Today Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW190038A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn. J.D. Quinn.
01:11 And we want to wish you a happy Sabbath.
01:14 Amen.
01:15 And welcome you to Family Worship.
01:17 We are always blessed to have this opportunity
01:19 to welcome in this Sabbath with you.
01:21 And, honey, we've got some family
01:24 around the table.
01:26 Why don't you introduce? Well, I'd be happy to.
01:27 This is my buddy, Ryan over here.
01:29 That's Ryan.
01:30 Ryan, you always feel comfortable with Ryan.
01:33 Really!
01:35 You know, you're just a wonderful man,
01:38 you know the word inside and out and...
01:40 I try, I try.
01:42 You compliment, compliment.
01:43 Praise the Lord.
01:45 And then we have Jason, we have Francine,
01:47 we love Jason and Francine.
01:49 We are in accounting and we're with the kids.
01:52 That's the two responsibilities we have.
01:54 Chief Financial Officer and General Manager
01:56 of 3ABN Kids Network.
01:58 Yes. And this is fun.
01:59 We're gonna have a wonderful time today
02:01 because this is a great topic.
02:02 Yes it is.
02:03 And who do we have at the piano?
02:05 We have our precious Summer boy at the piano.
02:07 Yes.
02:08 We always love you when Summer's here.
02:09 That's right.
02:11 Well, we just want to take this time first
02:14 to thank you for your prayers, and your love,
02:17 and your financial support of 3ABN.
02:20 But our topic tonight,
02:24 let me just start it by reading the scripture
02:26 1 Corinthians 10:12.
02:29 And it's funny.
02:30 I had a man call me many years ago
02:32 when I was first on 3ABN,
02:34 and very busy but still doing the ministry from home.
02:37 This gentleman called me and said,
02:39 "Sister, are you aware of 1 Corinthians 10:12?
02:42 Therefore let him who thinks he stands,
02:47 take heed lest he fall."
02:50 And I told him, "Oh, absolutely.
02:51 I pray that scripture every day and ask the Lord, you know,
02:55 'Help me to examine myself and make sure that,
03:00 first, what I'm teaching is true,
03:01 but second that I really am in relationship with You.'"
03:05 And can you think our topic tonight
03:08 is keep a finger on your spiritual pulse.
03:11 Can you think of an example in the Bible of someone
03:14 who was a bit overconfident and thought he would stand?
03:18 Yet Jesus said to him,
03:21 "Satan desires to sift you like wheat,
03:24 and when you've returned, you know,
03:27 encourage and feed my lambs.
03:30 So Peter was overconfident.
03:33 And just because we are in ministry,
03:37 just because you go to church twice a week,
03:42 we all have to take the counsel
03:46 of 2 Corinthians 13:5,
03:49 where Peter says, "Examine yourselves."
03:52 That's present tense.
03:54 It means keep on examining yourself.
03:57 "As to whether you are in the faith, test yourselves."
04:01 And that also is present tense.
04:03 Keep on testing.
04:05 He said, "Do you not know yourselves,
04:07 that Jesus Christ is in you?
04:09 Unless indeed you are disqualified."
04:14 So what Peter is encouraging us to do
04:19 is to make a regular self examination.
04:23 And not in a fearful way
04:24 because, you know, one good thing is that
04:27 sometimes we feel like
04:29 maybe we're not grasping hold of God,
04:32 strongly enough that He's still holding on to us
04:34 and that's the beautiful thing.
04:36 And that's why we're gonna sing.
04:38 What are we gonna sing, honey?
04:40 Blessed Assurance. And what number is that?
04:42 I love Blessed Assurance.
04:43 And in your hymnal, it's number 649.
04:47 Is that right?
04:48 462.
04:50 Well, if you have problem with reading, then it's 462.
04:55 But the words will also be at the bottom of the screen.
04:57 So sing along with us.
04:59 Let's make a joyful noise.
05:03 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
05:09 O what a foretaste of glory divine
05:14 Heir of salvation, purchase of God
05:20 Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood
05:25 This is my story, this is my song
05:31 Praising my Savior all the day long
05:36 This is my story, this is my song
05:42 Praising my Savior all the day long
05:48 Perfect submission, all is at rest
05:53 I in my Savior am happy and blessed
05:59 Watching and waiting, looking above
06:05 Filled with His goodness, lost in His love
06:10 This is my story, this is my song
06:16 Praising my Savior all the day long
06:22 This is my story, this is my song
06:27 Praising my Savior all the day long
06:33 Amen. Thank you.
06:35 One of my favorites. I love that song.
06:36 Amen. Me too.
06:38 Thank you, Summer, so much.
06:40 All right, let's just kick this off.
06:43 It's always good
06:44 to sit around the table and discuss the Bible.
06:46 Yes.
06:47 But I have a question.
06:49 Can we get so busy doing things,
06:54 good things in the name of God
06:57 and find that we're actually ignoring the greatest thing,
07:04 and that is to stay close to Jesus.
07:08 Have you ever had that experience?
07:10 Absolutely.
07:12 Many times, many times,
07:13 especially when you're in a daily relationship
07:16 as it's supposed to be,
07:19 you know, Paul mentioned that he died daily.
07:20 Yes.
07:21 And so that means that he had to learn,
07:23 he had to be in a surrendered state,
07:25 every single day.
07:27 And of course, throughout that journey,
07:29 the Lord's gonna bring things to your attention
07:31 that you weren't aware of.
07:33 And sometimes, it may be shocking,
07:35 like, "Oh, what?
07:36 Really that aspect of my life,
07:37 that aspect of my relationship,
07:39 I never really considered that it was that important
07:41 or that the Lord would want to bring that to my attention
07:44 or that that's something
07:45 that He wants to fix in my life,
07:47 that He wants to cleanse me of."
07:49 What makes it even more dangerous though
07:51 is when you think you're in that relationship
07:55 and you are in that saving relationship,
07:57 and you hear Christians say I'm saved,
07:59 and they take that particular concept
08:04 and they run with it.
08:05 And they don't realize,
08:07 they don't allow Christ to show them.
08:10 And a couple of passages that come to mind.
08:12 I'm thinking of, you know, it's interesting
08:14 'cause Christ began His ministry
08:16 with making this point.
08:18 And He would end His ministry prior to being crucified,
08:22 also making the same point.
08:24 And I'm thinking of Matthew 7:21-23.
08:27 This is the Sermon on the Mount.
08:29 So this is Christ
08:30 beginning His ministry, of course,
08:31 this will be His first ever recorded sermon in scripture.
08:37 And notice what Jesus says here,
08:39 and this is, again, kind of asking the question,
08:41 can we get so busy doing good things
08:43 which reiterating what you would ask.
08:44 That's perfect.
08:46 In the name of God that we forget
08:47 to do the greatest thing
08:48 maintain an intimate relationship with the Lord.
08:51 And it is possible, and we see that it's possible,
08:54 and this kind of brings in the question also is,
08:56 is it possible that I think
08:59 that I'm saved when really I'm not.
09:00 Is it possible that I think everything's okay
09:02 when really, you know what,
09:04 I need to do some self-examination
09:06 and allow Christ to show me.
09:07 This group of people that Christ is talking about
09:09 here in verses 21 through 23 of Matthew 7
09:13 is vitally important
09:14 because it shows us
09:16 the need of surrendering to Christ daily,
09:19 so that He can show us.
09:20 Notice this group here, it says, of course,
09:22 it's Christ speaking, He says,
09:23 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,'
09:25 shall enter the kingdom of heaven,
09:27 but he who does the will of my Father,"
09:29 which is in heaven.
09:30 And then he describes a particular group of people
09:33 that respond to Him, He says,
09:34 "Many will say to Me in that day,
09:35 'Lord, Lord,'
09:37 have we not prophesied in Your name,
09:38 cast out demons in Your name,
09:40 and done many wonders in Your name?"
09:41 So this group of people saying,
09:43 "Hey, Jesus, wait a second, you know me.
09:45 You know, I'm that person that sit in church every week,
09:46 I paid my tithe,
09:48 that was a deacon in the local church
09:49 or I was in altar,
09:51 I was involved in this group and that group
09:52 and this small group study."
09:54 You know, these group of people,
09:56 they're recognizing that they were fully convinced.
09:59 I'm in a saving relationship with Jesus.
10:01 But notice what Christ says in verse 23.
10:03 He says, "And then I will declare to them,
10:04 I never knew you,'
10:06 depart from me, you who practice lawlessness."
10:09 And I'm not gonna read this text,
10:11 but I'm referencing also
10:13 the very last kind of mini sermon
10:16 that Jesus would give to His disciples
10:18 a top the Mount of Olives,
10:20 about a week before He went to the cross.
10:23 In the end, we're talking about the Olivet Discourse,
10:25 where Christ is sitting atop the Mount of Olives,
10:27 He's come out of the temple,
10:29 He's having this private meeting
10:30 with His disciples.
10:31 Then He's pouring through the signs of the times,
10:33 He's telling them what to be aware of.
10:34 And then when we transition
10:36 from Matthew 24 into Matthew 25,
10:38 He starts to tell a parable of these Ten Virgins.
10:42 And of course, these Ten Virgins,
10:43 you have five wise, five foolish,
10:45 they all have their lamps.
10:47 They've got their lamps, you know,
10:49 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
10:50 and a light unto my path."
10:52 They have their lamps,
10:53 but five of them were fully convinced
10:55 "I've got my lamp, I'm going out in faith
10:57 to meet the bridegroom," but they lack the oil.
11:00 And it wasn't until the midnight cry went out
11:03 that they realized, "Uh-oh, I don't have enough oil."
11:05 And really at that point,
11:08 they should have had enough oil.
11:09 It was a little too late at that point but nonetheless,
11:11 I think these are biblical examples
11:13 that answer this question, Shelley...
11:14 Absolutely.
11:16 That we can't be going along in our relationship
11:19 and thinking that everything's okay,
11:21 when everything's really not.
11:23 And that's where we have to...
11:24 I love the title of this.
11:25 Keep a finger on our spiritual pulse
11:27 because if we're dying daily,
11:29 and we're in a daily relationship with Jesus,
11:32 then that means each and every day,
11:34 I'm in prayer saying
11:35 "Christ, not my will but yours..."
11:37 Amen.
11:39 "Whatever it is, that's in my life,
11:40 Lord, please help me surrender."
11:41 And I think we have all experienced those times
11:45 when we get so busy doing good
11:48 that we're forgetting the greatest thing.
11:50 So let's talk about how do we know,
11:54 how do we keep a finger on our spiritual pulse.
11:57 Now the very first thing that comes to my mind
12:00 is check your priorities.
12:03 You know, because what we esteem
12:07 is what we spend our time on.
12:09 That's right.
12:10 So, Francine,
12:12 why don't you read Matthew 6:33,
12:17 Matthew 6:33.
12:19 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness
12:23 and all these things shall be added to you."
12:26 And it reminds me also, sometimes, I'm thinking of
12:30 I know Jason's more in the business world,
12:31 but every company or even every school
12:34 that I've been to,
12:35 we always want a mission or some kind of goal to set.
12:40 And when you do that,
12:43 everything hopefully that you do
12:45 in your company or the school
12:47 or whatever you're setting,
12:48 for example, in 3ABN, goes toward that mission.
12:52 And so if you have that light
12:54 of what is your focus for Jesus,
12:57 then hopefully everything that you do throughout the day
13:01 is going toward that goal.
13:03 Amen. That's right.
13:04 Amen. That's really good.
13:05 You would assume that our chief purpose in life,
13:10 even for our existence
13:13 is seeking first the Kingdom of God.
13:16 But how many times do...
13:19 Hey, we never point, I never point fingers.
13:22 Because we've all been through it all I think
13:25 but I mean, there are days that I wake up late,
13:29 actually, today was one, and you hit the floor running
13:33 and you go, go, go, go and you think,
13:35 "Okay, Lord, I don't have time for my devotional.
13:38 I've got to get ready, get to work on time."
13:41 And then you get to work,
13:42 and of course, we're very blessed here
13:44 'cause we get to start our days with a devotional.
13:47 But guess what, today wasn't a time
13:51 that we got to start with a devotional.
13:54 And so all of a sudden you find yourself
13:57 just into the rhythm of the day
13:59 and all the things that are required,
14:02 and it's not till you get home
14:04 and you're going "Oh, Lord, forgive me."
14:06 And you feel like you're giving God leftovers.
14:09 Anybody ever been through that?
14:11 Absolutely.
14:12 And so it happens to everyone.
14:15 And there's something even that I told J.D.
14:17 and particularly the Lord's been bringing it
14:20 to my attention lately.
14:21 He's the most important person on earth to me
14:25 yet I can get so busy working
14:28 that I'm robbing Him of time
14:31 and the Lord's been showing me I need more balance in my life.
14:35 So when I say what we esteem we spend time with,
14:39 there we can become so intimate with someone
14:44 that you can think
14:46 "Oh, okay, I can spend my time doing this
14:48 because this is secure."
14:51 Some people end up getting a divorce because of that,
14:53 but also some people
14:55 who are like these the Ten Virgins
14:58 who aren't surrendered to the Lord.
14:59 Yeah, I think, you know,
15:02 this western American culture that we live in
15:04 has kind of set us up for defeat in that area.
15:08 Because in the culture that we live in, you know,
15:13 trying to attempt to achieve the American dream is...
15:18 Push yourself, work, work,
15:19 work hard, hard, hard, as hard as you can,
15:22 to, you know, reach those goals,
15:24 you know, to be that person you want to be.
15:26 And there's nothing wrong with those things.
15:28 I think we all should have goals,
15:29 we all should love our jobs.
15:30 And, you know, the Bible said
15:32 "You don't work, you don't eat."
15:33 And so we have to work, working is important.
15:35 But I think in this western American culture
15:37 that we live in, you know,
15:38 sometimes talking about priorities,
15:40 we instead of seeking first the Kingdom of God
15:43 at the top, you know, it's kind of, you know,
15:46 it may be, you know,
15:47 family first or maybe job first and then family
15:50 and then relationships and then, you know,
15:52 church and the mission of the church,
15:54 and God's work and the Kingdom of God
15:56 kind of gets shoved down at the bottom, you know,
15:58 if I have any time left over in the week,
15:59 you know, I might go to prayer meeting
16:01 if I feel okay or I might go to church this week
16:04 if I feel like it, if I'm not too tired.
16:06 And so just an example, you know.
16:08 I think when we put that list right side up,
16:11 and then we put Jesus first and His mission and His kingdom
16:13 and the work of the church,
16:15 you know, in a responsible perspective,
16:18 then everything else as He said, it will be added,
16:20 everything else will fall in line
16:22 as it's supposed to.
16:23 And I'm gonna take it one step further
16:25 because I always have Kingdom work first,
16:29 that's where he gets ignored sometimes.
16:32 I think,
16:34 if you're gonna keep a finger on your spiritual pulse,
16:37 they say prayer is the breath of the soul.
16:39 Right.
16:41 I mean, if you're not starting your day
16:42 in serious prayer, and not just a list of,
16:47 you know, like you're thinking he is running a casino
16:52 and you're on the slot machine,
16:54 "Lord, I need this, this,
16:55 and this today or do this or that."
16:57 That's not what I'm talking about.
16:58 If we're not seeking His face,
17:02 that intimate relationship,
17:05 I mean, to me that's when...
17:07 If your prayer life is suffering,
17:10 let me tell you, your spiritual pulse is weak.
17:13 So, J.D, why don't you read Psalms 62:8?
17:18 Psalms 62, because as we go through priorities,
17:21 and how do we stay within the parameters
17:24 of the priorities that we're setting
17:26 as a believing child of God,
17:29 and I believe that it probably starts with prayer.
17:32 And when you think of prayer, you think of David, okay,
17:35 'cause David was just...
17:37 How many books in David?
17:39 150?
17:40 In Psalms? How many Psalms?
17:42 Yes. Yeah.
17:43 So, I mean, lots of prayer there.
17:45 Here in Psalms 62:8,
17:48 "Trust in Him," capital H,
17:51 "trust in Jesus at all times, you people.
17:54 Pour out your heart before Him,
17:56 because God is indeed a refuge for us."
17:59 Amen. Amen.
18:01 So what does it mean
18:02 to pour out your heart before the Lord?
18:05 I would say to give up everything.
18:07 Just to focus on Him.
18:09 You know, I think of Matthew 7:24
18:13 talks about building your life on the rock.
18:16 Amen.
18:18 And when we can do that, that's when, you know,
18:20 we're grounded on something that is solid.
18:23 And, you know, we can move forward.
18:27 You know, I also look at...
18:29 In my life, I love analytics.
18:33 And I go through my whole day.
18:35 And at the end of the day,
18:36 I look at all the things that I could have done better.
18:40 And I analyze those things.
18:42 And then I pray, I'm like,
18:44 "Okay, Lord, tomorrow help me with those kind of things."
18:50 But I find that when I step back,
18:54 that has happened to me in that day
18:58 and those things that I could have done better.
19:01 I ask the Lord, you know,
19:03 "Give me those attributes or give me those things
19:05 that maybe I could have done better with."
19:08 You know, so sometimes stepping back
19:10 and searching your own life, and all the activities
19:13 and all the things that you've done in your life,
19:15 and then focusing on Jesus and saying,
19:17 "Hey, you know, I need to be on the rock.
19:21 I need to be focused on Jesus
19:22 and what He's done in my life and all the attributes
19:25 that He can give me to do better."
19:28 But I always and I always fall
19:32 when I think that I can do it.
19:36 And that's when Jesus...
19:37 You know, that's what's so awesome with Jesus.
19:39 He will never force us
19:41 into doing something that, we...
19:45 You know, we want to do stuff, but sometimes by letting go,
19:49 the Lord can take over.
19:50 But when I say "I can do it."
19:52 Right.
19:54 That's when the Lord said okay,
19:55 He backs off and then He allows us to fall
20:00 and then we get up.
20:01 And as long as we can stand on the rock
20:04 and realize that we have messed up,
20:07 that's when we can go
20:08 to that next rung in that ladder
20:10 and climb to that next step in a relationship with Jesus.
20:13 That's right.
20:15 If my people who are called by my name
20:17 will humble themselves and pray.
20:20 But now, let me ask you something
20:21 I recently...
20:23 Well, actually, today, I was talking with someone,
20:25 and I told them, I just learned
20:27 that I'm going to have to have surgery
20:29 on four vertebrae at once, which is, I mean,
20:32 some serious major back surgery.
20:35 You know, what the most interesting thing.
20:37 When I got the news, part of it was expected,
20:41 the rest of it was not expected.
20:43 And it was like,
20:45 "Ah" and I just cocooned.
20:52 I became like a recluse, and when I was...
20:55 I could pray for other people, but I couldn't pray for myself.
20:59 Does that make sense?
21:00 You know, there are times 'cause we don't want to...
21:02 When we're sitting here,
21:04 I think pouring out our heart to God,
21:07 He knows our fears,
21:09 He knows when we don't want to do something.
21:11 And sometimes even I'll say to Him,
21:13 "Lord, you got to make me willing,
21:15 I'm willing to be made willing,
21:17 but I really don't want to do this."
21:19 That's right.
21:20 But this was a time when it was like,
21:23 I just kept saying,
21:26 "Lord, don't let me make a mistake
21:27 here in the decision."
21:29 That's all I could say, but I couldn't pray anymore.
21:32 There are times that we become like a paralytic,
21:35 be paralytic.
21:37 And when we can't pray for ourselves,
21:39 we need to go to others.
21:41 Oh, absolutely.
21:42 And say, "I need a stretcher bearer."
21:45 And if you will pray for me
21:48 'cause sometimes, other people
21:50 when you've been hit with some news,
21:52 maybe that is just shocking to you,
21:54 you need somebody else
21:57 to help you get to the throne of God.
21:59 That's true.
22:00 Someone just recently...
22:02 This is powerful on the note you're talking about
22:03 because someone just recently sent me a link
22:05 to an inter...
22:07 Well, it's kind of an interview
22:08 but more or less say a testimony of a lady.
22:11 And in this testimony, it's powerful.
22:15 Long story short,
22:16 this lady basically ends up in the hospital
22:18 with a strong bacteria in her bloodstream.
22:21 And she was on the verge of dying
22:23 and she knew it.
22:25 And she was calling everyone in her church,
22:27 everyone she knew,
22:29 "Please, please send up a prayer for me,
22:30 please send up a prayer for me."
22:32 Even herself all night long, laying in that bed
22:34 getting sicker and sicker, praying, praying, praying,
22:36 praying the Lord.
22:37 Eventually this led her
22:39 to this kind of this rock-bottom moment
22:42 where she was kind of almost delirious,
22:44 but at the same time calling out to the Lord saying,
22:46 "Lord, why aren't You hearing me?
22:48 Why aren't You answering my prayer?
22:49 Why aren't You answering?
22:50 Lord, I'm pleading, I'm calling, I'm Your servant,
22:52 I'm asking You to answer my prayer
22:54 but You're silent.
22:55 You're not hearing me, You're not answering me."
22:57 And then she goes to this moment
22:59 where she believes the Lord spoke to her,
23:01 told her, "I'm gonna heal you,
23:02 but it's not because of your prayers.
23:04 It's because there's another person praying for you.
23:06 I'm gonna heal you
23:08 because someone else is praying for you.
23:09 Amen.
23:10 And through this experience,
23:12 this woman had a revival like no other.
23:14 And I think sometimes we have to keep in mind
23:16 that, you know,
23:17 there are people in the Bible, there's examples in the Bible
23:19 were strong men and women in the Lord,
23:22 you know, they found themselves in circumstances
23:24 where they, I'm sure they prayed.
23:25 I could imagine the many years that Joseph spent in jail,
23:29 every single day, "Lord, save me.
23:31 Lord, save me. Lord, save me."
23:33 You know, most of us would probably give up
23:35 after a week or a month or two months,
23:37 and he's in there for years.
23:38 And you can imagine day in and day out,
23:40 "Lord, save me.
23:41 Lord, save me."
23:43 And he could have eventually, you know, threw in the towel
23:44 and say, "Well, I guess, the Lord's just...
23:45 He's given up on me," but He didn't.
23:48 Think of Job, Job went through.
23:50 He could have easily get through
23:51 no throwing in the towel, and said,
23:53 "You know what, the Lord's not hearing me,
23:54 He's ignoring me, He's silent."
23:56 But he isn't. The Lord hears our prayers.
23:58 But sometimes the Lord will answer a prayer
24:01 through someone else to reach us.
24:03 Let me piggyback.
24:05 Let's go back to that Psalms 62:8
24:07 and follow the story
24:08 that you just told on that lady.
24:11 "Trust in him at all times, trust in Jesus at all times.
24:15 Pour out your heart,"
24:17 the lady's pouring out her heart before Him,
24:20 "and then God is the refuge."
24:22 That's right.
24:23 We don't have any idea how, you know...
24:26 Great story and the tie in there
24:28 and that's what we all need to do.
24:30 You know, trust in Him at all times.
24:34 It doesn't get any better than that
24:36 if you can understand the hope,
24:38 the eager expectation of when you're going,
24:40 "Lord, I trust in You.
24:42 You're the one that has the plan."
24:44 And you're the one that's from the beginning.
24:46 Yeah.
24:47 But don't stop pouring out your heart to Him
24:50 because now we're cooperating with each other.
24:53 And then the creator what He does best,
24:57 then recreates.
24:58 But, you know, and we've got to remember
25:00 that pouring out our heart,
25:02 I mean, there's nothing wrong
25:03 with having showing our emotions in prayer.
25:05 Now first of all,
25:07 God knows everything we're thinking, right?
25:09 But I think that Psalms 27:8 is one of my favorite verses
25:13 because there was a time that God was teaching me
25:16 to press into His presence
25:18 and, and like David,
25:20 what I heard was seek my face.
25:23 In Psalms 28:7, or Psalms 27:8,
25:29 David said to the Lord,
25:31 "When you said, 'Seek my face'"
25:34 this is God speaking to David.
25:36 "Seek my face."
25:39 He said, "My heart said to you,
25:41 'your face, Lord, I will seek.'"
25:44 And what that means is,
25:46 this is a complete turning to the Lord in devotion,
25:50 not looking for what God can do for you
25:55 but to get to know God.
25:57 That's right.
25:58 And, you know, for me in one way that...
26:02 How do you seek His face?
26:03 What I would do is I would pray.
26:06 And then I'd say, now, Lord...
26:09 John 17:17 says that "You sanctify me by Your word."
26:13 So sanctify me by this word.
26:15 Speak to me through your word."
26:17 And then I would read
26:18 and I pray over the scripture to the Lord.
26:21 So seeking God's face is to get to understand His love,
26:26 and His plan better, don't you think?
26:27 That's right.
26:29 Also on that same note, you know,
26:30 the face of the Lord, I think, the Moses,
26:32 you know, Moses wanted to see God.
26:34 Yeah. That's exactly...
26:35 He was able to see God's body on a couple of accounts,
26:38 but he was never able to look upon the face of God
26:40 because of God's glory.
26:42 And of course, the glory within the face of God
26:44 would represent His character, His righteousness.
26:46 And so when we seek God's face,
26:48 we're seeking His perfect character,
26:50 His righteousness.
26:51 And I love what you said there, we don't want to be seeking...
26:53 There's a song I sing,
26:54 you know, with all my heart and in the lyrics it says,
26:57 "You faithfully supply my need according to Your plan
27:00 so help me, Lord,
27:01 to seek your face before I seek your hand."
27:03 Amen.
27:05 Because a lot of times
27:06 we're in this constant perpetual state of
27:08 "Lord, give me, give me, give me.
27:09 Lord, help me, help me, help me."
27:11 And the Lord does want to give to us
27:12 and He does want to help us.
27:14 But before He always provides,
27:16 the most important thing is that we're transformed.
27:19 And so His face would be of course that knowing factor,
27:22 that personal relationship.
27:23 But looking up on the face of God,
27:26 seeking the face of God is seeking His righteousness,
27:29 His perfect character.
27:30 And I think praying with thanks...
27:32 I begin my prayer with thanksgiving and praise.
27:35 Actually, I would say 50 percent to 70 percent
27:39 of my prayers, thanksgiving and praise.
27:42 And I think that is bringing you
27:44 into where you're really seeing the face of God.
27:48 You know, I've actually experienced that
27:50 I had a pastor where I was working with,
27:52 and we're going through...
27:54 Both of us we're going through some trials.
27:56 And, you know, he told me one morning he goes,
27:59 "You know, we just need to praise God.
28:02 Spend a few minutes just praising God."
28:05 And so I actually started doing that.
28:06 It was amazing, the transformation,
28:08 just in my own mind.
28:10 When, you know, I started, you know...
28:13 And it's not like, "Well, I praise the Lord."
28:15 But it's, you know, outright saying,
28:18 I praise You, to You be all the glory.
28:22 And to praise God in the way that will give glory to Him,
28:26 which, you know, we're denying ourselves,
28:27 we're denying anything,
28:29 but we're realizing
28:30 that without Jesus, we're nothing.
28:32 But then when we focus, and our mission is on Jesus,
28:38 and we start today with just praising God.
28:42 And I can attest you that when I did this,
28:46 and I did it for about three to four minutes
28:48 while I was walking to work.
28:50 And I had this armor.
28:53 Amen.
28:54 It felt like that when people were doing things
28:58 and saying things and acting inappropriate,
29:02 it didn't bother me.
29:03 And, you know, you get through the day...
29:05 And yeah, at the end of the day,
29:06 you felt like you've been,
29:07 you know, you went through a war,
29:09 and you felt tired and all that burden,
29:12 but you were able to get through that day,
29:15 with that start of the day of just praising God
29:18 for all that He has done for us,
29:20 and the glory that is His.
29:22 Well, you know, when you're praising God
29:24 for His faithfulness, for His mercy,
29:26 for His power, it's like,
29:27 suddenly you're remembering who He really, really is.
29:30 That's right.
29:32 But also, one thing that I praise God
29:34 and thank Him for all the time
29:35 is that salvation is a gift.
29:40 And, you know...
29:41 And I'm always telling Him, "Lord, I thank you
29:43 because I know I can never save myself."
29:46 That is for me growing up
29:49 in the pattern in which I grew up.
29:53 I tried so hard to save myself for 50 years,
29:55 and it was just...
29:57 I got so discouraged from time to time.
29:59 But when I really understood God's grace,
30:02 and that I don't obey to be saved,
30:05 I obey because I am saved,
30:07 I obey because I love Him.
30:09 It's just...
30:10 It's how I express my love to Him.
30:12 That made all the difference in the world.
30:14 You know, this certainly brings up 1 Thessalonians 5:17.
30:17 Yes, amen.
30:19 Because we are in prayer, we go to Him,
30:20 we pour out our voices to Him,
30:23 you know, and 1 Thessalonians 5:17
30:25 is "Pray without ceasing, but our love..."
30:27 You have to start with 16, don't you?
30:29 Yeah.
30:32 Rejoice always,
30:33 as you were just saying, you know.
30:35 I mean, I remember when someone...
30:37 You mentioned that to me,
30:39 thanking Him and praising and all things,
30:41 and I did the same thing.
30:43 And, boy, that was a aha moment.
30:46 That next whatever and even to this day,
30:48 "Thank You, Jesus."
30:49 I don't know what's coming but this is what threw me
30:52 because I never really saw the end.
30:55 It's "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,
30:57 give thanks in all things."
31:00 I just always can't think for all things,
31:02 you know, if it's in all things.
31:04 And man, that's good times bad times.
31:06 And that's hard.
31:07 You bet it's hard.
31:08 I mean, when you're in the hard times,
31:10 you know, I don't feel like praising God...
31:12 Yeah. In those times.
31:14 But I find that when we do that
31:16 when we give up ourselves and we're like,
31:19 "Okay, let's just take that Bible verse
31:21 and let's put it to the test."
31:23 It's amazing how God can transform our lives and,
31:28 you know, and protects us.
31:30 You know, I also look at this also...
31:32 As I ask the question,
31:35 I like asking my question,
31:36 why, why do I do the things I do?
31:40 You know, for what purpose?
31:41 What is...
31:43 You know, as we're talking about
31:44 what is your mission, what's your goals.
31:46 And when I look at Jesus,
31:48 and I look at everything that He has done for me,
31:52 it's all about relational.
31:53 Amen.
31:55 And I do it because number one, I want to be closer to Jesus.
32:00 And I do that because I know
32:02 that there is nothing in my life
32:04 that's really good of myself.
32:06 Amen.
32:07 But it's all because of what Jesus has did for me.
32:09 And He created me for a purpose.
32:13 And He created each one of us for a purpose.
32:16 That's why, you know,
32:18 I look at the fruits of the spirit saying,
32:20 "Okay, I need those attributes
32:22 because we're all brothers and sisters,
32:25 and we need to treat everyone
32:27 with love and respect and have patience."
32:30 And not, you know,
32:31 some people may need more patience
32:33 than others and,
32:35 or I may need more patience, you know, you know.
32:38 So it's...
32:40 And, you know, I'm talking about myself
32:41 because I see a lot of things
32:43 that in my life I need to improve on.
32:46 But I know that I'm doing this
32:48 because I want a relationship with Jesus.
32:51 And the bonus, the goal,
32:54 the final thing is being with Him for eternity.
32:57 Amen.
32:58 So if we're checking our spiritual pulse,
33:03 we start by looking at what are our priorities.
33:07 Sometimes we need to reprioritize things.
33:11 And of course,
33:15 prayer should be one of our top priorities.
33:17 If you love somebody, you want to talk with them.
33:20 But now, prayer is more of a...
33:23 it's actually a two way conversation
33:25 if you learn to listen for His voice.
33:28 But how this God primarily speak to us?
33:32 So I would put that on our second, I mean...
33:37 Our third rink here is reading God's word.
33:42 So you want to read Matthew 4:4, Francine?
33:45 Yeah. Mathew 4:4. Let me get to it.
33:48 Let's see.
33:54 I like that Bible with you.
33:55 I like it. It's nice and big.
33:57 That's a big print.
33:59 "But He answered and said..."
34:00 Am I in the right place? That's it.
34:02 Okay, "It is written,
34:04 Man shall not live by bread alone,
34:06 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
34:09 So what's going on in this scene?
34:13 Well, Jesus is being tempted by the devil of brethrens.
34:16 And by the devil. Yeah.
34:17 And so Jesus is applying a primary example here to us
34:22 because He is our example.
34:24 Peter tells us that He's our example,
34:26 that, you know,
34:28 where Jesus is showing us here that
34:29 when the devil comes along,
34:31 and he brings that temptation,
34:33 that He like Himself,
34:35 we should also follow in His steps
34:37 to defend ourselves
34:39 or to allow the Word of God to defend us
34:41 and declaring the promises
34:42 and the powerful words of the Word of God.
34:45 And so...
34:46 When He says that, we live by this,
34:50 if the Bible is our spiritual nourishment,
34:54 what kind of pulse do you have
34:55 if you're not doing some kind of daily Bible study?
34:59 Probably not much of one
35:01 because you're spiritually malnourished.
35:03 At least that's the concept of it,
35:05 you know, we have to feed on the Word of God.
35:07 I think of the sanctuary,
35:10 the sanctuary is the perfect laid out
35:12 beautiful blueprint plan of salvation.
35:15 And that table of showbread was there for a purpose.
35:19 The priesthood would eat on that bread daily,
35:23 and it was a part of their daily experience
35:26 in the sanctuary.
35:27 And that is an example to us that just as Christ
35:30 is the bread of life,
35:31 we should feast on Him daily in His Word.
35:35 I think of also Isaiah 8:20, which says
35:37 "And to the law and to the prophets,"
35:39 if they speak, you know...
35:40 It should be that a law and the testimony
35:42 if they speak not according to this word,
35:44 it is because there is no light in them,
35:45 there's heavy emphasis placed on the importance
35:48 and significance of the Word of God in our life.
35:51 Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
35:55 So you have a daughter, Amanda.
35:59 And I know that this is something
36:00 that you're teaching and training her up
36:03 is to have this daily Bible study.
36:06 And it's interesting when she takes the time
36:08 and shows that interest and she reads to us on a,
36:11 you know, and she's getting excited.
36:14 I mean, that is again,
36:16 a little bit of the fruit of the Spirit.
36:17 But, you know,
36:19 when I see the bread coming in, we take that in
36:22 and it gives us the nourishment that we need.
36:25 And I like how you said,
36:26 you know, daily check your pulse
36:28 because the blood is giving all this nourishment
36:32 to the different organs, every part of your body.
36:35 And just like the Holy Spirit
36:37 is giving all these different attributes
36:40 of who God is,
36:41 and focusing on all these little areas is
36:44 if you do spend time in prayer,
36:46 if you do try to study God's Word,
36:49 all of these things are again feeding
36:52 into what is going to help you grow spiritually.
36:55 And so it just reminds me again, about...
36:58 It's not just the body,
37:00 but that is a good connection of an example
37:02 of who God is trying to show His character.
37:05 Seems to me like He's reminding us.
37:08 He says, "Yes, being human beings,
37:10 we all need bread, we all need food to sustain us.
37:14 But there's something more important that
37:18 if you want to spend
37:21 a joy filled life for eternity,
37:26 well, then you might pay attention to my words.
37:31 Amen.
37:32 And that's a...
37:37 That's heavy. You know what...
37:39 Because it's stepping out in faith now.
37:42 You know, I mean,
37:43 I can see this loaf of bread here
37:44 and I know boy, I hear my stomach growling.
37:47 And I know about take that and put it here.
37:49 That's just going to satisfy me.
37:51 But, boy, now you're talking about eternity
37:54 and talking about a relationship
37:56 where I have love, joy, peace,
37:58 longsuffering instead, etcetera.
38:00 Wow! I do want that.
38:03 And so that means, well, it's available to you.
38:07 That's right.
38:08 You know, I look at this verse,
38:10 and I see the bread as substance for the body.
38:15 But when it really comes down to the tug of war in life,
38:19 is all about the mind.
38:20 Amen.
38:22 You know, because the devil wants to take your mind
38:24 and pollute it, but Jesus says, "Take My words
38:27 because that's gonna illuminate your minds."
38:30 And it's your mind that, you know,
38:33 what you think is what you're gonna do.
38:36 And so by focusing on the words of the Bible,
38:41 as you were saying,
38:43 that's where we're gonna get the strength,
38:45 we're gonna get the endurance,
38:46 and we're gonna get the peace of mind
38:48 knowing that we're on that rock,
38:50 and we have that power
38:52 and the illumination that God's before us.
38:55 That's right.
38:57 The heart in the Bible is often reference
39:00 to the mind obviously not so,
39:02 you know, give your, you know, love the Lord
39:04 with all your heart, mind, and soul.
39:06 You're not obviously the Bible's not talking
39:07 about your aortic pump in your chest,
39:09 but it's often a reference to the mind.
39:11 And so I think of that scripture,
39:13 the Psalm is right.
39:14 David writes, you know,
39:15 "Thy word I had hid in my heart
39:17 that I might not sin against You."
39:18 And so we're not...
39:19 It's important, as you're stating that,
39:21 you know, Christ...
39:23 You know, let this mind be in you.
39:25 So it's spiritual nourishment for eternity,
39:28 but it is also our defensive weapon.
39:30 I mean, this is the sword of the Spirit.
39:32 The word is the sword of the Spirit.
39:34 And that's how we, it is written.
39:38 This is how we can fend off the devil's rise.
39:43 And it's not an offensive weapon,
39:46 it's a defensive weapon.
39:48 You put on the full armor of God
39:50 because you're trying to be defended
39:52 from the devil's attacks.
39:54 And many people try to use this as an offensive weapon.
39:57 But God never meant for us
39:58 to be used as an offensive weapon,
40:00 but a defensive weapon.
40:01 Defending the devil. Okay.
40:03 Priorities, prayer, the Bible.
40:07 And I have to say,
40:08 if you go a day without reading the Bible,
40:12 I mean, it's not like
40:13 God's up there with His checklist
40:15 saying, "Uh-oh, Ryan didn't read today,
40:18 put a little X by this day."
40:22 This is practical and good advice.
40:28 And we want to be doers that they would not hear us only.
40:31 This is for our eternal benefit.
40:34 But I think it is only as we pray in getting the word
40:39 that we can really be walking in surrender,
40:43 and boy that is,
40:45 you know, bottom line is
40:46 if you want to check your spiritual pulse,
40:49 are you walking in spirits?
40:51 J.D, you want to read Luke 9:23?
40:54 Luke 9:23. Yes, sir.
40:57 Matthew, Mark, Luke, here we are.
40:59 Luke, right here, 9:23, 9:23.
41:04 "And then He said to them all,
41:07 'If anyone desires to come after Me,
41:10 let him deny himself,
41:12 take up his cross daily, and follow Me.'
41:15 " Now walking in surrender.
41:17 You know, that scripture has always been a powerful...
41:22 There is a book I read a few years ago called
41:25 "Not a Fan."
41:28 And the whole book is talking about
41:29 how there's a difference between a fan and a follower.
41:33 And many of us are fans of Jesus.
41:36 We know a lot about Him.
41:38 We're willing to profess His name.
41:40 We're willing to tell others that He's our Lord.
41:43 But really, the experience
41:45 that we're experiencing in Christ
41:47 is more or less a fan experience
41:49 rather than a follower
41:50 because we're willing to stand on the sidelines
41:52 and cheer for Him from the stands.
41:54 But are we willing to follow Him?
41:56 And that the key verse
41:58 throughout this book that is built,
41:59 that this whole book and the purpose of this book
42:02 is built on is Luke 9:23.
42:04 And I love how Jesus starts with,
42:06 "If you desire to come after Me,
42:08 you have to do what first?"
42:09 Deny yourself.
42:11 When you learn to deny yourself,
42:13 then you prepare yourself
42:14 to be placed upon the altar of sacrifice.
42:17 In other words,
42:19 pick up your instrument of death and follow me
42:23 because when Christ was speaking
42:24 of taking up His cross,
42:26 He's not speaking of it
42:27 in the modern western cultural sense of,
42:29 you know, we look at a cross today,
42:30 and we just smile,
42:32 and it's just such a great symbol of hope,
42:33 because of what we see it in hindsight,
42:36 looking back.
42:37 But in His day to go up to someone and say,
42:40 you know, take up your cross
42:42 would be like us telling someone,
42:44 you know, stab yourself in the chest
42:46 with a knife or, you know,
42:47 go grab a noose and,
42:49 you know, hang yourself from a tree.
42:50 That's horrible imagery, but nonetheless,
42:52 that's what Christ was saying.
42:54 Yeah, because they knew in that day
42:55 when they said pick up your cross,
42:57 if you picked up your cross,
42:58 you were gonna go be crucified.
43:00 So, you know, this is when Paul says
43:02 "I die daily."
43:03 He's talking about picking up this cross daily,
43:06 dying to self.
43:07 This isn't...
43:08 I remember once I was in Roswell, New Mexico,
43:10 and I was doing this series,
43:11 and I was talking about how Paul said,
43:14 "I'm crucified with Christ, I'm crucified to the world,
43:17 the world to me, picking up Your cross."
43:19 And this woman came to me afterwards and said,
43:22 "Well, that's just the harshest sermon I've ever heard.
43:26 All this dying to self stuff, and being crucified."
43:30 And I said, "You know, this is how, by dying to self,
43:35 we can only be filled with the Holy Spirit
43:37 to that griever emptied himself.
43:40 So it's as Romans 8:13 says,
43:45 that if you live according to the flesh,
43:46 what's gonna happen?
43:48 You die.
43:49 You're gonna die.
43:51 But if by the power of the Holy Spirit,
43:55 you put to death the mistakes of the flesh,
43:57 you're gonna live.
43:58 So let me say one point on that.
44:01 You and I can't put to death the misdeeds of our flesh,
44:05 not by ourselves.
44:07 It's because Romans 8:13 says,
44:09 "If you, by the power of the Holy Spirit
44:14 put to death misdeeds of your flesh,"
44:17 you can't do it on your own.
44:18 And the Holy Spirit's not gonna do it without you.
44:21 So that is where we...
44:24 When we talk about surrender it's yielding to His leading.
44:29 And it's only as we yield to Him,
44:34 and let Him lead,
44:36 that we can die to our selfish desires.
44:39 And there's nothing frightening about it
44:40 'cause God always gives us some banner.
44:42 What were you gonna say?
44:44 Well, you know, I look at this
44:46 and there's what I see in my life,
44:49 that there's no better place
44:50 than being where God wants you to be.
44:52 Amen.
44:53 And when I find myself wanting to do my will
44:57 or wanting to go in my direction,
45:00 I found that the Lord has a way of correcting that.
45:02 Yes. That's right.
45:04 And sometimes you go through situations
45:07 in your life and you're like, "Well, you know,
45:10 I thought I was going in the right direction.
45:12 But when we look at what Jesus is trying to do in our lives,
45:17 and we go in that direction, and we follow Him,
45:21 we're in a perfect spot.
45:22 I know when Francine and I,
45:24 we had to leave Michigan and we went to Washington,
45:28 you know, we left our family,
45:30 we left our jobs that we liked,
45:33 we left, you know, all the things we had
45:36 what we called our dream home,
45:38 we left all that
45:41 because we knew that the Lord was taking us
45:43 in another direction.
45:45 And I'm driving, and it was interesting
45:47 because I had all...
45:48 You know, I had my goals and Francine,
45:51 and we're at that stage, you know, young people,
45:53 we were building our lives,
45:55 and we thought we knew what was good for us.
45:59 And when we realized after three years,
46:02 we didn't really build relationships
46:04 with our neighbors,
46:05 you know, we were doing all the right things.
46:07 You know, we were elders, we were deacons, we were,
46:10 you know, doing Sabbath School in our church,
46:12 we were involved in our church,
46:13 in the conference, you know,
46:15 we're doing all these great things...
46:16 But spiritually.
46:17 But spiritually we were draining ourselves,
46:19 but we weren't getting connected with the Lord.
46:22 And we were doing all these good things.
46:24 But until we realized
46:25 that the Lord has something better for us,
46:28 and we need to focus on that,
46:30 and then move in that direction.
46:31 And when we did that, we had an amazing joy.
46:35 We wouldn't have been able to adopt our little girl
46:38 if we didn't go to Washington, you know.
46:40 So there's a lot of things when we're focusing on Jesus,
46:43 and we realize that He's guiding us
46:46 in the direction,
46:47 even though we have to give up so much,
46:50 there's so much more
46:52 that we don't realize that He's giving us.
46:54 And there's so many times that you wonder
46:56 if you had yielded to God's will more often
47:00 and not be so driven
47:02 on what you thought was the mission,
47:06 then you wonder
47:07 what other blessings God had in store
47:09 that you could have already been blessed with.
47:12 And, you know,
47:13 if you hadn't focused on yourself first
47:16 or what you thought the goal should have been.
47:19 Because I know that I see it in tithing,
47:21 I see it with so many people,
47:22 there are so many people
47:24 that they think they're doing what's right
47:25 and you want to just say, hold back,
47:28 now that I'm a little older, you think in your mind,
47:31 you could be preventing so much
47:33 and God wants to do so much for you.
47:36 You always just want to tell people sometimes,
47:39 and sometimes they just have to learn it.
47:41 Again, it's that relationship with Christ
47:43 when you get to that point.
47:44 And so I think that's why we have to pray for each other,
47:48 is lifting each other up, and those prayers
47:50 that you were talking about earlier
47:52 is because we don't know all these things
47:54 that God really has in store.
47:56 I think there's so much more that God is waiting for us on.
47:59 Amen. Absolutely, absolutely.
48:01 You mentioned earlier that,
48:02 you know, we can't do the work ourselves.
48:06 And, you know, it's hard to move
48:10 when you're nailed to a cross.
48:13 It's hard to be in control when you're nailed to a cross.
48:17 When Jesus was hanging on that cross,
48:19 He was completely vulnerable,
48:21 and in the control of other people.
48:24 And when I read Luke 9:23,
48:26 when we deny ourselves
48:27 and we take up that instrument of death,
48:30 when we hang ourselves on a cross spiritually,
48:32 obviously, when we crucify self,
48:35 we at that moment are saying, "Lord, I don't trust myself.
48:39 I'm nailed to this cross.
48:40 Lord, I don't...
48:41 I'm pining myself to this cross
48:43 because I don't trust myself
48:44 to act, to do, to decide, to make choices
48:47 and what's best in my life,
48:48 Lord, not my will but Yours."
48:50 Yeah, but see,
48:51 we can't even do that by ourselves,
48:53 if we ever gonna try to nail ourselves to the cross,
48:55 we could get one but then it's like,
48:57 "Oh, okay, how do I do this?"
48:59 So, we can't even deny self
49:03 without the Holy Spirit's help.
49:05 And that's why Paul in Ephesians 5:18 says,
49:09 always be filled with the Holy Spirit.
49:12 And I think, you know,
49:13 what we have to look at is if we're walking
49:16 under the influence of the Spirit,
49:19 the Word of God will have control in our lives.
49:23 We will confess our known sins
49:26 and the Holy Spirit will help us to recognize
49:29 when we're not pleasing to God,
49:32 we will die to self according to His will,
49:35 but we're depending upon His power.
49:38 You know, I used to try to do this
49:39 under my own power and it was so discouraging.
49:42 I actually walked away from the Lord once and said,
49:46 shaking my little finger in His face,
49:48 "You demand too much."
49:51 It was just impossible.
49:53 So in Luke 11:13
49:56 is probably one of my favorite scriptures.
49:59 J.D, why don't you read that one.
50:01 Luke 11:13.
50:04 "If you then, being evil,
50:06 know how to give good gifts to your children,
50:08 how much more will your heavenly Father
50:10 give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?"
50:13 Remember, you're walking in surrender here.
50:15 So you're allowing Him to be in charge.
50:18 And so, Him being in charge, He's just saying,
50:21 "Listen, Quinn, I want to give you things
50:23 that you'd never knew that is even possible."
50:25 You know.
50:26 And, you know, when you look in Luke 11,
50:28 this is where Jesus is saying,
50:31 ask and it'll be given to you,
50:34 seek and you will find,
50:36 knock and the door will be open.
50:37 These are linear verbs.
50:39 They are constant present tense.
50:42 So He's saying,
50:43 "Keep on asking, keep on seeking,
50:47 keep on knocking."
50:49 But then He comes down to this point where He says,
50:53 "Here's what I'm telling you.
50:56 You're evil,
50:57 you know how to give good gifts to your kids,
50:59 but if you keep on asking the Father
51:02 for the Holy Spirit,
51:04 how much more is He gonna give you
51:06 that good gift, you know?
51:08 And here's what I want to say.
51:11 If you want to get a finger
51:12 on your spiritual pulse, priorities,
51:17 check your priorities.
51:19 Are you praying in a way that's a friend to friend
51:24 that you're praying to God,
51:26 pouring out your heart before Him,
51:28 seeking His face?
51:30 Are you in His word
51:31 so that you can let Him counsel you?
51:33 And are you saying, praying every day,
51:37 "Lord, fill me with your Holy Spirit."
51:40 And it's not just day by day, sometimes, it's hour by hour.
51:44 That's right.
51:46 Isn't it? Yes.
51:48 'Cause I certainly know
51:49 that I have started my days surrendered
51:53 and somehow you end up not.
51:54 Of course.
51:56 Let's read 2 Corinthians 3:18.
52:01 Francine, you want to read that one?
52:03 All right.
52:05 So 2 Corinthians 3:18.
52:06 "But we all, with unveiled faces
52:09 beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord,
52:13 are being transformed in the same image
52:15 from the glory to glory
52:16 just as by the Spirit of the Lord."
52:21 It's just saying it again.
52:23 Again, it's that mirror we want to reflect who Christ is.
52:26 That's right.
52:28 So you don't want them to see you,
52:29 you want them to see God.
52:31 That's what Jesus was communicating
52:32 to Nicodemus in John 3.
52:35 I love how Mrs. White, she says that
52:37 "No other place in the Bible is the gospel
52:39 put on display more clearly than in John 3."
52:42 And that conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus.
52:45 Because Nicodemus is thinking fleshly, earthly.
52:48 Jesus is...
52:49 Jesus is having a vertical conversation
52:51 and Nicodemus's mind is completely horizontal.
52:54 And Jesus says, "No, it's a spiritual thing."
52:56 And if you look in that chapter,
52:58 and you look for the one thing
53:00 that Jesus tells Nicodemus that we must do,
53:03 in order to hurry the work of the Spirit in our life,
53:07 he references Numbers 21.
53:10 The story of Numbers 21.
53:11 He says,
53:13 "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
53:15 so shall also the Son of Man be lifted up."
53:18 Jesus said, "I, and if I am lifted up,
53:20 I will draw all men unto myself."
53:22 You know, and sometimes we think
53:25 that us lifting up Jesus, you know, that we're...
53:27 And it is important that we uplift Jesus
53:29 for others to see but, you know,
53:31 we need to uplift Jesus every single day
53:33 so we can see Him.
53:34 Amen. That's good.
53:36 And it's very important that we understand
53:39 and by beholding we become change.
53:41 If I'm keeping my attention and my focus every single day
53:44 on the uplifted Savior,
53:46 and I'm beholding Christ
53:47 and the events that transpired on Calvary
53:49 are in my mind, as Mrs. White would say
53:52 "A thoughtful hour each day on the life of Christ,
53:54 especially the closing ones."
53:56 When we put Christ in our view,
53:59 everything falls in place where it should.
54:01 And the Holy Spirit takes us
54:03 from one level of His character to the next.
54:05 But now we've got... I just looked at the clock.
54:08 It's ticking away.
54:10 Yes, this is probably one of the best ways
54:13 to check your spiritual pulse.
54:16 J.D, John 14:15, what does Jesus say?
54:19 "Abide in me, and I am you,
54:22 as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself,
54:25 unless it abides in the vine,
54:27 neither can you unless you abide in Me.
54:30 I, Jesus Am the vine, you are the branches
54:34 and who who abides in Me and I in him,
54:37 bears much fruit for without Me you can do nothing.
54:40 So that's John 15:4 and 5 that you read.
54:44 And John 14:15, Jesus said,
54:47 "If you love Me, keep my commandments."
54:51 So and, you know, we don't have time
54:53 but in that passage, John 14:15,
54:57 "If you love Me, keep my commandments."
55:00 He's saying our love is obedience,
55:02 I mean, our love is evidence by our obedience.
55:05 But it goes on in verses 15 through 17,
55:08 to say, "If you do this,
55:10 I'm gonna give you the Holy Spirit
55:11 as you're helper."
55:13 So you got supernatural help.
55:14 And in verses 18 through 19,
55:16 He says, you're gonna have a supernatural life.
55:18 And verse 20 through 25, supernatural union,
55:22 and 27 through 31,
55:24 you're gonna know supernatural peace.
55:27 So if you want to keep a finger in your spiritual pulse,
55:31 producing fruit, what you just read,
55:34 what is He saying in John 15:4 and 5?
55:37 What does it mean to abide in Christ?
55:40 Be part of him,
55:42 be an extension of him, you know.
55:44 And it's a dwelling thing, isn't it?
55:46 Most certainly.
55:47 It's a settling thing.
55:48 It's basically giving up your time
55:50 to have that relationship with Him,
55:52 and it's through prayer, reading His word,
55:54 you know, thinking on all that He has done for us,
55:58 I mean, it's a full package.
56:00 Amen.
56:02 What I like is on John 15:7,
56:07 it says, "If you abide in Me and My words abide in you,
56:11 you shall ask what you will
56:12 and it shall be given unto you."
56:14 I mean, that's amazing promise.
56:15 But it's not, you know, what we want,
56:17 but it's what we believe the Lord wants us to do
56:21 when He will give it to us
56:22 as long as we're focusing on Him.
56:24 Praise the lord. Amen. Okay.
56:26 I think that I should coming to Him
56:27 with an unveiled face.
56:29 That's right. Amen.
56:30 I can't believe our time's all gone
56:32 'cause I know we can really expound on this.
56:35 But let's just kind of recap.
56:37 If you want to keep a finger on your spiritual pulse,
56:41 then we want to check our priorities and see,
56:44 "Are we seeking God first?"
56:46 We want to make sure we're staying in prayer
56:49 that that is a persistent and regular prayer,
56:52 that we're reading God's word,
56:54 that we are walking in surrender,
56:56 walking in obedience, bearing fruit,
57:01 fruit of the spirit and the fruit of activity,
57:04 and we will become who we behold.
57:06 Amen.
57:07 I can't believe our time's all gone.
57:09 We want to thank you so much for joining us.
57:12 And our prayer for you
57:14 is that the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
57:16 the love of the Father
57:18 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:20 will be with you this Sabbath and always.
57:24 Happy Sabbath.


Revised 2019-12-10