3ABN Today Live

Behind The Scenes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL200026A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:02 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for today's special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 Mending broken people
01:15 Hello, and welcome to our special
01:16 Thursday Night Live Behind the Scenes.
01:18 We're so glad
01:20 that you've joined us this evening.
01:21 Why?
01:22 Because you're part of our family.
01:24 And it's always fun to get together
01:25 as part of the family
01:27 and you're part of our family
01:28 along with family that's here with us this evening.
01:29 And we'll introduce them to you in just a moment.
01:32 But things have been happening here at 3ABN.
01:35 The Lord is blessing in incredible ways.
01:37 And you're part of that blessing.
01:39 We just want to say thank you for your prayers,
01:41 which means the world to us,
01:43 and of course, your financial support.
01:45 It's just incredible to see how God uses all of us.
01:48 We all have our small part to play in this world
01:51 and how by joining together,
01:53 we can get this gospel around the world
01:56 and this November,
01:57 it's going to be 36 years
01:59 that 3ABN has been in existence.
02:01 Oh, it's absolutely incredible.
02:03 You know, this, it's been kind of hot here
02:05 in Southern Illinois,
02:06 they talk about the relative humidity.
02:08 Has it been kind of hot?
02:09 Well, very hot because basically...
02:11 I think it's been very hot.
02:12 Basically, you can go out on your front porch,
02:13 which we have and sit in the shade,
02:15 and you can sweat and do nothing.
02:17 It's been hot.
02:18 But the other day, I was actually mowing my grass.
02:21 And we have a little garden with some sweet potatoes in it.
02:23 And I was mowing with a mower.
02:25 And do you know what ran across the yard
02:27 and through the garden?
02:28 It was a baby fawn,
02:30 you know, with all those little white spots on it,
02:32 and it jumped through the fence,
02:34 made it through my sweet potatoes,
02:35 it didn't stop and he eat any of them
02:37 and got on the other side.
02:38 But you know, it's just neat to see what God His creation
02:41 and what He has created,
02:43 you know, with all of this chaos
02:44 and uncertainty and tragedies in this world,
02:47 you know, there's still good things out there,
02:49 and God is good,
02:51 but He's created beauty around us,
02:53 even this, all this heat and other things going on.
02:55 God has miraculously provided for 3ABN
02:58 and we know He's providing for you as well.
03:00 Amen.
03:01 We have a great family with us this evening.
03:03 We do.
03:04 I love Thursday Night Live Behind the Scenes
03:05 because we get to share
03:07 what God is doing through your ministry.
03:08 Because this is your ministry
03:10 and we were going to switch out guests several times
03:14 because we have quite a bit going on at 3ABN
03:18 and we want to just share updates what the Lord is doing.
03:20 So I want to introduce our family.
03:22 Mr. Danny Shelton,
03:24 3ABN founder 36 years ago almost
03:27 and corporate consultant.
03:28 Privileged to have you here always.
03:30 Thank you. It's always good to be here.
03:32 And I love the Behind the Scenes
03:33 because I think it's only fair
03:35 that the viewers get to know what's going on.
03:38 Those who are praying for us,
03:39 those who are sending the finances.
03:41 Sometimes they may live, now tell them where from here.
03:45 In this way we can come and say
03:46 guess what's happening
03:48 is part of your family and you're part of our family.
03:51 Here's what we're doing.
03:52 So it's kind of a family get together
03:54 Thursday Night
03:56 and trying to inform everybody
03:57 and then they get their opportunity folks at home
04:00 to write in or text us or what, an email,
04:03 and you know if they have questions
04:05 and so on and so.
04:06 It's great program.
04:07 And thank you for joining us as you do
04:09 and thank you for the many, many years of support.
04:11 I actually meet people
04:13 who say I've started supporting you,
04:15 you know, 35 years ago as soon as we heard about it.
04:18 And still to this day, I'm amazed about that,
04:21 how many folk would say,
04:22 Oh, yeah, I've been over 30 years
04:24 supporting you or whatever,
04:25 you know, 3ABN,
04:27 so their blessing and without you,
04:29 we wouldn't be here today.
04:30 That's right. Absolutely.
04:31 Coming around the table more of the family,
04:33 Jason Bradley, General Manager for Dare to Dream Network
04:37 and so glad that you are here, Jay.
04:39 Glad to be here. Excited for this program.
04:41 It's been a wonderful week.
04:43 You've had a busy week Dare to Dream Network
04:45 which we'll talk about it in a moment.
04:46 Very busy.
04:48 And as we make it more around the table,
04:50 Tim Parton, General Manager for,
04:52 I was going to say Dare to Dream.
04:53 I don't know why that almost came out
04:55 but the Praise Him.
04:57 We weren't going to reveal that until later Jill.
05:00 Don't spoiler alert.
05:01 No, it's great to be here.
05:03 Yeah, thank you
05:04 and you were talking about the fawn
05:06 and I started training this week for a 5K,
05:10 you know, it's called from couch to 5K you know?
05:14 So anyway so my first day out with training...
05:16 I don't see you sitting on the couch much, Tim,
05:17 in your office chair.
05:19 I was just walking around the house 2 to 5K,
05:21 but anyway,
05:23 I went out Monday morning, in fact,
05:25 and was running
05:27 and ran upon a skunk so I love these.
05:32 I love the creature.
05:33 Yeah, nature and God's creatures,
05:35 but I immediately went across the street
05:38 and I could smell his cologne on
05:41 as I was leaving.
05:42 But anyway, so it's nice to get out
05:45 and enjoy early morning
05:47 when it's still warm but so, yeah,
05:51 but it's good to be here in Southern Illinois
05:52 and I'm loving the Lord and loving 3ABN.
05:55 Amen.
05:56 You know, Greg, this year, Yvonne said,
05:58 "You're going to always plant tomatoes, "
05:59 and used to do corn, sometimes you do,
06:01 she said,
06:02 "I'd love for you to do some sweet corn."
06:04 I said, "Sure."
06:05 I got the spot out there and probably put up,
06:07 put in at least 100 you know, and so she's like
06:10 "Well, but don't just go buy them from,
06:12 you know, wherever let me order the special organic,
06:16 you know seeds and all that."
06:17 I said, "That's fine, " because I don't put anything,
06:18 we got horses
06:20 so we use horse manure in the gardens,
06:21 you know, it works great.
06:23 So we planted them
06:25 and I started taking care of them
06:26 and up they come, they start
06:28 getting little taller and a little taller,
06:29 and finally about a foot and a half.
06:32 And one evening I looked out and there's only,
06:34 you know, 150 feet from the house.
06:36 I looked down there's mama with twin little doves,
06:39 right, the little ones and guess what they're eating?
06:42 The corn from the top down.
06:45 And so they literally were eating the stocks
06:49 starting from the top and I said they're weed.
06:52 So I said, well, there's weeds all around.
06:54 I mean, there's everything in the world you could eat
06:57 as we got, you know, woods all around us.
06:59 I mean no, they wanted that corn,
07:01 so finally there was a lot of weeds grow,
07:03 I said, "Well, I'm just going to let
07:04 the weeds grow up, "
07:06 maybe they won't see it.
07:08 I should send you a picture,
07:09 show you a picture you guys stop by and see.
07:11 I would love to see it.
07:12 So I would just hove around
07:14 where the corn that was a mistake
07:16 and they've eaten almost everyone.
07:18 I think if we have like and it should have already,
07:21 the first one should have been done,
07:22 I planned them a few weeks apart
07:24 and the latest ones are coming up
07:26 but I'll go out
07:28 and I didn't put a fence around this year
07:30 so I said, "Well, just let them have it, "
07:31 but they're not even afraid of me.
07:34 I'll go out and they're eating and the mama I'll say,
07:36 "Hey, stop that."
07:38 You know what they do? No.
07:39 She looked raised her head where, she looks at me.
07:41 Oh, it's only him. And doesn't move.
07:43 Then they go back to eating.
07:44 Oh, I said, they know I'm not going to do anything.
07:47 Have they been eating the weeds?
07:49 No, they don't eat the weed
07:51 and I got to get rid of the weed.
07:52 I have to hold the weeds or get them up with the corn,
07:55 they're eating my corn.
07:56 So I told Yvonne next year,
07:58 so I noticed she finally gave up
07:59 and Friday she bought some Kroger's.
08:03 Well, they've got good taste.
08:05 We got beautiful tomatoes.
08:06 Oh, that's great.
08:08 Or you can go to our neighbor Dave Turner,
08:09 he grows the best corn.
08:10 Oh, he does. Absolutely.
08:12 So if you want to have some farming suggestion,
08:14 it feels like we might be needing
08:16 some here tonight.
08:18 You know,
08:19 a couple of other items of businesses
08:21 that 3ABN is blessed Mr. Danny
08:22 to have a great board of directors.
08:25 And, of course, with a number of board members
08:26 come in from outside
08:28 and we have the meeting just recently,
08:29 we had our recent board meeting here
08:31 just a couple of weeks ago, about a week or so ago.
08:33 And it was an incredible blessing.
08:35 I know that the board of directors
08:36 through the years,
08:38 of course, have been a tremendous support
08:39 to the Ministry of 3ABN.
08:40 And I just want to report to you
08:42 talking what Mr. Danny is saying
08:43 along with what he's saying about reporting to you.
08:46 And that is a good meeting.
08:47 Now the Lord is blessing in marvelous ways.
08:49 You know, He continues to provide
08:52 for the Ministry of 3ABN.
08:54 I'm living this now,
08:55 you know, as my different role as the administrator,
08:58 but you've seen this over and over again
08:59 through the years,
09:01 but what a great report
09:02 at the most recent board meeting we had.
09:03 Absolutely.
09:05 Everything considered COVID, you know, running rapid,
09:09 all the stuff that's going on,
09:11 all the things that our folk are dealing with,
09:13 you know, and here,
09:15 and then with all the politics and all the things going.
09:19 I mean, you've got,
09:20 you know, so many things here in America right now
09:23 we're facing and cities being destroyed.
09:25 I mean, all kinds of stuff.
09:27 And yet people continue to support.
09:30 And it seems like
09:32 just when we're down at the bottom, Tim,
09:34 somebody will send a large gift
09:36 and make up that difference.
09:38 And we've had it happen
09:39 a couple of times this summer, right?
09:41 We're down to the bottom and all of a sudden,
09:42 the Lord provides and then we're back even,
09:45 you know, always we never have had a lot of money in the bank,
09:49 you know, at least it was not spoken for.
09:51 Yeah, they earmark it for certain,
09:53 so you put it till you use it.
09:54 But somehow
09:56 we really hardly have very little money in the bank,
09:58 but we're always able to pay the bills,
10:00 I mean, year after year,
10:01 so we couldn't do it without you.
10:03 So thank you for your love and your prayers.
10:04 I want to testify to that
10:06 because Jill and I just a couple of weeks ago
10:07 were Sunday evening and we were praying
10:10 as we were getting ready to go to bed
10:12 and just praying that God would do a miracle
10:13 because we needed it here at 3ABN
10:16 providing for our needs.
10:17 We know He does, and has, and He will,
10:20 we just weren't sure how.
10:22 And Monday morning, those,
10:24 the ladies that opened the mail came in and they said,
10:26 Greg, I want to take a look at a check.
10:28 And they showed me the check.
10:30 And, boy, it brought tears to my eyes
10:32 because God had once again provided for this ministry,
10:36 just when we needed it.
10:38 It brings tears to my eyes now because man,
10:40 God already had that check in the mail.
10:42 And He was at the post office
10:43 and here we were on Sunday saying
10:45 God, we need something this week
10:47 and there it was and, wow,
10:48 we're just seeing again, God blessed.
10:50 He answered your prayers before you ask.
10:52 That's right.
10:54 And we're talking about... Go ahead.
10:55 I was just going to say it's amazing.
10:56 I know.
10:58 We won't belabor the point,
10:59 but I know you've talked for years, Mr. Danny,
11:01 about how God has provided for this ministry
11:02 and to hear the story is just amazing.
11:05 But to actually see it, it's even different.
11:08 You know, hearing is one thing and that's amazing.
11:11 But to see it and to walk it and to live it
11:13 and to know that, wow, God really is faithful,
11:17 and God does provide
11:18 for the needs of His children so...
11:20 Honestly, I can't tell you how much joy it brings me.
11:23 Yvonne can tell you.
11:24 When you guys call us and say,
11:25 would you believe what just happened?
11:27 This happened. We prayed about it.
11:29 And we're like, all right, this is absolutely incredible
11:32 because like you say,
11:34 living it is different than just hearing about it.
11:36 And now, you guys, you're on your knees praying
11:38 and then all of a sudden,
11:40 there's just what you need
11:41 and you see it time and time again
11:43 things look, somebody's upset,
11:45 they don't like this, they don't like that.
11:47 And you say, oh, boy, you know, how's this is going to affect,
11:50 you know, up, down, all of a sudden back up.
11:53 All we found out
11:55 is if we're true to the message,
11:57 the Lord impressed us to give
11:58 an undiluted three angels' messages
12:00 one that would counteract a counterfeit.
12:02 So what I've found out
12:04 as long as 3ABN continues not to compromise,
12:08 but to give the three angels' messages
12:09 to the world,
12:11 God's going to continue to bless.
12:13 It won't always be easy.
12:14 And you might lose a little sleep now
12:16 and then or you might be worried a little bit.
12:19 I mean, when I came in,
12:21 we had to have $90,000 to pay transponder bills.
12:24 Mollie can tell you.
12:26 And so that morning, the mail hadn't come in yet.
12:29 And she said, "Today's the last day."
12:31 We'd already gone like two or three weeks over,
12:34 they give you just a couple weeks over.
12:36 Whatever it was, I don't remember the exact time
12:39 but we needed, we were short.
12:40 We looked at all the money we had.
12:42 Transponder bill is about 250,000
12:44 but we were short 90,000.
12:45 That's for a month.
12:47 And so we had to have that money.
12:49 So I came out from the program,
12:53 Mollie's like, "You know, that money's not here."
12:55 And so, you know, we're going through,
12:57 you know, some of the mail but it's not there yet.
13:00 I said, "It will be, we're going to do the program."
13:02 Soon as it's over, I'll come back,
13:03 so I come back and go into office
13:05 and I say it,
13:06 "All right, Mollie, tell me what happened?"
13:08 She said, it didn't come.
13:10 I said, "We don't have the 90,000?"
13:12 She said, "No, we got maybe,
13:14 you know, 6 or 8000 or 10,000 maybe today was all,"
13:18 and she said, "It's just not there."
13:20 And it just kind of threw me because I'm like,
13:22 wait a minute, the Lord's always supplies,
13:23 are you telling me
13:25 maybe we're gonna have go off the air?
13:26 We never have.
13:28 And so literally sitting beside on her desk,
13:31 and a little, there was an envelope
13:33 that had a green wrap around.
13:34 Okay.
13:35 And I said, "What's that letter?"
13:37 She said, "Oh, I don't know that's for you."
13:39 She said, it was, it says personal
13:41 to Danny Shelton,
13:42 and they don't open if you write in personal.
13:45 So I said, okay, I open up.
13:47 I promise you and with witnesses around,
13:49 it was, I've forwarded the time and Mollie,
13:52 we opened it up
13:53 and somebody wrote a check for $90,000.
13:56 One person said they were impressed,
13:59 like the urgency with which we needed
14:01 this $90,000 and they sent it.
14:04 We were able to put it in and wire it that afternoon
14:07 and wired the whole amount.
14:09 I mean, we've seen that over and over and over.
14:12 It's incredible, it's encouraging.
14:14 It's definitely a walk of faith.
14:16 Sure.
14:17 Talking about...
14:18 You're having fun doing, right?
14:20 We are. Yeah.
14:21 I'm learning, you know,
14:22 because I do have a few times, right,
14:24 my sleep is not the best, I worry a little bit
14:25 but why worry, God's got this so, yeah.
14:27 And that's thanks to you.
14:29 I wanted to, we get lots of letters here at 3ABN
14:31 and I wanted to read this letter.
14:32 This is a special letter that came in from a viewer,
14:36 supporter and it's and I'll just read it here.
14:39 It says, "Dear 3ABN, when I asked my son Josiah,
14:44 who was five years old,
14:46 who we wanted to help by giving a donation.
14:49 I made several suggestions,
14:50 children that are hungry, orphans,
14:52 those that might be in prison, etc.
14:55 He said no to all of these options.
14:57 So I asked him,
14:59 who would you like to donate to?
15:00 He said 3ABN at five years old."
15:04 All right. "I asked him why?
15:06 He said because they were nice to me."
15:09 That's precious. Where was that?
15:12 It's coming I think. Yes.
15:14 "Earlier this year we had the opportunity
15:16 to meet you at Loma Linda.
15:18 That was for a winter camp meeting.
15:19 It was a wonderful experience for our entire family.
15:22 And little Josiah remembered that his mother says,
15:25 "I'm glad that he decided to donate to 3ABN
15:28 this $50 is what he has donated to 3ABN."
15:32 And then it says, "God bless you all."
15:33 And little Josiah, he signed his name.
15:36 Josiah, five years old
15:40 believes in the ministry of 3ABN.
15:41 I wish our viewers could meet him.
15:43 You know, I'm beginning to think
15:45 that he might be here with us.
15:47 Yay! Yes.
15:49 Josiah and Mom and Dad, are you there with us?
15:53 Yes, hello. Hello.
15:56 Hey Josiah.
15:57 The entire family. Let's take a wide shot.
15:59 Well, wave you, Josiah, here from 3ABN, watch.
16:03 All right.
16:04 We're so glad that you joined us.
16:06 Thank you for your support for the Ministry of 3ABN,
16:09 and it's good to see you again.
16:10 Of course, we met you at winter camp meeting.
16:13 I remember that. Nice.
16:16 So, Josiah, tell us
16:20 why you decided to send the money to 3ABN?
16:25 Well, and well,
16:29 I wanted to give your money
16:34 for paying the bills for that.
16:41 That's precious.
16:42 Thank you. Wonderful.
16:43 Thank you.
16:45 It will definitely help to pay the bills.
16:47 Absolutely. Precious.
16:49 Ain't that incredible?
16:51 So, Mom and Dad,
16:52 so I have to say to have a little boy
16:54 that's mission minded.
16:56 What does that do to your heart
16:58 to see your young son take a stand like this
17:02 and to donate toward a ministry?
17:06 Yes, he's always been very caring
17:08 and 3ABN really has Christ centered messages
17:12 and he loves the programs that are on there.
17:16 And he always looks out for others
17:19 and it's just a joy to see him grow in Christ.
17:22 Amen.
17:23 So, Josiah, tell us
17:25 what programs you like to watch on 3ABN?
17:28 Is there any programs that you especially like?
17:33 Well,
17:38 I like the singing programs
17:42 that you do.
17:45 And then cooking show.
17:50 Do you like to cook?
17:51 Do you get to cook any at home or not yet?
17:55 Yeah. You do.
17:57 Okay. What do you cook?
17:59 That looks to me...
18:00 I like to cook pasta and cheese.
18:05 It's really my favorite dish.
18:10 That sounds good.
18:12 It has noodles,
18:14 it has had has some part of cheese
18:18 and some other type of cheese.
18:21 And I think you put some salt in it
18:25 and then and then, it's ready.
18:28 Oh, yay!
18:31 We're coming to eat. So, tuition.
18:33 So he's talking about food.
18:34 I love it.
18:36 But those prior you do our cheeses and saute,
18:40 you got to put the oil.
18:42 Oh. Yeah, olive oil.
18:44 Oh, my goodness.
18:46 So he has this put down pat.
18:49 And it definitely goes with vegetables.
18:52 That's good.
18:53 Great. Good stuff in there.
18:55 Well, Mom and Dad,
18:56 that says an awful lot about you.
18:57 Mom, what are you thinking right now?
19:01 Well, we were so blessed
19:03 when we went to the winter camp meeting.
19:06 And it was really like coming to a family reunion.
19:10 And we loved the experience
19:13 and I love the children's program
19:14 that you had there for the kids.
19:17 And I had confidence,
19:18 I can leave him there and he was well taken care of,
19:22 and was just a really blessing for us.
19:24 We're so glad that we went and we got to meet you,
19:27 and you were so friendly to us.
19:29 And it was a wonderful experience
19:32 that, you know, we won't forget
19:33 and obviously Josiah hasn't either
19:36 was a blessing for him also.
19:38 All right. Praise the Lord.
19:40 Well, we have something, Josiah.
19:42 This is a Behind the Scenes program.
19:43 So this is going to take place
19:45 throughout the rest of this two-hour program,
19:46 but we have a little gift for you
19:49 that we want to give to you.
19:52 It's actually a little hat that it's a kids' network.
19:55 It was supposed to be behind the table.
19:57 We're trying to find it right now.
19:58 Yeah. They're bringing it.
20:00 Donald is bringing it. Thank you.
20:01 Oh, okay.
20:02 And so this is a little gift
20:04 that we're going to all sign on the underside
20:05 of this little kids' network hat.
20:07 You can see right here.
20:08 Yep, thank you. Thank you so much.
20:10 And we're going to sign on the bottom,
20:12 everyone that's here on the behind the scenes,
20:14 and then we're going to send it to you in the mail.
20:17 So, we just want to again say thank you, Josiah.
20:20 Thank you. You're welcome.
20:23 Thanks for you, buddy.
20:24 Thank you, Josiah, for you're here.
20:26 I'll let you have this pen. We can work on signing this.
20:28 Yeah.
20:29 But we want to say thank you, Josiah, again.
20:31 You're an inspiration to us and I know too many others
20:34 when this letter came across our desks here at 3ABN,
20:37 we're like, wow, look at that.
20:40 Thank you again for your heart for evangelism and for others.
20:45 And I think this is the beautiful thing
20:46 $50 that's going to make
20:48 a mighty big difference in the world
20:50 for bringing souls to Jesus Christ.
20:51 Absolutely.
20:54 So we're going to say, we say goodbye to them,
20:55 but we're going to work on just signing our names
20:57 to the underside of this brim.
20:58 You know, I think about all those,
20:59 you're going to say something, Tim.
21:01 I was just going to say, you know, that we saw,
21:02 they saw us, we saw them at the camp meeting
21:05 and since I have been here,
21:07 well, even before I joined full time
21:09 I've been coming to the camp meetings
21:11 and have always been so impressed
21:15 at the money that is spent, Mr. Danny,
21:19 on food, free food, on the children's programming.
21:24 We've got something going on
21:25 while all the adults are in there
21:27 in the sanctuary learning the truth.
21:31 We've got kids' programming going on.
21:33 Yeah.
21:34 And, I mean it's a phenomenal,
21:37 phenomenally well programmed and planned camp meeting.
21:41 And so, there's a payoff right there.
21:44 And so, for that little feller to...
21:47 for his takeaway for his mom
21:49 for the parents to feel confident
21:51 in teaching that is going on.
21:54 It's a powerful thing.
21:55 So there is no expense too great
21:57 when it comes to, for camp meeting.
22:01 And I commend the parents
22:03 because train up a child in a way,
22:05 going when he's old, he will not depart from it.
22:07 So they're obviously feeding him now.
22:10 Had they been turning on Disney
22:12 ever since he was two years old,
22:14 watching whatever,
22:16 then he wouldn't be that interested
22:18 in the 3ABN programming and all that he's done.
22:22 So that's for the rest of the parents
22:24 watching right now, remember, you are...
22:28 the children are in your hands and you mold them.
22:31 So the prayer, the Bible studies,
22:33 the time together,
22:35 taking them to the church,
22:36 getting them to participate in things they like to do
22:39 and fun things is a great opportunity
22:44 and a great blessing.
22:45 So, for those of you at home,
22:47 remember the Lord has given you these young children
22:51 to make sure that they spend eternity with Jesus.
22:53 Amen. Amen.
22:55 It was a joy to talk to them to the Smith family.
22:57 I want to encourage you at home to pray for them
22:59 for Eric and Janae, and their son Josiah.
23:01 And speaking of camp meeting,
23:04 you were talking about camp meaning, Tim,
23:05 we are having a fall camp meeting coming up.
23:09 The dates are September 24 through 26.
23:13 We've received a great deal of emails and phone calls
23:17 and messages in the office,
23:19 from those of you who say,
23:20 are you having fall camp meeting?
23:21 And we're not sure what's going on due to COVID.
23:24 So we are having a fall camp meeting.
23:28 However, we can only have
23:30 so many people in our worship center
23:32 because of social distancing.
23:34 So we're following
23:36 the regulations here in Illinois.
23:37 This means we can only have a limited number of you come
23:41 for fall camp meeting.
23:43 So right now tonight, our website is up.
23:45 All of the details aren't there yet,
23:48 but you can go to 3abn.TV
23:51 and then click on the camp meeting banner ad
23:53 and the information is there.
23:54 What we want you to do at home is to register.
23:58 It's important
23:59 because this way
24:00 only people who register will be allowed to attend,
24:03 this way we know how many people will be coming.
24:05 So make sure that you register and say
24:07 yes, you want to come,
24:08 of course, we still have the RV parks.
24:10 Or you can stay, or you can tent
24:12 or stay in a local hotel
24:14 and just register
24:16 say how many of you are planning to come.
24:18 And, of course, if you have kids
24:20 what the ages of your children are.
24:22 We want to do everything we can to socially distance.
24:24 Our special featured speaker for fall camp meeting
24:29 is Pastor John Lomacang.
24:31 And he's a student of the Word.
24:33 I love to hear him open up the Word of God.
24:36 He's doing a special four-part series
24:38 on the three angels' messages.
24:41 And the title is "Turn up the Light, "
24:45 which is a great title.
24:46 Turn up the light? Turn up the light.
24:49 I like that.
24:50 And, of course, we'll have
24:52 the rest of the 3ABN family there
24:53 and music and seminars and all of that.
24:54 That's interesting title,
24:56 not turn on the light, turn up the light.
24:59 Maybe there's a winner we're going to...
25:01 Make it even better.
25:02 Yeah, it's a good title that's for sure.
25:05 Yes, so Jason,
25:06 we've had a busy week Dare to Dream Network.
25:10 Tell us about the exciting programs
25:11 that were recorded this week here at 3ABN?
25:13 Ah, man.
25:14 Well, if we just saw little Josiah.
25:16 Yes.
25:17 And we just recorded a Father's Heart.
25:20 So a Father's Heart basically it features
25:22 different individuals that are fathers,
25:26 they talk about their childhood
25:27 and what their relationship was like with their father
25:31 or lack thereof.
25:32 And then they talk about what they're doing
25:34 in their kid's life or lives, as well.
25:38 And so, we see,
25:40 you can see the product of a good Christian upbringing,
25:44 especially when you have two parents in the household.
25:47 I think that's very important.
25:49 You know, a lot of things that bad things stem
25:52 from when single parent households
25:54 for the most part,
25:55 and so there's some topics we've talked about,
25:59 like the fathers' embrace
26:01 protecting our children from home.
26:04 From home?
26:05 From harm.
26:06 Thank you, good catch, from harm.
26:08 That's an interesting one. Yeah, I know it, right?
26:11 We keep for that whole remedy for some people.
26:14 Protecting them from harm.
26:17 And then we've got table for two,
26:19 me and my enemy teaching our children
26:21 how to love their enemies as Christ tells us.
26:24 I mean, there's a wide variety of topics,
26:27 but really making the gospel practical
26:31 because it is practical,
26:33 but bringing out the practicality of the gospel
26:35 and instilling it in the children.
26:37 Amen. Yeah, that's great.
26:39 So, Jason, when these become available,
26:40 because now it has to go to post production,
26:42 there's a little bit of editing done.
26:43 So the best way
26:45 and this is a plug for social media.
26:46 So I want you to plug this is that we've got Instagram,
26:48 that's the way these people could be notified
26:50 when the programs available, Facebook.
26:52 Yes, Facebook,
26:53 or if you go to our YouTube channel.
26:56 We're trying to get things uploaded
26:59 rather quickly as soon as it hits the air,
27:01 we want to try and get it on YouTube.
27:03 So Dare to Dream's YouTube channel
27:06 is D2D network TV
27:08 where you can just go to the website one stop shop,
27:11 which is D2D
27:13 and that's the number 2, dnetwork.TV.
27:17 And all of the social media handles
27:19 are up there.
27:20 Yeah, that's fantastic.
27:22 We want to encourage you too
27:23 because 3ABN is trying to be
27:25 more and more active in social media.
27:26 So if you, far as notify you of special events,
27:29 special programs, special live programs,
27:31 things like that.
27:32 We encourage you to join like Instagram, Facebook,
27:34 and of course part of our email.
27:37 You can be part of our email group as well.
27:40 So, Tim, I see a new book in front of you.
27:45 And it's missing a couple of pieces
27:46 that go with it.
27:48 Right.
27:49 But it's actually part of,
27:50 I believe we have the graphic for,
27:52 we got a special offer and thing going on
27:53 with Praise Him Network.
27:55 As you see there on the screen we have,
27:56 it's a Prayer and Praise journal
27:58 and a double CD set that goes with that.
28:01 So this is a 31 page or a 31 day journal.
28:05 And each day has a hymn, a verse,
28:10 and a devotion
28:12 and then a great space for writing praise
28:17 and prayer requests or some kind of,
28:19 you know, whatever you want to write it,
28:20 journal, you know,
28:22 whatever that the hymn may trigger a comment
28:25 or a thought in your mind.
28:27 So, yeah, we've been working on this
28:28 all year to
28:31 and never realized
28:32 how much there was to designing
28:35 and, but really, really thrilled
28:37 with the outcome of it.
28:38 It's a nice size and like I say,
28:40 it's 31 days there.
28:42 So each on the double CD set, there are 31 songs or hymns,
28:47 and they are sung by many people
28:51 that you will see on Praise Him.
28:54 Wintley Phipps, Yvonne Shelton, Ryan Day,
28:57 Naomi Jackson, Moses Brown, Matt Throgmorton,
29:01 Jared and Hillary Mitchell, Ben Jenkins, Vanessa Aldana,
29:05 Vonda Beerman and many others.
29:07 So are they singing the songs that's printed right here?
29:09 Yeah. The correspond.
29:10 Right. Yeah.
29:12 So you listen to the song, read the song,
29:14 you get the devotion.
29:15 Absolutely, yeah.
29:17 And I don't know,
29:18 do we have time for me
29:20 to just read one real quick here?
29:21 So, like, let's go to...
29:25 So who wrote the devotions like you put there?
29:26 So Ryan Day wrote, and I wrote
29:30 and my assistant Rachel Younken wrote,
29:32 so, this one is from day 20.
29:36 The Psalm is, "The Lord is my rock."
29:39 The Bible verse says,
29:40 "The Lord is my rock, my fortress, my deliverer,
29:43 my God, my strength, in whom I will trust."
29:46 Psalm 18:2.
29:48 And then the words and lyrics to,
29:51 my hope is built on nothing less
29:53 the solid rock, wonderful song.
29:55 And I wrote Jesus is the solid rock
29:58 through disappointment.
30:00 discontentment, depression, pain or strife,
30:02 I can cast every care on Christ
30:04 and know that He will stand firm
30:06 and see me through.
30:08 He's been dealing with people's issues
30:09 since Adam and Eve.
30:11 So I will trust Him to take care of me.
30:13 I recall the song I learned as a child
30:15 that compared the foolish man
30:17 who built his house upon the sand
30:19 to the wise man
30:20 who built his house upon the rock.
30:22 The rains came down and the floods came up.
30:25 I didn't even realize
30:26 I was singing about the trials of life.
30:28 But I knew I wanted my house
30:30 to stand firm against the storm.
30:32 You see, Jesus has His part down.
30:34 He's solid, He's not going anywhere.
30:37 It's up to us to lean on Him through every situation
30:40 and count on Him to be who He says He is.
30:44 Amen. So that's solid.
30:46 So that's 31 days of that.
30:48 So you can call our call center right now,
30:51 and mention this, what was the code on that?
30:55 Just say I want the offer tonight.
30:57 Prayer and Praise journal
30:59 and the two CDs, that's perfect.
31:00 And the suggested donation is?
31:02 It's $20 suggested donation for two CDs
31:05 with the 31 songs and the devotional.
31:08 The book comes with it free,
31:10 so in other words, you get two CDs
31:11 but then the book just comes along right with it.
31:13 So yeah, it's great.
31:14 I love it because you have in here,
31:15 dear God, and then I praise you for.
31:18 A lot of times we tend to just ask God for things,
31:20 but it sure is great to say thank You God for this
31:23 and I praise You for this.
31:24 Absolutely.
31:26 We want the Praise Him channel to be a prayer
31:30 and praise channel.
31:32 But we realize that, yeah,
31:33 praise is one of the most important,
31:35 it kind of opens the doors to things.
31:38 How can folks at home
31:39 get Praise Him and Dare to Dream?
31:41 Maybe they're just watching on a cable station
31:43 and they are just getting what they see right now.
31:46 How do we get the other channels?
31:48 That is an excellent question.
31:50 So, well, I mean, there's several ways
31:53 so we have the app
31:54 that's available on their smartphone or tablet.
31:57 You just go to your app store or type in 3ABN.
32:02 Download the app,
32:03 you get all of the networks including radio.
32:06 We also have, you can go to YouTube
32:09 or you can go to the website.
32:10 You can go to 3abn.TV,
32:12 and all of the networks
32:14 are available on the 3abn.TV website.
32:17 You can watch directly from there.
32:20 You can also go to Roku and watch on Roku.
32:24 We have MySDA TV boxes, you can watch on there.
32:29 We have Amazon Fire. Apple TV.
32:31 Apple TV, Dishnet, well, Dare to Dream.
32:36 And now and Praise Him.
32:38 That's true.
32:40 But, yeah, there's a wide variety of ways
32:42 and you can watch directly from the website so.
32:44 Yeah.
32:46 And Roku, you can just go to Walmart
32:47 or any almost any store they're available
32:49 and they're like under $100
32:51 and no monthly fee
32:53 and you get all of our how many networks?
32:55 Ten.
32:56 Ten networks and radio and get all of them,
33:00 and I mean it's great pictures too.
33:02 So, I mean, we have Roku,
33:04 and we have dish but we also have Roku too,
33:07 so we can get all the networks and keep an eye on Tim's feet
33:11 and what color socks that he's going to be wearing
33:15 as he's beating the keys off the piano as he does.
33:19 Yvonne like, she's playing
33:21 and she's like, look at his feet.
33:23 And I'm watching his hands thinking now
33:24 there's no way your mind can tell you
33:26 to hit that many notes correctly.
33:29 And he does it.
33:30 She's like, look at those socks and look at those feet,
33:33 they are going up and down.
33:34 So you're very blessed. I love Yvonne.
33:38 I know you do likewise. Yeah.
33:40 I'll just say musical
33:42 is a great way of worshiping the Lord.
33:43 So we're very excited, I know music has been, I mean,
33:46 it's been part of your life since you were small.
33:48 So to have this channel and I know it means a lot.
33:51 I know as we transition here, surely, you can say,
33:53 we're going to go to some music here.
33:55 So go ahead.
33:56 Sorry, I was going to also talk about our podcasts
33:58 because that has become 3ABN audio
34:01 has become a large part of our ministry
34:04 and resources that we offer.
34:06 So we just finished 100 Days of Prayer.
34:09 If you haven't caught up,
34:10 you can start back at the beginning anytime
34:12 because they're always on there.
34:13 It's like a library that you walk to
34:15 and or don't even have to walk to,
34:16 you just pick up your phone
34:17 and it starts with one day one through 100.
34:21 And I find myself even going back to day one
34:23 because by day two,
34:25 I forgotten what day one was, but I have access,
34:28 you have access to those in the library on the podcast.
34:31 Again, just go to your,
34:32 whatever platform you're used for, for podcasts.
34:35 And if you don't know how to get it,
34:37 just ask your kids or young grandkids.
34:39 They'll tell you.
34:41 And 3ABN Sabbath School Panel is there too now
34:42 as audio version
34:43 'cause like we know
34:45 Sabbath School Panel is very popular.
34:46 But we have the audio version now
34:48 for 3ABN Sabbath School,
34:49 that's there and we also have Faith Light,
34:51 which is a devotional that comes out
34:53 on a daily basis too,
34:54 and we're continuing to grow and add more programming
34:56 to our 3ABN podcasts.
34:58 I was trying to pull it up on my phone
34:59 to see if I can show you very fast.
35:01 And I don't know if I can do this.
35:02 This is what you're doing when you're under pressure.
35:04 And now it says the site can't be reached
35:06 because I didn't enter it correctly.
35:07 Well, we know you'll get to.
35:09 But we have and that's the exciting thing,
35:11 you can do it on your phone,
35:12 or you can do it just go to 3abn.TV.
35:14 And all you have to do is click on podcasts.
35:17 It's right at the top, you click podcasts.
35:19 And there's an icon for all three of the podcasts,
35:22 which I love that
35:24 and then you can just access them.
35:26 And we're adding new ones, which is exciting.
35:28 But right now we have the three.
35:29 Here they are.
35:30 So you can see, I don't know if you can see it,
35:32 it's on my phone right now.
35:33 You can see the three.
35:35 So if I just click here, this is 100 Days of Prayer.
35:37 And then it scrolls up and it's right here
35:39 and you can start listening.
35:41 So you can listen on your phone.
35:42 You don't even have to have a podcast app,
35:44 but you can go
35:45 straight to the website and do that.
35:46 Or you can do it with a podcast app.
35:48 That's great.
35:50 Thank you, gentlemen.
35:51 Thank you, Jason,
35:52 for your leadership of your network.
35:54 It's exciting to see
35:55 what God has done in your life personally.
35:56 Your testimony is powerful again,
35:58 I heard it again.
35:59 He presented recently and again,
36:01 I was encouraged as listening to what God has done
36:04 and continues to do in your life, Jason,
36:06 and thank you for your leadership
36:07 for the network too,
36:09 it's continuing to grow
36:10 and going throughout the world, powerful.
36:12 Thank you. Praise God.
36:13 Tim, thank you, too, sir.
36:15 Thank you for what you've done with the music network,
36:16 taking the message into the world through song
36:19 and what a powerful thing.
36:21 And again, just before you go
36:23 this devotional Prayer and Praise journal,
36:25 we have that along with two CDs.
36:27 If you call the call center tonight
36:28 for suggested donation of $20,
36:30 you get both CDs,
36:32 but then this wonderful book Devotional
36:34 comes along with it.
36:36 So just call our call center at 618-627-4651
36:40 or you can go to 3abnstore.com and order it there.
36:43 So thank you, Tim,
36:45 for putting this together you and your team.
36:46 All right.
36:47 Talking about music.
36:49 We're going to go to a song, aren't we?
36:50 We have Wintley Phipps with us
36:52 and then we're going to trade out
36:53 some people here.
36:54 We love Pastor Phipps and his ministry of music
36:56 and the song that he will be doing
36:57 is "Amazing Love."
37:16 Amazing love
37:19 How can it be
37:23 You broke the chains and set me free
37:30 You've filled my life With joy untold
37:36 You like my spirit,
37:39 You feed my soul
37:43 Now I want live, go home
37:49 Will know
37:50 Of all You've done for me
37:56 I want to praise
38:01 Your name
38:07 Amazing love
38:11 How can it be
38:14 You sent Your Son to die for me
38:20 He took the blame
38:24 Carried my sin
38:28 All the way to Calvary
38:35 When I thought
38:37 I was forever lost
38:42 You caught my falling soul
38:48 I want to love
38:52 You more
39:01 Amazing love
39:08 Amazing love
39:14 Amazing
39:18 Amazing love
39:26 Amazing love
39:30 How can it be
39:33 You would give Your life for me
39:39 You bring such comfort
39:43 To my soul
39:47 You raised me up
39:49 And made me whole
39:53 Now I want to let
39:57 The whole world
40:01 Of all You've done for me
40:07 I don't think
40:10 I could ever Ever love
40:17 You more
40:21 Amazing love
40:27 Amazing love
40:37 Amazing love
40:39 How can it be
40:42 Now I'll live eternally
40:48 I once was lost
40:52 But now I'm found
40:55 I was blind
40:58 But now I see
41:02 And now I'm forever Yours
41:09 Soon I'll see Your face
41:15 And I will love You more
41:26 Amazing love
41:33 Amazing love
41:40 Amazing love
41:48 Amazing love.
42:03 Wow, praise the Lord.
42:05 Incredible.
42:06 Mr. Danny was talking about the voice,
42:07 incredible range, isn't it?
42:09 That's not, that's not fair to have that kind of a range,
42:11 you got all the tone
42:12 and you know
42:14 and then you got a range like that too, incredible.
42:16 Oh, it's amazing.
42:17 But what a great guy and a friend
42:19 for many, many years,
42:20 probably 30 years or so like that
42:21 and appreciate all that
42:23 his programs that he's done over and over,
42:25 the perfecting me and all the things
42:27 over the years
42:29 and his dedication to the Lord and his family.
42:31 And thank you Wintley so much.
42:33 Absolutely beautiful, very blessed.
42:36 Praise the Lord.
42:37 We've just done
42:39 some musical chairs, haven't we?
42:40 We have indeed. We've added Aunt Francine.
42:43 She's in charge of the children's network
42:44 here at 3ABN.
42:46 Glad you can join us.
42:47 I'm glad to be here, always.
42:48 You've had a busy last three weeks,
42:50 which we're going to talk about in a moment.
42:51 Jorge Jaque, we have 3ABN Production Manager.
42:54 That's a big title.
42:55 I use, I know that...
42:58 I've been in your shoes
42:59 and then you have a great team to work with.
43:02 JORGE, thank you for all that you do
43:03 like this program that's going on right now.
43:05 There's a crew that's working this whole program right now.
43:07 Thank you very much. Yes.
43:09 It's a great team.
43:10 And it's a big task. You're right.
43:13 Much bigger than me.
43:14 But the Lord provides. I tell you.
43:16 Now, we talked about in just the last few minutes,
43:19 and we're going to pass this hat around.
43:20 There's a reason we're passing the hat around.
43:22 It's actually for a young man by the name of Josiah,
43:24 five years old that donated $50 to 3ABN.
43:28 We talked to him just a few moments ago.
43:29 So since you joined, we're going to pass this hat.
43:31 And you can sign your names too.
43:33 We promised him that everyone on the set
43:35 will have the opportunity, Jorge...
43:37 And Aunt Francine because Josiah loved meetings
43:41 and his mom talked about that,
43:43 Janae about how she felt so confident
43:45 that she could leave him
43:47 and know that he loved his meetings
43:48 and so they were part of winter camp meeting,
43:51 you know, at Loma Linda, so thank you, Aunt Francine.
43:52 That was a lot of fun. It was a lot of fun.
43:55 Before we get into those reports, Mr. Danny,
43:56 a quick update,
43:57 exciting things happening
43:59 with the "COVID-19, what's next?" booklet.
44:00 Again, we continue to get mail correspondence to 3ABN emails
44:04 about the positive response already
44:06 and people being positively affected
44:08 by this book and it's reaching lives.
44:09 So how many books have been printed
44:11 that are out there right now?
44:12 Actually, we're up to 6 million in English,
44:15 yes, 6 million.
44:16 That's incredible.
44:18 Almost all of them have been mailed.
44:19 I think there's still some that's been in the mail
44:21 this week or what have you.
44:22 But basically, they have been
44:24 and millions have received them.
44:26 And then there's a half a million in Spanish
44:29 and so we praise the Lord for that.
44:31 So I think it's a total 6 million,
44:33 5.5 English and a half million Spanish,
44:36 so that's a lot of books and thank you.
44:39 And you know, the Lord opened it up
44:40 for 40 cents literally,
44:43 that pays for a book
44:45 and the mailing to zip code anywhere in America.
44:48 So people continue to do that
44:51 and so we thank you for what you've done
44:54 because the whole back of the book
44:56 tells the folk all the ways they can get 3ABN.
44:59 Maybe they could get a shot at Greg
45:02 if you could zoom in on that.
45:04 So that tells you
45:05 all the different ways you can get 3ABN,
45:07 watch 3ABN, listen into 3ABN,
45:09 so while the pamphlet's only a little booklet
45:12 where it's 16-18 pages.
45:14 The beauty of it
45:16 is we don't give the whole message
45:18 but we do give the message that God is love.
45:20 And no matter what folk say,
45:22 we serve a loving God and that sin is of the devil.
45:26 And so, this little booklet
45:28 kind of exonerates
45:29 the character of God from Scripture.
45:31 And but, then people that are interested,
45:35 know how they can tune in and watch or listen to 3ABN.
45:39 So again, thank you for your participation
45:41 for those of you who given and donated for that
45:44 because many of you have covered
45:46 zip codes in your area.
45:47 So your whole cities,
45:49 your whole town is getting these books
45:51 because you cared enough to say okay,
45:53 there's so many zip codes, you call 3ABN and said okay,
45:57 there's 1,000 in my zip code or 2,000, sometimes five,
46:00 well, I'll put 40 cents apiece,
46:02 that includes the books and the shipping.
46:05 And so your friends and neighbors,
46:07 hopefully your churches open up,
46:08 there people going to be wanting to come in
46:11 and go to church and get to know you.
46:13 Amen.
46:14 Oh yeah, it's win-win. Go ahead.
46:15 So we want to encourage you tonight,
46:17 the call center is open.
46:18 So you can give us a call at 618-627-4651.
46:23 That number again is 618-627-4651.
46:27 Or you can email us at Live, Live@3abn.org.
46:33 That's Live@3abn.org
46:36 or I see on the screen it says.TV
46:38 I think either way it's going to get to us.
46:40 So this book, as Danny already mentioned,
46:43 is an incredible opportunity to partner together
46:47 to get the gospel in your neighborhood.
46:49 So for just 40 cents a booklet, you can sponsor,
46:52 a zip code mailing in your community
46:55 or you can say, hey, I want to donate $20
46:58 for the Prayer and Praise journal,
47:01 which means you get the two CDs,
47:04 the 31 songs there
47:05 and the journal goes along with it.
47:07 So we just came out of three weeks
47:11 of incredibly intense kids programs.
47:14 Can I just before we go to that.
47:15 Yeah.
47:16 I want to just actually just talk about this
47:18 just really quick, because there's been,
47:19 some of you've been ordering this actually by the case,
47:21 or maybe 100, 250 or so like,
47:23 and in boxes,
47:24 I don't know how many come in a box, 480?
47:25 Four eighty.
47:27 Four hundred and eighty in a box.
47:28 So some of you have been buying them
47:30 by the case.
47:31 And as the COVID regulations
47:32 have been releasing a little bit,
47:34 you've been going out and actually handing them out
47:35 or putting them in the mail.
47:36 There's been a little bit of confusion.
47:38 Here in this corner,
47:39 there's a little thing that looks like a stamp.
47:41 So some of you have thought that the postage has been paid
47:43 and not put a stamp on this,
47:44 when you put it in someone else,
47:46 like mailed it in your own neighborhood.
47:48 And so these are coming back to us
47:50 or not even being delivered.
47:51 So you need to put a stamp
47:53 actually over this little bulk postage thing
47:55 that we have here.
47:56 This is actually when it's sent out in bulk.
47:58 That doesn't mean that it's actually covered
47:59 and you can put it
48:01 in your post office without a stamp.
48:02 So make sure that you actually put a stamp
48:04 because we've had a number of them returned.
48:06 So those who do the zip code, you don't have to do anything,
48:09 yours is already paid.
48:10 But if you're ordering by the cases
48:13 to pass out yourself or to mail out,
48:15 then you do have to put a stamp on that
48:17 because you're paying the cost or the price of the book
48:21 and not the postage already when you order by bulk.
48:24 Thank you.
48:25 So you're just paying the shipping
48:26 it takes to get to you.
48:28 That would be for you to do that.
48:29 But the easy way, of course, is just to...
48:31 Let us do. And here's the other thing.
48:33 We didn't really plan on printing more,
48:36 because we were hoping
48:38 and it seemed like the COVID thing was passing.
48:41 But now all across America,
48:44 we just, some of the countries
48:46 that I just found out yesterday Bahamas
48:48 is not allowing people from the States to come
48:51 and we're getting such,
48:52 even in Southern Illinois we have very little,
48:54 that's climbing right now.
48:56 And so the book is still,
49:01 you know, can reach a lot of people
49:02 who really haven't reached.
49:04 If you still want them,
49:06 depending on how many you order,
49:08 we could see about getting more.
49:10 But I just,
49:11 we were hoping this thing would be behind us
49:13 and we're looking on ahead,
49:14 but as long as the cases keep skyrocketing
49:18 all around America,
49:19 then the books still available to pass out,
49:23 you know, or to have mailed to the zip codes.
49:25 Still very relevant. That's for sure.
49:27 Yeah.
49:28 So you're messing about the three weeks,
49:30 I'll let you pitch to that.
49:31 So tell us I know you've been doing
49:33 two different programs
49:34 Jesus My Light and Creation is Science
49:36 or is that Science is Creation?
49:38 Creation is science.
49:39 Okay. Sorry. I always confused that.
49:41 No, we're hoping to do
49:43 other segments like that creation is
49:45 and that's why we did it that way.
49:47 And yes, thankful for a wonderful team
49:50 that just took on board.
49:51 They saw the vision
49:52 and just a phenomenal staff that helped us out
49:55 and phenomenal kids.
49:57 So I'm thankful for those parents
49:59 that brought their kids in for recording.
50:01 So thank you.
50:03 Definitely that was a wonderful time.
50:04 And then with Jesus My Light
50:06 we did a little bit of Bible segments
50:09 that will be
50:10 part of a tree house, hopefully,
50:12 a segment that we're hoping to air
50:14 in August or September sometimes so.
50:16 Get to record?
50:17 Looking to record. Thank you.
50:19 Sorry, to record.
50:20 Thank you for correcting me, yes to record.
50:23 We need more editor editing time
50:25 for that for sure but we're looking for it.
50:26 So what is Jesus My Light about?
50:28 Let's start with that one.
50:29 Let's start with the theme
50:30 and what the programs are about.
50:32 The idea is that Jesus is our example.
50:34 And so we want children of all ages
50:37 to find the example of Jesus
50:39 and that Jesus His character,
50:42 again, His character is so valuable
50:45 that we can mimic His light and so,
50:48 and just be a reflection of His light.
50:50 And so that was it.
50:51 That is the theme and the goal for these segments
50:53 that we hope to do
50:55 and even with the Bible scenes that we did earlier
50:58 is portraying a little bit of His character
51:00 and hopefully the kids can see what Jesus was like.
51:04 So what were some of the Bible scenes
51:05 that then were shot?
51:07 One of them was Nicodemus
51:08 that really stuck out to me for that reason.
51:10 I think we had a lot of fun with that one,
51:12 because Nicodemus was a little bit shy maybe
51:16 and yet he wanted to find truth.
51:18 And I think that's the same for all of us
51:20 is that we want to find the truth of Jesus
51:23 and who Jesus is.
51:24 And so, at least he wanted to seek
51:25 Jesus out.
51:27 And so that's one that really stuck to me.
51:30 And we recorded, was it about 13 or 14 episodes?
51:33 We actually completed 12.
51:36 We have a few more to finish.
51:39 It was a new concept.
51:40 And Jorge can talk about it a little bit,
51:43 but the way we filmed was totally different as well.
51:47 And so having a storyboard and coming up with ways
51:50 to portray that character of Jesus
51:52 was really a way
51:54 that it took a team effort to do
51:57 because we didn't want that to not reflect who Jesus was.
52:01 And so it took,
52:02 it took a vision of all of us to work together.
52:05 Amen.
52:07 So, Jorge, you had like 10 cameras
52:09 shooting these Bible segments.
52:11 Tell us a little bit about that
52:12 because it was a little different way
52:14 with it we shot it this time.
52:15 Yes, we did this with one camera.
52:17 One camera Just one camera.
52:18 Wow. Yes.
52:19 That's impressive. It is.
52:21 Well, the way that Francine,
52:26 Aunt Francine as described this is that they're very accurate.
52:30 She came up with the idea.
52:32 She created the script.
52:34 She wrote a script that helped us a lot
52:36 in creating the storyboards, which, again, the team,
52:40 we have been blessed with the team that we have.
52:43 So the team created this storyboard.
52:46 Then we took that storyboard to the set.
52:50 And we followed every scene that was already drawn
52:55 and we used one camera
52:58 and we did this as type of cinematic,
53:02 cinematic graphic type of thing.
53:03 So we are changing the cameras every time
53:06 that we had a different scene and we created this ambiance.
53:11 It was phenomenal.
53:13 I really it was like being there.
53:15 But the most, the touching part is that
53:18 these are all children,
53:21 kids portraying the life of Jesus
53:24 is almost making more, making me emotional
53:26 remembering that,
53:28 that you describe it Nicodemus,
53:30 but also I remember the women at the well,
53:33 it was such a powerful little exchange there
53:36 between Jesus and the woman and they,
53:38 it was so beautiful.
53:39 I was little bit concerned about the scene
53:41 but then it was so beautiful,
53:42 so pure so
53:44 and it's going to be an amazing thing
53:46 when this project is done.
53:49 Amen. Praise the Lord.
53:51 I know that just last week we had a special person
53:54 that many of you
53:55 that have watched 3ABN for years would recognize
53:58 and who did we have with us recording?
53:59 Professor Roy,
54:00 back then we called him Ben Roy.
54:02 But we called him Professor Roy on the set.
54:05 So he was a delight and had,
54:06 I mean, we had loud noises and trash can
54:09 over 60 feet up in the air
54:11 that the camera couldn't even follow.
54:13 But it was just wonderful.
54:14 The kids had a blast, literally.
54:16 So some of these were shot outside,
54:18 obviously not in the studio,
54:19 because yeah, 60 feet in the air.
54:21 That's way up there.
54:22 But then there were some experiments
54:23 that were done, like walking on eggs.
54:25 So I understand and they didn't break.
54:27 No. Isn't that right?
54:28 Well, we had little practice on them
54:32 in the beginning but...
54:34 But why did you, Ben Roy said, what was he talking about?
54:36 What's the name of the program that he...
54:38 It was Creation Is and then Science
54:40 and that's something that we did together
54:43 because hopefully in the future,
54:44 we'll have others that could participate as well.
54:47 But yes, he did some phenomenal experiments.
54:49 And again, he exemplifies who Jesus is.
54:52 I mean, just the way he talks to the kids.
54:55 He lets them play with magnets.
54:56 He lets them play with anything
54:58 while we're getting ready for the set.
54:59 You can tell he has that teacher's heart.
55:03 And so that just made it come alive for the kids.
55:06 They really enjoyed it so...
55:07 It was really good to have him come back.
55:09 And I know that we have a role we want to go to,
55:11 but we're running out of time here in this first hour,
55:14 so we're going to have to roll that
55:15 just the beginning of the second hour,
55:17 but I know it was good to see him
55:18 because he's come here,
55:19 of course, for a number of years.
55:21 You were on the set, I know a number of kids.
55:22 I met some families from out west,
55:25 that were here and were on the set,
55:26 but it just tells about,
55:28 you know, the science is something you can learn
55:29 but also teaching how God is in science.
55:32 And it's just powerful lessons.
55:34 I was there outside
55:35 because some of them were shot outside and it was amazing.
55:38 There was one where he shot this football
55:40 and he went way out in the grass.
55:41 Everyone was safe.
55:42 Of course everyone is safe, but it's just incredible
55:45 because he has had the opportunity going around
55:47 and doing these at schools
55:49 but because of COVID-19 all that's been shut down
55:51 just like the musicians
55:53 and travel and do concerts and things like that,
55:55 but it's a blessing to have him here.
55:57 It was pretty neat wasn't, Jorge,
55:58 to see the setup for that?
56:00 Yes, we set up outside
56:01 that the segment that had to be outside.
56:05 So we set up all the tents and with the cameras outside,
56:08 it was a...
56:09 We were blessed
56:11 because the weather was just perfect
56:13 for those two days.
56:14 And then we had rain and everything
56:16 except for those two days,
56:18 we were able to get all those scenes.
56:20 And that's wonderful. Yeah. Yeah.
56:22 Well, you got to tell us
56:23 what's happened in the second hour
56:25 because we're almost out of time here
56:26 in the first one...
56:28 Well, we got a role I want to see
56:29 because I haven't seen that role yet.
56:30 So I'm excited about that.
56:32 And I know Aunt Francine is going to talk to us
56:33 a little bit more about kids' network
56:35 and what's coming up in some programming
56:37 that you can be involved
56:38 or you can bring your young people
56:40 and be involved.
56:41 We're going to Skype in
56:43 with Pastor Philip Baptiste and Steve Dickman.
56:46 Of course, Steve Dickman is the president of ASI.
56:48 And Philip Baptiste
56:50 is the secretary treasurer of ASI.
56:52 And ASI will be here next week.
56:56 We will be bringing you live meetings, virtual ASI.
57:00 So we have all the details for that the second hour.
57:03 We're also going to hear from Moses Primo,
57:05 who's our director of Engineering and Broadcasting
57:08 and he's going to give us an update on 3ABN Francais.
57:11 And we're also going to hear from JD Quinn.
57:15 He is pastoral department manager
57:17 and we're going to hear
57:18 what's going on in the pastoral department.
57:20 So we got a full second hour.
57:22 Yes, we absolutely do.
57:23 So we want you to make sure that you stay tuned
57:25 during this two-minute break, grab a drink of water,
57:28 call a friend and say hey, you better join 3ABN
57:30 and see what's going on
57:31 because God is doing marvelous things.
57:33 That's thanks to you.
57:34 So thank you for joining us this first hour.
57:36 We will be right back.


Revised 2020-09-29