3ABN Today Live

S.A.L.T Outreach

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL200036A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:03 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for today's special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:01 Mending broken people.
01:15 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today Live.
01:19 I'm so glad that you decided
01:20 to spend time with us this evening
01:22 as you do each and every week.
01:24 I'm Jason Bradley and my co-host this evening
01:27 is Pastor John Lomacang.
01:30 Good to be on the ship with you.
01:31 Oh, it's great to have you.
01:33 Yes, yes.
01:34 Pastor of the Thompsonville Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
01:37 And then we have Eric Camarillo,
01:39 President of SALT Outreach Incorporated.
01:42 Eric, you're no stranger to 3ABN.
01:44 Not a stranger. No.
01:46 Thank you, guys, for having me again.
01:47 It's great to have you here.
01:48 And I'm glad
01:50 that you could be here in person.
01:51 This has been a very interesting year,
01:53 to say the least.
01:54 Yes, no, I'm glad I could be here, too.
01:56 Yes.
01:57 So I don't want to spend a whole lot of time
01:59 previewing what we're going to be discussing
02:02 and what we're going to be talking about,
02:04 because we have some music to go to.
02:06 Oh, we do, we have.
02:07 And, you know, this is going to be
02:09 interesting program SALT.
02:10 We'll find out what that means in a moment.
02:12 But we know that the Bible says the SALT loses
02:17 its usefulness when it loses its savor.
02:20 And we have been watching Eric's ministry growing.
02:24 We'll talk about the ministry and what it all entails.
02:26 But going strong, it hasn't lost its savor.
02:29 And it's still flavoring the lives
02:31 of many, many individuals.
02:33 And there are many more people that are going to be flavored
02:35 by this ministry.
02:36 And tonight, Jason, I'm excited,
02:38 it's going to give us a chance to introduce it
02:40 to maybe some new audience members,
02:42 some new family members of 3ABN
02:44 or maybe somebody that has never tuned in before.
02:46 So do stay tuned.
02:48 But as you mentioned, we do have music.
02:49 Absolutely.
02:50 And I think we also going to let
02:52 our audience know we're going to be taking
02:53 questions and comments in the second hour.
02:57 Because you cannot have a program
02:59 as detailed as yours without questions.
03:02 So if you want to send in questions,
03:03 one of the first things
03:04 we like to encourage people to do is text.
03:09 That's been the immediate right hand
03:10 or left hand of everybody.
03:12 And to send those questions by text is (618) 627...
03:18 Oh, that's the calling number.
03:19 You want to text (618) 228-3975.
03:23 There you go.
03:25 (618) 228-3975
03:27 or they can call (618) 627-4651.
03:31 Follow the prompts to the call center.
03:34 They're waiting to talk to you,
03:35 waiting to take your questions and all of that
03:37 or you can send an email to Live@3abn.tv.
03:43 That's right. That's right.
03:44 So who's going to bless us in song?
03:45 Well, we have a young man
03:47 that is no stranger to this ministry.
03:48 His name is Layke Jones.
03:51 And I think the song is very appropriate,
03:52 "How deep the Father's love for us."
03:55 After that, we'll be right back.
04:11 How deep the Father's love for us
04:17 How vast beyond all measure
04:23 That He should give His only Son
04:29 To make a wretch His treasure
04:35 How great the pain of searing loss
04:41 The Father turns His face away
04:47 As wounds which mar the Chosen One
04:53 Bring many sons to glory
05:06 Behold the man upon a cross
05:12 My sin upon His shoulders
05:17 Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice
05:23 Call out among the scoffers
05:29 It was my sin that held Him there
05:34 Until it was accomplished
05:40 His dying breath has brought me life
05:46 I know that it is finished
06:01 I will not boast in anything
06:07 No gifts, no power, no wisdom
06:12 But I will boast in Jesus Christ
06:18 His death and resurrection
06:23 Why should I gain from His reward?
06:29 I cannot give an answer
06:36 But this I know
06:39 With all my heart
06:43 His wounds have paid my ransom
06:50 Why should I gain from His reward?
06:57 I cannot give an answer
07:03 But this I know
07:06 With all my heart
07:13 His wounds have paid
07:17 My ransom
07:35 Thank you so much, Layke and Tim Parton,
07:38 for accompanying him.
07:39 What a combination.
07:41 That's a song that really catapults
07:42 the program into the direction of what SALT is all about.
07:46 The Father's love is so deep that He sent us
07:48 to be the salt of the earth.
07:50 Amen.
07:51 And we're so glad that Eric is here tonight.
07:54 Eric Camarillo, trying to be all flavorful.
07:57 That's right.
07:59 Yes, a lot of flavor coming from you.
08:00 I feel it.
08:02 Good. Yeah, that's good.
08:03 Yeah, that's right.
08:04 And this ministry, we want to first talk about
08:08 because we have viewers and listeners.
08:10 I have to remember my wife works for radio,
08:12 she always says don't just say thank you for watching,
08:14 we say thank you for listening.
08:16 But, Eric, start out by telling us
08:17 what does SALT mean?
08:20 And then where did you get the inspiration
08:22 to just get something going that is,
08:24 we'll talk about when it started.
08:25 But just what is SALT?
08:27 And where did the inspiration to get it started come from?
08:28 Yeah, so SALT is an acronym for Service and Love Together.
08:34 I had become an Adventist in 2010.
08:36 I was baptized
08:38 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
08:40 And about a year later,
08:42 you know, as I'm looking around in the area,
08:44 I'm seeing that,
08:45 that churches aren't really working
08:47 closely together.
08:49 I noticed that young adults
08:51 were not very, were leaving the church.
08:54 And there wasn't really like a strong community
08:57 of young adults in the area at that time.
08:59 And so, I believed at that time
09:03 that part of that reason, major reason
09:05 was because they might have felt
09:06 like the church was not doing consistent,
09:08 impactful,
09:10 you know, outreach that
09:12 that produces measurable incomes,
09:14 you know, and outcomes.
09:16 And so we came up with the idea,
09:20 you know, me and two friends, we prayed all night,
09:22 and we came up with the name SALT,
09:24 Matthew 5:13.
09:25 It exemplified perfectly what we are trying to do,
09:28 as well as the acronym Service and Love Together,
09:30 you know.
09:32 A lot of the time, you know, there are churches
09:34 that do once a year outreach, once a quarter,
09:37 but we need to be consistent
09:38 because we need to create relationships
09:40 because that is what leads people to Christ,
09:42 you know, so that's kind of what I guess helped inspire
09:45 in the beginning.
09:47 Amen.
09:48 You know, what I love about SALT
09:49 is you're not just out there saying,
09:51 "Hey, you know, I'll pray for you,
09:53 go stay warm, or I'll pray for you,
09:56 hopefully you get a meal, or I'll pray for you alone."
09:59 Your actions are behind those prayers.
10:02 So you're praying for them,
10:03 and you're acting on it
10:05 with the practical Christianity of,
10:06 "Hey, I'm going to pray for you that you can stay warm.
10:09 Here's a coat.
10:10 'I'm going to pray for you
10:11 that you have something in your stomach.
10:13 Here's some food."
10:15 You know, so all of those things.
10:16 I love the Ministry of SALT.
10:19 And something you mentioned that I want our audience
10:21 to not miss.
10:22 He said about a year after you got baptized.
10:26 So you didn't sit and allow spider webs to grow on you.
10:30 It's like the Lord had this vision.
10:33 Jeremiah 29:11.
10:34 He knew the plans He had for you
10:36 and He brought you into a community
10:37 that needed that spark to get that going.
10:40 So just becoming an Adventist Christian,
10:43 looking at a situation and saying,
10:44 "Okay, Lord, here I am send me."
10:47 And what year was that, you said 2011?
10:49 That was in 2010 when I was baptized.
10:51 I was baptized in May of 2010.
10:53 And SALT,
10:55 the idea for SALT didn't really start
10:57 until August of 2011.
11:00 And then in September 2011, when we had our first event,
11:02 kind of pitching the idea
11:04 to the young adults in the community,
11:05 and just going from there, you know.
11:08 You know, the whole when you mentioned
11:09 that I didn't sit
11:11 and let cobwebs kind of form on me.
11:13 I actually and I felt like I did,
11:16 you know, I felt like,
11:17 you know, I was slowly
11:20 because I didn't feel like
11:21 I was really fulfilling my purpose,
11:23 or doing, or working
11:26 to the maximum potential for God.
11:27 I kind of did feel like there were some cobwebs
11:30 kind of building up.
11:32 And so, SALT was just something that really, you know,
11:37 instead of,
11:38 there's so many people that will sit around and say,
11:40 oh, the church needs to do this,
11:41 the church needs to do that.
11:42 But you know, God had spoken to me,
11:45 you know, through His Word and was like,
11:46 Eric, you, you can't just sit around,
11:49 do something, you know,
11:51 and, and that's, yeah, that's what happened, so.
11:55 So you saw that need,
11:57 and you decided
11:58 that you were going to fill that need?
12:00 Right, exactly.
12:01 And that's, we should all, should all do that.
12:04 You know, I think we've started to become spectators
12:08 a lot of the time.
12:10 And really, God wants to use us as instruments
12:13 for change within our church.
12:15 Yes.
12:16 So, you know, that's, that's what I think.
12:19 Now having a vision
12:20 and actually doing something with that vision
12:23 is not the same thing
12:24 because you felt and
12:25 I like that how you brought that in,
12:27 because sitting,
12:28 for some people sitting around for one year
12:29 is not a long time.
12:31 Some people can sit around for 15 years or 20 years
12:33 still saying,
12:34 "When is the church
12:36 or when is the conference going to do this and that."
12:38 But Danny wasn't one.
12:39 That's why we're sitting here tonight.
12:41 And he realized that God had a vision.
12:43 He said, "Here I am, send me."
12:44 And you did the same thing.
12:46 So talking to the young people, then looking at the next step,
12:51 because getting started,
12:53 starting an organization starting a 501 C3,
12:56 and recognizing that,
12:58 as Danny said, there are resources,
12:59 but how do we get access to those resources?
13:02 How do we define our goal?
13:04 How do we calibrate our mission?
13:06 And what was the first thing you did?
13:08 If you could remember that first outreach,
13:10 that kind of scared you
13:12 but confirmed that God was leading you?
13:14 You know, it was an outreach, it was even,
13:17 it was right before SALT started,
13:19 actually helped inspire SALT.
13:20 Okay.
13:22 Where we would go out in downtown Orlando,
13:24 me and three friends of mine.
13:25 And literally, we would,
13:27 we went out like maybe 10 at night.
13:29 And we would just see where God,
13:33 who God has called us to talk to,
13:34 and we just walk around there and there'd be,
13:36 you know, people, you know, like,
13:39 you know, the nightlife, right, in the town.
13:42 But we would see someone crying.
13:44 So me and my friend would go and sit next to her
13:46 and kind of ask, you know, hey, what's wrong, you know,
13:49 and then she shared her spiritual life,
13:51 that she was an agnostic,
13:52 and we pray and we asked if we could pray for her.
13:55 And she said, yes.
13:56 And like, just kind of plant seeds,
13:58 you know, and it was that night that God confirmed to me,
14:02 Eric, I need you to do something.
14:05 And, you know,
14:07 because that was just
14:08 that outreach is not an easy outreach to do.
14:11 No, no, it's not a perfect night.
14:12 Yeah, yeah.
14:14 We didn't end that night till like three in the morning,
14:15 I think, you know.
14:17 There was, there was,
14:18 I remember that night so vividly.
14:19 There was a pastor son out there.
14:22 And we just were going around and he was really friendly.
14:26 We start talking to him, and he started crying.
14:28 He's like, "Guys, I shouldn't be out here.
14:30 You know, my dad's a pastor.
14:33 And, you know, I just came up for my birthday,
14:35 but I shouldn't have come like, look what I'm doing."
14:38 And, you know, it's just, it's crazy.
14:41 You know, just moments like that
14:42 that happened.
14:43 And then a homeless woman really was the thing
14:45 that kind of,
14:48 where that God used to speak through me
14:50 or speak to me, I'm sorry.
14:52 And so,
14:53 and then the rest is history after that,
14:55 you know, then SALT
14:56 the idea sparked shortly after so.
14:58 Wow.
15:00 So after the idea sparked,
15:02 and you said you presented it to young people,
15:04 did they catch the vision?
15:07 Or was it like,
15:08 did you have to keep approaching them
15:10 or did they catch it right then?
15:12 They caught it.
15:13 They were all, they were all wanting it.
15:14 You know, they all want it to be involved.
15:16 They all want it.
15:17 It was something young adults are organic.
15:19 It was grassroots.
15:21 We had our first event September,
15:23 had like 150 young adults come.
15:25 The next one was in November, had about 250.
15:28 We did it a year, our one-year anniversary,
15:30 we had 850 young adults come fill up a...
15:34 It's Patmos Chapel.
15:36 Yeah, I know Patmos.
15:37 You know Patmos? Oh, yeah.
15:39 It was packed with young adults.
15:40 And just people in general, not just young adults.
15:43 So many people that that just wanted to learn
15:46 about what SALT had done in that past year
15:48 and what SALT's looking to do.
15:50 So the vision just kept, kept catching on, you know.
15:53 And that's, that's the beautiful thing.
15:56 I mean, God used so many people to get SALT to where it is now.
16:02 And it's exciting to see all that come together.
16:04 Yes.
16:05 Yeah, just before we show the video
16:07 that kind of gives us an overview of SALT in action,
16:10 just name a few things
16:11 and we'll go into more detail later on in the program
16:14 of what we might see in this video
16:15 that to kind of helps people
16:18 because there's some people that are listening,
16:20 and we want to be able to identify
16:22 with those who may be driving their cars,
16:23 what we're about to watch?
16:25 Yeah, so the video was made in May of this year.
16:29 We had just created a relationship,
16:32 partnership with the city of Orlando,
16:34 where they were,
16:35 they basically helped to
16:37 when the pandemic hit in mid-March in Florida.
16:41 The homeless organizations, the shelters, the food shares
16:44 where hundreds of people experiencing homelessness
16:47 would go and get food, they shut down.
16:49 So those experiencing homelessness,
16:51 they didn't really have anywhere to go,
16:54 they have anyone to look to or they were lost,
16:57 you know, those that had just gotten jobs
16:58 got laid off,
17:00 those that were looking for jobs
17:01 had to stop,
17:02 the businesses were closing.
17:04 So we had a relationship with the city of Orlando,
17:07 and you know, her name is Lisa, she called me and she's like,
17:10 Eric, you guys are outside.
17:13 You guys can keep going.
17:14 We were operating once a week at that,
17:16 during that time.
17:17 It's like let's, let the city help fund you
17:19 to operate more often.
17:21 So we started operating three days a week,
17:23 we hired staff.
17:24 I mean, it was an amazing,
17:26 just an amazing testimony to see God grow the ministry
17:29 just like that in just one instance.
17:32 Unfortunately,
17:33 it was an unfortunate circumstance
17:35 that led to that.
17:36 But, you know, God was setting us up
17:39 for that moment
17:40 to help those people
17:41 that were literally in a black hole
17:43 during that time.
17:44 So this video was made
17:46 right about two months of us operating during the pandemic.
17:50 Okay, well, let's go to that video right now
17:51 and check it out.
18:01 My name is Eric Camarillo.
18:03 I'm the President of SALT Outreach.
18:05 So our homeless outreach started
18:06 actually with two young women,
18:08 they would cook food in their individual homes,
18:11 and then they would go and offer that food
18:12 to those experiencing homelessness.
18:14 We fundraised for a clothing trailer
18:16 which we call Change.
18:17 There were some homeless individuals
18:19 that were actively looking for work
18:21 that hadn't showered and up to three months.
18:23 Living in Florida
18:25 with the kind of heat that we live in,
18:26 that's not acceptable.
18:28 How can you want to even feel
18:30 like you want to better yourself
18:32 if you feel dirty, if you feel rejected?
18:35 They are a wonderful group of people.
18:37 And, you know, they help us, they give us resources.
18:41 They don't leave us out.
18:43 Get you a hot shower. It feel good.
18:45 We fundraised about $40,000 for a shower trailer
18:48 that we launched at the end of 2018.
18:51 Free showers are available in downtown Orlando.
18:53 This mobile shower trailer
18:55 is part of the latest effort now
18:57 to help the homeless.
18:58 I'm the Homeless Outreach Director
18:59 so that you know entails a lot of things.
19:01 One of the things is we have our shower trailer
19:04 just making sure that we have the supplies
19:05 that we need.
19:06 Just the shower alone
19:08 could put a whole brand-new perspective
19:11 on what your day is going to look like.
19:13 When you come out of that,
19:14 you can know that your hair is shampooed
19:17 and conditioned well.
19:19 You know what I'm saying
19:20 like you actually have some time
19:22 to really need everything in there
19:23 and let it marinate your hair.
19:25 Brand new man or woman.
19:27 I heard about the shower,
19:28 got involved with SALT
19:29 and then got me off the streets.
19:31 Now I'm no longer homeless.
19:33 Today I pretty much take care of the shower,
19:37 me and my partner Oscar.
19:39 We put people in the shower and then we sterilize
19:43 and clean it real good for the next person.
19:46 And sometimes you in the amongst into a group
19:49 need to see you as homeless
19:50 and mentioned different issues and different
19:53 but, you know, and then being on here
19:54 and giving me opportunity to volunteer.
19:57 You know people able to see more of
19:59 you know what I am as a person what they just wanted to be.
20:03 The start of 2020, OUC,
20:05 the Orlando Utilities Commission
20:06 donated solar panels
20:08 to put on top of our shower trailer.
20:10 So we can be completely mobile with our shower trailer.
20:12 We don't need to plug in anywhere.
20:14 We can fill our water tank
20:15 and literally do showers at any location.
20:18 When this COVID-19 pandemic broke out,
20:20 we went ahead and hired
20:22 two more additional people.
20:24 And thanks to the city of Orlando,
20:26 they have hired us to be able to provide
20:28 these emergency services.
20:30 We've gone from operating three times a month
20:33 to operating three times a week
20:35 to be able to provide services
20:38 that are supposed to curb the spread.
20:40 We are needing things like gloves, hand sanitizers,
20:44 especially the hand sanitizer
20:45 so we can give to our homeless friends.
20:47 So after they take a shower,
20:48 they can take that with them
20:50 and still maintain that, that hygiene.
20:52 I believe we're just at the beginning stages
20:55 of where God wants us to be.
20:56 We have a big vision,
20:58 we want to duplicate this in every major city.
21:01 We're going to have to partner with those in the community
21:03 to actually make this a reality.
21:05 I was homeless myself.
21:07 When I look back at that experience,
21:08 I believe that's what drives me.
21:09 That's what gives me the passion
21:11 and desire to do
21:12 what we're doing here with SALT.
21:14 When you get a feeling out of someone
21:16 what somebody's doing
21:17 you get a good feeling like that.
21:18 That's called love.
21:20 And that's what SALT brings to the table.
21:31 Wow! What an inspiring video.
21:33 You know, you don't realize the things
21:35 that we take for granted on the daily basis,
21:38 showers transforming people's lives
21:40 like making their day that much better.
21:44 The gentleman was talking about shampooing
21:46 and conditioning his hair.
21:49 And that made his day like
21:50 but the things that we take for granted.
21:53 Tell us about your beginnings, Eric?
21:54 Yeah.
21:56 So my beginnings as...
21:58 When you are facing that homelessness?
22:00 I didn't even know that you were homeless before.
22:02 Yeah.
22:03 So I actually, it was when I was 20 years old,
22:06 it was BC, Before Christ,
22:08 you know, and my whole mindset was all about,
22:11 like making money,
22:13 and how can I make the most money?
22:14 And what do I need to do?
22:15 And I remember I went to Chicago
22:17 to try and start a business.
22:19 And it, I had enough money,
22:23 I totally underestimated the amount of time
22:26 that I would need to be out there, right?
22:28 So I had enough money for hotel for two weeks.
22:31 But I was out there for six months.
22:32 So I ended up living in my car
22:36 for about five months.
22:38 You know, once in a while
22:40 I'd be able to get
22:41 into a friend's house and shower
22:43 or someone that I was meeting
22:44 or it was just weird kind of instances
22:47 where I'd be able to get shower,
22:48 but a lot of the time I go to the gas station,
22:51 go into the bathroom, try and clean myself up.
22:54 And I'd still put on a suit and tie
22:56 and go into Panera and have my meetings
22:58 and try and get this business going.
23:01 I was a...
23:03 Yeah, I was a little crazy.
23:04 But I remember eating, to eat,
23:07 I would go into a Mexican restaurant.
23:09 And you know how they give those chips in the beginning?
23:12 I'd eat the chips.
23:13 And I just, I wait a little bit,
23:15 you know, look around,
23:16 had to walk out after I eat the chips.
23:18 If I had $1, I get a piece of bread at Panera,
23:21 I'd rip it in half.
23:22 And that'd be my breakfast and my dinner.
23:25 It was rough, it was rough.
23:27 And I was stubborn.
23:30 You know, looking back if I, if I had known God back then,
23:33 I would have known
23:34 that God would not have wanted me
23:35 to go that route.
23:37 I really would have known that.
23:38 But I remember though, though,
23:40 during those times of feeling that
23:43 that loneliness, you know, that emptiness,
23:46 you know, I wasn't succeeding.
23:49 I remember reaching out to something.
23:51 And I didn't know what it was, I didn't know.
23:54 You know, I didn't know God at that time.
23:55 But I would just scream out to something, you know.
23:59 And I think that, that might have even been
24:00 the beginnings
24:01 of when I maybe started to be
24:03 a little more less reliant on myself
24:08 and more thinking about other things.
24:11 You know what I mean,
24:13 and kind of opening my mind a little bit.
24:15 But yeah, I was,
24:17 it was a really interesting experience, yeah.
24:20 Yeah, that's powerful.
24:22 But look what God did with that experience.
24:24 So, you know, that's an important lesson
24:28 for people at home.
24:29 You know, whatever you might be going through
24:32 at this moment
24:33 doesn't mean that that has to be your tomorrow.
24:36 And, you know, whatever struggle
24:38 you're dealing with could end up
24:40 being somebody else's blessing tomorrow.
24:43 I mean, think about the lives that SALT has touched.
24:46 You know, you went through that process,
24:48 but now you're giving back
24:49 and you're helping the homeless community
24:52 and all of that stuff.
24:53 It's really helped me to understand
24:55 where they're coming from,
24:56 you know, can't find a job, you can't shower.
24:59 You know, I tried to make it work.
25:00 But I mean, they, the gas stations in Orlando,
25:02 they won't even,
25:03 they won't let someone come in there and clean up.
25:06 You know what I mean?
25:07 They're rarely any bathroom especially now in COVID,
25:10 rarely any bathrooms they could go in to try
25:12 and prepare themselves for an interview.
25:14 I was talking about one of our volunteers today.
25:16 She said that someone came on Tuesday,
25:19 said they were looking for a job, need to shower,
25:21 needed some clothes.
25:23 He came back today, Thursday, this morning.
25:26 And he said, "I got a job."
25:28 He's going to be working at SeaWorld now.
25:30 And we're going to try and help him
25:32 to maintain that job.
25:33 But just seeing
25:34 just within a few days of having access to that,
25:37 how that could change someone's life, you know, so...
25:42 Providing them with resources.
25:44 Right.
25:45 You know, I think about that, when...
25:47 Now, I know when you look at that video
25:48 and see people getting a shower,
25:51 does it ever take you back?
25:53 And you think, well, if they will say,
25:55 well, if there was something like this,
25:56 I would have known where to go every day to get a shower
25:58 while I was going through my difficulty.
26:00 So you're actually reaching back to, Eric,
26:02 and saying there are a lot of guys out there
26:04 like me that have value
26:06 that are not just another statistic
26:07 on the street.
26:09 And I want to talk, will you talk to that,
26:10 because a lot of times people
26:11 you know, Jason, we live in a world
26:13 where people see people that are down and out.
26:15 I was listening recently to a statistic
26:17 that is true in Silicon Valley.
26:20 There's many of the guys that are out there
26:21 smoking crack and doing drugs
26:24 were formerly making six figure incomes.
26:28 And the demand on programming these video games
26:31 and computer programming,
26:33 the demand was so great
26:34 that the companies didn't even mind for them
26:36 to smoke it
26:37 because they don't want them to sleep within 24 hours
26:39 because the deadlines
26:41 of getting that videogame out there
26:42 was more important than their sleep
26:44 and their health.
26:45 So they knew they were doing crack on the job,
26:47 but they did it so much that they lost their job
26:50 and you have this debt,
26:51 they have this whole community of people living in tents
26:53 and on mattresses and in boxes.
26:57 And I saw that video
26:59 and there was one guy they showed him
27:01 and he introduced himself and he told what he has.
27:03 I got a master's degree in this,
27:05 in computer engineering and all,
27:06 and I worked for,
27:07 he mentioned the company and I lost it
27:09 because of crack and they followed his story.
27:12 And at the end of that,
27:13 he went to a place got little shower
27:16 and was in shower but got a shower,
27:20 got as clean as he could and he got hired.
27:23 And he said, "I start on Monday
27:25 and might get back to my six-figure income."
27:29 So this is something more and I want you to
27:30 those who are listening, watching.
27:32 I want you to think
27:33 that when you see people on the street,
27:35 they may be a statistic to you.
27:37 That's somebody's son or somebody's daughter,
27:40 who may be just in a valley of their lives
27:42 that is on their way
27:44 to the ministry to change lives.
27:47 So here we are.
27:48 SALT began in 2011.
27:51 And take us
27:52 through some of those grand moments
27:54 because we talked about that shower truck.
27:57 I want to, I want our audience to kind of,
27:59 we want to catapult here
28:00 and go on to some of the pictures.
28:02 Because one truck,
28:04 I don't want to go to that what you are now
28:06 or one trailer,
28:07 but let's walk us through that?
28:09 Give us some more of that background?
28:10 Yeah, yeah.
28:12 So in, in, really, we started with food,
28:15 you know, and that was just kind of the main thing
28:19 that was needed at that time,
28:21 a certain day of the week.
28:23 So we fill that gap.
28:24 We're feeding,
28:26 started to feed about 200-300 individuals,
28:28 you know, with hundreds of different volunteers
28:31 that come through and help.
28:32 In 2016 is when we fundraised for a clothing trailer.
28:37 And the clothing trailer was something
28:39 that we used to hand our clothing.
28:42 You know, we would hand our hygiene products
28:43 from that trailer.
28:45 2018 was the shower trailer.
28:47 Now, I want to say
28:48 that 3ABN viewers and listeners,
28:51 you have been a part of this impact,
28:53 because they paid for half of that trailer.
28:57 You know, we came on here two years ago,
29:00 three years ago
29:01 and we mentioned the vision of that shower trailer.
29:05 And 3ABN viewers responded,
29:07 you know, some and some of them $25 checks, $50 checks.
29:11 It added up, you know, one person gave over 10,000.
29:16 You know, it was just a huge, huge blessing.
29:19 So that was monumental for us.
29:21 And that's when we really started to realize
29:23 that we were becoming this mobile service center
29:27 for the homeless,
29:29 you know, because we had haircuts too.
29:30 So showers, clothes, haircuts, hygiene product, food.
29:34 And then in 2020,
29:37 you know, we started operating three days a week,
29:41 you know,
29:43 and things have just been continuing to grow.
29:45 We got some new things on the horizon
29:47 that we're excited about.
29:48 We'll talk about that later. Yeah, yeah, but...
29:50 Now, how do you pick your locations?
29:52 And then I've got a question that just came in.
29:54 So I'll ask you that in just a minute
29:56 and we want to remind our viewers and listeners
29:59 to send in your questions.
30:01 We're going to be answering questions
30:03 pertaining to the Ministry of SALT.
30:05 You can text them to (618) 228-3975
30:10 or call and speak to someone in our call center
30:13 at (618) 627-4651
30:16 or if you want to get on the computer,
30:17 you can email us at Live@3abn.tv.
30:22 So how do you pick your locations, Eric?
30:25 So we started in 2018-2019, rotating locations.
30:31 Some of them, the main element that we needed
30:34 was a place where we can hook up to water,
30:37 we used to have to hook up the power,
30:39 but that's changed this year, which we'll go into later.
30:42 But, and then also a place where we can dump black water,
30:45 you know, place that the city allows us
30:47 to dump black water.
30:49 Just so happened that
30:50 two of those places were Adventist churches,
30:52 which was perfect.
30:54 And then the other two places where other churches
30:58 that we could just rotate out and go to.
31:00 Right now we're at a singular location,
31:03 especially during COVID,
31:04 we want to make sure that everyone knows exactly
31:06 where we are.
31:08 And then the site we're working at right now,
31:09 which is the Christian Service Center
31:11 has been so supportive of this ministry,
31:14 and has helped in so many other ways,
31:15 which, you know, I can go into later as well.
31:18 But, but yes, so right now
31:19 we're just at that one location.
31:21 That's awesome.
31:22 Let me ask you this question here.
31:25 It says, "How can my teens
31:27 and I get involved with SALT in the Seattle area?
31:32 Okay, so...
31:36 So we're only operating in Orlando right now.
31:39 For people that are remote in other areas,
31:43 we have done remote leadership positions,
31:46 depending if there's special skills
31:48 in certain areas
31:49 that can assist with the outreach.
31:52 And then the obvious also is,
31:55 is to support the organization financially as well.
31:58 becoming a monthly donor.
32:00 You know, those are kind of the main,
32:02 two main things that kind of pop out
32:04 as ways for people to get involved that are so,
32:06 I mean, that's the opposite side
32:07 of the country.
32:09 But who knows Seattle,
32:10 maybe we'll be there soon, you know.
32:13 What if somebody wanted to do what you're doing and said,
32:16 "Okay, I want to partner with you
32:17 under your name,
32:19 but make that another chapter,
32:20 and raise funds to get a shower truck...
32:24 Change trailer.
32:26 Change trailer, clothing
32:28 and then that'll be a chapter
32:29 that comes all under that 501 C3.
32:32 I think you mentioned,
32:33 you'd like to maybe ought to stretch than you already,
32:35 because you said earlier,
32:37 I like to start operating in different locations.
32:40 And God is calling on you right now.
32:42 But I think there's somebody you could follow up on
32:44 and just maybe.
32:45 Yeah, for sure.
32:47 Yeah, I would say go on our website,
32:48 go on the contact us and ask, you know, whatever questions,
32:51 I'll make sure to email back me or my, my assistant.
32:55 Sounds good. Sounds good.
32:57 So, okay, so we've got how you pick your locations.
33:02 What have you been hearing from people,
33:05 you know, when they come to the trailers?
33:07 Like what are some of the things
33:08 that you've been hearing about, let's say the change trailer?
33:11 Yeah.
33:12 So you mean, when someone comes to get services from us?
33:14 Yes, yes.
33:15 What are some things that they say?
33:16 Yes.
33:18 So, you know, we actually have a person that,
33:22 that came to us, and they were,
33:26 they were almost in tears,
33:27 you know, and they came up to us and,
33:29 and said, "Hey,
33:31 everything I'm wearing right now
33:32 is from you guys.
33:34 And I'm not here to get served,
33:35 you know, but because of you guys,
33:39 I've been able to get a job and get off the street."
33:41 So we hear things like that, you know.
33:45 We recently heard from someone
33:47 that was able to get moving into housing
33:50 after services with us and stuff.
33:52 That that we are,
33:56 the talk on the street about us is that we care which is huge.
34:02 They're like, you know, we come to you guys
34:04 because we know that you care about us.
34:05 Not saying
34:07 that the other organizations don't care
34:09 but for that to stand out to them is,
34:12 was huge for us
34:14 because that's what we want to show, you know.
34:16 This is service and love together
34:18 with the salt of the earth, you know.
34:19 We want them to know that we love them,
34:22 that we care about them, you know.
34:24 So that's been exciting to hear some of those things you know.
34:28 Absolutely.
34:30 I think we should check out some pictures,
34:31 what do you think?
34:32 I think we should and as we go through those
34:34 describe it
34:35 and so that those who are not watching
34:36 could understand what it is.
34:38 Walk through some of those
34:39 because this ministry is amazing.
34:40 We had so many way,
34:42 we had to kind of narrow it down
34:43 but what an amazing thing
34:45 that people could find out more about it.
34:46 Let's bring one of those pictures here.
34:47 Yeah, so basically the concept
34:49 is three vehicles and three trailers.
34:52 Each vehicle pulling a trailer, you have the van,
34:55 the 15-passenger van which we also use for shuttling
34:58 that can pull our clothing trailer.
34:59 A truck that can pull the shower trailer.
35:02 And then we'd have a laundry trailer
35:04 that can get pulled by a box truck
35:05 or another truck as well,
35:08 the box truck being used for storage services.
35:11 So that's the concept.
35:12 And those are the services that we would,
35:15 we aim to provide through these vehicles, right?
35:18 So you have the showers,
35:20 the haircuts, the clothes, food, hygiene product,
35:24 you have laundry storage,
35:26 you have shuttle services, mail services,
35:29 they don't have an address.
35:30 So we got a PO Box
35:31 so that they can get their stuff mailed to us.
35:33 And we bring it to them whenever we get it.
35:36 And then diversion services.
35:38 So that's basically case management services,
35:40 you know, because we don't want to just end it at,
35:44 you know, here's some services, see you later.
35:46 We want to be able to connect them
35:48 with the other organizations
35:49 that could take them on to that next step
35:51 to end their homelessness.
35:54 Wait, how did you grab that?
35:56 Because that's, the two things that just shocked me was, okay,
35:59 you allow people that don't have an address
36:02 to use your PO Box, so they could get corresponded.
36:05 So you become the mail service also.
36:07 Right, right.
36:08 And the other part, reiterate that,
36:12 getting people connected to resources.
36:13 Yeah, it's case management.
36:15 So basically, when someone comes to us,
36:18 they might get a shower, might get clothes,
36:20 might get a haircut,
36:22 but they might need something more,
36:23 like, for example, that guy that came on Tuesday,
36:25 was looking for a job, got showered, got the clothes,
36:28 got the job.
36:30 Now is going to be working with our case manager
36:32 to help them maintain that job.
36:33 Do they need transportation?
36:35 Maybe they need a bus ticket.
36:37 You know, there's other people
36:38 that just don't know the services out there.
36:40 Maybe they need identification.
36:42 We can, our case manager can refer them,
36:44 warm transfer them in,
36:46 you can say to that organization
36:48 that can help them with those.
36:50 There's an organization that's starting up
36:51 right next to us called First Steps,
36:53 which helps those
36:55 that are experiencing homelessness,
36:56 find employment and break those barriers
36:58 that prevent them from being employed.
37:00 So that case manager is key in helping to connect us
37:05 and the people we serve to the next level
37:09 to get them to where they need to be.
37:11 So do you organize the case manager
37:13 to be at the locations, you synchronize their service?
37:16 We do.
37:17 We just hired our first case manager
37:20 in November,
37:21 hiring another one in January.
37:23 And we have four social work interns
37:25 starting with us in January as well.
37:27 So we'll have six case managers on site.
37:29 This is literally, I mean, I'm just excited
37:32 because you are changing lives on wheels.
37:35 You're not even in a building.
37:36 And how appropriate is that, Jason,
37:38 in this COVID environment where people say,
37:40 let's get social distance.
37:42 We don't want to go on the inside.
37:43 Even if they close the inside down,
37:45 SALT is still open.
37:47 We can still operate, yep. Yes.
37:48 And that's huge.
37:50 Because you're dealing with every facet, right?
37:53 So tell us about the other part of the evangelism effort,
37:58 like do you have church services?
37:59 Yes.
38:01 So we do have a mobile church
38:06 that comes out to us.
38:08 And it's actually Lighthouse Seventh-day Adventist Church.
38:11 So SALT and Light,
38:12 you know, kind of funny how that works out.
38:14 It didn't put, we didn't plan it that way,
38:15 it just stood out that way.
38:17 Yeah, God planned that. Yes.
38:19 So they actually got a box truck, right?
38:21 They cut out the side of the box truck,
38:23 so it can come down and be like a stage.
38:26 So they actually come to the outreach
38:28 in that box truck
38:29 and they do service
38:31 for those experiencing homelessness once a month.
38:33 They can't, most of them
38:34 can't even get into a church right now.
38:37 So being able to bring service to them outside
38:39 is a way that we can help
38:40 kind of bring that spiritual element to them.
38:44 So we are looking to hire Bible worker too next year
38:48 to help really foster that growth.
38:50 There is one thing I want to mention
38:52 and, you know, we've come to realize
38:55 that when someone is experiencing homelessness,
38:59 it's hard for them to be consistent
39:01 in that spiritual walk,
39:02 you know, they fear for their safety every day,
39:05 you know, and so how can they be consistent
39:08 in studying the Bible and getting
39:09 but in the video, you know, we mentioned Pat
39:12 who was homeless, who we hired.
39:14 Yes.
39:15 Once he got, when we hired him,
39:17 we also moved him into a shelter
39:19 into a place where he has a bed, nice bed,
39:21 roof over his head.
39:22 And that's when
39:23 he started doing daily devotions.
39:25 You look to his Facebook now,
39:26 you can see all his daily devotions
39:28 on his Facebook,
39:29 of all the things he's studying and learning,
39:30 that's when he had sheltered that's when it really took off.
39:34 So we're really kind of working on focusing
39:37 that evangelistic effort
39:39 to kind of, you know, plant that,
39:41 sow seeds in the beginning,
39:42 you know, through a mobile service prayer,
39:44 through a Bible worker kind of coming out
39:46 doing group studies or whatever.
39:48 And then when they move into housing
39:50 really taking it to that next level,
39:52 that's kind of the thought process
39:53 behind it.
39:55 Yeah, that's huge.
39:56 One plants another waters, but God gives the increase.
39:59 Amen. That's right.
40:00 SALT, I mean, that's just powerful.
40:02 Do you see Christ method being implemented there?
40:05 Go to the people. That's right.
40:06 Take care of their needs.
40:07 People are more willing to believe what you teach,
40:10 when they see
40:11 that you're more than just what you say.
40:13 I like that we care.
40:15 Let's go, do some more pictures,
40:16 just kind of get a flavor
40:18 of what is going on with this ministry.
40:20 Yeah, that's just a picture of us
40:21 handing some water and some snack bags
40:23 out of the clothing trailer there.
40:26 We got, some of our volunteers on the left
40:28 is one of our staff members
40:30 cleaning the shower after someone used it.
40:34 So this right here is a blueprint
40:35 of our laundry trailer.
40:37 Oh, wow.
40:38 So this is, it was actually a lot more expensive
40:40 than the shower trailer.
40:41 But this is coming in January,
40:43 we still need to raise an additional 8,000
40:45 to really kind of break even with this purchase,
40:48 but we're still working on it,
40:49 still got some time before we get it.
40:52 But it is planned to be delivered
40:54 at the end of this month, beginning of next month.
40:55 It'll have six washers and dryers
40:57 that can be accessed from the outside.
41:00 Were those experiencing homelessness,
41:02 you know, what happens
41:03 is they get clothing donations, right?
41:06 And when their clothes get dirty,
41:07 what are they going to do?
41:08 You know, they can't wash them.
41:10 So what they end up doing is throwing out their clothes.
41:13 Having laundry services
41:15 will enable that clothing donation
41:16 to go even farther.
41:18 And then for us,
41:20 being able to wash the towels that we give them,
41:22 you know, it'll help us save on underwear and socks if
41:25 they're able to wash their underwear and socks,
41:28 you know, because we actually give
41:30 a pair of underwear and socks,
41:31 at least to every person that takes a shower
41:33 at the bare minimum.
41:34 But with this laundry trailer,
41:36 it could really help kind of curb
41:39 that expense a little bit, so.
41:42 Wow, wow. I'm blown away.
41:44 I mean, we could end the program right there.
41:45 Let's do a fundraiser right here.
41:47 Yeah. God has been so good to us.
41:50 It's amazing. It's crazy.
41:52 It can only be God
41:53 to see this kind of exponential growth
41:54 this year.
41:56 It's been amazing.
41:57 Let me just plug some in here right now
41:58 because then we have some more pictures.
42:00 But I know that people are watching this program
42:01 and probably saying, am I hearing right?
42:03 This young man who was once homeless
42:05 on the streets of Chicago, God said, "Get out of Chicago.
42:10 Go come on down to Orlando.
42:11 You're going to be homeless,
42:13 at least get some warm weather."
42:15 But God had deep provision for you.
42:17 I mean, think about it.
42:18 First of all the change, what was the first truck?
42:21 The change trailer with the clothing and hygiene.
42:24 Then we got the shower trailer.
42:26 Shower trailer, next one.
42:27 Next is going to be the laundry trailer.
42:29 Okay. That is huge.
42:31 I mean, can you imagine?
42:32 I have never seen, I have never seen that,
42:35 but the world now,
42:36 you're metamorphosizing with the world.
42:38 You're saying, "Okay,
42:39 since you can't go into the laundromat,
42:41 bring the laundromat to the streets."
42:42 Absolutely. There's a song years ago.
42:45 I know, we were in opposite world,
42:46 so this is in the back of my mind,
42:48 taking it to the streets.
42:49 You know, this little, before your time, Jason,
42:51 I don't want to make you feel too young
42:53 but it was a song years ago
42:54 by group we're taking it to the streets,
42:56 and you're taking it to the streets.
42:58 This is not about denomination.
43:00 So you're a Seventh-day Adventist Christian
43:02 and a lot of your volunteers
43:03 but there are other people
43:05 that are volunteering that are not.
43:06 They're just people that care about people.
43:07 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
43:09 We have people
43:10 that don't identify with the faith at all.
43:11 But they love, they love people,
43:13 you know, they love people.
43:14 And they love helping.
43:17 They have this, this heart,
43:18 especially the younger the younger people.
43:20 I mean, we're talking, I'm, I guess I'm still young,
43:22 I guess too.
43:24 I hope 'cause you're really close
43:25 to my age.
43:27 I'm really hoping you consider yourself young.
43:29 Yeah, I want...
43:31 You still have black hair so you're good.
43:32 Okay, cool.
43:34 Getting a few white hairs now here and then.
43:36 But, you know,
43:37 the younger people like 20 years old,
43:39 21 years old, they're volunteering,
43:41 they're coming out.
43:42 And you see that,
43:43 that genuine heart they have for people.
43:45 And I believe that's,
43:46 that's the Spirit working through them
43:47 to have that desire
43:49 to want to impact people's lives, you know,
43:52 and so, so yeah,
43:54 we have people that don't identify
43:55 with the faith at all,
43:56 people of all denominations
43:58 that come and volunteer with us.
43:59 Yeah, it's been, it's been cool
44:01 to see that kind of come together you know.
44:03 You know, I'm glad that you mentioned that
44:05 because you're talking about
44:06 how they want to impact other people's lives.
44:08 They want to help other people.
44:09 How has SALT impacted your life?
44:15 You know, I, when I think about it,
44:20 if God did not give me this idea,
44:26 give this idea to me,
44:27 if He did not work through me to help this to grow
44:30 and if He did not continue to motivate me
44:33 to continue going,
44:34 even when things were getting really rough and tough,
44:39 I don't know where I'd be.
44:40 SALT helps me to be able to use
44:47 the potential basically to use,
44:51 God can use me to my fullest capacity
44:53 through SALT.
44:55 And because of that,
44:57 it's helping me to stay you know, just on that path.
45:03 You know, I think with anybody, if you're in the church, right?
45:06 And you're studying the Bible and you're praying,
45:09 but you're not serving, right?
45:11 You're not practicing what you preach.
45:14 Then, you know, as the Bible says,
45:16 "Faith without works is dead."
45:18 So if you're not doing those works,
45:21 then your faith slowly starts to die.
45:24 And I think, I think my faith would be dead.
45:26 I think I'd be a pew warmer at a church not doing anything.
45:31 And I don't know where I'd be to be honest.
45:34 SALT is like your oxygen.
45:36 Yeah, yeah, it does so.
45:38 And I think, I think with anybody,
45:39 you know, whatever anyone does, whatever their skills are,
45:42 whatever their desires are to do,
45:46 God has something for them,
45:47 you know, and it could look different for everybody.
45:50 But it's important for us to answer that call
45:52 and to do it
45:53 to our fullest potential, you know,
45:55 because God will work through us
45:57 to make that a reality, you know.
46:00 Amen.
46:01 Speak a little bit to the consistency in service.
46:05 How important is consistency?
46:10 Without consistency,
46:12 I believe you can't bring anyone
46:15 into the kingdom.
46:16 And when I say that,
46:18 I say that because without consistency,
46:21 you can't create relationship.
46:24 Without relationship,
46:25 how are you going to win souls to the kingdom.
46:28 And that's a key element in service.
46:32 You know, I know that a lot of time,
46:34 we like to do these,
46:35 you know, once a year things, once every quarter.
46:37 And that's, that's our service.
46:39 I remember, I saw post, I saw a post on Facebook,
46:42 I don't know who it was, but they were like,
46:46 oh, did Thanksgiving dinner.
46:49 Did my service for the year.
46:51 For the year? Yeah, yeah.
46:53 And, but that's how, that's how we think nowadays,
46:58 you know, like, I did my, I did my good deed, I'm good.
47:02 You know, it's like, it's almost like a little meter
47:05 you have to fill, right?
47:07 And, oh, let me do it in January,
47:08 and then I'm good for the rest of the year.
47:10 I mean, I don't know,
47:11 you know, but that thinking is there,
47:13 you know, and consistency is important
47:16 to win people to the kingdom.
47:18 Otherwise, you know,
47:20 I believe that maybe people can be won temporarily.
47:23 But if there's no,
47:24 you know, you hear all the time people getting baptized.
47:26 Where's the person that brought them
47:29 into the church?
47:30 You know, are they gone?
47:31 It was that just they call baptism,
47:33 and then they disappear.
47:34 You know, so relationship and consistency
47:36 is important in service.
47:38 And what do you think helps to inspire
47:41 that consistency
47:43 or motivate you to be consistent?
47:48 It's, I mean,
47:50 when you know that God has called you
47:53 to do something,
47:55 and you know it for a fact,
47:56 and He's confirmed it to you time after time after time,
48:00 then it just becomes a part of you.
48:03 You know, it really does.
48:04 And when you look at, yeah,
48:10 it just, yeah, I mean, that's
48:12 and then when you see people's lives change,
48:15 when you see people come to Christ,
48:16 when you see someone get baptized
48:18 because of God using you in their life,
48:24 how can you stop?
48:25 How can you give up?
48:27 You know, Peter,
48:28 I remember in John Chapter 6, right?
48:32 Jesus talked about eating the,
48:36 His flesh and drinking His blood,
48:38 and they were misinterpreting
48:40 and, you know, a bunch of people left Him
48:42 and then Peter said, or Jesus said,
48:45 "Are you going to go too?"
48:46 And Peter's like, "Well, where else are we going to go?
48:48 You have the words of eternal life."
48:50 You know, it's,
48:52 once you experience that, you know, I mean.
48:55 So to break that down,
48:57 God's love is the motivating factor.
48:59 Yes, amen.
49:01 Yeah, that's the umbrella.
49:03 Everything falls under that. That's right.
49:05 Let's go to a few more pictures
49:06 before the end of this first hour
49:08 and just because we have some tremendous more material
49:11 to cover in the second hour.
49:12 And then we also going to talk
49:13 about some of your future projects.
49:16 We're going to also give you some amazing statistics
49:18 about how the Lord really expanded this ministry
49:22 between last year and this year.
49:25 But let's leave that for a second hour.
49:26 Let's go to some more pictures here
49:27 and explain to our viewers and listeners.
49:30 So God did something here.
49:34 Okay, 'cause...
49:35 This is a bus, huh? This is a bus.
49:37 Okay.
49:38 So I, it was one night,
49:41 and I saw an article, news article,
49:43 and it said, this electric bus company
49:46 is coming to Orlando,
49:47 and they're going to start transitioning
49:50 all their buses to electric by 2030.
49:52 And God just put it on my mind, message that bus company.
49:55 I said, okay. I went on there.
49:57 I went on their website,
49:59 and I went on their contact us page.
50:01 Hey, guys, this is what we do.
50:04 We'd love if you have a bus just laying around.
50:07 If you would like to donate that to us,
50:09 we would like to use it for storage services
50:11 for the homeless, the homeless, they don't, they don't have,
50:15 if they go to work,
50:17 they don't have a place to store their stuff.
50:18 So they have to hide it
50:20 and what happens a lot of times their stuff gets stolen.
50:22 Some people
50:23 just don't want to leave their stuff.
50:24 So it's hard for them to go to an interview
50:26 because they have all their stuff on their back.
50:29 So then I got an email back like two or three days later.
50:32 Yeah, let's talk.
50:34 We had a meeting,
50:35 they passed it through their executives.
50:38 We're good, that's the design for the new bus
50:40 that we're going to get in the beginning of next year,
50:42 and we're going to retrofit it with lockers
50:43 and provide storage services for the homeless.
50:45 Wow.
50:47 Well, I wish you would draw it.
50:48 For those of you
50:49 that are listening to the program,
50:51 you should see Jason's face right now.
50:52 I mean, really, that's amazing.
50:54 That's an act of faith.
50:56 What I'm loving about what I'm hearing, Eric,
50:58 is, I'm going to say this, again,
50:59 you are not allowing the dusts
51:01 to gather under your foot,
51:03 you're looking at opportunities,
51:04 God is flashing things before you
51:06 and He's giving you.
51:08 And I think it was Paul, who said this to King Agrippa.
51:12 I have not been untrue to the heavenly vision.
51:16 That's powerful to be true to the heavenly vision.
51:19 So you actually getting a bus.
51:21 These buses are about 35 to 40 feet long,
51:24 some of them.
51:25 Yeah, yeah.
51:26 So we would, it would be stationary
51:30 at a site that we're at.
51:31 But, you know, the site that we're
51:33 at the Christian service center,
51:34 they actually have been so supportive,
51:36 they're giving us a lot of space to operate.
51:40 So there shouldn't be an issue with space
51:42 to provide the service to the homeless.
51:44 It's needed.
51:45 There's no place in downtown Orlando
51:48 that provides storage services
51:50 for those experiencing homelessness,
51:51 on a level like that.
51:52 Yeah, I mean, that's huge.
51:55 The mobility aspect, as you brought out earlier,
51:57 is crucial,
51:59 especially for a time such as this.
52:01 I mean, that's that is huge.
52:03 And you're affecting every single aspect,
52:06 storage, shower, changing, job,
52:09 you guys help with resume building, too,
52:11 don't you?
52:12 So we, we have an organization
52:13 that's going to be right next to us
52:15 that's going to help with all those things,
52:16 but all the job, all the job barriers
52:18 that that need to be broken down there,
52:20 they're going to be there to help with all of that,
52:22 literally, in the next building,
52:24 like a few feet away from us, so.
52:25 Yes.
52:26 You know, there's another text that came to my mind
52:28 as the preacher hear,
52:29 go into the highways and hedges
52:31 and compel all men to come,
52:33 all things are now ready.
52:35 You literally, if you were ever,
52:37 and I know you're doing this,
52:38 now you have church services intermittently,
52:40 or on a consistent basis.
52:41 These are people that would say,
52:43 "Hey, you know, I believe in SALT.
52:45 They're changing my life.
52:47 I didn't know what life,
52:48 I didn't know that life could be this good."
52:51 And when, as James says,
52:52 If you see a person hungry and destitute
52:54 and you just do one thing and don't do the other,
52:57 but if you take care of their needs,
52:59 then they're open to the gospel.
53:00 You've seen that happened.
53:01 There was a video we showed earlier.
53:03 And I want to just go back to that.
53:05 If those of you are watching,
53:07 there was a gentleman
53:08 that was in charge of the hoses.
53:09 And he said I help now with the hoses
53:11 just give us an overview of his life.
53:13 Tall, Caucasian gentleman wore one of your SALT shirts.
53:16 Yeah, yeah, he was, when Coronavirus hit,
53:20 He was already someone volunteering with us.
53:23 I mean, he was homeless himself.
53:26 But when he would, he would come and get a shower.
53:28 He was so grateful that he wanted to give back
53:30 by cleaning the shower
53:32 after each other person that showered.
53:34 And so he was just volunteering with us, right?
53:35 And we're once a month,
53:37 you know, every other week in 2019,
53:41 once a month in 2018, then once a week in 2020.
53:44 And so when we, when Coronavirus hit,
53:46 the city wanted to partner with us.
53:48 We decided to hire him
53:49 as one of our people
53:50 to help keep the shower trailer clean and sanitized.
53:54 And as soon as we hired him,
53:57 we also moved him into shelter
53:58 through a partnership with the Hilton Orlando.
54:00 Got him into a hotel for about three and a half months.
54:04 Really nice hotel, $100 a night.
54:06 And what we're planning to do...
54:09 Did they donate that?
54:10 They donated it, yeah.
54:11 They donated over $100,000 in rooms to SALT.
54:15 Yeah, it's crazy.
54:17 Do you see how God is moving through this organization,
54:20 through SALT?
54:21 I mean, where He, where He calls you,
54:23 where He leads He provides.
54:25 That's right.
54:27 That was another late in,
54:28 my wife and I were just sitting on the couch late at night
54:31 and just got message the Hilton.
54:34 Okay.
54:36 We wanted to have a safe place where staff can go
54:38 and shower and get cleaned up
54:40 before they go home
54:41 so they don't bring anything back
54:43 to their families.
54:44 Just so happened
54:45 that same hotel we reached out to
54:47 was the same hotel that was housing
54:48 the National Guard doing testing,
54:49 perfect, the perfect hotel.
54:51 I didn't reach out to any other hotels.
54:53 It was that hotel.
54:56 And so I just, I know
54:57 God was definitely leading in that, so.
55:00 Wow, wow.
55:02 This is an exciting program that I'm listening to here.
55:05 Let's hit about a couple more pictures
55:06 and see what we could do before the first hour is done.
55:08 And by the way, Jason, very quickly
55:10 remind our audience
55:11 about how they could send questions in.
55:13 Because there may be somebody
55:14 that's going to take you up on that offer
55:15 to start a ministry
55:17 in a different chapter of the nation.
55:18 That's right.
55:19 We have a couple ways you can text your questions,
55:21 we recommend this way,
55:22 text your questions to (618) 228-3975
55:27 or email Live@3abn.tv.
55:30 Or feel free to call and speak to a live person
55:34 at (618) 627-4651.
55:38 Okay.
55:39 And this is the last picture in this section here.
55:43 Let's bring that up.
55:44 Oh, no, it's third, the last.
55:46 So that's our staff.
55:48 Some of our staff that I just want to show
55:50 who's on the front lines.
55:51 Go to the next picture there.
55:53 It's another picture of our,
55:54 of another one of our staff members
55:56 included there.
55:57 Next picture.
55:59 So this right here is the impact.
56:01 Now this is just, we actually went through,
56:03 it took some sleepless nights,
56:06 I went through each individual
56:07 that's got served with us from mid-March,
56:10 when the pandemic started to the end of September.
56:13 We found out that 17% of the people
56:16 that got services from us
56:17 after services got moved into shelter housing.
56:20 We found out that 30% took the next step
56:23 to end their homelessness after services with us.
56:26 Now that's getting ID, getting health care,
56:28 getting case management,
56:30 you know, whatever that next step
56:31 was for them, they took it.
56:33 We're able to confirm that through a system
56:35 that the city of Orlando has that we could look at.
56:38 And so, and then we also found
56:40 that one in five people that came to us for services
56:43 were new to homelessness.
56:46 And it's, with the pandemic happening,
56:48 businesses shutting down.
56:50 I mean, it's become a reality for a lot of people.
56:53 So this, I anticipate that what we are doing
56:56 is going to be more and more needed
56:57 as time progresses,
56:59 because the eviction at least in Florida,
57:02 the eviction notices
57:03 that can't be postponed anymore.
57:04 People are starting to get evicted, so.
57:06 Yeah, yeah.
57:08 I've been seeing a lot of that.
57:09 Yeah, I mean, it's huge what's taking place
57:12 because some people just need help.
57:14 Not everybody is homeless due to horrible choices.
57:17 Sometimes it's circumstances that you know,
57:20 lead to that homelessness.
57:22 And so that's really, really good.
57:24 Well, the first hour has gone real fast, Jason.
57:26 Take us down to the zero for the next hour
57:28 what could we look forward to?
57:29 Oh, we've got an exciting second hour.
57:31 We're going to learn
57:32 more about the Ministry of SALT,
57:33 answer some wonderful questions,
57:36 and talks for more about Pat as well.
57:38 We will be right back.
57:40 Don't go anywhere.


Revised 2021-01-22