3ABN Today Live

August Behind The Scenes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL210027A

00:00 ♪ >> As you're well aware we're living in unprecedented times.
00:10 Join us now for today's special ♪ >> I want
00:30 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:21 >> and welcome to a 3ABN Thursday night live. We're so glad that you joined us.
01:24 We call tonight's program a behind the scenes where we're sharing what God is doing
01:29 through the Ministry of 3ABN. And that's thanks to you. You know, you're part of our
01:34 family and it's so great to spend these 2 hours with you each Thursday. We look forward
01:38 to this time and I thank you for allowing us in your living room or if you're driving in
01:42 the car watching us on your mobile device. Maybe while you're hiking on a trail, we
01:46 hear some people watch and listen to 3 minutes or outside doing different activities.
01:50 So welcome to we're so glad to have you part of our family and the welcome you here to our
01:56 live here in southern Illinois. You know, we hear so many things that are going on in
02:01 this world. I think Haiti. We're hearing stuff here about Afghanistan, about the
02:03 brothers, the sisters around the world. There always seems to be just some type of chaos
02:08 and tragedy going on. But you know what, we can stand firm on the word of God. And so be
02:15 in the midst of the covid pandemic. This seems to be rearing its head again, we're
02:21 still able to go out over the airwaves and over the television airwaves as well.
02:25 Radio too. And I'll talk to Mister earlier this week. And we're just talking about
02:31 how even in the midst of covid 3 been hasn't stopped and then here that 3 even has a stop or
02:36 Jesus Christ. And thank you for your prayers and financial support because this gospel of
02:39 the kingdom is going around the world and we're able to give hope and you hope hope
02:47 last. And I'm really know that everything because when people are in tragedy and devastation.
02:51 The one to find hope. And so what a blessing that treatment is out there and was so
02:56 incredible is that we get stories on a weekly basis of people that are just we may
03:02 maybe just say turning through or just skipping through the channels and coming across 3ABN
03:06 or on the Internet. They're finding 3ABN they're finding truth and their lives are being
03:11 changed. So tonight is a night of encouragement because we are here to proclaim with the Lord
03:14 Jesus Christ is doing the Ministry of 3ABN and I'm excited about the behind the
03:18 scenes program. Always, you >> I would love it because it's the family it is to get
03:26 together around the island hair was doing in and through your ministry sure.
03:30 Now to love it because you're our family and we can connect with you and share with you.
03:34 What God is doing. Some excited. Can I introduce the family do it again. We have
03:41 Mister Danny and doctor Yvonne Shelton. I'm just so grateful you both are here one integral
03:46 part of the ministry in mentors for Greg and I and we just let >> Thank you. We love you all.
03:52 And the folks at home. Thank you for Your love and prayers and financial support and how
03:56 much introduce Shelley and then I got to. Comment. I was thinking great kind of spurred
04:02 serve on. >> and our other guest, at least for the first hour
04:06 because we're going to trade out some get to our but our other guest is more the family.
04:10 My sister, Shelly Clinton. We love you and your husband J D usually, of course, is new
04:16 program development here manager here at 3ABN and producer and your husband is in
04:20 charge of pastoral department. But just so blessed to have you here tonight.
04:23 >> It is such a blessing to be here. We're just want to thank each and every one of you week,
04:30 we considered this is God's ministry has also your ministry because we couldn't do what we
04:38 do without you. >> And then you're going to share some exciting updates
04:45 moment is named tuned. Stay tuned. But I can talk have a very important announcement
04:50 about fall can be. But MR dank, go ahead. Well, what you triggered in my mind was, you
04:56 know, they get again the Gospel a stop and go. The Lords is going. The devil says stop.
04:58 So when the restrictions were the highest and it looks like it could possibly be back to
05:06 where it was last year. Yeah. Other words covid again, as reared its ugly head and around
05:11 the world. So we may see people but and the work that we're doing and how the Lord has
05:18 blessed actually. And I mean it covid the terrible thing the Devils out to shut down
05:21 churches and do all we can do. But actually we reach more people during covid when the
05:29 restrictions are the highest. Yes. Why? Because more people are home for people watching
05:32 television or listen to radio or on the Internet. Streaming. So the devil can stop the
05:39 matter what he does if he coast every church down in the world. The Gospel still going to go
05:43 forward if we couldn't go out the door to door. The Gospel still going to go out the Lord
05:50 do all of that when he gave a man this technology many, many years ago long time ago, God
05:55 knew it from the foundation of the world. And so here we are living in these closing moments
06:01 of Earth's history. It's the future. We always talked about prophecy. Now it's unfolding
06:06 and we get to live long enough I was talking to a friend of mine who.
06:14 >> With saying how frightened she is of what's going on because you're hearing about so
06:18 many different things. Happening. And she said I'm just so scared and I'm
06:22 depressed and that, well, and it was an opportunity because she's not a Christian was an
06:29 opportunity for me to say that. Well, as Christians, we don't have to be afraid to, you know,
06:34 and we don't have to be depressed because we you know, we can see that the prophecies
06:38 of the Bible are coming to pass. That's what's happening and so as Danny says, we read
06:43 the back of the book. We know how it's going. All turn out and if it is so actually
06:51 reinforcing of our faith actually to me because we're seeing everything line up.
06:57 Yeah. According to the Bible. And it is it's it's amazing to me. So, you know, for those
07:02 of you have friends who are not Christians with who we need to know about Jesus we have
07:10 something for you. Right. and privileged. >> To get the gospel to the
07:15 world. Yes, without the Bible. You have no moral or spiritual compass.
07:21 >> That's right. That that so and a troubled world when everything is shaking and
07:28 falling all around you. No wonder she says it wants scared. I don't know what to
07:31 do. What's going to happen. You know, under his wing design Christian knowing as she said,
07:40 we've read the revelation back of the book, the prophecies. In the end, we when all we have
07:45 to do is fight be faithful the other night. Some young man said to me, actually, I want to
07:51 play basketball for the first time about 3 years to any young man or young men made about
07:55 6, 4, and those 30's and said to me, I have to ask you something water. What are we
08:03 supposed to do and this time, you know, gave me the opportunity to we have to look
08:07 to Jesus more than ever before because he and the whole world seems like it's going crazy
08:15 everything's a mess and he was really concerned. So I spent a little time with a president
08:17 said, you know, there's peace when you give your heart and life to Jesus. There's a piece
08:23 and enjoy that he gives you. And so the world and given the world can take it away. So
08:29 that's the good part. And so anyway, I'm excited myself after all these years and and
08:34 I'm going to be and Lord. Well in here and what the next 2 months a great
08:42 >> the family. They already are on her side. Yes, And so they named it. Danny
08:53 lay. So they're calling a baby. Dannie Melanie says that I feel fishy saying baby Daddy because
08:59 my who say a new baby and then call it, call it maybe, Danny, you know. So because we always
09:06 say baby faith and right. Lauren. So she's I have to get used to But within the next
09:11 month or so. But you know what a time the to come into this world and to be young parents
09:20 because yeah, so many distractions we thought there were some when we were young
09:24 our folks otters. But today is more distractions than ever before. So now is the reason
09:29 we have to stick to the word of God. You have to see what the Bible says and that's the
09:34 only it's the only solid Foundation on planet Earth may not sticking to that and you're
09:39 going to be here there and you're going to say something about the word of God is.
09:45 >> And well, what I want to say that I don't want to jump in here now. But when I want to
09:51 say something about your books because when you're talking about profits saying when I'm
09:56 speaking about the books and if I'm jumping way ahead. >> We'll talk with the details
10:03 about His home. I honestly is is that these 3 little books that you've written the truth
10:10 about help fire the truth about salvation in the 10 Commandments.
10:15 >> I was reading in revelation in in revelation, 16. It was talking about the 3 unclean
10:21 frogs evil spirits that are coming out of the mouth we're seeing and we know what's going
10:28 to happen. You've got the Big East. You've got the image to the beast in spiritualism and
10:34 you just try and this is a fun if you studied obese papacy, what would you say and
10:43 spiritual, isn't it T choose. The debtors are mortal and still do you realize that the
10:55 3 books you wrote. Hit all of these because the Big East teaches that you've got to its
11:04 salvation by works. They teach that the commandments are not true. And so as I was reading
11:09 through your books. I thought, I don't know. I know the Lord led to you because this one
11:14 little book on salvation tells the truth about salvation. There's nothing you can do to
11:20 save much. We're done here, but then you get to the truth about held. Nobody can love
11:25 God if they think he's going you hate it not only the truth about Hill but it talks about
11:36 that. We're not immortal you in the Bible first as you use. Would would absolutely anybody
11:46 that's believing in spiritualism in net somebody. You know, I have my to me the
11:51 other day my mother was at the foot of my bed time in telling me to do this and tell you to
11:55 do that. So you're giving him a quick Bible study and and then the truth about the 10
12:02 Commandments and it's so beautiful. Danny. Operates by the
12:10 powerful of yeah. The lawn and I was thinking I just want to read this to you. It says where
12:15 those with what work and second tests alone. Eons. And I'm in chapter 2.
12:25 8 is for out beginning. It this the coming of the lawless one is according to the work of
12:33 Satan with all powerful sign-in lying wonders and with all un right-est deception among those
12:40 who perished because they did not receive the love of the truth while in it occur to me
12:49 that as somebody gets us least agree books in it. If they have any interest in
12:59 the truth whatsoever and they start reading or even if they want to be proven wrong.
13:04 You have in these first 3 books. The Nord, his guided you.
13:12 Over come what's happening in the end times. If people just accepted this much, it's
13:18 amazing to me, really. It's detail about this. In case you haven't heard of this
13:27 incredible opportunity for evangelism. We want to tell you about because just absolutely
13:30 fantastic. We're getting reports back already. Yeah. Don't are just point. It does
13:36 >> Email that came in and this is a testimony to already somebody receiving these 3
13:39 little booklets. Find my little envelope here and this beautiful little envelope.
13:44 And this is what the person says. They called in to the call
13:50 center and said there are a Baptist minister. Named on and he read the truth
13:57 packet. So he read all 3 books. Listen, he said that Danny hit the nail on the head with all
14:01 the booklets and I ordered a case of each. Jake, I ordered a case
14:08 of each to pass out in his community and sounds like his church. It was a real blessing
14:15 to receive these booklets. So here's a Baptist pastors already reached out to 3 a B
14:20 and say raise the Lord Mister Danny hit the nail on the head. I want more, which is
14:23 incredible because then he's going to go and pass out the truth. Yes, 250 in each he's
14:30 getting 750 to hear pass out. >> That's an important part was is that he read it. And so
14:37 it is console. Yeah, it was so convicted that nice is I want to share this with others.
14:41 And that's really the reason we do it. The reason we wrote it may try to do it in a way that
14:46 anybody can understand. And we try to, you know, a lot of times many people write books.
14:52 The like to give your your side, so to speak, your version. What we've tried to do
14:56 over the years because I have many friends and Christian friends are not of this faith
15:00 and for talking different subjects about hail or salvation one saved always
15:04 saved her internal berninger. The 10 Commandments. Which includes the Sabbath. You know,
15:10 we've we've said, okay, let's let's take the scriptures. What would say for maybe pro
15:18 and con, you know what they believe this that so let's hit those to what we try to do is
15:22 not give you one sided version Here's the scriptures. Now you decide, right. Basically we're
15:29 leaving it for the folks to decide. but we're just it's not what I say. And these both in
15:34 word yeah, absolute word of God is quick and powerful. >> And when it goes forth, it
15:45 never returns. Boy, process. But the focus on truth because when you are sharing truth
15:49 filled literature, God's word will not return to as we just saw live that minister who We
15:55 want to tell you tonight that you can call us right now at the call center in the call
15:58 center is open. You can call us at 6, 1, 8, 627-4651, in theirs, 2 different options
16:08 available tonight. One is you can do is zip code mailing in your community or in your area.
16:13 We will send all 3 of these booklets in this beautiful little envelope to the code
16:17 of your choice. You have to talk with us about it. That's what you need to call for sure.
16:22 But it's $0.50 for home. So that's 3 booklet in that envelope for $0.50 per home.
16:28 So you just decide I want to sponsor a certain zip coating. Give us a call right now and
16:32 you can do that the other way you can do it is the way that this Baptist minister just
16:35 decided to do it. And that's by ordering cases. You can order. There's 250 booklets in case
16:42 and you can order a case. It's only $16.50. That's because we've had people step
16:50 forward and paid for the printing so that we can just make this available just for
16:53 the shipping costs for you at home. So you can order a case of the h*** fire a case of
16:59 salvation or a case of focus on truth about the 10 Commandments. So that's just
17:05 $16.50 for 250 booklets so you can call us to do that or you can go online and order your
17:10 case is that when you just go to 03:00PM dot TV and click on the banner there. And you can
17:17 order these booklets to sheriff. It's an incredible evangelistic opportunity.
17:23 saying, oh, I just read yesterday and no one looking over, get a little financial
17:25 know someone sent. >> Quite a few thousands of yeah. The good amount
17:31 yesterday. 20 plus 1000 or whatever to do that. So what that help says we can continue
17:38 to do because as you know, you can't send 3 books. In fact, a stamp is going up. So for 3.48
17:48 page books and then low, you know, and mailed to the zip code of your choice.
17:51 >> For $0.50 is last Shelley than just one stamp. Yeah. And so that is only because of
17:59 some of you have said you know, I I can't go out pass out the books or can do whatever.
18:03 But I can get financially. So the printing costs were working with the civic present
18:11 have they've been beautiful books. I was getting ready to say you get this in this
18:16 beautiful Mailer. >> And all 3 are beautiful books. Look at some of the
18:20 pictures and now I'm with the Nathan green pick enters. And I mean, it's beautiful.
18:25 Yeah. It really is. A lovely interesting thing to me is as I said, I think that if if I
18:34 got the cases had want to give out all 3 books because you see one, you might just kind of put
18:39 a labor 3. Something's going to get your attention. You start reading all 3 go together and
18:46 they answer what we need the same thing that just as you are saying because there's about
18:51 9 to 12 titles. We're looking at writing focus in these. >> But we didn't know which
18:56 wants to do for. So we just prayed about it and put them together and then afterwards
19:04 we said you we said because you have to read them over and over and Getting them. She's editing
19:08 them. And I'm just terrible. Shelley, you know, you co wrote with me. So you know what
19:13 that's like so she she added some. And so it's a tough it's a tough job. But we have to
19:17 read it over and over again. And so I was a look at her and I said. The Salvation you know,
19:23 the very first thing in something. It that we don't have as much as we should have.
19:26 And this church. If you go on the Internet should be all this stuff about salvation. But
19:32 we've got if you talk about prophecies it on Google and stuff comes up everywhere.
19:41 You know, if you talk different many different subjects health. You know, we all is sad, but
19:46 everything comes up. But if you talk about salvation, there's my grace through other April
19:54 and also this thing on the Salvation. So we said, well, that's the first thing is most
19:57 important. And but you can't really you don't want to be saved unless you understand
20:03 the God that you're you're who is saving you. But if he's a God
20:07 who's going to be torture. New a man through So the sages of eternity and why would you
20:14 want to serve a God like that so really, you know, hopefully read this this if their holy
20:19 spirit working on the hard say they read it. But either way they understand, okay, this is
20:24 a fair and just and loving God. And yet he loves the center. He hates and then centers to
20:30 be done away with this and says Center, in fact has to be in that time. Shelley said while
20:35 ago we're not immortal, but the dead that those who are lost or not more of that. Of turn
20:40 alive has only in the Garden of Eden to to to the righteous. So it is never probably on
20:49 immortality. As you point your yeah. It's at the very last show. It's good to know.
20:55 People are in and help burning right Ones who are on Christian. So then now so we we
21:01 say, okay, now you find out it's a loving God. And so you learn how to give you know,
21:06 through the Book of salvation, given your heart to Jesus and water. It's all about and then
21:11 well, now that I serving God, what is that? I do. You know one now the 10 Commandments,
21:16 the truth about so now we can see what God asked us to do for those who now ready to go.
21:23 The blessings on the go. Go. Yeah. All the world. So the Lord did it because we
21:28 didn't do it. And we talked about right as I was. That's amazing that these just popped
21:33 up. When did you know this? The whole idea that there's so many people who.
21:37 >> She like Wong a good person and I don't hurt anybody, you know. And so they think that
21:45 what they do is going to get them into heaven and what the Bible teaches the by was
21:50 different from Crist and he's different from any other religion in that all the other
21:53 religions you have to work right away in to know wherever, but with heaven Jesus has paid
22:03 at all. We just have to accept him and a lot of people don't know. That and a lot of people
22:08 don't know how to do it. What do I do to be saved and so this booklet teaches that it
22:16 shows from the word what to do. Yes, you know, he's not some. I mean, my left ascent being he
22:27 is he is loving and that's what this teaches that. So you you're using the Bible to
22:32 vindicate the character of God. And that is so, so important all the scriptures want a back
22:38 to back to back to back. And then the Danny said even those that are used 2
22:44 questions. Some of these things like, well, what about when it says that, you know, h*** Burns
22:49 forever and ever. What about that. The Bible teaches what that means. And you have to
22:55 live do on up online precept upon precept here little their little. That's how the Bible as
23:01 interpreted. So we have to find out what forever means without >> You know, everlasting now
23:07 the but anyway, I'm going to that region. Yes. So it just teaches this is a Bible study.
23:15 These 3 booklet, our Bible study. >> And I think that, you know,
23:20 some people think well. That's my true. Does your truth is no. There's one objective
23:29 And that's the word of God. The Bible. So and I'm I'm really excited. About is really
23:36 thankful for. >> I really like to that all 3 booklets give hope fire gives
23:43 us hope you read that help pope. Yeah, there's hope. Yeah. And also the Bible.
23:46 Stay. Like you said. But another thing I like about each one of these booklets is at the
23:51 very end. He gives ways of also finding out more information important. There's a graphic
23:57 right there on the screen and that's really important because I think that's how pastor dawn,
24:01 the Baptist pastor. Find out he found out more was by looking in the back of looking
24:05 gives the phone number gives ways you can find out about 3 and then watch 3 ABM. And I
24:10 just want to say thank you at home because somebody, one of you sponsored a zip code.
24:16 Obviously in this gentleman's area. I don't know. I know who you are. The Lord knows who you
24:19 are and you made a difference. Yes, this is one person. But you know what, there are
24:23 many more that have not contacted us yet and they will. You are making a difference.
24:28 And I think so many times you can say, you know, my $0.50. That's not really worth
24:33 anything. You know what it didn't this don't his life. He is so who's to say won't
24:36 make a difference in somebody else's life. It will Joe's talking about guys were not
24:41 coming back void. It's going out there got asked us right now because we have an
24:45 opportunity you're alive. You're well, right. I'm breathing right now on the set.
24:50 We have an opportunity and a privilege. As you mentioned yesterday to go to share the
24:56 gospel truth with somebody and and we're making a difference. Got houses here on this earth
24:58 for a purpose. You may be sitting where you are listening right now saying you know what,
25:02 there's nothing in that God has me here. I'm here on this earth and there's no purpose for me.
25:07 Yes, you do have a purpose got. As you hear you can make a difference. And I'm just here,
25:11 we're here. All of us as a family saying thank you. You're making a difference.
25:16 And I'm just so encourage tonight because this is just the tip of the iceberg. The
25:21 contacting will never contact us. But they've made a stand for truth examine the times we
25:26 live in is just so exciting. We have to take advantage in a good way of what God has given
25:32 us and go. It's timing is a perfect because yes, you know, we were looking at this in the
25:37 last 2 or 3 months. But it's been hard to get paper. So they haven't been able maybe about
25:42 So the last couple months is trying to get paper together to get the timings perfect.
25:49 It's God's timing is now. >> As the restrictions are getting worse, people more.
25:52 Yeah, you know, we're getting almost back and they're that we could be back to where we
25:59 were last We hope that it's not. But the Lords will be done. Whatever it is. Me down.
26:05 But now the people. God knows who really needs the books. And when they need him. And so
26:08 now all of a sudden I think the papers coming in and take over been printed in the next
26:13 few weeks. We'll have hopefully a few million couple made more arrests.
26:20 >> Yeah. Amazing thing about be into me television ministry in general. It is we can reach
26:28 people that we could never ha right into come into, say an There's people who would it,
26:35 but they start hearing the truth. I had someone from the community called me today and
26:39 there for into very active in another church said I want some of her books kuz.
26:46 >> I want to see at that that the way they look at the truth and and long story short, it
26:54 was interesting to me that women would never. >> To an evangelistic series
27:01 but also by mailing on this, you're reaching homes that gated communities, people who
27:08 make certainly they see truth. Yeah. And now other it. The
27:16 love of the truth is being birthed in their home. And and that is the only way we've got
27:22 to love the truth. Forget, you know, juices said that basically your tea teaching.
27:29 Commandments of man is stock turn to ice and you have this Troy my company to teaching.
27:35 But when we get the love of the truth. In the word of God. That's the only way that people
27:40 are going to be ready for the season arrives and they're >> I was going to say, yeah,
27:50 and you never know who's watching There's one of these, the televangelist are they a
27:57 network actually. Folk in that this network is huge religious network. But the without going
28:01 all the details because I don't know the whole story. But the head of the network you know,
28:09 it was a fall and actually spent some time in I got out of prison ended up said a friend
28:14 gave him said it could use a cabin up in the mountains. You know, North Carolina and
28:22 pastor long. McCain was. Place where this person said this former big name
28:30 televangelist said you're you're a pastor long McCain R 2, 3, a BN o mine. He said yes,
28:36 because everybody knew John course knew him. They've been on TV for years. You know, so
28:41 he said, yes, I am. And he said, well, you know, thank you so much. And tell Dan in the
28:47 3ABN crew. Thank you so much. Because that when I was on on top, the mountain, the only
28:57 station so great. He said I've learned out truth. because he felt like that when you died,
29:01 you went straight to heaven or h***. Yeah. And so he said I thought we were.
29:05 >> Got to be rapture the way. But I learned that's really not a Now. You know, I'm I'm
29:12 planning on. So he's back on television. Doesn't as home network duration. I turn on
29:16 and he's telling people, hey, look, I got to I got to some because we're going through the
29:27 time and trouble have a prayer or handle. He could get. Yeah, being the only one.
29:32 So you never know that you're watching and these books, you never know who's home right
29:37 there going into on the the covid this lady was so angry. How dare you send
29:46 books. And so you all gave me because she said she really yes, you know, help yourself
29:54 to send some really ugly things and for a long time and I know jail and Greg never get those
30:00 letters were haha. So anyway, she did. And course I know that letter anyway. But I just had
30:09 to write it. So we got it. And so I text her back in own. And so she was so e-mailed are
30:15 back and doctor. And she was so shocked. She mailbag. She goes, I can't believe that.
30:18 Yeah, well, it's come to find out. She was not only raised a Christian, but she was went
30:27 to seminary of to be minister shoes minister and now she left and said she is an atheist wow.
30:33 After numerous email. She's back to being open to. Well, maybe there is a God and I'm
30:39 going to relook at this. So but she was angry. How dare you send this. And my mail at
30:44 opening up in these books and then she wrote us this. hedo letter. But your response was
30:52 so kind and it was so Christian him. It was so crisis like that. She could. She had no
30:56 will come back. So then I think that had her.
30:59 >> Really reevaluating. Wait a minute. Maybe. Maybe of of misread this. But had you come
31:08 back at her with anger. I gave you then it would have been different. She would have had a
31:13 different ways funds that they would point, you know, the Lord to answer like that. And it was
31:18 it was a blessing really. And now she's looking at re looking at Christianity.
31:22 >> And then, you know, I'm just thinking tonight as we're talking that your family and
31:27 because of what you are doing because you standing with the Ministry of 3ABN financially
31:33 and with your prayers all the stories we're taking. Yes. And all these lives are being
31:36 changed us. All. These people are discovering truth in finding in the word of God for
31:42 themselves. So we just thank you and speaking of family, one of my favorite times that
31:51 As we have the privilege to hug your neck and to shake your hand. Just say we love you in
31:56 to visit with you. We have been talking for several months that we are going to open up for
32:03 campus this fall camp meeting and have an in-person can't meeting. However, that is no
32:07 longer the case. We've talked to him in a straight of Lee and due to covid rising and
32:12 the difficulties with that and with travel right now, we are no longer going to be opening
32:20 our campus for this fall camp meeting. However, can't meeting is still going up. All right.
32:25 Our super excited about that because you can still connect with us. You can still watch
32:29 any way that you watch 3ABN right now, you can watch our fall camp meeting and camping
32:35 is all about something better isn't Yes, that is the title up at the theme.
32:41 >> Is something better. It begins. At Mark your calendars because or so disappointed.
32:45 We're not going to get to see you in person. But we're going to know that you are watching
32:53 and you don't want to miss this pastor James Rafferty. Can't meeting begins Thursday
33:02 September the 23rd. There is to evening. It begins 7. It goes Friday and sap it all
33:11 day. But what you'll have is James is going to do for presentations. 8 o'clock
33:19 languages in this. Something better. It's all coming from into a revelation soon. Love
33:30 languishes. Then 8 o'clock on Friday is heart transplant or then he has an afternoon
33:37 presentation on the Sabbath. That's the September, the 25th call faith factor and then at
33:47 7 o'clock, the finisher. I know. And that is the we start Thursday night.
33:54 >> With the music hour. And we're going have to some reports. I think that first
34:00 get ketchup. Some things and then on Friday we start in the afternoon at 01:00PM at
34:10 Central. And we go from one to 5, there's going to be for seminars. Let me tell you those
34:15 can you Shelton. It's doing prophecies unsealed hope for the future you know, I will
34:24 be giving one called love without Ryan, is that kingdom Joe has this summit all at 4
34:35 o'clock Lord hasn't given her a >> Haha. Yes, yes. And then since we have a break from 5 to
34:50 7 at 7 at the music hour. Who are some of her musical guest PETA. Well, I think than
34:56 John started say he was. a couple others. >> That well known names of
35:01 focal know, but we have a lot of our no local folk air. And so, you know, Ryan and Tim
35:12 too. a few that they're still working their schedules around. But I'm pretty sure is going
35:17 to come. So we'll wait and announced allow that's exciting for sure. That says site is
35:21 going to be good all of it is >> on how war 7 school is going to be
35:32 >> And then doctor Ben Carson. It's going to to are defined or >> Then at 2 John Lowe, McCain
35:41 is doing a seminar called. This is an interesting title. >> Yeah. And then of course,
35:53 we'll have James, then that evening. >> Music hour. But you can go
35:57 to 3 AP in camp meeting that a large she or 2, 3, a B in dot TV. Get the camp meeting
36:04 schedule so that this is but somebody told me it's so funny because they always come in
36:10 person would would. We're here. But they said what we do is we pop popcorn. We have our sliced
36:21 back. We've got >> 3ABN plus. All right. So that people can watch and
36:31 interact or is it going to be interactive or not. >> And no, we're not doing
36:36 their virtual interactive. This part, although you can always message. So that is
36:40 actually true. So we will you can message to any time you can Tech stuff questions or
36:46 comments or you can always message us on the 3ABN plus platform and her any option
36:53 for that. So I love that is well worth people can dvr to ever hear of work on Friday.
36:58 And, you know, we're not missing anything. >> Just dvr and watch it later.
37:02 >> It's great. And the decision didn't come lightly. But you know nothing about it. Talking
37:06 about it and some people was like a faithful not not necessarily all God gave this
37:14 common sense we use that and we know none. None of us are are exempt from covid cell was not
37:18 going to happen. So sometimes I think, you know, through prayer we we thought it better not to.
37:25 There are many churches and conventions another's of people coming together. Good faith
37:31 that they're leaving with covid. So we don't want to be a carrier here for people to come
37:36 and for people to bring covid from around the world. But as you said, you know, let's get
37:43 the popcorn Apple, whatever via the radio and on the Internet. Have we want to do it. Let's
37:48 enjoy campaigning together. Yeah. >> And the other day somebody
37:52 said to me, I'm just going to attend this and I'm trusting God because I know he loves me
37:59 and I said, which just go get out the middle of the freeway. And yet all I'm trusting God
38:07 the reason we're doing this. >> Is kuz. We love you and I want to be is relieving public
38:14 health. We believe that responsibility. It would believe that God gave us good.
38:19 Good enough brains to figure out. Let's don't be part of >> And this is the view about
38:26 3. A bank is Mister de are talking about that. I needed to it earlier and that is that
38:31 3 still able to broadcast can Yeah, for you is not going to get can mean Canyon is to come
38:37 here in person. You can watch it at home. So that's the beauty of the 3 of you has God
38:40 has given us this gift. So yes, we're sad that you won't be here in person. But we're so
38:46 glad that we can still broadcast can't meeting via the television or through radio
38:48 to you and we'll still be able to connect in a sense. But we just praise God again for this
38:55 opportunity that 3, a B in Camden is still going forward. What an incredible lineup.
38:59 And, you know, we haven't had to cancel any of the speakers of people attending, you know,
39:04 for the participants. So yeah, we're excited excited because we know the guy's going to
39:08 marvelous and powerful things a you know, it's great. It's always been great. Have.
39:19 officially hurry, AB enters, you know, for the team that's even more exciting. You know,
39:23 when they come to know that we get to work. >> With them and have the same
39:28 goals and visions. Yeah. Get the gospel to the world and doctor Ben Carson know what
39:32 he's about. And I we can't say enough good about he and candy. You know, they love the Lord.
39:38 They do what they're doing. In his testimony. It is
39:42 incredible. And you see where his testimony is. None in the world in which we live in the
39:48 country in which we live. And everyone's talking about diversity and talking about all
39:50 these things. You get someone like him to say, look, here's my testimony and through it
39:57 all. God has been there. And so it doesn't make any difference
40:00 where you come from, what your background is how you you know, your your religious background
40:05 or spiritual or not non-veterans background. It doesn't make a difference.
40:08 What color you are. What country you came from and the Lord is they're all we have to
40:13 do is see cam say Lord, please forgive me for my sins. I realize I'm the center. Biden
40:19 says he's faithful and just to forgive us from our sins and cleanse us from all.
40:23 And I just never made it. Doctor Carson's testimony. It is incredible. I really look
40:29 forward to it and he's got this demeanor about him. The light. You know, he's just everything
40:33 takes it in stride. And I heard him make I guess if anybody in the world ever needed that kind
40:40 of just gentle spared. And just take your time and you know, he's not one is going get up
40:45 and run across the stage. And but I thought I would want him to
40:52 favor doing brain surgery on an it How about this so when you speak, he's totally in control.
41:01 But you know what he says his profound used to have that some of you out there probably not
41:06 old enough to remember the. >> You have heard and commercial how yeah he doesn't
41:11 say much when he does PS 5 and Doctor Carson speaks. We listen. And I also second his
41:19 testimony. Yeah. Members. The young man reading the book gifted hands. Yeah. Our full.
41:23 You know, it's always inspire from where he came from and what God has done through his
41:29 life because he allowed got to work through him. So wow. Just excited to have him here
41:34 along with everyone else in I was just going to say he has he is such an inspiration. Is and
41:41 people who are not even religious or spiritual. They see.
41:45 >> That he has integrity and that he stands for something he's authentic. Yeah, he really
41:51 is. I think that's the word he really is that people see that they recognize that.
41:58 >> And so it's a blessing we we've seen at locally people that I friends of ours.
42:02 >> You know, there's doctors lawyers business people and all of those the same and we we
42:09 want to come to camp May. And so we want to be there. We want to tend to to meet him.
42:14 Sure. Because I think we could safely say he's probably the most well known Adventist and
42:20 the world good or bad. How people are, you know, those its and front and and some more
42:25 than others. But I don't care if are you at home, the more that people say you have some
42:31 and, you know, spiritual where warfare going on and so we're not that we would just take
42:36 it. But but doctor Ben Carson, I meet people on the other side of the aisle who still say we
42:42 really respect him. And this man has integrity. There's something about him. This
42:48 different. Then most of the other people that we see in those positions. Now he's not a
42:54 politician for anybody who is upset. He's not you no longer doing that. But he's a he's
43:00 a child of God and he's given his testimony and that he was a politician when he was in
43:07 doesn't work for the government is a layman. >> But he's out there. He and
43:12 candy and they're witness and to people about the Lord Jesus Christ was purpose to be here,
43:16 has nothing to do some calm. Some of you. It's taking otherwise has nothing to do
43:23 with the political anything from this past that has to do with what God is doing. And the
43:29 allies in every one of I think, mark on your calendar 70 amber 23 through 25. That's 3.80 in
43:37 fall camp meeting. Shelley says starting Thursday night as says the U.S. Central time with the
43:41 music. Our going right on into the course. The Bible aspect as well. And of course, on Friday.
43:46 >> And on Sabbath. And you can go to TV find the schedule. There are 3 of the uncanny dot
43:54 TV as well to find the schedule. They're too. I think one thing that I want to just
43:57 mention here because this is a behind the scenes. I'll let you talk roku, I want to just give
44:02 an update quickly on Cuba. Many of your following the project to 3 vendors doing
44:07 there being on the packaging. Cuba will pastor John does he would be here tonight, but he
44:10 can't because he's actually in >> there will train for him.
44:17 And yeah. And a chaplain her. Now Hernandez is there as well. And we're getting the reports.
44:22 The comeback are kind of spotty. Just because the communications a little awkward
44:26 at times. But we're hearing great reports about what God is doing. There's we're looking
44:28 for on the next behind the scenes to give you another encouraging report about what's
44:34 going on in Cuba but got open up another province there that we're having a hard time
44:37 getting access to and so we got that report that in just said America has happened. We've
44:44 got access to this is County. If you want to call in Cuba. So praise of or for is doing
44:49 marvelous things. You know, I like how a pastor John didn't see it Hernandez. They dream
44:54 big. And I think that's what God wants us to do. Mister opportunity that may be showing
45:04 to 3ABN. is just absolutely incredible and I'm going to leave it there. I can tell you
45:08 what it is. But God looks like he's moving in a powerful way to open up another incredible
45:14 door. There in Cuba. got is >> and what's so exciting is Kaplan. Her now had traveled
45:19 around to the different provinces and cities throughout Cuba. And we are on the package
45:28 in every city. I did hack into the different cities and ask people is a package. Here's the
45:31 package here because we've been saying, well, we're on the package. But are we really on
45:34 the package. You know, you have to actually go there in Simi and he went and he saw and we
45:40 are on the package in every And with the only Christian network, we are the only on
45:51 the packet. >> It is amazing on. say thank you elder Henry.
46:01 He's the Inter American division. President were able to go down to Miami and meet
46:05 with him. >> He's Inter American vision. President 7th avenues there and
46:10 he's giving his support. It was happening there. And what a blessing know to have
46:13 the support because this really getting along. Well. The Gospel doesn't always go forward as
46:19 well. So to work together, what about roku. >> Absolutely. So 3 BM plus he
46:26 referenced this. This just a little bit ago. Doctor Yvonne 3ABN plus, we have launched
46:31 on the website and we've heard from many of you that have been really blessed by that. And
46:36 then we just launched on Amazon fire and we've heard great reports from that. And we
46:41 launched on roku and there's been a few that this is just being very honest with you.
46:46 There's some issue on the programming back and with the development of it and some of
46:52 you have called us or e-mail or written in and said it's a little confusing to me to me
46:57 to to access that. So we want to tell you we are working on it as we speak. That's correct.
47:04 Our developers are working right now to try to rectify those issues to make it so much
47:09 easier for you to be able to access. If you look at the screen, it might look as if
47:12 you have to log in or create an account to get into roku. You don't have to do that.
47:18 All you have to do is click a button that says brows and you can access all the content
47:25 free. So right now it does look confusing and we are sorry for that. We're trying to get that
47:30 rectified. But the bottom line is you just click the button that says brows and you have
47:36 full access to all the streaming networks, all the radio streaming networks and
47:40 all the on-demand programming. So you have access to We're working to streamline that
47:46 process and make it easier for you. If you still having problems, please call us.
47:52 We want to know about it. Kuz you're our family and we want to be connected with you.
47:57 So if you're still having feel free to call us the call centers open actually right
48:00 now. So you welcome to call now. If you'd like 6, 1, 8, 6, to 7, 4, 6, 5, 1,
48:07 and we'd be happy to help walk you through that process. I just talked to a precious
48:13 this week from California who was having difficulty accessing it. And I thought this was so
48:17 precious because one of the ladies at the call center typed up the instructions and mailed
48:25 it to this lady so that you time she didn't have the mail. So we couldn't send an email
48:30 with the instructions. And we said, well, what type it up. So just praise alert for the
48:37 call we yeah. Hard to be willing to each Yeah, we kind of an eye.
48:42 >> Attribute it to growing pains. May we say no history that continue to find new
48:46 avenues in new ways of, you know, share more information and more truth with other so
48:51 sometimes a little growing pains. Little bit painful. But we'll get through it and it
48:55 will continue to grow and expand. And we're excited to hear reports about people
48:58 stumbling across 3ABN on roku as well. So if you know someone, too, because if you
49:04 may know someone is having a few struggled with roku. Yeah. Just haven't called a
49:10 3ABN will be so happy to to help them out and roku has grown for years. I mean, it
49:15 literally is around the world >> It's amazing. It's an open stock market and all that.
49:22 I mean, is it is as really, really grown. So have no idea how many people we're watching.
49:27 That should take dish network by so 15 million homes. An American Francis, 3, 3 average
49:37 summer home. And so you 45 million people. You know, of Americans potentially can
49:42 watch 03:00AM. And just on that one Avenue. Yeah, that's right. Not to mention all the downing
49:46 stations, all the cable stations. You know, all the streaming Weathers computers
49:49 and satellites all the different ways and it's to really amazing.
49:57 >> You know what amazes me it's so exciting that Cuba this. We are the only channel and the
50:00 really get to hear the word of husband is in the pastoral There are people who are giving
50:13 their hearts to in Christ is in a minute but also kaylee, there are people who.
50:20 >> Are coming out of babble on. I mean, there are people who. >> Have been confused religion.
50:27 They're watching be a man. They're calling me every day saying you tell us where the
50:31 nearest sadness churches. amazing is that. So many pastors are calling saying what
50:43 people are flooding into our churches and they're ready to be baptized. I mean, they've
50:50 already been is according to most standards and God's standard of truth. He said we
50:57 don't have to. Do you think CIP schedule bad I would van and I
51:06 would attempt to make the offer again on the books. We tried it once before. We didn't do
51:12 too well. >> do what you did a program Not maybe
51:22 you can her, that so we said from now on jail and do I haven't said where is
51:40 >> go ahead. Haha. If you would like to access this incredible opportunity for evangelism with
51:44 a focus on truth project with all 3. These booklets. >> You have 2 options tonight.
51:50 First, you can do the zip code mailing that would mean you get these 3 booklets in this
51:59 envelope for $0.50 a home just $0.50 a home for the 3 and the lobes 3 booklet in an envelope
52:04 that's less than the cost of the U.S. post postage stamp and just give us a call.
52:09 If you want to do that, call us at 6.28 6 to 7, 4, 6, 5, 1, That number again is 6, 1, 8,
52:19 6, to 7, 4, 6, 5, 1, or you can even go online and you can do. Is it cold mailing. But if you
52:25 do it online, 3ABN is going to pick the zip code. You cannot assign the zip code.
52:30 Well, we're picking big cities throughout the country. So if you do that, you go to 3ABN
52:35 dot TV. You click on the banner there. That's his focus on truth and you can sponsor zip
52:40 code online or if you want to order cases of these books. They come 250 booklets in the
52:47 case. 250 booklets of how fire or salvation or 10 Commandments. Or you can order
52:52 Shelley sent one case of each more just this week ago. I mean, I signed off on a
52:58 church in Indianapolis and they ordered to 15 cases. Why they said it's part of the homeless
53:05 ministry and they can food 2 local people who are homeless and they want truth literature.
53:10 Truth. No literature to go in each package So they want a whole bunch of cases. So it's
53:20 $16.50 for one of the And so just give us a call right now in order case 6, 1, 8, 67, 4,
53:25 6, 5, 1, or you can go online and you can order the cases that way at 3ABN dot TV.
53:32 So if you got. >> A case of each. That's what 750 books there is an slight
53:39 $49 and $0.50. Great to get him to wherever you want And the United States. Now that I
53:44 promise you, that's the truth. I'm not making there is no gimmick is like once you do, it
53:49 is OK now. Stand this. There's and that that's literally it because of those of you who
53:54 said will help with the printing will get it. We just want to get out and asked
53:59 people to do the the shipping and getting the shipping is is you know, literally down as low
54:04 as we can and working with the Pacific press again to do this. But that's an amazing thing
54:10 that Cape can't keep forgetting that one stamp because even if you want to send a letter
54:16 to somebody. You've got to buy the paper. You got about by the stand. So now you've got 3
54:22 books and the nice and Lopez got pictures on us as a gift, a special gift for you or
54:27 something on it and people get this. When you open it up, you got some Nathan green won the
54:33 greatest alive for as I'm concerned, some of his pictures, even in It's not a
54:36 little Magaziner little booklet. You look at say on that, you're gonna want to look
54:41 through it because it's good so to all of that. So for $0.50 is amazing or if you the cases
54:52 again, you get 3 cases 75250 VH. One for less than $50. That is so and with them
55:00 as long as the finances. Well, that's right. And so we were asking you if you want
55:07 those where we've had requests for how many I means. Yeah. I was like 300,300
55:22 include all that together. are so hungry and they are looking for answers and we can.
55:28 >> We're not the Holy spirit, but we have the opportunity to cooperate with the Holy
55:33 spirit and to send this information out. >> And that the Holy spirit do
55:36 his work. He had 6. You know, I want to just mention this to about the cases. There's
55:39 been a little bit of confusion on this that when you get the cases so you don't get the
55:44 white envelope with the case is still the only way that a white envelope happens is when it is
55:47 it cold mailing. >> Thank you. So sometimes people expect to get the box of
55:51 books. Plus that many envelopes know them both to just use. And we do the zip code mailing
55:56 when you get the cases you can. Of course put them and send them Harvey want to but really
56:00 it's handing them out to someone gas station wal-mart wherever. So just want to make
56:06 sure clarifier that that aspect. I know this hour's gone know, some musical chairs and
56:15 some time flies when you're working hard. One enjoy Yeah, I did go by on a few
56:25 noticed this too. But when you're talking about, you how to get the books.
56:30 >> I was. Look at John say Sweeney want you tell us haha. >> any closing thoughts.
56:40 And we've got about a minute left in the closing thoughts as we wrap up this first hour.
56:47 >> I just you know, we did the can see that the time is short in that loud cry will soon be
56:51 you know, and is following come out, come out and it's so good that we can teach people now
56:59 introduce them to truth even if they don't react immediately, they will have this truth when
57:07 it happens. And that's is on again, this is the time now is the time and we don't
57:16 put it off. We just do it. And just just share the word we if you can't
57:23 speak it. Send the send day. >> Its most exciting time to be alive and I really mean
57:29 that. Yeah, you know, all these years have been on Earth. And it's just I'm blessed.
57:35 And you. Yeah, that's good. >> They met that. We love you all. Thank you for being on
57:37 this first hour, we're going to trade out gas or we're going to try to help the family or
57:44 the second hour. And we have exciting update to reports how you can be involved in the
57:50 ministry of 3 ♪ ♪


Revised 2021-08-21