3ABN Today Live

The Ultimate Search and Rescue

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL210013B

00:12 Hello, friends, and welcome back
00:13 to 3ABN Thursday Night Live.
00:16 We are here with Little Light Studios
00:18 and we've been having a wonderful time.
00:20 My name's Ryan Day.
00:22 If you're just now joining us,
00:23 hey, it's never too late to join us
00:25 'cause we're still gonna continue our conversation
00:27 about how Hollywood and movies and video games
00:30 and all of these different media aspects
00:32 are affecting our brain
00:34 and all of the different hidden agendas
00:36 that the enemy is trying to use
00:37 to affect people
00:39 and to pull them away from Christ
00:40 or to give them a false perception
00:42 of Jesus Christ, our savior.
00:43 And so we're here with Scotty Mayer,
00:45 director and speaker of Little Light Studios.
00:47 We also have
00:49 Brother Keith Detwieler with us,
00:50 producer and speaker for Little Lights Studios,
00:53 and we have a new brother with us,
00:57 Alex Castillejos, did I say that right?
00:59 Yeah, you said it right. My good friend.
01:01 Me and Alex go back a little bit.
01:02 We're friends and so
01:03 it's a blessing to have you joining us here, Brother.
01:05 We're gonna get into talking about the Spanish side,
01:08 the Espanol side of Little Light Studios
01:11 in just a little bit,
01:12 but if you're at home right now,
01:14 we're gonna be asking some questions
01:15 throughout the second hour,
01:16 getting a little deeper into some future projects
01:19 and a little bit more about Little Light Studios.
01:21 But if you have a question, send us in your questions.
01:24 There's two ways to do that.
01:25 We wanna bring that up right now.
01:27 First you can text us.
01:28 So send your question via text at (618) 228-3975.
01:34 Or you can email us your question if you'd like,
01:37 as the email address is right there,
01:39 it's live@3abn.tv.
01:42 So text us, email us, send in those questions.
01:45 I wanna kind of start out
01:46 with just the question or two right now,
01:48 and then we'll get right back into
01:49 what we came to talk about tonight,
01:51 which is Little Light Studios
01:52 and how you're positively affecting
01:54 so many people.
01:55 So here it is, question number one,
01:57 this person says,
01:58 "Do you think that Christian movies
02:00 are the same thing over and over
02:02 and what needs to change
02:03 in order for people to enjoy Christian films again?"
02:08 I'll just throw it out there and let,
02:10 whoever wants to respond, respond.
02:12 Anybody? Anybody.
02:15 You know, Christian movies
02:16 I think are sort of up against a lot,
02:20 like we talked about in the earlier hour here,
02:23 you know, Hollywood has a lot of resources,
02:24 a lot of money.
02:26 They're paying people who are the professional actors
02:30 and these actors are good at what they do.
02:33 And so, you know, when it comes to Christianity,
02:36 it was always kind of looked at as like,
02:38 it's kind of cheesy or it's like low budget
02:41 or, you know, they just don't have the access
02:43 to the financial push to make them
02:47 what the other movies look like.
02:48 So I think that, that might just kinda clear the air,
02:51 why they look so differently,
02:54 but they're starting to become some Christian movies
02:56 that are out there that are really giving
02:58 Hollywood a run for their money.
03:00 You know the new series "The Chosen,"
03:04 you know, this is taking the world by storm.
03:06 In fact, no other movie franchise thing in history
03:10 has ever done this kind of like
03:12 pay it forward type of social funding
03:15 to basically get the movies ready.
03:16 Yeah 'cause they're not, you know, owned by like Netflix
03:19 or a streaming service or a big company.
03:22 So yeah, absolutely.
03:23 And, you know, I appreciate
03:25 what they're aiming at to do on this production.
03:29 You know, I've heard many, many people
03:31 that are being exposed to the story of Jesus
03:34 that they have never heard of it.
03:36 I mean, it's going around the world
03:37 and some of these people
03:39 don't have any context of who Jesus is
03:41 and this is sort of a way to introduce them to the topic
03:45 and hopefully will peak their curiosity
03:49 to make them look into it more.
03:50 I see. Wow, appreciate that.
03:52 I appreciate that so much.
03:54 Question number two.
03:56 This person says,
03:58 "Are all of the Hollywood
03:59 and sitcom actors into the occult?"
04:01 And then they say here, even in a mild form of worship,
04:05 whatever that means.
04:07 But, yeah, I could kind of,
04:08 you know, are all Hollywood sitcom actors
04:12 into the occult, I guess.
04:13 Is it occult related?
04:15 So...
04:16 I think that would be a far stretch
04:19 to say that all of them are,
04:21 I think a lot of people like,
04:23 you know, like Scotty, they go down with hopes
04:25 and dreams and good intentions.
04:28 And some of them I think gets sucked
04:30 into some things that they, you know,
04:32 a few years later realize
04:34 I never wish I would have been involved in this.
04:39 And I know you can expand on this more,
04:41 but you know, aside from whether there's something,
04:44 occult or there an agenda,
04:46 let's just talk about the lifestyle
04:47 that people get involved in, right?
04:49 Scotty, you went down to Hollywood
04:52 and within months, right?
04:54 Yep.
04:56 You're walking away from your Christianity
04:59 and you're getting involved in things
05:01 that you were never involved in before.
05:02 Yeah.
05:04 I mean, with growing up
05:05 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
05:06 you know, you have a health message.
05:08 You live a pretty decently kosher life, if you would.
05:13 And yeah, within months I was at the parties
05:16 and doing all the things that you see,
05:18 you know, the mainstream celebrities doing.
05:21 And it was really this just sort of like
05:23 enticing world
05:25 that's, you know, grander than life out there
05:27 and you start making these choices.
05:29 So I would agree with Keith.
05:31 I don't think that everybody down there
05:33 has some agenda against, you know, God.
05:37 And is gonna do it,
05:38 but we know through the story that Jesus told.
05:40 Do you remember when He told the story
05:43 about casting the demon out of the man's mind
05:46 and the man swept up his mind
05:48 and the demon came back around to check on the man's house
05:51 and see if he had filled it and he didn't fill it.
05:54 So he went around and he got seven more unclean spirits
05:56 and came back and filled the man.
05:58 And he was worse off than he was before.
06:00 What that story tells me
06:01 is that we can easily be filled with the Holy Spirit,
06:05 or we can be filled with another spirit
06:09 and not even know it.
06:10 So I think a lot of people
06:11 that are in operation under Satan's kingdom
06:14 may not even be aware of that,
06:16 but are definitely fighting for his kingdom.
06:19 Sure.
06:21 So I'm gonna ask this question to you first, Scotty,
06:24 but it's gonna help us to open the door
06:26 to introduce our friend Alex here,
06:28 who is covering the Espanol Spanish side
06:33 of Little Lights Studios.
06:34 But obviously in the beginning,
06:37 it kinda started I'm sure as an English project
06:40 and then the door opened for someone to come in
06:42 and start doing Spanish translation
06:44 and getting the content out there.
06:46 So tell us a little about how that came about,
06:47 and then we're gonna get into Alex
06:49 and how he has affected many people within this ministry?
06:52 Believe it or not, Alex has actually worked
06:54 with us for eight years.
06:56 So he's been on board
06:58 with Little Light Studios for a long time.
06:59 And in the very beginning,
07:01 we would travel around the world
07:03 and you know, most of the world speaks Spanish.
07:05 In fact, that's what we're gonna speak in heaven, right?
07:07 The language is Spanish.
07:09 Isn't that what everybody
07:10 speaks in Spanish, isn't that right?
07:12 Yeah, so you better learn some Spanish.
07:13 Yeah, I'm gonna start learning now, man, I'm from California.
07:16 And you got some points.
07:17 I love that.
07:18 So if you think about it
07:20 in terms of how large the Spanish speaking church is,
07:24 it's much more large
07:25 than the English side of things.
07:28 And they have the very same struggles that we do.
07:30 So Alex, recognizing
07:31 that and coming from Central America said,
07:34 "Hey, I'd love to help you guys out."
07:36 This poor gentleman would wake up
07:37 at 3 o'clock in the morning to translate our videos.
07:41 He would stay up late in the night
07:42 to translate our videos because he had a job
07:44 that he was doing
07:46 and put some serious dedication into the work.
07:48 But God really has blessed.
07:50 We got an opportunity to really bring him on board
07:53 and it's been nice to have him part of our team.
07:56 And, you know, I don't speak Spanish,
07:59 so I can't edit it if it's in Spanish.
08:01 And so it's really been a blessing to have somebody
08:04 in our office able to reach that demographic.
08:06 I think it was about six or seven years ago.
08:08 I found myself out in Oregon
08:10 doing an evangelistic series there.
08:12 And this brother and his family came up smiling from ear to ear
08:15 and we just hit it off as friends immediately.
08:17 But I remember one of the first questions
08:19 he asked me was, "Hey, bro, have you ever heard
08:21 of Little Lights Studio?"
08:23 And I was just like,
08:24 "Man, yeah, I've heard of Little Lights."
08:25 He's like, "I work for them, bro.
08:27 I translate, I do the Spanish translation."
08:28 So it was just, and he was telling me
08:30 all that he was doing and I could just
08:31 see the passion.
08:33 And so, Alex, talk to us a little bit about,
08:35 'cause we've been spending the last hour
08:37 talking about how much Little Light Studio
08:39 has impacted so many lives.
08:42 You're on the Spanish side of things.
08:43 I mean, you've got this whole world
08:45 opened up to you now.
08:46 What has been some of your experiences
08:49 in sharing this content and informing people,
08:51 educating people you know, from a Spanish perspective,
08:56 what has been some of the results?
08:57 I mean, first of all,
08:58 I mean it's 665 plus millions of people who speak Spanish.
09:04 So to bring, when I learned about the message,
09:07 it's like, do we have this in Spanish?
09:09 He said, "No, we don't have it, and we are working on."
09:11 And I was like, "We need to do this."
09:14 So that's why I was like 3, 3:30, 4:00 in the morning,
09:16 I mean, getting up and translating this stuff
09:18 and just to bring this to my community, right?
09:23 Speaking Spanish people and yes,
09:26 I mean, they so accepted
09:28 because it's like, wow,
09:29 I never thought about this thing.
09:31 You know, I was like, we just watched,
09:33 you know, anything.
09:34 And you know, soap operas , telenovela, in Latino
09:37 it's known in the Latino community
09:39 and, but you know, movies and Hollywood,
09:40 I mean, Hollywood is worldwide.
09:43 So it's like, wow, Superman, are you kidding me?
09:45 And you know, all this stuff also.
09:47 And, but yeah, I mean, I go like I say,
09:50 you know, I started translating,
09:51 you know, I helped him to translate
09:53 five different DVDs, you know, projects.
09:57 And I mean, like you were saying,
09:58 I mean, it's not, it's not easy.
10:01 I mean, they worked three years to bring pseudology.
10:04 I mean, it took me eight months to bring in a Spanish.
10:07 That's amazing.
10:08 And a lot of people's like, why you gonna do that?
10:10 In other words like, well it takes time
10:11 and, you know, resources, you know, stuff like that.
10:15 But, yeah, I mean,
10:17 they asked me after those five projects,
10:21 it's like, would you like to go in churches
10:25 in the Latino community
10:27 and share about a few Hollywood in Spanish.
10:30 Okay. Tell us about that?
10:31 So what's been your experience with that?
10:34 Do you feel like there's...
10:35 Do you feel like maybe there's a difference
10:37 in how they perceive it
10:39 or has it just been the same with the American side
10:42 as it is with the Spanish side?
10:44 Yeah. No, it's just, it's the same.
10:47 I mean, because to me, like I said, you know, media,
10:49 Hollywood, I mean, it's worldwide.
10:51 I mean, if it was maybe like in the 80s or something,
10:53 I mean, it was different, but now it's like,
10:56 everybody has a device.
10:57 Everybody has, you know, things like that, you know,
11:00 and these neighborhoods talking about this is worldwide.
11:03 So when I go over there, it's like,
11:04 yeah, I watched that one, you know, I watched that one,
11:07 and some people was like, wow, why is that?
11:11 You know, 10 times?
11:12 And I didn't see anything about how that specific movie
11:17 was attacking God.
11:18 It was attacking the Ten Commandments.
11:19 And I was like, what?
11:21 You know, so yeah.
11:22 I mean, praise God, you know, they're,
11:24 you know, it's not like I don't want you to here in my shirts.
11:28 Yeah. It is very positive.
11:30 And we're growing, you know,
11:31 we growing trying to bring more material videos
11:34 in our YouTube channel and people's like,
11:37 yeah, thank you so much for this material.
11:39 We need it. Amen.
11:40 Sometimes you feel a bit like
11:42 Elijah on the Mount Carmel, right?
11:44 You know what I mean?
11:45 It's like, I don't think that the people,
11:48 you know they got lulled into following this false god
11:52 and in the same way, like we talked about earlier,
11:54 you know, Baal had some parallels
11:57 to the stories of God.
12:00 And you know, I don't think that
12:01 it was just this way over here thing.
12:03 It was like very close to the, you know, real story,
12:08 but just often enough to be a counterfeit.
12:11 And so, you know, I don't know about you guys,
12:12 but I feel a bit like sometimes like,
12:14 you know, today we need to make this choice today,
12:16 which God are we gonna serve
12:18 and let's serve Him with all of our heart.
12:20 Yeah. I think it starts off, you know, young.
12:24 You know, I think
12:25 that the really the start is with like, with the cartoons,
12:27 you know, starting when they're young.
12:29 And so then they learn these ideas,
12:31 they learn, you know, follow your heart.
12:33 They learn get rid of the law.
12:35 They learn magic witchcraft and sorcery are perfectly okay.
12:39 They also learn, you know, communicating with the dead
12:41 is just part of everyday life.
12:43 They learn all those things growing up
12:45 and then what's the next step?
12:47 Superheroes, right?
12:48 It's like a progression.
12:50 And so, I think the devil,
12:53 you know, he's just starting young
12:56 and we just grow up that way and it seems normal.
13:00 So I know, I know you have kids,
13:03 Alex, you have kids.
13:04 Do you have any kids, Brother? I have four.
13:06 Okay. So you guys have kids.
13:07 I don't have any kids, but I'm just asking you in general,
13:09 there may be a parent at home watching right now,
13:11 hearing all that you're saying and saying, oh my goodness.
13:13 You know, I let my kids watch these things.
13:16 I let them watch the movies.
13:18 They're familiar with the Supermans
13:19 and the Batmans and the Spidermans
13:20 or the Disney movies and all the things, you know.
13:22 So what would be your advice to a parent
13:25 who maybe, I mean,
13:27 they're just, they're hearing all of this tonight,
13:29 or maybe they've watched one of your DVDs
13:31 and it's like, oh, my goodness now what?
13:33 So what would you do
13:35 'cause obviously this is affecting kids
13:36 from a very, very early age.
13:38 And we have parents
13:39 that literally allow the television,
13:40 these movies to be their babysitter
13:42 while they're cleaning house or while they're getting job,
13:44 their work done on the side or whatever.
13:46 So, you know, what would be your advice to a parent
13:49 who is struggling with this?
13:51 Because it seems to be a part of our culture.
13:54 It seems to be an American cultural,
13:55 Western cultural thing
13:57 that, you know, television, movies, video games,
14:00 you know, oh, it's not that bad, right?
14:01 So just let them do it.
14:02 And so unpack that a little bit?
14:04 The beauty about God is
14:06 there's no time too late to turn to Him.
14:09 Right.
14:10 You know, you see these examples
14:11 in these stories, in the Bible
14:13 where people have turned at all ages,
14:16 young, middle, old.
14:18 And so I think God is just saying, listen,
14:22 when you see this presented and you need to make a choice,
14:27 turn from those ways and go the other direction.
14:31 So, you know,
14:32 you can't beat yourself up as a parent,
14:34 we've all done it wrong, right?
14:36 You know, it's like,
14:37 I think you, you have to consider that,
14:40 you know, Adam and Eve a perfect couple
14:43 will not possibly not have their first born in heaven.
14:47 I mean, that's a solemn thought right there.
14:50 And so, you know, this is not easy.
14:53 Parenting is difficult, but at the same time,
14:56 it's like, there's no time to say, oh, it's gone too far.
15:00 We have seen people literally that you would have looked at
15:03 and said, there is no way
15:05 that guy is gonna come to my church and preach.
15:08 And then a year later
15:09 we see them preaching up front with a Bible and a tie.
15:12 And you're just like, wow, praise God.
15:14 So I would say to that parent, just start now,
15:19 turn your hearts to God.
15:20 If you don't know how to do it,
15:22 get on your hands and knees
15:23 and say, God, show me how to do it.
15:24 He's a God of answered prayers.
15:26 He will not ignore you.
15:28 He will lead you
15:29 into the paths of righteousness.
15:31 He promises to do so. Praise the Lord.
15:33 I like the way the Bible puts what Scotty was just saying,
15:36 this comes from Isaiah 55:6-7.
15:38 It says,
15:39 "Seek the Lord while He may be found,
15:41 call upon Him while He is near.
15:43 Let the wicked forsake His way,
15:45 and the unrighteous man his thoughts.
15:48 Let him return to the Lord,
15:49 and He will have mercy on him
15:51 and to our God for He will abundantly pardon."
15:54 And so I always tell parents,
15:57 you know, it depends.
15:59 And the reason I say that is
16:00 at what point are you bringing this information to the child?
16:05 There's a difference between 3 and 13 and 17, right?
16:09 If they are three, remember you're the parent.
16:12 You can mold that situation pretty easily,
16:15 you know, and build, I always tell them,
16:17 build on the foundation of time.
16:19 What we're really talking about is time management.
16:22 Do our entire lives just revolve around
16:25 what the next thing to watch,
16:26 play, scroll through is,
16:28 or do they revolve around the idea
16:31 that we're gonna go to God and ask God,
16:33 God, what would You have me do with my time? Right?
16:36 Because we're bought with a price, the Bible says.
16:38 So we really owe our allegiance,
16:41 if you will to God
16:42 and our time should be His time.
16:45 The other thing is,
16:47 if you're bringing it, you know,
16:48 to the kid on the other end of the spectrum,
16:50 they're 16, 17 years old.
16:52 And you just, all of a sudden shut everything off,
16:55 kill your Wifi,
16:56 throw all the TVs out, all that.
16:58 You're probably gonna get a very rebellious response.
17:02 And I'm not saying, don't explain it to them.
17:05 You need to explain it to them.
17:07 You need to have reasons when you come to them.
17:09 And this is why
17:11 we are going to make these changes in our lives.
17:14 But don't bring it in such a way
17:15 that's going to cause or create rebellion
17:18 because in a couple of years,
17:20 they're moving on outside of your home.
17:22 And if they're moving on outside of your home
17:24 and you burn a bridge, right?
17:28 Instead of continuing to build a bridge,
17:30 now, who do they go to?
17:32 Who do they turn to when they have questions,
17:34 when they have those hard situations in life?
17:36 You need to be there for them.
17:37 And you need to make sure that
17:39 they know you love them no matter what.
17:42 Amen.
17:44 Alex, I know you have children.
17:45 Yes. Okay.
17:47 So there came a point in your life
17:49 where you were introduced to Little Light Studios.
17:52 Were you into like movies, you know, video games.
17:55 Was your family, did you,
17:57 were your kids raised on some of these movies?
17:59 Was there a transition point
18:00 in your home at some point in time?
18:03 Or were they not raised upon these things?
18:05 You know, Veggie Tales stuff like that.
18:07 I didn't like this name
18:08 because there's witchcraft stuff like that,
18:11 but they were watching TV.
18:12 They were watching TV.
18:14 And I remember, you know
18:15 learning about Little Light Studios
18:17 and I was like,
18:18 what's, you know, who's those guys,
18:20 you know, I need to find out more about them.
18:21 So I went over there
18:23 and I remember they have a few clips,
18:24 you know, The Magic Kingdom the Mulan thing and YouTube.
18:28 And I was like, what?
18:31 I mean, you know, and you know, my girls in that time,
18:34 I mean, you know, they were younger,
18:37 you know, they were way younger.
18:38 And I tried to explain it.
18:40 I tried to explain to them and you know, luring army,
18:45 we're like, that's how it is.
18:47 I mean, I don't know,
18:49 but I mean, that's how it is in my house,
18:51 it's like, this is it, this is it, this is it,
18:53 and we explained to them
18:54 just like, Keith was saying,
18:56 you know, and I guess different parents,
19:00 they told the kids, how will you,
19:01 you know, but we are to care like that.
19:03 So we came together through Little Light Studios,
19:06 you know, they talk about this thing,
19:07 they talk about this thing.
19:08 And I'm sorry, but we're not gonna be watching
19:10 that kind of stuff in our home.
19:12 And they're like, wow, yeah, we all understand.
19:15 So you talked to Sophie and Lucy
19:17 and they're like, yeah, they totally like,
19:19 no, we don't watch that because whatever.
19:20 And then when they go with their friends,
19:22 even though in the Christian environment,
19:25 they're like, oh, you don't watch that.
19:26 You haven't watched that movie.
19:28 No, we haven't watched it.
19:29 That's amazing.
19:30 I think it's the simple concept of teaching how to fish, right?
19:33 As a parent, we have the child in our home
19:35 for a short amount of time.
19:37 It really is a short amount of time.
19:39 And your job is to teach them
19:42 to be able to stand on their own two feet.
19:44 If you're the one that's constantly making
19:46 all their decisions for them
19:48 and then they turn 18 and you're like,
19:49 okay, good luck.
19:50 You know, it's your decision from here on out.
19:52 A lot of times, they're unaware of how to make that decision.
19:56 So, you know, people will always ask,
19:58 you know, okay,
19:59 so you guys are against the TV and stuff like this.
20:01 Do you own a TV?
20:02 Yes. I own a TV.
20:04 Well, what do you let your kids watch?
20:06 And it's like,
20:07 my TV is not connected to the cable.
20:10 I control what's on it.
20:12 Meaning like, we talk about what we're able to watch.
20:16 And I learned something.
20:18 Kids just want to hang out with you.
20:20 And so every time that my kids wanted to do something like,
20:23 hey dad, you know, let's watch something.
20:25 I would say, you know what?
20:27 Let's go outside and throw a ball.
20:28 Let's go outside and do this.
20:30 Let's go outside and ride a bike.
20:31 So now I trained my children to associate fun with dad
20:35 as doing something not sitting in front of the TV.
20:38 And I'll tell you what?
20:39 It is such a blessing.
20:41 My TV can sit there for many days
20:43 and never even be turned on,
20:44 but it's there because I want my kids to know,
20:48 I can't take you completely away
20:50 from any of these influences.
20:52 You're gonna have to stand on your own two feet someday.
20:55 You're gonna have to make those choices.
20:56 It's gonna be around you.
20:58 If you go to school, your friends
20:59 are gonna be into it and this and that.
21:01 How do you begin to deal with it
21:02 from that point forward?
21:03 So I kind of come at it from a education standpoint.
21:07 I want my kids to understand the reasons why,
21:09 but also to be able to make those decisions.
21:11 That's amazing.
21:12 I can just imagine the success stories
21:14 that you guys have received over the years.
21:18 And you were telling me a little bit about one.
21:20 I know you're gonna get to that story,
21:21 but share with us some success stories
21:23 that you guys have had,
21:25 people that have seen your content
21:26 wrote into you.
21:27 Maybe you've met them at a church somewhere.
21:29 They've told you how Little Light Studios
21:31 has just changed their whole perception,
21:33 their whole perspective on life
21:35 and on Hollywood and all these things, so?
21:37 I'll just bring out a couple and then maybe
21:39 we can get to that really neat story.
21:40 I remember one comment we got on our YouTube channel was
21:43 I became a Christian
21:45 because of your YouTube channel.
21:48 Just that short to the point and simple.
21:50 And it's just like, wow,
21:51 that an impact is being made through
21:54 this small little ministry to change somebody's worldview.
21:58 That's incredible.
21:59 Another one that
22:01 I wouldn't necessarily call it so successful,
22:03 but it's interesting.
22:04 And it gives me a window into
22:06 what the people that we're reaching.
22:08 So we had a couple, they wrote to us and they said
22:12 one of them was atheist and one was agnostic.
22:14 And they said, we watch your channel.
22:17 What? That's kind of strange.
22:19 And they said,
22:20 "We're getting married
22:22 or we're thinking about getting married.
22:24 And we wanted to know what you thought about that.
22:27 And so can you give us some advice
22:29 or what does the Bible say about it?"
22:31 And so I gave them a little Bible study.
22:33 I've wrote up on, you know,
22:34 this is the biblical grounds for marriage
22:36 and why you should get married and these kinds of things.
22:38 And I sent it back to them
22:40 and their response was kind of like,
22:41 we thought, you'd say that.
22:43 And I don't know to this day, if they ever got married,
22:46 I don't know if they'll make that choice,
22:47 but the fact that they're atheist, agnostic
22:50 writing to us and asking us a Bible question
22:54 is kind of like, it just blows your mind.
22:56 Like, why would you even ask, like, why do you care?
22:59 But they did care.
23:00 It seems like there's a level of respect there, right?
23:02 And there's some seeds being sown.
23:04 Absolutely.
23:05 So in our line of work, you know,
23:07 a lot of people had a bad experience during COVID
23:09 and a lot of people lost their jobs,
23:12 but for us,
23:13 and the type of work that we do
23:15 when people were forced to stay home,
23:17 what did they all do?
23:18 They got on and watch the YouTube.
23:20 And so it really, actually,
23:22 our viewership went through the roof
23:24 and our engagement went through the roof
23:27 and we had these really like interesting
23:30 you know, conversations with people
23:32 that I think normally maybe wouldn't have sat down
23:34 and watched our content.
23:36 And so there's a video of a couple,
23:37 and I just love this story
23:39 that right before COVID they were from Los Angeles,
23:42 they were in a relationship together
23:45 and they decided to call it quits
23:47 and then COVID happens
23:49 and they start watching YouTube videos
23:51 and stumble across our ministry.
23:52 So we'll play this little video
23:54 and you can see what the result of that was.
23:56 Absolutely. Let's play the clip.
24:08 Hi, I'm Daniel Contralas and this is Mikayla Contralas.
24:11 We just recently got married.
24:13 Power now vested to me, in the state of California,
24:15 I pronounce you two, husband and wife.
24:22 Came to Christ as of March of this year.
24:30 Yeah, it was in March this year.
24:32 March of this year.
24:34 We got exposed to a lot of things
24:37 that we were not aware of,
24:39 that we were being exposed to mostly by the mainstream media
24:42 and Little Light helped us open our eyes to all that.
24:44 Yeah.
24:46 So basically we broke up actually.
24:48 And was it Jan, February.
24:51 We broke up in February
24:52 and I was just at home alone
24:55 and I was starting to like,
24:57 look at YouTube videos
24:58 and I found Little Light Studios.
25:00 So I started sending him clips of it.
25:03 And the first one I sent you was Peter Pan.
25:05 I remember that.
25:07 And then he texted me and was like,
25:09 I've been praying.
25:10 And I've been watching these videos.
25:11 And I even commented
25:13 on the Little Light Studios pages
25:15 talking about like, pray for my boyfriend.
25:17 Like he's an atheist and he's praying.
25:19 And if it wasn't for you, he would still be an atheist.
25:23 And, you know, after that,
25:25 we started watching the videos together
25:27 and shortly after he proposed to me,
25:30 and then we got married November 14
25:33 and here we are now in Tennessee.
25:35 Happily married. Happily married.
25:38 And we are here.
25:51 Wow, man. That's, that is amazing.
25:54 What's really neat is like she said,
25:56 she was actually messaging us and she was saying,
25:59 please pray for my atheist boyfriend.
26:02 I remember we actually have a prayer journal at our work.
26:05 We take every single comment
26:06 that comes into our ministry seriously.
26:08 And when people engage with us on YouTube,
26:10 we pray for them.
26:12 And so it's been neat to actually see,
26:14 back here, we're praying for this guy.
26:16 And then all of a sudden this couple gets
26:18 not only back together, married.
26:21 He begins to have his faith awakened in God.
26:26 And we're sending him Bible studies
26:28 and send him other things for them to look into
26:30 and books to read and stuff like that.
26:32 And they ended up leaving Los Angeles
26:34 and actually live in Tennessee at this point.
26:37 So that's been really neat.
26:38 The other interesting thing is
26:40 you notice that they were baptized in t-shirts.
26:43 Those are t-shirts that we designed
26:45 and they sent us the videos
26:46 and we're like, wow, that's really incredible.
26:48 That's awesome.
26:50 Yeah, we have little t-shirt ministry
26:51 that's on our website as well.
26:53 And we wanted people
26:55 to wear their witness on their clothing.
26:57 And so we would have different graphic designers
27:00 make these really neat graphics,
27:02 put a Bible verse on it.
27:03 And it's been a really neat ministry,
27:06 really getting people out there saying,
27:07 look, we should all be witnessing, right?
27:09 And here's a subtle way that you can just,
27:11 you know, put it out there,
27:13 like it says in Deuteronomy, right?
27:15 Put it on your doorposts, write it on the walls
27:17 and have it spoken about on a daily basis, so.
27:20 We'll probably bring this back up in just a moment.
27:22 Your website, they can go find these t-shirts
27:24 and many of this content on your website.
27:26 What's your website, again?
27:28 LittleLightStudios.tv.
27:30 LittleLightStudios.tv.
27:31 There it is on your screen.
27:32 Go there and check them out.
27:34 We're gonna bring that back up probably a couple more times
27:36 before the program ends tonight,
27:37 but go check it out.
27:39 I was on there today.
27:40 I was just perusing, which I always,
27:42 you know, I'm always on, you know,
27:43 looking at different ministries websites.
27:44 And I think I've looked at you guys' website
27:46 couple of times over the past two or three years,
27:48 but I mean beautiful website
27:50 and you guys, I mean, it seems like
27:52 you just have your hands in just about everything.
27:54 And so it's a blessing to see
27:55 what the Lord is doing through you guys.
27:57 Got a question.
27:59 Again, we've got questions.
28:00 So if you want to send in your questions,
28:01 it's not too late,
28:03 we've got a few of them here
28:04 and then I'll try to get through
28:05 before the night is up.
28:07 But if you want to send in your question real quickly,
28:08 two ways to do that.
28:09 You can text it in at (618) 228-3975.
28:13 Again, (618) 228-3975.
28:17 Text in your question,
28:18 or you can email in your question.
28:20 There it is right there live@3abn.tv,
28:24 live@3abn.tv.
28:26 So send us your questions.
28:28 Here it is, guys.
28:30 How would you respond to someone who says that
28:33 entertainment could never cause them
28:35 to turn from God?
28:40 We have evidence.
28:42 Yeah, Alex said it.
28:44 Living evidence.
28:46 I am, you know,
28:48 I grew up in the Christian faith
28:50 and I had an intellectual understanding.
28:53 I read the Conflict of the Ages series
28:54 in high school.
28:56 My parents were big into the Spirit of Prophecy,
28:58 and I had an understanding of the Bible.
29:03 And when I was presented with the world,
29:06 even though I knew
29:07 the path that I was choosing, I would have lost my soul.
29:11 And I know that if I would have died,
29:12 I would not have gone to heaven.
29:14 I could have said that
29:15 with a 100% of my confidence in that.
29:19 And so, I always ask this question
29:22 when people come up, you know,
29:24 if you are in love with your spouse, right?
29:27 Would you watch something that demeans your spouse,
29:32 slams your spouse,
29:33 puts your spouse in a wrong light?
29:35 No, you would say that,
29:36 I couldn't watch something like that.
29:37 If they were just being straight mean to him,
29:39 right or her.
29:41 And so it's like, you know,
29:43 we see these things in the media
29:45 that are attacking God, and that's my God,
29:48 like that's who died for me,
29:51 literally followed me into the depths
29:53 of where I had run away from Him
29:56 and won me back.
29:57 And it's like, I feel that
29:59 why would I wanna watch something
30:01 that is contrary to Him
30:04 or His will or anything else like that.
30:06 And so I kind of want
30:08 to reframe that question and be like,
30:11 why would you not wanna turn that off
30:14 if it has anything to do
30:15 with opposite thoughts than God?
30:17 That's amazing.
30:19 That's a great point. That's great.
30:20 So you're living proof.
30:22 You're living proof
30:23 that someone can be in the church,
30:25 be associated with the church,
30:27 familiar with Scripture, familiar with the Bible,
30:29 but then kind of gets sucked into that part
30:32 due to Hollywood and movies and all that.
30:35 So, absolutely.
30:36 That's a powerful explanation, Brother.
30:37 I have actually a Bible verse that I wanna share with you
30:40 'cause that really illustrates it.
30:41 Romans 1:32 says,
30:45 "Knowing them that commit
30:46 such things are worthy of death."
30:48 Meaning if you rob someone or you kill someone, right?
30:52 That action really from the law standard
30:56 is punishable by death
30:58 in the sense of the second death, right?
31:00 But it says not only those that do those things,
31:03 but those that take pleasure in them
31:05 that do them.
31:07 So if I'm watching movies of other people sinning,
31:10 am I not taking pleasure in that action?
31:13 That if I was to do it myself,
31:15 there would be a judgment for that action.
31:17 But if I also take pleasure in that action,
31:19 by the biblical definition
31:21 I'm doing it as well.
31:23 Okay.
31:24 That's a great point.
31:26 In fact, that maybe not on the exact same note,
31:28 but this, this next question
31:29 kind of is similar to the nature of
31:31 what you just said.
31:33 This person says,
31:35 I was at church one day
31:37 and one of the members said to me
31:38 that he was going home to watch a cowboy movie,
31:41 Jesse James.
31:42 He said that he could watch him,
31:45 I guess, on the Sabbath
31:47 because Jesse James was a type of Jesus.
31:49 Please tell us the truth about that?
31:52 Is Jesse James a type of Jesus?
31:54 What movie is that?
31:55 I mean, that's,
31:56 hey, there's people out there
31:58 that may be experiencing that or may have that opinion.
31:59 I mean, I suppose somebody could think that,
32:03 but I lived in Missouri for 25 years.
32:08 And it's interesting.
32:10 I always thought it was odd that Jesse James was,
32:13 you had all this memorabilia in homes and things like this.
32:17 And it's like, okay, wait a minute.
32:18 The guy was a robber and he killed people.
32:22 That to me is not a type of Christ.
32:25 You know, the Bible says
32:28 what is it?
32:29 Is it John 10:10?
32:30 Let me look it up here.
32:32 I think it says,
32:33 "The thief has come to steal and kill and destroy,
32:37 but I am come that they might have life
32:39 and have it more abundantly. "
32:40 So if somebody is coming
32:42 and they're behaving in that way right here.
32:45 Oh, I'm in Matthew. Well, I think I quoted it.
32:47 Yeah, absolutely.
32:49 If somebody is behaving that way,
32:51 that's not a type of Christ.
32:52 You know, the only Christ
32:54 you're gonna find is in the Bible.
32:57 And if it doesn't match up, it's not a type of Christ.
33:00 Absolutely.
33:01 That's a great response.
33:03 Absolutely. Okay.
33:04 So this one comes, this person says,
33:06 I know we are at the end of time.
33:08 My grandson is 10 years old.
33:10 Mom and dad do not take him to any church.
33:13 They feel it as normal to play video games.
33:16 How do I, as a grandparent encourage or entice them
33:20 to watch any of this information?
33:22 This is very scary.
33:24 It is very scary.
33:26 And I would like to say, you know,
33:27 as a grandparent, I can only imagine
33:30 if you aren't exposed to these kinds of things.
33:33 Even watching some of our videos
33:35 might be a little bit like,
33:36 you know, jolting to you.
33:39 But at the same time you know,
33:42 I would say build that relationship
33:44 with that grandchild,
33:46 to the point where they put trust in you.
33:49 A child will trust you if you build that relationship.
33:52 If you just come in guns blazing like,
33:54 hey, this is right, this is wrong,
33:55 this is this, you shouldn't do that.
33:57 You may get some defense there
33:58 or, you know, you may ruin a relationship or a bridge
34:02 that you have with your child
34:04 because that's really the child's parent, right?
34:07 And so as a grandparent,
34:08 you can be there in a loving manner.
34:11 And I think that, you know,
34:12 there's a lot of ways that you can do research.
34:14 For example, you may not need to know,
34:18 you know, all the details of the superhero movies
34:21 to be able to say to your child,
34:24 hey, there's some things
34:26 that are brought up in some of these movies
34:27 that are kind of
34:29 different concepts of the Bible,
34:30 you know, and get the child to tell you,
34:32 hey, you know, if you're watching these kind of movies
34:35 or playing this kind of video games,
34:36 tell me about that.
34:37 Or what's that like?
34:39 And if they say, well, I really like fortnite,
34:41 you know, I like to run around
34:42 and shoot and kill everybody
34:43 and be the last person standing.
34:45 That's what the game is all about, right?
34:47 So then as a grandparent,
34:49 you can then go back and be like,
34:50 well, what do you think
34:52 the Bible has to say about killing?
34:54 And instead of, you know, just maybe instead of killing.
34:57 What about being angry with your brother?
34:59 What about those?
35:00 So you can use those experiences
35:02 then to just drop little nuggets of truth
35:05 into the child and you know,
35:08 but build that relationship
35:09 so that the child will trust what it is that you're saying.
35:11 That's amazing.
35:12 Another thing that I'll suggest
35:14 to your parents or grandparents is
35:16 you can take our material and share it
35:18 in a way that's very non-threatening.
35:20 And what I like to tell them is,
35:22 you know, watch whatever,
35:24 you know, the subject matter is,
35:26 then give it to the person that you want to see it
35:28 and say,
35:30 "Hey, I watched this.
35:31 I'd like to know what you think about it."
35:34 You haven't told them your position, right?
35:37 You have given it to them,
35:38 you've elevated their opinion in their eyes.
35:42 And you've already built in a response
35:44 where they need to come back to you
35:46 and dialogue about it.
35:48 They may not agree.
35:50 You need to be prepared to answer those objections,
35:52 or you may find that
35:53 they come away from it and say,
35:55 wow, that made a lot of sense.
35:57 So you've planted seeds either way.
36:00 So what do you believe will be,
36:03 considering all that you guys do
36:05 in the work that you're doing in Little Lights Studios?
36:08 What do you think will be
36:09 the ultimate impact within the church?
36:11 Moving forward as a result
36:12 of the work that you guys are doing?
36:13 Because I can imagine moving forward,
36:16 you know, you guys are still relatively young
36:19 within the context of our church.
36:21 So a lot of people are coming to know Little Lights Studios,
36:24 more and more people are coming to know you,
36:25 the work that you're doing.
36:27 I mean, when I think of,
36:28 you know, the media, Hollywood movies, video games,
36:31 I think Little Light Studios.
36:32 So, you know, what do you see moving forward,
36:35 so how this is going to impact the church
36:37 and how perhaps
36:39 what steps that the church needs to take in
36:41 getting this message out.
36:43 I believe our mission was the three angels' message.
36:46 In fact, you know it's great that we're on the 3ABN
36:50 which is the three angels' message network, right?
36:53 That is a message of saying, okay, first and foremost,
36:56 I give God the glory for everything, right?
36:58 And then the second and third angel
37:00 is really coming out of the systems of the world,
37:03 not having the character of the world
37:05 written on your forehead.
37:07 That's really what we're getting at.
37:09 We're really getting at that.
37:10 The more you engage with this media,
37:12 the more that you pay attention to it.
37:13 It's a simple process, right?
37:16 There was a study that was done in Time Magazine,
37:18 where they were looking at celebrity worship
37:21 and they'd studied for 10 years
37:23 people that followed certain celebrities,
37:25 like I love that person.
37:26 I watch all their movies.
37:28 I pay attention to everything
37:29 that they do in the world, right?
37:30 And they studied what happens to those people.
37:33 And the conclusion of the study was really interesting.
37:36 They said, because these people
37:38 form bonds in their minds with those celebrities,
37:41 they're able to assimilate
37:43 the celebrities' characteristics in themselves.
37:46 Now I want you to think about that.
37:47 If I focus on a particular celebrity
37:50 and their movies,
37:51 I can take
37:53 their characteristics onto myself.
37:54 Now let me flip that conversation around.
37:57 If I focus on Jesus
37:58 and I do nothing, but learn about Jesus.
38:01 And soak Him into my life
38:04 by studying and watching what He's doing,
38:08 do I not take on His character in real life?
38:10 So really I believe that's kind of the heart
38:14 of what we're trying to do.
38:16 And hopefully
38:17 this will re-get our church excited about,
38:20 we need to be ready.
38:21 Jesus is coming soon.
38:22 We wanna be putting on that robe of righteousness,
38:26 not engaging in the things of the world.
38:29 We're not supposed to be part of the world.
38:31 We're supposed to be in the world,
38:32 but not part of that world.
38:34 Amen.
38:35 By beholding, we become changed, right?
38:37 And I think of that conversation
38:39 that Jesus had with Nicodemus in John 3
38:42 where Jesus says, you know,
38:44 as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
38:46 so shall the Son of man be lifted up.
38:48 If we're beholding the uplifted Savior,
38:50 we're gonna be changed into likeness of His character
38:53 and His mind, right?
38:54 Let this mind be in you, which is also in Christ Jesus,
38:57 and so beholding Him.
38:59 When we're beholding these movies, these games,
39:01 all of the Hollywood has to offer
39:03 just what you said,
39:04 which is so terrifying to think about
39:06 that there's a reason
39:07 why they call them stars, right?
39:09 You know, you have to look up and behold the stars,
39:12 and that's exactly what we're doing
39:13 when we're idolizing
39:15 and worshiping these individuals.
39:16 We live in a culture that idolizes these people,
39:19 and it's amazing how people have become,
39:21 they're dressing like them.
39:23 They're talking like them.
39:24 They're shaping their lifestyles,
39:26 trying as much as they can to shape their lifestyles
39:29 and practices according to these certain celebrities
39:32 that they follow.
39:33 And it's scary, man,
39:34 there's a certain psychological battle
39:36 that's going there, going on there.
39:38 The parallels are all there.
39:40 It's just we have to open our eyes to them.
39:43 The reason why they put stars in the stone
39:46 is to immortalize those characters into their,
39:50 that's why they call them stars, right?
39:51 In fact, the ancient belief when in Egypt
39:55 was when those Egyptians died,
39:58 that they actually went into the stars in heaven
40:00 and people would follow him as that, right.
40:02 Well, think about
40:04 what is that character written in stone?
40:06 We also have a character written in stone.
40:09 Isn't that interesting? That's right.
40:10 So the devil's got a counterfeit
40:11 for everything that God does.
40:13 He says, no, don't, don't follow
40:15 this character written in stone,
40:17 follow the ones that are written
40:18 in our worldly stones.
40:20 It's amazing.
40:21 And we have a seminar
40:22 that's called false system of worship.
40:25 That's right.
40:26 That's why we had all information
40:28 where we're sharing right now.
40:30 And the one thing that I really enjoy
40:32 and, you know, being part of the Little Lights Studios,
40:35 the mission of Little Light Studios is educate.
40:39 Educate the young people, adult young, you know,
40:42 kids and stuff like that
40:43 to become a Christian in this 21st century
40:47 under pop culture,
40:48 you know, how entertaining all the stuff and seriously,
40:52 I mean, God is, you know, had been blessing the ministry
40:55 just to speak and make videos
40:59 on YouTube or seminars and stuff like that
41:02 to just to reveal the character of God.
41:04 Absolutely.
41:05 You mentioned there, you know, Little Lights Studios
41:08 is there to educate.
41:09 That's essentially what Jesus' ministry was all about,
41:11 in the Great Commission,
41:12 making disciples of all nations.
41:14 To make a disciple,
41:15 you have to teach them, you have to educate them.
41:16 That's exactly what Jesus has done to the disciples.
41:19 And they would continue that work.
41:20 And so you guys are educating people.
41:22 I know I've been educated,
41:23 opened my eyes to a lot of things.
41:25 I didn't even have a clue about
41:26 in reference to movies and games
41:28 and you know the psychology and the science behind,
41:31 you know, all the, when you're fixating your mind
41:34 and your eyes upon that screen
41:36 with all of the flashes and everything
41:38 that it's doing to you on a neurological level,
41:40 it's scary.
41:41 It really, really is.
41:43 And you just don't realize how powerful it is.
41:45 One of the verses that we kind of use a lot in our ministry
41:47 is Ephesians 5:11?
41:49 It says, "Have no fellowship
41:51 with the unfruitful works of darkness,
41:53 but rather expose them."
41:54 That's right.
41:56 And it's interesting it says "Unfruitful" right?
41:58 They're not gonna bear any fruit
42:00 as opposed to, if you're in Christ,
42:02 what are you gonna do?
42:03 You're going to bear the fruits of the spirit.
42:05 There's no fruit in the works of darkness.
42:08 That's right.
42:09 That's powerful.
42:11 So moving forward,
42:13 how do you guys, what are you guys doing?
42:14 What's your plans to expand
42:16 the work of Little Light Studios?
42:17 'Cause I feel like since, you know,
42:19 I don't know, seven or eight years ago
42:20 when I first kind of was introduced to you guys,
42:21 you guys have really expanded
42:23 substantially since then.
42:24 So what's your plans moving forward from here?
42:26 Praise God, like, you know, inviting a Spanish department
42:29 and having some young people jump on board with us.
42:32 We hired a young person actually very recently
42:36 that had some training in the video production world,
42:40 but he really has an interest in 3D technology.
42:43 And it was amazing.
42:44 He jumps on board with us.
42:45 I mean little skills in the sense of it.
42:49 And the other day, you know, he voiced his interest in 3D.
42:53 And so we said,
42:54 "Okay, let's give him the tools for the 3D."
42:56 We bought him some software.
42:57 Within a week
42:58 he's producing some amazing stuff for us.
43:02 So these young kids are just talented.
43:04 And if we just create the environment,
43:07 set the tools in front of them,
43:09 they can create some amazing things.
43:12 So our goal really,
43:13 we've been actually gifted a wonderful piece of property.
43:17 We're in the beginning stages of building a facility.
43:19 So it's taken 12 years for us to get to this spot.
43:23 God has provided a,
43:25 build a spot for us to work out of,
43:27 but it was never our own.
43:29 And so this is the first time
43:30 that we're actually setting our feet on the ground
43:33 and saying, let's build a system
43:37 and a studio where young people wanna come.
43:40 They wanna use their talents.
43:42 And we're pumping out
43:43 some talented kids out of our schools,
43:45 but we're losing a lot of them to the worldly system.
43:48 So we wanna really open up our doors
43:51 and have some of these young people
43:52 kinda help us creatively
43:54 and really get involved in God's work.
43:56 Amen.
43:57 You guys wanna add anything to that?
43:59 No.
44:00 It's just fascinating, you know,
44:01 come in the morning and just to hear, you know,
44:03 about, you know, great comments
44:04 and please pray for me or this thing
44:06 and how are your DVDs, video impact my life.
44:11 And it's just great.
44:13 You know, it's kinda like the punch to keep going.
44:16 You know what I'm saying? Like their passion, okay.
44:18 Let's do it again, man.
44:19 Let's this work this thing together.
44:21 Amen. Praise the Lord.
44:22 All right.
44:24 I've been waiting to ask this question
44:25 because I know that
44:27 when this is gonna kind of help us
44:28 segue into some of your future projects,
44:32 'cause we were talking a little bit about that
44:34 earlier this evening,
44:35 but this question says,
44:37 could you share a little bit about some of the agendas
44:40 that are put into popular Japanese animation?
44:44 I know a lot of people
44:46 that seem obsessed with this genre.
44:48 So I'm guessing maybe
44:50 the anime popular Japanese cartoon anime type stuff.
44:54 It's a big thing.
44:56 It's not some like, I mean, I know a lot of people
44:57 who are into this.
44:58 And so that's your field, man.
45:00 So let's talk about how this is affecting people.
45:02 What's your thoughts on it? It's a very big field.
45:04 In fact, for years, people,
45:07 you know, we get a lot of suggestions on
45:08 what projects to work on.
45:10 You know, either frustrated parents
45:12 or young people that are like, you know,
45:13 "Oh, I'm really struggling in this place.
45:15 Can you guys please put some information out,
45:17 help us understand this topic?"
45:20 And I was never really big into anime.
45:23 And when we talk about anime
45:25 for the audience that doesn't quite understand
45:27 what that means,
45:28 it's Japanese animation.
45:30 So it's cartoons coming from Eastern cultures.
45:33 And there's a lot of spiritual themes
45:36 in some of those things.
45:37 And that's what people are really getting at is like,
45:39 they don't quite understand because they're very complex.
45:42 They're very adult.
45:44 In fact, a lot of very inappropriate things
45:47 that are placed in them.
45:49 And so we did this documentary
45:51 one of the biggest ones
45:52 that kinda came out,
45:54 I guess that most of the kids know about
45:56 years ago is called Dragon Ball Z.
45:58 Now there's 600 and something episodes.
46:02 So we're not talking a two-hour movie,
46:04 we're talking about,
46:06 you start watching when you're five years old
46:08 and maybe you're done when you're 13, you know?
46:12 And what's really interesting about this
46:14 is they're just not shy.
46:15 One of the heroes of the story is Mr. Satan.
46:17 And he drives a car with a 666 on the side.
46:20 You know, it's just like that bold in your face.
46:23 But when we sat down and we kinda said,
46:25 okay, let's really talk about this.
46:26 Let's really understand this topic.
46:29 We started with 20 years ago.
46:32 Here's some of the animations that were coming out.
46:34 Until we got to today,
46:36 what's the most popular ones
46:37 that are hitting our U S soil today?
46:40 And the latest one is called Seven Deadly Sins.
46:42 That just, has been out for a couple of seasons now,
46:45 but it was the fourth most watched thing on Netflix,
46:48 just a few months ago.
46:49 And the Seven Deadly Sins, the entire anime is battling
46:54 the Ten Commandments.
46:55 In fact, the entire purpose of the anime
46:58 is to completely destroy the Ten Commandments
47:02 and that the Seven Deadly Sins are the winners.
47:05 Now that's just alarming to me
47:07 that they can put something out there in our public.
47:09 Our general public is aware of the Ten Commandments.
47:12 I've never met someone that doesn't know
47:14 what the Ten Commandments are.
47:15 Have you? Right.
47:16 I mean, no, but we're growing into a cultural mindset
47:20 where people may be aware of it,
47:21 but they have no clue
47:23 as to the individual aspects of the Ten Commandments.
47:25 They may have heard that word, but I agree with you.
47:27 I've never heard of anyone who doesn't know about them
47:30 or never heard of them,
47:31 but we certainly are seeing the fruits of people
47:33 that are, have no clue about them
47:35 in general, right?
47:36 So this project was a really interesting project.
47:38 We'd never done an animation before.
47:40 And when we sat down and we said,
47:42 "Let's do something that would really resonate
47:44 with people that are involved in this genre."
47:47 And so, we actually, our graphic designer,
47:50 we had to teach her how to animate
47:52 using the animation program.
47:54 And, of course, it took her a week
47:56 and she had the thing mastered, you know,
47:58 that's what a 20-year-old will do.
47:59 You know, you give me the program
48:01 and I'd be like six years down the road,
48:02 like, what's it doing?
48:04 But we learned how to animate.
48:06 We did it animation style.
48:09 And so, it was really kinda neat.
48:11 We chart characters and, you know,
48:13 even Alex made it into the end of the video,
48:15 which was really cool.
48:16 You have to watch it, Bro.
48:17 Yeah, have a Spanish guy.
48:19 I love it. All right.
48:20 That's nice.
48:22 It really was a neat project
48:23 and we actually just finished it
48:24 even about a month ago.
48:26 It's a four-part series.
48:27 We haven't released it out even on DVD yet.
48:29 It's only available digitally.
48:31 So you can get that from our website.
48:32 Okay.
48:34 Let's put that website back up again just one more time.
48:36 If you want to contact Little Lights Studios,
48:39 you wanna know what it is that they do,
48:40 look at some of their past projects, future projects.
48:43 You wanna stay connected to them.
48:45 You need to go to their website.
48:47 So let's put that website up there for our viewers,
48:49 LittleLightStudios.tv.
48:52 Can't get any simpler than that, right?
48:53 LittleLightStudios.tv.
48:55 Go there, I promise you will be blessed indeed.
48:59 Are there any other projects
49:00 that we might need to know about in the near future
49:02 or ones recently that you've done or...
49:03 Yeah.
49:05 Keith talked about the video Bible study series
49:06 and some of the Bible studies,
49:08 because our real passion is not necessarily
49:10 just exposing the darkness.
49:12 Our real passion is leading people
49:14 to the very source of truth.
49:16 That's the Word of God.
49:17 And so, we've picked up this whole other project
49:19 called video Bible studies.
49:20 Okay. Yeah.
49:21 So several years ago we started this project and you know,
49:25 we'll do videos and we get lots of questions
49:27 like, well, how did you come up with that idea?
49:30 Where did you get that in the Bible?
49:32 So we thought, well, what if we made short little videos
49:34 and they're all so far, five minutes or less,
49:37 and they taught you a spiritual truth,
49:40 they're very fast paced, very graphically well done.
49:45 And then each one of them,
49:47 we also made a Bible study really nicely laid out
49:50 and everything that went more in depth.
49:53 And so the video is really designed to get you
49:56 to the Bible study and in the Word of God.
49:58 And so, these are nice little projects
50:01 that we're putting together
50:02 that we can direct people to as a resource and say,
50:06 "Hey, here's how we got that information.
50:08 Here's the Bible study on it in the video format
50:11 and in the print format.
50:12 Okay. Now is this the one we have the video on?
50:14 We had a video clip on?
50:15 So this video clip that we actually have
50:18 is for a kind of a different project.
50:20 As you can notice,
50:21 we have 50 million things going on.
50:23 We're a small team with big ambitions, right?
50:25 And we believe in a big God.
50:27 So we're gonna aim at this.
50:29 Part of the problem with producing videos
50:31 with a small team is we're up against a system
50:35 that's spending a lot of money.
50:37 Hollywood is throwing a lot of money.
50:38 So our way to manage that
50:41 is to try to increase our creativity
50:42 and increase our quality.
50:44 But there's certain things that are hard to get a hold of.
50:46 If you're a video creator you know,
50:48 we don't have any footage of the second coming.
50:50 So, you know, how do you get a hold of that?
50:52 Right?
50:53 But we have animation kids
50:55 that are amazing with these tools
50:56 and they can create amazing resources.
50:58 So we started a company called Video Mission
51:01 that is really creating stock media
51:05 for Christian video makers.
51:07 And we want to get the young kids involved.
51:09 So this is our way to do that.
51:11 Amen. All right.
51:12 So I think we have a clip for that.
51:13 Let's play that right now.
51:16 Hey, everybody, I'm a video content creator
51:18 that is in constant need of biblical illustrations.
51:22 Not only do I not have enough money ever,
51:25 or the resources or the people or the time
51:28 that it's difficult to find some ways
51:31 to illustrate biblical topics.
51:33 This is why we started videomission.com.
51:35 We wanna offer authentic biblical cinematic footage
51:39 for a price that you can afford.
51:41 In 2018,
51:43 we went over to Morocco
51:44 and teamed up with four different ministries
51:46 to shoot the Book of Daniel.
51:47 Our purpose is to go through different sections of the Bible
51:51 and offer footage that is very high quality,
51:56 but it's gotta be a reasonable cost.
51:58 We have a need for all kinds of resources.
52:02 Like people praying, studying the Bible.
52:04 This is an opportunity for a worldwide audience
52:08 to be able to share your content from,
52:11 but also purchase content from other countries as well.
52:15 We're looking for photographers.
52:16 We're looking for illustrators.
52:18 If you have a passion for digital media,
52:21 this is an awesome opportunity
52:23 for you to be able to sell your work
52:25 and make an income.
52:26 I'm very excited to see what you guys do with this footage
52:29 videomission.com,
52:31 authentic biblical cinematic footage
52:34 for your guys as Christian media productions.
52:37 We'll see you guys out there.
52:38 Go win some souls.
52:53 Amen.
52:54 I'm excited about that, man. You guys are doing so much.
52:56 That's such a blessing.
52:57 I gotta ask this question to you Scotty though,
52:59 'cause we've talked about this a little bit
53:01 and I know there's somebody out there that's wondering.
53:03 You guys live to expose, as you said,
53:06 exposing this unfruitful works of darkness.
53:08 You're telling people about all this
53:10 and you've got all this incredible information,
53:13 but somebody might be out there thinking, you know what?
53:15 These guys are watching all these movies,
53:17 watching all these films, playing all these games,
53:20 they've gotta be doing that
53:21 in order to have all this information.
53:22 Isn't that kind of hypocritical?
53:24 You told me about it, inform us on how you do this.
53:27 It's a question that comes up a lot.
53:29 And to be honest when I started working in film,
53:33 that was my idol.
53:35 I loved film.
53:36 I mean, I watched them all,
53:37 rented them all, owned them all.
53:39 And so when we first started a ministry,
53:41 I was like, cool a ministry,
53:43 where I get to watch movies all day long
53:44 and point this stuff out, right?
53:46 But I found that the more that I watched these movies,
53:49 the less I could point it out.
53:51 And what that really told me was,
53:53 you know, spiritual things are spiritually discerned
53:55 and it's really God
53:57 that's pointing these things out to me.
53:59 And so, you don't study a counterfeit
54:02 to try and find another counterfeit, right?
54:04 The better, you know, the genuine,
54:06 the better you can see the counterfeit.
54:08 And so, we just actually do research on them.
54:10 We read about them.
54:12 We don't sit down
54:13 and watch the whole thing through and through.
54:15 Some people will suggest, watch this scene.
54:17 That's basically how we come up with this stuff.
54:19 That's awesome. Praise the Lord.
54:20 Guys, I've had so much fun tonight,
54:22 just talking with you and learning so much,
54:24 you're doing such a great work for the Lord.
54:26 We have just a little over two and a half minutes.
54:28 Maybe just take a few seconds each
54:30 and give some final thoughts for our viewers, encourage them
54:34 or just a spiritual thought from yourself?
54:35 Sure.
54:37 You know, a spiritual thought I like to appeal
54:39 with generally on the first night,
54:41 I'm presenting it's from Psalm 139: 23-24.
54:46 It says this,
54:47 "Search me, O God, and know my heart,
54:50 try me and know my anxieties
54:53 and see if there is any wicked way in me
54:56 and lead me in the way of everlasting."
54:58 And I think that should be the prayer of all of our hearts
55:01 because if Jesus is coming soon,
55:04 we need to be clean.
55:07 We need to be pure of heart.
55:08 We need to be ready to meet God and to clear those minds
55:13 and make sure that they're ready to meet our God.
55:15 Amen. Beautifully said.
55:17 Alex? Yes.
55:19 You know, to me is like sharing your talent.
55:22 Amen.
55:23 You know, it's time to share the gospel.
55:26 That's right.
55:28 And if you have your camera, you have, I smile.
55:32 If you have something you share, Bro.
55:34 You know what I'm saying?
55:36 And I believe that we're living in the grace time.
55:39 I mean, seriously, I mean, you just click the TV is like,
55:42 what, are you kidding me?
55:43 What?
55:45 So I believe that whatever time
55:46 that we have here in this earth.
55:47 That's right.
55:49 Let's share the gospel
55:50 and let's share your talents for Christ.
55:53 Amen.
55:54 Scotty?
55:55 You know, I wanna appeal to those
55:57 that are watching out here.
55:58 You are not ever too young, too old, too tired,
56:03 too whatever to get involved in God's work.
56:06 I mean every single one of us can use the tools that we have.
56:10 God has given every single one of us a talent, a gift,
56:14 something to use to turn around and win a soul.
56:18 You can learn to just dive into the Bible
56:20 and learn this information.
56:22 So you can turn around and help your family members
56:24 and, you know, get involved in the work,
56:27 whether it be technically
56:29 joining up with a ministry like us and creating things
56:32 or even financially, thank you so much.
56:35 Get involved in God's work.
56:36 Amen.
56:38 And if you want to donate
56:39 into support this ministry financially,
56:42 we're gonna put that website there on the screen
56:44 as we're preparing to close.
56:45 Again, that's LittleLightStudios.tv,
56:48 support them, pray for them.
56:49 Guys, thank you so much.
56:51 Appreciate you so much such a blessing.
56:52 And we thank you for joining us tonight.
56:54 We hope you've been blessed.
56:56 We're always praying for you.
56:57 We love each and every one of you.
56:58 Thank you for joining us here again
57:00 at 3ABN Thursday Night Live
57:02 and until next time, may God bless you abundantly.
57:05 Have a nice day.


Revised 2021-04-29