3ABN Today Live

Behind The Scenes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL210014B

00:11 Hello and welcome back to 3ABN Behind the Scenes.
00:13 We're so glad that you stayed with us,
00:15 the first hour went by in a real hurry.
00:17 And again, we're just praising the Lord
00:18 for what He has done and what He's continuing to do.
00:21 We've been talking about camp meetings
00:24 and update in Cuba,
00:25 and the second hour was going to be filled
00:27 of course, with more updates,
00:29 but the end of the first hour,
00:30 we're talking about 3ABN prison ministry
00:33 and just how that has grown,
00:34 and thank you for your incredible, incredible support
00:38 for this aspect of the ministry of 3ABN,
00:40 because we're talking about Bibles.
00:41 Those are not free.
00:42 They cost us a little bit of money,
00:44 about $10, $12 a Bible,
00:46 and their letters that have been read
00:48 how much those that are incarcerated
00:50 appreciate that wonderful gift.
00:52 I'm thinking about also all the other literature
00:54 that we send out as well, Bible lessons, other magazines,
00:58 and other booklets...
00:59 And the hard drives.
01:01 And the hard drive aspect too.
01:02 That's incredible
01:03 where we're going to be sending these to prisons.
01:05 Jason Bradley, of course, the manager for Dare to Dream
01:08 has been working very hard on getting this.
01:10 Tell us a little bit about that.
01:12 Dr. Yvonne?
01:13 As Jill had mentioned earlier,
01:15 there are several prisons
01:16 that don't have internet.
01:20 So you can't have internet access.
01:22 These hard drives, which is so exciting.
01:25 These hard drives have already on them.
01:29 Like I think it's like two years of programming,
01:33 so won't have to be refreshed.
01:34 And thousands of programs.
01:36 Thousands and thousands of programs
01:38 that won't have to be refreshed for two years
01:41 without internet and it can run there.
01:44 And just, and so it is such an amazing opportunity
01:48 to get the gospel into the prisons.
01:51 There's such hopelessness there, such despair there.
01:54 And to know that we can bring the gospel
01:57 because with COVID you can't even go in
01:58 like you could before.
02:00 So now we need another way
02:02 and the Lord has given us another way to get in.
02:05 And these, um, these boxes,
02:07 these hard drives, interlaced system.
02:09 They're just amazing. So, praise God.
02:11 Amen.
02:12 Thank you, JD, too, for your leadership
02:14 with the pastoral department,
02:15 but also for prison ministry as well,
02:17 because it's making an impact in the world.
02:20 Go ahead, and then I'm going to go to Mr. Danny.
02:22 Well, the ladies they...
02:24 all their workers.
02:25 They are so worth, they're so dedicated.
02:27 You know, the whole team is dedicated.
02:29 Thank you, Jesus. Yes.
02:30 Praise the Lord, Mr. Danny,
02:32 we're talking about an incredible opportunity
02:34 that has presented itself to us,
02:36 the ministry of 3ABN,
02:37 but also to you at home,
02:39 I want you to share this incredibly good news
02:41 that just took place.
02:42 Good, I was doing a little math in my head
02:44 as JD was talking, you know,
02:46 when you're talking about a thousand Bibles a month
02:49 and you look in $10 or $12 a piece,
02:51 then you're talking about
02:52 whether it's Steps to Christ,
02:53 whether it's all of the other books
02:55 that would be sending out
02:57 Glimpses of His Glory, no matter what.
02:59 And you start thinking about all of this and how much money,
03:02 is like, that is a tremendous amount of money.
03:04 It is. Well, guess what?
03:06 The Lord is, we talked about earlier,
03:08 when He commissions us to do something,
03:09 He says,
03:11 "All power, all authority
03:12 is given me in heaven and earth."
03:14 So you go forward,
03:15 and I'll supply your every need, right?
03:17 Philippians 4:13, 4:19.
03:20 So we have a donation, Greg,
03:23 of $100,000 towards prison ministry.
03:27 There's a but. Okay.
03:29 What is it? There's a but.
03:31 Everybody ready for the but.
03:33 It's matching funds.
03:35 So that means now I know, I know our viewers,
03:38 they love matching funds
03:40 because who who's a good Adventist,
03:43 good Christian,
03:44 who doesn't like give two for one.
03:46 Oh, yeah. Right.
03:47 You go to town, something's on sale.
03:49 You really like you get two for one.
03:52 Well, in this case, literally a $100,000, right, Greg?
03:56 That's right.
03:57 It's sent to this ministry, but it says for matching funds.
04:00 So what we would like for you to do is pray
04:02 about what you would do to help make sure
04:06 we get this entire $100,000 that we can use it
04:09 to get the matching, which was the request.
04:11 Yes.
04:13 So to me,
04:14 I can see our viewers jumping on board right away.
04:16 You can, you know, go to their website
04:19 and it'll tell you how you can give,
04:20 you can do the snail mail.
04:21 There is you can email us letters,
04:23 you know, all kinds of ways, go to our website.
04:26 You can call us, call tonight,
04:28 okay and say that you'd be willing.
04:30 You want to give or use the credit card,
04:32 however you want to do it.
04:33 But that is an amazing gift.
04:36 It came out of the blue, right, Greg?
04:37 Yeah, it sure did.
04:38 Weren't really expecting it a $100,000
04:42 for prison ministries.
04:43 And we're spending tremendous amounts of money
04:45 every month do grow from start.
04:48 You know, it was nothing just about
04:51 and to grow like this.
04:52 And so God had to come through and sure enough,
04:55 He uses you to do it.
04:57 So to me, this is a great opportunity.
04:58 So hopefully phones are start lighting up
05:01 and you can let people know, hey, I want to be on board.
05:03 We're going to support this.
05:05 And I want to thank
05:06 the where the $000,000 came from.
05:10 We don't give the names,
05:11 but that's an incredible amount of money.
05:13 Not everybody can do it.
05:15 A lot of us maybe would like to,
05:17 but there are some people
05:18 that the Lord puts on their hearts
05:20 and we have no idea.
05:21 This may be a tremendous sacrifice
05:23 for them to do that,
05:24 but yet for this.
05:25 So, JD, thanks for painting this little picture.
05:28 And it helps us get just a small
05:31 because when we're away from it
05:32 at times, we, we don't really think about it,
05:35 turn together how many people are calling every day,
05:39 how many requests for Bibles by the thousands
05:42 and by for the study guides
05:44 and for all the other literature
05:46 and interlaced system to be able to put in.
05:49 Interlaced system, I guess we'll talk about that in a bit.
05:52 I'm sure, but that again, if prisons that can't get us
05:56 say downlink us for whatever reason,
05:58 you can put these in, you don't even have to have the internet.
06:01 And yet it's got thousands of programs.
06:03 It can be piped into every cell.
06:05 If that's what they choose to do it to prison.
06:07 I mean, that's an amazing opportunity
06:10 two years and not say reruns, if you go to ABC, NBC and CBS,
06:15 you will see reruns every night.
06:16 If you go to CNN or you go to Fox News,
06:19 whatever channel you go to after first,
06:22 you see the person they're talking at 5 or 6 o'clock
06:26 and then about 9 or 10,
06:27 they're repeating.
06:28 So I'm understanding there's enough programming here.
06:31 You maybe could go two years.
06:32 So that's telling you, so what an incredible opportunity.
06:36 So we're asking you to literally ask
06:39 the Holy Spirit what he would have you to do.
06:42 Some of you can give more than others,
06:44 but whatever you give,
06:45 whether it's $5 or 5,000 or 50,000,
06:48 it's going to go towards matching funds
06:51 of this $100,000.
06:52 It's amazing. Incredible, Greg.
06:54 Yeah, how God supplies our needs.
06:55 I mean, it's amazing, you're saying it
06:57 did come out of the blue.
06:58 As we say, we weren't expecting it.
07:00 And this gentleman was saying that,
07:01 how 3ABN made an impact in his life years ago.
07:05 And he just felt that he needed to give this money
07:07 for prison ministry.
07:08 And there it is. And so, yeah, just praise God.
07:10 I mean, that's incredible gift for prison ministry.
07:13 What's the code? 436?
07:15 Absolutely.
07:16 So we just want to remind you one more time
07:18 the ways that you can contact us
07:20 and you can partner with us
07:22 in this matching fund gift.
07:24 You can go to our website, that's 3abn.tv
07:26 and you just click on the donate tab
07:28 and you go down to a code, it'll say prison ministries,
07:32 but it's code 436, and you just donate there.
07:35 And that's through PayPal. You can call us right now.
07:38 And the phone lines are open (618) 627-4651.
07:44 And someone at the call center would be delighted to say,
07:46 what would you like to give tonight?
07:49 And that would be through credit card, of course.
07:50 You can always mail us and send a check in the mail
07:54 and say, this is for the matching gift fund,
07:56 the matching for prison ministry.
07:59 Or you can text us right now, your pledge.
08:01 Now you can't donate via text,
08:04 but you can text us your pledge.
08:06 And you can say, I will give $100 or 50
08:09 or whatever your pledge is
08:10 and the texting number for that
08:12 is (618) 228-3975.
08:17 That number again, to text your pledge
08:19 for the matching gift for prison
08:21 is (618) 228-3975.
08:25 What an incredible opportunity to share the gospel
08:28 to those who are behind bars.
08:30 And every penny of this goes for prison ministry.
08:33 Yes. You're right, every penny.
08:34 Yeah. Thank you for that.
08:35 Yes, that's so incredible.
08:37 To piggyback off in closing
08:39 and piggyback off what Danny just said
08:42 is the trickle down to me,
08:44 the trickle-down effect.
08:46 If the Lord impresses me to,
08:48 hey, I've got my marching orders
08:51 and the Holy Spirit gives me my marching orders.
08:54 I do what the Holy Spirit goes,
08:55 because then that's going to be handed
08:57 the baton off to the next person.
09:00 And then he's going to do what he's supposed to do.
09:02 The objective is to get the Bibles into the people,
09:05 into the incarcerator's hands.
09:08 They're anxious.
09:09 I mean, we were just hearing and we got this stack
09:14 of basically the same thing.
09:17 I want to be filled with the words
09:19 so that I can share.
09:22 Now, if God is who you're painting in to be
09:25 of who I believe is that
09:27 miraculous things happen.
09:30 Well, I just want to do my part,
09:33 then let him do his part, him do his part before long
09:36 we have covered the earth.
09:38 Amen. Yeah. Well said.
09:40 Yvonne and I, we want to,
09:42 we'll make a commitment right now to,
09:44 we're going to give you a check
09:45 because we want to make sure that matching funds.
09:48 We want to get that.
09:50 Jill and I will be on the same.
09:51 Yep.
09:52 Absolute out in faith. All right.
09:54 The Quinns are raising their hand.
09:56 Amen. We too.
09:57 We can see you all right now to raising your hand too.
10:00 And thank you for standing with this incredible gift
10:02 and this matching fund.
10:04 It's amazing. Amazing.
10:05 It is, isn't it?
10:06 You've seen it through the years over again.
10:08 Yeah.
10:09 And like you say, you're the movers and shakers,
10:11 so thank you very much.
10:12 We're going to transition right now.
10:13 We're going to, thank you so much, JD and Shelley,
10:15 for being here.
10:16 Thank you for your leadership in this ministry
10:18 and your mentorship and your heart for God
10:20 and for our 3ABN family.
10:21 So we're going to transition right now
10:24 and bring out a couple more of the 3ABN family.
10:26 But what we're going to do now is go to a roll that
10:30 you and I had the opportunity just a couple of days ago,
10:32 sit down with John and Rosemary Malkiewycz
10:35 with 3ABN Australia.
10:36 Now we didn't sit down in person.
10:38 We sat down by a Skype
10:39 because they were all the way in Australia.
10:42 And we want to go to that right now
10:44 and give you an update
10:45 of what God is doing
10:47 through the ministry of 3ABN Australia.
10:49 Amen.
10:52 It's always an incredible privilege
10:54 and blessing to sit down
10:56 with John and Rosemary Malkiewycz,
10:57 they're the directors,
10:59 the general manager of 3ABN Australia.
11:01 And, of course, Rosemary is the assistant
11:03 to the general manager
11:04 of 3ABN Australia.
11:05 But I'm saying sitting down,
11:07 they're not here with us on the set.
11:09 They're actually halfway around the world
11:10 or I've even heard down under
11:13 and we're joining them via Skype.
11:15 John and Rosemary, are you there?
11:17 Yes, we are. It's good to see you.
11:20 Good morning from Australia.
11:21 That's the time difference.
11:23 You know, that's the crazy thing
11:24 of this whole time
11:26 thing is that Jill and I have been there.
11:27 And while you're talking about jet lag,
11:29 going in and coming, it's incredible.
11:30 But wow, technology allows us to actually be here with you.
11:34 And it's just great.
11:35 It's phenomenal that we can still sit down
11:37 and find an update and get an update
11:39 how 3ABN Australia is going.
11:42 Do you know when we come over there,
11:44 which we, of course we haven't with COVID,
11:46 but when we do come,
11:47 we're there just long enough
11:49 to start to get over jet lag
11:52 and our bodies to acclimatize to your time zone.
11:56 And then we turn around and come back
11:58 and our bodies are so confused.
12:00 It takes us two or three times
12:02 as long to get over jet lag on this end
12:05 as it does going to your place.
12:07 And so here we are, you know,
12:08 I'm thinking about this is incredible.
12:10 We're sitting on the 3ABN set here
12:11 in Thompsonville/ West Frankfort, Illinois.
12:14 And you're sitting on your beautiful set
12:16 right there in 3ABN.
12:17 Yep. Now it's in Morisset.
12:19 Did I say that right, Australia?
12:22 Yes.
12:23 But 3ABN Australia started way back with Kermit.
12:26 So for those that are watching right now,
12:28 don't know much about 3ABN Australia.
12:30 Tell us about Kermit,
12:31 just give us a real snippet
12:33 and then give us some updates,
12:34 but tell us about Kermit
12:35 and how 3ABN and you started out?
12:39 You know, Greg, when we look back at the time,
12:41 how quickly it's gone, it's nearly 19 years ago
12:44 before we set off with Kermit to go around Australia.
12:47 Well, actually it's 19 years on the 5th of March,
12:50 since we put our first satellite system in,
12:52 in Australia for 3ABN.
12:53 Wow.
12:55 And then we had just decided to travel around
12:57 and promote 3ABN all around Australia.
12:59 And we put satellite dishes in.
13:01 That was an incredible experience
13:04 because we never knew what God had installed for us,
13:09 to be sitting here now,
13:10 those so many years on
13:12 and be involved in actually making programs for 3ABN
13:16 to go around the whole world.
13:17 That's incredible.
13:19 We only set out
13:20 to put a satellite dishes in for people,
13:21 so they could watch 3ABN.
13:23 Amen.
13:24 We never even dreamed we would be in touch with 3ABN,
13:27 let alone working with 3ABN and going to 3ABN.
13:32 By the way, Greg,
13:33 Kermit was a little four wheel drive,
13:35 short wheel base land cruiser.
13:38 And, you know, we have kangaroos in Australia
13:40 and you see them hop, well,
13:41 it was like that traveling in Kermit,
13:43 it was hop, hop, hop all the way along.
13:45 Every bump you felt.
13:48 And there was no sound deadening
13:50 between the engine and the compartment.
13:53 And so to talk to each other, we had to shout.
13:57 You can imagine the World War II jeeps,
13:59 you know, the Second World War jeeps,
14:00 while there was that sort of version of vintage
14:03 of four wheel drive.
14:05 Yeah, just all metal.
14:06 And I just want to say too, that your dedication
14:09 for the work of spreading the gospel around the world
14:11 has made a tremendous...
14:13 It's been inspiring may I say that
14:15 to us here at 3ABN,
14:16 and as we heard your stories coming back
14:19 and then heard,
14:20 or the dedication that you put forward,
14:22 because it's not easy traveling
14:23 like you were saying across Australia.
14:26 I mean, it just touched our hearts
14:28 and to see their hearts beat for others
14:31 and for evangelism,
14:33 it's just an inspiration to us.
14:35 And like you're saying the miracles
14:36 that God has brought to bring 3ABN Australia
14:39 to where it is now,
14:40 it's absolutely incredible.
14:41 You were going to say something.
14:43 I think I interrupted you.
14:44 No, you're fine. I was just, it is amazing.
14:45 We love both of you
14:47 and are so grateful for your dedication
14:48 and sacrifice that you have put
14:50 in to help spread the three angels' messages down under.
14:53 So I know it started with Kermit,
14:55 but walk us forward
14:57 to when the beautiful production facility
14:59 that you have there in Morisset,
15:01 when that opened and was dedicated.
15:03 And then you started producing programming there in Australia.
15:09 Well, that was eight years ago,
15:11 last week or the week before,
15:13 since we opened this building was April 7
15:18 and we missed the anniversary here.
15:22 So we celebrated it a few days later,
15:24 but we had Moses Primo cut the ribbon
15:28 and we had Moses and Adima and Shelley and JD come
15:32 because Jim was supposed to come
15:35 and Danny was supposed to come,
15:37 but different things happened with health and family members
15:40 that they couldn't come at the last moment.
15:42 So JD and Shelley had to hop on a plane
15:45 and make it across.
15:47 And we had a wonderful time at the Avondale Memorial Church
15:52 with a great big, well, service sort of thing
15:55 and opening dedication program there.
15:58 Then we came to the building
15:59 and a whole lot of people came to the building
16:00 and Moses cut the ribbon
16:02 and people just flooded the building
16:04 to have a look at what we were doing.
16:06 It was quite an exciting day.
16:07 Amen.
16:09 So tell us about the building there,
16:10 because you have a studio plus more?
16:14 Two.
16:15 Two studios
16:17 and God, it's really interesting, Greg.
16:18 When we started out,
16:20 we didn't have all the necessary funds
16:22 to do anything.
16:24 And I go back to a text in the Bible
16:25 found in Proverbs 3:5-6.
16:28 It says,
16:29 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart
16:31 and lean not unto thine own understanding,
16:34 in all thy ways, acknowledge Him,
16:35 and He shall direct our paths."
16:37 So let me tell you in ministry, when you start out,
16:40 it's a very daunting thing.
16:42 And I think of you guys at 3ABN USA
16:44 now going for nearly 40 years.
16:47 Now, when you look at the expense
16:49 of running a studio and a production center,
16:51 it's high.
16:53 And, you know, in our own understanding,
16:54 I thought it is not possible
16:56 because I can remember Danny Shelton.
16:59 When he asked us, he said,
17:00 "John, you guys ready to pay for the satellite?"
17:03 And I kind of, I said no.
17:06 You know, I sweat great drops of blood
17:08 thinking about it
17:09 because it's a lot of money.
17:11 But you know, in all that,
17:12 if we lean on our understanding,
17:14 we will not advance.
17:16 We have to trust in God
17:18 and gratefully for all these years,
17:20 we've been paying for satellite,
17:22 the free to air satellite now.
17:25 And, and now in the last four years,
17:27 we went on to another satellite
17:29 where it reaches a new viewing audience
17:33 alongside all the commercials channels in Australia.
17:35 And we are the only ones on that platform.
17:38 Christian channel. Christian channel.
17:40 Praise God. That's right.
17:41 And so it is amazing.
17:44 Can I give you a couple of stories?
17:45 There was someone who was telling us
17:47 recently about their brother who had left the church
17:51 and he has this VAST system in his home
17:54 where he gets television
17:55 through this government satellite system.
17:57 And 3ABN is on there.
17:59 And now he's back in church as a strong member
18:02 because he started watching 3ABN
18:04 and it brought him back to God.
18:06 And that was just two or three weeks ago
18:09 we heard that story and it was really exciting.
18:13 And we had, no, we have a lot of non Seventh-day Adventists
18:16 watching us on VAST
18:17 because different ones contact us.
18:20 But there was one that came through
18:23 just a few days ago.
18:25 And it was a lady
18:27 who rang Elizabeth, our receptionist
18:29 and was talking to her
18:31 and ordering a copy of Dr. Lindsey's latest DVDs,
18:37 which is on 3ABN.
18:39 She expressed her appreciation
18:41 for the messages on 3ABN Australia.
18:44 And then she said that
18:46 her husband was baptized last year.
18:49 And he's a new convert
18:50 and loves the messages given by Pastor Geoff Youlden,
18:53 Pastor Danny Milenkov, and Dr. Allan Lindsay,
18:57 their messages have impacted him
18:58 and helped lead him to make a decision for baptism.
19:02 Amen.
19:04 And that's just a praise the Lord
19:06 that was just so exciting to just receive this week.
19:09 Amen.
19:10 So I was really, really happy with that.
19:12 Amen.
19:13 So, you know, the ministry is making an impact
19:15 and it's reaching out into homes
19:18 and people are discovering truths
19:19 and they're finding Jesus
19:21 and coming to a knowledge of Him.
19:24 That's incredible through these avenues.
19:26 Amen.
19:27 It's wonderful to be part of something
19:30 that is spreading the gospel around the world
19:33 in such a tangible way
19:35 that is reaching into people's homes
19:37 when nobody else is or can.
19:40 And they're learning the truth of God
19:42 and they're going to be in the kingdom.
19:44 When Jesus comes,
19:46 they're going to rise in the air
19:48 and we will meet every individual
19:50 that we just don't know now.
19:52 So many people,
19:53 we only hear some of the stories very few,
19:56 but for every one we hear there are many others
19:59 that we don't hear all who have come in as well.
20:02 You know, Jill and Greg, during this COVID time,
20:05 I think there's been a lot more people
20:08 who are stuck in home, in their homes
20:10 and looking, and we're hearing,
20:12 they're enjoying the programs at 3ABN.
20:15 And that's a wonderful thought
20:16 because, you know, I believe that
20:18 3ABN is doing a great work
20:21 in proclaiming the three angels' messages
20:23 around the world,
20:24 and people are being blessed.
20:25 There are people who have lots of questions
20:27 and they are finding answers.
20:29 Amen. Amen to that.
20:31 Tell us some of the exciting things
20:32 that are happening there,
20:33 'cause we know that things are happening
20:35 in spite of COVID.
20:36 I mean, things are just going forward.
20:37 We get reports, Jill and I are on the 3ABN
20:40 and, of course, Australia board.
20:41 And it's just exciting what God is doing,
20:43 what He's doing and providing for the needs
20:46 of 3ABN Australia.
20:47 We've been to the building there,
20:49 it's phenomenal.
20:50 You have 3ABN Australia Radio, is there.
20:53 You have a couple of studios, some nice office space.
20:55 You have what we call like a call center
20:57 where they like supplies the DVDs and books
20:59 and other materials go out.
21:01 It's a beautiful facility.
21:02 And God has provided that for you,
21:04 going back to you, driving around little Kermit
21:06 that little Toyota land cruiser or Land Rover,
21:08 whatever it was.
21:10 And you know, what God has done
21:11 into to where you are now into the reach.
21:13 You know, you're going satellite by satellite,
21:15 which is basically home to home or church to church.
21:18 And here you're reaching the entire beautiful country
21:20 of Australia and New Zealand.
21:22 Is that right? Anywhere else?
21:23 And New Zealand. Yep.
21:24 And the islands too.
21:26 Something Papua New Guinea I think.
21:27 Yeah, in the islands in Papua New Guinea.
21:29 But tell us some of the exciting things
21:30 that are going on?
21:32 Well, sometime back when we were, wanna back
21:34 our committee board meetings if you could say.
21:37 We knew that there were people wanting
21:39 to have 3ABN out in the islands,
21:42 particularly, you know, in the Solomon Islands
21:45 and Fiji and all those areas.
21:48 But there is an issue
21:49 because we could have gone on to another satellite,
21:51 another satellite that would have made three,
21:54 but the problem was, out in the islands
21:57 there's a lot of issues like the environment
21:59 is so bad for satellite dishes.
22:02 The other thing is power is not readily available.
22:05 Also it would be a big dish...
22:06 Yes. Not just a small one.
22:08 And so when I went out there to investigate
22:12 what the possibilities.
22:13 I noticed that all the dishes that were put up
22:16 had deteriorated so bad, no one was getting anything.
22:19 So I kind of concluded, it's not the way to go.
22:22 And then Moses Primo
22:25 had this idea of making a little box
22:29 that could be used just with a TV.
22:32 That's all you needed. You didn't need the internet.
22:34 You didn't need a satellite.
22:36 You could receive and watch 3ABN.
22:38 And I've got one here, actually, Greg,
22:40 because this is what's going out in the last two months
22:43 and it's called mySDA TV
22:47 and it's interlaced
22:48 so it doesn't need anything else,
22:50 but just a cable or HDMI cable to connect it to the TV.
22:55 Turn it on,
22:56 and you can watch 3ABN for a number of years,
23:00 depending on the number of hours
23:01 that you can watch each day.
23:03 It's amazing.
23:04 And, not only that,
23:05 but we can also,
23:07 what we're going to do is upgrade it,
23:09 put new programs on it,
23:11 through having an SD card...
23:13 Which slots in the side here.
23:15 So once a year or something, we will have an update.
23:18 If people want more programs,
23:20 they can have the more recent update of programs
23:23 through the SD cards.
23:24 So, is it... So, this is really...
23:27 Go ahead.
23:29 This is really our main incentive right now.
23:31 And you know what, Jill and Greg?
23:33 I'm sorry, I interrupted you, Jill.
23:34 But really what's important is
23:37 we want these to go out in the island
23:38 and you know, that people in the islands
23:40 don't have funds like we do,
23:43 you know, here in the mainland if could say that.
23:46 So we've got people who've donated.
23:48 And we're asking people to even donate for one
23:51 to be sent out into the islands,
23:54 because this is an evangelistic tool.
23:56 It's not just something
23:57 you plug in and watch on your TV,
23:59 it's an evangelistic tool.
24:01 And you can run evangelistic series
24:03 from these boxes
24:05 because in the islands,
24:07 many people gather together unlike us.
24:09 Each evening, they'd come out around a TV
24:11 and they watch, and this is a terrific tool.
24:14 Not only for, you know,
24:17 the list goes on and on
24:18 the churches can use it.
24:20 Think of small churches with no regular pastor,
24:23 especially here in Australia,
24:25 that they're so far away from a pastor.
24:27 They could have this and have Mark Finley preach.
24:29 They could have Kenneth Cox preach.
24:32 They're going to have Allan Lindsay.
24:33 They're going to have Doug Batchelor.
24:35 They can have any number of great speakers
24:38 preach in their church each week.
24:40 So tonight, our viewers can...
24:44 You can get involved and you can sponsor
24:47 a box or two, or maybe 10 boxes.
24:50 Why don't we talk about your website?
24:52 So people can go directly to 3ABN Australia.
24:55 Maybe they could sponsor one of these boxes.
24:57 Of course, you can always contact us
24:59 here at 3ABN in the US
25:00 and we can forward the funds to Australia.
25:03 But what would be the best way if someone wants to sponsor
25:05 one of these evangelistic tools or some of these boxes,
25:08 especially in the island or in the Outback,
25:11 how could they do that?
25:14 The website is
25:16 3abnaustralia.org.au
25:22 And they can go on there.
25:23 There is a donate section, or even a purchase section.
25:26 If people in Australia want to purchase a box
25:30 for their own home use, they can do so
25:32 because small groups can use them.
25:35 You can use them for cooking classes
25:37 with the cooking programs on there.
25:39 One person said to us that she wants to get it
25:41 so she can do her exercises.
25:43 And then she can invite friends to her home
25:46 to do exercises with her.
25:48 And introduce them to 3ABN while she's doing that.
25:51 Absolutely.
25:52 So, because you can play it whenever you want,
25:54 you can choose your programs and just play what you want.
25:58 But imagine for people in any nursing home,
26:02 because you have them in the US through mySDA TV.
26:06 People who are in a nursing home,
26:08 they do not have Christian programming.
26:10 They don't have a Sabbath
26:13 because it's just day after day,
26:14 the same routine in the nursing home.
26:17 With this, they can put it with their television
26:20 and on Sabbath, they can have church.
26:23 They can have Adventist programs
26:26 any day of the week.
26:28 Amen.
26:29 What a beautiful thing for aged people.
26:30 It's an amazing evangelistic opportunity.
26:33 So we want to encourage you tonight
26:35 that you can contact 3ABN Australia.
26:37 You can donate for this.
26:38 You can order these boxes,
26:40 or you can always contact us here as well.
26:43 Talk to us a little bit.
26:44 I know we're almost out of time,
26:46 but talk to us just a little bit about
26:47 some of the new programming
26:49 that's coming out from 3ABN Australia.
26:51 I know some of the programs we air on 3ABN parent,
26:55 I'm thinking of Evolution Impossible,
26:57 which deals with creation evolution.
26:59 And talk to us about some of those new programs?
27:02 Okay.
27:03 Then we are currently working on some new programs for
27:08 A Day with the King, our children's series,
27:10 but there'll be standalone programs.
27:15 They will be 15 minutes long each.
27:18 It'll be a lot less work in post-production,
27:21 but we will have the Bible study segment.
27:24 And we will also have a music segment,
27:26 which we want to do Bible verses
27:28 or scripture songs.
27:30 Amen.
27:31 Because I believe it's a time
27:33 that we need to learn scripture
27:35 and learning it with music is the best way to do it
27:38 because it sticks in your mind when it's put with music.
27:41 So we're going to do a program like that with.
27:43 We're working on it right at the moment.
27:45 We've got new programs
27:46 coming up with Pastor Danny Milenkov.
27:50 We've had postpone recording that,
27:52 but we're going to be doing that this month.
27:56 And then we've got, I don't know,
27:57 there's quite a few in the pipeline
28:00 and I can't even remember what all of them are.
28:02 We just finished playing out Dr. Allan Lindsay,
28:06 you know, he had the program, Keepers of the Flame.
28:09 Oh, yes.
28:10 And he's getting older
28:11 and I really felt a burden to have him
28:14 talk about the prophecies.
28:16 And he's done a series of God's
28:18 last message to the world.
28:21 And it's been very, very well received.
28:23 I don't know the viewers over in America,
28:25 if you haven't seen it, you need to see it
28:27 because really Bible prophecy indicates very clearly
28:31 where we are at this time of earth's history.
28:35 And it's important that you realize
28:37 that our relationship with Jesus
28:39 must be first and foremost,
28:41 because we know the things
28:43 that have been told us
28:44 are happening right before our eyes.
28:46 Amen.
28:47 And so this program has been a real blessing
28:49 to many, many people.
28:51 Amen.
28:52 It's an amazing program.
28:53 That's actually where I was going,
28:55 was to ask you to talk about it.
28:56 So that's perfect.
28:58 It's a great program. And we love Dr. Allan Lindsay.
29:00 Oh, yeah. Go ahead.
29:02 Yeah, we're hoping doing another one with him,
29:03 another series too.
29:05 Yeah. Amen.
29:07 You know, I'm going to just...
29:08 Go ahead. Go ahead, Rosemary.
29:09 No, you go ahead, Greg.
29:11 Well, I was just going to say,
29:12 you know, for those of you that are home,
29:13 you're like, well 3ABN Australia,
29:15 how do I get that?
29:16 So you'll see, like, if you have the 3ABN app,
29:18 you can see 3ABN, 3ABN Praise Him,
29:20 Proclaim, the kids' network.
29:22 You'll see one that says international.
29:23 That's where 3ABN Australia falls under.
29:25 So you'll see a lot of the programming,
29:27 like Jill mentioned and has already been mentioned
29:29 on 3ABN parent, we call it,
29:31 what you're watching right now.
29:32 But then also you can go to 3ABN International
29:35 and that's where you actually watch
29:36 a lot of the 3ABN Australia.
29:37 They're a production which is fantastic.
29:39 They do a great job.
29:41 They don't have a really large team there.
29:42 They do a really good job.
29:43 I want to just touch on this.
29:45 You all are grandparents again to...
29:47 Give us the name.
29:48 I know you're grandparents, of course, to Micah, right?
29:51 He's five, four or five.
29:52 And then tell us about the new baby?
29:54 Yeah.
29:55 And Elijah, he is nine months old.
29:57 Oh, boy. And he's gorgeous.
30:02 He gets called Eliji Paiji.
30:05 And he's beautiful. He's such a happy child.
30:09 He's just a delight.
30:10 And he is the son to... And he's getting his teeth.
30:12 Wow. So he's the son though to...
30:15 Tell us the family relationship there?
30:17 To your son... Shane and Diane.
30:18 And James works, of course, at 3ABN Australia,
30:20 he's an integral part of the ministry there.
30:23 So that's awesome.
30:24 And also Daniel, their son as well.
30:26 Yes, Daniel's there too.
30:27 Nancy's here now.
30:28 She's started with us. Yeah.
30:31 There's another thing I did mention too, Greg,
30:34 and I don't know how much time we have,
30:35 but we've decided to have these insight tracts
30:39 and there's 10 of them.
30:40 Good.
30:41 And we've sent out now
30:43 probably 200,000 of them, at least...
30:46 To the islands. To the islands.
30:48 And we want people to have these in their pockets
30:51 to share what the Bible teaches about
30:54 subjects that we are very dear to
30:57 and while we as people of Seventh-day Adventist
31:00 are dear to in understanding the scriptures.
31:02 What are some of the topics?
31:05 Evolution.
31:06 Five minutes after death.
31:07 Paradise, heaven.
31:09 Experiencing God's presence through prayer.
31:11 Sabbath.
31:12 Why do bad things happen?
31:14 The prophecies of Jesus
31:16 and the second coming et cetera.
31:18 Those are great topics. Praise the Lord.
31:20 Absolutely.
31:22 Very, very good and have been well received too.
31:23 Amen.
31:24 So we've sent these out to the islands.
31:26 We've sent some more just yesterday,
31:27 and the interlaced boxes
31:29 we're sending out to the islands
31:30 as well as we get the opportunity.
31:32 We're packaging up 30 or 70 or whatever,
31:35 and getting them out as soon as we can.
31:38 Well, Jill and I, and the rest of the team here at 3ABN,
31:40 Mr. Danny Shelton, of course, and the others
31:42 just thank you again for your dedication
31:45 and for your heart for the Lord and for other people.
31:48 And that we pray for you all on a daily basis
31:50 and your team there.
31:51 And to keep up the great work there,
31:53 and again, God bless you in what you're doing there.
31:58 Thank you, John and Rosemary Malkiewycz,
32:00 and the entire team there for 3ABN Australia,
32:02 you do an amazing job there.
32:04 And we have the opportunity
32:05 as we mentioned in the roll to be there.
32:07 And it's just, it's just great
32:08 to visit other parts of the world
32:09 and to see what God is doing there.
32:11 And again, thank you for your dedication to the work.
32:14 We've done a little bit of musical chairs,
32:16 so maybe we should introduce who we have here with us now.
32:18 We have, absolutely.
32:19 We have Dr. Moses Primo,
32:21 who's the director of engineering and broadcasting
32:23 here at 3ABN,
32:25 as well as general manager of 3ABN Francais.
32:28 So that's a mouthful all those titles.
32:30 I'm glad to have you here tonight.
32:31 Thank you.
32:33 So good to be here
32:34 and to update everyone
32:35 about what God is doing all around the world,
32:37 especially in Africa.
32:39 Amen. That's great.
32:41 We're looking forward to that.
32:42 Sitting next to you is our pastor,
32:43 Pastor John Lomacang,
32:45 pastor of the Thompsonville Church, of course,
32:46 and grateful, Pastor, to have you here.
32:49 Thank you. The toasted version, the post vacation version.
32:53 I got, I went into the sun of the Virgin Islands
32:55 and got toasted.
32:57 So don't adjust your television.
33:01 You were enjoying the warmth of the sunshine.
33:02 Yeah.
33:04 Nothing like salt water, and no hairspray
33:06 really make your life change.
33:08 It's good to be here.
33:09 But thank you both for your heart for God.
33:11 Thank you, Dr. Moses for that
33:12 and for your heart for evangelism.
33:14 You know, that's evident you've been at the ministry of 3ABN
33:17 since almost the very beginning,
33:18 I believe 30-31...
33:19 Almost 30, yeah.
33:21 Years which is a long time.
33:23 Thank you, Pastor John.
33:24 You and your wife have been here now, is it 17?
33:27 Eighteen years. Eighteen years now.
33:28 Yeah, incredible. Yeah.
33:29 But going to...
33:31 When Moses first came,
33:32 I had hair and he had black hair.
33:34 Okay.
33:35 I don't have much hair and he's got grey hair.
33:39 But you all have a wealth of information and experience,
33:41 which is just great for us younger folk
33:43 to be able to tap into that.
33:44 So we're very, very grateful.
33:46 I don't know if you have a comment
33:47 on John and Rosemary Malkiewycz again,
33:49 because they've been with the ministry for 20 years,
33:51 which is incredible,
33:52 and the work that they have done.
33:53 There, where that word incredible keeps coming up.
33:55 They're incredible people, John and Rose, both of them
33:58 and their family.
33:59 But, yeah, when we first heard about them,
34:02 they were, they had this little,
34:04 it was a little green vehicle
34:06 and I think they called it Kermit,
34:07 like Kermit the frog.
34:08 Yeah. That's right.
34:10 And they were traveling to camp meetings
34:11 and was trying to tell everybody
34:12 about this network 3ABN.
34:14 And they would set up a dish and try to get, you know,
34:19 literally go to camp meetings and they were so excited.
34:21 They were volunteers.
34:22 Yeah, absolutely.
34:24 So I began to talk to them and then
34:25 I wanted to find out more about them.
34:27 And I was talking to Mr. Garwin McNeilus
34:29 and Garwin says, I've worked with them overseas.
34:32 And they're incredible people.
34:34 And John's very talented and do all kinds of work.
34:37 And they're both dedicated to the Lord.
34:39 And so we got to know them a little better.
34:41 And so then we said, how about 3ABN Australia,
34:44 and who of course, to put in charge
34:46 other than those two?
34:47 That's right. And, they're wonderful people.
34:49 Love you guys, and thank you so much
34:51 for what you've been doing all these years
34:53 for the cause of God and what you continue to do,
34:57 your life and your ministry is nothing short of a miracle,
35:01 just like us here at 3ABN, God has used you.
35:05 And, only in heaven will you see the results
35:08 of the work of 3ABN Australia.
35:10 Yeah. Amen.
35:12 You know, they were talking about the interlaced system,
35:14 you know, Dr. Yvonne, we were talking about that
35:16 for the prisons earlier,
35:17 but then also what they're doing
35:19 in Australia is incredible.
35:20 I know you've been working with them,
35:21 Dr. Moses, on that project
35:23 to reach the islands surrounding the country.
35:26 Tremendous opportunity out there are people,
35:29 some people don't have internet
35:31 and some people don't even have satellites
35:34 because they are in the islands.
35:36 So, it is a great opportunity.
35:38 Yeah. Amen.
35:40 We want to talk about evangelism.
35:41 We should talk about this little booklet
35:42 and then go to your exciting update,
35:44 Dr. Moses, on Africa.
35:45 We mentioned this in the first hour,
35:47 but this booklet and we've talked about it before,
35:49 but written, of course, by Pastor John Lomacang,
35:51 The Three Angels' Messages in summary
35:54 is an incredible evangelistic opportunity.
35:57 We've been talking tonight about evangelism,
35:59 and this is the opportunity for you to become involved,
36:02 to partner with the ministry of 3ABN
36:05 and sharing the three angels' messages
36:09 with your neighbors, with your coworkers,
36:10 with your friends, with your church members,
36:13 even as Seventh-day Adventist Christians,
36:15 we don't always understand
36:17 what the three angels' messages is.
36:19 So this booklet, the call center is opened.
36:21 This booklet is available
36:23 for a suggested donation of $60.
36:26 Listen to this only $60
36:29 for a whole case of these.
36:30 A whole case? A whole case.
36:31 Of how many?
36:33 There is 200 booklets in a case.
36:35 Wow.
36:36 So $60 just covers the printing
36:37 and the shipping to you.
36:39 The shipping costs for these booklets.
36:40 So for $60 tonight,
36:42 you can call us right now
36:44 at (618) 627-4651.
36:48 That number again is (618) 627-4651.
36:52 Or you can go to our website, 3abn.tv
36:57 You can click on the banner for the books
36:58 and you can order the books that way.
37:00 You can say, I want one case or five or ten,
37:02 what an incredible opportunity
37:04 to be able to share the gospel with those in our communities.
37:08 Well, and what this book does, it literally puts a cap on
37:12 the entire message that we give.
37:13 I liked that.
37:15 A lot of us are within the Adventist Church,
37:17 you know, we can talk about the Sabbath,
37:18 there's a state of the dead, and we can talk about this.
37:21 The three angels' messages, Pastor John,
37:23 the way you put it together,
37:24 you put all the dots together.
37:27 So now, I can look at this
37:28 as a seasoned Seventh-day Adventist Christian,
37:31 or somebody who knows nothing
37:33 about Seventh-day Adventist,
37:35 or very little about the Bible.
37:37 But when they understand
37:39 that this message is talking about them,
37:42 this message is talking about those of us living today
37:45 in the closing moments of earth's history
37:48 and is centered around Jesus.
37:50 That's right.
37:51 So you have these angels flying in the midst of heaven,
37:53 and God wants to use you to be one of those messengers.
37:56 Yes.
37:57 So the way you put it together
37:58 and you center the three angels' messages and Jesus.
38:01 That's right.
38:03 And so, when you get this book,
38:04 not only should you give it away,
38:07 but I would say read it.
38:08 Even if you've been an Adventist,
38:10 don't tell them how many, how many years
38:11 you've been Adventist,
38:12 it's going to put all the dots together.
38:14 So I said, it's like putting the icing on the cake
38:17 if I can use that term.
38:18 So thank you for doing a great job
38:20 and doing it so short that it's just a quick read you
38:22 go through, but it makes such, so much sense.
38:25 You know, I got a call from a pastor
38:27 a couple of weeks ago, actually.
38:29 And he was so excited,
38:31 I had to hold the phone away a little bit from my ear.
38:33 He was an Adventist pastor.
38:34 And he said to me, I've been in the ministry
38:37 and he had just retired.
38:38 He said, I've been in the ministry
38:40 for more than 40 something years.
38:42 This is the first time I've actually,
38:44 and I was blown away.
38:45 He said, you've made it so succinct.
38:47 There are no anecdotal stories about you growing up
38:49 or what church you attended.
38:51 And he says,
38:52 and what I like about it is Christ centered.
38:54 And I got a call from a lady that same day.
38:56 And I said, now
38:58 is this the three angels' messages day?
38:59 I had a call from lady that that same day.
39:00 She said, I finally understand what these messages are.
39:06 And she says, and what I like about it,
39:08 it's Bible only
39:10 because the three angels' messages are so potent
39:12 in and of themselves.
39:14 It's so potent, you have to handle it
39:15 and bathe it in Christ.
39:17 Because it's not about people being lost or people,
39:20 him not liking particular groups,
39:22 because it goes through messages,
39:23 you know, the judgment hour message,
39:25 the fall of Babylon and warning people about the mark
39:27 of the beast, the name and the number.
39:29 So these are very potent in and of themselves.
39:32 And if you don't wrap it in Christ,
39:33 it comes across offensively
39:35 and I've made it my determination
39:37 to make it clear about.
39:38 The Lord wants to save you no matter who you are,
39:41 but these messages, the everlasting gospel.
39:44 What did Jesus say about that in Matthew 24,
39:46 when it's preached into all the world
39:48 as a witness to all nations.
39:50 Well, how could it cover all nations
39:51 without the three angels' messages?
39:53 Amen.
39:54 So it's the capstone of the gospel
39:55 from the time of the fall of man
39:57 to the preparation of the second coming of Jesus.
39:59 Amen. Dr. Yvonne?
40:01 It's a powerful evangelistic tool.
40:03 I think that school should have it,
40:06 churches should have it,
40:08 even prisons.
40:09 I think, you know, we should,
40:10 if people want to order cases to go into different prisons...
40:14 It's a great idea.
40:15 Then we could include that in our packages
40:17 when we send that to the inmate.
40:20 So, I mean, it's, we need to know
40:23 the three angels' messages.
40:25 And like Danny had said,
40:26 we can discuss different aspects of church doctrine,
40:31 but the three angels' messages,
40:32 that's not an easy thing to discuss.
40:34 And Pastor John has just condensed it,
40:36 put it in a great format and it's there for us.
40:39 So I think it's a powerful evangelistic tool to use.
40:44 Oh, yeah. Amen.
40:45 A great opportunity we have this evening,
40:46 like Jill was sharing, you can just call the call center
40:48 or go online and order a case for a suggested donation of $60
40:52 postpaid here in the United States.
40:54 I mean, that's amazing.
40:55 You think about that, printing, postage, basically 30 cents.
40:58 I mean, you think about how we spend 30 cents now.
41:00 I mean, we can spend that quite easily,
41:02 so 30 cents includes, it's just one booklet.
41:04 I wanna make sure I heard right.
41:06 Sorry. I talked kind of fast.
41:07 It does include shipping, isn't it?
41:08 So you're not only getting 200 books,
41:12 the case, but it's actually going to be shipped.
41:14 Yep. That's right.
41:15 For how much?
41:17 Sixty dollars 60 suggested donation here.
41:18 That's almost ridiculous.
41:19 That's almost a giveaway. It is a giveaway.
41:23 That's just a giveaway. It is.
41:25 We had someone that actually caught the vision.
41:27 I mean, you all catch the vision
41:29 of what evangelism is all about,
41:30 but they actually
41:32 were contacting us about 20,000 of these booklets.
41:34 We just shipped them out in Appalachia in California.
41:37 They said they wanted 20,000 of these booklets.
41:40 Amen. And we got it shipped.
41:42 Praise the Lord. Praise God for that.
41:43 It's worth that.
41:45 And it's a message that's going to be pertinent
41:46 until Jesus comes
41:48 'cause right after it in Revelation 14,
41:50 the next thing is the coming of the Lord.
41:52 Yeah. So, praise God for that.
41:53 Yeah. Join the movement.
41:55 Yes.
41:56 So Dr. Moses, tell us about the exciting things
41:58 that are happening in Africa?
42:00 This is exciting. Yeah.
42:01 I'm very excited because
42:03 for one time we were on all over Africa, on satellite
42:08 and then we lost that satellite for several years.
42:12 And now we have that opportunity again.
42:15 Since April 9th, we started to broadcast
42:19 in the Western side of Africa.
42:22 That's huge.
42:23 Yeah, it's a...
42:25 And it is a package it's called View Africa.
42:29 And, it is a free to air, so anyone can receive.
42:34 It is a same package that, it has different channels
42:38 that you can pay for it.
42:40 But if you don't want to pay for those channels,
42:43 that are, they are bad channels anyway.
42:46 So you can get to just the free channels
42:48 that they are several
42:50 it's about the package of 30 something
42:52 free channels that you can get in Africa.
42:55 And it's tailored, targeted to Nigeria,
42:59 the country of Nigeria.
43:02 And that they say that just in that package alone,
43:06 there will, there is a 45 million homes.
43:10 Wow.
43:11 Now, if you multiply a home in Africa,
43:14 maybe here in United States is by three.
43:17 But if you multiply that, you know, you can do the math,
43:21 you were talking a lot of million people.
43:23 Oh, yeah.
43:25 And, not only in Nigeria,
43:28 but the satellite has a footprint
43:33 that is aimed to West side of Africa.
43:37 Okay.
43:38 So I called Uganda and I said,
43:41 can you receive it?
43:43 And that they haven't tested it yet.
43:44 So I went to the other side and I called Ghana.
43:48 We have a affiliate station in Ghana.
43:50 We have a small studio there
43:52 and that they produce local programs.
43:55 And I asked them that they can receive in Ghana.
43:59 So Ghana is in the very end of Western Africa,
44:04 after that, it's just the ocean,
44:05 and we're not going to preach to the fish.
44:09 So the fish doesn't need the conversion
44:11 but from the very far West of Africa,
44:15 all the way to Nigeria
44:19 and a little beyond this satellite covers.
44:22 I checked also, we are potentially talking
44:25 to a company in Liberia
44:28 and they checked in that they can receive
44:31 that channel also.
44:33 And so, it is a very good footprint for a,
44:37 a small amount of satellite time.
44:40 Oh, yeah. And it's free to air?
44:42 It's free to air.
44:43 So people can access it free.
44:44 They don't have to purchase any packages.
44:46 It's just and all of these, you said 45 million homes
44:48 in Nigeria already have it?
44:50 Yeah. Just in Nigeria alone.
44:51 That's amazing.
44:52 But the footprint expands though beyond Nigeria, we know.
44:55 Yeah. So they have to get the licenses
44:57 if they want to sell to other countries
45:00 like Ghana or Liberia,
45:02 but they don't need it to sell
45:04 because it is free to air.
45:06 We are only interested in the free channels,
45:10 but they are interested in selling all their channels,
45:13 but so we can claim that
45:15 it covers Ghana, Liberia, and Nigeria.
45:20 Wow.
45:22 Praise the Lord.
45:24 I think about God providing, you know, our needs too,
45:26 you know, for this, because you know,
45:27 this is the year of expansion, you've been...
45:30 Every year we always claim something for the Lord, right?
45:32 Okay. So this is the year of expansion.
45:33 God, not just to expand as in us building buildings,
45:37 but expand Your Word to those
45:39 that don't know about You.
45:40 And these opportunities have just presented themselves.
45:43 And we just step out in faith
45:44 and someone has actually given us
45:46 actually a donation to cover the entire year
45:48 for us to be there in Nigeria.
45:50 The cost to be on the satellite.
45:52 Amen.
45:54 That's what I was going to say, people,
45:55 I think thanks to the viewer of 3ABN
45:57 and they catch the mission of preaching
46:01 all over the world
46:03 because somebody just stepped and gave us the first year.
46:06 We'll have to be responsible for the second year.
46:10 Lord will provide.
46:11 But we will, yeah, we trust God will provide again.
46:14 This is a very good potential to reach a millions of people.
46:19 What I'm thinking is from past experience,
46:22 probably nobody here is going to be losing sleep this year,
46:25 wondering where it's going to come from next year.
46:27 Exactly.
46:28 We are going to enjoy the blessing
46:30 God has given us this year.
46:31 You're right.
46:32 And know He'll provide this coming year.
46:34 Yeah, you're absolutely right.
46:35 When you talk about satellite dishes,
46:36 they kind of look like angels.
46:38 Yeah.
46:40 Flying in the midst of heaven.
46:41 Space that they're winged.
46:43 Flying in the midst of heaven. Praise the Lord.
46:44 And tell us about Uganda?
46:46 Uganda is also a very good opportunity to,
46:51 it started to expand.
46:52 We're talking about a year of expansion.
46:56 In Uganda, we were for many years
46:59 trying to find a group that will help us
47:03 to produce local programs.
47:06 And we found a group that is a lay organization
47:10 called Avvento Media,
47:13 and we help put some equipment together
47:17 and they are producing a lot of programs to help,
47:22 to reach to the local community.
47:26 And I like to show a picture of their program, the schedule.
47:30 So you can see that,
47:32 most of the Saturday it's in the green area.
47:36 If you see the green, that is all local content...
47:38 Really?
47:40 And, they call 20:00 which is a military time
47:44 for 8 o'clock at PM.
47:46 So that is all covered an entire week from 8 to 10,
47:51 they are producing local programs.
47:54 Now that I believe that
47:55 the calls are going to come
47:57 because of the church members are going to see their faces
48:01 and they're going to start to help
48:03 to this affiliate that there.
48:06 And it's an NGO is a 3ABN Uganda, NGO.
48:10 I want to also show the logo they came up with,
48:14 which is the 3ABN logo with a little Uganda flag
48:19 Oh yeah, we like it. I love it.
48:21 I thought that was very creative
48:22 to have the flag right there.
48:24 It is.
48:25 You know, and in 1990,
48:28 Prime Minister Kisekka
48:29 came to the General Conference session in Indianapolis.
48:32 We brought him here to 3ABN,
48:35 and that's one of the few times
48:37 I've been treated like a celebrity
48:39 in my own country here.
48:40 They say here, because the police were there.
48:42 They had police escorts.
48:44 All the politicians were around to greet the prime minister,
48:47 but I was there with him, you see,
48:49 I was at airport for that too.
48:51 We flew into Marion and came, he came to 3ABN
48:55 and spent some time here.
48:57 Wow.
48:58 And, so he had
48:59 a great impact on number of other people
49:02 like Bob Vila's sports writer
49:03 and then newspaper editor
49:05 later on, but he was such a dedicated Christian,
49:08 but his dream and in coming here in 1990,
49:11 his dream he's resting in Jesus now
49:14 was to get 3ABN throughout all Uganda.
49:17 Oh, wow.
49:19 And so, that was his dream and prayer.
49:20 Look at that today.
49:22 1990. Praise the Lord.
49:24 Give you a high fiver across the table.
49:25 High five. Praise the Lord.
49:27 All day. That's amazing.
49:29 Our affiliate that we have there
49:31 and the 3ABN NGO that we have there
49:34 is actually broadcasting all this years in Kampala,
49:39 which is the capital city,
49:42 but the license, it covers the entire country,
49:46 but the country is divided in they call regions
49:50 and to expand to other regions,
49:54 you have to pay additional license.
49:57 So, we can, we can do it in a week.
50:01 It can happen just overnight.
50:02 We just have to pay for those.
50:05 There are nine regions in the country.
50:07 So, this is another opportunity for the viewer tonight,
50:11 if they want to sponsor a region in Uganda,
50:16 you can do that because we have the license
50:19 and we are producing programs.
50:21 So that is a commitment that the government ask
50:25 to produce local programs.
50:27 And we are doing that.
50:29 So we just need to raise the funds to expand it
50:32 to these other regions besides Kampala.
50:35 Amen.
50:36 You know, we appreciate the local conference too,
50:38 because the Seventh-day Adventist Church
50:39 is very supportive of this.
50:41 I think actually part of our equipment
50:42 is in one of their buildings.
50:43 ADRA is very supportive of the project there too.
50:45 So it's just great to see the people coming together
50:48 to get the gospel to the country of Uganda.
50:50 Thank you, Dr. Moses too,
50:52 because you know, the time difference,
50:54 you know, odd hours of the day,
50:55 working with them to get all this.
50:57 Oh, yeah. So thank you.
50:58 Wow. We thank the laypeople there also.
51:02 We have a very strong board of directors there.
51:05 Yes.
51:06 We have, like I said,
51:07 somebody representing the conference,
51:10 the ADRA,
51:11 we have people that work in the industry there
51:14 like in university,
51:17 Elder Jackson.
51:18 Yeah, the professor. Yeah.
51:20 He is very good support to this NGO.
51:24 And we are striving to get the more programs
51:29 to the people to be and choose and to support that expansion.
51:34 Amen. That's right.
51:36 Thank you, Dr. Moses.
51:37 So people can donate tonight.
51:38 Our 3ABN family, you can donate tonight.
51:40 If you want to donate
51:42 specifically for the 3ABN, Uganda project,
51:44 you can go on our website and donate that way.
51:46 Or you can call us at (618) 627-4651
51:51 and say, yes, I want to get 3ABN
51:53 into Uganda into these regions,
51:57 I guess that's the word you used, yeah.
51:58 You definitely got it right this year,
52:00 the year of expansion.
52:01 Yeah.
52:03 So when that came because look at the areas,
52:05 even we've just talked about today,
52:07 you know, with Cuba, with Uganda, Nigeria.
52:12 Nigeria, what's happening in Australia.
52:14 Correct. Interlaced system.
52:16 And the prison.
52:18 And what's happening with prison ministries in America.
52:20 I mean, all of that to expansion
52:21 and it just keeps going on and on.
52:24 So I know we're almost out of time.
52:25 I'm going to get to you, Pastor John.
52:26 I wanted to say this, Mr. Danny,
52:28 because it's just, it's been a new, um,
52:29 it's been a learning experience for me, right?
52:30 You know, we've done this transition about a year
52:32 or so to go
52:35 and to see all of these needs and everything coming in,
52:37 boy, it works on your faith.
52:41 But as you just stated a few minutes ago,
52:43 you know, we claim next year to.
52:45 God will provide the funds that we need,
52:46 because I can testify to the goodness of the Lord.
52:49 And that's through you because He's using you
52:51 as a vessel to pour into this ministry.
52:53 And we immediately put it right back out there
52:55 to spread the gospel around the world.
52:57 Because I cannot tell you all the requests
52:59 that come in across our desks,
53:00 we need 3ABN here.
53:02 We need 3ABN here. We need 3ABN here.
53:03 We need 3ABN here.
53:05 And I'm like, I don't know
53:06 where all these funds are coming from,
53:08 but you know, God provides the needs.
53:09 Like this gentleman, $100,000
53:10 for the matching for prison ministry.
53:12 We weren't expecting that at all.
53:13 We're looking at all these needs coming in
53:14 and boom this happens.
53:16 God continues to supply our needs.
53:18 And I just have to testify to the goodness of the Lord
53:20 and say, thank you God, for providing our needs.
53:22 We don't know where it's coming from,
53:24 but God does.
53:25 And so, man, it's just,
53:27 it's, it's been a growing experience for me.
53:28 And as long as we focus on truth and on the message,
53:31 John's book, Three Angels' Messages
53:34 on the message God has given us.
53:36 It will never fail. Amen.
53:38 You know Jeremiah 32:27 says,
53:40 "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh."
53:44 Wow.
53:45 "Is there anything too hard for me?"
53:47 That's right.
53:48 And so COVID,
53:49 I was saying to someone
53:51 COVID did not slowed down the internet
53:52 and it didn't slowed down 3ABN.
53:54 Thank you, Pastor. That's true.
53:56 So, expanding in spite of
53:58 some countries are still not opening their borders.
54:00 You know, Australia has a lot of restrictions.
54:01 In New Zealand, Jim Rennie our good friend
54:04 with the Child Impact.
54:06 We communicate periodically and he said,
54:08 "They're so stringent.
54:09 If they get two cases,
54:10 the entire country goes on total lockdown."
54:13 Wow, two cases?
54:14 I mean, can't come out of the house.
54:16 I mean, there's stringent lockdown.
54:17 If two cases are mentioned,
54:20 but it doesn't stop satellite transmission.
54:23 It doesn't stop expansion.
54:24 We are not able to get clearance to fly to Africa,
54:28 but the message of Three Angels Broadcasting
54:30 is flying to Africa without permission from COVID.
54:33 So God is not being prevented by anything.
54:36 And those of you that are part of the ministry,
54:39 consider that the gospel is going not because of man,
54:42 but because God says
54:43 there is nothing that hell can do
54:45 to prevail against it.
54:46 So praise God for the expansion.
54:48 God is expanding His kingdom.
54:50 Thank you, Moses,
54:51 for what you've been doing all these years.
54:53 God is good. God is good all the time.
54:55 Yeah, I had to be, he was my go-to
54:57 guy for years, 25, 30 years.
55:01 He is my go to guy.
55:03 He was, he's the guy, because you know, I can talk,
55:06 but I don't know how to get it anywhere.
55:08 He knew how to take it somewhere.
55:11 Yeah. Praise the Lord.
55:12 God brings the people we need.
55:14 Yeah. Amen.
55:15 We talked the first hour, you weren't on with us,
55:18 Pastor John, about camp meeting,
55:19 our upcoming Adventist virtual global camp meetings.
55:22 So talk to us just a moment about your presentations
55:25 for that since you're here now,
55:26 and then we'll touch on our own camp meeting too.
55:29 Two presentations, simply trying to put Revelation
55:32 into perspective in the context of the last days.
55:34 And I did two presentations,
55:36 one called The Coalition of Destruction,
55:38 the other one, The Coalition of Deliverance,
55:42 and one speaks about the three sides.
55:44 Both have three sides, three unclean spirits,
55:47 and three angels' messages.
55:49 And so, we find that I led out
55:52 with the coalition of destruction.
55:55 I saw three unclean spirits.
55:57 And then I let out with, ended with the coalition
56:00 of deliverance, three angels.
56:02 And our God is looking at the coalition of destruction
56:05 and saying, I see where you're headed,
56:07 but I'm going to bring you down
56:09 and get My people out before you come down.
56:11 Wow. Good.
56:12 So, it's called
56:13 the Wine of Babylon is the first one.
56:15 And the last one is entitled the Remnant,
56:17 subtitle Coalition of Deliverance.
56:20 And I got to give you the real joke
56:21 real quickly here.
56:23 I had planned for one hour sermon.
56:24 Oh. Now this is funny.
56:26 And I didn't read the small print,
56:27 got to read Jill's emails in total detail.
56:31 So I didn't read the small print that says 28:50
56:34 and I went to preach my sermon.
56:36 And I said,
56:37 "Well, Kayle, you have to adjust the time,
56:39 it says 28:50."
56:40 He said, "No, it is 28 50."
56:42 I said, "I planned for..."
56:43 Oh no.
56:45 So I went in
56:46 and in five minutes I edited my sermon
56:48 down to 28:50.
56:50 And at the end of the second sermon,
56:52 Justin, you know, Justin is,
56:54 he stood up and clapped
56:55 and it was about the army of God.
56:57 The whole armor of God. He said, I'm ready to fight.
56:59 Where's the fight, I'm going to be the remnant.
57:01 And so praise God.
57:03 I said, do not tell my church
57:04 that I could preach for 28 minutes and 50 seconds.
57:07 Well, you just told the whole world
57:09 Thank you, if you didn't hear that.
57:11 Praise God for that.
57:12 We're excited.
57:14 I can't believe we're all the way to the end
57:15 of our two hours.
57:16 Thank you, Danny and Yvonne,
57:18 thank you, Pastor John and Dr. Moses.
57:20 Thank you for your heart for ministry
57:21 and your heart to spread the gospel for the world.
57:24 What a gift.
57:25 And we're so grateful that
57:26 you are a part of our 3ABN family.
57:29 I want to get a quick shout out to our own camp meeting,
57:32 which is coming June 8-12.
57:35 Amen.
57:36 Go to 3abncampmeeting.org And you can register.
57:39 You can see the schedule.
57:40 You can see the speakers and the theme
57:42 and what is coming next.
57:44 And I'm excited about that.
57:45 So tonight we've talked about a lot of things,
57:47 but the most important is give your life to Jesus
57:51 and then go and tell what He has done.
57:53 Bye-bye. Amen.


Revised 2021-05-06