3ABN Today Live

30 Years of Global Mission - Focusing on reaching unreached people.

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL200035A

00:01 Music...
00:02 Greg: As you're well aware
00:04 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for today's special program.
00:07 Music...
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:17 mending broken people
00:22 I want to spend my life
00:28 removing pain
00:33 Lord, let my words
00:39 heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 mending broken people
00:54 I want to spend my life
01:00 mending broken people
01:07 music...
01:15 Shelley: Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Live.
01:18 Oh boy! this is fun...
01:20 it's always fun when it's a live program.
01:22 Shelley: We feel a little lonesome out here
01:24 because we're the only two in the Studio
01:27 but we've got three wonderful guests tonight
01:29 and an inspiring program.
01:31 JD Quinn: Amen.
01:32 Shelley: It's been a busy week.
01:34 JD Quinn: It's been a real busy week.
01:35 Shelley: Have you had some good calls?
01:36 JD Quinn: Oh my goodness!
01:38 You know, when I first started working here,
01:39 they were talking about...
01:40 we get calls from all over the world.
01:42 When I first started, I thought, "Well, that probably means
01:44 we're getting calls from California...
01:46 Florida... maybe Indiana...
01:47 but that wasn't what they were talking about, Shelley,
01:50 and this is going to incorporate what we're talking about
01:52 tonight...
01:53 we were getting calls from Australia...
01:55 we were getting calls from Germany...
01:56 from Romania... from the Caribbean...
01:58 I mean... around the world.
02:00 Shelley: Amen... amen.
02:02 JD Quinn: And we're going to build off of that tonight.
02:03 Shelley: Yes, we are... yes, we are
02:05 and sometimes when they call, he can't understand their accent
02:09 quite often they can't understand his.
02:11 JD Quinn: Yeah, we're working on that.
02:13 Shelley: You know, the thought struck me today
02:17 that God's missionary heart and His purpose
02:21 is seen throughout the entire Bible...
02:23 right in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned
02:31 God introduced the idea
02:35 that He was going to send someone
02:38 who would be born of a woman
02:39 who would be Messiah...
02:41 who would do away with the works of the devil
02:45 and we see that God is... I mean, when He called Abraham,
02:49 He said, "All the nations will be blessed through you. "
02:53 He sent the Savior to be a light to Gentiles,
02:58 not just to restore Israel
03:02 but to be a light to the Gentiles.
03:03 JD Quinn: Amen.
03:05 Shelley: And, of course, tonight we will be talking
03:08 about carrying out God's purpose...
03:11 about having this missionary heart...
03:15 Jesus said in Matthew 28 verses 18 through 20,
03:20 He said, "All authority has been unto Me
03:23 therefore... because I've got this authority,
03:26 you go... go into all the world...
03:29 baptize... making disciples... "
03:32 in other words, not just converts,
03:35 you don't just have them converted...
03:38 He says, "teach them everything
03:40 that I have commanded you... "
03:43 and that's what our guests tonight do.
03:48 This is going to be an inspiring program,
03:50 we have lots of video... it's going to be lots of fun,
03:53 so, let me go ahead and introduce our guests.
03:56 First we have Gary Krause
03:58 and Gary is the Director for Adventist Mission
04:04 at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Church,
04:08 Gary, hi...
04:10 Gary: Good evening, nice to see you again.
04:12 Shelley: It is so good to see you, my Friend,
04:15 and we love your Texas accent.
04:17 Guests: Oh yeah... laughing...
04:20 Shelley: Somebody... one of the camera men said,
04:22 "Boy, I don't know what time it is for this guy,
04:25 he's down in Australia or something... "
04:27 but, you're joining us from Maryland
04:30 and we're so glad that you're joining us
04:32 and then, we have Mike Ryan...
04:36 Mike, you're up there in Colorado...
04:37 he is the Assistant to the General Conference President.
04:41 We're so glad you could join us.
04:44 Pause...
04:45 Mike: I am very pleased to be here this evening
04:48 and thank you for the invitation.
04:50 Shelley: Yes, have the fires gotten close to you
04:53 up there in Colorado?
04:54 Pause...
04:56 Mike: Ah, well, they've been to the north of us...
04:59 we really haven't had too much of it, in our immediate area.
05:03 Shelley: Praise the Lord for that,
05:04 we've been praying for you guys
05:06 and then we've got our dear friend, Rick Kajiura,
05:10 did I say it right?
05:11 Rick: You said the way I said it
05:13 so, as far as I am concerned, you said it right.
05:15 Shelley: Wonderful... and Rick is the Communications Director
05:20 for Adventist Missions
05:21 at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Church.
05:24 Boy, you guys have long titles... it's something else...
05:27 JD Quinn: Can I bring up one thing, Shelley,
05:29 so that our Viewing audience will...
05:32 we're doing this via Skype.
05:33 Shelley: That's... that's... you know,
05:37 we live in a world of remote access...
05:40 praise God for the access
05:42 but we are sorry they couldn't be with us here tonight
05:45 but we're not going to notice the difference
05:48 because we get to see them
05:50 it's like sitting down across the table from them.
05:52 JD Quinn: Yes, I was noticing with Mike
05:54 because we just ask the question
05:56 and about another second or two then he was answering
05:59 and so, there is that delay
06:02 but the good news is that we're all together.
06:04 Shelley: Amen.
06:05 JD Quinn: I mean, it's absolutely amazing...
06:07 I was doing a devotional,
06:09 when I was taking a devotional back I think the 1949,
06:13 heaven forbid, we had the old ring phones on the wall
06:17 and here we're able to go across just wherever we want to
06:21 by Skype... you know...
06:22 just by these unwritten lines
06:25 it's just amazing.
06:27 Shelley: It is exciting the world we live in
06:30 and things are happening so quickly
06:33 but please don't get your mind in a negative place...
06:38 what we have to do as Christians
06:41 is not worry about who's in charge in our country...
06:46 what we need to worry about is who's in charge in the...
06:51 in the kingdom which we belong
06:53 and we want to do His will to reach the unreached
06:57 because that's what God does.
07:00 We are Live tonight...
07:02 so, you can text in your questions
07:05 to 618-228-3975...
07:13 618-228-3975
07:17 or you can e-mail us at: live@3abn
07:24 dot... is it tv... yeah, they've got org in here
07:28 but it's tv dot tv...
07:30 live@3abn. tv
07:32 so, let's have a quick song and we got to get with it,
07:36 we got lots of good stuff. JD Quinn: I know... I know...
07:37 I'm going to try my best to pronounce this right
07:41 but it's: Paulo Torres
07:43 and he's going to be singing "The Love of God. "
07:45 Shelley: Amen.
07:47 Music...
08:02 The love of God
08:04 is greater far
08:08 Than tongue or pen
08:11 can ever tell;
08:15 It goes beyond
08:17 the highest star,
08:21 And reaches to
08:25 the lowest hell;
08:29 Music
08:39 O love of God,
08:41 how rich and pure!
08:46 How measureless
08:49 and strong!
08:52 It shall forevermore
08:56 endure
08:59 the saints' and angels' song.
09:06 When years of time
09:09 shall pass away,
09:13 And earthly thrones
09:16 and kingdoms fall,
09:20 When those on hills
09:24 and mountains call,
09:26 God's love so sure,
09:30 shall still endure,
09:33 All measureless and strong;
09:37 Redeeming grace to Adam's race...
09:40 The saints' and angels' song...
09:46 The love of God
09:50 how rich and pure...
09:54 The saints' and angels'
09:57 song...
10:01 Music...
10:05 Could we with ink
10:08 the ocean fill,
10:11 and were the skies
10:15 of parchment made,
10:18 Were every stalk
10:21 on earth a quill,
10:25 and everyone
10:28 a scribe by trade,
10:32 To write the love of God
10:35 above,
10:38 would drain the ocean
10:41 dry.
10:45 Nor could the scroll...
10:49 contain the whole...
10:52 though stretched from sky
10:55 to sky...
11:02 Music...
11:09 O love of God,
11:12 how rich and pure...
11:16 how measureless and strong!
11:23 It shall forevermore endure,
11:30 the saints' and angels' song.
11:36 Music...
11:41 O love of God,
11:44 how rich and pure...
11:47 how measureless
11:50 and strong!
11:53 It shall forevermore
11:57 endure,
12:01 the saints' and angels' song.
12:07 Music...
12:13 O love of God,
12:16 how rich and pure...
12:18 how measureless
12:22 and strong!
12:25 It shall forevermore
12:30 endure,
12:33 the saints' and angels' song...
12:39 the saints
12:46 and angels'
12:51 song.
12:56 Pause...
13:01 JD Quinn: Obviously what I should have said a while ago,
13:03 Shelley, and what I really meant was,
13:05 "He can certainly make that violin sing... "
13:07 Shelley: He can make that violin sing... that was beautiful.
13:10 Well, if you're just now joining us
13:12 tonight we are... we have three man servants of God
13:16 who are going to share inspiring stories
13:20 and these are wonderful videos that we're going to show you,
13:24 great stories tonight
13:25 but let's just go ahead and get started
13:28 because we've got a lot...
13:29 Gary, we want to ask you first
13:31 because I know... since I've known you,
13:34 it have... there's... it's been decades...
13:36 what three decades that Global Missions has been around,
13:40 tell us how it started and for what purpose.
13:43 Gary: Yeah, well, thanks Shelley,
13:45 yeah, this is the 30th Anniversary of Global Mission
13:49 and so, we're commemorating it but we're not celebrating it
13:51 but we're not celebrating it
13:53 and what I mean by that is
13:55 we realize that for the past three decades,
13:59 God has been leading with new groups of believers
14:02 being planted around the world
14:04 as a result of this new focus that was started in 1990,
14:08 where church members and church leaders came together
14:12 and they prayed and they planned
14:15 and they looked at the world map and they...
14:17 they looked at where the Adventist church was active
14:20 and where it wasn't
14:21 and they decided, "We have to have an intentional plan here
14:25 to start new groups of believers... "
14:28 so, we celebrate the fact that
14:30 back then there were six million church members...
14:33 today we have far more than 20 million...
14:35 we've seen the growth as a result of global mission
14:37 but we're sorry because we're still here...
14:40 we're still on Planet Earth
14:42 so, we would like to commemorate it
14:46 and it's appropriate that we have Elder Ryan
14:48 here this evening
14:49 because he, of course, was the first Director of Global Mission
14:53 he got the whole thing started
14:55 from absolutely nothing...
14:57 there was no Global Mission Pioneer Program...
15:00 there were no Urban Centers of Influence...
15:02 there was no focus as we know it
15:05 on reaching unreached people groups
15:08 so, Mike can tell the story of those beginnings
15:11 much better than I can.
15:12 Shelley: Mike... Mike...
15:14 Pause...
15:17 Mike: Well, you did a pretty good job Gary,
15:21 I'll tell you the most important thing
15:24 I believe that we did here...
15:27 we had a vison for mission
15:30 and we had a passion for mission...
15:33 as the world leaders came together
15:37 and it came to them, they realized
15:41 that we had many places still to go
15:44 and particularly, they focused on
15:47 four major areas...
15:49 the former territory of the Soviet Union...
15:52 China...
15:53 India...
15:55 and then across the Middle East
15:57 and, of course, the reason they selected these areas
16:00 is because we were very late on the ground.
16:04 Now, we commonly refer to that territory today
16:07 as the 10/40 Window
16:09 and I think the other kind of a... the church has had
16:17 is sensitivity...
16:18 and that is the area of Urban Mission
16:21 and Urban Mission doesn't come to us
16:25 just in that 10/40 Window
16:27 even though there are massive cities there,
16:29 but it comes to us around the world
16:32 and those three days were very interesting...
16:35 but there were good people... praying people...
16:38 people with a vision and they were determined
16:41 that if we were really going to follow
16:44 what is the Church's mission recorded in Matthew 28:19 to 20,
16:50 Revelation 14...
16:51 there's many places that we can reference that mission.
16:55 If we were really going to follow that,
16:57 we needed to go about it with a little more intentionality
17:01 and I believe that's what really gave birth to Global Mission.
17:05 Shelley: And I have to tell you
17:06 that one of the things that impressed me so much
17:08 when I first started watching 3ABN was Global Mission.
17:13 When I realized that this church
17:16 really was reaching the unreached around the world,
17:20 that was something...
17:22 it was very convincing to know
17:24 that the church had that kind of heart and compassion of Jesus
17:29 and right now, what we'd like to do...
17:31 you've got a little video clip, 30 years of Global Mission
17:35 and this would be a good time for us to see that.
17:40 Music...
17:48 Thirty years ago,
17:50 the Seventh-day Adventist Church
17:51 embarked on a global mission focus
17:53 that would totally change the face of the church.
17:56 Church leaders identified key areas
17:58 where the mission was struggling.
18:00 Although the church was growing rapidly
18:03 in certain parts of the world,
18:05 many areas and people groups remained totally unreached.
18:08 The church will continue working in areas where it was doing well
18:12 but something needed to change
18:14 if we were going to be faithful to the great commission
18:16 to go to all peoples.
18:18 At the General Conference Session in 1990,
18:21 Delegates voted the global strategy document
18:24 and Global Mission became an urgent new mission focus.
18:27 There were two key objectives:
18:30 1. To alert church members
18:32 to the large number of unreached people groups
18:35 and 2: To plant new groups of believers among those groups.
18:39 Since 1990, the Seventh-day Adventist Church
18:44 has nearly quadrupled in size.
18:46 Millions of new believers have found life in Jesus
18:50 and have joined the Adventist family.
18:52 They've come from new territories...
18:55 new people groups...
18:57 different cultures.
18:59 They've brought joy to heaven and strength to God's church.
19:03 We praise God for the 1,000s of new groups of believers
19:07 that have been planted
19:09 and yet, we're still here.
19:11 Mothers still sit and beg beside busy city streets.
19:15 Many still wake each morning in fear of the spirit world.
19:19 Millions in the 10/40 Window
19:21 have never even heard of the name "Jesus. "
19:24 Only one-third of the people on earth are Christian...
19:27 two-thirds follow other world religions
19:30 and a growing number claim no religion at all
19:33 and still there are cities of more than one million people
19:37 with no recorded visit by even one Seventh-day Adventist.
19:42 We so long for Jesus to come.
19:45 That's why Global Mission continues to focus
19:49 on unreached people in the 10/40 Window...
19:52 the cities...
19:54 in the secular postmodern west.
19:56 Global Mission sends out 1,000s of Global Mission pioneers
20:01 to start new groups of believers among the unreached.
20:04 That's why it supports Tentmakers
20:06 in the world's most challenging regions
20:09 and that's why Global Mission is helping to start
20:12 100s of Urban Centers of Influence
20:14 in cities across the globe.
20:16 Today, six Global Mission Centers
20:18 focus on the most effective ways
20:20 to share the good news with people
20:22 from non-Christian backgrounds.
20:24 These Centers find the best ways to build bridges
20:27 of understanding
20:29 and help prepare resource materials... methods and models.
20:32 Their goal is to remove barriers
20:34 that make it difficult for people to understand
20:37 and accept the gospel.
20:38 We praise God for the millions
20:41 who have found hope and peace in Jesus
20:43 since Global Mission began
20:45 but we need more Global Mission pioneers...
20:48 we need more Urban Centers of Influence...
20:51 and we need more prayer.
20:54 Thirty years ago, Adventist Church Leaders
20:58 cast a bold vision for mission.
21:00 That vision still burns strong to reach unreached people...
21:04 to reach teeming cities...
21:06 to reach those who feel no need of religion.
21:09 Today, we still need people to answer the call to mission...
21:14 to reach the unreached with hope...
21:16 to share the good news about Jesus.
21:19 We need people who will answer the call
21:22 that still echoes after 30 years...
21:24 we need people who will say, "I will go... "
21:29 Music...
21:37 Shelley: That's so exciting...
21:39 now, tell us how does somebody become
21:41 a Global Mission Pioneer?
21:44 Pause...
21:46 Gary: You know, the beauty of a Global Mission Pioneer,
21:49 Shelley, as you know is that
21:51 he or she usually comes from the local area
21:55 where they are working
21:57 so, they already know the language...
21:59 they know the culture...
22:00 they know the people
22:02 and they live at the same socio-economic level
22:04 as the people that they're trying to reach
22:06 and so, Global Mission Pioneers receive a small living stipend
22:11 but nobody gets rich as a Global Mission Pioneer.
22:14 It's a sacrificial position
22:16 and they are recruited by the local Divisions...
22:20 the local regional offices of the world church
22:24 and the local leaders find promising people...
22:27 usually younger people... often students...
22:30 people who are willing to say,
22:32 "Yeah, choose me and I'm willing to go for at least a year
22:36 or two years... three years... maybe five years to serve...
22:39 to start a new group of believers... "
22:41 so, they are recruited locally...
22:44 we don't sit in the offices in the General Conference
22:47 and choose the people...
22:48 they... they come from the ground...
22:50 the ground... the grassroots.
22:51 Shelley: And so, what we'd like to do is show...
22:54 we have several videos here
22:56 but they're kind of...
22:58 is it accurate to say a Global Mission Pioneer
23:02 is a Church Planter... would that be an equivalent?
23:07 Rick: Yes, Global Mission Pioneer is a Church Planter
23:12 working in those regions
23:13 but just one thing when they said earlier
23:17 that Global Mission Pioneers work where there are
23:20 very few Adventists,
23:22 it's also very true that generally
23:24 there are very few Christians in those regions.
23:26 Shelley: Yes... yes... makes it very difficult.
23:29 Well, let's look at a video called: Deep in the Valley...
23:33 this is in Malaysia.
23:36 Music...
23:45 Deep in the Malaysian jungle
23:47 a small village is tucked away in a beautiful valley.
23:50 To get here from the nearest city,
23:52 you have to drive for hours on treacherous terrain
23:55 and winding mountain roads.
23:56 Music...
24:02 During the rainy season,
24:03 flooding makes it nearly impossible
24:05 to drive in and out of this village.
24:07 Boats become the only means of travel.
24:10 The village sits next to a river
24:12 that is used for fishing and transportation year around.
24:15 Alvin is a Global Mission Pioneer
24:17 serving this remote village.
24:19 When he was young,
24:21 Alvin's family learned about Jesus for the first time
24:23 and became Adventists.
24:25 Since then, he knew he wanted to share
24:28 this special message with others
24:29 so, he became a pioneer.
24:31 Music...
24:36 When he first came to the village,
24:37 it reminded him of where he grew up.
24:39 The mountainous landscape felt like home.
24:42 There was already one Adventist family here,
24:45 but no church building to worship in
24:47 so, Alvin immediately began getting to know people
24:50 and spending time with them.
24:52 He assists them with their work
24:53 and teaches them basic English phrases.
24:56 He often prays with them before visiting others.
24:59 Music...
25:02 Alvin has a special place in his heart for the children.
25:05 He loves teaching them and doing fun activities together.
25:07 Marching and drilling is a popular activity
25:10 for children in the villages in this region.
25:13 Sometimes, children from surrounding villages
25:16 will come together to demonstrate
25:18 new marches they have learned.
25:19 Recently the children in Alvin's village
25:22 earned first place in a competition
25:24 between seven of the region's local schools.
25:26 They are thankful for everything Alvin has taught them.
25:29 Since Alvin began his ministry,
25:32 a small Adventist church has been built on the hill
25:36 overlooking the village.
25:37 He spends a lot of time here with the children and his family
25:40 teaching, singing and praying.
25:43 Song...
25:51 Now, multiple families in the village
25:52 are getting to know Jesus thanks to Alvin.
25:55 More than 20 people attend church on Sabbath
25:58 and the numbers keep growing.
26:00 Alvin asks that you say a special prayer for his village.
26:04 One thing I ask you to pray for
26:08 is the joy and happiness of the families in this village.
26:12 I would also like to ask that you pray for them
26:15 to always love one another
26:17 but above all, to love God.
26:19 Thank you for supporting the work
26:24 of Global Mission Pioneers like Alvin.
26:27 Music...
26:35 Shelley: So, we've got these Global Mission Pioneers
26:39 that are working all around the world
26:42 and would like to go now to our next video
26:45 which is a work that is going on in Cyprus
26:48 and it is entitled: Befriending a Shoe Shiner.
26:54 Yulian could barely feed himself from the money he earned
27:00 shining shoes.
27:02 He set up every day along a busy walking street
27:05 in Nicosia, Cyprus.
27:07 Most of his money went to buy cigarettes and alcohol.
27:11 A decade earlier, Yulian had immigrated to Cyprus
27:15 from Bulgaria to look for a job.
27:16 One day, Philip... a Global Mission Pioneer
27:20 also from Bulgaria walked by and greeted Yulian
27:24 asking if he needed any help.
27:26 Yulian was surprised...
27:29 no one had asked him such a question in a long time.
27:32 It was nice to hear someone talking an interest in him
27:35 and speaking his native language
27:37 but Yulian didn't answer the question
27:39 and just offered him a shoeshine.
27:42 While Yulian shined his shoes,
27:44 Philip told him that Jesus loves each one of us
27:48 no matter what situation we're in.
27:49 The mention of Jesus grabbed Yulian's attention.
27:53 The next day, Philip returned
27:56 and asked again if Yulian needed any help.
27:58 Yulian was surprised that the stranger had returned.
28:01 This time, Philip didn't need a shoeshine
28:04 so they just talked for awhile
28:06 and looked through the books that he brought.
28:08 This became a routine.
28:10 Sometimes, Philip read the Bible to Yulian
28:13 and eventually, the shoe shiner opened up
28:16 about how he'd worked in construction
28:18 after arriving with his family in Cyprus.
28:20 He lost his job and was kicked out of his home for drinking.
28:24 His family and friends had rejected him.
28:27 One day, Yulian led his new friend
28:30 to the abandoned building where he slept.
28:32 His bed was a hard floor.
28:34 The sight brought tears to Philip's eyes
28:37 and they prayed together on the street.
28:41 Yulian felt valued and felt God's love
28:44 through the Pioneer's actions.
28:46 It was at that point that he gave his life to God.
28:50 Although he'd drunk and smoked heavily for 35 years,
28:54 Yulian decided to give up alcohol and tobacco that day.
28:58 His family welcomed him back home
29:01 and now he tells everyone who will listen
29:03 about his love for God.
29:05 Philip regularly leads a Bulgarian-language Bible Study.
29:09 Over three years, eight people had been baptized
29:12 through Philip's work.
29:14 A significant number for a country
29:16 where the Adventist Church has only about 100 members
29:18 in a population of more than one million.
29:21 He often spends his time mingling with people...
29:24 getting to know them where they are.
29:27 Please pray for pioneers like Philip
29:29 who are sharing a message of hope with their communities.
29:32 Thank you for supporting Global Mission.
29:34 Music...
29:40 Shelley: Now, that's true ministry.
29:42 JD Quinn: It's absolutely amazing,
29:44 I mean, it gives a whole new definition of dedication.
29:46 Shelley: And... and it's the way Jesus ministered.
29:49 Rick, how many... do you get the opportunity
29:52 to meet some of these Global Mission Pioneers?
29:56 Rick: We do get an opportunity to meet some of these
30:00 Global Mission Pioneers.
30:01 In fact, we have a video that's coming up next from Kenya
30:05 where I was there and visited
30:08 and was there with the guys who were filming.
30:11 Just a little side story we got a flat tire on the way there
30:15 but that's all part of the adventure
30:16 of going out to the front lines of missions.
30:19 Shelley: Yeah, and it must be so inspiring...
30:22 I think this would be wonderful so let's look at this video
30:26 called: Living Water in Kenya.
30:28 Music...
30:34 For many of us
30:35 getting a drink of water is as simple as turning on the faucet,
30:38 but here in Northern Kenya,
30:40 getting water is a lot more work.
30:43 For most of the year rain is nothing more
30:46 than a distant memory.
30:47 In the dry months, streambeds dry up
30:50 and finding water becomes the challenge.
30:52 Digging under the sand like this is the only way
30:55 to get a simple drink around here.
30:57 Music...
31:15 Julius is a Global Mission Pioneer
31:17 working in this part of Kenya.
31:19 He came here to share the gospel message
31:21 with this remote group.
31:23 Through Christ's method,
31:24 Julius has developed real relationships with the villagers
31:27 and many of them have accepted Jesus into their hearts.
31:31 Sadly, these new believers don't have a church building
31:34 of their own to worship in.
31:35 They meet regularly inside this humble mud-walled building.
31:40 This space is a public facility owned by the area chief
31:44 and he allows them to gather here.
31:47 The villagers hope to have an Adventist Church building
31:50 someday.
31:52 They trust that God will provide for them
31:54 and are grateful for the temporary space
31:56 they worship in now.
31:58 This has been the location of countless Bible studies
32:00 prayer meetings and singing sessions.
32:02 Julius loves discussing new topics with the villagers
32:06 and they are eager to learn more.
32:07 Music...
32:11 Joseph and Peninnah are married
32:12 and they've been studying the Bible with Julius
32:14 for quite some time now.
32:16 They have committed their lives to Jesus
32:18 but haven't had the opportunity to be baptized yet.
32:21 Joseph and Peninnah have been waiting about a year
32:24 for enough rain to come to this area
32:26 so they can get baptized.
32:27 It is so dry that it isn't possible without a good rain.
32:31 Until then, they wait patiently
32:34 and continue studying and learning with Julius.
32:36 Despite the challenges,
32:39 God is doing amazing things in villages like this
32:42 through the work of Global Mission Pioneers.
32:45 Julius and other pioneers in Kenya
32:48 ask for your prayers.
32:49 Advancing the work can be difficult here
32:51 but God's faithful servants are eager to share His message.
32:55 Please pray for Pioneers around the globe
32:58 and consider how you can support them.
33:00 Thank you for supporting mission.
33:03 Music...
33:10 Shelley: I'll tell you, that makes us understand
33:12 how truly blessed we are
33:14 but what wonderful dedication these people have.
33:17 Gary, there's a question that I want to ask you
33:20 because I know in the 10/40 Window,
33:22 many of the governments either officially or unofficially
33:28 oppose any Christian work...
33:31 any access of Christianity in their country,
33:36 what do you do then?
33:37 Gary: Good question Shelley,
33:40 there are a number of things.
33:42 First of all, it's a whole lot easier
33:45 for someone who is actually living in the cultural context
33:51 to be a witness than for a western missionary, for example,
33:56 to come over into that country
33:58 because as you see often,
34:00 you can't even get a visa to come in there
34:02 so, local Global Mission Pioneers
34:05 working closely and sensitively
34:08 and doing it in a holistic way
34:11 so that they're actually contributing to the community
34:14 rather than just being seen as people coming in and preaching,
34:18 they can do some... some low-key work.
34:21 We also have what we call "Tentmakers"
34:25 and Tentmakers are people
34:27 who like the Apostle Paul have a trade...
34:30 they may have a profession
34:32 and so, they will go to a challenging area
34:36 where outright "witnessing" is not allowed
34:39 and they will go and they will find a job
34:42 as an Engineer or a Teacher or as a Nurse
34:44 or a Doctor et cetera,
34:46 and while they are there,
34:47 they will put Christ's method into practice
34:49 and they will be a witness in a quiet way as they can
34:53 and then we continue to pray that God will open up
34:56 opportunities for... for witness
34:58 and we see that happening in many places
35:01 where sometimes officially this is not allowed
35:06 but local government officials...
35:07 when they see the good
35:08 that a Global Mission Pioneer is doing,
35:11 they will allow them to do their work.
35:13 So, we see different avenues open up from time to time.
35:16 Shelley: Amen... that's...
35:18 it's an amazing thing to think about
35:20 people who do take this kind of risk to go and minister
35:25 but you have... there's a time...
35:28 Mike: Shelley, I'd... Shelley: Yes...
35:30 Mike: Shelley, I'd like to also, say
35:33 that we quickly recognize
35:36 that the entire Global Mission Program
35:39 is really a partnership...
35:42 you have certain people at the General Conference
35:45 that deal with research on these un-entered areas...
35:49 we have others that are developing materials...
35:51 you have people in the local area recruiting and training.
35:55 You have people watching this Program
35:57 that are impressed that they should support this effort
36:01 to take the three angel's message to the end of the world,
36:05 and they donate... provide resources...
36:08 but I think that we need to recognize
36:10 that the really heart in this is the Holy Spirit
36:14 because it seems impossible
36:18 when you look at these Global Mission Pioneers
36:21 many of them did not have Ph. D.s and other...
36:25 and you look and you say, "How are they going to do this?"
36:29 And I'll tell you...
36:30 it is though the power of the Holy Spirit
36:34 that 1,000s and 1,000s of new congregations
36:37 have been established
36:38 in some of the most difficult areas of the world.
36:41 Shelley: Well spoken and we can do nothing
36:46 without the Holy Spirit
36:47 that's something we all need to remember
36:50 and that's God's plan
36:51 because His plan is that we be totally depended upon Him.
36:55 Well, we have one of your videos I believe
36:58 this is from one of the veiled countries...
37:01 we won't give the name of this country
37:03 because this is closed access
37:06 but it is titled: Twenty Days of Torture.
37:11 Video...
37:18 I was tortured for 20 days...
37:21 they wanted me to reject Christianity
37:24 but I wouldn't do it.
37:26 I grew up looking for God,
37:29 I wasn't always a Christian...
37:32 I learned about Jesus from one of my neighbors
37:36 who shared the Bible with me.
37:37 In my country in the Middle East,
37:40 being a Christian is dangerous
37:43 but once I discovered the gospel,
37:45 there was no way I would ever give it up.
37:48 Somehow the government learned I was a Christian
37:53 and captured me.
37:55 They tortured me with hopes
37:57 that I would turn my back on Jesus
37:59 but God protected me from the pain
38:02 and I felt peace like I have never felt before.
38:05 I knew they planned to kill me eventually
38:08 so, I managed to escape and fled with my family
38:11 out of the country.
38:13 We live in another country now due to the turbulence at home.
38:17 My experience has led me to dedicate my life to God's work
38:21 and now, I am working as a Global Mission Pioneer...
38:25 building a new congregation of believers
38:28 in my city.
38:31 Music...
38:33 We meet for Bible Study and fellowship each weekend.
38:37 Sometimes we go to a local park
38:40 when we can't fit inside my home.
38:43 We always share a meal together.
38:45 Most of the people who come are refugees too.
38:49 We all have that in common
38:52 so we can relate to being in a new country
38:55 and we have formed good friendships with each other.
38:58 During the week, I teach Bible to people at my home every day.
39:04 Sometimes I even give lessons to people back in my home country
39:09 through online video chat.
39:11 God is blessing my work as a Global Mission Pioneer
39:16 and He's preparing people's hearts
39:18 to be transformed by Him.
39:20 He spared my life because I know He had plans for me
39:24 to share the gospel message with the people I meet here.
39:28 Pause...
39:31 Please pray for the Middle East.
39:33 Pray that the gospel can spread
39:35 throughout this challenging territory.
39:37 Thank you for supporting the work of Global Mission Pioneers
39:41 like me... so that we can teach others about Jesus.
39:45 Music...
39:51 Shelley: That's amazing.
39:53 JD Quinn: Mike, this is just absolutely amazing,
39:55 let me ask you this, Mike,
39:57 it must be very satisfying to see in 1990
40:01 just a project that the Holy Spirit puts on your heart
40:05 and then you just dedicate yourself along with your team
40:09 and then, 30 years later, we begin to see this type of fruit.
40:13 Pause...
40:19 Mike: Absolutely, it is tremendously satisfying
40:22 pause...
40:24 we just need to recognize again
40:29 it is not our clever planning... the Lord is in this
40:34 and I think that when we ask Him to bless it,
40:37 it's His work... not ours...
40:39 it goes forward.
40:40 Amen.
40:41 Shelley: You know, my thought was
40:43 as I was watching this last one
40:45 was how many people are reticent to give a...
40:51 here in the United States even,
40:52 they're reticent to give a Bible Study...
40:55 they don't feel prepared or adequate to give a Bible Study
40:59 because they aren't relying on the Holy Spirit
41:02 but to see people like this last gentleman
41:05 is something that is amazing to me.
41:08 So, let's talk about...
41:11 this is the Global Pioneer Mission work,
41:14 what about your Centers of Influence?
41:18 Kind of go into that a little.
41:20 Gary: Yes, Centers of Influence, Shelley,
41:24 is a concept that was raised by Ellen White,
41:27 Co-Founder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
41:30 more than a 100 years ago
41:32 and she talked about Centers of Influence
41:36 in different context...
41:37 she talked about people being a Center of Influence...
41:40 she talked about Jesus being a Center of Influence...
41:43 in fact, she even talked about Satan
41:46 being a Center of Influence of negativity, of course,
41:48 but she also talked about cities being Centers of Influence
41:52 and she had this vision that in every city
41:56 throughout the world,
41:58 there would be small Centers of Influence
42:01 that would be platforms
42:03 for putting Christ's method of ministry into practice...
42:06 places that would be springboards
42:10 where we could mingle with people... show sympathy...
42:13 minister to their needs...
42:14 win their confidence and then bid them to follow...
42:17 follow Jesus...
42:19 and so, she talked about things such as Medical Treatment Rooms,
42:23 Lifestyle Health Centers...
42:25 Cafés... Restaurants...
42:28 various small institutions
42:31 that could help us connect with the needs of the community
42:35 in a holistic way,
42:36 so, she didn't see a vision of people coming in
42:40 and just preaching to the people...
42:42 she saw people like Jesus embedding themselves
42:46 in the urban community
42:47 and then showing the love of Jesus...
42:50 the compassion of Jesus
42:51 and reaching out to people in a holistic way
42:54 so... so when we have Centers of Influence,
42:57 that we support from the office of Global Mission...
43:01 we are looking at Centers in cities
43:04 that will minister to the needs of the community
43:08 but have a goal... and that is to start new spiritual groups...
43:13 new groups of believers out of these Centers
43:16 and these Centers can be... can be almost anything
43:21 as long as they're connecting with the needs of the community
43:24 it could be a Center that teaches English
43:26 as a Second Language...
43:28 it could be a Bicycle Shop...
43:30 it could be a Musical Store...
43:32 it could be a Second-hand Thrift Store...
43:36 it can be a Vegetarian Café...
43:37 it doesn't matter what it is
43:39 as long as it has that holistic goal
43:42 to put Christ's method of ministry into practice.
43:44 Shelley: You know when you think about it
43:46 in the 10/40 Window,
43:48 two-thirds of the world's population lives in that area
43:53 and they're Buddhists... they're Animists...
43:57 they're Hindu... they're Muslim...
44:00 so, it makes sense that you just can't walk in
44:04 and start preaching
44:05 because they're going to totally reject you
44:07 but if you can show them Jesus through your actions...
44:12 what a great concept...
44:14 so, let's look at one of the Centers of Influence,
44:19 I believe this is a secular Center of Influence in Albania
44:23 and you've brought a video called: Mission Changed Us.
44:28 Music...
44:36 A missionary family packs their bags
44:38 and prepared for new adventure in Albania.
44:41 God called Delmar, Natie and three-year-old Clara
44:46 to serve in the 10/40 Window.
44:47 Natie: We are both from Brazil...
44:49 I think God placed in our hearts
44:52 the desire to serve in a different place...
44:55 in a different environment...
44:57 in a place where we wouldn't be, like, comfortable...
45:00 something that will challenge both our ministries.
45:03 Delmar: And we realized very soon some of the challenge
45:06 that we would face preaching the gospel...
45:08 bringing the gospel here to this country.
45:10 Narrator: For years, Albania was a Communist territory
45:14 banning religion and declaring it the world's first
45:17 and only Atheist State.
45:18 Communism collapsed in 1990
45:21 but even today, religion doesn't seem to be a priority
45:24 for most people.
45:26 There are only about 120 Adventists
45:28 out of nearly three million people living in Albania.
45:31 Delmar, Natie, and Clara
45:34 are assigned to serve in the city of Korça
45:38 at the country's first Adventist church built-in 1994.
45:42 The first year was especially difficult.
45:44 Despite their efforts, there wasn't a single baptism
45:47 or anyone interested in Bible Studies.
45:50 Delmar: In the end of my first year, I was really discouraged
45:53 because I couldn't see anything really big happen in the church,
45:57 you know, I couldn't see anything really even changing
46:00 in the church.
46:01 We associate big things with good numbers...
46:05 big numbers...
46:06 so, in my first year, I was trying to do my best...
46:09 I was working a lot to do something big
46:11 or something important according to my understanding.
46:14 Narrator: At the peak Delmar's frustration,
46:16 he received a call to pastor a large church in Brazil.
46:20 This offer seemed to come at the perfect time
46:23 and he shared the exciting news with his wife.
46:26 Delmar: I came and talked to my wife,
46:28 "You know, we got a call to go back to Brazil...
46:30 what do you think?
46:32 We're not doing anything here anyway,
46:33 why we don't accept that and we just leave...
46:36 and that's it. "
46:37 She looked to me, she said,
46:39 "Do you think that we did everything that we could
46:42 here in Albania?"
46:43 "Do you... do you really think that it's time for us
46:46 to leave this place?"
46:47 She said, "I personally think that we should stay...
46:50 the Lord has something prepared for us here
46:53 and maybe He wants to teach us something here
46:56 and He still wants to use us. "
46:58 So, they declined the opportunity of Brazil
47:01 and prayed about how God could use them
47:03 in this challenging part of the world.
47:05 Delmar and Natie noticed that there were a lot of kids
47:09 in their neighborhood,
47:10 maybe this was a good place to start.
47:12 Delmar: And then we also realized
47:14 that Clara could be a good missionary for them
47:18 because every time that we were coming to our home
47:21 or leaving our home
47:23 and the kids... they saw Clara
47:25 so, they started saying, "Hey, Clara... Clara...
47:27 let's play... let's do this... let's do that. "
47:30 We prepared like a place to play volleyball
47:33 and then we said to them, "Come, let's play together... "
47:35 and this just happened naturally...
47:38 and the kids started coming to church
47:40 and they started coming every week to church...
47:42 like, two times a week playing volleyball... playing with us,
47:45 and in a few weeks, they knew me as a Pastor,
47:48 they knew Natie... they knew, very well, Clara,
47:50 and we were so excited because now, the church was full.
47:55 Narrator: They recruited help
47:56 in the form of two Adventist volunteers from Brazil,
47:59 and community volunteers.
48:01 One of the members, Angela, brought her friend, Fatiome,
48:05 to church with her every few months.
48:07 Delmar: Fatiome and I... we just connect as a friend
48:09 and we start talking about God...
48:12 we started studying the Bible together...
48:14 I invite him to be part of our group
48:16 and he just was excited...
48:19 he was really engaged with us
48:21 and he said, "You know, that's what I want,
48:24 I want to participate...
48:25 I want to help these kids... I want to serve this community"
48:27 and in just a few weeks,
48:30 he was already helping us with the kids
48:32 and the kids also loved him
48:34 all these activities just brought us together
48:38 and I have the privilege to baptize Fatiome
48:41 as my first baptism here in Albania
48:44 and I was so happy to see that the Lord was answering
48:49 to our prayers.
48:50 Narrator: The love of Jesus touched Fatiome's heart
48:53 and he now shares this with others.
48:56 Fatiome: When we follow this Jesus' methods
49:00 in other peoples in the community,
49:02 I pray for their hearts to get to warm
49:07 and to follow Jesus.
49:09 Narrator: This church has seen many new faces
49:13 in the past few months.
49:14 Church members are connecting with the community
49:16 through a Global Mission Urban Center of Influence.
49:19 Natie uses her gift of music to teach classes to the kids.
49:24 They love learning to play the violin.
49:27 The Center also offers language courses and a health club
49:31 with plans to branch out with more programs.
49:34 Natie: So, when you try something new
49:36 and then you see that it's working...
49:38 it already give you, like, more hope
49:41 and then this also gave us motivation
49:44 to try different things not just... not one approach.
49:48 Narrator: Please pray for this ministry
49:50 as it continues to grow and integrate into the community
49:53 and pray for missionary families like Delmar, Natie and Clara
49:57 who are serving on the front lines of mission.
50:00 Delmar: When we were called to come as a missionary,
50:02 I thought that I was ready to change the world
50:06 but it took, maybe, one year
50:09 to realize that before I do anything,
50:11 the Lord was trying to change me.
50:14 Narrator: Thank you for supporting the mission
50:17 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
50:20 Natie: Okay, so, do you like Albania?
50:23 Clara: Yes.
50:27 Music...
50:32 Shelley: That is exciting to think that something
50:38 as simple as volley ball game can be this... the seed
50:43 or touch the nerve in someone's heart.
50:45 Now, the reality is that this particular video right here
50:50 touches many people's hearts
50:51 because they wonder what can they do
50:54 to make a different in people's lives...
50:56 I had a call today with Dave
50:58 and he was saying, "How can I be used?
51:00 Where do I need to go?"
51:02 It was kind of like, he wanted to be struck with lightning
51:05 to catch his attention.
51:07 I said, "Well, maybe if you just turn around
51:09 and allow the Lord to use you where you are... "
51:11 and that's exactly what happened there.
51:13 What a... I mean, this is very, very touching... these videos,
51:17 Rick...
51:19 Shelley: And so, Rick, this is your Department, right?
51:22 As the Communications Director for Global...
51:24 or Adventist Mission... is this your Department that...
51:28 Rick: This is what we do is... produce these videos
51:31 and I just want to say about that particular video
51:34 that, you know, sometimes I think,
51:36 people think... Mission is easy
51:37 or they think Mission should be done one specific way...
51:41 and yet, when you look at what they're doing here...
51:44 we had somebody write to our office and say,
51:46 "Why am I... you know,
51:48 I don't want my money to support people to play soccer
51:51 or volleyball... "
51:52 and yet, that is one of the best ways
51:55 to start engaging with people
51:57 and getting to know them where you can share
52:00 where they may not have been open before.
52:02 If you don't mind though I'd like to go to the next video
52:06 which is... well I guess we're coming into a break soon
52:10 so, yeah... maybe we'll wait after the first hour?
52:14 Shelley: Yeah, let's wait till we have our break
52:17 and come back but let me ask you this,
52:19 "How many Centers of Influence...
52:22 do you have an estimate of how many Centers of Influence
52:24 you have set up?"
52:26 Rick: Well, Gary, you can go ahead.
52:29 Gary: I'm aware of several hundreds Centers of Influence
52:34 around the world.
52:35 Now, not all of them have been funded from our office
52:39 and my favorite ones are the ones that we did not fund
52:43 because local people have caught the initiative themselves
52:50 and seen the vision and they've set it up
52:52 and said, "This is important enough...
52:54 we're going to do it... "
52:56 and so, that's very encouraging for me to see that happening.
52:59 I know one Center in Bulgaria... a wonderful Café...
53:03 they had never even heard of the concept "Center of Influence"
53:07 but they had heard of Christ's method of ministry
53:10 and they set up this Café themselves
53:12 and after they started doing it...
53:15 then they learned about the concept...
53:17 "Centers of Influence. "
53:18 Shelley: And you know that it is Christ's method of ministry
53:22 indeed because that's what He did...
53:24 was... went among the people and met their needs...
53:27 made friends and showed Himself friendly.
53:30 Why don't you tell people once again
53:33 you know, this is a live Program
53:36 and if you would like to either send in a prayer request,
53:40 we might not get to them all tonight
53:42 but the Pastoral Department will go over those
53:45 every day next week.
53:47 We'll pray for them each and every day next week
53:49 and you may have a specific question,
53:52 perhaps for Rick, Gary, or Mike
53:56 and if that's the case, you can text us
53:58 at 618-228-3975
54:04 now, those that are interested in texting...
54:07 there's a lot of texters out there: 618-228-3975
54:13 or you may want to e-mail us at: live@3abn. tv
54:18 once again, that's: live@3abn. tv
54:22 We love hearing from you and we'll take care of it,
54:26 I'm sure these gentlemen right here...
54:28 now... I... go back to Mike...
54:31 I mean, obviously lots have happened in 30 years
54:37 but it just has to... it has to just make you feel
54:42 very good about seeing how Jesus is working.
54:46 This has nothing to do with Mike...
54:48 I has nothing to do with Gary or Rick...
54:50 it has nothing to do with us,
54:51 it's the power of the Holy Spirit that comes in...
54:53 that opens up these avenues.
54:56 What you're looking for is that
54:58 you're looking for those new groups of believers
55:01 who are willing to step out of their comfort zone
55:03 and allow the Holy Spirit to work in their lives
55:06 and see the miracles that follow.
55:08 I'm assuming that that's right...
55:11 I know that in our world that's the way it is.
55:14 Shelley: Amen... amen and amen
55:16 and you know what I would like to do
55:18 because are just coming to the close...
55:21 to the top of the hour...
55:22 and you may not be able to stay with us
55:25 for the second hour
55:26 so, I wanted to give you an opportunity
55:29 to know how you can support Global Missions.
55:33 You can call 3ABN and that number is:
55:37 618-627-4651
55:44 and you can donate over the phone
55:47 we have... just make sure we know it's for Global Mission...
55:51 we have a fund set up for them
55:55 and I just have to remind us all
55:59 the great commission applies to every Christian.
56:03 Jesus said,
56:05 "Come, follow me... "
56:08 we come to the foot of the cross...
56:10 we commit and submit our life to Him
56:13 but then, He gives us this commission of "Go... "
56:18 and not everybody can go
56:21 but we can either be those who are sending out those "Goers"
56:27 and "Doers... "
56:30 sending those people out
56:32 or we can go ourself
56:34 but it is so important because Paul said,
56:37 "How beautiful are the feet... "
56:40 actually, it came from... where? Isaiah...
56:42 my mind is blank right now...
56:44 Cameraman: Isaiah.
56:45 Shelley: Isaiah... that's what I thought.
56:47 "How beautiful are the feet of those who carry the gospel"
56:52 but how can somebody believe if they don't hear?
56:56 How can anyone know that Jesus Christ
57:02 is the Savior of the world
57:03 if they've never even heard His name
57:06 and all are sinners...
57:08 all are condemned
57:09 unless they understand the grace of God.
57:13 Well, we are just coming right up on top of that
57:16 but let me give you that number one more time,
57:22 if you want to support, you can call: 618-627-4651
57:27 and we will make sure that you tell us
57:31 it's for Global Mission.
57:32 Well, stay tuned because
57:34 we've got the second hour coming up live
57:36 with lots more wonderful inspirational stories.
57:41 Music...


Revised 2020-12-07