3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL210036B

00:00 ♪ ♪ >> Welcome back to 3, A B 37th
00:13 anniversary special program. And Joe, I believe coined the phrase look at God. The first
00:19 hour flew by in a hurry and we're showing what God has done and is doing to the
00:22 ministry of 3 ABN. And again, we want to say thank you for being a part of our family
00:29 miss because he knew that this ministry exist. Of course, we look at God is the captain of
00:32 this ship, but that he uses you as a vessel to pore through to the ministry of
00:38 3ABN then in turn are able to reach the entire world with a Bible truth of Jesus Christ.
00:44 Praise the Lord for that. I know it's always encouraging these programs, Mister Dan, it
00:48 to be a part of the anniversary programs. Again, like you said multiple times.
00:51 It's not about us. It's about the Lord Jesus Christ and that song. We're standing on Holy
00:55 Ground, which seems to be almost the theme song. 3 ABN along with many broken people,
01:00 going back to the Holy Ground. It's not wholly because of Lord Jesus Christ. So anyway,
01:07 what a program and want to remind you that we have a free offer for you tonight. The
01:10 call center is open. This is many broken people DVD. It's a documentary.
01:15 >> Probably 3 hours long. It's an incredible story. The mantle story of 3ABN God
01:20 raised up this network to proclaim an everlasting gospel to the ends of the earth. And
01:25 so give us a call right now. 618-627-4651. That number again is 6, 1, 8, 627-4651.
01:37 And we would love to send you this copy free or as Doctor. Yvonne mentioned the first
01:42 hour. Yeah, this is free. That is true. But you could send a $37 for our 37th. I'm on
01:51 Mister Dennison or maybe 370 year. to pull of So right now we're going to go to another
02:02 network. This is the praise him music network, our newest network. And let's take a look
02:05 at that role. >> 3, a B in founder, Danny Shelton has always loved
02:11 music. In fact, music has been a key ingredient and 3, a B programming from the very
02:16 start every Christian whose life has been changed by the power of God feels compelled
02:22 to praise him. And this is evident in the words found in Psalm 150 verse 6, let
02:28 everything that has breath the Lord. >> Creating the vast amount of
02:33 content required for a full-time music network is a demanding process that entails
02:38 a remarkable amount of production time and strait of preparation behind the scenes,
02:44 a limited staff handles tasks ranging from developing concepts for musical programs
02:50 and special events to scouting for appropriate available talent and coordinating
02:55 recording schedules. Once the reporting has taken place, another crew manages the
03:00 editing process, ensuring the highest quality of audio and video to complement the artist
03:06 and provide the viewer with an enjoyable experience. To God be the glory that he has
03:13 provided gifted group to accomplish the task of establishing new ways to
03:16 present Christian music. To our viewers, we believe that praise and prayers go
03:21 together. Has proven himself a full 2, 3, D and sprays him music network this past year.
03:30 And we're finishing strong with the addition of 300 individual songs to our video
03:32 live. We have a team of 6 audio and video mixers and editors and we have continued
03:40 production of programs like paused to pray. Your favorite spy request and many others
03:48 we've completed production on an interview program called Billy Blackwood and Friends
03:53 and just wrapped up the multi-part educational series. You can write a song with
03:58 legendary songwriter, Laney Wolf. These programs emphasize the power of music to form
04:05 friendships and create songs that glorify God. As this year concludes with Special
04:12 Christmas programs featuring family groups and friends. We're grateful for the
04:16 opportunity. We have to praise him. >> And praise the Lord channel
04:22 and the amazing of all your music speaking, MusiCares sitting by missus, music and
04:29 know-how to is an appropriate that a network that's reaching the world that all the
04:33 preaching the gospel should have a full-time music is and so many people love. The Music
04:39 Channel such positive feedback about People love it because they can do better if you
04:44 could pick anybody in the world to manage hear your music network. Who would you
04:49 choose up? Undoubtedly hands down. Can an And we're not we're not kidding about Have
04:59 found that that that's true. Tim, you do an incredible job. He is one of the most
05:02 productive people. >> Especially when he's on the keyboards is amazing what he
05:08 can do on and off. But you've done an incredible job in a short time and people love
05:14 because we hear it. Everywhere we go. Oh, we love the music channel and I get so many.
05:20 >> Great Phone calls letters, but I surround myself with talented people that are are
05:25 are great at at doing the managerial part of it because of that snow may strain. But
05:34 that's okay. I'm I've. resolved to to be less when other people shine it can work
05:42 out at home and got him and, you know, managing things. I have the vision that I'm not
05:44 good is set. Man meetings dry spoke. They can do it all. got there. But me, I'm ready to go
05:52 like You do it. Maybe you're a little like I am on that. I've got plan a vision, but it's
05:56 nice when other people have been and I think know the gifts us with that Some
06:02 characteristics that that. And so he gives us the sense to submit to those who are better
06:07 at managing and in fact, you know, I was here for 3 years before the network even
06:14 because I had that failure to launch syndrome and I finally you threw me out into the
06:22 water and said swim side. so I'm grateful for that. And again, Brian Dickens, he
06:29 gathered up a list of programs and said let's put this thing on the air. Let's go with and
06:37 that no one wants Get in motion to stay in motion. that's what the saying goes.
06:40 >> So people have even ask me, what do you do >> all call your day for my
06:47 family, especially his asked me my What do you I answer a lot of e-mails. And, you know,
06:53 I was thinking. >> I it would be cool to just kind of go and show you what a
07:01 month of I just looked back around the world in I I decide together some stats and you
07:11 know, this program is now one full because I'm on it, but it's wonderful because answers
07:16 a lot of requests that will have won very first programs we have are aired. Was your
07:22 favorite by request? That's right. So So I've as I've asked for song request in
07:26 October alone, I got 66 songs. Wow, people requested 66 songs the most request by one person
07:36 was 20 >> had. And then I have also in one of the recent magazine
07:40 World Magazine Issues I ask for program suggestions. >> And in October, I got 11
07:50 ever and the most interesting suggestion was they said I need more jokes. most people
08:00 like get lot of What not to we often we've received viewers. I will send in submissions for
08:18 their singing or that their their talent. >> And so I had 4 of those in
08:24 I had to personal appearance requests to to show up in places.
08:30 >> And then there a couple of miscellaneous requests like first for sound writing for
08:37 soundtracks rather than down tracks and songwriting there. The shortest email I got was
08:42 one word the said hi. >> What did you say in response? I haven't responded
08:52 that I don't how well the house that I should respond. Yeah, I'm I'm kind of pacing
09:00 second, shortest e-mail was 2 words and it was be still. With that's a song title so I
09:08 could have taken that personal. Yeah. You know the right guy 6, 0, it's so that
09:15 that is really good. But yes, to your point where they come from, e-mails have come in
09:20 from Antigua in the Caribbean. And in fact, I don't know where a lot of these places
09:25 are to. So they could be right there in the same town Granada Trinidad, the West Indies,
09:32 South Africa, Little Rock and I had one dignitary even right in. He said he had been here
09:42 several years ago and wanted me to greetings to all of you. John just recently Jenna?
09:50 Yeah, yeah. And said what was coming on the parade on the your favorites program program
09:55 is. >> But I hear you all talking a lot you know, go God. And
10:01 what was the phrase, God, God. And I that is extremely important. But I also want to
10:09 say how important it he he he turns around and says, look at you because it's that that
10:18 keeps things going because he could have all these great ideas. And until we put them
10:23 into motion in terms of we obey him, in fact, Deuteronomy 6, 3, Israel. You should
10:30 listen and be careful to do it, that it may be well with you and that you may be
10:35 multiplied greatly just as the Lord, the God of your father's, his promise you in a
10:40 land flowing with milk and honey. So if we listen, but we don't do anything for know the
10:48 while then it just kind of sets there and have kind of like those years that I wasn't
10:55 doing kind. We used do it. No, seriously. It said no. And I don't take any offense a
10:59 pat-down because you could James One. What one 22 says. Prove yourselves. Doers of the
11:05 Not This here is only right. Am Bounds was a great writer and he obedience to God makes
11:15 it easy to believe and trust God where the spirit of obedience totally saturates
11:20 the soul and the will is perfectly surrendered to God. Faith becomes a reality. Faith
11:27 then becomes almost The difficulty in prayer then is not with faith. But with And
11:37 and and when you think about that, that is yeah, because we can have faith. We can
11:41 believe. But if when it's up to us, you know, to obey and follow through and do
11:47 something and like, you know, the dream that you had all these 37 years ago and ever
11:53 since then, it's taken a group of people working here with obedience. We've got to follow
11:58 through. We've got to do the bay. God is faithful. If we will obey faithful, whether we
12:07 obey or not, but especially a bank madge and how many songs that he's played on the
12:13 lifetime. It's amazing. And those are all or most of them for people to be a blessing to
12:17 people. And now. >> May be used to be just your family. Then it was your
12:22 church, right? And it's on, you know, with the gospel groups and negate their stuff.
12:26 And then all of a sudden on our network is literally reaching the world. Right? How
12:32 far-reaching, music and people are gone. The lard we've had numerous times, people say I
12:36 was gave my life to Jay says because of this song is that sign? Right? And so that's
12:42 what does this music channels. All of the music is an encouragement and inspires
12:44 people gets to people. >> Through tough years at level of virus. Where were
12:52 when you can go anywhere that can turn on the TV and you can hear that music to it and it
12:59 has good words. Good, good melody is peaceful. So I love I love the opportunity. very
13:06 blessed are so glad you're here. thank you, Tim, for your leadership and guidance. You
13:10 know, for the praise and a network, its importance. Important aspect of of 3 ABN.
13:14 And, you know, your humble and where you've heard from. But we literally here from around
13:17 the world received letters, e-mails, phone calls and the praise him Channel network is
13:23 a tremendous blessing. Thank you very much. And also to this as well.
13:26 >> We talk about your piano playing your super account. And, you know, there's
13:29 probably no one else that's better. But also appreciate what you have to share, you
13:34 know, paused to pray all programs, what you have to is tremendous as well. So thank
13:38 you for kind heart. Thank you. thank you so much. And we're going to a nother roll down.
13:43 This is 3ABN, radio. >> And let's take a look at that right now.
13:50 >> 3 ABN radio network started in 1999. When 2 recently hired manager and began with the
13:57 help of another worker to record audio from 3ABN television programs in August
14:02 of that year, J Christian joined them as production manager and by New Year's Eve.
14:09 They were briefly interviewed on begins live program and the announcement was made that are
14:14 3, a B in radio would begin broadcasting on February. 28 2000.
14:20 >> A few months later got provided an amazing opportunity through an FCC
14:26 construction permit window that allowed 3ABN supporters to apply for and build low
14:31 power. Radio stations vastly increasing 3, A B and great news coverage too.
14:37 >> In 2000, 15, the Lord impress Jay who had now become the general manager to start a
14:43 new radio that we're playing Christian music along with inspirational thoughts and
14:48 Bible verses. And that's when the 3 ABN radio Music Channel was born. This year. We
14:55 continue to record radio programs added to existing programs and play music to
15:01 help listeners developed a close bond with Jesus Christ. We praise God for new
15:06 opportunities, too. Like when the FCC recently announced application window for
15:12 noncommercial educational, full power, radio stations. We notified our listeners and
15:17 television viewers about the opportunity and received numerous responses from those
15:23 who are interested in checking to see if those frequencies were available in their area.
15:28 Today, the 3 ABN radio network has grown to include approximately 350 radio
15:33 stations. White. And we praise God for this amazing evangelistic. They can reach
15:40 listening us wherever they are. Their cars at home or even at work. Surely God has
15:46 given us every good news reaching souls for >> Well, a man hard to believe
15:57 3ABN, radio has been existence now for 22 years. Coming up in coming January. I remember
16:02 when I first arrived at 3, a B, a I came as a sweeping floors and trying to learn
16:08 camera. And I remember radio being built and actually hammered a few nails, Mister
16:13 Danny and I didn't realize the behind the scenes those taking place to make 3 Radar coming
16:18 to fruition. Right apps. Incredible. The reach in and 3 been radio has absolutely so.
16:21 Thank you again, Mister Danny for stepping out faith. You know, it's a let's go do it.
16:25 This last 3 been radio here it is. 22 years later. Well, if my memory serves me correctly,
16:32 I think Jay came to his family to check it out. And then I told him, wow, when you leave,
16:37 what to tell you. >> You told me that if you leave here and can't get it
16:43 off your mind, you're supposed to be here. If you leave here and it doesn't make all that
16:48 much difference to you one way or the other. maybe you need to go someplace else or stay
16:56 where you are say, and say and my spirit, I felt that really thought they should stay. But
17:01 I've learned over the years, don't try to talk people into they don't want to do. Then
17:08 we're all sorry said boy, the same like to just be such a great fit. But I'm going to
17:12 have to do back away. So just leave it on him I'm OK, but >> the Lord has to impress you
17:18 and honestly and in Mont anybody coming here, if they didn't really want to be here.
17:23 I found out over the years have done that with numerous other people on some don't
17:28 come back in and others do. But when they do, we always notes of the Lord. Yes, yeah.
17:32 It was definitely of the Lord. And when we left. >> It was on our mind. We
17:39 couldn't get it off. We talked about and we prayed about it. What what do you want to do? I
17:44 really like where I was working. I enjoyed working. They're very much. It was very
17:47 Christ like good people. We felt like we were doing good things and all of that. In
17:55 spite of that camp, a you know, and all could think of the good people there. Think
18:00 of all the things that you can do and things like that. And we talked about it and we
18:03 prayed about it. And we finally got together and made our decision and it was my
18:10 wife and that. Daughter Carrie and me. And we all voted to come because it had to be
18:20 unanimous because all 3 of us were coming. and there was not only unanimous, but very We
18:27 all just felt the leading so that we knew this was where we're supposed to be praise
18:33 the lard. We're very thankful you took that call. He credible job over the years
18:38 with 3 gun. He's got bit. We've we really enjoy it. We started off with 3 ABN radio
18:44 which has to talk programming and preaching evangelistic seminars and health programs
18:50 and things like that. One day, the Lord impress me to start the 3ABN, radio music hand.
18:59 It's really funny. If I can tell you a quick story, people and talk to us about that
19:05 before. And I know I'm surrounded by musicians here. Don't don't But I have an
19:14 evangelist mind where you go to people with a message. And I said how many? Songs can you
19:17 tell me about that? Teaches us about what happens after you die. Is there a held? Is there
19:26 really a hill? And what's there? Music is wonderful and I love it. And I spend my time
19:33 and broadcasting mostly around music and I know the effect it can have on But IV and may
19:40 eventually to get hard. You know, it's somebody sending up to preaching in telling people
19:42 the message. And so I would tell people, you know, music is fine. We had to to what we
19:51 do. I have in our music program that Tom every day. So we don't disavow music. But
19:57 you know, I don't see a 24 hour. 7 day a week music station for 3ABN. And the Lord
20:05 finally started coming to me about not not just people, but the Lord started to And here I
20:11 am. Don't tell anybody. I said, okay. I am telling God, but God, how are we going to
20:18 share the message through music? You know that the message that we need to the
20:24 critical message, the message about evangelism, the message about the future revelation
20:31 and what's going to happen in the in time. How do we do that? and he was quiet for a
20:35 while. And finally, he told and I'm embarrassed about this because I should realize this
20:43 myself. He says do the same thing you doing on 3ABN radio. You have announcements between
20:50 the programs. The announcements are just by design. Just as good as the
20:58 programs. You have Bible text. You have people telling their personal stories. You have
21:01 health tips and things like that. you know, I think we will, of course. And so our
21:10 announcements between the songs when we stop and we play some announcements and things
21:14 like that. We have some excellent announcements. The draw people to got that draw
21:21 them to learn share them yes, right. Learn more what happened to 10 times. Some of
21:29 things Ellen White has written about. We read Bible tax. We do all of these things and a
21:34 lot of people would never be interested in and times if they didn't get to know the
21:39 Lord for music out to draw people accept Yeah, they need to rest of the message. So you
21:45 say okay, how we're going to give him the rest of it so we can do it this way and this
21:48 will end this way. So. >> Thankfully, that's what's what's working. And Yeah, and
21:54 it's just been great to see this because we've got really good response from the people
22:03 So it's not a confusion. There's radio music channel in and what you call the music
22:07 and for TV with just the place. Him music for TV and God used that term music
22:14 channel when he was talking to me about Jay, you have you. We have right here in our local
22:18 church. A number of people who first listen, 2, 3ABN, radio. And get our son, Laura Dunn, a
22:26 midsummer just converted from other churches. So we know for a fact it works not only
22:33 around the world, but right here locally has been responsible for numerous
22:37 people in our church. Yeah. And I've talked to numerous people that have come in and
22:41 they say I recognize that voice more. I know you're J or And they've heard. The local
22:51 radio here. I believe that Charlotte it yeah, of their first heard about the baby and
22:56 threw 3 been radio Wd Qn right here locally. It's it's very satisfying when and people
23:03 come and if we bring them here. The rest of us up to God and the Holy spirit and so we
23:08 bring them here so they can hear the message. And of course, we pray for them. And
23:11 we want to have all of those things we want to do all of those things. you know, it's
23:18 up to God any other thoughts you have in closing then for 300 A lot is going on. I can
23:23 sign contracts for expansion even radio as well. And that's exciting. And then as well, as
23:28 everybody else, we've had a little bit of a challenge with COVID in and the things that
23:32 happened with COVID as far as slowing us down some. But we're finding ways through the
23:37 guidance of God to get more radio programs recorded reach out to the people like And so
23:47 we are not sidelined by came. And that's good. And 03:00AM. When TV isn't the it's great
23:52 to see. So we are fighting just like your fight to get the message out there. We're
23:57 not going to be held down. That's good. I Dizzy Thank you so to do it. Yes, welcome. And
24:04 thank you all for bringing me here. My family a wonderful blessing. For all comes as a
24:10 learning has been a blessing to have you as part of the team and your wife's is in the
24:14 studio right now. She's taking pictures >> She's a blessing to the
24:19 ministry here as well. Thank you for your leadership with 3 TV and radio.
24:22 >> We're excited about how it's expanding and going and growing and what God is doing.
24:27 Look at caught and look at us. >> Seeking to be obedient. I love with him shared about
24:33 that and look at you at home. Partnering with the Ministry of TV. And so this gospel can
24:38 go to the world. We're switching gears and we're going to kids next, OK? So
24:43 let's take a look at the 3 being kids network for all. >> Kids programming has always
24:50 had a special place at 3ABN from the very beginning. And in the mid 1990's, we produced
24:57 our first ever children series. Janice is attic. Hosted by Janice Min. It
25:03 brought music stories, crafts and puzzles together in beautiful way that let
25:08 children to Jesus are gentle savior. Then in 1998, a brand new series was launched
25:13 featuring the name kids time. Created and hosted by the list. It featured story time
25:21 music time and cooking time segments. Soon work began on the new studio to produce
25:27 programs for a brand new audience culminating in the new network just for Kids in
25:31 2000, Because of global pandemic challenges this year to kids, network general
25:40 manager and Francine and her team worked very hard to produce programs for children
25:45 while keeping their health and safety is a top priority. But with God's blessings and
25:50 protection, we completed the first recordings and Jesus my Light, a new series featuring
25:57 at the life of Tree House said with a focus on the character Jesus and how we can be drawn
26:00 to his light. Another new series this year is called Kids Express, giving kids
26:07 around the world a chance to be heard. Each week we share new detectives of truth,
26:15 Junior Bible lessons that encourage kids to search the scriptures and a new craft
26:19 that ties into that lesson. These are great for studying the Bible, both at home or at
26:25 church and are available on I 3ABN kids DOT TV website. If you're a kid or a kid at
26:32 heart, you might enjoy to special things that came out this past year. Our tiny tots
26:38 cookbook with delicious recipes and are cuddly. Ginger plush too late. They make
26:43 great gifts, too. Also our kids and the adults were hungry for the love of Jesus.
26:51 God is doing mighty things in their lives. 3, 8, ♪
27:00 >> A is doing in and through this network, specifically dedicated to children,
27:06 thinking all the way back to Janice is attic. And Donna McNeil us with kids. Time way
27:10 back 98. The kids programming through the years and then we Francine and we're so grateful
27:16 for your leadership with reading Kids Network. Of course, your husband, Jason,
27:22 is our CFO and we're grateful called Prop with you here. thank you for what you do.
27:25 Well, thank you. It's a real blessing because I see how Jesus is always leading us to
27:32 grow in him. So I always learning more about that. And I just wanted to talk a little
27:37 bit growth because Jesus doesn't want us to be stagnant. It's right We are.
27:43 he's always looking for opportunities. And it was it reminds me of a that we had
27:49 with ministerial team upstairs how we will wanting to grow in Jesus. But it's interesting
27:55 because the Sequoia trees never >> would die if it wasn't for
28:01 influential elements that hurting it and they would always grow and grow. And so
28:07 it. you know, it's it's for me. It's it's a really important because as a child,
28:13 I sometimes have little kids that are calling me. And one was from the Philippines. Yes,
28:18 last week. And she said and T I want to hurry up and grow up.
28:27 >> up and grew up. But I want to get a lot done for and it was so precious that was
28:32 talking to her and giving her examples how Jesus when he was growing up. Took the
28:37 opportunity in his child like he was still perfect. And yet. >> was growing in God. That's
28:47 true. That's good. And and so I was giving her some examples like in the carpenter, shop
28:50 and whatnot. And and I said, don't don't hurry up so fast because in in your growth, in
28:58 Jesus, you can continue be perfect in him. I wanted her to just know that. And so when
29:03 we talk kits network, I see how God has been leading OS to grow this so much more to it
29:12 growth. That nice to still happen. Yes, we've, you know, come a long way, but there's
29:17 still so many kids that need to be reach for. And I'm saying kids at heart, not just
29:24 children. That's because I see that sometimes I have some older folks that are
29:28 interested in those detectives of truth. And this is just October. So this is a little
29:33 behind, but at least I have the whole month. But we have those lessons. And and that
29:35 was. Created so that kids all ages will hopefully grow in Jesus in growing their study
29:45 of God and what is detected so detected some truth, OK, has 14 questions. week there is a
29:53 new lesson with some crossword puzzles and hope it's helping and encouraging you to search
30:01 the scriptures. It's a Bible study for kids and for the most by with many Bible study
30:05 for kids. I don't want to say it's complete bible study, but each week there's a new lesson
30:09 to study, correct, which and there's a craft go ahead. Sorry say so. Francine, so
30:13 other words, it 45 years of age, I can sign up for this mission you don't even have to
30:17 sign up. I have to do is go to kids. >> At the AB and kids, sorry,
30:21 3ABN, kids DOT TV Web site. And you will see that as well as the What happens to be
30:28 about trees can download is what you know. You can just talk. Download right. We
30:32 wanted to make it free. That's And as much as possible because we've got some
30:36 children around the world. >> And that hopefully can have a printer to be able to print
30:44 That was the idea because we want it. We didn't want to have to mail it. That makes it
30:49 cost and habitat for a lot of people. And so that is the reason we did something like
30:53 that of But, you know, not kids are growing and even the people in outside the world.
31:02 But I have to tell you a little of that about creating this tiny tots now us I just
31:12 love and miss and great lady is an amazing God-fearing person. But she was even
31:16 telling me how when she was helping us create this book. I mean it. She created it. But
31:23 when we were actually working on it, how God was working on her and trying to find these
31:30 elements in the scriptures. In some case she had to pray and say, I don't know where I put
31:33 this recipe. I need to mind it. And her growth was going And that just reminds me how
31:40 much we need to depend on him and everything that we do. >> May I share one says
31:48 something. Something we have. Is point it out and maybe well.
31:53 >> That there is Jesus my life. That's hopefully coming in the beginning of January
31:58 2022. 28. And so we're excited about that. But with that is this coloring book? And again,
32:05 this is a little Bible studies created. And again, this is for all ages. But there's a
32:11 calling page for the younger ones. Some word searches in some Bible. And that would tie
32:20 in to Jesus my life in the future. But I just want absolutely so I just want to
32:25 say, you know, that the text that comes to mind a second, Peter 3.18, and says but grow
32:33 in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to him be the glory now
32:38 and for ever. And then it ends myth a that means there's a period they're like that sums
32:46 it up. And to me. I want to constantly grow. And of course, I lots of plans for
32:53 this network and we can't do it without your support. for the 3ABN, as well as the kids,
32:58 of course. Just thank you for what you're doing and my encouragement for everyone is
33:06 to grow in Thank you, France. Thank you for your your leadership. You know, in your
33:11 direction in your vision, like you mentioned, like a miss and you know, and others, you
33:16 know, it caught the vision, I guess is that if you're talking about Donna made us
33:19 way back time, Linda Johnson. Yeah, isn't incredible that they've been
33:23 >> all these years and it continues to grow >> I mean, I meet people that
33:30 literally will say with this one guy met his price 6, 5, and Mister Danny Shake My
33:37 hand, Mr. Ganic. I've been watching you Evers looking down and I've been watching
33:40 ever since I was a little on that long yeah, plus years. 3, I guess if you go back to 98
33:53 listen, kids time. But thank you, Thank Appreciate it. Tonight, I just see s growing
34:00 even in going on that for Jesus growing and the knowledge of him and what he
34:04 can do for us. And even creating I just see that growth is meant to be for ever
34:10 that we are constantly growing, about the little dog or out this year to the tiny
34:18 tots cook but came out this year and the the little ginger. And this is little
34:24 plush version. Other real Ginger that with me. >> And these 2 as well as the
34:30 safari hat make great gifts. So if you want to those that definitely at. But yeah, this
34:35 took a little planning as well. So think what's really need Francine is that when
34:42 when it gets for suggested donation is actually helping to support the kids network.
34:45 So not only is this very good for a young person or old or young at heart person, right?
34:50 You're actually helping to support his network, which is a plus. Plus to me when when
34:54 so and then the big kicker for me with these little thankful that they were able to do
35:02 that. I he's got he the real ginger wears it Thank you so much. Thank you for your
35:11 leadership with kids network. Very excited about the new programs, the initiatives,
35:16 what God is doing into kids network. And thank you for partnering with the Ministry
35:21 of 3. want to remind you before we go to the last network, we're going to
35:25 feature that this tonight. The call center is open and you can call us right now for your
35:29 free offer. >> We've been talking about gifts and you can call right
35:32 now for one of those tips for perfect, which would be perfect. But the free offer
35:35 tonight is mending broken people. This is the miracle story of how 3ABN began. It's
35:41 a documentary DVD 3 hours long. So just call us at 6, 1, 8, 67, 4, 6, 5, 1, That number
35:48 again is 618-627-4651. And you can get your own copy of many broken people or any. One of
35:55 the things that we talked about here tonight, the last network we're going to feature
36:00 here tonight is 3 band front say we talk about Spanish. We talked about Russian, but this
36:05 is the gospel going in French. So let's take a look at that role right now.
36:12 >> In 2000, 9 to 3, a B n's director broadcasting in engineering. Most is primo
36:17 began exploring a way to bring 3 ABN to those who speak the French language he had ever
36:23 done in his heart for many years to do this. And now after meeting family in
36:30 Martinique, he was encouraged by their enthusiasm to bring the 3 Angels messages to the
36:36 275 million or so French speaking souls who needed to hear the gospel in their own
36:39 language. By God's Grace, a channel became available and the largest cable company in
36:45 Martinique and Guadeloupe. And when they picked up 3 in France, a stream Moses saw
36:52 that as a sign from God to move forward. In 2000, 14, 3, a B in was born and through
36:59 the extraordinary efforts of many, the fledgling network has continued to grow and
37:04 expand. Just this year over 500,000 new viewers were added when TNT Flash TV launched an
37:14 app for Android devices that included 3ABN from say. One by one. The difficulties of
37:20 producing fresh programming overcome. Weekly said the school and Divine Worship
37:26 Services from the Sun Shores, 7th Day Adventist Church and come back here each week and
37:32 we continue to air programs produced by affiliates. We've just completed recordings on
37:37 some new series called metaphors of Salvation. She's for help and connection of
37:43 Grace in the new series from Pastor Doug visit to Martinique has been translated
37:47 into French. Each time. You pray or financially support 3, even for The Lord bless is
37:55 your efforts by helping us produce more programs. And by bringing this new volunteer
37:59 speakers in the house because of you, precious souls of being added to God's kingdom
38:05 each and every day. >> raised the Lord Go Ye into all the world. And so we've
38:12 been exploring the different areas of the world different languages of the world.
38:18 Yvonne, we someone who's really been behind this. Yeah. Who is known to most of us?
38:25 Doctor Moses. Primo. Most vision for a Palin who say >> No. You know what's funny
38:37 is that a French in college, but I speak some Spanish and all my French had a Spanish
38:44 accent. I try to say too but just like just a couple words. No, but it's amazing. You
38:52 speak French, you know, a little French scientists found a lot of
38:56 >> speaking, thanks. A lot of practice so I don't practice Yahoo.
39:04 >> What's going on with the with the French network is amazing because again, it's
39:11 reaching The French speaking people. And there's so many cool needed in Paris and all
39:18 around the world. People who speak French, who are now getting the gospel in their
39:24 language. And that is just so And it's amazing that I'm Paris, as you're mentioning.
39:33 >> This I'm just called said, hey, we like that we want to put a shot on the Tee blunt,
39:45 former They put it on and that actually works we start get comments from young people.
39:53 How they were attacks its message? So people are watching the man as there is a
40:00 potential there the platform and platform and Rich's most of a young audience the
40:12 there's a lot of but they should to to to minister to this. People a van from Brazil
40:21 and have you know, Brazilian background and American. >> How did you get into the
40:24 French? >> Well, when I was in Brazil is till I always the French
40:34 and Brazil. They have institute to call the Alliance Francaise the real long, the
40:46 the Iowans who I start to take it took 2 but and then I couldn't afford the for to
40:52 continue paying it is a a is institution a school that is ran by French so just from the
41:05 killer for that to pay for this is school. So I learned a couple of years and that
41:11 wasn't enough for me to when we got here. So, you know, having to really target of
41:20 this in 2000, 9, I'm at the polls there in Martinique and that they are the ones really
41:28 encourage so I said the wall, let's try. So in the beginning, we actually
41:35 broadcast a lot of front 3ABN English programs. And I was in the 2000 and for a team that
41:47 actually went the full French and that is very hard to 2 to keep this program going. But
42:00 the Lord is blessing because of his sending volunteers sending pastors too help.
42:09 Sometimes they even don't even come here. They just sound of the the programs the we're
42:15 able to just to use it like that. We call >> But that we're very We have
42:24 a group people that they. >> The trying to a certain time of the year on their some
42:35 retired 1000 like just a a who say the say he comes in here every year they drive all the
42:46 way from count on the to to come here and spend a couple of weeks, a recording programs
42:52 where very blast. >> Thank you, doctor. Move for your for your vision. You've
42:57 been here now for a number of Knows 30 plus years at the ministry of 3 ABN, you're
43:03 always seem to be take this in the right way. Pushing the envelope right with new
43:06 technology. You know, new ideas and God is giving you many had wear here. you handle
43:11 them all? Well, now want to focus in on right now, of course, is 3 ad francais. We
43:17 saw little role here just before we're talking to you here now. But tell us little
43:21 bit more about what's going on with 3 Avion France to maybe some of your vision, your
43:24 goals for the future. Well, my vision is that to get some help from next year? rose and
43:33 we are making some arrangements that the ship come and the full-time
43:37 position that that allow me to. >> Focus a little more in all
43:45 the languages that I believe there is. So so much potential for us to take on this. Our
43:49 programs that we have. I don't think in reinventing the wheel and start to produce programs
43:57 in all this. All the languages that we already have a tremendous baggage of funds
44:02 I'm trying use. and the messages we can easily just to run through a machine and they
44:13 get to translate it in different languages that they can reach of the whole Super
44:22 right? The man older some of those languages that incredible just excuse me.
44:28 this just a machine that you can run it through. Not yet the but that there is a
44:34 development of it's getting there. It's not perfect that >> But the its its guests come
44:40 along. It Okay. That's amazing. You in on companies that are behind this like a
44:51 Google and Microsoft >> they have the Google Translate it's I know 100% to
45:01 Akron >> with of the desire increase the accuracy does they are
45:07 going to 2 to be able to offer and the and the and the market, the 4 other businesses
45:17 as well. God allowing man get smog for his own use. Yeah. Reaching the hospital and is
45:29 times. that's what I believe securing them. That's what I'm hoping to do more in the next
45:34 year. But the French is still going to be here. We're still going to be helping. still
45:39 going to be working we we believe that there is more that the we can do even for
45:47 the French a Yeah. Pressler, thank you for all you're doing and for your leadership and
45:53 again for the many different hats wear. Hear 3, even. Thank Mister Danny, same thing.
45:58 Echoes because going back to the beginning days new a Clarence Larson. And then I
46:03 think you're right there well. And what God has done in used you to help spread the gospel
46:07 around the world. What is What I do for Think about, you know, because at times we can
46:12 kind of get lost and 100 us doing our work, but actually sit back. Look at the big
46:15 picture. I go out even as I sleep a night. >> Or do whatever attorneys,
46:18 Cruz engineering someone is finding Christ. What does that do to personally when I was a
46:24 younger and the home, you more of the Dreamer? I thought that that that this was what we had
46:32 to But today I see >> Actually does It's just a privilege for to be called and
46:44 to used to do the work. And so I change my focus a little And I'm allowing him to So tell me
46:56 what to do, where to do and how to do it. And as saying the work is going to be done
47:04 anyway. privilege I'm called to do that. Part of the work. So that is my refocus maybe
47:17 white on allows us to do the work not to be asked to have but for our own salvation.
47:22 >> So we keep end and literally, you know, this is God and this, you know, he
47:28 doesn't have to could have one, everybody. But he says by us sharing our testimony. What
47:35 got us down for us on our own story as what not only good for other people to hear, but
47:41 it's good for nation that way. We're not always thinking about me myself and got whole
47:47 world to reach an yeah. Thank you. You've got incredible vision great neighbor. you so
47:57 much, Oh, we love you. And onto baking, do an amazing job. A wonderful team and your
48:03 family and streaming so blessed to have them as part of the team.
48:06 >> Want to remind you one more time before the end of the program to call in for the
48:10 free offer. This is mending broken people. The miracle story of how gone began this
48:15 ministry and we see how con continues this ministry for 37 years. So give us a call. It's
48:21 a 3 hour documentary style DVD. Give us a call at 6, 1, 8, 627-4651. That number again
48:30 at 6.26, to 7, 4, 6, 5, 1, to maybe tonight you've heard about one of the outreach is a
48:37 3 D and maybe you've heard that. Yes, you 3 peons in Cuba. 3 bands and West Africa
48:44 freebie and is launching in prisons or with the inter less system. So many different
48:48 avenues. So if you would like to support any of that, when you give us a call for the
48:52 free offer, you can say yes, I would like to support this specific project and they can
48:56 help you with that. Thank you for joining hands with the Ministry of 3ABN to spread the
49:02 gospel to them a man die. >> Echo that. And what I want to do right now I want to
49:09 surprise you, Mister Danny here on this. And I want I want to go to roll. This is
49:12 going back to 1988 and I want to just a touch to this role here. The song Mending Broken
49:20 People. Joe was talking this many broken people and you've heard the mending broken
49:23 people network. Well, the open to this today program, the lives as always and broken
49:28 people song. Well in 1988, Mister. Dan, You're in your 30's. it 30's at that point.
49:34 But that song has spoke volumes. 51. So the. >> But that song has spoken
49:46 volumes. Too many people. We talk about that through the years and we're standing on
49:49 holy ground. Another 3ABN song to me mending broken People's another song. You know, it's
49:53 not just band's mission or commission is also yours as well to touch somebody because
49:57 we all have the opportunity to touch somebody. >> To men, somebody and God is
50:02 the mend or right. He's the one that actually men's us. So want to go back to 1988. I
50:05 want to play the whole song is about 4 minutes or so. But that song still ministers to
50:12 Even today we went back in their cars, found this. So let's go to that role right
50:15 now. ♪ ♪
50:26 ♪ ♪ >> my
51:06 >> when ♪ ♪
51:22 ♪ ♪
51:42 >> one ♪ ♪
52:01 >> I want ♪ ♪
52:28 >> Lord. ♪
53:01 >> store there, ♪ ♪
53:26 ♪ ♪
53:44 ♪ ♪ ♪
54:00 >> Men >> grow ♪
54:10 ♪ ♪ ♪
54:25 >> as the Lord, look at what it's done. I was just thinking that you have truly spent your
54:30 whole life. Yeah, many broken Thank you for your vision and for your faith and the
54:34 stepping out. you know. >> Have half-life ago. ♪
54:43 You know, 7 day, I think 37 But, you know, God is good. And with this whole program,
54:51 OK, God, that's right. Where we want continue to look. That's right. And again, for
54:54 those it I said all of us fail and our personal lives with al. Here we fail. always go
55:01 back to and saying our directors. But the main thing is when or impresses you to do
55:05 something, stick to the vision. That's right God. And you can't fail is continued
55:09 all these years. You start to the vision, reach. The world's new never failed to keep
55:16 coming up with new stuff like this Internet are asking all these things. You know, over
55:20 the years my state is a TV. So your your dream never quit the vision that you have. You just
55:26 keep not like it. He said now I'm planning on. that's what it's all about for each of
55:33 Anyway, Doctor Van closing thoughts. >> This has been wonderful
55:37 because it's so great to see how God has led this ministry and continues to lead. This
55:45 ministry has us singing mending broken people. And that's who you are yet is who
55:49 you are, that it's Kerry cares about people. So I'm so thankful to be a part of this
55:56 ministry to have you as my husband to have you guys and my family. Yeah, it's a
56:01 blessing and to have you at home as my family as well this network is really serious
56:06 about getting the word out. So we praise the Lord has a Kamar couple seconds. I'm just want
56:13 to say God is good and that he calls has yeah. And that him follower as great guy. And now
56:20 we just have to respond. Danny respond that he did he did the work. thank you for responding
56:29 else and thank you for what guys amazing. We have an incredible team The privilege
56:35 to work. It is your >> Yeah. And then what's on your heart? Closing seconds.
56:41 Just thinking, look at Look at God calling Danny Shelton. Look God, calling each member
56:47 of the team here to 9 television networks, 5 radio networks broadcasting. 24 7.
56:55 >> The gospel around the world. And thank you for being part of our family and other.
56:59 We love you and that we pray that God will continue to bless you.
57:05 >> Exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ♪
57:14 ♪ ♪ ♪
57:29 ♪ ♪ ♪
57:44 ♪ ♪ ♪


Revised 2021-11-13