3ABN Today Live

Thanksgiving Special

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL210037B

00:14 You've been good to me
00:17 Through all the years
00:23 You've been good to me
00:26 Through joys and tears
00:33 I want to thank you Lord all for all
00:39 For all you've done
00:42 Because you've been good to me
00:44 Yes, He has through all the years
00:49 You all at home sing with me.
00:53 You've been good to me
00:56 through all the years
01:01 You've been good to me
01:04 through joys and tears
01:08 I want to thank you Lord all for all
01:14 All you've done
01:16 You've been good to me
01:21 You've been good to me
01:26 You've been good to me, Lord
01:30 Through all the years
01:37 Yes, He has.
01:38 Has He been good to you today?
01:40 I know He has.
01:44 Amen.
01:46 Welcome back to 3ABN's Thanksgiving special.
01:48 Thank you so much, Mr. Danny. I'm always blessed.
01:51 Every time you share, of course, the word, spoken word
01:54 but of course, also when you minister music.
01:56 Amen. It's an anointing, you know, it's a gift.
01:58 You think back to all the years thinking about family,
02:01 I'm sure you thinking about your father.
02:03 I know he would be very proud of you, you know,
02:05 because he passed away at a young age,
02:06 but to see what God has done through you.
02:08 Yes. And how you've impacted so many people for eternity.
02:12 And I'm thinking about you at home as well.
02:14 You may be surrounded by many family members today
02:17 being Thanksgiving Day or you may be at home
02:20 in your apartment or someplace in the world feeling all alone.
02:23 So we want to encourage you today.
02:26 I know I've been encouraged this first hour
02:27 and I pray to the Lord that you have too.
02:30 But God's been good, right? He is good.
02:33 And you are here for a reason and a purpose.
02:36 You may feel that nobody loves you,
02:37 but God loves you.
02:39 And I want to also encourage you to that
02:41 we as your 3ABN family, we're here for you as well.
02:44 And thank you so much for reaching out
02:45 whether it's through the phone calls, emails,
02:47 social media, just reaching out to us here at 3ABN.
02:49 It's a blessing to hear from you
02:51 as part of our 3ABN family.
02:53 Talking about family, Sweetie,
02:54 we've got some more 3ABN family members
02:56 here on the set with us.
02:57 We do, absolutely.
02:59 I was so blessed the first hour. Oh, amen.
03:00 It was the anointing of the Holy Spirit here.
03:02 Blessed to have you joining us at home
03:05 and we have more of the family here,
03:06 our brother, Jason Bradley,
03:08 and just so glad that you're here, Jay,
03:10 and share with us what's on your heart?
03:12 What has the Lord done in your life this last year
03:15 or an experience or a scripture,
03:18 something you want to share?
03:20 There's a lot to share.
03:21 And I don't think we have the time for it all
03:23 but I'm so thankful.
03:25 I'm thankful for family,
03:26 I'm thankful for the Word of God,
03:29 you know, we have basic instructions
03:31 before leaving earth.
03:32 We have the Bible and 2 Timothy Chapter 3,
03:37 I just want to look at verses 13 through 17
03:40 because one of the things that I like to do
03:42 is I take a look at the world around me
03:44 and see what's going on in the world
03:46 and how it measures up with the Word of God.
03:49 And I take a look at my own life
03:51 and take account of that as well,
03:54 but what we've seen
03:55 or what I've seen and observed is that
03:57 we're living in such a feeling based society.
04:01 But I'm thankful that we have the principles
04:03 that are found in the Word of God
04:04 that are constant, that do not change
04:06 so in 2 Timothy 3:13-17, it says,
04:11 "But evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse,
04:15 deceiving and being deceived.
04:18 But you must continue in the things
04:20 which you have learned and been assured of knowing
04:24 from whom you have learned them.
04:25 And that from childhood
04:27 you have known the Holy Scriptures,
04:29 which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith
04:32 which is in Christ Jesus.
04:35 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God
04:38 and is profitable for doctrine,
04:41 for reproof, for correction,
04:42 for instruction in righteousness,
04:45 that the man of God may be complete,
04:47 thoroughly equipped for every good work."
04:52 And so in the midst of the feeling based society,
04:54 we can go to the Word of God
04:56 and we find the direction that we are to go.
04:59 We can't get caught up on this side or on this side,
05:02 we got to stay on the straight and narrow.
05:04 And so God's just been showing me
05:05 that in the Word
05:07 and this year has been an incredible faith journey,
05:12 you know, with Dare to Dream and all of that,
05:14 just praying for certain projects,
05:16 and just seeing things coming into fruition
05:18 and the expansion of the gospel going forward.
05:22 So just, it's exciting.
05:24 It's an exciting year. Amen.
05:26 Yvonne, what's it do for you?
05:28 I mean, your mama here
05:29 and you've prayed for years for your son
05:31 and to see him a man of God to see him leading a network,
05:34 to see him sharing the gospel, what's that do for you?
05:39 It is the most incredible feeling to,
05:43 to see how God brought Jason
05:45 from where he was, to where he is now.
05:49 And so often, mothers reach out to me and they are...
05:55 Just the other day one reached out to me
05:58 and she said, "Please pray for my children.
06:00 I'm just so discouraged right now."
06:03 And I reminded her of my children's journeys
06:06 and it does my heart, it's...
06:12 I'm just a crybaby anyway,
06:14 but it just, every time I hear Jason talk
06:18 and he's talking about the Lord,
06:19 I know where he was.
06:20 Yeah.
06:22 And so to see where he is now
06:23 and to see where God has brought him
06:25 and to know that our God is El Hanne'eman,
06:27 the faithful God.
06:29 The Elohim Ahavah, the God who loves.
06:32 He loves us and He loves you.
06:36 And if you're praying for your children,
06:38 don't give up
06:40 because you will, by the grace of God,
06:42 get to see what God is doing.
06:45 You don't know what He's doing behind the scenes.
06:48 I didn't know how the Lord was working on you.
06:51 I knew I was praying for you, but He was working on you
06:55 for those years while you were away from Him.
06:58 And to hear you now and to see where you are now,
07:01 I'm just so, so thankful
07:03 and so proud of you, as your mom.
07:05 Proud to be your mom and so grateful to God
07:09 for what He's done.
07:10 Praise the Lord. Thank you for all those prayers.
07:14 It made a world of difference. Praise the Lord.
07:17 Literally, made the difference in.
07:19 Big time. Yeah.
07:21 You know, Jason, Mr. Danny was singing
07:23 just a few moments ago,
07:24 you know, how God has been good to him.
07:26 So how has God been good to you?
07:29 You need a massive list, don't you?
07:31 And a lot more time than what I have.
07:34 But He's just been good.
07:36 All my needs are met.
07:39 I've got a roof over my head,
07:40 I've got food in my refrigerator,
07:42 I've got air in my lungs, I've got clothes on my back,
07:45 I've got a chair to sit in.
07:47 I've got, you know, a car to drive.
07:49 And so even the basic necessities
07:52 and a little bit more
07:54 and God just blesses beyond measure.
07:57 Yeah.
07:59 You know, there's a lot of things
08:00 that we take for granted like health.
08:01 I think, you know, this has been a year
08:03 where people recognize that health is so important.
08:07 And so just being in good health,
08:10 that alone is a blessing in and of itself.
08:14 You know, it's a blessing to be part of the ministry of 3ABN,
08:16 you know, I think it's incredible
08:17 to think about sitting here on this beautiful set
08:19 that again the production team have beautifully put together
08:21 just masterful putting this together
08:24 but to thank, Mr. Danny, again of reaching the entire world
08:26 from this little spot.
08:27 I think about where we sit in this little studio here
08:29 in Thompsonville, West Frankfort, Illinois.
08:31 To think about this gospel going around the world
08:34 and reaching family members
08:35 that we may never have the chance to meet
08:37 is a humbling thought.
08:40 And to think about those depending
08:42 not on 3ABN's religion or anything
08:44 but it's on the Word of God,
08:45 as Jason mentioned the B-I-B-L-E, right?
08:48 And that's what 3ABN preaches, proclaimed it for 37 years.
08:51 Yeah. And that's what we're going to continue to do.
08:53 We know that there's times get tough,
08:55 but by God's grace, we're going to continue forward,
08:57 preaching the undiluted three angels' messages
09:00 of Revelation Chapter 14.
09:01 3ABN has never wavered from that, Mr. Danny,
09:03 and God will continue to bless this ministry
09:05 as we continue to go forward.
09:06 Well, He's faithful. He is faithful.
09:08 Just what He is. He's faithful.
09:09 I could say it over and over again.
09:12 When He commissioned us to go into all the world.
09:15 You know, Dr. Walt Thompson, I've said many times,
09:17 always said, "The Lord counted his resources in advance
09:21 and found that He's not wanting."
09:22 And so therefore it's us.
09:24 So we're 3ABN when we were impressed
09:26 to build a television station to reach the world
09:29 with the undiluted three angels' messages,
09:31 one that would counteract the counterfeit.
09:33 We just began to go forward, just step at a time.
09:36 You know, somebody said, how to eat an elephant
09:38 one bite at a time.
09:39 That's right. We get that one but one step at a time.
09:42 And that's all you have to do
09:44 in your Christian walk with the Lord said, Lord,
09:45 what do you have me to do?
09:47 And He'll show you exactly, but know that He's faithful,
09:49 don't ever give up.
09:50 Don't be discouraged. That's good.
09:52 Amen.
09:53 I love that. Excellent.
09:54 Thank you so much for sharing, Jason.
09:56 We're going to transition and trade out family members,
09:58 but thank you for being here and for being part of 3ABN.
09:59 Thank you for your leadership, Jason.
10:01 It's fun working with you.
10:02 He's my neighbor, has an office right across,
10:04 diagonal from me.
10:05 That's right. I'm right next door to the White House.
10:08 It's been a pleasure. I'll see you guys later.
10:10 Happy Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving.
10:13 Don't eat too much.
10:17 We kind of knew maybe something like that
10:19 was going to be happening.
10:22 I mean, of course, it's Dr. Moses Primo.
10:24 We are so grateful. Hi, Dr. Primo.
10:26 You're part of the family of 3ABN,
10:30 really helped us go around the world.
10:33 You know, without Moses,
10:34 without his leadership here at 3ABN,
10:37 we would still be stuck just talking to camera.
10:40 He's the one who enabled this ministry
10:43 to go around the world.
10:44 So thank you, we love you and your wife, Ajumma.
10:47 You know, it's not hard,
10:50 it's just able to be willing
10:54 and to listen what God has to say.
10:57 And He opened the doors.
10:59 I know, I'm a witness of 30 years of miracles
11:06 that happened.
11:08 And I'm here just following His commands.
11:12 Amen.
11:13 You've been a part of the Ministry of 3ABN
11:14 for a number of years.
11:16 Yeah. How many years?
11:17 A little over 30 years. That's amazing.
11:20 That's a long time that goes back
11:22 almost to the very beginning.
11:23 Yeah, oh, yeah.
11:24 Mo's been an integral part,
11:26 tremendous part of this ministry,
11:27 as you said, Jill, without Mo or someone like him
11:30 but God chose him to do it.
11:32 That's what's good.
11:34 So thank you for what you do
11:36 because, as Jill said, we could all sit around
11:38 and be talking, but no one would hear or see.
11:42 But thanks to you, we're able to reach the world.
11:44 And that's an incredible.
11:45 It's my blessing and there is much more,
11:48 the work is not done.
11:49 So we are here just to continue following Him.
11:53 And He will lead us the way.
11:55 So what's on your heart here today,
11:57 Thanksgiving Day, what has God done in your life
11:59 this past year or something you want to share?
12:02 There was...
12:04 There's so much to think of blessings
12:06 that we received this year.
12:09 But on very in the beginning of February,
12:14 I received my son back alive again
12:18 because he had a tremendous car accident.
12:21 And we thought we had lost him
12:25 but just after three or four months,
12:29 he recovered so well.
12:31 And he's walking and exercising,
12:37 and I think God has spared his life
12:42 because He was not done with him. That's right.
12:45 So now before I was,
12:47 I used to preach to him, you know,
12:50 "Son, you have to do this, this, this and that."
12:52 Now he's preaching to me.
12:55 So he's ministering to me, sometimes he calls and saying,
12:59 "Dad, I'm praying for you." Wow.
13:02 He is watching a lot of Doug Batchelor
13:08 and a lot of 3ABN and all these ministries
13:13 and he's really studying.
13:16 He's seeking the Lord. That's great.
13:18 So that was one big blessing this year.
13:21 Another big blessing is my wife.
13:24 After four years of going to college,
13:27 she graduated and she found a job right away.
13:32 Yeah. So she's a medical assistant.
13:35 Okay.
13:37 And we're very happy
13:38 that the Lord is giving her opportunity to,
13:43 to help others also, to share what she has learned.
13:47 So we, unfortunately, she couldn't be here
13:51 because it's a new job that she's in,
13:54 but I praise God for my wife,
13:58 and all of my children.
14:01 I was thinking of passages to say here today
14:06 and there are so many blessings in the Book of Psalms
14:13 and David gives so many things and then I said,
14:17 "Man, I'm not gonna be able to memorize all of this."
14:22 But and then I found a passage in Lamentations 3:23.
14:28 That's right.
14:29 And that says that
14:33 His blessings and His promises are renewed every day.
14:38 That's right.
14:39 So every day we get to receive everything
14:44 that He has promised that to be faithful to us.
14:48 So my son sometimes says,
14:52 "Daddy, you forgot that you promised something."
14:54 I said, "Yeah, but God never forgets."
14:58 So I'm a witness that God is faithful each day.
15:05 And sometimes we don't see it,
15:09 but if we live long enough
15:12 we will see it and we recognize.
15:14 So God is good.
15:16 Amen.
15:17 What a blessing, Dr. Mo, I think by you and your family,
15:19 you know, to the Ministry of 3ABN.
15:22 Is any particular miracle come to mind,
15:24 because I mean, 3ABN is a miracle ministry,
15:27 you know, just it seems like on a daily basis,
15:28 you, of course, you wear many different hats
15:31 but you're also in charge of engineering,
15:32 which is basically to keep us on the air
15:34 and fixing a lot of those technical problems.
15:36 But any miracle comes to mind that you'd like to share?
15:39 Well, there are so many, like I said, in engineering,
15:43 there are things that.
15:45 I'm an engineer and for me it's zero one,
15:48 yes or no, will it work or doesn't work.
15:52 All the programming. Yeah.
15:54 So sometimes I don't understand things that happened here.
16:01 I just accept it and I praise the Lord
16:03 and I raise, you know, my hands and thank Him
16:06 because technically it doesn't make sense.
16:10 So I can tell you that it is a miracle place
16:14 because there's a lot of things that shouldn't happen,
16:18 and it works.
16:20 And I don't complain.
16:24 Another thing that, to me is a miracle also is,
16:28 I was trained to be manager for TV stations
16:34 and I know all the steps and I was...
16:39 I am a manager for the 3ABN Francais.
16:43 And I couldn't understand
16:45 how we could keep this network
16:49 running without employee
16:53 or without, you know, funds.
16:56 But I thank God for volunteers. Amen.
16:59 You know, we have an amazing family,
17:02 the Bolo family, Rose Bolo and the daughters.
17:07 And they are amazing volunteers,
17:09 a lot of pastors that they come and say,
17:12 "Brother Primo, I wanted to come
17:15 and you don't have to worry,
17:17 I'll bring enough to supply all of my needs."
17:21 So they come and they spend a week or two,
17:26 recording at their cost.
17:28 And the last month, the pastor even brought a singer with him.
17:35 So we were blessed to have a singer also.
17:39 But without volunteers, we couldn't see this working.
17:45 Amen. So I praise God for volunteers.
17:49 I'm very thankful for the administration,
17:52 I don't know if it is okay to say officially on the air
17:56 but next year,
17:58 we're going to have the first employee
18:02 for the Francais.
18:04 So we are looking forward to have that.
18:07 And I have some ideas of other things
18:10 that I want to do.
18:12 I want to guide a direction of doing more languages.
18:18 That's my call for the next year.
18:21 And I trust the Lord will bless and I don't have to worry
18:24 because I don't have to know, He knows.
18:28 Amen. I just have to follow Him and He will tell me what to do.
18:32 Tim, I want to go to the chorus here in just a moment
18:34 but, Brother Mo, I want to just share this miracle
18:36 because this is something that
18:38 this would mean a lot to you at home
18:40 because Dr. Mo oversees master control
18:42 which gets the signal out
18:43 and you're able to listen or view.
18:45 And when an engineer comes to you during the year
18:46 and says, "Greg we're hanging on by a shoestring."
18:49 That kind of a little bit scary
18:50 like we're hanging on by a shoestring.
18:52 God provided incredible miracle where a donor stepped forward
18:55 and paid for the cost of upgrading master control,
18:59 so you can continue to get 3ABN.
19:02 And that shoestring held, Dr. Mo, right? Yes.
19:04 That shoestring is holding, is held,
19:06 so that the signal can continue to go out.
19:08 Those are miracles that you see on a daily and weekly basis.
19:12 And we just praise the Lord for those of you
19:13 that stepped forward and support
19:15 the Ministry of 3ABN.
19:16 You're part of the family and thank you so very much.
19:18 Yeah.
19:20 And that this upgrade actually
19:21 is going to bring even something more
19:23 that we did not expect.
19:24 Actually I didn't think of it,
19:27 but it's gonna come with more features.
19:29 Yes, that's right.
19:31 The new system is going to be a tremendous step up
19:34 of what we have now.
19:37 So I praise God and I thank Him.
19:39 That's good.
19:40 Thank you so much, Dr. Mo, for your leadership.
19:42 My pleasure. Thank you for being here.
19:43 Amen. Brother Tim.
19:45 I think it's just appropriate to sing
19:47 what Danny was singing as we came in.
19:50 You've been good to me Go ahead, bud.
19:53 Through all the years Everybody help him.
19:57 You've been good to me
20:00 Through joys and tears
20:03 I want to thank you Lord
20:07 for all You've done
20:11 You've been good to me
20:15 Through all the years
20:27 You've been good to me
20:33 Through all the years
20:40 Amen. Thank you much.
20:42 Wow.
20:43 We traded our guests,
20:45 but before we introduce more of the family
20:46 who's sitting here,
20:48 we want to go to another role.
20:49 These are some more employees
20:51 that were not able to be on the set with us.
20:54 And we want to go to that and you can hear
20:55 their Thanksgiving greetings for you.
21:06 Hi, my name is Valera.
21:07 And this year, I have very special things
21:09 to be thankful for.
21:11 In September, I gained two members,
21:15 two new members of my family,
21:16 I got a son-in-law, one week, and the following week,
21:20 I got a new grandson.
21:22 And that is a great blessing.
21:24 One thing I'm very thankful for is that
21:26 I get to have my whole family here in the States,
21:29 and I'm so happy that they can be here.
21:32 I am grateful for you, our viewers,
21:35 I love to talk to you on the phone.
21:37 I love that you're here for us.
21:38 And I love to pray with you.
21:40 Thank you so much for being a part of the 3ABN family.
21:44 Happy Thanksgiving.
21:45 I actually worked here years ago at 3ABN
21:48 and God has brought me through a journey,
21:51 traveling to Guam, going all over the world.
21:54 And I never thought
21:55 that I would actually come back here.
21:56 But God said, "You know what, Brandon,
21:58 I have a plan for you."
22:00 And I don't know exactly what it is yet.
22:02 But God brought me back here to 3ABN.
22:04 I'm telling you
22:06 it is one of the best experiences
22:08 I've ever had in any job history in the world
22:12 that I've ever worked before.
22:14 You know, it may be a little small,
22:15 but you get what I mean, it's awesome.
22:17 And I can't wait for what God has in store for me.
22:20 I'm thankful for a loving and supportive husband.
22:23 And I'm also thankful for godly mentors.
22:27 Something happened this morning,
22:29 I'll try not to cry.
22:30 My aunt...
22:32 Sorry, who was a great spiritual mentor of mine
22:35 passed away.
22:37 And I wanted to share a couple of verses of...
22:40 Have a chance here.
22:44 It's from Ecclesiastes.
22:46 Ecclesiastes 7:2,
22:49 it says, "Better to go to the house of mourning,
22:52 than to go to the house of feasting:
22:54 for that is the end of all men,
22:56 and the living will take it to heart."
22:59 So if you have a spiritual mentor in your life,
23:03 spend as much time with them as you can.
23:06 This year, I'm most thankful for friends, family and life.
23:11 And the opportunity to work here at 3ABN's call center
23:15 each day taking your calls,
23:17 questions and answers and orders.
23:19 And it is a pleasure to be with you
23:22 and talk with you each and every day.
23:24 I'm grateful that this year has been wonderful
23:29 and full of love.
23:31 I had the opportunity to share with my family
23:34 and that's great for me.
23:36 What I'm thankful for this year
23:38 is that God has given me another year of health,
23:40 so I can continue to work at 3ABN
23:43 even though I'm way past retirement.
23:47 It is such a joy working here
23:49 and interacting not only with my family here
23:51 but with my family viewers.
23:53 Thank you and have a Happy Thanksgiving.
23:57 Amen. We love our family.
23:58 We do. You know, what a great team we have.
24:00 What an incredible gift family is
24:03 and to come to work every day where you have purpose,
24:06 to come to work where you get to work
24:07 with those you love the most, your family
24:10 and we get to hear from you, our family at home.
24:13 So Thanksgiving is really all about home.
24:16 It's all about family
24:17 and we have traded out some other family here.
24:19 We have Jay Christian and his beautiful wife Sveta.
24:23 And we love both of you
24:24 and so grateful that God called you here
24:27 to the Ministry of 3ABN.
24:29 And, Sveta, I think we'll start with you.
24:30 We've been doing ladies first here.
24:32 So let's share with our family at home,
24:36 something God taught you this last year
24:38 or a scripture verse or something on your heart?
24:40 Okay, 30 years ago, God found me
24:45 and changed my life.
24:50 I have a lot of question without answer.
24:53 And my life was broken.
25:00 God changed my life, completely.
25:05 Now I work for 3ABN.
25:07 And now, 10 years I work for 3ABN Russia
25:11 and almost 10 years I worked for 3ABN here.
25:15 And I speak English terrible but 3ABN love me,
25:22 and everybody understand me and support me, coach me.
25:26 And I'm happy and life changing.
25:29 And I have a lot of answer from God
25:33 and got support, love
25:38 and life completely different
25:41 and I'm very happy for my husband.
25:46 And every Friday,
25:49 I listen 3ABN music channel.
25:54 That's good. 3ABN Radio.
25:55 Right? Very good.
25:58 And we have very good children.
26:02 And every children go to church and love God.
26:05 Amen. And we have a lot of grandchildren.
26:09 And they're very blessed from God.
26:11 Thank you. All right.
26:13 Amen. Wonderful.
26:14 Sveta does an amazing job.
26:16 I just thinking about all the pictures.
26:17 If you ever go 3ABN, you see that our magazine
26:21 or you see maybe something online,
26:23 almost all of those are taken by Sveta,
26:25 and she does graphic design
26:26 and the crafts with Kids Network.
26:28 You just do an amazing job.
26:29 So thank you. It's incredible.
26:31 Mr. Danny going back 30 years. Yeah.
26:33 She mentioned the year 30 years,
26:35 I'm thinking, wait, '92.
26:36 That's, that is 30 years ago, Mr. Danny.
26:38 Next year it's 30 years.
26:39 Thirty years since the Carter 3ABN meetings
26:42 in Nizhny Novgorod.
26:44 That's where you came. Christmas miracle.
26:45 So you came to the Lord, right? That's amazing.
26:48 And who would think 30 years later,
26:51 you'd be working for that network already 20.
26:53 It's completely different. Yeah.
26:58 That's absolutely amazing.
26:59 She and 2532 other souls
27:02 were baptized at those meetings.
27:04 But since then,
27:06 thousands and thousands have been
27:08 and we praise the Lord for that,
27:09 for you and 3ABN Russia.
27:12 And, Jay, you went over there to help them with radio
27:17 and you came back with a wife basically.
27:20 That's the short version.
27:23 Well, I met her here but we were,
27:26 my daughter Carrie and I were invited over there
27:29 to go and see Russia and what an opportunity,
27:33 you know, how could we pass that up?
27:35 And so we went, it was,
27:37 I'm telling you, it was a wonderful time.
27:39 I've been there what five, six, seven times since,
27:42 something like that.
27:43 But it was a great experience.
27:46 We were friends, we were introduced here
27:48 when she came to visit.
27:50 We were friends for a couple of years.
27:52 And after a couple of years,
27:53 we just started to see if the Lord had plans for us.
27:55 And He made it abundantly clear that He did.
27:59 But the interesting thing is
28:02 she was baptized two months before I was.
28:05 Wow. Okay.
28:07 So I like to tell everybody
28:08 she's two months older than I...
28:11 Older in Christ. That's good.
28:15 What's something this past year,
28:16 Jay, that you've learned,
28:18 that God's showing you or special scripture,
28:20 something you're thankful for?
28:22 You know, God's always showing me
28:24 that He's always been with me.
28:28 Sometimes, I wonder, when I was younger,
28:31 you know, I was very selfish and self-centered,
28:35 and everything had to do with me
28:38 and what I wanted.
28:40 And then I never got the things I wanted in my childhood
28:43 and I wasn't getting the things I wanted in my adulthood.
28:46 And poor me,
28:47 you know, you probably know somebody like that.
28:50 And I began to...
28:54 I was just negative pretty much all the time
28:56 because I wasn't getting the things that I wanted.
29:00 And through the years as a Christian,
29:03 God, wait, I know He did.
29:05 I know that.
29:07 Sometimes you can think,
29:09 you know, when you gonna get it,
29:10 when you gonna get it, but eventually I got it.
29:12 And He has been so patient with me
29:15 through all the years.
29:17 He's blessed me so much through all the years.
29:19 That song really struck me when I was listening to
29:21 as you're singing it just a few minutes ago
29:24 because that's the story of my life.
29:26 He waited for me.
29:28 And I've had such a wonderful life.
29:35 How can I thought it was so bad?
29:37 It wasn't. It wasn't bad at all.
29:39 It was good.
29:41 But I wasn't getting the things I wanted.
29:44 When I started getting the things God wanted for me,
29:48 it just blossomed.
29:50 And I learned so much and I grew so much.
29:53 One of the things that was a true blessing for me
29:58 was last year my oldest daughter, Jodi,
30:02 for Father's Day gave me a gift of writing a book.
30:07 Oh, wow.
30:08 And it's a book on the family stories,
30:13 which included me and all of my family.
30:16 And over the last year, as I wrote that book,
30:18 it's not published, nobody can buy it.
30:20 It's just, you know, within the family.
30:23 But as I wrote that book,
30:26 it was amazing time after time after time,
30:30 I was writing the things that God had done for me.
30:34 The things that He had taught me
30:36 through the years, the experiences that I had.
30:40 And, you know, we cannot, I shouldn't say we can all say,
30:43 but all of us of a certain age can say that we can look back
30:48 and see where God has been with us all of our lives.
30:51 Yes.
30:52 And we didn't recognize, we didn't know He was there.
30:55 He was waiting for us to find Him.
30:58 And this book was a wonderful experience.
31:02 Amen. That's amazing.
31:04 Praise the Lord.
31:05 What a gift to know that God holds our lives
31:08 in the palm of His hand,
31:10 you know, to know that no matter what we go through
31:12 and even if we think
31:14 it's not such a good circumstance
31:15 or not such a good situation but to see Romans 8:28,
31:19 "God can work all things for good
31:22 to those who love Him,
31:23 to those who are called according to His purpose."
31:27 Is there a special scripture for either one of you
31:29 that spoke to you this last year?
31:34 I was chosen or just you.
31:38 This is the scripture that I always give
31:40 when people ask me this question.
31:44 And it's not that there aren't other scriptures
31:47 that don't speak to me.
31:49 "But I can do all things through Christ
31:54 who strengthens me."
31:56 And I've learned that more and more as my life goes on.
32:00 The more that God puts in front of me,
32:02 the more I learn.
32:04 I know what it's like to live and want,
32:06 I know what it's like to have plenty.
32:09 Yet I can do all things through Christ
32:11 who strengthens me.
32:13 And that in itself strengthens me
32:16 every time I think about it.
32:18 Amen. It's great.
32:20 It's good to have Jay on.
32:21 You've been on several thousand hours of radio,
32:24 but we don't get to see you there.
32:26 So you're not often enough on television.
32:30 Well, that's a good thing. So no, no.
32:32 So the folks at home
32:34 they're listening to 3ABN Radio.
32:37 Now they can put the voice and the face all together.
32:41 Yeah. Praise God.
32:43 Absolutely. Dr. Yvonne, yeah, go ahead.
32:44 You were going to say something.
32:46 I was just gonna ask, Jay, what's been your brightest spot
32:48 with being the general manager of 3ABN Radio?
32:53 What's been the highlight
32:54 or one of the highlights of doing that?
32:57 Well, I can tell you that,
32:59 that everything that's happened with 3ABN Radio,
33:02 I've been here to see from the very beginning,
33:05 I was the third employee and I've seen it grow.
33:11 I've seen God take it and do things with it
33:13 that I would scratch my head about how did He do that?
33:15 How did that happen?
33:17 How did this opportunity come to us?
33:18 How did these people come to listen to us
33:21 or work for us or do programs with us?
33:25 And it's all God.
33:27 And so I see this and I see the miracles day after day.
33:31 You know, the Coronavirus has caused a challenge here
33:35 there in getting some people in for programs,
33:37 but we're finding ways to do programs
33:39 and interview people.
33:40 So God is always finding way.
33:42 It's just miracle after miracle after miracle.
33:46 Thank you. Amen.
33:48 Thank you both so much for being here.
33:49 We're going to transition now to our brother Tim,
33:52 and I know you're going to share with us
33:55 but first of all, can you sing something for us?
33:57 Sure. Absolutely.
33:59 Jay was talking about
34:02 maybe not everybody was old enough
34:04 to have experienced what God's goodness
34:10 but even as young as I am.
34:13 That was a joke. No, it's not a joke.
34:17 Well, we can all, we can each one of us,
34:21 no matter for a day old as a Christian
34:23 or if we've lived many years serving Christ.
34:26 We can say...
34:28 I love you Lord
34:31 For Your mercy never fails me
34:36 All my days I've been held in your hands
34:42 From the moment that I wake up
34:46 Till I lay my head
34:50 I will sing of your goodness
34:55 Oh, God
35:00 All my life you have been faithful
35:07 All my life
35:09 you have been all so good
35:14 With every breath that I am able
35:20 I will sing of goodness of God
35:30 I love your voice You
35:34 have led me through the fire
35:38 In the darkest night
35:41 You are close like no other
35:45 For I've known you as a Father
35:49 And I've known you as my Friend
35:53 And I will sing
35:56 for I have lived the goodness of God
36:03 All my life you have been faithful
36:10 All my life you have been so, so good
36:16 With every breath that I am able
36:21 I'm going to sing of your goodness
36:26 Oh God
36:30 'Cause your goodness is running after
36:33 It's running after me
36:37 Your goodness is running after
36:39 It's running after me
36:42 With my life laid down I'm surrendered now
36:46 I give you everything
36:50 Your goodness is running after
36:53 It's running after me
37:00 All my life
37:02 you have been faithful
37:07 All my life
37:09 you have been so, so good
37:15 Every breath that I am able
37:20 I will sing of your goodness
37:25 Oh God
37:28 I will sing of the goodness
37:34 of God
37:39 Amen. Amen.
37:41 Beautiful.
37:42 Just this week, I received a care package
37:47 as I have gotten over the past two or three years
37:54 from a dear.
37:56 I call her mom.
37:58 And many of you have heard me talk about her.
38:02 In California, Carmen.
38:05 She's my adoptive mom
38:07 and she's adopted me as, as a son.
38:09 And one of the benefits of having an adopted mother
38:14 is care packages.
38:17 She feeds you, Tim? She feed me.
38:20 So this week, she sent me a box of pomegranates from her tree.
38:25 Thank you. Oh, great catch.
38:29 Oh, nice. And, yeah.
38:31 She picked those.
38:33 And what a delight it is to know.
38:35 Beautiful. Yeah.
38:36 You know, those are from her very own tree.
38:38 That's from her tree? She picked herself.
38:40 Yeah. I won't throw it back.
38:43 Just hold on to it, I'll not hold on.
38:44 You just hold on to it. It's like a softball, isn't it?
38:46 Yeah. It's great, isn't it?
38:48 And I... It's huge.
38:52 So there were two boxes.
38:54 One of them was a box of bread, like sweet bread,
38:59 like banana bread, zucchini bread, I guess.
39:02 And walnuts again from a tree
39:05 that she taken and hold all the nuts.
39:11 And as I was reaching into this box,
39:15 I kept on pulling out, pulling, pulling
39:17 it just like she knows how to pack a care package.
39:22 And I was reminded of a scripture
39:24 in Psalm 145:1-3,
39:27 "I will extol You, my God, O King,
39:30 I will bless Your name forever and ever.
39:32 Every day will I bless you.
39:35 Yes, I will praise your name forever and ever.
39:37 Great is the Lord, highly to be praised
39:39 and His greatness is so vast and deep
39:43 as to be unsearchable."
39:45 Wow.
39:47 And then which that led me to Romans 11:33,
39:50 "Oh, the depths of the riches
39:52 and wisdom and knowledge of God.
39:53 How unfathomable, inscrutable, unsearchable are His judgments,
39:58 His decisions and how untraceable,
40:00 mysterious and undiscoverable are His ways,
40:04 His methods, His paths."
40:07 I'm a big fan of being able to go on search engines
40:12 and search for things.
40:14 But if I go on God's search engine
40:18 and say how deep is Your love?
40:22 It says unsearchable.
40:24 Amen. All right.
40:25 Good, good.
40:26 So as I was pulling out those gifts of goods
40:29 from my mom's box,
40:33 it was like it was endless. Wow.
40:34 And God thank You for Your goodness to me.
40:39 Amen. He's good.
40:40 Good story.
40:42 Thank you so much, Brother Tim, for your ministry in music.
40:44 Yeah.
40:45 Anointed, we talked often about your talent.
40:47 Yeah, incredible talent.
40:49 But, you can have talent, but you can also not have God,
40:53 but you've got God in your life and that comes through.
40:56 So thank you for ministering.
40:57 Yes. A deep thinker and love the Lord.
41:01 And thank you so much
41:02 for the praise and music network,
41:03 which is going to be three years old.
41:05 Is that right this coming January?
41:07 Yes, yes.
41:08 Praise the Lord for what that mean.
41:10 I know, It's been a dream, Mr. Danny,
41:11 to have a network like that.
41:13 I wouldn't have dreamed big enough
41:15 to include a Tim Parton.
41:17 You know, because we really didn't know where it was going.
41:21 But I mean, I tell him this off camera as well
41:23 that he's really one of the greatest musicians
41:26 and friends you could ever have.
41:28 I mean, the guy is just a friend
41:29 and he has a servant's heart.
41:31 Nothing about him, if you saw him out at airports
41:34 or that would say, "Hey, look at me.
41:36 I've got something to offer."
41:38 That's the last thing you'd ever get, for he likes,
41:40 he's more comfortable just kind of back behind
41:42 and hey, do you need this or do you need that.
41:45 Yvonne says Tim's got such a servant's heart.
41:48 What an incredible gift.
41:49 I mean, I've been around a lot of musicians
41:51 in Nashville for 40 years nearly
41:54 and I've never met anybody that's just got,
41:57 been gifted the way you have been.
41:59 But as you said, Greg, it's the anointing too,
42:02 the anointing that you have that God has placed on you
42:05 from before you were born.
42:06 I'm sure your mother and your dad prayed for that.
42:08 That's right. They did.
42:10 'Cause you had the singing Partons.
42:11 Yes, that's right.
42:12 Yeah, they needed a piano player,
42:14 so mom prayed for a pianist.
42:16 There you go.
42:17 But you know what you can talk about being a servant,
42:20 it's not hard to serve your friends.
42:24 Whenever we, I see that
42:26 we're all in this for the same reason,
42:28 we're here to glorify God,
42:30 to encourage the viewers and to,
42:33 you know, to love on each other,
42:35 to live life with each other
42:36 that's what I love about 3ABN, you know.
42:38 Was it the past summer
42:40 we went out on the boat together?
42:42 Yeah.
42:43 And you know, it just fun to just enjoy life together.
42:45 Yeah.
42:47 And we don't always do that often enough.
42:50 Maybe but in the times we do we enjoy each other's company.
42:53 I like when we go out to eat and you buy.
42:57 I don't mind.
42:59 I don't care if I have to pay for friends, that's okay.
43:02 There you go.
43:06 I know we're transitioning to the Quinns here
43:09 maybe a little later in the program
43:11 I'm hoping you can do God's been good.
43:12 Yeah.
43:13 Our favorite song. Absolutely.
43:15 It's really anointed
43:16 and ministers to me so many times.
43:19 Right now we have mom and dad, JD and Shelley Quinn.
43:25 And grandma and grandpa. Oh, no.
43:29 We love you both. So very grateful.
43:32 One of the things I really liked about Tim,
43:34 he is very,
43:37 he does go deep places
43:39 but he doesn't see himself as being serious.
43:44 You know, that's a gift.
43:46 You can laugh right along with him.
43:49 And are you kidding? You know, love Tim.
43:54 Love Tim.
43:55 That's right. Yeah.
43:57 We love and appreciate you both.
43:58 Thank you so much.
43:59 God brought you to 3ABN as each person, each employee,
44:01 of course, God has brought each one here.
44:04 But you guys especially and thank you for ministering.
44:06 Amen.
44:07 To not only the employees but to those around the world.
44:10 So what has God's shown you,
44:11 taught you this past year, something special?
44:13 I can tell you something really quick,
44:15 you know, whenever I first came here,
44:16 I just felt like a nut out of the tree.
44:18 You know, I mean, how do I fit into all of this?
44:22 And I remember Roy Ewing. Oh, yeah.
44:24 Roy Ewing, I was in pastoral and just nervous as can be.
44:29 And she says, "Jay, you come into my office for a minute."
44:31 And I walked in the office, you know,
44:33 I thought boy I was in the principal's office.
44:36 And she says, "God doesn't make accidents.
44:40 You're not here by accident, you know.
44:43 This is your home.
44:44 This is where you're supposed to be."
44:45 And I like to say that all the guys you know,
44:48 the girls that come in, you know,
44:49 hey, you're not here by accident.
44:51 That's right.
44:52 And so 3ABN is, we do have 3ABN DNA.
44:57 Yes, we do.
44:59 I remember on December the 31st, 2002
45:04 first time I was on 3ABN
45:06 and we drove in and it had snowed,
45:09 we were coming up Angel Lane,
45:10 and I told JD,
45:12 "Isn't it amazing that before we were born,
45:16 God had this recorded in our record book,
45:18 He knew we'd be right here, right now?"
45:22 And JD said, "Whoa, that's deep."
45:26 But you know, it's true.
45:28 There's times that you get somewhere.
45:30 When I wrote my first book, Exalting His Word,
45:34 the Lord reminded me when I finished that,
45:36 I'd always said, I would never.
45:38 Everybody kept saying you need to write a book,
45:40 write a book.
45:41 And I said, "Not unless it's for God's glory."
45:43 So God has things in mind for us,
45:47 He leads us through
45:48 and sometimes it's not till after
45:51 we've been through it
45:52 that we recognize His hand was in it all along.
45:56 Amen.
45:57 And all along, you know, God had sent people
46:01 to surround those of us here and starting,
46:04 especially in leadership.
46:06 And you and JD, it's the same way,
46:08 we knew you were supposed to be there.
46:09 I knew you hadn't even met JD.
46:12 But I knew somehow God,
46:14 when we met what a blessing and what,
46:16 it was like, man, JD, you're just much part of this.
46:19 We need you as much as we need Shelley,
46:21 we just didn't know it.
46:22 But God knew it all along.
46:24 So then anybody that knows JD, everybody says the same thing.
46:28 You know, he loves people. He loves the Lord.
46:31 And he's kind to everybody
46:33 and he'll listen to whatever your problems are.
46:35 And so a lot of folks around here,
46:37 a lot younger now they do look at you
46:39 like mom and dad, you know, parents,
46:41 and if they're young enough, probably grandparents.
46:43 Grandma and grandpa.
46:44 So, but thank you for what you do.
46:46 And for the people that you've prayed
46:48 with on the phone thousands literally
46:50 over the last number of years
46:51 and been an encouragement to them.
46:53 So for both you and Shelley,
46:55 you're not on camera as much as she is,
46:58 but we got you on Sabbath schools
46:59 and other things now,
47:01 but I'm glad that people get to know you
47:02 and see who JD really is,
47:05 and what a unique combination God puts you two together
47:09 and knew that you would just you said
47:11 be here in closing moments of earth's history.
47:14 You know, you asked what, what are you thankful for?
47:17 I'm certainly thankful
47:18 for this precious lady right here.
47:20 You know, it changed my life.
47:22 And, you know, as I was thinking about
47:24 the thing this year, in my life,
47:28 it just seems like every time I turn right to the left,
47:31 Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit.
47:34 So this has been a year
47:35 that I've have really been allowing the Holy Spirit
47:38 to truly be in charge.
47:40 Lean not on your own understanding.
47:43 Get out of the way Quinn
47:46 and let someone who knows where they're going,
47:48 what they're doing, run your life.
47:52 What a trip.
47:54 What a joy.
47:56 I mean, and it...
47:59 Can I say something that it just occurred to me?
48:01 I think the reason this,
48:02 it's interesting to hear you say that,
48:05 but I think the reason maybe is that
48:09 as he was having to nurse me through my recovery,
48:13 he was never more dependent on the Lord because,
48:17 you know, he would kept saying, "I don't think I can do this,"
48:20 but he did an excellent job.
48:22 And I think that when we get to the place
48:25 where we're uncomfortable,
48:27 we're outside of our comfort zone
48:29 and we're relying totally on God to lead us.
48:32 I think that makes a difference.
48:36 I think it made a difference.
48:37 And you know, in transitioning here,
48:41 the same thing.
48:43 I've watched JD, God told me,
48:47 when I asked God, if I should marry him.
48:50 I was so impressed.
48:51 He said that he would be a leader.
48:54 He would be a pillar in his church
48:56 and a leader of men.
48:58 And I watched JD's trajectory.
49:02 We got here and he's growing and he just went.
49:07 Wow, Lord.
49:08 But what we had a difficult time
49:13 or what I had a difficult time explaining to him
49:17 was he kept saying, "What do you mean by surrender?
49:19 What is surrendering?"
49:21 And got to all the scriptures about
49:23 picking up your cross and dying to self
49:26 and letting the Holy Spirit lead.
49:28 And so this year, I had someone else asked me
49:32 who's really seeking,
49:34 "What does it mean to surrender?"
49:36 And I prayed, and I said,
49:38 "God, you've got to give me a better way
49:41 to explain surrender."
49:43 And He gave me three steps.
49:46 First, we have to know God.
49:49 We will when we understand how much He loves us,
49:54 we will love Him.
49:55 And then, as we get to know Him,
49:58 we begin to recognize His voice and His call on our life.
50:02 But the second step is stop and submit.
50:06 Stop resisting His love.
50:08 Stop resisting His plan for your life
50:13 and submit to His authority.
50:15 And then the third step
50:17 is simply yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
50:21 That's what surrender is all about,
50:24 it's just accepting
50:25 what God's best plan for your life.
50:29 That's beautiful. Amen.
50:31 I was just sitting here thinking
50:32 what encouragers you both are.
50:34 You know, JD and Shelley are such encouragers.
50:38 Every person here in this ministry
50:40 they come up to, they pray with and pray for
50:43 and reach out and support.
50:45 Every night before Greg and I go to bed,
50:48 we get a text from JD, every single night.
50:52 He hasn't missed a night. A long time.
50:55 A year or two?
50:57 He always texts us and something about the day,
50:59 something that he's thinking
51:01 and always says, "We love you all.
51:04 And we're praying for you."
51:05 What a tremendous difference that makes. It does.
51:08 You both encourage and I know
51:09 we have just a few moments left in this section,
51:11 but I want to have prayer for those we have many viewers
51:17 who are hurting, lost, confused, alone,
51:20 seeking direction, seeking answers.
51:24 Let's have a time of prayer for them.
51:26 You want to start?
51:29 Father, as we come together today
51:30 in the name of Jesus.
51:32 Thank You, Lord, for being in our hearts and minds, Lord.
51:35 Father, truly we ask to be emptied of self
51:37 and filled with You, Lord,
51:39 allowing the Holy Spirit to be the bright light
51:41 to shine in the path before us.
51:44 So, Father, we don't fall into the ditch
51:45 and can't find our way out.
51:47 Father, so many people,
51:49 so many people with so many needs,
51:52 Lord, so many hurting people
51:53 and, Father, we are the mending broken people network.
51:57 And, Father, what a gift that is
51:59 to be able to be part of mending someone
52:03 to be able to see
52:04 through a little bit clearer eyes.
52:06 And so, Father, we just turn this time
52:09 we pray for each person, Lord.
52:11 Father, all those that call upon Your name,
52:13 all that call upon Your name, Lord,
52:15 Father, just that they will allow themselves
52:17 to get out of the way and let You work in their life.
52:20 Amen. Amen.
52:21 Father, we just ask, in the name of Jesus,
52:25 that You'll give us all a divine awareness,
52:27 make us divinely aware
52:30 of Your constant presence with us.
52:32 Father, those who are lonely, those who are hurting,
52:36 may they feel Your loving arms reaching out for them.
52:40 Father, may they know You
52:42 because that is eternal life is to know You.
52:45 Father, may we all show us
52:49 what hinders us from total surrender.
52:52 Lord, help us all to receive Your best.
52:56 And we pray for those who've lost loved ones
52:59 or who are walking through a deep dark valley.
53:03 Shine Your light into the darkness,
53:05 Lord, fill their heart with hope,
53:08 with eager anticipation of Your plan for their life
53:12 and we love You, Lord.
53:15 Help us to love You with all of our heart, soul,
53:17 mind and strength in Jesus' name.
53:21 Amen. Amen.
53:23 Thank you both so much for your leadership
53:25 and for being our mom and dad.
53:28 I want to go to that text
53:29 you're mentioning about the text.
53:31 And I think you showed me your list,
53:32 you send like 350 groups,
53:33 I think it is 350 individuals' text messages.
53:36 I mean, that's a ministry in itself.
53:38 Thank you so very much
53:39 for your love for people and for others.
53:41 That had nothing to do with me. Amen.
53:43 Now just a reminder, we all need to be reminded.
53:48 That's true.
53:49 We love you guys. We love you all too.
53:51 And we just want to say
53:52 to everybody at home, we love you too.
53:54 You are our brothers and sisters.
53:56 So thank you so much for being part of our family.
53:59 That's right. Amen. Absolutely.
54:01 We're going to hear from some more of the 3ABN family
54:04 who are not able to be on the set with us.
54:06 And let's go to that role right now.
54:16 Hi, my name is Bonn.
54:18 What I'm thankful for is despite of everything that
54:21 had happened to me, God is really, really good
54:24 for giving me the strength that I needed.
54:27 It's like an unforgettable year,
54:29 but God's good.
54:32 Of course, I'm very thankful for my wife
54:34 and her support through the ups and downs,
54:37 but I'm very thankful too for God's promises.
54:40 God's promises have assured me who I am and who I will be,
54:43 and I just want to share that with you that
54:45 you know who you are and who He says you are.
54:48 So sharing that with the idea of identity
54:50 and how important is we realize who we are.
54:52 The promises make a huge impact.
54:55 Hi, I'm Summer,
54:56 and I am thankful for the opportunity
54:58 to work in ministry.
55:00 This year, I am thankful
55:04 for you and your calls
55:08 because when you call and have a prayer request,
55:10 we get to get together and pray together.
55:14 And I like that.
55:15 I am grateful for all the blessing
55:18 that God has given me throughout this year.
55:22 And the blessing of working in 3ABN.
55:25 Thank you so much, 3ABN.
55:28 Hi, my name is Ricky Carter.
55:29 And I'm thankful for health, good health for me,
55:34 for my family as well.
55:36 I'm thankful for warm sweaters this time of year.
55:41 And I'm also thankful for a cold drink of water.
55:44 But most of all, I'm thankful for my Savior,
55:46 who loves me, in spite of myself.
55:49 I'm thankful for the promises in God's Word
55:51 and the Holy Spirit that reminds us of them.
55:53 I am thankful to have this job working in decorating of sets
55:57 and you all have a Happy Thanksgiving.
56:00 I am very thankful for my family,
56:03 my wife, all of my daughters.
56:06 And also I'm very thankful for the 3ABN family
56:09 that I work with every single day.
56:11 We are just so thankful that we are part of the 3ABN family
56:14 and that God has called us to be a part of this ministry.
56:18 And I'm also thankful
56:19 that God has called us to the country
56:21 where I got some chickens
56:22 and I finally got some roosters and some eggs.
56:26 And we actually found a kitten underneath our rooster.
56:29 I was thankful for my kitten.
56:30 And we're just thankful
56:32 for our all our 3ABN friends and family.
56:34 And we're just, God had just brought us here
56:36 and provided everything for us.
56:38 And we're just so happy here
56:39 and just thankful for all God has done for us.
56:43 This year I'm thankful
56:44 for all of the witnessing opportunities
56:46 God has given us.
56:48 I mean, from new prison ministries
56:49 to new Bible studies started.
56:51 God has really opened doors for me to grow my faith
56:54 and to share that faith with others.
56:55 Yeah. That's awesome.
56:57 And that's something I'm really thankful for.
56:58 Absolutely. What about you?
56:59 And you know, I think I'm thankful
57:01 for the different friendships and relationships
57:03 I've gained this year.
57:05 And you know, just people that are there to encourage me
57:07 and push me to get closer to God.
57:09 And God has even brought a lot of healing
57:12 and unity in broken friendships.
57:14 And you know, I think that that's something
57:16 that I'm very blessed is to have friends
57:18 that I can count on to be there for me
57:20 and to pray for me.
57:21 Yeah. That's pretty good.
57:23 And you at home have so much to be grateful
57:25 for even if you can't think of it
57:26 off the top of your head,
57:28 you have the free gift of salvation.
57:29 Absolutely.
57:31 And that's something that we can all be thankful for.
57:33 So from Jewlee and Tiara, and everyone here at 3ABN,
57:37 Happy Thanksgiving.
57:41 Amen. I love to hear from our family.
57:44 Oh, me too.
57:45 And they don't always have the opportunity
57:47 to be on camera,
57:48 and you don't always get to see them.
57:50 So I love this
57:51 because now you can see some of the faces.
57:53 Maybe you've talked with some of these people on the phone,
57:55 maybe when you've called in.
57:56 They're all part of the 3ABN family.
57:59 That's a good point.
58:01 I just wanted, I'm interrupting you, I know,
58:02 I'm sorry, you're talking about names.
58:03 So you know the credits that rolled into the program,
58:05 we've had a lot of people say,
58:06 "Well, I want to know who that person is.
58:08 I see their name at the end of the program
58:09 rolling up after every program."
58:10 Well, some of the people that you've met today
58:13 are on the credits.
58:14 So it is fun. It's fun to meet each other for sure.
58:15 It is.
58:17 And speaking of family, we have more
58:18 of the 3ABN family here.
58:20 And you all been part of the family
58:21 through the church family here for several years.
58:24 But just this year,
58:25 officially joined the 3ABN family.
58:27 I'm speaking of course of Jeff Doerr,
58:29 and his wife Charletta.
58:31 And Jeff is our 3ABN Planned Giving
58:33 and Trust Services Director.
58:35 And we're just so blessed to have both of you
58:37 here as part of the family.
58:39 We love you both.
58:40 And tell us a little bit about this last year in your journey?
58:44 Well, every year has its ups and downs.
58:48 And you know, we all face issues in life.
58:52 And you know, there's good times,
58:54 there's bad times.
58:56 And we've definitely enjoyed our time working here
58:58 with you folks at 3ABN.
59:01 You know,
59:02 I've thought of a couple different Bible verses,
59:04 but one of them this year for me is Isaiah 41:0,
59:08 "Fear not for I am with you."
59:11 And you know that is powerful
59:13 because we know that the Lord won't leave us nor forsake us.
59:16 He's always going to be there with us.
59:18 But the past two years has been different for all of us
59:21 with COVID.
59:22 Oh, yeah. Life has changed in a lot of ways.
59:26 And with that in Romans,
59:28 I've took and referred to this a lot of times
59:31 when I've had a time in life that was a little challenging,
59:35 but in Romans 5:3-5,
59:37 it says, "And not only that,
59:40 but we also glory in tribulation,
59:42 knowing that tribulation produces perseverance,
59:46 and perseverance, character; and character, hope.
59:49 Now hope does not disappoint,
59:51 because the love of God
59:52 has been poured out in our hearts
59:54 by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
59:57 Wow.
59:59 So you know, whether you're having
01:00:00 a good day or a bad day,
01:00:01 you can trust in the Lord.
01:00:03 Amen.
01:00:04 You know, that's powerful.
01:00:06 Yeah and I think realizing too,
01:00:08 you know, when we go through tribulations
01:00:09 a lot of times it's hard to say,
01:00:12 "Wow, God what are you teaching me?"
01:00:13 Right? Exactly.
01:00:14 A lot of times it's easy to complain
01:00:16 and moan and groan and carry on.
01:00:18 Yeah, but to look at God, He's got a path for us to take.
01:00:21 Yeah. He's with us during that journey.
01:00:23 You know, every day is a blessing.
01:00:25 Every day I get up and put my feet on the floor,
01:00:27 I thank the Lord for another day of life.
01:00:30 Because, you know, everybody doesn't get that blessing.
01:00:32 Yeah. Absolutely.
01:00:35 Jeff and Charlotte are, you know, they...
01:00:38 Most of the people here around us
01:00:40 and everybody's setting just about kidding, Chris,
01:00:43 of course, is excluded, but have come from other areas
01:00:47 whether it's Tennessee,
01:00:48 whether it's Russia, as we just heard.
01:00:50 Whether it's the East Coast, the West Coast, you know,
01:00:53 but you guys, you are Southern Illinois,
01:00:56 and so came here,
01:00:58 but you were of a different denomination.
01:01:00 I guess you started listening to 3ABN Radio
01:01:03 or watching 3ABN Television, somehow.
01:01:07 That's was Charletta.
01:01:10 It was a divine appointment.
01:01:12 The Lord has guided us here and we're so thankful for that.
01:01:16 And that was, I guess, over 17 years ago,
01:01:19 when I first discovered
01:01:21 Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
01:01:24 And I was just amazed at all the information
01:01:28 that was being given and I had no idea.
01:01:33 I would go to bed at night, and then couldn't sleep
01:01:37 and get back up and turn the TV on.
01:01:40 And I would get my Bible out,
01:01:41 and I would listen, and I would check in the Bible.
01:01:46 And I would think, "Oh, my goodness,
01:01:48 how did I miss so much of this?"
01:01:50 I am so thankful for people that donated to 3ABN,
01:01:55 because that's how I was able to find this truth.
01:02:00 Wow. Yeah.
01:02:01 And then, of course, I shared it with my husband.
01:02:04 And it's just been a journey
01:02:07 that has been a blessing for us.
01:02:09 And there's been times, it's been difficult because,
01:02:13 you know, people don't understand sometimes,
01:02:15 but you just have.
01:02:18 The Lord's in control.
01:02:19 Yes, you just have to tell them,
01:02:21 you know, let the Holy Spirit guide you.
01:02:25 Let your heart be open to the truth,
01:02:28 and just obey the Lord.
01:02:32 Because He is only here to help us
01:02:35 have that peace that only God can give us.
01:02:39 Amen.
01:02:40 When you guys first walked into the church
01:02:42 for the first time, you probably,
01:02:44 your mind probably didn't go fast forward,
01:02:46 at least mine didn't to see yourself all these years later
01:02:49 in leadership position during this ministry,
01:02:52 Not at all.
01:02:53 No. No.
01:02:54 I had no idea. No.
01:02:56 But the Lord did. Yeah, He did.
01:02:58 Yes. He did.
01:02:59 You guys are such a great asset to the team.
01:03:02 Thank you so much
01:03:03 for what you are doing to the church,
01:03:04 the school.
01:03:06 Yeah. Praise the Lord.
01:03:08 Yes. Yeah.
01:03:09 I enjoy serving the school with school board chair
01:03:11 for a number of years.
01:03:12 Yes.
01:03:14 I remember I served on the school board with you.
01:03:16 Jeff was a great board chair. Yes.
01:03:17 You had a lot of wisdom and insight, integrity.
01:03:20 Thank you.
01:03:21 And I think you were an elder at the church
01:03:23 at that time, too.
01:03:24 But I remember when you both first came in to the church,
01:03:26 we were at the old church, we call it just down the road,
01:03:28 a little piece.
01:03:29 And I remember that.
01:03:31 So what was your...
01:03:33 Coming back to your story, Charletta,
01:03:34 you were talking about you get up at night,
01:03:36 in the middle of the night and you would listen.
01:03:38 And then you shared it with Jeff.
01:03:39 Jeff, what did you think about that?
01:03:41 When you, when Charletta shared it with you?
01:03:44 What did you think about it?
01:03:46 Well, I had a lot of questions.
01:03:48 And Charletta has always been one
01:03:50 to take and seek out more and more wisdom
01:03:54 and knowledge out of the Bible.
01:03:56 And she always had a seeking heart.
01:03:58 And at first I just thought,
01:04:00 well, maybe this is just another one of those times
01:04:03 and it would pass.
01:04:05 It did pass.
01:04:08 The Lord had to convict me too.
01:04:11 If your heart is not open, it's not fertile soil,
01:04:14 the word is not going to take and germinate and grow.
01:04:18 And it did.
01:04:20 And I accepted what she was telling me
01:04:23 and we started setting and watching it together.
01:04:26 And it was just a divine appointment.
01:04:28 And I've said it many times on the set.
01:04:31 Lyle Albert was one of the first people
01:04:34 that we listened to.
01:04:35 And he is such an inspired man.
01:04:39 The Lord has blessed him.
01:04:40 And he can just impart the Word
01:04:42 in a way that a person like I can understand and accept it.
01:04:47 Yes. Yeah.
01:04:48 Amen. Yes.
01:04:49 So Charletta, so this past year,
01:04:51 is there any scripture or something
01:04:52 that sticks out to you or something
01:04:53 that you're thankful for?
01:04:55 Well, I know this has been a difficult year,
01:04:57 this year as well as last year for many people.
01:05:00 And the thing that has helped me
01:05:04 is going to the Bible, and I love to read Psalms.
01:05:08 Yes. And I have many scriptures I'd like.
01:05:15 It's hard to pick out a favorite, right?
01:05:16 Well, well, and I just have learned
01:05:20 to just go to the Bible.
01:05:23 It gives me a peace. It gives me a comfort.
01:05:28 A few years ago, my twin sister as she was passing away,
01:05:32 she asked me to read from the Book of Psalms,
01:05:36 that's one of her favorite books.
01:05:37 So I would read out of that Bible,
01:05:43 out of that book.
01:05:45 And, you know, she would say, "Oh, that's a good one."
01:05:48 And that brings memories
01:05:51 that are such a comfort to me now.
01:05:54 So I don't have any particular scripture,
01:05:57 I guess that would be my favorite,
01:05:59 because I love to read the Bible.
01:06:02 I need to read it more often,
01:06:03 because it gives you so much wisdom when you do.
01:06:06 Amen.
01:06:07 And I just want to tell people
01:06:09 in these times when it's difficult,
01:06:11 and it's scary, go to the Word of God,
01:06:16 He will give you a comfort, a peace.
01:06:20 And, and you know, we have a world
01:06:22 that so many people are divided.
01:06:24 And that's not what the Lord wants us to be.
01:06:28 He wants us to, to come to Him and have a peace and comfort.
01:06:34 So if it was me, I would say, pick up your Bible, read it.
01:06:40 And if you're going through a difficult time,
01:06:44 Psalm seems to be a very comforting
01:06:47 part of the scriptures
01:06:49 that I think will help many people.
01:06:51 Amen. Amen.
01:06:52 Yeah. Praise the Lord.
01:06:53 You know, Dr. Yvonne, you know,
01:06:55 I know you love the Word of God,
01:06:56 because you've written, of course,
01:06:57 one your most recent books, on the names of God.
01:06:59 Yes.
01:07:00 You know, but hearing Charletta talk about,
01:07:02 you know, the Word of God
01:07:03 and how people need to go to the Word of God.
01:07:04 Tell me what's on your heart.
01:07:06 Because I can see you there,
01:07:07 you're listening to this testimony,
01:07:08 what God has done in their life and about
01:07:10 how God has changed them
01:07:11 and how the Word of God has changed them?
01:07:13 You know, you can read a passage 20 times, 30 times
01:07:17 and you will always get something new.
01:07:19 That's true.
01:07:20 It's so amazing to me, because the Bible is living.
01:07:23 It's a living, two-edged sword.
01:07:26 And so when we read it, there's always something to get
01:07:30 and I know what it's like to lose a sister,
01:07:33 and I know that the Bible can give you so much comfort.
01:07:35 So thank you for sharing that as well.
01:07:38 But it's rich, you can get something new every time.
01:07:41 Yeah. Amen.
01:07:43 Amen. Thank you.
01:07:44 Thank you both so much.
01:07:45 You have something else you want to share? No.
01:07:47 Thank you so much for being here.
01:07:49 You did a great job. Thank you for being part of the family.
01:07:51 Yes. Absolutely.
01:07:52 They're doing a great job, I agree.
01:07:54 We are very blessed to be here and thank you all very much.
01:07:57 Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Thank you.
01:07:59 Great time of the year. Tell your family hello too.
01:08:01 Yes, you too. All right.
01:08:03 Thank you. We're going to transition now.
01:08:05 We have, I was going to say last but not least,
01:08:08 because we have more of our 3ABN family here,
01:08:12 Pastor James Rafferty and his wife Rise.
01:08:15 They are another new addition, you could say.
01:08:18 They've been part of the Ministry of 3ABN
01:08:20 for so many years,
01:08:21 but now they're officially part of the family.
01:08:23 We're just so glad to have you both here.
01:08:25 So welcome, Happy Thanksgiving.
01:08:27 Happy Thanksgiving. My favorite holiday.
01:08:31 Is it true? Why is that?
01:08:32 I didn't know that.
01:08:33 Probably because as a kid, my mom was a nurse,
01:08:36 single mom, and she worked
01:08:37 either Christmas or Thanksgiving.
01:08:39 And she always took Thanksgiving off
01:08:41 because she has 16 or 16 of them.
01:08:43 So she has 15 brothers and sisters.
01:08:45 And that was the holiday that we all got together
01:08:48 and they rented a gym.
01:08:50 And so that's when we had my mom
01:08:52 and we had all my relatives and I've just good time.
01:08:56 Good memories. Yeah, good memories.
01:08:57 And then we established our own,
01:08:59 you know, as we grow up and have our own family,
01:09:01 and everything that Thanksgiving means.
01:09:04 Yeah.
01:09:05 It's great having you on camera more too, Rise.
01:09:07 We had Pastor James on for many years
01:09:09 going way back to the...
01:09:11 Would it been the late '80s or the early '90s
01:09:13 when you first came on camera?
01:09:14 Nineties. Nineties.
01:09:16 Yep. Okay.
01:09:17 And I looked at that with Rise.
01:09:20 Yes, you did.
01:09:22 We would agree with that. You have a beautiful wife.
01:09:26 But it's great having you part of 3ABN as a couple
01:09:29 and that's a tremendous blessing.
01:09:31 And we look at how God brought you here as a miracle.
01:09:33 You know, I go back to that story
01:09:35 we've told before,
01:09:36 or Mr. Danny and I were talking about
01:09:37 wow, what a dream would be to have you guys
01:09:39 part of the 3ABN team as an officially employees.
01:09:42 And we thought
01:09:43 oh, there's no way that would happen.
01:09:44 And I'm walking into a local store
01:09:46 here getting ready to buy a weed eater,
01:09:47 weed whacker, whatever you want to call it.
01:09:48 Mr. Danny says you sit down. I said no, I'm standing up.
01:09:51 So you better sit down.
01:09:53 God worked an incredible miracle
01:09:54 and brought you here.
01:09:56 And I'm so excited Mr. Danny
01:09:57 because I believe God has put together this team
01:09:59 for such a time as this.
01:10:00 We're in the closing moments of earth's history.
01:10:03 We all are and time is of an essence
01:10:06 and bringing you and the others
01:10:07 that we've talked to today here to 3ABN.
01:10:09 I'm excited because only the Lord knows
01:10:11 what's fully in store for us.
01:10:13 I'm excited for the team that God has built here
01:10:14 for such a time as this.
01:10:16 You know one of the greatest wants
01:10:18 in the world today is balance.
01:10:22 The devil has attacked the balance.
01:10:24 God is everything and creation is balanced.
01:10:28 And the devil's come to try to upstage all of that,
01:10:32 to mess it all up.
01:10:34 So that's the reason
01:10:35 we have people going to the left,
01:10:37 people going to the right.
01:10:38 Yes.
01:10:40 People confused, people killing themselves,
01:10:41 suicides, you know.
01:10:43 It's terrible.
01:10:44 Oh, because they don't know the answers.
01:10:45 And then you got people on the other side,
01:10:47 still trying to do penances or whatever,
01:10:49 trying to earn ways to heaven.
01:10:51 You got these folk, well anything goes.
01:10:53 And you guys represent that to me.
01:10:56 And I've said that for years.
01:10:57 She can tell you, they can,
01:10:59 you know, what a great asset they would be.
01:11:02 And I think anything goes part.
01:11:03 No, no, no.
01:11:05 James is looking a little bit like what?
01:11:08 And I'm saying they are great asset
01:11:10 because they have so much balance.
01:11:11 They do. Yeah.
01:11:13 Like over the years, I've listened
01:11:14 to numerous sermons from you over and over again.
01:11:18 I've listened to you guys in your interviews
01:11:19 and met you and talked to you.
01:11:21 They're so right down the line,
01:11:23 here's what we've always believed
01:11:25 this what the Bible says.
01:11:26 We're not going to go here, we're not going to go there.
01:11:28 And today, that's unusual, and so refreshing. Amen.
01:11:32 And so to have this as part of the team,
01:11:35 that we know that you guys
01:11:36 aren't going to go here and go there,
01:11:38 but you're going to stick right to the Word of God.
01:11:40 Amen.
01:11:41 No matter if people like it or not,
01:11:43 you're not trying to win any medals.
01:11:44 Say, I know you that well.
01:11:46 And so you're going to tell the truth regardless,
01:11:48 that's exactly what this world needs today.
01:11:50 Thank you, both of you.
01:11:52 Amen. Isaiah 30:21 is one of my favorite verses.
01:11:55 It says, "You will hear a voice behind you saying
01:11:57 this is the way, walk ye in it, when you turn to the left,
01:12:01 or when you turn to the right."
01:12:03 And a lot of times we make the mistake of thinking
01:12:05 there's one extreme,
01:12:07 there's one in balanced, but there's two.
01:12:10 There's always two,
01:12:11 there's the left and there's the right.
01:12:13 And God wants to walk right between the two.
01:12:14 Yeah. Amen.
01:12:16 Any lessons learned favorite scripture?
01:12:18 Something you're thankful for from this past year?
01:12:20 Maybe, Rise, we'll start with you.
01:12:22 Something that sticks out to you?
01:12:23 Yeah, I think the verse that's really been strength
01:12:26 for me this last year
01:12:27 is in 2 Corinthians where it says,
01:12:29 "For our light afflictions, which are but for a moment,
01:12:32 are working for us."
01:12:33 Wow.
01:12:35 And I think wow, what a God
01:12:36 that He can take whatever comes at us,
01:12:39 whatever we experience in life, whether it's me personally
01:12:42 or whether we're experiencing nationwide or globally
01:12:45 that God can work that, He's working for us.
01:12:48 A lot of times we say what's God up to?
01:12:50 How comes He's not intervening? Where is He?
01:12:52 True. He's working for us.
01:12:53 Amen. You know, that's His constant job.
01:12:56 Wow, that we are the focus and attention
01:12:58 of all heaven working for us.
01:13:02 So much hope, so much courage that gives me
01:13:04 so that whatever comes our way,
01:13:06 right, we just know, thank you God,
01:13:08 You have the power to overrule this.
01:13:10 Romans 8:28, "He's going to work all things for good,
01:13:13 all things for His purpose."
01:13:14 So yeah, that's been a real strength for me.
01:13:18 Yes.
01:13:19 What about you, Pastor James?
01:13:20 I'm so thankful so many things.
01:13:22 First of all, for the Word of God.
01:13:23 Yeah.
01:13:25 And then for Jesus for Christ, for His righteousness,
01:13:27 for His perfect life,
01:13:30 His penalty satisfying death for our atonement,
01:13:33 for His resurrection power, you know,
01:13:35 that promises us a hope and a future and for His law,
01:13:39 you know, that sets up the standard,
01:13:41 and keeps pushing us to Jesus, keeps taking us to Jesus,
01:13:44 you know, and keeping our focus on Him.
01:13:48 And then family and for friends.
01:13:49 Yeah, amen.
01:13:51 You know, just meant a lot to us,
01:13:52 you know, and our church family too,
01:13:54 and our 3ABN family now has really been a blessing to us,
01:13:57 and to live in this time, in this age, in this moment,
01:14:02 when, you know,
01:14:03 you see an overwhelming amount of evil,
01:14:05 an overwhelming amount of deception taking place,
01:14:08 and you know, that God is up to that,
01:14:10 that He can meet all of that, but He...
01:14:13 When more negative comes, He brings more positive,
01:14:17 you know, and we just have to be available.
01:14:19 He just wants us to be available
01:14:20 to what He's doing and what He wants to do
01:14:22 in this world in our lives.
01:14:24 Yeah, amen. So thankful.
01:14:25 It's powerful.
01:14:27 You know, I was just sitting here thinking
01:14:28 what a team God put together,
01:14:30 you know, here at 3ABN, what an incredible team
01:14:33 and you both are an integral part of that team.
01:14:35 Just thinking, I know you've worked
01:14:37 with Mr. Danny for years,
01:14:39 but now we have the privilege every day to work with you
01:14:41 and just to see that balance, to see your heart for God
01:14:45 and heart for His Word,
01:14:47 and the joy that you bring to our lives
01:14:49 and to this ministry.
01:14:51 So thank you for that.
01:14:52 When I count my blessings you all are in that, you know,
01:14:55 and you at home being part of the family.
01:14:57 We're so grateful for that. You know what a gift.
01:15:00 It's been so precious working with,
01:15:03 I call him my brother
01:15:04 on Salvation in Symbols and Signs
01:15:07 because we didn't when we first started it,
01:15:09 we didn't know, you know, how it was going to go
01:15:11 or what and then it was just, it's an amazing blessing.
01:15:16 So thank you.
01:15:18 And then we would always hear about Rise.
01:15:21 But Jason would always tease James about it.
01:15:24 Is she, does she really exist.
01:15:27 You always talk about Rise, but we never saw her.
01:15:31 And so, to have you here you too,
01:15:33 it's just so amazing.
01:15:35 Again, this time in earth's history
01:15:38 to be a part of this team to know that
01:15:40 we, we, meaning you as well at home,
01:15:44 are responsible for getting the gospel out
01:15:46 at the end of time.
01:15:48 I mean, this is a huge responsibility.
01:15:51 And it's a huge privilege that we have been chosen to do it.
01:15:54 And so and we can't do it without you.
01:15:57 So we're all in this together.
01:16:00 It's a blessing. Amen.
01:16:02 You know, Sweetie, I've looked, I've been looking at your Bible
01:16:04 for the last about two hours plus,
01:16:07 and we're going to go, I think we're going to go
01:16:08 about two and a half hours
01:16:09 for this special Thanksgiving program.
01:16:11 But you've had it open to Nehemiah,
01:16:12 and I'm sure there's something that you want to share
01:16:15 with our viewers at home.
01:16:16 I was just thinking about scriptures this last year.
01:16:18 Yeah.
01:16:20 You know, I love how the Word of God comes alive
01:16:24 in new ways every time you open it.
01:16:25 Every time you read it,
01:16:27 you just think wow, God, I never saw that before.
01:16:29 And this last year, I reread Nehemiah.
01:16:33 And Nehemiah Chapter 9
01:16:35 is one of my new favorite chapters.
01:16:37 I love Nehemiah 9, is this incredible prayer.
01:16:40 And you see the unfolding, the reminder
01:16:45 of how God has delivered the children of Israel,
01:16:48 how He is the covenant God,
01:16:50 and how He's the lawgiver
01:16:52 and how He provided for them in the wilderness
01:16:54 and how He forgives, and restores,
01:16:57 and sanctifies, how He's their Savior.
01:17:01 And yet, they forgot all that.
01:17:03 They forgot where God had brought them from.
01:17:06 They forgot that they were in the land of Egypt.
01:17:09 And that now, they were in the Promised Land,
01:17:12 they forgot that He was their Savior.
01:17:13 They forgot that
01:17:15 He's the only God they were to worship.
01:17:17 And they turned their back on God.
01:17:19 And they did their own thing.
01:17:22 It says in verse 26 of Nehemiah,
01:17:24 "Nevertheless they were disobedient
01:17:27 and they rebelled against you.
01:17:28 But God in His mercy did not leave them."
01:17:31 We see the judgment that comes upon them.
01:17:35 And then we see God pouring mercy.
01:17:37 We see the people repenting.
01:17:41 We see that transformation and God delivers them
01:17:43 and you think, wow, that's great.
01:17:44 Look at what God did.
01:17:46 And then the Bible says,
01:17:47 they went into idol worship again.
01:17:50 They turned away from God again.
01:17:54 They rejected Him again.
01:17:55 And again we see His mercy, again we see repentance,
01:17:59 again we see God delivering.
01:18:01 And yet again, three times it talks about
01:18:03 in the Book of Nehemiah, three times,
01:18:05 they turned their back on God.
01:18:08 Three times in this, in this one chapter, Chapter 9.
01:18:11 Three times they turned their back.
01:18:13 And yet every time God reaches out in mercy.
01:18:17 He says, "You're My children.
01:18:20 I love you.
01:18:22 I want you to come home to Me."
01:18:26 And so I just want to tell you,
01:18:27 no matter where, what you've done,
01:18:30 no matter where you've been,
01:18:32 no matter how far you have stepped into sin,
01:18:36 God can redeem you.
01:18:37 God will pull you from that pit,
01:18:40 His mercy, His grace is extended toward you.
01:18:44 All you have to do is reach out to Him in repentance
01:18:47 and say, "Yes, God, I want to be Your child."
01:18:50 And He will do that. I love that.
01:18:52 To me that's the beauty of Nehemiah 9
01:18:55 that I've learned this year.
01:18:58 Thank you so much for sharing.
01:19:00 Brother Tim, does some chorus come to mind,
01:19:02 some song?
01:19:04 We can hear God's been good, but I don't know if.
01:19:06 I love that. Oh, very good times.
01:19:07 Oh, yeah.
01:19:21 And that's what I'm thankful for,
01:19:23 your humility.
01:19:26 And lately I've been looking back
01:19:29 Along this winding road
01:19:33 To the old familiar markers
01:19:36 Of all the mercies I have known
01:19:41 I know, it may sound simple
01:19:44 But it's more than a clich,
01:19:48 For there's no better way to tell you
01:19:52 than to say
01:19:57 God's been good
01:20:02 in my life
01:20:05 And I feel blessed beyond my wildest dreams
01:20:10 When I go to sleep each night
01:20:13 And though I've had my share of hard times
01:20:18 I wouldn't change them if I could
01:20:22 Through it all
01:20:25 God's been good
01:20:35 Times replay and I can see
01:20:38 That I've cried some bitter tears
01:20:42 But I felt His arms around me
01:20:45 As I faced my greatest fears
01:20:50 You see I've had more gains than losses
01:20:53 And I've known more joy than hurt
01:20:57 As His grace rolled down upon me
01:21:02 So undeserved
01:21:07 For God's been good
01:21:12 in my life
01:21:15 And I feel blessed beyond my wildest dreams
01:21:20 When I go to sleep each night
01:21:24 And though I've had my share of hard times
01:21:28 I wouldn't change them if I could
01:21:32 Through it all
01:21:35 my God's been good
01:21:40 For you see, God has been my Father
01:21:44 My Savior and my Friend
01:21:47 His love was my beginning
01:21:50 And His love will be my end
01:21:54 Oh, I could spend for forever
01:21:58 Trying to tell you everything He is
01:22:05 But the best way that I can say it
01:22:10 is simply this
01:22:17 Oh, God's been so good
01:22:23 in my life
01:22:26 And I feel so blessed beyond my wildest dreams
01:22:31 When I go to sleep each night
01:22:35 And though I've had my share of hard times
01:22:40 I wouldn't change them if I could
01:22:44 For through it all
01:22:50 He's working all things for good
01:22:54 So through it all,
01:22:58 God has been
01:23:03 good
01:23:10 Wow. Blessed.
01:23:12 Amen.
01:23:14 I think about it too and this past year,
01:23:17 you were asking earlier things
01:23:19 and we've seen so many good things.
01:23:22 We see the devil try to upset the applecart.
01:23:24 But like for Yvonne and me, oh, I better should speak for me,
01:23:28 I won't bring her age into it.
01:23:29 But at my age, you know, when you hit that point,
01:23:32 you get up to 70.
01:23:33 I never dreamed when we were doing this
01:23:35 starting out at 33 years old.
01:23:37 You know, you'd live to be this longer.
01:23:39 You'd be here on this earth.
01:23:40 But no matter what happens in my life,
01:23:42 God's been good.
01:23:44 It's not like, you know, there's this long
01:23:46 future except eternal life.
01:23:48 So God has been good. And He's good for you.
01:23:51 It's just, we have to excuse this term,
01:23:54 we have to have sense enough
01:23:55 to understand who we are and who God is.
01:23:57 Yes.
01:23:58 So we need to pray and ask God for spiritual sense.
01:24:00 So they can give us
01:24:02 so when all this junk that's coming in,
01:24:04 you know, we're inundated by television,
01:24:06 radio, and all the news and all this stuff.
01:24:09 Forget all that. Just look to the Bible.
01:24:11 And you'll find that God's been good.
01:24:12 I think, particularly,
01:24:14 you know, I talked about Melody and grandkids
01:24:16 and even great grandbaby, but like or maybe daughter,
01:24:19 Trinity, our youngest daughter.
01:24:21 She was some weeks ago sick
01:24:24 literally was day and night for nearly three weeks.
01:24:28 Yeah.
01:24:29 Couldn't eat, couldn't hold anything down.
01:24:30 We did everything, went to hospitals,
01:24:32 doctors, and finally went to Mayo Clinic
01:24:35 up in Rochester.
01:24:37 And, you know, they got to the bottom of it.
01:24:39 She's doing great right now. Praise the Lord.
01:24:42 And just to see the difference in her,
01:24:45 you know, begging God of our sin.
01:24:47 You feel so helpless as humans
01:24:48 when your little girl looks at you,
01:24:50 and she's continuing for hours thrown up,
01:24:53 says, Papa, please help me.
01:24:55 Please, please, and you can't do anything. Wow.
01:24:58 It really puts things in perspective,
01:25:00 who we are and who God is.
01:25:01 So we had to go to our knees
01:25:03 and say, God, this is You
01:25:04 and you know, you're telling your child
01:25:06 I can't do, I'm there.
01:25:08 I'm with you every minute,
01:25:09 but I can't help you, but God did.
01:25:12 Amen.
01:25:13 And so we're so thankful for that
01:25:15 and it's helped her spiritually too,
01:25:16 she's grown spiritually.
01:25:17 And last night she said, do you know, every night I pray
01:25:20 before I go to bed and I pray for the Lord,
01:25:22 and I thank God for, you know what He's doing in my life.
01:25:25 So all of these things that happened to us
01:25:27 sometimes seems like they're bad things,
01:25:30 they're not really.
01:25:31 They're just helping us to rely on God.
01:25:33 Yes.
01:25:35 That's why people say, oh, this rapture,
01:25:36 I can't wait for the rapture.
01:25:37 Brother James, we'd all be raptured out of here.
01:25:39 And we won't go through trials and tribulations,
01:25:42 it's like really, you know, gold tried in the fire.
01:25:45 I mean, this helps us to be dependent on God.
01:25:48 If everything went my way,
01:25:49 and I could do everything I wanted,
01:25:51 I wouldn't need God.
01:25:52 Right? It's when you see your humanity.
01:25:55 And you say, "Wow, it's so fragile."
01:25:57 Someone said this today already,
01:25:59 this life is so fragile.
01:26:00 I think it's Brother Kenny earlier. Yeah.
01:26:02 And you come and go, you know,
01:26:05 man that is born of woman
01:26:06 is of few days and full of trouble.
01:26:08 He cometh forth like a flower and is cut low
01:26:10 and flees also as shadow and continued not,
01:26:12 till the heavens meet no more.
01:26:14 Well, I better stop right now for a time.
01:26:17 But that's the story of man.
01:26:18 So today, we want you that the whole program here,
01:26:22 it's good to meet everybody
01:26:23 and all the different workers and all that,
01:26:25 but the whole program is always
01:26:27 that we want to be there for you
01:26:28 if any way that we can present Jesus Christ to you
01:26:31 and Him crucified.
01:26:33 That's what 3ABN is all about.
01:26:34 Amen. It's a love story.
01:26:36 And you're the center of it.
01:26:37 That's right. Oh, that's beautiful.
01:26:40 Yeah, true.
01:26:42 It's an amazing thought, isn't it?
01:26:43 Yes. Praise the Lord.
01:26:44 We want to say thank you
01:26:46 for being a part of our 3ABN family.
01:26:48 At home, we thank you for being our supporters.
01:26:50 You know, I think about those donors
01:26:52 that are still with the Ministry of 3ABN.
01:26:54 Mr. Danny and I had the opportunity
01:26:55 of talking recently to Mrs. Boss.
01:26:57 She's someone that stood with the Ministry of 3ABN,
01:26:59 almost since the very beginning.
01:27:01 And she's in her, she calls it young,
01:27:03 but she's in her 90s young she calls it.
01:27:05 But still a great supporter of the Ministry of 3ABN.
01:27:07 And we thank each one of you
01:27:09 for being an instrument that God can pour through.
01:27:12 Thank you, Pastor James and Rise.
01:27:14 Thank you, Brother Tim.
01:27:16 Mr. Danny, Dr. Yvonne, Sweetie, it's a blessing to be together,
01:27:19 and the rest of the team here at 3ABN.
01:27:20 I'd like to go out praying though.
01:27:22 Pastor James, would you mind to lead us in prayer
01:27:24 as we close out this Thanksgiving special?
01:27:26 We do want to wish each one of you
01:27:27 a Happy Thanksgiving.
01:27:29 Pastor James. Amen.
01:27:31 Let's pray.
01:27:32 Father, we are so thankful for Your Word
01:27:35 first and foremost
01:27:36 and for how You have led us to this light
01:27:39 and understanding of who You are
01:27:40 Your character of love
01:27:42 and the way that You've worked in our lives.
01:27:44 Sometimes you don't understand it,
01:27:46 we don't comprehend it.
01:27:47 But we're just thankful
01:27:49 and I just want to pray for each one of the viewers.
01:27:50 Now in this Thanksgiving season
01:27:52 that You would please open their eyes,
01:27:54 their hearts to see Your goodness,
01:27:56 Your love, Your grace,
01:27:57 and how You're working in their lives.
01:27:59 Do whatever it takes to bring them into eternity
01:28:02 with each one of us
01:28:04 and with You and Your heavenly family.
01:28:05 Do that for us, Father, do that for them we pray,
01:28:08 and thank you in Jesus' name.
01:28:09 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2022-11-18