3ABN Today Live

The Mysterious 666

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL220005B

00:10 Hello, and welcome back to the second hour.
00:12 My name is John Dinzey.
00:13 And we have Pastor Steve Wohlberg with us,
00:17 his most recent book, The 666 Beast Identified,
00:22 What It Means to You.
00:24 And I encourage you to get this book
00:26 to get a very excellent Bible study
00:30 on Revelation 13.
00:32 And what this beast is and what it means to you.
00:35 And so I want to read a comment here
00:39 on the back of the book by Pastor Reinhardt Stander,
00:42 "The 666 Beast Identified is a must read
00:46 for honest seekers for truth."
00:49 So if you're seeking for truth, this is a book
00:51 that we can recommend
00:53 that you may be aware of what's going on
00:55 because the Bible says that we need to get victory
00:57 over the beast,
00:59 over his name and over the mark.
01:01 And so, Pastor Wohlberg, please give us a summary
01:04 of the first hour?
01:05 Yes. Thank you, John.
01:07 And we've covered a lot of ground
01:08 and we've got a lot more to do.
01:09 In the first hour, we just summarized
01:11 how Revelation 13:18 says, "Here's wisdom.
01:15 Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast,
01:18 for it is the number of a man and his number is 666."
01:23 And we dissected this text,
01:26 and then established that we really need to know
01:28 who the biblical beast is
01:30 to get pointed in the right direction
01:33 so we're not following rabbit trails,
01:35 and then we did that.
01:36 We looked at Revelation 13, Daniel 7,
01:39 put the pieces together
01:40 and show that the Protestant understanding of the Bible
01:43 and of history is that this beast is a symbol
01:47 of the worldwide Roman Catholic Church system,
01:51 centered in the Vatican
01:53 and in the authority of one person,
01:56 who is the pope,
01:58 who is actually as we've discussed
01:59 is really the number one influential politician
02:04 on planet Earth.
02:06 He's influencing people around the world
02:09 so we need to look at this.
02:10 And again, I mentioned this in the last program of part one
02:13 that we're not talking about Roman Catholic people per se.
02:16 We're talking about the system
02:17 and about the authority of the pope.
02:21 Now, let's go on.
02:23 We got a lot to do.
02:24 I have a question, Pastor Wohlberg,
02:26 before you continue
02:27 because, you know, we talked about Martin Luther.
02:31 And he was a Roman Catholic priest.
02:34 And he was sorrowful
02:37 and shed probably many tears
02:40 after he saw in the Bible
02:42 that the Antichrist power was his own church,
02:47 the church he was a member of.
02:49 And I'm asking this question
02:51 on behalf of the Roman Catholics
02:54 that are watching or listening to this program.
02:58 To them it's a shock.
02:59 How could this be?
03:01 Probably confusion, tears, how can this be?
03:06 So what would you say to a Roman Catholic watching,
03:09 listening to this program,
03:10 about what they've heard and what they will hear?
03:14 Can you give us some words
03:17 that will encourage them to understand
03:19 what they should be considering?
03:21 You know, first of all, my first word of advice
03:24 is to recognize that we're not against them,
03:30 at 3ABN or White Horse Media.
03:31 We're not against people.
03:33 But we do need to look at the system of Catholicism
03:36 because people who grew up in the Roman Catholic Church,
03:40 they have been taught
03:41 that they have to do certain things
03:43 in order to get to heaven.
03:44 I visited Rome once and I was in a certain church
03:47 and I saw, from the top of the stairs,
03:49 I saw old women climbing up those stairs
03:53 on their knees,
03:55 trying to earn the favor of God.
03:57 And that's wrong,
03:59 and that's what Catholicism teaches,
04:01 is that people have to do all these different things
04:04 and get to God through the church
04:05 and through the pope,
04:07 in order to have peace and assurance of heaven.
04:11 I don't believe that. I think that's wrong.
04:12 That's not what the Bible says.
04:14 And that's what the reformation is all about,
04:16 is pointing people away from tradition
04:18 and pointing them to Jesus Christ,
04:20 to His love, to the gospel, to His death on the cross,
04:23 and to the gift that He offers them
04:25 of eternal life.
04:26 So my advice is to just have an open mind
04:29 and be willing to study this.
04:31 And the ultimate goal is to deepen your relationship
04:35 with your Savior Jesus Christ, who loves you.
04:37 Thank you very much.
04:39 Well, we've mentioned this book,
04:43 The 666 Beast Identified,
04:46 What It Means to You,
04:47 written by Pastor Steve Wohlberg.
04:50 To get this book,
04:51 you should contact whitehorsemedia.com
04:56 And we will be sharing information
04:58 at the end of the program
05:00 so that you have what you need to contact them
05:02 to get this book, and it's very affordable.
05:06 Yeah, it's only a few dollars.
05:07 So, Pastor Wohlberg, please take us in,
05:10 by God's grace clarify what we need to understand?
05:13 Yes.
05:14 Back to Revelation 13:17,
05:19 says that this number, which calculates out to 666
05:23 is also the number of his name.
05:27 That's a critical point.
05:28 It says the same thing in Revelation 15:2
05:32 that we get the victory over the beast,
05:33 the image, his mark,
05:35 and over the number of his name.
05:37 So we need to have wisdom and understanding.
05:39 We need to know who the beast is.
05:41 We need to know who its man is,
05:43 and we need to know that we need to look for a name,
05:47 a specific name.
05:48 And then we need to look at the number of that name,
05:53 which calculates out to 666.
05:56 It's a very tight package here that we have in Scripture.
06:00 Now, let me quickly give you a little key point.
06:05 In Revelation 19:16,
06:09 when Jesus comes on the white horse,
06:12 it says in verse 16,
06:15 that "He has on His robe and on His thigh a name,
06:19 a name written:
06:21 King of kings and Lord of lords."
06:23 So we're looking for the name of the beast,
06:26 which calculates out to 666.
06:28 And this verse talks about the name of Jesus,
06:31 and His name in this verse
06:33 is King of kings and Lord of lords,
06:35 which is actually a title.
06:36 Yes.
06:38 So this proves
06:39 and there's other verses have proved
06:40 that in the Book of Revelation,
06:42 a name can also mean a title.
06:46 Okay, good. That's a key point.
06:48 That's a key point. That's a key point.
06:50 That's right.
06:51 Now, there is one name that we're going to look at.
06:54 And we can actually put the graphic on the screen
06:57 Vicarius Filii Dei.
06:59 We can, there's a name that we're going to focus on,
07:02 and the name right there is a Latin.
07:05 And Vicarius is a Latin word for substitute for
07:11 or that he's the vicar of,
07:13 and Filii is son and Dei is God.
07:16 And so the full phrase Vicarius Filii Dei
07:19 is a Latin three word phrase that means
07:24 that the pope is the Vicar of the Son of God
07:29 or he's the substitute of the Son of God on Earth.
07:32 And you and I've talked about this,
07:33 that when people think of the pope,
07:35 what gives him his authority is that people think,
07:38 millions of people think that he is the representative
07:43 and the voice of Jesus Christ on Earth.
07:48 That's what that title means.
07:51 And so we're going to dissect this
07:53 and we're going to see if this, actually, fits out
07:57 and whether it calculates out to 666.
08:01 Now before...
08:02 Yes, this is one of the main titles of the pope.
08:06 And the word pope itself,
08:08 can you tell us again what that means?
08:10 Yes, the pope literally means the Papa.
08:13 He's also called the Holy Father.
08:14 He's called His Holiness
08:16 referring to the Holiness of God.
08:18 He has an aura of authority
08:23 that has been given to no other man.
08:25 That's right.
08:26 And again, one of those titles is Vicarius Filii Dei,
08:31 which is a Latin title.
08:32 Now, let me talk about Latin.
08:34 If you go to John 19:18-20,
08:39 this is a key text for me.
08:41 John 19:18-20 talks about when they crucified Jesus,
08:45 two others with Him,
08:47 one on one side and Jesus in the midst.
08:49 There were two thieves in the middle of...
08:51 Two thieves on the outside and Jesus was in the middle.
08:53 And then it says, verse 19, that Pilate wrote a title.
08:56 Notice the word title, and he put it on the cross.
08:59 There was a plaque that was placed on the wood.
09:02 And the writing of this plaque,
09:05 it said, "This is Jesus of Nazareth,
09:07 the King of the Jews."
09:09 So there's a title that Pilate put there.
09:13 And then it says in verse 20,
09:14 this title was then read
09:16 by many of the Jews for the place
09:18 where Jesus was crucified was near to the city,
09:21 which is Jerusalem
09:23 and it was written in three languages,
09:25 in Hebrew, and Greek and Latin.
09:29 So Latin is mentioned in the Bible,
09:33 and that title
09:35 that was over the head of Jesus Christ,
09:38 the King of the Jews,
09:40 was written in these three languages.
09:42 Now, Hebrew is the language
09:44 that the Old Testament was largely written in.
09:47 And then Greek is the language
09:50 that the New Testament was largely written in.
09:52 Now, Latin was the language of Rome.
09:56 It was the language of the Roman Empire,
09:59 and it became the official language
10:01 of the Roman Catholic Church,
10:04 which is why for centuries,
10:05 their masses were held in Latin,
10:08 and many of their documents were written in Latin.
10:10 So Latin and Catholicism go together,
10:15 and Latin is mentioned in the Bible.
10:18 And really what happened, if you look at history,
10:20 was the Latin Church, the Roman Catholic Church,
10:24 eventually led Christianity away
10:27 from the Hebrew Old Testament, from the Greek New Testament.
10:33 And it led ultimately away from Salvation
10:36 by faith in Jesus Christ,
10:38 who hung upon the cross,
10:39 who had that title over His head
10:41 in Hebrew, Greek and Latin.
10:44 Now, let me put a quote from The Douay version
10:46 at the Catholic Church.
10:47 This is a quote...
10:49 This is from one of their official Bibles,
10:51 The Douay version of the Bible and it says...
10:54 It's quoting Revelation 13:18. "Here is wisdom.
10:57 He that hath understanding
10:58 let him count the number of the beast.
11:00 For it is the number of a man,
11:01 and the number of him is six hundred sixty-six."
11:05 So they've got the text there.
11:07 And then it says,
11:08 the footnote in The Douay version
11:10 on Revelation 13:18 reads as follows,
11:12 "Six hundred and sixty-six,
11:14 the numeral letters of his name shall make up this number."
11:20 To me, that's astonishing
11:22 because this is a quote right from the Catholic Bible,
11:25 which shows that
11:26 when you look at the numerical value
11:30 of the letters of the name,
11:33 it's going to come out to 666, which is exactly right.
11:37 It's exactly right.
11:38 Now, let's put another picture, which we call the 666 chart.
11:43 And so let's put that up there so we take the word Vicarius,
11:47 and we look at the numerical values,
11:50 Roman numeral values.
11:51 Now, some Roman numerals have value
11:53 and some don't.
11:55 And when you add up
11:56 the Roman numeral value of Vicarius,
11:59 which comes to 112 and then Filii comes to 53,
12:05 and then Dei 501.
12:08 And you add, you calculate and count,
12:11 which is what the Bible says we need to do.
12:13 Count the number of the name,
12:16 they come out to 666.
12:22 For short there, it's 666,
12:24 so we have a famous Protestant calculation.
12:28 And let me make an important point
12:31 and that is this that if you look at church history,
12:36 the slide of the church into the Dark Ages,
12:39 the Great Apostasy
12:40 and then the rise of the Reformation,
12:42 which eventually pointed the finger
12:45 at the Roman Catholic Church system
12:47 as the little horn and the beast,
12:49 and the woman in Revelation 17.
12:52 Eventually, what happened is post 1500s
12:56 as God's truth continued to develop
12:59 in the minds of His people.
13:02 Eventually, they started zeroing in
13:05 on Revelation 13:18,
13:08 which says, "Let's count the number
13:11 of the name of the beast,
13:13 and it's going to calculate out to 666."
13:17 And so the people started focusing on this.
13:19 And there was a German scholar, a Protestant scholar,
13:24 and his name was Andreas Helwig.
13:27 And as far as we know, in the year 1600 post Luther,
13:32 he was the first one, as far as we know,
13:35 who proposed that the title, Vicarius Filii Dei,
13:40 which is a title,
13:41 as well as a name in the light of Revelation 13,
13:44 a name is a title.
13:46 And he calculated it out, and he came up with the answer,
13:51 which was 666 like that chart that I put on the screen.
13:54 Now, there is a picture of an actual photograph
13:59 of his document.
14:03 And he actually had one of them,
14:05 before his first document came out in 1600,
14:07 the next one in 1612, and the third one in 1630.
14:11 And there it is, right there
14:12 and the Latin is translated in front of you.
14:15 And the title there, it says,
14:18 "This is about the Roman Antichrist,
14:20 revealed by his own name,
14:22 and against the glory and the authority
14:24 of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Supreme
14:26 and only High Priest of the Church.
14:28 This vaunted Vicarius Filii Dei claims for himself
14:33 and imposes upon the world."
14:34 And what Helwig did if you look at that closely,
14:36 he took the title Vicarius Filii Dei,
14:39 and he capitalized the letters that had numerical value
14:44 and the small letters
14:45 that don't have numerical value,
14:47 he made them small.
14:48 So what he did was...
14:50 And this was a 91-page document,
14:58 right on the title of the document
15:01 and showed that when you...
15:03 There's some values that are used,
15:05 and some have no value.
15:07 And he ingeniously put all this into his title,
15:12 and then his document shows
15:14 that it counts or calculates out to 666.
15:18 So this is not something that Steve Wohlberg originated
15:22 or calculated himself.
15:24 You're going back as far as 1630.
15:26 You've also showed in the Catholic Bible version,
15:30 Douay version, it has the same information.
15:33 That's right.
15:35 That's fascinating, fascinating information.
15:36 Now, there's a lot of history about...
15:38 This is the title for the pope
15:40 that was used throughout history,
15:42 but apparently they don't use it
15:43 much anymore.
15:45 Yes, and there's a reason for that.
15:46 And let's put another picture on the screen,
15:49 which is the donation of Constantine.
15:51 This is the infamous donation of Constantine.
15:54 This document surfaced in the mid 800s
15:58 or 700 and 8th century
16:01 and it was called The Donation of Constantine.
16:03 You can see on the right that it was written in Latin
16:06 and you can see Vicarius Filii Dei
16:08 right there in this document.
16:11 It has an...
16:13 We don't know exactly who wrote it,
16:14 most likely in the Vatican Palace.
16:17 And it was incorporated
16:18 into official Roman Catholic canon law.
16:20 It influenced the European politics
16:22 for nearly 1000 years,
16:24 and it helped build up the people empire.
16:27 Now, this was actually a forged document
16:30 which later was proven.
16:32 But when it first came out, nobody knew that it was forged.
16:36 And this document
16:37 was used by popes
16:42 to impress kings and leaders in Europe
16:46 that the pope was the Vicarius Filii Dei,
16:50 that he was the representative of God on Earth.
16:54 And the idea was that Constantine,
16:56 who was a great Roman Emperor in the fourth century,
16:58 that when he moved his government
17:01 from Rome to Constantinople,
17:03 to the East,
17:05 that he donated Europe to the pope,
17:09 who was the Vicarius Filii Dei.
17:11 He was the representative of God.
17:12 He was the successor of St. Peter.
17:15 And so that's why it's called The Donation of Constantine,
17:18 that the mighty Emperor,
17:21 who was quote, "The first Christian emperor,"
17:24 who stopped Christian persecution
17:26 or persecution against the Christians
17:28 and helped build up the Roman Catholic Church
17:31 that he donated Europe,
17:35 all of Europe and his full authority.
17:38 He donated it to the pope,
17:41 and the papal church used this document
17:46 to build up its empire in Europe
17:51 and to get the Papal States.
17:53 And the list just goes on and on
17:55 and it was used for over 1000 years.
17:59 And the information is inside this book.
18:03 The facts are there that this is what happened.
18:07 Now, it was in the 1400s
18:09 that it was exposed as a forgery,
18:12 but it was still used for a couple hundred years.
18:16 And I'll share some more
18:18 what's in my book to support that.
18:21 Let's put another quote from the Threshold of Hope,
18:25 which is going down the stream of time
18:27 to John Paul II.
18:30 This was a book he wrote in 1995,
18:32 where he says that the leader of the Catholic Church
18:34 is defined by the faith as the Vicar of Jesus Christ
18:38 and is accepted by as such by believers.
18:41 The pope is considered the man on earth
18:43 who represents the Son of God,
18:46 who takes the place of the second person
18:49 of the omnipotent God of the Trinity.
18:51 Amazing!
18:52 That's page three from John Paul's book,
18:55 Crossing the Threshold of Hope.
18:57 And that just... Yes, it's amazing.
18:58 It shows that the Roman Catholic Church
19:01 places tremendous authority into this man,
19:07 and you can just see it down throughout history.
19:11 Now, here's another quote I want to put up there.
19:12 This is amazing.
19:13 This is from an interview by Sean Hannity
19:17 on the Fox News Channel.
19:19 Hannity's America.
19:20 And this interview was in 2007,
19:23 where Sean Hannity interviewed a Roman Catholic priest,
19:27 a very well-known religion commentator,
19:30 Father Edward Beck.
19:32 And they were discussing 666.
19:34 The program was called Beyond Belief
19:36 the mysterious nature of three numbers
19:38 that nobody wants to repeat,
19:40 Fox News Channel November 4th, 2007.
19:43 And this is what Father Beck said,
19:47 Priest Beck in this interview.
19:49 He said, "If you take the Latin name
19:52 that refers to all popes, Vicarius Filii Dei,
19:56 which means vicar of the Son of God.
19:59 If you take the Roman numerals out of there,
20:01 guess what they add up to?
20:04 666."
20:06 That's from Hannity's America, Beyond Belief,
20:08 the mysterious nature of those three numbers
20:12 that nobody wants to say.
20:13 Now, I'm not saying that
20:15 Father Beck actually believed what he said.
20:19 But he was simply repeating
20:23 what Protestants have believed for a long time
20:25 in the context of his discussion
20:26 with Sean Hannity
20:28 but nevertheless he said it.
20:30 He admitted it
20:31 that Vicarius Filii Dei applies to all popes,
20:34 and when you count out
20:35 to the numerical value of the letters,
20:38 it comes out to 666.
20:41 Now, to me that is astonishing.
20:43 That takes us all the way down to 2007.
20:50 It's a reflection of truth, and it shows
20:55 what has been believed by Protestants for a long time.
21:00 And I believe it's still true today
21:04 because it's right in the Word of God.
21:07 That's...
21:08 I mean, you have several fascinating quotes there.
21:11 And I want to ask you this
21:13 because I'm sure
21:14 it's in the minds of some people.
21:17 Different efforts have been made to find 666
21:21 with other people's name.
21:22 Is it possible that somebody else's name
21:25 could or title could come up to a sum of 666?
21:31 Yes, I'm sure there is.
21:33 I think we've mentioned this briefly.
21:35 And my book deals
21:37 with nine different alternative views
21:39 and that's one of them
21:40 that other people's names can add up to 666.
21:44 But the fact is,
21:47 that in order for a person's name
21:50 to be a biblical candidate,
21:53 to fulfill Revelation 13:18,
21:56 all the other characteristics have to come together,
22:01 they have to go in the right direction,
22:02 they have to identify the right beast,
22:05 and the right man, and the right name.
22:07 And all these other views,
22:10 they're really smokescreens to point people away
22:14 from the biblical facts.
22:16 So then...
22:18 I'm glad you said that.
22:19 That's why I asked
22:21 because I knew you were going to say something similar
22:22 because that's one characteristic.
22:25 There are others that focus in
22:28 and exactly fits the Roman Catholic Church.
22:33 So it's not just one characteristic,
22:35 there are...
22:37 Would you say how many, 10, 15 characteristics
22:40 that all zero and all point in the same direction?
22:43 That's right, from Daniel 7, from 2 Thessalonians 2,
22:46 from Revelation 17 and from Revelation 13.
22:50 That's right.
22:51 Now, I want to tell you a little story.
22:52 Yes.
22:54 As I was getting ready for this book
22:56 to go to the printer,
22:59 I was doing research.
23:01 And I discovered that there was a document
23:05 that was slated to be printed
23:08 in the 1940s actually,
23:11 our own church created a committee
23:16 called the 666 Committee, to study this issue,
23:19 to study Vicarius Filii Dei,
23:20 and whether this was valid, and history et cetera.
23:23 And these were scholars,
23:25 and they came up with a document
23:27 called The Number of the Beast.
23:29 And I found out that that document was voted
23:34 and slated to be published in the 1940s
23:38 and distributed around the world
23:40 with this information
23:41 but somehow the devil got his foot in there,
23:45 and it never got printed.
23:48 And I was able, in the providence of God...
23:51 I don't have time to tell you all the story now,
23:54 but I was able to get hold of that document.
23:56 And I got it, I squeezed it into the back of my book
24:01 as the appendix,
24:02 right before the book went to press
24:06 that has that summary of that document.
24:09 And I'd like to just read a couple things from it
24:12 because this is so powerful and people need to have this.
24:15 And this is all in the back of my little book here.
24:18 It's called Summary of Findings.
24:20 It says, "After the brief telescopic survey
24:22 of historical evidence on the donation of Constantine
24:25 bearing the title Vicarius Filii Dei in its bosom
24:27 through 12 centuries.
24:30 All the way down, the stream of time
24:31 that we may revert
24:33 to a more definite consideration
24:34 of that title itself,
24:36 bearing in mind
24:37 that the title is always retained
24:38 in The Donation of Constantine
24:40 wherever the document is recorded or used or cited.
24:42 And here's a brief summary of our findings
24:44 about this donation.
24:46 Number one,
24:47 Constantine's Donation was composed
24:48 between 752 and 774.
24:51 Number two, it was quoted by Charlemagne,
24:53 to Charlemagne by Pope Hadrian in 778.
24:57 Number three, it became a part of the False Decretals
24:59 forged about 844 to 850.
25:04 And number four, it was incorporated
25:05 into Gratian's Decretum about 1148,
25:08 which became the basis of Roman Catholic law.
25:13 Number five, it became an integral part
25:16 along with the Decretum of the Corpus Juris Canonici,
25:20 which was an official Canonical Compendium and textbook
25:24 of the Catholic Church in the 1500s,
25:26 and it was published up to 1879.
25:29 Number six, it is included
25:30 in Ferraris Monumental Ecclesiastical Dictionary,
25:33 revised up to the year 1890
25:35 and published by the Vatican in Rome.
25:37 Point number seven, the canonists, apologists,
25:40 bishops, popes, universities,
25:42 and the whole clergy of the Catholic Church
25:45 have successively used the Donation,
25:48 the False Decretals, the Decretum,
25:50 and the Corpus Juris Canonici in order to establish
25:53 the claims of the hierarchy
25:55 and the supremacy of the pope throughout the centuries.
25:59 There is no shadow of discoverable evidence,
26:01 and there's no claim
26:02 that the papacy has ever disowned,
26:04 formally or otherwise, a single assumption found
26:07 in these fundamental documents."
26:09 And the evidence goes on,
26:11 that that title put in The Donation of Constantine
26:15 was used by the Catholic Church
26:17 to build up the Catholic Empire
26:21 in fulfillment of biblical prophecy.
26:23 So I'm so thankful, John, that I was able to...
26:26 The Lord led me to find that document.
26:29 Maybe we could just put
26:31 a picture of that on the screen.
26:32 I think we have just a quick picture,
26:33 you won't be able to read it
26:35 but it says, it's called the number of the beast.
26:36 There's a foreword, and if you want to get my book.
26:40 That document came out in 1943,
26:43 and never saw the light of day until now.
26:47 It's in a major way in the back of this book.
26:50 It's been...
26:51 It's gotten out in a few places,
26:53 but nothing significant
26:54 as far as it getting any major attention.
26:58 But that document is in the back of my 666 book,
27:02 and I believe that the Lord had His hand all over this.
27:05 Just like God worked it out for me
27:07 to get one ticket on that Delta flight
27:09 at 6 o'clock in the morning
27:11 when all my Alaska flights were canceled to get here.
27:14 I believe that God also led to get this information
27:17 in the back of this book
27:18 because people need to know this
27:20 because there's a lot...
27:21 You know, many eyes are looking at this topic
27:23 from many different perspectives.
27:24 And there's a lot of different varying views,
27:26 and I'm aware of those views.
27:27 But I'm convinced that there is solid,
27:30 historical, credible evidence
27:33 that Vicarius Filii Dei is that name,
27:37 the title that calculates out to 666.
27:41 That is the perfect fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
27:44 And all other alternatives,
27:46 when you really closely examined them,
27:49 they break down.
27:52 I have a question for you.
27:53 But first, I'd like to say this
27:54 because there may be people that are joining us now,
27:56 wondering why you cannot bring in your question.
28:01 The plan for 3ABN was to broadcast
28:04 this two-hour program live
28:07 so that you can have a chance
28:09 to bring in your comments and your questions.
28:10 However, we had to pre-record this program
28:14 because of a storm,
28:18 winter storm that was just...
28:21 It's heading our way,
28:25 and we're recording this program
28:26 prior to the original live broadcast time
28:29 because the weather is going to be so bad
28:32 and we want our 3ABN family workers
28:34 to be able to get home safely.
28:36 And this is why this is a pre-recorded program.
28:39 However, the information you are hearing
28:42 is such that you should study
28:46 and share with others.
28:48 And once again, at the end of the program,
28:50 we're going to share contact information
28:52 so that you know how to get your copy of the book
28:56 written by Pastor Steve Wohlberg,
28:58 ton of information here and references
29:03 so that you can continue the study.
29:06 And surely, I'm sure you could have made
29:08 an even longer book but you're trying...
29:10 You've made it simple for people to understand.
29:13 And that's part of your plan
29:16 to make a book easy to understand
29:19 that people can get the information they need,
29:22 clarity on it, to eliminate all the confusion out there
29:26 about the 666.
29:28 Now, my question to you is
29:30 I understand that the Catholic Church has tried
29:34 to refute the idea
29:38 that Vicarius Filii Dei is,
29:43 was the title used by the popes.
29:46 Now, you already shared information about this
29:49 but is this true, have they tried to downplay
29:55 the Vicarius Filii Dei?
29:57 Oh, yes, they have.
29:58 And let me also say that it wouldn't surprise me,
30:01 it's not impossible
30:02 that the devil created this storm
30:05 to hit St. Louis and 3ABN right at this time
30:10 to try to stop this program
30:11 because I tell you this is monumental information
30:16 that is of global significance.
30:17 So I'm not sure that's what happened
30:19 but it's not impossible.
30:21 I tell you, Satan hates this truth.
30:23 And yes,
30:25 the Catholic Church has fought against this view.
30:29 The Vicarius Filii Dei interpretation
30:31 of Revelation 13:18
30:34 has become, in history,
30:36 the number one interpretation,
30:40 the dominant Protestant interpretation of this text
30:43 more than any other view in history,
30:45 and the Catholic Church has countered this.
30:47 And there's a lot of information
30:49 in my book about this battle.
30:51 There's a chapter called The Beast Fights Back.
30:52 And one of the ways
30:54 that the Catholic Church is fighting this
30:56 is with what I call the miter diversion.
31:00 And there were a number
31:02 of apparent eyewitnesses reports in the past,
31:06 where people said they saw Vicarius Filii Dei
31:08 on the papal tiara,
31:10 but nobody's ever found those to this date.
31:13 And so the Catholic Church uses this
31:15 and they say that "Protestants say
31:18 it's on the miter or the tiara.
31:20 We've never found that,
31:21 or they've never produced proof of this.
31:24 And that's proof
31:25 that the whole interpretation is bunk."
31:29 But that is just a smokescreen.
31:31 And the document that's at the end of my book
31:33 makes it very clear
31:34 that whether it was or wasn't on a miter or a tiara
31:37 in the past of the Catholic God leaders
31:40 that's irrelevant.
31:41 It's irrelevant.
31:43 The real issue is
31:44 does it fulfill biblical prophecy?
31:46 And the prophecy doesn't say it has to be here or there.
31:49 The prophecy just says,
31:51 "It's a real name that calculates out to 666."
31:55 And you've present the quotes, a book by John Paul II as well,
32:00 where he uses that title.
32:02 That title of vicar.
32:03 Vicar of the... Son of God.
32:05 And so, yes, this is vital information.
32:08 And we hope you are being blessed
32:09 and writing this down.
32:11 Again, it's in the book, you can continue reading it
32:14 and studying it.
32:17 This is just one, we want to repeat that.
32:19 This is just one
32:20 of the identifying characteristics
32:23 of what the beast power is.
32:25 That's right.
32:27 So can you give a quick summary
32:29 because we still want to hear about how do you get victory?
32:34 Yes, what it means to us? Yes.
32:36 All right. So when you say summary...
32:38 A quick summary of the characteristics
32:40 or some of them
32:41 so that people will see that
32:43 this is not just one isolated characteristic.
32:45 Well, in Revelation 13,
32:47 it gives a list of this summary.
32:48 It says that the beast would sit
32:49 on the seat of the dragon,
32:51 which was the Roman Empire.
32:52 It would have a mouth speaking great things.
32:53 It would have worldwide influence.
32:55 It would make war on the saints.
32:56 And then compare those to Daniel 7,
32:58 it would be like a horn
33:00 that would come out of the Roman Empire.
33:02 And when you put all these pieces together,
33:04 as I mentioned, Protestant scholars
33:06 and theologians pinpointed the papal system
33:11 centered in the authority of the pope.
33:13 And then Helwig in 1600, 1612, 1630, studied this and proposed
33:19 if Vicarius Filii Dei was the perfect fulfillment.
33:22 That interpretation took hold in Protestantism
33:27 for hundreds of years
33:28 and became the dominant view,
33:30 and now it's being challenged by the Catholic Church.
33:33 If you google this online,
33:35 you'll find lots of websites and articles
33:37 where the Catholic Church makes fun of this
33:38 and says, "This is ridiculous"
33:40 because they say, "It's on the miter.
33:41 We've never found a miter.
33:43 We've never found a tiara with it on it.
33:44 So the whole thing is false."
33:47 And yet when you look at the facts,
33:48 the facts of history bear this out.
33:50 And my conviction is that as we get closer
33:52 to the end of Revelation 13,
33:54 God wants us to be very clear
33:56 on this final identifying characteristic
34:01 of the beast power
34:03 that will deceive the world in the end times.
34:06 Now, let's go to the practical issue
34:08 because this is where we've got to get to this.
34:11 Revelation Chapter 15, and we read this verse,
34:15 but we'll read it again, in verse 2.
34:18 John saw a group of people.
34:20 He saw a sea of glass mingled with fire
34:22 and then that had gotten the victory
34:24 over the beast, which is the biblical beast
34:27 described in Revelation 13 over his image,
34:29 which is described in the latter part
34:31 of Revelation 13, and over his mark,
34:34 which is mentioned at the end of Revelation 13
34:36 or near the end,
34:38 and over the number of his name,
34:42 standing on the sea of glass having the harps of God.
34:44 So this verse says that we need to get the victory
34:48 over the beast, the image, the mark,
34:51 and the number of his name.
34:52 Now people think, well...
34:54 A friend of mine asked me this.
34:55 He said, "Steve, I've asked many people,
34:57 how does...
34:58 What does that mean?
35:00 How do we get the victory over the number
35:03 of the name of the beast?
35:05 Does that simply mean that we need to learn
35:07 how to correctly calculate Vicarius Filii Dei
35:12 to the number 666,
35:15 or does it mean more than that?"
35:17 And I'm convinced it means more.
35:20 And let me just quickly lead you
35:22 into a little sequence here.
35:24 If you go back to 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2...
35:27 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2?
35:29 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2,
35:32 we discover
35:34 that the fundamental characteristic
35:39 of the beast itself,
35:42 and the man at the head is self exaltation.
35:47 2 Thessalonians 2:3,
35:49 Paul warned the early believers.
35:51 "Let no man deceive you by any means for that day,"
35:55 referring to the day when Jesus will come,
35:58 "will not come
35:59 except there come a falling away,"
36:01 which means an apostasy.
36:02 The Greek word is apostasia.
36:04 "There would be an apostasy first,
36:06 and that man of sin would be revealed,
36:11 the son of perdition."
36:12 And that man of sin goes back to Daniel 7,
36:15 where the little horn would have eyes
36:17 like the eyes of a man
36:19 and a mouth speaking great things.
36:21 So here's this man of sin, the son of perdition.
36:23 Verse 4 says, "He opposes and he exalts himself
36:29 above all that is called God or that is worshiped,
36:33 so that he as God would sit in the temple of God,
36:39 which is the church,
36:41 showing himself that he is God."
36:46 So this tells us
36:48 that the root character of this man of sin,
36:52 which is the same as the little horn,
36:54 which is the same as the beast,
36:55 with the mouth speaking great things,
36:57 is self-exaltation and pride.
37:02 And I've got a quote I want to put.
37:03 Have the guys put this graphic on the screen from Ferraris,
37:07 which was a Monumental Catholic Encyclopedia.
37:12 And here is this quote, and the date there is 1858.
37:18 And it's an article
37:19 called concerning the extent of people dignity,
37:23 authority and...
37:25 Or dominion and infallibility
37:27 from Prompta Bibliotheca Canonica.
37:30 Yes.
37:31 It's a little hard for me to read it, but you got it.
37:32 Now, here's the quote.
37:34 It says, "The pope is of so great dignity and exalted
37:37 that he is not a mere man but as it were God,
37:42 and the vicar of God.
37:44 The pope alone is called most holy.
37:47 Hence the pope is crowned with a triple crown,
37:50 as king of heaven and of earth and of hell.
37:54 Now, you know, that is astonishing.
37:58 And that quote from a very well-known respected
38:03 Roman Catholic Encyclopedia in a dictionary
38:08 and theological work and canon law work, et cetera.
38:12 That identifies their view of the power of the pope
38:17 that he is not a mere man.
38:20 That he is, as it were God on Earth,
38:24 which John is a perfect fulfillment
38:27 of 2 Thessalonians 2:4 that he would oppose
38:31 and exalt himself above all that is called God,
38:35 or that is worship.
38:37 So he would sit as a God.
38:40 And so we have the prediction from the Bible,
38:43 we have the quote from the Catholic Church,
38:45 we have the authority of the pope,
38:47 they fit together like a lock and a key,
38:49 and they also reveal that the characteristic,
38:53 the biblical characteristic of this power
38:56 is self-exaltation.
38:59 And as I've studied this and pondered this,
39:02 you know, name in the Book of Revelation,
39:04 as I mentioned, can refer to title.
39:06 It also refers to character.
39:08 It describes in Revelation 14:1
39:10 about how God's final people have the name of God
39:14 in their foreheads,
39:15 which represents his character.
39:18 In Exodus 34,
39:19 God revealed His character to Moses,
39:22 and it says, "He revealed His name."
39:25 And then He said, His name was merciful,
39:27 gracious, longsuffering, abundant
39:29 and goodness and truth,
39:31 another things showing that name is character.
39:33 So in Revelation,
39:35 when it talks about people getting the victory
39:37 over the number of its name,
39:39 when you look at this power, the beast, the image,
39:42 the mark, the number of his name,
39:44 Vicarius Filii Dei, it's really a reflection
39:48 of self-exaltation above the Word
39:54 and the will of God.
39:56 And the question is,
39:57 is that a struggle
39:59 that is only reflected in Catholicism
40:02 and in the name of the pope?
40:04 Or is that a struggle that every single human being
40:09 from the fall of Adam and Eve, all the way down to today,
40:14 is that something that we all have to struggle with,
40:18 and overcome through the Lamb,
40:23 who is Jesus Christ?
40:25 Everybody faces that challenge, you know, even the disciples.
40:30 As Jesus was heading to Calvary,
40:34 they wanted to be number one,
40:35 they wanted to be next to Jesus.
40:37 It's a challenge for people.
40:38 That's right.
40:40 And there was a time in my life
40:41 when I went through a number of real struggles,
40:43 dark days.
40:45 And in those days,
40:46 the Holy Spirit led me to study pride.
40:50 And I studied Lucifer's pride where it says,
40:53 "His heart was lifted up."
40:56 And then I looked at the pride down throughout history,
40:59 the pride of Israel.
41:00 Israel exalted itself.
41:02 And you look at the pride of the Pharisees,
41:04 you know, the Pharisee who prayed,
41:06 "God, I thank you that I'm not like other men."
41:08 And you look at the pride of Assyria,
41:10 the pride of Babylon in Revelation 18,
41:13 that says, "I sit as a queen,
41:15 and I'm no widow, and shall see no sorrow."
41:17 And you look at the pride of the beast,
41:18 the pride of the popes,
41:20 and you look at the pride of Laodicea,
41:23 which is Jesus' last church in Revelation 3:14-22,
41:28 that says in her heart,
41:30 "I am rich and increased with goods
41:32 and in need of nothing."
41:34 But you don't realize you're wretched,
41:35 miserable, poor, blind and naked.
41:37 And so the theme of pride
41:40 as a threat is from Genesis to Revelation.
41:45 And it's a fundamental characteristic of the beast,
41:49 and it's a struggle that we all have.
41:53 My conclusion is that the pride of the papacy
41:57 and the pride of the pope,
41:59 and the pride of the title, Vicarius Filii Dei,
42:02 I represent God on Earth
42:04 is actually a reflection of the pride of humanity,
42:09 which goes back to the devil,
42:11 which is a battle
42:13 that every single one of us must fight.
42:18 And Revelation 15:2 says, "God's going to have people
42:21 who get the victory over the beast,
42:25 his image, his mark,
42:27 and over the number of his name."
42:29 And I've concluded that I, Steve Wohlberg,
42:33 need to get the victory over the pride of the devil,
42:39 which is in my own heart that I have to fight.
42:43 You know in a way, we all have a little pope
42:45 inside of us that wants to exalt self,
42:48 and not do the will of God.
42:50 You know, John, I know you're about to ask something,
42:53 but this is important.
42:55 Some time ago,
42:56 the Holy Spirit really convicted me
42:59 that this was Lucifer's dividing issue.
43:04 That before he got kicked out of heaven,
43:06 God showed him his error.
43:09 And he had a chance to come back,
43:12 but his pride held him back.
43:17 And so when I'm fighting pride,
43:20 when I'm fighting some decision,
43:22 you know, that God's leading me this direction,
43:24 and I want to go this direction,
43:26 then I'm fighting one-on-one,
43:29 you know, head-to-head with the devil and his angels.
43:32 And Satan is trying to impress me
43:35 to do what he did,
43:36 which is not humble myself.
43:38 And when I choose to humble myself before God,
43:42 to follow Jesus and follow the Bible
43:45 instead of following my own way,
43:47 I am directly in engaged with the devil himself,
43:52 and I'm choosing to not do what he did
43:56 and to humble myself so I can prepare for heaven.
44:01 And there's so much in the Bible.
44:03 Jesus said, "He who exalts himself
44:04 will be humbled,
44:05 he who humbles himself will be exalted."
44:07 Maybe we should just show you, we have a picture on the screen
44:10 of the pope on one side and Jesus on the other.
44:14 On the right side, you'll see
44:16 the pope sitting on a white throne,
44:19 which is what the Bible says about God.
44:20 God sits on a great white throne
44:21 in Revelation 20.
44:23 And He's got angels, golden angels on both sides,
44:25 which is what the Bible says about God.
44:27 That He sits on his throne between the cherubim.
44:30 And here's a man sitting on a great white throne,
44:34 which is reflecting Satan's goal
44:36 to sit on the throne of God.
44:39 He's dressed in white in that picture.
44:40 That's right.
44:42 And then on the other side,
44:43 you have Jesus Christ hanging on the cross
44:46 almost naked
44:48 with the crown of thorns on His head.
44:50 And He is suffering and agonizing
44:53 and dying for the sins of the whole world,
44:56 including the sins of popes and Catholics and Protestants,
44:59 and witches and heavy metal rock and rollers,
45:04 and atheists and agnostics,
45:06 Republicans, Democrats, everybody.
45:09 He's dying for us all to pay the price of sin
45:15 and its pride.
45:17 And the evils that has come into this world,
45:21 and Jesus is doing all this for you and for me.
45:24 He's showing the ultimate humility,
45:27 the ultimate sacrifice,
45:29 the ultimate expression of humble love
45:33 to reach our hearts
45:36 and to get us out from the pride of the devil
45:40 and the pride of man,
45:41 and to lead us to get on our knees,
45:43 humble ourselves
45:44 and say, "God be merciful to me,
45:46 a sinner.
45:47 Give me by your grace the free gift of salvation.
45:51 Deliver me from all of this evil
45:55 and help me to be like Christ."
45:58 That's what it's all about.
45:59 And that's what this ultimate, this 666 issue.
46:04 It's not just history, prophecy, Latin titles,
46:08 calculations, charts.
46:10 It's also a window
46:14 into the battle that we all face,
46:17 and we need to be on the side of the Lamb
46:21 in the final crisis in order to avoid the beast,
46:25 the image, the mark, the number of its name.
46:28 God wants us to be on the side of the Lamb,
46:31 and that's what it's all about.
46:32 And I'm just... I'm so...
46:34 I praise the Lord
46:35 that I have a chance to share this on 3ABN
46:37 and to help people to understand this big issue.
46:42 Thank you so much.
46:43 You've put a lot of study into this.
46:45 You have great concern
46:47 and your hope and desire as people read the book,
46:53 how would you summarize that?
46:56 Well, my hope and desire is that,
47:01 and I believe God brought me here
47:02 in the midst of the storm.
47:04 And my hope is that Jesus would be lifted up,
47:08 His truth would be lifted up,
47:09 that people would understand that the power
47:13 that will ultimately deceive the world
47:15 is described in Revelation 13.
47:18 That it is represented by one man,
47:21 the pope,
47:23 and that the world is looking to this man
47:26 as the voice of God
47:28 to point humanity in the right direction,
47:30 which will ultimately lead to the final delusion
47:33 and the enforcement of the mark of the beast.
47:37 And that we would then understand
47:39 that the root issue is in our own hearts,
47:43 and that we need to humble ourselves.
47:44 Jesus said...
47:46 One of my favorite verses is Matthew 11:28-29,
47:50 where Jesus said,
47:52 "Come to me all you that labor and are heavy laden,
47:56 and I will give you rest.
47:58 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me."
48:01 He said, "For I am meek and lowly in heart,
48:05 and you will find rest for your souls."
48:08 Amen.
48:09 So there you've got the pride of the beast
48:11 versus the humility of the Lamb.
48:12 And if we want to find rest and peace and happiness,
48:16 you know, we go down.
48:18 The lower we go in humility and humbling ourselves,
48:22 the more the Lord is going to lift us up,
48:24 and change our lives
48:26 and give us peace and happiness and rest of soul.
48:29 In Revelation 14, it says,
48:30 "They have no rest day or night,
48:32 who worship the beast and his image
48:34 and whoever gets the mark."
48:35 So there's no rest.
48:36 Christ is offering us rest and we need that rest.
48:39 We need that peace.
48:40 Everybody needs to have peace.
48:42 And in the Catholic Church, you know,
48:43 when I saw those old women climbing up those stairs
48:45 on their knees,
48:46 you know, they didn't have rest.
48:48 In the Catholic Church
48:50 the people are experiencing the tyranny
48:52 of papal demands,
48:54 and they have no peace.
48:56 And they don't know,
48:57 they don't have to go
48:58 through the pope and the priests
49:00 and they don't have to do these things.
49:01 They can go directly to the Father,
49:03 through Jesus Christ,
49:04 and that's what the reformation is all about.
49:05 That's what our movement is about,
49:07 is to point people to the Bible,
49:08 to Christ, to the truth to the three angels' messages.
49:12 And I believe this is a truth, whose time has come.
49:16 So my hope is that God will bless this program,
49:18 open a lot of people eyes.
49:19 Of course, as an author,
49:21 you know I'd love to see lots of people get this book.
49:22 The price is just a few dollars.
49:25 One ministry ordered seven cases
49:27 to sell and giveaway.
49:29 We've made it very affordable
49:31 because we want to get the information out
49:35 as easily as possible.
49:38 So how can people get copies of this book?
49:41 What's the contact information for getting the books?
49:46 Well, they can get it from White Horse Media.
49:49 Maybe we can put that up on the screen.
49:51 So we have whitehorsemedia.com Yes, we have our...
49:53 Yeah, whitehorsemedia.com
49:55 and we have a phone number as well.
49:57 We have a toll free number, an 800 number.
50:00 People can call that number, I think.
50:01 I guess they'll put it up in a little while.
50:03 Oh there it is. So there it is at 1-800...
50:04 1-800-78...
50:07 It translates out to 78 Bible, 1-800-78Bible,
50:11 or 1-800-782-4253.
50:15 We have a wonderful team of people
50:17 that are committed to the Lord
50:19 where we're here to serve.
50:21 God has raised up White Horse Media as a ministry
50:24 to help people get ready for Jesus to come
50:28 and that's what we're all about,
50:29 and that's what 3ABN is all about.
50:30 And so it's my privilege to be here
50:33 partnering with you,
50:35 and I'm just thrilled
50:36 that God opened this door
50:37 for me to get here through the canceled flights
50:40 and all the ice and everything else out there.
50:43 And that we could still do this program
50:45 to get out this information that people need to know.
50:50 And so the contact information we just shared is also a way
50:54 people can get in touch with you
50:56 to invite you to the evangelistic campaign.
50:58 You do evangelistic campaign still?
51:00 Yes, I do.
51:02 I do weekend seminars.
51:04 I used to before I was married
51:06 when I didn't have my wife and kids.
51:08 I used to go out and hold four-week events.
51:12 But now that I'm married, I have a 17-year-old
51:13 that's getting ready to move out of the house,
51:15 and a 14-year-old and my wife.
51:18 I've limited my travels to once a month for a weekend,
51:22 and I do these weekend seminars.
51:25 If people are interested in that,
51:26 they can contact our office.
51:28 We also have an associate speaker
51:30 that can do weekends as well.
51:34 We have actually a list of people
51:35 that we recommend
51:37 because I can't do everything.
51:39 And we're available, our ministry to help people
51:42 and the YouTube channel.
51:44 We have...
51:45 I saw a little flyer out there for The Crowning Act,
51:47 which is a movie that we put out
51:49 a number of months ago.
51:50 It's a half-hour movie called The Crowning Act.
51:52 And now it's got over 1.3 million views
51:55 on our YouTube channel.
51:57 So the Lord is just blessing us to get this information out.
52:02 We're nothing. Jesus's everything.
52:04 He's on the throne. He's coming.
52:06 We want to get out of the way and let the Lord use us,
52:10 and it's a privilege and a blessing.
52:14 Pastor Wohlberg, I'm thinking of the people
52:17 that were or are Catholics that may be watching
52:22 or listening to this program.
52:25 After hearing this, it's shocking, very shocking.
52:27 I know.
52:28 And what do you do now,
52:30 you know, maybe members of the Catholic Church
52:32 for 10, 20, 30, 40 years a lifetime?
52:36 What can you tell them to encourage them?
52:38 What would be their next step?
52:39 What should...
52:41 What is your recommendation for them?
52:43 Would you look at the camera and speak to their hearts?
52:47 Yeah.
52:49 Well, I speak of this in seminars.
52:52 I've done this for years.
52:53 And I remember one time, I believe I was in Texas
52:56 and a lady was coming to my meetings.
52:57 She was Catholic.
52:58 And as I went down through some of these truths,
53:02 she came up to me after that meeting,
53:06 and she said... I'll never forget that.
53:08 She said, "I'm free.
53:10 Now I'm free."
53:12 And I was so happy about that
53:14 because now she knew that Jesus loved her.
53:16 She could be saved by the grace of God.
53:19 She could open her heart for the gift of salvation.
53:21 She didn't have to do all these penance things
53:24 and all the Hail Mary's.
53:26 She didn't have to go through the confessions.
53:29 She could just get on her knees and accept Jesus as her Savior,
53:32 and that's why we're doing this.
53:33 We want this to help you.
53:35 So we just encourage you to look at this information.
53:39 Look at your Bible
53:40 and come directly to God through Jesus Christ.
53:43 Come directly to Him
53:44 and ask Him to forgive your sins,
53:46 to come into your life,
53:47 to give you the gift of salvation,
53:49 and to help you
53:50 to develop a character like Christ,
53:52 a humble character, and to stand up for the Bible.
53:55 And that's what our ministry is about.
53:57 That's what we're here to do so we want that for you.
54:02 Just like it's been a blessing to us,
54:04 we want that blessing to happen in your life as well.
54:08 Pastor Wohlberg, I'm going to ask you,
54:10 if you would please have prayer for all the people
54:12 that are hearing this and now they're shocked
54:14 and they don't know what to do.
54:16 And thank you so much for presenting
54:18 that appeal in that story,
54:20 which helps people understand they can have that freedom
54:23 and that liberty that you mentioned.
54:24 But can you have a prayer for them,
54:26 so that the Lord will help them and guide them
54:28 through this process?
54:29 Of course.
54:31 Heavenly Father, I'm so grateful
54:32 for the chance to be here at 3ABN
54:34 and to share this information, the truth of the Bible,
54:38 the truth of Jesus,
54:40 the Lamb who suffered on the cross
54:42 for all of our sins,
54:43 who loves us so much,
54:45 no matter who we are and what we've done.
54:48 And, Lord, we just pray that you...
54:49 I pray for the viewers that You will help them
54:52 to fix their faith in You.
54:55 And then we will all be forgiven
54:57 and our hearts changed by the Holy Spirit.
54:59 We'll become more like Jesus.
55:01 We'll be on the side of the Lamb
55:03 and that we'll be ready for the final crisis,
55:06 and for the great day
55:07 when Jesus will come down from the clouds
55:10 to take us to a better land.
55:12 Lord, may that day come soon in Jesus' name, amen.
55:16 Amen.
55:18 Well, Pastor Wohlberg, we want to thank you for coming
55:21 to 3ABN to share this information.
55:23 Once again, Pastor Wohlberg is an author over 40 books,
55:28 and is a person that has in his heart
55:30 the desire to see people come to Jesus.
55:33 That's why he preaches on television,
55:36 preaches on the radio and writes these books
55:38 so that people can be enlightened
55:40 to know what the truth of God's Word is.
55:43 And this has been presented with a desire
55:46 that you too will see the truth as it is in Jesus
55:50 and that the Bible has a message for us
55:52 for these times that we are living in.
55:54 We are living in difficult times,
55:56 and we are living in challenging times
55:58 and it's going to get more difficult.
55:59 Would you say that's true, Pastor Wohlberg?
56:01 It's going to get more difficult
56:02 as time goes on?
56:04 Yeah, no question.
56:05 We're heading toward a time of trouble
56:06 such as never was.
56:08 Daniel 12:1 says that.
56:09 But the good news is that God is bigger
56:11 than all of our troubles,
56:12 and all of the forces of the devil,
56:15 and He can bring us through all the way
56:17 if we just continue to trust in Him no matter what.
56:20 Amen.
56:21 And as you've heard on 3ABN,
56:23 the back of the book says that God's people win.
56:25 So we encourage you to...
56:27 If you have any questions,
56:29 you can contact Pastor Wohlberg.
56:31 The books are available
56:32 so that you can distribute to others at a price
56:35 that is very, very affordable.
56:37 So we encourage you to write to them and call them
56:40 so that you can have the material
56:41 share with others.
56:42 This is a message that is needed for this time.
56:45 And we want to just encourage you
56:47 to pray for Pastor Wohlberg
56:48 and pray for the people that will receive these books
56:51 so that they will know that God is calling them
56:53 to make a decision
56:55 that will get them out of confusion
56:56 and into the light of God's way to heaven.
57:00 Thank you so much for joining us.
57:01 God bless you.
57:03 We'll see you next time on 3ABN Today.


Revised 2022-10-20