Today Family Worship

How to Discover God’S Will for Your Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW190037A

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:13 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today Family Worship,
01:13 and happy Sabbath to you.
01:15 I'm so happy that you could join
01:16 your 3ABN family.
01:18 You are a part of our family.
01:20 And as we're sitting around the table
01:22 and we're considering the question,
01:25 how do I discover God's will for my life?
01:27 Amen.
01:29 That's a question that comes up
01:30 more often than not.
01:31 And tonight we will be talking about that
01:34 and with me to discuss this topic,
01:37 I'm gonna let you guys introduce yourselves and...
01:39 I'll be first,
01:40 since I'm sitting here as a book in.
01:42 JD Quinn. I work in 3ABN Pastoral.
01:45 I'm very blessed to be there. Amen.
01:47 Came here in 2005. Mm-hmm.
01:50 I'm Robert Pierce.
01:51 I work in production, also doing editing
01:53 and a little bit of producing and writing
01:55 and little bit everything.
01:56 And I'd been here about two years.
01:57 Glad to be here. How did you get here?
02:00 Well, I knew Greg Morikone,
02:03 so I knew people in high places.
02:04 There you go.
02:07 That's good.
02:08 I'm Dee Hilderbrand. I'm in production.
02:10 I've been there for 20 some years.
02:14 And God brought me here when I was widowed.
02:16 And He just, His leading was very specific.
02:20 As so one time when I knew I was walking in God's will,
02:24 and He just planted me here.
02:26 Amen.
02:27 You're stuck with Me. I'm planted.
02:29 I'm looking forward to hearing a little bit more
02:31 about that a little later in the program.
02:32 And I guess I'll introduce myself too.
02:35 I'm Jason Bradley.
02:36 I'm the general manager of 3ABN's Dare to Dream Network,
02:38 and I've been here for going on six years now.
02:42 Praise the Lord.
02:43 I'm Donald Owen. I'm in Pastoral.
02:46 I'm going with JD Quinn, and we came here in 2013,
02:49 with the Lord's blessing.
02:50 So we've been very blessed and I'm just thankful
02:52 to work around a bunch of wonderful people.
02:54 Amen.
02:55 He's been growing us, so... Amen.
02:57 Well, my name is Eric.
02:59 I'm one of three broadcast engineers.
03:01 My boss is Moses Primo.
03:04 One of my jobs is computers.
03:06 I love computers.
03:08 So I do a lot of programming
03:09 for 3ABN master control automation.
03:11 I also fix everything that's broken.
03:14 Which is another really important responsibility here
03:17 and keeping us on the air,
03:20 that's another really important job.
03:21 It's very challenging, but we keep us on the air,
03:25 and so far so good.
03:27 Here with my wife, Marilyn,
03:29 we came here from Washington State.
03:31 And it's been the blessing ever since.
03:33 Amen. How long you've been here?
03:35 2013, we came here.
03:38 Yes, six years.
03:39 Yep, six years. Wow, 2013.
03:43 And it's interesting because as you know,
03:45 you look around the table and you see
03:47 all the different people that are sitting here.
03:50 You know, we all have different backgrounds,
03:52 come from different places, but yet
03:54 God brought us all together for the same purpose
03:57 which is spreading the gospel around the world.
03:59 Amen. Amen.
04:01 And we're a family.
04:02 That's right. That's right.
04:04 With all these different personalities
04:05 somehow God brings them together and we all mesh
04:07 and we complement each other with our talents and quirks.
04:13 With our quirks. Absolutely.
04:17 Now, when thinking about how to discover God's will
04:22 for your life, what do you guys think about?
04:26 Wow. Discovering God's will for your life?
04:28 I think that takes a personal relationship first.
04:31 You got to have that personal, how will you know,
04:32 if you don't know who God is?
04:34 How you gonna know what His will for you is,
04:35 so I think, yeah, I think that you're talking about
04:37 here the relationship of getting to know God
04:38 the first point here.
04:40 You've got to get to know Him first
04:41 to know what His will is for you.
04:43 That's right. You got to get in His word.
04:44 Uh-huh.
04:46 Let me share a scripture with you
04:49 on getting to know having a relationship,
04:51 where do you start?
04:53 Well, this is where a good place to start,
04:55 right here is the Holy Bible.
04:58 And if you look up Psalms 34:8, Psalms 34:8, it says,
05:04 "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good,
05:06 blessed is the man who trusts in Him!"
05:08 So, right here we're tasting and as I was reading
05:12 the other day,
05:13 this taste whenever we're tasting the Word,
05:17 that it's as sweet as honey,
05:19 and then you add the honey to it,
05:21 it's even sweeter as the honeycomb.
05:24 And so it is sweet.
05:26 And sometimes you may think, well,
05:28 I don't quite understand that, ask that Holy Spirit,
05:31 ask the Holy Spirit to be there with you present,
05:34 and to expound and to make it perfectly clear.
05:37 The Holy Spirit hears, He does, He cares and He's present.
05:43 Amen. So, I would taste and see.
05:46 Yes.
05:47 You know, I love that verse, right?
05:49 I'll taste and see.
05:51 I think about food a lot. Okay?
05:54 Mr. Foodie.
05:55 I think about food a whole lot, actually.
05:57 And, you know, I don't wanna watch somebody
06:00 eat a delicious dinner.
06:02 I want to eat that dinner. Right?
06:05 So I can taste that dinner. Amen.
06:07 Well, the same way is the same thing is true
06:11 for us with our walk with God.
06:12 I don't wanna just watch somebody else walk
06:14 with the Lord, I wanna have my own personal relationship
06:17 with the Lord.
06:18 I have to get to know Him for myself.
06:20 So we can't live vicariously through
06:23 somebody else's relationship and character
06:25 is not transferable.
06:27 I think Christianity is like a marriage.
06:31 It's a relationship.
06:33 I know the Bible talks about Christ being the groom,
06:37 and His church being the bride.
06:39 And I found between me and Marilyn,
06:41 one of the most important things,
06:42 if not the most important things
06:44 is communication.
06:45 Yeah. It's huge.
06:46 You know, when the communication stops,
06:48 problems happen.
06:49 So I think prayer is mandatory to the Christian experience.
06:54 And we need to keep that in mind.
06:55 Amen. Yeah.
06:56 Absolutely.
06:58 How important do you think trust is?
07:00 Oh, man.
07:02 That is, I love...
07:04 Okay, so we're gonna go straight to Proverbs 3:5-6.
07:07 Okay. I actually have this at home.
07:11 Well, no, Proverbs 3:5-6. Yes.
07:14 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
07:17 and lean not on your own understanding,
07:20 in all your ways acknowledge Him,
07:22 and He shall direct your path."
07:25 Acknowledge Him.
07:26 See, I knew, I couldn't lean on my own understanding
07:29 because I had for so many years.
07:31 And it didn't work very well.
07:34 When I became a Christian,
07:36 I needed someone else to lean on.
07:38 Yes.
07:39 My husband was very trustworthy,
07:41 but he wasn't God.
07:42 He didn't know all the answers.
07:45 So to me,
07:47 that is the most important part of my relationship
07:50 of knowing what God wants for me is leaning on Him
07:53 and trusting on Him to do the right thing.
07:56 And all my ways acknowledge Him
07:58 and He directs my path.
08:00 As long as I'm moving, the one thing
08:03 I know people say this all the time, they're like,
08:05 I just and I have said it before,
08:08 I wish God would just come down here
08:09 and tell me what He wants, I'll do His will.
08:11 The thing is you have to move for Him to direct you.
08:16 You cannot just stand still and be moved.
08:20 So God doesn't want us to be frozen and paralyzed
08:24 and not doing anything.
08:27 I know that if I make a plan and I know
08:29 that it's biblical plan that is within biblical guidelines.
08:34 If I say, okay, God, this is...
08:37 So, when I was gonna come to 3ABN,
08:39 I actually came out here for a visit.
08:42 We made a decision and I said, "Okay, Lord, I'm going to 3ABN,
08:46 but I need this to happen."
08:48 I had to sell a house, get rid of, you know,
08:50 find a good home for the dog.
08:52 I mean, there was so many things to do,
08:54 and I had a deadline.
08:56 So it's like, okay, Lord, if this is Your will
08:59 and He used us as a witness because four days before
09:02 I was supposed to leave, there was three or four
09:03 important things that hadn't happened yet.
09:06 And my parents were very concerned.
09:08 And I'm like, if this is God's will,
09:10 and bang, just like that, it just went,
09:12 just one, two, three, and it all happened.
09:14 It all fell into place. I left on the...
09:16 I left a day later than I planned,
09:18 but that was God's will.
09:21 Because we didn't have any trouble,
09:22 it was in November,
09:24 and then we missed the snow and stuff.
09:25 So if you make a plan, and you say, God,
09:28 this is what I think you want me to do.
09:31 If it's not right, you close the doors,
09:33 and if it is, open the doors.
09:35 And I knew God planted me here because He opened
09:37 all the doors, He directed my path,
09:39 but I was moving so that He could directed me
09:43 and I trusted Him.
09:44 Amen. And it paid off.
09:46 It was well worth it.
09:47 Because just like you said, Donald, He grew me here
09:51 and when He said, I could have never grown anywhere else.
09:53 Amen.
09:55 The key word there is that that you made a deal
09:57 with the Lord, you negotiated with the Lord.
09:59 And then it happened, so then you trusted.
10:02 I put my foot in the water.
10:04 Yeah, you put your foot in the water.
10:05 I trusted, yes.
10:06 And that's what this is all about, trusting here.
10:08 Because a lot of us negotiate with the Lord,
10:11 and then it's time to step out in the water.
10:14 Well, there's one more thing God,
10:16 there's one more thing here and then all of a sudden...
10:17 When you negotiated it has to be biblical to,
10:21 you have to, you can't...
10:23 Everything that you're doing working with the Lord
10:25 has to be biblical.
10:27 Just like in a marriage,
10:29 you can negotiate with your spouse, right?
10:32 And all of you I know, I did,
10:34 my spouse and I did, but it had to be with...
10:36 I don't have a spouse yet, Dee.
10:38 Well, when you negotiate within.
10:41 Okay, you have to negotiate
10:43 within the boundaries of the marriage.
10:46 Amen. Right.
10:47 Okay. Okay.
10:49 I think a big thing you guys are touching
10:50 that was kind of idea of surrender.
10:52 You have to surrender your plans
10:54 and your ideas to Him.
10:55 You know, when we first came here,
10:57 my wife and I, she was raised Indiana,
10:59 she'd family in Indiana, so she's like,
11:01 I don't really wanna go to Illinois.
11:03 And so, you know, probably a lot of us were
11:05 saying the same thing.
11:06 Why am I doing going to Illinois?
11:08 I mean, you planted in cornfields, welcome.
11:09 But anyways, as God's showing us
11:11 through three different experiences
11:13 that actually God confirmed,
11:15 this is what I want you to do.
11:16 Yeah.
11:18 And He'll show you that through different people,
11:19 various people, they gonna occur like,
11:20 oh, man, they'll give you a little,
11:22 like a little nugget or something like,
11:23 that's obviously God speaking. I need to go, okay.
11:26 I'm ready to pack my bags and get out here.
11:28 But on just the fact that God will acknowledge
11:30 you know, what His plans are for you in different ways
11:32 through different people.
11:34 Yeah.
11:35 I think the key is to acknowledge Him in all things.
11:37 Yeah. Acknowledge Him.
11:38 Because the promise here is if you acknowledge Him
11:41 in all things, He's gonna direct your path.
11:42 Amen.
11:44 I know I've been in so many situations
11:45 where I'm at a fork in the road and I'm like,
11:47 Lord, You want me to go left? You want me to go right?
11:49 You want me to keep standing here?
11:50 What do You want me to do?
11:51 And I always come back to Proverbs 3,
11:54 where it says, "Acknowledge Him,
11:56 give Him permission,
11:58 and He's gonna direct your path."
12:00 Right. And then you walk by faith.
12:02 Like Dee said, If you start off in the wrong direction,
12:04 the Lord's gonna close the door on you
12:06 and I've had that happen.
12:07 And then you go in the other direction.
12:09 Right.
12:10 But the wonderful thing about God is He never ever fails.
12:13 I mean, my experience coming here,
12:14 me and Marilyn, what Dee just mentioned
12:17 about God to suddenly opening the doors,
12:19 I can't number, the number of people here at 3ABN,
12:23 who said the same thing.
12:24 That suddenly doors started opening,
12:27 and me and Marilyn are the perfect example.
12:29 We didn't wanna come here.
12:31 We were not, we were dead set
12:33 and get going to Cinco Ranch, Texas.
12:35 We had our plans.
12:37 We had the home, neighborhood, planned out and everything
12:39 and we were going there.
12:41 And I started praying to the Lord and I said, Lord,
12:44 "If there's anything You want me to do, let me know."
12:49 And Moses called on the phone.
12:53 And he said, "We'd like you to come and take a look."
12:57 And we took a look and we saw the cornfields.
13:00 And cows.
13:02 We were still had, no, thank you.
13:04 We were still headed to Texas.
13:05 But the Lord was convicting me a little bit.
13:07 And I said, you know, a couple weeks later I said,
13:09 "Lord, if there's anything You want me to do,
13:13 let me know."
13:15 And Moses called within the hour,
13:17 and this is weeks later.
13:19 I said, okay. Well, this is interesting.
13:22 Still, we're headed to Texas.
13:23 And the same thing happened the third time.
13:25 I said, "Lord, if there's anything You want me to do,"
13:27 we're headed to Texas.
13:28 I'm resisting, because I really don't wanna come to 3ABN,
13:31 which would have been a disaster because this
13:32 has been a tremendous blessing, but for the third time I said,
13:35 "If there's anything You want me to do, I'll do it."
13:39 And immediately in my mind, I started thinking
13:41 of the rich young ruler, where Christ kept calling,
13:44 said, come follow Me instead he was following
13:47 his priorities.
13:48 It's still the Lord's priorities.
13:51 And after that prayer, it's one of the really
13:53 most sincere prayers in my life.
13:55 Moses called within the hour again,
13:58 and I got the message.
13:59 Wow. Confirmation.
14:00 Yeah, the confirmation, three times.
14:02 But he was talking to Marilyn too, wasn't he?
14:05 That's interesting because when Marilyn came here,
14:07 she was even more resistant than I was
14:09 because it almost seemed like
14:11 I was getting the message to come.
14:12 And she was just following her husband's.
14:15 And when she came here, she started to realize
14:17 the blessings were for her too.
14:19 And she told me all the time, Eric, I think
14:21 I was called here in addition to you,
14:23 because I've got to see her grow.
14:25 We've grown spiritually,
14:26 we've grown in our relationship.
14:27 Right. We've been blessed all around.
14:29 And that's part of being in the ministry,
14:31 and we wouldn't have had that blessing
14:34 had we not answered the call.
14:35 And she's the manager of the call center now.
14:37 Yeah.
14:38 Both of you are tremendous blessings to 3ABN.
14:41 Absolutely. God is good.
14:42 The point that I'm hearing is that you were both obeying.
14:44 Right. Moses was obeying over here.
14:48 Be persistent, be persistent, because he was persistent.
14:52 Over here, you know, call again, call again.
14:55 So it's interesting and looking after the story,
14:58 that you could look and see how it kind of played out.
15:01 Can I imagine it happened to all of us in different ways?
15:03 All the different dynamics that are going on at the same time.
15:05 Yeah.
15:07 You mentioned something, you said
15:08 there's a fork in a row, and that to me years ago
15:09 before I came out here, similar kind of...
15:12 Actually I was a colporteur, literature evangelist.
15:15 And my mentor said, man, you're horrible salesperson.
15:19 This isn't good, you're not making sales.
15:20 You are not good, man.
15:22 So you got to make a choice, you're gonna bail out and quit,
15:24 or you're going to stick it through.
15:26 I said, well, I'm not making any money.
15:28 So I guess I'll have to bail out.
15:29 I'm like, okay, Lord, you're working for a ministry,
15:31 you know, I'm like, okay, Lord, now what am I gonna do?
15:33 So, and I thought, well,
15:34 I gotta just start putting in applications.
15:36 I gotta go around. And I found a local restaurant.
15:38 I went there, and I just asked for an application.
15:41 And it just so happens, the district manager
15:43 and the manager,
15:44 they're leaning against the wall.
15:45 So I asked for the application, the guy leans over, he goes,
15:47 you hire this one.
15:49 And I'm like, what on? I'm like, wow.
15:51 So I got hired, I worked there.
15:53 And every time like you said, you prayed.
15:55 The first time I prayed, I said,
15:57 Lord, send somebody that I can share my faith with,
15:58 there's a Hispanic girl.
16:00 She said, "What is it that you believe?"
16:01 Same day I pray this.
16:02 "What is it that you believe? What are you?"
16:04 I said, "I'm a Seventh-Day Adventist.
16:05 I believe in the seventh day Sabbath, and you know,
16:06 in Adventism we believe in second coming of Jesus."
16:09 So she says, "Okay, I'm Catholic,
16:10 I believe in that too."
16:12 And I just kind of shook my hand.
16:13 I just kept my mouth shut and kept going forward.
16:15 And I prayed again, a second time.
16:17 I saw her again, she said, "What is it you believe in?"
16:19 In a third time,
16:20 right before I was gonna come ready to come to 3ABN.
16:23 I said, I just prayed and she said,
16:24 "Donald, I want to tell you what,
16:26 I believe in Jesus."
16:27 I said, "Okay, Erica, why do you believe in Jesus?"
16:29 She says, "Well, when my child was three,
16:32 he had over 100 seizures.
16:34 I thought he was gonna die." Wow.
16:35 I began crying hysterically.
16:37 And I couldn't stop crying.
16:38 He didn't even know who Jesus was.
16:40 He's too young.
16:42 And he said, "Mommy, Mommy, why are you crying?"
16:43 I just couldn't stop.
16:44 He says, "Jesus did stand next to me."
16:46 He said, "I'm gonna be healed. I'll be fine."
16:47 Three-year-old, no more seizures, done.
16:50 So I looked at Erica, I said,
16:52 "Erica, I've been in your house before."
16:54 And she said, what do you... No. "What do you mean?"
16:56 I said, "I've been in your house before."
16:58 I used to be a colporteur.
16:59 Your husband told me the exact same story.
17:01 Wow.
17:02 Yeah, you weren't there. He told me it.
17:03 So I said, "Erica, I have been sent here by God for you."
17:06 And she just broke down crying
17:08 and you don't understand what God does.
17:09 You don't get paid much.
17:11 But it wasn't about the pay, it was about
17:12 what God wanted me to do there.
17:14 Was that not one of the most rewarding feeling that you had?
17:18 Yeah, it was incredible. And that's God's will.
17:20 I mean, if you don't know how God's gonna make me
17:22 or put in some, you know, old paint job for some reason.
17:25 You just don't know. Absolutely.
17:27 Well, that's a perfect segue
17:28 into our next scripture right here, Romans 8:28.
17:31 Let's go there. Yes, sir.
17:32 You know, and we know that things work together, wow,
17:35 for good.
17:37 What a fit there. Yeah.
17:39 "And we know that all things work together for good
17:42 to those who love God,
17:43 to those who are the called according to His purpose."
17:46 Yeah.
17:47 I thank that His purpose is that we,
17:49 that none should perish.
17:50 All should spend eternity with Him.
17:52 And so, the first thing is, acknowledge Him,
17:56 let's just go back.
17:57 See how all these fit, you know,
17:58 and don't lean on your own understanding.
18:00 God's gonna got a plan for you.
18:02 I think we'll run across Jeremiah down here
18:04 sooner or later.
18:06 And we know this is very, very important
18:09 that we know by faith, you know that things work together
18:12 because we all come to Ts in the road.
18:14 Right. Oh, yeah.
18:16 I mean, every one of us, and what do we do?
18:18 Right.
18:20 I know that when I've started praying
18:22 and I know that it works in my life.
18:25 Lord, I gave You permission to open up the doors
18:28 or closed the doors.
18:29 Amen. Absolutely. Amen.
18:31 He loves His children.
18:33 Now needless to say, He's not going
18:36 to handcuff me to put me, lead me in a direction.
18:39 But through the aid of the Holy Spirit,
18:40 I'm gonna be impressed.
18:41 And I'm giving...
18:43 Daddy I need help,
18:44 do I go to the right or do I go to the left?
18:46 And so I go to the left, reminds me of a story.
18:48 Wow, wait just a second. This is a great story.
18:52 I was doing some surveying in the mountains of New Mexico.
18:57 And I was just starting, I didn't know squat.
19:01 I knew how to walk. I knew how to climb.
19:03 And I knew east and west and north and south.
19:06 And so I'm supposed to go from A to B.
19:08 And so I go up there and I come to a T in the road., You know,
19:12 I supposed to go to the right, guess what?
19:14 I went to the left.
19:17 You know, I can spell stupid, and I was stupid that day.
19:21 I go left, and I walk down there
19:23 and I get lost.
19:24 I mean, and I begin to somewhat panic
19:27 because while I'm lost in the mountains of New Mexico,
19:30 and I don't know if anybody knows where I am.
19:33 And so through His mercy, through His grace,
19:37 I turned around, I saw the tallest tree.
19:40 And I started following that tree.
19:41 I was just impressed.
19:43 And I followed that tree and then I came into an opening
19:45 and albeit there was the road that I was supposed to be on.
19:48 Wow. Amen.
19:49 Then from there, I mean, that's not good enough.
19:52 That's not gonna save me next time.
19:55 Okay? But what happened?
19:57 I ran into an old prospector, and I was telling him the story
20:01 and he just kind of looked at me and like,
20:02 "Are you that foolish to be up
20:04 in the mountain without a compass?"
20:08 And I said, well, I don't really, I know that.
20:11 I know just enough to be dangerous without compass,
20:14 and he explained it all to me.
20:15 I couldn't wait, that man got me a compass,
20:18 I never got lost again.
20:20 Amen.
20:21 And I became, thank You, Jesus,
20:22 pretty good at what I was doing.
20:24 Amen. But I didn't have a compass.
20:26 There's a lot of people
20:27 that don't have a compass today.
20:29 They found themselves going the wrong way accidentally,
20:32 not purposely.
20:33 It wasn't my ambition to get lost.
20:36 There's a lot of people... Right.
20:38 This is a compass.
20:39 Well, sometimes God takes us places
20:42 that we don't understand either.
20:44 I know when David was sick, and I had this job
20:47 and I really needed the job because David could not work.
20:50 And it happened that I got laid off.
20:53 There were s several of us that got laid off
20:54 because I ended up hired last,
20:56 and they had given me the Sabbath,
20:58 but it was kind of touchy.
21:01 So I was just concerned, you know, that I lost this job.
21:05 Well, about three weeks later,
21:07 I ran into a boss at another location
21:10 that worked there.
21:12 And he asked me how I was doing.
21:13 I was very friendly and nice and open to him.
21:16 And I says, "No, I haven't found anything,
21:18 but I'm still looking.
21:19 I had a fun time, da-da." And he says, "You know what?
21:21 You need to come down and see me
21:22 we have a different job,
21:24 somebody just quit."
21:25 And that new job put me in a situation
21:29 where I never had to worry about the Sabbath again.
21:31 There was job security, and it was a better job.
21:34 And it's like, sometimes I was like,
21:36 at first I was like, Lord,
21:37 why did you let me lose this job?
21:38 We need it so much. Right.
21:40 But sometimes we can't... Right.
21:42 Like I said, I love that song.
21:43 When you can't see His plans and you can't trace His hand,
21:47 trust His heart.
21:48 Amen. Amen.
21:51 Well, a couple of those stories reminded me of a few stories
21:54 that I wanna share with you too.
21:56 So one, I've seen a picture on whether it was Instagram
22:01 or Facebook or something like that
22:02 there was a little girl,
22:04 and she had a small bear in her hand, like a teddy bear.
22:08 Meanwhile, she's looking at Jesus and Jesus is bent over.
22:12 And behind his back, He has this huge teddy bear.
22:16 But the little girl is holding on
22:18 to this little bear for dear life.
22:20 And you know, I think about that in my own life,
22:23 like what things have I held on to so tight
22:26 that I wouldn't let go of?
22:28 Meanwhile, God had this abundant life
22:30 just waiting on me.
22:32 I remember I was driving down the highway.
22:36 And I was going to a place to visit someone who,
22:39 I visited them and their family, often,
22:42 and I still use my GPS just to make sure, right?
22:47 So I used my GPS. And there's a split.
22:54 You know how we're talking about forks in the road.
22:56 There's a split and as I'm driving,
22:58 I'm just driving away, driving away.
23:01 And I noticed that my GPS
23:02 is saying recalculate, recalculate.
23:06 And I'm looking and I'm getting mad
23:07 at the GPS, like, what are you talking about?
23:10 Nobody's on the road. It's clear, it's sunny.
23:12 This is the perfect driving conditions.
23:17 No, you know, the roads not blocked off or anything.
23:20 So I'm just headed down the road,
23:21 headed down the highway.
23:24 And then I look up and I'm like
23:26 well, what would be the odds of me headed towards St. Louis
23:29 instead of my intended destination?
23:32 And so as I look up, and I see the sign,
23:36 I'm headed towards St. Louis,
23:39 and I'm like, 30 to 45 minutes in the wrong direction.
23:43 You know, we can have a GPS, but then sometimes we think
23:47 that we know better than the GPS.
23:49 And no matter what signs that we see,
23:52 we do the opposite.
23:54 Yes.
23:55 So we have to listen to what the GPS is telling us to.
24:00 And so I had to make a U-turn.
24:02 Now if I would have listened to the GPS,
24:05 I would have avoided so much time wasted.
24:09 And in my own life, you know, I had wasted a lot of time,
24:13 my mother raised me in the church,
24:14 and I left when I was like 14.
24:16 I still went because she made me go to church.
24:19 But I was living with her in a house,
24:21 but I missed out like on so much time
24:26 that I could have been spending with God
24:28 and growing in that relationship.
24:30 And I ended up going through a life of heartache
24:33 and difficult self inflicted trials.
24:36 And 14 years later, how I ended up here,
24:41 I got a call from my mom and got invited
24:43 to the Day of Prayer.
24:44 And I remember, Pop, Danny Shelton,
24:49 saying that if you leave this place,
24:51 and you can't get it out of your mind,
24:53 then perhaps this is where God would have you to be.
24:55 And he said it to everybody
24:56 that was in the worship center that day
24:58 and I left and I went back to my 70 hour week job
25:02 in Atlanta, and all I kept thinking
25:04 about was 3ABN, 3ABN, 3ABN.
25:06 So there goes, you know those strong impressions.
25:10 It's funny because, our landlady, Marilyn and I,
25:13 we laugh about this all the time.
25:15 Our landlady knew where we were going
25:17 before we did.
25:19 We were insistent on going to Texas.
25:22 We were leaving the apartment.
25:24 And so we went downstairs by the office telling her
25:26 why we're not gonna resign the lease or lease was up
25:28 and I'm getting stuff out of the mailbox.
25:31 And Marilyn's talking to her.
25:33 And Marilyn's telling her our history,
25:36 the tragedies that we're running into,
25:37 the devil was just attacking us like crazy.
25:39 And Marilyn's telling the landlady then,
25:42 and the landlady says something,
25:43 she says, oh, I've seen this before.
25:46 She said, you guys \are getting ready to go
25:47 and do something for the Lord.
25:49 Amen.
25:50 And right then I look over there like,
25:51 what, what is she talking about?
25:54 Really? Oh, she doesn't make any sense.
25:58 And three weeks later, two or three weeks later,
26:01 that's when this started with Moses calling.
26:04 So she knew what was going on.
26:06 She'd seen it before.
26:08 And God was leading even though we didn't know it at the time.
26:11 And that's just for me,
26:13 that's a memory I'll never forget.
26:14 Amen. He knows when we don't know.
26:16 Oh, yeah.
26:18 And sometimes God has long term plans.
26:19 Yeah.
26:21 And you did not come to 3ABN right away,
26:23 but He didn't intend for you too.
26:25 It was many years after we moved
26:27 to Southern Illinois...
26:28 Wow.
26:29 Which in itself was a strange different version
26:34 of God's leading in our lives.
26:37 I came to this study, very interested to be a learner
26:41 because I've had so much issues with this over the years,
26:45 like how do I know, it's, you know,
26:46 analytical and personalities,
26:48 you know, tying all up, organizing.
26:51 And so I've struggled this over the years like,
26:53 how do I know I'm doing God's will?
26:56 It's like this paradox because as I've walked with the Lord
26:59 over the years, knowing God's will seems to be
27:02 the most personal thing in the world.
27:05 And at the same time, it can be the most universal thing.
27:09 There's been times when God spoken to me
27:10 as clearly as you
27:12 or I are speaking to me right now.
27:14 And there's times when it's just been an,
27:16 just move, you know,
27:19 the back to what you said earlier about,
27:20 it's easier to move up, you know,
27:22 moving car than a parked car.
27:23 And so there's been times when my wife and I were just,
27:26 you know, moving, we're determined to go
27:29 a direction that God lead.
27:30 So it's a strange how it becomes so personal
27:33 that only you know, and other times
27:35 it's a universal principle that everybody can know
27:38 if they just followed it.
27:39 Right.
27:41 And so, we ended up here in Southern Illinois,
27:43 kind of my dad had asked me to move back here
27:45 and help my mom and him with some medical issues.
27:50 And so, you know,
27:52 there wasn't much analysis of that,
27:55 it was like, okay, I mean it.
27:57 It wasn't, I'll do this even if God tells me not to,
28:01 but it was like, okay,
28:03 this is obviously God's leading,
28:04 this is my responsibility, this makes sense.
28:07 So you know, my wife came back here,
28:09 picked out a house, I never even saw it,
28:11 we moved in and I was like, okay, Lord, here we are,
28:17 you know doing the cars moving down the road and,
28:20 you know, within a short period time
28:22 we found out that my neighbors...
28:23 We got to know our neighbors next door
28:25 and God just used us incredibly in their lives
28:29 and it was like a perfect...
28:31 Like from Southern California to Southern Illinois unseen God
28:35 dropped us right in this part, where we were supposed to be.
28:39 And anyway years through that process,
28:41 got to know Greg a little bit and we have a long story,
28:45 but the Lord opened up the door at 3ABN.
28:48 Amen.
28:49 And it was kind of one of the things to remember
28:50 when we first moved here driving by going,
28:52 what is that building over there
28:54 with satellites out here in the middle of nowhere?
28:56 So it was kind of like, it kind of got in my mind like
28:59 I never could get it out of my mind the fact
29:01 that out here in the middle of nowhere
29:03 was this thing, you know.
29:04 Yeah.
29:05 So then he put a friendship in your life.
29:07 He did.
29:08 And so that was one of those general times
29:10 when the Lord led me here and He already knew the plan.
29:15 I didn't have a specific, you know, just say to Lord.
29:19 Yeah.
29:20 So I think that we can all agree
29:22 that we know that things work together.
29:23 All things work together for good
29:25 to those who love God
29:26 and to those who are called according.
29:27 So it seems like we can all tell a story
29:29 of how that works into our life.
29:32 Dealing with relationships, what about 1 John 4:9-10, Eric?
29:38 1 John 4:9-10, "In this the love of God
29:43 was manifested toward us,
29:45 that God has sent His only begotten Son
29:47 into the world, that we might live through Him.
29:52 In this is love, not that we loved God,
29:55 but that He loved us and sent His Son to be
29:59 the propitiation," right, you got it,
30:05 "for our sins."
30:08 I'm emotionally connected to this verse.
30:14 It always moves me when I read it
30:17 because I think of Jesus in heaven with God.
30:23 And God says to Jesus,
30:28 "These people need help."
30:30 We're seeing it.
30:31 And Jesus immediately raise His hand and says,
30:32 "Here I am, send Me."
30:34 Knowing what He's going into, knowing what He's gonna suffer,
30:39 knowing the pain to the point of being killed on the cross.
30:43 He knows this, but still He raises His hand.
30:46 And He does that for me. Yeah.
30:49 You know, and I don't feel personally,
30:50 I don't feel deserving of that.
30:53 You know, so this verse, I love this verse.
30:55 I'm glad you picked it out, JD.
30:57 That was a God thing. Yeah, yeah.
31:00 Yeah. That is love.
31:03 That is love.
31:05 That's a different type of love that probably any of us
31:08 can probably understand.
31:09 Oh, absolutely. Right.
31:10 I'd have to...
31:12 If you're a parent, I think at least I'm not a parent.
31:18 So I don't understand that relationship between
31:22 a child and a parent.
31:24 But every parent that I've talked
31:27 to they would die for their child.
31:29 So there is that bond.
31:30 So there is that bond
31:32 that we're looking at right here.
31:33 Right.
31:35 And I don't know of any non parent,
31:37 I don't, of course, nobody can.
31:39 Nobody knows what they're gonna do.
31:41 But, you know, it certainly would be in the perfect world,
31:44 yes, that I would give up my life for a brother
31:46 that I loved.
31:48 But you don't know till that time comes.
31:50 Right. Yeah.
31:52 We don't know, if we gonna raise your hand or not.
31:54 God's love is unique.
31:55 It's the love that we crave, deeper than any other love.
32:01 It's what we need
32:03 and that's what we're always looking for
32:04 is that love.
32:06 Only He can give. Amen.
32:07 I think it's wonderful because even in the garden, He prayed.
32:13 And He said, God, if there's any other way,
32:16 take this cup, and there was no other way.
32:19 And even then He was looking for the will of the Father.
32:23 What did God want above His own?
32:25 He was looking for, if there's any other way,
32:27 He wanted a different way.
32:28 God said, "This is the path."
32:30 So in other words, there is no reason
32:32 why we should be trying to carry out our own will.
32:34 Exactly.
32:36 You know, I mean, that is huge,
32:38 that's just the ultimate form of love.
32:40 I don't have any kids and I can't imagine sending...
32:45 If I did have a son, I can't imagine saying, son,
32:51 like, I want you to die for these people
32:55 who committed these crimes.
32:58 I want you to, I want you to go die for them.
33:01 I just can't imagine doing that.
33:04 But I'm so thankful that I'm not God
33:06 and that God did that for us.
33:10 Because it forms a vision
33:16 of love that,
33:18 I mean, no words can accurately describe,
33:22 how much God loves us.
33:23 When I do prison ministry, one of the points
33:25 that I bring up with the prisoners
33:28 is there's a lot of religions,
33:30 and there's a lot of faiths out there with different gods.
33:33 If you go to India, there's millions,
33:35 there's just gods all over the place.
33:39 But Christianity is the only religion
33:42 that I know of,
33:43 and I've looked where God came down from heaven,
33:47 and willingly suffered and died for His creation.
33:52 So even if all else was equal,
33:55 I would still follow the religion of Christianity
33:58 because my God died for me.
34:00 Amen. Praise God.
34:02 Jesus, the Son is not the only one that paid a price.
34:07 God, the Father, and actually God,
34:09 the Holy Spirit, paid a price that we're not even,
34:14 we don't even realize how deeper price they all paid.
34:17 I think with this, when it says,
34:19 "In this the love of God was manifested toward us."
34:22 That makes me think about how it says many are called,
34:24 but few are chosen and just thinking on that idea
34:28 that God chose you specifically
34:30 of the entire eight billion people
34:32 on this planet, that you would want to receive that love,
34:35 you want that love.
34:36 So many people don't want to love and it tells us
34:38 that we are so valuable to Him.
34:41 He would pour everything for us and that we have
34:43 that opportunity, you know,
34:45 to give our lives back into Him,
34:47 surrender again.
34:49 It comes back to surrender. Oh, yeah.
34:50 To let Him, you know, take control of our lives.
34:52 But that love for us leads right into that Jeremiah 29:11,
34:56 who wants that?
34:58 I love this.
34:59 Yeah, I love that one too. I'll jump in on that.
35:01 Now, I wanna go to 13 too, I will go down to 13,
35:05 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,
35:07 says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil,
35:10 to give you a future and a hope.
35:12 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me,
35:15 and I will listen to you.
35:17 And you will seek Me and find Me,
35:20 when you search for Me with all your heart."
35:23 Amen.
35:24 So when we search for God, with all of our heart,
35:26 we'll find Him, like He wants to spend time with us.
35:30 He wants us to develop a relationship with Him,
35:33 He has the best plan in mind for us,
35:38 for His children, like He wants the best for us.
35:42 And so when we walk in accordance to His will,
35:45 He's not gonna withhold any good things from us.
35:48 Amen.
35:50 You're just touching on Micah 6:8,
35:51 whenever you say it comes to my mind, it says,
35:53 "He has shown you, O man, what is good.
35:55 And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly
35:58 and to love mercy, and walk humbly with your God?"
36:01 That's the key.
36:03 And that's what doing God's will is,
36:04 those three things do justly, love mercy and walk humbly.
36:07 Yeah. Yeah, those are three things.
36:08 I'd also like to mention this because I just love the way
36:10 that the Bible puts it all together here,
36:12 we're talking about different books totally,
36:14 but yet they're all united.
36:16 They're all certainly building on each other, taste and see,
36:19 trust in the Lord.
36:22 I know the thoughts, I do, I am prepared to give
36:25 to assist you with a future and a hope.
36:30 And things work together for good,
36:32 even though they may seem mixed up at time.
36:35 So, I just love the way that, you know, you're analytical,
36:40 as you sit and take.
36:41 You're analytical, you know,
36:42 so you sit and take all these different parts.
36:44 And it seems to me like an analytical person
36:47 has that ability to kind of maybe see a step or two ahead,
36:52 there's others obviously, you know, that we just walk in,
36:54 it's just a bunch of stuff and all of a sudden,
36:56 well, what's it gonna be?
36:58 What's it gonna be? Yes.
37:00 And then you know, whenever it's finished,
37:02 for those analytical people, they just, it's a little bit.
37:05 So here God has given all of us,
37:07 we're all on the level ground.
37:09 And He just says, merely trust with God
37:12 with all your heart, trust in Me.
37:15 It's gonna work itself out. Oh, yeah.
37:17 JD, even for the analytical people,
37:19 I kind of think that we have it more difficult
37:22 than many because we analyze,
37:27 sometimes we overanalyze, and God's analysis is superior,
37:32 and it's always better than ours.
37:34 And sometimes He comes to different conclusions.
37:36 Amen.
37:38 And as a Christian, we have to be willing
37:40 to surrender that to Him.
37:41 Amen.
37:43 But even on where it says search for Me.
37:45 God is the one that's always searching for us.
37:48 The reason He can say, search for Me
37:49 because if you start to search for Him,
37:51 you're gonna fall right over Him
37:52 because He's right there.
37:54 Exactly. He's right next to you already.
37:56 So it's not like you're gonna be searching for a long time.
38:00 In a minute you just turn your eyes upon Him,
38:02 there He is.
38:04 One of the things that's tough as, you know,
38:07 sometimes having that faith, right, and in Hebrews 11:1,
38:12 it says, "Now faith is the substance
38:14 of things hoped for,
38:15 the evidence of things not seen."
38:17 I oftentimes like to think about faith as the ability
38:21 to tolerate uncertainty while trusting in God.
38:24 And that is something that is very hard for human beings
38:27 to do is to tolerate uncertainty.
38:29 We want to know everything.
38:32 So when I think about the analytical mind,
38:34 like you wanna figure everything out.
38:36 Right.
38:37 And you want to know like, okay,
38:39 well, what's making this work?
38:40 Why is this, this way? Why is this that way?
38:42 And how can I fix this?
38:45 Right. Right?
38:47 Okay.
38:48 Would you say that again?
38:50 That was a little gem you just threw out there
38:51 and I bet, people at home want to write down too
38:53 because I wanna write down.
38:54 Which part? Definition of faith.
38:56 Okay.
38:57 So, oftentimes, like I think about faith as the ability
39:00 to tolerate uncertainty, while trusting in God.
39:05 Excellent.
39:06 And, you know, that's a very difficult thing.
39:09 So like I like to know, like what's going on?
39:13 Right. What's gonna happen?
39:15 You know, I want to know these things.
39:17 I'll just piggyback on what you just said.
39:19 We had a thing that we did here recently,
39:21 a series, an evangelistic series
39:23 and my wife and I, we've been doing this festival
39:26 the last three years
39:27 and we are really excited about it.
39:28 So we bought all these things to give to the kids,
39:30 coloring books and crayons and stuff.
39:32 And then and our pastor said,
39:34 we're gonna do some evangelists series.
39:36 I'm like, oh, it's right on the same time, as this,
39:39 you know, festival, which we've been
39:40 in the last three years.
39:42 And I'm like, well, we obviously got to do that.
39:44 Well, that particular day that was supposed to happen,
39:46 we got four inches of rain.
39:48 So guess what happens?
39:50 They canceled the event and they rescheduled it.
39:53 And they rescheduled it last week.
39:55 So, we were really blessed and we got to give out
39:58 coloring books and crayons and we have to give kids
40:01 just exciting things.
40:03 And it was just and the kids at the school are so cool
40:05 that they helped put these little packets together.
40:07 And I wanted these kids to be encouraged
40:08 that actually God follows through.
40:10 Amen.
40:12 And so, I actually spoke to him about that
40:13 and just gave him little encouragement.
40:14 But that's how God works when you don't see the picture
40:17 that He opens away four inches of rain in a day
40:19 and how we can do what we wanted to do so.
40:21 And my husband was very analytic,
40:23 because he was analytical and a builder.
40:26 And he always wanted the six month plan.
40:29 That's right.
40:30 David, God does not give you a six month plan.
40:33 You're lucky if He gives you a six hour plan.
40:37 So it's one day at a time.
40:39 Right. That's right.
40:40 So I think that we're trying to discover God's will for us,
40:42 is that right, Jason?
40:44 Absolutely.
40:45 And so, the number one thing is as Eric mentioned
40:48 to us relationship.
40:50 In other words, getting to know God
40:52 so we've kind of gone through some of the ways
40:54 through scripture of how to getting to know God.
40:57 And then once we know God,
41:01 we need to get ourselves out of the way.
41:03 Come on now. Is that right?
41:04 Oh, yeah.
41:06 And so, why don't we go, because obviously,
41:08 I think we got six points and we may get through two.
41:12 So we may have to get together again a second or third time.
41:14 Yes, sir.
41:15 So the second thing that we may look at
41:17 is dying to self.
41:19 Boy, now, that's a heavy term right there,
41:21 we're dying to self.
41:24 What do you think, Donald?
41:26 Well, you know, kinda like,
41:28 what I think this was written as prayer.
41:31 It said, take all me, O Lord to be Yours.
41:33 I lay all my plans at Your feet.
41:35 Use me in Your service and walk and talk me.
41:37 So everything I do comes from You.
41:39 So that kind of prayer in the morning,
41:42 you lay those things before the Lord's feet
41:43 because you don't know what the plans are gonna be.
41:44 As you mentioned, Dee, as can be on a minute
41:47 by minute basis, things can shift.
41:49 And the analytical mind wants things done precisely,
41:52 where it's totally chaotic and it's out of the box.
41:54 You know, like, put all these pieces together
41:56 and just, but if you can learn to get in God's time
41:59 and his flow of things, things go so smoothly.
42:02 And I think that surrendering yourself.
42:04 Now, it's okay to make, I live by lists.
42:07 I have lists all the time.
42:09 However, as I'm going through my list and crossing off,
42:12 if I get a phone call, or this is this happens,
42:15 and that happens.
42:16 I have learned, even though I look at that list and go,
42:20 I can't get all this done if I do that.
42:23 God has shown me time and time again.
42:25 I will get things done,
42:27 if I will bow to His will and wishes first.
42:33 Amen.
42:34 And maybe there is something on the list that doesn't get done
42:36 that day, but it does get done.
42:38 But I'm amazed at how many times every...
42:41 I get at the end of the day, I'm like, wow, it all got done.
42:45 But, and usually it's service to others.
42:49 So if you will put that service to others,
42:54 He does something weird with time,
42:56 not just with money, but with time
42:57 and everything else.
42:59 It's like, okay, Lord...
43:01 His mathematical equations aren't ours.
43:04 That is true. That is the truth.
43:06 One thing that just jumped out at me.
43:09 The children of Israel, they were,
43:11 how long they spent there in the wilderness?
43:12 Forty years. How many times?
43:14 How many new pair of shoes did they get?
43:15 None. Zip.
43:17 None.
43:18 So that kind of put things in perspective right there.
43:21 And if we will die to self, we can probably get across
43:26 that wilderness that should have taken us
43:29 maybe 40 days.
43:30 But if we don't get our act together,
43:33 it could be 40 years.
43:35 And I can testify that myself, you can testify.
43:38 You were aged 14 while ago,
43:40 then you woke up 14 years later,
43:42 and what happened to those 14 years?
43:44 You are going through the wilderness.
43:46 Oh, yes.
43:47 And you probably weren't blessed that much.
43:49 You probably went through a lot of pair of shoes.
43:50 A lot of pair of shoes.
43:52 You know, and as most of us do.
43:54 So God is love.
43:56 But what does Galatians 2:20 say?
44:00 Robert. I'll read it.
44:01 Galatians 2:20, "I have been crucified with Christ,
44:05 it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me,
44:09 and the life which I now live in the flesh I live
44:11 by faith in the Son of God,
44:13 who loved me and gave Himself for me."
44:16 Amen.
44:17 You know, I was gonna jump in here,
44:19 it's my most favorite...
44:20 one of my most favorite
44:21 and my least favorite scriptures
44:23 is the same one, which is Matthew 6:33.
44:27 Because it gets to the heart to me personally,
44:30 of dying to self because that's the one,
44:32 seek first the kingdom of God.
44:34 Yes. Yes.
44:35 I find even after decades of walking in the Lord
44:38 that myself really wants to seek first
44:40 the kingdom of God.
44:42 I Just admit that, I mean, everything else,
44:45 plans, shiny objects, interests.
44:48 So when the Lord convicts me about dying to self,
44:51 it's this verse right here, seek first the kingdom of God,
44:54 and all these things will be added to you.
44:56 Amen.
44:57 If I get that out, if I do that naturally,
45:00 I get it out of order, I start thinking all,
45:02 I start with focusing and working
45:04 on all the other things.
45:06 And the kingdom of God, kind of...
45:08 I'll do that last. Kind of fits in.
45:11 It's like the old thing with the jar and the rocks
45:13 of different sizes, you know, if you've seen that where...
45:15 The sand and the rocks, you know.
45:17 Another thing is that when you do make that decision,
45:19 you know, finally seeking first His kingdom,
45:22 think of the joy that you're gonna have
45:23 when you have thousands of people
45:24 coming up to you in heaven.
45:26 I don't know how many, but they're gonna say,
45:27 it was because of you that I am here.
45:29 Because you made that intentional time you surrender
45:30 that time to Lord where He could use you
45:32 to reach somebody else.
45:33 And that's what the gospels really all about.
45:36 And making that intentional time
45:37 to reach somebody, you know,
45:38 that's what I told the guys in prison, you know,
45:40 just saying, hey, you know, we're here for a reason,
45:42 you're in this prison for a reason.
45:44 And God can use you in this prison
45:45 to help somebody else, encourage them
45:47 or spend that little quality time.
45:49 One of the prisoners...
45:50 Let me throw a caveat in here.
45:52 You're in prison ministry. You're in prison.
45:54 I was in prison.
45:57 Well, hey, I got out, so we're good,
45:59 but this gentleman was in prison.
46:02 He's talking about how this one day this guy
46:03 was just saying these terms.
46:05 I won't say this word where he was saying at him.
46:07 Anyway he said to him three times,
46:08 you stop saying that to me, stop saying to me,
46:10 you're getting me upsetting.
46:11 And so the guy held his peace.
46:13 And later on, he met this old gentleman in prison.
46:15 It turns out, he's a father of, his son is in the same prison.
46:18 So now dad and son are in the same prison.
46:20 And he tells the man, he says, look, he said,
46:22 I've been watching your son come to chapel.
46:24 He needs a father figure.
46:25 He needs a guide. He's looking for that.
46:28 So seriously the enemy trying to thwart God's plans
46:31 from this man to visit his father,
46:33 tell this man about his son.
46:35 I said Satan was trying to thwart the plans
46:37 but you stuck it through.
46:39 So you see all the enemy tries even thwart
46:41 what God has planned for him...
46:42 Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. To get in there, so.
46:44 And sometimes we get in the way of the plan, right?
46:49 John 3:30, says, "He must increase,
46:52 but I must decrease."
46:54 Right. Get out of the way.
46:57 That's the surrender you're talking.
46:58 Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.
47:00 But I do want to encourage people
47:02 I know you were talking about 14 years of walking
47:05 through the wilderness.
47:07 You know, I'm sure, I'm not the only one here
47:09 that has walked through the wilderness
47:11 a lot longer than that.
47:12 And it's very difficult not to look back and regret
47:17 or dwell too much on what we didn't do sooner.
47:22 I really do not allow myself to do that.
47:24 Right. I do not look back.
47:26 I look forward at God's plans for me.
47:29 Amen. And God has forgiven me.
47:31 So I have to forgive myself too
47:34 and not dwell on those wilderness years.
47:37 Don't do that. That is Satan that does that.
47:42 So look forward when you find your way
47:44 out of the wilderness, don't look back.
47:46 I heard someone say a long time ago.
47:48 It's hard to walk the straight line
47:50 if you're looking backwards.
47:52 And I always remember that, like you said, don't look back,
47:55 look forward because Jesus is in front of you,
47:57 He's not behind you.
47:58 Absolutely.
48:00 Philippians 3, you just see in Philippians 3:12.
48:02 "Not as though I have already attained,
48:03 either we're already perfect, but I fall after,
48:06 that I may apprehend that which,
48:08 for which also I'm apprehended of Christ Jesus.
48:11 Brethren, I count not myself to apprehend it,
48:13 but this one thing I do," Verse 13,
48:15 "forgetting those things which are behind
48:18 and reaching forward to those things
48:19 which are before."
48:21 Verse 14, "I press toward the mark for the prize
48:24 of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."
48:26 Amen.
48:27 That's part of that with it you put down about
48:29 seeing through spiritual eyes.
48:33 In fact, let's go through that list real quick,
48:35 who wants to go through that?
48:38 JD, you wanna take the first? Yeah, I'll take the first one.
48:42 This is saying through spiritual eyes,
48:44 remember now we choose to getting to know God.
48:47 So now we're dating, we're learning.
48:50 And then we have to get ourselves out of the way.
48:53 So now, we're dying to self.
48:55 Now, we're beginning to see a newness and it's exciting.
49:00 And so we're seeing through spiritual eyes.
49:02 And the first principle, I would say,
49:04 if it doesn't align with God's word,
49:06 then it can't be His will for your life.
49:08 You know, those things have to go together,
49:10 God's word and His will go hand in hand.
49:14 Yes.
49:16 And so, remember, I'm looking through spiritual eyes.
49:18 And the Bible says, you know that we discern spiritually
49:22 because we look spiritually.
49:24 We can't sit here and have one foot over here in this pit,
49:27 and then straddle over here and have our foot on the other
49:29 because now we're double minded.
49:31 And now we're confused.
49:33 God is not the author of confusion,
49:35 He's the author of peace.
49:36 So you got to get your foot out of one.
49:39 So now we're looking through the spiritual lenses.
49:43 And so I just thank You, Jesus.
49:45 To me, if you're having a new relationship
49:50 with the Lord,
49:51 you may not know as much as you think that you do.
49:53 But then on the other hand, you may know a lot more
49:55 than you think that you do.
49:57 You know, another point is when you get your answer,
49:59 act on it.
50:00 And that's important,
50:02 especially for his analytical types,
50:03 because we, you know, you've heard the thing
50:04 paralysis by analysis, which is you know...
50:07 Overanalyze. Overanalyze.
50:09 That's right.
50:10 And so a lot of times God speaks,
50:12 and I've done this myself.
50:13 And then you know, you start analyzing
50:15 and thinking about how it might work
50:16 and you have to end.
50:18 And next thing, you know, six months gone by,
50:19 and I can speak from experience.
50:23 So don't overanalyze act.
50:25 I kind of think one of the reasons
50:27 why we came here is because it happened.
50:29 We got the message three times, stubbornness, the first time,
50:33 I was stubborn, the second time I was stubborn,
50:35 God kept delivering the same message
50:37 that we were to come here.
50:38 So we finally acted on it, which I praise the Lord for it.
50:42 So what happens when you act on something?
50:44 What does God give you?
50:46 He gives you peace. Thank you.
50:47 I'm in a good segue.
50:50 I was just, you know, remember I said earlier that God,
50:54 I felt like God wanted me to be here today,
50:56 not for what I was gonna give, but what I was gonna learn.
50:58 And one of the things I learned in,
51:01 I just thought it'd be useful for people
51:03 and certainly useful for me, and I credit my wife for this.
51:06 But I saw something in Jeremiah 29:11,
51:09 which is one of my favorite verses
51:10 that I'd never seen before.
51:12 And I'll go back to it real briefly,
51:13 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,
51:15 says the Lord, thoughts of peace."
51:18 And I had never seen quite that segment right there,
51:20 thoughts of peace.
51:22 And it reminded me something my wife is really good at.
51:25 And it's a...
51:26 I'm gonna use my engineering word here, Eric.
51:28 It's a heuristic.
51:29 So heuristic is a fancy word for rule of thumb
51:33 or simple rememberable thing.
51:36 And in one of the things that I've learned over
51:38 many years and my wife's reinforced
51:40 is that the peace of God will guide you,
51:43 when you can't see when you don't,
51:45 when you don't know the will of God,
51:47 follow His peace.
51:49 Amen.
51:50 And that's that rule of thumb that when all else fails,
51:52 and you just can't see and sometimes
51:54 that's just the way of life you don't know the way,
51:58 you can follow the peace of God.
52:00 Amen.
52:01 I've never seen that that rule of thumb fail.
52:04 Right. Heuristic.
52:06 And when you work on,
52:08 when you act on something that is,
52:09 what's that word?
52:11 It's a, no, no, it's works.
52:13 Works, works, works, works. Yes.
52:16 But what's that other word?
52:17 What about that faith then?
52:19 Faith without works is dead, Dee.
52:21 Faith without works is dead. Definitely.
52:24 Like I'm having faith that this chair
52:26 is gonna continue to hold me up
52:27 even though I gained a few pounds,
52:30 this chair is going to hold me up.
52:32 So I have a faith that...
52:33 I heard a pastor say believe means to be live.
52:36 Amen.
52:37 If you believe, you're gonna live what you believe.
52:40 In prison, I phrased a little bit differently
52:42 to the prisoners.
52:43 I say, if you believe in gravity,
52:45 you're not gonna walk off that cliff.
52:49 Gravity, that belief in gravity
52:51 is gonna keep you from doing certain things.
52:54 If you believe in God,
52:55 you're not gonna walk off that cliff.
52:57 Amen.
52:59 You see, I really never understood,
53:01 why people say well works is...
53:03 What's that word? Legalistic.
53:06 It's like, I love my husband, so I'm gonna fix dinner.
53:10 That's I don't...
53:11 I love my husband so I'm gonna wash his clothes,
53:15 that's works for you only, you know,
53:18 you don't love him, you're just,
53:19 you're legalistic, yeah.
53:20 I think it speaks to the motives behind that.
53:22 It's like, God, I don't understand that.
53:24 It's like when you love somebody.
53:26 I think that it speaks to the motive behind the works.
53:29 Right. Why are you doing it?
53:31 Are you doing it for recognition
53:32 or you doing it to, you know,
53:35 because you're going to get something in return?
53:37 Are you doing it because it's the right thing to do?
53:39 Are you doing it because you love that individual?
53:41 Is it motivated?
53:43 Everything that God does is motivated by love.
53:45 Right.
53:46 Something that Jesus said to Peter,
53:47 and it just came to my mind.
53:49 He said Satan is asking desire to sift you as wheat,
53:51 but I'm praying for you, Peter, when you are converted.
53:54 As you go in strength, your burn
53:56 that conversion experience when you have
53:57 that real aha-aha moment with the Lord,
53:59 that transformation like, oh, my goodness,
54:01 I've got to tell people about this,
54:03 like the woman at the well, it's like, oh my, just...
54:05 You want to introduce them. Yes.
54:06 You're excited.
54:08 You know, Donald, when I think about transformation,
54:10 I think about the fact that genuine transformation
54:12 only comes from Christ.
54:14 We as human beings tend to make behavioral modifications
54:18 or slight changes in our behavior,
54:20 but those aren't long lasting.
54:23 That's true. That's exactly right.
54:25 And basically, that's what sanctification is all about.
54:27 Transformation of a lifetime.
54:29 Process, it takes time.
54:31 You know, one little baby step at a time.
54:33 Yeah.
54:34 We mature, mature. Yes.
54:38 So let's recall a time when maybe
54:42 there was a situation where you had to see
54:45 through spiritual eyes.
54:48 JD?
54:49 Well, I know, when I was 14 years old,
54:51 the Lord touched my heart.
54:53 The Holy Spirit, I thought my heart
54:54 was coming out of my chest,
54:56 because it was time for me to stand up and say,
54:58 yes, I do surrender all.
55:00 I wanna go into ministry.
55:02 My friends, they all stood there,
55:04 they weren't even listening.
55:05 And I bought into their peer pressure.
55:08 And I just sit down and I just remember going back
55:12 that 14 years old, what a difference
55:14 that would have made if I just stood up
55:15 and been a man of Christ at that time.
55:17 Yes.
55:19 You know, I lost a lot of years because of that decision.
55:22 Thank You, Jesus, that He gives us
55:24 a second, third, fourth, fifth chance.
55:26 Amen. Amen.
55:27 Yeah, that's that love and Him want to spend
55:30 eternity with us for sure, for sure.
55:33 Well, I think we should recap on some of these verses here.
55:38 Psalm 34:8, Eric? Okay.
55:42 "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good,
55:44 Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!"
55:47 I love that verse, because it's all about trust.
55:50 And when you love someone, you trust them.
55:53 And when they love you, they take care of you.
55:56 And that's the expectation and God's gonna deliver.
55:59 Amen. Amen.
56:01 Proverbs 3:5-6, says,
56:03 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
56:07 and lean not on your own understanding,
56:09 in all your ways acknowledge Him,
56:10 and He shall direct your paths."
56:12 I see the word all, quite a few times
56:13 in that scripture.
56:15 Was it mean to surrender all your heart?
56:17 Are you all in or are you not? That's a good point.
56:21 Romans 8:28,
56:23 "And we know that all things work together
56:27 for good to those who love God,
56:28 to those who are the called according to His purpose."
56:32 Amen. Amen.
56:34 1 John 4:9-10,
56:36 "In this the love of God was manifested toward us,
56:40 that God has sent His only begotten Son
56:42 into the world, that we might live through Him.
56:45 In this is love, not that we loved God,
56:48 but that He loved us
56:50 and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins."
56:55 Amen. I won the lottery.
56:57 I got Jeremiah 29:11.
56:59 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,
57:01 says the Lord, thoughts of peace
57:02 and not of evil, to give you a future
57:04 and a hope."
57:05 Amen. Amen.
57:07 That I'm just gonna go with John 3:30.
57:08 "He must increase, but I must decrease."
57:10 Amen. Amen.
57:11 Thank you guys so much for sharing your insight
57:14 on discovering God's will, how to discover God's will?
57:18 And thank you so much for joining us.
57:20 We wish you a very happy Sabbath.
57:22 And until next time, may God continue to bless you.
57:25 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2019-12-02