3ABN Today Live

Behind The Scenes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL210025A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:02 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for Today special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 Mending broken people
01:14 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today Live.
01:17 We're so glad that you have joined us this evening.
01:19 This is technically a 3ABN behind the scenes.
01:22 But tonight, we have a lot of updates for you
01:26 on many different projects.
01:27 Of course, one of the big highlights is Cuba.
01:30 But and then we've got Africa and we've got prison ministry.
01:33 We're talking about many, many things, many updates.
01:35 You may also be wondering
01:37 what's happening with the Focus on Truth,
01:38 we have updates pertain to the little booklets,
01:41 but you see this sign in front of Jill and myself,
01:43 you see, it says blessed.
01:44 This is actually a set piece.
01:46 And we are talking about this particular piece before we went
01:48 on the air and Jorge Jaque,
01:50 3ABN production manager brought it out
01:52 and then he just set it on the set.
01:53 We're like, Oh, hey,
01:55 let's start the program with this,
01:56 you know, because we're blessed, right?
01:57 Amen. This world is full of chaos.
01:59 People seem to be running to and fro,
02:01 don't know what's going on, people are stressed out.
02:03 But you know what? We're blessed.
02:04 Why?
02:06 Because we know that the Lord Jesus Christ is in control.
02:08 He's got this whole mess.
02:10 And we know that there's a way out.
02:11 And that's going to be heaven.
02:12 And we know it's going to be coming very soon.
02:14 And we have a mission and a focus.
02:16 That's 3ABN's mission and focus,
02:17 and that is to spread the undiluted
02:19 three angels' messages of Jesus Christ
02:21 to a lost and dying world.
02:22 Amen.
02:24 And you know, before we start each program here,
02:25 just before we go on the air, we always have a prayer.
02:28 And Ian, and Ian is, where is Ian?
02:31 Here he is. He is our floor director.
02:34 Come on, come on, come on,
02:35 I know this is behind the scenes, so it's okay.
02:36 I know you don't have a microphone,
02:38 so I can't really talk to you.
02:39 But he had a great prayer actually for us
02:41 and was talking about how, you know, really,
02:44 it's you at home, your prayers
02:46 and financial support for this ministry
02:48 that are making a difference in this world.
02:50 You know, we're blessed to have people
02:51 such as you and your family,
02:53 your wife is running camera right over there.
02:54 And, of course, the rest of your family,
02:56 the rest of the crew.
02:57 But you know, we're all just blessed to have
02:59 a part in the Ministry of 3ABN,
03:01 and we're blessed to have you part of the family, you know,
03:03 I'm going to hand this blessed sign to you,
03:05 you can hold that for us.
03:06 All right, thank you very much.
03:08 But you know, it's important for you
03:09 to remember that
03:11 you're very much a part of this family.
03:12 That's right.
03:13 You know, as 3ABN is broadcasting,
03:15 well, we have our heads on the pillow
03:16 and we're sleeping at night,
03:17 we hope you sleep and you're resting,
03:19 this message is going around the world,
03:21 nine television networks, isn't that right?
03:23 And five radio networks, and we receive incredible
03:27 correspondence from you.
03:29 Many of you may be listening or watching right now.
03:31 Correspondence coming in
03:33 of how your lives have been changed
03:34 because of the Ministry of 3ABN,
03:37 but I always like these programs
03:38 because I'm so blessed.
03:39 And I know you're blessed,
03:41 we're blessed to be able to share with you
03:42 what God is doing through your ministry,
03:44 3ABN.
03:46 We also want to just mention Mr. Danny Shelton
03:48 and his dear wife,
03:49 Dr. Yvonne cannot be on with us this evening.
03:52 They're traveling.
03:53 But, of course, we send our greetings to them.
03:54 But these are fun programs, aren't they?
03:56 They are.
03:57 I was just reading Matthew 24:14, it says,
03:59 "This gospel of the kingdom should be preached in...
04:02 All the world. One piece of the world.
04:04 No, it should be preached in all of the world
04:08 as a witness to all nations and then the end shall come.
04:13 So tonight's program behind the scenes,
04:16 we're going to tell you the ways that 3ABN
04:19 is reaching the world in unprecedented ways,
04:23 in ways that we never had the opportunity before.
04:26 And we're going to introduce our family right now.
04:28 But I just want to say we launched in Cuba,
04:32 3ABN Latino is on the package in Cuba.
04:35 We launched June 8,
04:37 and we have Brother John Dinzey here,
04:40 who is the General Manager of 3ABN Latino,
04:44 and you also happened
04:45 to be the Director of 3ABN Cuba.
04:47 And we're just delighted to have you here.
04:49 It's a privilege and an honor to be
04:51 a part of what God is doing through 3ABN.
04:54 It really is amazing what God is doing.
04:56 Amen.
04:57 And sitting next to you is Chaplain Hernell Hernandez.
05:00 He's the Assistant Director of 3ABN Cuba.
05:03 And we said, Chaplain Hernell
05:05 actually is just getting ready
05:06 next week to go back to Cuba.
05:07 And we said, "We've got to have him
05:09 on our program and have him share with you at home,
05:13 the miracles of what God is doing in Cuba."
05:15 So we're so glad to have you here, brother.
05:18 Thank you so much for having me.
05:20 And we're actually going to in a few moments
05:22 can also play video because the last trip
05:23 you were just there a few weeks ago,
05:25 you actually brought back some footage.
05:26 So stay tuned, we're going to show you that
05:28 two incredible testimonies already coming.
05:30 But thank you so much for the work
05:31 that you are doing there in Cuba.
05:33 Amen. Praise the Lord.
05:35 And then we have Brother Jason Bradley,
05:37 who's the general manager of Dare to Dream Network.
05:40 And I know I think anyway,
05:42 you're going to talk to something
05:43 about prison ministry,
05:45 the gospel expanding that way,
05:46 and Africa and how the gospel is expanding into Africa.
05:49 Yes.
05:51 And I'm excited to share about that.
05:53 It's funny because I had my Bible
05:55 open to the exact same verse
05:56 that you just read just a minute ago.
05:58 And it's exciting what God
06:00 is doing through the Ministry of 3ABN
06:01 and all of the ministries
06:03 that have come out of 3ABN that are under 3ABN,
06:07 so, yeah, I'm excited.
06:09 Amen.
06:10 You know, we want to mention just before we talk about Cuba,
06:12 some of the upcoming events
06:13 that are getting ready to take place,
06:15 but before we get to that,
06:16 there's so many things to share, you know,
06:18 we're just talking about that song it said blessed, right?
06:19 Just so blessed.
06:21 Sometimes I talk faster than even my brain,
06:22 yeah, anyway,
06:24 hopefully it all makes sense to you.
06:25 I want to just mention to you and read this to you,
06:28 this is correspondence just came in,
06:29 you like real life miracles, right?
06:31 Well, this correspondence, this letter just came in,
06:34 it's not too long, but I want to read it to you,
06:36 because it's just phenomenal what God is doing.
06:39 This person writes,
06:40 I don't want to give their names here.
06:42 But they're saying, "About a month ago,
06:43 we began experiencing problems with our water well."
06:46 Well that's pretty serious.
06:48 "We would be using the water to wash the dishes
06:50 or taking a shower
06:52 and the water would just run out.
06:54 So we call someone to look at our pump system,
06:56 and he called someone to discuss the well.
06:59 And when the dust is settled, they all decided that
07:01 we needed to dig a brand new well.
07:05 So we began praying about it and told the Lord that
07:07 if He fixed our water well problems,
07:10 we would donate the cost of the well to His work.
07:13 So the estimate for the new well was $6,450.
07:19 So on Thursday, June 3, I took the cap off of the well.
07:22 And I noticed inside the well that the water level
07:25 was much higher than it had ever been.
07:28 So it says even though the water was still shut off,
07:31 we could still see some more water coming in.
07:32 So I called our pump guy and told him what I was seeing.
07:36 So he immediately came out.
07:37 And he started adjusting the sensitivity,
07:40 some technical stuff about the well.
07:43 It says we built our home
07:44 and put the well in over 25 years ago,
07:47 and always had just enough water,
07:50 you couldn't water the lawn and do dishes at the same time.
07:52 But we learned over the years
07:53 how to deal with our water situation.
07:55 Now we can run the sprinklers, wash the dishes,
07:59 take a shower and do many other things.
08:02 And maybe that our system just needed adjusting
08:04 we don't know but we believe that God
08:06 has worked a miracle.
08:08 So now we are donating that money to the Lord's work."
08:12 Praise the Lord, right?
08:13 I'm thinking about God providing, wasn't it,
08:15 was Elijah or Elisha in the water
08:17 or the oil, in all the...
08:18 That's Elisha. Elisha.
08:19 So I'm thinking about God just pouring water
08:21 into these dear peoples well,
08:24 and they've got plenty of water,
08:25 they've never had so much water before.
08:27 So that's just a real life miracle
08:28 about what God is doing.
08:30 And they're testifying to the goodness of the Lord.
08:32 Thank you for sharing that with us.
08:33 And I hope that encourages you at home as well.
08:36 You know, some things may seem so small
08:38 and minor like, you know, that doesn't even matter.
08:40 God doesn't care, He does.
08:42 He cares about
08:43 what you're going through in your life.
08:44 And no matter what you're going through,
08:46 we want to encourage you to trust the Lord.
08:49 Going on to some important dates that are coming up.
08:51 One of them is ASI,
08:52 that's coming up before camp meeting.
08:54 You want to talk to us about that?
08:55 Just a couple of weeks actually,
08:56 in probably 10 days our trucks are rolling out for ASI,
09:00 we are very excited about that.
09:01 You know, with the pandemic,
09:03 a lot of things have been kind of shut down.
09:05 And we've been producing a lot of programming
09:07 but stay stationary here at 3ABN.
09:10 So we're excited to be going out on the road.
09:11 We'll be going to Orlando, Florida,
09:14 and we'll be broadcasting the ASI meetings for you live.
09:18 You can attend in person or you can watch on 3ABN.
09:21 I think we have a graphic for that.
09:23 The dates for ASI is August 4-7.
09:29 So that's the first week of ASI,
09:31 August, the first week of August, August 4-7.
09:34 And the theme of course
09:36 is into all the world three angels' messages.
09:40 There'll be incredible speakers who will be there at ASI,
09:44 I believe Elder Ted Wilson will be there.
09:46 We're going to hear from some other amazing speakers
09:48 and we're looking forward to what God is going to do,
09:51 so want to invite you to tune in
09:53 for 3ABN's live coverage of ASI
09:56 August 4 through August 7. Amen.
09:59 You know, and I like
10:00 the other part of ASI, too is the...
10:02 What are they called, members in action?
10:04 Yes, testimonies.
10:06 It's about sharing Jesus in the marketplace,
10:07 which is, you know,
10:08 your sphere of influence or business.
10:10 And so to hear all those testimonies
10:12 from a lot of them are from around the world,
10:13 but also from here in the United States.
10:15 And that's always so encouraging.
10:16 And we call it lay people,
10:18 which I consider myself a layperson too.
10:20 And that's probably you,
10:21 as well, just doing something for Jesus Christ,
10:23 no matter what it is, just doing something for Him.
10:25 It's always encouraging Amen.
10:26 And we'll have the booth,
10:27 we'll be there at the 3ABN booth,
10:29 so the exhibit hall will be open,
10:31 if you live in the Florida area.
10:32 Or if you're coming into ASI, you can stop by the booth.
10:35 We'd love to meet you, and to talk with you
10:38 and to share about the amazing things
10:39 God's doing with the Ministry of 3ABN.
10:41 You know, Pastor John,
10:43 I like that fellowship aspect, right?
10:44 Yeah.
10:45 So we've missed that because of pandemic,
10:47 we've just not had our camp meetings
10:48 and that sort of thing.
10:50 So ASI will be one of the first major events
10:51 that 3ABN's been to.
10:53 So as Jill mentioned, if you're in the Florida area,
10:55 just please come on down...
10:57 On Sabbath, especially we'd be free,
10:59 you can come in.
11:00 But the other major event
11:01 that's happened in 3ABN is 3ABN Fall Camp Meeting.
11:04 Yay.
11:05 And it's going to be in-person, a real live in house audience.
11:09 And we're looking forward to that so much,
11:11 it's going to be fun.
11:12 The RV spots are already filling up...
11:14 They are.
11:15 So make sure you give us a call.
11:16 You can actually call us right now if you want tonight.
11:18 You can call us at (618) 627-4651.
11:22 And you can say yes, I'm bringing my RV.
11:25 I want to sign up and it's free.
11:27 There's no cost for that.
11:28 But it's a first come first serve basis.
11:30 Or you can go to our website 3ABNCampMeeting.tv.
11:36 And you can check out the schedule
11:40 would be there as far as all the speakers in the lineup
11:42 and who's speaking
11:43 and there's all the motel options.
11:45 If you say, I want to go to a hotel, I'd rather not.
11:48 I don't have an RV, and you want to do that.
11:50 That's an option, too.
11:51 It's interesting to me to see
11:53 also those that prefer to be in a tent.
11:55 Wow.
11:56 Yeah, it's really nice to see all those tents out there.
11:58 And 3ABN has a bathhouse. We do.
12:01 It's a good opportunity to fellowship
12:03 and also to be in a tent.
12:05 People enjoy that.
12:06 So it's really nice to see the people when they come in.
12:08 Amen. You're right, from all over.
12:10 All over.
12:11 We've had people even from other countries.
12:13 You're right. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
12:14 And we're looking forward to actually having you come
12:16 in to 3ABN Fall Camp Meeting.
12:18 And we have, in case you've never been the RV spots.
12:22 To me they're very nice.
12:23 We have a nice hookup with sewer and water, electric.
12:26 Pastor Johnny, you mentioned a bathhouse right there too.
12:28 If you want to tent camp or instead of using
12:31 your motorhome, use the bathhouse,
12:32 you're welcome to use that as well.
12:34 The gymnasium is right there, which is where we eat.
12:36 And by God's grace,
12:37 the food is provided complimentary.
12:39 We should talk about that, Jason, first.
12:42 I've just seen you smiling over there, Jason.
12:44 Yeah.
12:45 I love food and this is good food.
12:47 And it's free food and it's incredible food.
12:50 I love it. Melody Caviness and her team.
12:52 Oh, yeah, they do an exceptional job.
12:54 Imagine trying to feed all of those people.
12:57 I used to be in the restaurant industry.
12:59 And it's, that's no easy task. No.
13:01 Not at all.
13:02 And they're doing an exceptional job.
13:04 They do.
13:05 I was just speaking with Melody Caviness
13:06 this week on the phone
13:08 and she already has the menu prepared.
13:09 It will be up on the website.
13:10 So you can check that out as well.
13:12 We have free food, it's complimentary.
13:15 Well, the food isn't free but 3ABN pays for it.
13:17 You don't have to pay for it. Yeah, it's a blessing.
13:19 And we have the food Thursday and Friday and Sabbath.
13:24 So I'm excited about that.
13:26 Camp meeting, of course,
13:27 starts Thursday night September 23
13:30 and continues through Sabbath night September 25.
13:33 Those dates again are September 23
13:36 through September 25.
13:38 And the overarching theme is something better.
13:41 Pastor James Rafferty is the speaker.
13:44 He's the featured speaker
13:45 who'll be giving several presentations.
13:47 And it's all about the Book of Hebrews.
13:49 We have Jesus as the better high priest
13:52 and we have a better covenant and better sacrifice.
13:55 And we just look at who Jesus is
13:59 through the lens of the Book of Hebrews.
14:01 So we're looking forward to hearing from Pastor Rafferty.
14:04 We're going to have amazing musicians.
14:06 I believe Dr. Ben Carson
14:07 is going to be here speaking
14:09 for church for divine worship service.
14:11 And we're going to hear from Shelley,
14:15 and Pastor John Lomacang,
14:16 and Pastor Ryan Day,
14:18 and Pastor Kenny Shelton
14:19 and others and, of course, incredible music.
14:21 So it'd be a blessing.
14:23 And as we mentioned earlier,
14:24 we're going to be doing some switching out of seats.
14:25 And so we'll be having Francine Bergmann
14:27 on the second hour, but I want to mention this now
14:30 and during camp meeting
14:32 we'll have some fantastic children's meetings as well,
14:34 for the little ones all the way up
14:36 to the would it be the teens or the young adults.
14:39 So if you have a child at home,
14:41 we have meetings for them as well.
14:44 And I just love the fellowship aspect
14:45 of camp meeting, and we get to,
14:47 to me it's a reminder of heaven,
14:49 what heaven would be like.
14:50 Maybe we can have camp meeting all year in heaven,
14:52 I don't know what God has in store
14:53 but we know it'd be wonderful
14:55 and be able to spend time with you.
14:56 You know, we know that 3ABN
14:58 is a worldwide ministry and many of you will know
15:00 never have the opportunity of meeting in person.
15:03 But this is great, we can communicate right
15:04 through the television airwaves like this
15:06 or you can send us emails or letters.
15:08 But then, but to be able to meet
15:10 face to face in heaven,
15:11 boy, I look forward to that day.
15:12 And we know it'll be coming very, very soon.
15:15 Should we talk about Cuba? Yes.
15:17 All right. Yay.
15:19 June 8th, that's a highlight on our calendar, Pastor Johnny.
15:22 Oh, yes, you know, and we've been talking
15:26 and when you consider the challenges in the world,
15:31 the time that we're living in,
15:33 and even some recent events in Cuba, you know,
15:35 you've had people in the streets,
15:37 marching in some protests.
15:40 Perhaps some of the what you call
15:41 what we had here, you know,
15:43 you have the, the pandemic fatigue, you know?
15:46 Yes.
15:47 But just in the time that the message is needed most,
15:53 3ABN Latino is on the package.
15:55 Yeah.
15:56 And again, for the people that don't know what the package is,
15:59 you know, because we have new viewers all the time.
16:00 We do.
16:02 In Cuba, they do not have cable television.
16:05 And so, television for people
16:07 that want to watch television programs,
16:08 there are three national channels.
16:11 But you know how people are, they always want more.
16:14 So several years ago,
16:17 some people in Cuba organized what they call the TV package.
16:21 And what you do is you bring your hard drive,
16:23 or your thumb drive, and you buy
16:26 whatever programming is available,
16:28 and they have TV shows, music, movies, soap operas,
16:34 the Spanish people love soap opera,
16:36 so that's one of the offers there.
16:38 But what was lacking was Christian programming
16:40 on the package.
16:41 And the Lord blessed.
16:43 And the Lord used Chaplain Hernell Hernandez.
16:45 And after some talking to this person,
16:51 and that person, that person,
16:52 we were approved by the Council of Churches,
16:54 and the government to be on the package.
16:57 And this means that every week,
16:59 fresh programming of 3ABN Latino
17:01 is put on the package.
17:03 And starting June 8, the blessing has already been,
17:08 we've already received testimonies of great things
17:11 that the Lord is doing.
17:13 Even Bible studies are already going on,
17:15 because people watching the programming.
17:17 And so praise the Lord Chaplain Hernell,
17:19 he came back two to three weeks ago.
17:22 And tell us about your experience
17:24 while you were there?
17:26 Well, it is amazing, because even I'm a Cuban
17:30 and I dream for this dream so many years ago.
17:33 And praise the Lord,
17:35 I'm surprised how in a simple way,
17:39 was not complicated,
17:41 how the Lord provides the people, you know,
17:44 the person the right person,
17:45 and I want to thanks God in the first place,
17:51 brothers and sister, 3ABN and also I would like
17:56 to thanks though, to the Cuban government.
17:59 I thanks to the Council of Churches,
18:01 give it to us the opportunity
18:03 to bring to Cuba Christian television
18:06 in all Cuba.
18:07 So I am more than surprised.
18:10 I was in very, very small town
18:14 in some corner of Cuba.
18:16 And I said, "Do you think
18:17 we can found 3ABN Latino in the package?"
18:21 Oh, yes. Go in that corner.
18:24 And you will see, it's there. Wow.
18:25 Praise the Lord. So it's amazing.
18:27 It's amazing everywhere. So I thanks God for this honor.
18:32 We have in my country, Christian television,
18:35 and 3ABN is the leader.
18:38 Yes. Amen. Amen.
18:39 What has been the response of the people
18:42 when they find out that 3ABN is on the package?
18:44 You have any experiences? Oh, yes.
18:46 Someone is like, that is true? Amen.
18:52 And I said, "Go for yourself and asking for it."
18:56 So I found someone's say,
18:59 "Do you think this is possibly, you know, it's not possible?"
19:02 It's there.
19:04 So if you can come with me and asking for,
19:06 so the second one was so excited.
19:08 I meet pastor from different denominations,
19:13 not only Seventh-day Adventist.
19:15 They said, "Where I can find that?"
19:17 Well, it's in Paquete.
19:20 And I can find anything?
19:22 Yeah, everything you can found counseling for marriage,
19:27 You can see program for young people,
19:29 kids, good Christian movies.
19:32 You can see anything. Wow.
19:35 So what's our surprise for them and praise the Lord
19:38 because for so many years,
19:40 they don't have this privilege, you know, so right now,
19:43 they are excited for this good news.
19:46 Oh, yes.
19:47 I should add, just in case somebody is wondering.
19:50 Internet service exists in Cuba.
19:52 However, it is expensive,
19:54 and most people really don't have it.
19:56 So right now, the TV package is the best way for people
20:01 to be able to watch 3ABN Latino,
20:04 and it doesn't come to 3ABN for free.
20:07 So we want to thank everyone that has donated
20:09 and has made possible so far where we have been able to go.
20:14 Every month, we are expected to pay.
20:16 And so we pray for your...
20:18 We ask for your prayers and for your continued support
20:21 so that every week,
20:23 3ABN Latino can continue on the package.
20:26 And it doesn't cost the people very much.
20:29 How much is the cost of for the people
20:31 to buy the package?
20:33 Oh, could be five or maximum 10 pesos,
20:37 Cuban pesos.
20:38 So I think it's a...
20:40 I don't know, I don't think
20:41 it's a quarter maybe 10 cents in US money.
20:45 Very, very, very cheap.
20:47 You know, and the good things they said is,
20:50 "Hernell, if I go I can get everything?
20:53 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
20:54 So they go with the memory,
20:56 you know, and put it over there.
20:57 And they have, they say we'll come
20:59 in the next one, I mean after that.
21:01 So they are hungry, believe me, hungry for see something new,
21:06 different, and for to the knowledge of God.
21:11 Yes, very happy.
21:12 And the organizers of the package are very happy
21:15 with the quality of 3ABN's programming.
21:17 We are the first,
21:18 the first Christian television channel
21:21 to be on the package.
21:23 So it's a miracle.
21:25 It's really a miracle of the Lord.
21:26 It's miracle of the Lord.
21:28 You know, you said Matthew 24:14
21:30 the gospel has to go to every country.
21:31 With the Seventh-day Adventist Church
21:33 has existed for many years,
21:34 this is going to give a big push
21:39 to an evangelistic
21:41 push to the work that
21:43 the brothers and sisters are doing in Cuba.
21:45 And I believe this is going to be
21:46 a great harvest of souls for the Lord.
21:48 Amen.
21:50 And he travelled from one city to another.
21:53 Now traveling from one city to another,
21:56 you need a special permit.
21:58 What do you have to do to be able to go
22:00 from one city in Cuba because of the pandemic?
22:02 Yes.
22:04 Right now, when I get back from Cuba,
22:07 I said, "Hernell, the Lord was with you
22:11 but you really you really know that?"
22:14 He said, well, talking to myself, right?
22:17 Because, believe me, if you going to,
22:21 today is Monday, for example and you said,
22:24 well, let me start after six days.
22:26 And you know,
22:28 looking for you are not COVID and negative every test.
22:32 So now you say, well let me go.
22:34 So now you have to go to someplace in the government
22:37 and asking the permission to move
22:39 from point A to point B, just today.
22:43 So you have to go to this place,
22:45 and could be hours, maybe seven hours driving.
22:50 So when you finish to verify
22:53 what you're looking for at 3ABN,
22:55 now you have to return to the point where you live.
22:59 And now the next day you say,
23:00 well, I need to go so close where I was yesterday.
23:04 So you have to go again and be back.
23:06 So it's a one by one day by day the permit in order to move.
23:12 So it is amazing in 15 days,
23:16 the Lord used this person in that department,
23:23 he said, yes, let me see if the reason
23:26 what you travel is enough,
23:28 because we're having the pandemic.
23:30 So I remember,
23:32 I put my Bible in front of the car
23:35 with they provide to us.
23:38 So I open in Psalm 37
23:42 and I repeat it, number five,
23:45 it said, "Commit your way to the Lord,
23:48 trust also in Him."
23:51 And verse 7 said, "Rest in the Lord
23:55 and wait patiently for Him."
23:59 So when you saw the cars
24:01 that are stopping over there, you know,
24:03 point of control, the temperature,
24:06 the letter if you have the permit,
24:07 I have my driver and he is Adventist,
24:11 so he said, "Pastor,
24:14 do you think they allow to trust,
24:18 I mean allow to go through?"
24:20 And I said, "If you don't have faith,
24:23 keep quiet and let me say a prayer."
24:28 Because the leader what I...
24:30 Let me use it, but don't drain me
24:32 my little faith you know.
24:34 So, guys, it's a day by day.
24:37 Miracles. And it's amazing.
24:39 I see the guy, you know,
24:41 at the point of control say, "Where are you going?"
24:42 Uh, well, we're going to do this
24:44 and this and it's okay,
24:46 good luck, be careful, so and so.
24:48 So the other amazing things happened to me is one of these.
24:54 This guy is officer in Cuba and every time when I go,
25:00 I got out with 100 pounds of medicines,
25:03 you know, not on the prescription,
25:05 but someone you can get, you know, antiseptic,
25:08 everything. So buy these things.
25:10 Exactly.
25:12 So when I get that, some friends told me, You know,
25:15 I have a friend who has sick, a kidney problem.
25:20 He is in dialysis, and so on.
25:23 'If do you have something for him?"
25:25 I said, "Well, I don't know, let me look at it."
25:28 And, guys, I found one simple things
25:31 for the kidneys.
25:33 So well give it to him.
25:35 So the bottom line, the guy who started taking,
25:38 and three weeks
25:40 before I leaving, he sent me a message.
25:43 He said, "Tell Pastor Hernell coming to know him."
25:49 And I was in the office of the government.
25:52 This the guy to write the permit.
25:54 And I said, "How you feel?" He said, "I feel amazing.
25:57 I stopped the dialysis, no longer.
26:02 And I want to thank you."
26:03 I said, "Well, I think you have to thank somebody else."
26:08 He said, "Who?" He said, "Him."
26:11 So do you allow to pray over here
26:14 in this particular office.
26:15 And, guys, I feel amazing,
26:18 the privilege to pray in one governmental office.
26:23 And I exalt the name of God,
26:27 and tell him, thank you for giving me
26:29 the permit and you'll be well.
26:31 So I think it's a testimony not only to preach the gospel,
26:35 but on the opportunity they know
26:37 about the real thing the Lord
26:40 can do for them, believe it or not.
26:43 We have a short video roll. Yes.
26:45 And in the video roll,
26:47 you will see a person that sells the package.
26:49 He's the younger of the group that you'll see.
26:51 We also have two pastors sharing a short testimony.
26:56 But we also have Pastor Hernell
26:58 that he stopped at a checkpoint,
26:59 and to thank them, and he's going to be there.
27:03 And they are the ones that checked the temperature.
27:06 And they also check to see
27:08 if you have the permit to go from this city to that city.
27:11 Wow.
27:12 So this is short video roll
27:14 of some testimonies that you can see.
27:17 Regarding the Christian television project, 3ABN,
27:22 I see a good future for Cuba.
27:24 It would bring new perspectives.
27:26 That is, we will not depend on what someone decide for us,
27:31 which normally goes into the package.
27:33 We could prepare a much better programming,
27:36 one that is more effective with a greater scope
27:40 and something that can be monitored and improved,
27:42 and that gives us something more
27:43 from the package.
27:45 I see a good future for that project.
27:47 Brothers and sisters,
27:48 I didn't want to say goodbye without first thanking God,
27:52 the Almighty God, the God of the heavens,
27:55 the earth and the sea,
27:56 and all of the creation to the God of the impossible,
28:00 precisely for these television channel 3ABN,
28:04 that through the incredible means that God
28:06 has used which are these packages
28:08 that can be distributed anywhere,
28:10 and that can reach as many souls as possible,
28:14 whether they are believers or non-believers.
28:17 It is in these that I really see the greatness
28:20 and the power of the great God we have.
28:24 This is one of the ways
28:25 we have to deal with a pandemic.
28:28 We admire the risk they take
28:30 because hundreds of people pass through here.
28:33 This is a control point
28:34 where they take the temperature to be able to enter the city.
28:38 And I think that the measure
28:39 is very suitable for those who want to keep order
28:43 and also for those
28:44 who are a little bit undisciplined.
28:46 We most respect and we encourage others
28:48 to do the same.
28:50 So we get out of this pandemic soon.
28:51 Thank you.
28:55 Greetings, friends.
28:56 We are here in the Agramonte Park
28:59 in the city of Camaguey to begin our journey
29:03 through the entire island of Cuba.
29:05 The purpose is to visit the provinces to contact
29:10 and confirm that
29:11 the 3ABN Latino Christian package
29:15 is available throughout the island.
29:18 We invite you to join us on this adventure.
29:21 Follow us.
29:23 Pastor, let me ask you a question.
29:25 Knowing that in the network package,
29:29 there are many secular teams.
29:32 But now that we are going to have
29:33 the message of the Word of God
29:36 through different ministries,
29:38 how do you see that
29:39 for the advancement of God's work in Cuba?
29:42 How do you see it?
29:43 Well, I see it as a fountain
29:46 that God has opened to our country,
29:49 for we have been waiting for it so long.
29:52 I think this has been a direct answer to our prayers.
29:56 As for so many years,
29:59 we have longed to be like
30:01 all the countries so we can preach
30:04 the solid convincing gospel,
30:06 a voice of to the people of Cuba,
30:10 a voice that can reach every home.
30:12 I think that is the best evangelism
30:14 we can do in a country like this.
30:17 I think this has been a blessing,
30:20 an answer from God, to our prayers.
30:23 I think it is a wonderful opportunity for Cuba.
30:26 I think it is the last message, the last opportunity that God
30:30 has given us in this country, as leaders, as workers,
30:35 as missionaries, an opportunity
30:37 in which we can enter people's home
30:40 with this message,
30:41 which is something we can't
30:42 physically do for our own people
30:45 that are going to be many people,
30:47 from the leaders of our country
30:49 who are going to listen to the message,
30:51 there are going to be many people
30:53 who are members of the party or the police
30:55 and of the Department of Interior
30:57 were going to listen,
30:58 because it is a message
31:00 that is going to reach the homes
31:02 by some member of the household.
31:04 And God is going to open the doors
31:06 and collect the last remnant
31:08 that He has precisely in this country.
31:10 For me, it has been a satisfaction
31:13 to hear the news and a joy
31:16 to have the privilege
31:18 so anticipated and so long
31:20 for by the members
31:21 of the Adventist Church in Cuba,
31:23 and that God has answered the prayer so soon.
31:26 Well, I am going to tell you something, Pastor,
31:28 I have come here
31:31 under the protection of the Most High.
31:34 I don't have Coronavirus
31:37 because I have the promise that a thousand
31:40 and ten thousand will fall by my side
31:42 but it will not touch me.
31:43 So I think that you are the first person
31:47 that I am going to ask you to come beside me.
31:50 So I can extend a hug to you, right?
31:52 A real brotherly hug
31:54 because during this time,
31:57 in light of the pandemic,
31:58 the demonstration of God
32:00 is coming as my dear pastor here says,
32:02 this isn't just for believers, this production of 3ABN
32:07 and all Christian ministries,
32:09 it is for the atheists, it is for any denomination,
32:13 it is for those who believe and those who don't.
32:15 Amen.
32:16 Because God has sent His word for everyone.
32:19 Pastor, thank you very much.
32:21 It is an honor to know you. God bless you.
32:24 Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.
32:28 Wow, amen.
32:29 Talk about encouraging and inspiring.
32:31 We hope that you're blessed and, Ian,
32:33 you got that sign we were just holding up earlier
32:35 it says blessed.
32:36 I want to put that right back here
32:38 on the on the table here out in front of us
32:40 because you know, we are blessed,
32:41 God is doing marvelous things.
32:43 Thank you, Ian.
32:44 There's our little sign
32:46 we had earlier in the program saying blessed.
32:47 You know, we all can have something
32:49 to praise the Lord for and one of them is Cuba.
32:50 Thank you for your prayers and financial support
32:53 for this incredible project.
32:56 And I tell you, it's amazing because this footage was shot
32:58 with a little cell phone right there.
33:00 And as I think about the miracles
33:01 that you've been there.
33:02 I've been able to talk to the pastors
33:04 and the first one we saw the young man,
33:05 he's in charge of the package, is that right?
33:08 Yes, he's one of the people that sells the package.
33:09 Okay.
33:11 They sell the package in homes mostly
33:13 because at the present time,
33:16 people are not allowed to rent a storefront
33:18 and do these type of things.
33:20 They do it in their home.
33:21 And also, there are people that go from
33:23 house to house selling the package.
33:25 So it's...
33:27 They have developed a very effective way
33:29 to get the package to every single city in Cuba,
33:33 the organizers, the packaging,
33:34 they call the place the Matrix, that's the headquarters.
33:38 It's an interesting name.
33:43 So it's a, you know, I was talking to a,
33:48 one of these people that organizes
33:51 or that sells the package.
33:52 And he said to me,
33:54 I think I've said this before once.
33:56 He says right now the fastest
33:59 and the most efficient way to get a message to the people
34:02 is through the package.
34:03 So we are on what you would call
34:08 the forefront of getting God's message to the people
34:13 because it is all over the island.
34:14 It is accessible, not too expensive.
34:18 And so anyone can buy the package.
34:20 So praise the Lord, it's a great opportunity.
34:21 Amen.
34:23 I loved what you said, Pastor Hernell.
34:24 To me it was really powerful.
34:26 The package is yes for Seventh-day Adventist.
34:28 It is yes for Christians of any denomination,
34:31 but it is also for people who don't know Jesus,
34:34 people who don't claim to be Christians,
34:37 people in the government or other areas of influence
34:40 and the opportunity
34:42 to have the gospel be presented.
34:45 What does that do for you as you're a Cuban?
34:48 What does that do for you
34:49 to see the gospel going there to Cuba?
34:52 Once again I thank God for this blessing.
34:56 Since I was young,
34:58 I have interest to be a preacher,
35:01 a pastor, and at the end of my ministry,
35:07 as a pastor, he gave me that opportunity.
35:10 So now when I go in my hometown,
35:14 and I see the opportunity to my neighbor,
35:18 my friends, families, or atheists,
35:22 people don't believe in nothing.
35:24 And now they get the chance, the opportunity.
35:27 So I confirm the Bible
35:30 when Lord said,
35:34 I go on to teach them.
35:39 Maybe not me, maybe nobody else,
35:41 somebody else, but the Lord Himself.
35:43 So now when the package is in every corner,
35:47 it is the time to God to preach.
35:50 So thank you.
35:52 And thank you so much for having me
35:53 and the opportunity to 3ABN be here in Cuba.
35:56 Yes. Amen.
35:58 And praise the Lord.
35:59 You know, because we, as you mentioned earlier,
36:01 as we were just talking about Cuba,
36:02 about the unrest that is going there,
36:04 you know, immediately I'm human, right?
36:07 So immediately goes to my head
36:08 like, oh, no, what's going to happen to this project?
36:10 Well, you know what? It's been no problem.
36:12 God got this, right? There's no issue.
36:14 Yes, please.
36:15 When I talk with Pastor Dinzey a week ago,
36:20 I said, "Pastor, I consult with the Almighty,
36:25 and He gave me green light."
36:27 Yeah. "Go to Cuba."
36:29 So my wife said, no, our friends who love me say no.
36:33 And I consider every opinion. All right?
36:36 But I get four, maybe seven, eight years ago,
36:39 the habit to listen everyone.
36:42 And after that, put it in front of Him.
36:45 And, and I hear His voice is familiar to me.
36:48 Yes.
36:49 And I told Pastor Dinzey,
36:51 please ask the administration to give me the permission.
36:53 If they said no, it's all right.
36:55 But tell them the Almighty say yes.
37:00 So who are we to question the Almighty?
37:03 Thank you.
37:05 So we ask you actually because this is,
37:06 you know, airing Thursday night here.
37:08 So next week, Chaplain Hernandez
37:09 is taking the trip down to Cuba.
37:11 And sometimes communication is not always the best.
37:13 He usually communicate with Pastor Johnny.
37:15 And we're always, of course, praying for you,
37:17 Chaplain Hernell, and the work that
37:20 God has placed on your heart.
37:21 And thank you too, Pastor Johnny,
37:23 for your leadership with this project.
37:24 And I know it costs something every month.
37:26 So talk to us a little bit about the donation aspects
37:28 that are needed to keep this project going?
37:31 Yes, yes.
37:32 Every week, our programming goes on the package,
37:35 new program, new programming, fresh programming.
37:38 We have a...
37:39 It's on a, it's on a hard drive
37:42 and there are other programming,
37:43 we have a nice portion
37:46 that we can put on there every week.
37:48 And I praise the Lord, because the reports
37:51 we're getting from people is that this is,
37:54 they have never seen anything like this,
37:57 because the people that are Christian,
37:59 that are looking for documentaries
38:00 that are looking for something worth your time to watch.
38:05 This is that welcome, refreshing,
38:08 different type of programming
38:10 that people are enjoying and are being blessed.
38:12 So yes, it cost us every month to be on the package.
38:17 And the package, people are happy
38:22 with what we are doing.
38:23 And we want to encourage you to support this project.
38:26 It is an ongoing project. That's right.
38:28 And as long as the Lord allows us
38:30 the opportunity to be on the package,
38:32 it's time to preach the gospel.
38:34 Because, you know, the Bible says that His Word
38:37 will not return unto Him void.
38:39 We should pray for fruits
38:42 to come from our participation in the package.
38:45 And another thing that I would like to say
38:47 is that pray for Pastor Hernell.
38:51 You know, I see he's there as well.
38:52 I'm looking at the month of August to go there myself.
38:56 Again, I was there in April,
38:58 ending of March beginning of April.
39:00 But also pray for wisdom for the Cuban government.
39:04 And for every government that is facing the pandemic.
39:07 They are concerned.
39:08 And they have some restrictions about the mask
39:11 and they're beginning to put vaccines on people.
39:15 So the people need the pandemic not to be a threat anymore,
39:20 so they can continue with their regular lives,
39:22 regular activities.
39:24 But the package is the greatest,
39:27 to me, the greatest opportunity
39:29 to reach people in Cuba right now.
39:32 Amen.
39:34 So you can actually donate toward this project.
39:35 It costs about $1,200 a month
39:38 to get all of this incredible programming
39:40 spread throughout the entire country,
39:42 which is about 11 million is the population of Cuba.
39:45 So only about$1,200 a month to get this programming there.
39:49 You can donate on our website.
39:50 What's the code for that?
39:52 Thank you control room, it's up already.
39:54 It's Code 338. That's 338.
39:58 You can just go to 3ABN.tv
40:00 And you click on Cuba, and it'll be 338.
40:03 And you can donate that way.
40:04 Or you can call us right now at (618) 627-4651.
40:10 And you can donate with your credit card
40:12 or you can always send a check in the mail
40:15 and just address it to 3ABN and on the memo put Cuba,
40:19 and we'll know exactly what it's supposed to go for.
40:22 And speaking of calling the call center,
40:23 we have this incredible focus on Truth Project,
40:27 which we didn't mention
40:28 at the beginning of the program.
40:30 Danny Shelton put together
40:31 these three booklets focusing on truth.
40:34 That is what the Ministry of 3ABN is all about.
40:38 It's about proclaiming
40:39 the undiluted three angels' messages
40:42 'to a lost and dying world.
40:44 This is The Truth About Salvation.
40:47 How are we saved?
40:48 And how can we have assurance of salvation?
40:51 What is God's plan for your life?
40:54 This is The Truth About the Ten Commandments.
40:57 Where did they come from?
40:59 Are they even relevant for us today?
41:02 Were they nailed to the cross?
41:03 Are they still valid?
41:05 This is The Truth About Hellfire.
41:08 Is hell a real place? Or is it fictional?
41:11 Are their flames burning right now?
41:13 And what happens
41:15 with the wicked at the end of time?
41:16 These are questions that people want to know answers to,
41:20 or people are confused
41:22 about what the Word of God actually says.
41:25 So you have the opportunity to evangelistically partner
41:28 with the Ministry of 3ABN.
41:31 You have two different options to do that.
41:33 You can pay for a zip code of your choice.
41:37 Thank you for the graphic up right now.
41:39 You can mail out all three of these booklets,
41:43 and they'll go in a nice envelope,
41:45 it costs less than the cost of a postage stamp,
41:49 just for 50 cents,
41:51 you can mail it to individual homes,
41:53 that would be what we call a zip code mailing.
41:55 To do that, you will need to call
41:57 the call center and they can tell you,
41:59 okay, your zip code is X number of addresses.
42:02 And this would be the cost for that.
42:03 So to do a zip code mailing, you can call us right now
42:07 at the call center at (618) 627-4651.
42:12 That number again is (618) 627-4651.
42:17 Or you can order these by case.
42:20 You might say, well,
42:21 I don't want to do a zip code mailing,
42:22 I want the privilege of passing out
42:24 these booklets by myself,
42:26 and in my neighborhood, in my community with my church.
42:30 There are 250,
42:34 I just had a momentary brain freeze,
42:36 there are 250 of these booklets in a case
42:40 and it's $16.50 just for the shipping,
42:42 that's all you would pay.
42:44 We already have sponsors who have paid
42:45 for the printing of these booklets.
42:48 So you can get a case the Salvation,
42:50 or a case about Hellfire,
42:51 or a case about the Truth about Ten Commandments,
42:53 it makes no difference you can pick
42:55 or you can get one case of all three,
42:57 and you can pass them out
42:58 in your community at $16.50 for that.
43:01 And you can order that,
43:03 either you can call us or you can go online
43:04 and order the cases that works really well that way.
43:07 Just go to 3ABN.tv
43:10 and click on the Focus on Truth banner,
43:12 and you can order online that way.
43:13 So it's an incredible evangelistic opportunity.
43:17 Amen.
43:18 And a lot of you have already
43:19 jumped on board on this project.
43:21 And the call center has been inundated with lots of calls
43:23 and we've had emails and lots of inquiries.
43:25 And actually some of the first shipments
43:26 to zip codes have already been going out.
43:28 And so please pray for this project
43:30 because people are getting these little booklets,
43:33 as Jill mentioned, is phenomenal.
43:34 All three booklets in that beautiful
43:36 little white envelope for 50 cents.
43:38 And that's basically
43:40 just for the cost of the mailing
43:41 because we've had sponsors
43:43 that have actually sponsored the printing of these booklets.
43:45 Praise the Lord for that. So I mean, it's amazing.
43:47 You were going to say something?
43:48 I was just going to say,
43:50 'cause we've had several people call,
43:51 I just want to clarify, we cannot send you
43:53 the little envelope mailer for you
43:55 to mail out yourself.
43:57 Okay, that's only something
43:59 that's done through Pacific Press
44:00 with zip code mailings.
44:02 So I know we've had many people call
44:04 and say, Well, I want that mailer.
44:05 And I want to send out myself, but we can't do that.
44:08 So that would only be for the zip code mailings.
44:10 The three booklets go in the little pretty envelope.
44:13 That's for zip code mailing, but we can't send you
44:15 those envelopes for you to stuff yourself.
44:17 The only thing we can do is send the cases.
44:19 Yeah, that's true.
44:21 And, Jason, I know that far as literature
44:23 I'm thinking about literature
44:24 and thinking about these little booklets
44:26 I'm thinking about Lemuel Vega, Christmas Behind Bars.
44:28 And you had an opportunity recently to go with him
44:31 when the first times right back into prisons because of COVID.
44:34 And some of these booklets
44:35 were handed out to the prisoners.
44:37 Yes, and it was,
44:39 it was just a wonderful experience.
44:40 Anytime that we can go behind bars
44:43 which this sounds absolutely crazy.
44:46 But anytime that we can go behind bars.
44:49 Amen.
44:51 And you know, witness to the men and women
44:53 that are incarcerated, it's such a blessing.
44:55 You know, you go into be a blessing
44:57 and you come out more blessed than when you went in.
45:00 So we had the opportunity to spread the gospel with them.
45:03 Jewlee and Tiara did skits.
45:06 I shared a little bit of my testimony with them,
45:08 Lemuel spoke.
45:10 And it just really all of it really resonated
45:13 with not only the inmates
45:14 but also the staff there as well.
45:17 And they were happy that we were there,
45:19 very receptive to the gospel,
45:22 and they got some really, really, really good gifts.
45:26 Focus on Truth series there,
45:29 they got that and they got Bibles,
45:32 they got so many different things
45:34 and even saw tears coming down their faces,
45:38 because the Holy Spirit was working on their hearts.
45:40 Jason, we want to talk about Africa FreeView
45:43 here in just a moment but there's a new series
45:45 that you and Lemuel actually just recorded.
45:46 Tell us the title a little bit
45:48 about what's entailing this program?
45:50 Ah, Unshackled Purpose.
45:52 This is an exciting new program,
45:55 where Lemuel, you know, when I go into prisons
45:58 and jails and stuff with Lemuel,
46:00 he always grabs something
46:02 like anything he can find...
46:03 Like toilet paper.
46:04 Toilet paper, Greg, it cleans up
46:07 messy situations, right?
46:08 External messy situations. Yeah.
46:10 But Jesus cleans up the inside.
46:12 So Lemuel brings those points out.
46:14 The apple, you know,
46:15 oh, taste and see that the Lord is good.
46:17 How do you know that?
46:19 An apple is really an apple unless you've tasted.
46:21 You have to taste it to see if it's really an apple.
46:24 I've seen some waxed apples that look like they're real.
46:28 But you wouldn't want to bite into it.
46:30 That's right.
46:31 So, yeah, the only way to experience God
46:34 is to experience some for yourself.
46:36 And so he shares that living water, you know,
46:40 you have clean water or you have dirty water,
46:43 which one would you prefer to drink?
46:44 Clean water.
46:45 You want the clean water, and you want the living water.
46:47 And so he just grabs these things
46:50 and makes it really practical.
46:51 So I had a chance to sit there on the set with him.
46:54 We were inside of the bent,
46:57 the Franklin County Jail museum
47:00 and had the opportunity to sit there with him
47:04 and just talk to him
47:06 and see some of these illustrations
47:08 being played out there on the set, it's powerful.
47:11 You know, and I like what you said
47:13 because all of his illustrations
47:14 are applicable to us,
47:16 because he shares these behind bars, you know,
47:18 to the inmates, then they're powerful.
47:20 We've been there and heard him.
47:21 It's just, it's touching.
47:23 I mean, it's just, wow, this pertains to me.
47:24 Yeah.
47:26 So for him to actually share that
47:27 and for us to do this series
47:29 that was a 12 or 13 little episodes that we did?
47:31 I think it was 12 or 13 maybe more?
47:32 We did about 12 or 13.
47:34 Yeah, we were going pretty strong
47:36 that week and we've recorded it in
47:39 I would say like three days.
47:41 Wow. Yeah.
47:43 It was, it was, but it was such a blessing.
47:45 But we're hoping to air those really soon on 3ABN,
47:48 so be watching for that.
47:49 I know it'll be talked about probably in the World Magazine
47:51 and we'll be advertising on 3ABN too,
47:54 so look for that brand new series
47:55 Unshackled Purpose.
47:57 Looking forward to that.
47:58 So tell us about 3ABN in Africa?
48:01 FreeView Africa, what an exciting opportunity,
48:04 you know, television presents the opportunity
48:06 for the gospel to go forward.
48:09 Now people that wouldn't necessarily step into a church,
48:13 they can change the channel,
48:15 and they can find out about God,
48:17 maybe they've never received the Bible.
48:19 Maybe nobody's ever told them about Jesus,
48:22 but they change the channel
48:23 and they start seeing, you know,
48:26 the gospel being preached
48:27 or they see practical tools for living being shared.
48:31 FreeView Africa is a unique opportunity
48:33 for 3ABN's Dare to Dream Network
48:36 to cover 45 million TV homes in West Africa.
48:41 Wow.
48:42 And yeah, so Nigeria,
48:45 and there's so many other places,
48:47 some of the names I can't pronounce,
48:48 and I don't want to do it any injustice.
48:51 So, but it covers West Africa, and it's just awesome.
48:56 It's free to them.
48:58 So they purchase a receiver.
48:59 There's no monthly subscription fee,
49:01 you put it that way.
49:03 But it's not free to us.
49:05 But praise God for our viewers
49:08 and our listeners who get behind
49:10 causes like this,
49:12 to support that it's roughly
49:13 about $2,600 a month
49:16 and to cover that wide of a span.
49:20 And as this company is growing, so will our reach.
49:24 Amen. Yes, yes.
49:26 So you're saying that 45 million homes right now
49:28 already have FreeView in their home,
49:30 they already have access,
49:32 and they can just flip the channel
49:33 and now they can get Dare to Dream.
49:35 They can flip the channel and get Dare to Dream.
49:37 So yeah, they have the opportunity.
49:39 If they have that satellite, then they can flip the channel,
49:43 get Dare to Dream.
49:44 And you know, I sat down with somebody from Africa.
49:48 And I've been talking to people from like Nigeria
49:50 and some of the other parts of Africa
49:53 and just picking their brain like
49:54 what are some of the things
49:56 that that people in Africa are struggling with?
49:58 What are some of the things,
50:00 some of the issues or challenges
50:01 that they're facing?
50:03 And so in sitting down with him
50:04 and having this discussion,
50:06 I discovered that it's a lot of the same things
50:08 that we're dealing with pop culture,
50:11 drugs, you know, just secularism,
50:14 all of those things.
50:16 And 3ABN's Dare to Dream Network
50:18 has programs that deal with those topics,
50:21 healthy, healthy eating, financial literacy,
50:24 like we have all of those things available.
50:26 So it's adding value to the African community.
50:30 Amen.
50:32 Yeah, it's absolutely incredible.
50:33 And you've got that map that shows the footprint, you know,
50:35 and the main concentration is Nigeria, you know,
50:37 the 45 million homes,
50:39 but then you think about the homes, well,
50:41 there's not just usually one person living in a home.
50:43 So we can multiply that times what three, four people maybe.
50:47 I think, maybe more even more in Africa.
50:48 Yeah.
50:49 I think they say maybe five, yeah, or so.
50:51 And so that's a lot of potential people
50:53 that we're able to reach.
50:55 So praise the Lord, we're thankful for sponsors
50:56 that have already stepped forward
50:58 to actually fund this project, Jason,
51:00 but as you've mentioned about $2,600 a month.
51:02 Yes.
51:03 So we have about one year,
51:04 but we're looking to extend it beyond one year.
51:06 That's right. Right?
51:07 Because we know the gospel
51:09 is not just going to quit right there.
51:10 So we have to continue the message being spread.
51:11 And as you mentioned, which is exciting to me,
51:13 as at this company, as it grows,
51:15 the footprint gets bigger and bigger,
51:16 and they hope to go to more countries
51:18 there in the continent of Africa, it's exciting.
51:21 And if people want to support this cause,
51:23 they could go to 3ABN.tv.
51:26 And there is a button, click on the donate button,
51:30 and then look for FreeView Africa-420,
51:34 FreeView Africa-420,
51:36 you can click on that button,
51:37 and you will be able to donate that way.
51:39 Or as Jill said earlier,
51:41 you can always call the call center
51:43 (618) 627-4651.
51:46 And you can tell them that you would like to support
51:49 the cause for FreeView Africa, code number 420.
51:53 So, yeah, that's one way to do that, you know,
51:56 and pray, please pray as these programs
51:59 are going out,
52:01 because these wonderful programs
52:02 have been created.
52:04 But we need to pray
52:05 for the application of those programs.
52:08 So you can receive information but if you don't apply it,
52:13 you're just you know, you're at a loss.
52:15 Exactly.
52:17 So pray for the application of the knowledge
52:20 that they receive.
52:22 You know, I like again, the behind the scenes program,
52:23 because we're just so excited about what God is doing.
52:26 Here we are last year 2020 right,
52:27 we were in the midst of the pandemic COVID-19,
52:30 but 3ABN didn't stop.
52:32 We've got these new projects.
52:33 Cuba presented itself and Pastor John Dinzey,
52:35 Chaplain Hernell Hernandez said,
52:37 the door is open, if we don't go through
52:39 somebody else will.
52:40 So by God's grace 3ABN stepping through.
52:43 This project with Uganda opened its doors to us.
52:46 We got to go through, right?
52:48 We just got to go through.
52:49 And that's thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ,
52:51 but it's thanks to you.
52:52 I want you to pay attention to that.
52:54 That's thanks to you.
52:55 However, the Holy Spirit is impressing you,
52:57 you're listening,
52:58 and you're supporting these projects,
53:00 3ABN has a budget that we are trying to follow.
53:02 But again, these opportunities
53:04 present themselves just got to go.
53:06 And God continues to provide
53:08 the funds as Mr. Danny Shelton said,
53:09 he had texted me some time ago in all caps.
53:12 He said, "This never gets old."
53:16 In other words, he was just exclaiming,
53:18 he's seen God come fly over and over and over again.
53:22 God has provided through you, you are a vessel.
53:25 And I just want to say thank you
53:26 again for bringing this sign up, blessed.
53:28 We are blessed.
53:30 We are blessed because of you.
53:31 Thank you for standing with the Ministry of 3ABN.
53:35 The second hour, we're going to be talking
53:36 about some more incredible updates
53:38 that are taking place.
53:39 But before we go to the short break here,
53:41 coming up in a couple of minutes,
53:42 Pastor Johnny, let's pray.
53:44 Let's pray for Cuba.
53:45 Let's pray for Chaplain Hernell Hernandez.
53:46 Let's pray for Nigeria, FreeView Africa,
53:50 what's happening there.
53:51 And before we go to the prayer there,
53:52 this is on a very sad note,
53:54 we have 3ABN, Uganda, and a young man there
53:57 that is just a tremendous leader there,
54:01 unfortunately passed away
54:03 in a very tragic, tragic accident.
54:05 But we have heard from his dear wife,
54:07 they just recently married she says,
54:09 "By God's grace, we are going forward
54:11 with the project no matter what."
54:13 So let's pray for the family there too,
54:15 as they're dealing
54:16 with that tremendous loss there in Uganda.
54:18 Yes. Thank you.
54:19 Let's pray together.
54:21 Our loving Heavenly Father,
54:23 we want to thank You, Lord,
54:25 for the doors that are opening
54:26 to bring the gospel to people
54:28 that are in great need of a message from heaven.
54:32 We ask You, Heavenly Father,
54:33 to continue to bless 3ABN and the donors, Lord,
54:38 that see that there's a need
54:41 and even make sacrifices
54:43 to continue with these projects.
54:46 We pray for the people of Cuba.
54:48 You know, what is going on there,
54:50 the unrest, the pandemic, and we ask, Lord,
54:54 that You will bless our participation
54:55 in the package
54:57 so that hope will awaken in their hearts,
55:00 so their desire to know Jesus will grow,
55:04 and that they will make decisions for salvation.
55:06 Amen.
55:08 We pray, Lord, for the project in Nigeria, millions of people,
55:11 Lord, the potential of reaching millions of people,
55:15 what a marvelous opportunity, another miracle from heaven.
55:19 And we just praise Your name,
55:21 that this opportunity has come in this time
55:24 that we can go forward.
55:26 We pray, Lord, for Your blessing,
55:28 that a great harvest of souls will come
55:31 as a result of Dare to Dream being on satellite there.
55:35 And we pray, Lord, for You to continue
55:38 to bless the overall Ministry of 3ABN.
55:39 We think of 3ABN Russia,
55:41 3ABN Australia, and 3ABN Nicaragua,
55:45 we pray, Lord, for Your blessing,
55:47 and that You will continue to show the path and lead us
55:52 and supply every need.
55:54 And we pray Heavenly Father, also for the family,
55:58 this missionary, this 3ABN worker,
56:04 whose life was lost in a tragic accident.
56:06 We know it is a painful experience,
56:08 and we pray that You will be with His wife and family.
56:11 And we praise Your name that
56:13 they see the need to continue forward.
56:16 We pray for Your blessing upon them.
56:18 Thank You for hearing our prayers.
56:21 And we pray for these blessings in the holy
56:24 and blessed name of Jesus.
56:25 Amen.
56:27 Amen. Amen.
56:31 Thank you, Pastor Johnny,
56:32 thank you Chaplain Hernell Hernandez too,
56:35 for your leadership with Cuba.
56:37 So encouraged, you know about what God is doing.
56:39 And thank you, Jay, for your leadership
56:42 with 3ABN Dare to Dream
56:43 and the work you're doing with there in Africa.
56:46 Go ahead, any closing thought.
56:47 Before we leave,
56:48 we want to express our gratitude to Francisco
56:52 that did the translation of this video.
56:54 He did a marvelous job
56:55 and we praise the Lord
56:57 for his volunteer work that he did.
56:59 And he too is preaching the gospel.
57:02 Yeah. Amen.
57:04 Yep, it's incredible times that we live in.
57:05 And thank you for joining us,
57:07 this first hour has gone by in a real hurry.
57:09 I want to remind you about
57:10 this special project Focus on Truth.
57:12 If you have not yet sponsor zip code,
57:14 maybe in your area, we want to encourage you
57:16 to call the call center this evening.
57:18 They're there right now waiting
57:19 for your phone call (618) 627-4651.
57:23 They'd be happy to describe to you the details
57:25 and how you can do that.
57:27 Doesn't cost much or like Jill mentioned earlier,
57:29 if you want to actually get a case of these
57:31 and for you to pass out in your neighborhood,
57:33 you can do that as well.
57:34 $16.50 that all it would, that's all it costs
57:37 in order to get it shipped to your house.
57:38 But stay tuned,
57:40 we got an exciting second hour coming up.
57:41 Stay tuned. God bless.
57:42 We'll see you in just a couple of moments.


Revised 2021-08-05