Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL190025A
00:02 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people 00:12 I want to spend 00:19 my life Removing pain 00:24 Lord, let my word 00:30 Heal a heart that hurts 00:35 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:46 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:09 Hello, friends, welcome to 3ABN Today Live. 01:13 This is Thursday night 01:15 here at 3ABN in West Frankfort 01:17 and we have a program for you tonight. 01:21 If you have a mind, 01:22 you've got to watch this program, 01:24 it's about the mind, 01:25 how the mind can be influenced, 01:27 how it is being influenced, how it can be directed, 01:31 how it is even subliminally being directed. 01:35 This is a program 01:36 about the battle for or of the mind. 01:39 Both of those categories can fit this program. 01:42 And if you have young people you know that their mind 01:45 and your mind is not the same. 01:46 And those of us who are Christians, 01:48 we know that our mind 01:49 and God's mind is not yet completely the same. 01:54 He's moving us in the direction where one day 01:56 we will have the mind of Christ completely. 01:59 So this program is going to challenge your mind, 02:02 challenge your intellect, 02:03 we're not going to be psychologists 02:05 because we're not trained in that area. 02:06 But we're going to be 02:08 approaching the topic of the mind, 02:09 the battle of the mind, the battle for the mind 02:11 from experiential perspective, 02:14 also from scriptural perspectives. 02:17 We're going to talk about sole, 02:19 certain social situations 02:21 that each one of us experiences 02:23 whether in our families, 02:25 in our workplace, in our churches. 02:27 Tonight, the mind is the topic. 02:29 So, I hope you don't mind, 02:31 hit record and stay with us for the next two hours. 02:35 Want to thank you for your prayers 02:37 and also your financial support of this network 02:39 that continues going and growing, 02:41 getting ready for the coming of the Lord. 02:43 Great blessing and thank you 02:45 from our founder and president, 02:46 Danny Shelton and all of our administration. 02:48 Yes, amen. 02:49 And if you come to volunteer, we surely appreciate it. 02:52 If you send your finances that completely helps, 02:55 large or small, it all gets together 02:58 and in a chorus move this ministry forward 03:01 and we thank the Lord for everything that you do. 03:03 Now I like music and tonight, one of my favorite singers, 03:07 Pastor Wintley Phipps is going to begin our program 03:09 with a wonderful song, "Coming Again." 03:49 Why stand ye gazing there 03:53 Up into the sky 03:59 Be not discouraged 04:05 For we have brought good news 04:12 It's same Jesus 04:17 Whom we do magnify 04:22 Soon He will come again 04:29 For all to glorify 04:36 He is coming again 04:42 He is coming again 04:50 Son of the Father 04:55 He is coming again 05:01 On Calvary 05:04 He claimed my destiny 05:07 Lord, I humble myself 05:17 To Thee 05:28 Lord, I want to see your face 05:33 Just help me be strong 05:39 I know You will return 05:45 I know it won't be long 05:52 He is coming again 05:58 He is coming again 06:06 Son of the Father 06:11 He is coming again 06:17 On Calvary 06:19 He claimed my destiny 06:22 Lord, I humble myself 06:33 To Thee 06:38 Lift up the trumpet 06:40 And loud let it ring 06:43 Jesus is coming again 06:47 Cheer up the pilgrims 06:49 Be joyful and sing 06:52 Jesus is coming again 06:56 Coming again 06:59 Coming again 07:01 Jesus is coming again 07:05 Coming again 07:08 Coming again 07:10 Jesus is coming again 07:21 And... 07:22 Wonderful way to begin the program. 07:24 Can we all say amen? Amen. 07:26 Now you, you heard an amen 07:28 from people that I have not yet introduced. 07:30 So I think the time is now 07:32 to introduce our panel for tonight. 07:34 Good friends of mine 07:35 and I would say more like family. 07:38 But as I reiterate a few just joining us tonight 07:40 the program is about the mind. 07:42 The mind, someone once said the mind is a terrible thing. 07:46 Somebody else said the mind is a terrible thing to waste. 07:49 We're going to talk about all those tonight, 07:50 how the mind is affected, how it is influenced, 07:53 how it has been shaped, how it can be shaped, 07:55 how it can be a vessel for good 07:57 and how it has become a vessel for evil 07:59 and what God's intention is for the mind 08:01 that He's entrusted to each one of us. 08:03 So tonight, let's welcome our panelists, 08:05 to my immediate right is Shelley Quinn, 08:08 my sister in Christ. 08:09 Amen. 08:11 Always good to have you around, Shelley. 08:12 Well, it's always good to be here. 08:13 I'm glad we have the same father. 08:15 Praise Lord. That's right. 08:16 Christians, we are same father different mother. 08:19 That's correct. That's it. 08:20 I think that would be a good way to say. 08:22 But I'm glad to have you tonight. 08:23 Thank you. 08:25 And because you're on the program, 08:26 I know that your mind is never empty. 08:28 Let's hope. Let's hope it's not. 08:30 I didn't sleep last night. Let's hope it's not. Okay. 08:32 Well, then today, 08:34 I know the Lord will give you whatever you need. 08:35 Amen. 08:36 And to immediate right, Ryan Day. 08:38 Good to have you here, Ryan. Man, it's good to be here. 08:40 I like your, I like your quick off the cuff. 08:43 Now, I took it for granted that people that are watching 08:45 and listening to the program know 08:46 who Shelley Quinn is, 08:48 somebody who's probably watching 08:49 or listening for the first time. 08:51 I'm a child of God, that's who I am. 08:52 And also... Program Development Manager. 08:54 Programs, Program Development, one of the hats you wear. 08:57 One of the hats. Okay. 08:58 Ryan, the song Bird of Israel... 09:01 Oh, I don't know about. Among many things. 09:03 Sure, sure. So, I'm Ryan Day. 09:05 I am the Assistant to the General Manager 09:08 of the 3ABN Praise Him music network. 09:11 That's a mouthful. Okay. 09:12 And you enjoy music? Oh man. 09:15 Music's my, that's, 09:16 that's the one string on my violin, man. 09:18 Okay, I like that. I love music. 09:19 I love to praise God with music. 09:21 And you like preaching in evangelism? 09:22 Oh, absolutely. That's right. 09:24 So, you, you're going to trust the Lord tonight 09:26 to give you what you need. 09:27 Always. 09:28 Okay, now we prepare for the program. 09:30 But we always trust the Lord 09:31 to give us more than we can ever imagine. 09:34 I'm glad to have you here. That's right. Amen. 09:35 And my longtime brother, my brother from... 09:39 I know you're from one of those Latino countries, 09:43 I say, is it Puerto Rico? 09:45 Dominican Republic? 09:46 No, my wife is from Puerto Rico. 09:47 I am from Dominican Republic. 09:49 I knew that but somehow, I had a mind freeze. 09:53 Pastor John Dinzey, good to have you here tonight. 09:54 It's a blessing to me. 09:56 And you are the department leader of? 09:59 The General Manager of 3ABN Latino. 10:02 That's right. One of the fastest. 10:03 Yeah, we call them LFA. LFA. 10:05 One of the fastest growing networks 10:07 here at 3ABN and I tell you, 10:10 he has a schedule and almost every place he goes, 10:13 I think 99% of all the places 10:14 he goes are speak Spanish, 10:18 some sort, and I appreciate 10:20 when we joined together in evangelism, 10:23 we've done a couple of evangelism 10:24 together in Colombia. 10:26 And hopefully, later this year, 10:27 the Lord will open another door. 10:29 And I'm hoping one day 10:31 to be translated more than one way, 10:35 but we're glad to have you all here tonight. 10:37 And we're talking about the mind. 10:39 Ryan, I appreciate you. 10:40 I was sorting through my notes and trying to think 10:43 of what can we talk about on Thursday night, 10:45 what can be a great topic, 10:48 and Ryan dug in the back of his pocket 10:49 and gave me a list to choose from, 10:51 he said battle for the mind, battle of the mind. 10:53 I appreciate that very much. Amen. 10:54 I like to give credit where credit is due, 10:56 because each one of us is a part of the same family. 10:59 But tonight, we're going to talk about the mind, 11:00 and because it's the battle of and for the mind, 11:04 I think a good place to begin is to talk about 11:07 where the battle began. 11:08 Sure. 11:10 So I'll throw that to any one of you 11:11 that like to start, 11:12 where did the battle for the mind begin? 11:14 Now, I'm the host 11:16 but I'm also a part of the panel, 11:18 so, but I'm going to try to be a host 11:20 and not take advantage of my position. 11:22 Where did the battle begin? 11:24 Sure, well, I obviously the battle began 11:26 before this world. 11:27 Okay. 11:28 And so, I guess I'll get us kicked off here, 11:30 there's a text that comes to my mind all the time. 11:34 And I'm sure there's another text 11:35 or two that you guys are going to share that 11:36 goes right along with the same theme. 11:38 But I want to take us to Revelation Chapter 12. 11:41 Let's go there, Revelation Chapter 12. 11:42 Revelation Chapter 12. 11:44 And we're going to read a couple of verses 11:46 from this particular chapter. 11:48 It kind of talks about this war that broke out in heaven. 11:52 And, of course, this is during around the time 11:55 or before Adam and Eve were created 11:58 and this world was created. 12:00 And so, this is a heavenly scene that is occurring. 12:05 And so, we're in Revelation Chapter 12. 12:07 And I'm going to start with verse 7, 12:08 and we're going to read through verse 9. 12:10 So notice what the Bible says here. 12:13 It says, "And war broke out in heaven. 12:17 Michael and his angels fought with the dragon 12:21 and the dragon and his angels fought, 12:24 but they did not prevail." 12:25 Amen on that. 12:26 "Nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. 12:29 So the great dragon was cast out, 12:32 that old serpent called the devil and Satan, 12:35 who," notice the word here, 12:36 "deceives the whole world, 12:38 he was cast out to the earth 12:39 and his angels were cast out with him." 12:42 Now the reason why I'm particularly starting 12:44 with this chapter is 12:45 it gives us a little bit of insight 12:46 if you do some digging, 12:48 because it says here and war broke out in heaven. 12:50 That's right. What kind of war is this? 12:52 Many times we have this kind of celestial, 12:54 at least for me growing up 12:56 when I would read this passage, 12:57 I would get this twisted Star Wars theme in my mind 13:00 where Jesus is standing there with His, you know, 13:02 with standing there and Satan walks in 13:04 with his evil sword and his evil challenge and, 13:07 you know, challenges Jesus to this battle 13:09 but it's interesting what is the nature of this war. 13:11 The word for war here in the Greek 13:13 and I think this is a very important 13:14 talking about the mind 13:16 because that's what we're focusing on tonight. 13:18 It says and war broke out in heaven. 13:20 What is the nature of this war? 13:22 The word for war here 13:23 in the original Greek is the word polemos. 13:26 Polemos. 13:28 And this Greek word coming from that is 13:31 where we get our English words such as politics. 13:35 Politics, and what is the nature, 13:38 you heard people talk about politicking 13:40 or that person is politicking or that person 13:42 is involved in politics? 13:43 What is the nature of politics? Is it a very physical war? 13:46 It's a mind game. It's a mind game. 13:48 In fact, politicians, 13:49 how do they win favor over the masses? 13:52 They manipulate thought and idea. 13:55 And so, we're talking about this battle for the mind 13:58 and we're going to get into many aspects this 14:00 but this war that broke out in heaven. 14:02 It was a polemos. It was a war. 14:04 And Satan was actually able, as we read, 14:06 continue to read into this chapter 14:08 from this chapter, he was able to deceive 14:10 one-third of the angels in heaven. 14:12 In fact, the word here is in this passage, 14:14 who deceives the whole world, he is cast to the earth 14:17 and his angels were cast out with him, 14:19 these angels that were cast out with him 14:21 had been deceived by him 14:23 because he was able to manipulate their thoughts, 14:25 their ideas, their mind. 14:27 He was able to win over their mind. 14:29 You know, it's interesting that he, 14:30 he deceived one-third of the angels, 14:33 but the passage later says, who deceives the whole world. 14:36 So something happened in the beginning 14:38 to the mind of Lucifer 14:40 that affected the minds of the angels, 14:43 that affects the minds of humanity. 14:46 You know, it's some, a thought just hit me. 14:49 You said that he was manipulative. 14:51 That is one of the key, 14:55 identifying factors for a narcissist 14:58 and when you think about it, 14:59 Satan is the original narcissist. 15:03 I mean, he was up there. 15:04 You know, let's look at Isaiah 14. 15:05 Are you? Sure, no, no, no. 15:07 Just take that to Isaiah 14 that thought where, 15:11 here Satan is created as most beautiful angel. 15:14 He's got a set of pipes he can sing. 15:16 He's a covering cherub. He's got a high position. 15:20 And he then... Isaiah 14, what verse? 15:23 Isaiah 14 and we'll begin with verse 12. 15:26 Okay. 15:28 Self-determination, self-ambition, 15:31 self-deception set in and that says, 15:35 how you were fallen from heaven. 15:37 This is Isaiah 14. Yeah, Isaiah 14:12. 15:41 "How you were fallen from heaven, 15:43 O, Lucifer, son of the morning, 15:45 how you were cut down to the ground, 15:46 you who weakened the nations, 15:48 for you've said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven. 15:53 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. 15:57 I will also sit on the mount of the congregation, 16:00 on the farthest side of the earth, 16:03 I will ascend above the heights of the cloud. 16:07 I will be like the Most High." 16:10 So here is narcissism. 16:13 I mean, he became prideful, 16:16 which is I think the root of all sin 16:19 when you think about it is pride. 16:21 He was arrogant. 16:22 He thought he knew more than God, 16:24 he wanted the glory due to God. 16:27 And so, this is how the Great Controversy began. 16:31 Absolutely. Okay. 16:33 I'd like to add something to that 16:34 because when you see this, 16:36 the declarations that Lucifer which turned into Satan, 16:40 made you have here an indication 16:44 that he is capable of making up his mind 16:47 what he wants to do. 16:48 And this is one of the things that God, 16:51 our loving creator gives to us that is, 16:54 the capacity, the ability, the freedom to choose. 16:59 And he is choosing to depart from the great principles, 17:03 the great laws that the creator of the universe has set up. 17:08 And he chooses to go, 17:11 the declarations build up. 17:15 I am going to do this and this and I'm going to be... 17:19 Right, right. Absolutely. 17:20 Above all. He wanted to be above God. 17:23 And in God's universe, 17:26 the Bible says that God is love. 17:29 I like to go to Matthew Chapter 22 17:31 and read a few verses 17:33 because this is really gives us a picture of God's universe 17:37 and what His universe based its life on. 17:43 How the beings, the creatures 17:46 because He gives us freedom of choice. 17:47 Now in Matthew 22:38, 17:52 beginning in verse 36. 17:54 Somebody asked him, "Teacher, 17:56 which is the great commandment in the law. 17:59 And Jesus to him, 18:00 'You shall love the Lord your God 18:02 with all your heart, 18:03 with all your soul and with all your mind." 18:06 This is a choice. 18:09 "This is the first and great commandment," 18:10 Jesus says. 18:12 And He said, "And the second is like it: 18:14 You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 18:16 And these two commandments hang all the law 18:19 and the prophets.'" 18:20 So these two commandments from which we understand 18:23 are the Ten Commandments are based on. 18:28 That was God's universe. 18:30 So when Satan, Lucifer makes this decision, 18:34 I will be like the Most High. 18:37 He is not really saying that 18:40 he wants to be like the Most High, 18:41 what he likes is what the Most High has. 18:45 Amen. Amen. That's right. 18:46 And that's why he aspires, he desires and he wants. 18:50 That's right. That's right. 18:52 What God is. That's right. 18:55 But not what He really is because the Bible says, 18:57 God is love and God does not hurt, 19:00 does not harm. 19:01 And Lucifer, he wanted it all. 19:05 He wanted the adoration, the praise. 19:08 The power. 19:09 And when he says, I will be like the Most High, 19:11 he say, I'm gonna take the Most High out of the way. 19:13 That's right. Yeah. 19:14 And it's interesting how he does that though. 19:16 Because it's interesting 19:17 you start mentioning the characteristics, 19:19 the attributes of God, 19:20 that's exactly where Lucifer takes this 19:23 when he's cast to the earth the Bible says, 19:25 as we just read in Revelation Chapter 12. 19:28 When you get to Genesis Chapter 3, 19:29 you're not even three chapters 19:31 into the opening book of the Bible. 19:32 And it's interesting how this chapter begins, 19:34 because, you know, we know that God inspired Moses 19:38 to write these words. 19:39 And when Moses opens this particular chapter, 19:41 and I know that the Bible wasn't broken up 19:43 into chapter and verses at that particular time 19:44 but beginning this conversation of the fall of man, 19:49 God had inspired Moses 19:50 to begin to list the characteristics 19:53 of this serpent, 19:55 and it's interesting how he says, 19:56 now the serpent was more cunning. 19:57 I'm sorry, Genesis Chapter 3, 19:59 and we're gonna read verses 1 through 6 here. 20:02 Genesis 3:1-6. 20:04 And I may not read every single verse, 20:06 but the opening verses of Genesis Chapter 3 here. 20:09 But the verse number 1, 20:10 it's interesting, right off the cuff, 20:11 he comes out, now the serpent was more cunning 20:15 than any beast or more subtle. 20:16 I like that. 20:17 And so, when you read that, you know what is, 20:19 what is God trying to communicate to us 20:20 in this opening scene 20:22 where we're about to see humanity fall, 20:23 He's saying this the serpent, 20:26 the snake, this antagonistic figure in the devil. 20:31 He's cunning, he's subtle in his approach. 20:34 He's crafty, he's intelligent, he's smart, he's deceptive. 20:39 And then as you begin to read through these verses here, 20:42 he begins to have a conversation 20:43 with Eve as we know 20:45 and the very nature of this conversation 20:47 as you were just bringing out, Brother John. 20:50 He's causing Eve, you notice 20:52 how he doesn't force himself and again, 20:54 I go back to that war concept. 20:56 There was war that broke out in heaven. 20:58 Satan would have been ignorant to challenge 21:01 the creator of the universe to a fight, you know, 21:03 to a physical fight 21:04 because he would have lost that hands down. 21:06 But, but how does he fight God? 21:09 How does he fight the kingdom of the Lord? 21:11 Right here we see it. 21:12 He doesn't, you know, wrap himself around Eve, 21:15 I'm being very literal, 21:16 he doesn't physically force her, 21:19 submit her into following him or being deceived, 21:23 he deceives her, he cunningly, craftily, 21:26 very deceptively deceives her into questioning God, 21:29 who He is, His character by, listen to these questions. 21:33 Has God indeed said, we're in verse, 21:35 we're still in verse 1 here of Genesis Chapter 3. 21:38 Genesis 3:1, it says, and he said to the woman, 21:42 this cunning serpent, has God indeed said, 21:45 you shall not eat of every tree of the garden and almost, 21:48 it's almost like, 21:49 he's openly challenging her to question God. 21:52 Did God really say that? How dare he? 21:54 In other words, 21:55 there's almost an implied accusation 21:57 against the character of God here that God is unclear. 21:59 And remember he's doing it subtly, 22:01 not arrogantly. 22:02 Absolutely. Has God? 22:04 Has He really? Did He? Did He? 22:06 You know, and he's very subtle, very cunning. 22:09 Ellen White, she says his footsteps are noiseless, 22:12 until he presents himself. 22:14 And so, go ahead, go ahead. 22:15 No, no, you know, 22:16 just highlighting the very nature 22:18 of this conversation he's having with Eve, 22:20 talking about the battle for the mind. 22:22 He was battling for Eve's mind. 22:25 And just to remind us, Eve was perfect. 22:27 She had never sinned, she had not known sin. 22:30 But he is trying to manipulate the thoughts 22:33 and the ideas about God's character in her mind. 22:35 You know, has God indeed told you couldn't ever, 22:38 how unclear and unreasonable 22:39 and restrictive is God that He would ask of such a thing. 22:43 So he's already got the wheels turning 22:45 in Eve's mind. Oh, really? 22:46 That is, you know, I had a minister say one time 22:48 if there was, if there was 1000 trees in the garden. 22:51 God, was He really unreasonable 22:53 to say give her 999 yeses to one no? 22:57 You know, but the devil 22:58 is already planted the seed of doubt in her mind. 23:01 And then of course, he goes, you know goes on to say, 23:04 you know, you shall eat of it, and you shall not die. 23:08 So you shall not surely die after she says, 23:10 oh, the day that we eat of it, we're going to die. 23:12 But verse 4, "You will not surely die." 23:15 In other words, you know, God's lying to you. 23:16 He's just, He's dishonest, He's untrustworthy. 23:19 And then kind of the home run hitter right here. 23:23 Verse 5 here, he says, 23:24 "For God knows that in the day you eat of it, 23:26 your eyes will be open, and you will be like God, 23:29 knowing good and evil." 23:31 Now there's an implied accusation in that statement. 23:33 Right. 23:34 In other words, if you disobey, you'll be better off. 23:36 Exactly. 23:37 You're better off without God. Why? 23:38 Because God is, He's selfish, He's looking out for Himself. 23:41 And so, let's go ahead and summarize 23:42 what we've talked about so far, a battle began. 23:45 It wasn't a physical battle, 23:47 it was an intellectual battle, it was a political battle. 23:49 And that's why today politics is probably 23:52 and I'm going to say this in reality, 23:54 politics uses in many ways, 23:56 some of the same platforms 23:58 and tactics that the Lucifer used in the very beginning. 24:00 Oh, absolutely. 24:02 Many of us, many of you may have 24:03 heard about George William Frederick Hegel, 24:06 the Hegelian dialectic, what he's known for. 24:09 And this is what's used in politics today. 24:12 And let me just introduce that briefly 24:13 because the question would be, how do people get you to do 24:16 what you don't want to do without you knowing that 24:19 that's what you're going to end up doing? 24:21 This is the Hegelian dialect. 24:23 George William Frederick Hegel, he was known as a 20th century, 24:28 very, very psychologically. 24:31 I'm gonna use the word loosely here, very keen, 24:34 and he came up with a concept called the Hegelian dialect, 24:38 which, in, I'll show you how it works. 24:41 He starts out with thesis, 24:43 then it goes to antithesis, then creates synthesis. 24:48 Now let's think about that for a moment. 24:49 And I'll use the example, say, Shelley, 24:51 and I'll use one of the things that are really, 24:53 I want to kind of stimulate the viewers and listeners. 24:56 Say, I talked about gun control. 24:58 That's a big issue today in the political world. 25:00 I'm not talking about which side I'm on, 25:02 but I say to Shelley, Oh, I'm so sad that you lost 25:04 one of your children in Sandy Hook. 25:06 And I'm going to do everything I can to modify the gun laws 25:09 so that that will never happen again. 25:11 Okay, so I go to the gentleman from Arkansas. 25:14 You know, Ryan, I fully support your right 25:17 to bear arms 25:18 and to own whatever kind of weapon you'd like. 25:20 And so, in the selection, 25:21 I will do everything I can to maintain 25:23 your second amendment right. 25:25 Right, right. That's thesis. 25:27 That's antithesis. 25:29 And what I create is synthesis 25:31 because you both are going to vote for me. 25:34 And I didn't ask you to. Playing both sides. 25:36 I didn't ask you to, I play both sides without 25:38 even letting you know, I told you. 25:40 I didn't tell her what I told you. 25:41 And I didn't tell you what I told her. 25:43 But that's the concept so that the devil came to Eve 25:47 and he made these suggestions, 25:49 the thesis was do you think you can really trust God? 25:55 The antithesis was if you trust me, 25:58 you'll be a lot better off. 25:59 And the synthesis was, 26:02 she joined him unknowingly in his rebellion 26:06 because she didn't sin, 26:07 she was beguiled the Bible says right, Pastor Dinzey? 26:10 She was beguiled. Okay. 26:11 You know, I like to point out a few things 26:13 that are interesting here to me. 26:15 And that is one even though 26:19 the story reveals to us 26:22 something terrible that happened, 26:24 I can also see some good things here 26:27 and they may shock you but notice the aspect 26:32 here of what I'm about to share. 26:35 Satan did not force Eve to eat of the fruit. 26:40 No, he didn't. 26:42 So, Satan cannot force us to do anything, 26:45 we have God's protection, so that he doesn't do that. 26:49 But he has to, like you said beguile her, 26:52 fool her, deceive her into making a decision. 26:56 Okay. 26:57 The mind, with her mind, so that she is entrapped, 27:03 and now she is part of his rebellion. 27:08 Like you just pointed out, 27:09 notice the verse in Genesis Chapter 3. 27:12 Genesis Chapter 3, what verse? Verse 6. 27:14 Okay. 27:16 After she was said, oh, you're not going to die 27:19 if you eat this, God knows that 27:21 when you eat of this, you're going to be 27:23 as God knowing good and evil. 27:25 And by the way... And so, verse 6... 27:27 And by the way, the Hebrew there is, 27:28 I'm sure you're not going to die. 27:30 He left no room in her mind because he even said, 27:32 I'm not sure you're going to die. 27:33 Well, I'm sure that you're not going to die. 27:35 He said to her, you're not going to die. 27:36 I'm sure you're not gonna die, 27:38 that's the way that Hebrews reads it. 27:39 In other words, there's no risk at all. 27:40 And you ever hear those no risk sale, 27:42 no risk warranty, 27:44 no risk purchase but keep going. 27:46 So he removed the risk. 27:47 You may have heard this before 27:48 but Eve had never heard a lie before. 27:51 So when the devil is saying these things to her, 27:54 since she never heard a lie, 27:56 she doesn't know how to deal with this that she's hearing. 27:59 There's a conflict in her mind, 28:00 God said this and this serpent is saying that. 28:03 There's a conflict in her mind who do I believe, 28:06 but this person, 28:08 this snake serpent is telling me 28:12 something that I'm going to benefit from because notice, 28:14 notice her response. 28:17 So when the woman saw, 28:20 there's an analytical situation going on here. 28:24 So when the woman saw that 28:26 the tree was one, good for food, 28:29 that it was pleasant to the eyes 28:31 and a tree, desirable, 28:34 desirable to make one wise or I'm going to go higher now. 28:39 What did she do? She took the fruit and ate. 28:41 She took of the fruit, and decision 28:44 and confirmation and mind, 28:48 the mind gave in to the deception. 28:51 She also, now she now becomes an accomplice 28:54 because the next verse, she also, what she wants, 28:58 she took off the fruit and ate, 29:00 she also gave to her husband with her. 29:04 And then it doesn't give us much details about Adam 29:06 and what he will, any discussion they had. 29:10 He simply says he also ate, he also made a decision to eat. 29:14 And so, we have here a process of decision making, 29:18 mind control, in a sense, 29:20 because that's what Satan tries to do with us, 29:23 hey, would you like to eat this? 29:25 Would you like to do that? 29:26 How about trying to do this 29:28 and what he wants to do 29:29 is lead us to making a decision, 29:33 so that he can take us 29:34 from this step to this step to this step 29:36 until we are in a situation that is, 29:41 we are suffering, 29:43 we are in a situation where we are trapped. 29:47 And unless we cry out to God for help, 29:50 we will be a slave to the devil as long as we live. 29:54 Amen. Okay. 29:55 I was just gonna say, 29:57 you know, it's interesting to me. 29:58 Jesus said that Satan is the liar, 30:02 was a liar from the beginning. 30:04 He is father of all lies. 30:07 And what you see though, 30:09 is he is quoting, I mean, there's like 80% truth 30:15 and 20% error in here. 30:17 So, deceit often comes through 30:21 a distortion of the truth, deceit. 30:25 It's pretty hard to be deceived. 30:27 If he had come in and said, 30:29 hey, you know, God's really a bad guy. 30:32 I mean, she would have been, 30:34 no, I know, he walked, we walk in the garden together. 30:36 Yeah, we walk all the time. 30:38 So, what you see is that he brings in enough truth, 30:43 and then he distorts it 30:45 to misrepresent the character of God. 30:47 And this is the battle for the mind. 30:51 This is what you know we are in a vicious battle. 30:55 The Bible says we don't fight against flesh and blood, 31:00 but we're fighting against the evil powers of darkness, 31:04 these principalities, and it says. 31:06 And where are they? 31:08 In the heavenly place, high places. 31:11 So, in 1 Peter 5:8. 31:15 Peter says, "Beware because your enemy, 31:21 the devil, the accuser of the brethren 31:23 is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour." 31:27 Now that gives you one picture of the devil. 31:29 Ah, but think about this. 31:32 A lion is rather stealthy 31:34 and he's always going after somebody that looks weak 31:37 or he can cut out of the crowd. 31:39 But then Paul turns around 31:41 and in 1 or 2 Corinthians 11:14. 31:44 He says, Satan masquerades as an angel of light. 31:50 So, we've got, you know, 31:53 I don't care if it is an astrophysicist 31:56 or a scientist or whomever, 31:59 we've got all of these people who come forward 32:03 and there's enough truth in what they say. 32:06 I mean, Satan, there's, 32:07 he's trying to set up a stronghold in our mind. 32:10 And in this the way he does it is just 32:14 through bending the truth 32:17 because we won't accept an outright lie. 32:19 Well, he is, he is doing the same thing today. 32:23 He was telling Eve, has God said you cannot eat 32:27 from every tree of the garden. 32:29 God is limiting you, you're not benefiting 32:32 from everything that you can have. 32:35 And he does the same thing to you. 32:36 Oh, you're a Christian, and some people say, 32:39 oh, that's too bad, 32:40 you're not really enjoying life. 32:42 But when we understand 32:43 that the Bible says in the presence of the Lord, 32:45 there's fullness of joy. 32:48 There's delight beyond your understanding. 32:52 You're going to follow the Lord. 32:53 The Bible says in Psalms 34, 32:55 "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good." 32:58 And a lot of people out there are deceived, 33:00 they think they are enjoying life, 33:02 they think they have it good, 33:04 but they haven't tasted and seen that the Lord is good. 33:07 Let me insert some scriptures here. 33:09 And I appreciate what's going on here. 33:11 It's really showing us that we're not in a battle that 33:13 we can prepare for without an intellect higher than ours. 33:17 Because we're not, as you said, 33:18 Shelley, we're not wrestling against flesh and blood. 33:21 So we can't pit ourselves against an angel 33:24 that has been around for six plus thousand years, 33:27 or probably longer than that if we consider 33:29 before the earth was developed. 33:30 But when you think about it, there is a, 33:32 the arty use and I go back to this, 33:35 because today in our world, 33:37 what happens is people are being deceived unknowingly. 33:40 And I want to kind of bring it 33:42 to the contemporary setting today. 33:43 I don't think that let me not, 33:45 let me rephrase that people wouldn't do 33:47 what they do if they considered the end result, 33:52 but the end result is always hidden. 33:54 That's why, that's why David the Psalmist says, 33:56 there is a way that seemeth right to a man, 33:59 but the end thereof are the ways of death. 34:01 So it seems right. 34:03 But the words of Christ were vitally important, 34:06 he says, which have you decided 34:08 to build a project didn't count ahead of time, 34:11 your resources to see 34:13 if this is what you really want the end result to be. 34:16 And so, let's go back to the Eve situation 34:17 because this is where, 34:19 this is where deception comes in, 34:20 and there are a lot of people I want to use this segue. 34:24 There are some very intellectual people in jail. 34:27 That's true. There's smart people in jail. 34:29 You know why? 34:31 Because they never thought they would get caught. 34:34 Because they were always, 34:35 they thought one step ahead of the law. 34:38 But listen to this, 34:39 I'm gonna go to this passage in 2 Corinthians 11:3, 34:43 because what happens today in our contemporary world, 34:46 and I want to read a quote in the moment here from, 34:49 by the way, before I read this, 34:50 I want to just insert some housekeeping in here. 34:53 In the second hour, 34:54 we'd like you to send your questions in, 34:57 and you could send those questions in, 34:58 email them or call them in if you want to call, 35:01 call 618-627-4651. 35:06 Or you can email those 35:07 at, 35:13 Send your questions in, 35:15 because we're laying the foundation to talk about 35:17 how the mind is being manipulated today. 35:19 And we think that, 35:21 we think of the country in which we live. 35:23 What rules? 35:25 Capitalism, the almighty dollar. 35:27 And the bottom line is, let me use an example 35:29 before I read the scripture here, 35:31 because this happens all the time. 35:33 And we're going to read 2 Corinthians 11:3, 35:35 this happens all the time. 35:37 For example, a guy will go into a store 35:38 and he'll see a television that's 1800 dollars last week, 35:42 and the price was slashed 50% and so you know, 35:47 buy one, get the second one half off. 35:49 They say, wow, what a better deal. 35:51 And the next week, 35:52 it's the price is slashed in half. 35:54 So, he says you know I need two 35:57 and he ends up paying 35:58 the same price of two weeks earlier, 36:01 I'll get one for my living room, 36:02 one for the basement. 36:04 And he hasn't really counted 36:05 the cost because when you go out, 36:07 as one person told me says, when you go to buy a car, 36:10 understand that you begin with the salesperson, 36:13 but when you sit down in front of the person 36:15 ready to sign the contract, you are now sitting 36:17 in front of the most skillful person 36:21 that exists in the company, because his or her job 36:24 is to get as much out of you as possible. 36:27 I think you might need that seven-year warranty 36:30 bumper to bumper is only covered for one year. 36:32 And, but what if the radio breaks down 36:33 about 11 months after 36:35 or a year and a half afterwards? 36:36 You'll have to pay X amount. 36:38 So, you know, if you only pay like 36:40 $80 a month for the next seven years, 36:43 it'll be a whole lot less than replacing the radio. 36:45 So what happens instead of your six-year payment 36:47 or your five-year payment, you have a seven-year payment. 36:50 How do I know, don't ask me. Okay. 36:54 But you never think about it when you think, 36:57 oh, great deal and what happens is they get you 36:59 and this is what, this is what Lucifer did, 37:02 he got her to fall in love 37:04 with what he was presenting to her. 37:05 You see, the whole art 37:07 of the Hegelian dialect is to get you away 37:09 from the liability and get you to think that 37:13 what I'm focusing on is the asset. 37:16 I don't want you to see the liability, 37:17 but I want you to focus on the asset. 37:18 So when Pastor Dinzey read, 37:20 you know, the tree was desirable. 37:23 It always begins with desire. 37:25 So let's look at this. 37:26 Let's go to James 1. I said 2 Corinthians 11:3. 37:30 Let's start there. 37:31 2 Corinthians 11:3, 37:32 since I hadn't introduced any scriptures yet. 37:35 And notice how the Apostle Paul talked about 37:38 what happened to Eve. 37:40 He says, but I fear less somehow, 37:43 as the serpent deceived Eve by his what? 37:47 Craftiness. Craftiness, this was cleverly. 37:50 So when people sit down and think about a sales pitch 37:53 or sales campaign 37:54 or political slogan, it's crafted. 37:57 They are sitting down with the great minds. 37:59 You can see a lot and say absolutely nothing. 38:02 You can make apps and many politicians 38:05 don't make promises because promises 38:07 hold your feet to the fire. 38:08 They get you enthusiastic, they build it up, you know, 38:11 whatever the slogan is. 38:13 And before you know it, you're shouting, 38:15 and this person is great is working. 38:17 I have made no promises, 38:18 nobody could say I even broken my promises. 38:20 I've made none, craftiness. 38:23 And notice how the comparison is. 38:25 He compares it to how Christ is. 38:27 But I fear less somehow, 38:29 as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness. 38:32 So your minds may be what happens? 38:34 Corrupted. 38:35 That's what happened to the minds, 38:37 it gets corrupted. 38:38 Today, our minds get corrupted, and what is being sacrificed? 38:41 Corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 38:44 See, Christ lets you know at the very beginning, 38:46 this is what it's going to be. 38:48 What does he say? 38:50 Now, there's a way that seems right 38:51 but the end is the way of the death. 38:53 The simplicity of Christ is the wages of sin is what? 38:55 Death. Death. 38:57 Simple to the point. But let's, let's finish that. 38:58 Okay. 38:59 But the gift of God is eternal life 39:01 in Christ Jesus our Lord. 39:03 The Lord tells you in the very beginning, 39:04 this is how it's got, 39:05 this is what's going to happen at the very end. 39:07 And in the music industry, in the entertainment industry, 39:10 in the industry of gadgetry, 39:15 $250 off right now, but that's only, 39:18 I remember going to a car dealer 39:20 and they said, we were looking at a car, 39:21 and we said, well, they said, 39:23 when would you like to get a car? 39:24 When would you like to get a new vehicle? 39:26 I said, well, in a couple of months. 39:27 They said, well, we have a special 39:29 that's lasting just till next week. 39:32 And my wife and I, we always say, 39:34 this is what always pops the bubble. 39:37 We say, well, we never make any purchases 39:39 before we go home and pray about it. 39:41 You know, not a salesperson 39:43 I've ever met has been qualified 39:44 to come back on now. 39:46 That's a hint. 39:48 So here's my point, 39:49 before you make any decisions about anything, 39:51 learn to pray, Father, is this what You want me to do? 39:54 If Eve stopped right there and said, wait a minute, 39:56 wait a minute, I gotta pray about this. 39:58 I'll be back. Let me talk to my Lord. 40:00 Let me go talk to the Lord. Adam and I will discuss this. 40:04 And, but in so, I want to, I want to take, 40:08 and this sounds crazy. 40:09 I'm not taking the... 40:11 I'm not taking Satan off the hook. 40:13 But I have to address a question. 40:16 The tree didn't come to Eve. 40:17 Eve went to the tree. 40:20 Look at James 1:14, 15. 40:23 The tree didn't come to her. 40:24 In many cases, 40:26 the mind ends up in the wrong place 40:27 because we go where we should not have gone. 40:30 Not because something came after us. 40:32 The bar doesn't come to us, we go to the bar, 40:35 everything that we often, 40:37 we always end up where we should never be 40:39 because something happens. 40:40 Here is the formula. 40:42 James 1:14, 15. 40:45 But each one is tempted 40:49 when he is drawn away by his own, what? 40:52 Desire. Desires and what else? 40:54 Enticed. Whoo, that tree looks good. 40:58 It looks delicious, 41:01 it's pleasant to the eyes and... 41:02 Look at it right through... I can use my wisdom. 41:05 Right. Right. I'll be better off before. 41:08 And then it says, but this is the key. 41:10 Then when desire has conceived, it gives birth to what? 41:15 Sin. 41:17 And sin when it is full grown brings forth what? 41:21 Death. Brings forth death. 41:23 So the minds of many, we're going to transition here 41:24 because I wanna talk about the impact 41:26 and why we have so many issues in the society we're living. 41:28 That's leaning on the mind. 41:30 Why are young people having issues with their mind? 41:33 Why are young people more dealing with depression? 41:37 Why are there... 41:38 Why are they more suicidal? 41:40 What's happening to the minds of our young people? 41:43 Why are they not joyful like 41:45 we were when we were growing up 41:46 outside riding our bikes, they're being captured. 41:49 There's something that we're going to talk about, 41:50 but notice what happens here. 41:52 The mind is affected. 41:54 When we give way, 41:56 when we give way or when we give life 41:59 to our desires. 42:01 Now desire is not a bad thing. 42:03 But it's what you do next. 42:05 Desire and then the wrong action 42:08 of the will brings that thought to life 42:11 and the action follows. 42:13 And I do think, 42:14 because we don't want to let Satan off the hook, 42:16 in my mind the battle 42:19 for the mind is, was caught. 42:23 I mean, even for the third of the angels that came down, 42:26 there was a misrepresentation of God 42:30 and distortion of His truth, His word. 42:35 So what creates the desire 42:37 is that somebody thinks I'm depressed. 42:41 If I take a little cocaine, maybe, you know, 42:44 I'm going to be the life of the party, 42:46 I'm going to feel good. 42:47 So, there's always a distortion of the truth. 42:49 It's always Satan's element because that's, I mean, 42:53 he's fighting a vicious battle to destroy the church, 42:58 to destroy God's work. 43:00 And that's where everything else 43:02 that you're bringing in. 43:04 This is what creates the desire 43:06 is what created a desire for her, for Eve. 43:10 It was a lie. 43:12 And this is what it's all based on is a lie. 43:14 Based on a lie. 43:15 Pastor Dinzey, 43:17 I see you leaning forward there. 43:18 Well, you know it, when we look at 43:20 as we continue to look at Eve, 43:22 and the way Satan deceived her, 43:26 it doesn't totally take Eve completely off the hook. 43:31 Because Eve analyzed the decision, 43:34 she doubted God's love, God's goodness, 43:37 and she made a decision to eat of the fruit 43:41 even when God had told her 43:43 you are going to surely die. 43:45 She believed the lie. So she was deceived. 43:48 Adam, on the other hand, 43:52 he was not deceived in the sense that 43:55 Eve was deceived. 43:56 He chose to eat of the fruit knowing the consequences 44:01 because he was not promised, 44:03 you're going to be as God knowing good and evil. 44:06 And some people think that Adam was there sitting, 44:09 just standing there listening 44:11 and waiting and not saying anything. 44:14 But the serpent addressed Eve 44:16 because she was the only one there. 44:18 And Eve went to Adam and now she enticed him, 44:23 she didn't give him flowery words and tell, 44:27 hey, you're going to be as God knowing good and evil. 44:29 You know, it's interesting how the devil presented Eve, 44:35 sin or evil as something good, something to be desired, 44:39 something you're going to benefit from. 44:41 And this is the same way it is painted today. 44:43 You read a text that says that sin when it is... 44:50 Fully grown. Full grown. 44:52 What does it, what does it yield? 44:53 Death. 44:55 You know, we don't see, we don't think of death 44:57 when we are being enticed to sin. 45:00 We are thinking about what am I going to get? 45:02 How good is it going to feel? 45:03 What is it going to taste like? 45:05 We don't think, okay, 45:06 the results of this is going to be death. 45:09 And that's something we need to keep in mind 45:11 because the wages of sin is death. 45:13 And Christ offers the answer, He paid for our sins. 45:19 And I just want to add one quick thing. 45:20 Let's get back to your point is that Adam 45:24 also followed his desire, 45:26 his desire was to be with Eve, 45:28 he wanted to, you know, he didn't want to lose her. 45:31 So that shows you 45:32 there's a sort of peer pressure there. 45:34 You know, when, and that happens 45:36 so often with couples, 45:38 where especially young couples 45:40 that you see one takes the wrong step 45:43 and the other one may know this isn't really right 45:46 but I want to be with them. 45:49 And so, it's still following that, 45:51 the force of desire. 45:53 This peer pressure thing has caused so much harm 45:56 to people and people, 45:58 we need to be able to decide for ourselves, 46:01 because there are consequences. 46:03 And because we want to look good, 46:06 be part of the crowd. 46:07 Sometimes young people make 46:09 some horrible, horrible decisions 46:12 that affect their whole life. 46:14 And we want to appeal to the young people 46:19 listening today to make decisions, 46:22 not for this life but for eternal life. 46:25 You know, Pastor Dinzey, 46:26 I'm discovering that it used to be limited 46:28 just to young people but I tell you, 46:30 the spectrum has increased. 46:31 I was driving down the road 46:33 the other day and you know, 46:35 this new generation, the generation of expression, 46:38 the earring in the ear, the nose ring in the ear. 46:40 I mean, nose ring in the nose. 46:42 And I was driving past a guy, and I glanced to my right. 46:45 Oh, I'd say he was older than I am, 46:48 probably maybe in his mid-70s. 46:50 Very respectful gentleman, 46:52 and not judging his life at all. 46:55 But I thought I didn't expect 46:56 to see an earring in his ear at that age. 46:59 And I thought to myself, is he trying to catch up 47:02 with this generation 47:03 because surely when he was born, 47:05 I could gauge based on how old he looked. 47:07 That was not a thing in his generation. 47:09 And some people are being manipulated 47:11 to try to merge or fit in, or become a part of. 47:16 And so, there's a law, I want to introduce this, 47:18 as we catapult this passage, 47:20 there's a law, the mind has a law. 47:23 And when we understand the law of the mind, 47:26 you know, this book Mind, Character and Personality. 47:29 My wife and I read that book periodically. 47:31 It's deep, it's by Ellen White. 47:33 And I could tell that nobody without, 47:36 you have to be inspired to write such depths. 47:39 But look at the law of the mind. 47:41 I think we have to all understand 47:43 there's a law. 47:44 Why do we do what we do? 47:46 Let's look at the law of the mind. 47:47 Proverbs 23:7. 47:50 Proverbs 23:7, there is a law, 47:53 not the law of my mind, 47:57 but there's a law that governs my mind. 48:00 When this, the mind operates based on this law, 48:03 our life becomes based on this law. 48:06 Look at this. 48:07 Shelley, just the beginning of that verse, Proverbs 23:7. 48:11 "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." 48:15 Okay, so notice. 48:16 And let's point out that in the Bible, 48:18 heart and mind are basically synonymous. 48:21 In 90% of the time, 48:23 very interchangeable very clearly. 48:25 So what is happening here is a person is what he thinks. 48:29 I had a sermon called, I began the sermon by saying, 48:32 you are not what you think you are, 48:34 but you are what you think. 48:37 See, and that's important. 48:39 We are not what we think we are, 48:41 but we are what we think 48:43 because this unbreakable law here is for as he thinks, 48:47 so is he. 48:49 So let's look at all. 48:50 Let's look at where all the battle began. 48:51 You read that passage? Sure. 48:53 Where do you say the battle began? 48:54 In the mind. To be in his mind. 48:56 Lucifer began with the thought and we missed that passage. 48:58 Could we go to that passage in Ezekiel 28:15? 49:02 We get there first, read it for me. 49:04 And I want to remind you as they turn to the passage, 49:05 the second hour 49:07 we're going to entertain your questions. 49:08 If you want to send them in, 49:09 you can email them at 49:13 Or if you want to call them in, 49:16 you can call 618-627-4651. 49:19 Now, that reciprocal principle, 49:21 as you think that's who you are, it's there. 49:24 And people might say, 49:26 the postal worker, why did he do that? 49:29 He was thinking about it. That's right. 49:31 So what you're saying in a bottom line 49:33 is thoughts impact the course of your life? 49:38 That's right. Definitely. 49:39 Okay. Okay. 49:40 So the passage, Ezekiel 28:15, you have it, Ryan? 49:42 Absolutely. 49:44 It says, speaking of Lucifer, "You were perfect in your ways 49:47 from the day you were created 49:48 till iniquity was found in you." 49:51 Okay. It wasn't found in his arm. 49:52 It wasn't found in his back pocket or in his 49:55 or in the garment that he was wearing. 49:57 It was found where? 49:58 In his mind, it always begins in the mind. 50:00 And if you look at the world we live in today, 50:02 everything is designed to impact the mind. 50:05 That's right. You are a musician. 50:08 You used to be a disc jockey. 50:10 I used to be a disc jockey. 50:12 Is there a battle in the world today 50:14 between the music world of Christianity 50:16 and the music world of the world? 50:17 Oh, absolutely. 50:19 I mean, I know we said 50:20 we were going to get into this eventually. 50:21 But you know, people don't realize, 50:23 you know, Jesus says, 50:25 the lamp of the body is the eye. 50:27 I think it was the Psalmist 50:29 that wrote take heed what you hear, 50:31 or it was Jesus said take heed what you hear. 50:34 And so you know, what we look at 50:36 and what we listen to, you know, 50:38 that optical nerve that goes from the eye to the, 50:40 it's connected directly to the mind, to the brain, 50:43 and that that ear tube that goes 50:44 from the ear all the way in, it's connected to the brain 50:47 and so we don't realize 50:48 how powerful of an influence the things 50:50 that we behold the things that we listen to, 50:52 and how much it begins to shape 50:55 and mold our thinking, our attitude, our character. 50:57 Okay, so you heed, 50:59 so do you see the Hegelian dialect 51:00 working here in music now. 51:02 Oh, of course. 51:03 Because there was a time when there was 51:04 a clear distinction between Christian music 51:06 and worldly music. 51:07 One day I went to Apple, Apple, 51:09 iTunes and I was looking 51:11 at different styles of Christian music 51:13 because I did a series on unclean spirits. 51:15 And I saw Christian now, Ryan, you could appreciate this. 51:20 I saw Christian rap, Christian rock, 51:23 Christian acid rock, 51:25 Christian blues, and I thought, wait a minute, wait a minute, 51:28 how did that happen? 51:30 Thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. 51:33 But it's a gradual thing. 51:35 It doesn't happen overnight. 51:36 So this generation today, 51:38 if they want to look up Christian music, 51:39 we say it's Christian music. 51:42 And you know, they say, well as Christian words, 51:45 and today in many Christian songs, 51:47 it's He, Him, You, it doesn't even mention Jesus. 51:51 So, Shelley, I may throw it to you 51:53 or Pastor Dinzey, which one of you? 51:56 You know, I was thinking that deception comes in many forms. 52:01 It does. 52:03 And we have this interesting thing 52:08 that Jesus says concerning the serpent. 52:10 He doesn't say that about any other animal. 52:12 So the serpent 52:14 is a fitting symbol for the devil. 52:15 He says to the disciples, 52:17 be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. 52:22 So, earlier you, I think it was you, 52:26 you were talking about or Shelley, 52:29 we really are not a match for the devil. 52:31 Our minds are not where his mind is, 52:34 he was in, I think is in Ezekiel, 52:38 it says when he was created, he was perfect in... 52:43 All his wisdom. Wisdom. 52:45 No, full of wisdom. Full of wisdom. 52:47 So we are really not a match 52:49 for him to match wits with wits, as we would say. 52:54 We really need the Lord to be able to face the trials, 52:58 the temptations. 53:00 And I want to say something here before this hour is over, 53:02 because some people may, may have to go for some reason. 53:05 We said earlier that we have been 53:08 given a great privilege 53:09 and that is the freedom of choice. 53:12 And even though you may have made 53:13 some bad decisions, you can make some good ones. 53:15 That's right. 53:17 And the first good one 53:18 you can make is to come to Jesus 53:20 and ask Him to help you to come into your heart, 53:22 cleanse you from your sins, 53:24 and the bad habits that we have formed, 53:26 that our minds have chosen to do. 53:30 And we have formed habits 53:31 and they're these neural pathways 53:33 in our minds that it seems like 53:35 we do things automatically, 53:39 by cooperating with God, 53:41 you can put a stop to these bad habits, 53:44 because with God, all things are possible. 53:47 That's right. 53:48 And to add to that since 53:50 this is the closing of the hour. 53:51 Great point. Is 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. 53:54 Okay, let's look at that. 53:56 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, 54:00 because we don't want to, 54:01 if you do have to leave us, 54:03 we don't want to leave this on a negative note. 54:05 Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, 54:09 "Though we walk in the flesh, 54:11 and we're living in the flesh, 54:13 we do not war according to the flesh, 54:16 for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, 54:19 but they are mighty in God for pulling down strongholds." 54:23 So where are the strongholds? Right here. 54:25 That's right. And you know, sometimes... 54:28 Where's that text again? It's 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. 54:34 And then he says, casting down arguments, 54:36 and every high thing that exalts itself 54:41 against the knowledge of God. 54:44 So, and then he says, bringing every thought 54:48 into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 54:51 So, if you think about this, 54:53 if you've got an attitude of anger 54:56 and resentment, and bitterness, 54:57 and unforgiveness or perhaps fear, and anxiety, 55:02 and worry, these are not scriptural. 55:07 And God's got, you know, sometimes people, 55:11 I meet people and I know you do too, 55:13 when you're out ministering, 55:14 where they're saying, you know, I'm so unworthy, 55:17 God can't love me. 55:19 He died for you, God came down 55:22 and became a man and He died for you. 55:25 So, as we go through this, 55:26 we're not just going to be 55:28 talking about the battle for the mind, 55:32 because sometimes it's been planted 55:33 by maybe it's a parent 55:35 who's told you you're unworthy. 55:36 But that battle, God does give us warfare. 55:42 He equips us so that we can overcome 55:45 and pull down those strongholds. 55:47 Amen. That's right. Powerful scripture. 55:49 Let this mind be a new which is also in Christ Jesus. 55:52 I want to segue into the second hour 55:54 with this passage, Romans 12. 55:56 Let's look at Romans 12, because we're not talking about 55:59 the hopelessness of the human mind. 56:01 But Romans Chapter 12, 56:02 whichever one of you have it first. 56:03 You have it, Ryan? I have. 56:05 Romans 12:1. 56:06 All right, Romans 12:1 says, "I beseech you therefore, 56:08 brethren, by the mercies of God, 56:10 that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, 56:13 holy, acceptable to God, 56:14 which is your reasonable service," 56:15 and then verse 2. 56:17 Okay. This is how you do it. 56:18 Now, this is how you are 56:20 able to take the physical aspects 56:21 that you are supposed to be in control. 56:23 You can't control it until you do it, 56:25 verse 2 says. 56:27 Verse 2 says, "And do not be conformed to this world, 56:30 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind 56:34 that you may prove 56:36 what is that good and acceptable, 56:37 and perfect will of God. 56:39 That's right. 56:40 So the will of God can be revealed in the life 56:42 whose mind is guided by the Lord. 56:43 That's right. 56:45 If it's saturated with the Word of God. 56:47 You have to replace 56:48 those negative thoughts with truth. 56:52 One person once said, you might be poor, 56:55 your shoes might be broken 56:56 but don't forget your mind is a palace. 56:59 You have to decide what to put into it. 57:01 Don't think of your mind as a garbage dump 57:03 because the world has made us 57:05 think our mind is a garbage dump. 57:07 And we don't want to fill our minds 57:08 with the things 57:10 that will end up taking us to the place 57:11 where garbage is formed. 57:12 I want to remind you once again in the second hour, 57:15 hold on to that thought, Pastor Dinzey. 57:16 I'll hold on to it. I see you. 57:17 In the second hour, 57:19 we're going to take your questions 57:20 618-627-4651, 57:22 or email them at 57:25 We're talking about the mind, everyone has a mind. 57:28 It could be a mind for good or for evil, 57:30 it could be a place where the Lord is praised 57:32 or where the enemy finds a seat of comfort. 57:35 So young person, older person gather together, 57:38 the second hour is going to bring us 57:40 and this topic to another dimension. 57:42 Don't go away. 57:44 We'll be right back. |
Revised 2020-09-11