3ABN Today Live

Prayer As Evangelism

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL190035A

00:01 Music... I want to spend my life
00:07 mending broken people
00:13 I want to spend my life
00:19 removing pain
00:24 Lord let my words
00:29 heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:52 mending broken people.
00:58 Music...
01:09 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Live.
01:12 Most certainly.
01:13 I'm Shelley Quinn...
01:14 JD Quinn...
01:16 and we're so happy to have you.
01:18 I'm so sorry, my voice is kind of squeaky tonight
01:20 and it just doesn't want to cooperate
01:21 but we're so glad that you're tuning in.
01:24 It's going to be an inspiring program.
01:26 Tonight we'll be talking about: Prayer as Evangelism
01:31 and, you know, I just want to read to you
01:34 Hebrews 7:25.
01:36 This is one of my favorite Scriptures
01:38 and it says, "Therefore He... "
01:41 speaking of Jesus...
01:43 "is also able to save to the uttermost
01:46 those who come to God through Him,
01:48 since He always lives to make intercessions for these. "
01:55 What I like to say is this,
01:58 "Intercessory prayer is the highest calling to ministry. "
02:04 There is no higher calling to ministry
02:07 and I say that because we see here
02:11 that it is the ministry of our risen and exalted Lord.
02:16 He is interceding on our behalf
02:19 all day long... all night long...
02:22 so, we're going to talk about the importance of prayer
02:26 and not just praying... ourselves personally
02:30 or even praying together,
02:32 but prayer as evangelism...
02:35 to see the hand of the Lord move across the earth
02:39 and boy, have we got some wonderful people...
02:43 all are prayer warriors.
02:45 Let me introduce our special guests.
02:48 First we have our dear friends Jerry and Janet Page.
02:51 Jerry, you are the Ministerial Secretary
02:55 for the General Conference
02:57 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
02:58 Jerry: You got it right.
03:00 So, the Ministerial Secretary does what?
03:02 Well, we have a team
03:04 and we have seven people that travel all over the world
03:06 to every part of the... every country... everywhere...
03:09 and we work with Pastors...
03:11 our Seventh-day Adventist Pastors
03:12 and their spouses... their children...
03:14 their families and our Elders,
03:16 and Deacons and Deaconesses, so...
03:17 Shelley: You're a Pastor's Pastor,
03:19 that's what you're saying.
03:20 Jerry: We are... and we try to resource the people
03:21 in the local level who resource their pastors
03:23 and work with their church members and everything,
03:25 so... resourcing and caring
03:28 and trying to develop things they need.
03:29 Shelley: Amen... amen... and you all do a lot of traveling,
03:33 how many miles a year do you travel?
03:36 Jerry: Oh, near 200,000 miles a year...
03:37 have some days out of the home
03:40 but we're together... that's kind of nice.
03:41 Shelley: That is. JD Quinn: It certainly is.
03:42 Jerry: And we're still getting along after this...
03:44 Amen... amen...
03:45 I think you know that you just said
03:47 that you just got back from India.
03:48 Jerry: Yeah.
03:50 Right, and then you're blessed that in a couple of days
03:53 you get to go to West Africa,
03:55 so this is a normal routine for you all.
03:57 And I fall asleep a lot and so, you just take over if I do.
04:01 Shelley: Well, I'll tell you what,
04:03 if you fall asleep while you're talking,
04:04 we'll just keep listening, how's that?
04:06 Jerry: That's good... see what I say.
04:08 Shelley: All right, and then, Janet,
04:09 we're so glad to have you
04:11 and you all do come as a couple just as we do,
04:14 we never travel without one another
04:16 but you are the Associate Ministerial...
04:20 Janet: One of the Associates.
04:21 Shelley: One of the Associates.
04:23 Jerry: My favorite one.
04:24 Shelley: Your... She may be your favorite one.
04:27 JD Quinn: Sometimes... yeah.
04:28 And this is something that...
04:31 I don't know if everybody knows,
04:34 I hope you don't mind me telling this,
04:35 but Janet hated to travel before she took this job,
04:40 she hated traveling
04:42 and then, you've been traveling close to 200,000 miles a year
04:47 for the last five years, that's amazing!
04:49 Jerry: Nine years...
04:51 Nine years, that's right, this is your second term...
04:53 nine years... wow, I can't imagine,
04:56 you too, huh,
05:00 now, we also have someone that we've just met
05:04 but Jonathan Walter, you are the Ministerial Association
05:12 Communications Manager for the GC
05:15 but you're also the Vice-President of GYC
05:19 and I understand... Jerry said that you were really
05:22 one of the Founders of GYC in Europe.
05:25 I was part of the team in Europe that...
05:27 that started it a couple of years ago.
05:29 Shelley: Wonderful... wonderful.
05:30 JD Quinn: Obviously the first question people will ask,
05:32 "Where did you grow up?"
05:34 This is not a Texas accent or a southern Illinois accent.
05:37 Jonathan: That is correct, I'm from Austria...
05:40 born and raised in Austria,
05:42 I'm half Norwegian... so my mother is from Norway
05:44 and I grew up there as a Pastor's kid
05:47 and so, I lived all over the country there.
05:51 JD Quinn: Amen.
05:52 Never really picked up fully the accent...
05:54 the local accent where we moved to
05:56 because, then we would move again and it changed...
05:58 so, now, I'm over here in the U.S.
06:01 Okay, and you are married and what are you doing right now,
06:04 I understand... are you living in Michigan?
06:07 No, I used to live in Michigan,
06:09 I was the Pastor in Michigan
06:10 and now I moved to Maryland to work there.
06:13 Okay, okay, well, we're so glad that you're here
06:16 and as I said, this is a live program
06:19 so, we're going to put these three
06:22 on a hot seat later in the program
06:24 in the second hour...
06:26 if you have questions or prayer requests
06:29 we really want to get your prayer requests in
06:34 so, you may e-mail those to us at: live@3abn. tv
06:39 that's: live@3abn. tv
06:42 or you can phone us at 618-627-4651
06:48 and we'll be happy to pray for you tonight,
06:53 we'll be happy... any... any that...
06:55 prayers that we don't get to tonight,
06:58 I understand, you all want to take them with you
07:00 and will pray for them at the General Conference
07:02 but we also have a free offer tonight,
07:08 it is revival and reformation... "Prayer Makes a Difference"
07:14 by Mark Finley
07:15 and we've had a chance to thumb through this...
07:18 it's a beautiful book
07:20 but it has some excellent information in it
07:23 and that's again... you can get this by just e-mailing us
07:28 at: freeoffer@3abn. tv
07:32 or calling 618-627-4651.
07:35 Shelley and I spent probably about 30 minutes earlier
07:39 in reading through this, this is fantastic,
07:42 I mean, this is good, good stuff,
07:44 that is simple to read
07:46 but it's getting right to the point
07:48 and it covers "Prayer" from A to Z.
07:50 Great stories.
07:52 Mark's an excellent author and a writer
07:55 and he is... he knows how to drill down
07:59 to the most important thing doesn't he?
08:01 He's a man of prayer... he lived it.
08:03 Amen, amen.
08:05 All right, JD Quinn, this is live
08:06 and you get to introduce our music.
08:08 I do get to introduce the music and we're blessed
08:11 because we have Moses Brown.
08:14 Moses Brown is going to be singing
08:15 and his precious wife, Jeanette,
08:17 is going to be accompanying him on the piano.
08:19 Pause...
08:23 Piano...
08:34 God sent His Son,
08:40 they called Him Jesus;
08:45 He came to love,
08:49 heal and forgive;
08:54 He bled and died
08:59 to buy my pardon,
09:06 An empty grave is there
09:10 just to prove my Savior lives!
09:17 Because He lives,
09:22 I can face tomorrow,
09:26 Because He lives,
09:31 all fear is gone,
09:37 Because I know... yes I know
09:42 He holds the future,
09:47 My life is worth the living,
09:51 Just because He lives!
09:56 And then one day,
10:02 I'll cross that river
10:08 I'll fight life's final
10:11 war with pain;
10:18 And then, as death
10:23 gives way to victory,
10:28 I'll see the lights of glory
10:32 and I'll know that my Lord lives!
10:39 Because He lives,
10:44 I can face tomorrow,
10:49 Because my God lives,
10:55 all fear is gone,
11:00 Because I know... yes I know
11:05 He holds the future,
11:10 My life is worth the living
11:14 just because He lives,
11:20 Because God lives,
11:25 You can face tomorrow
11:32 Because He lives,
11:36 all fear is gone,
11:42 Because I know, yes I know
11:47 He holds the future,
11:52 My life is worth the living...
11:56 Your life can be worth the living...
12:01 Oh, our life is worth the living
12:07 Just because my God
12:14 lives.
12:18 Piano.
12:22 Amen.
12:25 Amen, that's really good, thank you...
12:27 thank you Moses and Jeanette.
12:28 We do... we appreciate that so much
12:31 and how true that message is,
12:32 well, if you're joining us just a moment late,
12:35 our special guest tonight are Jerry and Janet Page
12:38 and Jonathan Walter
12:40 and we're so glad... they're all here
12:42 from the General Conference
12:43 and Jerry, tonight we're talking about: Prayer as Evangelism.
12:49 Tell us what that's about.
12:51 Well, in these last nine years,
12:53 especially as we've been traveling the whole world,
12:54 every place and every country
12:56 we've just become so much more impressed with the fact
12:59 that... we've always prayed for evangelism...
13:03 prayed for our methods...
13:04 trying to bathe everything in prayer and seeing God work
13:06 but we've realized that in every culture
13:09 and in most every situation
13:10 prayer is one of the best ways to make friends
13:14 and open the door for evangelism,
13:15 it is evangelism, in other words,
13:17 some other cultures whether it's Moslem or Hindu,
13:21 Buddhist, whatever,
13:22 you can pray with them about their family or their needs
13:24 those kinds of things
13:25 because they're very praying people too,
13:28 and it's true in the west or wherever,
13:30 so, that's our burden, I guess, tonight...
13:32 that is to say... prayer is not before, after, and behind prayer
13:36 it is evangelism...
13:39 but it is evangelism in the best way
13:42 and it opens people's heart,
13:43 gives God a chance to show them what's going on in their lives
13:46 and to work miracles for them
13:48 and it can help people want to to know Jesus
13:50 better than anything.
13:51 So, prayer is the wedge for everyone that works out
13:57 which I certainly believe
13:58 because I think that the whole world right now
14:02 is needing hope and even if they're not familiar
14:06 really with the Savior that we believe in,
14:08 there is hope
14:10 and, of course, through the aid of the Holy Spirit
14:13 miracles happen.
14:14 You know, I know that your personal story
14:17 that... a lot of people prayed for you all, Janet,
14:21 even when you were in ministry as a Pastor and Pastor's wife,
14:25 what was their specific prayer for you
14:28 because I know that after they prayed,
14:31 you told me once, people kept praying
14:33 and you thought, "What are they doing?"
14:36 And God changed your life.
14:37 Well, they attended a Seminar Camp Meeting...
14:41 people were... the leader of the Seminar...
14:45 the Pastor, got them to commit to pray for us every day
14:49 because he was the new President
14:51 and the Seminar was on the Holy Spirit
14:54 and how important it is,
14:55 we pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit every day...
14:57 throughout the day...
14:59 not just for ourselves but for our children
15:01 but he got them to commit to pray for us
15:03 as their leaders... for the Holy Spirit.
15:04 At that time, I didn't realize how important it was to pray
15:08 for the baptism of the Holy Spirit every day.
15:11 God grabbed ahold of you all, didn't He?
15:15 But it was two years later but during those two years,
15:21 we'd be in a different church almost every Sabbath,
15:23 someone somewhere would come up and say,
15:25 "We're praying for you and Jerry,
15:26 we're praying for the Holy Spirit in your lives... "
15:28 and I didn't... at that time I thought...
15:30 "So they're praying, what good does that do?
15:32 You know, I've tried prayer and it didn't work for me. "
15:34 But literally, two years later, my life was turned upside down
15:38 God just changed everything.
15:41 I never want to go back to the way it was either.
15:43 Amen...
15:45 amen...
15:46 But you know, Jerry, sometimes people...
15:49 I don't know, the way I say it,
15:51 you know, Jesus was talking about
15:53 that the measure we use would be measured back to us
15:57 and I think that sometimes we put God in a box.
16:01 We pray these little bitty prayers
16:04 kind of like it's almost secondary
16:06 to whatever we're doing or the work
16:08 and I think the Lord wants us to increase
16:11 the measure of our expectation
16:13 because the measure we use will be measured back to us
16:16 and I know Jonathan
16:19 that God just recently did something through you...
16:24 you are a Vice-President of GYC
16:26 and tell us what happened in Iceland.
16:31 Janet: Do you know what GYC is?
16:33 Let's find out what GYC is and then we'll go from there.
16:36 Well, GYC is a movement of young... young people.
16:41 JD Quinn: Meaning what?
16:42 Meaning everything between 15 to 35 and above and beyond,
16:47 and young at heart
16:49 but it's a movement of young people
16:51 and an Organization that seeks to inspire our young people
16:55 to take sacrificial initiative for Christ.
16:57 So, we desire to help young people
17:01 find their purpose in Christ... their identity in Christ
17:03 and then their mission in Christ.
17:05 Shelley: And what does GYC stand for?
17:07 It stands for Generation, Youth, Christ
17:09 because those are sort of the core elements
17:11 of our Organization
17:12 and we want to... it's a global movement...
17:15 it's a grassroots movement,
17:17 it's not organized by the official church
17:19 but just by Seventh-day Adventist Christians...
17:22 by young people who want to do something for Jesus.
17:24 Amen.
17:25 It's volunteer driven... volunteer run...
17:28 and the Lord has blessed it over the years, it's almost...
17:31 almost 20 years now that it's been around.
17:33 Shelley: That's unbelievable.
17:34 And so, GYC puts up an annual Conference
17:38 where thousands of young people from all around the world come
17:41 and there are many affiliate conferences around the world
17:44 in Europe... you mentioned it earlier,
17:46 and then, in South America,
17:47 we are about to start one in Brazil,
17:49 the Lord has been blessing...
17:50 Jerry: Philippines, Indonesia...
17:51 Jonathan: Philippines... all over the world.
17:53 It's just neat to see how God has been using young people
17:56 in a special way.
17:57 And I know... I know here at 3ABN...
18:00 I know that people have been planning all year long
18:04 for the next one.
18:05 I remember, three or four or five years ago,
18:07 he says, "Oh yes, we're going to GYC... we're going to... "
18:10 and it just kind of... as you were mentioning a while ago,
18:13 it just kind of, "Really?
18:15 What's so special about GYC
18:17 that you're planning a year ahead...
18:19 I mean, I wish that we planned a year ahead...
18:23 I mean, so, there is something...
18:26 it is a grassroots movement that has really taken off
18:29 and, of course, it's centered around our Lord and Savior.
18:33 That's right, the Bible... and mission...
18:36 and our prophetic identity as Christians in the last days
18:41 is at the core of... of what GYC stands for.
18:43 And we've been happy to partner with 3ABN over the years
18:46 you know, you've been broadcasting the Conference
18:48 and it's been a huge blessing as well.
18:51 So, tell us how you chose Iceland...
18:54 you're Vice President of missions,
18:57 tell us how you chose Iceland.
18:59 Well, I need to go a little bit back on this,
19:02 over the last couple of years,
19:04 the Lord has really put on the.. on the leaders of GYC
19:07 the burden of prayer.
19:08 We've realized that you can organize things
19:11 in a wonderful way,
19:12 you can do wonderful things through human methods,
19:14 but we... and as Jerry was sharing,
19:17 you can pray before and after... but prayer...
19:20 the importance of prayer has really been put on our hearts,
19:23 and so, we really... we prayed about it
19:26 and we asked God to show us
19:28 how can we make a greater emphasis
19:30 on prayer for young people
19:31 because prayer seems so dusty to some people...
19:33 like, what does... you know, what does prayer do?
19:35 And what God did is... He brought revival to GYC
19:39 we have a Prayer Room at our annual conference
19:43 and I have a picture here with us
19:44 so they're going to put it on the screen for us
19:46 of the Prayer Room
19:48 and what we have seen is that young people desire
19:51 a real experience with God through prayer.
19:53 Just last... last couple of years,
19:55 we have seen 1,000s of young people
19:57 coming at six a. m. in the morning...
19:58 this is voluntary, you know,
20:00 just to unite in prayer
20:01 pleading for the Lord to empty their hearts,
20:04 of sin and selfishness
20:06 and just to be filled with the Holy Spirit
20:09 and to... to find a purpose and clarity
20:12 and it's just so beautiful to see how God has...
20:14 has done that in the past
20:16 and we are seeing how that has changed the direction of GYC
20:20 so, seeing the revival that came through that prayer
20:24 in the Prayer Room at GYC...
20:26 we thought, how can that also be taken into Missions
20:31 and so, over the last two years...
20:33 well, about two years ago,
20:35 we have been praying and thinking,
20:37 "How can we... how can we make a mission for God
20:42 that makes a difference?"
20:43 And the idea came about to go to Iceland...
20:48 a country that is not a typical place
20:50 where people go for mission trips.
20:53 It's right between the United States and... and...
20:56 and... or North America and Europe,
20:58 it's a first world country... highly secular
21:01 and the Christian church has not very...
21:04 I mean, people are Christian on paper
21:07 but there's not really a strong Christian presence anymore
21:11 in Iceland
21:12 and we thought, "Hey, what if we tried to reach that country?"
21:16 And so, all kinds of ideas came up,
21:18 "Well, we could go and knock on every door in the country. "
21:20 "We could do evangelistic meetings... "
21:21 we could do all kinds of things
21:23 but God made it very clear for us to... to...
21:28 to take a different approach and that was not easy to accept
21:32 because when God put the idea in our hearts
21:36 to just go and pray,
21:37 we were kind of thrown into a little bit of a tension there
21:41 because you... you think about it,
21:42 you know, when we say... we want to do a mission trip,
21:44 you know, people go and build churches...
21:46 they build houses...
21:47 they... they do something tangible,
21:49 right, and so, when you pray you feel like
21:53 you're not doing anything that is physical in a way.
21:56 Shelley: But when you say, "Go and pray"
21:58 are you talking about praying with the people of Iceland?
22:02 Jonathan: Well, many things, first of all, the... the...
22:06 the group of the mission itself had to be bathed in prayer
22:09 but then, yes, we would go and pray for people,
22:13 we would pray with people at their doors,
22:16 what we did was, we would go from door to door
22:18 knocking on doors... offering to pray with them
22:23 and give them an opportunity to connect with God.
22:26 Janet: Did you plan to do that to begin with or
22:29 was it at first, you were just going to go and pray
22:31 in the country?
22:33 Yes, so, we... we were just thinking about what we should do
22:35 and we said, "Okay, pray but how should we be doing this?"
22:38 we thought about just praying for the country
22:40 and just "Prayer Walking"
22:42 but then, God made it very clear...
22:43 we should... we should engage with the people
22:45 and we did both,
22:47 we had teams "prayer walking" around the cities
22:50 and throughout all the streets.
22:51 We had people praying for every home that we came across,
22:54 in the capital region where 75% of the country lives
22:58 and then we had people praying with people
23:01 from door to door.
23:03 Shelley: Okay, explain "Prayer Walking"
23:05 because there's going to be somebody that's talking about...
23:07 "What do you mean... you're walking while you're praying?"
23:09 What does it mean?
23:11 Jonathan: That's pretty much it.
23:12 Janet: With your eyes open.
23:14 Jonathan: Yes, yes, yes.
23:15 Shelley: What's the purpose of "Prayer Walking"
23:17 what is the objective?
23:19 Jonathan: So, "Prayer Walking" really,
23:20 the objective is to... to be in a mindset of prayer
23:24 and to let God show your mission field
23:27 to know... to... to... when you "Prayer Walk"
23:29 you're very intentional in how you look at your territory
23:32 and you start interceding for people you see...
23:35 you start interceding for every home that you see
23:38 and you are claiming territory for God,
23:40 when you think of Joshua... the book of Joshua...
23:43 God told him every... where you put your foot
23:47 this is your... you're claiming that territory for God in a way,
23:50 and so we... we wanted to...
23:53 we saw the power of prayer and presence
23:55 because when you are there and you're praying,
23:58 that means the devil has no space there.
24:00 You are bringing the angels and the Holy Spirit with you
24:04 as you go... not that God can't get there
24:06 but as you're interceding specifically
24:08 for certain houses and people,
24:09 God has now... in the light of the great controversy
24:13 between good and evil...
24:14 here is now an opportunity to work in that situation
24:17 and that's what we saw at the doors... in many, many ways.
24:21 Jerry: Let me just intercede, one of our great burdens is,
24:24 we don't really believe enough
24:26 that there's a real war going on unseen...
24:29 between Satan and his angels and Christ
24:31 Daniel 10 talks about how Gabriel could not get to Daniel
24:35 for 21 days and fight through the Prince
24:37 so, this... this idea of going and praying
24:40 or walking or driving or whatever,
24:42 also, is that that thing of...
24:44 every earnest prayer of faith we pray...
24:46 God sends an angel to be stationed somewhere
24:48 that's most difficult...
24:50 2nd Corinthians 10 talks about the strongholds,
24:51 how we need to talk on the strongholds in this world...
24:54 they're everywhere... we can tell you,
24:55 every country, every culture, every...
24:57 and... and we're not going to break through them
25:00 without some massive prayer, so, it's a real war
25:04 and so, the Prayer Walking seems kind of like we're just
25:06 somewhere around doing something stupid
25:08 but we're really stationing angels.
25:10 Jonathan: It was very intentional for us.
25:12 I remember, this meant a lot to me,
25:16 I think the first year we went to Soquel,
25:17 we were invited there,
25:19 I don't know, we're going back probably ten years ago,
25:21 before... and that was what intentionally
25:26 you had your soldiers... your...
25:28 I'm going to say, your people...
25:30 Shelley: Explain what Soquel is for people who don't know.
25:33 Southern California Camp Meeting.
25:35 Janet: Central California.
25:36 JD Quinn: Excuse me... big, big difference,
25:39 excuse me... let's correct that...
25:41 but you had the people walking through the facilities praying.
25:47 Janet: The Sabbath before it began, it began Thursday night,
25:50 we invited anyone who could come
25:52 and "prayer walk" the whole area.
25:55 Amazing things happened,
25:57 because as what you talked about earlier,
26:00 just trying to stay in touch with God and how to pray
26:02 we felt impressed to pray
26:04 that people cleaning the restrooms would be converted.
26:07 I had no idea who cleaned the restrooms because we were new
26:10 and come to find out they had someone almost 24/7
26:14 because you have 1,000s of people...
26:16 you know what that would create...
26:17 that year, three people were converted...
26:21 gave their hearts to Jesus Christ.
26:22 It was just incredible.
26:24 Shelley: You know what people don't understand, I think,
26:26 is... it's kind of like,
26:28 "What do you mean 'Intercessory Prayer?'"
26:31 That means to be praying for someone else,
26:33 you're holding them before the throne of grace
26:36 asking for God to intercede on their behalf
26:38 and people will say,
26:39 "Well, doesn't God do these things anyway?"
26:43 but you know, how I explain it is
26:45 it is like... see...
26:48 God will never force Himself on anyone,
26:50 He will not coerce,
26:52 so, He has intentionally limited Himself,
26:56 it's like handcuffs of love that He has said,
26:59 "Okay, I've given you free will,
27:01 I'm not going to interfere without permission
27:04 so, like, when I prayed for my sister who was a drug addict,
27:07 she wasn't praying for herself
27:11 and so, God had His handcuffs of love on
27:14 and it's like, to me, when you're praying,
27:17 it's... you're giving God permission
27:21 to intercede and intervene in her life.
27:24 So, he's doing something in a response to your prayer
27:29 that might not happened if you hadn't prayed.
27:30 Janet: Right, right, I'm convinced the reason is,
27:33 it's just like witnessing.
27:34 The very rocks could cry out... angels could do it...
27:38 but God wants us to do it,
27:39 the same way with prayer, because we are so blessed.
27:42 Incredible.
27:44 That's what we saw... the young people...
27:46 we had 50 young people from all around the world,
27:48 that's a miracle in itself
27:49 because we had so many challenges,
27:51 the devil was really trying to stop this mission from happening
27:53 I'm not going to go into all the details
27:55 He brought 50 young people... exceeded our expectations...
28:00 I prayed for 20 and the Lord brought us 50
28:02 from six continents... from all over the world,
28:05 I think that He did that on purpose
28:07 because He wants us to spread
28:08 and, I mean, we had people from the Philippines flying in,
28:11 young and old...
28:13 some people had never been on a mission trip before,
28:15 some people had never been to GYC before,
28:17 and they came and were transformed,
28:20 I mean, we all were including myself,
28:22 we all experienced revival and transformation of our hearts
28:28 and a transformation of our prayer life,
28:29 these young... some young people were sharing with me...
28:31 they were saying,
28:33 "I had never prayed before
28:37 in, you know, to... in such an intensity,
28:40 I've never prayed this much in my entire life
28:43 that I prayed in this one week. "
28:45 And so, we just saw an incredible
28:46 transformation of life,
28:48 I have a couple of pictures we can put on...
28:50 on the screen for our Viewers.
28:52 This is actually from the GYC Prayer Room
28:56 you see there were lots of people
28:59 praying together unitedly.
29:00 Shelley: At 6 o'clock in the morning
29:02 that you could get those young people.
29:03 Jonathan: Thousand people... it was incredible.
29:04 If you can go to the next pictures...
29:06 we see here...
29:08 the next one should be about... from Iceland...
29:11 here's an interesting thing,
29:12 we didn't notice,
29:14 but in the exact same time that we were there,
29:17 there was Pride Week going on in Iceland.
29:20 If you go to the next picture, you see they had the colors
29:23 even within the church.
29:25 This is the central major church of Iceland,
29:27 and so, there was this... this glorification of...
29:32 of sin going on in the exact same timeframe
29:35 that we were there for our prayer mission
29:38 and so, we just felt the great controversy
29:40 that goes to the next level there
29:42 and it just gave us more reason to pray and intercede
29:45 as you were sharing for people who are struggling
29:48 with the issues of this world and with sin,
29:50 and so, to the point of...
29:54 of intercession and connecting people with God in Iceland
29:59 because it is so secular of a country
30:01 as well as many other countries in Europe.
30:03 There is... there is a great need for people to connect
30:08 with something spiritual.
30:09 They don't realize that there is a God.
30:12 Young people have no memory of the gospel,
30:15 they don't... they have not heard of it...
30:17 I remember one young person I had a divine appointment with
30:21 when I was going on "prayer walking" there,
30:23 he was maybe 13... 14 years old
30:25 and I shared with him what I'm doing,
30:27 I said, "Do you want prayer...
30:29 anything I can pray for you in your life?"
30:31 And he said, "What is prayer?"
30:33 He had never even heard of that before.
30:35 Shelley: That's unbelievable.
30:36 Jonathan: And he was telling me,
30:37 "Well, I struggle with depression"
30:39 a 13... 14-year-old
30:40 and so we prayed together.
30:42 Another time, we...
30:44 I mean, these... they're called as divine appointments,
30:47 I came to one door and knocked on the door
30:48 and there was this lady
30:49 and I told her what we were doing,
30:51 she's like, "God sent you here" she said...
30:55 "my son is struggling with depression
30:58 and with alcoholism
31:00 and I... I need prayer...
31:01 I need something to happen here. "
31:04 And so, we prayed... we held hands together...
31:06 I never met this person before,
31:07 and she hugged me twice and thanked me
31:09 and multiple times, people told us,
31:11 "You know, you're a miracle. "
31:14 "Thank you... you made my day. "
31:16 And to see how... how the face of people changes
31:21 when you pray with them,
31:22 you know, you might...
31:24 when you pray for a person...
31:27 I remember one person...
31:29 a 20-year-old... young man...
31:31 I knocked on the door, he opened the door...
31:32 and I thought, "Oh dear, he's just going to send me away,
31:35 he's probably not interested in anything spiritual... "
31:38 but that's not true... we all long for spiritual things
31:41 we just don't realize it
31:42 and so, I told him what we're doing
31:45 and he said, "Well, I had my wisdom teeth removed recently
31:49 and it's hurting, can you pray for that?"
31:51 I'm like, "Sure, let's pray"
31:52 and so, we prayed, right there and then
31:56 and afterwards, I could just see in his face that...
31:59 we prayed for small little funny thing almost,
32:02 but the point is not so much always in
32:05 what you're praying for
32:06 but just in the fact that you're having a spiritual moment
32:09 because this young person might have never had the Holy Spirit
32:13 so... so present in his life as he had it in that moment.
32:19 So, when you pray with people
32:21 who have never had a connection like that before,
32:23 they're feeling and experiencing something that...
32:25 that goes into the heart.
32:27 Shelley: Amen.
32:28 Jonathan: And so, it was just beautiful to see
32:30 that people were crying after we prayed with them
32:32 and the Lord just connected us with all these people
32:35 and this is one of the most secular countries in the world.
32:37 We always say, "Oh, evangelism doesn't work. "
32:39 Well, I'll tell you, prayer works.
32:41 But you know, had you gone in
32:44 and done a typical "Evangelistic Series"
32:49 sending out... sending out brochures or something,
32:53 it probably had very little response
32:57 but because you had that personal interest
33:00 and you were involving God and the Holy Spirit,
33:02 God moved.
33:04 Jonathan: I think a key point was our United Prayer.
33:06 I have a couple of more pictures that people can see
33:08 if you can put that on there right now,
33:10 this is the group... not all of them but most of them
33:12 as we gathered there, we stayed at a little school
33:15 in the countryside
33:16 and if you go to the next picture,
33:18 you'll see, we spent our mornings in united prayer
33:21 just like the Prayer Room we saw earlier
33:23 and if you go to the next picture,
33:25 I think there are a couple more here,
33:26 just pleading that God will use us
33:29 and pleading... interceding for a city...
33:31 interceding for the people that we would meet that day
33:33 just bathing it in prayer
33:35 because we know the devil is trying to stop us...
33:37 we had all kinds of issues with car problems
33:40 and not getting around but the Lord worked it out
33:43 and He just blessed us in a wonderful way.
33:46 So, God gave us an opportunity to experience Him...
33:50 experiencing Him in this secular environment
33:55 and He proved to us that the most important work
33:59 for evangelism is prayer
34:01 and prayer is evangelism as you were saying.
34:04 Shelley: Amen.
34:05 But these people, as you think about it,
34:07 they need the truths of the Bible
34:10 but before they can be presented...
34:13 before we present the truths of the Bible with them,
34:15 they need a connection with God
34:17 and so that was, I think, the key point
34:20 so, yeah, evangelistic meetings and the seminars...
34:23 the Bible Studies... they will come
34:24 but the first step is a connection with your Maker.
34:28 Shelley: So what kind of effect did this have
34:30 on the local churches?
34:32 Jonathan: That was a very exciting thing to...
34:35 the local churches would have about 140 active members,
34:40 140 or so...
34:41 and we... we told them that we were coming
34:45 and we collaborated with the local leaders
34:48 and we invited them to join us as well
34:51 and few of them actually joined us on the prayer mission
34:53 and that was a blessing
34:54 and I remember on the first Sabbath that we were there,
34:58 one of the ladies came with us and she was so excited
35:01 because she had never done this before
35:03 and she's a physical therapist
35:05 and she said, "I want to... I want to do this...
35:08 continue this in the work that I do
35:10 and she... I didn't mention, we actually used also these
35:14 Glow Tracts when we were praying...
35:17 when we prayed with people,
35:18 we would always give them a Glow Tract
35:20 called: Talking with God.
35:22 This is a little tract that just talks about prayer.
35:24 We translated it into Icelandic
35:26 and so we would give it to people
35:28 and on there, there was also a website
35:31 that they can go to if they want more prayer
35:34 or more Bible Studies
35:35 or anything that they want.
35:37 We had thousands of people go to that website
35:39 but, you asked about the local members,
35:41 that lady... she... she said she was going to use this
35:44 and she did and sure enough in that week
35:47 as we were going from door to door,
35:49 we met somebody who that church member had witnessed to
35:52 just a couple of days before
35:54 and the Lord just connected us again.
35:56 Another effect that this mission had on the locals
36:00 was that we had the blessing of... of...
36:04 of seeing revival take place
36:06 individually but also as a group.
36:09 They were having an important conference meeting
36:12 and at the opportunity there,
36:14 we were pleading for their
36:15 Constituency Meeting of the Conference
36:17 and we were told that they could feel a different spirit
36:21 taking place there
36:22 and, in fact, the church members there decided
36:25 that their three major leaders of the Conference
36:28 all three of them are from now on
36:30 responsible for Prayer Ministries.
36:33 Jerry: They brought this on officially
36:34 at the Constituency Meetings, "You're all... all officers
36:36 are now Prayer Ministries Coordinators.
36:37 Shelley: Praise the Lord,
36:39 now, I think you brought a short video, did you not?
36:41 Yes, so... we had a feeling that God would do something special
36:48 and so, we wanted to... we wanted to document
36:51 this... this experiment... this prayer experiment
36:54 and so, we brought a videographer
36:57 Danitte Trasmetz and she's working right now
37:01 on putting together this documentary
37:03 but she sent me the introduction of the documentary video
37:05 which we will be releasing
37:07 and we'll gladly give it to you to show on 3ABN if you want to
37:10 but we have the introduction video here
37:13 so we can play that right now for people to see.
37:15 Shelley: All right, thank you.
37:16 Video.
38:21 Lord, give me Iceland.
38:26 Video continues.
38:49 Hmmm... I got chill bumps when he said, "Give me Iceland"
38:53 that's the kind of prayers God likes to hear
38:56 not just praying for this or praying for that
38:59 but "Give me Iceland" amen.
39:02 And I've got to say,
39:04 we cannot take any credit for what happened.
39:06 It was truly the Lord... it was truly answered prayer
39:10 and I can tell...
39:12 the missionaries who went... they can testify to this
39:14 because at times, we seemed quite unorganized
39:16 but the Lord just worked things out
39:18 but I'll have to say this,
39:20 what was really beautiful about this is
39:21 we ourselves felt like an answer...
39:24 we were the answer
39:26 to a prayer that has been prayed long before.
39:29 I was told that a group of people in Iceland
39:32 had been praying for God to do something...
39:35 to bring people to help them
39:38 to bring revival and to...
39:41 to reach out to their country in a large way
39:43 and they had been praying for years
39:46 and we only found out about this later,
39:48 but they saw that as an answer to their prayer
39:51 but here's the interesting thing.
39:53 It was not just people from
39:55 the Seventh-day Adventist Church praying,
39:57 when we were going from door to door,
39:58 one of our missionaries knocked on one person's door
40:01 and shared with them what we were doing
40:03 and the people there couldn't believe what we were doing
40:06 because here are all these foreigners coming...
40:08 they're used to foreigners in Iceland... all the tourists...
40:10 but here are these people coming not to check out all the sites
40:13 but to pray and they were saying,
40:16 they were saying, "Well, we are also Christians
40:19 and we have been praying for revival in Iceland
40:22 and so, now you are here.
40:23 So, God has been answering prayers
40:25 and this is not the end,
40:27 this is just the beginning, of course.
40:29 We just... we just give God the glory
40:31 and praise Him for... for the many miracles,
40:33 I mean, many more stories I could share here.
40:35 But wait... wait one second before you go, let me ask you,
40:38 how did that affect the team members?
40:41 Yes, well, I said earlier that
40:45 there was personal revival taking place,
40:48 we had the opportunity to just pray through some
40:50 personal struggles that people had.
40:52 We were able to train some of the missionaries
40:55 on effective intercessory prayer and just how to...
40:59 how to pray and how to have a relationship with God,
41:01 you know, young people struggle with these questions
41:04 and... so we had transformation there,
41:08 but then also they would go home...
41:11 we are still in contact with all of them
41:13 and they were sharing some of the things
41:15 that are taking place in their lives,
41:17 one person was messaging me today
41:19 and I have to just read this to you,
41:21 they were saying... it was Esther...
41:23 she said, "After coming back from Iceland
41:25 and learning about the power of prayer,
41:27 I started sharing about it to everyone around me...
41:30 with my church members, friends and even non-Christians,
41:33 ever since then, our church has become a praying church.
41:37 In any situation, the first thing we would do
41:40 as church leaders is to come together, kneel and pray.
41:43 So far, we've seen miracles.
41:46 Our hearts have been converted and comforted
41:49 financial resources have been provided by God
41:52 and outside of church,
41:53 my friends and I have started a prayer ministry in our college
41:56 experiencing many blessings.
41:58 Every week, we'd gather in a room
42:00 to pray for all the students and to claim the campus for God. "
42:03 And I have many others.
42:05 One missionary came home and was...
42:08 he and his wife were struggling with health
42:12 and so, for years they had been looking at different specialists
42:17 to find out what... what is wrong with her
42:21 and they just couldn't find out,
42:22 they had 100,000 dollars in medical bills already
42:25 and so, at least partially
42:28 inspired by the prayer work that we did,
42:29 they said, "Why don't we...
42:31 why don't we just pray about this more
42:33 and have an anointing?"
42:34 And some of our missionaries did the anointing with her
42:38 and would you believe... 48 hours after the anointing,
42:42 she was healed of those issues
42:43 and all the other things were clarified there for them
42:48 so God is just inspiring young people to pray more
42:52 and claim the promises and claim their campuses.
42:55 I have a whole bunch of other stories
42:57 but the Lord has changed young people here
43:00 to make them prayer warriors
43:02 where before, there was not a strong interest
43:05 and it has changed the perspective...
43:07 it has changed the way to look at cities.
43:09 The greatest mission field right now around the world are cities,
43:12 and it's changed the way you see it
43:14 because we're all used to living in cities
43:17 and doing our business there,
43:18 but cities are, I mean, there are strongholds of Satan
43:23 everywhere...
43:25 Centers of Influence from the devil
43:26 and what we tried to make our young people see in Iceland
43:29 was to identify these places
43:31 so that you can start praying to break down those barriers,
43:34 praying to break down those strongholds
43:36 in those cities and God has...
43:39 God has... is willing to do that.
43:42 There are many testimonies,
43:43 in fact, I think you had Alex Niculaescu on this program
43:47 not too long ago,
43:48 and he was sharing some of that
43:49 and he was part of our mission as well.
43:51 Shelly: Praise God.
43:52 The power of prayer
43:54 and breaking down the strongholds of the devil,
43:56 because we can certainly not do that
43:58 the Lord can break down the devil, certainly.
44:02 A little bit of backstory is that Europe... the T E D...
44:06 we call it the Trans-European Division,
44:09 the leaders were at the...
44:11 our recent annual council just last month
44:13 and the President and his Vice-President came
44:16 and were just bubbling over what had happened in Iceland
44:19 because they had been praying for it and working
44:21 and just needed to see the spiritual revival break through
44:24 and amazing things had happened,
44:25 the president was on a meeting with us
44:28 and I had Jonathan share and then and he spoke
44:30 and he said, "I just called the President of Iceland
44:33 and he said that he was in our little church this week
44:36 and there was a woman there... a guest...
44:39 and he asked her why she was there,
44:40 well, somebody had come to her door
44:41 and prayed with her
44:43 and she just came to see what these people were like
44:45 and so, breaking down walls through prayer is just amazing..
44:50 we're seeing that around the world
44:51 in so many different ways and I think all of us can do that.
44:55 General talking about a neighbor we're working with
44:58 and different... different ways we're seeing
45:00 that we can reach out to people who don't even believe in Jesus
45:03 whether they got a kid problem or whatever,
45:05 you can pray with them... what a difference it makes.
45:07 You've heard this saying,
45:09 "People don't care how much you know
45:11 till they know how much you care. "
45:13 Pastor: Yes.
45:14 Shelley: And I think that's it,
45:16 sometimes we want to just bombard people
45:18 with Biblical doctrines... with truths of the Bible
45:21 but if they don't know
45:23 that we really have a personal interest in them,
45:26 they could care less.
45:28 And that's what... that was so obvious...
45:29 you could see that these people are hungering...
45:31 we're more isolated than ever,
45:32 technology has isolated us from each other
45:36 and if you just show up
45:37 and you do it in a prayerful mindset,
45:40 and showing that you care,
45:42 the Lord can make a huge difference...
45:44 He can transform lives...
45:47 He can transform that situation
45:49 and bring light and hope to these people's hearts
45:52 and we saw that multiple times, just the fact that you are there
45:57 and that you care, they're willing to listen
46:00 and they're willing to see who you are
46:03 and as you said, people have come to church
46:06 and we did not present any doctrines,
46:08 we just came to pray with them
46:10 but the Lord will lead them to the Bible truths
46:12 and transform their lives through the Word.
46:16 I know Jerry, that when you were elected
46:19 as the Central California Conference President,
46:24 that Soquel Camp Meeting which has been long running
46:30 but it was really declining in attendance
46:33 to the point, people were even thinking about perhaps...
46:36 They had voted to sell the grounds
46:38 and not have Camp Meeting anymore
46:39 but members were very upset
46:41 so we... we went to the Lord
46:42 and said, "Lord, what shall we do?"
46:43 He led us through a prayer experience to keep it going.
46:46 And then, I know,
46:48 these are people of prayer, I guarantee you,
46:50 because Janet, tell us a story, like, you'd be praying...
46:53 how much should we be asking for in our offering?
46:56 One thing I want to be sure is said
46:59 is the people that are most blessed
47:02 by us praying with them is us.
47:04 I have prayer partners that meet every Tuesday in California,
47:09 they meet every Wednesday and for years I would thank them
47:14 thank them for spending the two-and-a-half...
47:16 three hours praying
47:18 and that's a lot of time out of your busy life,
47:20 and they would tell me over and over... they still do...
47:23 "Will you quit thanking us,
47:25 we are so blessed by meeting and praying... "
47:27 because one of the rules is,
47:29 they don't pray for their own needs,
47:31 it's totally to pray for the world
47:33 and the problems in the world,
47:35 and they tell you, it's changed their lives...
47:38 it's drawn them closer to God,
47:39 it's gotten them involved in reaching out to others,
47:42 but we are the most blessed.
47:44 Job 42:10...
47:45 Job 42:10 says Job's captivity was turned around
47:49 when he prayed for his friends.
47:51 Shelley: He was doubly blessed.
47:53 Yeah, my life's been so changed and blessed...
47:56 captivity has been turned around
47:57 because of spending more time praying for others
47:59 than I do myself.
48:00 Shelley: Amen.
48:02 Well, I certainly would challenge everyone...
48:03 everyone can pray
48:05 and maybe that people don't realize
48:08 that there are warriors that are anxious to assist us
48:13 in our prayers that's our responsibility.
48:17 You hear it so often because prayers are answered daily
48:20 that the fervent prayers of the righteous man availeth much
48:24 and you think, "Wow"
48:26 and then you find out that you are one of those that's praying
48:30 and the prayers are being answered
48:32 and sometimes, well, first of all for me personally,
48:36 it just motivates me a 1,000 times more
48:39 because it is making a major difference
48:41 and then the phone starts ringing
48:43 because I understand that you pray for people
48:47 and prayers are answered
48:48 and it's just kind of a... amazing.
48:52 Jonathan: We're told that prayer and faith
48:55 can do what no power on earth can accomplish
48:57 but we have to make the point though
49:00 you can pray once, yes,
49:02 and the interaction we had at the doors in Iceland
49:04 there was a blessing and it changed their lives
49:07 but we collect the prayer requests
49:09 so, we would have...
49:10 we had actually groups praying all around the world
49:12 as we were going out.
49:13 We shared the prayer requests through our phones right away
49:16 with everyone... so, thousands of people praying
49:18 but then, we collected these prayer requests
49:21 and we will continue to pray for them...
49:23 continually intercede
49:25 because it's not just a one thing and then we're gone,
49:27 but continual dedication to intercede for people
49:31 who need the Lord
49:32 because when they see their prayer requests answered
49:35 they're going to come running for more.
49:37 They're going to come like,
49:38 "Who are you people? You have a God,
49:40 He hears prayers. "
49:41 Shelley: He hears... and speaking of that,
49:44 this is a live program and we will be taking your questions
49:49 or prayer requests.
49:51 You may e-mail us at: live@3abn. tv
49:55 or 618-627-4651.
50:00 That's 618-627-4651.
50:05 Prayer requests are beginning to come in,
50:07 of course, we certainly will be praying for these
50:09 so that is: live@3abn. tv.
50:12 Shelly: Okay, why don't you read a couple of those?
50:15 I will be happy to,
50:17 here's from John and Nancy... needs prayer for cancer.
50:20 We will be praying for each one of these.
50:22 Mother requesting urgent prayers for a job
50:25 and salvation for her son.
50:27 Probably a single mom just trying to make everything work
50:30 as best she can
50:31 but she's going the right direction...
50:33 because she's going to prayer.
50:34 Caller's grandson, Jesse, needs prayer
50:37 to straighten up his life.
50:38 Her daughter is recovering from surgery also
50:41 and needs prayer.
50:43 One more, I'll be right quick,
50:44 asking for prayer for her Bible Study Group, amen.
50:47 "That people will come and stay who will be committed"
50:50 and for her husband and her family
50:52 and for her French-speaking friends going back to Africa,
50:56 that can see 3ABN Francais.
50:58 Amen... amen.
51:00 Why don't we... before we...
51:02 we're almost to the end of the first hour,
51:04 let's have a prayer before we...
51:07 and what I'd like to do...
51:09 maybe Jonathan, you've heard some of these,
51:11 but let's just go around and pray
51:13 as you feel led... pray...
51:15 Jonathan: Lovely, let's pray.
51:18 "Father we just are so thankful
51:20 for the opportunity we have to come before You
51:23 and we recognize our desperate need for You
51:26 to be present in our lives... to transform our lives...
51:29 Lord, we are sinners, we need Your forgiveness...
51:33 Your cleansing blood, Lord, and we need transformation
51:36 and so, we fully cast ourselves upon you...
51:38 all of us here... all of us watching...
51:41 Lord, we just plead for you to be in our hearts...
51:45 in our lives and to take us
51:47 because we can't even give You our hearts,
51:48 You got to... You got to take it Lord,
51:50 and right now Lord, we praise You for Your goodness
51:53 and we praise You for all the promises that You have given us,
51:57 we want to claim those promises of healing and of strength
52:00 for all these requests that have come in
52:02 I want to pray for that request on cancer, Lord,
52:06 You see... we live in a sinful world
52:08 and we pray Lord, if it's Your will,
52:10 you will bring healing... physical and spiritual...
52:13 we know that You will one day give us a new body
52:17 and we praise and thank you for that
52:19 Lord, we pray for healing right now
52:21 for that person struggling with sickness
52:25 we just thank you that you hear us. "
52:29 JD Quinn: "Father, I just want to lift up
52:31 each one of these people
52:32 that are thinking about you,
52:34 Father, there are people around the world
52:35 that are calling upon Your name.
52:37 Father, we know that you hear... you see...
52:39 you care...
52:41 you do...
52:42 and so Father, just give us that holy boldness
52:44 to step out in faith and trust in You
52:46 and allow you to work in...
52:49 in the behalf of not only each one of us, Lord,
52:52 but the people that we lift up for prayer,
52:54 Father, there are people around this world
52:56 that are looking for something to do
52:58 and Father, they can become Prayer Warriors...
53:01 they can just lift up their friends or neighbors.
53:04 Maybe, perhaps they have a... a family member, Lord,
53:07 that is fighting some particular issue
53:10 but don't let them be afraid, Lord,
53:12 let them step out in faith and give You a chance to work.
53:16 Father, you say 'just trust you'
53:19 and Father, I just ask Lord
53:21 that you will put that in our heart
53:24 so that we will boldly step forward
53:26 and be who you created us to be.
53:29 Father, each one of us You created to be
53:32 as a disciple for You,
53:35 and Father, sometimes we don't think that we're worthy of that
53:38 but Father, we can start by...
53:41 by just asking that first request,
53:43 'Jesus, help me... '
53:45 and Father, then, that will create another request
53:50 and Father, then we will see that yes, You do exist...
53:55 so Father, thank You that we can just take this opportunity
53:59 to lift up Your name... praise Your name, amen. "
54:02 Janet: "Father, we want to pray for the young mother
54:05 that needs a job.
54:06 I pray You will help her to know
54:10 that if she's single, that You will be her husband,
54:13 You tell us that in your Word, Isaiah and other places,
54:17 it says 'a husband to widows'
54:18 but we found that it's also, women who've been abandoned
54:22 by their husbands or whoever...
54:24 Lord, You know she needs a job,
54:26 so, we just pray Psalm 32:8
54:29 that You will lead and guide and direct her steps
54:31 to just the right job
54:32 that will bring in the amount of income she needs.
54:34 Lord, may she know that You've done this
54:37 and I thank you. "
54:40 Music...
54:42 Shelley: "Father, we pray for those who besides this mother
54:46 who's praying for her son, Jesse,
54:49 there are so many, Lord,
54:51 who want their children to be saved...
54:54 their spouse to be saved...
54:56 there are people that may be watching even right now, Father,
55:00 that don't know You and we ask in the name of Jesus,
55:03 that You will open their eyes
55:06 and turn them from darkness to light...
55:08 from the power of Satan to You...
55:10 that they may receive an inheritance
55:13 among those who are sanctified by faith in Christ Jesus,
55:17 how we praise You Father...
55:19 how we thank You for the gift of salvation
55:23 and we thank You Lord that You want everyone to be saved,
55:28 we ask that Your Holy Spirit will convict and convince them
55:34 and open their eyes that they will receive Your Love
55:38 in Jesus' name, amen...
55:40 amen... amen. "
55:42 Well, praise the Lord, we need to also mention
55:48 the free offer once again.
55:50 JD Quinn: Yes.
55:51 Shelley: And this wonderful free offer is
55:53 revival and reformation resource...
55:57 it's called, "Prayer Makes a Difference"
56:00 and you can get this by e- mailing us at: live@3abn. tv
56:07 or calling: 618-627-4651
56:12 and we highly recommend this.
56:16 This is by Mark Finely and we highly recommend that.
56:19 Well, we're going to be taking a break here in just a minute
56:22 but just kind of give us a little tease
56:25 of what's coming up for the second hour.
56:28 Jerry: Well, we got stories that are happening around the world,
56:32 over a 100 pastors have been baptized in one area
56:35 of other faiths
56:36 because of a prayer ministry that was going on
56:39 for several years.
56:40 Shelley: Well, I can't wait to hear that one.
56:41 Jerry: It's got stories about "prayer walking"
56:43 and our neighbors and others so, God is...
56:45 God works through praying with others.
56:48 Amen and amen, so remember this is live
56:51 and you can call in your questions
56:53 or your prayer requests
56:55 or e-mail us at: live@3abn. tv
56:59 or: 618-627-4651.
57:05 How did I do that time?
57:07 JD Quinn: Perfect.
57:08 Shelley: We did, so we do hope that you will take...
57:13 we're going to take a quick two-minute break...
57:15 we'll be back in just a moment
57:17 and we're praying that you will stay tuned
57:19 and... and join in the fun with us.
57:22 We are so thankful that you're watching tonight,
57:26 we hope that you are being blessed.
57:28 Music...


Revised 2019-12-02