3ABN Today Live

Marriage and Family Relationships, for the Millennials and beyond

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL190028A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my word
00:30 heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 mending broken people
01:09 Hello and welcome
01:10 to a special Thursday Night Live.
01:12 Thank you for joining us as you do each and every day
01:16 and especially for the Thursday Night Live programs.
01:19 We're here in West Frankfort/Thompsonville,
01:21 Illinois,
01:23 and it's been a great week here in Southern Illinois.
01:26 It's not been too hot, has it?
01:27 No, it started to actually feel a little bit like fall.
01:29 Yeah, I agree. It's been a little cool.
01:32 And I noticed our cat,
01:33 we have a little cat named Pebbles.
01:35 And she was sitting on our back deck this morning
01:38 in the sunshine.
01:39 She was enjoying the morning sunshine.
01:41 So that tells you it's getting a little cooler in the morning
01:43 because she's looking for that warmth indeed.
01:46 But we're so glad for your prayers
01:48 and financial support for the ministry of 3ABN.
01:51 If it weren't for you,
01:53 this ministry wouldn't be in existence.
01:55 And what's really special about you being part of our family
01:57 is that you're making a difference
01:59 in the lives of other people.
02:01 So as you give your donations to 3ABN,
02:04 it's making a difference for eternity.
02:06 And we have a special program this evening, don't we?
02:09 This is going to be a lot of fun.
02:10 It's on relationships, marriage, family.
02:15 We all have relationship with someone.
02:16 I agree.
02:18 And that's important, whether you're married
02:19 or divorced or widowed
02:21 or whatever status, you are single,
02:24 never been married,
02:25 this program is for you.
02:26 Because we God created us
02:28 to be in relationship with other people,
02:31 He created us to be in relationship with Him
02:33 first of all,
02:34 and then in relationship with other people.
02:36 So we all have a friend, we all have a family member,
02:38 we all have a co-worker.
02:40 And this program is going to be a lot of fun.
02:42 I want to say we have some old friends,
02:45 but that is not a good word because...
02:46 No.
02:47 We are still very young,
02:49 I just want you all to know that right now.
02:50 Thank you, baby. That's good, I appreciate that.
02:52 We have Pastor Steve and Tammy Conway with us.
02:55 And Pastor Steve, we went to school with him.
02:57 We won't even say what year that was,
02:59 but we graduated together.
03:00 That just seems like yesterday.
03:04 Oh, thank you.
03:05 Like 20 some years ago, though, isn't it?
03:07 Yeah, you had to go and spoil it.
03:10 Pastor, that was kindergarten.
03:12 We went to kindergarten together.
03:13 Okay. Yeah.
03:14 But we had a great time in school together.
03:16 Absolutely.
03:17 It's a blessing 'cause I know we get to see
03:18 as we go to some GYC, ASIs, other events,
03:22 but it's a blessing to have you here
03:23 first time for you and your wife
03:25 to be here at 3ABN.
03:26 Yes, yes, yes.
03:27 It's kind of in the middle of nowhere, isn't it?
03:29 Yeah, it is.
03:31 But it's wonderful to be here.
03:32 Wonderful to get an opportunity
03:34 to spend some time with friends
03:36 and to see what God is doing here at 3ABN.
03:39 Amen.
03:40 Because the city you come from is,
03:42 you know, we have a population of
03:43 here in Thomasville 550 people.
03:46 And I know where you guys come from,
03:47 just a tad bit more people, right?
03:49 Yeah, yeah, Detroit, Michigan is where we're from.
03:53 So there's a little bit more than that.
03:56 I think there's in the surrounding suburbia
04:00 and the city,
04:02 there's probably about 3.1 million people in the area.
04:05 Just a little bit different. Yeah.
04:06 Little different than 550.
04:08 So, Pastor Steve,
04:10 you are the pastor
04:11 of the Detroit Northwest Church.
04:12 Yes, Detroit Northwest Seventh-day Adventist Church.
04:15 How long have you all been pastoring there?
04:17 Eight years. Yeah.
04:19 Eight years, eight wonderful years.
04:22 Yeah.
04:23 And you have some children?
04:25 Oh, yes.
04:26 I know we have several pictures.
04:27 And you'll have to give their names.
04:29 Okay, here we go. Starting from the youngest.
04:31 Oh, the baby there smiling in the corner is...
04:33 This has been a few years ago too.
04:35 Yeah. Yes, yes.
04:36 Yeah, that's Angel.
04:38 And then the very cheesy one in the corner, that's Gabriel.
04:40 And then just behind us is our oldest son Israel
04:43 and our daughter Abigail.
04:44 Okay.
04:46 And then this transition to one
04:47 that's just to this is pretty recent, right?
04:48 Oh, yeah. Yes.
04:50 Grownups.
04:51 And Israel is actually a lot taller than that
04:53 even now, he's probably about 6'1.
04:57 Oh, wow. He's taller than his dad.
04:58 Wow! Yeah.
05:00 You see his growth spurt? Oh, yes.
05:05 Absolutely.
05:06 So, Tammy, tell us what you do.
05:07 I know you're a wife and a mom.
05:09 I definitely am a wife and a mom.
05:11 And that keeps me pretty busy.
05:13 But I do speaking now,
05:15 kind of endeavored more in that this year,
05:17 and try to run a blog
05:20 and I serve on the Women's Ministry Board
05:22 in Michigan Conference.
05:23 And so my hand is in a lot of little different things,
05:26 as well as helping
05:27 with the Ministry of Stamena4Life.
05:29 Yeah.
05:30 And tell us about Stamena4Life.
05:31 But before we get there,
05:33 you do an incredible job with the women's ministry team.
05:36 I had a privilege of being there this past year.
05:38 Oh, wow.
05:40 And Michigan Conference there at campus
05:41 above the women's ministry team there is incredible.
05:44 Wow.
05:45 Just many weekends and your cohesiveness
05:49 and the organization and the fun, it was just...
05:52 You did a great job, you and the team.
05:54 Praise God. The Lord is so good.
05:55 You know, we have a fearless leader.
05:57 We like to call her Janie.
05:59 And she's just amazing.
06:00 Her personality,
06:02 she makes it so easy to be creative.
06:04 She loves the Lord.
06:05 And she just has a way of bringing us all together
06:08 to get it done.
06:09 And it's been such an amazing, amazing journey.
06:11 Yeah.
06:13 So it was three weekends in a row.
06:14 I have to say that, pastor,
06:16 I went to the women's ministry three weekends in a row.
06:19 And I was blessed. Yes, yes.
06:21 It was a great time, and you do, I agree.
06:23 The Michigan Conference
06:24 has a fantastic women's ministry team.
06:26 Amen.
06:27 I was blessed even though I was a man,
06:30 it was good o be there to support you.
06:32 Thank you. That's okay.
06:33 But it was a blessing.
06:35 Thank you for what you and your team do.
06:36 Aw, thank you so much. And thank you for coming.
06:38 I mean, it was just... It blessed us.
06:39 It really, really did.
06:41 It was such an amazing, amazing weekend.
06:43 It was a privilege to be there. Yeah.
06:44 So tell us about Stamena4Life. What's that all about?
06:47 Well, Stamena4Life is...
06:50 What is that word called again, Tamra?
06:53 A portmanteau.
06:54 Say it again. Portmanteau.
06:56 I just learned this word.
06:58 And what does that mean? I need a dictionary right now.
07:01 Well, so tell me what that is.
07:02 What that is is it's a...
07:04 Because the spelling of Stamena is not the dictionary spelling.
07:08 But it's a combination of our names
07:11 Steven and Tamara.
07:13 So Stamena4Life and you know,
07:18 through the years God has been so good to us.
07:23 Our journey has been an exciting one.
07:26 We've had the privilege of meeting
07:27 so many different people
07:29 in various different stages of their lives.
07:32 And, you know, although it's been a blessing,
07:36 there's always something that you want to share
07:39 that sometimes you don't have the opportunity to,
07:41 and then you want to keep up with people,
07:44 and sometimes you lose track of where they are,
07:47 and so forth, and so on.
07:48 So Stamena4Life
07:49 has kind of been born out of that.
07:52 My wife and I, it's our attempt at trying to continue
07:56 to further the relationships that we've built with people
08:00 to provide resources
08:01 and various different things like that.
08:03 Yeah, yeah.
08:04 And also to I think one of the things
08:05 that we wanted to do is
08:07 we are living in a really interesting time, right?
08:11 With millennials,
08:12 and we have the privilege
08:14 of being able to work with campus ministries
08:15 for several years.
08:16 So we're always around younger generation.
08:19 So we hear their thoughts
08:20 we hear where they're coming from,
08:21 and their thoughts about relationships of all kinds.
08:24 And we couldn't help but to just be driven to
08:27 trying to create a space
08:28 where they can come and get not just answers
08:31 but address some of the really important things
08:32 that are on their minds as well.
08:34 Yeah. Fantastic.
08:36 Yeah, so tonight, we're gonna be diving
08:38 into talking about marriage, relationships.
08:42 All of it. All of all of that.
08:44 So we don't want you to turn off the TV
08:46 'cause it's not just about marriage.
08:48 It's about relationships,
08:49 like we were talking about earlier.
08:50 And we're all involved in relationships,
08:52 family, church,
08:54 'course in marriage, children, work.
08:56 And I know you got some interesting statistics
08:58 on the millennial
09:00 also generation too and relationships.
09:01 That's where we are right now for seeing the young people
09:04 and what they're dealing with.
09:06 But what we want to do right now
09:08 is go to some music.
09:10 We have Scott Michael Bennett with us
09:12 and he's going to be playing
09:13 and singing a beautiful song and titled Blessings.
09:34 We pray for blessings
09:38 We pray for peace
09:42 Comfort for family
09:45 Protection while we sleep
09:49 We pray for healing
09:53 For prosperity
09:57 We pray for Your mighty hand
10:01 To ease our suffering
10:05 And all the while
10:08 You hear each spoken need
10:12 Yet love is way too much
10:15 To give us lesser things
10:19 'Cause what if your blessings Come through raindrops
10:23 What if Your healing Comes through tears
10:27 And what if A thousand sleepless nights
10:30 Are what it takes to know You're near
10:36 What if trials of this life
10:40 Are Your mercies in disguise
10:58 We pray for wisdom Your
11:02 voice to hear
11:05 And we cry out in anger
11:09 When we cannot feel You near
11:14 We doubt your goodness
11:18 We doubt your love
11:21 As if every promise From Your Word
11:25 Is not enough
11:28 All the while
11:32 You hear Each desperate plea
11:36 And long that We'd have Faith to believe
11:43 'Cause what if your blessings Come through raindrops
11:47 What if Your healing Comes through tears
11:50 And what if A thousand sleepless nights
11:54 Are what it takes To know You're near
12:00 And what if trials of this life
12:04 Are Your mercies in disguise
12:11 When friends betray us
12:15 When darkness seems to win We know
12:19 This pain reminds this heart
12:21 That this is not No, this is not our home
12:31 Is not our home
12:41 'Cause what if your blessings Come through raindrops
12:45 What if Your healing Comes through tears
12:49 And what if A thousand sleepless nights
12:52 Are what it takes to know You're near
12:59 What if my greatest Disappointments
13:03 Or the aching of this life
13:07 Is the revealing Of a greater thirst
13:12 This world can't satisfy
13:18 What if trials of this life
13:22 The rain, the storms, The hardest nights
13:27 Are your mercies in disguise
13:56 Thank you so much, Scott Michael Bennett.
13:57 I think that's one of my favorite all time songs.
14:00 I just love that song, Blessings.
14:02 And what God wants to do in our lives
14:05 and even in the midst of pain or trial or tragedy
14:09 to know that God can still be working
14:12 even in the midst of that pain.
14:14 I love that.
14:15 We want to remind you that tonight is a live program.
14:18 If you're just joining us,
14:19 we're talking with Pastor Steve Conway
14:22 and his beautiful wife Tammy.
14:24 And they are the Speaker/Director
14:26 for Stamena4Life ministries
14:28 and we're so blessed to have both of you here.
14:31 We want to put up our contact information
14:33 because in the second hour,
14:35 we get to put you on the hot seat
14:36 and we get to ask some questions
14:39 from you at home.
14:40 So please email us at live@3abn.tv.
14:45 That's live@3abn.tv
14:49 or you can always give us a call at 618-627-4651,
14:55 that number again,
14:57 the call center is open tonight is 618-6274-651.
15:02 So if you're in the midst of a relationship,
15:04 if you have a question about a relationship
15:06 that you are currently involved in,
15:08 whether you should move forward into marriage
15:10 or maybe you're going through a divorce,
15:12 whatever type of question, whatever's on your heart,
15:15 it might even be a prayer need
15:17 for a relationship
15:18 that you're currently involved in,
15:20 feel free to email those in right now
15:23 and to call those in,
15:24 and we'll get to them the second hour.
15:26 So since we're talking about relationships,
15:29 tell us how you all met and about your relationship.
15:34 Well, we met...
15:37 We actually met in chemistry class.
15:41 Chemistry. Was there chemistry?
15:44 Well, you know, I tried.
15:46 I tried for the chemical reaction,
15:48 but nothing, nothing happened.
15:52 But we were in high school together.
15:56 And that's where we first met.
15:58 And I had a conversion experience,
16:03 post high school.
16:04 And I had my mind set on going home
16:08 and witnessing to a whole lot of people
16:11 that I had gone to high school with.
16:13 And in the process of that,
16:14 I ran back into this beautiful woman here
16:18 and invited her and some friends
16:22 over for Bible study
16:23 to my parents' home.
16:25 And the first study we had was on the sanctuary in heaven
16:29 and Jesus' ministry there,
16:31 and how he longs to erase the memory of sin,
16:36 not only from the universe
16:37 but also from our hearts and our minds.
16:39 And so that's how we met.
16:42 And I'll let her tell a little bit of her portion.
16:45 Yeah, it was interesting because we both come from,
16:49 I guess you could say, our beginnings were jaded.
16:51 You know, my home was a broken home,
16:53 my parents divorced
16:55 when I was around nine years old.
16:56 And so anyone who goes through something like that,
17:00 to a greater or lesser degree, are always affected by it.
17:02 And then I also had some abuse,
17:04 you know, whether it was sexual abuse
17:05 and some other things that have taken place in life.
17:07 And so, you know, when you're in high school,
17:09 you don't always know,
17:10 you know, what people are going through,
17:12 young people.
17:13 And I remember distinctly,
17:15 though he was not converted at that time,
17:18 I could tell when I look back,
17:20 that he grew up in a Christian home, you know?
17:22 And so but later on, you know, we had a chance to meet up.
17:26 And while he had that Bible study in his home,
17:29 he went back to college,
17:31 you know, where you all went to school,
17:33 and I continued to study with his mother,
17:35 and I love his mom.
17:37 We had a lot in common.
17:38 She had also been through some abuse and we connected,
17:41 and we continued to study
17:42 and there, you know, came a point
17:44 where I was actually going to church
17:46 on Saturday and Sunday for a very long time.
17:49 Oh, wow.
17:50 Yeah, for a very long time,
17:51 until one day the Lord was just like,
17:53 "Listen, you don't have to do that."
17:54 You know.
17:55 So I rededicated my life to the Lord
17:58 and I got baptized as a Seventh-day Adventist,
18:00 and from there, his wonderful mom...
18:04 He's got a wonderful mother.
18:06 Yeah, that's right.
18:07 She says,
18:09 "Steven, that Tamara is so sweet.
18:11 She is so sweet."
18:13 I said, "Okay, Mom. Okay, Mom."
18:15 But I had already noticed
18:17 how much of a godly
18:18 and Christian woman that she was.
18:21 And it wasn't long after that,
18:23 actually, I was down in Tennessee at the time
18:26 working there
18:28 and actually working with your sister
18:31 and your brother-in-law,
18:34 and I invited her to come down to Tennessee.
18:40 And I proposed to her there.
18:42 And yeah, it was a weird thing.
18:45 We could tell that story some other time.
18:48 'Cause we really didn't date like, you know,
18:50 we both came to understand that
18:54 we needed to do things differently.
18:56 You know, neither one of us,
18:58 truth be told were virgins when we got married, right?
19:01 Because of where we came from in life,
19:02 but we knew that
19:03 if we were going to do things the right way
19:06 that we would just have to do things differently.
19:07 And so we really didn't date.
19:09 Then him asking me to marry him was really,
19:13 you know,
19:14 her response was,
19:16 "But you've never told me he loved me."
19:19 "And here you've asked me to marry you."
19:21 Who does that? Like who does that?
19:23 Which was an interesting thing. Yeah.
19:25 And then I explained to her
19:26 while getting up off of my one knee.
19:29 I explained to her...
19:30 He was so devastated. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
19:32 One knee, you know, fireplace was going,
19:35 you know, starlit night,
19:36 we were out at the lodge and had everything I said...
19:39 Had some roses...
19:40 No, no, no roses.
19:42 But actually, I invited her to go for a drive
19:44 so I could show her...
19:46 I was deaning at the time.
19:47 So my boys had gone and started the fire
19:49 and set things up for us.
19:51 So your boys deans at the academy.
19:52 Absolutely, absolutely.
19:54 And so we get out there, everything was just right.
19:57 And I'm on one knee and she's like,
19:59 "But you never said you loved me."
20:00 I'm like, "Okay." Right.
20:03 And I explained to her I said,
20:04 "Listen, you know,
20:06 I've thrown around those words loosely in my life."
20:10 And so I covenant with God that
20:12 I would not just go around telling women that I love them
20:16 or this, that, and the other.
20:18 And I also confessed to her, I said,
20:20 "Tamara, I'm still learning how to love the right way,
20:25 God's way,
20:27 but as much as is within me
20:29 and as much as I can understand what love is,
20:32 I can tell you that I do love you."
20:34 And then she told me she had to go use the bathroom.
20:39 So she disappeared, and left me there.
20:42 And you didn't know what she was...
20:43 I'm like, "Okay."
20:45 Did you say yes or...
20:46 I didn't say yes right away,
20:47 because, you know, I was grappling with,
20:49 dealing with the untruth that I had learned.
20:52 And I had to let God undo that for me.
20:54 'Cause, you know, when we grow up in the world
20:57 and we grew up watching movies and listening to music,
21:00 you think that the way it happens is,
21:03 you know, they are supposed to touch you and kiss you
21:06 and you do all of that stuff, right?
21:07 That's how you know someone loves you.
21:09 And we never did any of that.
21:10 We were friends, you know.
21:12 And the Lord really spoke to me in that bathroom
21:15 and He let me know like,
21:16 "Listen, Tam..." Get back down and say yes.
21:19 And so many words.
21:21 But the Lord really helped me to understand like,
21:22 "Listen, this is different, right?
21:24 And you're gonna have to trust me, you know.
21:26 And this is the thing I did."
21:28 I knew that God was with us. I didn't have any trepidation.
21:32 It was one of the easiest decisions
21:33 actually I've ever made in my life
21:34 to this day, you know?
21:36 And so when the Lord dealt with me in that bathroom,
21:38 I went back downstairs and I said yes.
21:40 Oh, wow. Amen.
21:42 Yeah, yeah.
21:43 And how many years you guys been married?
21:46 Eighteen years. Eighteen years?
21:47 Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
21:49 So how many months after you said yes
21:52 or you asked her to marry you that you guys got married?
21:55 It was within the next year that we got married.
21:57 Yeah. Yeah.
21:58 'Cause you knew? Yeah.
21:59 Yeah, I knew. Committed.
22:01 Yeah.
22:02 He asked my parents, you know, he got their permission.
22:04 And my parents...
22:05 They knew before she did.
22:06 Yeah, he asked...
22:08 They almost blew it because they called her over,
22:09 prayed over her, your life is gonna be changing.
22:12 And you're like? And we just want...
22:14 And she's like, "What are y'all talking about?"
22:15 And so...
22:17 But my parents were really thankful,
22:18 you know, my parents were not Adventist.
22:20 You know, to see him step out and do something like that
22:23 to show respect to them,
22:24 and involve them in the process.
22:27 And my parents already loved him anyway,
22:28 'cause he was just such a gentleman,
22:30 you know, so it was a blessing.
22:32 So you all made some good choices.
22:36 By the grace of God.
22:37 You know, really into your relationship
22:38 and into your marriage,
22:40 so does that mean since you said I do
22:42 when you got married
22:43 that the rest of the journey has been a bed of roses?
22:46 Oh, no, no. No.
22:48 So what are some of the struggles
22:50 that couples would face
22:51 or that we encounter in relationship?
22:52 Yes. Okay, okay.
22:56 One of them is
23:00 we talked with doing pre-marriage counseling
23:02 with couples.
23:04 We talk about unrealistic expectations.
23:05 Yes.
23:07 It's one of the one of the top reasons
23:08 why couples end up getting divorce.
23:11 My expectations were this
23:13 and my expectations weren't met.
23:15 So I'll pull an example,
23:17 we like to throw ourselves under the bus,
23:19 rather than...
23:20 We can tell a lot of stories about a lot of people.
23:22 Maybe we'll share some. No names, please.
23:24 But we'll share our own.
23:27 When my wife came
23:28 and she had come back from Walmart
23:32 with one of our girlfriends, Susie.
23:35 And Susie had asked her to take a pregnancy test
23:38 while they're at the Walmart.
23:39 'Cause I had the flu, that's what I knew.
23:41 I had the flu. She wasn't feeling well.
23:43 So...
23:44 But your girlfriend thought you might be pregnant?
23:46 Absolutely, absolutely.
23:47 And so she gets there and she calls me outside,
23:51 "I've got to talk to you." We're sitting in a minivan.
23:54 And she's got a brown paper bag.
23:55 Outside of Walmart?
23:57 No, no, no, no,
23:58 this is back on the campus at Laurelbrook.
24:00 And I'm thinking maybe my wife has turned
24:02 to whiskey or drugs or something like that.
24:04 Holy, no.
24:05 But she's got this paper bag.
24:07 And she's like, "I've got something to tell you."
24:08 I'm like, "Okay, what's going on here?"
24:10 But then she pulls out the pregnancy test
24:13 and she gives it to me.
24:15 And, you know, as a man
24:17 who's never seen a pregnancy test before,
24:19 I'm like, "What is this?"
24:21 And she's like, you know,
24:22 she gives me the box or something,
24:24 I can't exactly remember.
24:25 But here's what happened.
24:29 Nothing. Silence.
24:31 When she explained to me what was going on,
24:33 I sat there and I stared out of the front window of the van
24:37 that we were sitting in.
24:39 And, you know, my wife is devastated
24:44 because for her,
24:45 her expectation is we're married,
24:49 we're Christians.
24:50 This is supposed to be an exciting thing.
24:53 She thought you'd be excited. Absolutely.
24:56 And see the other thing about that story was that
24:58 again, as I said,
24:59 I lived in the world for a long time.
25:01 And unfortunately, when I lived in the world,
25:03 I actually had gotten pregnant.
25:05 And I had had an abortion.
25:06 And so coming from that experience,
25:08 giving my life to God, and now being married,
25:11 you know, you know that
25:12 this is the opposite experience to that, right?
25:15 That was so depressing and so harsh and so horrible.
25:17 And so now I'm expecting balloons and...
25:20 You know? Yeah.
25:22 And here we are in the car and so.
25:23 But this is something that he doesn't know
25:25 is happening in my mind at that moment.
25:28 Yeah.
25:29 And while that's going on in her mind,
25:31 I am just being flooded with an array of emotions.
25:37 Am I going to be a good father?
25:40 Am I ready to be a father?
25:43 You know, like what is...
25:44 How is this going to change or affect our lives?
25:48 And just am I going to be able to provide
25:50 and all of these other questions
25:52 that are flooding my mind,
25:53 so I'm being overwhelmed with that.
25:55 And she has an expectation for how I should respond,
25:59 not even understanding what's going on in my mind.
26:01 And I think it may have been
26:03 later on that evening or maybe the next day,
26:06 when I settled in and it was kind of like,
26:09 "Wow, God is in control."
26:11 You've been trying to follow God
26:12 up to this point,
26:13 He's got you, you know?
26:15 And so I was excited and I'm like,
26:16 "Yes! You know, we're gonna have a baby.
26:19 I wonder if it's a boy or girl."
26:21 But by that time, Tamara had kind of...
26:24 You kind of shut down? Yeah, I did.
26:25 She kind of shut down. And so...
26:29 That was one of the first challenges.
26:31 By the way, our plan was that
26:33 we wouldn't have our first child for two years.
26:35 Two years. That was the plan.
26:36 Right, Right.
26:38 But this was like a month after our...
26:40 Our wedding. After our wedding.
26:41 Well, yeah.
26:43 And so that expectations thing,
26:46 it hit us early on in our marriage.
26:49 And it was only by the grace of God
26:51 that we were able to deal with it.
26:54 And God was good.
26:56 That was the first of many challenges.
26:58 Yeah. Yeah.
27:00 So what did you learn from that then?
27:02 Because obviously communication then, right,
27:04 because a month into marriage,
27:06 wow, this wasn't according to our "plan,"
27:08 two years, you're pregnant.
27:10 Yeah.
27:11 And the communication aspect,
27:13 so how did you deal with that part?
27:14 Like how did you know what each other were thinking?
27:16 Yeah, well, we did. That was the problem.
27:18 We did, we did.
27:19 And I wasn't able to get a hold of myself and say,
27:23 "Now listen here, sweetheart,
27:25 this is what I was experiencing and this is what you are..."
27:28 That's not how it went.
27:30 And it actually was several years later
27:33 that we actually were communicating.
27:36 And she shared what was going on in her mind,
27:39 and I was able to share
27:40 what was going on in my mind at the time.
27:43 And, you know,
27:45 actually, it was about a year and a half later
27:49 'cause our second child Abigail,
27:52 she came two years after her brother.
27:56 Not...
27:57 Maybe two years and two months, something like that.
28:00 So in the build up to that,
28:03 we were able to converse and talk.
28:06 And, you know, we didn't want to repeat
28:09 the emotional chasm that had come between us
28:14 and the birth of our first child.
28:16 So we were like,
28:17 "Man, what happened?
28:18 What was that really all about?"
28:20 And so one of the lessons that we learned was
28:24 that she's not a mind reader and I'm not a mind reader.
28:27 That's right. Right.
28:28 And if she has an expectation,
28:32 she should make that expectation know.
28:35 She should let me know.
28:37 And if I have expectations,
28:39 I should communicate those clearly to her
28:42 because it's not fair for her
28:44 to hold me responsible for something
28:46 that she's never clearly communicated to me.
28:49 And likewise, it's not fair for me
28:50 to hold her responsible
28:52 for something that I've not clearly communicated to her.
28:55 And the thing about the expectations too
28:57 is that there are some times
28:58 when you express those things and they're unrealistic,
29:01 but you don't know it until you talk to the person.
29:04 It's fair to let the person say,
29:05 "You know what, I hear you,
29:07 but I don't think I'm going to be able to do that,
29:08 you know, or I don't know
29:10 if I'm going to be able to fulfill,
29:12 you know, that expectation.
29:13 Let's talk about it, you know?"
29:15 Well, that's an area I may need to grow into.
29:17 Yeah.
29:19 Because and this is something else
29:21 we talk about,
29:23 you know, the culture of her home
29:25 was different from the culture of my home.
29:26 Okay. Yeah.
29:28 And obviously, when we get married,
29:29 I'm automatically believing that
29:32 we're going to do things
29:33 the way that things were done in my home,
29:35 and she's automatically thinking
29:37 that we're going to do things
29:39 the way that they were done in her home.
29:40 So we come together
29:42 and, you know,
29:43 she's wondering why isn't he doing things this way,
29:46 and I'm wondering.
29:48 And we are biased.
29:49 I think the way that things were done in my home
29:51 are the best.
29:53 Yeah.
29:54 And she believes the same thing.
29:55 And so communicating and working through
29:58 what we're gonna do.
30:00 And people just assume, you know, I think we all do it.
30:02 People would look at us and say,
30:04 'cause we do it to other people
30:05 that we grew up in the same city,
30:08 you know, in the same area.
30:09 And for goodness sake,
30:11 we are the same ethnic background,
30:12 but do we have the same culture.
30:14 No, we don't.
30:15 We grew up in two different cultural contexts in our home
30:17 because every home has a cultural context,
30:19 how you speak to each other, how you deal with conflict,
30:22 how you resolve conflict, how you communicate,
30:25 it all is there in that home.
30:27 And so it could be drastically different,
30:29 you know?
30:30 Do you say there is...
30:32 Speaking of communication,
30:33 is there one communication style
30:35 that we should all learn to adapt to
30:37 or can people have different communication styles?
30:40 Is there like one correct communication
30:42 way to communicate
30:44 or how should we deal with them?
30:47 That's a good question.
30:48 I would say...
30:49 Let me try to frame this answer
30:52 in a way that kind of actually answers the question.
30:56 There are different communication styles.
31:02 And each one of us...
31:04 And I'll use us as an example again,
31:07 Tamara came with her communication style
31:10 and I came with my communication style.
31:13 In our family, what we've done, by the grace of God,
31:17 is we've actually formed a new communication style.
31:21 So just like she mentioned every family has a culture,
31:25 so our family has a culture
31:27 and we have a language or a way that we communicate.
31:30 And so rather than saying that there's one right way
31:33 or wrong way to do it,
31:36 when couples come together
31:38 or when people have relationships,
31:40 there have to be things within their relationship
31:43 that they build together,
31:44 I'll try to give an example of that.
31:46 And there was a time
31:52 when we were just laughing, giggling,
31:55 and playing with each other.
31:57 And out of Tamara's mouth comes the word...
32:00 Shut up.
32:01 And all of a sudden, everything stopped.
32:03 Everything. And I...
32:05 So you're having a great time, you are laughing...
32:07 I have. I was living my best life. Yes.
32:09 And you say, shut up. Yes.
32:11 And I turned to her and I said, "What did you just say?"
32:14 And I was like, I said, "Shut up."
32:18 And she could tell by the look of my face that
32:21 this was not okay, but it was so out of place
32:23 because we're just laughing and having a great time.
32:26 And I said,
32:27 "Well, listen, in my house you know at best,
32:33 we would ask someone to be quiet,
32:35 but it's extremely rude and obnoxious
32:39 to tell someone to shut up."
32:42 And so we did not...
32:43 We were not allowed to do that in my home.
32:45 And she said,
32:46 "Well, in my home
32:48 we told each other to shut up all the time."
32:50 And probably much worse.
32:52 And either we were joking or we were mad or whatever,
32:55 but it was just a part of the way
32:56 that we communicated.
32:57 So right then and there,
32:59 she and I sat down and we had a conversation.
33:03 I let her know that this was, you know, this had a lot of...
33:08 It had a connotation for him and it did for us.
33:10 Different connotation for me.
33:11 And then we had to decide
33:13 are we going to do this in our home?
33:15 And what our decision was is that,
33:17 no, we're not going to use
33:18 the word or the phrase, shut up,
33:21 in our home.
33:22 So that's kind of how we developed
33:24 a different language
33:26 and how we are still in the process
33:28 really of developing a different culture
33:30 or communication style for our family.
33:33 So everyone brings something, there are some good things,
33:36 there are some bad things.
33:38 But when you come together,
33:39 whether it's in a work environment,
33:41 whether it's in a marriage...
33:42 Church.
33:43 Or in a church setting,
33:45 you can formulate a different communication style.
33:47 Yeah.
33:48 So what about conflict resolution?
33:50 I think you used the word conflict.
33:51 I mean, that's in, you know, family relationships,
33:54 marriage, church, school, work.
33:58 Conflict resolution.
33:59 Yeah. Yeah.
34:00 What's the best way to handle conflict,
34:02 let's say within the marriage, maybe within a family?
34:03 Wow.
34:04 Within the family and within a marriage,
34:06 conflict resolution is,
34:08 I think that's one of the foundational things
34:10 that you learn very early,
34:12 even when it comes to our children.
34:14 You know, this is something even to this day,
34:16 you know, we're constantly trying to teach them,
34:19 you know, and coach them through.
34:20 You know, when you get angry, when you get upset,
34:22 we always tell our kids that
34:24 anger is a secondary emotion,
34:25 right?
34:26 Okay.
34:28 There's normally something else that is there
34:30 that anger takes advantage of.
34:32 And so what do you need to do
34:34 in order to be able to express that.
34:36 And so starting early in teaching them
34:39 how to talk and that is safe to talk.
34:43 You know, in some homes
34:44 they were never allowed to say how they feel.
34:47 You know, some people grow up in homes
34:48 where, you know, to even speak up
34:50 and say this hurts me is offensive,
34:54 you know, and so they're not even allowed to do it.
34:56 So there is no communication.
34:57 Therefore, you cannot resolve any conflict at all.
35:00 Yeah. Yeah.
35:01 Yeah, there are also two
35:06 extreme responses to conflict.
35:09 One is fight and the other one is flight.
35:10 Yeah.
35:12 When it comes to conflict,
35:13 some people are more than happy to get into it.
35:15 They're like, "Bring it on, bring it on."
35:17 Other people will do
35:19 everything in their power to avoid it.
35:21 Yeah.
35:22 And one of the one of the principles
35:24 that we try to share is,
35:26 1 Corinthians 10:31, where it says,
35:29 whether therefore you eat,
35:31 whether you drink or whatsoever you do,
35:32 do all to the glory of God.
35:35 Conflict is an opportunity for us
35:37 to actually give glory to God.
35:40 And that's a...
35:42 It was a new concept to us. Yeah, that is.
35:44 Well, we found out about it, but we've learned that.
35:48 When we look at conflict like that,
35:50 instead of conflict being a war between Tamara and myself,
35:54 conflict instead provides an opportunity for me
35:57 to glorify God.
35:58 And it may mean that I have to surrender
36:02 and submit my desires,
36:03 or it may mean that she has to surrender
36:05 and submit her desires,
36:07 or it may mean that we need to communicate more.
36:10 But whatever the case may be,
36:12 we first need to see conflict
36:14 as an opportunity to glorify God.
36:17 Yeah.
36:18 And one of the hook words to conflict is to confront.
36:21 And again, these are words that I think for so long
36:24 has gotten really a bad reputation.
36:27 But in order to grow, in order to mature,
36:29 in order to become
36:31 whatever it is that God wants us to become,
36:32 we have to be able to confront things.
36:34 And so again, in a lot of areas,
36:38 being in ministry is one of those areas
36:40 and, of course, being in churches.
36:41 You see that oftentimes,
36:43 we try to use God's word
36:45 as an excuse for us not to confront,
36:47 you know, humble thyself.
36:49 And that's good, do those things.
36:50 But if change is gonna happen,
36:52 you have to be able to confront what's there.
36:54 And so confronting is not a bad thing,
36:57 conflict is not a bad thing,
36:58 as long as you do it to glorify God.
37:01 Let me put this caveat in for somebody
37:05 who's slipping their boxing gloves on right now.
37:07 You know what's gonna happen.
37:09 You know, the wisdom and the Spirit of God
37:14 need to lead us and guide us
37:16 into the best ways
37:19 to be able to bring glory to God.
37:22 The Bible says in one sentence that
37:25 it is a good thing for us to overlook things.
37:28 Yeah. Right?
37:30 So there's some times when you have been offended
37:34 or things have been done to you,
37:36 and your immediate response is I need to tell them.
37:39 Yeah.
37:40 But it may be,
37:42 and this is why we need to be led by the Spirit of God,
37:44 that this is not the time for you to confront,
37:48 this is the time for you to overlook.
37:50 And so again, going back to that primary principle,
37:54 Lord, how can I bring glory to You
37:57 in this situation?
37:58 And it may be, God says,
38:00 you need to go to speak to your brother
38:01 or your sister
38:02 right now about this thing,
38:04 or you need to speak to them next week,
38:05 or God may say,
38:07 overlook it this time, you know?
38:10 That's powerful.
38:11 I was thinking back to our first year of marriage,
38:13 'cause we're 17 years next month.
38:15 That's right.
38:16 And we entered marriage, this is telling on us now.
38:20 I should say, I entered it
38:23 thinking that I would communicate well.
38:26 And it's just strange how you think that.
38:28 But you just think, okay, Jill,
38:29 you are verbal and you know how to talk
38:31 and I'll be able to communicate
38:32 and maybe Greg's gonna struggle with that.
38:35 I don't know, it was just a mental thought.
38:37 And I really didn't know.
38:38 But we entered our first year of marriage
38:40 and I remember many times, me thinking,
38:45 "I should overlook, I should not do conflict,
38:47 I should may not even knowing
38:49 how to express what I felt inside,
38:51 not even understanding or thinking
38:54 the Christian thing to do
38:56 is I shouldn't be feeling upset,
38:58 or I shouldn't be feeling hurt by that
39:00 or I shouldn't be whatever."
39:01 So then I would just stuff and stuff again.
39:05 And Greg was very good at,
39:07 "Okay, let's talk about it, let's address this, let's..."
39:11 You know, so I'd go like a whole month in stuff
39:13 and then I'd have a little meltdown and cry a bit.
39:16 And he would say, "What in the world!"
39:18 Oh, well this and this and this.
39:20 Well, there's a whole bunch.
39:21 So I learned,
39:22 "Jill, you need to communicate.
39:24 And it's okay to talk about that stuff."
39:26 You know, that was...
39:28 I think expectations.
39:29 You know, you're talking about that,
39:31 you know, Jill and I be,
39:32 you know, we're gonna have a nice evening,
39:33 we're gonna go out to eat, right?
39:35 So then she's like,
39:36 "Where would you like to eat?
39:37 You know, where would you like to eat?"
39:39 Well, you know... You guys do that.
39:40 And so then I'm like, you know, let's go to...
39:42 I'm going to...
39:43 Well, maybe I shouldn't mention restaurants.
39:44 So anyway, let's go to this particular restaurant.
39:46 And then it's like,
39:49 "Aren't you happy
39:50 that we're going to this restaurant?"
39:52 Okay.
39:53 I thought you said wherever.
39:54 And then she's like, "Yeah, wherever you want to go."
39:56 Well, I thought you didn't really care.
39:57 Well, so then what ended up supposed to be kind of a nice,
40:00 you know, evening.
40:01 You know, it can kind of be a little bit awkward.
40:03 Just a bit. Yeah.
40:05 It's interesting, though, the expectation sometimes like,
40:07 you know, in my mind, I'm thinking,
40:09 "Okay, she doesn't really care where we're going to eat,
40:11 so let me pick this one."
40:12 And in her mind she's thinking,
40:14 "You know exactly the restaurant I want to go
40:15 and why don't you pick that restaurant, you know?"
40:18 So it's just interesting.
40:19 And then dealing with that conflict.
40:20 Yes.
40:22 And for us,
40:23 it really ends up being the communication aspect
40:25 'cause we're not the type,
40:26 neither one of our sides of the family
40:27 when we have a discussion raised voices,
40:29 you know, were more just discuss.
40:31 You know, but for us we didn't always discuss.
40:34 And so we found that was very important
40:36 for our marriage was to communicate.
40:39 Yes.
40:40 You know, I'm thinking about you guys
40:42 for finding out you're pregnant.
40:43 You know, you're just...
40:44 She doesn't know what you're thinking.
40:46 You know, you don't know what she's thinking.
40:47 But yeah, but then built the communicate
40:48 and share that's we can grow.
40:50 It's really a big deal.
40:53 I was thinking as you were talking,
40:55 because my wife and I are both...
40:59 We both have passive aggressive tendencies.
41:02 Yeah.
41:03 That means that,
41:05 like you mentioned in your families that,
41:08 like, I'm not a loud person.
41:10 I'm not going to try to over talk,
41:12 I'm not going to shout, I'm not gonna call names.
41:16 That's just not the way things are gonna happen.
41:18 Yes. And my wife...
41:20 Me, I'm loud and...
41:23 Lively.
41:25 But over the years...
41:27 God has been good. Yes, God has been good.
41:28 So both of us will tend to say,
41:31 "Okay, let me back off. Let me back off."
41:34 And in those instances what happens is that
41:38 what we've suppressed,
41:40 it ends up coming up and some...
41:43 Most unopportunately.
41:44 Right. And so...
41:45 Right, I've been pressing down, pressing down all week.
41:48 And then, you know,
41:50 when she comes in
41:51 and I ask her a question and I,
41:54 "Oh, why did you make beans again?"
41:57 And she just...
41:59 You know, and it's like where did that come from?
42:02 And it's not the question about the beans,
42:04 but it's all the suppressing
42:06 without actually letting me know
42:08 how she's feeling.
42:09 So the passive is gone,
42:11 and now is the rest of the time.
42:14 Yeah, yeah.
42:15 So you noticed on the screen,
42:17 we're putting up the little lower third,
42:19 we call it for questions and comments,
42:21 'cause the second hour,
42:22 we're only 15 minutes from the second hour
42:24 where we're hoping to in the second hour
42:26 to be able to get some questions.
42:27 Of course, Pastor Steve and his wife Tammy,
42:30 do marriage seminars.
42:31 And so the Lord has given them a lot of wisdom
42:34 and they've experienced a lot, and counseled with,
42:36 I don't know, many, many couples and families.
42:39 So we want to encourage you,
42:40 you know, live@3abn.tv
42:43 or you can call us at 618-627-4651.
42:47 So I don't know
42:49 if we can put you on the spot for a moment
42:50 and see if maybe we could role-play,
42:53 maybe some sort of conflict.
42:55 Wow. I don't know if...
42:56 What do you do in your marriage seminars
42:58 that would be something...
42:59 Or role-play something else.
43:01 But if you could role-play something for us,
43:04 kind of show us
43:05 what it would look like worked out.
43:08 Go ahead. You start up. Okay.
43:12 Oh, man.
43:14 You know, I've been working on this website
43:16 for the last couple of days and there's just been so much.
43:19 But you know what, I'm finally to the point
43:21 where I think I'm done, you know?
43:22 Oh, let me take a look at it for you.
43:24 Let me take a look at it. I said...
43:25 Yeah, okay, but I just said, I'm...
43:27 I just want to look at it and see how it looks.
43:28 Let me look at it.
43:30 Okay? Okay, here you go.
43:31 Okay, here. Oh, what is this?
43:33 This is a video? Yeah, that...
43:35 Oh, then let me press play.
43:37 Whoa! I'm not quite...
43:40 Why did you put that music there?
43:43 I'm not done yet.
43:44 You know, I'm just...
43:46 Why did you choose that music?
43:47 I like it.
43:49 I thought that it would be okay.
43:50 Yeah. Oh, okay.
43:52 And by the way, you misspelled this right here.
43:53 Excuse me. That's okay. Thank you.
43:56 Hey.
43:57 I'm just trying to help. Mm-mm.
43:59 No, that's okay.
44:02 I can't believe this.
44:03 Honestly, I spent all this time working on this thing
44:05 and he's just gonna come along
44:07 and just undo everything that I did everything.
44:10 I can't do anything right, but that's okay, that's okay.
44:13 Just like last week when I talked about
44:14 going to Taco Bell and, you know, it's okay.
44:17 I'm just... No.
44:18 Tamara, are you all right?
44:20 I'm fine.
44:23 Well, you...
44:25 You took the computer away
44:27 and now you're not saying anything to me.
44:28 I'm saying.
44:29 I'm talking to you, I'm sitting right here.
44:31 But you haven't said anything to me.
44:32 I'm fine. I'm talking. I'm good. How are you?
44:36 What just happened? I cannot believe him.
44:39 What just happened?
44:44 You know that just happened the day actually.
44:47 So... That was just...
44:49 It's a work in progress. Breaking news.
44:51 That was just the way.
44:52 And I'm gonna say that happens in many families.
44:56 Thank you for being authentic. Yeah, that's how...
44:57 I just want to say that
44:59 some people hide behind the pastor thing.
45:01 Okay, "I'm a pastor, I'm a pastor's wife.
45:03 I work in women's ministry and we have it all together, "
45:06 but you guys are authentic.
45:09 And I think that really helps people to realize,
45:11 "Okay, this is me too."
45:12 And then how can God work in it?
45:14 I'm sorry, I interrupted you.
45:15 No, no, no, I was just gonna ask what happened?
45:17 What happened?
45:18 So I'm so thankful to have learned,
45:22 learning it and doing it two different things.
45:25 But it's just been recently,
45:26 probably within the last this year
45:28 that we've reached a point where we realized,
45:30 you know what, the minute that something happens,
45:32 analyze your feelings, right?
45:34 So I had to stop for a minute when it was happening
45:36 because I was having self-talk.
45:38 We talk to people a lot about that.
45:39 The self-talk
45:41 when you saw me doing this was up here.
45:42 It wasn't to him.
45:43 It was to myself.
45:45 That is one of the most dangerous things that we do.
45:47 We don't talk to the person, we talk to ourselves.
45:50 And you know what the Bible says,
45:51 the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked,
45:54 and above all thing, who can know it.
45:56 And so having that conversation with myself,
45:59 drawing from past experiences.
46:01 You know, sometimes we don't want to let people
46:03 live out of the shadow,
46:05 you know, and that's what was happening.
46:07 I was having a moment to myself,
46:09 I was speaking lies to myself.
46:11 All he did was ask a question,
46:13 he did not tell me that what I did was horrible,
46:16 he did not tell me that he wasn't grateful.
46:18 It was none of those things.
46:19 And, you know, I brought that to the table,
46:22 he didn't give that to me.
46:23 That was something I actually brought into the marriage.
46:24 And what I mean by that is
46:26 is the struggle with self-doubt,
46:28 the struggle with being good enough, you know.
46:31 And so that is something
46:32 I'm constantly having to give to God all the time daily,
46:36 because if I don't,
46:37 I'll fall into the trap of that.
46:39 Every time he says something to me,
46:40 or sometimes my children will say,
46:42 "Mom, are you making that again?"
46:44 You know, and I'm like,
46:45 "Ah, these kids, they're ungrateful,"
46:46 you know? And that's really not what's happening.
46:48 Right.
46:49 Now the truth be told,
46:51 I have been hypercritical before.
46:52 Well, that's true too.
46:53 And I have been judgmental before,
46:56 but what Tammy,
46:59 what she was referring to when she said,
47:01 allowing people to live outside of their shadow,
47:04 what she referred to,
47:05 what she was referring to is
47:07 just because I've done something in the past,
47:11 we have to be able to give one another an opportunity
47:13 to be different today, right?
47:16 Oh, that's good.
47:17 And not interpret
47:18 what they're saying or doing today
47:21 based on what they've done in the past.
47:24 And so if we don't do that,
47:27 then we're communicating with the person shadow
47:29 and not with the real individual.
47:33 And we're not allowing them to grow,
47:34 not allowing them to mature, so forth and so on.
47:37 So I have to claim some responsibility.
47:40 But the beautiful thing about what happened today is
47:43 once her claws retracted,
47:45 and her fangs were drawn back
47:49 then I approached her and I said,
47:51 "Tamara, I said something."
47:53 Something just happened and I had to reassure her.
47:55 That listen,
47:57 I said and I had to speak in affirming ways.
47:59 I said,
48:01 "Tamara, listen, I appreciate everything that you've done.
48:04 And I know you've put a lot of hard work into this,
48:06 and I know that you have been,
48:08 you know, pressed for a deadline
48:09 and so forth and so on.
48:11 I was not trying to be critical or anything.
48:14 And I know I can be that way, but that wasn't my intention.
48:18 I was really just asking a question."
48:20 And when we talk like that
48:23 then she was disarmed by the grace of God
48:26 and the movement of the Holy Spirit
48:28 and the retinue of angels that drew near to her.
48:31 And she said...
48:34 She began to unpack and share,
48:37 you know, this is what I was feeling
48:39 and this is what I was thinking,
48:40 and so forth and so on.
48:42 And it worked out
48:44 or else she might be sitting over there tonight
48:46 rather than sitting over here or something like that.
48:49 But you know there's got to be trust
48:51 then in a relationship.
48:52 Yes.
48:54 Because what you're telling her she could be like,
48:56 "Ah, he doesn't mean any of that.
48:58 That is not exactly he wasn't thinking that at all."
49:00 So you have to believe that what he's telling you.
49:03 How do you believe a spouse then?
49:05 Because there's someone that's watching right now says,
49:07 "I have no trust this man or this, "
49:09 whatever it can be telling me this and...
49:11 Not at all.
49:12 How do you build trust?
49:14 Like you guys have that someone can say at home,
49:17 "Wow, I would love to have that."
49:18 How do you do that?
49:20 I think there are two things.
49:21 I think, one is allowing a person, right,
49:23 to become different,
49:25 knowing what their track record is.
49:26 And then the other aspect of it is
49:28 allowing God to stand in their place,
49:30 allowing Jesus to stand in their place
49:32 while they're being made.
49:34 And that's so important,
49:35 because none of us come into any relationship
49:37 completely whole, right?
49:39 We constantly need Jesus
49:41 to be renewing us every single day.
49:43 And the funny thing about relationships is,
49:45 I believe one of the reasons why God created marriage
49:48 is, to force us to grow and to mature in areas
49:51 that we otherwise would not.
49:53 And so I know that there are people
49:55 who go through experiences and people have hurt you,
49:58 you know, over and over again.
50:00 There are boundaries for sure that I set.
50:01 And when we talk about abuse
50:03 and when we talk about
50:04 those particular things, definitely,
50:05 I would never encourage someone
50:07 to just remain in that situation.
50:08 That's good.
50:10 But I believe when it comes to character defects,
50:12 trusting that you're taking it to God
50:14 and allowing that person to grow.
50:18 And I have to remember all the things
50:19 that he has done right, you know?
50:21 I would be lying
50:23 if I said that he's just a hypercritical person.
50:25 No, he's not, you know.
50:27 We have 18 years' worth of proof
50:29 that there have been some great moments,
50:31 you know, many great moments
50:32 and have to draw from those,
50:33 you know, and have to remind myself
50:35 speak truth to myself, you know?
50:37 Yes.
50:39 Yeah. Yeah.
50:40 I think another thing that go along with that
50:44 in terms of trust,
50:46 and you mentioned a powerful thing
50:48 about allowing,
50:51 allowing Jesus to stand in.
50:55 And not only that, but trust takes time.
50:58 Oh, yeah. It takes time to build.
51:00 And a lot of times we want our spouse
51:05 or our friend, our parent, our child,
51:08 we want them to change immediately.
51:11 Right.
51:12 You know, I told you that
51:13 this offended me 15 minutes ago.
51:17 And so in the next hour and in the next weeks to come,
51:21 I expect never to see this again.
51:22 Because...
51:24 And this goes back to something
51:25 at time when I talked to couples
51:27 about and anyone that we're talking to
51:29 in terms of relationship.
51:31 And that is for us, we were 23 when we got married.
51:36 I was 23, she was 22.
51:38 And it took her 22 years to become who she was,
51:43 me 23 years.
51:45 In one year,
51:46 we were not going to completely and totally become new people,
51:51 right?
51:53 There is a process involved with that.
51:56 And the formation of character, habits,
51:58 and so forth and so on.
52:00 And so there's patience.
52:02 Trust takes time and it takes patience
52:06 with an individual
52:07 who you know is trying to change.
52:10 I always laugh because
52:12 we believe that sanctification takes a lifetime.
52:15 We're told that it takes a lifetime.
52:16 But when it comes to marriage and conflict and relationships,
52:19 we're like, no that takes three weeks.
52:22 You know, you got three weeks.
52:24 Come on. Yeah, right, right.
52:25 Patience with each other.
52:27 Those unrealistic expectations.
52:29 Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely.
52:31 There it is again.
52:33 Yeah, absolutely.
52:34 So what about lies?
52:35 You had talked about the self-talk,
52:37 the negative self-talk,
52:38 the lies that we believe from childhood.
52:40 How do you know
52:41 what's the truth and what's a lie?
52:42 How do you know if you are giving yourself
52:45 the negative self-talk
52:47 or if this is maybe
52:48 no, this is a conviction from the Holy Spirit
52:50 and I should be following this?
52:52 How do you differentiate between that?
52:53 Yeah, that's an interesting question.
52:56 The way I define faith
52:58 and we share this when we're doing seminars
53:00 and whatnot is that
53:02 faith is believing what God says about you
53:06 and what He has for you,
53:09 and accepting those things
53:11 as though they are your very own thoughts
53:15 about yourself, right?
53:17 And that's challenging.
53:20 So in order to be able to differentiate
53:22 between what's a truth,
53:24 what's a lie and what's the truth,
53:26 my wife used to work in the vault in the bank.
53:28 And they taught her
53:30 how to identify counterfeit money.
53:33 And, of course,
53:34 they gave her the legitimate bills.
53:38 And she got so good,
53:39 even though she was dealing
53:40 with hundreds of thousands of dollars a day
53:42 were just on touch.
53:44 She was able to identify that this is a counterfeit bill.
53:48 So what I would say is
53:50 the way for us to be able to identify the lies
53:55 is to first acquaint ourselves
53:57 with what God says about us and to us,
54:01 and what He says He has for us.
54:03 And as we are constantly repeating that
54:05 we'll say, wait a minute.
54:07 This doesn't sound like what God has said
54:10 that He has for me.
54:11 This doesn't sound like who God says that I am.
54:15 Yeah.
54:17 And that is the way I believe that we can differentiate
54:21 between what is truth and what are the enemies' lies.
54:26 Lies that we can even believe about ourselves.
54:29 I have a story if I can share it with you?
54:31 Oh, yeah. And I share this.
54:32 I was six years old,
54:35 walking down the street with my cousin
54:38 and my older brother, older cousin, older brother.
54:40 And there was a little girl that I liked,
54:42 who lived down the street the way that,
54:44 you know, a six-year-old
54:46 likes another little six-year-old little girl.
54:48 She had ponytails
54:49 and wore dresses like
54:50 Little House on the Prairie or something.
54:52 And my older cousin said to this little girl,
54:55 she's hanging out of the window,
54:56 we're walking down the street,
54:58 "Hey, I got something to tell you."
54:59 She says, "What?"
55:01 And he says, "My cousin Steven likes you."
55:04 And the little girl, she turns towards me.
55:07 And it was like slow motion, you know, just...
55:10 And her eyes meet mine and she looks at me.
55:14 And she says, "Ooh! He's ugly."
55:18 Oh, wow.
55:19 And I just was crushed.
55:21 And I turned...
55:23 You know, the dust was kicking up
55:24 and I ran, and I just cried, but a profound thing happened.
55:29 I began to see myself
55:31 the way that little girl saw me.
55:33 And I thought that the world saw me
55:35 the way that little girl saw me.
55:37 Fast forward, I'm 14 years old,
55:39 in my first year in high school.
55:42 And I'm standing at the bus stop,
55:44 and a group of little girls are standing around
55:46 talking and whispering and giggling.
55:48 One of the little girls comes up to me and says...
55:51 She is not little, she's a teenager.
55:53 She says, "Is your name Steven Conway?"
55:55 I was like, "Well, yes, I am Steven Conway."
55:57 She says,
55:58 "Did you go to and she named my elementary school?"
56:00 I said, "Yes."
56:02 Were you in and she named my kindergarten teacher?
56:04 And I said, "Yes, that's the class I was in."
56:07 She turned around, looked at all the girls.
56:10 And she said,
56:11 "All of the girls used to love Steven Conway
56:15 when he was in kindergarten, right?"
56:17 Same year, different bus stop different girl,
56:22 "Excuse me, are you Steven Conway?"
56:23 "Yes. I'm Steven Conway."
56:24 Did you go to another school?
56:26 I'd gone to, so forth and so on.
56:27 Did you know da-da...
56:29 Don't you remember me? I was in your class.
56:30 No, I don't remember you.
56:32 And I didn't say this, but in my mind,
56:34 why would I remember any girls
56:36 because no girls are interested in me.
56:38 Wow.
56:39 The profound thing that happened to me is
56:41 the reality that I had accept it,
56:44 the truth, the lie, excuse me,
56:46 that I had chosen to believe
56:48 based on the testimony of this one little girl...
56:52 When you're six. When I was six years old.
56:55 God showed me not only is that a lie today,
56:58 but it's been a lie ever since you first heard it.
57:02 And it profoundly changed the way that I saw myself,
57:07 it profoundly changed the way
57:08 that I believe the world saw me.
57:10 Most importantly,
57:11 it profoundly changed the way that I thought God saw me.
57:15 And so I think it's extremely important,
57:17 because those lies go back a long, long time.
57:20 It sure do. Wow.
57:21 Man, it's powerful.
57:23 I wish we had more time, but we do.
57:24 We have an whole another hour
57:26 to talk with Pastor Steven and his wife, Tammy.
57:28 Thank you so much.
57:30 My heart's been blessed already.
57:31 And we hope and pray
57:32 that you are sending in your questions,
57:35 either emailing them in or calling us here at 3ABN
57:38 because we know that the Lord Jesus wants to heal
57:41 your relationships
57:43 and turn those lies into truth.
57:45 We'll be right back.


Revised 2021-03-04