3ABN Today Live

Behind The Scenes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL210002B

00:10 Hello, and welcome back
00:12 to our live Thursday Night Behind The Scenes program.
00:14 We're so glad that you have joined us this evening.
00:16 The first hour went by in a real hurry,
00:17 you know, just talking about what God is doing,
00:19 the opportunities that are before us.
00:21 We talked about 3ABN Cuba, 3ABN Latino being in Cuba,
00:25 the Interless System with Dr. Moses
00:28 and that's just an amazing
00:30 may I say actually invention or opportunity.
00:32 You don't have to have the internet,
00:34 you can have what 6,000 3ABN programs
00:37 available off of a hard drive, it's very easy.
00:39 You can just plug this little box,
00:40 I mean, it's amazing, a little box,
00:42 a little bit bigger than my Bible,
00:44 just a couple of cables into your TV, and you've got,
00:46 what do you say four plus years worth of programming of 3ABN.
00:50 So we're excited about that.
00:51 And then how that then correlates to the Dare to Dream
00:54 Hard Drive Initiative,
00:56 where they're going to take those boxes into prisons.
00:59 And already that amazing testimony
01:01 that Jason shared about a prisoner reaching out
01:03 and wanting a box in his prison,
01:06 but we've changed out and played the musical chairs.
01:09 And we have with us who this evening?
01:10 We have more of the 3ABN family here.
01:12 We have specifically tonight, our Pastoral Department,
01:15 not all of our Pastoral Department
01:17 because we couldn't fit them all
01:18 but we have a few members of the department.
01:20 We have JD Quinn,
01:21 who is the manager of 3ABN Pastoral,
01:23 and just so glad to have you here, JD.
01:25 Thank you. Thank you. This is fun.
01:27 It's always fun to be with my brothers
01:29 and then to be with administration.
01:32 This is working.
01:33 We're all family. Amen.
01:35 Well, that's exactly.
01:36 And one thing that I really appreciate about,
01:38 appreciate about y'all is that you do unite the team.
01:43 And that's really 'cause we're all part of this team,
01:45 we're all part of...
01:48 We're all children of God. Amen.
01:50 We are. That's important to remember that.
01:51 Yeah. Praise the Lord.
01:52 Sitting next to you, Pastor Ryan Day,
01:54 and yeah, we sit together in Sabbath School Panel.
01:57 The Lord has given you insight into the Word of God.
02:00 Not only do you preach, but you sing and you minister,
02:03 and you're developing an incredible database for us
02:06 in pastoral too.
02:07 So just glad to have you here.
02:09 Yeah, I know it's a blessing to be a part of this.
02:10 And I'm looking forward
02:11 to what this hour together has in store for us.
02:13 And you've been here now, Ryan, you and your wife, of course,
02:15 Stephanie is the principal of our local school here,
02:17 Seventh-day Adventist school,
02:19 but you both have been here for how many years?
02:20 Yeah, this June, this coming June 2021
02:23 will be three years.
02:24 Wow. Wow. Amazing.
02:26 A little over two and a half years.
02:27 I didn't see that.
02:28 And we feel you know, Jill and I
02:30 and the rest of the administration
02:31 that God has just brought this family together,
02:32 just together for such a time as this.
02:34 Amen.
02:35 Sitting next to you is Donald Owen.
02:37 And we're so delighted. You have a heart for people.
02:38 Amen.
02:40 And you and your wife ministered a numerous people
02:42 in the community,
02:43 a lot of Celebrate Recovery programs
02:46 and helping people through that.
02:47 And thank you so much for being here tonight.
02:49 Yeah, it's a blessing.
02:51 You know, I like the back of what JD said about you two.
02:53 And what I really appreciate
02:54 about you two is your vulnerability.
02:56 That speaks a lot to me,
02:58 I see people especially in leadership
02:59 that are be willing to be vulnerable,
03:00 that just, that just that encourages me
03:03 because I can respect something that's actually vulnerable,
03:05 so I appreciate it.
03:06 Amen. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
03:07 We appreciate you and your wife very much.
03:09 She works in the Publishing Department,
03:12 does a great job.
03:13 She's busy. She is.
03:14 She's busy.
03:16 That's a very busy department
03:17 'cause a lot of what you see far as like a websites
03:19 and print material,
03:21 and mailing and magazine, the world magazine
03:23 that all goes through the Publishing Department.
03:26 So yeah, we don't want to forget Shelley.
03:27 I was just thinking that,
03:29 we didn't talk about Shelley, so?
03:31 We're thankful for Shelley, your spouse.
03:33 You know, what a great blessing you are.
03:35 Precious little darling. That's right, she's a trooper.
03:39 You know, in this hour,
03:40 we want to talk with the Pastoral Department.
03:42 And, of course, all the departments
03:44 are very important here at 3ABN,
03:46 it all makes the ship go forward.
03:48 But the Pastoral Department I think,
03:49 to me just has a really unique opportunity
03:53 of ministering to you.
03:55 I'm sure many of you
03:56 that are viewing listening right now
03:58 like, Oh, yes, JD,
03:59 I talked to him just the other day,
04:00 or Donald or Ryan and the others
04:03 in Pastoral Department.
04:04 And it's just a really great way.
04:06 That's how we view it for you to connect,
04:08 you know, it's a great way to if you have a prayer request
04:10 or something's on your heart,
04:12 at times, you may feel isolated,
04:13 no one is there
04:15 and you need someone just to pray with you,
04:16 where the Pastoral Department is available.
04:19 And then also I think about biblical questions too.
04:20 Yes.
04:22 There's a lot of questions that are out there.
04:23 You're watching something on 3ABN, you're like,
04:24 "Ah, that just doesn't make sense to me.
04:28 I have another question on that."
04:29 Well, the Pastoral Department is there
04:32 and I think in your department, JD,
04:34 you have a lot of experience with all of the team members.
04:38 Maybe tell us who is actually a part of your team,
04:40 because there's quite a few members.
04:41 Yes, we do.
04:43 I've got it in my mind. Okay.
04:45 He's my sacrament. Got Mitch Owen.
04:46 Yes.
04:48 Mitch has been here for quite, he's worn many hats.
04:50 Oh, yes. But he really is a man of God.
04:52 That's right. We have Don Owen, Joe O'Brian.
04:55 Yes. Ryan Day.
04:57 We've got Pastor Claude Turner.
04:59 101. 101 the 24th of this month.
05:02 Amazing, can probably outwork us all.
05:06 It's amazing.
05:07 And he speaks clearly and with authority.
05:09 Absolutely. Oh, yeah.
05:11 And he knows the Word of God.
05:13 He's a true inspiration, true inspiration.
05:16 You know, when you go back to the 1800s
05:18 and him on the farm in Colorado,
05:20 it's kind of like what?
05:22 There were really people in the 1800s.
05:25 Wow.
05:26 Anyway, he's a precious, precious man
05:29 and Andaluse, she helps Claude.
05:33 We have so many good reports on Ann
05:36 and her tenderness and her love for mankind.
05:39 We also have some volunteers that are always available,
05:42 and...
05:43 Prison ministry too, tell us about that team?
05:45 Prison ministry,
05:46 prison ministry is, what a blessing.
05:49 Iris Giguere and Jenni Poling,
05:53 and they're both just so hard workers
05:56 they've established a relationship with the Lord
05:58 by seeing all these requests that come in
06:01 and how people's hearts been changed.
06:04 And we'll go into the Bibles here in a little bit.
06:06 But wow, powerful ministry, powerful ministry.
06:09 That's right.
06:10 Amen. Amen.
06:11 Talk to us about some of the statistics,
06:13 some of the phone calls that you receive,
06:15 or how many Bibles are sent out through prison ministry
06:19 or emails answered?
06:20 Part of Mitch's job. Okay.
06:22 It's to keep track of details.
06:24 Has got lot of details.
06:25 And I don't wanting to see this.
06:27 But this is really kind of big business stats right here.
06:30 I mean stats really mind.
06:31 Yes. Numbers that makes sense.
06:34 I'm glad you could see that
06:36 because I cannot see it from here.
06:37 It looks like a lot of information.
06:38 It is a lot of information.
06:40 Let me just take...
06:42 What I'm doing here real quick,
06:43 is I'm taking the number of calls,
06:45 we got the number of calls that we missed,
06:48 that went into voicemail
06:49 and also an answering service that
06:51 and we had over 15,000 calls last year...
06:54 In 2020.
06:55 Fifteen thousand calls last year.
06:57 Wow. That's a lot of calls.
06:58 Yeah, it is. Okay.
07:00 And yes,
07:01 from the deepest part of our hearts
07:03 there are some people call in,
07:05 sometimes they just don't get in,
07:06 don't give up.
07:07 I mean, we're busy, busy, busy and we want your calls.
07:11 And so they're certainly there's no agenda on our part,
07:16 you know, we're here to serve people.
07:17 Amen.
07:19 Okay, let's just talk about the number of letters
07:25 that came in with each letter that we get,
07:28 it's, there's a prayer request there.
07:31 And we had over 9,000 of those last year,
07:34 letters that we prayed for specific prayer request.
07:36 Nine thousand!
07:38 A literature mailed out.
07:39 Now let's move over to the prison ministry,
07:41 because they are so busy.
07:44 I mean, this is unbelievable to me.
07:47 Literature that went out last year
07:49 was 12, 000 pieces
07:51 from our little prison ministry office.
07:54 That's averaging a thousand pieces of literature
07:56 that's going out every month.
07:58 Now that could be Desire of Ages,
08:00 that could be a...
08:01 Step to Christ. Steps to Christ.
08:03 It could be a little pocket Glow tract.
08:08 Does that include Bibles or not?
08:10 No. Okay.
08:11 This is not Bibles.
08:12 Bibles this year,
08:14 and you can certainly see because they call this,
08:16 this is the year of the COVID year.
08:19 And you could see last January, pre COVID,
08:23 we sent out 1, 000 Bibles one month.
08:26 That's a lot.
08:28 Then February,
08:29 there was the, there was some indications
08:32 that there could be a problem here.
08:34 And so it dropped down to 730 Bibles
08:36 that we send out that month.
08:38 That is still a lot. Yeah.
08:40 These are who's got a Remnant Study Bible here?
08:43 I don't. Not with me.
08:45 Fantastic Bible, I mean, they're study Bibles,
08:47 the premium.
08:49 And that's what we send out to the prisons.
08:50 That's what we're sending out.
08:51 Then we come into March, and we dropped down to 520.
08:56 So then we even get down as low as 350 Bibles
09:01 that we send out a month.
09:02 Now this is because of the COVID.
09:03 Everything is becoming shut down in the prison.
09:06 These are only going out to the incarcerated,
09:08 they have to send it in and make that request.
09:11 And then the precious ladies, they'll take
09:13 and they'll process that information.
09:15 Maybe someone's asking you a question,
09:17 maybe someone has a special prayer
09:19 or whatever it is.
09:20 And then we send them to study the Bible with it.
09:22 But last year, we sent out 6,550 Bibles.
09:26 Wow.
09:28 That's averaging 500 Bibles a month
09:30 is going out to the prisoners.
09:32 Wow. Praise the Lord.
09:33 Praise the Lord.
09:34 I mean... What an amazing ministry.
09:36 And we've got stacks like this
09:38 of people that are sending in thank you notes.
09:40 My life has been changed.
09:42 I always wanted a Bible.
09:45 I mean, please continue to pray for my family.
09:49 I miss them so much, you know, etc.
09:52 Amen.
09:53 And one more thing
09:54 I want to share with you here is we, prayer warriors.
10:01 We have 2,200 plus prayer warriors
10:04 around the world.
10:05 Now what does it mean to be prayer warrior?
10:06 These are people that
10:08 the Lord has put on their heart,
10:09 "I want to be involved in ministry.
10:12 And I see that
10:13 y'all pray for people around the world,
10:15 I would like to be part of that."
10:17 And if that appeals to you,
10:19 go to our webpage, 3ABN, our major page,
10:23 look at the very top bar and you'll have Pastoral.
10:26 Tap that, click it,
10:27 it will take you down to prayer request.
10:29 If you have a prayer request, fill it out.
10:32 Simple, simple.
10:33 I mean, a first grader could fill this out.
10:37 Most first graders can.
10:40 And if you want to sign up to be a prayer warrior,
10:42 you can sign up there as well?
10:44 Just hit that,
10:45 take you down to the bottom of the prayer request.
10:48 And I would like to be a prayer warrior.
10:51 Now we whet those,
10:53 we want to make sure
10:55 that people truly have a heart for the Lord.
10:57 So because I mean, there's all kinds of people out there
10:59 that are, that could take,
11:01 try to take advantage of a situation.
11:03 We're mature enough to know that.
11:05 So we ask for the church that you belong to,
11:07 the pastor that we can follow that up with.
11:10 And, of course,
11:11 this has to have an email address,
11:13 because Mondays, Thursdays, prayer requests goes out.
11:17 Don's involved, Don and Mitch take care of that.
11:20 And we could have 50 or 100 prayer requests
11:22 that come in twice a week.
11:24 And those goes out to those people
11:26 the remaining ones.
11:27 And then they receive it,
11:29 we've got it broken down into different categories.
11:31 And they pray accordingly.
11:33 It's their ministry. Amen.
11:34 But every time zone in the world
11:37 is being covered there.
11:38 We have people in South Africa, we have people in Asia,
11:41 we have people in South America,
11:43 Central America,
11:45 of course, the United States that are that's their ministry,
11:49 they look forward.
11:51 If per chance there's a holiday,
11:53 the phone lights up.
11:56 Where is our, our ministry,
11:59 where is the prayer request today?
12:01 So we have learned that
12:02 if something if there's going to be a reason
12:04 why we're not open that particular day,
12:06 we send it out to them ahead of time
12:08 so that they know what to expect.
12:10 Not today, but we'll double up by the end of the week.
12:13 Wow. Powerful ministry.
12:15 Amen. Yes.
12:17 And before we go to some music,
12:18 I just want to comment again on those Bibles
12:21 for prison ministry.
12:22 And again, this is Behind The Scenes,
12:24 the first hour we spend also thanking you
12:26 for your support of the different projects Cuba,
12:29 the Hard Drive Initiative with Dare to Dream.
12:31 I also want to mention a big thank you to you
12:34 because many of you have stepped forward,
12:35 articles in the World Magazine you've seen
12:37 or some of the newsletters from 3ABN online.
12:39 Behind The Scenes
12:41 you've heard about the prison Bibles,
12:42 thank you for your support,
12:44 because thousands of dollars have come in,
12:46 JD, for the Bibles for prison ministry
12:48 because these Bibles, like you said
12:50 are not just a really cute little Bible.
12:51 These are nice, has study helps inside of them.
12:54 These goes to the prisoners.
12:55 And so thank you for standing behind that initiative of 3ABN
12:59 to prison ministry.
13:00 It's a great, great outreach.
13:02 I would just like to take this time,
13:03 Ralph and Marilyn, thank you so much.
13:06 Two or three times a year they'll say,
13:08 "Hey, send out another 100 Bibles.
13:11 We want another 100 Bibles for y'all to send out."
13:14 That will happen two or three times a year.
13:16 Here's a precious lady right here.
13:18 She's where you take $50 of this donation
13:23 and put it toward Bibles.
13:24 Amen.
13:25 And so people, you know,
13:27 they're really getting behind this.
13:28 It's absolutely fantastic.
13:30 I'm really excited about
13:31 and I don't know a whole lot about it,
13:32 but I'm really excited about what Jason's talking about.
13:35 Yeah. Amen.
13:37 To me the goal of the Pastoral Department
13:38 is to draw people nearer to Jesus,
13:41 bring people to the foot of the cross,
13:42 introduce them to Him and that's our song.
13:45 Layke Jones will be with us sharing a wonderful song,
13:48 "Draw Me Near."
13:49 Amen.
13:59 I am Thine, O Lord,
14:04 I have heard Thy voice
14:08 And it told Thy love to me
14:15 But I long to rise
14:19 in the arms of faith
14:23 And be closer drawn to Thee
14:32 Draw me nearer,
14:38 nearer blessed Lord
14:41 To the cross
14:43 where Thou hast died
14:49 Draw me nearer, nearer,
14:54 nearer blessed Lord
15:00 To Thy precious,
15:04 bleeding side
15:14 Consecrate me now
15:19 to Thy service, Lord
15:23 By the pow'r of grace divine
15:31 And let my soul look up
15:35 with a steadfast hope
15:39 And my will be lost in Thine
15:55 And draw me nearer,
16:01 nearer blessed Lord
16:03 To the cross
16:05 where Thou hast died
16:11 Draw me nearer, nearer,
16:15 nearer blessed Lord
16:21 To Thy precious,
16:26 bleeding side
16:40 Oh, the pure delight
16:44 of a single hour
16:48 That before Thy throne I spend
16:56 When I kneel in prayer,
17:00 and with Thee, my God
17:05 I commune as friend with friend!
17:13 Draw me nearer,
17:18 nearer blessed Lord
17:21 To the cross where Thou hast died
17:28 Draw me nearer, nearer,
17:33 nearer blessed Lord
17:42 To Thy precious,
17:48 Bleeding side
18:11 Amen.
18:13 Thank you so much Layke Jones and Tim Parton.
18:15 What a powerful message in song,
18:17 "Draw Me Nearer"
18:18 you know that should be the prayer of each one of us
18:20 is draw us nearer to Jesus.
18:23 You know what's interesting to me too
18:24 though is that God wants us to be near to Him,
18:27 but you know it's up to us
18:28 actually to go into His Word on a daily basis,
18:32 feed on His Word
18:33 and then we will be drawn closer to Jesus Christ.
18:35 What a great relationship, you know,
18:37 we can have with the creator of the universe,
18:40 you know, He's someone that we respect
18:43 and revere and honor and fear may I say in a good sense.
18:46 But the same time to realize that
18:48 the love that He has for us
18:50 that He'd be willing to die for just me or just you
18:54 or for the entire world as He's died for.
18:57 It's just incredible love.
18:58 And wow, what an opportunity 3ABN has,
19:01 we're talking about behind the scenes
19:02 of spreading the love of Jesus to a lost and dying world.
19:06 And on the Behind The Scenes
19:08 we've been talking about some of the new initiatives,
19:09 some of the things that are happening.
19:10 One of them that we've been talking about,
19:12 if you've been watching 3ABN for the last few months,
19:14 you've been noticing the text number
19:16 we've been putting up
19:17 because a lot of people email
19:19 still but a lot of people use this phone,
19:20 not this phone, your phone.
19:22 Thank you. Make sure I get that right.
19:24 Use your phone,
19:26 and your texting messaging people.
19:28 And we have the ability to text the pastoral department.
19:31 Donald, tell me how that's going
19:32 and someone may say,
19:34 "Wow, how do I do that?"
19:35 Yeah, yeah, incredible this opportunity we have.
19:38 You know, people that are kind of more shy
19:39 about calling in
19:40 and more people are more comfortable
19:42 they can text into the (618)-228-3975 number
19:46 they can send a text to us but...
19:48 9375 or is it...
19:50 3975. Okay, 3975.
19:51 So we, they've been texting in with their Bible questions.
19:54 Some people I just recently...
19:56 Oh that's neat. So not just a prayer request.
19:57 Yeah, yeah, it's so they're asking
19:59 just had one recently said,
20:01 "Are we in the time of the abomination
20:02 causes desolation?"
20:03 So to answer that,
20:05 and won't do it all through texting,
20:06 but we'll actually email the person who responds,
20:08 but we also have some individual adult person
20:11 sent me a text that's recently said,
20:13 "I don't know how to pray,
20:14 I don't know, I've been so abused,
20:16 I've been so roughed up, I just don't know how to pray.
20:18 I don't know what to do."
20:19 And I mean, this is somebody can just reach out
20:21 just to have a little bit of an opportunity
20:23 to reach out through texts,
20:25 and communication with this person on and off
20:26 and they're starting to feel more comfortable.
20:28 They want to start being open
20:30 and start sharing to get through all that stuff
20:32 that they're experiencing.
20:33 So this texting is a really an interesting tool.
20:36 Because you know, the generation we're in
20:37 so many people are just easily to send a text,
20:39 it's real quick and so.
20:42 Yeah, this texting, I think is a great opportunity for us
20:44 to connect with our viewers and with those who,
20:46 even new people that haven't experienced,
20:48 you know, 3ABN before.
20:50 So if you have tonight, if you have prayer requests,
20:53 or if you have Bible questions, and not just tonight,
20:56 you can send them tomorrow,
20:57 you can send them on the weekend.
20:59 You can send them every day of the week,
21:01 you can send them during the day,
21:02 you can send them in the middle of the night,
21:04 they all come in through the computer system
21:06 and the Pastoral Department has access
21:08 to answer your Bible questions
21:10 or pray for your prayer needs.
21:12 So make sure you text us.
21:13 Write that number down, save it in your cell phone,
21:16 3ABN prayer line for texting.
21:18 This is (618) 228-3975.
21:23 That number again,
21:24 if you're listening on the radio right now,
21:26 is (618) 228-3975.
21:31 You can text any time of the day or night,
21:34 it doesn't mean we answer right away.
21:35 But we will be able to get to you
21:37 when the department comes back into work.
21:39 You know, I mean, this is Behind The Scenes,
21:41 and I just want to share with you,
21:43 you know, my dream and vision.
21:44 I don't know if it ever come to fruition,
21:45 but I would really like it someday.
21:47 Because again, 3ABN is worldwide,
21:49 there's someone always awake or someone else is sleeping,
21:51 just because of the time zones, right?
21:53 I would really, it'd be just so neat
21:55 through like texting, messaging,
21:56 that there's someone that actually will respond
21:58 within a matter of a minute or two,
22:00 no matter what time of day,
22:01 no matter what part of the world you're from,
22:03 these gentlemen have to sleep.
22:04 We're in the Central Time Zone.
22:06 But it'd be so neat, you know,
22:07 and I know God will provide that somehow
22:09 because again, this isn't communication.
22:10 You all experience this,
22:12 someone who's getting ready or thinks about
22:13 thinking about committing suicide,
22:15 you know, they don't want to wait
22:16 or can't wait, you know, 12 hours,
22:18 maybe so I think, I don't know,
22:20 God will provide a way for that to be possible that
22:23 that communication can be 24 hours a day,
22:25 seven days a week, even Bible questions.
22:27 Because again, we're in an age of people wanting instant reply
22:30 of some sorts, like an instant gratification,
22:32 but the instant gratification in a good way
22:34 of the biblical spiritual aspect.
22:37 That's right. Amen.
22:38 Going on to new things, Pastor Ryan,
22:40 tell us about this exciting database,
22:42 because this is another initiative
22:43 of the Pastoral Department.
22:44 I'm so excited. Yeah, absolutely.
22:46 So it's still a work in progress.
22:47 We're still trucking along trying to build our database,
22:50 because obviously, the database is not worth anything,
22:53 unless it's actually got content.
22:54 That's right.
22:55 People can actually go to,
22:57 but that's what we've been working on
22:58 over the past few months to a year.
22:59 And basically, the concept is that
23:02 if you have a Bible question,
23:03 whatever that Bible question may be,
23:05 sometimes we get calls all the time,
23:07 whether it's me, JD, Donald, Mitch,
23:09 and people call in and they have a Bible question.
23:12 And sometimes, it may be a Bible question
23:14 that you can answer
23:16 as Brother JD would say in 25 words or less,
23:18 or may be something that requires a little bit more
23:22 of an extensive answer.
23:23 Regardless of that
23:25 this database comes in to help us in that manner.
23:29 You know, somebody calls in and says,
23:30 "Ryan, I'm really struggling
23:31 with understanding the 2, 300 year time prophecy,"
23:34 or "I'm really,
23:35 I'm not really fully understanding
23:37 the concept of sanctification
23:38 and how it pertains to the gospel."
23:40 You know, we're, we can be able
23:42 to encourage them on the phone and say,
23:43 "You know, this is the general juiced version of it.
23:45 But you know what?
23:47 Let me, what's your email address?
23:48 Let me send you a link to our database
23:51 where actually we answer this in its fullness right there.
23:55 And in course, it's going to be an awesome,
23:57 the way it's going to be set up
23:59 as you'll be able to go on there
24:00 and, you know, search certain topics,
24:01 whether it's truth about death, truth about Sabbath,
24:04 truth about whatever it is that it is,
24:06 you have a question about,
24:07 they will be able to search that
24:09 just by simply, you know, typing in a search bar,
24:11 or looking it up alphabetically,
24:13 or there's going to be multiple ways
24:14 that we're going to build this to be user friendly for people
24:16 to be able to get their Bible question answered.
24:18 And so again, it's a work in progress,
24:21 Lord willing, we hope to have something up
24:23 in the next few months.
24:24 Amen. But will...
24:26 I think by the end of, for sure,
24:27 by the end of year 2021.
24:29 I think we're going to have a nice, beautiful,
24:31 functioning database
24:32 that we're constantly going to be,
24:34 you know, because we get questions sometimes
24:35 that I've never heard of, right?
24:37 There'll be somebody to come up with a question.
24:39 I'm just, it just floors me,
24:40 I'm like, oh, you know, I never considered that before.
24:42 If the Bible talks about that, and, you know,
24:45 it causes me to do some Bible research,
24:47 right, which is wonderful.
24:48 And so that that being said,
24:49 that's what this database is going to be all about.
24:51 It's going to be an all access,
24:54 user friendly way that people can communicate
24:57 and use this as a resource, as a tool
25:00 to get their Bible questions answered.
25:02 It's going to point them right to a nice, harmonious answer
25:05 from the Bible.
25:07 I'm so excited about that.
25:08 Wow, yeah, me too.
25:10 And I'm assuming it's going be on your phone too right,
25:13 the database be easily searchable
25:14 with your phone.
25:16 You know, it'd be neat and maybe you're thinking
25:17 about this to actually have an app somehow,
25:19 that's part of that, like a 3ABN, and whatever
25:21 we're calling a question and answer database
25:23 or something that would connect to it as well
25:24 that you could share with somebody to
25:26 because this is an incredible resource.
25:27 Where are you at now
25:29 as far as questions and answers?
25:30 Do you know?
25:32 Do you even have a note where you're at?
25:33 Oh, man, I don't know for I would have to go back
25:34 and count probably in the upper
25:36 I don't know, we're close to 100 at this point,
25:37 just by myself.
25:38 Yay! That's exciting.
25:40 The idea would be to,
25:41 eventually this machine's going to become so big,
25:42 that it's not going to be able to,
25:44 and we're going to need multiple people
25:45 to contribute to.
25:47 Pastor John Lomacang...
25:48 Yeah, Lomacang, and then several other resources as well
25:49 that we can tap into to
25:51 get some good clear Bible answers from
25:52 but, yeah, it's, it's going to be good.
25:57 It's extremely exciting.
25:58 I mean, I mean, it just,
26:00 if you were sitting in our chair,
26:02 in our office,
26:04 man, this is, this is just right there
26:06 at your fingertips
26:07 people could call in,
26:09 and you may not truly understand everything yourself.
26:13 But you can just bring it up that fast.
26:15 And I'm just so blessed.
26:17 Amen.
26:19 And this is, this is the God that we serve.
26:23 He brings the people in that we need at the right time.
26:25 That's right. And it was time for this.
26:27 Oh, definitely.
26:29 We've done this in the past,
26:30 we have 3ABN questions and answers.
26:32 And how long is a day? Twenty four hours?
26:37 So we can answer that.
26:38 You know, but people want a little bit more.
26:40 Today's people's minds is wandering a little,
26:42 they take a little bit step further.
26:43 And so Ryan was very...
26:46 Oh, wow, that's great. Amen.
26:48 He's very gifted by the Lord.
26:50 Ryan has put this in my mind,
26:53 because a couple of times I've gone and said,
26:54 "Boy, that's great, man. There's nothing good in me."
26:58 And, you know, that's thinking through
27:00 because we're all gifted of God.
27:02 Right. That's right.
27:03 And so I'm working on that.
27:05 God has certainly blessed this young man over here.
27:08 And the way his mind works,
27:09 where he processes his information,
27:11 and how he can put it in writing and so.
27:14 And I have to say here, you know, again,
27:15 not to uplift the individuals,
27:17 but it's been such a blessing working in Pastoral
27:19 because you get to be surrounded
27:21 by individuals
27:22 who are just on fire for the Lord,
27:23 people that are dedicated to the mission of God's Word.
27:27 And you know, to be able to have our little chats
27:29 every day that JD and I have, you know, it's a blessing.
27:32 I learned so much because
27:34 while I'm approaching things from a very systematic,
27:37 you know, biblically research type perspective,
27:40 he'll come in and drop a parable,
27:41 just his own made up parable on to illustrate something,
27:45 and I'm just like wow, you know.
27:48 That just completely revolutionized my thinking.
27:50 And it also helps
27:51 to be around people like Donald,
27:53 it's never a dull moment around Donald
27:54 because he's always outgoing, he's always smiling.
27:56 Oh, yes.
27:57 He's always excited and on fire for the Lord.
27:58 And there may be days that I come into work
28:00 just that's my human side of me that I'm just like,
28:02 "Oh, man, it's, you know,
28:04 it's going to be really hard for me to get myself you know,
28:07 my brain up and going
28:08 to really go back through this whole, "
28:09 but to see somebody like Donald come in,
28:11 it's like, you know, on fire ready to go.
28:13 Praise the Lord, another good day,
28:14 you know, I'm just like,
28:16 you know what, I need to be more like Donald.
28:18 You know, what a great team.
28:19 Absolutely, absolutely.
28:21 And then reaching the world to is an incredible resource,
28:24 the 3ABN Pastoral Department.
28:25 I'm just thinking how we're all part of the body of Christ.
28:27 That's what I was going to say.
28:29 And God makes, gives gifts to each member of the body
28:34 to fulfill that role and as we transition here,
28:37 we had told you at the first hour,
28:38 we're going to hear some of the stories,
28:40 some of the miracles,
28:41 some of what's happening from people
28:43 who call the prayer line,
28:45 some of those answers to prayer.
28:47 So every day, every single day,
28:50 these men and women
28:51 because we have Iris and Jenni up there
28:53 have the privilege and opportunity too
28:55 and Anne, thank you
28:57 to impact people's lives for eternity.
28:59 So let's just go around the circle and share.
29:02 We'll start with you, JD.
29:04 Share a story, experiences?
29:06 I don't know if you can read this.
29:07 This is a letter that we received.
29:10 This is my word right here, very good.
29:12 This is very good. I can see that. Yes.
29:15 Let me just read part of this, this is touching.
29:17 I mean, this is, uh...
29:20 Let me read one of the, read one end of it first.
29:23 A lot of highlights on that paper I see.
29:25 Oh, I mean, this is so yummy, yummy, yummy.
29:31 Oh, and I was going to start well, okay.
29:34 "My husband and I are nearing the end of our lives now.
29:37 And we approach death knowing Jesus is coming for us
29:41 and that we are safe in the arms until then."
29:44 Now let me go back up here at the beginning, okay.
29:48 "Dear friends and family of 3ABN."
29:51 This came in December in the latter part of December
29:55 and I'm skipping a lot.
29:57 "But today 3ABN is our main lifeline
30:02 for worship, praise, study, encouragement,
30:06 and expanded faith
30:07 and understanding of who God is.
30:09 On down, we are so grateful for your faithfulness to God,
30:13 His Word, Jesus the truth, the Holy Spirit.
30:16 We are grateful for what you are doing
30:19 for God, for Jesus, for mankind.
30:22 You are the beacon of light in the dark storm.
30:29 I'm asking you to please
30:31 pray for my husband and myself.
30:36 We've been married for 58 years.
30:38 I can't think of life without him.
30:40 And he has esophageal cancer.
30:43 Bless his heart.
30:44 So we need your prayer for us in every way.
30:48 We have no family, no children, our church is our family.
30:53 So all we're just asking you to all hold your arms up,
30:59 help us raise our arms up and pray.
31:02 So blessed to know that you were there.
31:05 We've kept 3ABN in our prayers and have been truly blessed."
31:10 How special.
31:12 3ABN's a lifeline.
31:14 Lifeline, a beacon of light on a hill.
31:17 And here we're on 24 hours a day,
31:20 worldwide.
31:21 And there are many more like that.
31:23 Many more. Yeah.
31:25 This one just jumped off the page,
31:26 because been married 58 years and saying, there.
31:32 "I don't know how I'm going to live my life
31:34 without my helpmate."
31:37 I mean, and then here, both are,
31:39 we're nearing the end of our lives can still write.
31:43 But still are cognizant enough to know,
31:46 "Hey, we've had a good life, we've had a great marriage.
31:50 God has blessed
31:51 because we keep our eyes focused on Him."
31:54 Amen.
31:55 What a great, that's encouraging.
31:56 It just says that,
31:58 "So thank you, thank you."
31:59 Amen. Yes. That's powerful.
32:01 I want to encourage you at home
32:02 to pray for this precious couple.
32:03 JD just read the letter, but pray for them.
32:05 The Lord knows their name.
32:07 Pray for them that God would sustain them
32:09 and walk beside them through this time.
32:12 Ryan, your story.
32:13 Yeah, you know, where do I start?
32:17 You know, I tend to be more on the,
32:20 you know, answering Bible question side of things.
32:22 But you know, there's times throughout the day where I,
32:24 you know, I obviously am open to that pastoral group
32:27 and people call in,
32:28 they may not have a Bible question,
32:29 but they may just want to pray about something.
32:31 You know, my heart breaks,
32:32 because the majority of during this time
32:34 is people calling in and saying,
32:36 you know, my loved one's sick.
32:38 My friend has COVID, pray for my mom, she has this.
32:41 It seems a lot of COVID related stuff
32:43 during the time.
32:44 It's just real. I mean, that's just what it is.
32:45 And, you know what's amazing to me is
32:48 I had multiple cases
32:50 like the one I'm about to illustrate,
32:51 but it's amazing to me the power of prayer.
32:56 Because there's and I know you guys get this as well,
32:59 you'll get this person to call in.
33:01 And the tone of their voice says it all.
33:03 They call in and they may say,
33:04 it may sound something like this.
33:06 "Yes, I'd like to have prayer."
33:10 "Yeah, what can we pray for?"
33:12 "My father has COVID and it's not looking good.
33:15 He's in the hospital."
33:17 You know they're broke,
33:18 it's real somber and at that moment,
33:22 you get to tap in to this life source of God,
33:26 and call upon him.
33:27 And I always in every call that I get,
33:30 I read this text here from the Bible,
33:32 or I will say it in my prayer,
33:34 because I'm claiming its promise.
33:35 And it's 1 John 5:14-15.
33:39 I hang on to this. Yes.
33:41 And I encourage people to hang on to this one as well.
33:43 And this is what it says.
33:45 This is 1 John 5:14-15.
33:48 It says, "Now this is the confidence,"
33:50 I love that.
33:51 "Now, this is the confidence that we have in Him
33:55 that if we ask anything, according to His will..."
33:59 Now that's the key. It is, yes.
34:00 A lot of people say,
34:02 "You know, I've prayed for this, I prayed for that.
34:03 And I keep praying and praying and praying
34:05 and God's not answering my prayer."
34:06 Well, is that according to His will,
34:08 we don't know that.
34:09 But God knows, right? And I love this.
34:11 It says, "If we ask anything according to His will,
34:13 He hears us."
34:14 Yes. And then verse 15.
34:16 "And if we know that He hears us,
34:18 whatever we ask,
34:20 we know that we have the petitions
34:23 that we have asked of Him."
34:25 And so in my prayer, I always utter those words,
34:29 I claim that promise,
34:30 and those individuals that call in
34:32 like a lady that called in the other day,
34:33 "You know, my father's,
34:35 you know, sick with COVID we're losing him
34:36 and it's just not looking good."
34:38 You know that that somber voice at the beginning,
34:41 after that prayer, by the end of that prayer,
34:43 that person is, praise the Lord
34:46 like I feel I just feel so confident
34:47 that God's going to answer that prayer,
34:49 just to know the power of a prayer
34:51 that not it may not have even been answered yet.
34:54 But because you pray that special prayer in such a way
34:57 that you have invoked faith and excitement
35:01 and encouragement within someone's heart
35:04 as to simple prayer like that.
35:05 It's just powerful.
35:06 And so in Pastoral, you know, we do,
35:09 you know, I get several calls, whether it's Bible question,
35:11 but I'll tell another encouraging thing
35:13 really quickly.
35:14 I don't want to hog all the time.
35:15 But I'm surprised by how many questions
35:17 or how many times we get calls in
35:18 from people that just simply say,
35:20 "Hey, you know, I've been watching 3ABN,
35:21 it's changed my life,
35:23 it's changed my whole perspective on like,
35:24 on the gospel in general and in the truth of God's Word.
35:27 And, you know what?
35:29 I want to know, like, where I can find my local,
35:31 is there's a local Seventh-day Adventist Church in my area."
35:33 So I find myself many times throughout the day
35:36 on Google Maps, or Google trying to find you know,
35:39 "Oh, yes, so where do you live now?"
35:41 "I live in this city."
35:42 So I'll search that city.
35:43 "Oh, it's not in it.
35:45 Closest to up,
35:46 it looks like you have one 20 minutes away
35:48 at this address."
35:49 It's powerful to know that there's,
35:50 you know, I get dozens of those sometimes a week,
35:52 I want to go to a Seventh-day Adventist Church,
35:54 but I don't know where it is.
35:55 Could you help point me in the right direction?"
35:57 Amen.
35:58 And so, it's just, it's powerful to know
36:00 that God can use each and every one of us
36:01 and that someone is being positively affected
36:04 in a miraculous way by the ministry of this 3ABN.
36:07 So praise the Lord.
36:09 That's why 3ABN exists, right? Right.
36:10 Yeah.
36:12 To spread the gospel and the good news to somebody.
36:13 Yeah, that's hopeless, feels hopeless
36:15 and like, there's no way out.
36:16 I mean, that's incredible.
36:17 Mending broken people. Mending broken people.
36:19 That's right.
36:21 What about you, Donald?
36:22 To pick up of what you said,
36:24 you don't take it a step further and say,
36:25 I'll call, I'll call the actual church.
36:27 I call the church I'll find an elder.
36:29 I'll find a pastor, somebody I tried to get a hold of,
36:31 and I've had a few that have called him.
36:33 I hope they didn't call him back.
36:34 But I just what God has given me
36:36 I don't know, just the gifts that He endowed
36:38 with each and every one of us.
36:40 When I, when I pray, it's like this,
36:42 God puts all these pieces together,
36:44 its scriptures, testimonies, and all these things.
36:46 I had a lady that called a few weeks ago,
36:48 and she said,
36:49 "Yes, you know, I've been on this type of diet."
36:51 I can't remember the name it was and she said,
36:53 "I was tired of all the recipes ahead.
36:54 It just weren't working for me.
36:56 I started clicking through the channels.
36:57 I saw this recipe online
36:59 and it looks interesting since then,
37:00 I see this little 3ABN in the corner
37:01 and decided to call.
37:03 Where are you, what is 3ABN?
37:05 Now what are you guys, what is this all about?"
37:06 So cooking programs, our cooking programs.
37:08 So she saw and I had another gentleman
37:09 like you're talking about
37:10 some people call really depressed,
37:12 an older gentleman, older gentleman.
37:13 And he's just down now.
37:15 He's like, "Oh, I'm just doing this horrible.
37:16 I'm just wrong.
37:17 And this is all this heaviness,"
37:19 you know, you hear the heaviness.
37:20 As I began to pray,
37:21 I showed him through a certain scriptures,
37:23 Ezekiel 16 and Zachariah 3,
37:24 how Satan is really trying to just push us down
37:26 and suppress us and I said,
37:27 "You are a son of God." Amen.
37:28 When I told him he's a son of God, he goes,
37:30 "I am a son of God. I'm a son of God. Hallelujah."
37:34 He got so excited. Praise God.
37:37 And then I had another lady just recently,
37:39 she called and she talked to me, says,
37:41 "I've been calling you guys since August,
37:43 I call all kinds of prayer line talking like Joyce Meyers
37:46 and all these other various places."
37:48 And she said, I called and she said,
37:50 but your prayer line, she said,
37:52 "I see miracles happening every time I call you guys.
37:54 Yeah, since August,
37:56 the miracles are just incredible."
37:57 So she said,
37:59 "It's just amazing,
38:00 you guys pray something happens.
38:01 So, just been really blessed...
38:03 I think the thing that you hear most often,
38:06 I just thank you that someone's there to talk to us.
38:09 There's so many lonely people out there.
38:11 Right.
38:12 I remember when I first came here,
38:14 that was 15 years ago,
38:15 this one little lady
38:17 she called every day at 3 o'clock.
38:19 And attitude, if you're not careful,
38:24 your attitude can get away from you,
38:25 you know, because oh,
38:27 I can tell the story
38:28 better than she can tell the story because,
38:30 as I find out, she's been in a nursing home
38:32 incapacitated for something like 10 years.
38:35 The one thing that she looked forward
38:37 to every single day was at 3 o'clock
38:40 because she's going to get to call someone
38:42 that would spend some time with her.
38:43 Wow.
38:45 Boy did I, I got equipped in right there,
38:46 thank you Jesus,
38:48 because from then on, I really started looking forward to her.
38:52 It's getting close to 3 o'clock,
38:53 and then we go on rotation, you know,
38:55 so, but I'd see her number come up.
38:58 "How are you doing sweetheart. So good."
39:00 It was just like, none of us know exactly
39:04 what the hearts
39:06 that we're going to be touching.
39:08 Yeah, yeah. Absolutely.
39:09 What a gift.
39:10 You know, I think of every person
39:12 in the pastoral department.
39:13 God has called you. Amen.
39:15 You know, for such a time as this to minister,
39:18 to speak truth, to speak words of life,
39:21 to speak Jesus over people's hearts and lives
39:24 and lead them to Jesus,
39:26 lead them to the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
39:28 lead them to the truth found in God's Word.
39:31 So we want to take, I know we have a few moments left
39:33 of the second hour.
39:34 We want to take a few moments
39:36 and have you share
39:37 some sort of thought each one of you,
39:39 some sort of thought, for the New Year.
39:42 We're in January, and we're starting this year
39:44 and what has God put in your heart
39:46 some word of encouragement
39:48 from our 3ABN Pastoral Department
39:50 to our family at home
39:52 and, Donald, let's start with you.
39:53 Great. Yes.
39:55 Just to kind of preface this, JD and I talked about like,
39:57 what we're going to share for devotions.
39:58 We didn't know and I'm like I have no clue,
40:00 Lord, I'm like okay, Lord, so what do I do.
40:01 So I said, "Lord, you're going to have to tell me
40:03 what to share because I don't understand,
40:04 I don't know what to say."
40:06 He said, "Be still and know that I'm God."
40:07 "I am being still.
40:09 I'm listening, what do you want me to share."
40:10 And He goes, "Be still and know that I'm God."
40:11 I said, "Okay, all right be still and know I'm God
40:13 and my wife,
40:16 this was lying next to her leg
40:18 and she picked this up to show it to me
40:19 right after I said,
40:20 "Be still and know that I am God."
40:22 Wow.
40:23 And then the very next day we had a devotional
40:24 and guess what the scripture was.
40:26 Be still and know that I am God.
40:27 Be still and know that I am God.
40:29 So I just wanted to share this time
40:30 what the Lord put on my heart to share.
40:31 I entitled this made to be still.
40:33 So Psalm 46:10 says,
40:35 "Be still and know that I am God.
40:37 I will be exalted among the heathen,
40:39 I will be exalted in the earth."
40:41 Lord, I re-exalt You today.
40:43 Mm-hmm.
40:45 And I'll just read this to you.
40:47 Have you ever felt that your life is out of control?
40:51 Have there been days when things seem overwhelming?
40:54 My wife and I recently experienced something
40:56 that shook us and caused us to draw closer to Jesus.
41:00 We came home on a Wednesday evening
41:02 in December to a surprise,
41:04 leaving 3ABN and heading out for some dinner,
41:06 we had joyous expectations of the many days of vacation
41:09 that lie ahead.
41:11 It was dark.
41:12 And when we approached the house,
41:13 we found that
41:15 most of the inside lights were on.
41:17 Yeah, yeah.
41:18 We had an eerie feeling that something wasn't right,
41:21 a sense of fear overtook us.
41:23 We approached the front door only to find the doorknob
41:26 and latch broke open.
41:27 As we peered inside the front door window,
41:29 everything was in total chaos.
41:32 Stuff was strewn everywhere.
41:34 We realized that we had just had a break in.
41:37 I'm gonna ask you a question.
41:38 Have you ever felt your space is violated or threatened?
41:42 Maybe it is somebody who gets too close
41:43 and makes you uneasy,
41:45 or maybe it is a conversation
41:46 that you shouldn't be involved in.
41:48 Perhaps it could be your surroundings
41:49 at the moment.
41:50 Whatever it is,
41:52 God says to be still and know that I am God.
41:54 Wow.
41:55 Before taking our Christmas break from 3ABN,
41:57 my wife and I commented on needing to clean our house.
42:02 Clean our house.
42:05 It is funny how God works everything out.
42:07 Prior to the break and we were discussing
42:08 which set of parents my wife or I
42:10 we would go and see.
42:11 And I got a little upset
42:13 because we don't see my parents very often,
42:14 they live kind of far away.
42:17 But we had a total shift in plans.
42:19 We spent the next several days cleaning up chaos.
42:23 As we prayed to God
42:25 we felt after getting a new door,
42:26 praise the Lord, installed.
42:28 And with the support from our landlord Dan,
42:30 which works here and wonderful church family,
42:32 a sense of peace washed over us.
42:36 Interesting enough those who or whoever they were
42:39 that broke into only got away the few things,
42:42 we retrieved much of what was taken.
42:44 It was interesting because what they did is
42:45 they stuffed a lot of this stuff
42:47 in the back of our other car we had
42:48 not driven that day in the back of our trunk.
42:50 They took that and a few days later,
42:53 by God's leading we found a majority of it
42:54 stuffed under a little tarp we had,
42:57 we had covered some topsoil under some bags.
42:59 And so we pretty much found everything.
43:01 God says again, "Be still and know that I am God."
43:03 He worked everything out.
43:06 It is easy to lose focus
43:07 when our patterns or our days are shifted off course
43:10 when bad things happen to us, our faith is tested.
43:12 Some of us may even shake our fist to sky and ask,
43:15 "God, why me."
43:17 Our enemy knows
43:18 how to throw the stumbling block
43:20 of discouragement and doubt at us.
43:21 But God says again
43:22 to be still and know that I'm God.
43:24 I'm going to read this real quick.
43:25 Ellen White wrote this encouraging nugget
43:27 from the book Education, page 260 and 261.
43:30 This is powerful.
43:31 "And intensity such as never before was seeing
43:34 is taking possession of the world,"
43:36 we can agree that, right?
43:37 "And intensity such as never before
43:38 was seen is taking possession of the world,
43:40 in amusement and money making
43:41 and contest for power.
43:43 In the very struggle for existence,
43:45 there is a terrible force
43:47 that engrosses body, mind and soul
43:49 in the midst of this maddening rush,
43:51 God is speaking,
43:52 He bid us come apart and commune with Him,
43:54 'Be still and know that I am God.'
43:58 More many,
43:59 even in their seasons of devotion fail
44:02 of receiving the blessing of real communion with God.
44:04 They're in two great haste.
44:06 With hurry steps they press through the circle of Christ
44:09 loving presence,
44:10 pausing perhaps a moment within the sacred presence,
44:13 but not waiting for counsel,
44:15 they have no time to remain with a divine teacher.
44:17 With their burdens they return to their work.
44:20 These workers can never attain the highest success
44:22 until they learn the secret of strength.
44:24 They must give themselves time to think, time to pray,
44:27 time to wait upon God for a renewal of physical,
44:29 mental and spiritual power.
44:30 They need the uplifting influence of His spirit.
44:33 Receiving this
44:35 they will be quickened by fresh life,
44:36 the wearied frame,
44:38 a tired brain will be refreshed,
44:39 the burnt heart will be enlightened,
44:41 out a pause for a moment in His presence,
44:43 but personal contact with Christ
44:44 to sit down and companionship with Him.
44:46 This is our need."
44:47 So that was just my prayer to encourage the viewers.
44:50 Yeah, thank you, Donald.
44:51 To know the circumstances just be still.
44:53 Amen. Amen.
44:54 It's hard sometimes, I know in my own life is kind of hard.
44:56 Sometimes it's like okay, wait, got to be quiet, listen.
45:00 Yeah. Yeah, that's what God wants.
45:02 When everything just seems like chaotic,
45:04 you know, that's when you really need
45:06 to just be still and see how God can work.
45:07 Amen. Thank you for sharing that.
45:08 That's powerful. Praise the Lord.
45:10 Brother JD, go you next and then Pastor Ryan.
45:12 Yes, starting a new year.
45:15 So as I'm, I just have my little thing,
45:19 enough is enough.
45:22 As I'm sitting here
45:24 thinking about a certain person,
45:26 and then I'm thinking, well, this is New Year,
45:28 what should we do,
45:30 what would be a good direction to go?
45:33 There's many people that are sick and tired
45:35 of being sick and tired.
45:37 Enough is enough.
45:39 They're ready to make
45:40 some major changes in their life,
45:42 but they really don't know what to do.
45:44 Every once in a while I have the opportunity,
45:47 you know, to speak with people about life skills,
45:49 maybe about little coaching, about motivation or whatever.
45:53 What is a good place to start?
45:56 A good place to start is Matthew 6:33,
46:00 "Seek first the kingdom of God."
46:02 That's right. I'll just read it myself.
46:04 "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,
46:07 His right doing,
46:08 and all these things shall be added in to you."
46:11 So if you're getting ready to start something new,
46:13 I think that I would go to somebody
46:14 that knows something.
46:15 And I think that that person would be no other
46:19 than the mind of Christ.
46:21 Yeah. Absolutely.
46:22 Seek first, and then I moved over here,
46:26 and Luke, and Luke says,
46:30 Jesus says, excuse me, Jesus says,
46:33 "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you.
46:37 Seek and you'll find, knock, and it shall be open."
46:40 Now remember, we started off by seeking Him.
46:44 Now we're asking Him,
46:47 you know, we're sitting here and we're asking,
46:49 we're seeking, we're knocking.
46:51 And in the seeking of the Lord,
46:55 He tells us, that you will be found.
46:58 Amen.
46:59 And it sits and it says, hey, my face is always available.
47:03 And with my face comes my strength.
47:06 Amen.
47:07 "Seek the Lord, while He may be found."
47:09 That's right. Oh, my goodness.
47:11 Boy, how many times has that little secret voice,
47:15 just sit there and impress upon your heart,
47:17 and you just shun it?
47:21 That's a special gift
47:23 when the Holy Spirit is sitting there
47:24 speaking to you.
47:26 And that, he says here,
47:28 "Seek the Lord while He may be found
47:30 and call on Him when He's near."
47:33 Now, remember, we're talking about starting over.
47:35 We're talking about a new start.
47:38 We're sick and tired of being,
47:40 we're sick and tired of being tired.
47:42 I want Him when He's near.
47:43 That way I know that He's listening.
47:46 And then it says,
47:47 "Sow for yourself righteousness, "
47:49 in other words, right doing,
47:51 "reap the fruit of unfailing love."
47:54 Oh, my goodness, thank You, Jesus
47:55 and break up the unplowed ground.
47:58 Being coming from a farming community,
48:00 boy, cultivation was so important,
48:02 getting out there and tilling that ground,
48:03 turning it over.
48:05 And he's kind of like,
48:06 "Daddy why in the world are we doing this?
48:07 It's just dirt."
48:09 Son, this is whenever it becomes alive.
48:12 That's right.
48:14 And so, you know, you go out there and you cut.
48:16 So, boy, there's times and you're like,
48:17 I don't want to do that.
48:21 Seek the Lord while He is there.
48:23 Amen.
48:24 And then God, this is so important.
48:28 God is not that far away from any of us.
48:33 He's within hearing distance at least.
48:37 He may be right here.
48:40 So Matthew also shares this and in hearing Jesus say it,
48:45 "For everyone who asked receive,
48:47 and he who finds unto Him who knocks it will be open."
48:52 So now let's step real quick over here.
48:55 And let's take a step forward.
48:56 We know that He's available, we know that He loves you.
49:00 Not that I've already attained this.
49:02 This is Paul, not that I've already attained this,
49:05 or have even arrived at my goal.
49:07 But I do press on and hold on to that
49:09 for which Jesus took hold of.
49:12 One thing I do,
49:13 I forget what's in the rearview mirror.
49:16 And I keep going forward, I press on to the goal.
49:20 And as you're pressing on to the goal, to not forget,
49:25 here again, Jesus says,
49:27 "But man, when you put your hand to the plow,
49:31 keep going, follow, continuing.
49:34 Don't look back
49:35 because if you look back
49:37 that may become attractive again,
49:38 and then the rows may just start weaving.
49:41 I don't remember the first time
49:43 I wanted to drive this tractor so bad.
49:44 I was probably about six or seven years old.
49:46 This is back whenever they didn't have the starters.
49:49 You had to do it the old hard way, you know.
49:51 Crank start.
49:52 And that's to crank that thing.
49:53 Man, I was tall but I had little bitty arms.
49:57 I could not crank that thing.
49:59 And my granddad, he was wise.
50:01 He steps in,
50:02 "Listen, whenever you can crank it,
50:05 you can drive it."
50:06 Man, I mean, every six months
50:08 I'm out there trying and huffing and puffing.
50:10 Boy, that one day though it hit.
50:13 Oh, my goodness,
50:14 my joy level jumped to the ceiling.
50:18 But anyway, I just want to end it with this.
50:22 Don't be afraid, don't tremble. He's always there.
50:25 He's began a good work in you will bring to completion.
50:28 Let us run with endurance.
50:30 And then I want to end it with this.
50:33 God has a heaven full of blessing
50:35 that He wants to bestow on those
50:37 who are earnestly seeking for that
50:40 which Lord alone can give.
50:41 Amen. Amen.
50:42 Thank you. Praise the Lord.
50:44 Praise the Lord. Powerful.
50:45 Amen.
50:46 Pastor Ryan. Praise the Lord.
50:48 Praise God, amen.
50:49 Having church Thursday night. I know, right?
50:51 You know, one of the most difficult things
50:53 that I find in my ministry
50:55 that the Lord is teaching me gradually as I go along
50:57 as how to have proper balance.
51:00 And balance in everything, but for sure,
51:03 a balanced mental approach towards,
51:05 you know, understanding and relating to the gospel,
51:07 preaching the gospel, expressing the truth.
51:10 And, you know,
51:12 when I recently watched a series online
51:15 of the kind of a gospel series,
51:17 I'll just put it that way that kind of depicted
51:19 what Christ's ministry might have been like.
51:21 And I really, I didn't realize
51:22 until that series just how much of a visual learner I am,
51:24 because I can read these words, and try to envision my mind,
51:28 but sometimes I struggle to really pull it out
51:29 the way I want to see it, the way it should be.
51:31 The series really helped me to,
51:33 to kind of visualize and put in perspective,
51:36 what it could have been like
51:37 when Jesus was having these exchanges
51:39 with the Pharisees and when He was healing,
51:41 and when He was doing all these wonderful things.
51:44 What I learned as you read the gospels,
51:46 you come very much become clear.
51:48 This way you be very clear,
51:49 if you read this in the gospels,
51:51 that Jesus was a rebel in His day.
51:52 He really was, a rebel in a good way, okay.
51:54 Most time when you say that somebody is a rebel,
51:56 or that person is a rebel,
51:58 it comes off in a negative context, right?
51:59 Because no one wants to be a rebel.
52:00 But Jesus was truly a rebel.
52:02 What Jesus did,
52:04 He showed up to turn the world right side up.
52:06 Radical.
52:08 You know He was, He was...
52:09 A lot of the things that He taught,
52:10 a lot of things He expressed
52:12 was radical in comparison to the culture,
52:15 at that pharisaical mindset had bestowed upon the people
52:19 in the society of that time.
52:21 And, you know, I always try my best
52:23 to do my little thought
52:25 for our own Christ's life each day,
52:27 that doesn't always happen as I really like it to.
52:29 But nonetheless, I always find myself going back
52:31 to those gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John,
52:33 focusing in on the beautiful life lessons
52:36 that you can learn from there.
52:37 My brother sent me a quote,
52:39 and I want to read this quote in the time that we have left,
52:41 and I'm going to get some final remarks.
52:42 I think we have enough time to do so.
52:44 And this is the devotional thought
52:45 that really stood out in me recently,
52:47 that the Lord has bestowed upon me to,
52:50 you know, to really earnestly pray
52:51 and ask for balance,
52:52 will give me proper balance
52:54 and transform me more like unto Christ.
52:57 So this comes from Desire of Ages,
52:58 page 309,
52:59 referencing the exchange that Jesus had had
53:02 with the Pharisees.
53:03 And we know that Jesus had many encounters
53:05 with the Pharisees,
53:06 I think of John 8, you know, where He,
53:07 you know, the woman caught in adultery
53:09 and had on exchange where you know,
53:11 you don't know Abraham, and Jesus is like,
53:13 before Abraham was I am, right?
53:14 And blasphemy right and, but notice this right here,
53:18 Desire of Ages, page 309.
53:21 "The greatest deception of the human mind in Christ day
53:25 was that a mere assent
53:26 to the truth constitutes righteousness.
53:29 In all human experiences,
53:31 a theoretical knowledge of the truth
53:33 has been proved to be insufficient
53:35 for the saving of the soul.
53:37 It does not bring forth the fruits of righteousness.
53:40 A jealous regard
53:42 for what is termed theological truth
53:44 often accompanies a hatred of genuine truth
53:47 as made manifest in life.
53:50 The darkest chapters of earth's history
53:52 burden with the record,
53:54 are burdened with a record of crimes
53:56 committed by bigoted religionists.
53:59 The Pharisees claimed to be children of Abraham,
54:01 and boasted of their possession of the oracles of God.
54:04 Yet these advantages did not preserve them
54:08 from selfishness, malignity, greed for gain,
54:11 and bassist hypocrisy.
54:14 They thought themselves
54:16 the greatest religiousness of the world,
54:17 but their so called orthodoxy led them to crucify
54:21 the Lord of Glory."
54:23 And then she ends in this last paragraph,
54:25 "The same danger exists today.
54:30 Many take it for granted that they are Christians
54:32 simply because they subscribe to certain theological tenets.
54:36 28. Yeah, fundamental beliefs.
54:38 "But they have not brought the truth into practical life.
54:43 They have not believed and loved it,
54:45 therefore they have not received
54:47 the power and grace
54:48 that come through sanctification of the truth.
54:51 Men may profess faith in the truth,
54:54 but it does not make them sincere, kind, patient
54:58 forbearing heavenly minded.
55:00 It is a curse to its possessors
55:04 and through their influence it is a curse to the world."
55:07 When I read that,
55:09 immediately my mind thought,
55:11 "You know, Ryan, you know a lot.
55:12 But do you really know Him?"
55:15 You know you can talk with the best of them
55:18 not to bring myself high.
55:20 But do you, are you allowing that truth
55:23 to transform you from the inside out?"
55:25 You know, we as Seventh-day Adventist Christians,
55:27 we boast,
55:29 I think in a spiritual type way
55:31 of having all this incredible truth
55:33 to give to the world because we've been commissioned
55:35 to go and tell the world about this amazing truth.
55:38 But are we allowing that truth to transform us,
55:42 to make us alike into the beautiful,
55:44 loving, compassionate, merciful character of Jesus?
55:47 Is it coming out that way?
55:49 That after reading this devotional
55:50 after considering its thoughts,
55:52 after contemplating on Christ has led me to say,
55:56 Lord transform me more and more each day
55:58 to not just talk about the truth,
56:00 not to just preach the truth,
56:02 but to live it out amongst others.
56:03 Wow. Amen.
56:05 Praise the Lord.
56:06 What a powerful evening, thank you all so much.
56:09 JD, thank you for your leadership
56:10 with our Pastoral Department.
56:12 Thank you, Ryan,
56:13 for what you bring to the ministry
56:16 and this department.
56:17 And thank you, Donald, for what you bring
56:19 to this ministry and this department.
56:20 And what you all share tonight, thank you for that.
56:23 I wrote down be still a know, ask,
56:27 and it shall be given to you
56:29 and learn to experience Jesus for yourself.
56:32 Amen. Amen.
56:33 What an incredible way to start the New Year.
56:36 I know we're a couple of weeks in already,
56:38 but to know that we can walk with Jesus,
56:41 to know that we can be still and experience Him
56:44 to know that we can ask and claim
56:48 and know that He hears us
56:49 and know that
56:51 you have that same experience as well.
56:52 Thank you for being part of our 3ABN family.
56:54 Thank you for your love,
56:56 prayers and financial support of this ministry
56:59 as we take this glorious gospel
57:01 to the far corners of the world.
57:03 We'll see you again. Bye-bye.
57:05 Amen.


Revised 2021-02-05