3ABN Today Live

Behind The Scenes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL220003B

00:12 Hello and welcome back to 3ABN Today Live Behind the Scenes.
00:16 It's a great day in the Lord, a great evening in the Lord,
00:19 I don't know when you're watching us,
00:20 what time of the day it is, all we know is that 3ABN
00:22 goes around the world.
00:23 And thank you so very much for being a part of our family.
00:26 First hour flew by in a hurry
00:28 and I know the second hour will too.
00:31 So neat to talk with Pastor Claude Turner,
00:33 he turns 102 years old next week.
00:37 You know, I thought that I should have mentioned
00:38 on the first hour,
00:39 if you feel so desired to send in something
00:41 just a little happy birthday wish,
00:43 through email or through the letter,
00:45 I guarantee you, he will be encouraged
00:47 and we love hearing from you.
00:49 You know, there's a song that's just been on my brain tonight.
00:53 And it's a song that I used to sing as a child
00:57 and it's still applicable today as adults.
00:59 And that's the song Jesus loves me this I know.
01:03 You know, we talked about being family together, right?
01:05 But ultimately to be family of God.
01:08 Wow, what an incredible thought to think that Jesus loves me
01:13 and to think that Jesus loves you,
01:15 and that He came to this earth to die for the entire world.
01:20 Yes, but you're part of the world
01:22 and He came to die for you.
01:24 What an incredible thought, what, I mean,
01:26 what better way to start the New Year
01:27 than to know that Jesus loves me.
01:30 And to look at God, we talked about the theme earlier,
01:33 that 3ABN has a theme for each year.
01:35 And this year, it's look at God,
01:37 like you were mentioning all the successes,
01:39 it's not our successes, it's not your successes,
01:41 it's God.
01:43 The worries and things that right just go on
01:44 or we think about it like fret and worry and stuff,
01:47 just look at God.
01:49 He's got it taken care of. We have plans, right?
01:50 We want to do these certain things.
01:52 Let's look to God because He has the true direction.
01:55 I tell you, it's just so fun.
01:57 So fun to be partnered up with you and to, of course,
01:59 have God as the captain of our ship
02:01 and to be in this thing together
02:02 because we know that Jesus Christ is coming very,
02:05 very soon.
02:06 And we counted a privilege, Jill and I do,
02:08 we know you do, too, to be a part of God's work.
02:13 It's humbling, isn't it?
02:15 But we can have an impact in somebody's life for eternity.
02:17 Anyway, I'm so excited.
02:19 We have some family with us here this evening.
02:22 And we've done some musical chairs.
02:23 We have indeed.
02:24 I love Behind the Scenes because we get to share
02:26 what God is doing in your ministry.
02:28 That's 3ABN, we get to share,
02:30 look at God and what He is doing
02:32 and what He's done this past year
02:34 and one of the plans for the coming year.
02:36 And we have more of our 3ABN family here.
02:39 To my right is Aunt Francine
02:40 who's the Kids' Network General Manager,
02:43 doing an incredible job I might add.
02:46 And I'm so grateful for your leadership for that network,
02:49 and so glad you're here tonight.
02:50 Thank you.
02:52 I'm delighted to be here and just talk about Jesus.
02:54 Amen. Amen. I love that.
02:56 We kind of got the meme, I don't know if you noticed
02:58 that kind of burgundy look here.
02:59 We didn't plan that.
03:01 And next to you Bobby Davis's tie kind of matches that too.
03:04 I like that.
03:05 Now, Bobby Davis is not always on camera,
03:07 although we wished we could get you more.
03:10 But to me, Bobby is the voice of 3ABN.
03:14 Almost everything that goes out of this ministry
03:16 that's written or scripted,
03:19 or tele prompted,
03:21 would be filtered somehow
03:24 through Bobby and his department.
03:27 Thank you so much, Bobby, for being here.
03:28 It's a pleasure to be here, Jill.
03:30 Thank you. Thank you for asking.
03:32 You've been here a few years.
03:35 It'll be 30 years this year.
03:37 Wow.
03:38 Tell us just a snippet.
03:40 I know we have been talking
03:41 about other stuff here tonight too.
03:43 But tell us just a snippet of your journey,
03:45 what brought you to this ministry?
03:47 Well, what brought me here was God,
03:52 there was no doubt about it.
03:53 Because quite honestly, at the time,
03:56 I worked in commercial television
03:59 and I had no intentions of ever switching
04:02 over to ministry television.
04:05 And the Lord had other plans.
04:07 And I lost my job in commercial television.
04:10 I spent 13 months
04:13 learning how to live on a fraction
04:15 of what I was making.
04:16 And the Lord was, of course,
04:18 working on my heart and finally,
04:21 as a desperation move, I just finally let go
04:26 and let God lead me.
04:27 And when He did,
04:29 this is where I ended up and it's,
04:31 it was a battle to be honest with you.
04:35 I can't say I was eager to come here.
04:38 But I trusted Him enough in all other areas of my life
04:42 to know that He knew where He needed me next
04:44 and big surprise,
04:47 best move of my life no doubt about it,
04:49 and spend the best 30 years of my life.
04:52 We love having you here, Bobby.
04:54 And think of all the hats that Bobby has worn in the years.
04:57 I can't even remember them all.
04:58 I know you've been producer on the road and Studio A,
05:03 the Today program or the Presents program
05:04 back in the day.
05:06 And today. Editing, what else?
05:08 What other stuff have you...
05:09 I was program director for a while
05:11 and also worked in,
05:14 on air promotions for a little bit.
05:15 And then I've more recently gotten into publishing
05:21 and radio.
05:22 And so I don't know. You know, it's amazing.
05:26 I've... You've missed one, Bobby.
05:27 What's that?
05:29 Tour Guide. Oh.
05:30 So let me just share this with you.
05:33 I came, my parents, of course, like many of you know,
05:35 we watched 3ABN since I was a little guy,
05:37 and they came to 3ABN in the mid-90s.
05:39 And Bobby Davis gave the tour.
05:41 I'll never forget it. And he did an excellent job.
05:43 So you're also a tour guide, too.
05:45 But thank you so very much,
05:47 because you made me so excited
05:48 as a young person coming here.
05:49 And you're showing all the studios
05:51 and everything what God was doing here
05:52 'cause this building was brand new.
05:53 I think we came in '97. I think this building was '96.
05:56 Yeah, it was brand new. And anyway, thank you.
05:58 Good tour guide as well.
06:00 I'm glad, if it brought you here,
06:03 then I'm really glad.
06:04 God works in mysterious ways, sir, for sure.
06:07 Coming around the table, more of the family,
06:09 Jason Bradley,
06:11 General Manager of 3ABN's Dare to Dream Network
06:14 and doing an amazing job with that, too, Jason,
06:17 so glad you're here tonight.
06:18 Oh, praise the Lord.
06:19 I'm glad to be here and excited to see
06:22 what God is going to do this year.
06:24 Each year presents new challenges,
06:27 and each year presents a new opportunity for God
06:30 to do something amazing and for us to marvel at it.
06:33 So I'm excited about it. Amen.
06:35 Good evening to your neighbor.
06:37 Good evening, neighbor.
06:38 Right next door to the White House.
06:40 Yeah, you may say, well, that's a strange greeting.
06:42 Well, he's my neighbor 'cause his office is diagonal to mine.
06:45 And oftentimes, our doors are open.
06:46 And I just, you know,
06:48 it's not like talking over the fence,
06:49 we just talk across the hallway,
06:50 that's between our offices.
06:52 But it's great.
06:54 You know, Francine, you're just up the stairs.
06:55 You know, as soon as you come up the stairs,
06:56 we all have our offices here but it's a great family.
06:59 And, you know, and again,
07:00 we just think about the privilege,
07:02 Francine, you know, that all of us have, you know,
07:04 you're specifically focusing in on the young people.
07:08 And that's such an important aspect of the Ministry of 3ABN.
07:13 We've had a burden for children
07:14 since Bobby that would be with a Janice's Attic
07:16 or when Donna McNeilus did Kids Time way back in the day
07:19 maybe before Janice Smith...
07:21 We did, yeah. Yes.
07:23 That was back in... 90s.
07:25 Mid 90s. Mid 90s.
07:27 Yeah, well, we didn't have a network at that point.
07:29 So then it grew into a network.
07:31 And wow, what God is doing, I know you hear a lot of,
07:36 can I say correspondents from young people and their parents?
07:38 I do.
07:39 Tell us a little bit about that
07:41 'cause that's encouraging for you, isn't it?
07:42 It is.
07:43 It's very encouraging, because sometimes they share
07:45 about what program they like to watch
07:47 and then they write
07:49 that they want to give their heart to Jesus,
07:51 how they are shining for Jesus.
07:53 And that to me is rewarding that we are making an impact.
07:57 But it's not only the children,
07:59 what's interesting is sometimes I get letters
08:02 or emails from adults.
08:04 That's great.
08:05 And they like seeing the young people,
08:07 and that can influence their hearts in a different way
08:12 than adults can.
08:13 And so I see that time and time again.
08:15 And that is really what is so encouraging
08:18 that even though I feel inadequate sometimes,
08:22 that God's Holy Spirit is still influencing their hearts
08:25 long before we can.
08:26 That's true.
08:28 So in the first hour, Francine, we talked about being at GYC.
08:31 And you and your husband, Jason, who's our CFO,
08:33 here at 3ABN doing an incredible job.
08:35 And Amanda. Daughter Amanda is here too.
08:38 But you know, GYC is for a Generation Youth for Christ.
08:41 Yes, we're talking about youth,
08:43 but they're actually some younger children
08:44 that are attending there with their parents too.
08:45 And to see them excited right about the network,
08:48 that's pretty neat, isn't it?
08:49 It is fun, because you'll have these three year old girls,
08:51 and they come up to you and give you a hug
08:53 or something like that.
08:55 And they want a little picture or something.
08:56 But you know, it's the influence
08:58 of showing who Jesus is.
09:00 And we're imperfect,
09:02 but if we can only reflect the life of Jesus a little bit,
09:06 that's, that makes all the difference.
09:08 So, yes, it's very wonderful to see these kids
09:12 that want to come in to future programs,
09:14 and we'll talk about it a little bit later.
09:15 But we have some more things coming.
09:18 Well, I think we should, go ahead.
09:19 I was just going to say speaking of Jesus,
09:21 and representing Him is really the theme of your new program,
09:24 Jesus My Light, which launches tomorrow.
09:30 It does.
09:31 Yes, tomorrow Friday it launches tomorrow.
09:35 So we're excited about this, long coming.
09:37 Praise the Lord. Kids Network.
09:38 So talk to us about Jesus My Light?
09:40 Well, I am so excited
09:41 because this has been some time in production.
09:44 And we wanted to focus on Jesus
09:46 because we know in John 8:12,
09:50 that Jesus talks about Him being the light,
09:52 for I am the light of the world.
09:54 He who follows me shall not walk in darkness,
09:56 but have the light of life.
09:59 And then we talk about a little bit
10:02 about Ellen G. White, and Ellen G. White says
10:05 just like Jesus would be the sun,
10:08 we can be like the moon and reflect His character.
10:10 And so that is the purpose that I wanted to focus on
10:15 is everything around Jesus.
10:16 But what is really nice is that we have Tim,
10:20 our favorite musician.
10:23 Super talented. And he is so talented.
10:26 And he wrote a beautiful song that's very catchy.
10:30 You can't miss it.
10:31 And maybe we can highlight that song here in a little bit.
10:34 I don't know if this is a good time.
10:35 Yeah. Should we go to that roll?
10:36 I would like to. What are we getting ready to see?
10:38 So we are going to see
10:39 just the chorus part of Jesus My Light,
10:42 there's a lot more verses to it.
10:44 And it has something when my heart begins to fear,
10:47 He is my light. I can smile for He is near.
10:50 As you know, many songs are fit to poems.
10:53 And so Tim helped, we talked about
10:55 what we could include, but he did a beautiful job.
10:58 When I'm feeling blue and feeling sad, He is my light.
11:02 He reminds me I can be glad.
11:03 And then it goes to the theme song, He is my light.
11:06 Yes, Jesus is my light. Praise the Lord.
11:08 Amen.
11:09 So, and we want every child to see the light of Jesus.
11:11 Amen. So this is just, go ahead, a snippet, right?
11:14 Yes.
11:15 So that theme song then the timbrel
11:16 is used for your open music.
11:18 Is that right for Jesus my light?
11:19 It is. It is.
11:21 And you'll just see a little glimpse
11:22 of the chorus part
11:23 so you won't get the whole song,
11:25 and the whole song is a beautiful song
11:26 that very catchy.
11:28 All right, so let's go to that roll right now.
11:32 Jesus my light
11:34 There's Jesus my light
11:36 And here is the darkness
11:38 And He is your light
11:41 Wherever He lives
11:42 He leaves more light bright
11:45 I'll shine for Jesus
11:48 Jesus my light
11:51 Are you excited about Jesus? We hope you are.
11:55 We are thrilled to present Jesus My Life,
11:57 a brand new series
11:58 that will help kids examine the character of Jesus,
12:02 and how we too can reflect His character.
12:05 Join me, Aunt Francine and the kids in the tree house
12:09 as we discover the life of Jesus
12:11 and His mission to save each of us.
12:13 We will start our adventure with a dedication of Jesus
12:16 and journey through His childhood experiences
12:19 while we uncovered the beginning of His ministry.
12:22 There's so much we can learn about Jesus,
12:25 will you let Him be the light of your life?
12:28 Be sure to join us
12:29 and tell your friends about our friend, Jesus.
12:34 Amen. I love that.
12:36 And I'm super excited
12:38 about the launch of the program tomorrow.
12:39 Me too.
12:40 I just want to say first of all,
12:42 Tim did a great job with that open,
12:44 with the music, I love that, it's very catchy.
12:47 But the program itself, you know,
12:49 you have the open and then it leads into that program.
12:51 But you have a lot of wonderful components
12:54 with the Bible stories and talking about Jesus
12:58 and our nature, it's incredible.
12:59 Yes. Well, I don't know about you.
13:02 But as a child, I always wanted a tree house.
13:06 And kids love tree house,
13:07 because that is kind of their realm,
13:09 they can decorate it the way they want to.
13:12 And so, we wanted to have it in the tree house
13:15 where they could learn about Jesus
13:16 and have it be totally their place to learn about Him.
13:21 And so we have it in the tree house
13:24 hoping that maybe later on,
13:26 they can go for a walk, and we have crafts
13:28 and different components like that.
13:30 But yes, and these Bible scenes, really,
13:33 we're trying to capture the character of Jesus.
13:36 Now that's hard to do,
13:37 because we don't have a lot written about Jesus
13:40 as a small boy, for example.
13:42 And yet, His character
13:45 is what we want the kids to reflect.
13:46 So how do you capture that and see the...
13:49 That's why we have that Bible scene component,
13:51 so that we can see
13:53 how Jesus handled different situations,
13:55 maybe He didn't get upset in the carpenter shop,
13:57 for example, or how He might have handled
14:01 helping other people and had that compassion.
14:03 So that's what we wanted to highlight in.
14:06 I love the theme. I mean, it's just great.
14:07 I mean, Jesus My Life, it's fantastic.
14:09 And yeah, I mean, all of us
14:11 like we're talking about the song originally.
14:13 You know, Jesus loves me.
14:14 Jesus should be the theme of everything right that we do.
14:17 So thank you for, I mean, doing a whole program,
14:19 a whole series on this...
14:20 It's been fun. It's been real fun.
14:22 Jason, I see you got something looks like
14:24 you want to share there.
14:25 Yeah.
14:26 You know, Francine, you mentioned earlier,
14:28 you even get letters and emails from parents and everything.
14:30 I got a text message from a parent
14:33 that said the 3ABN Kids is amazing.
14:36 MY KIDS LOVE IT, all caps, and I love the science program.
14:42 It couldn't remember the name,
14:43 but he expressed different parts
14:45 of the world and all of that stuff.
14:47 So yeah, people love the Kids Network,
14:50 that's doing amazing thing.
14:51 And there's more coming with the Kids Express
14:53 and more programs that are coming in the future.
14:56 So we're excited about that.
14:58 But one thing that I want to highlight too
15:00 is that with the programming of Jesus My Light,
15:04 we wanted kids to be able to be reinforced,
15:07 I guess is what I'm trying to say
15:09 to be able to dive into the Bible,
15:11 because that is our source.
15:13 And whatever age, we try to make it age appropriate,
15:17 but of course three year olds would have a difficult time.
15:20 But we have many Bible studies that can go with that.
15:24 And so this is the book
15:25 where we have not only coloring books,
15:27 but also word searches, or dot to dot,
15:32 and sometimes we even have places
15:34 where you can look for a little ginger
15:35 like in this one.
15:36 Oh, fun. I love this.
15:38 May I see one of those?
15:39 Okay, so you just mentioned this at the end.
15:41 This is a great activity book, coloring book.
15:44 But you said inside, there's actually...
15:47 Where's ginger? Which is, I found one.
15:51 Oh, you did.
15:52 'Cause you've been here multiple times.
15:53 She is and then kids could email me and tell me
15:56 how many times they found her.
15:57 Now that's fun. This is very nice. Wow.
15:59 You want to see them, Bobby, Jason sorry,
16:00 we kind of hogged them over here.
16:02 So again, this goes along then with Jesus My Light program.
16:06 And this is not the only one, we're hoping to do a few more.
16:09 So we have another date,
16:11 doing the Bible scenes in April 11 through the 14th.
16:14 And then we hope to do the tree house aspect
16:17 of it in June,
16:18 the 20th started through the 23rd.
16:21 So we're excited,
16:23 and hopefully we'll come up with another book.
16:24 Amen. I love that.
16:27 I love the thought of the book correlating with the program
16:31 and putting that together and then teaching,
16:34 you know, and reinforcing,
16:35 I like the word you used, reinforcing that.
16:37 So you've done an amazing job putting this together.
16:40 We're super excited about the launch
16:41 tomorrow on Kids Network.
16:43 And we're going to air it on parent network
16:45 starting in March.
16:46 But when does it air, this is putting you on the spot.
16:48 If you don't know the times,
16:50 where can they go to check that out?
16:51 They can check it out at 3abnkids.tv
16:54 on their website there.
16:56 But I know that the first one is at 7:45,
16:58 Friday evening.
17:00 Yay. Wow, wait.
17:01 That's tomorrow evening, and they can watch it
17:03 then on Kids Network to start with,
17:05 then you said parent will follow along little later.
17:07 Follow in a couple months or five, six weeks here.
17:10 Yep. Yeah.
17:11 Yeah. Fantastic.
17:12 Oh, yeah. No, it's always exciting.
17:14 You know, we again talked about,
17:15 you know, the hearing from the kids.
17:17 And, of course, kids are very important
17:18 because they're the generations that are following us, right?
17:20 They'll be in leadership before we know it.
17:22 And to raise them in the way of the Lord,
17:25 that's just so important.
17:27 Thank you so much for the work that you're doing.
17:29 I know you have so few more things going on
17:30 but we're going to go to you,
17:32 Bobby Davis, again, like you mentioned,
17:34 you've been here 30 years,
17:35 which is quite a while 'cause you think about 3ABN
17:38 being in existence for 37 years.
17:41 So you came not long after 3ABN began.
17:45 But you've got some magazines in front of you,
17:46 you got a number of things to share with us.
17:49 Sure. What's going on?
17:50 Well, one of the things
17:52 that I've really been excited about now for,
17:55 let's see, since 2004, is the idea of a magazine,
17:59 which I wish I could take credit for,
18:01 but it had nothing to do with me.
18:03 At the time, I was producing the Today program,
18:06 I was producing Grandma's House,
18:08 which is a kids' program
18:10 that still runs on some of the networks.
18:13 And I was getting worn out from traveling
18:18 to be quite honest.
18:19 And I remember saying to the Lord,
18:22 "You know, Lord, if there's anything else
18:24 you want me to do, please let me know.
18:26 Because, you know, this is just wearing me down."
18:29 And I'm not complaining
18:32 because it was a wonderful career.
18:34 It really was, but I was ready for a change.
18:37 And, you know, the Lord knew something that I didn't know.
18:40 And that was that He wanted me in publishing.
18:43 And the next thing I know, shortly after that,
18:46 or at that time, somebody walked into my office
18:50 and handed me the four page newsletter and said,
18:53 "Bobby, we really need you to take this newsletter."
18:56 And I thought, "Oh, boy."
19:00 And I suppose confession is hard on the soul
19:04 and good for the reputation.
19:06 I'm going to just confess to you guys,
19:08 I wasn't real happy about that. Wow.
19:10 Because I... Did it seem scary?
19:13 It was, no, it just felt like it was way outside
19:17 of what I was used to doing
19:18 and it was not a switch in careers.
19:23 It was in addition to what I was doing,
19:24 and I felt like, "Okay, this is a lot more,"
19:29 but I thought, "Okay, I'm going to do this."
19:31 And I didn't complain, not publicly, but honestly,
19:35 I did grumble in my spirit.
19:37 And there were a few people that I talked to,
19:40 that I shouldn't have grumbled about,
19:42 and the Lord convicted me.
19:45 I read an Ellen White quote, actually, that in the book,
19:50 Christ's Object Lessons
19:51 and she was talking about the parable of the talents.
19:55 And I'm paraphrasing badly here
19:58 but towards the end of the chapter,
19:59 she talks about the man who had one talent
20:03 and then gave it back or buried it
20:05 and then gave it back.
20:06 And he's called the wicked servant.
20:09 And he accused the master of being a hard master.
20:13 And she says that Master is Jesus,
20:15 He gave everything to us.
20:18 And to be accused of being a harsh Master
20:22 is like a slap in the face of Christ.
20:25 And she said, in essence,
20:28 and how I understood it at the time,
20:29 the quote is a little different.
20:31 But in essence, the point was, make no mistake,
20:34 even if you don't lose your eternal life.
20:38 If you are one of those people that buried your talents,
20:41 even if you make it to heaven,
20:42 you're going to spend the rest of eternity
20:45 knowing you could have done more for your Master
20:47 and you chose not to.
20:50 And that was a stake to my heart.
20:52 At that point, I just locked my door and fell to my knees.
20:57 And I wept, I'll be honest with you, I cried.
21:00 And I asked the Lord for forgiveness.
21:02 And I promised Him that
21:04 if that's what He wanted me to do,
21:06 then I was happy to do it.
21:07 And I got up a different man, a changed man.
21:11 And within a few weeks,
21:14 somebody at the call center mentioned to me
21:18 that he thought that we should start combining
21:21 our program schedule,
21:22 which was a separate mailing with our newsletter.
21:26 He says, "Why don't you make a little magazine
21:28 or something out of it."
21:29 And I thought, "That's different."
21:32 And so I went upstairs and talked to Michael Pruitt,
21:35 who worked in publishing at the time.
21:37 And he says, "Well, I used to work on a magazine
21:40 called Young Disciples magazine.
21:42 And I said, "So you know how to do this?
21:43 He goes, "Well, yeah."
21:45 And so the two of us got together.
21:47 And I don't know, at some point in there,
21:49 I really got excited about it.
21:51 And we talked to Danny about it.
21:53 And he said, "Let's do it."
21:55 And then it was like, "Oh, oh, I don't know how to do this."
21:59 And, you know, the Lord started blessing.
22:02 And what started off as a small magazine grew
22:05 very large very quickly,
22:07 and our subscription rate went sky high.
22:09 And that was 2004.
22:14 That means it was 18 years ago.
22:16 Is that right? Yeah.
22:17 And it's been going ever since.
22:19 At one point, we downsized to a newsletter
22:22 for a little bit for about a year
22:24 and then it went right back to the magazine format.
22:26 And I've just, I've had a ball.
22:29 You know, a few years later, I was writing in my taxes,
22:35 what my job description was, and I wrote TV producer,
22:38 and I stopped, and I said,
22:40 "I don't produce much television anymore.
22:43 You know, my primary job now is a magazine editor."
22:49 And it dawned on me that for several years,
22:52 you know, I had not seen that transition happen.
22:56 But because the magazine grew so quickly
22:58 and needed so much more time,
23:00 I was transitioned out of all that traveling,
23:03 I still produce the Today program and things like that.
23:06 But eventually, all of that live events
23:09 and those kinds of things.
23:11 I was pretty much taken out of that,
23:13 that traveling that was wearing me down
23:15 and given something else to do for the Lord.
23:18 And I was commenting to somebody the other day,
23:21 you know, most people are lucky to be able to say are blessed,
23:25 I don't believe in luck,
23:26 or are blessed to be able to say
23:27 they've had one career that they truly loved.
23:31 And I've had two and a half,
23:33 because now I got into radio too.
23:35 But anyway, it's interesting to me
23:38 that the Lord knows how to bless
23:42 whatever talent we have.
23:44 And I was just speaking with a young man last night
23:47 who has many, many talents.
23:50 And he doesn't know which one of them to choose.
23:53 And he's thinking as a human being
23:56 to develop the talents that he thinks he needs to develop.
24:01 And while that's good to develop our talents,
24:03 he's doing it for many of the wrong reasons.
24:05 And I said, you know, you might want to ask God,
24:07 what He wants you to do.
24:09 Because when you offer yourself to Him,
24:12 and you allow Him to use whatever talents you have,
24:15 He will do nothing but multiply them.
24:18 And He's the one that multiplies them not me,
24:20 believe me.
24:21 So, Bobby, we are gaining new viewers,
24:24 listeners all the time.
24:26 So this may be the first time that they're even hearing
24:28 about 3ABN World Magazine.
24:30 So tell us what's inside of this magazine
24:33 that you're referring to.
24:34 So they and then how can they actually get one of these?
24:36 Okay.
24:38 Each of these magazines come out every month.
24:41 And for one thing, they have a President's letter.
24:45 That's from you, Greg,
24:47 and Greg has been sharing all kinds of personal stories,
24:52 which I think is really neat
24:54 because he also shares a lot of pictures.
24:57 We've seen pictures of Greg when he was a little boy
25:00 playing a trumpet and many others.
25:02 But it's a personalized letter from Greg
25:05 to each of our viewers.
25:06 Also, we have a news and events article,
25:10 which usually involves either,
25:13 well, it's usually our cover story,
25:15 and in this case,
25:17 it was actually this man sitting right next to me.
25:19 But, you know,
25:21 our anniversary edition came out last November,
25:23 with Greg and Jill and Danny on it.
25:26 And it talks about, you know,
25:29 what has happened in the last year, and also,
25:32 what is coming, that we see coming.
25:35 There's a special feature that can either be a testimony
25:38 of one of our employees or somebody
25:42 that's also a department sometimes is featured.
25:47 In this particular edition, it was publishing department,
25:50 and Adam Dean and Janelle,
25:54 and Svetlana and several others
25:57 that work with us in publishing.
25:59 Then there's a section in the middle
26:02 that is a program schedule.
26:04 And this is for our parent network.
26:07 And it gives the different times
26:10 for all the different programs.
26:12 We have mentioned some times of new products
26:16 that people can get through our call center,
26:18 and also new programs that are coming up.
26:21 And then there's always a section called Change Lives,
26:25 which is letters from viewers and listeners and readers.
26:30 Isn't that, I love this section.
26:32 Yeah, that's powerful. It's really powerful.
26:33 You know they did a study years ago about which parts
26:36 of a magazine or newsletter people look at.
26:39 And the letters are right after the front cover,
26:42 everybody turns to letters
26:44 'cause they really enjoy the letters.
26:46 Then we have a section called How can I Help?
26:49 In the back, and these are projects
26:52 that we can get behind and really donate
26:55 to specifically in most cases.
26:58 And then we have either a recipe
27:02 from one of our 3ABN Today program cooks,
27:06 or also now this year we Rise Rafferty's Health Help,
27:11 which is a tongue twister here for me, Health Help.
27:15 And she has been giving us some tremendous...
27:18 Yeah, that's great. Insights into health.
27:21 It's a full magazine for sure.
27:23 What I like about this too,
27:25 is that sometimes I have international people
27:28 calling and wanting to get the World Magazine
27:30 and it's a little difficult for them.
27:31 But even if you can't,
27:34 because by the time we mail it to you,
27:35 it might not come in time.
27:37 But I like the aspect that we can get it online.
27:40 So download it online.
27:41 And so that is an easy access. It is.
27:45 I like how we can, anybody can have access to it.
27:48 That's right.
27:49 Bobby does an incredible job as Managing Editor
27:52 of the World Magazine.
27:54 Yeah, you're amazing, Bobby, an amazing writer,
27:56 you're creative,
27:58 sometimes other people sometimes write things
28:00 and then you would edit that and massage it
28:02 and put it together.
28:03 You do an amazing job with it.
28:05 I just wanted to mention this real quickly.
28:07 You mentioned the How can I Help page
28:09 and you think, okay, well, we just put those needs out.
28:11 But you at home read that, and you respond.
28:14 This is the December issue of the World Magazine.
28:17 And How can I Help on that issue
28:19 was the 3ABN Russia studio needs
28:22 and how we had that great need for an LED wall?
28:25 Well, one of our viewers
28:26 and listeners and readers read this magazine
28:31 and gave us a call and said I want to donate
28:33 the funds for that LED wall,
28:37 and the Lord blessed tremendously because of that.
28:40 So I love that. What an incredible thing.
28:43 Jason, I'm just looking here at the recipe aspect.
28:45 Mr. Foodie. I was excited about that.
28:47 So, you know, right here it says saut,ed cabbage
28:49 and carrots with coconut.
28:51 What is, what recipe do you have in your...
28:53 Butternut squash stuffing. Wow.
28:55 Okay, Bobby, what's your recipe?
28:57 This one says topsoil.
28:59 I don't know. Okay, topsoil.
29:00 I don't think I want to eat that.
29:02 Creamy celery soup.
29:04 Yeah, that sounded pretty good.
29:07 Yes, it is.
29:09 But as, you know, it's great food for the,
29:10 for us physically, but also great food for the soul.
29:13 And so you can get this,
29:14 we actually will send it to you in the mail...
29:17 It's free. If you'd like to receive it.
29:18 That's right.
29:19 It comes out monthly, it has a program schedule.
29:21 We will send it to you internationally as well.
29:22 Like Francine said, though, it is down loadable.
29:25 You can go to our website, 3abn.tv and it's right there.
29:28 You'll see each version,
29:29 I think we go back several issues as well.
29:31 Several years. Yes, several years.
29:33 So a great magazine, great way to keep in contact with us
29:36 and for us to feel a little bit more in touch with you.
29:37 So feel free to call us, write us and we'll gladly send
29:40 that to you complimentary.
29:41 Amen.
29:43 Speaking of writing, just before we move
29:44 over to Jason here.
29:46 I want to talk about the blog a moment.
29:47 This is something that we launched in 2021 last year.
29:51 We decided that we need another avenue
29:54 to help spreading the gospel.
29:56 You know, there's television, there's radio,
29:58 there's the printed page,
30:00 and there's also the written word
30:02 that people like to go online to connect with a blog,
30:05 to connect with people that way,
30:07 and we have a 3ABN blog
30:08 with several of our 3ABN people here who write it.
30:11 So talk to us about that?
30:13 Well, it's called 3ABN Kindling.
30:17 And that's the website as well 3abnkindling,
30:20 I believe .org or .tv
30:22 And it has monthly articles
30:27 from four or five different people,
30:30 some months have five different Mondays,
30:32 it comes out as an email to those who sign up for it.
30:36 But, of course, you can just go online and look at it.
30:40 And it covers everything from nutrition,
30:44 you know, Rise has a blog
30:46 on there called Rise's Pieces.
30:50 I'm gonna say it right. Great title.
30:52 I love it. Great energy.
30:54 And, oh, we've had all kinds of blogs about money matters,
31:00 we have blog about recovery,
31:04 we also have Tim,
31:08 Tim Parton does one. Wisdom seeker.
31:10 Wisdom seeker, and these are very personal stories.
31:14 You know, a blog is a very personal thing.
31:16 And it's real life,
31:20 it's real things
31:23 that these authors have learned or are learning
31:27 and they're very, they're shared from the heart.
31:30 I just edited one yesterday that will be coming up soon.
31:34 From J.D. Quinn,
31:36 powerful story from his pastoral ministry,
31:40 phone calls and things that happen in pastoral ministries,
31:42 real life problems and solutions,
31:47 and always, always pointing back to the Word of God.
31:50 And we have some of our young people who write some as well.
31:53 That's right. Excited about that.
31:55 So you can go to 3bn.tv click on the blog,
31:59 and you can read it or you can subscribe.
32:01 And that way, every Monday I get my, every Monday,
32:04 it pops in my inbox, and then I can read that.
32:06 And I love that.
32:07 And it also has an audio version.
32:09 I'm sorry, not the blog, the blog doesn't.
32:11 I'm jumping ahead to Faith Light, my bad.
32:14 Faith Light is also something you can subscribe to.
32:16 Yes.
32:18 It comes out, it's a daily devotional
32:19 and it comes out every morning at 5 o'clock
32:20 in the morning Central.
32:22 So you can read that when you get up in the morning,
32:23 have your time with God.
32:24 And that has an audio portion. Yes.
32:26 We've turned it into a podcast.
32:29 And you can listen to it or you can read it.
32:32 Yeah, and I'm so blessed by the authors
32:37 that send in those different devotionals.
32:42 Many of them are from our 3ABN family,
32:45 people that you would not see on television necessarily,
32:48 but who have a talent for writing
32:50 and writing for the Lord and that desire to share
32:53 that devotional thought with our audience and I'm,
32:57 I guess, as an editor in the background,
33:00 I'm blessed first, you know, and for me,
33:03 it's just a joy to see those things keep coming,
33:06 and keep going out into the world.
33:07 I like the audio part of it.
33:09 Because sometimes, I mean, my daughter might read it with me.
33:12 But we also like the audio part
33:14 because you hear the emotions coming through so.
33:17 That's right. No, it's very important.
33:19 You're right. I like that very much.
33:20 Many of the authors actually read their own,
33:22 not all of them, but many of them
33:24 will actually read it themselves.
33:25 I love that.
33:27 So you can subscribe to that too,
33:28 just go to 3abn.tv and you can subscribe there.
33:30 It's called 3ABN Faith Light,
33:32 and you can subscribe there for that.
33:34 And we also have podcasts.
33:36 We touched on that with the audio portion for Faith Light.
33:38 But we have podcasts, I think and CJ Lingle,
33:41 he works so hard.
33:43 And every week the Sabbath School panel,
33:45 you can watch it but it's also a podcast.
33:48 And we have 100 Days of Prayer,
33:49 which is just a time of prayer
33:51 and with a music bed underneath and you can,
33:54 that's a podcast so we have a lot
33:55 of different options for that.
33:57 Yeah, absolutely.
33:58 We've mentioned a lot of different websites and things.
34:01 The key is like Jill just mentioned 3abn.tv
34:04 When you go there to that website,
34:06 you'll find contact information for you too, Aunt Francine.
34:09 You're talking about, you know, people,
34:11 kids contacting you trying to find the little dog
34:13 in the coloring book, the podcasts,
34:15 the devotional, the different networks,
34:18 all those links are right there.
34:19 How to contact us, 3abn.tv
34:23 One thing I want to mention during and, Jason,
34:25 going to you, and I'll just reference
34:27 you on this too is that you know technology
34:29 and things change.
34:31 And this is one thing that just keeping a lookout
34:33 for if you watch 3ABN on your phone.
34:37 You've heard us mention about 3ABN+
34:40 and you can see the logo right now on your screen,
34:42 it says 3abnplus.tv
34:45 And that's a new platform that 3ABN has gone
34:48 to on like Roku, Amazon Fire, Apple TV...
34:53 Online. Online as well.
34:55 What that gives you is you get all of our live streams.
34:58 It's okay, that's good.
34:59 You get all of the radio streams as well, that's good.
35:02 What you get in addition to that,
35:04 that's why it's 3ABN+ is VOD.
35:07 Now you're saying what's VOD?
35:09 Let me just tell you what VOD stands for, video on demand.
35:14 Video on demand, think of YouTube.
35:16 If you're familiar with YouTube,
35:18 YouTube is pretty much video on demand.
35:20 Well, 3ABN has their own YouTube, let's say of 3ABN.
35:23 So on the same platform,
35:27 may I say you can watch all the live streams
35:29 like you're watching this program now,
35:31 or you can watch a video on demand, which is beautiful,
35:33 Bible Q and A, let's say, or Sabbath School Panel.
35:37 The beautiful thing of video on demand is you can play it
35:39 and say, "Oh, wait a minute, I think Greg,
35:42 I think he missed focus scripture or something?
35:45 Or what did he say?
35:46 I want to write that down."
35:47 You can stop,
35:49 you can back up just a little bit
35:50 or all the way to the beginning if you want
35:51 and then listen to it again, pause,
35:53 go do something else, feed the dog.
35:55 I don't know, eat lunch, then you can pick it up again.
35:57 That's the beautiful thing of video on demand.
35:59 So 3ABN+, Jason, is going to be launched on the phone soon.
36:04 That's Android and Apple.
36:06 This has been long time in coming.
36:08 We've tried to work out all the bugs, right? Yes.
36:11 There's always little challenges
36:12 when we update the app.
36:13 So the app that you currently have,
36:15 for those of you that have a phone,
36:16 I have an Android phone, let me go to my 3ABN app.
36:19 Okay, it looks like this, right?
36:21 That's how you're used to seeing it,
36:23 the 3ABN app on your phone.
36:25 It's going to change just a little bit,
36:27 Jason's how it's going to change,
36:28 it's going to be 3ABN+, you're going to watch,
36:30 get the live streams, plus the video on demand
36:33 that's coming soon.
36:34 So keeping a lookout for that.
36:37 Changes are inevitable, right? Absolutely.
36:39 We're just trying to find,
36:41 3ABN is trying to find more ways that we can evangelize.
36:43 Jason, you've always been a strong supporter
36:45 of the ability to share an online evangelism, right?
36:48 So having things like this, you can share them easier,
36:51 isn't that correct?
36:52 Absolutely. And you know, it's so needed.
36:55 Because as you're walking down the street,
36:57 or you're driving down the highway,
36:59 there's so many things that are vying for our attention.
37:03 True.
37:04 So why not put the gospel in a format
37:07 that is accessible by everyone
37:09 and so that I'm excited about that.
37:13 You can watch what's airing live,
37:15 as you said, or you can go and see VOD,
37:18 what's on demand.
37:19 So that creates a lot of opportunities.
37:22 People want to watch what they want to watch
37:23 when they want to watch it.
37:25 So, it's exiting.
37:26 That's another beautiful thing, isn't it?
37:27 Yeah, that's true. When you want to watch
37:29 it. Yes. Yes.
37:31 So, yeah, I'm looking forward to that.
37:32 And a lot of people it seems like 'cause we get to look
37:34 at some of the analytics,
37:36 and I see a lot of numbers on the app.
37:39 Yes, on phone.
37:40 So a lot of people are watching on their phone.
37:42 So yeah, it'll be interesting to see
37:44 what the 3abnplus.tv well, yeah, 3ABN+.
37:48 Oh, yeah, absolutely.
37:49 Yeah, that's coming soon.
37:51 So tell us about Dare to Dream, some exciting things.
37:53 You have some incredible updates of what God is doing?
37:54 Yes. God is good.
37:57 God is... Look at God.
37:58 Look at God. That's the theme.
38:00 Last year was the year of expansion.
38:03 And we've seen how God has just been stretching the networks,
38:06 stretching the ministry,
38:07 and we're looking at God in Dare to Dream.
38:10 Now I want to share this passage that Dare to Dream
38:14 is clinging to this year.
38:15 Okay.
38:16 And it's taken from Luke Chapter 4,
38:18 will begin in verse 16,
38:19 and just kind of walk down a little bit.
38:22 "So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up.
38:25 And as His custom was,
38:27 He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day
38:30 and stood up to read.
38:32 And He was handed the book of the Prophet Isaiah.
38:35 And when He had opened the book,
38:36 He found the place where it was written,
38:39 'The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
38:41 because He has anointed me
38:43 to preach the gospel to the poor,
38:45 He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted,
38:48 to proclaim liberty to the captives,
38:51 and recovery of sight to the blind,
38:53 to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
38:56 to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.'
39:00 Then He closed the book and gave it back
39:02 to the attendant and sat down.
39:05 And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue
39:07 were fixed on Him.'"
39:09 And so, you know, with Dare to Dream
39:11 with the programs that are going to be coming out
39:14 that we have in the pipeline
39:15 and some program concepts,
39:18 we want to make sure that its Holy Spirit filled.
39:21 And so we always pray before we do any program,
39:24 you know, we pray before we have meetings,
39:27 we're in prayer, right?
39:29 We want the Holy Spirit deeply,
39:31 deeply involved in these things.
39:33 And also to preach the gospel to the poor.
39:37 This is an all-inclusive message.
39:39 This message is for everyone.
39:41 You know, it doesn't matter what your economic class
39:45 is or anything, it is for everyone,
39:47 so we want to preach the gospel to the poor.
39:50 There are so many brokenhearted people
39:52 that are out there in our world today
39:54 and we want to mend,
39:56 this is the mending broken hearted people network.
40:01 And so we want to share that hope,
40:05 the hope of Christ with them.
40:06 And so that's another thing that Dare to Dream
40:09 wants to do, and to proclaim liberty to the captives.
40:13 There are so many people that are held in bondage to sin
40:17 and shackled by sin
40:19 that we want to be able to liberate the captives.
40:22 And the way that we do that is by pointing them to Christ.
40:25 And so that's our focus for this year
40:27 and recovery of sight to the blind.
40:29 You know, there are people that are out there that are,
40:31 they've been walking with the Lord,
40:33 and then they strayed away.
40:34 And, you know, me, being one of them.
40:37 I walked with the Lord for like, roughly 14 years,
40:40 and then I left for 14 years and then came back.
40:44 We want to reach those people, we want to tell them,
40:47 "Look, come back to the Lord,
40:49 He's longing to spend eternity with you.
40:52 He's standing there with open arms waiting to receive you."
40:55 So Dare to Dream, we want to have programs
40:58 that embody that as well,
41:00 and to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
41:04 to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,
41:07 and just to tell people to look at, look at God.
41:09 Amen. That's what we want to do.
41:11 So we have some exciting program concepts
41:14 that are currently in the works.
41:18 So don't expect to see them tomorrow,
41:20 but they're currently in the works.
41:21 So we've got hidden in plain sight
41:24 is a television series that really exposes
41:26 the dark side of the entertainment industry
41:30 and shows how it's intertwined with the occult,
41:32 and it will show you Scripture,
41:36 the truth, and then it will show you
41:39 some of the err
41:40 and what is being pushed on people.
41:42 And it's so important
41:43 because people are being swept up,
41:45 and they don't even realize
41:47 that they think it's just an innocent type
41:48 of program or show or,
41:52 and it's not, it's not.
41:54 We want to have a lifestyle program,
41:56 you know, we have to deal with health,
41:58 so many people are experiencing health challenges
42:01 and complications, you know, we're going to have a panel
42:05 that's comprised of so many various health professionals.
42:10 So we'll have a nurse practitioner,
42:12 a dietitian, an herbalist, a mental health expert,
42:17 we'll have, let's see what else here,
42:19 we'll have a senior lifestyle coach,
42:22 a naturopathic doctor and a medical doctor as well.
42:25 Good.
42:27 We're going to address issues
42:28 that plague inner city residents
42:30 and it transcends just the inner cities
42:33 but such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes,
42:36 cancer, stress, PTSD, abuse, fear, grief,
42:40 depression, anxiety and pain.
42:43 So we want to cover that gamut and more.
42:47 We also have strategies for strongholds, which,
42:51 as we were talking earlier, you know about people
42:53 that are in bondage and shackled by that sin,
42:56 we want to help them with tips and strategies
42:58 from the Word of God that will help combat that.
43:01 And we have so much more, but as we talk about the year
43:06 of expansion from last year, and then look at God this year,
43:11 I'm just looking at what God is doing
43:13 with the Interless system.
43:15 Yes.
43:16 And so the D2D Prison Hard Drive initiative,
43:19 we actually have a video that really kind of explains
43:22 a little bit about what's going on.
43:24 Good.
43:25 And we're praying over the boxes and everything
43:27 that's going out to the transitional houses,
43:30 as well.
43:31 So should we go to that video now, Jason? I would love to.
43:33 Okay. All right.
43:35 Let's go to that roll right now.
43:38 Hi, I'm Jason Bradley, and I'm super excited
43:40 about what is taking place here today.
43:42 I'm standing here with Mr. Danny Shelton,
43:45 Yvonne Shelton, Greg Morikone and Jill Morikone
43:49 and I'm excited because we're about to send
43:53 three boxes to a halfway house.
43:57 Now contained within these boxes are the Gospel
44:01 of Jesus Christ and practical tools for living
44:03 that are going to make such a difference in the lives
44:06 of the men and women that receive them.
44:09 You know, Pop, you've been around for a little while...
44:12 Forever.
44:13 And you've seen quite a few projects here at 3ABN.
44:18 How's it make you feel to see another project
44:22 coming into fruition?
44:23 It's always incredible.
44:24 And as time, years go by,
44:27 technology changes tremendously.
44:29 Now to send this box,
44:31 I'm sure you'll tell us what it is.
44:32 But this Interless system is just something
44:35 that who would have dreamed of it just a few years ago?
44:39 Amazing. Yes, absolutely.
44:41 This D2D Prison Hard Drive initiative
44:44 that is taking place, 3901 programs...
44:48 How many?
44:49 3901 designed to help reduce the recidivism rate.
44:54 In just one of these. In just one of them.
44:56 Wow. Yes.
44:58 And there are three boxes in there.
44:59 They're pre-loaded all those programs?
45:01 Pre-loaded and ready to watch,
45:03 and it doesn't even require internet.
45:04 It's absolutely incredible. Yes, absolutely.
45:07 And, Mother, you started Dare to Dream,
45:10 you co-founded it with Pop here.
45:12 And, you know, this was something
45:14 that you had envisioned as well.
45:16 So how are you feeling today
45:18 as you're seeing this going forth?
45:20 I feel so full right now.
45:22 Because I know that this is what the Lord would have us
45:25 to do to get the gospel to everyone,
45:28 to the incarcerated,
45:29 to those who are in the halfway houses
45:31 who are getting ready to reenter society.
45:34 This is what they need, they need to know about Jesus,
45:37 they need to hear the gospel.
45:39 And all of these programs are designed to help them
45:42 to live out the gospel,
45:46 is practical Christianity.
45:48 And so I'm just super excited and super thankful.
45:52 Amen.
45:53 And Greg and Jill, you guys have been in the trenches.
45:55 And you've been working right along with this project,
45:58 promoting it and doing all of those things as well.
46:00 How are you feeling today?
46:02 You know, there's always been many significant days here
46:05 at the Ministry of 3ABN, 37 years, right,
46:07 3ABN has been in existence.
46:08 Well, today is another one of those significant days,
46:10 you know, what just always touches my heart
46:12 is you think about these boxes going out,
46:14 'cause this is the very first box
46:15 with the Interless boxes inside of it.
46:18 And it's going out to read souls.
46:19 And that's what 3ABN has been all about.
46:21 It's about evangelism.
46:23 So what's incredible is that you the supporter of home,
46:25 you have funded this project.
46:27 Thank you so very much for catching the vision.
46:30 But what's amazing is that we donate,
46:32 we pack, we send this out,
46:33 but we may not know until eternity,
46:35 the full impact of these boxes going out,
46:37 touching lives for eternity
46:38 and that ripple grows and grows.
46:40 So it just, my heart is full too, Dr. Yvonne.
46:43 So very encouraging. Amen.
46:46 I'm just reminded of Isaiah 55, God's word never returns void.
46:50 And you think about those who are lost and alone,
46:53 those who need Jesus,
46:55 those who feel like I'm unredeemable,
46:58 God can't forgive me, those who are incarcerated,
47:01 or in this case, in a halfway house,
47:03 knowing that the gospel, the Word of God
47:06 is going into those places,
47:08 and that people will find Jesus.
47:10 I'm super excited about this project
47:12 and what God's going to do.
47:14 Jay, the technology,
47:16 again, for those who don't know
47:17 is what's amazing to me,
47:19 is the fact that you can put thousands of programs
47:22 on one little box that does not require the internet,
47:25 you don't have to have a satellite dish,
47:27 you don't have to worry about the weather,
47:29 whether it's going to be bad weather
47:30 or good weather,
47:32 and it's programmed in for thousands of hours,
47:34 it could last actually a few years of good,
47:37 fresh content that won't be played over
47:40 and over and over.
47:41 And can be put anywhere, halfway house prisons,
47:44 where they have, you know, restrictions on internet,
47:47 a lot of different things are getting satellite,
47:50 these are simple, you can put up
47:51 and pipe it wherever you want to.
47:53 So it's an amazing technology.
47:54 And then for us to get the opportunity
47:57 with you all spearheading it,
47:59 get the opportunity to send the first ones out,
48:01 I believe it's one of hundreds and even thousands
48:04 that will go into places
48:06 otherwise never to be able to be reached Amen.
48:09 Absolutely. And we're living in the last days.
48:12 And there is a sense of urgency that needs to take place.
48:15 And so I'm looking forward to getting these boxes out.
48:17 But before we seal this box up, and before we add the letter,
48:22 the congratulatory letter as well as the flyer
48:25 and seal it up, we need to pray over it.
48:27 So I'd like to ask you to pray, Mother, over these boxes,
48:31 and if we could just stand over.
48:33 Yes.
48:35 Oh, Lord, we just praise You and thank You so very much
48:38 for the privilege of being able to send these boxes
48:41 and You know who needs to receive them,
48:43 Lord, so please open the doors
48:45 to everywhere that You want these to go.
48:48 And please help that the viewers and listeners
48:50 who will watch these programs will be blessed
48:54 and their hearts will be turned to You,
48:55 we pray, in Jesus' name, amen.
48:58 Amen. Amen.
48:59 Amen.
49:00 So, take our congratulatory letter here,
49:04 we're going to send this out, put that in the box,
49:09 let them know they're getting something very special.
49:12 And then we have the flyer to go with it
49:14 that kind of describes a little bit
49:16 about what's on the box there.
49:18 And then Greg, I'm going to ask you to do the honors
49:21 of sealing these boxes.
49:22 Okay, and we're here at the 3ABN call center too.
49:24 A lot of material leaves this place,
49:28 making a difference in the world.
49:29 All right, let's do this. All right.
49:32 We'll close this on up here.
49:37 Got a nice tape gun.
49:48 It looked like you've done that before.
49:50 You know I spent 10 years here at the call center
49:52 and I loved every minute of it.
49:54 What a great place to be.
49:55 Yeah, we'll put a little more tape on it here in a minute
49:57 but we've got the label here From call center to president.
50:00 Well, a good journey here.
50:07 All right, taking the label off.
50:09 And, Jill, I'm going to ask that you do the honors.
50:12 Yay.
50:16 Super excited.
50:17 This is the very first box,
50:19 the first three Interless boxes going out and the gospel,
50:23 3ABN is right in here.
50:25 And it's going to three halfway houses.
50:28 Oh, this is your mike, sorry... That, sorry, we can share.
50:31 That's wonderful.
50:32 Thank you so much for what you have done
50:35 and what you continue to do for the cause of Christ.
50:37 And I just want to appeal to you to pray,
50:40 pray for these boxes,
50:42 pray for the men and the women
50:44 that are about to receive these boxes,
50:46 that their lives will be changed
50:48 and that they will be in the kingdom one day.
50:51 God bless you. Amen.
50:54 What an exciting day that was, Jason,
50:56 to be there at the call center,
50:58 and to know that the very first
51:00 of the three Interless boxes there for the hard drives
51:02 for prisons were going into the halfway house there.
51:05 Look at God. Amen.
51:06 Amen. I'm so excited about this project.
51:08 Absolutely. I am too.
51:10 You know, I think it's so important
51:11 that we impact people in that decision
51:14 making process because they're going to have
51:16 a lot of choices ahead of them.
51:18 And we want them to be equipped with the gospel
51:21 and we want them to know Christ.
51:23 And this is a great way for that to take place.
51:25 Amen.
51:26 I know we're coming down to the end of the program.
51:28 And we'll do some closing thoughts from everyone.
51:29 But, Francine, before,
51:31 we had talked about some upcoming programs.
51:35 So tell us some more what's coming,
51:37 so this year 2022,
51:39 what programs would be recording with Kids Network?
51:41 So besides the Jesus My Light ones,
51:44 we have Kids Express though,
51:45 that's going to be a phenomenal one.
51:47 So where kids can participate virtually
51:52 even through Skype...
51:53 Wonderful.
51:55 Or on and we can talk about
51:56 how they're shining for Jesus
51:57 and also share how they can resolve situations in life.
52:01 So we're hoping that and so if you want to email me,
52:04 be sure to email me and have some kids participate
52:07 and also some more Creation is Science.
52:09 And then we also have some praise coming in along.
52:12 So yes, we're excited about that.
52:14 And the Creation is Science is with Ben Roy?
52:16 Ben Roy, Professor Roy, we call him but yes,
52:19 we like to do some experiments.
52:21 And this time since the weather is not going to cooperate,
52:24 we'll be inside.
52:25 It will still be fun.
52:27 I was gonna say experiments inside.
52:28 Oh, yeah. That's a great program.
52:30 I love it. Good.
52:31 We're at the end of the hour.
52:32 So let's go around the circle
52:34 and just do some closing thoughts
52:35 whatever's on your heart.
52:36 Jason, let's start with you. All right.
52:38 Well, I just want to share from Jeremiah 29:11, 12
52:44 and 13, God has a plan and a purpose for your life.
52:47 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,
52:49 says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil
52:52 to give you a future and a hope.
52:54 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me,
52:56 and I will listen to you.
52:58 And you will seek Me and find Me,
53:00 when you search for Me with all your heart."
53:03 No matter where you are right now,
53:04 you can go to God, He's waiting to hear from you
53:08 and He's got His arm stretched out wide
53:10 waiting to receive you.
53:12 Go to God. Amen.
53:14 Thank you, Jason. Bobby.
53:15 Well, you know what's on my heart
53:17 is that each of us are given talents by the Lord.
53:21 And I think it's so vitally important
53:24 to use those talents for the Lord.
53:25 And when we do that,
53:27 the Lord will always bless our efforts.
53:30 Another thing that is dear to me is stories.
53:33 You know, we love to hear your stories,
53:36 and we encourage you to send us your story.
53:38 In fact, in each magazine, we have an email address,
53:41 it's called 3abnworld@3abn.org
53:46 that you can send us your story that way,
53:48 or you can mail it to us at our PO Box 220,
53:51 West Frankfort, Illinois 628896.
53:54 And I hope to hear from you.
53:58 We love to tell your stories and what God has done for you.
54:02 And we feature them sometimes in our magazine as well.
54:05 And so I would say, please ask the Lord to show you
54:09 what your talents are
54:11 and then use them for the Lord, you'll never go wrong.
54:13 Amen. Thank you, Bobby. It's beautiful.
54:16 I like how Jesus is always working on our character
54:18 and growing those talents, for example,
54:20 and I love stories and I enjoy kids writing to us too.
54:24 And I hope they can share their stories with me as well,
54:27 so that we can use them.
54:28 But, always remember
54:30 that there's gems in the light of Jesus.
54:33 And always look for those glimmers of hope,
54:36 I think that's what I want to say,
54:38 because Jesus was our example
54:40 and we can't go wrong when we follow in His footsteps
54:42 and look to God.
54:44 Amen. Amen.
54:45 I love that.
54:46 When you mentioned stories,
54:48 Bobby, it reminded me of this story
54:49 we were going to reference here tonight.
54:51 This is Coleen from Jamaica
54:53 and she recently contacted us through Instagram.
54:56 She said that she's been watching 3ABN for one year
54:59 and she was recently baptized as the Seventh-day Adventist.
55:03 The programs that she saw on 3ABN
55:06 helped make up her mind about her wanting to join
55:09 the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
55:10 So just a special shout out to Coleen from Jamaica
55:15 and to each one of you who have found Jesus,
55:17 who have found truth,
55:18 or found hope in Him through the Ministry of 3ABN,
55:23 so, I'm excited about that.
55:25 Yeah. Amen.
55:26 Thank you so much, Francine, for being on.
55:29 And, Bobby Davis, and also you too, Jason.
55:32 It's a blessing hosting with you too, Sweetie,
55:34 you know, it's a blessing to be joining you
55:36 as part of our 3ABN family.
55:38 We look forward to great year 2022.
55:41 No matter what comes our way,
55:43 we can look at God.
55:45 And there's been mentioned here,
55:47 so many stories do come into 3ABN.
55:50 We love hearing from you,
55:52 and thank you so much for sharing them.
55:53 And we want to then share them with you.
55:55 Why is that? Well, that encourages you, right?
55:57 Because you sacrificially give to the Ministry of 3ABN.
56:01 Why do you do that?
56:03 It's because you're all about evangelism.
56:05 You've caught the vision that was started 37 years ago here
56:07 at 3ABN that's to spread the gospel around the world
56:11 and make an eternal difference in somebody's life.
56:14 So we thank you so very much.
56:16 We want to encourage you,
56:17 as you start the New Year to dive into the Word of God,
56:20 make the Word of God a part of your life.
56:22 Thank you so very much for being a part of our family.
56:25 God bless you. We'll see you next time.


Revised 2022-02-04