¤ ¤ ¤ 00:00:00.96\00:00:16.98 >> Hello and welcome back to 3ABN today live behind the scenes. We're so glad that you 00:00:16.98\00:00:22.02 have joined us this Evening. The first hour went by in a hurry. We've done a little bit 00:00:22.02\00:00:25.89 of musical chairs and switched out with some of our family. We mentioned guess. But they're 00:00:25.89\00:00:30.26 part of our 3 been family. We want to say thank you for being a part of 3ABN, family. 00:00:30.26\00:00:34.30 And thank you for your prayers and financial support for this ministry. Seems like we kind of 00:00:34.30\00:00:41.37 rattle that off kind of every program. But we really need it. You know, you're making a 00:00:41.37\00:00:44.61 difference in somebody's life even this evening and are watching 3ABN because someone 00:00:44.61\00:00:48.44 is financially supporting and praying for this ministry. And 00:00:48.44\00:00:53.01 you know what's so encouraging to me is as we've been through this year last year of covid, it 00:00:53.01\00:00:55.82 seems like it's kind of rearing its head again, as we talked about in the first hour. God is 00:00:55.82\00:01:00.52 continuing to provide for the needs of this ministry. You know, in this current role that 00:01:00.52\00:01:06.63 I'm in. I'm relatively new. It. Add it. And when covid hit. I have to be honest with you. 00:01:06.63\00:01:12.07 My heart kind of skipped a beat like whoa. Now what's going to happen. But you know what, 00:01:12.07\00:01:17.91 I was rebuked by the Lord reading the scriptures. Those no need to worry God says he's 00:01:17.91\00:01:22.58 got it. This is his ministry. And we have the privilege to be a vessel that God can pour 00:01:22.58\00:01:27.58 through no matter what we do here. 3ABN no matter what you're doing, whatever sphere 00:01:27.58\00:01:32.75 of influence you have in your home. God is using you and you're here for a purpose and 00:01:32.75\00:01:37.13 it's exciting to be alive and this moment in Earth's history 00:01:37.13\00:01:41.86 for sure than men. >> And I was just thinking as you're talking about that faith journey that's 00:01:41.86\00:01:46.74 true. What a blessing to be honest, I turned. And that's right. You know, this is kind of 00:01:46.74\00:01:49.87 personal. But I know the times we get down on our face. More gonna 100 room, an ECON 00:01:49.87\00:01:55.11 this ministry needs to go forward and we can't do it without you. How are we going 00:01:55.11\00:01:58.88 to do that. And then all of a sudden sometimes that very day check comes in from one of 00:01:58.88\00:02:03.79 you at home and we realize that God it holds this ministry and the palm of his hands and he 00:02:03.79\00:02:11.13 wants the gospel to go forward and it's not about strine harder 00:02:11.13\00:02:16.23 or doing anything. God's the one at the helm of this ministry. That's right. Lesson. 00:02:16.23\00:02:20.24 >> You know, I appreciate mention the faith aspect of it because it has been a growing 00:02:20.24\00:02:24.37 experience for John myself. about we walk by faith and not by sight and so it's a day by 00:02:24.37\00:02:31.58 day process. And and I know that many of you give sacrificial e 00:02:31.58\00:02:35.15 thank you so much for doing that. I think about the person since then. I believe it was 00:02:35.15\00:02:41.89 last year. They sent and $0.99 and they spent the money to send up and put a stamp on the 00:02:41.89\00:02:49.13 envelope and then they sent $0.99 and maybe the person that gave it felt it wasn't very much 00:02:49.13\00:02:51.47 be know. They gave because they felt impressed to give. And you know what happens. God's the one 00:02:51.47\00:02:57.11 that God is the one who does the increasing multiplies matter what we given. So thank 00:02:57.11\00:03:01.84 you. Thank you for being a part of the ministry and want to introduce. We've got on the set 00:03:01.84\00:03:06.78 with us now. And then we switched out family members we can say and we're delighted to 00:03:06.78\00:03:10.45 have more of our family here tonight. >> We have Tim Parnell 00:03:10.45\00:03:15.19 was the general manager cavium praising music network. Our 00:03:15.19\00:03:19.56 brother and here. >> It's always a delight and pleasure to be on the program with both of you. I 00:03:19.56\00:03:25.20 enjoy just watching how you do this. It is so nice. You. You're just delighted to be here. We're 00:03:25.20\00:03:33.54 learning >> He's talking about the learning process. You know, 00:03:33.54\00:03:38.55 you make mistakes. I think you do you for what you do. You very much you know, eating out in 00:03:38.55\00:03:47.49 the press him network. You know, doing a tremendous. >> Work. I 00:03:47.49\00:03:50.79 want to talk about that a little bit more detail. But I do want to mention this right My fat 00:03:50.79\00:03:57.40 grandfather allow Hamill. He passed away last week at the age of 98 and there at the very end. 00:03:57.40\00:04:02.84 That's all we had on his living room because he always loved listening to you, Tim. He you 00:04:02.84\00:04:06.47 know, because he was losing his hearing 98 years of age. And at the end he couldn't hear very 00:04:06.47\00:04:11.45 well, but it always say that man that plays the part a piano 10 Parton. I can always understand 00:04:11.45\00:04:17.59 when he seems and when he talks, I love that man now and so at the very end price he was on in 00:04:17.59\00:04:23.12 his living room there at the very end. Well, I know that he's not the only one that your 00:04:23.12\00:04:28.30 network has minister to from young 2 old God has that network here for a purpose and you're 00:04:28.30\00:04:34.34 making a thank you so very much. That's the last year of 2020. >> Was dynamic here for praise 00:04:34.34\00:04:40.44 him yes, and people watching and we we I'm getting e-mails in still talking about how we 00:04:40.44\00:04:51.25 saw people You they listened to us that we were we were encouraging and music. What you 00:04:51.25\00:04:55.62 know, it's nothing we we're doing it, but it's the music that's uplifting God. And in 00:04:55.62\00:05:00.83 music encourages people. It does. So I'm so grateful to God is open the door for the 00:05:00.83\00:05:04.67 pricing music network. And so honored to be your work. >> And then going around the 00:05:04.67\00:05:11.31 island. We have Mike Babb, who is a TV and radio engineer. And speaking of Mike, you might 00:05:11.31\00:05:16.24 not always see him in front of the camera and we're very excited. Mike, to have you with 00:05:16.24\00:05:21.22 us here tonight. >> Thank You might be excited here. One of my 00:05:21.22\00:05:28.19 first times here. But thank you. >> And how long have you you and your wife. Of course, a 00:05:28.19\00:05:31.63 Valero works in our County department and really their whole families. Part of that. 00:05:31.63\00:05:35.33 Yeah. Tell us how long you've been here and it's about 20 years. I believe now. 00:05:35.33\00:05:42.14 I will introduce J and then I want to come back to for second. But Jay Christian is no 00:05:42.14\00:05:46.88 stranger to home. He's of course general manager of 3 ABN radio network and he and his 00:05:46.88\00:05:54.82 wife yet to we're just so grateful to have them here as well. What a blessing. You guys 00:05:54.82\00:05:57.09 are the ministry. Thank you for being here. >> He'll welcome. 00:05:57.09\00:06:01.32 We're pleased to be here. It's been a bit here. A little bit longer than Mike. I remember 00:06:01.32\00:06:05.66 when he was hired means have been here longer 22 years. and hasn't been a day that I've come 00:06:05.66\00:06:16.60 to work and said I don't want to be here. You know, when you have a kind of jobs some I got 00:06:16.60\00:06:22.98 to go to work again number one, there's no boredom number 2, you're working for the Lord. 00:06:22.98\00:06:31.82 And number the people here from from the very tip top from the human side of things all the 00:06:31.82\00:06:38.73 way. I hate to say it down because is just maybe us from to that, the good stead of this 00:06:38.73\00:06:47.00 way. you to the to the different positions. People are friendly. 00:06:47.00\00:06:51.01 People are nice. Their crisis like they remember who their savior is and it's here every 00:06:51.01\00:06:59.11 day and when I come in, I'm very happy to be a part of that and maybe sometimes I get that. If I 00:06:59.11\00:07:05.75 give a Smiley to now and then. But I know I am sort of a lot and and that is that's really 00:07:05.75\00:07:12.29 nice. So it's great to be here. we appreciate the leadership. You've been a part of radio from 00:07:12.29\00:07:16.90 basically the very beginning because radio is like 21 and a half years of age. As I write 00:07:16.90\00:07:21.67 about 22. Yeah, I was that a 3rd employee. Okay. Hi. Yeah. >> And so but I'm the only one 00:07:21.67\00:07:29.61 of the 3 that's still >> And then Mike, you join not long afterwards. Of course. 00:07:29.61\00:07:33.05 But I think about radio, you know, we talk about television, 00:07:33.05\00:07:37.02 but many of you. >> Listen to 3ABN radio are listening right now as well. That has massive 00:07:37.02\00:07:42.19 impact around the world because it's not only the stations but we've also got ability on our 00:07:42.19\00:07:49.33 phones and other devices. I guess that's the right word to use and that people can pick up 00:07:49.33\00:07:53.30 a 3 been radio in even in our local civil servant at a church. We've had people coming 00:07:53.30\00:07:58.41 through the doors. say hey, I found through through 3ABN radio 00:07:58.41\00:08:03.88 W DQ end, which is our local station. That is 95.9. All right. And people find and 00:08:03.88\00:08:10.39 listen, their lives are changed. So thank you. Yes, it was very gratifying. The first time 00:08:10.39\00:08:17.33 somebody came in and said, well, it's very gratifying every time. you know, you just. 00:08:17.33\00:08:20.96 >> Pay attention is just really means something to you. The first time somebody says I was 00:08:20.96\00:08:25.77 listening on freebie and radio here and wanted to come in and see your church. But we've 00:08:25.77\00:08:31.01 heard that now a lot of times I will tell you it never gets it will never, ever get old. 00:08:31.01\00:08:38.21 And so whenever somebody says that. I say praise guys got an a because that somebody else 00:08:38.21\00:08:45.39 he's been able to reach through his radio station radio network. 00:08:45.39\00:08:52.13 >> I'm so grateful for your leadership and what you bring to the ministry primaries and 00:08:52.13\00:08:57.27 your lovely wife. We love her ahead. I want to go back to Mike just for a moment. Just 00:08:57.27\00:09:00.20 because we don't always get to have Mike on. So you don't tell 00:09:00.20\00:09:03.94 us. >> And that's a good Haha. >> Maybe this is just the beginning. My our time. Putting 00:09:03.94\00:09:08.88 your journey like how did you even communal era come here to >> We that we've been living 00:09:08.88\00:09:20.76 and working in Portland, Oregon. That's like right next door 00:09:20.76\00:09:25.49 to thompsonville. >> Haha miles and miles away as you to full. 00:09:25.49\00:09:33.10 Maybe that the Lord had other plans for I've been working for 00:09:33.10\00:09:40.44 one of the stations are in Portland for quite a while and and. >> The direction of that 00:09:40.44\00:09:48.12 station at that hip-hop was was in its kind of beginning stages and growing. And I was 00:09:48.12\00:09:55.96 at the time I was involved with engineering. I'm getting my feet 00:09:55.96\00:10:03.53 with that and. we have been watching we I think at one point 00:10:03.53\00:10:10.61 we got be in. We ordered the satellite dish. I heard about it. You know. restarted watch 00:10:10.61\00:10:19.55 in. we had seen at the time there was an ad that was run looking for radio engineer. Wow. 00:10:19.55\00:10:28.96 Well, I I'm I'm comfortable I find just my family in my wife's family live on the West 00:10:28.96\00:10:35.26 Coast so you know, we're used to being around all of them. We 00:10:35.26\00:10:46.54 started having. Individuals from our local church instead of say, hey. >> I seen in 3ABN. They 00:10:46.54\00:10:52.91 have an opening. If you thought about that. Yeah, quickly haha 00:10:52.91\00:11:01.02 and I had been there is one day I was talking with my >> at the station in Portland. 00:11:01.02\00:11:08.96 And and I had mentioned that to him and he said. >> You might 00:11:08.96\00:11:16.30 want to think about that. Why he says, well. >> You know, I I've 00:11:16.30\00:11:21.71 really enjoyed you here are like you here. >> But I see the row, 00:11:21.71\00:11:29.08 the route that the station is going, you know, and and I'm getting close to re. He's 00:11:29.08\00:11:37.43 getting close to retirement. And. He's concerned you know about different things with the 00:11:37.43\00:11:43.77 world. Does things and he says, you know, I know you have a special thing for the Sabbath 00:11:43.77\00:11:52.47 for Saturday is in your heart. You you know, and I I I won't 00:11:52.47\00:12:00.82 be there to kind of stand up for in those instances. And I said, 00:12:00.82\00:12:05.99 well, you know. I think you very much, but I have it in my heart. 00:12:05.99\00:12:12.93 I'm from on this. For not working on the Sabbath and. You know, if it comes down to 00:12:12.93\00:12:22.34 my job or the 7th. I got to go with the saboteur know. And and 00:12:22.34\00:12:27.84 so he's he's he continued to say no thinking he should check into it. So. Make the story 00:12:27.84\00:12:37.99 even longer. >> In >> an Nikki Anderson who has 00:12:37.99\00:12:46.36 since retired with this. She responded back. And. We didn't 00:12:46.36\00:12:58.91 hear anything. We have been praying about it. He left to Lord's hand. So nothing was 00:12:58.91\00:13:06.45 happening. We had gone. A little bit later. We had gone to Oregon can't and while we are there 00:13:06.45\00:13:14.96 were a couple. 3 being ready representatives there Manning 00:13:14.96\00:13:25.43 the 3 being booth. and so we. We toured around went and saw them and talk to them a little 00:13:25.43\00:13:29.44 bit and they sit, you know, we have an opening in S a haha. I applied and got a response 00:13:29.44\00:13:35.04 and haven't heard anything. Haven't heard anything. Well, when they came back. 00:13:35.04\00:13:43.75 it started. Hey, there's a guy out there this interest in the engineering that you have 00:13:43.75\00:13:48.12 opening in. >> And so little bit later. We got an e-mail. Wow. 00:13:48.12\00:14:00.14 And. And at that time was Gonzales and toes. And so we responded exchanged a 00:14:00.14\00:14:07.98 few e-mails and and it kind of quieted down and and. Emails came back up and in. 00:14:07.98\00:14:13.82 So then it finally came to a point where something was said in and we Villar and I looked 00:14:13.82\00:14:20.42 at each other. We said, well. Let's continue to pray about it. But at this point, I think 00:14:20.42\00:14:29.06 the Lord sending his say. A sign that, you know, this is not for 00:14:29.06\00:14:34.44 us. Then we get to an e-mail that come in. >> Hold the did I 00:14:34.44\00:14:41.54 tell you about this. >> No. Okay. I guess Lourdes saying 00:14:41.54\00:14:46.98 yes. Now wow. >> And then it came down to one of the things we were thinking about at that 00:14:46.98\00:14:51.29 time was what are we going to do about school for the children. Yeah. And. We get an email. 00:14:51.29\00:15:02.80 We've all heard the story I think that one dollar. I think it was that came in was somebody 00:15:02.80\00:15:05.97 wanted to start the school. You know. we're thinking, well, I 00:15:05.97\00:15:15.51 don't know of a school. Here comes an e-mail in we've got to 00:15:15.51\00:15:24.29 school. We just started up and we're glad to have you. We're looking at costs there in 00:15:24.29\00:15:34.10 the Portland area. And because there was getting ready to start 00:15:34.10\00:15:38.87 up and we're sitting there. Well. Okay. We're going to have to make some adjustments to be 00:15:38.87\00:15:43.61 able to afford that. And then we heard they have the school here. 00:15:43.61\00:15:52.01 We thought wow. To move away from family. A place we've never 00:15:52.01\00:15:58.75 been, you know. A job that, you know, we're just or I don't know that we can afford the school 00:15:58.75\00:16:04.63 for the kids. At just after he said that. We're getting ready 00:16:04.63\00:16:11.90 for bed. And I said let me check the e-mail one more time. Here 00:16:11.90\00:16:21.58 comes an Did I tell you that there's a special tuition for those who are members of the 00:16:21.58\00:16:33.99 church in their you didn't. Haha it well, Lord is blessing there right. You know, so we just, you 00:16:33.99\00:16:42.63 know, it was just one thing after another we were thinking the door was closed in the Lord 00:16:42.63\00:16:48.80 open. The doors. Secure is gun and then it was worked we were 00:16:48.80\00:17:03.22 it was the. and. We were invited to come here. And so we're 00:17:03.22\00:17:07.02 looking at tickets to come out here. I don't know. Look at the prices for the 2 of us to come 00:17:07.02\00:17:18.70 out. And so we. I did one of these name your price. Things. Wow. It was accepted. 00:17:18.70\00:17:28.18 >> Not just a little over a $100 for the hour for each of us high. But still good here 00:17:28.18\00:17:38.62 >> And so we came visited. >> said yes. And then on the plane going back. We started 00:17:38.62\00:17:44.26 3 thinking how we get to make this move. Satan was planning 00:17:44.26\00:17:52.73 things in. And and long and short obviously we finally said yes, we really felt the Lord 00:17:52.73\00:18:03.38 moving so we we accepted the position The story is we need to work on. Are hiring 00:18:03.38\00:18:11.72 process know haha no. The moral of the story as God brings yes. Thank God you brought you in 00:18:11.72\00:18:17.66 your wife and her family. >> And we wouldn't change it one bit. 00:18:17.66\00:18:21.86 If we had to do it over. You know. >> I think everybody does come here is had struggles from 00:18:21.86\00:18:26.23 time to time. With whatever. Sure. >> And you know, even in those struggles we have seen God 00:18:26.23\00:18:36.64 moving and you know. We will still say if we had that same opportunity given us 00:18:36.64\00:18:44.99 today that we would have changed it. Yeah, we would continue with 00:18:44.99\00:18:50.96 it because God is so blast and then. >> You your wife and your kids from school some of them 00:18:50.96\00:18:57.83 are working here at 3ABN and have that's a varied and number one, having a baby which Mister 00:18:57.83\00:19:06.88 Danny mentioned about him being a great grandfather. Well, my dad and his wife are 00:19:06.88\00:19:10.85 grandparents. If that seems on real doesn't parents. Well, I've your daughter to marry 00:19:10.85\00:19:17.32 Jesse. Yes. So they're having a baby. This going to be born here in the next couple of So 00:19:17.32\00:19:23.29 excited about that. You know, talking about the, you know, being a part of the family and 00:19:23.29\00:19:26.49 the EU being part of our family. We mentioned this in the first 00:19:26.49\00:19:32.23 hour. comment on this. But this has to do on fall candy and being together as family and how 00:19:32.23\00:19:34.44 that has changed a little bit because of covid again, kind of rearing its head. So talk to us 00:19:34.44\00:19:40.28 about fall cam in the significant changes taking place so far can't meeting is still 00:19:40.28\00:19:44.48 happening. That's right. >> We're not offcampus people come. In other words, you need 00:19:44.48\00:19:48.55 to stay home and watch on treaty. And so we are having fall camp meeting September 00:19:48.55\00:19:55.92 23 through 25. We are looking forward to it, too, will be anointed music and sermons 00:19:55.92\00:20:00.13 messages from the word of God. But we are not having an in-person can't meeting meaning 00:20:00.13\00:20:06.97 you stay home and watch from home it's due to the rise of covid that's been going on and 00:20:06.97\00:20:11.14 we're sorry for that. We wish that it were open because we really want to me even see you 00:20:11.14\00:20:17.81 and talk with you, but we encourage you you during camp meeting. You can Texas will be 00:20:17.81\00:20:21.68 given that number during camp me or you can message your comments. And we want to 00:20:21.68\00:20:26.32 connect the view that way, but fall camp any we're looking forward to that. On September 00:20:26.32\00:20:29.59 20 to 25. >> Yeah, absolutely. That's coming up. Really are 00:20:29.59\00:20:34.13 also want to touch on this. The second hour here. This is the focus on truth project were 00:20:34.13\00:20:38.53 given an update the the first hour. But you consent all 3 of these booklets, which is the 00:20:38.53\00:20:44.41 truth about salvation, the truth about hellfire and the truth about the 10 Commandments. 00:20:44.41\00:20:48.51 In a nice little white envelope, all for the. Price. May I say of 00:20:48.51\00:20:55.82 $0.50 is not a credible that includes the 3 booklet. That includes the post is that 00:20:55.82\00:20:59.95 includes the little white envelope. And you know, postage stamp costs. $0.55 just saw that 00:20:59.95\00:21:04.66 graphic there. So this is less than the price of a stamp. And that's absolutely amazing. 00:21:04.66\00:21:08.00 And that's here within the U.S. a zip code here in the U.S. but the call center, they're 00:21:08.00\00:21:13.13 open tonight. So that number is 6, 1, a 6 to 7, 4, 6, 5, 1, and they'd be happy to explain 00:21:13.13\00:21:19.11 to you how you can send these book was to zip code of your choice or Joe mentioned first 00:21:19.11\00:21:23.65 hour. You can also buy cases of these booklets 250 of each topic coming to come in a case 00:21:23.65\00:21:31.25 and the suggested donation is 1650. That includes the books and the shipping to your 00:21:31.25\00:21:36.59 address here in the U.S. it's really amazing you know, we mentioned in the first hour. 00:21:36.59\00:21:38.96 You mentioned about a church in Indianapolis and we're getting a lot of response here 00:21:38.96\00:21:42.73 about how you're participating in this project. So in between the this idea came Jorge. 00:21:42.73\00:21:51.21 He's our production manager said hey, wouldn't be need to see pictures of you may be 00:21:51.21\00:21:56.24 distributing them or immune your church, your family that are distribute these books or 00:21:56.24\00:22:00.75 what you're doing. So great idea. Thank you, Jorge. So send those pictures to us because in 00:22:00.75\00:22:04.82 the next upcoming may behind the scenes will show some of those pictures. Well, this is 00:22:04.82\00:22:09.59 how you can do it. You can send it to the e-mail and it's very 00:22:09.59\00:22:16.83 simple. It's mail. I l at 3 aetn dot TV. That's mail I l. 00:22:16.83\00:22:23.87 >> I l had 3 aetn dot TV send those pictures to us and we'd be happy to show them on the 00:22:23.87\00:22:28.21 next behind the scene because we know that many of you are participating are hearing about 00:22:28.21\00:22:32.95 >> I just want to say you did a really good job with that. And now I work myself out of 00:22:32.95\00:22:34.98 the top for that you have you did really well. >> Oh, you mean 00:22:34.98\00:22:42.22 trying about that. The first hour. Did yeah. Hours. Look at John states. We want you but we 00:22:42.22\00:22:49.23 want to hear from you when you want to showcase what's in your churches and how you're 00:22:49.23\00:22:51.57 distributing in the vandalizing. So. >> Speaking of connection, 00:22:51.57\00:22:58.61 with our TV and family before we have a incredible opportunity with radio. Before we go to 00:22:58.61\00:23:03.28 that is yes. Can we talk about the blog for a minute and we launched 3ABN killing 3 band's 00:23:03.28\00:23:07.68 first ever block. So tell us about that. >> So a blog is 00:23:07.68\00:23:15.79 simply a a kind like a that this this particular blog is some receive Rafferty. James Jeffries 00:23:15.79\00:23:25.23 wife, Bobby Davis. He has been here for many years. As a producer and editor and. 00:23:25.23\00:23:30.04 >> He is contributing to this blog as well as I am Jason. Bergman has contributed so 00:23:30.04\00:23:40.38 we're writing a different whatever somewhat expertise, it is writes from I kind of 00:23:40.38\00:23:52.99 a recovery idea. Risi rights on health and wellness that's her background I'm writing on 00:23:52.99\00:24:00.17 wisdom or the lack thereof and the pursuit of yeah. Mike from a lot of experience that I'm 00:24:00.17\00:24:05.54 lacking that I'm working through. Jason, of course, is writing from from a financial 00:24:05.54\00:24:12.51 point of that we are also getting entries from past all so so it it's just it's great. 00:24:12.51\00:24:19.69 It's kind of an extension of of what's definitely extension of 3ABN but also maybe a little 00:24:19.69\00:24:26.33 bit into the magazine. The world magazine. But kindling is of course, an object that used 00:24:26.33\00:24:32.80 to start a fire and so that's what we want each of articles to be is something that will 00:24:32.80\00:24:39.87 start a fire may be something that will spark something. I know. I like how Paul talked 00:24:39.87\00:24:46.21 to in second, Timothy chapter one to Timothy. He you know, stir up. And actually that word 00:24:46.21\00:24:51.59 stirrup means kindle the fire. That is a new so it it's a this is a good to something that 00:24:51.59\00:25:01.96 hopefully again, Sparks work. Something you know this morning, in fact, before I came 00:25:01.96\00:25:05.80 to work. I was I was cooking past couple of days. I've been 00:25:05.80\00:25:10.34 some cleaning out the fence row. So I had this pile of of weeds and things that needed to be 00:25:10.34\00:25:21.08 burned so I about 10 minutes 12 matches the fire to start. >> smoke. We didn't because the 00:25:21.08\00:25:40.27 thing wouldn't even my so you can you can you can only imagine what my entries to this 00:25:40.27\00:25:44.44 blog are. But you know, with me being so wise as to be trying to 00:25:44.44\00:25:50.28 light wet. so my point to you that you need to call my son it 00:25:50.28\00:25:57.85 says he's a good fires. The bright clear Lee need. There needs to be a hot line. My point 00:25:57.85\00:26:04.29 being that needs to be dry before you start if you want to so it needs to be prepared. I 00:26:04.29\00:26:13.80 guess so that's what I think that these these entries to the blog which they come it every 00:26:13.80\00:26:20.28 Monday some him central 07:00PM. Central. So we've got currently about 6, 5, 6, entries on on 00:26:20.28\00:26:27.55 there. You can go to 3ABN kindling, dot org. I think the graphic showed on the screen. 00:26:27.55\00:26:34.36 anyway, it's just a really it's it's kind of a fun project that we're working on. Not like we 00:26:34.36\00:26:40.23 needed another project because there's always plenty to do. something to stay connected 00:26:40.23\00:26:44.23 with you. And I hope that you will enjoy it. Read it comment on Let us know if I know from 00:26:44.23\00:26:50.34 my point of I was like to hear back from you. In fact, this week I was on. I commented on. 00:26:50.34\00:27:00.58 >> Some knives that I and it was the aisle just have to read it. It's about staying sharp 00:27:00.58\00:27:06.42 and anyway. So it's it's just a lot of fun and great project. And I'm really delighted. 00:27:06.42\00:27:09.46 Thanks for the opportunity to be creative in that. >> And that 00:27:09.46\00:27:16.53 Yeah, I think each one of the authors on the blog are incredibly gifted right up. So, 00:27:16.53\00:27:20.07 you know, Tim and Bobby and receive Jason. Pastoral. We haven't seen yet. That's coming. 00:27:20.07\00:27:25.87 But I know it's going to be amazing. But it's it's nice to just kind of window. You could 00:27:25.87\00:27:32.28 say. And the each person's world and learn and grow and ignite that fires. So I'm very, very 00:27:32.28\00:27:36.55 excited about a brand-new way to connect with you at home. I think you can also go on the 00:27:36.55\00:27:43.99 website subscribe. So you can be notified when the blog entries come that way. You don't have 00:27:43.99\00:27:47.56 to remember to go back and check the new ones. But you can be notified and that's a great 00:27:47.56\00:27:51.40 way to so thank you so much for >> yeah. Yeah, I think it's great because it's in its new 00:27:51.40\00:27:56.34 ways. We're trying to always reach and evangelize and find new ways to reach a new people 00:27:56.34\00:28:03.11 or just people like no different. Like you said, a window into what somebody 00:28:03.11\00:28:08.05 I think in the process and we've got a showing them in life. So 00:28:08.05\00:28:12.95 again, Tim, that address in cases at Yeah. Just quite didn't get to write it down. It's. 00:28:12.95\00:28:17.26 >> 3 ABN kindling K I Indio ing's guy could spill too. than me. Well, that's a big, 00:28:17.26\00:28:23.97 big are working. That's OK 3. A B in killing dot org. Okay. Yeah. And then you can 00:28:23.97\00:28:30.24 subscribe like you started and it will come to your mailbox or email box every Monday. And 00:28:30.24\00:28:34.38 you can just read it right there. Yeah. It's funny. Yeah. Absolutely. I agree see 00:28:34.38\00:28:41.25 she's she is bona fide smart. I'm telling you what I read. I was reading her coming of one 00:28:41.25\00:28:44.95 of her articles just today from our blog. I I felt very smart as I was reading it. I really 00:28:44.95\00:28:52.19 did. I not Reese. If you're watching. That was good stuff. good eats their talents and 00:28:52.19\00:29:01.44 oh yeah. The QB one to share and take that on to just want to kind of got that idea going, 00:29:01.44\00:29:06.07 though. You've taken on the project. And so thank you so much, Jim, for that. And so we 00:29:06.07\00:29:08.71 have an exciting thing like you're matching pertain to 00:29:08.71\00:29:13.68 radio. >> J. There's a window of opportunity that is getting ready to open that you at home, 00:29:13.68\00:29:18.75 maybe would be interested in participating in. I made my are OK. Did you notice what at 00:29:18.75\00:29:27.00 radio has a window. >> The cooling blog has you about Cuba 00:29:27.00\00:29:37.71 earlier. That's another window or door that's open. They were so, okay, let's have a window 00:29:37.71\00:29:43.28 that's open. >> I think it's been I could think was in 2007 the last time opened a window 00:29:43.28\00:29:49.85 for non-commercial. >> Radio stations. That's a long time and 00:29:49.85\00:29:56.09 we don't know if one is going ever open up again. Sooner or later, all of the radio 00:29:56.09\00:30:01.73 frequencies are going to be filled up. And the only way to get a radio station is to buy 00:30:01.73\00:30:08.54 one the right now people can start. They call them and see. But we just call it 00:30:08.54\00:30:15.04 non-commercial non-commercial educational. But you say in C E and most people have no idea 00:30:15.04\00:30:19.61 what it is. You know, when you see what set, but they understand non-commercial. And 00:30:19.61\00:30:24.89 so that's what it is. I'm anyssa for its full power radio stations anywhere probably a 100 00:30:24.89\00:30:34.93 Watts of 200,000 want. Well, depending on the opening that they have. How much territory 00:30:34.93\00:30:39.97 they can cover and where other radio signals are and all of that. Michael, tell you all all 00:30:39.97\00:30:45.14 of those things because he's the expert and a lot of what I know. I got from will be able 00:30:45.14\00:30:51.38 to pass it along. that's coming up. The when the window November. Second through the 00:30:51.38\00:30:58.75 9th. Okay. We're talking a little over 2 months and one of 00:30:58.75\00:31:03.99 the first opens up and then you have another week. If you need that, they, you know, be ready 00:31:03.99\00:31:09.30 on. The second would be the best and we're glad to help anybody 00:31:09.30\00:31:15.47 do that now one thing the listeners and viewers need to understand is that. 00:31:15.47\00:31:21.21 The to go through people's mind. New York, Chicago, Los Louis and we've tried several 00:31:21.21\00:31:31.99 times the ceiling and we have a different but they think of big cities like that. Well, they're 00:31:31.99\00:31:37.79 wrapped up. There's going to be no, they're going to be no new radio stations But if you 00:31:37.79\00:31:43.83 look at the map of America. It's not all big cities and there are a lot of communities 00:31:43.83\00:31:51.71 across America that just may very well have room for radio station and so anybody that's 00:31:51.71\00:31:59.65 interested in that can contact us. We'll show you how to do it again. Now, I want to tell you 00:31:59.65\00:32:03.08 now and we'll tell you if you're a forward and good, it's best to 00:32:03.08\00:32:10.16 do e-mail. Okay. We can handle everything through email, his radio at 3 ABN dot org. 00:32:10.16\00:32:19.30 And you can put on whatever you want to start the subject line. Just let us know. New 00:32:19.30\00:32:23.94 radio station her or whatever we can send you paperwork to can talk you through the entire 00:32:23.94\00:32:30.21 process. The and so we'd be glad to work with anybody that wants to do it. I can hear him 00:32:30.21\00:32:38.29 on the phone off giving advice to our affiliates. You know, if they have as they're setting up 00:32:38.29\00:32:43.26 new equipment or of have a challenge or whatever Isis in talks with through it. And I 00:32:43.26\00:32:47.03 know he'll be available for that too. And the time comes. But that that's what they need 00:32:47.03\00:32:51.10 to do is just let us know we'll send them at least information to get him started and what 00:32:51.10\00:32:56.71 to do on how to get a full power radio state. >> So this is an 00:32:56.71\00:33:02.71 opportunity for people at home to say I want to become a 3ABN radio And how much would it cost 00:33:02.71\00:33:09.68 because that someone might be sent home saying, well, I don't have the money for that. 00:33:09.68\00:33:13.05 So do we have figures on I asking something that we don't 00:33:13.05\00:33:17.56 know or. >> All I'll just say I don't really have figures, but it's going to be over it over a 00:33:17.56\00:33:26.03 $100,000. The thing to think about. In my opinion, oftentimes we get concerned and 00:33:26.03\00:33:32.91 rightly so everybody wants to know what's the dollar figure. What's the dollar figure? 00:33:32.91\00:33:40.85 My thing is. We need this knees. Obviously prayer over it. 00:33:40.85\00:33:49.52 And if you feel that God is leading God's going to take care of those. Those needs are. 00:33:49.52\00:33:54.86 When when you start looking at the cost because there's attorney fees. There's 00:33:54.86\00:34:02.37 engineering fees. There's equipment fees and mean on and 00:34:02.37\00:34:08.24 on and on. It gets overwhelming. I kind of look at this kind of a 00:34:08.24\00:34:17.12 is a David and Goliath syndrome. Okay. You know that there's a lot of people out there 00:34:17.12\00:34:22.56 listening to this and this. You know, just the figure 100,000. 00:34:22.56\00:34:28.53 Yeah. You which I almost guarantee it's going to be way over that. But they're going to 00:34:28.53\00:34:36.87 say. No way. In reality there was no way that David could defeat Goliath. That's right. 00:34:36.87\00:34:45.91 >> One one stone. It took. >> So. >> Don't totally look at 00:34:45.91\00:34:53.99 the. The dollar figure is good. And then also. There's going to 00:34:53.99\00:35:00.20 be lots of Goliath. South. There that's going to say. You can't do this I in Satan is going 00:35:00.20\00:35:07.97 press point. I don't know anything all right. I don't know radio or but I feel God is is 00:35:07.97\00:35:16.38 directing me in this direction. If you feel God is directing you in that direction. Don't 00:35:16.38\00:35:23.49 you think he's going to take care of you. Yeah. Yeah. He will. Your eyes going That's 00:35:23.49\00:35:29.02 >> There's a story that I heard fairly early when they came to 3 a B. And so there was a 00:35:29.02\00:35:34.40 number of years ago and I believe it to be true. So if it's not true, somebody correct 00:35:34.40\00:35:37.27 me because I tell that occasionally to people. I understand Danny was not the 00:35:37.27\00:35:41.94 first person got impressed to people that got approached were professionals. The just knew 00:35:41.94\00:35:50.68 this couldn't be done. >> There's no way can't be done. I can't get that. I can't 00:35:50.68\00:35:57.89 get the money. I can get to support it. So expensive doing TV because it was just TV, as 00:35:57.89\00:36:04.23 you suggest TV only at the very beginning and so. God, when I 00:36:04.23\00:36:09.80 think I heard any use the phrase once that I was too stupid. Danny saying I was too stupid to 00:36:09.80\00:36:15.74 know that I couldn't do it. So I did it, you know, with the help of the Lord with the guidance of 00:36:15.74\00:36:20.18 the lower. And so there's always reasons not to do something that God will let people know. 00:36:20.18\00:36:26.35 And if this is something I want you to do. You understood about coming here. My family has a 00:36:26.35\00:36:30.99 similar story about had to come here. So many people that the work here have similar stories 00:36:30.99\00:36:36.96 how the Lord open doors and you can stick be with you. You feel 00:36:36.96\00:36:43.47 it. You know, it. And so put this in the Lord's hands. Let him show you. Yeah, that's 00:36:43.47\00:36:49.74 excellent. So then tell me then about then again, just first a clarification for me. So the 00:36:49.74\00:36:54.28 windows that are being open. Does that mean that there's frequencies available in every 00:36:54.28\00:36:58.41 city. No, no. It's you know, how do I find out, let's say parkersburg, West Virginia, 00:36:58.41\00:37:02.58 little town. >> I want to I want to put a radio station or for the press to do. How do I know 00:37:02.58\00:37:05.52 fed? There's a frequency available in parkersburg, West Virginia looks okay. We'll give 00:37:05.52\00:37:09.46 you a piece of paper that actually through all of this. But the short answer is and I 00:37:09.46\00:37:13.63 know Michael probably want to add to it. But the short answer is the piece of paper that we've 00:37:13.63\00:37:18.23 got gives instructions on how to do this on the first Michigan in need to do is spend 00:37:18.23\00:37:22.60 a little bit of money. Yep. You won't go broke, which sent a little bit of money hire 00:37:22.60\00:37:27.61 somebody that is a professional and they'll be able to tell them 00:37:27.61\00:37:32.75 if. They can put in the radio station where it would go what the power would be. They have. 00:37:32.75\00:37:39.09 Okay. They >> computer software. That's not cheap. Okay. That is. 00:37:39.09\00:37:46.46 The it gets information directly from the FCC of just about every 00:37:46.46\00:37:55.10 licensed. Broadcast, including cellular and all of that. And it also takes in account. 00:37:55.10\00:38:03.08 >> The. >> The jogger fee of the area. So 1, one thing to keep in 00:38:03.08\00:38:09.52 mind. These engineers that are doing these what we call 00:38:09.52\00:38:12.92 frequency studies or channel studies. They don't have to be in your area because everything 00:38:12.92\00:38:21.93 is pretty much done on on through the computer. Well, With the that they have connected 00:38:21.93\00:38:30.34 with the FCC. Okay. And so. If you have a specific location, he would tell them this is where 00:38:30.34\00:38:37.38 I'm thinking that I would like it. Okay. And if it's an exact location like at your church or 00:38:37.38\00:38:44.15 you have some property. If you give them that location and then they do their computer 00:38:44.15\00:38:48.59 stuff and come up with that. That study. If you don't know. Or have a specific thing. 00:38:48.59\00:38:59.00 You can say, well. I live in Po were ever And I think there 00:38:59.00\00:39:05.47 is this. >> what >> they'll do is they'll look 00:39:05.47\00:39:14.02 at that town. Try different scenarios can do. And come up with you know, hopefully come 00:39:14.02\00:39:22.99 up with a station in are now the station but a frequency or a channel to that. Meets the 00:39:22.99\00:39:32.13 criteria of not competing with other full power radio stations. Here's what you okay. 00:39:32.13\00:39:36.47 That's what you can, what you need to understand is that you tell this person either. 00:39:36.47\00:39:41.88 I wanted exactly at this particular place or I want to cover thompsonville. 00:39:41.88\00:39:49.18 >> I want to I want to cover, you know, the name of any other city OK. And tell me where the 00:39:49.18\00:39:54.86 signal can go tell me where we can put a transmitter and things 00:39:54.86\00:39:59.46 like that with the second scenario. You'll have a much better chance, OK of getting a 00:39:59.46\00:40:05.37 radio station. Okay. And then you look and you see where the signal goes and you say yes, 00:40:05.37\00:40:08.37 that that's an area that if we want to cover. And so then the Percy OK, so the kids into 00:40:08.37\00:40:15.78 someone's interested in actually a lot of people are viewing and listening tonight and they're 00:40:15.78\00:40:19.75 seeing all. Yeah, this would be wonderful. The key is to actually contact you all. 00:40:19.75\00:40:23.69 The new put him in contact with the right exact. You know, 3 been radio. You're offering 00:40:23.69\00:40:26.79 services offices. They will be happy to help. >> Because then 00:40:26.79\00:40:31.16 did they become an affiliate like you mentioned, of 3ABN radio. So that address again, I 00:40:31.16\00:40:34.73 know you were going mentioned multiple times J is radio radio at 3, 8, P N dot org. Okay. 00:40:34.73\00:40:45.01 know, everything you've been hearing that for I don't know how many years but many others. 00:40:45.01\00:40:49.74 I'm sure just remember a deal. Okay. At 3ABN, other. Okay. And I simply say, OK, and this 00:40:49.74\00:40:54.98 will send paperwork to them. Tell them who to get in touch with how to start off perfect 00:40:54.98\00:40:59.45 to get the frequency standing and so forth. And we're here. 00:40:59.45\00:41:05.63 >> To walk them, you know, to help them through all the it's not we're not sending them a 00:41:05.63\00:41:08.86 piece of paper in saying there you go. Yeah. >> Call us if you 00:41:08.86\00:41:16.40 also a radio. we're here to tell you we may not know the answers to some of their questions. 00:41:16.40\00:41:20.58 >> But we can direct them to where they can get those answers because there's a lot 00:41:20.58\00:41:26.41 of experience. You know, God has given you all and 3 even radio has. How many affiliates 00:41:26.41\00:41:30.39 approximately we are. We're in the neighborhood of 350, sometimes it's hard to know 00:41:30.39\00:41:35.32 exactly because we go around the world. But we have a lot of affiliates in America. We have 00:41:35.32\00:41:41.26 a lot of affiliates in Australia. New Zealand in that area. And then we have. 00:41:41.26\00:41:45.30 >> You know, radio stations. A different places around the world. So we're see in the 00:41:45.30\00:41:50.17 neighborhood of 350. Did we say just to clarify this windows for United States. We have not 00:41:50.17\00:42:00.82 FCC is the governor. >> and here in the United States Open 00:42:00.82\00:42:06.76 outside the United States. A lot of times that falls into. >> local organizations are FCC 00:42:06.76\00:42:14.93 type. And so this isn't for them. We're not speaking Brian, 00:42:14.93\00:42:18.67 States. >> I'm Mike, does it include territories and things like >> I think. Well, I think 00:42:18.67\00:42:27.01 some of them it does. So like lawn and they and their territory Rico the eye. Anybody 00:42:27.01\00:42:33.88 that that any of these territories and stuff. It falls under FCC speaking with an 00:42:33.88\00:42:41.89 attorney or there. There's ways you can find out through the Internet in search engines. 00:42:41.89\00:42:50.30 Yeah, OK, so then we're talking about the world. The rest of the world would if someone has 00:42:50.30\00:42:53.94 like, hey, you know, I'm in someplace in the world. >> Is there a possibility I 00:42:53.94\00:42:59.27 could do something here. They still sent an e-mail to you guys. You guys can maybe 00:42:59.27\00:43:01.58 send them to their local area or something to have a question like, hey helpers will help 00:43:01.58\00:43:10.59 so that, you know, addresses radio at 3 aetn dot org very good. I get a J. Yes. You got. 00:43:10.59\00:43:16.86 Yeah, that's fantastic. And you know, we know they got opens these Windows. You and I 00:43:16.86\00:43:21.86 like what you said to Mike, it's a comparison. Far as David and Goliath to. Yeah, Was seen 00:43:21.86\00:43:27.94 to be stacked against David. >> Ice, ice, baby with a lot 00:43:27.94\00:43:33.98 of throughout each day and and I keep hearing that story over and over, you know, a lot. 00:43:33.98\00:43:39.48 I don't know what to do it. I'm in unfamiliar territory. Kind of like what I am right 00:43:39.48\00:43:44.79 now. >> I just don't know what to do. 00:43:44.79\00:43:49.72 Look at the story of David and Goliath story and how God lead 00:43:49.72\00:43:59.07 David in the so I want to go to you than Tim here giving us a quick update as we've talked 00:43:59.07\00:44:02.27 about the window of opportunity guys >> 4, 3ABN, radio. Tell us about the price. And you know, 00:44:02.27\00:44:08.68 the opportunities that God is providing for 3 of in work. You know, the growth in the 00:44:08.68\00:44:13.28 correspondence. You getting programs. What God is doing. I was just thinking as they 00:44:13.28\00:44:17.59 were talking about being willing to to guide people through that 00:44:17.59\00:44:24.06 process. I Brian Dickens, who is the head of the programming to apartment. Boy. He was so 00:44:24.06\00:44:32.33 instrumental. I have this failure to launch syndrome it is. It's keeps me any failure 00:44:32.33\00:44:40.88 because it wasn't on the on my part. It thanks to somebody else 00:44:40.88\00:44:47.32 who helped. >> I heard you. We are a team. I mean, it's a beautiful thing to see. And I 00:44:47.32\00:44:51.52 encourage you to someone to help the few to a few and help somebody. You given that push or 00:44:51.52\00:44:58.66 kick whatever it takes you know, be gentle, help them get it, get it done. And so I moyes 00:44:58.66\00:45:07.44 mindful that it was Bryan, that put the put the thing together to make it launched. So since 00:45:07.44\00:45:11.34 then, I've I've got a lot, a lot of help and I and so grateful for my assistant and 00:45:11.34\00:45:18.71 the many editors that we have, which we are playing catchup praise him as playing catch up 00:45:18.71\00:45:24.99 on a lot of material. We we will have artist to come in. Tape. 00:45:24.99\00:45:31.93 They record music. Yeah, but we've gone through a little season of of not being able to 00:45:31.93\00:45:37.07 have. Get all of those edited ready for airing. But we are we are fixing that problem yeah. 00:45:37.07\00:45:44.41 The guy got his opened up the door and we so we have some editors now who are working 00:45:44.41\00:45:52.25 fastidiously in and seriously intently. So so that's we're excited. We're going to get some 00:45:52.25\00:45:56.38 new content. I have so many people who are right in saying and that we love your network. 00:45:56.38\00:46:00.52 We we watch a 24 7. We get tired of seeing the same things. So I encourage you to get outside and 00:46:00.52\00:46:09.13 explore of because you know, there's other things to do rather than watch TV. But hey, I 00:46:09.13\00:46:16.10 understand it's a good thing to do. What we want you to keep watching, but we are providing 00:46:16.10\00:46:19.34 some new material. So that is exciting and I am just I I will never stop being amazed at the 00:46:19.34\00:46:29.42 fact that this is a worldwide, you know, You jyp turkey places, you know that that I 00:46:29.42\00:46:37.86 can't even and have to look up on the map to define where these people e-mailing me from 00:46:37.86\00:46:48.97 mind. I was in in ministry for several years where travel on the road playing the piano and. 00:46:48.97\00:46:56.34 I want from coast to coast and in Canada, but not until they 00:46:56.34\00:47:05.49 came to 3ABN. will be mailed from foreign countries. And and then even even going overseas to 00:47:05.49\00:47:10.46 Australia and Russia and some to some wonderful opportunities. 00:47:10.46\00:47:15.90 you are a part of a worldwide family. So I'm really grateful for that. yeah, we're getting 00:47:15.90\00:47:21.34 some a lot of like I said, people watching and loving the music. Oh, yeah. it's 00:47:21.34\00:47:28.01 encouraging inspiring. And we're we're doing our best to make it. Keep it. Keep it coming. One 00:47:28.01\00:47:32.95 program that I'm excited about. I like to praise him in all the programming but that we have 00:47:32.95\00:47:37.52 flagship programs 3, even today we have dare to dream or been. We're getting ready to launch. 00:47:37.52\00:47:41.56 >> And Francine mentioned the program here some time ago. But it's a kid's express which 00:47:41.56\00:47:45.73 is going to her flagship. Tim, you're getting ready. You're putting together the 00:47:45.73\00:47:49.40 flagship for praise him. So they can go to. You can go to at 3ABN 00:47:49.40\00:47:57.41 praise him dot TV and watch streaming live from right there on on our website. That's pretty 00:47:57.41\00:48:00.84 simple. Yeah. Personal. the more, of course, on roku and Apple TV. >> Amazon fire and one 00:48:00.84\00:48:06.58 of the great ways of course, is through 3 be an app if you can download right to your phone. 00:48:06.58\00:48:14.56 It is such a wonderful app. Yeah. Right there it is. And we're down there on the 00:48:14.56\00:48:17.29 bottom where the yellow one. And it's great it. I just really do 00:48:17.29\00:48:23.20 love that. The portability of it, you know, phones. I got a phone. I can watch 3ABN all of 00:48:23.20\00:48:28.57 those networks. It's it's a great and and radio as well. So, you >> I like the at him. You 00:48:28.57\00:48:34.84 know, you're right because you know, we're out traveling the stuff is so much to. So where do 00:48:34.84\00:48:37.55 you work which we really don't like we were care. But we so 3ABN what is 3 then. Well, you 00:48:37.55\00:48:42.68 know, there's the app is really simple. Rights Act will begin download it on their phone and 00:48:42.68\00:48:46.82 now they have So, yeah, so it's literally an evangelistic to. All right there in your hand. 00:48:46.82\00:48:52.29 If you want to talk about. >> The easy we can. We will make it easy for you to sit 00:48:52.29\00:48:55.33 down their watch TV with somebody on your phone and you'll get your you. You 00:48:55.33\00:49:01.54 vandalizing ministering. So yeah, great, great out and talking earlier. If you're 00:49:01.54\00:49:05.51 right, absolutely need to be a part of that. >> And then what 00:49:05.51\00:49:10.65 about radio and Jay Mike, the ways they can listen to radio okay. I'll let my candle and. 00:49:10.65\00:49:14.88 >> Haha, how can someone listen to 3 even radio. >> Well, the 00:49:14.88\00:49:20.66 first one has already been the 3 a B in apt. Is one. Internet. 00:49:20.66\00:49:29.43 You can go to our website and find a link there that will. Play any of any one of our 00:49:29.43\00:49:35.37 several channels that we have. Another >> you've got a roku or 00:49:35.37\00:49:46.75 on the places where TV is. We are very >> The other thing, the satellite you can listen to it. 00:49:46.75\00:49:53.12 >> Another thing that's kind of popular these days and I've experimenting with it. 00:49:53.12\00:49:58.63 >> Is like >> it's called the these little. 00:49:58.63\00:50:07.77 >> Devices the name is slipping him like Alexa. Yeah. Like and an apple has it's never a 00:50:07.77\00:50:19.98 Google has there. >> The Google many year where those are great 00:50:19.98\00:50:25.55 ones that you >> listen to course. Those are all Internet based. But virtually anywhere 00:50:25.55\00:50:32.33 that you got Internet. You can you can listen to us. >> So OK, 00:50:32.33\00:50:40.27 so then we talked affiliates. So how is someone actually know if there's an affiliate, obviously 00:50:40.27\00:50:44.04 maybe stumble across the area. But they're looking like how they find like 95.9. Is there a 00:50:44.04\00:50:47.98 list on the Web site somewhere. How can they find those frequencies. Let's say across 00:50:47.98\00:50:52.55 the United States. Yes, there is a list on our Web site. 3ABN radio dot org. Okay. 00:50:52.55\00:50:58.52 on there you can click on a list and it will tell you not only the radio stations were 00:50:58.52\00:51:02.16 on. >> We're on some. Internet radio stations as 00:51:02.16\00:51:07.03 well. You saw radio station. There is this is, you know, kind of a name, but it's not 00:51:07.03\00:51:14.70 exactly a reorganized by state around. So some of the road trip and there are there are 00:51:14.70\00:51:19.21 different things other than just radio station. So if you want to look and see where we 00:51:19.21\00:51:25.35 are in the state and that's a really good Then you look on the state to find the city. 00:51:25.35\00:51:31.49 And it tells you who is an and some of them are with us. 24 hours a day. Some pick us up 00:51:31.49\00:51:37.66 to for just part of the day. And we try to let people know perfect. You with a little 00:51:37.66\00:51:42.00 notes on that level because if they're with us all the time. If they're with us part-time 00:51:42.00\00:51:48.20 or So if you tune in or not there than maybe next time or on your way back. Tune in again 00:51:48.20\00:51:51.74 because it could be something they're doing locally And so though that's the way the 00:51:51.74\00:51:58.61 easiest way to find out just food or website. Excellent. Thank you so And Mike, you 00:51:58.61\00:52:01.42 mentioned just briefly about the different channels of 3 been radio has just mentioned 00:52:01.42\00:52:04.62 those for us as well. OK, we >> the 3 being radio music channel. So 24 hours, 24 7 a 00:52:04.62\00:52:16.73 and a little bit more being a little that Jay has coordinated 00:52:16.73\00:52:23.61 in and biblical. >> scriptures will read health tips well, the 00:52:23.61\00:52:32.35 words of encouragement in a single thing between some of the songs. Casey has and music can 00:52:32.35\00:52:37.55 be a yes. So there's a voice there to welcome people in and talk to them a little bit. It's 00:52:37.55\00:52:42.99 not just back to back good. We radio and then we also radio 00:52:42.99\00:52:51.93 Russia. >> Stick and radio, Australia fight. You can find all that on the to nap like were 00:52:51.93\00:52:58.04 mentioning. So there's just so many so many windows that. >> God is opened up for the 00:52:58.04\00:53:04.88 Ministry of 3ABN thank you for walking through those windows and doors are opening with us. 00:53:04.88\00:53:07.32 You know, because we're going through this. Together. But the time is go has gone by so 00:53:07.32\00:53:15.46 quickly. Any closing thoughts before and Jay to start with you here. The only thing that 00:53:15.46\00:53:20.80 that really comes to my mind is what we've been talking about up to now and that is with the 00:53:20.80\00:53:27.04 window coming up. But the the application for noncommercial 00:53:27.04\00:53:32.11 radio stations. But just take it a step further because what Mike was talking about, Israel. 00:53:32.11\00:53:38.05 People say I can do that. I don't have the money for this or that. Don't let that stop 00:53:38.05\00:53:42.55 you. Not just for this but anything for the Lord, if anything, for the Lord and just 00:53:42.55\00:53:48.09 ask Lord if this is what you want to show me guide me. And if he showing you one guy 00:53:48.09\00:53:55.13 to you. He will see you through and they don't need to worry excellent. And what about you, 00:53:55.13\00:54:02.24 Mike? Well, Jay, just said basically, you know, don't get 00:54:02.24\00:54:07.08 discouraged or you >> you know, look at all the examples that God has given us in Scripture. 00:54:07.08\00:54:11.58 You know, you got Gideon. You know, look what he fought with. 00:54:11.58\00:54:21.39 You got David and Goliath and I keep going back to the David and Goliath because it just keeps 00:54:21.39\00:54:27.40 coming to me because there's so many did they get discouraged over that. And and I think to 00:54:27.40\00:54:37.01 that it's. Applicable for our lives in general. It is these things so. You know, people 00:54:37.01\00:54:44.55 praying about it and looking to the Lord for for guidance and don't give up and then that's 00:54:44.55\00:54:51.85 actually my know. Yeah, that's right. you know what? I echo both of and its There was an 00:54:51.85\00:54:59.59 artist that I used to play for and she songs she had written said. >> God will make a way 00:54:59.59\00:55:04.97 where there seems to be no way wherever he is faithful. He will make a road. When you 00:55:04.97\00:55:10.51 bear a heavy load. I know God will make a way so hold on to his promise that if he does 00:55:10.51\00:55:17.95 stirring you to do anything in ministry. Yeah. You know, can't pray about it. Seek him 00:55:17.95\00:55:25.39 and trust him and have faith that he will make a way. >> Thank you. Tend to do it on 00:55:25.39\00:55:32.69 your heart and you know, your Bible open there and turn into a 00:55:32.69\00:55:36.60 Scripture. >> I was just looking up the Scripture why are we talking here? This is John 00:55:36.60\00:55:41.77 chapter 4 for 35. It says do you not say there are still 4 months and then comes the harvest. I 00:55:41.77\00:55:49.08 say lift up your eyes and look at the fields because they are already white for harvest and I 00:55:49.08\00:55:53.72 was just thinking as we're talking here tonight about the opportunities for ministry. 00:55:53.72\00:55:57.75 Sure. The doors that might look a little scary to walk through. But yet God is calling you at 00:55:57.75\00:56:03.83 home right now to step forward in ministry to step out in evangelism to share Jesus with 00:56:03.83\00:56:11.67 your family and your neighbors and your community. There's many avenues here at 3ABN that 00:56:11.67\00:56:17.81 you can join hands with us in sharing Jesus. You can share the app and tell people how 00:56:17.81\00:56:21.58 they can have access to any one of these networks. You can take take this opportunity and 00:56:21.58\00:56:29.82 establish a radio a feeling it in your community or you can join hands with us with the 00:56:29.82\00:56:34.52 focus on shoes books in so many other ways. But step forward by faith and help that harvest 00:56:34.52\00:56:44.53 go A man. >> Thank you so being might thank you, Tim. We saw was 00:56:44.53\00:56:49.97 a blessing to be with you. That's a blessing to be with you at home. Thank you again 00:56:49.97\00:56:53.84 for being part of our family. And I want to just remind you, you know that Jesus loves you 00:56:53.84\00:57:00.65 and that nothing can separate you from God's love for you. Read Romans chapter 8 in the 00:57:00.65\00:57:07.72 30 versus 30's and great encouraging text. >> We'll see 00:57:07.72\00:57:10.36 you again next time. Thank you for joining us ¤ ¤ 00:57:10.36\00:57:22.47 ¤ ¤ ¤ 00:57:22.47\00:57:37.55 ¤ ¤ ¤ 00:57:37.55\00:57:52.37 ¤ ¤ 00:57:52.37\00:58:12.49