3ABN Today Live

Thanksgiving Special

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL210037A

00:04 I want to spend my life
00:10 Mending broken people
00:15 I want to spend my life
00:21 Removing pain
00:26 Lord, let my words
00:31 Heal a heart that hurts
00:36 I want to spend my life
00:42 Mending broken people
00:47 I want to spend my life
00:53 Mending broken people
01:16 Thank you Lord
01:20 For saving my soul
01:25 Thank you Lord
01:29 For making me whole
01:34 Thank you Lord
01:37 For giving to me
01:43 Thy great salvation
01:46 So full and free
01:52 Thank you Lord
01:55 For saving my soul
02:01 Thank you Lord
02:04 For making me whole
02:10 Thank you Lord
02:13 For giving to me
02:18 Thy great salvation
02:22 So full and free
02:28 Amen.
02:30 Wow, we got a choir going on here.
02:32 Welcome, Happy Thanksgiving.
02:34 We're so glad that you have joined us today.
02:36 What an incredible time
02:37 we know we're going to spend with our Lord Jesus Christ,
02:39 but of course, with you at home.
02:41 Thank you so very much for being a part of our family.
02:45 You know, I know this past year has been challenging
02:47 for a number of you.
02:49 We receive the emails and the letters in the mail
02:53 and stuff through instant message.
02:56 We know that at times it seems like Satan
02:58 maybe kind of has control,
03:00 but he doesn't because we know that God is totally in control.
03:03 When things around you seem to be falling apart,
03:05 don't worry.
03:07 God's got everything in control.
03:08 And today's program is going to be in for what?
03:10 About maybe two, two and a half hours or so.
03:13 We're just going to see how the Lord leads.
03:15 I've got a number of bottles of water here.
03:17 Me too.
03:18 Yeah, me too.
03:19 We know this is Thanksgiving Day.
03:21 Maybe you've got family coming to your home today.
03:24 Here in the United States of America,
03:25 we have what we call Thanksgiving Day.
03:27 And we know that 3ABN is worldwide.
03:29 And you may say, be saying, "What is Thanksgiving Day?"
03:31 Well, we believe that Thanksgiving Day
03:33 should be every day of the year
03:35 because God said, "Give thanks."
03:36 Well, that's not just one day a year,
03:38 but every day of the year.
03:39 So we want to say thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ
03:42 for, again, sustaining the ministry of 3ABN
03:45 and using you as a vessel
03:47 that He can pour through to other people.
03:48 Amen.
03:49 I'm excited about this program
03:51 because we're going to have our family.
03:52 That's you at home joining us.
03:54 And we have our family on the set.
03:56 We're going to be trading out
03:57 several different family members
03:59 and so excited just to hear their heart,
04:01 what God did for them last year.
04:03 Amen.
04:04 The lessons that we have been learning,
04:07 the scriptures that God has poured into our lives
04:10 especially this year, and some music.
04:13 And I'm excited.
04:14 And let's talk about our family here.
04:15 Yeah, absolutely.
04:17 We have, of course, my sis, Dr. Yvonne Shelton
04:18 and Mr. Danny Shelton.
04:20 And just privileged to have you here.
04:22 And we could not do Thanksgiving without you all.
04:24 Oh, well, we love being here with everybody,
04:27 the folks at home and our family here.
04:29 It's a blessing. Amen.
04:31 It's great being together as family.
04:32 It is.
04:34 And it's great being outside, isn't it?
04:35 I can almost hear the leaves rustling around us.
04:37 We have to just say thank you to the crew.
04:39 They've done a great job
04:40 to give us this Thanksgiving outdoor.
04:41 I like being outside, the pavilion.
04:43 We got some kayaks over here.
04:44 Maybe at the end of this program,
04:46 we ought to go kayaking in the lake.
04:47 Sea...
04:49 We'd like to see that. Yeah.
04:50 So as we go around the circle,
04:51 let's just kick it off and tell us,
04:53 sis, something you're thankful for this last year,
04:55 a blessing in your life?
04:57 Wow! There's so many things.
04:59 Like the Lord has protected us
05:03 from COVID.
05:05 And most of us here who had it have come through really well.
05:11 Few did not.
05:12 And, but we praise the Lord most of us have.
05:15 And we're just...
05:17 I'm thankful for so with my family,
05:19 my husband, my children, my 3ABN family,
05:22 you at home,
05:24 and the fact that every year,
05:28 the Lord just continues to show Himself.
05:32 So faithful and He's just so loving and kind.
05:35 So I've got a lot to be thankful for Him.
05:37 Amen.
05:39 Mr. Danny, what about you?
05:40 Oh, so much to be thankful for.
05:42 One of the things recently,
05:44 of course, is a great grand baby.
05:46 We have a great grand baby
05:47 and we'll show a picture of him
05:49 with his own little guitar, Danny Lee.
05:52 And so thankful to, of course, where the great grand...
05:56 We may say, where the great grand baby come from,
05:58 the grandson, of course, my daughter, Melody.
06:01 And then she has eight children.
06:04 They have eight children.
06:05 And so this one is Jessie.
06:07 And so Jessie and Dane,
06:10 and, of course, they literally...
06:12 What a blessing.
06:14 We've been down there twice in the last two weekends.
06:16 Like we're doing all this other stuff,
06:18 but we drive to Nashville about three hours,
06:21 just so we can spend two or three hours.
06:22 This time a few weeks ago, actually,
06:25 recently we just drove down and spent...
06:28 We drove down in the evening,
06:30 stayed four hours and drove back
06:32 at about 3 o'clock in the morning,
06:34 just so we can hold him, you know.
06:36 And so we love it,
06:38 but so many blessings, you know.
06:39 We thank God for life, health, strength.
06:41 Yes. All those things.
06:43 Sometimes when you're young, you don't think about.
06:45 True.
06:46 And, but for 3ABN,
06:48 and you know, 37 years since the beginning,
06:50 it's just amazing that God continues to bless
06:54 and it continues to reach the world
06:56 and every new communication highway.
06:59 It's just, you know, that comes along,
07:01 we're jumping on it.
07:03 Thanks to you guys and what you're doing.
07:04 It's why we need young leadership here.
07:07 We're here to help and assist and all of that but...
07:09 Thank you so much.
07:10 We're thankful for you
07:12 and, of course, my wife and family and others here,
07:14 my brothers that we'll introduce here
07:16 in just a moment, brother and sister-in-law,
07:18 and our whole family.
07:19 So we're thankful today to be here
07:21 all these years later still saying,
07:24 "Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul."
07:25 Amen. Amen.
07:27 Praise the Lord.
07:28 In the middle here, Tim Parton,
07:30 General Manager of Praise Him Music Network,
07:31 and so grateful to have you here.
07:34 We consider you as family, our brother.
07:36 Absolutely.
07:37 And what's the gift in your life this year?
07:39 Well, just you saying that.
07:40 It's the fact that you all have taken me in as family.
07:43 Come on now.
07:45 I'm just myself and so it's nice to belong.
07:49 Yes.
07:50 But I have been reminded,
07:52 even as Danny, you were talking.
07:54 I have two sons and they live in Tennessee.
07:58 It must be a Tennessee thing,
08:00 but you know, it's five hours away.
08:03 And oftentimes, I think...
08:08 I'm reminded God is watching over them
08:12 and protecting them.
08:13 And they're both in...
08:15 Well, one of them is in school
08:16 and one of them is trading motorcycles.
08:20 And so, but God is faithful
08:23 to watch over and protect them.
08:24 And all I have to do...
08:26 I mean, He's on call 24/7.
08:28 In fact, He's watching over them 24/7,
08:31 but there are times when I say,
08:33 "Oh God, they need a special touch."
08:35 Yes. And He can be depended on.
08:38 And I'm also reminded that as long as His people,
08:43 God's people have been serving Him
08:44 as long as His Word has been in existence,
08:48 we have been finding new things.
08:52 Not necessarily even new things,
08:54 but understanding His Word in a just...
08:57 Better way. It's in a better way.
08:59 And I just love the fact that His Word is inexhaustible.
09:03 Amen.
09:04 And so His blessings are the same.
09:07 Amen. Amen.
09:08 So really grateful. Praise the Lord.
09:09 And your family, whether you like it or not.
09:11 Right.
09:12 That's an order.
09:14 Family is family.
09:15 You got to love them.
09:16 I like that.
09:18 Coming around the circle, we have more family.
09:20 Pastor Kenny Shelton and Sister Chris,
09:22 we love you both.
09:23 Just blessed to serve in ministry together with you.
09:26 Amen.
09:27 And just tell us what's gift this year for you?
09:31 Something that to be thankful for,
09:33 I am very thankful
09:34 is they are from my grandchildren.
09:36 I'm very, very thankful for 3ABN
09:40 for the people that call,
09:41 the people that write,
09:43 the people that we've been able to pray with.
09:44 Amen.
09:46 It touches your heart in such a special way,
09:48 because in this world that we're living in,
09:51 it's like the world has lost.
09:53 The compass just keeps spinning in different directions
09:56 and people don't know which way to turn.
09:58 They don't know who's telling the truth,
09:59 who's not telling the truth.
10:01 And you know what?
10:02 I'm very, very, very thankful that we as God's children
10:05 have a moral absolute.
10:07 Praise the Lord.
10:09 We don't have to follow,
10:10 we don't have to be confused in the world.
10:13 We just need to get into God's Word
10:14 because He has said in His Word
10:17 that this is the path, walk ye in it.
10:19 And so as long as we can hold on tight to Him
10:22 and continue to learn,
10:23 we have so much to be grateful for.
10:25 Amen. Amen.
10:26 Praise the Lord.
10:28 Well, we do have.
10:29 I mean, so many things...
10:30 Areas you could go into.
10:32 And the thought that came to my mind
10:33 was that thinking about the...
10:35 In the Word of God, we have...
10:37 There's some celebration times.
10:39 And celebration time is Thanksgiving time.
10:41 You think about the Feast of Tabernacles.
10:44 And this is what I find so close in my mind anyway,
10:47 to what we call Thanksgiving now.
10:50 And you can look at that was such a special time,
10:53 because it was at the end of the harvest.
10:55 Yeah. Right?
10:56 All the fruits were in and the crops were in,
10:59 and it was time for the people to get together.
11:01 And I use the word to celebrate.
11:04 And they...
11:05 It lasted for seven days.
11:07 So let me just throw something out to 3ABN.
11:10 Okay.
11:11 You might give one or two days off, you know.
11:14 How about a week of seven days?
11:16 'Cause you know when you have one day off,
11:19 all of you work so hard when you have people over,
11:22 and you're exhausted almost.
11:24 You get the one day off.
11:25 You're preparing two or three days before,
11:26 and then you have that one day
11:28 and it's busy, busy, busy,
11:29 and then maybe you go back to whatever it is.
11:30 But, you know, they had seven days
11:32 that they played music, they sang songs,
11:36 they brought gifts in.
11:38 And it was just a few days after the Day of Atonement.
11:43 Though how interesting that was in the time frame,
11:46 you know, gathering in this is the end.
11:49 And God's people need to be singing, and have music,
11:52 and praising God, and being thankful.
11:55 And a couple of verses quickly was Psalms 106
11:59 and then 122.
12:03 I'm going to read just one verse
12:04 if we have time to do.
12:05 If we don't, let's do it some other time.
12:07 But I thought how beautiful this fit in.
12:09 I'm not going to read all of it because the children of Israel
12:13 sang this whole chapter.
12:16 Now I don't know how long it'd take me
12:17 to memorize 48 verses.
12:19 Lord have mercy.
12:20 You know, but I know it's easier
12:22 if you put music to it to memorize.
12:23 That's true.
12:25 But they sang this 106,
12:28 Psalm 106:1 through like 48.
12:31 And that is simply the wanderings
12:34 that they had in the wilderness.
12:35 Yeah.
12:36 They sang about the good
12:38 and they sang about the troublesome times
12:39 that they had.
12:41 Wow.
12:42 But the end result, God's overall.
12:44 Praise the Lord. And they gave thanks to Him.
12:46 Just the first verse, for instance, it says here,
12:47 "Praise ye the Lord.
12:49 Oh, give thanks unto the Lord
12:51 for He is good for His mercy endureth forever."
12:54 Amen.
12:56 And then two, "Who can utter the mighty acts of the Lord?"
12:58 Well, we could read the whole thing
13:00 and get excited, but this is Thanksgiving.
13:01 Yes, that's right.
13:03 We're here for what 3ABN is doing.
13:04 We're pulling out,
13:06 you're pulling out the praise, the people.
13:08 Sometimes maybe we forget to do it. I like...
13:10 I don't know who said it here, but Thanksgiving is every day.
13:13 Isn't that how it should be?
13:14 Every day.
13:16 Those who are here, those who are Christians,
13:18 you thank God.
13:19 You know, first thing I do is thank you, Lord,
13:21 for life, health, and strength.
13:23 Brother Danny, you mentioned that.
13:25 Thank you for those three things
13:26 that you get up and your feet hit the floor
13:29 and the devil's going to say, "Wow."
13:30 You know what I mean?
13:31 They're up and at it again. Praise God, right?
13:33 That's the way it needs to be.
13:35 Devil should be afraid of God's people.
13:36 So here as we praise, and as we sing,
13:38 and as we pray together, the devil trembles.
13:40 Wow.
13:42 But let's do like the children of Israel.
13:43 And I think in Psalms 122, it says something like,
13:47 "I was glad when they said come to the house of the Lord."
13:50 Isn't something like that?
13:52 I was glad when they said
13:53 let us go into the house of the Lord.
13:55 So today, I feel like by God's grace,
13:57 we're going to the house of the Lord.
13:58 Praise God.
14:00 And all day when you do these programs
14:01 and people are singing,
14:03 it's good to be in the presence of the Lord.
14:04 It's good to give praise and thanksgiving to Him.
14:07 And so I, again, I can't praise Him enough.
14:09 Every day I look at...
14:11 Man, you are on borrowed time.
14:12 Praise God for that.
14:13 So every day is a good day.
14:15 But I don't know, Brother Danny.
14:16 I'm reminded every day how fragile life is,
14:20 just to go through the day
14:22 and different things and things happen,
14:23 how fragile it is.
14:25 And the Lord impressed, Kenny, time is short.
14:27 Make sure you're ready. Yeah.
14:28 And so during this time,
14:30 we pray that's going to touch some hearts
14:31 and life of people who are viewing 3ABN.
14:34 And there's going to be commitment time
14:36 for them right now.
14:37 It's good, right, to be in the house of the Lord.
14:40 Isn't it that right? Amen.
14:41 Praise Lord for that. Okay, I'm gonna keep quiet.
14:43 That's it.
14:44 No, I want to ask you to actually...
14:45 Let's pray, actually, Pastor Kenny,
14:47 as we start these hours here.
14:48 So thank you, please.
14:49 All right, let's pray.
14:51 Our kind, loving heavenly Father,
14:52 what a privilege it is that we can come
14:53 before thy throne.
14:55 Lord, we lift up Your name.
14:57 We sing praises unto You, thankful for the music,
15:00 the ability, the gifts that You've given...
15:02 Yes.
15:03 To all Your children today,
15:04 and to simply to bring honor and glory to You and You alone.
15:07 We pray during this time together,
15:10 this whole program, that man will not be seen.
15:13 Doesn't really need to be heard,
15:15 but the cross of Calvary would be lifted up
15:17 and everyone will see Jesus.
15:19 And as they see Jesus,
15:21 they'll say thank you again for life,
15:23 and health, and strength.
15:24 Thank you for the roof over my head,
15:25 thank you for the air that I breathe.
15:27 It all belongs to You.
15:28 You own the cattle on a thousand hills.
15:30 We have nothing.
15:31 We may think we do, but you own it all.
15:33 And you've loaned it to us, as my grandpa said,
15:35 to see how you're going to act.
15:37 That's right.
15:38 So, Lord, I pray that we will act
15:39 according to Scripture.
15:41 We will share these things with others who are in need.
15:43 We'll share our love with them.
15:44 We'll share the gospel with them.
15:46 And give them invitation to join the family
15:48 before it's forever too late.
15:50 Thank you for this time that we can praise You.
15:52 Thank You there's time we can sing songs
15:54 of praise and adoration.
15:55 And may this be a time of growth
15:57 for each and every one of us.
15:59 And those who are viewing, those who may listen,
16:00 and those of us who are here, we need that.
16:03 We thank You, we praise You for all that You've done.
16:05 And I love this,
16:06 what You're going to do in the future.
16:08 That's right.
16:09 As Your church is victorious in Jesus' name we pray,
16:11 is for His sake, amen.
16:13 Amen. Amen.
16:15 And in the background, you maybe saw
16:17 Pastor Johnny and Sister Idalia.
16:18 Hello, wave back there.
16:20 We're going to be playing some musical chairs
16:21 as Jill was mentioning.
16:22 So we'll be switching out some people throughout.
16:24 Today, it's going to be a fun time
16:25 of spending this time as 3ABN family
16:27 with you at home.
16:29 And I just want to say thank you
16:30 while we have Pastor Kenny on and Mr. Danny here.
16:33 Thank you for being faithful to the calling to start 3ABN,
16:35 for hammering those nails, one nail at a time,
16:38 putting those two by fours up.
16:39 3ABN wouldn't be here without you both.
16:41 But we want to say thank you for standing with them.
16:44 Many of you who have donated from the very beginning.
16:46 Yes.
16:47 That's because of you that 3ABN is here.
16:49 But thank you both for your faithfulness
16:51 to what God has called both of you to do,
16:53 and for starting it out,
16:55 and for following the vision and commission
16:56 that God gave to you 37 years ago,
16:59 and here 3ABN is running today.
17:00 What a privilege, right? Oh, it's privilege.
17:03 Is there a chorus that comes to mind?
17:04 Go ahead. You're going to say something.
17:06 Well, the privilege is he
17:07 and I were driving nails building houses,
17:09 but when we built this building,
17:12 the people for many years come to the original Uplink and say,
17:16 "We're standing on holy ground."
17:17 Then when we put the shell of the building up
17:20 and we ordered the blackboard to go around it,
17:22 it said temple on it.
17:24 Oh, wow.
17:25 Yeah, praise the Lord. Come on.
17:27 Amen. Amen. Yes.
17:28 Drive into the little property that Fonda Summers gave us,
17:31 and you see it.
17:33 Not by intention us...
17:34 Here's this huge building and all you see is temple,
17:37 temple, temple.
17:38 Wow. So we are standing on holy ground.
17:41 Yeah, that is beautiful.
17:42 There is a chorus, you want to sing that or?
17:44 Amen. Yeah.
17:45 As I walked through the door
17:49 I sensed His presence
17:53 And I knew this was a place
17:58 Where love abounds
18:02 For this is the temple
18:07 Jehovah God
18:10 God abides here
18:13 We are standing
18:16 We are standing In His presence
18:20 on holy ground
18:23 Sing it with us everybody.
18:25 We are standing
18:31 on holy ground
18:36 And I know...
18:37 And I know that There are angels
18:43 all around Let us praise...
18:48 Let us praise
18:51 Let us praise Jesus now
18:59 We are standing
19:03 In His presence
19:05 on holy ground
19:12 Thank you. Amen.
19:13 Praise the Lord. Wow.
19:15 Sister Chris, what's on your heart?
19:16 What's on my heart?
19:17 Well, I just...
19:19 Being in the presence of the Holy Spirit right now,
19:21 we are still on holy ground.
19:23 Yes.
19:25 After all these years,
19:26 so many people have just walked into the church
19:29 because they have been watching this signal.
19:32 Amen.
19:33 You know, this, to me,
19:34 has always been a fulfillment of prophecy,
19:37 that the gospel will go around the world
19:39 and then the Lord will come.
19:41 Yes.
19:42 And we're seeing the signs of His return
19:44 just growing stronger and more fervent
19:47 each and every moment of each and every day.
19:50 And this signal needs to be just as strong
19:53 and just as fervent and go even further.
19:56 Come on now. Amen.
19:57 Because it needs...
19:59 People need to hear this message.
20:00 They need to be encouraged.
20:01 They need to know that God has a truth.
20:03 He has a path and He's calling each and every person
20:07 to come and join Him on that path.
20:10 Amen, wow.
20:11 Amen. Praise the Lord. It's good.
20:12 I just want to say too, Pastor Kenny and Sister Chris,
20:15 that we lift you all up in prayer too.
20:16 Appreciate.
20:18 Because as much a part of 3ABN you are,
20:19 you're also speaker/director of Behold the Lamb Ministries,
20:21 which is a powerful ministry
20:23 that's been proclaiming the three angels' messages
20:26 for what, 30 some years as well.
20:27 So praise God for what you're doing
20:29 and continuing to do.
20:30 We know the Satan's upset, but that's all right.
20:33 That's all right. That's exactly right.
20:35 You got up and feet hit the floor this morning.
20:37 Amen.
20:38 In the last closing seconds,
20:40 any closing thought, Pastor Kenny,
20:41 before we switch out with someone else?
20:42 No, I think maybe just to thank God's people,
20:46 and to thank God, and to thank 3ABN,
20:48 you know, for the blessings that we have,
20:51 that you guys, each one of you, everybody is to us.
20:54 Again, keeps us feeling like family.
20:56 And that we are a part of something
20:58 and we're part of a worldwide movement.
21:01 And that gives us encourage and strength
21:03 to each day to push forward.
21:05 When sometimes you kind of get tired
21:07 of maybe pushing and going,
21:09 but then you look at what God is doing
21:11 and He strengthens you to just keep going ahead
21:13 and keep going ahead.
21:15 So I want to thank each one of you,
21:16 certainly my brother and sister Yvonne.
21:18 And, you know, you guys are just awesome too
21:21 in the station, and we thank God for that.
21:23 Thank you for working with us.
21:25 It's great to be family together.
21:27 It is. Thank you so much for being here.
21:29 Thank you both. I appreciate it.
21:30 Thank you. Love you all.
21:31 I was just thinking...
21:33 Looking forward to your cooking soon.
21:35 Oh, yay!
21:39 That's right.
21:40 We got food coming later.
21:42 Yeah, that's right.
21:43 I'm looking at all these little squash
21:45 and pumpkin that are around here too.
21:46 We can cook some of 'em up.
21:48 Yeah, there are.
21:49 What's on your heart, babe?
21:50 Oh, wow.
21:52 I was thinking this morning,
21:54 what lessons has God taught me this last year?
21:57 You know, what is these things that I've learned?
21:59 And I think this might seem like a trite saying,
22:05 but I think there's a lot of truth in it.
22:07 The lesson I learned this year is life is uncertain.
22:11 Eat dessert first.
22:12 Okay.
22:13 You surprised me on that one.
22:15 Now I know this is just a saying,
22:16 but what it really means
22:18 is to cherish the people in your life.
22:19 Life is uncertain. That's true.
22:21 Cherish the fact that you have a maker,
22:24 and that's the Lord Jesus Christ.
22:25 Life is uncertain.
22:27 Cherish the moments in your life.
22:30 Be intentional about those moments.
22:33 That's a lesson that Greg and I are seeking to learn
22:36 because we can be very focused.
22:38 You can be busy in ministry, but to be intentional,
22:42 to take moments, take moments with your spouse,
22:46 take moments with your family and friends,
22:49 take moments with your Savior,
22:51 take moments in His Word, take moments for yourself.
22:56 That's, I think, one of the things
22:58 that God is teaching me,
23:00 you can say, or learning this year.
23:02 Amen.
23:04 And now we have the privilege
23:06 of taking a moment with the Dinzeys.
23:07 All right.
23:09 We love you both and... Amen.
23:11 Count you as family and so grateful
23:13 to have you as part of the ministry
23:15 for so many years.
23:16 So let's start with Mrs. Dinzey, ladies first.
23:19 Thank you, Mrs. Morikone.
23:21 Tell us what's on your heart or a lesson learned this year
23:24 or scripture you just share?
23:25 Well, you know, it's a privilege for me
23:28 to be here with you guys.
23:31 It's an honor for you, Danny,
23:32 to spend this moment with me.
23:34 I know, with you.
23:35 I've been looking forward to it for weeks.
23:36 Thank you.
23:40 You know, when I first got here to 3ABN...
23:43 You were just a kid really.
23:44 Yes. You were very young.
23:46 Back in 1994, that's when John Dinzey
23:48 and I got married.
23:50 But I was visiting the campus, the ministry,
23:53 and we heard the stories that Johnny shared,
23:56 and like, wow, you know.
23:58 When I got here,
23:59 everybody was talking about 3ABN employees over lunch,
24:03 over breakfast, over picnics.
24:05 Everything was 3ABN.
24:07 Like don't these people have a life?
24:09 You know, why talk about 3ABN, you know, all the time?
24:14 And so anyway, I moved into the area
24:18 and, you know, I did not realize
24:23 what 3ABN was in my heart.
24:26 And I was comfortable.
24:28 You know, it was a safe area to live in and all,
24:31 but I didn't value what 3ABN was at the very beginning.
24:36 Wow.
24:37 And I was like, "Did I make a mistake,
24:40 you know, marrying someone that works in a ministry,
24:45 you know, so isolated and so,
24:47 you know, focused in this, in the ministry?
24:51 And the Lord said, "You know, you didn't...
24:56 I don't make mistakes." Wow.
24:59 You know, the Lord brought us together,
25:01 because my desire was to have someone in my life
25:05 as a partner that I can grow spiritually with.
25:08 Guess what?
25:10 If you don't know John Dinzey, he has taken his priesthood,
25:15 you know, as the priest of the home seriously.
25:17 And we...
25:19 I have learned to grow, balance each other out.
25:23 And anyway, it's been a great blessing
25:27 to be in ministry.
25:29 And something that I never imagined,
25:32 I was sleeping 3ABN, I was for breakfast,
25:35 for lunch, and dinner, and to this day, 3ABN.
25:39 Wow.
25:41 So it's the mission, it's the vision,
25:42 it's the passion.
25:44 That's right.
25:45 And the Lord showed me that when I read,
25:49 I have come to give you life, and give it more abundantly.
25:54 You know, sometimes we take that text
25:57 and think that it's fancy cars,
26:00 fancy homes, you know, be comfortable,
26:03 have everything that you need in abundance
26:06 enough to give away and not even miss it, right?
26:10 But that abundance
26:12 is to prepare us for the abundant eternal life.
26:15 It's like the focus...
26:17 I'm like, "Lord, why didn't I get that before?"
26:21 You know, we talk about abundance and unfortunately,
26:25 we mix it up
26:27 with the material things, right?
26:29 So I just want to praise the Lord
26:32 for the gift of life eternal
26:35 that we are preparing for,
26:38 and also the ministry that 3ABN
26:40 has of preaching the gospel to the whole world.
26:45 So it's been rough year.
26:47 People have losses and,
26:51 you know, we need to just evaluate
26:55 where our priorities are.
26:57 Many have gone to sleep
26:58 because of COVID and stuff like that.
27:01 And it hurts me to know,
27:05 and this year I've noticed it more.
27:07 My heart hurts when I hear so and so went to heaven.
27:12 So and so is living in heaven.
27:14 Oh, they're looking at me or watching over us,
27:18 you know, my family member.
27:19 And that has driven many people to depression,
27:22 and young people...
27:23 I want to die and be with my mom in heaven,
27:26 which is wrong.
27:28 You know, the Bible does not teach that.
27:30 So let us pull together.
27:32 Amen.
27:34 You know, to preach that pure message of salvation.
27:37 What about you, Pastor Johnny?
27:39 I just want to say for both of you.
27:40 When Jill and I first got married,
27:41 I remember you invited us to your house.
27:44 We were newlyweds and they said,
27:45 "Hey, come on over to our house for lunch."
27:48 And so I say what a blessing that was.
27:50 Thank you for, of course, your mentorship,
27:51 but also taking us
27:53 in when we were first here at 3ABN.
27:55 But they're very hospitable people,
27:56 and your sons are no longer babies.
27:58 No.
28:00 They're grown, out of college, in college.
28:01 And it's amazing.
28:02 You've been here, Pastor Johnny, over 30 years.
28:04 Yes. What's on your heart?
28:06 I was thinking back there. Yes.
28:07 It's about 32 years, November.
28:09 You know, at the end of November
28:11 is when I arrived at 3ABN.
28:12 So right now, Thanksgiving time.
28:14 Thanksgiving time.
28:15 You know, and I want to say,
28:16 you know, adding on to what Idalia said,
28:18 you know, most people have been taught
28:20 that when you die, you go to heaven.
28:23 And what Idalia meant is that
28:24 the Bible doesn't teach you go immediately to heaven.
28:26 You're sleeping in the grave till Jesus comes.
28:30 Bless His holy name, you know.
28:32 If you went to sleep in Jesus, you will be resurrected.
28:35 So that's when it happens.
28:36 But, you know, I was thinking back there.
28:38 Man, I remember when I came, 3ABN was actually recovering
28:42 from some kind of lightning strike.
28:44 We were.. 3ABN was on the air and...
28:48 But it reminded me...
28:50 It took me back because several years ago,
28:52 Gonzalo Santos...
28:54 Danny knows Gonzalo Santos.
28:56 And Danny has mentioned many times.
28:59 He was at our church in Chicago,
29:01 Southern Spanish church in Chicago.
29:04 And he was sharing some of the miracles
29:06 that had taken place at three face power
29:08 and all these miracles that had happened.
29:10 And I was like, amazed, amazed.
29:13 And I said, "Wow, you mean God is doing miracles
29:16 like these here in the US?"
29:18 'Cause you know you hear miracles in Africa,
29:20 miracles in Papua New Guinea,
29:22 and, you know, places like that.
29:23 God is doing...
29:24 And I said in my mind, I said,
29:26 "I would love to work in a place like that,
29:28 where God is doing miracles like that."
29:30 And the Lord heard that.
29:32 Oh, you want to work there?
29:34 And so He made it possible.
29:35 It's an amazing story.
29:37 So I'm grateful to the Lord for the privilege
29:39 to work at 3ABN,
29:41 that is still preaching the undiluted
29:44 three angels' messages.
29:45 And it continues to grow.
29:47 You know, it's exciting to see when those emails come.
29:50 A cable company says, "Please, I want to know how,
29:53 you know, we can be an affiliate of 3ABN Latino."
29:57 And I say, "Praise the Lord."
29:59 Amen. Amen.
30:00 So one of the things I'm grateful for,
30:02 of course, is my wife and our sons, Samuel and Caleb.
30:06 And I have to praise the Lord
30:08 because over the last five years,
30:10 she mentioned growing spiritually.
30:13 I have seen her grow spiritually
30:14 and now, you know, we're participating together
30:17 in some church service and she is speaking out more.
30:20 And I said, "She's a preacher.
30:21 She's preacher, praise God."
30:23 So preacher, praise Dinzey.
30:25 That's right. And it's just a blessing.
30:26 What a blessing, what a blessing it is.
30:28 Amen.
30:29 Pastor John, you have your Bible open
30:30 there on your lap.
30:32 Is there a scripture that you want to share with us?
30:33 Well, you know, this year, there's that scripture
30:36 in Matthew 3:17 that says...
30:38 When Jesus is baptized, it says...
30:40 This is the message from heaven was,
30:42 "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."
30:47 And reading my favorite book,
30:48 The Desire of Ages, beautiful book.
30:50 You should... Everybody should read it.
30:53 It said there, you know,
30:55 this message embraces all humanity.
30:58 Yeah. And it hit me, wow.
31:02 That message, this is my beloved Son,
31:04 God is saying about me,
31:06 because that embraces all humanity.
31:08 And because of Jesus, we are accepted in the beloved.
31:11 Yeah.
31:12 When I entered into that, wow,
31:14 I'm accepted in the beloved because of Jesus.
31:17 And that's a powerful message
31:19 that I was so blessed to just consider
31:22 that I just had a moment of praising God, thanking Him.
31:26 Because of Jesus, we are accepted.
31:28 And He says to us, "You are My beloved son,
31:31 you are My beloved daughter."
31:33 Praise the Lord. And that's just amazing.
31:34 The miracle that can still take place,
31:36 life's being transformed, and I'm glad to...
31:39 I rejoice to be a part of it.
31:40 Amen.
31:42 Thank you both so much for being here.
31:44 We love you. Thank you for sharing.
31:46 And right now we're going to go to employee role.
31:52 Not everyone could be on the set here.
31:54 And we wanted to take the opportunity
31:56 to have you meet the rest of the family.
31:58 We didn't...
32:00 We weren't able to get everyone,
32:01 but we got quite a few of the different employees.
32:03 We're going to be putting that role
32:05 in several times throughout the next couple of hours.
32:07 So you can get to meet the rest of the 3ABN family.
32:10 So let's go to that right now.
32:19 Hello, my name is Jorge Jaque.
32:21 I'm the production manager for 3ABN.
32:24 And it's such a pleasure
32:26 to be able to talk to you and tell you
32:29 how much thankful
32:32 I am for working for the Lord in this ministry.
32:36 It's been a beautiful year, a year of many blessings
32:40 and a year to be thankful
32:41 for many, many things that He has done for us.
32:43 Happy Thanksgiving to you.
32:46 This year, I am thankful for God's leading in my life
32:49 and this new job.
32:52 I'm very thankful for my family,
32:55 my 3ABN family, and all of my friends.
33:01 My thanks to God
33:02 is for allowing me to write books
33:04 for participating in the ministry
33:06 we've been sharing out in Spanish,
33:09 for allowing 3ABN Latino to also be in Cuba,
33:13 for the offering of the people,
33:16 and for the excellent production staff of 3ABN.
33:21 One of the things I'm thankful for is answered prayer.
33:24 And it's not just the little prayers
33:26 or the larger prayers,
33:27 but the fact that God is developing
33:29 an intimate relationship with me as we,
33:32 you know, He causes me to grow and in dealing
33:35 with the different situations I face.
33:38 And I'm also thankful for the variety of Bibles
33:42 and books that we now have available,
33:44 thanks to wonderful donors like you.
33:47 What I'm most grateful for is family, friends,
33:51 and a place to call home.
33:53 I am so thankful for a God that doesn't give up on us.
33:56 Working in prison ministries, we see...
33:58 We get letters from a lot of people
34:00 who are searching for a God to love,
34:03 and that will love them.
34:05 They haven't known that kind of love.
34:06 So I'm thankful for working in this department,
34:08 sharing Jesus with those that are in prison.
34:12 I am thankful for the most, especially
34:15 with all that's happened in my life recently,
34:18 is I'm thankful for this job.
34:20 I'm really happy to have a Christian job.
34:24 And it is, I would say, a godsend.
34:28 Without coming here, I don't think
34:30 I would've grown as much as I have.
34:32 Meeting all the wonderful people here
34:34 has really just made me in many ways, a better person.
34:37 And I'm just so grateful for that.
34:39 I am so grateful to be working here at the ministry,
34:43 and working for 3ABN, and serving God.
34:45 And I just want to wish everyone
34:47 a happy Thanksgiving and a safe holiday.
34:52 I got a lot of things,
34:53 so many things to be thankful for that
34:55 I couldn't name them all now.
34:56 But I've been doing a lot of travel lately.
34:59 And there's been a lot of situations
35:00 where it could have been bad and it wasn't,
35:02 so I'm very grateful that God's been with me
35:04 through all these times I always traveled.
35:06 I was in New Jersey last week, California next week.
35:09 So I just.. Keep me in prayer.
35:11 And thank God that we have Him in our lives every day.
35:14 Amen.
35:15 Thank you so much to the employees that shared.
35:17 And like Jill said, we'll have a couple of more roles
35:19 throughout this special Thanksgiving program.
35:22 It's a blessing, Mr. Danny.
35:23 I know 3ABN, of course, our viewers at home,
35:25 our supporters are very important.
35:26 But the employees here,
35:28 that's a critical part to 3ABN going forward.
35:30 We have incredible employees and have over the years.
35:33 I mean, God has blessed us so abundantly
35:35 and so thankful for that
35:36 because all that folks see wouldn't be able to
35:39 if we didn't have the people that
35:40 who are dedicated, the personnel.
35:43 And it reminds me of my board members too that
35:45 we've had from the beginning.
35:46 And many of those now are sleeping,
35:48 you know, resting in the Lord for Jesus to come.
35:51 But what dedication from so many people
35:53 and 3ABN's a team.
35:55 We couldn't do it without you.
35:57 And from the beginning,
35:59 God has called different people to do different things.
36:02 And one of those is people who come from many areas
36:06 and many countries to be here at 3ABN
36:08 and dedicate their life, their time, their talents,
36:11 all to be a part of this, to make this team
36:14 really able to work and reach into all the world.
36:17 Praise the Lord. Amen. Absolutely.
36:18 Speaking of team members... Yes.
36:20 We switched out family and we have Jason Bergmann
36:23 and his beautiful wife, Francine.
36:26 We're so grateful that God brought both you here,
36:28 and love you, and share with us.
36:32 Francine, let's start with you.
36:33 Share with us...
36:35 It can be anything.
36:36 A scripture, something God taught you this last year,
36:38 a gift in your life, whatever?
36:40 You know, with our family, I mean, family is so important.
36:43 And I think during this time,
36:45 we've seen how family is very important.
36:47 But also the 3ABN family, and there's extended family
36:51 that we come in contact with through this network,
36:56 I mean, through the kids.
36:58 But one thing that I learned specifically this year is...
37:01 We just got a beehive
37:04 earlier in the spring this year.
37:06 And so, it's fun watching the bees.
37:08 But there's one thing that I've learned about
37:10 bees specifically,
37:11 is that the worker bees are very quick
37:15 and eager to work.
37:17 And they might stop every time they go out.
37:19 They go out about every day, about 15 times.
37:22 But they stop at 100 flowers
37:24 before they go back into the hive, approximately.
37:26 Wow.
37:27 But they only live about 40 days.
37:30 And I mean, between 30 to 60, but they say an average is 40.
37:34 And what's interesting about them
37:36 is that they work so hard,
37:37 but they never get to see the harvest.
37:40 They might only make about one 12th of a teaspoon...
37:45 Of honey? In their life.
37:46 Of honey. Of honey.
37:47 Wow. Not much.
37:49 And that kind of brings it back to me.
37:51 And something that I learned is that
37:53 we are just about God's business.
37:55 We don't know...
37:57 Whenever God is impressing our hearts to do,
38:00 we need to do it.
38:01 And we might not see the harvest.
38:03 We might not see the winter. That's good.
38:05 But yet there's something in it.
38:08 And even with the donors that are...
38:10 You know, some of them, they may not...
38:14 I mean, some of them may have passed away, unfortunately.
38:17 And that's always sad
38:18 because we've had a lot of loss,
38:20 you know, recently.
38:21 And yet they're putting their fruits in heaven.
38:24 And that reminds me of Matthew 6:19-21,
38:28 where it says, "Put your treasure in heaven."
38:30 Praise the Lord. And I just...
38:32 That's something that reminds me a little bit.
38:35 And I mean, I'm so thankful for our donors specifically
38:39 because they are putting their treasure in heaven.
38:43 And so that is a sacrifice that they're making.
38:46 So that's something that most impressed me.
38:49 That's good.
38:50 That's a great lesson from nature too.
38:52 That is.
38:53 So, Jason, have you been stung yet by any of the bees or?
38:55 Well...
38:57 Not our bees, but somebody else is harvesting.
38:59 Oh, somebody else's... Okay.
39:00 So I had an opportunity to harvest some honey.
39:03 Oh, did you really?
39:04 And I learned how to do that with a friend of ours.
39:08 And I put on my bee suit and I thought, okay.
39:11 I put the whole garb on I thought,
39:13 okay, I'm protected.
39:15 And we went through most of the day
39:18 and I started getting a little heat.
39:19 You know, when you get your chin
39:21 a little too close to the mesh.
39:22 Oh, yeah.
39:24 Well, the bee will tend to sting you.
39:27 So we got to the, one of the last hives,
39:31 and this was the highest hive.
39:33 It had a number of boxes and it was later in the day
39:37 and it was getting a little warm.
39:38 And those bees came out
39:40 and I probably had about 150 on me.
39:43 And I was getting stung like every like 15 seconds.
39:49 And finally the guy that was doing it,
39:51 you know, he is hearing ah, uh, mm, you know.
39:54 He was getting stung too.
39:55 He was getting stung and I was...
39:57 And we're like, okay, we got to quit
39:59 because it was getting...
40:01 It was starting to get a little unpleasant.
40:04 Dangerous.
40:05 But what's interesting is our own bees, they know us.
40:08 Like, it's funny because Amanda will pick up
40:11 the bees on their finger
40:12 and they won't bother us.
40:14 It's interesting how they have that connection, relationship.
40:16 So I haven't taken the honey out of my bees yet.
40:19 Okay.
40:20 But right now we have a good relationship.
40:22 You know, they don't sting me and I get to watch them.
40:26 And you haven't taken their honey,
40:27 so they're happy to have you.
40:28 And I haven't taken their honey.
40:30 You know, I have looked in the hive
40:31 just to see how much they're filling the hive
40:36 and how they're growing it out,
40:38 but yeah, I haven't had problems with my hive.
40:42 But I haven't taken the honey either,
40:43 so I'll have to pray beforehand,
40:47 especially after Francine story about how much time they spend
40:51 in getting such a small part of the honey.
40:55 You know, and I think of 3ABN and Francine
40:59 and I have been here about three and a half years now.
41:01 Yes, amazing.
41:02 And we've seen many miracles.
41:04 And the one miracle that, you know, managing finances.
41:09 Especially here at 3ABN,
41:11 I've seen that we really have to trust the Lord.
41:13 Yes. And we are so...
41:17 I am so grateful to have donors
41:20 who are systematically giving to 3ABN.
41:24 You know, when we talk about 37 years
41:26 and the dedication of our donors.
41:29 Yeah.
41:31 You know, it's amazing to see that dedication
41:35 and how they've partnered with us.
41:38 Especially in the times,
41:39 just in the last couple of years,
41:41 the Lord has really blessed.
41:43 And even though, you know, we see some lean times and,
41:47 you know, we talk about it in our meetings,
41:50 and then either that day or the next day,
41:54 the Lord has a gift for us
41:57 because of dedicated donors
42:01 that are willing to partner with us.
42:03 You know, I think about Thanksgiving
42:07 as a time as this.
42:09 You think of how our family members
42:13 may have been involved in the hardship
42:16 of losing someone from COVID
42:19 or some other type of situation.
42:23 And when you look at these times,
42:26 we can take promises in knowing that
42:29 Jesus is our promise.
42:33 You know, I look at the Bible verse
42:36 in 1 John 4:19
42:39 where it says, "We loved Him because He first loved us."
42:43 That's right. That's great.
42:45 You know, He's our creator,
42:47 He's our redeemer, and He's our advocate.
42:49 Amen. All right.
42:51 And He's willing to die for us and be our advocate.
42:55 And life is not as important
43:00 as you and I being a part of His kingdom.
43:03 And that's what's amazing,
43:05 that we can take comfort.
43:08 We have that peace
43:10 even though these arduous times that...
43:13 You know, we live in a time
43:14 where things are just upside down
43:17 and so discombobulated,
43:19 but then we can focus on Jesus and have that peace,
43:22 and have that joy in knowing that
43:24 He loves us so much.
43:26 Amen.
43:27 You were mentioning three and a half years.
43:28 That time has gone by in a hurry.
43:30 It has.
43:32 We appreciate both of you.
43:33 And I want to mention also your daughter Amanda as well.
43:36 Yes. You know, I should...
43:37 Just the other day...
43:39 I don't know if I can hold this up.
43:40 My Bible's starting to fall apart
43:41 and I took the notes out just now,
43:43 but there's a little sticker here.
43:44 If you can see where my finger is, it's a little penguin.
43:46 Well, their daughter Amanda loves penguins
43:48 and she gave me this little sticker
43:49 and I put it in my Bible.
43:51 And I put it in my Bible for a reason.
43:52 I was just thinking of generosity
43:54 because this was a special little gift that she had,
43:56 and she was so willing to give it away
43:59 to bring me joy.
44:01 And I think she gave you a little sticker as well.
44:03 So I put it in my Bible just to remember that,
44:05 you know, to be generous and to give
44:07 because it's not about us.
44:09 It's about sharing, sharing Jesus,
44:11 the love of God with others.
44:12 But thank you both and thank you
44:14 for your daughter Amanda.
44:15 So glad you're part of the ministry of 3ABN.
44:17 And thank you for your leadership
44:18 in the finance department as well.
44:20 It's been a walk by faith, I know,
44:22 but God has continued to provide.
44:24 And Mr. Danny, you've seen it through all the years.
44:26 Over and over again He continues.
44:28 I'm so grateful for both of you
44:30 and thankful for that you're here
44:32 as part of this ministry and part of the team
44:34 that keeps everything going and growing.
44:37 On the bees, do they still smoke 'em,
44:40 you know, to try to?
44:41 You know, I've learned not to smoke them
44:43 because it gets them agitated.
44:45 And I figure, you know, if you move slow
44:47 and are calm, they may...
44:49 I used to do that.
44:50 I made sure I smoked them enough.
44:51 They couldn't see me.
44:53 That's the whole idea.
44:54 You reach in and get it
44:56 and they don't know what happened.
44:57 So we did that for a while.
44:59 It's very interesting and amazing to watch.
45:01 Wow.
45:02 Amen. Amen.
45:04 We're going to trade out family again.
45:06 Thank you so much for being here.
45:07 Thank you very much.
45:08 Going to invite Ryan and Stephanie
45:10 to come in and join us.
45:11 And I think if Ryan's coming,
45:13 that means we might get some music.
45:14 Okay. And I'm excited about that too.
45:16 And as they are coming in just now,
45:18 sweetheart, we haven't heard from you
45:20 as far as a gift in your life or a lesson learned or...
45:23 You know, there's so many things.
45:25 You know, the list, you know, is just endless, right?
45:27 When you start writing down the things
45:28 that you're thankful for.
45:29 I mentioned earlier about being so thankful for 3ABN
45:31 because it's instrumental in my life as well.
45:35 You know, for me being a part of the ministry of 3ABN
45:38 has helped me grow.
45:39 And I think even before I came to 3ABN
45:41 over 20 some years ago,
45:43 my family and I would watch 3ABN
45:45 back when the giant dishes, 10 foot dishes.
45:47 Maybe some of you are saying, "What, 10 foot dishes?"
45:49 Well, there used to be 10 foot dishes.
45:50 That's how you got 3ABN.
45:52 And church members,
45:54 because we didn't have it at the time,
45:55 would copy 3ABN on VHS tapes.
45:57 Right. And they would give them to us.
45:59 So I'm thankful for 3ABN.
46:00 I'm thankful for life.
46:02 You know, both Jill and I lost loved ones
46:04 this past year, and maybe many of you as well.
46:07 The Thanksgiving table doesn't have a loved one there.
46:09 There's an empty place there.
46:11 But you know, we look forward to Christ's second coming.
46:14 So I'm just thankful for life,
46:15 for the opportunity that each one of us
46:17 have each and every day.
46:19 And that's to share the love of Jesus
46:20 with somebody else.
46:21 So those are just, yeah, some of the things I'm thankful for.
46:23 Amen.
46:24 Ryan, can we start with a song
46:26 with you first and then we'll talk?
46:34 Give thanks with a grateful heart
46:40 Give thanks to the holy one
46:46 Give thanks
46:49 because He's given
46:51 Jesus Christ His son
46:58 Give thanks with a grateful heart
47:04 Give thanks to the holy one
47:10 Give thanks
47:13 Because He's given
47:16 Jesus Christ
47:21 His Son
47:24 And now let the weak
47:29 Say I am strong
47:33 Let the poor say I am rich
47:39 Because of what the Lord
47:43 Has done for us
47:49 And now let the weak
47:54 Say I am strong
47:58 Let the poor say I am rich
48:05 Because of what the Lord
48:08 Has done
48:12 For us
48:15 Give thanks
48:23 I love this.
48:24 We got another song.
48:27 Jesus,
48:29 We just want
48:32 To thank you
48:37 Jesus,
48:39 we just want
48:42 To thank you
48:48 Jesus,
48:50 we just want
48:52 To thank you
48:58 Thank you for being so good
49:07 We serve a mighty God.
49:12 Thank you, Ryan.
49:14 We're having church. Amen.
49:16 We're having church on Thanksgiving Day.
49:17 I love that.
49:19 What's on your heart, Dr. Yvonne, just your message.
49:21 Thank you, Pastor Ryan for the song.
49:22 Praise the Lord.
49:24 You know, so many times we take the Lord for granted.
49:29 And as Ryan was singing, I was thinking,
49:33 you know, we have so much to be thankful for
49:35 and we need to let Him know
49:37 how much we appreciate all that He does.
49:40 That's good.
49:41 And so I just sense
49:43 the Holy Spirit's presence here.
49:45 And whenever I sense His presence,
49:47 it makes me want to cry too,
49:49 because it's so precious and tender.
49:53 And many of you might feel alone right now.
49:57 There are some verses that I learned this year
50:00 that are so near and dear to me.
50:02 One is in Psalms 27:13-14.
50:07 He says I would've lost heart unless I had believed
50:10 that I would see the goodness of the Lord
50:12 in the land of the living.
50:14 Wait on the Lord.
50:16 Be of good courage
50:18 and He will strengthen your heart.
50:20 Okay. That's right.
50:21 Wait, I say, on the Lord. Amen.
50:23 So whatever you're dealing with right now.
50:25 Yeah.
50:26 And we're all dealing with something.
50:27 Everyone has a challenge.
50:29 That's just what this life offers.
50:32 Give it to Jesus. That's right.
50:34 And be thankful for what He does.
50:36 So thank you so much for just ushering us
50:39 even more into His presence.
50:41 Amen. Glory be to God.
50:42 Praise the Lord.
50:43 What's on your heart, Ryan?
50:45 Oh, man.
50:47 Do we have an hour?
50:50 Oh, man, we serve a mighty God.
50:52 I know we say that sometimes.
50:53 Sometimes it just becomes a part of our vocabulary.
50:55 You know, God is good. God is good all the time.
50:57 All the time God is good.
50:59 But over this last year, it's just been,
51:01 you know, strengthened
51:02 and fortified within me even more,
51:04 confirmed even more that we serve such a patient,
51:07 loving, kind God, merciful God.
51:11 Yes.
51:14 There's not a day that goes by that,
51:15 you know, the devil doesn't come and,
51:17 you know, whisper that thought into my head.
51:19 You know, you're not worthy to be where you're at.
51:21 You're not worthy to be doing what you're doing.
51:23 You're not a representative of God.
51:25 But yet the Holy Spirit comes and says...
51:29 Amen. Yeah.
51:30 "God is long suffering." Yeah.
51:31 You may not be where you are
51:33 or where God wants you to be just yet.
51:35 But yet you're not where you once was, right?
51:38 That's right.
51:39 There's evidence that He's working in your life.
51:41 And we're all on that path, that journey together.
51:42 That's right.
51:44 That's why I love that song that Dottie Rambo wrote,
51:45 He Looked Beyond My Fault.
51:47 Oh yeah.
51:48 Because it's the truth in my life every day.
51:49 And over the past year, it's just been confirmed.
51:51 He looks beyond our fault and He sees our need.
51:54 And that's the Savior we serve.
51:56 He's patient and I praise God for that.
51:59 I'm thankful that we serve a God
52:02 who is patient, who's longsuffering,
52:04 who's kind, who's merciful.
52:07 And for that reason and many others,
52:09 He is worthy to be praised.
52:12 Amen. Amen.
52:13 I know many times we see Ryan
52:15 because we're on Sabbath School,
52:16 or preaching a sermon, or singing music,
52:19 but we don't always have the opportunity
52:21 and privilege to see his wife, Stephanie.
52:24 And we love both of you.
52:25 Stephanie, of course, is principal
52:27 and teacher at our school here.
52:28 And tell us what your journey's been this year?
52:31 Maybe a scripture or something you've learned?
52:33 Yeah, it's been a wonderful journey.
52:38 We started out this year.
52:40 We've talked about the story of Joseph
52:42 and how he remained faithful through all of those trials
52:46 that he went through.
52:48 So even as I'm teaching the kids,
52:53 I realize that I'm learning as well.
52:54 That's right.
52:56 Getting that other perspective.
52:58 As you said, we all know of a trial
53:02 we can think of, right?
53:04 And so it was describing
53:07 how those trials kind of help smooth out,
53:11 you know, the stone, right, of that beautiful character.
53:15 And so that was a blessing to me.
53:18 And realize that I'm still learning, right?
53:20 That's right.
53:22 Even the stories that we hear over and over,
53:24 we can still see a new perspective.
53:26 And that was really a blessing for me.
53:27 Amen. Amen.
53:29 Amen. Wow.
53:31 What's on your heart, Mr. Danny?
53:32 Oh, I was wishing we had time to hear a little bit
53:35 of He Looked Beyond My Fault.
53:36 So yeah.
53:38 Oh, okay, all right.
53:40 Just hear a little bit of it.
53:42 I like that, Mr. Danny.
53:43 Yeah, that works. Let's do it.
53:46 Amazing grace
53:50 Shall always be
53:55 My song of praise
53:59 For it was grace
54:03 That bought
54:05 My liberty
54:10 I do not know
54:14 Just why He came
54:18 To love me so
54:23 He looked beyond
54:27 My fault
54:29 And saw my need
54:36 I shall forever
54:41 Lift mine eyes
54:45 To Calvary
54:49 To view the cross
54:53 Where Jesus died
54:58 For me
55:02 How marvelous
55:09 The grace that caught my falling soul
55:21 He looked beyond
55:27 My fault
55:29 And saw my need
55:38 Praise God.
55:39 Pastor Ryan, right now give us a little appeal.
55:42 We've got you a couple minutes before we go to the next hour.
55:43 Absolutely, absolutely.
55:46 You know, I don't know where you're from,
55:48 where you're at around the world,
55:50 what you're going through, whatever trial,
55:51 whatever tribulation.
55:54 My goodness, God is bigger than your trial.
55:56 That's right.
55:58 He's bigger than the problem that the enemy may bestow
56:01 and putting up on your life, causing you despair,
56:03 causing you discomfort,
56:05 causing you pain, anxieties, struggles.
56:08 We serve a mighty God and He understands.
56:11 The Bible says He can relate,
56:13 He can sympathize with our needs
56:14 because there is no problem that we have experienced
56:17 that Jesus hasn't experienced tenfold.
56:21 All you need to do is just call out to Him
56:22 wherever you are right now.
56:24 You could be in the road, driving down the road,
56:26 wherever you are.
56:27 You could be in your living room,
56:29 you could be at a friend's house,
56:30 in your bedroom, wherever you are.
56:32 Just simply kneel or just call out to Jesus and say, "Lord,
56:36 have mercy on me and, Father, thank you.
56:39 I want that love in my life, Lord.
56:42 Show me You're near, lead and guide me,
56:44 give me the Holy Spirit."
56:46 Just these simple little words,
56:48 these simple prayers can make a massive difference
56:50 in your life.
56:52 And God hears you,
56:53 He understands, He died for you.
56:55 That's right.
56:56 And I just always ask, you know,
56:58 why in the world would we want to die for our sins
57:00 when Jesus already died for them?
57:02 That's right.
57:03 He says, "Turn you from your evil ways,
57:05 for why should you die."
57:06 Right?
57:07 He does not have pleasure in the death of the wicked.
57:09 But give your heart to Jesus now.
57:10 He will receive you. Amen.
57:12 Thank you, Pastor Ryan.
57:13 Thank you so much.
57:15 It's been a full hour.
57:17 It's been a powerful hour.
57:18 Thank you so much.
57:19 We're going to have more, right?
57:21 We have more.
57:22 We have another hour that we have coming up.
57:24 It's been so good.
57:25 I'm so excited. Absolutely.
57:26 We have another hour and a half coming up,
57:28 so don't go anywhere.
57:30 Make sure that you gather around
57:32 and continue to join us for 3ABN Thanksgiving special.
57:35 The Lord is good all the time.
57:37 And He is good in your life and in ours.
57:40 We'll be right back.


Revised 2022-11-18