3ABN Today Live

Prayer, Faith and Daring to Live By Every Word

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL190033A

00:03 I want to spend my life
00:09 Mending broken people
00:14 I want to spend my life
00:20 Removing pain
00:25 Lord, let my word
00:31 Heal a heart that hurts
00:36 I want to spend my life
00:41 Mending broken people
00:47 I want to spend my life
00:52 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn,
01:11 and we welcome you once again to 3ABN Thursday Night Live.
01:16 Yes, this is a live program.
01:18 We're going to be with you for two hours,
01:21 and we want to take this opportunity
01:23 to thank you for your love, your prayers,
01:25 and your financial support of 3ABN.
01:28 We've had a great day here,
01:30 and hope yours has been even better,
01:33 but we have a wonderful guest,
01:36 and before I even read my scripture,
01:38 let me introduce her to you,
01:39 because she is a special handmaiden
01:43 of the Lord.
01:44 And when you hear her name, if you know her,
01:47 her name is synonymous with prayer.
01:50 Tonight, we're going to talk about prayer, faith,
01:55 and daring to live by every word of God.
02:00 And I want you gentlemen,
02:02 just because there's two ladies on this program,
02:06 don't think this isn't about you.
02:08 We will be talking
02:09 about some wonderful things that,
02:11 especially, I think, what I am interested in,
02:14 that Melody will be sharing with us
02:19 is what do we do when God is silent?
02:21 So, we've got a powerful program today.
02:24 Our special guest is Melody Mason,
02:27 and Melody is with the Prayer Ministries
02:30 of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Church
02:33 there at the world headquarters.
02:36 You are also an author and prayer coordinator deluxe.
02:42 I know that you are an amazing woman,
02:46 and I'm just blessed to know you.
02:48 Praise God.
02:49 Thank you for being here. It's a blessing to be here.
02:51 Thank you for having me. Yeah.
02:52 Well, we, tell us a little bit about what you do at the GC?
02:59 Well, I coordinate United in Prayer
03:03 for the World Church,
03:04 and I also help Janet Paige,
03:08 she works with the GC prayer ministry,
03:10 so I work with her
03:11 coordinating different prayer initiatives.
03:13 And I also collect resources.
03:15 I'm resource coordinator
03:17 for the revivalandreformation.org
03:20 website.
03:21 Wonderful.
03:23 So just tools to help people grow their walk with God.
03:24 So, in addition to that,
03:26 I know that you speak
03:28 at a lot of events around the world.
03:29 You are traveling all the time,
03:31 and you are known
03:34 for organizing prayer rooms at ASI,
03:38 GYC, General Conference.
03:41 We're just delighted to have you here, Melody.
03:42 Thank you. Thank you.
03:43 And precious sister in the Lord.
03:45 Before, however, we get into Melody's story
03:50 and what she has to share.
03:53 We all love music.
03:54 We know you love music.
03:56 So, tonight, we have Matt Throgmorton,
04:00 and he is going to sing for us, "In the Garden."
04:27 I come
04:30 To garden alone
04:36 While the dew
04:39 Is still on the roses
04:45 And the voice I hear
04:50 Falling on my ear
04:54 The song of God
04:59 Discloses
05:04 And He walks
05:10 With me
05:11 And He talks with me
05:16 And He tells me
05:19 I am His own
05:26 And the joy we share
05:30 As we tarry there
05:37 None other
05:40 Has ever known
05:53 Granted Jesus
05:57 Is my King
06:02 Daily
06:05 Walking close to Thee
06:11 Let it be
06:14 Dear Lord, let it be
06:20 Let it be
06:23 Dear Lord, let it be
06:36 What a friend
06:39 We have in Jesus
06:45 All our sins
06:49 And grieves to bear
06:55 What a privilege
07:00 To carry
07:06 Everything to God in prayer
07:14 Oh, what peace
07:18 We often forsake
07:24 Oh, what needless
07:28 Pain we bear
07:34 All because
07:37 We do not Carry
07:43 Everything
07:46 To God in prayer
07:54 Take it to the Lord
08:00 In prayer.
08:17 Matt Throgmorton right from Southern Illinois,
08:20 and he's got such a beautiful voice.
08:21 We thank him so much.
08:23 I wanted to share this scripture with you,
08:26 it is Psalms 27:4.
08:30 And David writes,
08:32 "One thing I have desire of the Lord
08:35 that will I seek
08:37 that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
08:39 all of the days of my life
08:41 to behold the beauty of the Lord,
08:44 and to inquire in His temple.
08:47 And I know that has special meaning
08:48 to Melody, our special guest.
08:51 Melody Mason, with the GC Prayer Ministries,
08:55 and an author.
08:56 But before we kick into every wonderful thing
09:01 you have brought us, every morsel tonight,
09:03 please talk to us just a little bit
09:06 and tell us who's Melody Mason?
09:08 How did you grow up?
09:09 When did your relationship with the Lord
09:13 really become personal to you?
09:15 Well, I grew up
09:17 in a Seventh-day Adventist Christian home
09:19 and I'm very thankful for that.
09:22 But just in a nutshell
09:23 my experience was very much a lukewarm
09:27 Laodicean type experience.
09:29 So, church was not really enjoyable for me
09:31 when I was a young person,
09:33 and I didn't really understand the deeper walk.
09:36 Of course, that's something we have to grow into,
09:38 but the verse you just read
09:40 is really a picture of what God has done
09:42 for me in my life
09:44 because He's brought me to a whole deeper experience
09:47 in showing me the joy of spending time with Him.
09:50 This is not just something that I do to check off my day,
09:54 or because I'm a good Christian girl.
09:57 You do this and do that.
09:59 God's really taken me on a deeper journey,
10:01 it started when I was in high school,
10:04 I would say, was when things really began
10:06 to go deeper for me spiritually.
10:08 I remember watching my roommate Gabriella
10:12 study the Bible and pray.
10:14 And I was thinking to myself, I need to be doing that too,
10:16 and as I did,
10:18 you know, God's Word coming alive
10:19 even more, seeing God answer my prayers.
10:22 So, it started in high school,
10:24 but it was years later
10:26 before I went through even deeper
10:29 ah-ha experience
10:30 or whatever you want to call it,
10:31 where God took me
10:33 to an even deeper walk with Him.
10:35 Of course, He's still doing that now.
10:36 Amen.
10:37 And if we're not growing, we're in trouble.
10:39 That's right.
10:40 I know that there was a time of disillusionment in her life.
10:43 Stay tuned for that, we'll talk about that.
10:46 But tell us about 100 Days of Prayer,
10:49 tell us about the prayer initiatives
10:51 that are going on at the GC,
10:53 and the resources that are available?
10:55 Yes.
10:56 So, I'm really excited,
10:57 I coordinate United in Prayer for the World Church
11:00 and basically anyone that signs up
11:02 to be part of this program.
11:03 We have thousands of people involved.
11:06 Every week we send out prayer requests
11:09 so we can all be praying together
11:11 as a church and prayer resources.
11:15 And I love the fact that we send out testimonies,
11:16 like every week
11:18 I have a new inspiring testimony
11:19 that comes out
11:20 and some of the testimonies that we've shared recently,
11:22 one is about a man who picked up the Bible
11:25 and begins wanting to study the Bible,
11:27 but he couldn't read,
11:29 he couldn't read it all, but he began to read the Bible,
11:32 how God gave him the ability to read.
11:33 Praise to God.
11:34 There's another story that we shared
11:36 about a vault
11:38 at the Avondale College in Sydney
11:41 and how they've started a whole prayer movement
11:44 just inside this vault
11:46 there at the Ellen G. White Resource Center in Sydney
11:49 and the miracles that God is doing through that.
11:52 We have testimonies of a group that was in Cuba
11:56 and they were going there to share
11:57 and the work was being shut down
11:59 and they were sent to the authorities
12:01 and so the people went to the authorities
12:03 and the man that came in to shut the work down says,
12:05 "Oh, I've seen you before."
12:07 and he had seen somebody like 10 years earlier
12:09 at some other meetings and had been so impressed.
12:11 He says, "I'm not shutting down your work.
12:13 You guys can preach
12:14 whatever you want here in Cuba."
12:15 So, we have miracles story after miracle story,
12:18 every week I share a new one
12:19 and people can sign up for that
12:21 if they visit our website,
12:23 revivalandreformation.org for the United in Prayer.
12:27 So that's something I personally coordinate.
12:29 We also have to believe His prophets
12:32 which is just encouraging people
12:35 to get into God's Word every day,
12:38 reading His Word and along with that reading
12:40 through the Conflict of the Ages series
12:42 and thousands of people are participating with that.
12:45 Of course, we have
12:46 many beautiful witnessing initiatives
12:49 through the total member involvement
12:50 just encouraging people
12:52 get in and do something personally.
12:54 You don't have to be an evangelist,
12:55 you don't have to be a preacher,
12:56 you don't have to, you know, be somebody, whatever,
13:00 just get out and share with others
13:01 about your personal walk with Jesus,
13:03 and we see many people coming to know Christ
13:06 as a result of that too.
13:07 So, on our website there's hundreds of resources
13:12 and I just encourage people to go and visit
13:15 because I'm sharing resources how to grow your walk with God,
13:18 how to get deeper in Bible study.
13:20 If you're somebody
13:21 and you're wanting to start prayer ministry
13:23 in your church or groups,
13:25 we have resources
13:26 to help new leaders start prayer ministry.
13:29 So, just hundreds of resources.
13:31 But what you asked specifically was the 100 Days of Prayer.
13:34 And this is an initiative
13:35 that we are starting this next spring
13:37 which goes from March 27 to July 4.
13:41 And basically 100 Days of Prayer
13:43 is just encouraging people
13:45 to pray together on behalf of the church,
13:48 on behalf of our need for a deeper walk with God
13:53 and especially for the outpouring
13:54 of the Holy Spirit.
13:55 And this is in preparation
13:57 for the 2020 General Conference,
14:00 every five years the World Church,
14:04 all of the divisions, all of the conferences
14:07 come together
14:08 and it's something that's so special
14:10 because we have what,
14:12 close to 22 million members around the world.
14:15 And when people come,
14:17 there's tens of thousands of people
14:20 who come and it is very special,
14:22 but it's a time of great unity,
14:26 it's a time when we vote
14:29 for new leadership positions.
14:33 So, I think that this united prayer effort
14:37 is critically important before such a time of this.
14:42 We had 100 Days of Prayer leading up to the last session
14:46 and we had a prayer room at the GC Session
14:49 and I helped Janet coordinate that prayer
14:51 and we had close to 15,000 people
14:53 that actually came through the prayer room
14:57 over the GC Session.
14:58 And I encourage people,
15:00 you know, I really believe
15:02 we are living in a special time in history
15:04 and now is the time,
15:06 God is looking for intercessors
15:08 to stand on behalf of His church,
15:10 on behalf of the world around us.
15:12 You know, it's very easy for us
15:14 if we see things
15:15 that are happening in the church
15:17 especially with leaders that we think,
15:18 you know, they should do this or they should do that,
15:20 it's very easy for us to get judgmental,
15:22 it's very easy for us to throw stones
15:24 and get critical,
15:25 but I believe God has given us one of the most powerful tools
15:28 and that is prayer.
15:29 And just like Aaron and Hur held up Moses' arms
15:33 when Joshua was down with the Israelites
15:35 fighting the battle.
15:36 I believe God has called us
15:38 to uphold the arms of our leaders
15:41 and to pray for them
15:42 and to pray that God will give them wisdom.
15:44 I wouldn't want to be in their position
15:45 making the decisions that they're making.
15:47 Me neither.
15:48 You know, God needs to give them wisdom and help them
15:50 and so one of our most powerful things
15:53 is prayer,
15:54 and I just encourage people get involved and pray with us.
15:58 You know, you can actually sign up
15:59 to be part of a 100 Days of Prayer too
16:01 if you visit our Revival and Reformation website.
16:04 That's revivalandreformation.org.
16:08 Okay. Yeah.
16:09 And people can also come,
16:10 you know, if you're coming to GC Session,
16:12 come and see us in the prayer room,
16:13 we had thousands of people come last time
16:15 and just a couple things really quickly that happened.
16:17 We saw so many miracles in the prayer room,
16:19 but I remember we had this group
16:21 from Papua New Guinea
16:22 that came into the prayer room
16:23 and they couldn't understand English,
16:25 but they came
16:26 just to be with the united prayers
16:27 that were going on there.
16:29 And while they were in that room,
16:30 they understood every prayer that was prayed.
16:32 Glory to God.
16:33 God gave them the gift of hearing.
16:34 You know, when you were talking about intercession
16:37 and God wanting to raise up intercessors.
16:40 I believe with all of my heart
16:42 intercessory prayer is the greatest work
16:45 that there is
16:47 because it is the work of our risen
16:48 and exalted Savior.
16:50 He lives, ever lives to intercede on our behalf.
16:54 And so, you know, sometimes people will say,
16:57 "Well, all I can do is pray."
16:59 Well, that's the greatest thing we can do.
17:02 And I heard pastor once said,
17:04 I don't know if I should tell this story
17:05 but I will.
17:07 He said, "If you don't like your pastor
17:09 and you want a new pastor,
17:11 he said pray for your pastor,
17:12 pray that the Lord will fill him
17:14 with the Holy Spirit."
17:15 And he said, "You know what will happen?
17:17 The Lord will fill him with the Holy Spirit.
17:19 He'll be so good
17:21 other churches will be after him
17:22 and you'll get a new pastor."
17:24 That's right. Exactly. Okay, so.
17:26 You know, there is so much power
17:27 in prayer
17:29 and I just want to share this one quote before we go on.
17:31 We don't understand
17:34 especially the power of united prayer.
17:36 In Matthew 18:19, of course tells us
17:38 "If two of you shall agree
17:39 as touching anything that you ask,
17:41 it shall be done."
17:42 But I love this quote,
17:45 Ellen White actually writes this.
17:46 She says, "We are encouraged to pray for success
17:48 with the divine assurance that our prayers will be heard.
17:51 The promise of Matthew 18:19 is made on the condition
17:54 that the united prayers of the church are offered.
17:58 And in answer to these prayers
17:59 there may be expected a power greater than that
18:03 which comes in answer to private prayer."
18:05 But this is the key.
18:06 "The power given will be proportionate
18:08 to the unity of the members
18:10 and their love for God and for one another."
18:11 Oh, amen and amen.
18:13 There's nothing like united prayer
18:15 to make us one as Jesus and the Father were one.
18:20 Now you have written a book
18:24 called "Daring to Ask For More."
18:30 But now you have in addition to the full-length book,
18:34 you have a pocket edition
18:36 and we call this a sharing book,
18:38 tell us about this?
18:39 Yeah.
18:40 So this smaller edition
18:42 is actually only eight chapters,
18:43 the green book is the full version
18:47 and it's packed full of testimonies
18:48 and stories and many things, but this is for...
18:53 If you're wanting to share more on a broad scale,
18:56 just practical tools
18:58 to help people go deeper in prayer,
19:00 it's only eight chapters.
19:01 So, it's just a snippet of the bigger book,
19:04 it's the same thing,
19:05 but it's just a very condensed version.
19:07 So, I encourage people
19:09 if you can't get the bigger book,
19:10 but this is a great sharing resource
19:13 to share on the broader stance, so.
19:15 Give to people who... Those are available.
19:16 And probably reading this
19:18 will make them want to read the book.
19:19 Exactly.
19:20 You know when we think about Elijah,
19:24 when the Bible says
19:26 that the prayers of a righteous man
19:30 are affected
19:32 and we think about how Elijah prayed,
19:35 for it not to rain
19:36 and he prayed for the rain to come.
19:39 And this is something that as we unite
19:42 and pray together,
19:43 there is power in prayer, absolutely.
19:46 You know, God really used Elijah
19:48 in a critical crisis in the history of Israel
19:51 and we're told what He did through Elijah,
19:53 He wants to do through us as well.
19:56 Amen. Amen.
19:57 And He's looking for Elijahs.
19:59 That's right. Isn't He?
20:00 That's right.
20:02 Okay, so we wanted you
20:03 to kind of get into your topic if...
20:08 Are you, we kind of through with these resources.
20:11 Let's get into the topic
20:13 and I know
20:14 that there's so many people out there,
20:16 you know, we see a lot of answered prayer
20:18 around here at 3ABN,
20:20 but what about the times when God is silent,
20:23 what about the times
20:25 when it doesn't seem
20:27 like God is answering our prayers?
20:31 You know, this is so important
20:34 and, you know,
20:36 for the early part of my ministry
20:38 I didn't really talk about this side of things,
20:40 I focused on look at what God is doing,
20:43 He's answered this prayer in my life
20:45 and He's answered this prayer,
20:46 and I have tons of miracle stories
20:47 and you do as well
20:49 about the things that God has done
20:50 an answer to prayer.
20:52 But there's also areas in my life
20:54 where I have prayed and prayed and prayed
20:58 and God hasn't answered
21:00 or at least He hasn't answered
21:01 the way that I wanted Him to answer
21:03 because, you know, even no is an answer
21:06 and I've learned that as well.
21:07 I really believe
21:10 as we are getting closer to Christ's soon coming,
21:13 for Jesus coming back
21:15 that He is really seeking to grow faith in His people.
21:19 And just like He brought the children of Israel
21:21 to the borders of Canaan on the Jordan River
21:23 and the spies were sent in.
21:26 It was a test to see if they would have faith,
21:29 you know, the spies come back
21:30 and some give a good report and some give negative,
21:32 you know, the two gave a positive report
21:34 and the rest gave a negative,
21:35 and suddenly you see the people's faith waver,
21:39 you know, like Lord,
21:40 You brought us all this far just to kill us,
21:42 you know, we can't go in.
21:44 There's giants in the land.
21:45 There's giant in the land,
21:46 they're gonna eat us up and we can't do this.
21:48 And they drew back in doubt in disbelief
21:51 and as a result God listened
21:53 to what they said and He said okay,
21:55 so you're not gonna go into the Promised Land.
21:57 You don't believe you can, you're not going to.
22:00 And of course, they tried to but without God with them.
22:03 I love what Hebrews says
22:04 that they didn't mix the message with faith.
22:09 That's right.
22:10 And so, they were shut out of the Promised Land
22:14 because they didn't mix the message with faith.
22:17 And I think sometimes,
22:20 I think this is Numbers 13
22:21 I believe is where that's story is.
22:23 But when they saw the people in the land,
22:28 even though God had told them go up, I'm with you,
22:32 they're saying,
22:34 "Oh, we're like grasshoppers in their eyes."
22:36 And I think sometimes that's how many of us feel
22:39 is when the problems loom up in front of us,
22:43 we begin to feel like grasshoppers
22:45 and we forget that God is with us
22:48 in what He has done.
22:50 Yes.
22:51 And it's very, it's very difficult
22:53 when we don't see right now what God is doing,
22:56 like we don't see the big picture.
22:58 And so, you know for me
23:01 this has been a very personal journey
23:02 that I haven't shared until the more recent years
23:06 just because it's so vulnerable for me
23:10 and I remember one time I was speaking
23:12 with a large group of young people,
23:14 I was in Romania at the time
23:16 and I'm speaking to them
23:18 and I'm sharing all the amazing things
23:19 God's doing in my life and He answer prayers.
23:23 And the young people are just, you know,
23:25 they're just playing on their phones
23:27 and whatever and I'm like,
23:29 Lord, how do I connect with these young people
23:31 and I ended up staying up almost all night,
23:33 this night it was Friday night going into Sabbath,
23:36 I had three messages the next day.
23:38 And I was just praying and I was like, Lord,
23:40 show me how I'm supposed to reach
23:41 these young people because this is not working.
23:44 I'm trying to share
23:45 what an amazing God that You are
23:47 and that You're God that cares and answers prayer.
23:50 Well, this is what God told me that night of prayer.
23:52 He says, "Melody,
23:54 you've been traveling around the world,
23:55 sharing about the amazing God that I am.
23:57 Why don't you share about the last 20, 25 years
24:01 when I have not answered certain prayers in your life
24:04 and how I've proved myself faithful."
24:07 And so, I opened up and was very vulnerable
24:10 with the young people about my own journey.
24:13 And that journey involves my journey as a single
24:17 because my dream as a young person
24:21 from the time I was a little girl
24:23 was I'm gonna grow up,
24:24 I'm gonna be like my parents
24:26 and you know find the love of my life
24:28 and be happily married
24:29 and we're gonna go off and do ministry together,
24:32 off into the sunset and of course have children
24:34 and that was my dream,
24:36 but that did not come together as I dreamed.
24:39 There have been several different individuals
24:41 in my life
24:43 who I thought
24:44 I was going to marry one of them,
24:45 I was even engaged to and planning my wedding
24:49 and God kept saying no.
24:51 And the first one
24:52 was the most difficult experience
24:54 because I had waited eight years
24:57 and had known this person for a long time
25:00 and just felt like we all felt
25:02 like this is what it was going to be
25:03 and when that relationship didn't work out
25:05 or it didn't come together
25:07 as I had hoped and prayed and waited,
25:09 I really fell into disillusionment
25:12 in my walk with God like you mentioned earlier,
25:14 because I felt like, I prayed, I fasted,
25:18 I've claimed the promises,
25:19 I have done everything
25:21 that I've done it all right
25:24 and, you know, Lord, I'm trying to be the good girl,
25:27 I'm supposed to be and it still didn't work,
25:29 it still didn't.
25:30 And so I really, I came to a point in my walk
25:33 and this was, this was years ago now
25:35 but this is where
25:37 the whole daring to ask for more journey
25:39 grew from
25:40 because I fell into this deep depression,
25:43 I stopped reading my Bible,
25:45 I stopped praying,
25:46 I stopped really believing the God
25:49 that I grew up professing to believe.
25:50 And I didn't walk out of the church,
25:52 I didn't go off and live the crazy wild lifestyle,
25:55 I was kind of stuck in the middle in no-man's land,
25:58 you know, like I didn't trust God,
26:00 but I wasn't gonna go off and do the wild stuff,
26:02 but it was a very lonely lost dark experience for me
26:07 in my life.
26:09 Anyway, God brought me through that experience,
26:11 make a long story short
26:13 and began to revive me
26:15 and after two,
26:17 two and a half three years of depression
26:18 by the way,
26:20 so it wasn't an overnight experience.
26:22 But after this experience
26:23 began to grow my walk with Him,
26:25 in a new relationship with Him
26:27 and out of that experience
26:28 I began getting into God's Word
26:29 and I'm like, Lord,
26:31 I don't want to go back to the mediocre Christianity
26:32 that I had previously.
26:34 I mean, I had a walk with God, it was always sincere,
26:36 it wasn't phony but it was very superficial.
26:39 I need a deeper walk with You
26:41 and I'm just reading my Bible in the mornings,
26:43 tears coming to my face, I'm like, Lord, take me deeper.
26:46 And so, God grew a new experience,
26:50 grew me to have faith in His Word.
26:53 And then I'm healed and doing better and then,
26:56 you know, another person comes along,
26:58 another attractive individual comes along
27:00 and I think, you know,
27:02 this person is going to be the one
27:03 I'm going to end up with
27:04 and went another eight years only to be brokenhearted again.
27:09 But this time I had a different walk with God
27:12 than I did the first time.
27:14 So, I didn't lose it, I was like, okay Lord,
27:16 I don't understand why I had to go through this
27:18 but I trust You, I trust Your Word.
27:21 So, I have had experience after experience
27:24 over the years, maybe not as many as you have.
27:27 I'm older.
27:28 'Cause you shared
27:30 some of the stories with me earlier,
27:31 I'm like, wow.
27:33 But I have had heartbreaking experiences
27:34 as single and saying, Lord, what are You doing?
27:38 Like, now I'm serving the Lord in ministry.
27:41 But you know, it would be nice
27:42 not to be lugging these suitcases
27:44 around by myself.
27:45 It would be nice to not be speaking
27:47 and carrying the weight of ministry by myself.
27:49 But God has been so faithful.
27:52 I look back on the prayers that He didn't answer
27:54 and I'm just like, thank You, Lord.
27:56 Each one of the individuals,
27:58 you know, very godly men
27:59 and we're still friends to this day,
28:01 men that I highly respect.
28:02 But God knew
28:04 that they weren't the right person for me.
28:05 Yes. And so, I'm very grateful.
28:07 But I'm still living a journey of prayer
28:10 where I've prayed for 27 years now
28:13 that God has said no.
28:15 And this has been a very heartbreaking,
28:16 it's been a very personal painful journey
28:19 for me as a single
28:20 and I know I'm speaking to a lot of singles out there.
28:23 I have them contact me all the time.
28:25 You know, I've been single so many years
28:27 and God still hasn't and, and whatever.
28:29 And there's a lot of people in this boat,
28:32 but there's people in other boats as well
28:33 that are struggling
28:35 with the disillusionment in their life,
28:37 whether it's infertility issues,
28:39 you know, not able to,
28:40 to have children or facing family members
28:43 that are diagnosed with diseases
28:45 or different things.
28:47 I mean, there's so many things,
28:49 I really believe God is in the process
28:51 of refining us
28:53 and growing our faith
28:55 and trying to help us understand
28:59 that He's faithful
29:00 even when He doesn't always answer
29:02 the way that we think He should.
29:05 And I think, you know, here's how I like to say it is
29:08 that I think God always answers prayer.
29:11 I think that there's yes, there's no, there's later,
29:15 but when it's, when it's a spiritual issue,
29:18 it seems that you can count on that's a yes answer.
29:23 And 2 Corinthians 1:20 says,
29:25 all of God's promises are yes and amen in Christ, you know.
29:29 So, He is the surety of the covenant.
29:32 But I know you hit a word there
29:36 that one of the things
29:39 that I wanted more than anything.
29:43 I wanted to be a mama.
29:45 I wanted six babies.
29:47 And we were not able to have children.
29:49 And it was such a painful in private,
29:55 I mean, I couldn't even share it
29:57 with JD, my husband.
29:59 It was the death of the vision because I love children.
30:03 And it was something
30:07 that I struggled a lot with the Lord,
30:09 but He told me He would give me spirit of children.
30:11 That's right.
30:13 And He has,
30:14 and you know, sometimes I know that He's,
30:16 He knows the end from the beginning.
30:18 And I don't know
30:19 that I could have lived the life
30:21 and done the ministry I did had I had six children,
30:24 my life would have been completely different.
30:26 So, we just have to trust
30:28 that everything that happens in our life
30:32 has come through God's filterable love
30:34 and we just have to believe
30:37 that He has our eternal benefit in mind.
30:42 And, as you said,
30:44 He kept you from marrying the wrong person.
30:46 I'd rather never be married
30:48 than be married to the wrong person.
30:50 God has really been so faithful to me
30:54 and it was actually
30:55 through these heartbreaking experiences,
30:58 you know, like I shared with you earlier
31:00 when we were off, off set,
31:02 you know, sometimes it's difficult for me
31:05 to share this partly
31:06 because I'm still on the journey.
31:09 You know, I still haven't seen the end of my story
31:12 and we want to share the testimony after,
31:15 you know, God has worked the miracle
31:17 or this has happened or whatever.
31:19 But I really feel that God is giving me
31:21 a testimony to show that He's faithful
31:25 even in the midst of the journey
31:29 when we don't understand exactly what's happening.
31:32 Are you like Paul,
31:33 are you learning to be content in all circumstances?
31:36 I'm learning.
31:38 I can't say that I'm completely content.
31:41 You know, I tell the Lord,
31:42 you know, You put that desire in my heart
31:44 if it's not supposed to be there,
31:45 take it out,
31:46 but He hasn't taken it out, you know.
31:48 So, I'm still learning.
31:49 But He has shown me,
31:52 you know, His calling and His purpose in my life
31:54 and I have prayed very seriously like,
31:56 Lord, I don't want to be married
31:59 just to be married.
32:00 I want to be married
32:01 only if it will advance Your kingdom.
32:03 And if I will be more effective
32:05 in a relationship for Your glory,
32:07 and if not, then keep me single.
32:08 And at this point,
32:10 you know, that's, that's where I am.
32:13 But, you know, this is my journey.
32:17 And it's also difficult for me to share
32:19 because I recognize
32:22 we all have our different pain
32:23 and I feel like I've struggled
32:25 but my pain isn't the same as other people.
32:27 And I think, oh, I shouldn't share
32:28 because other people have struggled so much more.
32:30 But I have realized pain is pain.
32:33 And each one of us have something in our life
32:37 that God is either refining or a loss, a pain,
32:41 something that has not gone,
32:43 you know, we all have expectations.
32:46 And I think that this is also part of the reason
32:48 that so many people are struggling in the church.
32:51 They come to Christ.
32:53 And they think now that I'm serving Him,
32:54 He should make everything go right.
32:57 He should, you know, but the Bible says,
32:59 don't be surprised when we have struggles,
33:02 when we have, you know, fiery,
33:04 whatever, you know, that's part of,
33:07 part of the journey in this world.
33:09 We live in a broken world.
33:12 And what my experience has been is so often
33:15 at least we tell people
33:16 when they come to work at 3ABN,
33:18 we warn them in advance, be prepared to be attacked,
33:22 because when you are on the front line,
33:25 it seems like the demonic activity
33:28 in your life just flares up
33:31 because I think that's,
33:33 you know, the devil's assignments
33:35 against us is to discourage us.
33:38 Yes, yes.
33:39 Anything that he can.
33:41 I love the verse from John 10:10, it says,
33:46 well I always tell people the second part first,
33:49 you know, He comes that we might have
33:51 life and life more abundantly.
33:53 So why are we settling for wilderness Christianity?
33:56 Why are we settling
33:58 for a superficial relationship with God
33:59 when He comes to give us abundant life?
34:01 He didn't come to give us a lukewarm Laodicea.
34:05 He wants us to have abundant.
34:06 But what is the enemy coming to do?
34:08 The first part of the verse says,
34:09 he comes to steal, to kill and to destroy,
34:12 so anything that he can to steal our faith,
34:16 to rob our joy,
34:18 to destroy our relationship with God,
34:21 he's going to do, and how does he do that?
34:23 He does it through those areas that are closest to us.
34:28 You know, I think that there's two things
34:30 that I think the primary way the Lord,
34:33 the devil discourages us.
34:35 One is through distractions and you know, today,
34:38 our lives are so busy,
34:40 even in ministry we can get so busy
34:42 with ministry
34:44 that you are not paying attention
34:47 the same attention you should,
34:49 but distractions are like the devil's magnetic field
34:53 to draw us away from the Lord.
34:55 But then doubt, you know, and that's, boy,
35:00 when people start doubting the Lord,
35:03 if they don't know,
35:04 if you don't know the character of the Lord,
35:07 the nature of God, His essence, His love,
35:11 and character has to line up with the nature.
35:17 So, all of God's character attributes
35:20 have to be lined up with that love.
35:23 And if you see anything about God
35:25 that you feel is not lining up with that,
35:29 then you've misunderstood the attribute.
35:32 You've got a scripture.
35:33 Yeah, what you were saying just made me think of,
35:37 you know, our whole battle
35:39 really comes down to the Word of God.
35:41 And we saw it in the very beginning,
35:43 the contest with Eve in the Garden of Eden
35:46 and the serpent was, would she believe God's word,
35:49 or would she believe what the serpent said.
35:51 And this really, really spoke to me
35:53 when I saw this a few years ago.
35:54 This comes from Revelation 21, and it's verse 8.
35:59 But before,
36:01 well, what is talking about here
36:03 is the people
36:04 that are not going to be in heaven.
36:07 And it lists a whole bunch of things,
36:10 the abominable, and murderers,
36:12 and whoremonger, and sorcerers, different things,
36:14 I'm not even sure what all these things are,
36:16 but the adulterers, liars, et cetera
36:17 and you hear the list,
36:19 of course,
36:20 they're not going to be in heaven.
36:22 But the first things that are listed on this list
36:24 is the fearful and the unbelieving.
36:27 And I'm just like, wow, this, we think, well,
36:30 how can you list that with all these things?
36:33 It's over God's Word.
36:35 Are we going to believe He is who He says He is?
36:38 You know, when the Bible says,
36:41 Paul, in Hebrews anyway he writes
36:43 and it says without faith,
36:45 it is passed in,
36:46 oh, no, that's yeah, without faith,
36:48 it is impossible to please the Lord.
36:51 That's right.
36:52 If you look at 1 John 5:10-12, somewhere in there,
36:56 when it's talking about,
36:57 this is the testament of the Lord
36:59 that He sent His Son but it says,
37:02 if we disregard the testimony of the Lord,
37:05 if we're doubting God's testimony,
37:08 we're regarding Him as a liar.
37:12 So, when you think about that, no wonder without faith,
37:16 it's impossible if we are to live
37:18 by every word,
37:20 yet we don't know the Word of God
37:22 or we doubt the Word of God and think that can't be for us.
37:26 It's hard for God to really work in our lives
37:29 if we're regarding Him as a liar.
37:31 Yeah.
37:34 This is so true.
37:36 And I think
37:39 what God is wanting to do
37:40 is taking each of us deeper in our own faith journey.
37:47 We need greater faith.
37:50 Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word.
37:53 And so, we need to be in the Word,
37:55 we need to be saturating our minds
37:57 with Scripture.
37:59 We need to be reading it and meditating upon
38:01 and as we're reading these things,
38:03 and also as we're also building faith
38:07 by seeing,
38:08 looking what God has done in the past,
38:10 but also seeing how God's working
38:11 in the lives of others.
38:13 I mean, this has been a huge encouragement
38:15 for my journey
38:16 is seeing different stories where God has worked,
38:19 I think of my friend Pavel Goia.
38:21 He has a book "One Miracle After The Other, "
38:24 just incredible testimonies
38:26 and you say I want that kind of faith.
38:28 Well, how does that faith come?
38:29 Comes as we're in God's Word, and we're reading and studying,
38:32 we're like, this is what I want.
38:33 And this is what God began doing in my own life
38:36 because I'm like, Lord,
38:38 I don't want to have a superficial experience.
38:40 I want to go deeper.
38:41 So, show me.
38:43 And in the process, He, of course,
38:46 is touching very vulnerable areas
38:48 of my life.
38:49 And I'm like, you know, struggling to understand
38:53 what He's doing and why.
38:54 But He's been growing my faith and His faithfulness
38:57 and He has been so good.
38:59 You know, I look back over the years and say,
39:01 yeah, there's prayers that I pray
39:04 that He still hasn't answered.
39:06 But I can see His faithfulness through the journey.
39:08 And something really, really special happened
39:10 a few years ago,
39:11 when I had shared
39:13 a little bit of my single testimony,
39:14 which I said, I've been a little,
39:16 not sure to share
39:17 just because it's a vulnerable story.
39:21 It's, yeah, and it's not finished
39:23 and all of that,
39:25 but I shared this
39:26 with a group of young people in the Philippines.
39:28 And afterwards, this young man came up to me.
39:31 And he said, he wrote me this little note,
39:33 he's like a 15, 16-year-old young man.
39:36 And he said, Melody, "God said no to you
39:38 so that he could say yes to us,
39:39 so that you could come and teach us
39:41 how to have a relationship with Jesus."
39:42 Praise the Lord.
39:44 And my heart just broke and I was just like,
39:45 praise, praise God.
39:48 I mean, if He says no to some of my prayers,
39:53 but in the process
39:55 is using that to bring more to Him.
39:58 I mean, that's what I would want
39:59 in the long run, that's what I want.
40:01 Yeah, I want to share the story if I can remember it.
40:05 When we were in Houston,
40:06 I wasn't a Seventh-day Adventist yet,
40:08 but we found most wonderful church.
40:10 And this pastor was a good Bible teacher.
40:13 Oh, he was good.
40:15 He always tied the Old
40:16 and the New Testament in together.
40:18 Well, he had grown up in Foursquare,
40:22 but he'd grown up being taught
40:24 that you should never compliment
40:26 anyone.
40:27 So, his wife said
40:29 that here they were living on a,
40:32 you know, beginning,
40:33 he wasn't a pastor when she married him,
40:36 but God called him and he accepted it
40:38 and she ever wanted to be a pastor's wife.
40:39 She was very shy.
40:41 And so she said,
40:43 we're living on a very small salary
40:45 and I would really shop to,
40:48 you know, shop the sales to try to look nice,
40:51 and she said, he would never,
40:54 she said I'd come down on Sunday mornings,
40:56 she said, he'd never say that I look nice,
40:59 and I needed that so much.
41:02 She said, I needed him to affirm me.
41:05 And so she said that she prayed and she prayed.
41:10 And she went through this for several years.
41:12 And she finally got to the point
41:15 where she said,
41:17 Lord, your approval is all I need.
41:20 That's right.
41:22 And she said she just praying and thanking the Lord.
41:24 So, guess what?
41:26 She walks down the stairs.
41:28 And her husband turns around
41:29 and he looks at her and he said,
41:31 "You look so lovely. That's a beautiful dress."
41:36 And I wasn't a strong Christian at the time,
41:39 you know what I said?
41:41 Isn't that just like a man?
41:44 When you need them to, they won't
41:46 and when you don't need them to,
41:48 they do.
41:49 And you know what she said to me?
41:50 And this is precious.
41:52 She said, Shelley, you don't realize.
41:54 She said, I believe God kept him
41:57 from giving me that affirmation,
42:01 because I was seeking it so much from man
42:04 that I wasn't seeking it from the Lord.
42:06 And she said, so God brought me
42:08 through this growing process
42:10 to where I was satisfied with him,
42:13 then he could give it to me from other sources.
42:17 That's beautiful. It is a beautiful story.
42:18 And I think that's what He's seeking to do
42:21 with all of us.
42:22 Amen.
42:24 You know, just recently, some dear friends of mine,
42:30 suffered a really tragic accident
42:32 earlier this summer.
42:34 And their names are TJ and Marianne,
42:37 and they were in a wreck.
42:40 Marianne was with her three daughters,
42:44 and the oldest daughter was killed.
42:46 And Marianne herself was paralyzed
42:50 from the neck down.
42:52 And I remember getting the text message
42:55 and just like no, Lord, no, this can't be.
43:00 This beautiful family, you would look at them
43:02 and he would say
43:03 they have the picture perfect family.
43:05 And, you know, we all have our struggles
43:07 but just beautiful godly family,
43:09 living out in the country.
43:10 TJ is an ER doctor.
43:12 I knew them when I lived in Loma Linda years ago,
43:15 and she's been a teacher
43:16 and now she's a homeschooling mom.
43:18 And here they are thrust
43:20 into this family's worst nightmare.
43:21 And he didn't know about it
43:23 till they brought her into his ER room.
43:27 That's right.
43:28 That was her and the kids come into his ER
43:30 where he is on duty.
43:33 And anyway, this horrific situation.
43:37 Their faith through this, I mean, there is so much pain,
43:41 there's been so much tears.
43:42 I had the opportunity to go out
43:44 three weeks later after the accident
43:46 to be with Marianne the very weekend
43:48 that he went with the family to bury the daughter up North
43:51 and so I was by her side, along with her,
43:56 his aunt that was also there during this very difficult time
43:59 and wiping her tears
44:00 because she can't even wipe her own tears.
44:02 She can't even scratch her own head
44:04 or touch her face
44:05 or at this point in time she couldn't.
44:07 And I remember going to be with her
44:10 and thinking, Lord,
44:11 help me to encourage their faith,
44:14 help me to strengthen them
44:16 that even in the midst of this unexplainable tragedy,
44:20 You're still here, You're still good.
44:22 You're still in control.
44:24 Did this accident catch God by surprise?
44:27 Did this tragedy, you know, suddenly, like God,
44:29 oh, no, what I wasn't watching and this happened.
44:32 No, you know,
44:33 the Lord saw it coming, the Lord in mercy.
44:36 In fact, in this, in their experience,
44:41 she had been pregnant and in a month or so earlier,
44:44 she had miscarried and lost the baby.
44:47 And they recognized
44:48 just that was an act of mercy
44:50 because she would have been like seven months pregnant
44:51 when that accident happened.
44:53 But anyway, there was so many miracles
44:54 that happened,
44:55 how the, how the helicopter even got to her,
44:58 they were already in the air when the call went out,
45:00 somebody was driving past called immediately
45:03 she wouldn't have been able to keep breathing
45:04 because of her paralysis, she couldn't breathe.
45:06 And so, it was just a matter of time
45:08 before she completely shut down.
45:11 But they were able to get to her in time.
45:13 So anyway,
45:14 I go to see her and I'm praying,
45:15 Lord, please help me to encourage their faith.
45:18 And the opposite happened.
45:20 They encouraged my faith as the last night
45:23 that I was leaving after I'd been there
45:24 with Marianne and TJ.
45:26 Marianne told me, she said, "Melody,
45:28 when you share our story,
45:30 be sure to tell people God is good.
45:34 And He has been so good to us.
45:37 Does this mean it's been easy?
45:39 No, I mean, this is the nightmare
45:40 of our lives,
45:42 losing our child
45:43 and now I can't even take care of my children.
45:44 I can't even take care of my husband
45:46 or do anything like a normal mom anymore.
45:48 But God has been so good.
45:52 And we see His goodness even in this tragedy."
45:55 And I just think, wow, when He has tried me,
45:58 I shall come forth as gold
46:00 to have that kind of faith that can say,
46:02 even in that type of tragedy, God is good.
46:05 Amen.
46:06 You know, I'm trying to think of the name of the boy
46:09 that we prayed for so far all through the summer.
46:12 But anyway,
46:14 his mother had written on a post,
46:17 this young man was terribly ill,
46:19 and they nearly lost him so many times.
46:23 And she wrote when,
46:25 like, when something would happen,
46:27 and he would start recovering, she'd write God is good.
46:30 But she said, even if He hadn't,
46:33 God is still good.
46:34 I want to read 1 Peter 4:12.
46:37 Peter writes, "Beloved,
46:39 do not think it's strange concerning the fiery trial,
46:43 which is to try you
46:44 as though some strange thing happened to you."
46:47 First of all, we know it isn't God
46:49 who is orchestrating it,
46:51 it's the one who comes to steal,
46:53 kill and destroy,
46:54 but as you said, God saw it, He didn't intervene.
46:58 But then he goes on and he says this,
47:00 "Rejoice to the extent
47:03 that you partake of Christ's sufferings,
47:06 so that when His glory is revealed,
47:09 you may also be glad with exceeding joy.
47:12 You know, when we think about how much Jesus suffered
47:17 and realize that He being God
47:22 came down and became a man.
47:23 That's amazing.
47:26 That was about your mother's journey
47:29 because we've been praying for your mom as well.
47:32 And she has had a journey with cancer.
47:35 Yeah, she was diagnosed two years ago
47:37 with stage four lung cancer.
47:39 And the summer she was diagnosed,
47:41 I actually thought she was going to die.
47:42 Then because
47:44 she was already struggling breathing,
47:45 she was in pain.
47:47 We found out she had four different tumors.
47:51 And so, anyway, praise God.
47:53 It's really, it's really been a miracle
47:57 and we're still on the journey,
47:59 but we ended up
48:00 pursuing natural alternative routes.
48:03 We went to a clinic
48:05 called hope for cancer in Mexico,
48:07 and just all natural lifestyle treatments
48:08 and everything
48:10 and God has blessed those treatments,
48:12 three of the four tumors have gone, are all gone.
48:15 She still has one
48:16 and it's not been really getting better,
48:18 but it's not getting worse.
48:20 And so, she's been maintaining,
48:21 she's not having breathing problems.
48:22 She's continuing to live active life and still,
48:27 you know, not as strong as she was before.
48:29 But she's watched
48:30 two more grandchildren to be born.
48:32 I have two nieces and two nephews
48:34 from two to each of my brothers,
48:37 and she's gotten to watch that process.
48:39 And so, we don't know how long we have her for
48:42 but we just praise the Lord for each day.
48:45 And, you know, God's really been showing me
48:47 through this crisis
48:48 that our family's been going
48:49 through the last couple of years.
48:51 I mean, I'm very close to my parents
48:52 and so the thought of losing them
48:53 it's just like, no, this can't happen.
48:55 You know, when it first, the possibility first hit me,
48:58 I was just devastated.
48:59 But then the strength comes
49:01 and you recognize God's with you.
49:03 And He's been really showing me through this crisis.
49:05 I love Daniel 3:17.
49:07 And I'm not going to look it up and read it.
49:08 But Daniel 3:17 is referring
49:10 to the fiery furnace experience,
49:12 Daniel's three friends,
49:13 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,
49:15 they're faced with a fiery furnace.
49:16 And the king says, "If you don't bow down,
49:19 I'm gonna throw you into the furnace."
49:21 And I love what they said, they said,
49:22 "Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us
49:24 from the fiery furnace,
49:26 He's able, but even if He doesn't,
49:29 we're not going to bow down."
49:30 And this story has become very personal to me
49:32 in my own personal crisis in my life.
49:35 You know, both in my own walk with,
49:38 you know, unfulfilled in certain areas of my life,
49:41 not knowing what God's doing,
49:43 and in my relationship with my family
49:46 not knowing how long I'm going to have
49:48 my mom or different things.
49:49 I'm like, Lord, I trust You.
49:52 I'm going to serve You, I believe You are still good.
49:55 You know, like Marianne says
49:56 in the midst of being paralyzed.
49:58 I just actually came from her yesterday,
50:00 I just spent two days with her yesterday.
50:01 At the Colorado?
50:03 And she's doing so much better,
50:04 but she's still paralyzed.
50:06 But she's moving a little bit more.
50:07 Praise God.
50:08 But in my own journey, I trust You.
50:12 But even if You don't do,
50:14 what, you know, we would like deliverance,
50:17 healing from disease, whatever.
50:18 I'm still gonna believe,
50:20 I'm still gonna trust that You're good.
50:21 And that's just been very, very.
50:23 But I think my, one of my favorite scriptures
50:25 is when Job said,
50:26 even if he slay, yet will I trust Him.
50:29 Yet will I trust Him.
50:30 Amen and amen.
50:33 We're getting close.
50:34 I think you had a quote
50:35 that you wanted to read about God,
50:39 God's leading of His children.
50:41 Yeah, let me read this before I share this last,
50:43 this last testimony.
50:45 I love this quote,
50:46 and this has given me so much courage.
50:47 It comes from Desire of Ages.
50:50 And it says, "God never leads His children
50:52 otherwise then they would choose
50:54 to be led,
50:56 if they could see the end from the beginning
50:58 and discern the glory of the purpose
51:00 which they are fulfilling as co-workers with Him.
51:03 Not Enoch who was translated to heaven,
51:06 not Elijah, who'd ascended in a chariot of fire
51:09 were greater or more honored than John the Baptist
51:12 who perished alone in the dungeon.
51:14 Of all the gifts
51:15 that heaven can bestow upon men,
51:18 fellowship with Christ in His sufferings
51:20 is the most weighty trust and the highest honor."
51:25 And just seeing this
51:26 and the fact that God never leaves His children
51:27 and otherwise
51:29 then they would choose to be led.
51:30 Amen.
51:31 We could see the end from the beginning.
51:34 I think during those thousand years,
51:36 when we're in heaven, and He opens the book,
51:38 we're going to be looking at that
51:40 and saying, Lord, I understand,
51:42 you know, we're not to understand
51:43 everything right now.
51:45 But there will come a day when He will explain everything
51:48 and we'll be saying He is a good God.
51:51 That's right. All right.
51:53 So, let's talk about a quote
51:56 that you have from David Wilkerson.
51:58 David Wilkerson, comes from the story,
52:00 the Cross and the Switchblade back from the 80s,
52:03 which many people are familiar with.
52:04 He died a few years ago in a tragic car wreck
52:07 but right before he died,
52:09 he wrote this, these statements, and this is,
52:13 I think, so powerful.
52:14 And so, I want to share this with anyone that's out there
52:17 that may be going through their own time of pain
52:20 or question or wondering what God is doing.
52:23 This is for you.
52:25 "To believe when all means fail is exceedingly pleasing to God
52:29 and is most acceptable.
52:31 Jesus said to Thomas,
52:32 you have believed because you have seen,
52:35 but blessed are those that do believe
52:37 and have not seen.
52:40 Blessed are those who believe when there is no evidence
52:42 of an answer to prayer, who trusts beyond hope,
52:44 when all means have failed,
52:47 someone has come to the place of hope,
52:48 hopelessness, the end of hope, the end of all means,
52:51 a loved one is facing death and doctors give no hope.
52:54 Death seems inevitable.
52:56 Hope is gone.
52:58 The miracle prayed for is not happening.
53:00 This is when Satan's hordes come quickly
53:02 to attack your mind with fear, anger,
53:04 overwhelming questions.
53:05 Where's your God now?
53:07 You prayed until you had no tears left.
53:09 You fasted, you stood on the promises,
53:11 you trusted,
53:12 blasphemous thoughts will be injected
53:14 into your mind,
53:15 prayer fade, prayer failed, faith failed.
53:18 Don't quit on God, just don't trust Him anymore.
53:21 It doesn't pay.
53:23 Even questioning God's existence
53:25 will be injected into your mind.
53:27 These have been the devices of Satan for centuries,
53:29 some of the godless men and women
53:31 who have ever lived
53:32 were under such demonic attacks.
53:35 To those going through the valley
53:36 of the shadow of death,
53:38 hear this word,
53:39 weeping will last through some dark awful nights
53:42 and in that darkness,
53:43 you will soon hear the father whisper,
53:45 I am with you.
53:47 I cannot tell you why right now, but one day,
53:50 it will all make sense.
53:52 You will see it was all part of my plan.
53:54 It was no accident.
53:56 It was no failure on your part.
53:57 Hold fast.
53:59 Let me embrace you in your hour of pain."
54:01 And here's the last sentence here.
54:03 "Beloved, God has never failed to act,
54:06 but in goodness and love, when all means fail,
54:09 His love prevails, hold fast to your faith,
54:13 stand fast in His word,
54:14 there is no other hope in this world.
54:19 So, we have to believe God is good,
54:21 not because He always gives us the answers,
54:25 but because He gives us Himself.
54:27 Amen.
54:28 And you know,
54:30 I think sometimes when the devil came to Jesus
54:35 in the wilderness, what did he do?
54:38 He quoted scripture out of context,
54:40 he always twists God's Word.
54:44 And Jesus was able to pull out
54:46 the sword of the Spirit and say,
54:48 it is written and He gave the more accurate.
54:52 And I remember I was London,
54:55 or, well, Manchester I think it was,
54:57 anyway,
54:58 I was speaking to a large group of people,
55:01 and somehow Romans 8:28 came up that,
55:04 you know, God works all things together for good
55:06 for those who love Him
55:08 and are called according to His purpose.
55:10 And I said, you know,
55:11 there weren't chapters inverse distinctions
55:15 when the Bible was written.
55:17 Man inserted that,
55:19 they never should have separated
55:20 Romans 8:28 from Romans 8:29.
55:24 Because I said,
55:25 what would you do if you had just been,
55:28 there's been a car wreck and you'd lost your husband
55:31 and three kids
55:32 and somebody from your church comes up and says,
55:35 oh, honey, God works all things together for good
55:38 for those who love Him.
55:40 You'd want to punch. That's right.
55:42 But the rest of the thought is He says,
55:47 for those He foreknew
55:50 He predestined to be conformed
55:53 to the image of Jesus.
55:55 So, when something bad happens,
55:59 Christ went through it all, He has suffered everything.
56:03 But what God is doing
56:05 is He will take those circumstances,
56:08 and He will work it out for your good
56:10 to make you a little more Christ like.
56:12 Yes.
56:14 And, you know, there was a lady who came up to me.
56:16 And it was she hung back
56:18 for about 45 minutes afterwards,
56:20 you know, you're talking to people.
56:22 And I just kept noticing this woman,
56:24 she just didn't take her eyes off of me.
56:26 And she came up to me
56:28 finally when everybody else had left,
56:29 and she said,
56:31 this is the first time I've been to church
56:33 or to a church event in two years.
56:35 And she said, my husband,
56:38 and my children and I were at the beach.
56:42 My sons were out,
56:44 and they got caught in a riptide
56:47 and my husband went out to save them.
56:49 All three of them drown.
56:51 And somebody in her church misquoted scripture and said
56:56 God works all things together for good.
56:58 So, this is what we've got to know
57:01 is that we have to live by prayer and faith
57:06 and we have to dare to live by every word of God.
57:10 So, stay tuned,
57:12 we're going to come back in just a moment.
57:13 Melody has a new book,
57:16 "Daring to Live by Every Word of God."
57:20 And we're going to share some of that teaching with you.
57:23 It's going to be out in February, I believe.
57:24 That's right.
57:26 So, she's going to share,
57:27 kind of give us a little preview of that,
57:29 and how we need to give God
57:32 the keys to every room of our lives.
57:36 So please don't go away.
57:38 We'll be back in exactly two minutes,
57:40 and we look forward
57:42 to seeing you on the other side.
57:43 Thank you.


Revised 2020-08-07