3ABN Today Live

“The 3am Call” (The Three Angels’ Messages Call)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL210010B

00:10 Amen. Welcome back, my friends.
00:12 We have been talking about evangelism.
00:14 We're talking about how we all myself,
00:16 you can reach the world and play our role
00:20 and play a major part in reaching the world
00:22 with the everlasting gospel
00:23 during these very interesting times
00:25 that we're living in.
00:27 We know Jesus is indeed coming soon.
00:28 And we're here with our friends from ASI, Elder Steve Dickman,
00:33 President of ASI, and Elder Rodney Bowes,
00:36 Vice President of Evangelism for ASI.
00:39 And we, then this last hour, we learned so much about
00:42 the new 3AM Call initiative,
00:45 evangelism initiative that you guys,
00:47 the Lord inspired you actually here last year on 3ABN campus.
00:50 And here we are a year later and this thing is coming alive,
00:54 and I'm very excited about it.
00:55 But before we get into more details of this,
00:59 just a few moments ago, as we were going to break,
01:02 we got some good news about registration
01:06 for the upcoming ASI session in '21, 2021.
01:11 Brother Steve, would you like to tell us about that?
01:13 So we have just finished a few days ago,
01:17 renegotiating a contract
01:19 to meet at Rosen Shingle Creek Resort
01:22 in Orlando, Florida.
01:24 Some of you have may have been
01:25 there before with us, a beautiful resort area there.
01:27 This summer, August 4 through 7, 2021,
01:31 we will be there together again.
01:33 All right.
01:34 And registration is now open and live.
01:37 So you can go there to our website,
01:39 asiministries.org, and you can register
01:44 for our convention at August 4 through 7,
01:47 and you can join us there.
01:49 Now, things are going to be a little bit different.
01:51 It's true.
01:53 We're gonna have to practice some social distancing.
01:55 We're gonna have to...
01:57 We're kind of reducing the number of seminars,
01:59 allowing more time for personal networking
02:02 and fellowship and interaction,
02:04 but we'll still have our exhibit hall.
02:07 We will have our main sessions together.
02:10 We'll be doing a little different seating,
02:11 but we're going to be there together.
02:13 And we're just looking forward to this.
02:15 And, friends, if you've never been
02:16 to an ASI Convention,
02:18 we're inviting you to join us in Orlando.
02:20 It's gonna be an exciting time together.
02:22 Hearing stories and testimonies of laypeople
02:25 who are spreading
02:27 the three angels' messages to the world.
02:29 It's...
02:31 You know, I love our ASI Conventions.
02:33 I always leave them inspired.
02:35 And so if you're thinking about joining us, go to this website,
02:39 asiministries.org, and sign up register
02:43 for our convention in Orlando, Florida,
02:45 August 4 through 7.
02:47 We're excited that we can bring you that
02:49 good news here this evening.
02:50 And let you know registration is open
02:53 and you can be a part of the ASI Convention.
02:56 You don't have to be a member.
02:57 You can come as a visitor.
02:59 You can join us there and appreciate the interaction,
03:02 the fellowship, the inspiration you will get.
03:05 Our goal is when people leave this convention,
03:07 they will be inspired.
03:09 They will be enthused to leave and go forward to share these
03:13 three angels' messages with the world.
03:15 Amen. I love it.
03:17 Beautiful. I'm excited about that.
03:18 I'm excited too. Praise the Lord.
03:20 And again, we want to tell you if you have any questions,
03:23 I'm actually holding some right here
03:24 that just came in.
03:25 I'm gonna be asking those in just a moment.
03:27 If you have some questions you'd like to submit,
03:29 couple of ways you can do that, of course, by text,
03:31 you'll see the number on the screen there
03:33 (618) 228-3975, text it into us
03:38 or you can email us your question.
03:40 There it is right there live@3abn.tv.
03:45 So send us in your questions.
03:46 Guys, I've got a couple of them here for you.
03:48 And the first one, pretty simple.
03:50 It says, this is coming from Marshall, by the way.
03:53 And Marshall says, Will the 3AM Call program
03:57 be available in other languages?"
04:00 Well, Rodney, what about this?
04:02 So we're gonna do other languages.
04:04 Well, if we're faithful to the commission that
04:07 we have here in Revelation, it has to be.
04:10 So yes, ASI has developed a translation engine
04:15 so that we can quickly translate
04:19 the material and prepare slides
04:21 and so forth into other languages.
04:24 So what we need... Already though...
04:26 Already we have 35 languages translated
04:30 with the New Beginnings tool,
04:31 which we're gonna talk about in a few minutes.
04:32 Right.
04:34 So there are already
04:35 some things that are translated.
04:36 Now, the training itself
04:39 is going to be a little more challenging
04:41 to get it translated into many, many languages,
04:44 but probably we have to start
04:45 with some of the major languages
04:47 of the world.
04:48 Sure.
04:50 But our goal is that every layperson
04:52 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church be empowered.
04:55 And if that means we need to create this tool
04:57 in their language,
04:58 then that's just one more thing on our to-do list.
05:01 That's right. It's certainly possible.
05:02 With technology today, you know,
05:04 we can leverage what we have
05:06 and there are some amazing things.
05:08 So what I was saying earlier is we need translators though.
05:12 So maybe there's someone who's watching tonight
05:15 and you are inspired and you say,
05:18 we've got to get this material in my language.
05:21 Please reach out to us.
05:22 And we would love to partner with you
05:26 in getting this material done.
05:27 We have a whole process for translation.
05:30 So we're looking for translators.
05:31 Amen.
05:32 Well, I can tell you with certainty,
05:34 not that I'm a prophet or anything,
05:36 but I know for certainty
05:37 that it's gonna be put in other languages
05:39 because right there in our first angel's message,
05:41 it says, to every nation, tribe, tongue,
05:45 and people, and we know this is from the Lord
05:48 and it's gonna be out there for every person
05:50 in every language to receive.
05:51 So praise the Lord for that.
05:53 And different parts of it
05:54 are coming together at different times.
05:56 We're going to talk in our next segment
05:59 about the health evangelism component.
06:02 And I actually
06:03 just completed recordings in Japanese.
06:05 Okay.
06:06 Not that I was speaking Japanese,
06:08 but we got it done.
06:10 We worked together with the church in Japan.
06:11 Sure.
06:13 And so I'm speaking, my slides are in Japanese.
06:17 And so, it's a beautifully done.
06:19 So that's our plan. We want to do it.
06:22 And you weren't speaking Japanese.
06:23 Now I know enough to know that
06:24 that's not, you weren't had a translator.
06:27 No, it was a voiceover. Oh, okay.
06:30 So I was doing the talking
06:31 and the slide was in Japanese and then the voiceover.
06:34 I see. Very interesting.
06:36 It's amazing what technology can do.
06:38 It's incredible. Yeah.
06:40 Praise the Lord for that. All right.
06:42 Second question here comes in. We had Marshall last time.
06:45 This one says Marchelle and this person says,
06:49 "Would you please repeat the quote
06:51 as well as the reference from EJ Waggoner,
06:53 referring to the three angels' message."
06:56 They said "That was awesome that
06:57 you mentioned their message."
06:58 So the quote from EJ Waggoner,
07:00 could we pull that back up maybe, there it is.
07:02 And if you want to read that for us, Brother.
07:03 Sure, "The theme of greatest importance
07:06 is the third angel's message,
07:09 embracing the messages of the first and second angels.
07:13 All should understand the truth contained in these messages
07:17 and demonstrate them in daily life,
07:21 for this is essential to salvation."
07:25 Amen.
07:27 That's pretty straightforward.
07:28 I like that. That's powerful.
07:30 Clear as could be.
07:31 And we have... Yeah, go ahead.
07:32 Now there's one more question here.
07:34 Okay, go ahead.
07:35 That came in and this is what it says.
07:38 It says, I was completing
07:39 the ASI created a new account, Rodney.
07:41 So they're on this.
07:42 They're registering. That's good.
07:43 I want you to take note of that.
07:45 I got it. You're worked.
07:46 He says, "As I was signing up, it asked my local church,
07:49 but I don't, do not belong to
07:51 a Seventh-day Adventist Church as I am a Christian.
07:53 But during the pandemic, I began watching 3ABN
07:56 and want to share the 3ABN messages.
07:59 And I am thinking about joining.
08:00 Can I still be an ASI 3ABN missionary?"
08:04 What do you say, Rodney? Hallelujah.
08:06 Amen. Praise the Lord. Amen.
08:09 Whoever submitted that question,
08:10 I personally want to say, thank you,
08:13 God bless you for listening to the Holy Spirit,
08:16 bringing you into this last day message.
08:18 And you know what?
08:20 We've had several people who have submitted
08:22 the same question to me by email.
08:24 I've had to reverend so-and-so, bishop,
08:27 pastor from all kinds of different denominations.
08:30 I'm reminded of when this message
08:32 was first preached in the 1800s.
08:35 You remember when William Miller
08:37 and his associates were preaching,
08:39 the judgment hour message?
08:40 People were coming in from everywhere.
08:42 It wasn't about denomination.
08:44 It was about truth. Amen.
08:46 And so I'll tell you what they put on this one.
08:49 We'd like to have you put none yet, none yet
08:54 for your local Seventh-day Adventist Church,
08:56 because we believe that
08:57 God is bringing people in, so none yet is
09:01 how you would respond to that question.
09:02 That's nice.
09:04 And, Rodney, then we'll be able to know that
09:07 indeed his appeal has been effective
09:11 and the Holy Spirit has worked on hearts.
09:13 And there are people
09:14 who will be hearing this message
09:16 and sharing this message
09:18 that maybe have never even known it before,
09:21 but they're gonna become acquainted with it.
09:22 They're gonna share it.
09:24 And it's gonna be powerful to see what God is going to do.
09:26 It's God's message. Yeah.
09:28 It is God's final appeal.
09:30 Amen. Praise the Lord.
09:32 Well, we have a couple more questions.
09:33 We're gonna get to those throughout the hour.
09:35 Yeah, go ahead, Brother. You know what?
09:37 We forgot to put up the other quote.
09:39 Good point. We shared two quotes.
09:42 Okay. That's right.
09:43 And we had the one for Ellen White to Waggoner.
09:46 The other one was
09:47 from the book Evangelism, page 119.
09:51 Absolutely. There it is.
09:52 Go ahead and read that for us.
09:54 "In a special sense Seventh-day Adventists
09:56 have been set in the world as watchmen and light-bearers.
10:00 To them has been entrusted the last warning
10:02 for a perishing world.
10:04 On them is shining wonderful light
10:06 from the Word of God.
10:09 And then, they have been
10:10 given a work of the most solemn import,
10:14 the proclamation of the first,
10:17 second and third angels' messages.
10:19 There is no other work of so great importance.
10:23 They are to allow nothing else to absorb their attention."
10:28 Nothing else. May the Lord help us.
10:30 That's right.
10:31 May the Lord help us,
10:33 that's what I'm exactly say for myself.
10:34 I mean, I'm just thinking about this.
10:36 What this is telling me
10:37 is this needs to be my top priority.
10:39 Yeah.
10:40 And can you see how the devil is working
10:43 to squeeze everything with whatever pandemic crisis,
10:48 whatever it is to get our mind off of this,
10:53 that should absorb our attention
10:54 and get us focused on whatever else it could be.
10:56 That's right. Could be ton of other things.
10:58 There's politics or whatever it is.
11:00 Right.
11:02 When we are distracted, the devil is happy.
11:04 That's right. Absolutely.
11:06 We've got to stay laser focused on the mission.
11:08 Absolutely. That's who we are.
11:10 And we have been called as a people in these last days
11:13 to take this everlasting gospel to all the world.
11:16 And that's what we're talking about tonight
11:18 as we are discussing this 3AM Call.
11:21 Again, if you wanna send in those questions,
11:23 please do so, text us at (618) 228-3975.
11:27 Or you can email us that is at live@3abn.tv.
11:32 But before we go on to talk about
11:35 some more of this 3AM Call,
11:37 we have one more special music number
11:39 brought to us again by Miss Stephanie Dawn.
11:41 Love her voice, love her music.
11:43 And this time she's going to be playing for us,
11:46 "I Surrender All."
11:48 Amen. Amen.
12:07 All to Jesus
12:10 I surrender
12:14 All to Him
12:16 I freely give
12:21 I will ever love and trust Him
12:28 In His presence
12:32 Daily live
12:36 All to Jesus I surrender
12:43 Humbly at His feet I bow
12:50 Worldly pleasures
12:54 All forsaken
12:57 Take me, Jesus,
13:01 Take me now
13:05 I surrender all
13:12 I surrender all
13:20 All to Thee, my blessed Savior
13:27 I surrender all
13:36 All to Jesus I surrender
13:43 Make me, Savior, wholly Thine
13:49 Fill me with thy Holy Spirit
13:56 Truly know that
14:00 Thou art mine
14:04 I surrender all
14:11 I surrender all
14:19 All to Thee,
14:22 My blessed Savior
14:27 I surrender all
14:44 All to Jesus
14:48 I surrender
14:51 Now I feel the sacred flame
14:58 Oh, the joy of full salvation!
15:05 Glory, glory,
15:08 To His name!
15:12 I surrender all
15:19 I surrender all
15:27 All to Thee, my blessed Savior
15:34 I surrender all
15:39 Oh, I surrender all
15:47 I surrender all
15:58 All to Thee,
16:00 My blessed Savior
16:08 I surrender all
16:31 Oh, what a blessing.
16:32 Thank you so much there, Stephanie,
16:34 it's beautiful, beautiful singing as always,
16:37 all to Jesus,
16:38 I surrender all to Him, I freely give.
16:41 Isn't that what the gospel is all about?
16:43 It's all about giving ourselves to Jesus Christ fully 100%.
16:47 And you know what?
16:48 We have that divine commission where Jesus says,
16:50 "Go ye into all nations, baptizing them
16:52 in the name of the Father and of the Son
16:54 and the Holy Spirit, teaching them
16:57 and baptizing them,
16:58 continuing to teach them, continuing to make disciples
17:01 for all nations."
17:02 That's what we're here to do.
17:04 And that's what we're here talking tonight
17:05 with our friends from ASI.
17:07 And you know, I just wanna encourage you
17:09 as you're watching at home today.
17:10 I know you guys can echo this as well.
17:12 When you have the Holy Spirit, right?
17:14 When we have the promise
17:16 and scripture, Jesus said, in fact, His last words
17:19 before He would ascend into the heavens,
17:21 He said, when you receive the Holy Spirit,
17:24 you shall receive power to be a witness.
17:27 And you know what?
17:28 That the way you witness, you know,
17:30 we all witnessed in different capacities
17:31 in different ways.
17:33 And that's what this 3AM Call is all about.
17:35 It provides us with the tools to be the best witness
17:37 that we can be for Jesus Christ.
17:39 And so I'm excited about it.
17:41 And we have still lots to discuss
17:43 about the different aspects of this 3AM Call.
17:47 I do want to...
17:48 Wouldn't we have a couple of that came in
17:50 and I wanna ask one right here,
17:51 it seems like maybe a simple one
17:53 that can be answered.
17:54 This comes from Shawn.
17:55 And Shawn says,
17:57 "Exactly what would my part be?"
18:00 What would his part be?
18:01 I love it. I love it. It's a good question.
18:03 So what happens after you register on Sunday,
18:07 you will get an email,
18:08 the title is the 3AM weekly missions.
18:13 And there are two or three weekly missions
18:16 that are very practical.
18:18 They talk about
18:19 how we can do Christ method alone.
18:22 It gives a list of things that you can do for your neighbor.
18:25 You know, a lot of us don't even know
18:26 our neighbors.
18:28 That's the reality. So what's the first step?
18:30 You get to know your neighbor, right?
18:32 And it gives you an idea,
18:34 bake some bread or bring some cookies
18:38 or whatever it is it's getting to know your neighbor.
18:41 So, Shawn, an excellent question.
18:44 We have over...
18:46 I mean, we have hundreds
18:47 of different practical things like that
18:49 that you can do to witness to people,
18:51 winning their confidence.
18:53 And then we have all the tools to share the message,
18:57 which is the, the meat,
18:59 the heart of the gospel in the three angels' messages.
19:02 Amen. Praise the Lord.
19:04 I love that. Brother, go ahead.
19:05 So Rodney, Bob from Wyoming has a question for you.
19:10 I love it. Okay.
19:12 So Bob says, "I'm interested in being a part of this
19:14 3AM Call missionary group that but we're senior citizens
19:19 and just staying home most of the time.
19:22 My question is, is if you have some tools
19:25 that can enhance our capacity for the Lord?"
19:29 Amen.
19:30 Bob, thank you so much for that question.
19:32 Yes.
19:34 This is available for every person,
19:37 no matter what the age is in this category,
19:39 senior citizens, you know,
19:41 actually we have developed this
19:43 so that it is built in, it's part of the curriculum
19:47 that you have to share it with others.
19:49 Now, a lot of what is done
19:51 is on our social media platforms.
19:53 So if you don't have a Facebook account yet,
19:56 create one, that's step number one.
19:59 And all of us have different ways
20:02 that we can share electronically, right?
20:05 How many people have email accounts?
20:06 That's right. Most people.
20:08 Most people have email, right? That's the basic thing.
20:11 Rodney, they're in the senior category.
20:12 Now there might be a few senior citizens
20:14 who'd rather write a letter.
20:16 That's totally fine as well.
20:17 Okay. That is totally fine.
20:19 It doesn't have to be only digital.
20:21 Right.
20:22 Digital is the main way,
20:24 but writing letters and adding in the Glow tract
20:28 on the three angels' messages, how many people get bills?
20:34 Yeah. Right?
20:35 Yeah, sure. And you know what?
20:36 That's free witnessing
20:38 because there's a return envelope
20:39 and it says postage paid, right?
20:42 I love that.
20:43 Glow track, three angels' messages.
20:45 There's a three angels' messages
20:47 Glow track, the final call.
20:49 You slip that right in
20:50 with the little handwritten note, right?
20:53 That's right. That's it.
20:54 That's a way that it can be shared.
20:57 How about this one, oh, Rodney?
20:59 How many people get telemarketer calls?
21:01 Have you ever...
21:03 I mean, the list is endless of the people
21:05 that want to call you and talk to you.
21:07 And if you could just divert the conversation
21:09 and say, thank you so much for calling me.
21:11 I don't necessarily wanna buy your product,
21:13 but I have something for you.
21:14 There you go.
21:16 And turn it around on them it's just this little idea...
21:17 That's exactly right.
21:18 You know, most of the time,
21:20 I'm not very interested in talking to them
21:22 because I don't have a lot of time to do that.
21:24 But if I get my mindset right, I think I could.
21:27 Just say, turn that conversation around.
21:29 Say, you know, I'm not interested in
21:32 an extended warranty for my car,
21:34 but I do have something better
21:36 than an extended warranty for you.
21:37 I have something you can get eternal life.
21:39 Do you know what, Steve?
21:40 I've actually gotten into that habit
21:43 when I'm talking to someone
21:45 either a business transaction or something else.
21:48 I've gotten into the habit of encouraging them
21:51 to go to one of many websites,
21:53 Amazing Facts is one, 3ABN, you know,
21:56 whatever it could be that
21:57 you want to use as your witnessing tool.
22:01 I am always amazed at the responses of the people.
22:04 It's like, they totally change.
22:06 Many of them say, thank you so much.
22:09 I say, you know, after your break is over,
22:11 here's a website.
22:12 I want you to check out. I'm sure you're gonna like it.
22:15 And 90 plus percent of the people,
22:18 they honestly sound like they enjoy it.
22:21 They said, can you repeat that again?
22:22 I'm gonna write that down.
22:24 So I think people are open. Amen.
22:26 A lot more open than we can think.
22:28 Absolutely.
22:30 So I have one more question. Okay.
22:31 This one comes from Anne in Boise, Idaho.
22:33 Okay.
22:34 And Anne says, "How do we witness
22:36 through this program to others?
22:38 Do you refer someone
22:40 or do we have to find someone in our own?"
22:42 All right.
22:43 The whole idea of the 3AM Call
22:45 is to use your circle of influence.
22:49 God has given us family members,
22:53 coworkers, neighbors,
22:55 and even our big Facebook audience, right?
22:59 People that we don't necessarily know,
23:01 but they're our "friends."
23:03 Right?
23:04 So as part of the course,
23:06 for an example, I'm jumping ahead.
23:08 Maybe we'll come back to the later,
23:10 but in the three cosmic messages course,
23:13 one of the assignments
23:15 is to watch the video of Mark Finley
23:18 preaching these messages.
23:19 Right.
23:21 And the assignment
23:22 then is to share it with 10 other people.
23:24 Right.
23:25 You mean like share it as in, just push the share button.
23:27 Just push the share button. Yeah, it's pretty simple.
23:29 That's it. Right on YouTube.
23:31 Seconds.
23:32 On YouTube, there's the share button.
23:34 And then YouTube opens this big window.
23:36 Do you wanna share it on Instagram,
23:38 on Facebook, on Twitter,
23:40 on all of these different platforms
23:42 or share it in the email, right?
23:44 So there's a lot of different ways
23:46 that you can share these messages
23:48 without doing it yourself, but we're getting to that
23:51 because we want everyone to actually share it.
23:54 That's right. We want everyone to sign up.
23:56 We want everyone to register.
23:57 And that actually provides me an opportunity.
23:59 We spoke briefly last hour
24:01 about this goal number that you got.
24:03 Remember, we started out at 5,000, 10,000.
24:06 Well, we were too low, even at 50,000.
24:08 Let's talk about the goal number,
24:10 the first goal number that you have
24:12 and how you want people to sign up
24:14 and refer others to this as well?
24:17 Our dream is that
24:20 before the General Conference session,
24:23 which is now been moved to 2022.
24:25 Okay.
24:27 We would like to have
24:28 1 million Seventh-day Adventists
24:31 and pre-Adventists.
24:34 Those who are not yet
24:36 part of our church are welcome to join.
24:39 Join this and share the three angels' message, 1 million.
24:42 One million?
24:43 And we believe that
24:44 if that there's a something called synergy.
24:47 Synergy is where those working together
24:50 can accomplish far more than
24:52 if we were working independently.
24:54 Right. So we have a challenge.
24:56 I wanna give a challenge to our viewing audience.
24:59 We actually would like for you to do an evangelistic campaign,
25:04 however, it may be on April 4,
25:09 that might be in your local church.
25:11 I know that's very soon.
25:13 That's only a week from Sunday.
25:15 It could be digitally, virtually.
25:19 And we'll talk more about
25:20 how you can do that, but we want everyone to be
25:23 intentionally sharing
25:24 the three angels' messages on April 4.
25:28 Amen. April 4, now that sounds soon.
25:32 But it's possible, especially in the day and time
25:34 that we have with all the technology
25:36 and opportunities that we have,
25:37 you know, you're talking about doing it.
25:39 You know, even if you can't do it
25:40 in person or,
25:41 you know, before a live audience,
25:43 you could do it digitally, right?
25:44 Whether it be through Zoom.
25:46 And I know I did an evangelistic series recently,
25:48 actually through Zoom
25:50 and YouTube at the exact same time.
25:51 I was covering two audiences.
25:53 Well, you've already got what I was gonna say.
25:55 Right.
25:56 Then let's talk about a little bit more,
25:59 how someone could actually do this.
26:01 Okay. Right?
26:03 This device right here is a powerful tool.
26:05 Yes, it is.
26:07 And simply using this tool and a Zoom account
26:11 and connected that to YouTube or Facebook.
26:15 Those are free platforms.
26:17 You just do that and you can do the series.
26:19 Amen. It is fully scripted.
26:22 It's not like we're asking people
26:23 to sit down like you did Steve,
26:26 and wrote an entire evangelistic series
26:29 on the flight so to speak.
26:32 This is fully scripted.
26:34 The graphics are incredible for our different programs
26:38 that we have.
26:39 So everything is there.
26:41 The tools are there in the tool box.
26:43 We're simply asking people
26:45 to open the toolbox and to use the tools.
26:48 Absolutely.
26:49 So you were referencing, you know,
26:51 I guess you were talking about
26:52 the New Beginnings series there.
26:53 I was.
26:55 Let's talk about that for a moment.
26:56 New beginnings, because you were telling me
26:57 a little bit of story of how that came about.
26:59 I've used the New Beginnings, they're fantastic.
27:00 And you guys have a new updated version
27:02 of these a 4.0 that people have access to.
27:06 So, Ryan, back in the day before New Beginnings
27:12 I was attending an ASI Convention
27:15 and someone challenged me
27:17 and I'm not a preacher by training.
27:19 I'm a layperson.
27:21 And they said, "You should do an evangelistic series."
27:25 And I was like, no about that.
27:27 But, you know, and they said,
27:29 "Yeah, now, everybody needs to do this."
27:31 And I saw other people who weren't preachers doing it.
27:33 And I said, "Well, maybe I do."
27:35 So we went home and prayed about it.
27:37 And we took a group of students to the Ukraine.
27:39 And our goal was to do several series
27:42 of evangelistic series concurrently.
27:45 And I didn't have a prepared series.
27:48 Right.
27:49 So I would preach at night and then I would go home
27:52 and I would study most of the rest of the night
27:54 and would get up in the morning,
27:56 study the rest of the day.
27:57 And by that night, have another sermon ready.
28:00 And I presented at that night.
28:01 And so it was like this marathon
28:04 to get ready for each one.
28:06 Right.
28:07 And I've talked to other people who had that same experience
28:10 and out of those kinds of experiences
28:13 the tool was born to say,
28:15 what if we have some really powerful graphic images
28:17 and some very well thought out scripts,
28:20 well-studied scripts that were just biblical
28:24 and truth would just ooze out of them
28:27 as you presented them.
28:29 What if we had that all arranged
28:31 so that you didn't have to do all of that?
28:34 You could just mostly focus on the presentation itself.
28:36 That's right.
28:37 And so, that's where New Beginnings was born
28:40 and developed in about 2000 or so.
28:44 It was launched in its initial stages.
28:47 And since that time,
28:49 hundreds of thousands of laypeople
28:51 around the world have been trained.
28:53 This message has gone viral
28:56 you might say in that kind of way.
28:59 And just recently we did an update.
29:01 Rodney was kind of in charge of that
29:05 and updated the graphics and the scripts
29:08 to the most modern representation
29:11 we can 4k graphics and the scripts
29:13 that are really focused on the love of God
29:15 and how that,
29:17 that is the essence of the gospel.
29:18 Absolutely.
29:20 And so, it's a new updated version
29:22 of New Beginnings.
29:23 They're on our 3AM Call website,
29:25 and anybody can go there and get them and use them.
29:26 Yeah, I think they had a graphic a few moments ago.
29:28 If you could pull that back up there,
29:30 that graphic of the New Beginnings,
29:32 powerful, this series is beautiful.
29:36 It's user-friendly, anybody can do it.
29:37 You don't, you know,
29:39 if someone's sitting at home right now saying,
29:40 I don't know how I could ever preach
29:42 an evangelistic series on my own.
29:44 This is, this is it.
29:45 This is the way you can do it
29:46 because the tools have been provided for you.
29:48 When did you preach your series?
29:50 I'm curious on New Beginning.
29:52 I think I used New Beginnings back,
29:54 I think it was probably 2012, 2013,
29:56 somewhere around there.
29:58 I had just received
29:59 one of your older versions of it.
30:00 And I incorporated it into my own evangelistic series
30:03 when I was out on the road, preaching as an evangelist.
30:06 So you will love these graphics.
30:09 You haven't seen them yet, I don't think.
30:11 All right, I don't think the new ones.
30:13 But we have a lot of artwork
30:15 that the Justinian creative group
30:17 has done specifically for this series.
30:20 It's not been seen before.
30:22 And so these graphics are amazing.
30:25 They are available in 4k HD and standard definition,
30:30 depending on what a person's need is.
30:32 What I really like about this series is that
30:35 the notes are embedded in the presentation itself.
30:39 So you don't need even a script book.
30:42 All you need is a laptop in front of you or a tablet,
30:45 which can be very inexpensive.
30:47 That's all that there is to it. That's awesome.
30:50 And some people have actually just taken the script.
30:54 They haven't been very eloquent at all.
30:56 And they've just literally read the script,
30:59 and they're reading.
31:01 Can you imagine hearing a sermon,
31:03 just being read with not a lot of emotion, Right.
31:07 But the Holy Spirit took the truth...
31:09 That's right.
31:10 And people have come forward because the call,
31:13 the appeal is in the script.
31:15 You just read it. That's right.
31:17 The Holy Spirit does the work and people come forward.
31:19 In fact, I have a story powerful
31:22 back in my home church in Northeast Arkansas,
31:24 where I grew up and
31:25 where I eventually joined the Adventist Church.
31:28 At the time, there was a...
31:29 I think she might've been 10 or 11 years old, young girl,
31:32 her father and her mother,
31:33 they had went over for a missionary trip
31:35 and they were all doing evangelistic series.
31:37 And this 10-year old girl
31:39 did an entire evangelistic series
31:42 to probably, I think it was up in the upper hundreds
31:45 or lower thousands.
31:47 Ten-year-old girl did a series for all of these people
31:49 and they were using the New Beginnings series.
31:51 So it's very user-friendly. Anyone can use it.
31:55 And so if you're sitting at home right now
31:56 saying, you know what?
31:57 I just don't know if I, if I could ever muster up
31:59 the courage or the mentality or the,
32:01 of the information on my own, or the fortitude
32:05 or whatever it is you got to muster up
32:06 to try to get through this.
32:08 You can do it because God has provided the tools for you
32:11 through the ministry of ASI.
32:12 So this is powerful.
32:13 Thank you guys so much
32:15 for all that you do for evangelism,
32:16 but we're not through yet
32:17 because you also have a health evangelism as well.
32:21 Let's talk about that? Let's definitely do.
32:23 Because in that earlier quote,
32:26 you referenced Ministry of Healing, 143.
32:29 Now minute when you read that,
32:31 I was thinking of a very profound truth.
32:34 In Matthew 4:23-25,
32:38 we see that Jesus did three things
32:40 in His ministry, preaching, teaching and healing.
32:45 Which one did He do most?
32:46 Healing. He did healing most.
32:49 That's exactly right. Should we not do the same?
32:52 And the question comes to us. Well, I'm not a doctor.
32:57 I'm not a nurse. I'm not a physical therapist.
33:00 Can I do anything?
33:02 We have a quote that we want to read right now
33:04 from Testimonies for the Church,
33:06 volume 7, page 62.
33:09 "We have come to a time
33:11 when every member of the church should do" what?
33:14 Take hold.
33:16 "Take hold of medical missionary work."
33:19 And then it gives the reason.
33:20 "The world is a lazar house."
33:23 Talking about Lazarus' sickness.
33:25 Sure.
33:26 It goes on to explain,
33:27 "Filled with victims of both physical
33:29 and spiritual disease."
33:31 Now is that next part not true today?
33:33 Amen.
33:34 "Everywhere people are perishing
33:36 for a lack of the knowledge of the truths
33:39 that have been committed to us."
33:40 Wow.
33:42 So anyone who's watching this program,
33:44 if they're not a health professional,
33:47 it's okay.
33:48 We have tools that have been developed
33:51 by health professionals that you can use.
33:54 Like if you take our course right now,
33:57 we have some great videos
33:59 that cover NEWSTART, the acronym, NEWSTART.
34:01 All you have to do is watch the video
34:04 and then share it with someone else.
34:06 Wow. Text message.
34:07 Hey, I just watched this short little video.
34:09 We have all the links for you is ready to go.
34:13 Does it get any easier than that?
34:14 It's powerful.
34:15 I mean, and for those who are health professionals,
34:17 we have things for you as well.
34:19 We have great tools for everyone.
34:21 It's powerful.
34:22 Now, Rodney, some of these just want
34:25 to kind of launch from what you've said,
34:26 because it's coming to my mind
34:28 that they can go deeper into these topics.
34:32 So just like the one from the partnership
34:34 we have with LIGHT,
34:36 which is the Lay Institute for Global Health Training.
34:40 This course that you have up
34:42 on the 3AM Call website is the introductory course.
34:45 It's just the very basic.
34:47 It's kind of scratching the surface
34:49 of what's available.
34:50 That's right.
34:52 The LIGHT website has the rest of the story you might say...
34:54 Yes.
34:56 More material available at a deeper level,
34:58 for those who wanna go deeper.
35:00 Yeah. That's exactly right.
35:01 That's exactly right. It's a stepping stone.
35:03 Right. Right?
35:04 So it's the introduction.
35:06 And I have the privilege of serving with LIGHT
35:09 as one of the division directors.
35:11 And we focus on health evangelism training.
35:14 So I'm very passionate about health evangelism
35:17 because I've seen it work like nothing else
35:19 can to break down prejudice.
35:21 And to be honest, a lot of people in the world
35:26 have some kind of prejudice against the gospel.
35:29 In the United States,
35:30 it's a prejudice because it's, what do we call it?
35:34 Gospel hardened, right? We've heard that term.
35:37 People heard it over and over again.
35:39 In other parts of the world, it's not gospel harden.
35:42 It is secular hardened.
35:44 People just have no interest, right?
35:46 Sure. They're done.
35:48 They don't wanna hear.
35:49 And other places it's religious intolerance.
35:53 There's not room for Christianity
35:55 in this rigid environment,
35:57 but health is something
35:59 that can cross all of those barriers.
36:01 And we've done health programs literally all over the world
36:05 and seen that you can reach Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists
36:10 with the health message.
36:11 It's the entering wedge.
36:12 I love it. I love it.
36:14 That's awesome.
36:16 We have couple more questions that have come in.
36:18 I wanna bring those up now.
36:19 So this person sends in the question,
36:21 this is actually a really good question.
36:23 "Are female evangelists encouraged or do they exist?"
36:27 So with what's going on now, can a female,
36:29 someone that wants to do an evangelism,
36:31 a female evangelists do what it is we're talking about?
36:33 I think I just heard, Ryan, that you talked about this
36:36 10-year old girl who did evangelism.
36:40 I remembered that story when this question came...
36:41 That's right.
36:43 And yes, you know there's a concept in the Bible
36:48 and this is the concept that I have,
36:50 that everyone is called
36:52 to help share the good news of Jesus.
36:55 Amen.
36:56 And it doesn't depend on
36:58 what ethnic background you come from.
37:02 It doesn't depend on the color of your skin.
37:06 It doesn't depend on your age.
37:08 It doesn't depend on so many of these factors
37:10 that often are used as almost excluding people
37:15 from getting involved in sharing the gospel.
37:19 God has a policy that
37:21 He calls everyone to help
37:24 share His good news in different ways, it's true.
37:27 And so someone may be
37:29 a physician like Rodney has alluded to.
37:31 Their expertise may be in helping to heal people
37:36 so that their mind is more open to hear the gospel.
37:38 Amen.
37:39 Some people are better at public presentation
37:43 and they may make a better public presentation
37:45 than someone else.
37:46 Some people are better at individually ministering
37:49 and praying with someone on an individual basis.
37:51 That's right.
37:52 So all are needed is the way I'm going to say it.
37:56 That's right. Amen.
37:57 All are needed. All are desired.
38:00 Rodney, are there any filters on this website
38:02 that would prevent someone from signing up?
38:05 We don't have anything that says,
38:08 you know, what is your gender, and exclude female?
38:11 Or what is your age?
38:12 Or what is it, older or younger?
38:13 That's exactly right.
38:15 Or what is your skin color?
38:16 Nothing like that? Nothing like that.
38:17 Okay. So it's open.
38:19 It's open.
38:20 We need a name, an email address,
38:23 and a local church.
38:24 And that's pretty much it.
38:25 And if you don't belong
38:27 to a local Seventh-day Adventist Church,
38:28 you can put none yet.
38:30 That's Rodney's words, none yet.
38:32 And you can get involved in sharing,
38:34 helping to share this message with the world.
38:35 I love that.
38:37 In fact, let's take the time
38:38 now to pull that website back up.
38:39 I just wanna do that.
38:41 We're going to pull it up again before we sign off for tonight,
38:43 but there it is asiministries.org,
38:47 but we also want to pull up the website for the 3AM...
38:49 The 3amcall.org. The 3amcall.org.
38:55 3AM Call, three angels' messages call,
38:58 and go on there and sign up for this evangelism initiative.
39:02 They've provided all the tools.
39:04 All you have to do is just be willing.
39:07 And in fact, this is actually another question
39:09 that just came in.
39:11 Interestingly enough, this is coming from Marie,
39:13 from Kingston, Jamaica.
39:15 Hello, Marie.
39:16 She says, "Hi, Ryan and co, Maranatha.
39:19 She says, "Is there any way that
39:21 an individual can receive the material
39:23 without internet connection?"
39:27 That is a good question.
39:29 And in our world today, it's so internet driven.
39:33 So at this time
39:36 that is our vehicle of giving the material.
39:39 So hopefully Marie, you're able to find someone
39:43 who has an internet connection,
39:44 so you can download the material.
39:46 Amen.
39:47 So a lot of places there are internet cafes
39:49 where you can go and you can just plug in
39:51 and maybe for a small fee, download the material,
39:54 put it on your laptop, or on a jump drive
39:58 or something so that you can get it and that's all.
40:00 We do have a lot of people
40:01 actually who send me emails on a regular basis and say,
40:05 you know, my network was kind of spotty today,
40:07 and I wasn't able to watch this or that.
40:10 And so we totally understand, but again,
40:14 technology is all around the world
40:16 and internet is growing in speed
40:19 and availability.
40:20 So that's the technology that we're leveraging.
40:23 Praise the Lord. Yeah.
40:24 I mean, we certainly do live in a day and age
40:26 where it seems like everyone, maybe not literally everyone,
40:30 but it seems like more and more people.
40:31 It's a growing number. It's growing.
40:32 We live in an internet connected world.
40:34 It is.
40:36 And, you know, it doesn't take someone
40:38 the greatest speaker, the greatest preacher,
40:40 the greatest teacher.
40:41 But you know, if you can just click a button,
40:44 a share button and share the good news
40:46 of materials that have already been provided
40:48 for you to share,
40:50 you are doing your part in sharing the good news
40:52 with the world, with everyone around you.
40:54 I can think, you know,
40:56 I have two different Facebook accounts,
40:58 also have a YouTube account.
40:59 And probably on between the two Facebook accounts,
41:02 I have about 7,000 people that I can reach with this.
41:05 And so I've signed up
41:06 and I'm gonna be sharing as much as I can.
41:08 And I wanna encourage you to do the same.
41:11 Let's talk really quickly about the three cosmic messages.
41:14 This is involving Pastor Mark Finley, right?
41:16 I should be asking you about those
41:18 because they were filmed right here at 3ABN,
41:22 but I am really excited about this.
41:24 You know I've been watching Pastor Finley
41:28 share the gospel for decades now.
41:31 And his ministry
41:33 has literally touched millions of lives.
41:37 There have been so many meetings.
41:39 And when I heard the miracle of the production
41:42 of the three cosmic messages, I was thrilled.
41:46 There it is.
41:47 Powerful series. That was a year ago.
41:49 Was it not like this week or last week or something?
41:53 Just a year ago, they were filmed here,
41:56 but I'm so excited that
41:58 not only can we share these videos
42:01 with Elder Finley preaching, they are now available for us.
42:05 That's right. They are available.
42:07 The PowerPoints fully scripted.
42:10 I worked together with our good friends
42:12 at heart research, Dan Houghton and his team.
42:16 We have the scripts, we have the PowerPoints
42:19 they're already so that we can share them ourselves.
42:23 Amen.
42:24 And I think that that's where the real power is.
42:27 Step number one is to share the video.
42:29 You watch Mark Finley preach.
42:31 You share that video.
42:33 Step number two is you preach.
42:36 You might not be the most eloquent.
42:38 You might not, you know, be the most fluid...
42:43 But it may be that you are the person,
42:47 and you may be the only person
42:49 that another person would trust.
42:51 Is gonna connect to. That's right.
42:52 Exactly.
42:54 So you don't have to be Mark Finley.
42:55 That's right. That's right.
42:56 That is exactly right.
42:58 That's powerful. So that's what we wanna do.
42:59 You see, our idea is that everyone can start somewhere,
43:03 but we all can grow a little bit more.
43:05 Absolutely. That's...
43:07 It's a progression, you know...
43:09 Absolutely God is wanting us
43:11 all to just come up a little higher.
43:12 Absolutely.
43:14 And so that's what 3AM Call does,
43:17 it taps into what your specific talents
43:20 and abilities are wherever you are
43:21 in your walk with God, wherever you are
43:23 in your particular desire to share,
43:26 there's multiple varieties of options
43:29 that people can have access to,
43:31 to share in their own way,
43:32 through this one online Mecca of resources
43:36 that ASI has produced called 3AM Call.
43:39 Did I say that right?
43:40 Did I just describe that accurately?
43:42 Yeah, that was very good.
43:43 We need to get him on for our commercial.
43:45 I was gonna to say. Happy about that.
43:46 We're gonna have to make some spots
43:48 after we're done here.
43:49 You can make some spots for 3ABN.
43:53 Yeah.
43:54 You know, I'm just excited about evangelism.
43:56 Evangelism's where my heart has always been.
43:58 There's nothing like sharing the good news
44:02 with someone and seeing
44:04 their whole world light up
44:06 because they've never heard it before or they never heard it
44:08 in the way that you're sharing it,
44:10 because perhaps,
44:11 maybe they've never been prepared.
44:13 Their heart has never been prepared for any other time
44:15 than that time that you're sharing with them
44:17 at that moment.
44:18 And that's a thing, my friends, I just wanna encourage you.
44:20 You may be sitting at home right now saying,
44:22 "Oh, I've tried the whole sharing thing.
44:23 And none of my friends and family members
44:25 or any of my acquaintances
44:26 or anyone that I've ever shared
44:28 with nobody's ever responded positively.
44:30 So obviously I don't have the ability or the talent or,
44:33 you know, what God, the ability that
44:35 God has given me to share.
44:36 I'm just, that's just not my thing."
44:37 But you never, never know people...
44:40 Things happen in people's lives,
44:42 especially with what has happened
44:43 in recent time with COVID,
44:45 the times that we're living in,
44:46 people are more open to spiritual things.
44:48 They have questions.
44:50 They're asking questions and saying, you know,
44:52 I had somebody that asked me a few weeks ago,
44:54 you know, is the mark of the beast.
44:55 It's this is this whole COVID thing
44:57 setting up for the mark of the beast?
44:58 You know what that question told me?
45:00 That what is happening around them
45:01 is sparked an interest in spiritual things,
45:04 perhaps questions that they weren't asking before.
45:07 Now they're asking, wait a second.
45:08 Is the world coming to an end?
45:10 Because no other generation
45:12 before us has seen a global pandemic in the way
45:15 that it has unfolded so quickly
45:17 as what we have witnessed in the past year.
45:19 Right.
45:20 And so, there's people out there right now.
45:22 And I just wanna encourage those watching at home.
45:24 You know, it doesn't matter
45:25 what kind of talent you have or what kind of ability
45:27 or how well spoken you are.
45:30 You are a vessel of God, God wants to use you.
45:33 He wants to reach you.
45:35 And He wants to use you for His kingdom.
45:38 And ASI Ministries has done a phenomenal thing
45:41 in creating the ultimate possibility
45:44 for you to be able to share that 3AM Call.
45:48 And let's pull that back up there again,
45:50 the website, the 3amcall.org.
45:55 And that's what we're talking about tonight.
45:56 We want you to go sign up right now.
45:58 It's simple.
45:59 I did it myself, 30 minutes
46:01 before this program started tonight,
46:03 before I showed up.
46:04 And it literally took me less than 60 seconds.
46:06 Two clicks fill out
46:08 just a couple of bars of information
46:10 and you're right in there
46:11 and have access to so much information
46:14 and tools to help you
46:16 share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
46:18 And so, I'm excited about this.
46:20 In fact, I had a friend the other day, guys, powerful.
46:24 Friend never met him before,
46:26 but he called me up, left a voicemail on my phone.
46:27 His name was Ed. Ed is a truck driver.
46:30 And Ed told me, he said, you know what?
46:31 I just love sharing. I love to evangelize.
46:33 I love to share literature.
46:35 And one of the things he shared with me,
46:37 he says, you know what?
46:38 I just don't have the tools
46:40 or the ability to create these wonderful slides,
46:42 these evangelism slides and you know,
46:45 you recently, I had recently done
46:46 a series on the United States in Bible prophecies.
46:49 Do you mind if I use your slides?
46:50 Or do you mind if I take your messages
46:51 and preach them in Spanish?
46:53 Because he speaks Spanish
46:54 and I wanna preach this message in Spanish,
46:56 to my Spanish friends.
46:57 And there's people out there just like Ed,
47:00 that would want love to have access to your tools.
47:03 And that's what we want to encourage you to do now
47:05 is go sign up the 3amcall.org,
47:11 go signup so you can have access to this
47:13 and play your part in sharing the gospel
47:16 with the world.
47:18 There's I mean, there's several other things
47:19 on this list here that
47:21 I know we can talk about in these eight minutes,
47:22 but I want to open it up to what our speakers says.
47:24 I wanna go back to one thing that you said.
47:26 Sure.
47:27 And I think it's powerful for people to understand.
47:30 There is nothing like
47:32 sharing the gospel with someone else.
47:34 There's no other experience in your life
47:36 that's going to compare with that.
47:38 I've done a lot of things in my life.
47:39 I've traveled and I have preached,
47:42 and I have instructed people
47:45 and I've taught you know, but the thing,
47:48 when you see someone respond,
47:51 when you've been just had a small part to play
47:54 and then learning about the gospel,
47:57 and when they take that step
47:58 of committing their life to Christ,
48:00 there is something about that that just,
48:03 it brings joy.
48:05 Now we're told it brings joy to God,
48:08 but it also brings joy to us
48:10 as human beings to see that happen.
48:13 So we've been in a pandemic.
48:15 People have been locked in their homes,
48:17 isolated many times.
48:19 You need some joy in your life,
48:21 start sharing Jesus with someone.
48:23 And when you see them engage with Christ
48:27 and take a step of commitment to Him,
48:30 there's gonna be a spark of joy in your life.
48:32 Not just a spark, there's gonna be
48:34 some fire in your bones
48:35 to keep doing that again and again and again.
48:38 That's right. Amen.
48:40 Praise the Lord.
48:41 You know, as we were talking between the hours tonight,
48:45 you had asked me a little bit about myself.
48:46 And I told that my wife
48:47 was the principal at our Thompsonville School
48:50 here across the road from 3ABN.
48:52 But I understand, Brother Steve,
48:53 you are also involved in a school as well.
48:57 And in the evangelistic effort there in the school,
49:00 could you tell us a little about that?
49:01 Well, yeah, we...
49:03 My day job is I run a school in Savannah, Tennessee
49:06 called Harbert Hills Academy.
49:07 Okay.
49:08 And we have young people that come from
49:10 all over the world to come to the school.
49:11 And we have, you know,
49:13 our vision is to follow God's plan of education,
49:14 which includes teaching them
49:16 about the three angels' messages...
49:17 Oh, yes. And how to share that.
49:19 And because we have an international population,
49:22 we have about eight different language
49:23 groups on our campus.
49:24 And so, one of the things we're doing right now,
49:27 we're teaching them the three angels' messages.
49:29 And then we're asking them to prepare those
49:31 and present them in their own language.
49:33 And we'll be posting them to the social media sites
49:36 in their own countries so that they can present,
49:39 not just learn it, but learn how to present it.
49:42 And so we are launching this effort to present
49:46 the three angels' messages in eight different languages
49:48 from our little campus and just nowhere in Tennessee.
49:51 And God's got to do something with that using young people.
49:55 And I don't know what He's going to do...
49:56 Amen.
49:57 But in the kingdom someday, I know that there's gonna be
50:00 some souls they're gonna say I'm here
50:03 because of these young people
50:05 sharing the good news in my language in a way that
50:09 I could understand it.
50:10 Amen.
50:11 Steve, where did you get training material
50:14 for the kids specifically?
50:16 Well, I got it from a website called 3amcall.org.
50:22 I love that.
50:23 I also wanted to mention though,
50:25 that there is a curriculum specifically
50:28 for grades 9 through 12,
50:30 that they can do a capstone project.
50:33 And it's actually...
50:34 That's the one we got
50:36 and it was from adventsource.org.
50:38 That's exactly right.
50:40 So they can go to Advent Source or they can email us
50:42 and we can help them find that curriculum
50:44 if they wanna teach it to their,
50:45 maybe there's some teachers watching tonight and say,
50:47 I'd like to do that for my class.
50:49 Fine, we can give you the curriculum.
50:51 It's available through Advent Source
50:53 and you can get the curriculum.
50:54 There's a teacher's guide. There's the curriculum.
50:56 I think it's like a two-week course
50:58 or something to go through it.
51:00 And it's just fantastic material
51:01 to train young people how to do this.
51:03 Amen. Praise the Lord.
51:04 I'm looking literally,
51:06 as we were preparing for this tonight,
51:07 I made some bullet points of all the amazing things
51:10 you guys are involved in
51:11 and helping people to evangelize
51:13 and to share the gospel.
51:14 One of the ones here, talk to us about
51:16 the reach the world next door?
51:18 Let's put up the picture just to see, you know,
51:22 reach the world next door
51:23 is a beautiful idea of how we can reach
51:25 immigrants and refugees.
51:28 If you look at the picture,
51:30 just look at the diversity that's there.
51:32 And those of us in the United States of America
51:36 have an absolutely
51:38 incredible opportunity to witness.
51:42 It's unprecedented to see, you know,
51:44 that is used in many crazy ways,
51:47 but this is God's way.
51:51 What has happened over the last several decades
51:54 is we have had people immigrate here
51:56 to the United States or find asylum
52:00 from persecution and whatever to countries
52:03 that you and I could never visit
52:05 as missionaries.
52:06 It would be impossible for you
52:08 to get a visa to go through that country.
52:10 They're here in our towns,
52:13 in our cities waiting to be reached.
52:15 And so ASAP ministries, Pastor Scott Griswold
52:20 has put together this beautiful introductory course
52:24 for our ASI 3AM Call audience,
52:29 so that we can learn how to identify those,
52:33 those populations.
52:35 Because you know,
52:36 sometimes what happens is this statistics are so sad.
52:40 People can come to America to study
52:44 and never meet a Christian.
52:46 Wow. That's right.
52:47 How can that happen? That's amazing.
52:49 How can that happen?
52:50 People have come on business trips and you know,
52:54 they've come and they've gone
52:56 and they've never been introduced to Christ.
52:58 People have been here for years.
53:00 You know, I remember as part of the course,
53:03 you'll hear it when you take that course.
53:05 But some of the world's most influential people
53:09 have come to our universities
53:11 and spent multiple years
53:15 and never once been invited to a Christian's home
53:18 to have a meal together.
53:19 That's right.
53:20 We've got to be intentional on how to reach those people.
53:23 And that course does that very thing,
53:25 short little videos, practical tools to help us
53:29 identify those people, win their confidence,
53:31 become their friends and then use New Beginnings,
53:35 three cosmic messages to share with them what really matters.
53:39 Amen. Amen.
53:40 This is...
53:42 This has been a powerful two hours together
53:43 just to open our hearts up and share about
53:46 the wonderful possibilities of evangelism.
53:50 I can say with certainty that none of us,
53:53 including myself, none of us
53:55 have an excuse not to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
54:00 And I say that respectfully in the utmost.
54:03 We are living in a day and time where we must,
54:06 we must be involved in this effort.
54:10 We must, whether it's someone that lives next door to us,
54:13 someone we work with, someone that we're kin to.
54:16 We need to be sharing the good news
54:18 as much as possible.
54:20 And we have about two and a half minutes left
54:22 before we sign off for tonight.
54:24 I wanna open it up to you guys.
54:25 Take a minute or so, just to share with our audience
54:29 what's on your heart in closing,
54:31 maybe make a final appeal as we prepare to close.
54:34 So I'll start here, Ryan, by just saying this,
54:39 I believe that we live in a very special time
54:42 in earth's history and I believe that
54:44 God is calling every single viewer tonight
54:48 and everyone who will see this program
54:50 to get engaged in helping
54:52 to spread the gospel to the world.
54:54 They may not be a Mark Finley. That's right.
54:57 They may not understand everything
55:00 that a theologian understands,
55:03 but God has called us to share what we know
55:08 with those that we know.
55:09 Amen.
55:11 And if we simply start there with simple tools,
55:14 God will do the blessing.
55:16 God will send the Holy Spirit ahead of us.
55:19 God will do the work that we cannot do anyway.
55:21 That's right.
55:23 Our job is to be available to what he wants to do.
55:26 So listener tonight,
55:28 if you're thinking about
55:29 what you should do,
55:31 I'm going to challenge you to get involved
55:33 with what you have
55:34 and where you are and who you know,
55:36 and begin to use
55:38 some of these simple tools to share the gospel.
55:41 Amen. Brother Rodney, real quick.
55:43 Yes, I see the time is just going so quickly,
55:45 but you know, there were four courses
55:47 that we didn't even get to talk about.
55:48 Well, I know the four courses.
55:50 So I'm gonna encourage us to just put up those slides
55:52 if we can real quick, because in this time
55:56 we've had to go digital with so many things.
55:58 So there are four courses
56:00 from the center for online evangelism.
56:02 Here it is online small group ministry,
56:05 how to do blogging for ministry.
56:08 The other ones are podcasting and YouTube.
56:11 I wish we had more times to talk about all of those.
56:13 I know, right.
56:15 But my appeal is the same as Steve's, get involved.
56:19 And I want to give a challenge.
56:21 I hope that you've taken your phone,
56:22 your device, whatever it is
56:24 and that you have signed up tonight.
56:26 If you have, thank you so much, but here's my challenge.
56:30 Before the end of this Sabbath,
56:34 I want to encourage you to sign up 10 other people.
56:38 Tell them the blessing that
56:39 you've received and sign up 10 other people.
56:41 Amen. Praise the Lord.
56:43 Hey, the 3amcall.org.
56:46 Go sign up, my friends,
56:48 become a part of this initiative
56:50 to reach the world with the gospel.
56:51 We wanna thank you so much for joining us tonight.
56:54 And you know what?
56:55 We're gonna continue doing what we do here at 3ABN
56:57 and taking the gospel to a lost and dying world.
57:00 We thank you for being a part of this 3ABN family,
57:03 and we will see you back here soon.
57:05 God bless.


Revised 2021-04-12