3ABN Today Live

Thanksgiving Special

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL200038B

00:02 Amen.
00:04 Welcome back to 3ABN Special Thanksgiving Program.
00:07 We're so glad that you joined us again
00:08 on this special Thanksgiving Day
00:10 like we mentioned earlier,
00:11 every day we should be thankful for something
00:13 because God's been so good
00:14 and is so good to each one of us.
00:16 Sweetheart, it's a blessing
00:17 the first hour went by in a hurry,
00:19 we switched out,
00:20 played some musical chairs with our 3ABN family,
00:21 had some music, testimony, a little bit of food.
00:24 I tossed that great apple to you, Mr. Danny,
00:26 at the end of the first hour.
00:28 I love apples.
00:29 And hopefully you do too.
00:31 I do, but I saved it till after the program.
00:33 Yes, that's good.
00:34 I don't have to pick in my teeth.
00:35 You're very smart.
00:37 You've been doing TV a few years.
00:38 So you know all those tricks.
00:40 And this is just a kind of a family thing here.
00:41 I'm just gonna pick this up.
00:43 I don't know if you saw us the first hour.
00:44 This is just a big thank you to my dad.
00:46 You know, my dad grew this pumpkin.
00:48 See, it's got a few little defects.
00:49 So I just started here.
00:50 Thanks, dad for the pumpkin, I better write.
00:54 But he grew it in his garden.
00:55 Those seeds are good too.
00:57 Do you ever cook those?
00:58 You can actually kind of roast them a little bit.
00:59 I take the seeds and put them on,
01:01 just a little bit of like olive oil and salt on a sheet.
01:04 Yeah, some salt and put those seeds in there.
01:06 They're good.
01:07 You can eat them for days after Thanksgiving.
01:08 Pumpkin seeds are really good. They're good for you.
01:11 And they're good to eat.
01:12 High in zinc, especially for men.
01:15 Yeah, that's good.
01:16 So what are we expecting this hour, Sweetie?
01:18 We're having more time with the 3ABN family,
01:21 which is what I love the most
01:23 to be able to spend it with you at home
01:24 and to be able to spend it with our 3ABN family here.
01:27 We've traded out a few people.
01:28 We have Ryan Day,
01:30 and his beautiful wife Stephanie.
01:32 And, Ryan, of course,
01:34 works in our 3ABN Pastoral Department.
01:35 You're doing an incredible job
01:36 and you're a singer and student of the Word.
01:40 We always share Sabbath School Panel together.
01:42 So just so glad to have you here.
01:43 Amen. It's a blessing to be here.
01:45 Especially, during this time of year
01:47 with all the fall leaves.
01:49 Look at them. I know, it look great.
01:51 Beautiful. Yeah. He's flying by.
01:52 That's right. He's flying.
01:54 You know, Ryan, I saw a rake over here too,
01:56 Ryan, around this side of the set.
01:57 I think I just start raking some leaves that's fallen.
02:00 That's right.
02:01 These virtual leaves are better than the leaves.
02:03 You've got a couple big trees in your yard.
02:04 I do.
02:06 If you go by my lawn right now, it's covered in leaves,
02:09 and I've already had someone to come
02:11 and do a mold stem
02:12 and they're already back there again.
02:13 So that's okay.
02:15 What we should do is come by this later today
02:16 and I rake them around your house
02:18 and little fire or something.
02:20 All right, sounds good.
02:22 And, of course, Stephanie is the Principal
02:24 of our Thompsonville Christian School.
02:26 And tell us what this year has been like, Stephanie?
02:29 This year is definitely different
02:31 when we have both virtual
02:34 and in person classes at the same time,
02:37 so it's a little bit different, but we're hanging in there.
02:41 Everyone is doing their very best.
02:44 The kids are still doing their very best
02:46 and so we're having a great time.
02:47 Amen.
02:48 At a time like that I'm so thankful
02:50 for the faithfulness of our God.
02:52 You think we can sing that? Yeah, let's do that.
02:58 Great is Thy faithfulness
03:05 O God my Father
03:11 There is no shadow
03:16 Of turning with Thee
03:22 Thou changest not
03:26 Thy compassions
03:30 They fail not
03:34 As Thou hast been
03:38 Thou forever wilt be
03:43 Everybody at home, sing this with us.
03:46 Great is Thy faithfulness!
03:51 Great is Thy faithfulness!
03:56 Morning by morning
04:00 New mercies I see
04:06 All I have needed
04:10 Thy hand hath provided
04:16 Great is Thy faithfulness
04:22 Lord, unto me!
04:30 Good song. Amen.
04:32 God is definitely great, isn't He, Mr. Danny?
04:33 He provides for our needs,
04:35 you know, for some people, it may,
04:37 I mean, some people this time of year
04:39 may not have very much,
04:40 but God is still good to them.
04:42 Oh, yes, absolutely.
04:43 We serve an incredible God.
04:46 And, you know, people say and we should mean
04:48 that God is good all the time.
04:49 I hear people say,
04:51 "Boy, you know, the Lord did this for me.
04:52 He's so good."
04:54 And my thing is, "Well, what if He didn't do
04:56 for you exactly what you wanted.
04:57 Isn't He still good?" Yeah.
04:59 You know, God is great,
05:00 we say that when I was a little kid
05:02 first meal for the prayer for the meal was God is good.
05:06 God is great.
05:07 All right, so that that's something
05:09 I wanna stick with till I die, you know,
05:11 or till the Lord comes back in the cloud of glory.
05:13 God is good.
05:15 God is great all the time.
05:17 God is good. Amen.
05:19 What is something, Ryan,
05:20 you and Stephanie, you're thankful for?
05:23 Maybe a scripture this year
05:24 or something that stood out to you?
05:26 You know one of my favorite scripture.
05:29 I am reminded on a weekly basis,
05:31 I have to remind myself on a weekly basis,
05:34 the beautiful promise found in Philippians 1:6.
05:37 Yeah, that's good.
05:38 "We can be confident of this very thing,
05:41 that He who has begun a good work in us
05:43 will complete it into the day of Jesus Christ."
05:45 And if there's anything that I've been thankful for,
05:48 through this 2020 year, has been, you know,
05:52 mine and my wife's health,
05:54 you know, through the whole COVID experience,
05:55 we haven't been sick.
05:57 We've gotten to stay at home quite a bit,
06:00 which has been a blessing get to grow
06:01 a little closer to each other.
06:02 And normally, all throughout the day,
06:04 you know, she's at the school and I'm at work here at 3ABN,
06:07 but, you know, we've had some moments,
06:09 some weeks where we've had to stay home,
06:10 you know, and we've,
06:12 while being able to work from home,
06:14 we've been able to kind of grow a little closer together.
06:16 And so if anything else, I'm thankful for my wife,
06:19 she's a blessing in my life, and she's kind of my rock.
06:22 There you go.
06:23 And so, yeah, I'm thankful for her
06:25 and I'm thankful for our Savior Jesus
06:28 because without Him, we wouldn't be where we are.
06:30 What about you, Honey? What do you think before?
06:33 I would say also thankful for friends and family.
06:37 Yes.
06:38 You know, having people call in and just check on you and ask,
06:41 "How are you doing? Or are you feeling okay?
06:44 Or how's school going?"
06:45 Or anything like that,
06:47 definitely thankful for friends as well.
06:50 And even, you know, the family that's distant
06:52 that we haven't seen in quite some time,
06:54 but they're still calling and asking about us.
06:57 So that's a blessing as well.
07:02 So I know that we have some more people
07:03 that have actually written in.
07:04 Thank you so much
07:06 for the things that you're thankful
07:07 for how long you've been watching 3ABN.
07:09 Stephanie, you have someone there
07:10 that wrote in their name.
07:13 Yes, Patty Port Miss. Patty Port Miss.
07:18 She says, "I am thankful for a sound mind and salvation.
07:22 I am from Colfax, North Carolina.
07:25 Started watching 3ABN in 1985.
07:31 I feel like I know all of you
07:32 and will continue to pray for your ministry."
07:35 Mr. Danny, that's right
07:36 at the very beginning, isn't it?
07:37 That is, very beginning for sure.
07:39 Yeah.
07:40 Amen. Ryan.
07:42 Yeah, I've got one here sent in.
07:43 I don't, I guess it's Doreen, maybe,
07:46 there's not a particular name here, I guess given,
07:49 but they emailed in and they said,
07:50 "Hello, 3ABN families.
07:52 We give thanks to our wonderful loving God
07:55 for everything from the time we wake up,
07:59 excuse me, the time we wake up and the time we go to bed.
08:03 If we were to count our list,
08:08 our blessings, the list is endless.
08:12 Many time we forget,
08:13 even the simple things
08:15 like being able to wake up another day,
08:17 and the breath of life."
08:19 And so this person is just going on to talk
08:21 about how they are thankful for life in general.
08:23 Being able to wake up,
08:24 and we all should be able to say...
08:26 Be thankful for that,
08:27 to be able to wake up every morning
08:29 and breathe another fresh breath of air.
08:30 And so that is something to be thankful for.
08:33 Amen. Amen.
08:34 Tim, do you have one? Yeah.
08:36 I've got one here from...
08:37 Well, I'll...
08:38 You can play the piano and read that.
08:40 Well, may be. We'll see.
08:42 You know what, let me just pause.
08:43 I'll just pause for this.
08:46 It says,
08:47 "Thank you for broadcasting godly inspired music.
08:50 It fills my heart with joy and hope
08:53 from a grateful heart."
08:55 Adam from Western Cape, Republic of South Africa.
09:00 Amen. Thank you so much.
09:02 Incredible.
09:03 Yvonne, do you have one? Yes, yes.
09:05 "Hello, 3ABN.
09:06 I am Anita and I'm writing from Jamaica.
09:09 I started watching 3ABN maybe over 10 years ago.
09:12 2020 has been a very challenging
09:15 and also eye-opening year.
09:17 What I'm most thankful for my good health
09:20 and the good health of my family.
09:22 My sweet brand new niece born a month ago,
09:25 having a career I totally love and enjoy doing.
09:29 And I'm most thankful for God's grace
09:31 and everlasting mercy."
09:33 And that's from Anita.
09:35 Isn't that amazing? Yes.
09:37 Thinking of God's greatness. Amen.
09:39 3ABN literally going around the world,
09:41 three angels in the air,
09:44 giving the everlasting gospel to the lost and dying world.
09:47 To God be the glory great things
09:48 He has done.
09:50 Can we do that, Tim? Yeah.
09:52 To God be the glory
09:55 Great things He has done
10:00 So loved He the world that He gave us
10:05 His Son
10:07 Who yielded His life
10:10 an atonement for sin
10:15 And opened the life-gate that all may go in
10:22 Sing it together.
10:23 Praise the Lord, praise the Lord
10:27 Let the earth hear His voice
10:30 Praise the Lord, praise the Lord
10:34 Let the people rejoice
10:37 O come to the Father
10:41 Through Jesus the Son
10:44 And give Him the glory
10:48 Great things He has done.
10:51 Wow, what a great old song.
10:53 Our hymns of the church.
10:55 I love that. Thank you.
10:57 Stephanie, is there a scripture you have?
10:59 Yes.
11:00 That mean something special to you.
11:02 Definitely, my favorite is Philippians 4:6-7.
11:06 And it says, "Be anxious for nothing,
11:09 but in everything by prayer and supplication,
11:13 with thanksgiving,
11:15 let your requests be made known to God,
11:18 and the peace of God,
11:20 which surpasses all understanding,
11:22 will guard your hearts
11:24 and your minds through Christ Jesus."
11:27 Amen. Amen.
11:28 My favorite.
11:30 That's a powerful scripture.
11:31 Thank you both so much for being here.
11:33 Thank you for being part of the 3ABN family.
11:35 We love and appreciate both of you.
11:37 We're going to switch out
11:39 and play some more musical chairs,
11:40 but now we're gonna go to another roll
11:42 with our 3ABN family.
11:44 This is the Pastoral department.
11:46 We tried to get
11:47 some of the departments together,
11:48 had to wear masks,
11:50 but still wanted to give
11:51 a special thanksgiving greeting to you at home.
11:54 Know that we appreciate you and that we love you,
11:56 and then I think we're going to hear
11:58 from Pastor Jose Del Valle as well.
12:01 Happy Thanksgiving
12:02 from your 3ABN Pastoral Ministries Team.
12:04 I just wanna introduce each one of us here
12:06 we have Mitch, we have Don,
12:08 we have Jill, we have Ryan, we have Claude,
12:10 and we also have Jenny and Irish and Barbara.
12:15 What do you think about all this?
12:17 Thanksgiving.
12:18 Well, there's a beautiful song Psalm 100:4 says,
12:20 "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
12:22 and into His courts with praise,
12:24 be thankful unto Him, and bless His name."
12:26 So we're very thankful we have 3ABN
12:29 to kind of give us a family, family of God, right?
12:32 We're all family of God, so very thankful for that.
12:34 And tell us about your precious mama?
12:36 I have a 97-year-old mother
12:38 that God has given many years of life
12:40 and I am so grateful for that.
12:43 And we just wanna thank
12:44 each one of you for your viewership,
12:47 for your support, for just your dedication
12:50 and continue to take care of each one of us.
12:53 We love you and we thank you
12:54 and we wish you a happy Thanksgiving!
12:58 I say think about the time you call 3ABN for pray
13:03 and the call back Ladle,
13:06 telling you how he was answering.
13:10 It blesses you to know
13:15 how God uses this ministry.
13:19 We want to thank you
13:21 because you are opening your heart
13:24 to the message of the Holy Spirit
13:27 because where other cannot reach
13:31 radio and television can.
13:33 They wish live in need of good love.
13:38 Many families are bless,
13:41 might the peace of God with you always
13:47 for ours 3ABN Production Team.
13:52 Thank you.
13:53 So we're so grateful for our 3ABN Team.
13:55 Amen.
13:57 You know, 3ABN would not be what it is without you,
13:59 of course,
14:00 and without the Lord Jesus Christ,
14:02 but it would not be what it is without our family here.
14:04 We have such an incredible team at 3ABN, don't we?
14:07 We do, you know, and it's staff
14:08 we really don't call them staff,
14:10 we call them family members and everyone just works hard,
14:12 you know, to make programs such as this possible
14:15 and so it's just neat to see them work together
14:17 and the common goal is to spread the gospel
14:19 around the world.
14:20 Amen. We've traded out some family.
14:22 Now we have Pastor Johnny Dinzey
14:24 or Pastor John Dinzey,
14:26 General Manager for 3ABN Latino and your beautiful wife,
14:30 Idalia or I call you Mrs. Dinzey...
14:32 Oh, you can call me Idalia, Mrs. Dinzey, Tita, yes.
14:36 So glad you both are here.
14:38 We love you both and are so grateful
14:40 for your ministry here.
14:41 Praise the Lord.
14:43 So we just heard from Pastor Jose Del Valle too,
14:45 he's the Latino Production Manager
14:47 and he is doing a great job.
14:49 The crew respects him and of course,
14:51 we appreciate his heart for ministry.
14:53 He's trying hard to learn English,
14:54 so I'm a little ahead of him.
14:57 I guess a little bit not too much.
15:00 I'm still learning English.
15:02 Right?
15:03 I'm still learning Spanish. I'll translate for you.
15:07 Mr. Danny, thank you. Welcome.
15:09 We've got something good here in front of you all
15:11 in front of us on the coffee table here,
15:13 a little table here,
15:14 which we're gonna talk about in just a moment.
15:16 I probably shouldn't be talking about coffee table, right?
15:18 Would that be posting table? Yeah.
15:22 We've got some great drink here.
15:25 We'll talk about just a moment, but Pastor Johnny,
15:26 you've been here now for about 30?
15:29 Thirty-one. Thirty-one years.
15:32 It's a long, long time
15:33 to be part of the Ministry of 3ABN, Mr. Danny.
15:34 Absolutely.
15:36 Do you remember when he showed up?
15:37 I do. Absolutely, I remember.
15:39 Single man. Yes, he was single.
15:41 And I remember when he brought Tita
15:43 to visit for the first time.
15:46 Yes, John Dinzey had hair when he got here.
15:51 But what a fantastic team both of you are,
15:53 and I know Jill and I are appreciative of both of you
15:55 and man, your heart for ministry as well.
15:57 Your sons were born here.
15:59 Now they're grown.
16:00 Caleb is here part of our staff,
16:02 as we're talking about our staff,
16:03 our employees, our families.
16:05 He's running camera here now as we speak,
16:06 but we just appreciate your family so very much.
16:09 But tell us something that you're thankful
16:10 for a scripture that means something
16:12 to each of you?
16:13 I actually have a scripture because for many years,
16:17 this Psalm has impacted me
16:19 because of the way it's written.
16:21 Because four times in the Psalm it says,
16:26 oh, that men would praise the Lord,
16:28 but that word,
16:30 Hebrew word is also oh, give thanks.
16:32 And I will read the first verse and just the eighth verse.
16:35 It says, "O give thanks unto the Lord,
16:37 for He is good,
16:39 for His mercy endureth forever."
16:43 But this word thanks
16:44 is the same word that's used in verse 8.
16:46 "Oh, that men would praise the Lord for His goodness,
16:49 and for His wonderful works to the children of men!"
16:52 And as you read it,
16:53 you will notice that it that verse 8
16:56 is repeated three more times.
16:58 And it's really a need for us
17:04 to express our Thanksgiving to the Lord
17:06 because He does so much for us.
17:08 He does so much for us
17:10 that we really can't keep up with Him
17:13 to give Him thanks, in a sense,
17:16 but we really need to stop and give thanks to the Lord
17:18 every single day
17:19 because He's constantly doing things.
17:21 I mean, when you wake up,
17:24 He's already been busy doing things for you.
17:27 Keep your heart going, keeps your blood flowing.
17:29 I mean, He's just one...
17:31 Never sleeps, never sleeps. Yes.
17:33 Something you're thankful for, then you're thankful for life.
17:36 You're just... I'm thankful for life.
17:38 You know, I was thinking as I was coming up here
17:40 that I'm thankful for my family,
17:43 thankful for my wife, my children,
17:46 but I remember many years ago hearing Gonzalo Santos,
17:50 telling the miracle stories of 3ABN,
17:52 some of them because more followed.
17:54 And I was at church and I walked in
17:58 and he was sharing some of the miracles.
17:59 And I think he was sharing the miracle
18:01 of the three phase power being found on the property
18:04 that it's almost like my mouth dropped open.
18:07 And I said to myself, "What?
18:10 You mean God is doing miracles like these in America?"
18:14 Because I remember being in Sabbath School,
18:17 you know, listening to the stories
18:18 of Papua New Guinea, they done,
18:20 this miracle happened in Africa,
18:22 this miracle happened,
18:24 but when I heard that, I said, in my mind, I said,
18:28 "I would love to work in a place like that,
18:30 where God is doing so many wonderful things."
18:32 I didn't know that a few years later,
18:35 He would put me here.
18:36 Yes.
18:37 And you've been here now 31 years
18:39 and head of 3ABN Latino.
18:40 Incredible blessing.
18:41 I'll tell a little story on Johnny.
18:43 Okay.
18:44 We, after a few years, we got our production team,
18:47 we started working.
18:48 One of my brothers was in charge of production.
18:50 And he said, "I think it'd be good
18:52 if we just maybe give an honor for a worker,
18:55 I have a worker of the month."
18:57 So we said okay,
18:58 so we probably had 20 or people so then at the time, maybe 30.
19:02 And so at the end of the first month,
19:04 he came to me and he said, you know, Johnny Dinzey.
19:06 I wanna give this to Johnny
19:07 and he's just exemplary in everything that he does
19:10 and he's just so conscientious, just so
19:13 we said okay, so the next month
19:14 he came he said,
19:16 I think we're gonna have give this to Johnny Dinzey.
19:18 Again, finally, by the third month, he said,
19:20 "I know we better quit," he said.
19:21 "Then I'm gonna have give this
19:23 to Johnny Dinzey again, " he said.
19:24 That's not gonna look right to everybody else
19:26 'cause, you know, so we quit John
19:28 or kind of no one's got in it.
19:30 Since then no one put it up.
19:33 And he still may it do it.
19:35 I think he would. He still might end up with it.
19:37 So many wonderful people here...
19:38 We're here putting up with Tita,
19:40 you'll get it some kind of reward.
19:43 Amen to that.
19:46 I wanna say this
19:47 because after being here 31 years,
19:50 you've seen it.
19:51 I've seen it
19:52 that we've had people leave 3ABN
19:54 for one reason or another,
19:56 you know, they wanna work somewhere else, family,
19:59 but we've had so many people come back.
20:02 Yeah. And work here again.
20:04 And so I said, "Wow, that says something
20:08 about the place
20:09 that people are willing to come back."
20:13 Well, you can say, well, it's not the pay.
20:17 What is it?
20:18 Well, I would like to think that a lot of them come back
20:22 because they know that here they're making a difference
20:24 to bring the gospel to Jesus,
20:26 the gospel of Jesus Christ to people all over the world.
20:29 It gives us such purpose to know that.
20:31 Yes.
20:32 Mrs. Dinzey, what are you thankful for?
20:34 What's on your heart?
20:35 Oh, when we think about things, thanking the Lord,
20:39 for things in your heart, in your mind,
20:43 just connect to such a way that I'm already tearing up,
20:49 it just moves you greatly because who am I,
20:53 you know, as I was making the recipe for this juice,
20:57 you see how the pulp is separated,
20:59 and the juice is over there.
21:01 So I see the need
21:05 of staying connected with Christ,
21:08 when the juice separates, and make Lord,
21:12 the juice is separating,
21:13 but let me not separate from You.
21:16 So what the kitchen, it's a sermon to choose itself.
21:21 You would think what, you're kidding me,
21:24 but you get
21:25 so many spiritual lessons applied.
21:27 So I'm thankful for my husband, my godly husband,
21:32 I'm thankful that my boys have a godly father
21:36 that they can imitate,
21:37 you know, he has worked with them and taught them.
21:41 And our home is blessed
21:42 because he has taken the role of being a father seriously.
21:46 And he is our priest in our home.
21:49 So we respect Bobby, you know, some people call me.
21:53 They asked me why you call him Dinzey?
21:55 Well, because at work and businesses and stuff,
21:58 I want to respect him.
22:01 He is my husband,
22:03 but then he's got a different role at work.
22:05 You know what I mean?
22:06 So let's not, you know, weaken that.
22:09 So, but I'm thankful for all of you guys.
22:12 I'm thankful for Danny.
22:14 I stood up with him for so many years since 1994.
22:17 I got married into the ministry.
22:20 And I used to hear people
22:23 talking hours off work at church,
22:27 at the table, at the picnics, 3ABN
22:31 hey, did you hear that Sarah like this.
22:33 Did you hear about this?
22:34 I mean, you guys,
22:36 don't you guys take a break from work?
22:38 And now I'm here, sleeping 3ABN, talking 3ABN.
22:42 Everywhere, at the grocery store,
22:45 in the mall, any opportunity.
22:47 So praise the Lord.
22:49 And I wanna thank God for Yvonne
22:52 for the godly woman that she is.
22:54 I've texted her at 6:00 in the morning.
22:56 And I've asked her to pray
22:58 because I know that you pray for your children at that time.
23:01 And I'm thankful for Jill, what a godly woman you are.
23:06 So thank you for being you
23:09 and for letting the Lord work in your life.
23:11 So you can bless our lives too.
23:13 And Mr. Morikone, you are a blessed man.
23:16 And you have blessed us too.
23:17 So thank you for who you represent.
23:21 And it is, you guys are an inspiration.
23:24 And I am very thankful for my co-workers,
23:28 they're a family, I may not see them,
23:30 you know, this COVID has made us stay home
23:35 and we kind of fulfilling at a place
23:37 because we're on the go all the time.
23:39 You know, gone here, gone there.
23:41 So we've learned to adapt, not only to live with COVID,
23:44 you know, situations, but also get back in the,
23:48 you know, rhythm, a different rhythm.
23:51 So, but anyway never too busy to cook.
23:54 So, you know, God's given you
23:56 a tremendous gift of hospitality.
23:58 You know, that's a tremendous gift
23:59 you love people
24:01 and I tell you have many gifts and many talents
24:02 you brought to the Ministry of 3ABN,
24:04 but I want you to tell us about what this,
24:06 we asked you to give us a little recipe and Jill,
24:08 you can talk about it too,
24:09 'cause I think it's gonna be on the website
24:11 as someone wants to make this,
24:12 but tell us what we've got here because anything that you make,
24:15 we all wanna eat.
24:17 Mrs. Dinzey makes it,
24:18 I'm first in line to eat it
24:20 because you're an amazing cook
24:22 and you have an amazing heart for ministry, so.
24:24 Thank you for the encouragement.
24:25 Well, praise the Lord that the Lord has blessed us
24:28 with fruits and veggies.
24:30 And this time, the Lord just simply asked me
24:33 to share this recipe, it's just apple, ginger juice.
24:38 And as she talks about it, I'm gonna get up and get some.
24:40 Tell us about it? Oh, sure.
24:43 No problem.
24:44 This side does not have carrots and this one has carrot.
24:47 Okay.
24:49 Now I used the carrots just because of the color.
24:52 Of course, it's got nutrition.
24:54 We have Dr. Yvonne Lewis Shelton
24:55 here with us
24:57 so I'm not gonna talk much about health
24:59 because she's the expert in that area,
25:01 but it's got ginger, lemon...
25:05 Good for immune system. And...
25:07 Lemon is also good for immune system.
25:08 Definitely. Johnny...
25:10 The ginger definitely breaks up the mucous membranes...
25:15 This is the time to be drinking.
25:17 Yeah, absolutely. Ginger and lemon.
25:19 So...
25:20 There's a lot of health benefits then.
25:22 Definitely. Yes.
25:23 And they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
25:26 Well... So what if I eat three?
25:29 You're gonna be a strong and healthy.
25:32 Oh, this is good.
25:34 It's very good.
25:36 Refreshing and good for you.
25:38 That ginger is amazing. Yeah.
25:42 So this is on the website, right?
25:44 Yes.
25:45 That's how we can get the recipe.
25:46 Yes.
25:48 'Cause at home you can make this juice yourself.
25:49 It doesn't take very long does it to make?
25:50 No, it does not take long.
25:53 You should serve it right away, in that way doesn't separate,
25:56 I don't know if Tim Parton
25:58 still would be able to try it...
25:59 I'd love it. Yeah.
26:01 You want it. Which one?
26:02 The one with carrot or ginger?
26:05 They all have ginger. Oh, I'll take the carrot.
26:09 The carrot one.
26:10 So in our home...
26:12 It is excellent. We make it...
26:15 I have a big pot on the stove that does not leave
26:18 except for washing and rinsing,
26:20 but I made
26:22 fresh ginger root tea every morning
26:24 and we drink that throughout the day,
26:27 in the evening.
26:28 And anyway, our family really enjoys it
26:32 because it's very good.
26:34 And it's very good.
26:36 Which one did you get, Mr. Danny?
26:37 I got the ginger. We got ginger too.
26:39 Yeah, I love it. Oh, yeah.
26:40 This is such an amazing...
26:42 You can come and bring it to us every day at my house.
26:44 I'll take some over for Dr. Yvonne.
26:49 She's gonna take some to Yvonne.
26:51 Thank you, Tita.
26:53 Well, I'm gonna enjoy this for noon.
26:55 Be that way.
26:57 Thank you, Mrs. Dinzey. This is the winner.
26:59 Oh, you're welcome. I'm glad you enjoy that.
27:02 Praise the Lord.
27:03 Thank you for the opportunity to serve as well.
27:05 Thank you.
27:07 It's a blessing to be teamed up with each one here at 3ABN.
27:10 In just a minute or so we have left at this segment,
27:12 Pastor Johnny, tell us about Cuba
27:14 'cause even with COVID going on in 2020,
27:16 God has opened an incredible door.
27:18 Just touch briefly on Cuba
27:19 and what's happening with that update?
27:21 The good news is
27:23 that our programming is in Cuba.
27:24 That's right.
27:26 Six weeks of programming has arrived in Cuba.
27:28 Yes, that's huge. Praise God.
27:30 In spite of COVID it made it...
27:32 In spite of COVID.
27:34 Praise the Lord. Yeah.
27:35 And people step forward, Mr. Danny,
27:36 'cause when we presented that, what a couple months ago,
27:38 that God had opened this incredible door,
27:40 people step forward,
27:42 like you've seen through all the years
27:43 and got behind the project.
27:45 Yeah, they're gonna continue to...
27:48 I know they will because there's a lot,
27:49 there's a big country to cover.
27:51 Oh, yeah.
27:52 Over 11 million, I believe is the population in Cuba.
27:55 So it has the potential of reaching everyone in Cuba,
27:58 and it's the first Christian channel
28:00 on the package.
28:01 That's what's amazing.
28:03 That's what's amazing. Yes.
28:05 And Dinzey just mentioned to me
28:07 that we could have PDF material on there.
28:10 Oh, yes.
28:11 That's an option so we're starting to...
28:14 Bible studies.
28:16 Yes, absolutely.
28:17 Bible study materials and recipes.
28:18 That's right.
28:20 Within the package
28:21 because the packages that we have
28:23 our programs in there
28:24 so that people can get them and view them in their homes,
28:28 but yes, there's a folder that has articles,
28:32 health articles, Bible topics,
28:34 and you can even put PDF books like Idalia said.
28:37 Praise the Lord.
28:38 That's as big a deal as Russia 28 years ago.
28:41 I mean, in Cuba that people can hear the gospel
28:44 and 3ABN throughout the nation.
28:46 That's incredible.
28:48 That's the two-hander. Praise the Lord.
28:50 Thank You Jesus. Amen.
28:52 Thank you so much for your leadership
28:53 with 3ABN Latino
28:55 and for being part of the 3ABN family.
28:57 I'm going to drink while we go to the next roll
29:00 from our 3ABN family.
29:01 Let's go to that now.
29:03 We're so thankful for you our 3ABN family at home
29:06 wherever you're watching or listening from,
29:08 but I'm standing here with Leon Brown.
29:11 Now he's a volunteer here at 3ABN, but, Leon,
29:13 when did we first meet?
29:15 It was during camp meeting, I think in 2009,
29:19 Ten Commandments Weekend.
29:21 And I mentioned then that I wanted to come
29:24 and volunteer here at 3ABN.
29:25 You did.
29:27 With God's timing, it has finally worked out.
29:29 And this year I was able to get here
29:31 and now I'm enjoying my time here as a volunteer.
29:35 You know, Leon, you've been to many camp meetings.
29:37 You're very faithful for those of you
29:38 that have attended camp meeting or have watched.
29:40 You'll see Leon usually sitting on the front row
29:42 at camp meeting,
29:44 but God has finally brought you here
29:45 over 10 years later.
29:46 Yes.
29:48 Your experience been a blessing here?
29:49 It's been a blessing.
29:50 I thank God and praise Him for the ability
29:53 and the timing to do it.
29:54 Amen.
29:56 And we thank you again,
29:57 our family there at home and, Leon,
29:58 we thank you,
30:00 and the other volunteers at 3ABN.
30:01 You're welcome.
30:03 Hi, my name is Donald Owen.
30:04 This is my wife, Janelle Owen.
30:06 And we are just so thankful
30:07 for this time of year Thanksgiving.
30:10 What a blessed time of year that family and friends
30:12 can get together and spend quality time.
30:14 It's been
30:15 a very interesting year this year,
30:17 but we know that God can make a way.
30:18 And what are you thankful for Janelle?
30:20 I'm thankful for you.
30:22 I'm thankful for getting
30:24 through this hard times this year,
30:26 the COVID-19,
30:28 and just everything that's been going on.
30:30 I'm thankful for our family and thankful for our supporters
30:34 and those of the 3ABN family out there.
30:37 Thank you so much for what you do for God
30:40 and for us,
30:41 and just really thankful for the health that we have.
30:44 Amen.
30:46 I got a scripture I like to give a promise.
30:48 It's from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.
30:52 "Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing.
30:54 In every thing give thanks,
30:56 for this is the will of God
30:57 in Christ Jesus concerning you."
30:59 Amen.
31:00 We want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!
31:05 Thank you, Donald and Janelle, and then before that was Leon,
31:07 and I just wanna say thank you to all of our volunteers
31:10 here at 3ABN that helped us, help us out on a daily basis.
31:14 They're a blessing to us.
31:15 They're just as important as our paid employees here too,
31:18 you know, it's just again,
31:19 people that have a heart for ministry.
31:21 And so we're just thankful for the volunteers
31:23 that help out here at 3ABN.
31:24 Amen.
31:26 Speaking of having a heart for ministry,
31:27 we have traded out
31:28 and we have two more of the 3ABN family
31:31 who definitely have a heart for ministry.
31:32 Jay Christian
31:34 is the General Manager of 3ABN Radio
31:36 and your beautiful wife, Sveta is...
31:40 Photographer.
31:42 Photography and layout and design.
31:44 And am I missing
31:45 something you work in publishing?
31:46 Am I missing anything else? No.
31:48 Your website too,
31:49 maybe some stuff of the website.
31:50 Yes, website.
31:52 Yes. Graphics.
31:53 Yeah, graphics too. Absolutely.
31:55 You both do an amazing job.
31:56 And thank very much. Well, praise God.
31:57 Thank you. Yes.
31:59 Jay, you've been here how many years?
32:00 Months longer than you.
32:02 Okay, that's 20 some years, 21 years.
32:05 Twenty-one. Yeah.
32:06 So I came in August of '99.
32:08 And you came here in September of '99.
32:11 And, Sveta, your connection with 3ABN goes way back.
32:14 Yeah.
32:15 I work for 3ABN from 2000.
32:18 Russia. 3ABN Russia.
32:19 Yeah. And now work for 3ABN.
32:23 You were baptized at Elder Carter meeting
32:25 in '92, right?
32:27 Yeah. Our first series over there.
32:29 Yeah. It's incredible.
32:30 So your connection is even before 2000?
32:32 All the way back to that.
32:34 You met Julia, then?
32:36 Yeah.
32:38 I like to tell her that she's older than me
32:41 because she was baptized...
32:42 We were both baptized in '92.
32:45 She was baptized in June.
32:47 And I was baptized in August.
32:49 Oh, that makes sense.
32:51 She's couple months older than me.
32:54 She lets me get away with that.
32:58 So I do clarify that.
33:00 What you meant by that?
33:02 But yeah, what a powerful team both of you are
33:04 and thank you so much
33:05 for your dedication to the Lord.
33:07 And again, we're talking Thanksgiving,
33:09 there's something, Jay,
33:10 that's on your heart that you're thankful for
33:12 maybe a scripture that comes to mind.
33:14 You know, that was the toughest thing
33:17 to sit down and figure out,
33:19 you know, all the, I mean,
33:21 I could talk for a long time to be thankful.
33:25 Before I was baptized in '92, I was in New Age for 20 years.
33:30 And I'm so thankful that God is patient.
33:34 Yeah. Yeah.
33:35 And I'm so glad
33:36 that God is long-suffering and waits
33:38 'cause he suffered through...
33:40 I was gonna say 20 years, but longer than that
33:43 because before I got to New Age,
33:44 I was kind of a handful too,
33:46 but He waited and waited and waited and was patient.
33:52 And at the right time,
33:53 the exact right time I learned about God,
33:58 about Jesus, about the truth of the Bible,
34:00 about the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
34:02 And it took nothing to decide which way I was going to go
34:08 'cause this made the most sense.
34:09 I could tell exactly
34:11 that the Bible was absolutely right,
34:14 but that's one of the things I'm most thankful for
34:16 is God's patience, His long-suffering.
34:19 And He waited for me most of my life.
34:24 And I know He does that with all of us,
34:27 you know, I'm not just the lone example.
34:29 I think everybody can look at this
34:32 and say the Lord waited on me.
34:34 So I'm very thankful for His patience.
34:38 As far as the...
34:39 And I am thankful for my wife.
34:41 I'm thankful for Russia.
34:44 That's where my wife is from.
34:46 And so, you know, I'm thankful for that country.
34:50 You were going over to help with radio
34:51 not to get a wife, right?
34:55 I think your first intentions.
34:57 Well, yeah, that's one of the reasons
34:58 that I went there.
35:00 Sveta came over with Julia to visit in 2008.
35:05 And we met and Julia invited my daughter Carrie,
35:10 who used to work here.
35:12 She invited us to come to Russia to visit.
35:14 And we thought that was an exciting idea.
35:17 So we decided to do it.
35:18 We got there, and I'm there in the middle of Russia.
35:20 And say, "I can't believe I'm in Russia,
35:23 you know, for so long."
35:24 Russia and America were at loggerheads.
35:28 And now there I was in Russia.
35:30 And it was really neat.
35:31 And one of the reasons I wanted to go over there
35:33 is because they were starting radio,
35:35 and they needed some help and some advice
35:39 in helping to set things up.
35:41 And I was very happy to do that.
35:43 And a great team over there.
35:46 As with everybody, such a heart for the Lord,
35:49 every last one of them.
35:51 And so that's one of the reasons
35:52 I was there.
35:54 And praise the Lord for the leadership of Julia.
35:56 Hey, Julia, and thank you so much
35:59 for what you've done for the cause of God.
36:01 She also was baptized in '92 and became a translator,
36:06 and then we hired her for that,
36:07 and then she traveled with John Canter,
36:09 round behind him climbing up and down ladders
36:12 in the cold winter
36:13 and just translating and eventually ended up
36:18 just in the right timing
36:19 when the Lord knew we needed it
36:21 as the general manager, you know, 3ABN Russia.
36:24 And so thank you for what you and all the Russian angels do
36:28 for the cause of God.
36:29 Amen to that. Yes.
36:31 Love you very much. It's very good.
36:33 It's like everybody's still in my heart.
36:37 Yeah. Yes.
36:39 They have an amazing team over there,
36:41 so grateful for Julia's leadership.
36:43 Oh, absolutely.
36:44 She does just an incredible job and the creativity of the team
36:48 and how there's this cohesive unit together
36:51 working together so grateful for what they do.
36:54 We definitely love you to Julia and all of our Russian angels.
36:58 Yes. Sveta, what's on your heart?
37:00 What are you thankful for?
37:02 I thank God for Jay's coming in when,
37:07 here somebody love God because of 3ABN Radio.
37:13 And I thank God
37:15 because
37:20 when we watch 3ABN any story,
37:24 any testimony,
37:26 it's like doesn't matter you're black or white,
37:32 yellow, red.
37:34 Doesn't matter, you adult,
37:36 you child, you poor or you...
37:42 rich.
37:44 God, John 3:16.
37:49 Yes.
37:51 It's because anybody
37:52 and if anybody is very important for God
37:57 and He do the best job for us and for salvation for everybody
38:01 and waiting for us and love us and support us.
38:05 Amen. And I'm very thankful for this.
38:09 Amen.
38:10 Good. Yeah.
38:12 Do you have a scripture you wanna give in Russian
38:14 to the Russian family?
38:15 Yeah. John 3:16 it's like...
38:18 Say it in Russia. Okay.
38:19 Yes, please.
38:30 Amen.
38:31 If I translated that up for you, Yvonne,
38:33 would you believe I knew Russian?
38:35 John 3:16.
38:37 Well, It looks I would think that you know John 3:16.
38:42 That's the truth.
38:44 I know very little Russian. Yeah.
38:46 What a powerful scripture though, Mr. Danny,
38:47 I think you mentioned
38:49 that's one at the top of your list.
38:50 Yeah. It is, John 3:16.
38:52 What does that say? That's my favorite scripture.
38:54 "For God so loved the world,
38:56 that he gave his only-begotten Son,
38:57 that whosoever believeth in him,
38:59 should not perish, but have everlasting life."
39:04 What a contrast. Yeah.
39:05 And then Satan through Satan is gonna be put an end,
39:09 perish through God, through the Lord Jesus Christ,
39:12 salvation forever.
39:14 Scriptures that I lean on, are like Philippians 4:13,
39:18 "I can do all things through Christ strength."
39:20 You know, Philippians 4:19,
39:21 "For my God shall supply all of your need.
39:23 Those are things we lean on,
39:25 but there's one scripture in the Bible
39:27 that I go to often is John 3:16.
39:32 That's what it's all about.
39:33 That's the story.
39:34 Yeah. Amen.
39:36 Yeah, sure. Yeah.
39:37 My scripture was gonna be Philippians 4:13 as well.
39:39 Okay.
39:41 It's one of the great things about Chapter 4 in Philippians.
39:44 It's very positive. Yes.
39:47 I always encourage people
39:49 to start reading from first one.
39:52 And read up even beyond 4:13,
39:55 but from 1 to 13 is just incredible.
39:59 Absolutely incredible, encouraging,
40:01 very positive thinking, and it's just incredible.
40:05 So I'm with you on that. Yeah.
40:08 Okay. Amen.
40:09 Do you have an email before we switch out people?
40:11 Jay, do you have an email
40:12 from someone who wrote in who is?
40:13 Yes, I do. Has some thanks to share.
40:15 Melody wrote in and says, "I'm from Anna, Texas
40:20 and watch 3ABN on YouTube.
40:22 I think I've been watching maybe a couple of years.
40:25 I've been getting the magazine for a few years
40:27 and I had the privilege of attending camp meeting
40:29 a couple of times."
40:31 So Praise God for that.
40:32 She's thankful for many and she many thanks
40:34 she says here are a few.
40:36 "Jesus has to be at the top.
40:39 God's Word full of promises, health, salvation,
40:42 being a Seventh-day Adventist,
40:43 our church and family and friends,
40:46 our ladies Sabbath School class,
40:47 her job, the great boss, freedom to worship.
40:51 Many wonderful Adventist Ministries,
40:53 3ABN, Adventist World Radio, ADRA, Wild Horse Media,
40:59 and Jesus is soon coming."
41:02 Amen. Amen.
41:04 Thank you so much. Thank you, Jay and Sveta.
41:06 We love you both and grateful for,
41:08 you're part of the 3ABN family here.
41:11 We're gonna see some more of our employees,
41:13 our 3ABN family.
41:14 We also wanna thank our 3ABN Australia family.
41:17 We're so grateful for John and Rosemary
41:19 and their leadership.
41:20 So let's start down under.
41:22 John, tell me what you're thankful for?
41:24 I'm thankful for a lot of things, in fact,
41:26 but I'm thankful for 3ABN
41:28 and it's given us the opportunity
41:30 here in Australia to share the gospel
41:31 with the whole world.
41:33 And I'm thankful for family.
41:35 I'm thankful for life.
41:36 I'm thankful for God. I'm thankful for 3ABN.
41:39 I'm thankful for a lot of things too.
41:41 There's a lot to be thankful for.
41:43 And we just wanna say to 3ABN
41:45 and the viewers and listeners around the world
41:47 from 3ABN Australia.
41:48 Happy Thanksgiving!
41:51 Hi, I'm Dee Hilderbrand,
41:53 Production Coordinator here at 3ABN.
41:55 I know that this year is so unusual for us.
41:57 No one thought last Thanksgiving
41:59 that we would be doing all this unusual stuff.
42:02 It's been an unusual and difficult year
42:04 for all of us,
42:06 but, you know, I've been thinking about
42:07 all the things that I'm thankful for
42:10 and that I thank the Lord for
42:12 and I'm so grateful for so many things,
42:14 the list gets longer and longer of how He takes care of us.
42:18 And we don't have to worry about what is going on.
42:21 We don't have to fear.
42:22 I really wanna share a verse with you.
42:25 Proverbs 3:5-6.
42:28 It says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
42:31 and lean not on your own understanding,
42:34 in all your ways acknowledge Him,
42:36 and He shall direct your paths."
42:38 That means He'll make our paths straight.
42:40 And we don't have to walk around
42:42 wondering what's going to happen.
42:43 So I wanna wish all of you a very happy Thanksgiving
42:47 and continue to trust in the Lord.
42:51 Hi, my name is Jorge Jaque.
42:52 I am the Production Manager for 3ABN.
42:56 And I'm Lynette Jaque.
42:57 I am an Administrative Assistant
42:59 here at 3ABN.
43:00 And we'd like to thank all of our viewers
43:02 and our donors for the wonderful year
43:04 you've given us with your support
43:05 we have been able to go forward
43:07 and proclaiming the gospel for Jesus Christ.
43:10 And then this has been a very difficult year,
43:12 but we have our heart full of joy
43:17 and spirit of Thanksgiving
43:19 because God has been so good to us,
43:21 we've been able to produce programs that you are...
43:25 I'm sure enjoying.
43:26 And we want to keep doing that next year,
43:30 but in the meantime we wanna wish you
43:32 happy Thanksgiving.
43:36 Thank you, Jorge and Lynette.
43:37 And I just have to say thank you to Jorge.
43:39 He's 3ABN's Production Manager,
43:41 and he does a fantastic job and,
43:43 boy, I tell you, sets like this
43:44 and the crew that is all behind the scenes.
43:46 That's thanks to Jorge and, of course,
43:48 appreciate his wife and Dee before that.
43:50 But again, what a great family we have here at 3ABN
43:53 and I have to say
43:54 these two hours have gone by in a hurry.
43:56 We just again, say thank you for being part of our family.
44:00 It's been just a great time to sit down here
44:01 in our living room
44:03 and the pavilion as we call it out
44:04 here in the woods and seeing the geese fly by,
44:07 I think I heard them fly by a few times.
44:09 I think they may be flying quite a few times.
44:10 They may be flying in circles. I'm not sure.
44:11 I'm sure.
44:15 Maybe it's just another flaw.
44:16 It's a grandbabies. Okay.
44:17 And great, great grandbabies coming after.
44:19 But we hope that you're having a great Thanksgiving,
44:21 you know, again, we're just praising God
44:23 for what He has done and He's continuing to do.
44:26 We've added some more family members
44:27 here on the set.
44:28 We have Shelley and JD Quinn.
44:31 Amen. Lovely to be here.
44:33 This is fun.
44:34 So blessed to have you both here.
44:35 Amen.
44:37 JD, of course, is our Pastoral Department Manager.
44:38 Yes. And I just call him dad.
44:40 Amen.
44:42 Love both you dearly.
44:43 And Shelley,
44:45 3ABN Program Development Manager
44:47 and Producer and my sis.
44:50 Love you all.
44:51 Just love you all so much and it's so good to be here.
44:55 Good to have you here. Beautiful.
44:57 Nothing better than a pavilion outside.
44:59 Yes. Right. Amen.
45:01 Kind of almost smell the fresh air.
45:02 I'm waiting those honking geese to come by.
45:05 They just went, you missed them.
45:06 They're behind you. Got to be fast, huh?
45:10 But I know, you guys, have had a challenging year.
45:12 Shelley, and it's a blessing.
45:14 You know, I don't know what's on your heart
45:15 for what you're thankful for scripture,
45:18 but I know that it's a blessing to have you here
45:19 and sitting on the set,
45:21 you know, from the major back surgery
45:22 that you had,
45:24 and that God's been good, I know.
45:25 Yep.
45:27 And I don't know which was more difficult,
45:28 the spinal surgery or the shoulder replacement
45:31 that was caused because of the spinal surgery,
45:34 but I wanna say one thing, so I don't forget.
45:38 When I was home one day,
45:40 and couldn't use my right arm at all,
45:43 for so many months, and after the surgery,
45:46 and you just barely can move your arm.
45:50 One day, I said,
45:51 "Oh, Lord, I just wanna be able to throw up
45:54 my hands and worship You."
45:59 Did you know only 20% of the people
46:02 that have this surgery
46:03 can get their arm all the way up?
46:05 Praise the Lord. Praise God.
46:07 And so that's one thing I'm so thankful for.
46:10 I mean, my doctor's so impressed,
46:12 and it was just like an answer to prayer,
46:17 you know, it's really...
46:19 So when you prayed
46:20 and you put your arm up that you...
46:21 I was shocked.
46:23 I mean, I didn't even realize I said,
46:24 "I just wanna be able to praise You."
46:28 And then all of a sudden I said,
46:29 I called JD, he was at the office,
46:31 and I said guess what?
46:34 Because I hadn't been able to move it,
46:36 but maybe like this.
46:38 It's exciting. Amen.
46:40 It has really been an interesting journey.
46:43 I mean, sometimes we forget that we started with step one,
46:48 9 months ago or nearly a year ago,
46:52 and then I mean, but boy,
46:53 it's just easy to remind to Shelley,
46:55 you've come 1000 miles since then.
46:56 Oh, yeah. Yeah.
46:57 And just sit there and actually watch it,
47:00 but, you know, this is kind of the way life is,
47:01 it just kind of just goes one step at a time,
47:04 but we can blink, and then we can miss things.
47:06 Yeah.
47:07 It's really easy to get things out of priority, you know,
47:10 so, but we are so thankful for the Lord God.
47:13 And we're so thankful.
47:15 I couldn't have done this without him, of course.
47:17 And I think it's brought us closer even than we were.
47:22 He wasn't too sure about going into this
47:24 if he was gonna be able to do it,
47:26 but he's done incredible job.
47:28 Well, you know, I've been very partial,
47:30 my whole life just being a spoiled brat.
47:34 You know, just really thank You,
47:36 Jesus for that, for those, all those gifts.
47:39 All of a sudden,
47:40 now you're in charge of taking care of somebody.
47:44 And it is an interesting dynamic,
47:48 one step at a...
47:49 But thank you, Jesus,
47:51 that He put in my heart to purposely do this,
47:55 to be determined to do this.
47:58 And it does seem like this, like yesterday, but I mean,
48:02 it's just wonderful to watch someone that you love,
48:04 just, you know, continue to go forward.
48:07 That's right.
48:08 And we thank 3ABN so much, you talk about being thankful.
48:10 Amen.
48:12 You know, to be part of this vineyard,
48:14 to be able to have a purpose every day
48:15 to come to work
48:17 that's going out around the world.
48:19 Amen. Scripture come to mind.
48:22 Shelley...
48:23 I've got one of my favorite scriptures.
48:25 And please forgive me for reading this.
48:27 You know, whenever it's a favorite,
48:29 you'd assume that you can talk all day long about it.
48:32 And I can.
48:33 And I think you'll appreciate it too.
48:34 Philippians 4:13. Oh, yeah.
48:37 Now we have different translations,
48:39 but I love it in the Amplified because I'm a visual person.
48:44 And I can see how the Lord is actually stepping forward
48:47 and assisting me.
48:48 "I have strength for all things in Christ who empowers me."
48:52 Yes.
48:54 Get out of the way Quinn, I'm gonna empower you.
48:57 So consequently, my part, "I am ready for anything,
49:00 equal to anything through Him who Jesus infuses
49:05 that inner strength into me."
49:07 So to me, it just makes all the sense in the world
49:09 that that'd be my favorite
49:11 because I can sure mess things up.
49:14 I think everybody I know can mess things up, you know,
49:17 so just get out of the way, let me do what I know,
49:21 I've got a plan for you so...
49:22 All right. Yeah.
49:23 And I'm gonna read mine actually
49:25 because it's several scriptures together.
49:28 This is something every, almost every time I pray,
49:33 I thank God for this.
49:35 And this is Philippians 2 beginning with verse 5,
49:39 it says, "Let this mind be in you
49:41 which was also in Christ Jesus, "
49:43 in other words, humble yourselves,
49:46 "who being in a form of God, did not consider it robbery
49:49 to be equal with God
49:50 but made Himself of no reputation,
49:53 taking the form of a bondservant,
49:55 and coming in the likeness of men.
49:57 And being found in appearance as a man,
49:59 He humbled Himself
50:01 and became obedient to the point of death,
50:04 even the death on the cross."
50:05 Powerful.
50:07 And, you know, when I'm thanking God
50:09 and I do daily,
50:11 almost every time I pray I do this,
50:13 but the idea that our God became a man,
50:20 what a sacrifice, and then that He died for us.
50:26 That's the most...
50:27 I've got many favorites,
50:28 but this is probably the foundation of everything
50:31 is to think that God became a man to save us.
50:36 And He took that flesh back to heaven with Him,
50:39 so it's an amazing thought.
50:42 That's one of Mollie Sue's favorite scriptures too,
50:45 you know, we lost, we mentioned that earlier,
50:47 Mollie Sue Steenson recently, and what an incredible loss,
50:53 but everything that we've been talking about
50:55 in the Scriptures,
50:56 when we're getting today, it says,
50:58 "Hey, it's just a short time,
51:00 we're gonna have this great big reunion."
51:01 Amen.
51:02 Hopefully, you'll all be there, and we'll be there too.
51:05 And for those that we've lost our loved ones,
51:08 we'll be able to unite together,
51:09 you know, literally for eternity.
51:12 You know, that's one other thing
51:13 that I want to say I'm so thankful for
51:16 is that I got to work.
51:21 I met Mollie in 2002.
51:22 And I got to work side by side with my friend
51:27 every day for over 15 years.
51:30 I mean, you know, we hadn't moved up,
51:31 but it was so amazing that we had...
51:38 We were sisters. Yeah.
51:40 I mean, in every sense of the word.
51:42 And I'm so thankful for that time that...
51:45 Oh, absolutely.
51:47 Incredible, incredible woman of God.
51:49 She was. She was.
51:50 We're gonna be praying for Brother Hal too
51:52 and his family DeeDee and Jeremy,
51:55 you know, all family too.
51:57 As I think of the end of the year, to me,
51:59 Thanksgiving is almost at the end of the year.
52:01 And you look back, I don't know,
52:03 you might be saying I lost the loved one like
52:05 we lost our precious Mollie Sue.
52:07 Or you might be going through a financial hardship
52:10 or some difficulty with your family,
52:12 but in the midst of all that, God is still good.
52:16 Oh, yeah. God is good.
52:17 So grateful that God is good.
52:20 Tim, that is one of Greg and my favorite songs.
52:22 Ours too.
52:24 Would you mind doing that for us?
52:30 Lately I've been looking back, along this winding road
52:37 To the old familiar markers
52:40 Of all the mercies I have known
52:45 I know it may sound simple
52:49 But it's more than a cliche
52:52 For there's no better way to sing to
52:57 Than just to say
53:01 God's been good
53:05 In my life
53:08 And I feel blessed beyond my wildest dreams
53:13 When I go to sleep each night
53:16 And though I've had my share of hard times
53:20 I wouldn't change them if I could
53:25 For through it all
53:28 God's been good
53:36 The times replay and I can see
53:40 That I've cried some bitter tears
53:44 But I felt His arms around me
53:46 As I faced my greatest fears
53:50 You see I've had more gains than losses
53:54 And I've known more joy than hurt
53:57 As His grace rolled down upon me
54:02 So undeserved
54:06 For God's been good
54:10 In my life
54:13 And I feel so blessed beyond my wildest dreams
54:18 When I go to sleep each night
54:22 And though I've had my share of hard times
54:28 I'd even change some if I could
54:32 But through it all
54:38 my God's been good.
54:46 Amen. Thank you.
54:48 Beautiful.
54:49 You know, Greg, and for our folks at home,
54:52 we talked about a little bit earlier.
54:53 God's been good.
54:55 It's not well,
54:56 did He give me this today
54:57 or did I get that prayer request.
54:59 From the foundation of the world,
55:00 He knew each and every one of us,
55:02 every one of you.
55:03 And it...
55:05 Don't wanna take that out of text,
55:07 but predestined just means that when God gave His Son,
55:09 He created us,
55:11 made a plan for every one of us
55:12 His will none should perish,
55:14 but all should have everlasting life.
55:16 So God is good because in our,
55:20 I wanna say in our dirt,
55:21 when we're groveling around in our dirt.
55:23 God saw something good in everyone of us.
55:25 So while we're talking about things,
55:27 and maybe you've lost friends and loved ones,
55:29 has nothing to do with anything,
55:31 but God is still good.
55:32 God is great as we said earlier
55:34 because of the plan of salvation,
55:36 you and me have a chance for eternal life.
55:38 We're only here a short time.
55:40 The decisions we make will last for eternity.
55:43 Today, it's our hope and prayer,
55:45 that you accept Jesus Christ
55:47 as Lord and Savior of your life.
55:49 You won't regret it. I promise you that.
55:51 Wow, yeah, thank you. Praise the Lord.
55:53 This hour has gone by,
55:54 two hours have gone by in a hurry.
55:56 Dr. Yvonne, would you mind to have
55:58 a short prayer in this video,
55:59 whatever's on your heart, close this out?
56:01 Sure. Thank you.
56:03 Oh, Father, God, we just praise Your name
56:05 and thank You so much.
56:07 Our hearts are full of Thanksgiving
56:09 and praise for You
56:11 because You are so worthy of praise.
56:14 And so right now we stop,
56:15 we pause, and we just worship You.
56:18 And we say, Lord, that we love You,
56:20 and we adore You,
56:21 and we thank You, we bless Your name.
56:24 Please be with each of us and all of our viewers, Lord,
56:27 some who don't have anyone, please be with them.
56:29 Thank You, Lord,
56:31 for all that You do in Jesus' name.
56:33 Amen. Amen.
56:34 Thank you, Dr. Yvonne. Thank you, Dr. Yvonne.
56:37 Love you. Love you.
56:38 And Danny. Thank you, Tim.
56:39 Thank you, Shelley and JD.
56:41 We have such an incredible 3ABN family
56:43 and you are part of that.
56:45 I'm reminded of Philippians 1:3,
56:48 "I thank my God
56:49 upon every remembrance of you,
56:52 always in every prayer of mine making request
56:56 for you with joy,
56:57 for your fellowship in the gospel
56:59 from the first day until now,
57:01 being confident of this very thing,
57:04 that He which begun a good work in you
57:08 will carry it forward to completion."
57:10 I'm so grateful that you have chosen
57:12 to join hands with us here at 3ABN
57:15 to help spread this gospel message
57:17 to a lost and dying world.
57:19 Thank you for being part of the 3ABN family.
57:22 And thank you, Sweetheart.
57:23 What a privilege to minister together.
57:25 Oh, same here.
57:26 What a privilege to serve together.
57:27 Amen.
57:29 Happy Thanksgiving to each one of you.
57:30 Yes. Happy Thanksgiving.
57:31 Happy Thanksgiving.
57:33 I want to spend my life
57:37 Mending broken people...


Revised 2021-11-18