3ABN Today Live

From Terrorist to Adventist

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL210040B

00:10 I cannot believe
00:11 how fast this first hour has gone by.
00:14 What an incredible miracle to see what God is doing,
00:17 how God is bringing healing, and forgiveness, and cleansing,
00:20 and reconciliation between former enemies,
00:24 between the rebel army there in Mindoro in the Philippines,
00:29 and the government, to see that bringing together,
00:32 God to break down those walls.
00:35 I'm so excited about this program.
00:37 If you are just joining us and you missed the first hour,
00:40 shame on you.
00:41 Actually no, you can go to YouTube
00:43 and you can watch it any time or 3abnplus. tv
00:47 You can watch it on demand anytime
00:49 and you can catch up and see those videos,
00:51 the miracles of how God is using AWR.
00:55 The title of this entire program
00:57 is From Terrorist to Adventist.
00:59 Look at God, praise the Lord for what He can do.
01:03 I'm going to introduce you to the family one more time
01:06 in case you missed the first hour
01:07 and we also traded out guests.
01:09 So we got to introduce the new guests to you.
01:11 To my right, elder Duane McKey, who is the president of AWR,
01:16 and sitting next to him is his beautiful wife,
01:19 Kathy McKey,
01:21 who is the Social Media Outreach coordinator
01:23 for the General Conference.
01:25 As we come around the island,
01:27 Ambassador Kathryn Proffitt
01:29 and you're a board member for AWR
01:32 as well as the board chair
01:34 for Your Best Pathway to Health.
01:35 I just got to get in Your Best Pathway to Health.
01:37 In a lot, we all sit on the board
01:39 of Your Best Pathway to Health as well.
01:41 Everyone here.
01:42 That's right, we're all board members.
01:44 And last but not least,
01:46 this is our newest family member.
01:47 This is Pastor Kyle Allen,
01:49 who is the vice president of AWR
01:52 and what a blessing to have you here tonight.
01:55 Amen. Thank you so much.
01:57 Glad to be here.
01:58 Actually he's Dr. Allen. Dr. Allen.
02:00 Yes, he just finished his doctorate.
02:01 So we're very proud of him. What's your doctorate in?
02:04 It's doctorate in Ministry and studying Health Evangelism.
02:07 So it was really exciting.
02:08 Health Evangelism like Pathway stuff?
02:10 Yeah, actually Pathway is a part of,
02:12 in fact, I had to interview Kathy.
02:15 It's about that model and combining the gospel...
02:19 Yeah.
02:20 And the amazing thing is listening to the first hour,
02:23 we saw how health and the gospel
02:25 combined to reach the hearts of the rebels.
02:27 Listen to the story of Effren and he talked about this.
02:29 Absolutely. Amen.
02:32 So we ended the first hour talking about
02:34 what happened during COVID,
02:35 and how evangelism did not stop at AWR.
02:38 Cami Oetman preached
02:40 the incredible evangelistic series
02:41 Unlocking Bible Prophecy.
02:43 And tell us, Dr. Kyle, what happened
02:46 with the baptisms there undercover?
02:47 Well, you know, so it's COVID, and churches are closed.
02:51 So you can't have baptisms
02:52 in the baptisteries and churches.
02:54 But that doesn't stop the Holy Spirit
02:56 because people are still getting converted.
02:59 They're coming to Christ.
03:00 And they're watching Unlocking Bible Prophecies
03:02 and Earth's Final Countdown and our digital missionaries.
03:05 We're doing Bible studies over, you know, YouTube and Facebook.
03:08 And so many people were making decisions,
03:10 but where to baptize them.
03:11 So the Filipinos came up with a very creative solution,
03:15 Duane, Jill, Kathy, Kathy.
03:19 They said, "Okay, we can't go in the churches
03:22 but we've got a solution.
03:23 A huge dump truck, lined with plastic,
03:26 filled it with water,
03:27 and you've got a mobile baptistery."
03:29 We've got a picture of it.
03:31 We have a picture.
03:32 Well, I got to see that.
03:34 There it is. There it is.
03:35 Oh, that's incredible.
03:37 And so they would drive this truck around
03:39 and baptize people at the various places.
03:41 The Holy Spirit was moving in powerful ways.
03:44 And so, yeah, and so COVID came,
03:47 but it didn't stop the work of the gospel.
03:51 But you know, this also, people were desperate,
03:55 they want to get baptized now.
03:56 They didn't want to wait.
03:57 There were so many
03:59 but there were really hundreds and thousands
04:00 that had made their decision.
04:02 And the Holy Spirit was working so powerfully
04:06 that Duane decided we need to go personally.
04:10 Why don't you tell them a little bit
04:12 about how we decided to come back?
04:14 How you decided to come back?
04:16 Now we are fast-forwarding to 2021.
04:18 Right.
04:19 That's now.
04:20 That is now.
04:22 We just got back. For a couple more weeks.
04:24 Yeah, the four of us,
04:25 we just got back from the Philippines.
04:28 It was amazing because they said
04:29 we couldn't come because of COVID.
04:32 The country was locked down and you can't go
04:35 and then we got a little glimpse of a little light
04:40 and I talked to Elder Wilson
04:41 and we plan this actually for a long time.
04:44 And he wanted to go in the worst way and we did
04:47 and so we worked with Robert Dulay
04:49 and we worked with an ambassador, with Eric,
04:51 Kathy Proffitt, with Allen, more about Tejano,
04:54 but it's just amazing how finally came together.
04:57 We kept getting almost every day or every two days,
05:01 we get a different signal.
05:03 You know, you have to be sequestered.
05:07 You don't have to be, it has to be for one day,
05:09 it has to be for two days, it has to be for one week,
05:12 it has to be for two weeks.
05:13 And finally, Elder Wilson and I had a talk.
05:16 And we had gotten this, it's coming down the line.
05:20 We had to get our visas and they haven't come through
05:24 and it's been kind of complicated.
05:25 And all of a sudden, he said, "Duane,"
05:29 we're talking on the phone.
05:30 He said, "We're not going."
05:32 I said, "My suggestion is, Elder Wilson,
05:35 is that we put it off until now, until December."
05:40 The fall. Yeah.
05:41 Until December, this is November, December now.
05:44 Okay.
05:45 And so, and we agreed.
05:48 So he goes home that night talks to Nancy.
05:51 And I said to him,
05:52 "How can the General Conference president
05:54 be shut down at a hotel for 10 days.
05:57 It's not going to work.
05:58 We got to cancel or put it off."
06:00 Right. And so we agreed.
06:02 And he talks to Nancy that night.
06:04 And Nancy says, "Ted, we're not going to die
06:10 if we had to stay in a hotel room
06:11 for 10 days together."
06:14 Praise the Lord for godly wife.
06:16 Amen.
06:19 So they, that's what they came back the next day,
06:21 and we're going to go.
06:23 We get locked up for 10 days.
06:25 We're going to enjoy the time. Still going to go.
06:27 We're going to work on YouTube, it's going to be fine.
06:30 Not YouTube, but Zoom.
06:32 But yeah, so.
06:33 But the problem was,
06:36 we couldn't get into the Philippines.
06:38 The Philippines really suffered with COVID
06:41 because they didn't have access to the vaccines
06:43 as quickly as we did.
06:45 And it was devastating.
06:46 So the government had closed all tourist visas.
06:50 And there were different categories.
06:52 We were yellow country,
06:53 yellow countries could not come.
06:55 And there were no visas being issued,
06:59 unless there was a special authorization,
07:02 and it had to be signed
07:04 by the Secretary of the Department
07:06 of Foreign Affairs.
07:08 So the equivalent to our Department of State.
07:10 That was the only way to get a visa.
07:12 Well, so the decisions made,
07:14 we're going, we don't have a visa,
07:16 we don't have a way to get into the country.
07:19 And so this is where I'd like to introduce you to someone,
07:23 if we can show the group picture.
07:25 This is some of the people that went with us on our trip.
07:28 And I want to point out an individual to you.
07:32 So the very far left, gentlemen,
07:35 this is Ambassador...
07:37 Bien Tejano. Yes.
07:39 You know Bien Tejano. Oh, we love him.
07:41 He's been to 3ABN and we work closely, yes.
07:44 Anyway, God has used this individual for many years.
07:47 But what many people don't know,
07:49 and this is the exciting thing about the story
07:51 is God knew that 24 years later,
07:57 AWR needed to come.
07:58 So 20...
08:00 Going back 24 years, Pastor Tejano, not ambassador,
08:04 but Pastor Tejano was a pastor who really worked hard
08:08 with the anti-drug program.
08:10 And he made such an impression.
08:11 He was called to the palace.
08:14 And he was introduced to the president,
08:17 who was thanking him.
08:19 And whatever he said it was the Holy Spirit thing.
08:22 The president became so impressed.
08:24 He said, "Come over here.
08:26 Raise your hand.
08:28 I'm going to swear you in as an ambassador.
08:30 You just have to tell me
08:31 what country you want to go to."
08:34 And Pastor Tejano said, "I'm a pastor.
08:38 I'm not a diplomat."
08:39 And the division president said,
08:42 "This is of God, don't refuse."
08:44 Be a Daniel. "Don't refuse."
08:47 And so 24 years ago, he became an ambassador.
08:51 Now normally, I can tell you, he was a political appointee.
08:55 This president picked him.
08:58 One president is voted out of office,
09:02 and usually the opposite party comes in.
09:05 He had done such good work, they kept him.
09:07 They did.
09:08 And that happened over and over and over.
09:09 You know the story, Jill, because you know him,
09:12 because and he's done amazing things for the church.
09:15 He's done amazing. He is still a pastor.
09:17 He's still a pastor.
09:19 And he, the Lord knew that 24 years
09:23 from the day of that meeting in the palace,
09:26 we needed Ambassador Tejano,
09:28 because it was his relationship with the palace,
09:31 with the president,
09:33 as well as with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
09:36 Because of him we got the visa, but here's the situation.
09:39 Okay.
09:41 Imagine Elder Wilson and Mrs. Wilson
09:44 are supposed to go to Turkey and then from Turkey...
09:46 You are leaving a little bit out.
09:48 Okay, tell me Duane.
09:49 What did I leave out? No, Pathways, remember?
09:52 Oh, yes. Okay, Pathways.
09:54 She has a comrade in Pathways who works with her,
09:57 who works in Guam, who's been to the Philippines.
10:01 And so, she's a nurse and she's...
10:04 She's doctor, yeah.
10:05 A doctor, okay.
10:07 Yeah, that's right. I'm sorry. She's a doctor.
10:08 And so, Kathy calls me up.
10:11 You can't go why?
10:13 It's terrible in the Philippines,
10:14 this doctor in Guam, she's been there several times.
10:17 There's COVID, is everywhere, we can't go.
10:19 It's not safe. It's not safe.
10:21 We shouldn't go. It's true.
10:23 So they were all of these blocks.
10:26 All this stuff, oh, terrible.
10:28 You know, when the devil tries that hard, Jill,
10:31 to block us,
10:32 we know that something amazing is going to happen.
10:35 It's going to happen.
10:37 I remember a text I got from Ms. Kathy,
10:41 while you were over there in the Philippines,
10:42 and she said, "Guess what, Jill,
10:44 I'm watching 3ABN in the hotel room
10:46 while we're here on quarantine."
10:47 Exactly. Yeah, there was 3ABN.
10:50 And you know, you walked around your room,
10:51 you got your steps in.
10:52 Yeah, I did. Watched 3ABN.
10:54 You know...
10:56 Had your meals delivered to the room.
10:57 Meals delivered on a chair outside your door,
10:59 you were locked in your room for that whole time...
11:02 It was incredible. But you know what?
11:04 Somehow God brought us through
11:06 and we knew what was coming on the other end.
11:07 So it made it all worth it. Made it all worth it.
11:09 And there was, you know, I thought
11:11 I would have all this time to catch up on things.
11:13 We were busy. Very busy.
11:15 There were Zoom calls and meetings
11:17 and planning for the rest of the trip.
11:18 But there were also division meetings
11:20 that were happening,
11:21 you were in meetings,
11:23 so there were Zoom calls every single day.
11:24 Yeah. That's right.
11:26 Anyway, Lord.
11:29 I told Kathy, I said,
11:30 "I wish the Lord wouldn't do this.
11:31 This is too hard on my heart."
11:33 I'm kind of getting old, you know, I take this.
11:39 And then we received a phone call
11:41 that the President of the Republic
11:43 wanted to meet our delegation,
11:46 which was incredible.
11:48 It was incredible. It was.
11:49 So, Duane, why don't you tell a little bit?
11:52 And he asked for a meeting, and guess what?
11:55 It was exactly on the day we were out of quarantine.
11:58 In other words we couldn't have come.
11:59 Just in time. Yeah.
12:01 Just in time. Yes.
12:02 Just in time.
12:03 And then we had to get tested.
12:05 I think we got tested three times
12:07 just to go see the president.
12:08 It's just Kathy says,
12:11 "Again?"
12:14 Yes.
12:16 I think we brought some pictures
12:17 that show that meeting.
12:18 Yeah, we do. That's very exciting.
12:20 So this is the meeting between when you all went there,
12:24 and with the President of the Philippines?
12:26 That's right.
12:27 He was very gracious to us, very gracious.
12:30 Some of our people had cell phones,
12:33 and they weren't supposed to, it was against the law.
12:36 But the President said to security,
12:41 "We want the Adventist to know that we can trust them."
12:44 Oh, wow.
12:46 "Let them bring their cell phones."
12:47 It was...
12:49 So those are the cell phone pictures
12:50 from your meeting?
12:52 Yeah.
12:53 And what was the purpose of this meeting?
12:54 We pitch to it a little bit at the very beginning.
12:56 You know, the first hour
12:58 with the amnesty for the rebels.
12:59 Talk to us about that?
13:00 We just wanted to thank him. Okay.
13:02 Yeah, we wanted to thank him.
13:03 He wanted to meet us and thank us for coming.
13:05 And it was just a really nice meeting.
13:07 He was very cordial.
13:08 He wasn't feeling well, we heard later,
13:10 and he saw us anyway.
13:11 And it was just exciting.
13:14 And he told us some things that,
13:16 from his political standpoint, that was rather enlightening.
13:20 But such a gracious man
13:24 and he assured us how much they appreciated
13:28 the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
13:30 And normally, we were told by the attorney of the palace,
13:34 normally he sees people for five minutes.
13:36 Wow.
13:37 He saw us, and Elder Wilson talked to him
13:41 and shared with him and prayed with him...
13:43 Amen.
13:44 Thirty six minutes.
13:46 Wow.
13:48 I think it's unusual
13:49 to have a prayer in that kind of a meeting.
13:51 And yet when Pastor Wilson asked permission,
13:56 "President Duterte, could I pray for you?
13:59 And could I pray for your country?"
14:01 He stood up to show his respect for God.
14:04 It was wonderful.
14:06 It was and you know, Duane,
14:08 we wanted to thank him for the amnesty.
14:11 Yeah. We didn't ask for this meeting.
14:12 Right. He asked for it.
14:14 Wow.
14:15 So God is amazing what He can do.
14:17 Yes.
14:18 And then in the prayer and in the talk,
14:20 and also in the prayer all of us have thanked him
14:22 for giving amnesty to the rebels.
14:24 Amen.
14:25 So this is a big deal for the cause of the rebels.
14:27 No, this is a big deal.
14:28 The war has been 50 years?
14:29 Fifty years, 40,000 people.
14:32 Now I was thinking, we think of the 200,000
14:35 that were baptized in the Philippines.
14:37 Yes.
14:39 Forty thousand died in the last 50 years.
14:42 Yeah.
14:43 It just reminds me, Jill, of this verse in Proverbs,
14:47 where Solomon says,
14:48 "Do you see a man who excels in his work,
14:49 he will stand before kings."
14:52 And you know, it's just a testimony
14:55 that what's happening through AWR,
14:58 through the power of the gospel,
14:59 the work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
15:01 it's being noticed by the leaders of these countries
15:05 and President of Philippines
15:07 and it's just an incredible testimony
15:08 to the power of God's Word.
15:10 Amen.
15:11 We could sit and have a whole another hour
15:13 just for conversation
15:14 but I know we have several videos too.
15:16 So let's go to, this is the first video
15:18 for this second hour.
15:20 And I know we're going to talk over it
15:22 but it has to do with Earth's Final Countdown,
15:24 which was the name
15:26 for your evangelistic meetings held there
15:28 and set that up for us
15:29 what we're gonna see.
15:31 Okay. Sure.
15:32 So, what happened after we got out of quarantine,
15:35 then the next day we went to the island of Mindoro,
15:37 where Elder Wilson was doing the final sermons
15:41 in this series that Duane,
15:43 and he had been broadcasting for the weeks before.
15:47 After Mindoro,
15:49 we went with Elder Wilson to Cebu and to Mindanao
15:51 to visit some of these places.
15:53 And they were having baptisms everywhere we went.
15:56 In fact, we were in Mindanao,
15:58 they were doing baptisms on Zoom.
16:00 And all these places had done Earth's Final Countdown,
16:03 hundreds of sites.
16:04 We sat there on this huge screen
16:05 watching baptism after baptism after baptism,
16:08 thousands of people
16:09 being baptized at the same time.
16:11 It was an incredible experience
16:12 to see how the Holy Spirit moves,
16:13 And they tell us over 60,000 were baptized.
16:16 Sixty thousand... Wow!
16:17 With that event?
16:19 Whole across.
16:20 Yeah, it's just amazing, thrilling.
16:22 So let's take a look at this video right now.
16:26 Okay.
16:28 So what are we seeing here?
16:29 So what we're seeing
16:30 is when we came to do the final meeting.
16:32 So we're in the car with President Wilson
16:34 and with President McKey,
16:37 they lined up cheering and clapping,
16:40 hundreds of the rebels, hundreds of the rebels.
16:44 It was incredible.
16:45 The military with their protection...
16:46 It was amazing. So here is the audience.
16:49 It's full of hundreds of people
16:50 and we're beginning to the meetings.
16:53 Just as we got to the point
16:55 where Elder Wilson was going to begin his sermon,
16:58 there was this incredible rainstorm.
17:00 I see it coming down.
17:02 Was huge, I've never seen rain. It was horrible.
17:03 I didn't know you could have horizontal rain.
17:05 It was pouring down and all the rebels left.
17:08 Everyone left.
17:09 We thought, "Oh, no after all this?"
17:12 We thought they left. We thought they left.
17:14 They were gone.
17:15 And so we're looking at the rain and Pastor McKey,
17:19 you can see it was just coming down.
17:21 Pastor McKey.
17:23 Yeah, look at the girl. Look at the girl.
17:24 She's singing.
17:25 Yes. Beautiful. Our theme song.
17:28 She doesn't miss a note.
17:30 She was soaked.
17:31 And the rain was just coming.
17:32 It's coming right at her.
17:34 I say, "Kyle, she's not married and you're not married..."
17:38 This is a little set up here.
17:41 Mercy.
17:43 Oh, I mentioned that, I'm sorry.
17:46 This just happens to go out
17:47 all over the world live television,
17:50 so you all know.
17:54 She's a beautiful girl, and she did.
17:55 Really, if you looked at the picture, it was fast.
17:59 You can see,
18:00 you can see the rain and blowing horizontal.
18:02 Yeah.
18:03 And she was holding the mike, cordless mike,
18:05 and singing her heart, she doesn't miss a note.
18:08 It was beautiful.
18:09 She is a pre-dental student at our university.
18:12 It was just memorable. And she was covered.
18:14 I mean, she was under a covered stage,
18:16 and yet she was soaked
18:17 because the rain's coming all sides.
18:18 Yeah.
18:20 So we left pretty discouraged,
18:22 because we didn't know where the rebels went.
18:24 After all of this, and then this rain happens,
18:28 and they left and they didn't get to hear the sermon.
18:31 But they did.
18:32 Yeah, they did. That's right.
18:34 We later found out
18:35 that they had gone to these shelters
18:39 that were around behind the stage.
18:41 We didn't see them.
18:42 And they listened.
18:43 And later they told Pastor Dulay,
18:46 "We thought that they would stop.
18:49 When this kind of rain happens in the Philippines
18:51 the meetings end.
18:53 We can't believe that the president of the church
18:55 continued preaching even through the rain."
18:59 And it really made an impression.
19:00 It did. So they stayed.
19:02 Some of them put up
19:03 chairs over their head and just stayed.
19:06 Kyle I think you saw where they went, didn't you?
19:08 They went under these little shelters
19:10 and places on the side.
19:11 We have a picture, I think, of one of the shelters.
19:13 Oh, yeah, I see that.
19:15 You know what they said, I think Duane, they said,
19:18 you know, we've heard people speak before
19:20 and usually when it rains they quit.
19:23 There must be something about your message
19:24 that makes it important enough
19:26 that you won't quit in the rain.
19:28 Yeah. That's powerful.
19:29 And that's powerful.
19:31 So this was Thursday night.
19:34 On Friday night,
19:35 we had another meeting and guess what?
19:37 We got there and it was raining again,
19:40 and there was no one in the audience.
19:43 And it's like we have to pray and we got into a circle.
19:46 And Duane led us in prayer.
19:48 Elder Wilson prayed, "Please, Lord, stop the rain."
19:51 And it was the opposite.
19:53 This time when Elder Wilson stood up,
19:55 the rain stopped just in time.
19:58 Just in time it stopped.
19:59 Just in time.
20:01 Yeah.
20:02 Thrilling, Kyle, you were,
20:04 you walked around and got pictures.
20:05 Yeah.
20:07 And just watching them listening to Elder Wilson.
20:10 And just, you could see it that they were just listening
20:14 intently to the message.
20:16 These rebels had come from the mountains,
20:18 their lives have been changed by the power of the gospel.
20:21 And now they were here and to think and that night,
20:24 I remember walking around thinking,
20:25 "All these people are going to get baptized tomorrow."
20:28 It was an exciting night,
20:30 it was an incredible moment to think about it,
20:32 and to see them just taking in the message.
20:35 You know, I don't know, but I think I need to say this
20:37 for our 3ABN crowd.
20:39 For before I went to the GC, I would do events and things.
20:43 And every year Elder Wilson would come and preach.
20:47 I've been in a church a long time administration.
20:50 And I've never seen a General Conference President
20:54 do a series,
20:55 evangelistic meetings every year.
20:58 But every year, he's there.
21:00 The only year we've skipped is the COVID year,
21:04 but that was it.
21:05 Every year he does a series. Amen.
21:07 We're so grateful.
21:09 I just want to mention that too.
21:10 As far as from 3ABN's perspective,
21:12 as well, we're so grateful for Elder Wilson.
21:13 Grateful for his leadership at the General Conference.
21:16 God has called him for such a time as this.
21:19 We're grateful for him and his wife.
21:21 Yeah.
21:22 And if I could just add since we're talking about him,
21:23 'cause I get the privilege of traveling
21:25 with him for a few days,
21:26 and just watching them,
21:27 just the patients that they have,
21:29 the love for people, they would sit there,
21:31 and literally it's like one nonstop selfie
21:34 the whole day.
21:35 One picture, pictures, pictures,
21:37 and he'll just stand there
21:38 and let people take pictures, and thousands of pictures.
21:40 I mean, I've never seen so many pictures in my whole life.
21:42 But it was amazing to watch and to see
21:45 how God is using them to be a blessing to the church.
21:49 I was happy to have Kyle go in my place.
21:53 Kathy and I have been with them.
21:56 They're wonderful people.
21:58 They are so gracious.
21:59 I want to, I know you can't,
22:02 but I wanted to say, "Ted it's enough.
22:04 Let's go, let's go."
22:07 You need some rest.
22:08 Nancy Wilson told me, she said,
22:09 "Usually when people travel with us once
22:11 they don't travel again."
22:14 Because they know,
22:15 usually it's talking about how demanding it is.
22:17 I've never seen anyone work so hard.
22:20 I mean, it was just work, work, work.
22:22 It is.
22:23 So let's transition to Sabbath morning
22:25 and then baptism.
22:26 Okay. Right, oh, you got to see this.
22:27 Before we start to Sabbath morning,
22:29 which is when the baptism happened.
22:30 I'm wondering if you can tell
22:32 just a little bit about Jay and Rose
22:34 because they're featured in the baptism.
22:36 Who are Jay and Rose?
22:37 And tell us just a little bit about their story.
22:38 Well, actually, sometimes you hear
22:41 you hear Jay's name called Kal or Kal Martin.
22:45 He's the general.
22:47 He's the one in charge of the rebels.
22:48 Okay.
22:50 Yeah, bad guy.
22:51 Had been a bad guy.
22:53 You know, just these assassins are real assassins.
22:56 They were killing people, hundreds and thousands.
22:59 Terrible.
23:02 And so he's baptized.
23:03 And so they say,
23:05 the military says we need to change his name.
23:08 He's a target.
23:09 Because on that we even know on that Friday night.
23:13 And then on Sabbath morning,
23:14 the military found assassins
23:17 in the audience looking for him.
23:20 Oh, wow.
23:21 Yeah, this is real.
23:23 Right, this is real.
23:25 And so they changed his name to Kal, Kal Martin.
23:28 Jay. Jay.
23:30 No, first, two changes.
23:32 That's right.
23:33 I don't know what the real name is.
23:35 Okay. And so they changed it.
23:37 And then they said, "Okay,
23:39 he's, you know, he's going to be baptized in public.
23:42 We need to change it again."
23:43 So they changed his name again to Jay
23:47 and he has a brand new passport and everything.
23:50 So we think if it all works out,
23:53 Jay and his beautiful wife, Rose,
23:55 who are baptized.
23:57 I baptized Rose and Elder Wilson, baptized Jay.
24:00 Wow.
24:01 We think there's a good chance
24:03 there'll be at General Conference Session.
24:04 You know, it was a life changing moment
24:06 for me personally
24:07 to witness the baptism of Jay and Rose.
24:11 And to be in that pool, Duane,
24:13 you and I were there, we were all there.
24:15 And just to see not only Jay and Rose,
24:17 but 700 former rebels, coming into the pool,
24:23 one after the other, after the other,
24:24 whole family is getting baptized.
24:26 Duane, whole families. Amen.
24:28 And then, you know, I remember standing there
24:30 and seeing them come in.
24:32 And you can see on their faces,
24:34 the lives they've lived have been very hard.
24:36 They've been far from peace, far from hope.
24:39 But now, like, they had hope.
24:42 And many of them coming up out of the water,
24:43 you know, they were crying, they would hug you.
24:45 You could sense deeply
24:47 that their lives had been changed.
24:49 And there is nothing like it, right?
24:52 I mean, there's nothing like it to experience
24:55 the moving of the Holy Spirit now and by the way,
24:57 we thought we were over, we thought we were done.
24:59 Duane, I think you guys
25:00 were even on your way to another baptismal site.
25:02 And some of us were getting out like,
25:03 "No, no, no, don't get out.
25:05 More people are coming." Oh, really?
25:06 Yeah, more people were coming.
25:08 And so we baptized for another 45 minutes,
25:10 hours in the pool.
25:12 Yeah.
25:13 God was working in a powerful way.
25:14 Amen. Amen.
25:16 And some of that's captured on video.
25:17 Yeah.
25:19 So let's take a look at that right now.
25:20 Good.
25:21 Friends, I'm Dr. Duane McKey,
25:23 president of Adventist World Radio.
25:24 Thrilling, exciting things are happening right here.
25:27 I'm sitting next to the South China Sea.
25:31 This is Mindoro. This is where it's happening.
25:33 It's been happening for five years.
25:35 Rebels and their families
25:36 have given their lives to Jesus.
25:37 That war is ending after 50 years,
25:41 40,000 people dead.
25:43 Go with me to a swimming pool.
25:45 This has never happened before.
25:47 But there are former rebels
25:48 with their families being baptized.
25:50 Their lives are being changed.
25:52 What an exciting time to be alive.
26:02 Greetings, my friends.
26:04 This is Dr. Duane McKey from Adventist World Radio.
26:06 It is so exciting to be here.
26:08 We're right here with the baptism.
26:10 This is Kal Martin who is the general
26:13 of the former rebels,
26:15 but actually they changed their lives,
26:18 they left the life behind of 18 years for them.
26:22 Actually, what happened is 50 years ago,
26:24 Adventist World Radio began and 50 years ago
26:26 communists invaded this beautiful island in Mindoro
26:29 and took over the mountains.
26:30 The last 18 years,
26:32 this couple has led the rebellion
26:35 and now Jesus has touched their heart
26:37 and things have changed.
26:38 Pastor Dulay, you have worked so hard
26:41 in the mountains here with the rebel.
26:43 What I am so excited to tell you
26:45 that the chief of police here told us,
26:47 he said for all these years
26:49 they have tried to do all kinds of things.
26:51 They tried to even bribe the rebels,
26:53 they gave them money, they gave them land,
26:55 they did all kinds of things out to beg them
26:58 to stop this war and to stop shooting at them,
27:02 40,000 people had died and that didn't help.
27:06 Nothing they did, nothing they could do.
27:08 The police said, the military said,
27:10 nothing they could do to stop the war
27:12 until Adventist World Radio pack arrived,
27:15 started broadcasting up in the mountains.
27:17 They were the question of the day,
27:19 they started responding,
27:20 and lives were changed when they heard the good news
27:23 that Jesus is coming again.
27:24 When they heard about God's grace
27:26 that they gonna be forgiven and change
27:28 because all these rebels, all these, hundreds.
27:31 How many altogether, Pastor, have been baptized?
27:34 For them, I guess around 500 for their group only.
27:37 This Sabbath.
27:38 With their families and everybody else how many?
27:40 Yes, more than around 15,000 since we started
27:44 Since we started, 15,000 have been baptized.
27:47 The war is coming to an end.
27:48 Praise God.
27:50 What bullets couldn't do, what machine guns couldn't do,
27:53 what these gunships couldn't do,
27:56 God has done by His grace,
27:57 by broadcasting the good news that Jesus is coming again,
28:01 the forgiveness of God,
28:03 and God has forgiven these young people.
28:06 It's amazing how God has worked through their lives
28:09 and they have worked so hard
28:10 and prayed and prayed and prayed
28:12 and God is using them now to do a different ministry.
28:15 We're working very, very wonderful way
28:19 cut reaching out to the people in the villages to help them
28:22 become self-productive, knowing they are forgiven.
28:25 We are building churches for them.
28:26 The land has been given by the government.
28:28 And now as we help them learn to be productive citizens
28:33 through different programs,
28:34 we'll talk about in a different setting.
28:37 It is thrilling how they learned to be farmers
28:39 and learn to be businessman.
28:41 And we are so excited.
28:42 I like your hat. That's a beautiful hat.
28:44 Thank you for being a part of Adventist World Radio.
28:47 Thank you. This is...
28:48 I can never thank my friend who worked for AWR.
28:53 Robert Dulay, I know, who has worked so hard.
28:56 This has been his dream.
28:58 And he will continue on here to finish the work
29:00 because there are lots more people on this island,
29:02 who aren't rebels but who need to know about Jesus.
29:05 And by God's grace,
29:06 they'll learn the good news too,
29:07 that Jesus is coming again.
29:09 And now as we focus
29:10 on a different part of the island,
29:12 there are some other rebels in Mindanao.
29:15 They are actually very difficult rebels,
29:18 they capture people,
29:19 they hold it for ransom and do all kinds of bad things.
29:22 But by God's grace, through Adventist World Radio,
29:24 their lives have been changed too, Robert.
29:26 Thank you for your vision, and thank you for working
29:29 for Adventist World Radio.
29:31 Thank you. Let's pray together.
29:32 Father in heaven, what a joy it is
29:35 to be here together at this wonderful baptism.
29:38 And the people are signing so wonderfully.
29:41 This is the live music
29:42 as more and more are being baptized
29:44 to give their hearts to Jesus.
29:45 Military people, former rebels,
29:47 people who have given their hearts
29:49 it's absolutely incredible,
29:51 and all working together because of God's grace.
29:54 In Jesus' name, amen.
29:55 Amen.
30:04 Look at God, you can feel the excitement
30:07 watching through the television,
30:08 you can feel the excitement of the baptisms
30:11 and 700 rebel soldiers coming to Jesus.
30:15 This is unbelievable. Absolutely.
30:17 You know, I was just, Kyle, has a package of peanuts there.
30:22 Did you bring food on the set? I did.
30:24 I was kind of hungry.
30:25 So I thought I'd get some snacks.
30:26 We mentioned, we wanted to do something special.
30:29 And so we've given some funds to them to help them restart.
30:32 And they took the funds, they didn't pass them out.
30:35 And what did they do, Kyle?
30:36 Well, they decided that they wanted this one,
30:38 they need to start a new life.
30:39 And so they became, they started a business.
30:42 And the business is a peanut business.
30:45 It's called the Organic Former Rebels
30:47 Association Crunch.
30:49 So pick yours up today.
30:51 I mean, isn't that amazing? Amazing.
30:54 So from rebels to, from terrorists to Adventists,
30:58 to business people who are using their business
31:01 to witness for others.
31:02 What an incredible testimony of God's grace.
31:03 Amen.
31:05 You talked to Kal Martin there.
31:06 Well, his new name is Jay, as I mentioned,
31:09 and he and his wife are being baptized.
31:11 It was so thrilling and exciting.
31:14 We had tried to baptize him two years before,
31:18 and that's when we were there, Kathy was there,
31:20 Cami, we got up at three in the morning,
31:22 we drove up a concealed road
31:27 and then went up a river.
31:29 And the bed of the river was the road.
31:32 And so we walk up
31:34 and we go partway up a mountain.
31:36 They had stopped us many times and use their cell phones,
31:39 just to see if we were being...
31:40 Followed.
31:42 That's right.
31:43 And it was quite an adventure going up this river,
31:48 and climbing up.
31:49 And then we went to a shelter
31:51 to wait for Jay to come down
31:55 from the mountains to be baptized.
31:58 But we waited,
32:00 I don't know how long it was two to three hours.
32:03 Yeah.
32:04 And then...
32:05 And there was a torrential downpour,
32:07 sorry, torrential downpour, and...
32:10 And then we had one of the guys come down
32:12 and they say, "Get out of here."
32:14 They said, "We have spot a military below you."
32:17 This is two years ago, this is real.
32:20 And if you, if we come down,
32:23 there's going to be shooting
32:24 and you're going to be caught in the crossfire.
32:28 And so I said, "Yep, we're leaving."
32:32 So we got out of there.
32:35 So the interesting thing now here,
32:37 you just saw the baptism.
32:38 Right. Jay is being baptized.
32:42 And it is so exciting.
32:44 There's another guy
32:46 who was just baptized right after that.
32:49 And he is CIA.
32:52 He's just baptized. Oh, wow.
32:54 Kathy, you remember just about, just three days later,
32:59 he came to our hotel with his wife...
33:01 He and his wife and little boy.
33:04 Little boy, Jacob and his wife,
33:08 Gina and...
33:11 Ray. Ray. Yeah.
33:12 Gina and Ray.
33:13 They come to our hotel, and we begin to talk to them.
33:15 I said to Gina, "So you were there,
33:18 you were baptized too with your husband?"
33:19 "No."
33:21 I said, "Oh, have you thought about being baptized?"
33:24 That's a good question. Right?
33:25 That's a good question. Yes, it is.
33:27 It's very open ended.
33:30 And she says, "Yes."
33:31 I said, "Well, we're here at the ocean.
33:32 Would you want to be baptized now?"
33:34 And she said, "Yes." Amen.
33:37 So we went and baptized her.
33:41 Now the interesting thing is, as I'm talking to Ray,
33:45 Ray says, "You know, I'm with a CIA."
33:50 Wow.
33:51 So I have military guys that are Adventists,
33:53 and rebels, ex-rebels who are Adventists,
33:57 they are all sitting there together telling stories.
33:59 I was chasing you.
34:00 I was chasing you.
34:03 And the fun thing is as, well, it's a God thing.
34:07 And it, as we talk, we realize that Ray,
34:11 the CIA guy from the military...
34:16 He was the one that set us up to be in the middle.
34:20 To be the bait.
34:21 We were the bait.
34:24 I said, "You used us."
34:28 And then we start laughing
34:30 and we prayed together and all was fine,
34:31 but it's amazing.
34:32 He set us up to use as a bait.
34:35 Some of the conversation
34:37 was actually recorded in a video,
34:38 maybe we could play that
34:40 where Duane is actually talking to Rose,
34:43 to Jay and also to...
34:47 Gina?
34:48 No, Gina's husband.
34:50 Oh, Ray. Ray.
34:51 Okay. And Rose.
34:52 Rose and Jay, sorry.
34:54 I'll tell you a story about Jacob.
34:55 It's a short story but...
34:57 Yes. Yes.
34:58 After the video.
35:00 Okay, let's go to the video right now
35:01 and then we'll go to the story of Jacob.
35:04 Greeting from Adventist World Radio.
35:05 I'm Dr. Duane McKey, president, and I have with me here,
35:08 Robert Dulay, he's my assistant
35:10 who's stationed here in the Philippines.
35:12 Thrilling and exciting things have been happening
35:15 for the last five years.
35:16 And I want to introduce you
35:18 to some very, very important friends of ours.
35:21 This is Kal Martin, and his wife Rose.
35:23 They have been the leaders of the group
35:26 in the mountains who have been,
35:28 we have referred to them as rebels,
35:30 who had continued with this war
35:32 that's gone on for about 50 years,
35:34 I think, a long, long time with the NPA.
35:37 His brother was killed. Was killed.
35:40 Okay, by the military in an action.
35:43 And so that changed your life.
35:44 And you came, you left the military school.
35:47 And then joined...
35:49 He joined the New People's Army.
35:51 New People's Army.
35:53 And at that time, how long was it before you
35:56 became the leader of the New People's Army?
35:59 Five years.
36:00 After five years. After five years?
36:02 Okay. Yeah.
36:03 So about that time, too,
36:06 there was a young lady that you met,
36:09 and you admired her a lot.
36:11 And so you were attracted by her.
36:12 And you married her.
36:15 How many years, Rose, how many years ago was that?
36:18 Two years. Two years?
36:19 So, when he joined after two years...
36:21 After two years.
36:22 They got married in the movement.
36:25 Okay. Yeah, yeah.
36:26 And so you lived in the mountains,
36:28 and you would get together and work together
36:32 and when you left the movement,
36:34 and you became a Christian,
36:35 and you guys were just baptized just a few days ago,
36:39 Elder Wilson baptized you.
36:40 And I've baptized you, Rose.
36:44 When you left the movement, your children, were they there?
36:47 Did they witness the baptism?
36:49 So all of them were baptized,
36:50 all of them witnessed their baptism.
36:52 All of them were there
36:53 and they were baptized
36:55 into the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
36:56 Yeah.
36:57 Last Sabbath, they were all baptized.
36:59 Wow.
37:01 All these years we had conflict,
37:03 lots of conflict, different things going on.
37:06 And you have been working for the NPA,
37:10 but not for God.
37:11 Now you're giving your lives to Jesus.
37:14 And you have, Robert is teaching you
37:16 to become evangelists.
37:19 Amen.
37:20 Yes.
37:21 We involve them in our training.
37:24 We conduct the training.
37:25 They use our projectors,
37:29 our materials in this ministry.
37:32 Wow.
37:33 And yes, they are very influential.
37:36 And not only when they,
37:39 after they attracted to the Lord to the church,
37:42 they even reach for their former,
37:44 you know, comrades.
37:45 Amen.
37:47 And that's the reason why we have
37:48 these so many baptisms that's happened.
37:50 Wow.
37:51 If we can just over a little bit.
37:54 Right, please have a seat here.
37:56 This is Ray, two, three years ago, we were here.
37:59 And we had gotten up at 3 o'clock in the morning.
38:03 And Kal was on the mountain with some other friends
38:06 and he was going to come down
38:08 and we were going to have a secret baptism.
38:10 But you worked for the military,
38:13 Ray's secret service.
38:14 And so he had spotted, he found out, I don't know how,
38:19 you guys do have a secret service people know
38:20 what's going on.
38:22 They have ears on the ground.
38:24 And so we would stop the car, talk on the phone,
38:27 go someplace I was talking on the phone.
38:29 And we thought we were safe.
38:31 And so but you knew what was happening.
38:35 So we went to the river,
38:37 we started walking up the river Kathy and Cami and Robert...
38:42 All the crew. The whole crew.
38:43 You were with us.
38:45 And we're walking up the river.
38:46 We got partway up the mountain and we stopped
38:48 and then it rained and rained and rain.
38:50 And then Kal, one of your secret service man,
38:56 you figured out that there were military,
38:59 Ray, down below hiding in the jungle.
39:03 And you sent word to us as Americans.
39:06 And you said, "Get out! Get out!
39:11 There's military hiding in the jungle before
39:13 and if we come down there is going to be shooting
39:15 and you Americans are going to be caught in the center."
39:17 And so I said to Kathy and Cami and Robert and Heather,
39:21 "Get out here.
39:23 Let's go" So we ran down the mountain and gotten a river
39:27 and then it started raining more
39:29 and we were going down the river
39:31 and as we are going down, we were helping Kathy
39:33 and she was floating down the river,
39:36 we're holding on to her arm.
39:38 We were muddy and wet.
39:41 We were all wet.
39:42 All wet.
39:44 But the point of this is that was then,
39:48 you were baptized Sabbath.
39:51 You were baptized Sabbath.
39:54 You were baptized Sabbath.
39:59 It's all forgiven.
40:01 Reconciliation. Amen.
40:02 I can't believe what God's doing and is doing.
40:07 Ray, thank you.
40:10 When you guys were baptized Sabbath,
40:13 it brought tears to all of our eyes
40:15 to see what God is doing,
40:16 how great the Lord is.
40:18 Robert,
40:20 this has been a highlight of my ministry.
40:22 Praise the Lord.
40:24 For 50 years I've been in the ministry.
40:26 I've never seen anything like this.
40:28 It has been a highlight for your ministry.
40:30 We have never seen anything.
40:32 This is latter rain doing, latter rain.
40:35 Yeah. And the Holy Spirit is...
40:36 A latter rain.
40:38 Is being poured out.
40:39 The Holy Spirit is being poured out,
40:40 and like never before God is blessing.
40:43 Jesus is coming soon.
40:44 Amen.
40:49 Amen.
40:51 Praise the Lord.
40:52 Jesus is coming soon. Amen.
40:53 I love what you said at the end.
40:55 This is the highlight of my ministry.
40:57 What an incredible thing to see.
40:59 The CIA and the rebel soldiers, to see them baptized,
41:02 to see them come together, to see that healing.
41:04 Yeah. So tell us about Jacob.
41:06 You talked about Jacob. Okay.
41:08 Jacob's mother is Jean.
41:09 I just baptized her. Okay.
41:11 And we have a little picture of them.
41:13 But it's incredible. Here they are.
41:16 This is Jacob, and this is Ray and Gina just baptized.
41:20 So we're out of the ocean.
41:22 I'm baptizing her.
41:25 Also is with us is Rose.
41:28 She's been an assassin.
41:29 Yeah.
41:31 And she's changed.
41:32 And she's standing there.
41:34 And at her feet is little Jacob.
41:37 She's taking care of Jacob
41:39 while his mother is being baptized.
41:42 Amen. Wow.
41:43 Just unbelievable.
41:46 Yeah, mother.
41:48 You know, mothers unites to this,
41:50 to trust somebody to take care of your child
41:52 who's been an assassin.
41:53 Right.
41:55 Think about it. Yeah. Yeah.
41:56 That doesn't happen in today's world.
41:57 No. Right.
41:59 That's because of the power of the Holy Spirit.
42:01 It's all God. Amen. Amen.
42:02 All God. Yeah.
42:04 It's incredible. Yeah.
42:05 We also saw an incredible story.
42:08 Duane, you and I were on the beach there in Mindoro,
42:11 and we met two gentlemen.
42:13 Similar situation, former enemies,
42:15 one had been an assassin for the rebels.
42:17 In fact, they said he was so strong,
42:19 he could carry a body on his shoulder, right Duane?
42:22 Yeah. Up and down the mountains.
42:23 With his machine gun.
42:25 With his machine gun for hours.
42:28 Wow.
42:29 And then we had one of the intelligence officers,
42:31 another CIA officer.
42:34 And there they were, literally,
42:36 we have a picture of them shaking hands, embracing.
42:38 They're at the ocean?
42:40 They're at the ocean and getting baptized
42:42 at the same time.
42:43 And you know, that story, the story of Ray,
42:45 it reminds me again, power of this message,
42:50 the power of Jesus to unite people
42:52 who are former enemies.
42:55 The text in Romans 5:10... Oh, yes.
42:58 Just have to share this one 'cause this is so powerful.
43:00 It says, "If when we were enemies,
43:02 we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son."
43:06 Former enemies being reconciled
43:08 through Jesus Christ for eternity.
43:11 And they're all Adventists now.
43:12 They're all Adventists.
43:13 Exactly.
43:15 It's so powerful.
43:16 At Saturday night, Saturday night.
43:17 No, it was... Sunday night.
43:19 Sunday night. Yes.
43:20 Something happened. They planned a party.
43:22 What happened?
43:23 Well, after Elder Wilson
43:26 and Elder McKey left to go do other baptisms
43:28 throughout the rest of the country,
43:31 and Kyle was there with me.
43:33 It was just Kyle and I.
43:35 And so they didn't want to leave.
43:37 They wanted to stay and have more preaching.
43:40 And so we had to go to the military
43:42 and get special permission to keep them
43:44 because they were going to take them back
43:45 to the mountains.
43:46 They stayed for two more days.
43:48 And Kyle preached that first night.
43:49 So Saturday night we arrived, the stage had been taken down
43:52 but they were still there.
43:53 They were all gathered around the baptismal pool.
43:55 They created a new stage,
43:57 they brought in flowers and decorated.
43:59 They rebels did
44:00 'cause they wanted the preaching to continue.
44:02 They didn't want to go home,
44:03 they still wanted to hear more.
44:04 And so we shared a message that night,
44:06 we all, actually many of our team shared testimonies,
44:08 and we shared a message about
44:09 how it doesn't matter where you've come from,
44:10 it only matters where you're going,
44:12 and how God is calling us,
44:14 and God is calling them to a bright new future.
44:16 And then that was Saturday night.
44:18 Okay. Yes.
44:20 And then there was one more night
44:21 and sadly, I left 'cause I missed Sunday night.
44:23 But Sunday night, you were still there,
44:25 Kathy and something incredible happened Sunday night?
44:28 It was incredible.
44:30 We had a presentation
44:31 that was prepared, the final sermon.
44:34 And I was the only one there, so it was going to be me.
44:39 We received a message, don't leave.
44:43 After the meeting,
44:45 we have prepared a special program.
44:47 The rebels have prepared a special program.
44:49 Secret, they didn't tell us or we've stayed.
44:51 They didn't tell us.
44:52 Right. They didn't tell us.
44:54 And so afterwards, it was just incredible,
44:59 because there's hundreds of them around the pool.
45:03 And it was so well organized.
45:05 They started by telling us that they had made,
45:08 they had organized as a group,
45:09 because you know, we didn't think about it.
45:11 But because they were in all these other camps
45:13 in the mountains,
45:15 many of them had never actually met.
45:17 This was a time of fellowship and meeting people
45:19 they communicated with,
45:20 but never actually met.
45:22 And so they organized a foundation,
45:25 they elected officers, and Rose is the new president.
45:29 Oh, wow.
45:31 Pastor Kyle had talked about, don't let the past define you.
45:35 Elder Wilson had said, we've all been rebels,
45:39 but because today you're getting baptized,
45:41 you're new creatures in Christ.
45:42 Amen.
45:44 So as part of this presentation,
45:46 they told us we've met
45:48 and we don't want the past to define us.
45:52 We don't want to be known as FRs
45:54 because that's what the military calls them FRs,
45:56 there were signs where they said former rebels.
46:00 We don't want to be known as former rebels.
46:02 We want to be known as FRs,
46:05 and it now stands for fully reconciled.
46:08 Oh, I love that.
46:10 Fully reconciled. Fully reconciled.
46:12 Amen. Yeah.
46:14 Amen.
46:15 And so, earlier that day,
46:16 we'd had a little impromptu medi-clinic.
46:18 A medical clinic, yes.
46:19 Because we had one doctor remaining.
46:21 And we noticed they were little cuddles,
46:23 little groups playing their guitars.
46:25 And what they were doing was rehearsing,
46:27 because there were something like
46:28 17 different camps or groups.
46:31 And each one did a program.
46:32 There were three parts.
46:34 They composed their own song
46:36 that talked about their experience.
46:39 And we were hearing the translations
46:41 and there were so many beautiful things.
46:43 One of the songs was for breakfast
46:46 we ate dew from the grass,
46:48 for lunch, we searched for coconut,
46:52 for dinner, we go to sleep.
46:54 Praise God.
46:56 We don't have to live like this anymore.
46:59 It was amazing.
47:01 And then they elected a spokesperson
47:03 who talked about the group,
47:05 how God had changed their lives and their commitment.
47:08 It was incredible.
47:10 And in the middle of this,
47:11 and I think Duane is going to talk about this
47:13 after we talk about rebel night.
47:16 Someone came to the microphone and said,
47:20 "I did not get baptized.
47:21 I did not believe in this.
47:23 I did not... I wasn't sure this was real.
47:26 So I came to watch.
47:29 But what's happened this week has changed my life.
47:33 And I'm making a commitment tonight
47:35 in front of all of you,
47:36 I will be baptized."
47:37 Amen. Amen.
47:39 So he was one of the holdouts that have not surrendered.
47:43 So after each group gave their presentation,
47:46 suddenly they turned out all the lights,
47:48 and they started passing candles,
47:51 one candle after another, hundreds of candles.
47:55 They turned off the lights
47:57 and they sang hymns, and they prayed.
48:00 And then they turned on the lights
48:02 and called us all up.
48:04 The first row stands
48:06 and one by one every single rebel,
48:09 every single member,
48:11 even the little children came
48:13 and gave each one of us a flower and touched us,
48:17 grabbed our hands.
48:19 Many of them don't speak English,
48:20 but they learned enough to say thank you for coming.
48:24 Thank you for bringing Jesus.
48:25 Thank you for AWR.
48:27 Thank you for coming.
48:28 Thank you for Elder Wilson coming.
48:30 Thank you for Elder McKey.
48:32 They thanked us individually, and we were all in tears.
48:34 I mean, we were all in tears.
48:36 But there was one final surprise,
48:38 and that was they said we've made a commitment
48:42 that we are each one going to win one.
48:45 Amen.
48:47 Each one is going to win one.
48:48 Each one reach one.
48:50 Each one reach one.
48:51 Each one win one.
48:52 And we're going to come back.
48:54 And we're going to meet again
48:56 like this before the end of the year.
48:57 We're going to bring people for Jesus.
48:59 Amen.
49:01 We have a video of this, right?
49:02 We do have a video of the rebel's night.
49:04 Let's go to that video right now.
49:05 Yes.
49:08 What are we seeing here?
49:10 Okay, so here's the scenario around the pool.
49:13 There's a hundreds of rebels,
49:15 and they're giving their presentation.
49:18 And it was just, it was amazing.
49:20 It was amazing.
49:22 And this is where they're theming.
49:25 They created a theme song.
49:26 They're talking about the theme song.
49:27 They're giving their different musical numbers
49:30 when each group presented.
49:31 Here's an example of the speakers
49:33 from various groups giving their presentation.
49:36 And then this is, yes,
49:41 this might be the guy I can't remember who said,
49:44 "I'm going to be next."
49:45 Wow. It was incredible.
49:47 So the different speakers
49:48 from each of the different 17 communities.
49:51 And then they after this was finished,
49:55 you'll see the candle lights, the lighting of the candles.
49:59 And it was beautiful because it started on one side,
50:01 and then everyone passed their light to the next person.
50:04 It is beautiful. It is incredible.
50:07 Yeah. Wow.
50:08 I love that I will go.
50:09 I will go.
50:11 They all wore the I will go shirts.
50:13 They were so proud.
50:15 And then the next thing you'll see...
50:18 That's beautiful. It is incredible.
50:21 Think about reconciliation. Yes.
50:24 Forever reconciled, the FR. Yes, forever.
50:26 Here they are coming up and giving us the flowers,
50:29 one by one, every single person personally thanking us.
50:35 We were all in tears.
50:36 It was one of the most...
50:38 I couldn't sleep all night
50:40 because I'm thinking we got home at midnight.
50:43 How am I going to tell the others,
50:45 because this was for the church.
50:47 This was for Adventist World Radio,
50:48 it was for Elder Wilson and they missed it.
50:50 So I couldn't sleep. I was so excited.
50:52 I was really upset
50:54 when I missed it, I'll be honest.
50:55 I don't blame you.
50:57 He had just left three hours before.
51:00 But what a powerful testimony.
51:02 You know, it wasn't just a flash in the pan.
51:05 There's things we want people to know.
51:06 This is real changed lives.
51:08 Yes. That's right.
51:09 And we are seeing the outpouring
51:11 of the Holy Spirit in these last days.
51:13 And I believe, with all my heart, Jill,
51:15 that this is only the beginning.
51:17 Amen.
51:18 You've said this before, Duane, I've heard you,
51:19 you know, as we're going around the world
51:21 Adventist World Radio televise these meetings,
51:23 the Holy Spirit is being poured out.
51:24 This is only the beginning.
51:26 God is going to do even bigger things
51:27 in the days ahead.
51:28 God can do exceedingly, abundantly
51:30 above all that we ask or think.
51:32 We're right at the end of this program.
51:34 I cannot believe the time has gone so quickly.
51:37 What a miracle. Amen.
51:38 From terrorist to Adventist, seeing the miracle
51:41 and the healing and the reconciliation.
51:44 We want to put up the contact information
51:47 for AWR in just a moment.
51:49 But first before we do that,
51:51 I know 3ABN believes in the ministry of AWR.
51:54 We are thrilled to be partnering together,
51:57 to be able to do that.
51:58 But talk to us about some of your needs?
52:01 Okay. What do you need at AWR?
52:03 It's obvious right now, this one project,
52:06 we, actually tonight, tonight in the Philippines,
52:10 these FRs are all across the hills
52:14 holding evangelistic meetings.
52:16 Amen.
52:17 We have given them video projectors,
52:18 they have the sermons,
52:20 and they're out in the mountains there
52:22 holding meetings.
52:23 Amazing. Holding meetings.
52:25 And then the thrilling thing is,
52:29 as we have talked with the FRs,
52:31 with Robert Dulay, and the rest of our team there,
52:34 they're saying, okay,
52:36 all the rebels now are having meetings.
52:39 They've gone back into the mountains.
52:40 Actually, there are 70 villages.
52:43 Wow. Robert said 70 villages.
52:46 They have a problem though.
52:48 The meetings will go on, they'll do evangelism.
52:50 They'll continue with that, but they have a problem.
52:55 Where do you have church on Sabbath?
52:58 Well, if it's not rainy, and it's not too hot,
53:02 you can go out under mango trees,
53:06 and have church.
53:08 But there somehow,
53:10 you know, if you just had something
53:11 so we can put up, there'll be order.
53:14 They need the sheet metal,
53:16 they need the post and everything
53:18 for about $5,000...
53:20 A church? A church.
53:22 So $5,000 a church Five thousand, church,
53:24 and I said to Kathy, "Let's do one."
53:26 And she says... "Let's do two."
53:28 "Two."
53:30 I love it. We can do that.
53:32 It's not much. I love it.
53:33 It's not much, you know, maybe,
53:35 I said to our kids for our Christmas,
53:39 "We're going to be out."
53:41 I said, we've done this in India,
53:42 that we can do this in the Philippines.
53:45 That's incredible. Amen.
53:46 And we'll put your name on. They said, "Really?"
53:48 I said, "Yeah, up in the mountains
53:50 there in Mindoro
53:52 we'll put our name up there."
53:53 Amen. You know our kids back...
53:54 Wow. Yeah, and the church.
53:57 So we will put up two churches. Amen.
53:58 And so churches, that's the biggest right now?
54:00 Churches? Churches.
54:01 Right. Absolutely.
54:03 Okay, Duane, you've convicted me,
54:04 I'm going to say it on this live, I'm going to do one.
54:05 Yes. Amen.
54:07 Me too. Me too. Amen.
54:08 And I want to challenge everybody
54:09 who's listening tonight.
54:11 That's right.
54:12 Maybe there's somebody out there you say the Lord is,
54:14 you've been impressed by this incredible testimony
54:15 and the Lord is speaking to your heart.
54:16 You want to help build a church for these rebels
54:18 who are now fully,
54:19 they're no longer rebels, they're fully reconciled.
54:20 Amen.
54:22 I love that.
54:23 Okay, so what we're going to do right now
54:25 is put up the contact information for AWR
54:27 and 3ABN is going to build a church too.
54:30 Amen. So I was gonna say that.
54:31 I was just thinking talk about them.
54:33 We want you at home, our 3ABN audience,
54:36 who are movers and shakers,
54:37 I hope tonight you have been encouraged.
54:39 I hope tonight you have been inspired.
54:41 I hope tonight you have realized what God can do,
54:44 still do, the miracles He can perform
54:47 in people's hearts and lives.
54:49 So here's the way that you can contact AWR
54:53 and become involved in this exciting mission opportunity.
54:56 Amen.
54:59 If you would like more information
55:01 about Adventist World Radio,
55:03 you can write to them at 12501,
55:06 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring,
55:09 Maryland 20904.
55:12 You can call them at (301) 680-6304.
55:17 That's (301) 680-6304.
55:22 Their website is awr.org
55:27 Or you can email them at
55:28 info@awr.org
55:33 Contact them today, they'd love to hear from you.
55:43 If you were not able to get AWR's contact information
55:46 for whatever reason,
55:47 you can always contact us here,
55:49 and we would be delighted to put you in touch with AWR.
55:52 We're right at the end of our program.
55:54 Pastor Kyle, do you have a closing thought?
55:56 Well, just was thinking,
55:57 you know, as we've looked at these incredible stories today
55:59 about these former rebels now fully reconciled,
56:03 and we've seen how their lives literally
56:05 were changed completely.
56:07 It reminds me that God is able to do that for each one of us.
56:11 You know, we may not have been rebels in the Philippines
56:13 but we're all rebels.
56:15 We've all been sinners.
56:16 And God says here in Romans 5:8,
56:18 "God demonstrates His own love toward us,
56:20 and that while we were still sinners
56:22 Christ died for us."
56:23 Amen. Amen. Elder McKey?
56:24 Amen. Thank you so much.
56:27 Jill, it's a joy to be here with you.
56:29 AWR is probably not quite as exciting,
56:34 but we do deal with rebels around the world, assassins,
56:38 we have down in Central America and Colombia,
56:41 different places on the Amazon River, we see,
56:44 we're seeing incredible things happen when the assassins,
56:47 drug lords are laying down their guns and we see this,
56:50 we're going to see the same thing.
56:52 We do see the same thing in Mindanao.
56:53 We see it in Bangladesh, we're seeing it in the Israel,
56:56 and I can't tell you some of those stories.
56:58 But it's just amazing what God is doing.
57:01 One of the reasons I didn't know this, actually,
57:03 I said, I learned that when we hired Kyle,
57:07 God is able to do exceedingly,
57:09 abundantly above all that we ask or think.
57:11 That's his favorite text too as well as my mine.
57:12 Amen. I love that.
57:14 And now it's yours. Amen.
57:17 Elder McKey, my sister Kathy, my sister Kathy,
57:21 and Elder Kyle,
57:22 thank you all so much for being here.
57:24 Thank you for your heart for ministry.
57:26 The Ministry of AWR is incredible, reaching lives.
57:30 I love your slogan, from broadcast to baptism.
57:33 I love that.
57:35 So we just want to encourage you tonight.
57:37 Get involved in ministry, get involved in evangelism,
57:41 it will change your life.


Revised 2022-01-06