Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL220006A
00:02 >> As you're well aware, we're living in unprecedented times. Join us now for today's
00:06 special program. ♪ >> I want 00:25 ♪ 01:03 ♪ ♪ >> friends and welcome to 01:17 Thursday night LIVE here at 3, a B. And you know, it's going to be all the way live because 01:21 we have an exciting program. And some on fire. Yes, I just really want to say that we're 01:29 on 5 people. >> I am so excited about tonight's program going to be 01:37 the last. We'll be talking about spiritualism, but it's not what you think is going to 01:41 be is it? That's why there isn't. There's a twist coming, but you're not seeing. the 01:48 more spiritual some slicing want to talk about love. Well, love is dimensional that the 01:51 question is love of love him and love of money. Most spiritualism is the very same 01:55 way that tonight. I don't want to hold them in suspense to down. And I just want to first 02:01 thank you for your and your financial support of this network as we continue going 02:05 and growing, getting ready for the coming of the Lord. You know, this couple, honey has 02:09 been a ministry for good while. And why didn't you go ahead and introduced Emma, 02:15 just have them say little about themselves so that our music. right. Let's do that. 02:18 >> Well, I have Sean Welcome. Thank you. And his beautiful wife team. Thank Welcome. 02:25 Thank you. Not tell us. How long have you been married? >> really, long 29 years, 20 02:35 years. 28. And somewhere OK, you have 2 to yes, our oldest daughter got married a few 02:42 months And our youngest is that college on the West Coast. So we have now 2 02:47 daughters and a asked. >> and more time on your hands. 02:53 >> And you can walk around your boxer shorts. He at home at home. Yeah. Well, you know, 02:59 it's been a pandemic for 2 years and the kids are gone. Kind of get that he you know, 03:08 Sean, give us an overview >> praise the Lord for marriages. We've seen you both 03:12 do a lot of things even with well, child impact, which was we've and we do see that that 03:22 wonderful piece. You do. You kind of walk through the door and in lunch in the kitchen, 03:26 then you want. I was reading that thing, but just give us kind of a little background 03:31 here. Some people watching this, it can shown in Chamberlain struck. Other 03:33 people are saying who are they? that's most of Are they? The sheriff knows and we're 03:42 going a quick >> Jeanne, I working at the voice of prophecy on the 03:49 speaker. Director Gene is the associate speaker for the boys prophecy. And then therefore 03:54 it's going on a deck, a turret that wow there that been in public ministry for 30 years. 03:59 This coming years, 30 years on the Sawdust Trail as an evangelist and I'm Jeanne is 04:05 now director of the Global Children's Ministry, Discovery Mountain radio drama for Kids. 04:09 You know, that's what we are yeah, and if I owe you money, I'm not Oui, oui playboy. Some 04:20 profits out for radio TV and and a voice prophecy. Discovery Mountain Week. 04:25 >> So blessed to have voiced prophecy on 3ABN, radio around the world to try to try it. 04:29 >> And, Jeanne, when anything to that? >> No, I think where it's 04:34 exciting to be here. Thank you for inviting It's wonderful to share and fellowship in the 04:38 ministry that we do. And, you know, there are a lot of things we do at voice of 04:43 prophecy, but they all tied together to evangelism. That's really the heart and soul of 04:48 what we do is a ministry that, you know, it's amazing what it's amazing how people 04:52 remember you. >> A lot of people say, oh, I know Sean Bunting, he's one 04:55 that preaches with the shoes off. due its is like. >> You know what everybody 05:01 tries to guess Why do you do what you do that and >> I've kept my mouth shut for 05:07 years. Why? Why do that? And the ladies always notice first in every it not. Normally guys 05:13 don't know this for like a week, right? women like what he's done in his sock feet. 05:18 And so most of them guess and I wish this was the truth. You guys, I wish this was the 05:22 truth. They guess is it because like you take them off right when you praise because 05:26 now it's ground taken, man. That would have been a great thing to say because that 05:29 would have sanctified response. Now, really 3 reasons. Number one, I'm 05:36 terrified of public speaking. I can. 30 years and I think I'm going to throw up every 05:39 time. It's time to hold evangelist. Maybe I can't get up front. I don't even like 05:43 birthday parties where everybody turns and looks at you and start singing. Happy 05:47 birthday. I am really taking your shoes off. Makes you feel a little more like you're in 05:50 your own home. Yes. Just like, okay, relax. These are friends. reason one reason 05:56 too? I got 2 different sized feet was a 9 and a half wins and 11. And I'm to chase 06:02 areas. Yeah, yeah, I would. You know if this wasn't polite television and 3 of the and I 06:05 put my feet up on the table and prove it to you. But wow, maybe we have a Kick the shoes 06:10 off later and I'll show you 9 and a half and 11, 9 and socks. I make them 2 different 06:16 sizes. Yeah. Just latest on the right. Because like I know, like I think it's 06:20 because I wrecked when a piece of equipment college and work, some are building and who 06:26 knows? Who knows it's messed up. But I'm too cheap to buy. Touche pairs of shoes. Okay. 06:31 So what do you buy? If you're 9 and a half and 11, you buy a 10 everywhere. That's what you 06:35 You kick them our first chance you get the 3rd one clumsy. So I like feeling with my toes. 06:41 Where's the edge of the stage? Because ago? I was speaking at these meetings and I was 06:45 quoting the verse. Thy word is a lamp. And to my I never got to work feet out. And I fell 06:51 right off the platform the audience. And that's just like stumbled via word is a lamp. 06:57 It I mean, like the Saints not like that. That text of all town hall pass right in funny. 07:02 It's like my angel probably showed me thinking this is going good. Just like that is 07:06 show you're going to wipe out right there and the Saints from and you did that on 07:10 purpose, right? No, no, it really hurt. purpose. So now because I like to get close to 07:16 people when I talk because I'm nervous. But if I can see your eyes, your friends. So I get 07:19 there and I one toe around the edge and with your shoes off, I know where edges. That makes 07:25 sense. More sensitivity to where you are. I'm glad you explained that because for 07:29 years I always thought it was a act of sanctity and not time India when we went to the 07:36 Hindu temple in India, you have you have to take your shoes off, even admonition. 07:40 But I want to the end of church is taking choose a path that I said what they just But 07:43 that's up to him to temper the set. >> If you can take your shoes 07:47 off or fall, Scott's you've got to take him off of that. In India, the first time I 07:52 experienced at I thought this is my tribe. They're all coming off. The shoes are all 07:56 coming right. Praise the Lord. This is what havenots. No more shoes. Yeah. There in Sri 08:00 Lanka, they did the same thing Thailand. Same thing and they have an outside when you come 08:06 to church, this all the shells in the foyer where everybody just put to use and they're 08:11 there when you leave church. Yeah, that's beautiful. I like it. But put put that all 08:14 aside. We have enjoyed. Tell us something about some of the programs you do because you 08:20 have a really unique Syria's use that, well, we've got a bunch of unique series. You're 08:25 talking about my Fen ticker. The often. offended. Yeah. I kind of remade this. I 08:30 thought, you know what years ago I took over a media ministry for somebody and then 08:35 you kind of follow in their footsteps and was it working? Great? Yeah. But authentic is 08:41 a new show. There's here on 3 ABN. Yes. See it right here. I think Saturday night. And what 08:47 we do is we take real questions that people actually struggle with the kinds of 08:52 questions across every cultural barrier, every generational barrier. 08:56 >> Who am I? Why am I here? Does life mean something? Why do I suffer? Why is their 09:00 pain? The existential questions? But then instead of doing it as a, you know, a 09:05 college philosophy we do it for the guy called Joe Six-pack comes home from work 09:10 to stay with us. Expect and he wrestles with these things and maybe doesn't know if how to 09:17 define those issues. But he listens and hitting. Look, I'm talking to the people that I 09:22 grew up with. I I'm not I'm a recovering haven. I sat in those classes. I took those 09:28 philosophy classes. I drank it. Those fountains and I thought these people are 09:32 looking for answers and they won't give this a chance because they've been told 09:35 what's in there. They think they know what's in there. When we compare notes between 09:41 like played on the Bible and Aristotle and the Bible and Emanuel Cont in the Bible and 09:46 leave that's in the Bible and need Che and the Bible in Iran and the And that's what we're 09:52 doing at the big, deep questions and all the philosopher said the dead and 09:56 they're all struggling with the same questions. And then I dare the audience to read the 10:00 Bible and it's really taken off. Its people are writing in going, okay. This is a little 10:05 different and we even admit we're Christians mess up. So again, it's completely true. 10:11 Medieval church was a disaster. You're completely right about that. Let's give 10:13 him credit where credit's due. They criticize it and they're not wrong about what we did. 10:16 All right. So admit it. It's time for Christians to admit what we did, repent of it and 10:21 then say, you know, what we should have been doing is reading this and maybe try 10:24 reading this right. And it's it seems to be working pretty good. Wow, that's really, 10:29 really good. But we're going to dive into a program. And I just want to remind our 10:31 viewers in our listeners. >> We're going to take some questions tonight the phone 10:34 there for us. >> And Jeanne will be answering the hard 10:40 >> you can text your questions into 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, Well, you can e-mail us 10:48 at LIVE at 3 ABN Dot Org TV. Sorry. Let me say it again live at 3 ABN DOT TV to try 10:57 those. We e-mailed questions and >> you might not know what you 11:01 want to e-mail questions about that in a moment. I know that we're going to turn on the 11:07 stow boy right after this news we don't want chance to think about because the topic 11:10 spiritualism and by no means that we'll be able to cover all the corners of spirituals 11:15 and but when allow Shawn and chain tonight to really Cheney tonight to really massage the 11:21 topic and kind of tease us to what's coming down the line because it's very interesting 11:26 things in the work and voice a prophecy that we are privy to we're not going to ask him to 11:31 reveal all that tonight, but I can guarantee you that your appetite is going to be wet 11:36 and you can have questions going around in your mind. And as Sean just said, some of the 11:41 practical things of life that you may have always wanted an answer to and have heard 11:45 philosophically, but we may talk about it from the point of the Bible tonight to bring 11:48 some clarification. >> Well, we got to share some wonderful music with us. Well, 11:53 Tim part is going to share a wonderful rendition of this power in the Blood. 12:30 ♪ ♪ ♪ 12:45 ♪ ♪ ♪ 13:00 ♪ ♪ ♪ 13:15 ♪ ♪ ♪ 13:30 ♪ ♪ ♪ 13:45 ♪ ♪ ♪ 14:01 ♪ ♪ ♪ 14:16 ♪ ♪ ♪ 14:31 ♪ ♪ ♪ 14:46 ♪ ♪ ♪ 15:01 ♪ >> Thank you so much for that 10. I was actually in my mind 15:09 singing along with him tonight to a lot of things together. And he is a blessed man. He 15:14 used his kids for the glory of God. Absolutely. Thank you so much for that. And this a 15:18 perfect segue. We have problem because when you when you dive into spirituals and you've got 15:23 to have how in the Yeah, well, I mean, this is a topic that it's a hot, hot topic because 15:33 I want to have you just start out, Sean, by diving into how this topic of spiritualism 15:42 caught your attention. Yeah. It took you down the road that you've gone down just kind of. 15:46 >> I don't know if I can. You know, I don't know if I can pick one right on ramp to 15:50 this. Most of these topics, we create a new sort of mini series documentary, a Voice, a 15:55 prophecy every year and some of them I work on for 2 years. Some of them 20, this one's 16:02 2025 years have been digging and reading and I hated history. Is that even I mean, 16:06 it's just like what's the point? They're all good. How are you going to change your 16:09 mind about anything and its Canadian history to book and its That's the most boring 16:13 history on Earth. I hated history because like they're so polite, they don't have 16:17 revolutions. They don't do anything. They apologize for everything. It's like a hate 16:21 history. Then it became a Christian. And I start to realize. That everything you 16:25 find in this book and the Bible, doesn't matter who wrote the other history books 16:30 will verify this and it enough. I don't. How many volumes we've gotten house 16:35 jeans. The history Yeah. you to yesterday. Ally. Try to >> I like to read primary 16:44 sources. I like let's go back let's see what these people were saying in the times. 16:48 Let's quit rate. I mean, don't quit reading your college textbooks but free go back 16:51 read the original sources. And saw how money is collected for 5,000 history books. It and I 16:57 don't we try and way through 2 or 3 of those every week. Now my and I you know, I quit 17:03 sleeping years ago, I think, right? Yeah, I just come to bed for an hour. And I think, 17:07 you know, I think you're like this know I enjoy seeing I finally but way to turn over 17:14 big researcher. Yeah. I yeah. How do you turn it off, man? >> I literally decided How to 17:21 turn it off. I work hard, sleep hard and and I play hard. My wife and I believe I 17:26 shunning our do anything. But, you know, but that's important gives you a longer battery 17:32 life. Yeah, I have heard average about 4, 5 hours a night. That's it. I go into my 17:38 study. I can't help to interesting. But this one I started collecting stuff years 17:44 ago. I I and I wasn't in it in the church. >> But something bothered me 17:47 about. Secret society. I know that and we're going to name them. I'm just trying say is 17:55 one of the it was a no call group. And at that site and for some reason, I decided to 17:59 engage the debate and I'm only in my teen years and then I started digging and we're in 18:03 the world. Are they coming up with this stuff? Lucifer is the God of Light the jealous 18:07 God that we're in the world to begin the stuff up. And I started digging all the way 18:11 back to ancient Egypt. And read original sources. And I discovered there's this thing 18:16 that there's this thread that ties every system of belief in the world together, there's 18:19 only 2 religions in the world period. One thread you find in the Abraham face the in the 18:27 scriptures to jail. Christian. Perspective on who people are. What is the nature of a human 18:33 being? And then there's an entire system that feeds every other belief system that 18:38 exists anywhere on the face of the planet and they're all linked together. So 20 years 18:42 of reading that stuff. And now we've put together a brand-new series, The Voice of Process 18:47 putting out here in a couple of months, April called The You can you can find out about 18:51 It's called the serpent teen prophecy. And we're going to start in the oldest used 18:57 archives on the planet and a write-down of modern day and asked the question, you know 19:02 what, what Plato and Hitler have in common. What Where did where did all these idea that 19:06 there everybody turns out is drinking from the same found and in the look and feel of 19:12 this. Well, we have some good on that or we let's do You here's here's a little trip. 19:18 Let's let's run that beautiful trailer footage. This is what does certainty props. It kind 19:23 of looks and feels like and then we'll unpack it a little bit. OK? Sounds Thank you. 19:26 ♪ >> In ancient lie. ♪ 19:37 A disturbing trend. ♪ >> With Spurs from age old 19:49 tunes. ♪ >> Things that move behind the 19:56 shadows. ♪ their darkened? And spoken 20:08 forces. ♪ ♪ 20:20 >> they trying to take us? ♪ >> The prophecy. This story 20:29 you weren't supposed to hear. ♪ ♪ 20:45 >> I a coming to a theater near you. guy who read that for us does do those movie 20:53 trailers and all He's kind of latched on to the voice of prophecy and kind of likes us. 20:56 praise the Lord. Yeah, that is ferry. Put it this way. It's the bait. We'll get the 21:05 audience who may be for this. yeah. oversell the right. The creative team made that look 21:09 really, really good. And then I'm going to walk out and but no. 21:19 >> Its documentary style District, 4 episodes here and you can find it. You go to the 21:23 serpent prophecy dot com. This is going to air across the country. 21:27 >> Probably in an auditorium near you. So property dot com in April. And there are study 21:33 materials that go with it. You can dig in a group setting along as it for it runs 4 21:37 episodes, OK, 4 episodes. Yeah. Length of general length of an episode. The episodes 21:43 are 30 minutes and then there's a discussion group for another 30 45 minutes after 21:46 that. So the whole thing's an hour hour and 15 minutes and will be for 4 episodes. I 21:51 think you'll be glad that you went to this course are punting prophecy dot com free. 21:58 it wasn't free to make, but it's and that the issue behind that is well, not the issue 22:01 behind it, but a lot of the backdrop of that is what you have been learning right? 22:06 Thank you for. converted him back to his. I think it has paid off. Well, hasn't Yes. 22:17 the backdrop is this whole ideology. >> That you discovered in your 22:21 research and tell us a little about that. And you know that the what's the biggest 22:24 question in the world? >> What is the biggest question? The world for most 22:28 people and you're asking but authentic. I kind of Dilly dallying that. What are we? 22:31 What are we? What is this? Why am I here? What's a human being? And if you go to the 22:37 scriptures, you find a surprising there that some people like it describes a 22:41 real physical existence. And most of the world for most of history hasn't believe that 22:45 about us. I think we're something other than just a real physical existence. And I 22:50 found fascinating that Jesus, when he comes. It says he comes in the flash. He's a 22:57 real person. That right? sleep. Some breezes are real person as it seems like made 23:00 this way in the beginning in in Eden. The Bible tells a story we were made. Touch 23:07 things with our hands it to taste food and to see debris. This is it. This is what God 23:12 intended. And then within floater. But and I started to get in. There's only one other 23:17 perspective. When other perspective is Pagan world view. And that's what we're 23:20 going pack a little bit in the serpent in prophecy. And when you when you look at the pagan 23:24 world view, that teaching pretty simple. I took a look at that. That's profits or you 23:28 see that the you take your glasses. like And a friend in college. He used to have no 23:34 glass in his glasses, but he used to where I'm just so we could take them off during a I 23:39 know you do >> the other perspective is that we all struggle with this 23:45 idea where we come from and we have trouble believing the materialist view that we're 23:48 taught today that the list, if you were taught to days somehow Adams bouncing around 23:52 in space hit each other. And here I am a conscious human being self-aware of my own 23:56 existence and I can contemplate the meaning of my life. It happened by accident. 24:01 No, no, no. We all know mind must have come before matter. Somebody was thinking before 24:06 the universe is made. It doesn't work any other way. Right up a gun said that's all 24:09 there was was a great big cloud out there in space have missed the mind of God and the 24:16 mine started to congeal and became a giant plant and filled the universe. And then 24:20 it became in vegetable matter than animal. And then >> it became man. But that was 24:24 a big mistake. Becoming physical was a big, big mistake and it happened 24:29 because they said Saturn, the God of death, who's the last planet in the solar system. 24:34 He's what the pagans were called limit her. The serpent that that stopped creation 24:40 from happening in expanding and getting more beautiful. And he brings death to the 24:45 world. The ancient pagan is used to portray Saturday as the Grim Reaper. With the side 24:49 the hood and the whole thing and and as a serpent that brought death to this world 24:56 bashing murder. That story stem from, you know, where the paintings pick that little 24:58 thread up right? So we were supposed to, but death brings us into a material existence 25:04 and now we're trapped in these physical. Bodies. Where did that idea come from? A lot of 25:08 people still okay for plate. No. Plato's allegory of the cave. Remember taking that one 25:15 in college? nothing is real. Right? trapped in a cave were staring at the showers in the 25:20 wall. The realities behind us and all we could see as the shadows. 25:23 >> What he's saying is physically existence isn't real. That's the pagan world 25:27 It's not real. This isn't real. This is not perfect. Somebody messed up when they 25:30 made a physical world. They call them the Demi urge. God wouldn't have done this. Some 25:35 lesser being made a mess out of this and I'm trapped in a physical body. And when I die, 25:40 I'm going to rejoin the great mind in the universe. Like a spark going back to the 25:44 original flame, which is why Socrates when he's condemned to death. Any sitting with the 25:49 young people in prison, they're all crying are great. Teachers can and I don't know. 25:52 Drink. Drink the poison. Hemlock ISIS. You kidding testing. So we're going to 25:56 happen in the philosopher. I'm gonna leave this body finally in float around the universe. 26:00 Go back to the divine mind. Kind of like Nirvana, right? It's not right. As such an old 26:07 teaching and play too. If you dig in, if you get past what sign in college, he starts 26:10 telling the story of where he learned stuff. And he says this was fascinating. Ready, 26:16 put the tin foil hat on because this the story gets a little bit where we can put on 26:19 the tin foil in his book. Christians. Plato says there was once a civilized out of 26:25 the book. Again, Christian CRI Tia probably pronounced Can a that we all played a was a 26:33 Canadian had to be right must. That's boss trillion. >> He makes an admission. We 26:44 give him credit. He came up with this idea Dualistic universe perfection 26:48 disembodied an imperfection is in body. And we give him credit. He says no, no, no. I 26:52 went to school in Egypt. So that by factors so that everybody all earned it, and 26:59 my great uncle. Great, great, great uncle. So lawn used to tell us the story when a way 27:04 back when that there was this other civilization that attacked after this is what 27:07 Plato said. Yeah, he writes, this increases. He says there is a civilization that 27:12 existed. He calls them. Atlanta sits where the whole story of Atlantis comes from. 27:16 All the conspiracy theorists are drinking at that found. Making it weird. But he speaks 27:20 about this was a real place. They attacked us and they all used to live moral lives and 27:27 follow the will of God they live follow. God's moral law says essentially what he says. 27:33 >> He says then they listen to the serpent. And they became corrupted and they were 27:37 destroyed in a flood. So he's talking about a pre flood, civilized nation and no wonder 27:44 where they got that from. Where did you get that from OK? Some of them fled. They 27:46 brought their ideas to Egypt and the Greek philosopher said we've been down underneath the 27:52 temple's. We've been down in the holes. They tell this old story. We used to be the 27:55 missed God and we became plans unmanned. Then they had this philosopher in Egypt. His name 28:01 was far off. Yeah. It's like Tha t the packets of coffee get Taco Bell. 28:12 >> FOX was a real teacher or real philosopher and he's credited for giving the 28:15 Egyptians the gift of learning and writing and the great teacher, the sage when he 28:21 dies, he so revered that they deify him when he becomes the got off the one with the I 28:24 know you're into the Egyptian. We're not into the Egyptian rights letters misstated that. 28:31 But you know, you're Egyptian gods. He storm with the ibis head on. He's defied the 28:34 Greeks, get their learn about this guy. And what did he learn? Well, far off road. I 28:40 was visited by the Great Dragon point injuries and and Reece taught me that the 28:45 universe is once and missed and we're not supposed to be in physical bodies and were 28:48 supposed to float away. One day. It says it. The Greeks learn they love them so much. 28:53 They rename him Hermes, Hermes trust, not just The messenger And from there, he wrote a 29:00 volume called the hermetic. It's still for sale in called bookstores. Don't recommend 29:04 getting it. Don't called books, but it's still for sale to this day and that becomes 29:07 the source book for Greek philosophy for Babylonian religion, for the schools in 29:14 Alexandria, for all the alchemists in Egypt for Madame Le Vot Ski and stuffy that she 29:20 that was her textbook. It's obvious when you read lavazza, Ken, you shouldn't read But 29:24 when you read below lot ski, she's quoting from her Medica. Alright tells a story. 29:29 Atlantis was only the 4th race in this world. The 4 full route grace. She says there's 29:34 going to be 7 in the next one is going to be the areas. They're symbols, the swastika. 29:38 She's reading this in the 18. Germany in the meantime, is going through a revival of 29:41 seance is and so on. do you think they got the idea that the area and should be the 29:46 master It wasn't through pseudoscience. Even it was. It's a on says it was called 29:52 studies. They sent a delegation to do that. Looking for looking for these masters 30:00 that were left over apparently from Atlantis who they thought were hiding in the mountains 30:02 of Tibet. All the people who learn us the Bulldogs. He went to India to learn that she 30:08 thought she was finding the ascendant mass troops on It all comes down to. 2 schools 30:14 of thought. There's one school that says we're not supposed to be in physical bodies. All 30:17 right. Something's wrong with this world. The right about that. I suffered must be 30:21 something wrong with this world. The Pagan said, well, maybe got messed up. Because I 30:28 suffer. You know, I got in perfection. So I got one foot bigger the other creation. Is 30:32 I must be something better than that. Something Des embodied and then we've got 30:42 the biblical worldview or Jesus comes a real flesh and blood human being. He leaves 30:46 this world. As a real flesh and blood human being could not touch me guys. I'm not 30:52 right. eat some fission. Has some honey come have meal for the road. Doesn't drop He's 30:59 he'll write Israel and he goes to heaven real. And then the angel saying next, chapter 31:03 one, the same. Jesus is coming back again, real physical yet he's the son of man. What is 31:08 happening? isn't revelation takes up home with us here. We were always supposed to be 31:13 like this is only 2 schools of thought. The Bible says this is what God designed. We've 31:16 messed it up. Look at that sign. Take a school of thought says. This is a big mistake. 31:26 Creationism mistake. Who would be saying creation is a big mistake. We're supposed to be 31:29 Spirit Day. Stripping. So. My goodness in this, we're going to pack. It start in ancient 31:37 Egypt. We're going to go all the way down through time through Greece. We're going to 31:39 look at some Greek myths and show that they're not telling what the story people think. 31:46 They're A lot of them are stories about how we're trapped in physical bodies. 31:50 Not really about God's on Olympus to didn't believe the regatta on Olympus, their Alec 31:54 arising. All these stories from the hermetic, a and they're teaching what today is 31:59 still taught. They taught in the mystery schools and today secret society still teach it 32:03 and he's all out of the same textbook. Only 2 systems of belief in this world. So 32:07 that's kind of where we're going with We get all the original sources. We're going 32:11 to impact this in detail. Show how Hitler got involved in this. How involved in this, 32:16 how the medieval alchemists were involved in it. It's been we've been drinking from the 32:20 fountain for a really, really long time. Certain rip the band-aid off. And then at the 32:23 end of the program. I'm going to spend the night in the most haunted room in America and 32:31 see if the goes really can come visit you. They're going to ask the question, can the 32:33 dead speak to us and the dead speak to us because the pagan say yes. What does the Bible 32:37 say? That's right. Brought up that that that that what you just said over the last 7, 10, 32:47 15 Go on for hours. Haha. But here's the point. Here's the point. A lot of people. 32:50 >> You caught the attention of some of the people that understand that and other 32:55 people have that dog whistle head Yeah. So if you were to distill that to the guy that 33:02 says, OK, I created by God, right? Help me understand the other side of that because, 33:06 you know, there's even an avenue with this school of thought permeates 33:12 Christianity, right, Okay. That's where the it comes to the brass tacks. We still hear 33:18 it today. Mom in heaven, papas and looking down on us. They're angels them. Michael, 33:22 talk to the dead people. People talk to the dead Friday Distil that down to the common 33:28 Kai was just going to church feelings cars with gas once a week. Yeah, I know. And that 33:33 was One point, Jim. The question is what did God make? And when he stepped back and 33:40 said it is very good. What what do you say that about? Many Asian? He said that about 33:46 a real man, real woman. That's right. The real thing we were made to live real lives. It 33:51 was a big light bulb moment from a site. It's meant to be real. And when Jesus wanted to 33:55 identify with us, he became real. Person. Try stays that way. He comes back. And if you 34:03 read revelation, talks about a new earth and we're planting gardens and we're doing things 34:06 and >> I know, but you guys, I want to float around the 34:09 cloud. I just don't know you know, thanks. That's like that whole line. as you're putting 34:14 this together and you're looking at the different angles of it. 34:19 >> People task those. Elementary questions so are you saying that we should have 34:26 been a spirit? We ended up in the body. That's what the pagans to chest. The Pagan 34:34 said it was a mistake, physical bodies for a mistake. >> They taught that the real 34:39 God would never do anything as dirty your low down as creating a physical limit. 34:46 chance to Yeah, why would God do And that's the pagans with say that. And so they don't 34:50 even give creation to the almighty God. They call him the Demi urge. This one being 34:54 that came out of God emanated from him and he messed up creation and botched it. The 35:00 pagans will even tell you some of them, depending on their tradition. If you talk about 35:02 Americans sort of Mystics Mike Manley p hall, some of these guys right? They'll tell you 35:11 that that was actually just over the botched. Lucifer comes here to fix it. Was the 35:15 God of light who will really shoot back to higher forms of knowledge. And you can be like 35:19 the gods, which is what he said to even that are exactly right. You will exalt to a 35:25 higher level. follow my plan. Home message is somehow got in the state. This isn't what 35:29 you're supposed to be. >> This is what we're supposed to pay. All right. This is 35:32 what we're supposed to be. And I want to give too much away because I want people to watch 35:39 prophecy. one of the things I thought we could do tonight is maybe a Bible study. he's a 35:45 little bit. Do we have time for a oh, yes, we know we now and I want remind our 35:48 listeners and viewers, he was a phone number again, OK? It 618-228-3975. 35:55 >> 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 75 try e-mail live at 3 ABN DOT TV. Now what? What a show that 36:05 questions in. That's where the questions are to be sent as he gave a tease of 4 to 17, were 36:12 often see this four-part series and the research that goes behind it. We want to let 36:17 you also know that on the on Deb local level, there are a lot of questions that we're 36:26 going to go. We're going to dive to AL with one of the stories in the Bible. That 36:28 seems to be. Wrapped in some of this mystical ideology. And I want you to take us there to 36:39 which Yeah, Samuel White Walkers are because this is one of the stories that people 36:42 try to refer to to verify some of the ideologies that, hey, we're not. All right. Human 36:47 rights form. Yeah. The big question we're going to ask Mister Putin is kinda did 36:51 speak to you. >> One in 6 American says yes, they've heard from the dead 36:55 one in 6 right now. You know, the question is, how does that work? In? One of the things 37:04 we're going look at first saying the 20 because you're right, this most confusing 37:06 stories in the entire Bible. Sean, as you know what's going on and seems like God condones 37:13 all this stuff. You say often that chapter and say I was a big in America in the 19th 37:17 century. Everybody want to it. Darwin went to one Lincoln went to one. Yeah, I was to 37:24 Carly house Crowley, went to quite a is a library card punch quite a few times. the 37:35 B, 6, 6, 6 Allister Crowley, man. What a fought. The father of Mott Modern Spiritualism. 37:42 Absolutely. >> Absolutely. Every Satanism and it's deeper than It's 37:45 deeper than that. Here is what we want to do. I want to look at this story and we just 37:51 described the pagan world view. Yes, right? >> The pagan world view. The 37:55 mystical God. Yeah. Did mist in the universe? Nothing's real. We're not supposed to be 38:00 physical. And I want to ask one question, right. And 1, 1, thing we should probably set 38:05 the table with and then we'll look at the story together. Is the pagan concept of the 38:12 universe where the gods are above us in the heavens. We live here on this physical 38:15 plane trapped here and down underneath the earth. Is the underworld. And when you die, 38:22 that's where you go to the underworld as a ghost. And some of, you know, the stories 38:27 that we're talking high school and stuff. You got a crisscross the river, Styx and 38:30 you go into the underworld after the coin on your stuff. That's it. And they call that 38:33 under were she'll that's the underworld. She that's the pagan concept. She'll it was 38:41 called Sh well, when you translate on days for ICE. Yeah, that's that's exact on 38:45 was taking out of her medical. You're OK? He borrowed straight out of that textbook. 38:50 You can almost see him plagiarizing. shield the underworld. To the canaanite 38:57 to the phoenicians. They call it. She'll it's the shadowy world of the dead. They go 39:01 down there and knows what goes on down. There is just shadowy and weird. The keepers also 39:04 use the word she'll. But to the you, Bruce, it's a grave that means how do I know? Job 39:15 when he suffering says man, I wish I could go she'll. think what you mean. We should go. 39:18 She'll to that place of torment for the shadowy underworld of the dead. Like 39:21 why would you want to the tormented morning? He just in his concept, the Hebrew 39:26 concept of shield is just the grave. Jacob says when he's dying, I'm about to go to 39:33 she'll Jacob is real good about to go to shadowy world of the and no, no, no. They 39:37 just meant the grave. And that's the setting. We need to ask ourselves when we get into 39:40 the story of the Witch of Indoor. What is the story? Is this an Abraham story? Is this 39:46 a Bible stories? This God telling a story or is this God showing us somebody else's 39:52 perspective? Who are these people and what do they believe? Are they in the pagan 39:56 camper than Abrahams camp? That's the could setting. I like the way you set that up 40:01 because there are a lot of stories told in Scripture which we miss. 40:05 >> The other speaking to the understanding of the people of that day so they could grab. 40:10 And yeah, so such a rich man and sitting Richmond last recess that they knew what he 40:16 was saying. Then they do that today. We put it in a different context. Amiss the 40:19 bridge that he built between to understanding the mindset and what he was actually using 40:24 as an object lesson to really drive home. A solid point. Yeah, he was using the 40:29 language in the understanding understanding of their day and this one of the stories that 40:33 also brings that in absolutely. So first we go in for Sam Neill over 28 chapter. 40:39 28, saw with what for >> Oath. 3 Yeah. Kick the ball downfield. Alright, alright 40:46 Bible stuff. So maybe we should just set the historical context of where this this 40:49 story is happening. Of we all. >> You know, we're familiar with Samuel, the profit and 40:56 with the first king of Israel, that's that's all. And so here we're at the point of time 41:03 coming toward the end of Saul's David has already been and we we understand that he 41:11 is to be the next king. And so here we have this this time now, Samuel has actually died 41:18 and we pick up the story and that's how the verse begins. Verse 3. Now, Samuel had died 41:21 and all Israel have lamented for him and buried him in drama in his own city and saw 41:28 had put the mediums and the spirit out of the land. So it's interesting set up to 41:34 that that that that the king had actually made that decision to send away the and 41:42 the spirit. The spirit just your test. The spirit a Why? Yeah, yeah. Of course. That I 41:48 mean that was biblical for him to do that. God said now kick them And this not the way we 41:53 do things. They have to go silent. Getting Saul said. >> be on the gun. Go right. 42:01 Right. Know there is good Deuteronomy 18 Leviticus. 19 got Drive him out of the land. 42:05 Get rid of them. This is dangerous. why would that dangerous? That's the question 42:09 that I'd go into the story with winds at dangerous. As a matter of fact. 42:15 >> 20's, what we always like the coast we can monitor yet. But first, 19 is the Yeah. 42:20 Sure that people seek the debt on behalf of the live event right? That's the key. So we 42:24 we could I say a 22 launches has gone. It was that was a test to make sure they are not 42:31 spirit. Is there not medium stand, not sorceress right was not just about the command. 42:35 Now that said I've had a lot of mediums. Tell me, hey, Sean, what we do lines up with 42:39 the scriptures. This is just God speaking through another avenue. Oh, no. Oh, no, my 42:44 friend. No, no, no, no, God. Shut this down. a chance. Why would the dead and the living 42:48 go to the debt? >> There's a warning here already. There's something 42:54 dangerous here. Don't I messed with this, right? Right. This isn't what you think it is. 42:57 And the way its record it that way in scripture. You know, it's sort of like it's served 43:02 like a warning to us as we read the story. Hey, you're about to read of an event that 43:07 that really happened. But keep in mind, the contacts and the biblical, you know, setting of 43:11 these >> yeah, she keep going. Let's go to All right. For sport. 43:17 Then the Philae Stein's gathered together and came and encamped at showing them so 43:23 saw gathered all Israel together and they encamped in Gilboa when saw saw the army 43:27 of the Philistines. He was afraid and his heart trembled greatly. So that again sets 43:35 the context for us of, you know, why I saw the king was heat rumbling, great ways you 43:40 know, God was not with them in this in this situation anymore. And, you know, God is 43:45 really not was fall and more number 6 in one saw inquired of the Lord. The Lord did not 43:52 answer him. So he's ghost to got to ask him about this situation with Phil Science. 43:56 The Lord answer him either by dreams or buy, are by the profits. question there. God 44:04 will not speak to us all through the appointed means. That's right. Right? That's 44:11 shut down your in unfaithful case. You're completely unfaithful. 44:14 >> I'm not talking to you anymore. You've gone off the tracks. Well, if he's not in 44:18 the camp of God, there's only really 2 systems of belief he's moved into. The other one 44:21 they got we're not talking anymore. And I'll have people say, you know, Sean, in this 44:26 story, though, there's a communication and it's pretty convincing. And I think God 44:30 used this to to to send a signal. This is God doing this. Somehow she got 44:34 sometimes does this. The question we have to answer and ask is if God forbid it. Any 44:40 one of them all driven out of the won't talk to us all. What are the odds? He's going to do 44:43 it through a sales. Right? Right. A side note. Do know we shut this down? No, right. 44:52 He's panicking because he knows he's in big trouble. He's lost God. And now we have 44:54 to solve his own problems. And so it goes knocking on another Yeah. So. 45:02 >> Yeah, he's he's faced with this enemy. Yeah. And and he's afraid he's afraid. And then 45:06 what he does next I think is what we often have a human tendency to do. Unfortunately, 45:11 is we want we don't hear from God. Why fix it We have our own human ideas of how things 45:16 should proceed next. But just like it doesn't go well for us. Typically when we choose 45:22 that path, it's not going to go well for us all And yeah, when when you get scared. You 45:27 go anywhere. Go anywhere. We'll try anything sometimes looking for which I've got a 45:36 grating. Keep on. Yeah. Sure. I was okay. Then Saul said to his servants, find me a woman 45:41 who is a medium that I may go to her and inquire of her. >> And his servants said to 45:46 him, in fact, there is a woman who is a medium at end or and of course, he'd already 45:52 actually sent them out of line. But there was still one there. So she was clearly 45:54 working underground. Well, yeah. >> You never notice when 45:58 George Lucas released the Star Wars films and I was in the Christian at the time, of 46:04 course, I watch those back in the 70's and >> and at the very sand to the 46:09 scene, they they're there with the e walks and suddenly the ghost of Obi Wan Kenobi shows 46:12 up at the party. He's dressed in a mantle and they're all on the moon of indoor. You stink. 46:19 if you get that from, that's right. And also what's going to be do that is that they're 46:27 to Andorra was the wasn't door. And I saw that's right. And the door, make a cute 46:35 little nose quickly. but also the mediums are another phrase for mediums nowadays is. 46:44 >> A fortune tellers of today, psychics, true. They're still doing. It big on They look so 46:51 good, don't they? I addressed that in this topic on suspicions of the Knesset, 46:52 hip, different together yet what the devil is doing there's a phrase that time 46:56 I've heard before. He has converted after the modern order things he always seeks 47:03 to redress and all lie. And new car garments to to access a new audience. And that's 47:10 what's happening Yeah, what I find it should you say that and hear here is an 47:13 interesting thing that I've noticed. >> And you know that in the 47:18 1800 seance were huge in America in huge, huge, huge. And you start reading what 47:22 people of the spirits told us this. And they told us that told us that since about the 47:26 1950, 60 70's. Pay attention to what you dock to say that the aliens told them. It's 47:34 word for word exactly the same as in the South is you're right. It's just it's 47:37 spiritualism redress for the tech. A vet, the end then. >> Time life actually does. A 47:41 7 book series called The Unexplained. Yeah. And that was another door. We had a a 47:46 person that have that Cook said in their house and they all kinds of spirit, a list 47:53 things happening in the home. The daughter was seeing. People in their house and I 47:56 said to them. Just something in door open a new house somewhere at door when they 48:03 when they come into those books that all the unexplained, the afterlife, 48:06 the phenomenal and once again. Repackaging it. It's an ally sure. It's all the same. 48:15 >> I mean, every one of them takes us out of the same textbook. It's all out of the 48:17 one book and one philosopher and he got it from the dragon. He said from the great servant 48:24 and what it published, his initial lie, you shall not surely die. You will not 48:28 really die. But same same Same story. Moon of Endor. Yeah, look at it. Looks just like 48:33 Samuel, I can't help but notice that in retrospect just like why would you bring into 48:37 Star Wars on the moon of oh, I see what you're doing. Yeah. Same story when eyes are 48:45 trained to see it. to most. Hollywood blockbusters are written by out of the 48:52 hermetic, a almost all the Wizard of So the storyline, yes, come out of there. The 48:57 Wizard of Oz, one of the 3 people with Dorothy going go find a wizard. Well, we've got 49:01 the strong man that's the vegetable man. The very beginning. We were plants 49:07 first. Then we got the cowardly Lyon. That's and we became animals next. And then 49:13 we have a 10 man with no heart were trapped in a physical body. It's a prison. It was 49:18 written other medical Pinocchio run out of their Medica. Same thing. He doesn't 49:22 he doesn't really begin to get his great awakening and lightning until he goes into 49:26 the belly of this fire-breathing whale. That's no whales, a fire-breathing. 49:30 Well, come on. He goes down into the underworld into what is it called that it's not 49:34 never-never land. That's another story. But and also Peter Pan is this is the 49:40 child's version of Pan it's exactly right. Just dressed up for the It's the same plot 49:46 over and over and over again. And what's interesting if you come open their medical, you 49:50 go home here it is bullet points on how to write these It's it's fascinating. Only 2 49:56 religions in this world. All right. Let's get back to first fight. Yeah. Verse 8, 8, have 50:03 my bifocals, but I can't >> So Saul disguised himself and put on other clothes and 50:09 he went and 2 men with him. >> And they came to the woman by night and he said, please 50:16 conduct a seance for me and bring up for me. The one I shall name to you. 50:23 >> Stop there for sure. You noticed there is the added. all know in advance. 50:28 >> If you haven't read the story out here comes a spoiler alert, Samuel. He wants to 50:33 talk to Samuel the dead profit. Alright, prof of con wrath of God. What does he 50:36 expect him to come from here? Oh, What some he's looking for him to come from beneath 2 not 50:43 worded. The cane and Knights who were supposed to leave the land believe the dead are 50:46 above. Well, no, the canaanites oh, Dolly below and she'll in the shadowy 50:53 underworld. Yes, I saw was gone to the other system. But bring the Samuel he's down You 50:58 know, he's down there. And this is a canaanite story. This is not an Abraham next 51:05 story. This is not a biblical story. This is God showing what happens on the other side 51:09 of the coin. So he shows up with that world view. And with that expectations, he's 51:13 already moved over to the Egyptian position. >> The King of Israel bring 51:18 him up. If this is a prophet of God and he's out there somewhere, where would wreath 51:24 if if that's the way it worked anybody to be the not to bring them up, bring them up. 51:32 >> Yeah. But the reality is just to just to put the pen and for those who may not 51:34 understand the full picture. >> When the prophet died, he was buried. He was not any one 51:40 location and a conscious existence. Now he's been playing this. Y'all believe 51:45 the great, but he was in the Hebrew Shield. A grade. Okay. Yeah. But bring them up. Okay. 51:51 Keep going first night. Okay. Verse 9. >> Then the woman said to him, 51:55 look, you know, what saw has done how he is cut off the mediums and the Spirit S from 52:00 the land. Why then do latest now from my life to cause me to die? You know any she's 52:06 working underground. She's fully aware of what's happening. 52:09 >> Fastening somebody tapped her on the shoulder and says, hey, man. Something's wrong 52:13 here. Even she know something's wrong. You know? Yeah. Can you imagine a witch 52:19 who who knows? I'm in trouble here. This is not right, right. But the man who made 52:22 the edict to put her out of town has disguised himself so she can't even see. And I was 52:28 always said that one of the first indications we have moved away from light as we 52:34 are, we change our identity and that was the thing. Sits all tied into changed new 52:38 comments yesterday put on his clothes. Yeah. He disguised his true identity that 52:46 concealed himself to be someone completely different. But 52:50 >> 10's to be the same in the next as you say, thats all swore to her by the Lord. 52:56 That's way But it's all caps. If you've got an English Bible. 53:00 >> All catch. He's appealing to the one true creator. God made the heavens ear at the 53:03 scene. The fountains of waters. So also order by the Lord. Jehovah saying, as you 53:08 know, we always Jehovah lives. No punishment come upon you for this thing now is line in 53:13 the name of the >> And fall, of course is the first king. He's also the 53:18 first king of Israel. And so he's there the spiritual capacity in a legal capacity 53:24 and all these capacities as saw and he's >> we're talking about this 53:29 year the night you're Sen Israel first asked for a king. God didn't want that. No post 53:35 report to and they were so they were essentially rejected God. Yes, asking for Human 53:40 Cain. yeah. And then we see this human king rejecting God and swearing by God's name 53:46 that you're doing okay here, which this is fine. Yeah. Yeah. I got you covered in 53:50 cotton eye in this together. So you know, K which tells me something, yeah, you can be so 53:56 wrong about God, if you know stand what he says. If you go by gut instinct, you could be 53:59 so wrong that you're taking God's name in vain and you're using him in context. He said. 54:04 >> Don't go. We can deceive ourselves into thinking we're just fine with what we're 54:07 doing because we don't compare it to the word. That's why it's troubling. When I hear 54:10 people say, well, India trying to show them the truth of God's word. You're trying to 54:15 show them things that offer they're good and they say, no, I don't need that God and I 54:19 have an understanding, right? That's what the Sala saying right here. The very same 54:23 thing got and I have an understanding with be there credibly deceived. 54:28 >> Because he knows a moment ago, guys not answering him. So how can you give a message 54:31 from God to this? This medium? He's that deceived or he's lying to get what he wants 54:37 here. Either either way that he this is a huge mess and we do the same thing. We get 54:42 desperate. We let go of God. We start doing things our way and then we want God to bless 54:47 >> And we can even deceive ourself enough that we start to believe the lies. It almost 54:52 feels like fall. Saul thinks he's doing the right thing. I mean, he knew better. He knew 55:00 he doing the right thing here. But he's so deceived even himself in this process. 55:06 >> Now he has also we have about 2.38. So that he's in there for those on the other 55:10 side because going to keep them packing this. And by the way, as you as you joining us, 55:13 we're talking about some of the roots of spiritual zones. And this story, as Sean 55:19 ingenious pointed out, he's one of those where the Lord is using this example to show 55:25 that Paul that's all had departed from the Hebrew understanding of shield to the 55:30 Egyptian understanding of it. And he's now communicating with all the language and 55:35 imagery that is disconnected him from the Lord and his believing this and getting 55:40 endorsement to the which event some might say we're fine. You'll be just okay. You do 55:43 ask you to do and no harm will come to you in the name of the Lord. 55:49 >> Not exactly. He's bringing God into the question now, the question that will probably 55:53 want to address in the next segment is is pretty simple. Did this happen anywhere else 55:59 in the faith of Abraham, Isaac and did this happen in Israel did happen in Christianity? 56:06 Were some of our ideas come from? Have we baptize paganism in the name of the Lord 56:11 sometimes. And that's kind of I think we can tease with that because did this happening 56:15 again, OK, those are questions that people are going to be asking. Wish they sent a text 56:18 me. >> 2, 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, Send your tax questions. 56:26 All comments to that number or you can email us at live at 3 ABN DOT TV, tried today 56:37 specials and has so many garments alive and well isn't it's alive and well. It's in 56:42 videos, music books. >> And 30 seconds. Just tell us whereas some of the places 56:48 that spirituals and is hiding itself today to do I dare say what I'm about to say. All 56:55 right. Sometimes in the heart of Christianity and we'll talk about coming up. Pretty quick 56:59 here as to how did it sneak in? >> Why do we think it's real 57:03 and why are we accepting it? >> It's amazing how this fallen angel has found his way 57:10 into the very place where he claimed. The very declaration of spirituals. And I will be 57:18 like the most and today and you shall not. Surely die. Said time you shall not. 57:23 Shirley died. The biggest lie that is followed today. While so stay tuned with us. We're 57:29 going to be back into second. and please send those questions and common sense 57:33 because I know Sean and Jhene you're here and they want to be able to respond in any way 57:37 that we'll be suitable to respond questions, but don't go away on the other side. 57:42 Yeah, I got grace will be right back. ♪ 57:50 ♪ ♪ |
Revised 2022-07-06