3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL210036A

00:00 ♪ >> In 1984, God impressed Danny Shelton to build the
00:10 television station. >> That would one day reach the with the and diluted 3
00:13 Angels messages revelation 14 with no degree or experience in television. Danny moved
00:20 forward in faith with the ideas that would soon ignite into flames of revival.
00:27 >> My
00:55 >> when I ♪ ♪
01:24 ♪
02:02 ♪ ♪ >> hello and welcome to 3 A B
02:17 N's 37th anniversary special program. We've been looking forward to spending these 2
02:20 hours with you. And tonight's program is going to go by in her is going to be rapid Pace.
02:25 And Joe's going to share with you in just a couple of minutes. What tonight's
02:28 program is going to entail, but we're here to praise the Lord Jesus Christ. And we're
02:33 also here to thank you. Our faithful supporters of 3 Angels Broadcasting network
02:37 for some of you that are watching the very beginning. 37 years. Isn't that amazing?
02:43 Added alluding credible? I thought that I would never get old enough to get married.
02:47 Well, I got married long in Jesus. Christ will come right that we've all been hoping
02:53 for. But he hasn't come yet, but God doesn't want us to sit still. He wants us to keep
02:57 going as Mister Danny always said. >> We want to make sure we're
03:01 going forward, not sitting stop or going backwards. I like this here from
03:05 Philippians chapter one versus 3 through 6. And I think this applicable to us today. And I
03:12 3ABN to you, Paul, to the Flippy in church. I think my God, every time I remember you
03:21 in all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in
03:27 the Gospel from the first day until now. Number 6, being confident of this, that he who
03:33 began a good work in you. We'll carry it on to completion until the day of
03:40 Jesus Christ. Thank you so very much for partnering with the Ministry of 3ABN as we
03:44 endeavor to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire world. I'm excited about what
03:51 God is doing here in the ministry. 3ABN him. And I just want to say tonight, look at
03:55 got look at God. Look what he's done. >> Taking Mister Danny
04:01 Shelton, a man who was willing to be obedient to the call of and look at what God has done.
04:06 We're going to talk tonight about the origin, the beginning of 3ABN and the
04:13 parent network. As we call the original 3 be a network that still broadcast 24 7 today,
04:19 but we've been has grown into the 9 network, 9 television networks and 5 radio networks.
04:24 And tonight we're going here from those networks, those network managers, and we're
04:29 going to roles and see what God is doing in and through each one of those networks.
04:34 And then fun. Going back in time a little bit. And we've >> gone to the archives and
04:39 pull of some older footage and they're going to show like Joe said exactly what God doing
04:43 right now. This year here at 3 ADN. And we have, of course, we would not be here that
04:48 Mister right, the founder of this ministry, I'm so blessed to have you and your beautiful
04:52 wife, Yvonne, with us tonight. >> We're excited to be here. I mean, this is amazing us to
04:59 look back over all these years. And and and I thank Lanny, with the wrote a song
05:05 through the years, he's blessed us through the years. He's kept us, you and through
05:10 the good times and the bad, you know, the bad times and Maine, you know, he's the
05:14 greatest thing we've ever had. lord, so that that's where we're living closing moments
05:19 of Earth's history. We give God honor and glory and praise and I've said it before. I say
05:23 it with my hand up, as we say, with my heart that God blesses us in spite of us in it does
05:32 not bless you or maybe because of us. But in spite of And so the key, I don't I don't want
05:39 to say the secret, but the key to successful ministry to keep going after 37 years is to
05:47 stay focused to the message. know, while I've had all kinds of problems as you have H and
05:55 all her sleigh and all things happen. And if we didn't something's wrong, you know,
06:00 all who live godly suffer persecution. And sometimes we suffer whether we godly or
06:05 not. So we bring honor own demise the time so all of that aside, God's willing to use
06:11 anyone who's willing to be used. So tonight he wants to use you while we're
06:15 celebrating 37 years of ministry tonight would like for you to say, Lord, what is
06:21 it? You want me to do that? Maybe it seems impossible. But with the EU, all things are
06:28 possible. I can do all things through Christ strengthens because we've not gotten the
06:33 gospel and to all the world. Yeah, we're very close. But the Lord, a nurse, a need you
06:40 and really we need him to order commission for your own salvation and your own benefit
06:46 commissions. You to take the gospel, share your testimony. God has done for you. So Greg
06:54 and Jill, thank you for what you do now for continuing the message of an and diluted 3
06:59 Angeles messages. One would counteract the counterfeit and what they have done in Bonn to
07:06 this ministry for many years. But in the last 2 years, since you've taken over the lead
07:11 roles, a president vice president and then amazing, we sat back and marvel. No God
07:17 uses you. And so thank you so much for your calling for what you do. And I'm asking each an
07:21 folks at home to be praying for Greg in jail because responsibilities. Tremendous.
07:28 Yeah. And so we can decide to put it on our shoulders or give it to God sometimes I've
07:32 done both through the year. I always find my shoulders fail. So I go back to God. When I
07:36 fail, I might go back and say Lord, you know, I failed. am sorry and we can do that. But
07:43 the message I'm convinced the only reason 3 A B and continues to go worst 5, 0,
07:49 one C ministry separate were 7th avenues Christians here. But we're not part of the
07:54 organized church. We get no money from the church period. But we get money from you. The
08:01 viewers, you you're the ones who donate is the Holy Spirit impresses. You don't agate
08:05 dons in praise of times and all those things to guilt trip you into giving simply say if
08:12 the Holy Spirit's impressing, that's right. You you know, would you support this
08:14 ministry? So Ukraine Ascot, but that's a miracle in itself. 37 years later, I
08:22 basically everything aid for MS, but we don't have money in the bank to speak But you know
08:27 what? Moneys there's going to be gone next month. continues to not always fills up that We
08:33 really need you and thank you for your love and your prayers and financial support. But God
08:37 will continue to bless his ministry. Tell he's through it. That's right. And when
08:42 will it be through it? It may be before he comes back because times are getting
08:46 worse and worse and worse. You look at all the and then the government control of media
08:52 and all these things. So anything can happen. So while we have time and while the
08:56 doors are open, we should be taking the gospel into in every nation candor town,
09:04 friends, people Loot, Lee, what we want to do right now is take a walk down memory
09:10 lane. inning of this 37 years ago. And then we're going to see what God's doing today and
09:13 then. >> When someone visits 3 Angels Broadcasting network,
09:19 it's hard to believe that what started in a small rural southern Illinois town of West
09:24 Frankfort has become a beacon of light and hope to millions of people around this earth.
09:31 However, for those who know how the Lord the lights and making the impossible
09:34 happened, this doesn't come as a great surprise. It all began in the early hours of November
09:42 15, 1984 as Danny Shelton Watch the program on a Christian station and fell to
09:47 God's word was being misrepresented. He was strongly impressed by the move
09:53 to build the television station that would reach the world with the and diluted 3
09:59 angels messages of revelation, 14 urging people to return to true worship of the only true
10:05 God. The creator of heaven and Earth. Danny was a carpenter contractor by profession and
10:11 knowing nothing about television. He chose to step out in faith, trusting that
10:18 got guys he provides. The Lord quickly since several key people to strengthen his
10:23 faith. A little lady donated a 2 acre plot of land, a charismatic preacher promised
10:31 him television equipment broadcast engineer offered to help set up a satellite uplink
10:36 station. Danny saw each of them is confirmation from God and the Lord blessed his
10:44 efforts by providing the funds through the most unlikely people.
10:48 >> Many of them were total strangers yet so passionate about evangelism that they
10:55 were willing to sacrifice so that others might hear about Jesus. Moved forward, building
11:02 a studio and offices with the help of his brothers and other volunteers. Meanwhile, many
11:06 miracles took place, including the discovery of badly needed 3 phase power crossing the
11:14 entrance road, a corner of the property where a clear signal could be sent to satellite
11:20 without interference and a major satellite uplink. Manufacture the degree to
11:25 build an expensive dish with just a tiny down payment. On the evening of November. 23rd
11:33 1986, a small group of people gathered to witness begins for satellite transmission with
11:39 the equipment that sat on cardboard boxes and milk crates. They watched as 3 ABN
11:47 signal travel that the speed of light to a satellite. 22,000, 300 miles above the
11:51 earth carrying the good news to all of North America for a few hours.
11:55 >> Just 5 months later, 3 ABN was broadcasting. 24 hours a day and that same month we
12:04 heard from a viewer who told us that he'd been baptized as a 7th day Adventists because
12:10 of what he saw on 3, a B, a since then only God knows how many have been saved for
12:18 eternity by what they watched and heard on one of our 9 television network score, 5
12:23 radio networks. 37 years later, the 3 Angels proclaimed with power in multiple
12:30 languages on every inhabited continent of the world. Through satellite broadcast
12:34 television and radio stations, cable systems, the Internet, and even smart phones and
12:40 other handheld devices. It's also proclaimed through music produced in our studios and
12:47 through the printed page as What is got doing today? By God's grace and through your
12:55 undying 11 million people in Cuba received their first ever chance to watch 3 ad in teens,
13:01 Christian television programming on June. 8th of this We also launched a new
13:08 video delivery platform and app called 3 ABN Plus giving our viewers access to all of
13:13 our networks live streams as well as over 1500 hours of video on demand. We've seen a
13:22 sharp rise of viewers on various platforms like Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV,
13:31 minus the ATV and U 2 which now reaches over a million views per month. And we've
13:35 continued to sign agreements with cable companies and other providers, including Super
13:41 Cloud International, which serves 10 million homes across the southeast. United of
13:47 course, television programming is what, 3ABN, is made of. And despite the severe
13:53 restrictions brought on by the global COVID-19 pandemic. God blessed us to be able to
13:58 continue daily production of programs like 3, a B in today. Our worship our and Samba
14:05 school panel as well as special events like our Virtual 3ABN, can't meetings
14:11 this year. We are also produced unshackled purpose with let Vega and Jason
14:17 Bradley sharing object lessons for life from a prison perspective. And another new
14:22 program called digital disconnect with Scott Richmond that exposes the dangers of
14:27 media manipulation and addiction. And finally, 3ABN today. Bible Qna has become an
14:36 instant favorite. As our guests take Rapid Fire Bible questions and answer them
14:41 using only the word of through Divine Providence, a new husband and wife team joined
14:46 our 3 Avian family this year. James Rafferty now serves as 3 a B ends. Director of disciple
14:53 ship and his wife Reesi leads out in 3ABN health Ministries. James is hard at work on a new
15:01 program and Bible study based on the 28th fundamental beliefs of the 7th Day
15:06 Adventist Church Andrey see has been very busy producing new health programming this
15:12 year. passed. All department has sent out 700 study Bibles per month to U.S. prisoners
15:18 who are hungry for truth. And our viewers have partnered with us in an evangelistic
15:24 effort and mailed over 3 million focus on truth booklets throughout the world
15:29 covering important and often misunderstood Bible topics. In addition, several new books
15:35 were released, including a Van Shelton's glimpses of his glory, John Lowe, McCain's the
15:42 3 Angels messages and summary. And Dean Davis is through the eyes of the ancients, the
15:46 books of Yes, what a year it has But thanks to your sacrificial support and the
15:55 Lords, bountiful blessings. We've seen the 3 Angels messages proclaimed with an
15:59 even louder cry. More than ever before. We are committed to proclaiming the Gospel of
16:06 Jesus Christ until the whole world has a man raised the Lord, look at God, look at
16:13 what God has done and what God is doing in through you at home.
16:18 >> So exciting to think that no matter who we are, no matter what we've done, no
16:22 matter where we've been, that God can use us and can use you at home. That's right. To out
16:28 in ministry and get involved in evangelism. We have a free offer tonight. All right. So
16:34 the call center is open right now. You can call us this is the miracle story of 3ABN many
16:38 broken people. This DVD shot documentary style. It's several hours long. So you
16:44 just call us right now and we will send this to you free. Call us at 6.20. 627-4651.
16:51 That number again for our free offer tonight. That's the mending broken people DVD call
16:58 us at 618-627-4651. And we'd love to send this to you because it's so encouraging
17:06 isn't talking the phone just to see what God has done and is doing to the ministry. It's
17:11 it's a it's encouraging and it's exciting. That's right. Because we see how God just
17:15 brings you from point to point to point to point and this is a master plan. So it's amazing
17:21 to me. >> I'm excited. And then absolutely. I've had numerous
17:23 people tell me that they've given A's to their kids to different ones. And and people
17:30 actually said we watch that and really brought me closer to the Lord and some there
17:34 actually had people say, I joined the church because I saw those miracles. And so as
17:40 not just looking at this, the whole point is just to show people, as you said to look at
17:45 God, that's route to look at people. And when the look down Vegas wouldn't bet on But when
17:53 the owners are down and look like nowhere to go and for God guides, Bobby said on that, he
17:56 provides. And so he has done that for this ministry. Again, thanks to You know, I think
18:04 about the participation. I remember as a as a young child and 3 again started. We're
18:08 doing the math earlier before we start this program. I believe I was 8 years old.
18:12 Yeah. started in my family and church got involved with Reagan at a giant satellite
18:15 dish were recording programs. But I remember the vision that you presented to the world
18:20 audience. You didn't know who was watching my sister and I watch what Mister Danny was
18:25 doing and how the world the gospel is going to the So we grew strawberries. We grew
18:32 watermelons and we sold those things beside the road. And we took some of those proceeds
18:37 and sent them to 3, And then for this building, you know, you know, it may be small. I
18:43 think we said I don't quite remember. I think maybe matter what it is when God calls, do
18:50 do it. And just think if every person watching this program right now said $25 that would
18:57 millions. Just think we can do because at times it seems like the la just so many projects
19:01 and that may be a good dollars or 30 Saturday. All right. And that's why anniversary, I like
19:09 pressing love or you may want to 300, 70 or 3 30. man. I love and no present or for
19:18 what he's done and then and we're looking tonight at the growth of ministries right and
19:22 we started with a parent network and went to many other networks. And right now we're
19:25 going to go to dare to dream, which was not. >> The second network, of
19:29 course, that came later on. We're not going chronologically in time.
19:34 >> But their genes specifically for the inner city, urban audiences. And
19:36 let's take a look at that role right now. 3, a B N's dare to dream. That work began in
19:42 2000, 10 when Danny Shelton reached out to doctor to develop an urban addressing
19:48 them. >> Mental spiritual and emotional needs of inner city
19:52 residents. >> Dare to dream soon became the premier Pioneer Network
19:58 charter, launching on the Internet in 2000, 11 and a year later on A few years
20:04 after that. Defiance and Jason joined her as assistant to the general manager and in 2018,
20:12 it request he was promoted to general manager while she continued as a consultant to
20:16 the network. God has done great things this year starting by opening prison
20:24 doors through God's blessings and the faithful supporter of our viewers dare to dream. Now
20:29 has the opportunity to provide programming for correctional facilities across the United
20:34 States by sending them hard drives preprogrammed with powerful Christian in this
20:41 way. Thousands of hours of programs will be directly piped into prison cells,
20:47 giving many women in custody. The opportunity to hear about Jesus. parent and how to live
20:53 a healthy life. learn how to grow and maintain healthy relationships and game victory
21:00 over the bondage of sand. But that's not all. >> In April, the Lord provided
21:06 a unique opportunity to reach 45 million homes in Nigeria and other parts of West Africa
21:13 through the Freeview Africa platform, a direct to home satellite service with no
21:18 monthly fee required from the customer. New programs developed this year include
21:23 yoga, a deeper look, a series that investigates the phenomenon has taken this
21:28 world by storm. A new study in the prophetic book of Daniel was recorded in the series
21:34 called Salvation and symbols and signs and the new Power Packed 15 minute version
21:41 program. Missing piece was produced as well. Surely the Lord has blessed 3 and their
21:48 dreams efforts to reach an ever wider urban with God's love and hope. We believe that
21:53 the best is yet to come. >> why every time I see the story, how of how God brought
22:03 dare to dream and to fruition. It amazes me just like every time I hear the 3ABN story.
22:11 it's amazing because when we first started. I actually came to interview about a book I
22:20 had written and Danny was my interviewer and we started talking about the inner city
22:26 and and though and he saw my passion for it. the lawyer impressed him to ask me to be
22:32 the general manager and and it was amazing to me because I needed an Couldn't find an
22:40 assistant interview a lot of different people. >> But I felt like they just
22:45 actually just wanted to be on television, maybe more so than being an assistant. The had me
22:52 of Jason here. You came for a day of prayer and he has taken over the Ihsan of yeah of the
23:03 general manager. I'm still the consultant to the network with Jason is and he's doing a fine
23:08 job demand and he's an exciting about the prison ministry and what we're doing
23:13 in the prisons with the hard drive. So J I'm so proud of you and and the man of God
23:19 that you are and what God is doing, do you with their dream. So would you just tell
23:25 us what's going on now? We've we've seen what's happened in the past. We've seen a little
23:29 bit of what's happening now, but explain that to our audience. Please cause people
23:34 need to know will first off praise the Lord. >> For any progress and all of
23:40 that stuff. This is been an incredible You know, I'm so glad that you did calm and so
23:46 come out here and check it out, we're glad to. Yeah. So glad to be here. And I'm glad
23:54 I'm happy about the direction that dare to dream has taken all throughout the years. And
24:00 so just like parent, 3 ABN staying focused on the mission and staying true to the
24:07 mission. So, you know, a lot of the Bible says somewhere that my people, Paris for a
24:12 lack of and so with their dream, what we want to do is we want to provide that
24:19 knowledge by pointing them to the word of And that goes for everyone. And we do it in a
24:25 very practical way. So we have the health and wellness programs. We have financial
24:28 literacy, sexual purity. We preaching Bible prophecy. We're students thrive its
24:37 operation and some of them Yes, praise got 112 episodes. I believe we get an e-mail
24:43 every single day. Every literally every single day about that program and how
24:48 it's changing people's lives and what a blessing. And yes, that's and so, you know, with
24:53 this being the year of expansion. That's right. that's really our expanding
24:59 into new territory. So we're we're going into prisons. We've got ISD ATV enter LA and
25:07 they're loaded with 3,000, 901 which is the special prison ministry version of into.
25:20 Let's say it is. Yeah, it is. So yeah, of course you want to remove the children's programs
25:25 and all that stuff because it's going to prisons. >> is what? All it's an on
25:32 demand system. But this is going to be so and instead of like going in selecting its
25:38 kind of just play, you plug it in and it just going have to have the Internet don't have
25:43 to have the Internet or anything that great. Yes, that's used for prison. No
25:50 internet, no satellite, no TV, nothing new. Just that. You plug it in and plays on your
25:54 TV. Yes, plug and play. And so they can go out over the in-house closed-circuit
25:58 television channel and then go throughout the whole entire prison. So that means that the
26:02 Gospels going forward in that so doesn't have to be refreshed, right? I mean, it's
26:09 just it's continues for how long, continuous? Well, as long as 3,000 cycle cycle
26:22 through that and everything, lot of our yes and some of them are to our programs are
26:27 in our program or 30 minute programs. 15 minute program. >> So it's it's kind of hard
26:30 to say how long. But 3,000, 901 program. So we're excited about that. We're also excited
26:38 about the fact that we N Africa. Yeah. Review Africa on the direct to home satellite,
26:45 a system where people only purchased the satellite from the company and then. After
26:53 that, there's no monthly fee they can get there to dream. And that means the gospels
26:58 going forward to Africa. And how many homes is that in Africa? 45 million homes?
27:06 >> And doctor Moos said that even that's like really concentrated. But outside of
27:09 that, the footprint maybe extends a little bit. Is that right? They were not quite
27:13 sure how far. But yes, the enormous amount. And as that company grows.
27:19 >> Yes, so will the, you know, dare to dream on the cover. Yeah, exactly. And so and
27:24 we're always looking for new opportunities to where we are exploring new opportunities as
27:28 well to get the gospel to go forward. And I'm thankful that, you know, the name of
27:31 the network is dare to Dream Network because, you know, you have to have a dream. But you
27:38 have to put action behind that drink. So I to to take it beyond just being a dream. I'm
27:46 also thankful for Isaiah Chapter, 55 versus 8, 9 that says for my thoughts are not
27:52 your thoughts and nor are your ways. My way says the Lord for as the heavens are higher than
27:57 the earth. I ways higher than your ways. And my thoughts, then your thought and so and
28:03 sitting in the chairs, general manager of 3, a B ends, their dream network. You know, you
28:08 you start thinking like it. If there's a cancellation or something happens and you're
28:12 just what am I going to do now? But God had a and his plan is always best and the
28:19 and so being sitting in that chair, which I'm glad you decided to give me that call
28:25 coming out here because it has strengthened my faith and grow in my faith and all that by
28:32 leaps and bounds. And incredible, just incredible, Mister Danny, think about the
28:37 initial dream. One channel, right to ask the world and now 9 channels, radio reaching the
28:45 world. Very specific, like their dream, right? But I know many people enjoyed energy
28:50 program, but it's incredible what God has It's mind boggling. And that's why,
28:52 again, we say you you said or what God has done has not one individual.
28:57 >> Has done it. Just all of us working together, the folks at home. Those of us here we're
29:04 not done yet. Know what I think we're not. We're not through yet. Division
29:07 continues literally millions of more people are man reached all the time virtually every
29:14 day people. And I don't know if you the big numbers, if you want to look at Internet and
29:21 all that, I hear people say a billion or 2. I don't know how many, but I know it's a lot of
29:23 people around the world and just think if of small percentage of those accept
29:28 Jesus, you know, and his troops for the closing moments of Earth's history. How
29:33 amazing that is. And we get those letters to all the time. People come to the Lord,
29:38 people who have joined the church because of 3 ABN, all the different networks and
29:45 radio and television just want to add one more thing. This is for pot and mom understand
29:52 this. I'm so glad that I don't work in a restaurant He loves her leadership. at the calling
30:07 that God has on your life and you do an amazing job. Thank We are going to go next to
30:13 3ABN, Latino. And let's take a look at that role. >> After airing a few hours of
30:18 Spanish programming a week for many years on 3ABN John and NZ approach. 3ABN founder Danny
30:24 Shelton in 2000, 3 to ask you about the possibility of launching a brand new Spanish
30:30 language television network. He agreed wholeheartedly and just a few months later on
30:37 July, first, nearly 620 million Spanish and Portuguese speaking, people of
30:43 the world had access to 3 ABN scrase inner programming. 24 hours a day. Success was
30:49 nearly instant because although we launched 3 Indian, the did night, we received an
30:55 email from an excited you are just an hour and a half later. Within a month. We were
31:02 surprised to find out that a cable company in Ecuador had made 3ABN Latino available to
31:08 200,000 subscribers. >> And even as we set out the proper paperwork to carry a
31:12 free signal requests kept pouring in. A few weeks later, 3 ABN Latino was available on
31:20 cable companies in 17 different countries throughout Central and South America. The
31:25 growth of this network of divine origin has been constant and astounding. We
31:32 have successfully collaborated with church leaders to organizing broadcast huge
31:35 evangelistic meeting. Major cities throughout Central and South America and thousands
31:42 have come to the point fact, Well, perhaps the most exciting miracle happened this
31:48 past June when 3ABN, Latino programs were first made available to over 11 million
31:52 viewers on Yelp bucket date. >> Or the package in Cuba? Every week. A new batch of
32:01 programs is released to the public using a distribution system provides inexpensive
32:09 copies of our TV programs that can be recorded on hard drives and thumb drives and played
32:13 back on their television sets. >> 3ABN, Latino is the first Christian television
32:19 programming to be made available to Cubans. And we are seeing lives being changed
32:24 for Turn it. Yes, the future is bright and 3, A B and Latino continues to be a
32:30 powerful tool in God's hands to last dime. ♪
32:39 >> And praise God, look at I can't believe what God has done in and through the 3
32:42 being Latino television network. We're going to introduce Pastor Donnie to in
32:47 just a moment. Although he needs no introduction. But first, I want to remind you
32:51 that we have a special free offer for you tonight. This is the mending broken people DVD.
32:57 It's I think 3 hours long. The documentary, the story, the miracle story of how God
33:04 launched this network and how got sustains this network. So just give us a call right now.
33:11 6, 1, 8, 6, to 7, 4, 6, 5, 1, That number again is 6, 1, 8, 6, to 7, 4, 6, 5, 1, And we
33:17 would love to send this DVD in the mail to you. And then Mister Danny, it's hard to all
33:23 the networks that have been birth and especially 3 being Latino.
33:26 >> Oh, the thing was Johnny. Yeah. He read the same Bible that I did. It said Go, you
33:34 and all the He worked for taking a banned parent quite a while. But any came to me
33:43 persistent over that period, I don't know for months or what Middle East who would say we
33:49 need to think about Latino. You channels. So Johnny, we're glad that you took that call
33:54 and tell us briefly have happened. But well, then, you know, it was a process for me,
34:01 actually, by the time I came to you. >> OS almost 10 years past I
34:06 saw that I saw the need arise when. We started eliminating time from the one and a half
34:14 hours a day and it was for 7 days a week, one enough out one and a half hours a day and
34:20 a on the parents. So then it went to 5 days and that eliminated Saturday. And
34:26 Sunday was just Monday through Friday. And I said, OK, with at least still still have
34:31 Monday through Friday. But then later it when it went to 3 days as That's when I was in
34:35 Puerto Rico them because we were trying to start a a studio there. And when I saw
34:38 that, I said a thought came to my mind. I said, wow, we continue to spend his channel
34:47 and then now when I was able to come back and had a meeting about, you know, we need more
34:51 Spanish programming. I was told, you know, well, you know, this is the networking.
34:55 When we put on Spanish we lose 90% of the and that hurt Wow. Yeah. He was 90% of the
35:03 viewers know we can't have that. We need everybody to be watching 3 D in. These are
35:08 life changing programs. And so after that meeting, I said to myself, you know, it was a
35:17 declaration, wasn't a question. We are going to need a Spanish And then I was a
35:20 time of to do some research. You know, how's how's this going to happen? How many
35:23 people are there? Speak Spanish in the U.S. and then I said, wait a minute, 3ABN
35:28 reaches other places. This is on goes to other countries. He goes to Mexico to Canada, goes
35:31 to the and the plan is to go all over the world. Maybe there are Spanish people over
35:36 the yes, I was Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the Amazing. Wow.
35:45 You know, I thought it was English, according to the number of native speakers, it
35:51 is language number 2. But when you count people that speak a second language English is
35:54 number 2. A native speakers finishes number 2, there are about 400, almost 400,
36:03 60 million people that speak Spanish in the but an additional 100 million speak.
36:09 It has a second or 3rd In fact, in the U.S. by the year 2000, 50 one out of every 3
36:15 people will be speaking Spanish. ice right buddy. Here to be speaking Haha school.
36:24 But yeah, haha. There's a need to reach everybody the Bible says.
36:30 >> 3 annual messages. He goes to every Kendra tang and people. So when I presented
36:35 this to to that any and all wondering because I had heard it was we were a million
36:41 dollars behind on offerings. Wow. When Molly called Me, You know, I I presented the idea
36:45 to her, you know, I would like to speak to Well, what about I didn't want it to her right
36:52 away we will be prepared. So I Spanish programming. I didn't want to hurry when it's
36:59 finished network. So wrote my name down. She says your number mean there are 17
37:08 people he's been traveling. You know, and he's very say, wow, I waited 3 weeks. And
37:14 they got the call that he's ready. I came I came down and my office then was upstairs in
37:19 the second floor. And when I was coming down, I got to the place where you start walking
37:24 down the stairs and We're about a million dollars. >> I is this a good time to
37:32 present the element if you thinking one other car manufacturers and the sales
37:36 are going down and not making any money. >> And you tell let's open a
37:40 new factory over in California. They're going to you have your mind when I went
37:48 back to my office and pray to Lord to put this in my heart. I just it's been a burden for
37:54 about 10 years. I just your will for this to happen. Impressed Denny. and if it is
37:59 not been given piece about this. So when I you know, we're presenting point by
38:03 point. And I saw that the Lord was already working on his heart because I was, you know,
38:11 we were talking about we were translating programs from English to and it was having
38:19 great, a great impact. But when with previous started producing Russian programs in
38:25 Russian, yeah, the it increased more Bibles, more Bible states from going out.
38:29 And so the next point was, you know, we we need to have us a channel that speaks in
38:35 Spanish, not just a translation. Our stuff on the bottom. And then he said, you
38:39 know, I noticed that people like to hear their own people speaking in their own
38:45 language. And so I said, well, he's he's got that. That was an SA. Well, he said, well,
38:51 where are we going with all this? I say, I believe there's taken a while to think about
39:01 number say, well, I believe we need to Spanish channel and I was I didn't prepare myself
39:07 for a yes or no. I left in the Lord's hands. I was a piece. And then he says, let's do it.
39:12 He just blinked. I remember the he said, let's do it. And then kept talking as if he
39:22 just say, yes, And then he I talked to Moses and see if we need another transmitter.
39:29 Another satellite dish, what we need to do. And then he said pray because we're still
39:34 a million dollars offering And so I walked out of there. You know, I said you know, where a
39:41 million dollars behind and he this man still believes soul. I praise the Lord for the
39:47 faith and God blessed you with high and a powerful powerful. I stepped out of their
39:50 encouraged. Talk to Moses. And of course, he see that we're going to need another
39:55 transmitter. Another satellite dish. And about 3 weeks later, Lennar West here in the lobby.
40:01 And I think the Lord did that for me. You know, of passing by there he is. And Westfall.
40:04 How are you doing? Morris? We have we have a what would he A fantastic report. Mama's
40:11 report. Oh, really? Yes. We've got about a million came in Wilson Trust and I said praise
40:21 the Lord because, you know, I was concerned and I saw call from somebody I gave in the
40:28 low remained man that is highly unusual yeah, it is very much so what you have
40:33 said many has come through go You the blessings on the Gulf. you took the step of faith and
40:40 we went. Forward in faith and it's a miracle what God has done on over 1300 cable
40:50 companies millions of people and Q A now, a miracle that is really something that
40:56 everybody should be saying. A who thank you for leadership, Roger and Yeah, you and your
41:05 wife. An entire Latino and for cast and the vision. That's A lot of us wouldn't catch it.
41:11 We've got to give you some money. You help cast a vision so we really can see the name.
41:15 That's right. And then to run with it. And we still continue to sign new cable.
41:20 >> I just signed one this week. I know you sign hundreds of them I just signed a new
41:24 and so God is working and think so President Gianni, speaking of other languages.
41:29 >> We're going to Russia. We love Doctor Julie, who who's the executive director?
41:33 >> Of 3ABN Russia and her vision and her leadership. We call them the Russian Angels.
41:37 Let's take a look at that role now. ♪
41:46 ♪ ♪ ♪
42:01 ♪ ♪ ♪
42:19 >> Today's even that checks tense and produces and distributes Bible based
42:23 lifesaving programs for the Russians taking people of the world. The number each is
42:29 about people is go back to the very beginning it started on November. 15th, 1984.
42:40 >> In the United States. And then you shout and contemplated the messages of
42:46 different headed to teen thought in his mind, I want you to build a television
42:50 station that killed a reach the world with the undiluted messages that I'm a contract
42:55 to contract. even though it's income got provided in the best possible way because they
43:05 accepted the losses calling and interested. It's Wolf into the Lord's hands. Everything
43:11 that happened after that was nothing much in co I have hears from the foundation of
43:19 Sandals Broadcasting Network in 1992, investor John Carter and in team came to an easing
43:24 courage for the convention. This to come pain. >> Is it is out Team S
43:30 invectives and took place over. 2500 people entered the water. So a great rush and
43:37 even of all got to add to that continent with this year and Mystic Sea. This was covered
43:41 by quite a number else, meaning of grads, mass media appeared in the news papers
43:47 containing positive reviews and words of appreciation. The new didn't end there. Then he
43:54 shows and was able to race all the necessary funds to Bill C and E and convention center
44:00 that now houses fanned investor productions. Cute is the local conference
44:06 headquarters. The biggest Christian School and ABC Store and many in the 1992. Janet.
44:15 What can was invited to work in and Russia as a for Jon Canter, the construction
44:18 supervisor from and the same time she became the host and editor of Programs and then
44:28 executive director all and rushed the first programs of the face to face you is seemed
44:31 to be an hi 8 home camera. But nevertheless, when and by first broadcast or a local TV
44:40 stations they received and great response from the viewers up to 1000. Pleasure.
44:47 So weak how quickly the time passes. It seems that it was just yesterday. Plus, it is 7
44:54 years of And and 29 years of Russia. >> has been guiding promoting
45:00 and protecting. They sing amazing ministry nowadays smooth and stuff people can
45:06 potentially push the investors 10 o every day we received letters and comments from show
45:15 how God that is their hearts. So our I often watch seed and Russians channel and my
45:23 listens to radio at spare moment. The benefit of a get is in our U.S.. Thank you very
45:29 much. We had an amazing time making the programs together. I don't remember being in your
45:38 programs as God's blessing. As long as I'm in. The Lord to race end this thing so that
45:44 these programs have thousands of views, praise to me, did do about a centre, a full
45:55 children with disabilities and by grace of God thanks to a charity concert organized by
45:58 TV in last year, we can continue to help children with special needs. So working
46:04 visit just team has left a deep impression on me. Very interesting. The DIA about the
46:13 Bible so much information in different to Bible is been of the most common books in the
46:20 world. >> And each time I opened the Bible, I find something new
46:26 from a in at the a each time. It is a real live in a nation by boulder, up processes and
46:38 and advice God bless us. Every employee of ABN gives us ideas, spiritual gifts and
46:47 that help us make quality problems. He's terms speakers and guests of peace choice.
46:57 That's life can be he it is so that no doubt this country's the Lord supports every one of
47:05 us will feel it every in 1992. What is happening in Russia today with seem completely
47:11 impassable. And the moment more than 500, 10, 40 cable occur. A Tennessee program the
47:21 600 seat there is difference. Teddy gross of subscribers on YouTube Dallas, social
47:26 >> All we to lords might and We always remember with the special warms the time 15 the
47:35 UN team be his baby and wins you these it. It seems as if you always have been about
47:43 cold and warm smiles and heart health going to say she old exchange of spiritual
47:48 experience and professional opinions are priceless. And we've only 3 Collier of these
47:54 its 2 20 feet and then descending Sunday. Their story with the warmest feelings.
48:00 >> Together, we've wonderful church services, praise the Lord and rejoiced in here,
48:07 Lessing and demonized by got slobs and the testimony of peace around the world. We
48:12 pray for the Lord switches India, CBN teen about all the sponsors of and the family of
48:23 Paris. That promise move hearts and your hands making. You got Messengers. Sun-Times.
48:29 >> Praise the Lord for the Fed is 7 years see you again. ♪
48:44 >> absolutely >> I literally touches my heart every time, especially
48:48 when I say the baptisms for hours, the 2,500, 32, that's just the beginning. Praise God
48:56 for Julia and the whole 3 ABN Russian team are angels. Incredible work reaching
49:02 millions and millions of people and the ex Soviet Union around the world and the
49:08 Russian language. God is amazing. He really doing events and look at God. That's
49:14 all we can say today. That may be the theme So, that's good. >> We can't go in. There is
49:22 one of the highlights friends here at 3, 8, Again. >> And I know if you noticed
49:25 in that foot is sister Julia showed. But you saw Mister Danny going through some
49:28 bushes and trees. That was the ad and Russia back in the day again talking about faith and
49:34 Vision. Mister Game, you know, and God was open those doors. You step through and we praise
49:38 the Lord for that. I'm thinking about all the hundreds. I mean, who knows
49:40 how many thousands of people that God has brought to the kingdom because a three-man
49:46 rush even the facility found out last time we were there. You know, we had a big flood
49:51 and the waters in the car stopped and I got out and there was this big building
49:56 and I thought that's the one they want to show me. So loved and said we'll buy it and all
50:01 of this and wasn't even where they intended to take God. No god, stopped in the flood and
50:06 got out and there was tear this big building for cell and British, a sister, Jewish
50:11 She's been faithful to the calling of God on her life and his Absolutely. She's
50:17 incredible woman, a God and a mentor. I would say to Greg and myself as well where we
50:19 have time for one more network. >> We're going down under to
50:24 our Australian Angels, John and Rosemary Malcolm, lead out 3 been Australia, Don, of
50:29 course, being the executive director there, their tireless workers for the Gospel. They
50:34 do an amazing job. And let's take a look at that role right now.
50:41 >> It's been 37 years since God told Danny Shelton to build a TV station to reach
50:45 the world with the on Dilated 3 Angeles messages won that would counteract the
50:51 caliphate. We praise God for sustaining 3. I've been all these years and for using this
50:55 ministry to spread the gospel around the world in heaven. I think we'll be surprised by
51:01 just how many people are there as a result of 3. I be in and I support this part of this
51:06 work as well. >> We heard about 3. I've been when we were working in the
51:11 poll. We had no idea then that a couple of years later, we will be watching 3 IBM bank
51:16 haul. All that when we come back to us said we would be installing satellite equipment
51:21 in homes so that people could watch 3 IBM. Remember COVID the come we drive around us.
51:26 Trent, that vehicle took us to a lot of times all over this country.
51:32 >> When we started installing satellite dishes, we didn't think that we would ever be
51:35 involved with 3 ID and out of that as view is and and the ministry of putting in dishes,
51:41 we never thought that the 3 IBM board would ask us to stop 3 IBM's astride a branch and
51:46 that the work would take over Al lives. But God had other plans. The board did. I ask
51:54 and is now 18 years since we began 3, I'd be in a stride yet.
51:58 >> We also didn't think that we would be running a production studio producing
52:03 and hosting program. Some 3ABN some of the TV programs we produce. 3 administrator
52:08 include our interview program 3, A B in now. Will it go on? Speak now weekly, 7 school
52:14 series a dime to the King for children cooking and health programs. God's last message
52:19 with talked to Alan Muncy evolution, impossible and many more. And there's not just the
52:27 rebroadcasting about this, Judy, are producing programs as well.
52:31 >> We're grateful for a small group of staff who have held Mike all these programs a
52:35 reality from reception to production video editing to write into U.S., take support
52:43 to management for a lot vital to this ministry. >> We're also excited about
52:48 the programs. We are planning to cold over the next few months. All those who have
52:54 appeared on a programs Ivies have become a huge blessing to us. We couldn't do very much
52:58 without their involvement. The children, our special, great to us feel like part about on
53:06 family. >> We also have a store buy online and here in a building
53:11 we sell books music, some stray. I being programmed Evie days and other items. Check
53:16 out the products on our online store will contact us for a product least. We also have
53:22 inside tracks 10 different topics and in a very simple why reveal the truth from
53:29 God's way? These are evangelistic tools for spreading the truth.
53:33 Pocket-sized. They're easy to keeping your calf spreading like rise of sunshine in your
53:37 community. >> whole side we the my ITV insulates boxes created by
53:46 Moses Pre. My influence allows you to receive 3 IBM programming without needing
53:51 either a satellite or Internet connection. If you have into it, you can use his folks to
53:57 axis many of the 7th day in U.S. networks in Tillis was especially produced to help
54:02 spread the gospel across the South Pacific Islands with 3, IBM is not available by
54:08 satellite. So we have found many more exciting ways that they spoke says can be used
54:12 for spreading the Gospel Anyone. >> We have already started
54:17 sending him to the islands with. I have been very gladly. We say why we need to send
54:23 many more if you would like to support getting them to the audience, please contact us at
54:27 3. I've been a strike. We'll buy one for yourself or your family and friends. make a
54:35 great gift. >> If even us try visit our online store and 3 a business
54:39 trying you to purchase any of the products that are available there, including our
54:46 inside tracks and the Angeles boxes. find being astride a on '02, 4, 9, 7, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6,
54:55 email us at mile at 3 and in the stranded, don't you? >> We also enjoy receiving
55:03 comments from viewers and listeners. We hear from people around the world, a from
55:09 Rochester, New York said she was impressed by and if you would talk to John Ashton
55:13 revealing the dangers of alcohol. She was also thankful for as series Evolution,
55:20 Impossible. family and Jeremy Live at children's programs. >> view it from Western
55:25 ordered a copy of Don't Alumn and see series lifeguards. Last message. She said her
55:31 husband loves listening to Doctor Lindsay and pastas. Jeff. You're done and then
55:34 e-mail and calls Dan messages impacted him and helped to make the decision to be
55:41 baptized prize. God, so make sure you contact us with your stories and comments to we'd
55:47 love to hear from me. >> Remember at that at 3 programs can be accessed 6
55:53 weeks. Half that of aid by catch up on our website. Many can be watched on 3 IBM plus
55:59 or a you Tube Channel right Prayer areas can be listened to or around the world via
56:05 Soundcloud podcast and Spotify. >> When God calls people to
56:10 his work, he usually doesn't reveal everything to them at the beginning and be too
56:17 overwhelming. Can Foles the story. One page of the time. That's how he's worked with
56:23 Venus trend. We had same many miracles from God along the way as he shows that he's
56:29 someone leading this ministry. It belongs to him. We thank him for what he has done for
56:35 3, a B in a strident and all of 3 idea. >> Remember Paul, the wicked 3
56:41 IB and your praise. This is a very critical time for spreading God's message. May
56:46 God continue to bless this wonderful ministry and the viewers around the world.
56:53 Happy 37th anniversary. 3 >> Praise Lorre 3, a B in Australia 18 years I couldn't
57:03 resist. When I heard about this couple that was driving Kermit the Frog, the Green
57:07 Love and Jeep and they were going to camp meetings and taking dishes and set them up
57:12 and in people's homes us to have to talk to these people. Let's see if they're
57:16 interested in doing a network. And here's to 18 years later and results presentation.
57:20 thank you for your vision. Yeah, absolutely vision and tireless efforts to know their
57:27 dedication. Men were phenomenal because they go across the street with little
57:30 Kermit mentioned the frog on satellite dishes. That's not easy in their vision for the
57:33 ministry. Praise the Lord for both of them came in. And I just want to say, look at what
57:37 God has done and we have a whole nother. Our of networks coming up next.
57:42 >> We're going to hear from praise him radio kids and French. So stay with us. We'll
57:45 be right. ♪ ♪
57:57 ♪


Revised 2021-11-13