clearly. I want on 00:35:18.11\00:35:22.68 just drive this point home. You may not have committed anything that land you in jail 00:35:22.68\00:35:29.22 Kasia family to split cause you to lose your job cause you to be pulled over by a police 00:35:29.22\00:35:34.86 officer. But you are still a center. And Roland Street. 23 talks about the condition of 00:35:34.86\00:35:41.74 humanity. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of 00:35:41.74\00:35:47.08 God. How when Adam Transgressed in the cotton he opened the door to pass on to us the best he 00:35:47.08\00:35:53.55 could. That was a broken nature. So if you're watching this program, you have a broken 00:35:53.55\00:36:00.36 nature. As I'm speaking to you, I have a broken nature. So all have sinned and fallen short of 00:36:00.36\00:36:06.26 the glory of God. That's why when John was introducing Jesus at the Jordan River. Behold the 00:36:06.26\00:36:12.83 lamb of God to take it away. The sin. That's good. The broken relationship so that 00:36:12.83\00:36:19.01 meant a whole lot. There to those participating in the services. They should have 00:36:19.01\00:36:25.85 understood that statement better than anyone else. Absolutely said they saw Jesus 00:36:25.85\00:36:29.95 coming and they rejected the land. That's why the Lord says, if you if you eyes were 00:36:29.95\00:36:33.86 open. You Sen. But since you say you have no sin, I can't do anything for you. So don't 00:36:33.86\00:36:41.73 fall into same category. It's a lot. I haven't Sen because the Bible says in Romans 00:36:41.73\00:36:46.20 chapter one I think is verse 79. If you say you have no sen you 00:36:46.20\00:36:52.31 deceive yourself, restaurant. So so so don't you first, John, so don't deceive yourself in And 00:36:52.31\00:36:57.25 I'm I'm really good. I don't have to asked for forgiveness. We're talking about the 00:36:57.25\00:37:02.38 reciprocal liberation and then a family's yet not people that you're married to. Not those in 00:37:02.38\00:37:05.75 your church or those in your company. Every one of us need divine liberation and then 00:37:05.75\00:37:11.93 every one of us needs a divine advocate and that will never happen. Unless you recognize 00:37:11.93\00:37:15.30 as a human, I have a broken nature and that's by default. That's not by action. I'm so 00:37:15.30\00:37:23.47 glad that you brought that up. And and I want to add one thing 00:37:23.47\00:37:28.98 here. >> Some people will say, well, where was the confession in the Old Testament? Have you 00:37:28.98\00:37:31.55 ever heard, you know? Where did they confess their sins? Well, 00:37:31.55\00:37:36.92 that's what the sacrificial provisional system was about. I want you to listen to. This 00:37:36.92\00:37:42.22 beautiful. If you have your final, you might want to turn 2 hosts a a chapter 5 and will 00:37:42.22\00:37:49.06 probably return to some 51 in a minute. But hosts a chapter 5 and verse 15. Now this is God 00:37:49.06\00:37:55.80 speaking, you know, got promises. To never leave us or forsake us accept. And I can't 00:37:55.80\00:38:01.78 find it right now. And first chronicles. I think it is. He said if you reject me out 00:38:01.78\00:38:08.22 check to so we can walk away from God. And he's saying, OK, you've got free will hands 00:38:08.22\00:38:15.32 off. I'm not going to force you intervening in your life. But listen to what God says. 00:38:15.32\00:38:20.90 200 billion us people who are. Raking his heart was Gotzis Opri turn again to my place to 00:38:20.90\00:38:30.94 obey, >> Their >> Once they recognize your 00:38:30.94\00:38:40.25 son and acknowledge their stance. Then they will seek me. And their affliction. They 00:38:40.25\00:38:46.59 will earnestly seek me. So when the Holy Spirit brings conviction upon the heart and 00:38:46.59\00:38:51.49 we recognize our sand and is saying I'm waiting for you to acknowledge it. let's turn who 00:38:51.49\00:38:58.20 say it. Chapter 14 because this spot is developed in high to say a 14. We'll begin with 00:38:58.20\00:39:05.41 the first one. This is returned to the Lord. Your God. For you 00:39:05.41\00:39:13.42 have stumbled because of pure iniquity. Hey, if you can't think of anything that you've 00:39:13.42\00:39:20.56 done wrong, trust me. You probably resist aggrieved or even quenched. spirit during the 00:39:20.56\00:39:24.93 day that something you can repent. But now listen what he says. Take warrants with you. 00:39:24.93\00:39:33.67 And return to the Lord. Say to him. Take away all. >> A new 00:39:33.67\00:39:42.64 quality. >> Reesi graciously. So we are to take to the Lord. We are too our offense. A Scott, 00:39:42.64\00:39:52.82 but listen how God answers. He says I will heal. They're backsliding. I will love them 00:39:52.82\00:40:04.60 for my anger has turned away. You know, when a parent has a child who's doing something 00:40:04.60\00:40:11.94 that the parent has said, don't you? And and I'm only telling you this for your own 00:40:11.94\00:40:16.78 good. You know, don't do this. Don't do this. Don't do this and they go out and do it. A 00:40:16.78\00:40:23.65 parent can be upset. But what a little child comes to says. I know you told not to eat up 00:40:23.65\00:40:29.16 some story. I did that. There's a parent then get mad that their 00:40:29.16\00:40:36.10 child know they're excited that the child is recognize man. Can we just look at? Before we go on 00:40:36.10\00:40:41.10 to the next tip, some 51 one to 4. Okay. Just who would like to read Psalm 51 1 to 4 00:40:41.10\00:40:51.05 because >> Jesus, one of my favorite songs. While you're 00:40:51.05\00:40:55.28 turning there, you know, David had said in in Psalm 30 to 5 mice into you. Mine iniquity up 00:40:55.28\00:41:05.76 that Hayden. I will confess by transgressions to the Lord and you have 4 given the iniquity 00:41:05.76\00:41:11.00 of my sand. But now some 51. Have mercy upon me o God. >> According to your loving 00:41:11.00\00:41:21.51 kindness, according to the multitude of your tender mercies 00:41:21.51\00:41:26.38 blot out my transgressions wash me thoroughly from my Iniquity and cleanse me from my son for 00:41:26.38\00:41:34.02 I acknowledge my transgressions and my son is always before me 00:41:34.02\00:41:39.06 against you. You only have I send and done this evil in your sight that you may be found just 00:41:39.06\00:41:45.00 when you speak and bling this when you judge against. >> Happily stand Cancellara 00:41:45.00\00:41:54.18 only against the Lord on the I love it. If if you are not sure 00:41:54.18\00:42:00.75 how to ask God forgiveness. Just read Psalm 51 out flat because that is the most one of the most 00:42:00.75\00:42:07.12 beautiful, I think records of confession and repentance. OK? So let's talk about the next 00:42:07.12\00:42:17.00 important step. Some people will confess their sins and confess their sin and confess 00:42:17.00\00:42:23.64 their sand. And I talked with the woman when I first came to 00:42:23.64\00:42:32.31 3ABN, who said >> every day 5 confessed my sin before the Lord for the last 70 years she'd had 00:42:32.31\00:42:35.55 an abortion. She said I confess to ask for forgiveness, but she 00:42:35.55\00:42:47.23 refused. >> To forgiveness. >> How do we go about? >> Receiving 00:42:47.23\00:42:52.43 God's forgiveness chart. >> Matthew 11 is a passage that really comes to my mind 00:42:52.43\00:42:58.47 because a lot of times. I refer to people that are not able to forgive for receive 00:42:58.47\00:43:05.28 forgiveness is people that are restless. That's a term like he is restless. They are 00:43:05.28\00:43:11.12 restless. I call this the unnecessary cleanup. You know, some people say when we don't 00:43:11.12\00:43:16.06 see them as a pastor, a church, we don't see them. Police say 00:43:16.06\00:43:19.86 while some things wrong. And then I've often heard people say, well, I'm getting my life 00:43:19.86\00:43:25.30 together. Well, things I need it. Well, there's some things need to clean up. There are some 00:43:25.30\00:43:30.61 things I needed. and then I'll be back. I call it the unnecessary cleanup because a 00:43:30.61\00:43:35.84 lot of times people want to clean themselves up before the Lord cleans them up. And 00:43:35.84\00:43:43.72 that's why Matthew 11 verse 28 is so significant to me. Matthew 11, 28 Matthew 11 0st. 00:43:43.72\00:43:49.16 28. He says come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give us now. 00:43:49.16\00:43:59.47 I'd like to apply the labor there as a labor of trying to get myself clean before God 00:43:59.47\00:44:05.37 try to fix everything up. We come as we are because he's not going leave us the way he 00:44:05.37\00:44:11.48 finds this all go back to 3 0st 3 who forgives all our sins, who 00:44:11.48\00:44:18.59 heals all your disease is no, there's no sand. As somebody once said to they you know, they 00:44:18.59\00:44:25.56 were very candid with me. And they tell me something really, Daryn, is it that you didn't 00:44:25.56\00:44:29.20 know that? And I said to them, there's nothing. You could tell me that shock me. What do you 00:44:29.20\00:44:32.43 think? There's anything you can tell God that can shock God and caused it all. And no, 00:44:32.43\00:44:38.61 I not know. Let me think about this forgiveness thing from now on. No. Whosoever will let 00:44:38.61\00:44:44.45 him come. Whoever comes to cod. And allows a lot to do the cleanup. find that he 00:44:44.45\00:44:49.88 forgives. >> All. >> Your iniquities now notice 00:44:49.88\00:44:54.02 he didn't say again to forgives all your sins. Fan, an equity, 00:44:54.02\00:44:59.06 all different. The word send there comes from the Old Testament definition as what it 00:44:59.06\00:45:08.17 might be for incidental trespasses. But in equities are things that really hold And is 00:45:08.17\00:45:10.87 the things that really have. Found their way into your DNA into your skin. You do it. 00:45:10.87\00:45:16.98 Almost like reading. But even if you're there, he said I can still forgive. Hauled your 00:45:16.98\00:45:24.62 iniquities if you simply come to me, he would not turn this way. That's good. Johnny. I a 00:45:24.62\00:45:33.16 I've been considering what we've been talking about I'm looking I've look something up 00:45:33.16\00:45:38.30 here that I would like to point out because I'm concerned about 00:45:38.30\00:45:41.60 a group of people. with no disrespect to what they believe. in light of the scriptures, we 00:45:41.60\00:45:49.38 should point out that it's as if we confess our sins. God is faithful. And just to forgive 00:45:49.38\00:45:56.52 us for a sense of the cleanse us from all unrighteousness. The scriptures also point this 00:45:56.52\00:46:02.82 out in the sacrificial system when you committed to send you are to bring a lamb confess. 00:46:02.82\00:46:06.90 Your sins on the head of the Lamb. And the sun is symbolic and transfer to the lamb. And 00:46:06.90\00:46:11.70 that's in there. It's instructed by the piece how to sacrifice to 00:46:11.70\00:46:21.24 animal. Whereupon to inflict the least amount of pain. And the lamb. Died. Symbolically 00:46:21.24\00:46:29.05 representing the sacrifice to Christ would make and that person was done for given the 00:46:29.05\00:46:34.22 person could walk away just to show some petitioners sacrificed. The person could 00:46:34.22\00:46:38.16 then walk away. Understanding. I have been forgiven. Now there is, of course, the day of 00:46:38.16\00:46:42.70 atonement upon which are the sons are again, present. It. But the sacrifice of Christ. It's 00:46:42.70\00:46:49.90 this sacrifice that ends all sacrifice us and the day of 00:46:49.90\00:46:58.11 atonement. Is say. Representation of what Christ is doing for us now and beginning 00:46:58.11\00:47:01.35 in the 18. 44, that's another topic. But they're so there are a group of people that believe 00:47:01.35\00:47:06.49 that you have to go before a man. And I know this respect because I have family that 00:47:06.49\00:47:10.49 that are Catholic. You have to go before a priest man and confess your sins to the 00:47:10.49\00:47:15.40 person. On the other side of that. Confessional booth. And then that person instruction 00:47:15.40\00:47:23.74 what you are supposed to do to be forgiven when the Bible makes clear, you confess your 00:47:23.74\00:47:27.54 sins to God and he will be forgiven. I just at this. >> Isn't that kind of a 00:47:27.54\00:47:36.42 prideful thing that we have a hard time receiving God's forgiveness for not doing so. 00:47:36.42\00:47:42.32 to earn it. We just to earn his forgive, you can rise again. This I've been to some 00:47:42.32\00:47:48.13 places in Mexico, for example, and they told us. Every year. People on their knees. Walk 00:47:48.13\00:47:55.10 from here on their knees all the way is it was about almost 2 blocks on the on their 00:47:55.10\00:48:02.78 knees. And then there were some steps to lead up into that. The Catholic Church. Do 00:48:02.78\00:48:11.35 penance. And this is this is from a quote, a Catholic dot com is says the Council of 00:48:11.35\00:48:16.16 Trent Express us. Dab expressly declares in session 9 on the 14. 00:48:16.16\00:48:25.67 Section C and I let her eye that penance was at all times necessary for the remission of 00:48:25.67\00:48:32.21 Sen. And the Bible does not say that. So I want to point out that Jesus Christ is the only 00:48:32.21\00:48:38.58 way you can be see forgiveness. He is the lamb of God to take it The son of the world. So I want 00:48:38.58\00:48:46.79 to encourage of you that may believe that to consider that Jesus Christ is the only way 00:48:46.79\00:48:51.89 the only one that can offer you forgiveness because of the sacrifice he has made and no 00:48:51.89\00:48:59.37 amount of good deeds on or mount of penance, canned give you marry it to be forgiven. 00:48:59.37\00:49:06.21 That's right. Now understand us. It's like you say we feel like we must do something. To 00:49:06.21\00:49:12.21 to say, OK, I've done something. I know that God will accept 00:49:12.21\00:49:17.85 this, that this is what Martha he he did. I mean, he he bled his niece or bleeding. in 00:49:17.85\00:49:23.89 because he was asking God for forgiveness. But thanks be to God that Jesus Christ has died 00:49:23.89\00:49:29.20 for our sins. and we need to we need to focus on what Jesus Christ has done. The has made 00:49:29.20\00:49:40.51 forgiveness of sin possible in many men. And, you know, we don't find any example in the 00:49:40.51\00:49:44.58 Bible. >> Then Bible person in history who tried forgiveness 00:49:44.58\00:49:50.42 is Jose is had take words to the Lord and he will kill your backsliding. As David said, 00:49:50.42\00:49:58.39 you know is called on him? David did try to earn God's forgiveness. I just want to 00:49:58.39\00:50:01.53 give you some quick scripture promises to to jot down because we need to move along 00:50:01.53\00:50:07.17 to the fruits. But I say of 43. 25 caught his eye. Even I and lots outing cancels your 00:50:07.17\00:50:17.45 transgressions for my own sake and I will not your sense. In scripture. When it says that 00:50:17.45\00:50:27.02 remembers like when the Hebrew children are calling out, should remembers. Remembered 00:50:27.02\00:50:35.23 his cabinet to win. God remembers team's going to take action again when God forget, 00:50:35.23\00:50:40.10 he's not going to take action against. And when you confess your he's not going to take 00:50:40.10\00:50:45.77 action against your son, 44, plotted out like a thick cloud. Your transgression like 00:50:45.77\00:50:54.92 a cloud. Your students return to me for every team to Hebrews. 8.10, to 12. Got us 00:50:54.92\00:50:59.79 is just the calf in it. Put my laws. This is the new cap and a point I in your mind's write 00:50:59.79\00:51:06.19 them and their heart alby. Thank God. They'll be my people and their sense of term 00:51:06.19\00:51:14.00 all the state. I will remember no more when you can fish Japan he is faithful and just 00:51:14.00\00:51:18.84 forgive your sins. But I want to show you one quick thing. my favorite scriptures. Okay. 00:51:18.84\00:51:24.78 First Kings, 14, 8 got hold profit. yet to tell Jeroboam swiped. Had come to him to 00:51:24.78\00:51:34.22 skies to get a message for Jerubbaal. So got his here. She She's into skies. This is 00:51:34.22\00:51:40.56 what you tell her. So got this just got message to jerubbaal. You can not been as my 00:51:40.56\00:51:47.77 servant. David. Who can't my commandments and who followed me with all his heart. To do 00:51:47.77\00:51:57.88 all what was right in my eyes. got David was guilty of David was guilty of murder. He had 00:51:57.88\00:52:10.59 is speaking this God who when David in Psalm 51, a news. Nathan says huge demand. Hey, 00:52:10.59\00:52:21.57 if it goes into And so God you, you only have a son or bought out my transgressions. 00:52:21.57\00:52:31.15 According to your mercy. To your to your loving kindness. And so But he Kupper said he 00:52:31.15\00:52:38.09 put his hand over. He's not remembering David Cent, you know, to me this is proof. 00:52:38.09\00:52:42.92 First King's 14, 8 proves what God says that is far as the east is from the week's hit 00:52:42.92\00:52:50.37 West. He's going to remove his hands from A a man I wanted to share from Proverbs chapter. 00:52:50.37\00:52:55.57 28. >> First, 13. And it says he who covers his sentence will 00:52:55.57\00:53:01.34 not prosper. But whoever confesses for 6 them will have mercy. So at this that we have 00:53:01.34\00:53:09.65 alluded to it during this hour that we've been together the matter of receiving 00:53:09.65\00:53:14.42 forgiveness includes confession, but also includes forsaking the 00:53:14.42\00:53:23.33 site in here or there now were to repentance is where we're my gods. Grace. >> We need to 00:53:23.33\00:53:28.90 forsake them. There was a gentleman that would call here every day. It once it was more 00:53:28.90\00:53:31.57 than once a day. And for some recent he believed that God had given him permission to commit a 00:53:31.57\00:53:37.08 certain Sen once a day and he would call up. you know, I am I'm calling on, you know, God 00:53:37.08\00:53:44.92 has given me permission to do this once a day, but I've done it more than once on back. 00:53:44.92\00:53:48.06 Could you please pray for me for God to forgive me and seem to have become like a habit 00:53:48.06\00:53:53.23 for him to hear to call in to do. And we try to encourage him and tell him the scripture 00:53:53.23\00:54:00.54 says this. You can confess your sins before God yourself, but he did not understand that 00:54:00.54\00:54:08.64 they will say forsaking the had to be done. He came to the understanding I sent I confess 00:54:08.64\00:54:14.55 now I'm OK now he's free to do it again. I know you're not. You don't have any license 00:54:14.55\00:54:24.29 Toussaint after you've you've been forgiven. It is by God's 00:54:24.29\00:54:31.17 grace. You seek. >> 2, 2, >> To amend your ways and asked the 00:54:31.17\00:54:32.83 Lord to give you tree over that. you know, by God's grace. You can be victorious. And I'm glad 00:54:32.83\00:54:39.97 you pointed that skirt around it. These things as his son. First first, John chapter. To 00:54:39.97\00:54:45.31 verse one. My little children, children, these things I write unto you that Ye son not in a 00:54:45.31\00:54:52.15 lot. If any men Sen we have. We have an advocate with the father, Jesus Christ in the 00:54:52.15\00:54:58.96 right and he is the for PGA Tion for our sins. And now for hours only but for the sins of 00:54:58.96\00:55:04.43 the whole world. Marvelous. Marvelous. OK? So we've only got 2 We're going to probably 00:55:04.43\00:55:08.20 not get to the fruits of forgiveness, but >> you're into 00:55:08.20\00:55:11.77 in the 4th step for the 5th step. We have to. I understand arson, recognize or sand. Then 00:55:11.77\00:55:19.05 we have to confess our son. We have acknowledge ING it before the Lord. But we've got to 00:55:19.05\00:55:26.59 receive God's forgiveness and the we've got to reap hand. John, talk to us. What is 00:55:26.59\00:55:32.99 repentance? It's just what you are saying. >> and matter of 00:55:32.99\00:55:37.60 fact, when I talk about in the next out winner really dive into repentance. But on a point, 00:55:37.60\00:55:42.34 this out of this is so significant P to understand when you come to God in the 00:55:42.34\00:55:45.47 hottest heart of sincerity, Micah 7.19, he says he will again have compassion on us. 00:55:45.47\00:55:52.85 after remember God and I this in you better come on over here. And if not. Now, he'll 00:55:52.85\00:55:58.12 have compassion on us and will subdue our iniquities. Now you notice he doesn't hold us and 00:55:58.12\00:56:05.99 he doesn't confiscate us. He confiscate our takes it away. Then what does he do it? He 00:56:05.99\00:56:13.77 doesn't hold it in safekeeping. He says. You will cast all our 00:56:13.77\00:56:19.57 sins into the depths of the sea. Hallelujah and I always add and put out a no fishing signs, a 00:56:19.57\00:56:26.15 >> So we're going to it. We just didn't quite get this all in. We're going to do this in 00:56:26.15\00:56:29.18 the second hour. But after we recognize or that's by the power of the Holy Spirit. He's 00:56:29.18\00:56:35.49 the one with the convicting POW. We confess. Our sending confession is the clearing 00:56:35.49\00:56:41.00 House at the conscience. receive God's forgiveness. But there has 00:56:41.00\00:56:47.90 to be that forsaking. That has to be the repentance in the Bible says even repentance is a 00:56:47.90\00:56:53.68 gift from God and repentance means if I'm headed in the wrong way, I do a one 80 U turn and 00:56:53.68\00:56:59.08 I'm heading back toward God. >> So we're going to get into that. 00:56:59.08\00:57:05.45 And the fruits of forgiveness, then we will talk about forgiveness. We're talking right 00:57:05.45\00:57:12.43 now. Vertical. We're going to get into the horizontal forgiveness from person to 00:57:12.43\00:57:18.00 person and why God asks us to this for our benefit will understand what forgiveness is 00:57:18.00\00:57:26.34 what it's not. And it's something that, as John said earlier, it is to fine 00:57:26.34\00:57:36.45 Liberation win caught forgive shoe. But when you forgive others, you're going to find 00:57:36.45\00:57:40.66 out. It's great. Said don't go away. Join us. We'll be right 00:57:40.66\00:57:51.97 back with the ¤ ¤ 00:57:51.97\00:58:07.05