3ABN Today Live

30 Years of Global Mission - Focusing on reaching unreached people.

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL200035B

00:01 Music...
00:11 Shelley: Hello and welcome back
00:13 or welcome to 3ABN Live
00:16 and this is a live Program. JD Quinn: Live Program.
00:20 Shelley: We're taking prayer requests.
00:21 JD Quinn: Yes we are.
00:23 Shelley: We're taking questions for our guests...
00:24 JD Quinn: Yes we are.
00:25 Shelley: Can you give us that information?
00:27 JD Quinn: I certainly can.
00:28 If you want to text...
00:30 I know as time goes by
00:31 we find out there's more Texters all the time.
00:33 You can send in your prayer requests by text
00:36 of if you've got a question for our precious gentlemen,
00:40 you'll be meeting here in a little bit,
00:41 Gary, Rick and Mike,
00:43 and that telephone number for texting is: 618-228-3975
00:51 you'll see it on the screen,
00:54 or you can e-mail us at:
00:56 live@3abn. tv
00:59 so, as you see what's on the TV...
01:01 if your heart is being touched...
01:03 communicate with us...
01:04 Shelley: Amen... amen...
01:06 you know we began the first hour by talking about
01:08 God's heart beats for Missions...
01:13 He wants to reach the unreached
01:17 and our guests tonight are with Adventist Mission
01:22 specifically, we're talking about Global Mission tonight,
01:25 but let me introduce our guests again,
01:28 we'll put their pictures... they're joining us remotely
01:31 we have Gary Krause who is the Director
01:34 of Adventist Mission for the General Conference
01:37 of Seventh-day Adventists
01:39 and then we have Mike Ryan
01:42 who is the Assistant to the General Conference President
01:46 and Rick Kajiure who is the Communications Director
01:50 for Adventist Mission at the General Conference.
01:55 Mike, you were with Global Mission for how long?
02:00 Pause...
02:04 Mike: Well, I actually was the Director, I think about 12 years
02:08 and then after that
02:11 they promoted me to become a Vice President
02:14 and I did that for 12 years
02:16 but once you've worked for Global Mission,
02:19 you're always a Global Mission person.
02:22 All: Amen.
02:23 Shelley: Amen, well that...
02:24 it is the response to Christ's call
02:27 in Matthew 28.
02:30 So, we are talking about...
02:33 but do we want to do a song real quick?
02:35 JD Quinn: Let's do a song because I... I love...
02:38 Shelley: You like Paolo. JD Quinn: Paolo Torres.
02:40 Shelley: He likes Paolo.
02:42 JD Quinn: And he plays the violin...
02:43 he's going to be accompanied by ET Everett
02:45 and they're going to be playing: Amazing Grace.
02:49 Pause...
02:52 Piano...
03:03 Amazing grace,
03:08 how sweet the sound
03:14 That saved a wretch
03:19 like me.
03:24 I once was lost,
03:30 but now I am found,
03:35 Was blind,
03:38 but now I see.
03:46 Piano...
03:51 'Twas grace that taught
03:56 my heart to fear,
04:01 And grace my fears
04:07 relieved...
04:12 How precious
04:17 did that grace appear
04:23 The hour I first
04:28 believed.
04:33 Through many dangers,
04:39 toils and snares
04:44 I have already
04:49 come...
04:54 'Tis grace has brought
04:59 me safe thus far
05:04 And grace will lead
05:10 me
05:16 home.
05:23 Shelley: How beautiful that was.
05:26 JD Quinn: Oh, I wish I could do that...
05:28 Shelley: Me too. JD Quinn: Someday.
05:29 Shelley: We all when we get to heaven, right.
05:31 JD Quinn: Amen.
05:33 Shelley: Well, we've been talking about
05:34 the great commission
05:36 about Jesus asking all of us to go and make disciples
05:40 but you know the great commandment
05:43 is that we would love the Lord our God
05:45 with all of our heart... with all of our soul
05:47 with all of our mind and all of our strength
05:50 and love our neighbor as ourself
05:52 and Jesus said, "It is on this...
05:55 these two commandments
05:57 that all of the law and the prophets hang.
06:00 So, when we think about loving God
06:04 with all of our heart...
06:05 if we love Him... we're going to walk in obedience
06:08 and we are going to look at this great commission
06:12 and take it seriously if we love our neighbors...
06:16 we will want people to be saved
06:18 and what I love about Global Mission
06:21 is that they are reaching the unreached
06:25 in areas where people... many people...
06:28 most of the people
06:30 have never even heard the name of Jesus Christ.
06:33 So, in the last hour we were talking about
06:36 Centers of Influence
06:38 and I think what we'd like to do to kick off this hour
06:42 is once again talk about...
06:44 Rick, why don't you tell us about this one in Canada,
06:48 it's called: A Vision of Hope.
06:51 Rick: Yeah, so you talked about the 10/40 Window
06:55 and there are tremendous challenges out there
06:59 but sometimes there are challenges right in front of us
07:01 and Canada is my home country,
07:03 that's why I'm interested in this story
07:05 but, you know,
07:07 sometimes there are people who have special needs
07:09 and... and we need to be able to reach out to them
07:12 because sometimes they're not being reached by the ways
07:14 that most people are doing mission
07:17 and so, let's go to a story called: A Vision of Hope.
07:21 Shelley: Amen, A Vision of Hope.
07:24 Music...
07:40 Neena does what most dog owners do...
07:43 she takes her dog out for a walk every day
07:46 to enjoy the outside air
07:47 but things are a little different for Neena.
07:50 She relies on Fargo to get her out the door
07:53 and around the neighborhood safely.
07:55 He's her guide dog helping Neena navigate the streets.
07:59 Neena and her husband, Kevin, are both blind
08:03 living in a Toronto high-rise apartment building.
08:06 This Canadian couple lives in many ways
08:09 just like anyone else would.
08:11 They cook... clean... and do household tasks.
08:14 Neena runs an online business
08:16 selling hand-made knitted clothing,
08:18 home-made soaps and other accessories.
08:21 Each of these things are an artistic outlet for me,
08:25 I do the store because I like to have fun with crafts.
08:29 Neena and Kevin met at Camp Frienda...
08:32 and Adventist Summer Camp that opens its doors
08:34 to the blind community for one week each year.
08:37 It was sponsored by Christian Record Services at the time.
08:40 Neena and Kevin's love for Jesus grew
08:43 and they both were baptized.
08:45 During the same time, they fell in love
08:48 and eventually got married.
08:49 Despite becoming part of a church family,
08:52 the reality of their daily challenges still exists.
08:55 I think a lot of people just don't know how to relate to us,
08:58 a lot of people are afraid to even talk to us
09:00 and so, sometimes they just don't know how to approach us
09:04 as people
09:05 and a lot of times we feel left out.
09:08 In 2007, they were part of the founding team
09:11 to start a new Adventist Congregation
09:13 with the Ontario Conference.
09:15 They rented a Conference Room at a local hotel in Scarborough
09:19 a suburb of Toronto
09:20 and began meeting once a month.
09:22 This gathering came to be known as: Hope Vision Fellowship
09:26 and was designed to welcome the blind community.
09:29 Momentum built over the years and they formed a core group
09:33 with new visitors coming through the doors regularly.
09:36 There's a lot of hopelessness throughout the blind community.
09:41 I like the name of our church: Hope Vision Fellowship
09:45 and that's basically what we are...
09:47 we hope and we do have a vision...
09:49 and our vision is to see blind people get saved
09:52 and the blind people come to know Jesus Christ
09:55 and find healing and hope through this wonderful grace.
09:59 In 2016, Global Mission helped to support this group
10:03 and that same year, Hope Vision Fellowship
10:06 was recognized as the first Adventist Church
10:09 for the visually impaired in the North American Division.
10:12 Since then, they've started meeting
10:14 in their own church building
10:15 opening the door for more possibilities.
10:18 Members like Kevin and Neena are actively involved
10:21 in sharing Jesus' love with the blind community.
10:24 Neena: There are a lot of blind people
10:26 that really need this hope
10:28 and they need... they need this nice time
10:30 away from their stuff that they deal with every day
10:33 and they need sort of a slight refuge
10:36 that's my heart where I want to make people
10:39 help them feel that way... like they matter.
10:42 Narrator: Most of the people who attend are not Adventist
10:45 but come because they feel safe here...
10:47 they come from different religions
10:49 and socio-economic backgrounds.
10:51 This congregation is not just focused
10:54 on meeting the spiritual needs of its community.
10:57 They also are aware of the physical needs.
10:59 Pat, one of the founding members,
11:02 makes sure that people are well taken care of
11:05 by creating food-care packages for people to take home.
11:08 Pat: As most of them
11:10 can't afford some of the basic necessities of life
11:14 let alone a little bit extra...
11:16 and some of them have to rely on Food Banks anyway,
11:19 so, this is one of our reaches as well.
11:22 Narrator: I mean, this is sometimes the only way
11:24 of getting their food.
11:25 Knowing some of the stories of some of the ones going to
11:28 actual Food Banks,
11:30 they get pushed to the back... they can't see...
11:33 they don't know what they are
11:34 and the one time I was helping a girl clean up her cupboard...
11:39 she had 25 cans of expired spaghetti sauce
11:44 and no spaghetti...
11:47 so, this is just helping.
11:49 Narrator: Thanks to your prayers
11:52 and contribution to Global Mission
11:54 churches like this are planted in new areas
11:57 and among unreached people groups.
11:58 Kevin: I want to thank God from the bottom of my heart
12:01 for the Adventist Church.
12:03 It was through the Adventist Church
12:06 that I found Jesus...
12:08 it was through the Adventist Church
12:10 that I had experienced His love
12:12 and it's through the Adventist Church's help
12:15 that I am the man that I am today.
12:18 Thank you for supporting Global Mission.
12:20 Music...
12:30 JD Quinn: Hmmm...
12:32 Shelley: What an inspiring story.
12:34 We saw in the first hour, Global Mission...
12:37 the Adventist Missions... has been...
12:41 they're celebrating 30 years...
12:44 what he said, it was an anniversary...
12:47 Gary, how did you say that?
12:49 It's a 30-year anniversary
12:51 but you're not celebrating... explain it.
12:53 Gary: Yeah, you got it, Shelley, you got it.
12:55 We're thankful for the good things that have happened
12:59 but there's still a big challenge in front of us.
13:03 Shelley: And you're not celebrating
13:05 because Jesus hasn't returned yet...
13:08 Is that what you said before?
13:10 So, we saw in the first hour that your Mission Pioneers...
13:15 the Global Mission Pioneers often do church planting
13:19 now we're seeing in this particular video,
13:22 we saw that people who are running a Center of Influence...
13:27 it's also resulting in Church plants.
13:30 Rick: Yeah. Gary: Exactly...
13:35 Rick: Sorry, if I can just say something,
13:37 yeah, that's true...
13:38 and this one was a church plant
13:40 not necessarily tied to a Center of Influence...
13:42 we also support church planting in certain areas
13:44 but I reached out to this group because I said,
13:47 "What is happening during the COVID times...
13:50 what's happened with your church?"
13:52 And they said, "Oh, they're still meeting... "
13:54 but they're meeting by Zoom.
13:55 They can operate their computers
13:57 and they can meet by Zoom
13:59 and they're planning a Christmas Party soon,
14:00 so, they're still being active
14:02 even though, you know, we have a pandemic going on.
14:04 JD Quinn: Amen... amen. Shelley: That's incredible.
14:08 So, let's talk about what's going on in Bulgaria.
14:11 Gary: Yes, so, this is moving on
14:14 to the Center of Influence again,
14:16 Shelly, and as we said in the first hour...
14:20 a Center of Influence is a platform
14:23 in an urban area
14:25 to put Christ's method of ministry into practice
14:28 and we have an example in this video
14:32 of one avenue of service in a community.
14:34 There's a million ways you can do it
14:37 but you have to meet the needs of the community where you are.
14:40 JD Quinn: Amen.
14:41 Shelley: Amen, so let's see then,
14:43 this is called: Bulgarian Friendship Bread...
14:46 I like that title.
14:48 Pause...
14:49 Narrator: In the still dark and early morning,
14:52 flour and water meet...
14:54 they rise with yeast
14:56 and are shoved in an oven to be transformed by heat.
14:59 Music...
15:04 The aroma fills the air
15:05 sending an irresistible invitation
15:08 to mouth-watering delights.
15:09 One by one, people come to order...
15:13 to socialize...
15:14 and laugh.
15:15 Every day, people of all ages and different ethnicities
15:19 line up at this bakery eager to savor delicious bread.
15:23 Music...
15:31 Making bread takes time and patience...
15:34 it takes loving hands to mix ingredients
15:37 and press them together until the dough is ready
15:40 to rise and grow.
15:41 So, it is with people...
15:43 it takes time and patience to cultivate trust and friendship,
15:48 to warm their lives and invite them to follow Jesus.
15:52 At the Tripaisia Global Mission Urban Center of Influence
15:56 in Bulgaria,
15:57 staff members offer visitors more than food.
16:00 Here, people find room to interact
16:02 and participate in a variety of courses
16:05 and activities.
16:06 As they make new friends,
16:08 visitors are invited to become volunteers themselves.
16:11 This way, they can give back and help others too.
16:15 Dimitur is a regular volunteer who found purpose in Tripaisia
16:22 by tutoring Math.
16:24 Dimitur: There are good people here
16:27 and I developed good relationships
16:29 with different people
16:31 so, I want to give my best to others.
16:33 I feel a strong desire to learn more about God and the Bible.
16:37 I have this idea that I have to help
16:40 and if I can, I'm going to do it.
16:43 I am not a Math teacher... I'm an Engineer
16:46 but here, I help kids with Math.
16:48 Narrator: Dimitur travels 10 kilometers every day
16:52 sometimes he comes on foot.
16:54 He started as a customer... then he became a volunteer
16:57 and now, he's a baptized Seventh-day Adventist.
17:00 Like Dimitur, many people who come to Tripaisia
17:03 find the bread of life.
17:05 The owners of Tripaisia
17:07 have seen how Centers of Influence like this
17:10 can work as a platform to engage the community
17:14 and form friendships.
17:15 Christo: God gave us this place to keep us close to people
17:19 God showed us that we needed a place
17:21 where people felt accepted in a home...
17:24 that's why we established the bakery
17:26 because it smells like home.
17:27 In Bulgaria, people eat a lot of bread.
17:30 This is how Christ worked.
17:31 He was close to people...
17:33 He offered them the bread of life,
17:35 He healed them and took care of them
17:37 and we want to do the same.
17:39 The leaders at Tripaisia invite you to pray
17:42 for this growing group of new believers.
17:45 Please pray for this Urban Center of Influence
17:47 and many others around the world
17:49 that find creative ways to introduce people to Jesus.
17:53 Thank you for supporting Urban Centers of Influence
17:56 through Global Mission.
17:58 Music...
18:04 Shelley: You know Gary, something that you said earlier
18:08 this... this was just really struck my heart
18:12 because you mentioned earlier
18:14 that sometimes people think
18:16 we ought to always do things in the same way
18:19 and we will often here in the United States
18:23 we will have Evangelistic Series
18:26 and maybe, we have a good turnout
18:29 but they don't...
18:32 when people come in for an evangelism series,
18:35 they don't always get the support...
18:37 the community support they need...
18:40 and sometimes they're in... and a year later, they're out
18:44 but I would imagine that you have a very high retention rate
18:48 through the Centers of Influence because
18:51 you're giving them a sense of community
18:54 just as you did with the blind.
18:56 Gary: There is no better way to ensure discipleship
19:03 and retention of new members
19:05 than to put Christ's method of ministry into practice.
19:08 Shelley: Amen.
19:09 Gary: Because they're coming to a relationship with Jesus,
19:12 not just through a head knowledge of
19:14 just consenting to some certain doctrines...
19:17 they've actually become bonded to Jesus holistically,
19:21 emotionally from their hearts
19:23 as well as their heads
19:24 and socially they're connected to other believers
19:28 and so, that's very important, Shelley...
19:29 you've hit the nail on the head
19:31 and the other aspect of this too is that
19:35 often, in our outreach we expect people
19:38 to come to us
19:39 so, we run programs in the church
19:43 and we have events
19:44 and these are all wonderful things
19:46 and I... I don't want to speak negatively of them
19:48 but I think more important
19:50 is for us to actually leave the church pews
19:54 and find ways to connect with the community
19:57 to go to where they are
19:59 rather than expecting them to come to where we are.
20:02 Shelley: I think that's well put
20:04 I mean, I think that's Friendship Evangelism...
20:07 meeting the needs of the community... et cetera,
20:09 well, you've got one here that
20:11 you know, as you can tell if you're watching from home
20:14 that we've got a list of videos here...
20:17 they're all such great stories.
20:19 JD Quinn: And what I also like about it Shelley is that
20:21 we're all over the place here,
20:23 Malaysia, Cyprus, Kenya, Albania, Canada, Bulgaria,
20:28 and so on and so...
20:29 this is... this is actually fantastic.
20:32 Shelley: And we're seeing that the way that Jesus ministered
20:37 is the way to really reach people
20:39 but I can't wait to see this one...
20:41 it's in Georgia... and we're not talking Deep South Georgia
20:45 and it's called: Potatoes and Porcupines.
20:48 Music...
20:56 Narrator: How do you turn a potato into a porcupine?
20:59 That's exactly what children in the country of Georgia
21:02 are learning today in their English Class.
21:04 This is their second lesson about fruits and vegetables.
21:07 They're learning the names of common vegetables
21:09 as they transform them into animals
21:12 and modes of transportation.
21:13 Ginta, their teacher, uses interactive teaching methods
21:17 to keep them engaged
21:19 and even includes their parents in the action.
21:21 They're studying a variety of topics
21:26 ranging from numbers to colors.
21:28 We just enjoy even if somebody don't know something,
21:32 we just show the color and remind them how to...
21:36 how to pronounce it correctly
21:38 and they... they just enjoy it.
21:41 Originally from Latvia, Ginta came to Georgia
21:44 to spend a year volunteering
21:46 at this Global Mission Urban Center of Influence.
21:49 She started a hands-on English class for children
21:51 and she's very proud of her student's creations.
21:54 Ginta: Maybe I can show something
21:56 like this... see...
22:03 from one of the lessons when we learn about animals...
22:07 we made butterflies like this
22:10 and previous lesson follows up...
22:14 and previous lesson, when we learned something
22:20 like fruits and vegetables,
22:22 we made just stamps for lemon and pepper like this...
22:30 Narrator: But living in a different culture
22:33 can bring certain challenges and adjustments.
22:37 Ginta: It's very hard for me, you know,
22:40 you are from other country
22:42 and they don't know you
22:43 they in the beginning start watching what I'm doing...
22:46 how I'm doing
22:48 but now they start to be like friends for me
22:50 and today even a few said, "Teacher, we love you... "
22:54 it's really nice
22:55 and parents... it's the same for them
22:58 in the beginning it was very like, distance
23:01 and afterwards nice to talk to
23:03 yeah, I guess we're starting to just...
23:06 Narrator: Ginta has gotten to know the students
23:08 through these programs
23:10 and finds it easier to share a hopeful message
23:12 when a relationship has been established.
23:14 Ginta: Not just be a teacher but be like friends for them
23:19 and really hope there will be a possibility
23:22 to tell them more about Jesus
23:25 and somebody who really loves them.
23:27 Narrator: Fifteen-year old Simon
23:30 has been coming to Ginta's English classes
23:32 over the last few months.
23:33 After many questions and conversations,
23:36 Simon is eager to study the Bible and the Adventist Message.
23:40 Simon: I'm interested in Christ's second coming...
23:43 I'm going through the Bible Lessons
23:47 in preparation for baptism.
23:49 My life has changed.
23:51 Narrator: Through these programs,
23:54 about 15 to 20 people in this town
23:56 started Bible Studies with Gocha
23:59 a Global Mission Pioneer
24:00 and a small group meets each Sabbath.
24:03 Ginta is encouraged to share the love of Jesus
24:07 with the community
24:08 through English classes despite the challenges.
24:11 Please pray for Ginta as she develops friendships
24:15 with students and parents in Georgia.
24:17 Thank you for your continued support
24:19 of Global Mission Projects like these.
24:22 Music...
24:28 Shelley: You know, this is so inspiring
24:31 just because it's going on in areas
24:33 where people don't know Jesus,
24:35 we could take some of these very same ideas
24:37 and do them in our own community
24:40 because this is a beautiful thing
24:42 and children love crafts and they get involved...
24:47 if you reach the hearts of children,
24:49 you're going to be able to reach the hearts of parents, right?
24:53 So, Gary, tell me one thing...
24:55 it occurred to me how do you...
24:57 you said that if someone is a Global Mission Pioneer,
25:01 it is a sacrificial thing, really,
25:05 you only pay them a small stipend...
25:08 do you also help support these...
25:11 the Centers of Influence?
25:14 What is the support like to start one of those?
25:17 Gary: Yes, with the Center of Influence,
25:21 they put together a proposal which comes from the local field
25:24 it then has to be approved
25:26 by the various levels of the Adventist Church
25:29 and each level needs to contribute something financially
25:33 toward the project
25:36 so that it's not just a project owned
25:38 by the Adventist World Headquarters,
25:40 but it's something that we're all invested in
25:43 so that we're all making a contribution to it...
25:46 we own it together and so,
25:48 a plan needs to be for the first three years
25:53 this is what we're going to do...
25:54 this is what we're going to do
25:55 to try to make it self-sustaining
25:58 over a period of time...
25:59 this is the way that we're hoping to generate some income
26:03 and this is how we are going to put a plan together
26:06 to meet the needs of the community...
26:08 put Christ's method of ministry into practice
26:11 and start new groups of believers.
26:13 Shelley: Absolutely, how exciting!
26:16 Well, so, when you have these Centers of Influence...
26:21 so it's... they're all over...
26:24 we mostly have people who are from the communities
26:28 who speak the language
26:30 but tell us what's going on in Cambodia, please, Rick.
26:35 Pause...
26:37 Rick: So, Cambodia is an interesting one
26:40 because this is not really a Global Mission project...
26:45 it's a Center of Influence
26:46 and it's run by an Australian who's in Cambodia
26:49 but he is so dedicated that he started this whole ministry
26:53 but he's left all the properties and things to the Church
26:56 but he has started a Butterfly Garden down there
27:00 as an... as an outreach.
27:01 Shelley: And... and so now we've got a little video of him...
27:06 we'll see another inspiring story: Butterfly Paradise.
27:11 Pause...
27:13 Narrator: Tim made some bold and radical decisions in his life.
27:16 He quit his job...
27:17 moved to a foreign country with his family
27:19 and invested their money in starting a ministry
27:22 leaving their lives in Australia behind.
27:25 Tim and his family purchased a piece of land
27:27 in Siem Reap, Cambodia
27:29 wanting to establish a place of hope
27:31 and healing for the community.
27:33 They started a school to help kids from poor families.
27:36 They also organized programs to help families earn an income.
27:40 Aside from helping families,
27:42 Tim built small houses within their property
27:44 to serve as a shelter for young men and women
27:47 who don't have a place to stay
27:48 or those without family.
27:50 Prayer has been a vital part of Tim's daily activities.
27:54 After living in Cambodia for many years,
27:57 he prayed for a new unique way to introduce people to God.
28:01 After months of earnest prayers, God answered Tim's petitions
28:05 and helped him establish a butterfly farm
28:08 that was available to the community and tourists as well.
28:12 Tim: Butterfly Paradise is about helping visitors...
28:16 local and international...
28:17 experience the beauty and design in nature
28:22 and therefore, come to see the need for a Designer
28:26 and we want them to see that that Designer is God...
28:29 the God of Genesis chapter 1 who created all things
28:33 in six days.
28:35 Narrator: The beauty of nature is a unique way
28:37 to attract visitors
28:38 and introduce the topic of creation.
28:41 The Butterfly Paradise allows people
28:43 to gain a deeper understanding of God's wonderful creation.
28:46 Tim: And so, when they come here,
28:49 then, we will be seeking to draw them to God.
28:54 We have a Cinema here
28:55 and as they come into the air-conditioned Cinema
28:58 and get out of the heat,
28:59 then they will be introduced to the thing with design in nature
29:04 and God as Designer.
29:05 We have a vegetarian restaurant
29:07 and we hope to use the vegetarian restaurant
29:10 there as a way of helping people see
29:13 that their Designer had a particular diet in mind
29:17 so they could maintain good health.
29:19 Then we have an educational area
29:21 where people can learn about the life cycle of the butterfly.
29:24 They realize the complexity the life of the butterfly
29:28 and that again, there's a Designer involved.
29:31 Narrator: The final stop is at the Souvenir Shop.
29:34 Here, guests can bring home memories
29:36 of their unique experience in nature.
29:38 The funds from the shop help to run the operations
29:41 but not everything has a price tag.
29:44 There is free literature to take too.
29:46 The Butterfly Paradise is not only reaching out to the public
29:50 but it also reaches in to every staff member.
29:53 They may find a deeper understanding of the Bible
29:56 and a purpose to serve other people.
29:58 Butterfly Paradise is staffed with young people
30:01 that have come through our orphanage
30:03 and come through our school
30:05 and so, these young people did learn about Jesus
30:08 in the orphanage... in the school...
30:10 and so, we're giving them an environment
30:12 where they can continue to grow in Christ...
30:14 where they can have Sabbath off...
30:16 and where they actually get to share
30:18 their love for God with other people
30:21 and so, as they go through this experience,
30:25 their own salvation is strengthened and renewed daily.
30:28 Narrator: Soraya came from a poor family.
30:31 Tim enrolled her in their school.
30:33 At this Institution, she learned about the Bible
30:37 and was drawn closer to Christ.
30:38 Then, she accepted Christ into her heart
30:41 and was baptized.
30:43 Soraya: I have learned so many thing from this place.
30:47 I have education...
30:49 how to cook...
30:51 how to mingle with people...
30:54 and how to do evangelism... give the Bible Study...
30:59 and now I have a job and I have a family
31:04 and thank God for this place.
31:06 Narrator: Please pray for Tim and the Butterfly Paradise.
31:09 This supporting ministry is s positive influence
31:13 in the city of Siem Reap.
31:14 Please pray that more young people will get the chance
31:17 to have a good education
31:18 and a deeper understanding of their purpose.
31:23 Music...
31:32 Shelley: Oh, that is... it's just...
31:35 I'm just amazed at how people are inspired
31:38 to do so many different types of things
31:41 but, you know, when you're talking about
31:44 reaching the unreached...
31:46 we're talking about people who've never heard of Jesus,
31:50 we're talking about countries where
31:52 there aren't any Christians...
31:54 the Adventist church hasn't been...
31:56 what are some of the greatest missionary challenges?
32:00 Gary: Well, Shelley, I usually point to
32:06 the 10/40 Window
32:09 which is stretching from North-West Africa
32:12 through the Middle East...
32:14 into Asia...
32:15 and as you correctly pointed out earlier,
32:17 you have two-thirds of the world's population
32:19 living in that area
32:21 and you have the poorest of the poor
32:23 and you have people who come from
32:25 totally different worldviews to us
32:27 and as you said,
32:30 most of these people never even heard the name of Jesus.
32:32 Another challenge that we face is what Mike referred to earlier
32:36 and that is the growing urban areas of the world
32:39 and we now have the majority of the world's population
32:44 living in cities...
32:45 and that is where we need to start focusing
32:48 our mission energy.
32:50 Another challenge is the growing secular and post-modern West
32:54 where people are rich and increased with goods
32:57 and feel as they have need of nothing
32:59 and so they live their lives without any reference of God
33:04 and I usually finish my list there
33:07 until I heard Mike Ryan...
33:08 you were talking about another mission challenge
33:11 and that is the lack of involvement of church members
33:16 in Mission... that is another mission challenge.
33:20 Shelley: And that's something that God needs to
33:21 really wake up our heart... we need to pray about that more.
33:24 JD Quinn: Mike, what are your thoughts on this
33:27 as I can tell, you're sitting on the edge of your seat.
33:29 Pause...
33:34 Mike: Yeah, you know Shelley,
33:37 there are some videos tonight
33:39 that we're not showing
33:40 and... and we cannot show them
33:43 because they happen to come from areas
33:46 that would place a lot of people
33:49 in a lot of danger and difficulty
33:51 but you cannot imagine how Centers of Influence
33:55 are effected.
33:57 I could tell you of a country
33:59 in which we have very, very few members.
34:02 You can easily put all the members in the country
34:04 in your studio
34:05 and have a lot of room left over
34:07 and yet, that country found itself in a crisis...
34:11 people began to pour across the borders...
34:14 and when they came to that refugee country,
34:17 they found that they were not well received
34:21 and their children had no opportunity for education.
34:24 There was a young lady who was kind of asked
34:29 to find something to do,
34:31 and she went out and said, "We got to open a school... "
34:33 and if you were to go to that place today,
34:38 you would find not only a large school in an urban area
34:42 serving a people group
34:44 in which we've had very little inroads
34:47 and there you would find a congregation
34:49 that meets daily
34:51 and their children who now know Jesus
34:54 and so, these Centers of Influence
34:58 if it was an idea that was created by us,
35:01 I would say, "Well, probably it's an average idea"
35:05 but these Centers of Influence...
35:07 we have been counseled to enter into this by a divine source
35:10 and I think that makes the difference
35:15 and so, when we talk about the... the...
35:19 the Centers of Influence,
35:21 I think we need to recognize that they are located
35:24 in places that we are not reporting tonight.
35:27 Shelley: Amen... and I know that there are so many challenges
35:32 but I think what you said, Gary,
35:34 and of course you were quoting, Mike,
35:37 is that one of the greatest challenges
35:40 is that our hearts have become apathetic
35:42 toward Mission in many areas
35:46 we feel like we are rich... increased with good
35:50 and in need of nothing...
35:51 and we are not fulfilling Jesus' commandment
35:56 to love our neighbor as ourself
35:59 because if you love your neighbor...
36:01 he said, "This is second greatest commandment"
36:05 you're going to want them to know Jesus...
36:09 you're going to want them to have eternal life.
36:12 Well, I would say that Tokyo, Japan...
36:16 when you put that in the secular post-modern type of
36:22 atmosphere...
36:25 I noticed you have a video here called:
36:30 Mission Unusual in Tokyo.
36:33 So, is this one of your secular areas that's difficult?
36:37 Gary: You know, Tokyo is a unique city
36:43 in so many ways...
36:44 it's the world's largest city...
36:46 yes, very secular... very post-modern in many ways
36:50 but also, it still has residues
36:53 of different religious traditions
36:56 that mix up with it all, et cetera, et cetera
36:58 but the bottom line is that the Seventh-day Adventist Church
37:01 in Tokyo is... has a huge challenge...
37:05 it's a very, very small group of believers there
37:10 facing just... insurmountable odds of actually even...
37:15 how do you even start to make an impact in this
37:18 and so, Mission Unusual refers to a special initiative...
37:22 that was actually started by my boss, Dr. G.T. Ng
37:26 who's the Executive Secretary of the General Conference
37:28 and he said, "Why can't we get missionaries
37:31 and Global Mission Pioneers
37:33 and Centers of Influence
37:35 and Adventist Volunteer Services
37:37 and some supporting ministries
37:40 and let's do a combined effort here
37:43 where we listen to the local church leaders in Japan
37:47 and say, "How can we serve you?
37:49 How can we work with you in your plan?
37:52 And let's bring in the Global Mission Centers
37:56 that have expertise in reaching people
37:58 from certain religious traditions
38:00 and for reaching people in urban areas
38:03 and let's have a concerted effort... an unusual effort
38:07 to make a difference in this vast city... "
38:09 and so, that's what the next video is all about.
38:12 Shelley: All right, so let's look at:
38:14 Mission Unusual in Tokyo.
38:16 Pause...
38:26 Music...
38:36 There's nothing unusual about the Adventist Church
38:38 being involved in Mission.
38:40 Mission has always been our focus
38:42 but there is something very unusual
38:44 about a new Mission Movement taking off in Tokyo.
38:48 The church in Japan has a burden
38:50 for the millions of unreached people
38:52 living in their capital city.
38:53 They know that without new mission methods,
38:56 these people will remain unreached.
38:58 So, they invited the General Conference
39:01 and the Northern Asia Pacific Division
39:03 to partner with them
39:05 to create Mission Unusual...
39:07 a massive church planting and disciple-making movement.
39:10 Key to the development of Mission Unusual
39:13 are the Global Mission Centers
39:16 which focus on creating resources
39:17 to share the gospel with unreached people groups.
39:20 Doug: Today I'm in Tokyo,
39:21 one of the world's largest cities
39:23 with a population of 40 million...
39:25 the challenge is great before us but guess what?
39:28 Our God is greater...
39:29 He's given us this mandate in Revelation 14:6
39:33 and other places in Scripture
39:34 to go to every nation, kindred, tongue and people.
39:37 So, how are we doing?
39:38 Well, we're not home yet
39:40 and that's where we and an Adventist family worldwide
39:43 can focus on reaching the unreached people groups
39:46 of the city.
39:47 There's growing diversity in Japan
39:49 and the people embrace a variety of lifestyles
39:52 and subcultures.
39:53 This includes young people like Sunny Bunny
39:56 who use fashion as a form of self-expression.
39:58 I saw Takeshita Dori in the street for the first time
40:02 and I saw a lot of like, Lolita's fashion
40:05 and a lot of colorful fashion,
40:07 and I was like, "Wow! Amazing... "
40:09 and then, you know, I became like this.
40:12 When I don't have, like, my makeup on...
40:15 and... normal wear... then I'm like this...
40:19 Bystander: Me too... me too... me too...
40:22 Girl: But when I wear this, I'm like this...
40:25 like, "Look at me... everyone look at me...
40:28 bow... bow... " like this.
40:30 Music...
40:32 A team of church-planting missionaries
40:34 is already on the ground
40:36 learning the language
40:37 and how best to share Jesus with the Japanese.
40:40 In time, they'll start new groups of believers
40:42 who will in turn disciple others.
40:45 Eventually, they'll be supported by the ministry
40:47 of Global Mission Pioneers...
40:49 Urban Centers of Influence...
40:51 Volunteers... and Tentmakers...
40:52 and a concerted effort to reach the entire city for Jesus.
40:56 Helping to lead this team is Pastor Nazumo Obara,
41:00 the President of the East Japan Conference.
41:03 For years, he's had a passion for church planting
41:06 and he and his wife, Sachiko, are actively engaged
41:09 in the disciple-making ministry for children.
41:12 Pastor Obara will be transitioning
41:14 from his position as President
41:15 to become the Associate Director for Mission Unusual Tokyo.
41:19 Pastor: Greater Tokyo area is a big area
41:26 with over 40 million people
41:28 but in the heart of Tokyo City, there's about 10 million people
41:32 and only ten Adventist Churches
41:35 with about 900 worship attendees every week.
41:38 So, one Adventist needs to reach more than 10,000 people.
41:44 Tokyo is a big challenge.
41:47 Narrator: To confront the challenge,
41:50 Japanese pastors and missionaries
41:53 will use a holistic approach to mission.
41:55 Mission Unusual will plant the seeds
41:58 of mission over the next five years
42:00 but the mission won't stop there.
42:02 These efforts will continue to grow
42:04 and impact people's lives for years to come.
42:08 Pastor: Our focus is not just on events and programs.
42:11 Building relationships and getting involved with people
42:14 is our focus.
42:15 Finding out people's needs and meeting people's needs.
42:18 In other words, implementing Christ's method
42:21 here in Mission Unusual Tokyo.
42:24 Narrator: We'll keep you updated as God leads this movement
42:27 and uses it for His glory.
42:29 In the meantime, you too can support Mission Unusual Tokyo.
42:33 Will you join me in praying for this project
42:35 as it continues to unfold over the next five years
42:38 to uplift Jesus in this city.
42:41 Music...
42:51 Shelley: One thing I love about
42:53 being a Seventh-day Adventist Christian
42:55 is that I have brothers and sisters around the world
42:59 and it is so inspiring to see what people are doing
43:03 to reach the unreached.
43:05 Gary, before we began, we actually had a moment
43:09 before we began this Program
43:11 we were talking off the air
43:13 and you mentioned something interesting
43:16 about the Annual Sacrifice Offering.
43:19 Could you give us a little history of that
43:22 and tell us what you do for your Annual Offering.
43:26 Gary: Yes, well, the Annual Sacrifice Offering
43:31 this year is... is November 14
43:33 and it comes within the Adventist...
43:36 end of what we call the Week of Prayer
43:37 and it comes to Global Mission with Church Planting
43:40 and Mike has actually done a little bit of a study
43:43 of the history of the Annual Sacrifice Offering
43:46 and how it started at a very important stage
43:50 in Adventist Church history.
43:51 Shelley: Mike, you want to tell us about it?
43:54 Pause...
43:57 Mike: Well, sure...
43:59 it does have a very interesting history.
44:02 If you think about the Adventist Church's history of mission,
44:08 it began in 1880s
44:11 and... but we had only gone too few countries in Europe.
44:16 Well, as we walked down the calendar,
44:19 we find that by the Great Depression
44:22 and the desperation
44:23 when there was a huge economic downturn
44:26 in the United States,
44:28 we actually had reached out
44:30 and we were operating in quite a few countries
44:33 and we had placed missionaries in Asia... India...
44:37 certainly we had missionaries serving in Africa,
44:40 South America, Inter-America
44:42 and we had actually purchased properties...
44:46 we were operating hospitals
44:48 and we were operating schools
44:50 and of course we had front-line workers
44:52 and it was quite a large mission program
44:55 but when this economic downturn came...
44:57 and it came to the attention of the General Conference
45:00 they were going to have to recall
45:03 and bring back all those missionaries
45:06 and so, someone came up with the idea...
45:08 "Well, why don't we have a week of prayer
45:10 where... where we call the world church to their knees
45:14 and let them know that we are in a crisis
45:17 and the proclamation of this message
45:20 that we have been asked to carry
45:22 is in danger of having a great setback... "
45:27 and so they placed this in the church
45:29 and it was very interesting what the result was.
45:32 If you look at the records
45:36 you will find that the average church member in North America
45:40 that year contributed on average six days' wages
45:47 to that offering.
45:48 Now, you stop and consider
45:51 what an offering would be like today
45:53 if every member... every member of the... of the church
45:58 were to contribute six days' wages
46:03 to that offering
46:05 to keep the mission work alive
46:08 and I'm telling you,
46:09 it absolutely saved the mission program
46:12 and many of the... of the places that we were at,
46:17 we did not have to bring our workers back.
46:19 There was funding...
46:20 we were able to keep them there
46:22 and make it through that crisis
46:25 and, of course, that was the beginning
46:27 of the Annual Sacrifice Offering
46:29 which we see that the Church has retained
46:31 right through the years
46:32 and, of course, it doesn't get quite the visibility
46:35 that it does right now
46:37 but I would... I would point this out.
46:39 Right now, the world church is under a great deal
46:43 of financial pressure because of the pandemic
46:47 and many times the exchange rates
46:50 that are in other countries
46:53 they have lost a very strong... power
46:57 and so, we're in a little bit of a crisis now too.
47:01 I think the secret to the annual sacrifice offering
47:05 is that we can actually have our church...
47:09 find themselves on their knees
47:11 for the week before
47:13 and ask the Lord, "What do you want me to do?"
47:17 That's a little history.
47:19 Shelley: And that's an amazing history...
47:22 I'm going to make a confession... they say that...
47:24 that confessions are good for the soul
47:28 but hard on the reputation...
47:29 you know, I feel like... being in full-time ministry
47:32 and we help support 3ABN
47:35 and we support orphans and things
47:38 but I'm realizing that the allocation
47:41 of my tithes and offerings I need to...
47:44 our tithe, of course, goes to the church
47:48 and certain offerings...
47:49 but we need to make that a monthly gift
47:53 that we put something in for global missions
47:56 because this the only way that Jesus is ever going to return
48:01 is when we can reach all of these people.
48:05 Rick: You know, one of the things
48:07 about the Annual Sacrifice...
48:09 Mike: Well, Shelley, we are partners in this together.
48:12 Shelley: Amen... amen.
48:14 Mike: Go ahead Rick.
48:16 Rick: I was going to say,
48:17 one of the things about the Annual Sacrifice Offering
48:19 is the word "sacrifice" is in there
48:21 and that's one of the things that those early people did,
48:24 they gave up a week's wages
48:26 and Mike, you're absolutely right, you know,
48:28 spending that week in prayer is critical
48:31 but one of the things that we're starting to suggest
48:33 is... think about something you can give up
48:36 for that week...
48:37 maybe it's a dessert or some snack
48:40 or... or... maybe you can give up a meal...
48:43 one meal a day for a week
48:44 and use that money to support the Annual Sacrifice Offering
48:48 and let's bring "sacrifice" back
48:50 into the Annual Sacrifice Offering.
48:52 Shelley: Amen... amen.
48:54 Gary: Shelley, I can remember when I was a child... a kid...
48:58 and we were living in New Zealand...
49:01 my parents had been missionaries to Fiji where I was born
49:05 and then my father went to Longburn College in New Zealand.
49:08 I can remember that it was a thing back then
49:11 that you actually gave a week's wages...
49:14 my parents would give a week's wages
49:16 for this particular offering
49:19 and my mother is actually watching in Australia
49:22 at the retirement village in Austinville, and so, "Hi Mom"
49:25 and the people there in the retirement village...
49:27 so, in my lifetime it was...
49:30 it was a... a thing...
49:32 but I think it was kind of... lost a little bit of the vision
49:34 but we're just so thankful for the Annual Sacrifice Offering,
49:37 because it helps make possible many of the things...
49:41 many of the projects...
49:43 many of the initiatives...
49:44 many of the new churches and Centers of Influence
49:46 that you have seen on the Program this evening.
49:50 Shelley: Amen... you just reminded me of a story
49:52 that just really... it's indelibly imprinted upon my mind
49:59 and that is that a pastor got up and said to his congregation,
50:03 "We have someone... a family who's in dire straits
50:08 they desperately need help
50:10 so, we're going to take up a collection
50:13 before Thanksgiving for their Christmas... "
50:15 and so, he told the...
50:19 I think it was like, three weeks in advance...
50:21 he told the church.
50:22 Well, there was a lady who had... her husband had died...
50:26 she had four children
50:27 they went and picked up cans...
50:30 they did bake sales...
50:31 they sold things...
50:33 and, you know what?
50:34 When the offering time came...
50:36 they'd put in $200.
50:39 Well at the end of the fellowship meal,
50:42 the Pastor called them forward...
50:46 they were the family for whom
50:48 the offering had been taken up.
50:52 The total offering was like, $214.
50:56 This family had put in $200 of it
51:00 and was the poorest family in the entire church
51:05 so, you see that I think sometimes
51:08 the more we feel we have...
51:10 the more we... we become content
51:15 and we don't pay attention to what other people have,
51:19 I found that often... people who have the least
51:22 are the most generous.
51:24 We do want to give you our audience
51:28 an opportunity to support this wonderful ministry.
51:32 As I said in...
51:34 not as I said but Jesus calls every one of us
51:41 to... we all have a role in Mission...
51:45 it is either that we are going
51:48 or that we are sending
51:50 and Paul said in Romans 10 13 through 15,
51:54 "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
51:59 But how then shall they call on Him
52:02 in whom they have not believed?"
52:05 How are all these people in the 10/40 Window
52:08 who never heard the name of Jesus...
52:11 how can they be saved?
52:13 He goes on and he says, "How shall they believe in Him
52:18 of whom they've not heard?
52:20 How shall they hear without a preacher?
52:23 And how shall they preach unless they are sent?
52:28 As it is written:
52:30 'How beautiful are the feet of those
52:32 who preach the gospel of peace,
52:35 who bring glad tidings of good things!'"
52:39 If you would like to support,
52:42 I'm going to as Gary to... also in a moment,
52:45 to give you a... another method
52:48 but you can contact 3ABN
52:52 at: 618-627-4651
52:58 or you can mail it in to us...
53:02 you just can't text in... you can't text a donation,
53:07 but if you make that phone call,
53:09 you be sure and tell us, "This money is money I want
53:14 to go to Global Mission... "
53:17 and we have a special fund set up for Global Mission.
53:22 Gary, what's another way that people can contribute to you.
53:26 Gary: Thank you, well, first of all I want to thank you, Shelley
53:30 and thank 3ABN for providing this opportunity...
53:33 it's very generous of you...
53:34 we appreciate your support for the Global Mission.
53:38 You can go to our website: AdventistMission. org
53:42 AdventistMission. org and there you can find
53:46 all sorts of pictures and videos and stories
53:48 of what we've been talking about this evening
53:51 but you can also go to the giving page there
53:54 and if you want to give online, you can do that
53:56 and you can also find a phone number there
53:59 the 1-800 number that you contact us on as well
54:03 which is 1-800-648-5824
54:08 and this... just as a reminder Global Mission is all about
54:13 starting new groups of believers
54:15 among new people groups
54:16 and in new geographical areas.
54:19 Shelley: So, you are reaching the unreached.
54:23 Well, I want to say one thing to Mama Krause...
54:27 we want to say "hello" to you
54:29 and you did such a wonderful job in rearing your son
54:35 and for parents at home,
54:37 just always remember the most important thing
54:41 you can teach your children
54:42 is how to have an intimate, personal relationship
54:47 with the God of love.
54:49 I just want one... we've only got a couple of minutes...
54:53 but I want one of you to share
54:56 how this ministry has changed your life.
54:59 Pause...
55:01 Gary: Go ahead Mike.
55:03 Pause...
55:06 Mike: Well, I will tell you
55:11 the more that you become aware
55:15 of the people who still need to hear the good news of the gospel
55:19 and the look that you get at it
55:24 whether it is Buddhism, Hinduism, Communism,
55:29 Islam... and you... you become acquainted
55:34 with the miracle that takes place
55:38 to bring hope to people...
55:40 how precious they are...
55:42 it cannot help but... but impact you.
55:45 My challenge to people listening tonight,
55:48 is to find a way to become involved in mission.
55:54 There's a program called: I will go...
55:56 we've all heard of it...
55:57 take that as a challenge...
55:59 I will go... find some way...
56:00 if you will take one step forward,
56:02 you will find the Lord will bless that
56:05 and it will change your life.
56:07 Shelley: Amen and amen... well said.
56:09 Gary, we thank you very much for all that you are doing...
56:14 and thank you for being on tonight...
56:16 Mike, thank you for the pioneering work that you did
56:19 in helping to launch this program,
56:22 and, of course, our dear friend, we thank you too
56:27 Rick, for being with us
56:29 and our prayer for those of you at home
56:33 is that the love of our God and Father...
56:37 the fellowship...
56:40 or the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
56:42 and the fellowship of the Lord...
56:45 the fellowship of the Holy Spirit...
56:48 will do a work in your heart
56:51 that... open your heart to the Holy Spirit...
56:54 say, "Lord, pour your love into my heart...
56:58 help me to love you with all my heart, soul, mind and strength
57:00 and to love my neighbor as myself. "
57:03 Bye... bye.


Revised 2020-12-07