3ABN Today Live

Behind The Scenes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL210002A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:02 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for today's special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 Mending broken people
01:15 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN
01:17 Thursday Night Live Behind The Scenes.
01:20 We've been looking forward
01:21 all week to spending these two hours with you.
01:23 And we just want to say thank you
01:25 for being a part of our family.
01:27 On Behind The Scenes, Jill's going to give
01:28 the lineup as to what's going to be happening tonight.
01:30 We're going to be playing again some musical chairs.
01:33 But this is the first Behind The Scenes of 2021.
01:38 You know, and I just want to say
01:39 thank you for what a great year 2020 was.
01:43 Lots of challenges because of COVID-19,
01:46 but, of course, because of the Lord Jesus Christ,
01:48 and thanks to you.
01:50 Amen.
01:51 I just want to say praise the Lord,
01:52 3ABN ended the year in the black.
01:56 So praise God. Yay! Praise Jesus.
01:57 An incredibly strong last month of the year 2020.
02:00 That's right.
02:01 And 3ABN doesn't have any long term debt of any kind.
02:06 And we are excited about 2021.
02:09 There are so many things may I say in the hopper.
02:13 We'll be able to share some of those with you this evening.
02:15 But this year is going to be a year of expansion.
02:19 You know, I believe that
02:20 God called Danny Shelton over 36 years ago
02:24 to spread the undiluted three angels' messages
02:26 to a lost and dying world,
02:27 the entire world via satellite.
02:30 So tonight we're talking about
02:31 how we have new ways of reaching people
02:34 that don't know about Jesus Christ.
02:36 And I'm also thinking about we're talking about
02:38 this year being the year of expansion.
02:39 So expansion of our reach to the world,
02:42 expansion of more souls for God's kingdom,
02:45 and also the expansion of our relationship with God.
02:48 You know, it's easy sometimes
02:49 and, you say, "Okay, I've arrived.
02:51 I've got a pretty good relationship with God."
02:53 That's okay. But you know what?
02:55 God wants us to grow every single day.
02:57 To come to Him, to submit to HIM every day
03:00 and say, "God, I'm a vessel.
03:01 How can you use me today?"
03:03 So, I'm really excited about this year.
03:06 Amen, me too.
03:08 As Greg referenced this year is the year of expansion.
03:10 We had our day of prayer just a couple weeks ago.
03:12 Oh, it's a lot of fun.
03:14 And normally we meet at the worship center.
03:16 There's times of music, times of prayer.
03:19 Greg would cast the vision
03:21 for what we're doing in the New Year.
03:22 But we met virtually,
03:24 and Greg presented on that that 2021 is the year
03:29 of expansion here at 3ABM,
03:31 the year of spreading the gospel even more,
03:33 reaching more souls,
03:34 and our own relationship with God expanding.
03:36 I love that. What a vision.
03:38 You know, I want to just hit on some of the highlights too
03:40 for 2020.
03:42 And again, we haven't introduced everyone here.
03:43 But Dr. Mo is here.
03:45 And he's got some exciting information.
03:46 But I just want to share too, that this past year,
03:49 and this is just some really quick calculations
03:50 on just about three launches.
03:52 We added about 86 million potential new viewers, Dr. Mo.
03:57 And we know it's even bigger than that.
03:58 I mean, that includes Cuba, Uganda,
04:01 and then in the Southeast part of the United States
04:03 was another huge contract that was signed.
04:06 And that's incredible, 86,000 million...
04:09 No, 86 million potential new viewers.
04:11 I'll get that right.
04:12 86 million potential new viewers,
04:14 that was just in 2020.
04:15 Plus, we know it's even bigger than that.
04:17 That's right.
04:18 It's growing because they are adding more.
04:20 Actually, they're going to come up the North,
04:22 and they keep adding more coverage there
04:26 in the East Coast also.
04:28 Amen. I mean, it's huge.
04:29 I mean, it's just what God is doing.
04:31 And what's interesting too, is that we do
04:32 our part of trying to, may I say promote 3ABN
04:36 but then a lot of times we find people coming to us.
04:38 Yes.
04:39 And saying, "Hey, heard about 3ABN,
04:41 how do I get 3ABN on our package?"
04:43 But, you know that every time
04:45 that something like this happened,
04:47 the enemy tried to destroy.
04:51 And they had a launch date
04:53 and they cancelled it because of some licensing issues.
04:58 But and then I thought it was going to be a no-go.
05:03 And all of a sudden another day,
05:05 I got a call from the same person,
05:08 and they said,
05:09 "Can we have that carriage agreement again?"
05:13 I said, "Oh, of course." Sure, yeah.
05:16 Oh, yeah, We just use the same one that Greg signed.
05:20 I send it to them and they are happy.
05:23 I really believe that this is going to be
05:25 a on-growing movement there.
05:29 Amen. Oh, yeah, it's really exciting.
05:31 We should introduce the rest of whom we have.
05:33 We will, absolutely.
05:34 Tonight, what we want to talk about is
05:36 what God is doing to expand the reach of the gospel.
05:39 Specifically, this first hour,
05:41 we're going to talk about evangelistic opportunities
05:44 in the country of Cuba.
05:45 How God is expanding the reach of 3ABN through that.
05:49 We're going to talk about this incredible new way that
05:52 we can expand the reach of 3ABN
05:54 and share the gospel to people
05:56 who otherwise would not have access
05:58 to 3ABN or the internet.
06:00 And Dr. Moses is going to talk with us about that
06:03 and the interlace system which we introduced
06:05 New Year's Eve with that program.
06:07 And, of course, we're going to hear about
06:09 this incredible opportunity to expand into prisons,
06:14 not with cable carriage agreements,
06:16 although we're trying to do some of that too.
06:18 But this is an entirely new way
06:21 that we can expand into prisons.
06:22 We talked about that on the New Year's Eve program,
06:25 too, and had some amazing responses.
06:27 So that's just the first hour.
06:28 The next hour we're going to hear
06:30 from Pastoral Department and some stories
06:32 of what God is doing in this ministry
06:34 and in the people's lives who call.
06:35 So we have Pastor John Dinzey,
06:38 General Manager of 3ABN Latino, and Director of 3ABN Cuba.
06:43 Thank you so much.
06:44 It's a joy to be here because when you see what God is doing,
06:49 you just have to rejoice and praise the Lord.
06:51 Amen.
06:52 And we already introduced Dr. Moses Primo
06:54 as Director of Broadcasting Engineering
06:56 here at 3ABN
06:58 and General Manager of 3ABN Francais.
07:00 Glad to have you here, Dr. Mo.
07:02 Good to be here.
07:03 It's always a privilege when we share expansion,
07:07 like Greg mentioned that this year is going to be.
07:11 So I am excited and I'm just trusting
07:15 that the Lord will take us further.
07:17 Amen. Amen.
07:18 Yeah.
07:20 And we have Jason Bradley, General Manager of 3ABN's
07:22 "Dare to Dream Network with some exciting updates
07:25 and our opportunities for expansion that way.
07:28 Yes, I can't wait to share all about it.
07:30 God's been answering prayers in a mighty way.
07:33 Amen.
07:35 You know, I wanted to just say too,
07:36 thank you to you, two gentlemen,
07:37 because I was just thinking you two sitting,
07:40 you know, we're trying to keep some social distancing here
07:42 because of COVID, but between the two of them,
07:44 we have over 60 years, here at 3ABN.
07:47 Wow.
07:51 Which means you've been here 30 plus years, 30 plus years.
07:55 I mean, it's just incredible.
07:57 Thank you for your vision as well.
07:59 You know, to, you caught the vision,
08:02 God has kept you here, which we're so thankful for.
08:04 And just thank you for the sacrifice and, yeah,
08:08 just your heart for evangelism just be so strong.
08:11 Thank you both. It's my pleasure.
08:13 It's like the half of my life being here.
08:17 But it is a blessing.
08:19 I know, when I look back,
08:21 I can see things falling right in place
08:23 and understanding that there was a preparation
08:26 for what I'm doing here at 3ABN Amen.
08:29 Amen.
08:31 You know, I want to just mention some do's.
08:32 I think 3ABN as you all know is here
08:34 for such a time as this.
08:35 We have been since the beginning.
08:37 But I just think about the freedoms,
08:39 because all of us wake up with freedoms
08:41 to build and share the gospel,
08:42 and we don't know how things can change one day to the next.
08:45 And so I'm just so grateful for 3ABN
08:49 being able to proclaim the gospel to the world.
08:53 It's a privilege,
08:55 and it's a privilege to be partner with you.
08:57 And I just can't express this enough.
09:00 We have our part to play,
09:01 but you have your part to play too.
09:04 The one dollar, the 99 cents
09:06 that I got in 2020, someone sent 99 cents.
09:10 God is multiplying that 99 cents
09:12 to the large checks that we receive.
09:15 God is using all of that
09:16 to bring souls to the kingdom of God.
09:18 And that's why I'm excited about the expansion.
09:20 I don't know what God has in store for 2021.
09:22 But it's great things.
09:24 Amen. Amen.
09:25 You know it's amazing how God works, because...
09:28 just before coming to participate in the program,
09:33 Sister Anna Saugus that works also with our cable companies.
09:38 She received an email from a cable company
09:40 in Dominican Republic,
09:42 that for some reason, they lost a signal.
09:44 And they said, "Please help us
09:45 because the viewers are calling us
09:48 and we need to get this out right away."
09:49 Wow.
09:50 So I praise the Lord that we have viewers
09:53 that are watching.
09:54 They are watching the programming
09:56 and they are being blessed.
09:57 So when they don't see the programming, they feel,
10:00 " We're missing a blessing."
10:01 So you need to put 3ABN Latino back on.
10:03 So we praise the Lord for that.
10:05 And I also want to praise the Lord.
10:07 I don't know if I shared this before.
10:09 You know, we received a message from Pastor Henry Beltran.
10:15 He's the president of the Alta Magdalena
10:17 Columbia Conference.
10:19 Okay.
10:20 That's near Bogota, Colombia.
10:22 Anyway, he was just so happy to share with us
10:27 that a lady that had been watching 3ABN Latino said,
10:31 "I want to be baptized before 2020 is over."
10:33 So...
10:35 Amen.
10:36 ...just in the very last days of 20,
10:38 the very last Sabbath of 2020 she was baptized
10:42 and she was just rejoicing in the Lord.
10:44 Praise God. Praise God.
10:45 And that's a great segue into the music
10:47 because we want to actually play some music
10:49 this evening and Layke Jones,
10:51 talented young man that God's given
10:53 an incredible voice and incredible message
10:56 thinking about people following Jesus.
10:58 The song that we want to play
10:59 that he's saying is entitled "Follow Me."
11:17 I traveled down a lonely road
11:22 And no one seemed to care
11:28 The burden on my weary back
11:33 Had bowed me to despair
11:39 I often complained to Jesus
11:44 How folks were treating me
11:50 And then I heard Him say
11:56 So tenderly
12:03 My feet were also weary
12:09 Upon the Calv'ry road
12:13 The cross became so heavy
12:18 I fell beneath the load
12:24 Oh, be faithful weary pilgrim
12:30 The morning I can see
12:36 Just lift your cross
12:39 And follow close
12:44 To thee
12:51 Oh, Jesus if I die upon
12:55 A foreign field someday
12:59 It would be no more than love demands
13:04 No less than I repay
13:09 No greater love hath mortal man
13:13 Than for a friend to die
13:18 These are the words He gently
13:22 Spoke to me
13:28 If just a cup of water
13:34 I place within your hand
13:39 Then just a cup of water
13:44 Is all that I demand
13:50 But if by death to living
13:57 They can thy glory see
14:02 I'll take my cross and follow
14:08 I'll take my cross and follow
14:16 I'll take my cross
14:21 And follow
14:25 Close to
14:32 Thee...
14:45 Amen.
14:46 Thank you so much Layke Jones and Tim Parton on the piano
14:49 there, I'll take my cross and follow thee.
14:52 What an incredible message in song,
14:55 and I know all of us here at 3ABN,
14:57 and you at home partnering with us,
15:00 have made that decision to follow Jesus
15:02 and to help spread this gospel message.
15:04 Amen.
15:05 You know, we get a lot of correspondence here at 3ABN
15:08 of many of you, you may be even listening
15:10 or watching this evening
15:12 that have made a decision to follow Jesus,
15:14 because you've watched 3ABN in a sermon or sermons on 3ABN.
15:18 And thank you for sending in those letters,
15:20 those emails, calling us up.
15:21 You know it's really encouraging,
15:23 and we like to share that with others
15:24 because when people donate,
15:26 they want to know that their money is going for souls.
15:27 That's why people are so excited about 3ABN.
15:31 You know 3ABN is on many social media accounts.
15:34 But what I want to bring up this evening is 3ABN
15:37 is on Instagram.
15:38 And you may say, "What is that?"
15:40 Okay, well, if you're not quite sure
15:41 what that is, that's okay, you can look it up.
15:43 But for those of you that are on Instagram
15:44 and know what it is,
15:46 that's a way that you can actually communicate with us.
15:48 Like this evening's program,
15:49 there's actually a little spot about on Instagram,
15:53 about this Behind The Scenes program.
15:54 You'll find other things that are happening at 3ABN's
15:56 Behind The Scenes photos.
15:59 And so you can reach us on Instagram 3ABN
16:01 underscore official.
16:03 So 3ABN underscore official,
16:06 and you can actually communicate
16:07 with us that way as well.
16:09 It's kind of fun way.
16:10 And all of the networks have Instagram accounts as well.
16:12 So you can contact the different networks
16:14 through Instagram as well.
16:16 Oh, yeah, We're talking about expanding
16:18 the reach of the gospel.
16:20 And Pastor John Dinzey, talk to us about
16:21 how the gospel is going to Cuba?
16:24 You know, I want to praise the Lord.
16:26 I was just remembering that before last year was over,
16:30 I received one of those little
16:33 WhatsApp messages, and it was a text.
16:35 It was a text that the Cuban government
16:39 authorized a Christmas concert
16:43 to be put on a national TV channel.
16:45 Wow.
16:46 So everyone in Cuba could watch
16:48 I think it was Handel's Messiah.
16:49 Oh, wow.
16:51 So you're saying, you know,
16:52 this is the gospel going out to the people
16:54 because there are powerful messages
16:57 in that concert.
17:00 And so the privilege,
17:04 the doors opening for 3ABN
17:07 to be able to have
17:09 life changing programs on the package.
17:13 And again, I guess some people are saying, "Well,
17:14 what is that?"
17:16 You know we have new viewers all...
17:17 We have new viewers all the time,
17:19 so we have to explain a little bit.
17:20 In Cuba, they have no cable television.
17:23 There are no streaming services like Roku or the others
17:27 that are out there.
17:29 So how do people watch television?
17:31 Well they have their antennas on top of their TVs
17:34 and or on the roof if they can.
17:38 But they came up with, a few years ago,
17:42 with getting programs from other countries.
17:46 They go on the internet or somehow they get them.
17:49 So there are movies, soap operas.
17:51 They call them in Spanish Telenovelas
17:53 and they have comedies and music and sports.
17:59 They are out there.
18:01 So every week, the people can go to a distribution center
18:06 in every single city in Cuba
18:09 and buy the new programming for that week.
18:13 They bring a hard drive, or they bring a thumb drive.
18:17 And the people that...
18:21 When I went in March, you know, we arrived in Havana, Cuba,
18:24 and it's interesting.
18:26 When you're heading towards the airport,
18:28 you see the sign and it's a different experience
18:30 going through the airport in Cuba.
18:33 Very interesting because they look
18:35 at all the luggage is looked.
18:37 I mean, they look at them here,
18:38 you know, they go through X-rays, anyway.
18:41 But anyway, the...
18:44 I almost lost my train of thought,
18:47 remembering the experience going through the...
18:49 because you literally have to line up and go through that.
18:51 And it's been a number of years since you'd been to Cuba too.
18:53 Yes, yes.
18:55 So when I went in March, it was a great experience
19:00 because now we are going to finalize
19:03 some details about getting on the package.
19:06 Like I said the package is a TV programming
19:10 that is made available for the people
19:11 and they buy it for a very, very low price.
19:15 This week, we're talking to Chaplain Hernandez
19:17 which is our assistant director of 3ABN Cuba.
19:21 And he said,
19:22 "See there's new money coming into Cuba."
19:26 Not new money, but they're changing their currency
19:29 over there.
19:30 And so the people's salary is being adjusted
19:33 and prices are just adjusting.
19:36 He said, "The price of the package
19:38 has remained the same."
19:39 Oh, praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
19:41 Very low price.
19:42 When I was there, I bought the package
19:44 to see what are they doing?
19:45 What is it that people are watching
19:48 and what is the competition,
19:49 you know, because soap operas and movies and all that.
19:52 People have that attraction, but they don't have
19:56 Christian programming on the package.
19:58 3ABN is the very first Christian channel
20:01 to be on the package.
20:02 Amen.
20:03 It's just a miracle that God has done.
20:05 So I was able to, with Pastor Hernell Hernandez
20:10 meet with...
20:12 the CEO of the Council of Churches over there.
20:17 And he took the time.
20:19 I mean, it was like, almost 10 pm.
20:23 You know, we went there like it was 8 o'clock at night,
20:27 he made a special effort to be there.
20:29 And the Council of Churches is actually very important
20:31 because they're actually right connected
20:32 with the Government of Cuba.
20:34 So it was an important aspect.
20:35 So we need their approval
20:37 to get 3ABN Latino on the package?
20:39 That's right.
20:40 Anything that has to do with religious activities,
20:44 events, or even books coming into Cuba,
20:47 the Council of Churches,
20:49 which is, they have leaders from every denomination.
20:55 Now there are some churches
20:57 that are not part of the Council of Churches.
20:59 The Catholic Church
21:00 is not a part of the Council of Churches,
21:01 the Seventh-day Adventist Church is not
21:03 a part of the Council of Churches,
21:04 but they do consult.
21:06 They can come in to meetings and just hear,
21:09 but they can't vote.
21:10 But anyway, if you're bringing a book,
21:13 they have to review it and approve it.
21:16 So all the programming that we're producing
21:18 and bringing to Cuba, they have to approve?
21:20 They have to approve it.
21:21 And you met with them what, 10 pm you said?
21:23 It was like 10 pm,
21:24 and I'm going he is still with us, you know.
21:27 And it was fascinating.
21:28 Now I did give him a couple of books.
21:31 One of them was Steps to Christ
21:34 and, you know, this is a gift for you.
21:36 He read it.
21:38 And he recently told Chaplain Hernell,
21:42 "I read the book.
21:43 It's wonderful." Amen.
21:45 He said this,
21:46 "Feel free to bring a container load of Steps to Christ.
21:52 Wow. Praise the Lord.
21:54 Praise God. So what I see.
21:56 We're going to be putting something out here shortly
21:57 probably saying, you know what?
21:59 We need to sponsor container
22:00 load of Steps to Christ to Cuba, but detail is from us.
22:02 That's marvelous. That's marvelous.
22:03 Details coming.
22:04 So we met about the package
22:06 and details were being worked out.
22:08 This was March.
22:10 Now remember, I shared in another program,
22:12 we had to leave early.
22:14 We wanted to meet with the president of the Union
22:15 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
22:17 and other leaders and another meeting
22:19 with the Council of Churches
22:20 that they were going to show us some things.
22:23 But we had to cut it short,
22:26 because back in March
22:27 news was just coming out about airports closing.
22:31 And Pastor Hernell and I looked at each other,
22:33 after he received the call from his wife,
22:35 the airports are closing, you better get out.
22:37 So we had to make special arrangements to leave
22:40 the very next day, and so we left.
22:43 We had another three days of meetings
22:46 and things we wanted to do.
22:48 So since then, Pastor Hernell has been very attentive
22:53 to see what the government...
22:54 because they closed the airports,
22:56 you could not fly into Cuba anymore.
22:58 And so he thought it was June.
23:00 No, now it's going to be July.
23:02 No, it's going to be August.
23:03 It was November that he was able to go back in,
23:06 actually November 12.
23:08 I was going to try to go there, but he got a ticket before me.
23:11 When I tried to get one,
23:13 there were no more tickets available.
23:15 So I couldn't go in November, he was able to go.
23:17 And what was the reason for going in November?
23:19 Well, there was a meeting pending
23:21 with the people that organized the package.
23:24 And we needed to talk to them about the price,
23:27 because we have to pay about $3,000.
23:31 Every month. Every month.
23:33 And they say we're going to look at this
23:35 and see about adjusting the price.
23:37 So that was the meeting that took place.
23:41 They're going to adjust the price.
23:44 But, for now, what we heard last
23:46 was it's about $3, 000 a month that we have to pay.
23:48 This is why we are needing your support
23:52 to be able to have 3ABN Latino
23:54 on the package every week,
23:56 because lives are going to be transformed.
23:58 And we know this is going to help advance the gospel.
24:01 The Seventh-day Adventist Church
24:02 and other churches, you know, they're preaching,
24:04 but to have this available on a platform
24:09 that people are looking for movies,
24:10 people are looking for soap operas
24:11 and they says, "What is this?
24:13 3ABN Latino channel, what is this?
24:14 And they're going to start looking
24:16 and the Lord through the Holy Spirit
24:18 is going to draw these people to the programming.
24:21 And lives are going to be changed.
24:23 So I am excited about this.
24:26 And by the way,
24:29 one of the things Chaplain Hernell in November,
24:34 I have to correct myself,
24:35 in November when he went,
24:37 this was just before Thanksgiving,
24:39 he was not able to meet
24:40 because he was put on a 10 day quarantine.
24:46 Ten day quarantine, actually he had to take three tests.
24:50 One before he went,
24:52 they give you another test at the airport.
24:54 COVID test.
24:55 The COVID test, and then three days later
24:57 after you leave the airport,
24:58 they bring you the results of the test.
25:00 And then they say, "We have to give you another test
25:02 because you could have been infected on the plane."
25:04 Right. So that's another thing.
25:06 So it was like 10 days waiting before he could get out.
25:09 And they watched his house
25:10 to make sure he stayed in quarantine?
25:12 Yes, they were watching his house very attentively,
25:15 by the way.
25:16 We don't have time to share and experience about that,
25:18 but they were watching anyway.
25:22 So it didn't quite work out then for him?
25:23 He could not meet with them.
25:27 The day he was leaving, he received the call,
25:30 "The organizers of the package want to talk to you.
25:33 When can you come back?"
25:34 "I'll come back next week.
25:36 I'll be back next week..."
25:38 So he literally came back to the US.
25:40 That's right.
25:41 And spent almost 24 hours with his wife,
25:45 flew back to Miami
25:47 to leave from Miami to Havana, Cuba, again.
25:52 And spend time in quarantine? Another 10 days in quarantine.
25:55 Then he got his meeting.
25:56 Then he got his meeting with the Council of Churches
25:59 and with the organizers of the package.
26:00 And he had some...
26:02 asking about the adjusting of the price.
26:04 And he made a request.
26:06 He says, "You know, I want to make sure,
26:07 we want to make sure that our programming
26:10 is getting to every single city in Cuba.
26:13 Can you please provide a list of all the directors
26:18 or, I don't know what they call them, the...
26:20 Distributors.
26:21 Distributors of every province
26:24 because I would like to be able to talk to them and say, "Hey,
26:26 did our programming arrive on the package?"
26:28 Because what happens is, is set up in Havana,
26:32 and then somebody takes them,
26:35 or more than one person takes them to the 16 provinces.
26:39 So you imagine something like the packages is,
26:44 if we say New York and Miami is made in New York,
26:47 then you have to take it to all the states.
26:50 Sure. Right.
26:51 The marvelous thing is that they have done this for years,
26:54 they have a system that is working.
26:57 And every week, the package is available by Wednesday.
27:02 So the wonderful thing about this is...
27:06 that they are doing it to make money.
27:10 And God is using this desire to make money
27:13 to bring the gospel to everybody.
27:15 Amen.
27:16 Their interest is we have to get it to every city
27:19 because the more cities we get into,
27:20 and the more homes we get into, we'll make more money.
27:23 Yeah, they're the people who do distribution for the money.
27:26 But riding along with that is 3ABN Latino's programming
27:30 which is phenomenal.
27:31 I know that when he went down there,
27:32 he took some of the sample programs.
27:34 Yeah.
27:35 They were just blown away with the quality, said,
27:36 "This is amazing."
27:38 They called it exquisite.
27:39 Was that the word they used, exquisite?
27:41 This program is exquisite. Yeah. I like that.
27:43 When I heard that, I said, "Praise God."
27:45 It was so good to hear There were a couple of things,
27:47 when they looked at it, they said that we needed
27:48 to change this is very minor.
27:49 We needed to add just a little promo
27:51 at the end that just says, "Remember to turn
27:52 the light switch off to basically save electricity,
27:54 or remember to wash your hands."
27:55 Yes.
27:56 So 3ABN Latino's working on that,
27:58 and then it'll be delivered.
28:00 Yes, we left six weeks of programming there.
28:04 And they looked at it and said,
28:05 "All you need is the little commercial at the end,
28:08 the little public service announcement at the end."
28:11 And we can put this on the package.
28:13 And I say, "Wow."
28:15 That's what we need.
28:16 And so, anyway, we have been working on those announcements.
28:20 And we prepare them.
28:21 I saw one yesterday, day before yesterday.
28:25 And it's very good.
28:26 There's one, we have one on recycling,
28:29 and they do recycle in Cuba.
28:31 And we have one on picking up the trash.
28:34 And those are the things they want.
28:36 Because when the people watch the programming,
28:38 you're also leaving a message to help the community.
28:42 Praise the Lord.
28:43 Chaplain Hernell is leaving in a few days
28:46 to go back over there
28:47 to take the programming with the added commercial.
28:49 Yes.
28:50 And what we're wanting to do is actually build too
28:52 because Pastor John is working on this too,
28:53 because we know we hear about all these reports
28:55 but in the next, hopefully Lord willing,
28:58 we're going to actually have a little bit of video footage
29:00 and some photos that we can actually share with you.
29:03 And then I'm looking forward to actually hearing about
29:05 souls are been blessed
29:06 because of viewing this programming.
29:08 So, if someone wants to donate films
29:10 and press to donate for this project,
29:12 Pastor Johnny, how do they do that?
29:13 Well, yeah, the quickest way is to go to the website,
29:19 3ABN.tv and select donations
29:24 and there is the option for 3ABN Cuba.
29:28 And I think is number 338. 338.
29:32 And that specifically will go towards the package,
29:35 our efforts to get on the package.
29:38 So it's very easy to do that.
29:40 Otherwise, they can call and talk to our call center.
29:44 If they have some means of doing your funds transfer,
29:49 credit card, and those type of things, debit cards.
29:51 And, of course, they can mail.
29:53 Oh, yeah, check or something. Yeah.
29:54 To mail a check, money order,
29:56 and every dollar will go towards preaching the gospel.
29:59 That's right.
30:00 And this is a wonderful and unique,
30:03 historic opportunity to bring the gospel to Cuba.
30:06 Because, you know, Matthew 24:14 says,
30:08 "And this gospel of the kingdom
30:10 will be preached in all the world
30:12 for a witness unto all nations, and then the end shall come."
30:15 We want the end to come because
30:16 there's so much suffering in this world.
30:19 And so the gospel has to go everywhere.
30:21 Well, thank you, Pastor Jonny, for your leadership on this.
30:23 This is something, Jill and I, and of course,
30:24 the rest of administration is so excited about this project.
30:27 And we know you are too because when we first launched this,
30:30 I mean, it was just breaking news
30:31 when we went to you on the air a few months ago.
30:34 And it's just been encouraging for us
30:36 to see the checks coming in,
30:37 the donations coming in already for this project.
30:40 But thank you for continuing to keep this project in prayer
30:42 and for supporting this because, man,
30:44 who knows how many people
30:45 will come into the kingdom of God.
30:47 I have to tell you that a couple of days ago,
30:50 Chaplain Hernell received a message
30:52 from the Council of Churches
30:53 that the organizers of the package said,
30:57 "They have agreed to give you not only a list,
31:01 but they want to go personally with you to every province,
31:04 so you can meet them in person."
31:05 Praise the Lord. This is just a couple of days.
31:07 That's a lot of support.
31:08 Wow. Dr. Mo?
31:11 You've got, it looks like
31:12 some really interesting technology here.
31:14 And, you know, you've been here since
31:15 we had those giant dishes and seeing
31:17 how things have changed.
31:18 You know, you and I have been talking about
31:20 just the gift that with 3ABN
31:22 still has been able to really just proclaim the truth
31:25 to the world via internet, satellite,
31:27 all the different devices,
31:28 and that God's just worked on your heart
31:30 for an incredible opportunity
31:31 that's just now getting launched off the ground.
31:33 Yeah, I think it's timely, because, as you mentioned,
31:37 it's going to be a year of expansion.
31:39 And then this is a way of expanding
31:42 the horizons of 3ABN reaching.
31:45 I got a call actually yesterday
31:47 from a fellow that has the 3ABN dish.
31:51 And he was frustrated,
31:53 and he was not getting programming,
31:56 and it was in and out.
31:58 And I told him about the box,
32:00 he said, "Oh, just send me one."
32:02 I said, "Well, it's almost ready.
32:05 And he said, "Okay, I'll wait a few more days without 3ABN,
32:09 but send me one."
32:11 And I look my inventory at home.
32:14 And I still have this...
32:17 previous model, the M15.
32:21 I only have about 90 boxes.
32:25 And what I want to do
32:26 is clear the house to give a room
32:30 to gather the new one.
32:33 So I want to promote while the inventory last.
32:38 This box, the M15
32:42 can be purchased for $920,
32:45 which was the normal price.
32:47 I'm going to bring it down to $100.
32:49 Oh, very nice. $100, while it lasts.
32:52 And you can buy several of these and give as gifts.
32:57 And it is a good box.
33:01 In fact, it will be maintained
33:05 and supported for at least a couple more years.
33:08 Fantastic.
33:09 So we have a commitment to support this
33:14 if you decide to buy this one.
33:16 That's fantastic.
33:17 I want to just talk about that Dr. Mo.
33:19 That box right there is really
33:20 if people are familiar with Roku,
33:22 it's like Roku, but the nice thing
33:23 is it has all the Adventist non channels on there,
33:25 like what Hope Channel, Amazing Facts.
33:27 Yes, and they are all program and is all in one page.
33:30 So you can actually see and click it.
33:32 You don't have to go through a lot of things
33:35 that the Roku has.
33:36 And the main feature of this one
33:38 is that on the 3ABN nine channels for 3ABN,
33:43 they can go back 30 days.
33:46 On demand.
33:47 On demand and watch any program that they have missed.
33:51 So this is really a good box
33:53 and we have been selling since 2017.
33:57 So it has been several years.
34:00 And we're still going to continue support.
34:02 And I only have 90.
34:04 So, okay, so first come first serve, right?
34:05 Yeah.
34:07 I think I want to go and put my name down
34:08 for several of them, Dr. Mo.
34:09 3ABN Yeah.
34:12 Because these are fantastic boxes.
34:13 Yeah.
34:15 All that you have to do is connect to the internet
34:16 and you can get all the channels,
34:18 Seventh-day Adventist channels.
34:20 And the reason that we're not going to have any more
34:24 is because in February we're going to introduce this.
34:29 So when you go to the website, and you order this one
34:33 for $120, I can't change the website,
34:37 I will refund $20 in the purchase of this.
34:40 Okay.
34:41 And then in February you're not going to see
34:43 this on the website anymore.
34:45 They're going to see this new box.
34:47 You're going to see this new box is the M20.
34:53 People are asking, "Why so expensive?"
34:57 This is $120 and this is jumping to $300.
35:01 Oh, wow.
35:02 So people ask why it's so expensive.
35:05 Actually, it's not expensive because besides the internet
35:09 that you're getting,
35:11 you're getting everything that this M15 has,
35:15 its inside as well.
35:17 So this is two boxes in one.
35:22 Plus, there are some things
35:23 that we couldn't update here anymore
35:26 because of the hardware.
35:28 And that this one being a new hardware,
35:32 it is able to update like
35:35 going to the Sabbath services sermons on the website,
35:39 if you have the internet connection.
35:42 So this box if you see it,
35:44 it's gonna be thinking of you have two boxes,
35:48 one that you can connect to the internet
35:50 and do many more things.
35:52 Like the original blue box.
35:54 Like the original M15
35:56 or if you don't have an internet,
35:59 you just watch everything
36:01 that is in the internal memory of the box.
36:04 So it's two boxes in one. Love it.
36:06 So the new box those will have
36:09 the Seventh-day Adventist channels
36:10 there as well for people to watch them?
36:12 Oh, yes, yes, all of them.
36:13 Like Amazing Facts, Hope Channel, all the...
36:16 Okay. All of 3ABN's nine channels?
36:18 All the 3ABN's nine channels and the programs are also.
36:23 One thing that one lady asked me just yesterday,
36:26 she said, "Why are you keeping change in the box?"
36:29 She had the dongle
36:31 that was introduced about eight years ago.
36:35 And it was working till yesterday.
36:37 So she said, "I like my dongle.
36:40 I take it with me if I go some places."
36:43 I said, "Well you can take this box too,
36:46 and will work anywhere in the world."
36:49 It's like, "Why do you have to update your cell phone
36:50 every two years?"
36:52 Because technology changes.
36:53 And then I said,
36:54 "I have to confess that I had a flip phone.
36:58 And I love that flip phone, it was small,
37:00 I would place on my pocket and it was great.
37:06 But today we have a smartphone
37:10 and the flip phone is not smart anymore."
37:12 It's the same thing.
37:15 The dongle was not smart enough to get to this technology here.
37:22 So this is the latest technology,
37:24 it will be for several years.
37:26 And some other people,
37:27 I'm trying to answer some questions
37:29 that I have been receiving.
37:32 Some other person ask but,
37:35 "What happened if you, something happened to you?"
37:38 I said, "Well, Lord,
37:39 will protect me and you know, hope nothing happened to me.
37:43 But if something happened to me,
37:45 I have this software in a safe place to start.
37:51 Plus, we have three developers,
37:54 two developers that work on the internets.
37:57 And the one developer that work on the mysdtv.
38:01 So if something happened to me, there are three other people
38:04 that can continue supporting this for many years.
38:10 And then another question that I received,
38:13 "Well, it's good
38:14 that you have 6,000 programs here in the memory,
38:18 but eventually I'm going to watch everything."
38:21 I said, "Wow."
38:24 That's a lot of dedication.
38:25 Yeah, we were thinking probably four years ahead and she said,
38:29 "Yes." What am I going to do?
38:31 I'm going to throw away this box.
38:33 And based on that question,
38:36 we always look for some answers.
38:39 And we modify because this software
38:43 we can modify because it's still a current product.
38:45 Okay.
38:47 So we modify the software.
38:49 And every year,
38:51 we're going to launch a little thumb drive
38:56 that will have the programs just for that year, so.
39:01 The current, the new programs?
39:02 Yes, so this box here will have all the programs.
39:06 I have programs from 2014,
39:09 all the way to December of 2020.
39:12 Right. Wow.
39:14 And then in December of 2021,
39:17 all that I have to do is just send this.
39:21 I don't have a price yet,
39:23 and the person will plug in the side here.
39:26 And it will read the memory from this little dongle
39:31 with all the new programs for that year.
39:34 Praise the Lord. So problem is solved.
39:37 So you can update, like every year,
39:39 you could update with all the new programming
39:41 that came out from the last year?
39:42 That's great.
39:43 And if there are some anxious people
39:45 that don't want to wait until December of 21,
39:48 we can do maybe in July.
39:51 I would say probably at least six months to 12 months.
39:56 So this problem is resolved.
39:57 Yeah, what a gift the boxes though because so many people,
40:00 because I know we get phone calls
40:02 in the office and people say, "But I don't have internet,"
40:04 or, "Maybe I have a little bit but my data is limited
40:08 and I can't stream 3ABN," or, "I can't watch on the app."
40:11 And for whatever reason, I don't have dish network
40:14 or I don't have access to cable,
40:16 I am not able to get 3ABN,
40:18 so what a gift to have thousands of hours
40:21 of 3ABN programming.
40:23 And the other blessing also is that every time,
40:26 and I know that thousands of people do this,
40:30 every minute
40:31 that they use stream using the internet here on this box,
40:37 it is trickling the dime and the dime and dime
40:41 on 3ABN's account.
40:43 Yes.
40:44 So people that leave running for all day long,
40:50 it does cost 3ABN to serve that.
40:53 True.
40:54 With this box because it is
40:57 all in the internal memory of the box,
41:00 it doesn't cost anything to 3ABN.
41:02 And to the person, she pays or he pays $300 one time.
41:08 And he'll have all these thousands of programs.
41:11 It's really a blessing. Oh, yeah.
41:13 I mean it's phenomenal just like you were saying,
41:15 we get a lot of requests
41:17 of people concerned like their dish,
41:18 their three foot dish is kind of going out.
41:20 They don't really want to buy one of those.
41:22 They really don't have internet.
41:23 This resolves the problem right there.
41:25 Yeah.
41:26 One other question that I have received from our viewers,
41:32 they ask, "Where is this manufactured?"
41:36 So I want to show a little video.
41:38 It's only two minutes that can tell
41:41 how this box is manufactured.
41:42 Okay. Yeah.
41:44 So we can go and start rolling that now?
41:45 Yes. Okay.
41:47 That is the opening of the boarding of the box.
41:53 Every time that it loads the program
41:56 in the memory of the box,
41:58 I just need to keep it showing so people will not turn it off.
42:03 That is a pile of the boxes, the black cartons.
42:09 And here is assembly line.
42:12 They're putting the components.
42:15 And they sanitize each box after they are ready.
42:21 It's not in the right sequence, but they clean everything
42:26 and they have a little paper that has the number of the box
42:32 and the person that work, so the quality control
42:36 can keep track of the weight of the box.
42:41 And each component inside of the box is tested.
42:45 And now the box it goes to,
42:48 we call it nursery
42:50 because it stays there for days turned on all night.
42:55 And actually it's very pretty to see all dark
42:58 and then the box lights on.
43:01 That's the computer that keeps tracks
43:03 of mach address of each box.
43:06 And this is the skit
43:09 with the full cartons came to us.
43:12 Wow.
43:13 This was so heavy
43:15 that they had to put in two planes and the DHL
43:20 they said it would not fit in one single plane.
43:23 But...
43:24 Praise the Lord.
43:26 I have another blessing to share.
43:28 These boxes arrived in US
43:33 and another shipment
43:34 that we sent it to Australia in December 11,
43:39 it left China...
43:42 and it got here probably December 24th
43:47 just before Christmas.
43:50 I didn't know but January 1,
43:54 this shipment cost 5% more, 4.9% more.
44:00 So we saved in this shipment.
44:04 Because of when it was shipped?
44:05 Yes. Yeah.
44:07 There are so many other questions that people have.
44:10 I'd like to put a full page that you can see the address
44:14 where you can order them.
44:18 You will see there, it's Interless System.
44:23 And there's mysdatv.org.
44:27 If you wanted to call us,
44:30 that's 618-627-2300.
44:34 If you will have email questions
44:37 support@mysdatv.com.
44:42 This is the model M20.
44:45 The website right now, like I said, only shows this.
44:49 So you order for $120, we return $20.
44:54 And then in February, you will see just the M20.
44:59 So the M20 will be available and to be ordered.
45:01 Are you taking pre orders right now?
45:02 Yes, so we're taking pre orders.
45:04 Okay, it's just not on the website.
45:05 So you can call 618-627-2300.
45:08 And they can order tonight? Yeah.
45:09 We actually have already,
45:11 probably close to 50 orders already.
45:14 Amen. Wow. Yeah.
45:16 Yeah, it's a phenomenal opportunity.
45:18 And I'm seeing Brother Jason Bradley here.
45:22 He's the Dare to Dream general manager,
45:24 and doing a phenomenal job with that.
45:26 Praise God.
45:27 And I know this Interless System,
45:28 you and Dr. Mo, this has been an incredible opportunity
45:30 for an exciting project
45:32 that God has just blessed in marvelous ways.
45:33 Jason, tell us about it?
45:35 I'm thrilled about this Interless System
45:38 that has been developed.
45:39 This is huge because there is a huge problem
45:42 that's taken place with COVID 19.
45:45 And volunteers have been able to go into prisons.
45:48 We can't physically go into prisons,
45:50 therefore we can't physically take
45:52 the gospel into the prisons.
45:54 So, now, this provides a way
45:57 to get the gospel inside the prisons.
46:00 It doesn't require internet or anything like that.
46:04 Dare to Dream and 3ABN will be able to service 150 prisons.
46:10 As of now, we will be able to service that many prisons.
46:15 Amen.
46:17 Just the other day,
46:18 I was having worship with Ricky Carter.
46:20 Ricky. Go ahead. Yeah.
46:21 Quick question so 150 prisons, right?
46:24 Is that what you said? Yes, 150.
46:27 Okay, so let's do a little bit of math.
46:28 And I know how to multiply this.
46:30 But I don't know how many inmates are in these prisons.
46:31 We're not talking 150 people this is going to.
46:33 No, sometimes there's 1000.
46:35 In a prison? Yeah.
46:36 So, Jason, this number is massive,
46:38 150 times I don't know how many inmates
46:40 in the prison, but it's huge.
46:42 I think that there's roughly, and don't quote me on this,
46:44 I think there's roughly 2.3 million people
46:48 incarcerated in America.
46:50 Wow.
46:51 Yeah, in the US. A lot of people.
46:53 That is a lot of people.
46:54 I'm going to ask you question,
46:55 kind of putting you on the spot, 150, why 150?
46:57 Is because...
46:59 Because our viewers got behind this,
47:01 they supported it, they caught the vision,
47:04 and God used them to reach these people
47:07 that are incarcerated.
47:09 So, in other words, we can increase that number?
47:10 We can. From 150 boxes, right?
47:12 Yeah, we got 2.3 million people we need to reach.
47:16 That's right.
47:17 So, I know there is well over 1000
47:20 some odd prisons in the US.
47:22 And then, you know, also you've got to think about
47:24 juvenile justice facilities,
47:27 halfway houses, all of these things.
47:30 You know, I'd love to get it everywhere,
47:33 where we can get this.
47:34 So the other day, Ricky Carter and I were having worship.
47:38 And Ricky is Dare to Dream's video editor.
47:41 And we have what we call Worship Wednesday.
47:45 So on Wednesdays we have worship in the morning
47:47 with our department.
47:49 And I remember he asked me for my prayer request
47:52 and I told him that I wanted him to lift
47:54 the Interless System up in prayer
47:56 in getting it into the prisons.
48:00 He prayed for that and shortly after we said,
48:03 "Amen, " here comes Iris
48:05 who works in our prisons ministry department,
48:07 she brings this letter that came from an inmate.
48:11 I won't give his name but he's in Minnesota.
48:14 And I want to share this with you ever so quickly.
48:17 He says, "I have read through the 3ABN World Magazine
48:20 for January 2021 and was very excited
48:23 when I read page 12 and 13, changed lives
48:28 because of the Dare to Dream's Hard Drive
48:30 for Prisons initiative.
48:31 It is just what we need here in Rush City.
48:35 They recently changed the TV system here to dish
48:39 and set up eight closed circuit TV channels
48:42 but are only using four of them.
48:45 So last month the chaplain here was telling me
48:49 they were going to give him at least one of those channels
48:52 since the chapel has been closed due to COVID 19.
48:56 So see, you have the situation where the chapel was closed.
48:59 So how are they getting the gospel?
49:03 Got to get it in there.
49:04 So channels are open.
49:08 The other thing he went on to say,
49:09 because this letter is pretty long
49:11 so I'm not going to read it all.
49:12 But the other things that he went on to say
49:13 was that he would actually donate
49:16 $1000 of his own money.
49:19 Here's an inmate?
49:21 Yes, an inmate talking about donating $1000
49:25 of his own money.
49:26 Then he proceeded to give the contact names
49:32 of the assistant warden of operation,
49:35 the program director, and the chaplain.
49:38 I mean, this is huge, a huge opportunity.
49:41 So God is working,
49:43 He's worked through the viewers,
49:45 He's working through Brother Mo,
49:47 developing this Interless System.
49:50 He's working through you guys catching the vision
49:52 and our viewers catching the vision,
49:54 and He's working on the inside of these prisons.
49:56 Yes.
49:57 Now we're going to have to reach out
49:58 to the prisons and all of that.
50:00 But people within the prison walls
50:04 are reaching out to the chaplain
50:06 and to the warden and all of that stuff.
50:08 So it's coming from every angle.
50:10 And God is moving in incredible ways.
50:11 Amen. Amen.
50:13 So tell us about the initiative
50:14 because I know it's in the January World Magazine.
50:17 Yes.
50:18 So tell us because in there he says,
50:19 "I was excited about
50:21 the Dare to Dream Hard Drive initiative."
50:22 Yes.
50:23 So someone else tonight is like, "Oh,
50:25 I've never even heard of this.
50:26 Tell me about it.?"
50:27 So basically what is taking place
50:29 is we're seeking to garner funds
50:30 to get these Interless Systems into the prisons.
50:34 And so for roughly about $25,000 we can purchase,
50:40 say about...
50:42 We say approximately 100, I think it's about 83.333333
50:48 and 3s go on.
50:51 So about that number of boxes and so,
50:55 that's what we're trying to do
50:57 is load all of this Christian content,
51:00 spiritual content on to these boxes
51:02 to get them into the prisons.
51:03 And right now we have for 150 prisons now?
51:07 Correct. We have the finances for that.
51:08 But if someone wants to donate, say, tonight and says,
51:11 "I want to support this project,
51:13 Hard Drive for Prisons,
51:15 I want my finances to go to bring
51:17 another one of these boxes into the prison system
51:20 where the inmates can watch in."
51:22 I don't know if it's the rec room
51:23 or the closed circuit television
51:25 or however they watch.
51:26 But they can watch 3ABN programming.
51:28 Do we have a quote for that?
51:29 We do, 420 - D2D Hard Drives for Prisons.
51:34 420 - D2D Hard Drives for Prisons.
51:36 And you can go to 3ABN's website 3abn.tv
51:40 or you can go to D2dnetwork.tv and click "donate"
51:43 and write in the memo line
51:45 420 - D2D Hard Drives for Prisons.
51:50 Yes, yeah.
51:51 Or you can send a check in.
51:52 Or you can send a check in to PO Box 220, West Frankfort,
51:57 Illinois 62896 or you can call 618-627-4651
52:03 and follow the prompts for the call center,
52:06 and yes, and donate that way as well.
52:09 Yes.
52:10 That's why I'm so excited.
52:11 I'm thinking about what God is doing.
52:13 I'm thinking about Cuba.
52:14 I mean, this is just phenomenal.
52:15 When we talk with Mr. Danny he says,
52:17 you know, "This is just 3ABN Russia all over again."
52:20 He's so excited about it too.
52:22 And then I think about this, Dr. Mo,
52:24 you've always been pushing the boundaries in a good way.
52:27 On the cutting edge.
52:28 Cutting edge. That is a good job.
52:30 I'm not a pusher.
52:32 That's great. Cutting edge.
52:33 You know, you're not just, I'm happy with the status quo.
52:35 So thank you for that.
52:37 How this is going to just bless,
52:38 we don't even know all the people it's going to bless.
52:40 You know, you're just out there by faith
52:41 because this is your company, Dr. Mo,
52:43 so you're also faith based.
52:44 You know, you're just out there, "Hey God,
52:46 I feel this, I need to do this."
52:47 You're doing it.
52:49 Then I see the partnership with 3ABN this way too
52:51 with the Hard Drives Initiative with Dare to Dream,
52:53 and what God's doing already with that.
52:56 And I'm just really excited about the results
52:59 we're going to see this year
53:01 because of the Interless System.
53:03 Amen. I think about 3ABN Australia.
53:05 Yes. They're stepping out in faith.
53:07 Tell us a little bit about that
53:08 because they have taken some funds
53:09 people are donating for that to reach what area
53:11 there around Australia?
53:13 They want to cover the Pacific Islands
53:16 where there're no even plans for internet in the future.
53:19 Wow.
53:20 So these islands,
53:22 they are islands, they are isolated.
53:25 And they wanted to go and install this in there,
53:31 a large country, it's like Papua New Guinea.
53:33 Wow.
53:34 John and Rosemary are going to Papua New Guinea.
53:38 And they work with the conference
53:40 there in the way that they can distribute this.
53:43 They purchased in faith 1000 of these boxes.
53:47 Yeah. Praise the Lord. And we've already shipped it.
53:49 They've already received it and they're ready to do.
53:53 Also they're going to covering
53:55 the East Pacific and East of Asia.
54:01 And here at mysdatv, I'll cover the rest of the world.
54:06 Yeah. Praise the Lord. Amen.
54:08 Yeah, incredible.
54:09 We just have a few moments left at the end of the first hour.
54:12 I can't believe we're coming down to the end.
54:14 Let's just go around the circle
54:15 and give each one of you an opportunity
54:17 for a closing thought.
54:18 Whether it's about what we've talked about here tonight
54:20 or just something else maybe
54:22 the Lord has place on your heart.
54:23 Jay, we'll start with you.
54:24 Well, I want to share a scripture, Mathew 28:18-20.
54:28 And it says, "And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying,
54:31 "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.
54:35 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,
54:39 baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
54:42 and of the Holy Spirit,
54:43 teaching them to observe all things
54:46 that I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always,
54:49 even to the end of the age.
54:51 Amen." Amen.
54:53 Go and teach.
54:55 And that's what this Interless boxes will be going
54:59 and they will be teaching by God's grace.
55:01 Blessing is on the go, right? That's right.
55:03 Blessing is on the go. That's right.
55:04 And I'll tag along on that by remembering
55:08 the passage that says that,
55:10 "My word will not come back void."
55:13 Yes. So this is Jesus' word.
55:17 This is God's word.
55:20 Everything, every minute that is in here is appealing
55:24 for souls to accept the plan of salvation.
55:30 and I believe there's going to be expansion this year.
55:34 Amen. Amen.
55:35 Amen.
55:37 Well, I see the...
55:38 great opportunities before us.
55:40 You know, I'm looking forward to seeing expansion
55:43 and more cable companies.
55:44 Thanks to the Lord, we're more than 1200 cable companies
55:47 on 3ABN Latino.
55:48 Amen. And we want to see more.
55:50 And when I bought the package,
55:53 I learned something that there are some folders there
55:58 that have magazines and articles and I said,
56:02 "Well, we can put articles in there,
56:05 and we can put books in there in PDF form."
56:09 I contacted the Ellen G.
56:10 White Estate and they gave us permission to use the books
56:13 they have available in PDF.
56:15 So the first month
56:18 of the package that we are purchasing,
56:20 we have the book Steps to Christ in there.
56:21 Praise God.
56:22 We're going to move to different books
56:24 that contain the message.
56:25 And so, praise God, it's another way
56:27 to reach people through the package.
56:29 Amen. Amen.
56:31 I just want to as Jill has mentioned this first hour
56:33 is going by quickly.
56:35 I want to just put Dr. Mo's address back up one more time.
56:37 Thank you, control room, for doing that.
56:39 Just in case, oh, I didn't have my pen and paper quite ready
56:42 for this new cutting edge technology
56:45 as Jill mentioned, so you can put that up right now.
56:47 So you can see it's on the screen.
56:49 Again if you don't have time to write that down,
56:51 you could always contact 3ABN, and we will be happy
56:53 to share the information, of course, with you.
56:55 But, Dr. Mo, you've got someone to answer
56:57 the phone even tonight?
56:58 Praise the Lord. Yeah.
56:59 Thank you so much for that.
57:01 But the second hour is coming up.
57:02 What do we have in the second hour?
57:04 Second hour is coming up.
57:05 We're going to hear from 3ABN Pastoral Department.
57:06 We're going to have JD Quinn, Ryan Day and Donald Owen
57:08 with us sharing miracle stories.
57:10 Stories that come from viewers
57:12 who call in and the miracles God is doing in their lives.
57:15 We're going to get some updates
57:16 and some devotionals I think too.
57:18 Oh, yeah. That's right.
57:19 I have a scripture I was just thinking of.
57:21 This is Isaiah 25.
57:23 It says, "Oh Lord, you are my God.
57:25 I will exalt you.
57:26 I will praise your name.
57:29 You have done wonderful things."
57:31 And we're so grateful tonight
57:32 for the wonderful things that God is doing
57:34 in and through the ministry of 3ABN, your ministry.
57:38 Thank you, Jay, thank you, Dr. Mo,
57:40 thank you, Pastor Jonny, for being here this hour.
57:42 And we're looking forward to hearing the miracle stories
57:45 and what God is doing through this ministry this second hour.


Revised 2021-02-05