3ABN Today Live

Prayer, Faith and Daring to Live By Every Word

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL190033B

00:11 Welcome back to the second hour.
00:13 I hope you've enjoyed this first hour
00:14 with Melody Mason, who is the...
00:17 She's with
00:18 the General Conference Prayer Ministries.
00:20 She's an author,
00:22 and we're talking about prayer, faith
00:25 and daring to live by every word of God.
00:31 And, Melody, I know that your first book,
00:34 "Daring To Ask For More" has been very good seller
00:38 and it's changed a lot of people's lives,
00:40 and I love the direction the Lord is leading you.
00:43 So tell us
00:44 about "Daring to Live by Every Word of God."
00:50 Well, Daring to Live by Every Word,
00:53 like it sounds is really challenging people
00:57 to go on a deeper journey
01:00 according to scriptures
01:02 because we read the scriptures,
01:03 and we recognize
01:05 our lives don't align with Scripture.
01:07 I mean, you read God's Word, and you're like, that's not me.
01:11 And it's easy to read.
01:15 But God says in His Word, but be doers of the word,
01:18 not just hearers only.
01:20 And so, Daring to Live by Every Word,
01:23 of course, is going to continue
01:24 to share stories of prayer and faith
01:27 and many different testimonies,
01:29 but it's really a challenge of surrender.
01:32 How do we surrender more fully to the Word of God
01:35 in our life, and this isn't,
01:37 you know, our works mentality.
01:41 It only happens
01:42 through the power of the Holy Spirit.
01:43 And only is acceptable
01:45 when covered by the blood of Christ.
01:47 But we know that...
01:49 You see, even obedience is when you said works,
01:52 but obedience is by grace
01:55 because it's God who works in us
01:57 to will and to do His good pleasures.
01:58 That's one of my favorite verse is actually Ephesians 2:8, 9,
02:01 "By grace are you saved through faith,
02:03 not of yourself, the gift of God not of works,
02:06 lest any man should boast."
02:07 Amen.
02:08 So it's not, it is not grace plus obedience.
02:13 Grace, it's when you enter
02:16 into the covenant of grace with God.
02:18 Obedience is just showing covenant loyalty
02:23 to the one who loves you
02:25 and provides everything for you.
02:26 That's how I look at it. Yes, yes.
02:28 And it's part of, it's part of love.
02:30 And we'll talk more about that as we go along here.
02:34 But if you love someone, you want to do...
02:37 Want to please them.
02:39 What makes them happy,
02:40 you want to do what brings them joy.
02:43 But as I go through the book,
02:46 which, you know, as you mentioned earlier,
02:48 it's not out yet so don't go looking for it yet,
02:50 but it'll be out this next spring.
02:54 But as I go through the book,
02:55 I'm challenging people
02:57 to a number of different things.
02:58 for one is just reverence for the Word of God.
03:01 Think about how we treat the scriptures.
03:04 We have grown very careless
03:07 in our treatment of the scriptures.
03:08 Complacent.
03:10 Not just in, oh, we read
03:12 and then we go on with our life.
03:13 I'm not just talking about that,
03:14 although that as well,
03:16 but even how we handle the Word of God
03:19 and the respect that we have, when relating to the Word.
03:23 You know, when the ancient scholars
03:27 and scribes were actually translating
03:29 the scriptures from the ancient Canaans,
03:31 or making those,
03:33 the Word was so sacred.
03:36 And you know this, if there was a single mistake,
03:39 they would throw out the entire translation
03:42 and start over, a single mistake.
03:46 If the word God or Lord was being written,
03:51 and a king or dignitary
03:52 or some somebody like that would walk into a room,
03:55 they were not even supposed to acknowledge that person
03:58 because they were writing the name of God.
04:01 It was such a reverent,
04:05 you know, respect for the Word of God.
04:07 And I think that we've really, we've really lost that.
04:10 And we've also lost the value.
04:14 As we look back over history,
04:15 I think of the lives that have been spent
04:20 to preserve this Word.
04:22 People died,
04:23 so that you and I could have this Word today.
04:26 We have it freely today,
04:28 but people shed their blood
04:29 so that we could have it freely.
04:31 And we take it for granted.
04:32 Think of the Waldensians and what they went through.
04:35 The Waldensians I just...
04:38 I just love the stories.
04:40 Last year I got to,
04:42 to be on a trip that we studied church history.
04:45 And we went from started in Rome,
04:48 and then went to the Waldensian valleys
04:51 and just seeing the rich heritage,
04:53 and you've been there.
04:55 It's just so amazing seeing what these people went through
04:58 to preserve the Word of God,
05:00 to preserve the faith and the guide,
05:04 was a Waldensian man
05:06 that was sharing testimonies with us.
05:07 He brought to us
05:08 and shared with us an old family Bible.
05:11 This Bible had been passed down for almost 500 years.
05:15 And it was tattered and everything
05:17 but this is the story of the Bible.
05:19 The different inquisitors,
05:21 whatever had come into the village
05:22 trying to wipe out the Waldensian faith
05:24 and burn the Bibles
05:25 and they were collecting the Bibles and burning them.
05:28 And some young man saved this Bible
05:31 or instead of throwing it into the fire
05:33 or letting it be taken,
05:35 he threw it over the edge of a cliff,
05:38 trying to save the Bible.
05:39 He was killed.
05:40 That person was killed, and everyone fled,
05:44 who wasn't killed fled.
05:45 Fifty years later,
05:47 the Waldensian families from that village
05:49 moved back into the mountains
05:51 to try to rebuild and reestablish
05:53 and they found that Bible in brush
05:57 over the edge of a cliff was still intact.
05:59 That's amazing.
06:00 For 50 years God preserved...
06:03 Through the weather. Yes.
06:04 And you can still read it.
06:05 The cover is, you know...
06:07 That's miraculous.
06:09 Yes, it was miraculous. Exactly.
06:11 The cover is weathered and beaten.
06:13 But inside, it's still perfectly intact.
06:17 And just thinking when he was sharing the story,
06:19 he was crying, and we were crying
06:21 and like somebody died saving this Bible.
06:24 And here we have it 500 years later to remind us,
06:27 but it wasn't just the Waldensians,
06:29 I mean, countless others
06:31 we know over the years gave up their life.
06:35 I think of Huss and Jerome and Wycliffe and others who,
06:40 who stood for the Word of God.
06:42 I think about the hunger
06:44 you know, we are blessed in the Western cultures
06:48 and Europe and different places to have pretty free access.
06:51 But there are places around the world
06:53 where Bibles are not free access.
06:55 And Christians are starving.
06:57 I mean, I've seen pictures of them
06:59 in these other Asian cultures or close countries
07:02 getting Bibles and they're just crying
07:04 and they're hugging the Word of God.
07:07 I'm kind of reminded of a young Chinese man
07:11 called Brother Yuan,
07:13 who wanted a Bible so desperately.
07:15 He prayed for 100 days,
07:17 he fasted and prayed for 100 days
07:19 so God would bring him a Bible.
07:21 And if he, this was Communist China,
07:23 by the way, when this happened,
07:25 this was years ago, when this happened.
07:28 God brought him a Bible, but if he was caught with it,
07:31 he would be killed
07:32 or he would be in serious trouble.
07:34 Anyway, God brought him a Bible,
07:36 and he couldn't read either.
07:38 But he learned to read reading the Bible,
07:40 and then he began to start churches
07:42 and house movements and just amazing.
07:45 You've got an amazing story.
07:46 You know, I was thinking when you were talking
07:48 about the people you saw that got a Bible when we first,
07:52 3ABN first went to Nizhny Novgorod
07:55 and John Carter was preaching.
07:58 And there were thousands of people
08:00 who were showing up,
08:02 and they were giving away Bibles.
08:04 And these people were, I mean, the rooms are full,
08:08 they had to do two services.
08:10 The rooms were full,
08:11 but people are breaking through the basement windows.
08:14 They wanted a Bible so badly.
08:16 And I remember Danny saying that,
08:18 you know, he would see
08:20 when they left with their Bible,
08:22 people would just go out and sit down in the middle of,
08:26 the middle of wherever they were.
08:28 And they were turning the page,
08:30 they were so desperate
08:32 for the Word of God and for a Bible.
08:34 And it's amazing to me,
08:36 you know, I probably have 30 Bibles.
08:41 I mean, I've got Bibles of every flavor,
08:44 if you will.
08:46 And what amazes me is that here in the United States,
08:50 where the Word of God,
08:51 now I spend a lot of time in the Word,
08:53 but we have a prison ministry that 3ABN does,
08:57 and we send out Bibles to prisoners.
09:00 I'm shocked
09:02 at how many times the prisoners,
09:05 the thank you letters are.
09:07 This is the first Bible I've ever had in my life.
09:12 And they didn't really hunger for the Word of God
09:17 till they got into such a situation
09:21 that God was their only hope.
09:23 And I think that that's our problem
09:25 is that we in the States
09:27 and many of the developed countries,
09:30 we got everything we need and we think that,
09:33 hey, we're rich and have need of nothing
09:35 and so, the Word of God isn't as powerful a draw
09:41 as many of the distractions of the devil.
09:44 It's amazing.
09:47 Even here, though, the people
09:49 that have not ever had a Bible.
09:52 I just had a young girl contact me recently.
09:55 I have an Instagram account,
09:57 which is kind of my personal ministry.
09:59 I use prayer ministry to share
10:02 what God's doing in my life and things that are happening.
10:05 And this complete stranger contacted me over Instagram.
10:09 And she said,
10:10 and never had any contact with her,
10:12 but she just saw one of my posts.
10:14 And she says, "Would you mind sending me a Bible?"
10:16 Like an early 20-year old from Florida.
10:20 And I sent her a Bible, she's never had a Bible.
10:22 She's never read the Bible,
10:23 but she's going through a hard time,
10:25 she lost her father.
10:26 And that compelled her something
10:28 that she saw that I posted.
10:30 She says, here's a girl
10:31 that would help me get a Bible
10:33 and I don't know
10:34 why she hasn't gotten one in any other way.
10:35 But I'm just like, wow, here's a young girl
10:37 that's never had a Bible before,
10:39 we have them all around us.
10:40 I mean, people that are growing up.
10:41 I mean, our world
10:43 even though we feel especially here in the States
10:45 that we're a Christian nation.
10:47 We are fast
10:49 becoming a post-Christian nation.
10:50 I agree with you.
10:52 We are growing a very secular society people.
10:55 Amazing how many people don't know
10:58 the stories of the Bible or it's just...
11:00 We've become, we're kind of on a hedonist,
11:03 many people are on a hedonistic treadmill.
11:05 It's all about pleasures and property.
11:09 And, you know, more and more and more.
11:11 But, you know, I just want to say one thing.
11:14 This young lady could have gone out
11:15 and bought a Bible almost anywhere.
11:18 She can walk into a Walmart and buy the Bible,
11:20 but it will have so much more meaning
11:23 because she connected with you.
11:25 And she asked for you, and it's a gift.
11:27 So that's very precious.
11:29 That's truly precious.
11:30 But I think that even in the church,
11:36 I want to share this with you, I think you'll like this.
11:39 I was reading Philippians 2:5-7
11:43 where it's talking about,
11:45 Paul says, "Let this mind be in you
11:46 that was in Christ, who humbled Himself."
11:51 Even though he was God,
11:53 and He didn't consider being equal with God robbery
11:57 because He was,
11:59 He humbled Himself
12:00 and He took on the form of a man
12:02 which I think is a greater personal,
12:04 I think that's a greater sacrifice,
12:06 even in dying on the cross
12:08 because He took our flesh back to heaven.
12:11 But as I was reading that, about the humility of Christ.
12:16 The Lord impressed this thought upon my mind.
12:19 I want to be humble, I pray to be humble.
12:23 I pray for God to humble me.
12:25 If, you know, I don't want ever to.
12:27 But you know what?
12:28 The Lord impressed upon my mind
12:31 is that when Christ became a man,
12:33 He was totally dependent upon the Lord.
12:36 He laid all the rest of that aside,
12:38 and He said, I only do what the Father tells me to do.
12:41 I only say
12:42 what the Father tells me to say.
12:44 He was totally dependent.
12:46 Here He was co-equal in eternity.
12:49 But when He came down,
12:51 He took this temporary submissive role
12:53 to the Lord,
12:54 and He was totally dependent.
12:56 That's what humility is about.
12:59 Humility is to be dependent upon the Lord
13:02 and we're all trained up to be independent.
13:05 And it's hard to be humble, whatever that is,
13:09 I don't know, you're too young.
13:10 Oh, Lord, it's hard to be humble.
13:12 There was a song.
13:13 But our greatest need
13:17 is to learn to lay our pride down, isn't it?
13:20 That's right.
13:22 And this has been a journey for me
13:26 because as I shared earlier in the program,
13:28 I did grow up in the church.
13:29 Yeah.
13:31 And I grew up doing the right things.
13:34 When people would look at me,
13:35 they would think she's the model person,
13:37 of course, I had my struggles.
13:40 But in my earlier,
13:41 you know, youth and young adulthood,
13:43 I remember not trying to be prideful or whatever,
13:47 but thinking, man,
13:48 you know, they have their struggles.
13:50 That's good thing,
13:51 I don't have struggles like that, you know.
13:53 And God's slowly beginning
13:54 and part of the breaking process
13:55 that I went through,
13:57 which was a very
13:58 spiritual breaking process for me.
14:00 You know, when I went through that whole journey
14:02 with depression
14:03 and recognizing
14:05 life doesn't always go as you expect
14:08 just because you do the right things,
14:12 you know, but it's a very humbling journey
14:14 for me also to walk through depression
14:16 and recognize
14:18 that things are a little bit out of control here.
14:20 God began showing me my great needs spiritually.
14:23 You know, you thought you're a good person.
14:26 Do you really recognize
14:27 how desperately you need a savior?
14:28 Do you really recognize
14:30 that I died on the cross for you?
14:32 You know, intellectually I knew this
14:34 because I've been raised in the church.
14:35 But what Christ did for me on Calvary
14:38 really never pierced my heart
14:41 until I went through that breaking experience
14:43 and then coming out and I'm just like,
14:44 Lord, forgive me, a sinner.
14:46 I did not recognize my great need.
14:49 And I think like you were just saying,
14:51 we have to be broken.
14:53 In fact, he says, I think it's...
14:58 Is it Psalms 51:17?
15:00 "That our offering is a broken and contrite spirit."
15:04 And if you actually look up the Greek for contrite,
15:09 it means to grind to dust like there's nothing,
15:14 it's not like pieces you can glue back together.
15:18 It's like smithereens.
15:19 There's nothing.
15:21 And I think that's what we need to be.
15:25 We need to be completely emptied of self,
15:28 broken of all self-sufficiency, pride,
15:32 self-dependence
15:33 before God can do His miracle
15:36 but He does the best miracles with dust.
15:40 Right, He created man from dust.
15:42 He created man from dust.
15:44 And He caused the blind man to see again with dust.
15:47 Yeah, that's great.
15:48 And it's dust
15:51 that He really does this miracles with
15:53 and so, it's been a journey for me
15:56 and it's still a journey for me.
15:57 You know, we all struggle with pride,
15:58 and especially when we, you know,
16:01 began to be successful in something.
16:03 You want to be like, "Oh, yes, of course,
16:05 praise the Lord that was all for His glory."
16:07 And you know, there's something to it
16:09 that seems to me anyway
16:11 that it's hard for people
16:14 to accept that salvation is by grace,
16:17 that it is a gift because our pride won't let us.
16:19 Right.
16:21 It's kind of like, well, I got to do something
16:23 to help the Lord to lay out.
16:24 And I know for me,
16:26 I grew up in a New Testament Church,
16:29 we didn't study the old but it was pretty legalistic.
16:32 And I really tried to earn God's love.
16:36 It was a very much a performance religion.
16:39 And I mean, I shook my fist
16:43 in the face of the Lord once and said,
16:45 "I can't please You, I give up."
16:47 But I think that what was hard for me
16:51 when the Lord took me through learning,
16:55 the true learning about grace
16:58 is that it finally connected that.
17:02 And I pray this all the time to just say thank you
17:05 what You did for me in becoming a man
17:06 and dying on the cross
17:08 because I realized I could never save myself.
17:12 That's right.
17:13 But every now and then I still get into the do mores.
17:16 Yeah.
17:18 Do you? Yeah.
17:19 Oh, yeah. Okay, great.
17:21 No, that's, that's what He's really had
17:25 to walk me through too.
17:26 I mean, even though intellectually,
17:28 I could tell, I could tell you the truth.
17:32 In my heart, I was still trying to earn.
17:35 I was still trying to, you know, it's like,
17:38 Lord, I'm doing such
17:40 and then you fall and you're just like,
17:42 and it's a continual cycle.
17:43 You know, you try
17:45 and then you recognize you can't
17:46 and then you get discouraged and it's just,
17:49 but He is seeking.
17:51 I really believe the greatest battle
17:53 and we're going to talk about some do's and don'ts
17:55 because that is an evidence
17:57 of where we are in our walk with God,
17:59 but I believe the greatest battle
18:00 is actually not to be this person
18:04 that I'm supposed to be.
18:05 Our greatest battle is to abide.
18:07 Stay connected with Him.
18:08 Because then He can work in us
18:10 and through us what we can never do
18:12 in our own strength, you know.
18:13 Apart from Him we can do...
18:15 Apart from Him we can do nothing.
18:17 And we know that whole abiding
18:19 in divine experience and all of that,
18:21 you know, we have the tendency, though to say,
18:23 you know, you know, Lord, help me to be more loving.
18:27 Lord, help me to be more patient.
18:28 And I'm not saying
18:29 we shouldn't pray those prayers.
18:31 But what we really need is love to abide in us,
18:35 peace to abide in us.
18:37 That's who He is.
18:38 And when He is in us,
18:41 He's the fruit of the Spirit in person.
18:44 When the fruit of the Spirit, when the Holy Spirit is in us,
18:46 the fruit will come out.
18:48 It will just be natural, but it's not
18:50 because I'm struggling to produce that fruit.
18:53 I'm struggling to produce that flower in that vine.
18:57 No, it just naturally comes
18:59 because we are in that abiding experience.
19:01 And so I tell people, it's not about working harder.
19:03 And it's not about grit and determination
19:07 to be who you think you should be.
19:09 Yeah, we have a battle with self.
19:11 We definitely have a struggle with self and it's not easy.
19:14 It's definitely a spiritual war.
19:17 But the greatest battle is to stay
19:19 in that abiding relationship with Jesus.
19:22 And we learn to abide
19:23 as we stay connected in His Word and prayer.
19:26 Prayer is the breath of the soul.
19:29 You can't breathe without prayer.
19:30 And His Word is our sustenance.
19:33 We have to eat,
19:34 eat His Word and spend time in His Word.
19:35 Matthew 4:4,
19:37 "Man shall not live by bread alone but by Word."
19:39 That's right.
19:40 So you have in your new book,
19:43 you're going to talk about the going deeper
19:48 into Bible study
19:50 and experiencing God's Word.
19:57 You've got keys to every room.
20:01 Yeah, I'll go into that here in just a second.
20:04 But let me just talk briefly
20:05 about the whole devotional experience.
20:08 I've talked about, you know,
20:09 we need to be in God's Word and all of that.
20:12 I have a resource that we just recently created.
20:14 And if people look on the website
20:17 on RevivalAndReformation.org,
20:21 you'll actually see this on the front page right now
20:24 and it is experiencing God's Word.
20:28 So it's a bookmark,
20:30 but it's also an article online.
20:33 And this is just helping people learn to journal
20:36 and go deeper in the Word of God.
20:39 It's not just about a devotional experience
20:42 or whatever that we check off,
20:45 but about really making God's Word apply
20:48 in our daily life
20:49 and here it starts
20:50 with prayerfully open God's Word.
20:53 Read a Bible passage,
20:55 allowing the Scripture to interpret itself,
20:57 highlight key words or themes that speak out to you,
21:00 highlight promises and words of encouragement,
21:03 and then meditate on the passages
21:05 that speak to you.
21:06 This is in a meditative sense.
21:08 This isn't necessarily trying to understand
21:11 every, every nuance of the Scripture.
21:15 But just what does God's,
21:17 what is God's message for you in that,
21:19 in that Word today?
21:20 And then I have questions that you can ask,
21:23 you know, about going deeper.
21:24 What is God saying in this passage?
21:25 And how does this passage apply to my life today?
21:29 How does it show me God's character?
21:30 How does it lead me to Jesus?
21:32 And so, these are some beautiful things
21:34 that have really made my personal time
21:37 with God come alive.
21:38 In journaling I have found,
21:40 and I just want to put a plug in
21:41 for journaling.
21:43 And there's a lot of great journals.
21:45 There's a lot of different reading plans.
21:47 In fact, if you're looking for a good reading plan,
21:51 we have the belief His prophets' reading plan,
21:54 which you can also access on our website
21:56 that thousands of people around the world are doing.
21:58 And the website is RevivalAndReformation.org.
22:02 That's right.
22:04 You're going to get that by...
22:05 Everybody's going to get that by the end of the program.
22:07 There's another reading plan that I did last year.
22:10 And it comes from the book, "Longing for God, "
22:13 which actually helps people.
22:14 This is by Dr. Frank Hasel,
22:15 this actually helps people
22:17 walk through the entire Bible in one year.
22:21 And you don't have to do it in one year.
22:22 But if you follow every day,
22:24 you will actually read through the Bible in one year.
22:26 And I loved that plan,
22:28 because it just gives you an overview of the Scripture
22:31 in a very Old Testament
22:32 and at the same time including some New Testament.
22:34 So you're not just stuck in the Old Testament,
22:36 you're doing two together.
22:38 But there's one other journal that I wanted to share.
22:40 And this is a blank journal.
22:42 It's called "Give me Jesus."
22:44 And I'll just show a picture of it here
22:45 that you can, you can...
22:49 Actually I'll show the cover here,
22:50 Give me Jesus on the screen.
22:51 And this isn't a journal that we produced,
22:53 but if you just Google, Give me Jesus,
22:55 you can actually look it up.
22:58 So hopefully people saw the cover of that.
23:00 Here we go.
23:01 They can read that, Give me Jesus.
23:04 But in the journal it just has a section
23:05 where you write out your gratitude
23:07 what you're grateful for,
23:09 a be still and know section give your worries,
23:12 your stress to God
23:13 and then it has nice area for you to write your notes.
23:16 And then this is the part I love in the back.
23:18 How am I,
23:19 how do I learn about God
23:21 through what I studied today?
23:22 And how do I apply what I learned to my life.
23:26 And then a prayer section to pray over what you read.
23:29 And this is just a beautiful part
23:30 I think of being in the Word
23:34 and journaling and all of that is,
23:35 has to be practical.
23:38 In other words, what I have studied today
23:41 needs to affect my life today.
23:44 I mean,
23:46 whatever I was just studying yesterday,
23:47 and I'm not going to go through this in detail,
23:49 but I was just in Colossians 3,
23:52 and the whole summary of that chapter
23:54 is putting off the old man and putting on the new,
23:58 putting off the old and putting on the new.
24:00 And if what we're reading in God's Word
24:03 is not affecting our daily life.
24:06 You know, it's to become practical,
24:08 it's to become real.
24:09 And so I just wanted to, to share before...
24:11 When you say practice,
24:13 if we don't put it into practice,
24:14 it's just head knowledge.
24:15 That's right.
24:17 You know when we start putting it into practice,
24:18 it's heart knowledge.
24:19 That's right.
24:21 But you know, I will, I too, journaling changed my life.
24:23 And I'll tell you why.
24:25 As you are studying the Bible, or even as you're praying,
24:28 I journaled my prayers for so many years,
24:30 and I don't always do that now, but,
24:33 but when I was praying for two hours a day,
24:37 it would just go by that fast,
24:39 because it's like
24:41 sometimes even when you're in the Word,
24:43 you can start getting distracted
24:44 or if you're praying, you can start thinking.
24:46 Oh, I got to pick up the cleaning
24:48 or I've got to do this.
24:49 But when you're journaling,
24:51 you've got all of your senses involved
24:54 and you don't have those distract,
24:56 it really drives out dissonance.
24:58 It's very encouraging
24:59 to go back and look at what you said.
25:01 Now, granted, this journal I just shared,
25:03 it's a little colorful and probably,
25:05 mostly women are going to use this.
25:07 I do know some men that like this journal too.
25:09 They just put a different color.
25:10 But I shared what's inside
25:12 because I wanted to share the concept of for one.
25:17 I think it's very important
25:18 that we take time to be grateful each day,
25:21 you know, for me and my devotions,
25:23 worship is a huge part.
25:26 You think about the wise man
25:28 that came to see Jesus when He was a baby.
25:30 They came all those miles.
25:32 They didn't come to ask favors.
25:34 They didn't come to ask prayers.
25:36 They came to worship and to give Him gifts.
25:39 And I think here they came all this distance to worship
25:41 and we can't even get out of our bed
25:43 on to our knees to worship.
25:44 We just get out and we start complaining
25:46 or crying or whatever.
25:48 God cares about those burdens on our hearts.
25:50 But I think we need to begin with worship.
25:52 We need to learn
25:53 how to praise God to be grateful.
25:56 You enter it, you know, when we think about,
25:59 the sanctuary was theology in physical form.
26:02 That's right.
26:03 And what they do,
26:04 you enter His gates with thanksgiving,
26:06 enter His courts with praise,
26:08 I would say probably over 50% of my prayer
26:12 is worship in the beginning.
26:14 Yes, and this is really transformed.
26:16 And I didn't mention this earlier with the whole,
26:19 with the whole journey with suffering
26:21 because in my own struggles,
26:25 one of the things that helps me the most
26:26 when I'm in those low moments, because I'm not always,
26:30 you know, high and whatever,
26:31 I have my struggles just like we all do,
26:33 is singing praises to God.
26:35 Sometimes I'll be in my room and I'm crying
26:37 because I'm struggling and I'm just like,
26:40 Lord, teach me how to praise You
26:43 and I also start singing praises to God,
26:45 I worship You, Lord, even in this
26:48 and it's just like this whole new spirit.
26:51 I mean, the enemy...
26:53 God inhabits the praises.
26:54 God inhabits the praises of His people.
26:56 The enemy cannot stand to be in the presence
26:58 of those who are worshiping and praising God.
27:01 And I have people contact me,
27:03 I have a girl that I'm corresponding with
27:05 even right this moment,
27:07 who was sharing with me her struggles and depression
27:10 and different things that she's struggling with.
27:12 And, of course, there's different things
27:14 that we can do to help heal our bodies and minds.
27:16 But I encouraged her start praising God
27:19 and start thanking Him
27:20 for the things that He is doing,
27:22 or He has done.
27:23 And if you can't think, I mean,
27:25 you know, as one of my friend says,
27:27 "Thank Him, thank Him for your toothbrush
27:28 or your bed or whatever."
27:30 There's always something that we can thank Him for.
27:31 And as we do, more things will come along.
27:34 In fact, Ellen White writes that
27:35 we'll be given more to praise Him for
27:37 when we thank Him.
27:39 And so, worship is such a huge, huge part
27:44 of the whole devotional experience.
27:45 I agree.
27:47 But you were mentioning
27:48 going deeper keys practical life.
27:51 You know, I think,
27:54 think about if you were getting married
27:58 or you know in a wedding or whatever,
28:00 you would want to be as spotless as possible, right?
28:06 And think about the fact we are going to meet Christ,
28:09 we are going to meet Jesus,
28:11 and He's coming for a spotless bride.
28:13 He's coming for a pure church.
28:17 When we start talking standards,
28:19 when we start talking about
28:20 how the Scripture affects our daily life,
28:22 people, you know, that's fine, you can read it.
28:25 But when it starts stepping on our toes,
28:28 when it starts interfering with our daily life,
28:31 that's when people start like, way,
28:34 you know, that's legalism or whatever.
28:37 And I just say, as I showed you earlier,
28:39 this is not about being legalistic.
28:41 This is not about righteousness by veggie burgers,
28:45 righteousness by dress reform or anything else.
28:48 This is about pleasing
28:49 and honoring the God that we love.
28:52 It's in fact an evidence of our love.
28:55 If we love Him, you know, the Bible says,
28:57 "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
28:59 If we love Him, we're not going to be asking,
29:02 "How much do I have to do to get by?
29:04 Or how much you know is required?"
29:06 No, we're going to be throwing everything in.
29:08 What can we do to bring joy to our Savior?
29:11 You know what I think we forget is in John 14:15
29:15 when he said, "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
29:19 The connector there is next to the next verse.
29:22 "And I will send you another helper."
29:28 You know, Acts 5:32 says that, that the Comforter,
29:32 the Holy Spirit is given to those who obey.
29:36 So it's something
29:37 that all the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ.
29:43 His love is unconditional,
29:44 but the promises are conditional.
29:47 I mean, obedience
29:48 is the pathway to blessing, is it not?
29:50 Right, yes.
29:52 In fact, here's a quote from the Mount of Blessings.
29:58 It says, "Obedience is the test of discipleship.
30:01 It's the keeping of the commandments
30:03 that proves the sincerity of our profession of love.
30:07 When the doctrine we accept kills sin in the heart,
30:10 purifies the soul from defilement,
30:12 bears fruit unto holiness,
30:14 we may know that is the truth of God."
30:16 Amen. Amen.
30:17 You know, God has an incredibly high standard.
30:20 And it's impossible for us to reach that standard.
30:23 It's only by the blood of Christ,
30:25 His perfect life,
30:26 His perfect obedience covering our imperfect
30:28 because we know ours...
30:29 Ours is sufficient.
30:31 You know our righteousness is as filthy rags.
30:33 We know that in Isaiah 64:6, and so it is impossible,
30:37 but He has a standard that He's calling us to.
30:41 And you know, you read in Scripture,
30:43 and it's kind of overwhelming when He says,
30:45 "Be perfect, be holy,"
30:47 you know, all these different things.
30:50 But He gives us as you've just said,
30:53 through His grace He fills us with His Spirit.
30:56 He does in us what we cannot do.
30:58 And that's why
31:00 the abiding experience is so important,
31:03 because we don't have what we need
31:04 to be who He's called.
31:06 We don't have what we need
31:08 to live the life that He's called.
31:12 How does God's Word affect our daily life though?
31:14 And I talked about this in detail
31:16 and just to share a little overview,
31:18 talking about the keys to every room,
31:19 I really challenge people.
31:21 We need to pray, we need to ask God.
31:24 Psalms 139:23 and 24 says,
31:27 "Search me, O God, know my heart,
31:28 try me, O God,
31:29 see if there be any wicked way in me
31:31 and lead me in the way everlasting."
31:32 We need to ask the Lord about each area of our life.
31:37 How is God's Word?
31:38 How is Your Word affecting this area of our life?
31:40 And so, I just liken it to a house.
31:44 You know, we come into a house
31:46 and in general we would say
31:48 the living room
31:49 is probably the most acceptable place
31:50 in the house.
31:52 We have company that come in there
31:53 and it's pretty orderly and everything,
31:56 but we don't necessarily take them back
31:58 to our private rooms
31:59 or whatever that's generally
32:01 and that's oftentimes the way it is with Jesus.
32:03 You know, we invite Him in,
32:05 but we kind of give Him a corner
32:06 and we say, okay, make yourself at home.
32:08 Now I'm going to go back to my other rooms,
32:10 and I'm going to do my thing.
32:12 But Jesus is actually knocking on the door
32:14 of each room in our house,
32:16 and He's saying,
32:18 "Let me in, I'm here, I'm here to dwell."
32:21 You said, "Make yourself at home."
32:23 Did you really mean it?
32:24 You know, can I come in?
32:26 And so, He's knocking, you know, on the kitchen.
32:29 And we say, He can't touch what I eat.
32:32 He can't touch what I put in my body.
32:33 He can't touch what I put, put on the refrigerator.
32:37 But God's Word applies
32:40 to what we put in our cupboards,
32:42 what we put on our table.
32:44 You know, the verse 1 Corinthians 10:31,
32:49 "Whether therefore you eat or drink or whatsoever you do,
32:51 do all to the glory of God."
32:54 And just a brief interlude here,
32:56 something that I share in much more detail.
32:59 I think one of the biggest reasons
33:01 that we need to ask God
33:03 to take control of this area of our life
33:05 is because it affects us spiritually.
33:07 What we put in our bodies affects our mind,
33:10 mind body connection,
33:12 and it affects our ability to hear the Holy Spirit.
33:14 And that's why God asks us to take care of our temple,
33:17 to take care of our body, to honor it,
33:22 because He wants to have that connection with us.
33:24 But He's knocking on each room.
33:25 He's knocking on our bedroom.
33:27 He wants to know what happens behind the closed doors
33:29 and in the secret parts.
33:30 What do we keep in our closet?
33:32 Do we have baggage there that we should have let go of,
33:35 bitterness, unforgiveness, resentment, grudges,
33:40 who knows what addictions, secret addictions.
33:44 You know, there's this story.
33:45 A friend of mine told,
33:47 he has been a missionary in South America
33:48 and I might have shared it previously here.
33:51 But he tells how he was on this bus
33:54 driving through the jungle
33:55 and he discovered
33:57 he was sitting beside this witch doctor
33:58 and the doctor starts boasting about all his powers
34:01 and the things that he can do.
34:02 And he says, "You know, I could cause,
34:05 I could cast a spell over your family
34:06 and I could cause your wife to leave you
34:07 and I could bring you the woman of your dreams,
34:10 when my friend was happily married.
34:12 And he says, "I don't think so.
34:13 You know, I'm already married to the woman of my dreams,
34:15 but you could touch me."
34:17 But this witch doctor says, "Oh, yes, I could, I do."
34:19 And so he begins, he says,
34:21 "Let me ask you some questions."
34:22 So he begins asking my friend some questions.
34:24 And he says, "Do you watch such and such, "
34:27 and he listed
34:28 some of the popular television programs
34:30 of that region of the world.
34:31 My friend said, "No."
34:33 He says, "Do you listen to such and such?"
34:35 And he listed
34:36 some of the popular secular worldly music
34:38 of that region.
34:40 My friend says, "No."
34:41 And he says, "Do you read such and such."
34:42 And he listed some of the secular magazines
34:45 and different things.
34:47 And my friend says, "No."
34:48 And he said, "Well, I have you on this one
34:49 because all men struggle with this."
34:51 He says,
34:52 "You look at pornography, right?
34:53 And my friend says, "No."
34:55 And the witch doctor looked at him
34:57 with new respect.
34:58 And he says, "You're right.
34:59 I can't touch you."
35:01 But if you participate
35:03 in any of those things that I just mentioned,
35:05 I could exercise all the power in the world over you,
35:07 because you've given me a foothold into your life.
35:11 But I can't touch you.
35:13 And I think we as Christians do not realize
35:17 how our little spiritual compromises
35:19 and some of them are not so little.
35:21 Some of them are not so little,
35:23 they're strongholds
35:24 that are secretly hidden in our closets,
35:27 secret addictions hidden in our computers,
35:29 or different things.
35:31 And we think, "Well, you know, it's not such a big deal.
35:34 This is the way I am, this is who I am,
35:35 I struggle blah, blah, blah."
35:37 And we think
35:38 that that's not going to affect things,
35:40 but these are breaches that allow the enemy in,
35:42 and Jesus is knocking on the door
35:43 and He's saying, "Give me control
35:45 of every area of your life."
35:47 You know, I love the illustration of the house
35:49 because I mean, read out Revelation 3:20,
35:52 you know, I stand at the door, knocking anybody,
35:54 invite me and I'll come in and dine with him.
35:57 But I love
35:59 your illustration of the house in every room.
36:03 Because there are areas, people,
36:06 I call it compartmentalize.
36:08 And there are people who are great Christians
36:12 on the day they attend church worship.
36:15 And they can totally change.
36:17 It's kind of like they compartmentalize this,
36:19 they compartmentalize that.
36:21 And so He does want in to every area of our heart.
36:25 He wants into every area.
36:26 And that's why we,
36:28 you know, as we are in the Word,
36:30 we will begin to recognize this.
36:31 If we're not in the Word,
36:33 you think you're stepping on my toes.
36:35 Why are you saying that?
36:37 Well, this is what God's Word says.
36:39 You know, think about the fact,
36:40 we are preparing to go to heaven.
36:43 At least that's what we talk like we are.
36:45 If we are preparing to go to heaven,
36:47 we need to be preparing to meet our heavenly groom.
36:50 That means all sin
36:52 and compromise needs to go away.
36:53 That is not legalism
36:55 to be preaching that, it's love.
36:57 It's because of love that we're seeking
36:59 to align our lives with Him and to be pleasing.
37:01 And so God is saying,
37:02 "I want to be in control of every area of your life.
37:05 What are you doing during your downtime?
37:07 You know, when you're not doing your ministry,
37:09 when you're not, when you're just vegetating,
37:11 what are you doing?
37:12 Is that for My honor and glory?
37:14 What are you watching on your computer or television?
37:16 What food are you putting in your table?
37:18 How are you spending your money?
37:19 What are you wearing is,
37:21 it's what you wear for Your glory and honor?"
37:23 You know, this is a touchy situation,
37:24 especially for women.
37:26 You know, especially as you're getting older,
37:28 you become even more sensitive, like,
37:30 I want to be my, I want to look my best
37:32 and I want to be attractive.
37:33 But I've even struggled and just had to say,
37:36 Lord, is what I'm wearing, is this for Your glory,
37:39 or is this for my own glory?
37:41 And there's a verse,
37:43 Romans 13:14, I think it is, it says,
37:46 "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ
37:48 and make no provision for the flesh."
37:50 And actually have this verse over my mirror
37:52 to remind myself that,
37:55 excuse me,
37:56 what I'm wearing is for His glory,
37:59 not to flaunt myself.
38:01 You know what?
38:03 We need to, I won't say where,
38:05 but I was at a university teaching the young people.
38:09 And I looked out into the audience.
38:13 I've never seen so many low-cut tops.
38:16 Yeah.
38:18 And you're sitting here
38:19 thinking these are Christian kids
38:22 who are not being taught modesty.
38:27 That's scary to me.
38:28 Because if you read the Bible,
38:31 it's pretty clear
38:32 that modesty should be at the top,
38:35 and one other thing that I'm just going to say this
38:37 because I'm compelled to say it,
38:39 and that is parents, grandparents,
38:42 talk with your children, about sexuality,
38:46 talk about what God expects.
38:49 Because if you don't,
38:51 if you let the secular world steal the narrative,
38:55 your children
38:57 if you're not educating them in sex,
39:00 the world will, and it isn't going to be godly.
39:04 That's right. Okay.
39:05 I know it's, it's so true.
39:11 God's Word is really, I mean, of course,
39:16 we're told it's profitable for doctrine reproof,
39:19 and correction, and righteousness.
39:20 But I think what I'm really,
39:22 I really have a burden about is this is to be practical.
39:26 This is not just philosophy that we hear in church,
39:29 how does it affect my daily life?
39:31 And so, that's what we need to be praying.
39:32 I mean, I can't be the judge of...
39:34 Everyone's on their own journey.
39:36 They're at their different places
39:38 in their walk.
39:39 And so that's why I encourage people,
39:40 we need to be praying
39:42 to the Lord ourselves and saying,
39:43 show me,
39:45 show me how my life is not in line with Your Word
39:48 and show me.
39:50 You know, my spending habits.
39:51 You know, this is something
39:53 that God's convicted me of recently is how
39:54 sometimes that can be wasteful
39:56 on things that I really don't need.
39:59 But sometimes I'm a little impulsive.
40:04 I'm not in debt right now.
40:05 But in previous years, I was in debt.
40:07 Yeah.
40:09 This was a huge struggle for me, credit card...
40:11 Credit card debt.
40:13 They are the greatest burden.
40:14 I don't know if I can remember,
40:15 but it was something like credit cards are showing,
40:20 it's a lack of patience to purchase
40:23 what you can't afford is what I was saying.
40:27 Let me say one thing real quickly
40:29 before you continue,
40:30 because we're, I know we're going to get
40:33 into a little more on the worship aspect here.
40:37 But I just know
40:38 that there's somebody that's saying,
40:40 "How do I abide in Christ"?
40:42 You keep saying, it's abiding is our struggle.
40:45 I wanted to read John 8:31 and 32
40:48 because this is how you abide in the Lord.
40:52 "Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him,
40:55 'If you abide in My Word, you are My disciples indeed."
41:02 Abide means to dwell in.
41:04 So what He's saying, if you abide in My Word,
41:07 He's saying,
41:08 not only if you meditate on it,
41:10 but if you put it into practice,
41:11 that's dwelling in the Word.
41:13 And listen to what he says,
41:15 "And you shall know the truth,
41:18 and the truth shall make you free."
41:21 And you know, so many people feel
41:23 that if you're trying to put the Word into practice,
41:28 that you're coming under some kind of bondage.
41:31 Psalm 129:4 says that,
41:33 "The Lord is righteous,
41:35 He has cut us free from the court of the wicked.
41:38 He came not to save us in our sin,
41:41 but to save us from our sins."
41:44 And so, that's something that,
41:46 I don't know what people's problem is
41:48 with obedience
41:50 because it's all by grace through faith.
41:52 He works and is to will and to do is good pleasure.
41:55 and Philippians 1:6 says,
41:58 "He will complete the good work He's begun in us."
42:03 And I just want to add to that too,
42:04 the closer we come to Christ,
42:07 we don't feel holy.
42:09 The closer we come,
42:11 the more imperfect we recognize we are.
42:14 So if you are in that abiding experience
42:16 and you're walking closer,
42:18 you're not going to feel holy,
42:19 like God tells me to be this and that
42:21 and I fall so short, you know.
42:24 And I can say this for myself, I fall short.
42:26 We all fall short of this,
42:27 but we are going to recognize
42:28 the closer we come how imperfect we are,
42:31 because, for one, we're recognizing who He is,
42:34 and we see the holiness and who He is.
42:36 But that also shows that He is doing a work
42:39 because the Holy Spirit is removing the blinders
42:42 from our eyes so that we can see.
42:44 But you know, He sees the end from the beginning.
42:46 Romans 4:17 says,
42:47 "He's the God who gives life to the dead
42:50 and He calls things
42:51 that are not as though they already were."
42:54 Hallelujah. Amen.
42:55 I mean, He sees the end from the beginning.
42:57 So when He looks at us
42:59 and when He says
43:01 that we're new creations in Christ,
43:03 the old is gone, the new is come.
43:05 You know, sometimes we don't feel
43:07 like the old is gone
43:09 because it rears its ugly head every now and then.
43:11 But God knows He's going to complete
43:13 the good work that He has begun in us.
43:17 You know, there's something that's very, very powerful.
43:21 And this has made
43:22 a big difference for me personally
43:24 is recognizing the power of the will.
43:26 God has given us a choice to choose.
43:30 And as we are in this journey, we're saying,
43:32 Lord, I need You to take control
43:34 of my spending habits
43:36 or my this habit or that habit,
43:39 or how I'm treating,
43:40 you know, the struggles I'm having whether it be.
43:42 We don't have the natural desire
43:43 to do what's right.
43:45 But we have to come to the point
43:46 where we say, "Lord, I give You my heart.
43:48 I give You my will.
43:51 And I ask that You would do in me
43:53 what I cannot do."
43:54 I had a really special experience
43:57 that happened several years ago.
43:59 That's just been
44:00 an encouragement to me ever since
44:01 because I was struggling in the whole area of surrender.
44:06 I was struggling in the area of relationships.
44:07 And this was not long after my engagement,
44:13 "had fallen apart,"
44:15 and just saying,
44:16 "Lord, are You still working in my life?
44:18 You still have a plan for me, what are You doing?"
44:22 And I began to follow this downward,
44:25 slippery slope of self-pity.
44:29 And just like, you know,
44:30 God's not working in Melody's life
44:34 and I mean, technically I knew that He was,
44:36 but I was just on the self-pity,
44:37 I was giving into my feelings.
44:39 And as a result of that,
44:40 I remember this went on for a few weeks.
44:42 It wasn't just a day or two.
44:44 I mean, we all have our down days,
44:45 but this was something it was going on for a few weeks
44:47 and I was struggling and struggling.
44:49 And finally this one day after a number of weeks,
44:51 I remember going out shopping to run some errands,
44:53 but I was just feeling so sorry for myself
44:56 and I went and bought some things
44:59 that I didn't need
45:01 and I indulged on some food
45:02 I didn't need and it was just crazy.
45:04 So I get home.
45:06 This was a Friday evening I had before Sabbath,
45:09 I'd gone out.
45:10 And then Sabbath morning I get up to have my devotions
45:12 and my time with God,
45:13 and I think it was 5 o'clock in the morning
45:15 when I got up.
45:16 But I couldn't pray.
45:17 I tried to pray.
45:19 But there was this block, I could not pray.
45:22 And I was like, "Lord, why can't I pray?
45:24 I'm trying to pray.
45:25 And I just can't pray."
45:27 And finally,
45:28 the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said,
45:30 "You know, you're not surrendered,
45:32 you know, you think I've forgotten you.
45:34 You think I'm neglecting you and you're having this
45:36 and you've taken back these things
45:38 that you gave to Me,
45:39 you're not surrendered."
45:40 So I have this little argument with God
45:42 and I'm like,
45:43 You're not going to make me go
45:45 and take those clothes back, are You?
45:47 You're not going to make me return that,
45:48 I mean, and so I,
45:50 but I recognize I can argue with God
45:52 about these things,
45:54 and be miserable for a few days,
45:55 or I can surrender
45:57 and then get the battle over with
45:59 and then there's peace again.
46:01 And so I was like,
46:02 Lord, well, so I'm struggling with this.
46:05 And there were a few other things
46:06 that He brought to my attention that I had taken back,
46:08 I'm not surrendered.
46:09 And so finally, I was just like,
46:12 Lord, I don't want to do what You're asking me to do.
46:16 I don't feel like doing it.
46:18 But I choose to give You my will.
46:20 And I'm asking that You would change my heart.
46:22 Please, Lord, change my heart.
46:24 Then I got up,
46:26 got the clothes from the closet,
46:28 I had bought some dress or something I didn't need
46:31 for like $150 or something.
46:33 I don't have that kind of money to spend, I don't.
46:35 I mean, even though
46:36 I'm not going in debt, doing it,
46:38 I don't have that money to spend.
46:39 There's other things that need the money more.
46:41 And so I was like, "Okay,
46:42 I'll take this back after Sabbath
46:44 and I put it in a bag with the receipt,
46:45 okay, after Sabbath, I'll deal with that."
46:47 And then I wrote this list,
46:49 "Lord, I give You this, Lord, I give You this
46:51 and I gave back things
46:52 that I had taken back from Him."
46:54 So I surrender these things back to God.
46:56 And as I do, this peace just floods my heart
46:59 and, of course, I began to pray
47:00 and had this beautiful time with God.
47:02 And it was just beautiful.
47:04 An hour or so later,
47:06 I turned my phone on because I had my phone off.
47:08 I often turn it off during my devotions time,
47:10 so I'm not interrupted.
47:12 So I turned airplane mode off,
47:13 and this text message pops up from a friend.
47:16 And, well, she wasn't really a friend.
47:18 She was somebody
47:20 that I had met a few months before
47:21 and she had taken my phone number,
47:23 but we hadn't really corresponded.
47:25 So this was the first text message,
47:26 she ever texted me and she said,
47:27 "Melody, this morning, I had a dream about you.
47:32 And Jesus came to me in my dream
47:34 and told me to pray for you.
47:35 And these are the things that He told me to pray for."
47:38 And those were the exact things
47:39 that I've been struggling with that day.
47:41 Those areas of surrender in different areas of my life.
47:43 Those are the exact things that He told me to pray for.
47:46 And so she says,
47:47 I was praying for you in my dream
47:48 and then I woke up
47:50 and I have continued praying for you over this last hour.
47:52 And this was all happening during the time
47:54 I was struggling on my knees myself.
47:57 And I was saying, "Lord, I don't know how to surrender.
48:00 Help me, Lord,
48:01 I choose to give You my will, help me."
48:03 And so I did.
48:04 And the capstone on this whole experience,
48:06 which was so beautiful.
48:08 She says,
48:09 there was a song playing in my dream.
48:11 Now, I didn't tell you the back story,
48:12 but there's a song that has been very meaningful
48:14 for me for years.
48:16 And the song is, "Be Still My Soul."
48:19 It's what God gave to me
48:20 when I went through my heartbreak
48:22 years ago, the very first one,
48:24 and God keeps bringing back to me
48:25 and it's so meaningful.
48:27 I have it in the back of my Bible here.
48:29 That song was playing in her dream.
48:32 And I was just like, wow,
48:35 here God has given me a gift from heaven
48:38 that says, "I'm still on your side,
48:40 be still My soul.
48:41 The Lord is on my side,
48:43 bear patiently the cross of grief or pain,
48:44 leave to thy God to order and provide,
48:47 in every change He faithful will remain.
48:49 There is so much power in the surrendered will.
48:53 I know God doesn't always send visions from heaven,
48:57 but He is there
48:59 when we will surrender that will.
49:01 On a family worship, hmm, month or two ago,
49:05 I remember that.
49:07 I brought up something about
49:09 how I had worked so hard to surrender that day,
49:12 came to work.
49:14 And it had just been an insane day.
49:18 And on the way home, I was like,
49:21 Lord, was I really surrendered to You today?
49:24 And so, I ask on this family worship,
49:26 do you think you can be surrendered
49:28 not know you're surrendered?
49:31 And nobody really responded to that.
49:33 And when I got home, I just have to tell you this
49:36 because I left that question dangling.
49:38 What the Lord impressed upon my mind
49:40 was, yes, I'm always,
49:42 I'm walking in general surrender to Him.
49:46 But there's another level of surrender.
49:48 And it's that moment by moment.
49:50 I mean, I've surrendered my heart.
49:52 He's my Lord, He's my Savior.
49:53 I'm saved by grace.
49:55 But He asks for that moment by moment
49:57 surrender the decisions that I'm making.
50:00 So, there are two levels of surrender
50:02 and sometimes I find it necessary
50:05 during the day that you realize,
50:07 whoops, I'm taking control of myself.
50:10 I need to be more like Jesus,
50:13 only do what the father tells me do,
50:14 only speak
50:15 what the father tells me to speak.
50:19 But that's an amazing story.
50:21 And you know, self-pity comes straight
50:23 from the pits of hell, doesn't it?
50:25 But to think that God put you on the heart of someone...
50:30 That was a miracle.
50:31 That was a miracle from heaven.
50:33 You know, I think the reason that I'm addressing
50:36 some of the things that we've been talking
50:38 about during this hour
50:39 and, of course, there's so much more
50:40 that will be shared in the book,
50:42 "Daring to Live by Every Word, "
50:44 is how we live our lives is really how we worship.
50:49 Worship,
50:50 we worship through our obedience.
50:53 You saw that with Cain and Abel
50:55 and the sacrifices in the very beginning.
50:57 We see that in 1 Samuel 15:22
51:00 where God says to obey is better than sacrifice.
51:03 We worship God through our obedience.
51:06 In fact, we mock God when we go to worship
51:10 and we're not willing to obey.
51:12 Boy, that's good.
51:13 And that's why we need to,
51:14 you know, really search our hearts.
51:16 There's this,
51:17 this passage from Ellen White that I just love,
51:21 it says the Lord can do more in one hour
51:23 than He can in a whole lifetime.
51:26 The more can, sorry,
51:28 the Lord can do more in one hour
51:29 than we can do in a whole lifetime.
51:32 And when He sees
51:33 that His people are fully consecrated,
51:36 let me tell you a great work will be done
51:38 in a short time
51:39 and the message of truth will be carried
51:41 into the dark places of the earth
51:42 where it's never before been carried.
51:44 And so I just say, we need to ask ourselves,
51:48 what is keeping me from being fully consecrated.
51:51 Amen. Tell us about Adele.
51:54 Yes,
51:55 Adele Sofu is a precious woman
52:01 in Africa, Rwanda,
52:03 and she lived through the horrific genocide.
52:06 That happened back in 1994
52:08 when hundreds of thousands were killed.
52:12 I think over 100,000 Seventh-day Adventist
52:13 were actually killed in that
52:15 as well as many other Christians.
52:17 But anyway, Adele's husband was a pastor.
52:20 And he was one of the first murdered
52:23 when a group came into their church,
52:25 the conflict between the two tribes.
52:27 She almost died.
52:29 But it was found three days later,
52:30 when they were burying people in a mass grave.
52:33 They found that there was still a heartbeat,
52:35 and went to the hospital.
52:36 She recovered gradually.
52:38 And when she finally began to get back on top of life,
52:41 she determined
52:43 that she was going to live differently,
52:44 that she was going to love those
52:47 that had murdered her husband,
52:48 so she began serving in the prison
52:50 the very person who had killed her husband
52:53 came to her and said, "Would you forgive me?
52:56 Would you please forgive me?"
52:57 She nurtured that young man.
52:59 She gave him Bible studies.
53:00 He became a believer in the Lord
53:02 was baptized in the prison.
53:04 And eventually, the government granted amnesty
53:07 to some of those prisoners who had been involved in that
53:09 and he was set free.
53:11 But his family had been murdered and killed
53:13 as well on the conflict,
53:14 and he had nowhere to go.
53:16 And so Adele invited him into her home
53:20 and adopted him as her own son.
53:22 The very man that had killed her husband.
53:25 And I just love her story.
53:27 Because, you know,
53:28 the world knows that we are Christians
53:30 by our love for one another.
53:32 And if we can love those that have hurt us
53:35 and killed us, like Jesus did, this is what happened with Him.
53:38 I mean, He said, "Lord, forgive them,
53:40 for they know not what they do."
53:42 If we can love those,
53:43 I think that that is the greatest evidence
53:46 that He is in us,
53:47 that His Spirit is dwelling in us,
53:49 and that's what He's calling us to be the great,
53:51 the last revelation to be given to the world
53:53 is a character of our love.
53:55 And...
53:57 Let me share my favorite, one of my favorite scriptures.
54:00 I was saying my favorite scriptures.
54:03 Romans 5:5 says
54:05 that God pours His love into our hearts
54:08 by the power of His Holy Spirit.
54:09 And listen to this.
54:11 This is 1 Thessalonians 3:12 and 13.
54:15 So let me read that to you.
54:17 1 Thessalonians 3:12 says,
54:20 "May the Lord make you increase and abound in love."
54:25 So who's doing the work?
54:27 "The Lord is making you increase and abound in love
54:30 to one another and to all so that, "
54:33 anytime you see so that, it's a purpose statement.
54:37 "So that He may establish your hearts,
54:42 blameless in holiness,
54:44 before our God and Father
54:46 at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
54:49 with all the saints."
54:50 You see what He's saying?
54:52 He is saying
54:53 that as we allow Him to pour His love
54:58 into our hearts that we become perfected,
55:04 we grow in love, we grow in holiness,
55:07 and holy doesn't means to be separated from sin.
55:12 So, you know, love consumes sin.
55:15 And it's just a beautiful thought.
55:17 I love that.
55:19 I can't wait to read your new book,
55:22 "Daring To Live By Every Word:
55:25 Divine Keys To Abundant Living,"
55:28 and this is coming out in the spring of 2020.
55:30 That's correct.
55:32 And then we've got this book right now
55:35 that is your sharing book
55:37 "Daring To Ask For More"
55:40 comes from your, here's your...
55:42 Larger book.
55:43 The larger unedited or unabridged
55:46 I should say book, and it's a wonderful book.
55:50 It's been a very popular seller.
55:52 Where do you go next, Melody?
55:55 Well, only the Lord knows.
55:58 I just keep claiming His promise now
56:00 to Him that's able to do exceedingly abundantly
56:02 above all that we ask or think.
56:03 It's a wonderful journey,
56:06 walking with Him and I just praise the Lord.
56:08 Well, I'm just so thankful
56:11 that I really feel privileged
56:12 that I got to share these two hours with you.
56:15 And we're so glad that you have come.
56:19 And we look forward to this book.
56:21 And we're so glad that you've joined us at home.
56:24 I hope that you have seen that.
56:27 Sometimes God trusts us with His silence,
56:30 and He just is growing our faith.
56:34 His answer, He always answers prayer.
56:36 Yes, no, later,
56:39 but you can trust the Lord and our prayer for you.
56:43 And I know
56:45 that Melody will agree with this.
56:47 Our prayer for those of you
56:48 who are watching or listening to our voices,
56:51 is that the love of,
56:53 the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
56:55 the love of the Father,
56:57 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:00 will be with you always.
57:02 Thank you for joining us. Amen.
57:03 Bye-bye.


Revised 2020-08-07