Today Family Worship

Restitution of All Things Part 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW190030A

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:13 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello, and welcome again to 3ABN Family Worship.
01:12 We're looking forward to a good time
01:13 in the Lord here.
01:15 And we know...
01:16 we know that the Holy Spirit is gonna do great things.
01:18 But we're gonna sing about it
01:19 and we're gonna be praying about it.
01:20 And so I encourage you right now,
01:22 get your family and get your friends,
01:23 and get your enemies, get the dog.
01:25 Do whatever you want, just bring everybody in,
01:28 that's part of the family nowadays, is that right?
01:30 Bring them in, and let's sit down...
01:32 Right. Sit down.
01:34 Because we're gonna study the Word of God together.
01:36 And actually it's, you know, third part.
01:38 We spend a lot of time on it,
01:39 again it's dealing with a message
01:41 that has been lost.
01:42 We'll go over that in a few moments
01:44 and how all things are being restored.
01:46 Restitution of all things, the Bible certainly says that.
01:49 So anyway we're glad you have joined us
01:51 and taking time out.
01:52 We're here so often.
01:53 We take time out of our busy schedule
01:55 to make sure we can join you, you know, for Family Worship.
01:58 So it just brings joy to our hearts
02:01 to realize we have the faithful that are out there.
02:03 You're the faithful?
02:05 Praise God. Amen.
02:06 We're so glad again, everyone's here
02:07 and those who are around the table,
02:09 I realized, each ones...
02:10 Some people they forget sometimes
02:12 that those who are doing this program,
02:14 it takes study,
02:16 it takes some of your time that you're doing other things
02:18 and this is like extra and beyond,
02:20 what you do
02:21 and so we're always glad to have Janelle
02:23 and Donald with us.
02:25 You know, you guys are always a blessing
02:26 and you come here ready to go
02:27 and love of Jesus shining through, so...
02:30 Praise the Lord. We're glad to have you.
02:31 Amen. Thank you.
02:33 Yeah.
02:34 And we know the Holy Spirit's gonna use you today too
02:36 because we're gonna pray about Holy Spirit uses all of us,
02:39 to my left and certainly my wife, Christine,
02:41 always glad you're here.
02:43 You're the, people call you the balancer
02:47 because I get a little carried away at times
02:49 and she balances me and bring me back to center.
02:52 And I think it's all right to say
02:54 that, would be true.
02:55 That's all right, because you know,
02:57 I need a balance for most of while.
02:58 When I was in school, it was the paddle.
03:00 Oh, he was saying the balancer, not the bouncer.
03:04 And I almost said, "I'm married to a Shelton,
03:06 you don't bounce Shelton's."
03:07 Oh, honey.
03:09 She's the balance of the spiritual balance.
03:10 It's difficult enough to balance.
03:12 Thank you, honey. That was good.
03:14 I am still glad you are here.
03:16 And next to you,
03:18 who do we have, Brother Ryan?
03:19 Oh, yes. Yeah.
03:21 You know, always a pleasure.
03:22 You always have a smile and... Man, I love...
03:23 You're busy in the cause of Christ.
03:25 I love Jesus, I love His word, so, it's...
03:27 Amen.
03:28 Yeah and He always gives good thoughts, right?
03:29 And we pray about, it comes together and it's just...
03:32 It's nice to have a group
03:33 that just wants to bring out some truce
03:35 and try to help somebody along the way.
03:38 And we got JD Quinn, what a blessing.
03:40 What a blessing. It's my blessing.
03:42 I'll guarantee you.
03:43 What a wonderful group
03:45 because this is high energy group.
03:46 And so you know that, and what's amazing is,
03:50 as we sit around this table on the Sabbath,
03:52 I learn more than I feel like I'm contributing,
03:56 that's the way it should be.
03:57 The Holy Spirit, yes.
03:59 Amen. Amen.
04:00 Fill me with you, Lord.
04:01 Isn't that wonderful?
04:03 Well, again, I'm glad everyone's here
04:04 and glad you're here.
04:06 But I think be appropriate for us to have prayer.
04:07 And then we want to sing a song.
04:09 Amen. We don't...
04:11 We do not have a piano player.
04:12 But anyway, you're gonna sing along with us,
04:14 you won't even hear, so that will be great,
04:16 praise God for that.
04:17 Right, Brother JD, would you pray for us?
04:18 Most certainly.
04:20 Father, as we come together on this Sabbath,
04:21 we just want to thank you, Lord,
04:23 for this special day that You set apart.
04:25 Amen.
04:26 Thank you, Jesus, that we can just ask,
04:28 we emptied ourself and filled with You, Lord.
04:30 And as we sit and share this on a special day,
04:35 we just ask, Lord,
04:36 that You will just bring to our mind
04:37 the thoughts that need to be shared.
04:39 Amen.
04:40 And, Father, we just give You praise and glory
04:42 in the name of Jesus, amen.
04:44 Amen. Amen, praise the Lord.
04:46 Now remember while we're here
04:47 we all have the opportunity to speak up
04:50 when we feel like the Holy Spirit wants us to,
04:52 even someone else is talking, now not trying to be rude,
04:54 not trying to say that but I know sometime
04:56 the Holy Spirit impresses a mind real quick or something
04:59 that should be added in
05:00 or something that will enrich and I'm all for that,
05:03 I hope that doesn't offend anyone
05:05 but just go ahead and you can come back to it.
05:07 So you know we praise God for that,
05:09 Holy Spirit is gonna to be working.
05:10 Now we're gonna sing a song and so everyone of us
05:13 just happen to look it over to Brother.
05:14 Yes.
05:16 I am looking this way and said
05:17 that we're gonna sing, aren't we?
05:19 Well, I don't know, I said earlier,
05:20 you're gonna probably regret the tiner
05:22 leading out in singing.
05:23 But you know what a classic hymn,
05:26 beautiful hymn, it's one of my favorites,
05:27 "Amazing grace."
05:29 Amen. Amen.
05:31 Amazing Grace
05:35 How sweet the sound
05:40 That saved a wretch
05:45 Like me
05:49 I once was lost,
05:53 But now I am found
05:58 Was blind but now
06:03 I see
06:07 When we've been there
06:12 Ten thousand years
06:16 Bright shining as
06:21 The sun
06:26 We've no less days
06:31 To sing God's praise
06:36 Then when we first begun
06:44 Amen. Well, that's beautiful.
06:45 It's nice.
06:46 If you had to choose a verse, which one would you choose?
06:50 I mean, I love them all.
06:52 There's more than that, we wouldn't sing them all
06:53 but there's something about
06:55 when we been there 10,000 years.
06:57 That just gives me those spiritual goose bumps
06:59 every time and it's just the plan
07:02 that God has for us, it's just so exciting.
07:04 We hope you're excited about it too.
07:05 And that's so fitting because
07:07 that's why God has giving us this message
07:11 and He wants to restore everything
07:13 so that we can be there
07:15 and we can sing that with experience
07:17 one of these things.
07:20 I mean, just if anything, you were talking about,
07:22 they may complain, or they may not hear us,
07:25 just drown us out but I think the only complaint
07:27 is we didn't sing more verses then.
07:29 I just felt this presence of God here
07:31 and someday we'll be just firsthand in that presence
07:35 when we've been there 10,000 years,
07:37 what a blessing.
07:39 And you know it kind of gets
07:40 whenever you think about three score and ten.
07:42 And then if you're blessed, you can add ten to that,
07:44 so we're sitting here looking at minutely.
07:47 Oh, hell, yes.
07:48 And then all of a sudden we're claiming His promise.
07:51 We're just starting at 10,000 years.
07:53 That's right. Yes.
07:55 Wow. Exactly.
07:56 I mean, it's just... it's just...
07:57 Beyond our comprehension. It is beyond. It is.
07:59 That's right. Praise God for that.
08:01 Well, we been using and we started...
08:03 Again, this is the third part.
08:05 So I think, would be go back,
08:07 we have a foundation scripture that we started with.
08:09 Now again, what we're doing is
08:11 we're looking at about those truths
08:12 that's been covered up, you know, by tradition,
08:15 and you know, the age of the church, and so on.
08:17 And we're coming back and looking at all the truths
08:20 that are found in the sanctuary covered up
08:22 and how God has seen fit to uncover each one.
08:26 So if you know a little bit about the sanctuary,
08:28 you're gonna be excited just as we are
08:30 to see every one of these pieces being restored
08:32 and so we're gonna talk a little bit more about that,
08:35 that I like it because it's grounded
08:37 and rooted in Scripture.
08:39 So we can turn...
08:40 And I like it too, in other words
08:42 'cause the guy told me one time said,
08:43 "I want to study the Word of God,
08:45 I want to study with you guys,
08:46 you guys think you already know?
08:47 You know my room? I want to study."
08:49 I said, "Well, good. What do you want to study?"
08:51 He said, "Well, I only use the Book of Acts."
08:54 I'm going, "Oh, well...
08:56 Well, there's a lot in the Book of Acts,
08:57 praise God for it."
08:59 Amen.
09:00 But, you know, we may not limit God.
09:02 So we're not gonna limit God on this study.
09:04 So you may go through the Old Testament
09:05 and the New Testament.
09:06 Anything is in the Word of God,
09:08 but I think this will be a blessing.
09:09 Let's read that, honey.
09:11 Would you read that and then we can all get started on?
09:12 Sure.
09:14 We're gonna be on question number four,
09:15 if you've been jotting things down, number four.
09:16 All right.
09:18 And this is found in Acts 3:19-21.
09:22 "Repent ye therefore, and be converted
09:24 that your sins may be blotted out."
09:27 Let me stop and just say this. Well, all right.
09:29 You know, this is reminding us, we're in a great controversy.
09:32 There is a war going on between Satan and his angels
09:36 and Christ, our Redeemer and His angels.
09:39 And this is actually bringing us back
09:41 as Pastor Kenny mentioned to the sanctuary message.
09:45 We find in Psalms, I'm just gonna jump over to Psalm 77:13.
09:49 It says, "Thy way O God is in the sanctuary,
09:54 who is so great as our God."
09:56 So going back and you know,
09:59 when we see what God gave us
10:01 is kind of like when we drive from here to,
10:04 there's some people can't drive
10:05 from where we're at today to Carbondale
10:07 without using the GPS, you know.
10:09 So God gave us a GPS,
10:12 He gave us the sanctuary message.
10:14 And as we begin to study it,
10:16 we find that the enemy's coming
10:18 and he's ripped that sanctuary message apart.
10:21 And hopefully we're gonna find out
10:23 why he's ripped it apart again today.
10:25 But here it says,
10:27 "Repent ye therefore and be converted,
10:29 that your sins may be blotted out."
10:32 You know sins are gonna keep us out of the kingdom.
10:35 "When the times of refreshing shall come
10:37 from the presence of the Lord, we all want that."
10:39 Oh, yes.
10:41 I mean, there are times
10:42 I'm sure everybody around this table
10:44 has been in that refreshing.
10:45 When you're in that refreshing, you don't want to leave it.
10:47 That's right. Yes.
10:49 You don't want to leave it. Yeah.
10:50 But we're still in this earth at this point.
10:53 "And He shall send Jesus Christ,
10:55 which before was preached unto you
10:58 whom the heaven must receive."
11:00 This is why He went back after the cross,
11:03 "until the times of restitution of all things."
11:08 It has to be made right because the enemy's coming
11:10 and he's torn it apart.
11:12 He's made it appear,
11:13 things and the pieces of the sanctuary
11:16 that were to teach us certain things
11:17 and devils come in and change that,
11:19 which God has spoken by the mouth
11:22 of all His holy prophets since the world began.
11:26 Oh, good.
11:27 Okay, so really we've covered for those
11:29 who had not studied with us before.
11:32 And this goes to be just in a few short words here.
11:34 We can't go talking about restoring some of the things
11:36 in the sanctuary.
11:38 First thing we look at was
11:39 the restoration of the show bread.
11:40 You realize, you know, bread of life,
11:43 1300s and then we look at the 14 and 1500s,
11:46 you realize that's the altar of sacrifice was restored,
11:49 that righteous by faith and the Protestant Reformation.
11:53 We look at the 14, 1500s,
11:55 we find certainly that restored the righteousness by faith,
11:59 John Calvin, you know,
12:01 the third one there was the altar of incense,
12:03 the importance of prayer today and question number four,
12:06 we're gonna be looking at restoration here
12:08 of something I think is very, very important is the labor.
12:12 Some people have no idea what the labor is,
12:13 so might somebody can help us understand that
12:15 or read the question number four first,
12:17 would you read that?
12:19 And I think it's interesting
12:20 as you were bringing these men up,
12:22 how God through different dispensations
12:24 He calls different ones to lead.
12:26 Now that person didn't do everything on their own.
12:29 That's right.
12:30 You know, but under the unction of the Holy Spirit,
12:32 and as the rest of us catch fire,
12:34 we become part of that movement to restore all things.
12:37 And question number four reads,
12:40 all though, John Smith and Roger Williams
12:42 were used to bring baptism, you mentioned the labor,
12:46 by immersion back to the light of truth.
12:49 Many still struggle with this issue.
12:51 Many of you at home may be struggling with this issue.
12:54 You know, many people you know as friends.
12:55 I know they still struggle with this issue
12:58 because they don't quite understand it.
13:01 Back to the light of truth,
13:02 many still struggle with this issue.
13:04 What scriptures illustrate
13:06 that immersion is God's specified way to be baptized,
13:10 'cause if you go back
13:12 and you study different cultures,
13:13 they have their different ways of doing it.
13:15 And even in the United States,
13:17 there's churches here that have their different ways,
13:20 sprinkling different things like that, that they still use.
13:24 And then after we touch on that,
13:27 those scriptures,
13:28 what has it meant to each of us to be born again?
13:32 Ain't that... Oh, that's exciting.
13:34 So what is... what is that so I can have...
13:36 Brother Ryan, is, the labor...
13:38 Somebody says a labor, what is the labor?
13:39 What does it represent?
13:41 You know, if you don't mind just for a moment,
13:42 I want to just kind of...
13:44 Talk about it.
13:45 Just take a step back for a moment
13:46 'cause may be someone watching this morning
13:48 at this moment and saying, "What are they talking about?"
13:50 Exactly.
13:52 Why does this labor come into conversation
13:53 and why does it need to be restored?
13:55 I'm gonna try to kind of go back here
13:56 to Daniel Chapter 8 verses...
13:58 I want to start with verse 10 here
14:00 because prophetically we were told in the Bible
14:02 that's we're about to read,
14:04 that this antichrist power in the last days
14:06 is going to cast down the true to the ground
14:09 and that he would also cast down God's sanctuary.
14:12 We know that to mink the significance
14:14 of God's sanctuary message which we know points to Jesus,
14:17 we know it, it shows us more than anything,
14:19 clear picture of the gospel.
14:21 So notice here, speaking of this little horn,
14:23 which again, the little horn of Daniel Chapter 7 and 8,
14:26 most Bible scholars across multiple denominations,
14:30 the mob while they may disagree
14:32 on the identity of this Antichrist,
14:34 they unanimously most of them agree
14:36 that this is no doubt the Antichrist Bible prophecy.
14:39 So notice verse 10.
14:40 And we're gonna read through to verse 13 here.
14:42 It says, "And it grew, speaking of the little horn,
14:45 and it grew up to the host of heaven,
14:46 and it cast some of the host
14:48 and some of the stars to the ground
14:49 and trampled upon them."
14:51 So the same little horn is the one
14:52 that's wearing out the saints of the most high.
14:54 Of course he's blaspheming God's name.
14:57 But notice verse 11, it says,
14:58 "He even exalted himself as high as the Prince of host."
15:02 We know that Prince of host to be Jesus.
15:04 So there's a bliss of blasphemous identity there.
15:09 But then notice what it says in the B part of verse 11.
15:12 It says, "And by him the daily sacrifices was taken away."
15:16 And the word sacrifice is not in the original.
15:18 So the daily was taken away,
15:20 and the only thing about the daily
15:21 that's associated with sanctuary terminology.
15:23 But the part I want to focus on is the end part here.
15:26 Notice, it says,
15:27 "The daily sacrifices was taken away
15:29 and this place of His sanctuary was cast down."
15:34 And as we've been studying through this three part series,
15:36 we've seen that Papal Antichrist system
15:40 began to one by one, takeaway the Word of God,
15:43 take away the light of the sanctuary,
15:45 the influence of the Holy Spirit,
15:47 take away the labor
15:49 which is what we're talking about now,
15:50 by changing and tweaking
15:53 and basically perverting the message of baptism,
15:57 which is what the labor basically represents.
15:59 So if you were to go into the sanctuary,
16:02 the Hebrew sanctuary,
16:03 you would walk through into the courtyard there
16:05 before actually going into the tabernacle itself,
16:08 the main building part, you would be in the courtyard
16:10 and you would come first to the altar of sacrifice.
16:13 Which we know Martin Luther helped bring that message back.
16:16 Right. In the early 1500s.
16:19 But now, when you keep walking past that altar of sacrifice,
16:22 now you come to the labor of courtyard and of course,
16:25 each one of these articles of furniture represent
16:28 a major aspect of the ministry of Christ
16:30 and the experience of the gospel
16:32 that you and I should be experiencing.
16:34 Exactly.
16:35 So just like we come to the sacrifice,
16:36 the altar of sacrifice
16:38 which points to the Lamb of God
16:39 Jesus being crucified for our sin.
16:41 And we are to accept that,
16:43 we are to accept the sacrifice of Christ
16:45 because He has poured out His love for us
16:48 and so that's the first step.
16:50 But in the next step, as Jesus said,
16:51 "Go ye into all nations, baptizing them,
16:54 the priest would, you know, it was a bloody mess there,
16:57 they will be taking the life of that animal,
16:59 the blood would be spilled
17:01 and sometimes they would get in their hands,
17:02 it might splatter on their feet,
17:04 they would stop at the labor before going into the tent.
17:06 And they will cleanse themselves
17:08 as they would wash their hands and perhaps their feet,
17:10 the parts of their body where the blood would splatter,
17:14 signifying, you know,
17:15 the blood of Christ has covered us,
17:17 but also the blood of Christ washes us.
17:19 Amen.
17:21 He washes our sins away, it's white as snow.
17:23 And so that's what we're talking about.
17:25 The restitution of the labor
17:27 is the restoring of the truth in regards to baptism,
17:32 and what baptism means, the significance of baptism.
17:34 Yeah, that's beautiful. Wow, awesome.
17:36 That's kind of where my thought was this morning.
17:38 Yeah, very well put.
17:40 Twenty five words or less.
17:42 No, that was good.
17:44 And as you mentioned...
17:46 When this morning when I was going back
17:48 over this study, I was thinking
17:49 because we know that Christ is in each and every part
17:53 of the sanctuary service
17:55 and it has so many meanings but then I thought so are we.
17:59 As we walk into that outer court,
18:02 we're walking out of the world
18:04 and beginning into the presence of God.
18:07 Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
18:08 I was thinking about how He's washing our character.
18:10 Yes.
18:11 You know? Yes.
18:12 That's what He's preparing us for now,
18:14 for, you know, to enter Heaven,
18:16 and we have to have a character that's clean and washed.
18:20 And before that, as you mentioned,
18:21 we stop at the altar of sacrifice.
18:24 Are we willing to sacrifice?
18:27 Are we willing to lay down?
18:29 It's really the change
18:31 that the enemy has put on us to this world.
18:33 Are we willing to let those sins go,
18:36 to sacrifice those?
18:38 And then we come to that labor
18:41 and then God washes us white as snow.
18:43 Interesting that...
18:44 Interesting that labor was, had it like a mirror finish.
18:49 That's right. And you know who...
18:50 You know, who are they?
18:52 It was actually, Moses said for the women.
18:56 It's what it says.
18:57 "For the women to bring their mirrors
19:00 and donate them to make that labor."
19:02 Wow.
19:04 It's a good symbol there. Well, it is... I'm sorry.
19:06 It's a good food for thought.
19:07 So we need to think about why, and they brought them there.
19:10 And then you can look at, you know,
19:12 Spirit of Prophecy it talks about.
19:13 There's, you know, person...
19:15 Oh, I've to be careful, you know, what I mean,
19:17 Lord have mercy.
19:18 Well, I'm just saying, you know,
19:20 you start thinking about it,
19:21 because some people take it personally,
19:23 we're not trying to do that,
19:24 is because a person who wants to spend
19:26 a whole lot of time
19:29 looking into a mirror himself had very little time
19:32 and to look into the mirror of the law of God.
19:35 They have no desire too
19:37 because they're captivated by them self
19:40 in looking and God was,
19:42 I think, was giving illustration
19:44 as take those things away.
19:46 Not that you shouldn't ever look
19:48 and not use you should never you know,
19:49 it's like the law.
19:51 He points out what sin is, you can see it,
19:53 where dirt's on your face.
19:54 But I thought that's very interesting
19:56 what God was saying right here.
19:57 It's something shiny, and then what does...
20:00 what does it really represent?
20:01 Some people say you go to church on Sunday
20:03 because you know why?
20:04 What's the reason we go on Sunday?
20:06 Because Christ did what? The resurrection day.
20:08 Yeah, resurrection, say we rose on that day.
20:10 When we talk about Romans 6,
20:11 it has to do with what?
20:13 His death, his burial and what?
20:17 Resurrection. Resurrection there.
20:19 Coming up. That's right.
20:20 Out of other water.
20:21 So I mean, it's just good food for thought
20:23 and let it go a little bit and study
20:24 and see if some things open up in a person's mind
20:27 that maybe we spend a little time doing this.
20:29 The same idea of that mirror and thinking of
20:33 what Jesus really wants us to do
20:35 is have the Holy Spirit as our mirror
20:37 to see what we really look like,
20:39 you know, to see what is really in us
20:41 instead of the physical reflection,
20:43 but what is really going on inside.
20:45 And what I would think, you know,
20:47 is, as you're looking into that mirror,
20:49 if your heart is being prepared,
20:51 being tailed up and everything,
20:53 Lord, empty me and fill me with You
20:55 as you're working in there,
20:57 and then the Creator of the universe is gonna come
20:59 and He's going to, He's not...
21:01 This is not a time for deception now
21:04 because now you're giving yourself.
21:07 And so now truth and then probably
21:09 maybe where you've seen those wrinkles before,
21:11 all of a sudden those wrinkles become insignificant
21:14 because you're being filled with the Holy Spirit.
21:17 That's right.
21:18 So there's a trade off. Good.
21:19 You're bringing us back to why, you know,
21:22 some people think it's okay
21:24 just to sprinkle a little bit here.
21:26 But the Bible as we're gonna point out in a minute
21:28 talks about going under the water
21:32 because and I didn't know that the labor had mirror.
21:34 This is the first time I've... I've heard of that.
21:36 But if you stop and think about it, the devil...
21:39 He doesn't care if you believe in the sanctuary message
21:43 or you believe these things
21:44 as long as you just don't believe in it properly.
21:47 You know, it's kind of like... Exactly.
21:49 He hardly ever takes it. Yeah.
21:52 Right, a truth as it rises...
21:55 Hardly ever takes it away
21:57 because he said too many people will spot me.
21:59 His best is to take a little bit of it away
22:01 and put a counterfeit with it and you got truth
22:03 and error mixed together
22:04 which is air is like a leech it sucks itself from what a truth,
22:07 don't think it can get us from the truth.
22:10 But I think it's beautiful if we go on because
22:13 what's a little bit of water gonna do for me,
22:15 I need to go down I hope.
22:18 You know, we...
22:19 I can remember there's been some baptisms
22:21 and they're like, be sure you get me under,
22:24 just hold me there for a while 'cause they want it washed off.
22:27 They want it, but it's symbolic,
22:29 but it's blessed of the Holy Spirit.
22:31 And God is saying,
22:32 "I've got to restore you back into My image
22:35 because the enemy is coming and he's trying to twist
22:38 and put his image on each piece of these sanctuary furniture
22:43 or messages as we've been talking about, dispensation."
22:46 So anyway, He's bringing us back and saying,
22:50 "I want to recreate in you
22:52 and this is the new birth in Jesus Christ."
22:55 I think it's just awesome.
22:56 I don't know if it's wrong or not.
22:58 One time I baptized an individual,
23:00 you know, went all the way down and came back up.
23:02 He shouted hallelujah.
23:03 He said, take me down one more time.
23:05 I want to make sure it's right.
23:07 I'm gonna enter one more time.
23:10 Actually look at that word baptism.
23:12 Baptism, the word is actually a Greek word.
23:15 It's really interesting.
23:16 I'll see if I can find this here.
23:18 Baptizo.
23:19 Baptizo, yeah which actually
23:21 it means a full like being covered fully.
23:23 Thank you, Hallelujah. Yeah.
23:26 So it's... Yeah.
23:27 That's the thing is being totally submerged, yeah.
23:29 And doesn't that fit with the rest of the scripture?
23:32 God wants all of our heart.
23:35 He wants all of our mind. Amen.
23:37 All of us, not just a portion,
23:39 you know, I'm not gonna just take this little portion
23:41 and you can go spend the rest of it out here.
23:44 You know, it's a beautiful thing.
23:46 I love it.
23:47 You'll be surprised how many people
23:48 struggle with what we're talking about.
23:50 Exactly, yes.
23:51 Because we live in a Western culture
23:54 that is shrouded in tradition here and tradition there.
23:57 And for many people who have been raised
23:59 in certain churches, certain faiths,
24:02 certain particular denominations,
24:03 they practice this,
24:05 what they might call baptism by infusion
24:06 or sprinkling or pouring,
24:09 to them it's just normal, it's natural,
24:11 but that's their tradition.
24:13 But the question is, what is the...
24:15 That's the question I want to ask.
24:16 What does the Bible say?
24:17 And you know what?
24:19 Even deeper than that, you know, who was our example?
24:20 Right, Christ.
24:21 If you're wondering at all about anything,
24:24 I always ask the question, you know,
24:26 what would Jesus do?
24:27 The famous question.
24:29 And in this case, we don't have to wonder what Jesus done
24:30 because the Bible tells us
24:32 right here in Mark Chapter 1:9-10.
24:35 The Bible says, "And it came to pass in those days
24:38 that Jesus came from Nazareth, Nazareth of Galilee,
24:41 and was baptized by John in the Jordan,"
24:43 and notice his next words,
24:45 "And immediately coming up from the water,
24:49 he saw the heavens," obviously partying
24:51 and the Spirit descend upon him like a dove.
24:53 So if he was coming up out of the water,
24:55 where had he previously been?
24:57 Under the water.
24:58 He had previously been in the water.
25:00 So again what Donald was bringing out,
25:01 that baptizo again, right here, baptizo simple means immersed,
25:05 fully covered.
25:06 And back to your point, you know,
25:08 I know we're gonna get to this verse in a moment.
25:09 In fact, I'm gonna let someone else read it
25:11 because I don't want to take up all of someone else's time.
25:14 But we're gonna get to Romans Chapter 6 in just a moment,
25:16 which I believe to be kind of the epidemy passage
25:20 when you're trying to understand
25:21 the importance and significance of baptism.
25:23 Amen.
25:24 Romans 6 really points it out,
25:26 but she mentioned earlier about, you know,
25:29 actually I think it was pastor here about the death,
25:31 burial, and resurrection, that that's what baptism,
25:33 you know, baptism is a symbol of the death, burial,
25:36 and resurrection of Christ.
25:38 Amen.
25:39 And, you know, I don't mean to be disrespectful,
25:41 but just kind of give an illustration here.
25:43 When we...
25:45 When a loved one or a friend or anyone that you know of,
25:48 you know, passes away and dies,
25:49 you don't take their dead corpse out there,
25:52 lay it on top of the ground and throw you know,
25:55 like a handful of dirt on the top of everybody.
25:56 Yeah. Well, it's true.
25:58 So in the same sense biblically
26:00 we know that when Christ was buried,
26:02 He was buried in a tomb, he was fully covered.
26:04 Yeah.
26:05 And so in like likeness, you know,
26:07 baptism is a symbol of that old man that is being,
26:11 as your, as Christ was buried in the tomb,
26:13 the old man, our old selfish man,
26:15 old common man is buried completely,
26:18 not a sprinkle, not poured because,
26:21 I want the whole thing.
26:23 So as we come up out of that water,
26:25 then were resurrected a new person
26:27 as Christ was resurrected.
26:28 Amen. Amen. Wow.
26:30 Absolutely. Yeah, what was that?
26:31 That Peter, you know, when he's washing feet?
26:32 You know, you're not gonna wash my feet.
26:34 Right. Right. This little part.
26:36 He say, "If you don't, you have no part with me."
26:38 And really, could this not boil down to,
26:41 you know, very interesting,
26:43 defining line, even in scripture
26:45 about what God would have us to do
26:47 and Jesus by setting the example.
26:49 We can go back, right?
26:51 I mean, you can go back to the early centuries
26:53 and you will find in Rome and in Italy
26:56 and all these different places of the country,
26:57 you will find baptismal tanks
27:01 that were in the back of the church
27:03 that they used and they were three or four feet deep,
27:06 that they used to baptize.
27:08 Something happened along the way.
27:10 That's right.
27:11 The enemy came in and said,
27:12 "You don't really need to do that.
27:14 It's a little bit inconvenient anyway,
27:15 and we can do this a little bit quicker, we're in a hurry."
27:17 Something happened and the enemy came
27:19 in to change a beautiful truth
27:21 because what was Jesus and Nicodemus?
27:24 Oh, yeah.
27:25 You know, you mean I had to be baptized,
27:27 you know in the water of the Spirit.
27:29 You know, you read about...
27:30 Nicodemus knew exactly what Jesus was referring to,
27:34 exactly what he was.
27:36 And sometimes people do too
27:37 and they just want to follow, yeah.
27:38 Pastor, you mentioned, you know,
27:40 something happened along the way.
27:41 For those who like history, I can give you.
27:44 You know, if you study in history,
27:45 you'll find out that it was actually formally changed
27:48 by the Catholic Church.
27:49 We're talking about the method of baptism,
27:51 it's formerly changed by the Catholic Church
27:52 and you can look this up.
27:54 It was at the famous Council of Ravenna in 1311,
27:57 where they changed it or in a Catholic Church
28:00 even for more than 1,000 years,
28:03 actually practiced baptism by immersion.
28:04 Yes, they did.
28:06 But of course, as the traditions and the paganism
28:07 begin to creep silently into this divine,
28:11 you know, rank that they would call the divine institution,
28:13 they begin to change the methods
28:16 and of course, by 1311.
28:18 What does that... What does that show us?
28:19 Now...
28:20 If we let untruths come into the church
28:24 and among us, it will.
28:25 If you don't nip it, it will get worse.
28:28 Like you say... You got what?
28:30 You're gonna say, it's just a little change,
28:31 little change and then more and more and more
28:33 and worse and worse and worse.
28:34 So we have to like say,
28:36 "Grab hold by the grace of God,
28:37 this is what the word says,
28:39 whether everybody loves it
28:40 or whether they don't believe it."
28:42 And it's easy to get caught up in ignorance.
28:44 Oh, yeah.
28:45 Not purposely, not purposely, you know, just, I mean,
28:49 if that happened in 1311, that's...
28:52 it's been a long time ago, you know.
28:54 And I mean, there's been a lot of sin raised and said...
28:57 So I mean, you could just accidentally
28:59 get caught up in things.
29:00 But then you have those certain people
29:03 that hunger and thirst for truth.
29:04 Yeah.
29:06 So they're the ones that steps forward and says,
29:07 "Hey, wait a minute here,
29:09 1311, you mean you actually researched that?"
29:13 So there are people that really are wanting to know more
29:16 and then its programs like this, you know, that...
29:19 Hey, maybe if you have to research it, you know,
29:21 we're not making the stuff up.
29:23 No. I mean, what did Jesus say?
29:24 I mean, we can all discuss.
29:25 What did Jesus say, one of the thing,
29:27 important thing, at the end Matthew 28.
29:29 He said, "Go and what?"
29:31 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.
29:32 Disciples and He always said, "Go teach and then baptize,"
29:36 you know.
29:37 So again, it's a good foundation
29:38 that which we have, that we can work from
29:40 because you mentioned
29:42 a while ago Jesus set the example.
29:43 He didn't know sin, but yet He wanted to set an example
29:47 on what we should do to die self and come up.
29:49 So, well, that's... To me that's exciting.
29:50 Amen. Amen.
29:52 Okay.
29:53 Another example of baptism is found in Acts 8:38
29:57 when Philip was speaking with the unit in the chariot.
30:01 And it says, "And they both went down into the water
30:06 and the eunuch and he was baptized."
30:08 So you know, we have examples of the right way
30:11 and I love what brother JD said.
30:14 He said there are people
30:16 that want to know what truth is.
30:17 A lot of people are just, they feel complacent.
30:19 They feel fine. I don't need to know anymore.
30:22 But when you begin to say, Lord, I want to understand.
30:25 I want to know why there's so much confusion
30:29 over this beautiful book.
30:30 I want to know what the truth is
30:32 and your life begins to change
30:34 and you begin to do this research.
30:36 And right now research is so much easier than
30:39 what it ever was.
30:41 I mean, when I was going to school,
30:42 when I was in college, it wasn't that easy.
30:45 You know, I want to know something now
30:47 like somebody miss...
30:48 Not mispronounce here,
30:50 pronouncing a word differently on a program I hear.
30:52 I just say, "Hey Google."
30:54 Oh, she's listening.
30:57 I had it turned off but she's listening.
31:02 But, you know, right now
31:04 to use the technology that we have.
31:06 We realize how technology can be used for good or bad,
31:09 but it's just so much easier now.
31:11 And so we need to be students of the word.
31:14 We need to be asking God what is truth.
31:17 You know, even baptism, there are lot of people
31:20 that we've met over the years that...
31:22 that they were not baptized this way.
31:26 I think back in Chandler, we were there,
31:28 was the last year we were in Chandler, Arizona?
31:30 Arizona when that... Okay.
31:32 And so when we were there in Arizona, you know,
31:34 there was a man that had been a Catholic,
31:36 for how many years?
31:37 Can you remember? Oh, my, he was like...
31:39 Unlike we're not saketh... Yeah, it's a long time.
31:42 And he had started praying about truth.
31:45 And there he was at our meetings
31:47 and he was fighting it, bless his heart,
31:50 he was fighting it.
31:51 And I don't remember what...
31:53 I tried to help him, you know, from night to night
31:55 and I remember feeling impressed
31:57 to go and speak with this man.
31:59 And he was just in tears and he finally gave in
32:03 and he went under that water.
32:04 Yes, he did to become...
32:06 He came back up a new creature in Jesus Christ.
32:09 And sometimes you know
32:11 we living in the world that we're living in.
32:13 You know, our life hasn't been one it's always been.
32:16 And sometimes we think, you know,
32:18 we need to start over again
32:20 or maybe I wasn't baptized for all the right reasons,
32:23 maybe you weren't baptized for all the right reasons.
32:26 And maybe the Lord is tugging at your heart to say,
32:28 you know, this is making sense to me.
32:31 I need to give everything,
32:32 my whole heart to Jesus and go in it again.
32:36 Yeah, it's exactly what I experienced,
32:38 you know, 2009.
32:39 I just want to share a scripture
32:41 about what you're talking about.
32:42 Matthew 5:6 says,
32:44 "Blessed are they to do hunger and thirst,
32:46 after righteousness."
32:47 And obviously Isaiah 64:6,
32:50 that we have no righteous of our own.
32:51 It's all filthy rags.
32:53 But we're hungry and thirsting after Jesus.
32:56 It says then we shall be filled.
32:58 So He wants to fill us
33:00 and what is He gonna fill us with?
33:01 He's gonna fill the Holy Spirit.
33:02 So I actually learned about the truth through prophecy,
33:05 which is amazing.
33:07 I love prophecy but it was until I...
33:08 Really in 2009, I got baptized,
33:10 but in 2013 I had much more growth
33:13 and I realized I was missing an element
33:14 that was a relationship with Jesus.
33:17 And when I had that conversion, then I sort of like,
33:19 I get it now, it makes sense.
33:21 So now I got re-baptized in 2013.
33:23 Amen.
33:24 You are going into the second part of that question.
33:27 What does it mean to you, Brother Ryan, to be born again.
33:30 Let's start and let's hear.
33:32 What is it you mean?
33:33 Oh, you know, the joy is in being able to serve the Lord
33:37 and you just see that,
33:39 that people's lives are altered and changed for eternity.
33:42 When you see that
33:44 and you see that they get the identity
33:45 of who they really are in Christ,
33:47 as a son or daughter
33:48 and the light bulb finally goes on
33:49 and they can break the chains of this darkness
33:51 that's been holding them down
33:53 and suppressing them for so long.
33:55 And we get the privilege of sharing that with somebody.
33:57 And it's just, it's amazing to see.
33:59 Just like we had a young man recently had come here
34:01 and been going through some stuff
34:03 and this young man's now on so many days sober
34:05 and we sat down with him, he's been coming to church,
34:07 he actually, few weeks ago he had to make a decision
34:11 and I just text him something.
34:12 I said, you know, you got to make a decision right now.
34:14 I said, basically, God is blessing
34:16 but He's also testing your loyalty.
34:18 Because I thought about that all night.
34:20 He says, get down me.
34:22 He said, well, as he told me,
34:24 I need to get rid of the bad influences or do...
34:26 I mean, you make church a priority.
34:28 Wow.
34:29 I mean, we can go to church and make it a priority.
34:30 So he's now, he's now hungry and on fire and just...
34:34 That's the joy, we get to see that,
34:36 you know, and it's not about us anything we do,
34:38 but that's the Holy Spirit work on.
34:39 It is. It is.
34:41 We were actually baptized together in 2013
34:43 and I was baptized when I was about 12.
34:46 But you know, life happens
34:49 and I drifted way away from God
34:51 and it was a really special day.
34:53 Yeah.
34:55 Yeah, and it was very memorable.
34:57 My actual...
34:59 My personal dream was to get baptized in a creek
35:01 'cause when I was a kid, I saw pictures of my mom,
35:04 she got baptized in the creek, you know,
35:05 I want to do that, like my mom did.
35:07 Yeah.
35:09 It didn't work out totally like that,
35:10 but it doesn't matter where is that
35:12 as long as it happens, you know.
35:13 And yeah, and...
35:15 But that was a dream
35:17 that I had to be in a creek outdoors.
35:19 I love being outside, but it was still special.
35:21 And it was a very meaningful moment
35:24 and I like the comparison of baptism
35:27 being like a wedding, you know,
35:29 because it is an outward ceremony,
35:31 outward display of affection to Jesus to the world.
35:35 And too good, we met a while ago,
35:37 you know, people say, well, you brought up,
35:39 you know, washing, washing the feet
35:40 and so on so forth.
35:41 But what is that really referred to basically?
35:44 Isn't that a miniature?
35:46 Baptism. Baptism.
35:48 That's exactly what it is.
35:49 And... A renewal.
35:51 Right. Yeah, it's a renewal.
35:52 You know, you wash your feet.
35:54 And Jesus said, you know, if you don't do it,
35:56 you have no part with Me.
35:57 So we're looking at and then Jesus, what is it?
35:59 In John 3:15, He talks about, Jesus was baptized.
36:03 This is interesting, to fulfill all righteousness.
36:07 That's just heavy duty to fulfill all righteousness.
36:12 He went through the...
36:14 that he was totally human, He did it.
36:16 Yeah... Yeah.
36:17 It was fulfilling to hear God's voice,
36:18 the Dove came down.
36:20 Yeah, those three things came,
36:21 that was a fulfillment of righteousness.
36:23 That's right. Yeah, amen.
36:24 That gave me goose bumps because I feel like too,
36:26 you know, there's other people 'cause people say,
36:29 "Well, I've never beeb, do I have to be baptized
36:31 or this person didn't have time to be baptized."
36:34 Our Lord and Savior was baptized,
36:36 He had never sinned, and He was baptized.
36:39 And His baptism,
36:41 I also believe is for those like the thief on the cross
36:45 that couldn't come down.
36:46 He could not go through this.
36:47 He could not be restored in that respect.
36:51 But Christ did it for him.
36:52 That's right. He is our all and all.
36:55 He is the sanctuary service.
36:58 And maybe we'll talk more about that toward the end
37:00 or if there happens to be a fourth part,
37:02 we'll see but He is our all and all.
37:05 Amen. Praise the Lord, it's all good.
37:08 We're celebrating already. Yes, yeah.
37:10 But, you know,
37:12 anything else anybody wants to add
37:13 on this part of the question.
37:15 We're talking about experience or sharing what it meant to...
37:17 I think, you know,
37:19 with something that really strikes me,
37:20 I share it with a lot of people.
37:21 When Jesus came to Peter,
37:23 He said, Satan is asked for his desire
37:24 to sift him as a wheat.
37:26 I like the word he said, but when you are converted,
37:29 that word converted,
37:30 that's much more expansive than people think, you know.
37:33 It is.
37:34 And, then he said after it says when you are converting,
37:36 you will strengthen your brethren.
37:38 So when you really have that experience in your heart,
37:40 that change that real change,
37:42 and like I was talking about earlier for me,
37:43 you know, I finally realized who I am in Christ Jesus now.
37:46 And when I had that,
37:47 I can go now strengthen other people
37:49 as that true conversion.
37:50 I think that's really powerful.
37:52 But you couldn't give what you didn't have.
37:53 Does that make sense?
37:55 We can't give what we don't have...
37:56 My cup is full. My cup is full.
37:59 So that's nice but you can't give a full cup away,
38:02 you can only give that which goes over the top.
38:05 Yep. That's right.
38:06 You know. You can't get a bigger cup.
38:08 It's true.
38:10 But you still gotta got to get by.
38:12 It's got to go over the top
38:14 and that's what gives to others,
38:16 the other is to keep you full and that's so important
38:18 and you talk about you know...
38:20 And it is possible...
38:22 You're gonna say something, just a sec.
38:24 And it is possible to,
38:26 let's say be in the church
38:27 and you say in good standing
38:29 and not really be, they call born again,
38:31 you need to be converted
38:34 you see 'cause I mean,
38:35 I was one of those in the church,
38:36 you know, a lot of years and I was younger in there
38:38 and didn't realize
38:39 what it really meant to be converted.
38:41 Not to say I have all the answers right now,
38:43 I'm not trying to say all that.
38:44 I'm just simply saying my life has changed.
38:46 Yep. Right. Praise God.
38:47 And it was a big change.
38:49 But for... Like I said...
38:51 I said for years, you know, like I say they give you,
38:53 they give you the plaque for doing this
38:54 and you're deacon,
38:56 then you become an elder and like that,
38:57 and really that was before I was converted.
39:01 You know, following the Lord and trying to do what,
39:02 you know you read, you just kind of do the right
39:04 but I'm talking about a real heart change.
39:06 There is a difference.
39:08 I mean, I say night and day.
39:10 I still I say I...I sing,
39:13 we cut our teeth and maybe the pacifier
39:16 whatever I had one on water frame we had in Jesus,
39:19 you know we would sing songs at the church.
39:21 But after conversion, the very first Sabbath,
39:24 that conversion I cried like a baby,
39:26 right there in the church in front of everybody,
39:28 saying that same song, some teen years
39:32 and I've felt it to a certain extent
39:35 and I thought that was normal and was right.
39:37 But when my heart really just completely changed,
39:39 I saw in such a different way, just broke my heart.
39:42 So that's kind of what that does
39:44 when you come accept Christ, Well, JD, yes.
39:47 The word freedom comes to my mind.
39:49 Okay. Oh, I like.
39:50 There's a freedom that comes
39:52 whenever you are truly converted.
39:54 There is a freedom whenever you are baptized that...
39:57 that rib for real.
39:59 I mean, 'cause we've all gone through
40:02 and doing the very best that we could do...
40:04 You know, we have our youthful baptisms,
40:06 you know, because as I'm learning,
40:10 I've talked to two or three people just slightly,
40:12 bless their little hearts.
40:13 My daughter is 12 years old, she needs to be baptized,
40:16 she needs to be baptized, you know,
40:18 and a lot of times you are baptized as a youth,
40:21 because the parents want it.
40:23 You know, when the kids say they,
40:25 but so be it,
40:27 because they have second chances, just like we did now.
40:31 So they grow and then they mature,
40:33 you know, than there's that time
40:35 when you want something more.
40:37 You're ready for something more.
40:40 And boy, to me,
40:42 there was a freedom that went down
40:44 whenever I was a very mature person,
40:48 you know, and that was just a freedom there that,
40:51 wow, so the person is looking at mirror now
40:55 is different than that person who looked in the mirror
40:57 10 years ago or 15 years ago.
40:59 Should it be?
41:01 You bet? Oh absolutely.
41:02 Yes, you know, that's the whole thing is do the same old,
41:03 same old all the time and we should be growing
41:05 and changing everything.
41:07 And you know, God changes not so, it's not, He's...
41:10 I mean, it's not, it has nothing to do with Him.
41:14 It has to do with me.
41:15 I'm the one that need to be free.
41:18 Yes, very good.
41:19 Oh, absolutely, awesome, awesome thought.
41:21 The word that came to my mind
41:23 when you were saying that was recalibrating,
41:25 you know that word just like it gets us back
41:28 and gets us back in line on the right track
41:30 and it's amazing.
41:32 And what brought you back?
41:33 Was that the word? Oh, yes.
41:35 It was the word we're taking in...
41:36 Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word,
41:38 being around the right kind of people.
41:41 Right, that's very important.
41:42 Seeds are being planted, you're hearing different thing
41:43 and changes can come
41:46 as easy as that as long as we certainly be whole
41:50 and which He says, "Behold the Lamb of God,
41:51 things begin to change in our life."
41:53 Amen. But...
41:54 We can do anything for you, honey?
41:55 Well, I was just... I've been...
41:57 My mind's been everywhere here actually.
41:58 I bet it had.
42:00 But what you're talking about, like you continuing to grow,
42:01 that's part of going through this sanctuary service,
42:04 that table of show bread, you know, the candlestick,
42:08 letting your light shine and the incense,
42:10 all of these things are part of it.
42:12 We would have thought Peter had been converted
42:15 before Christ's death.
42:16 But he said, you know, before the cockcrow,
42:19 was it two times?
42:20 Three.
42:21 Three times, you deny me twice, or three times?
42:24 So it's three and three.
42:25 I was trying to remember
42:27 if it's three and three or two and three.
42:28 Okay, thank you.
42:29 I had a little brain glitch there.
42:31 But then afterwards when Christ visited with him,
42:34 he says, he had to ask him, Peter, do you love Me?
42:37 Come on. That's right.
42:38 Yeah. Peter, do you love Me?
42:41 Because here Peter been with Him
42:44 and seen Him go through so much.
42:48 And he denied his Savior when he said he wouldn't.
42:51 See a lot of us are rash that way sometimes.
42:54 But after he was resurrected, he looked at...
42:56 Can you imagine the loving Savior saying,
42:59 "Peter, do you love Me?"
43:01 It's amazing. And feed my sheep.
43:04 The other thing is he want to go back to fishing.
43:07 Before that happened,
43:08 he actually want to go back to his original thing.
43:11 He wanted to go off. Yeah.
43:12 This ain't working, I was gonna go fish.
43:14 And Peter's response is the results of that
43:17 in the sense that,
43:19 if you go into the original Greek in that passage there,
43:21 Jesus says, "Peter, do you love Me,
43:23 do you agape Me?"
43:25 But the response that Peter gives,
43:27 in English you'll see that Peter says,
43:29 "Lord, you know, I love You."
43:31 But in the original Greek,
43:32 the word there that Peter uses was not a agape,
43:35 it was phileo,
43:37 which means basically a friendly fondness.
43:40 So basically what Christ was saying is, Peter,
43:42 I want you to truly in a spiritual intimate way
43:46 I want you to really love me.
43:47 And Peter was saying, Lord, you know I only phileo you.
43:50 You know, I'm only...
43:52 You know, I'm not there yet.
43:54 And so but Christ just keep urging him and that's...
43:56 I love that passage because it shows the patience
43:58 that God has with us.
44:00 That if we have a willing heart,
44:01 you know, Peter had a willing heart.
44:02 Yes. Man he was a crowd pleaser.
44:05 And sometimes, you know, I can relate,
44:09 I think we all can to some extent relate to Peter.
44:11 You know, but Christ is patient with us.
44:13 Amen. He was patient with Peter.
44:15 He says, "Look, I know that you only phileo me.
44:17 I know you're only fond of Me.
44:18 But you know what?
44:20 When you're converted, you know,
44:21 you're gonna feed my sheep, you see?
44:23 You're gonna be a pillar in this group."
44:24 See how good, how that...
44:26 Exactly what he said.
44:27 Peter knew how he loved Christ, at least in his own mind.
44:30 Jesus knew exactly how Peter loved him
44:34 because He told him before, I want you to feed my sheep.
44:37 After Peter was converted, he said, "Feed my lambs."
44:41 There's a different in sheep,
44:43 there's a difference in the lamb.
44:44 There's a different way you approach a sheep
44:45 and there's a different way you approach a precious lamb.
44:48 Peter was not trustworthy with the lambs.
44:51 You know, blessed pastors and leaders and teachers,
44:53 you are not true, is that okay?
44:56 Were not trustworthy with the lambs
44:59 because they needed to be cuddled,
45:03 they need to be loved.
45:05 They don't...
45:06 they don't need the, and we all need prophecy,
45:09 we all need them now.
45:10 Mark of the Beast, Three Angels because I love all that stuff.
45:13 But there's time they don't know Christ.
45:15 What do you do?
45:16 You introduce them to Christ. You feed.
45:19 You take them back out into the courtyard.
45:21 Exactly.
45:23 And take them back to the alter.
45:24 And then you take them one more step,
45:26 you take them outside
45:27 and because there's only one way in the sanctuary
45:29 and that is the door.
45:31 Jesus says, I am the, what?
45:32 I am the door.
45:34 No man comes to Me except,
45:35 you know, you gotta go through that door.
45:36 Go through Jesus.
45:38 And, see that's to me, they need that.
45:39 Absolutely.
45:40 And I just want to highlight there.
45:42 I know we're...
45:43 And something tells me there's gonna be a part four.
45:45 That's okay.
45:46 I am loving it. I am excited.
45:47 You know, just on this whole thing,
45:49 because baptism and I think,
45:50 I think Janelle hit it right on the head.
45:52 Baptism and I just want to say for the record,
45:54 first of all, baptism doesn't save you.
45:56 The act in itself doesn't save you.
45:58 It doesn't give you some type of supernatural
46:00 holy strength to overcome.
46:02 But baptism is, I believe, an outward expression
46:05 of what Christ is already doing in one's life.
46:08 And I love how you related to a wedding ceremony
46:10 because that's essentially what it is.
46:12 Christ is already, you know, and what is...
46:14 Christ is the bridegroom and His church is the bride
46:17 and I am a part of that bride.
46:18 Christ wants us to be fully married to Him,
46:20 but He also wants us to be fully committed.
46:23 So you know, I often use the same illustration a lot.
46:26 When I married my wife, nine years ago,
46:28 we just celebrated our ninth year anniversary.
46:30 But when I married my wife nine years ago, you know,
46:33 I'm not standing there face to face with her
46:35 and saying my vows and say,
46:36 "Oh, honey, you know,
46:38 I love you so much for the rest of my life."
46:39 But on occasion, I'm gonna go over here
46:41 and hang out with one of my side chicks or one of my,
46:44 you know, girly, girly friends on the side.
46:47 That's not a commitment.
46:48 And so Christ wants us to be fully committed.
46:51 So baptism is not necessarily about perfection,
46:54 but it is about commitment.
46:55 And that's why I love Romans Chapter 6:3-4.
46:59 There you go.
47:00 Because it really expresses to us
47:02 what this is about
47:04 as far as the spiritual application here.
47:08 Notice what verse 3 and 4 says in Romans Chapter 6.
47:11 It says, "Or do you not know
47:13 that as many of us were baptized into Christ Jesus
47:15 were baptized into his death."
47:17 So self has to die, just as Christ died.
47:20 Christ took on the sin of the world.
47:22 And in order for Him to be resurrected
47:25 and to bury those sins and to deal with those sins,
47:27 He had to take on that sin, so He had to die.
47:30 Therefore, notice verse 4.
47:32 "We are buried with Him through baptism into death,
47:35 that just as Christ was raised from the dead
47:37 by the glory of the Father,"
47:38 and here is the most important part,
47:40 "Even so we also should walk in newness of life."
47:44 And so what we have is, we have a lot of people,
47:47 brothers and sisters, who are trying to access
47:50 to holy place or even more so trying to jump
47:53 and take a giant leap into the most holy place
47:55 when they haven't first walked appropriately from the door
47:59 into the court yard.
48:01 And so we first have to, you know,
48:02 spend some time at that door.
48:04 Again, you know, who is it that I'm trying to get to know?
48:06 And then when you get to that beautiful altar of sacrifice
48:10 and you see what Christ has really done here
48:13 or Christ says and Zephaniah says,
48:14 they will look upon me as, on those...
48:17 those have pierced will look upon me
48:20 and they will mourn as one
48:21 who has lost the first one that mourns.
48:23 Oh, yes. Think about...
48:24 Everything you're saying is bringing me back to...
48:27 At midnight there was a cry.
48:29 You mentioned a wedding, there are 10 virgins,
48:32 they were all part of the church.
48:33 They all thought that they were gonna marry the bridegroom.
48:36 And then when the bridegroom came, there was a cry.
48:39 And that cry, they found out
48:41 that there were five that didn't have the oil,
48:43 they didn't have the preparation.
48:45 They weren't walking through these steps
48:47 that we've been talking about.
48:48 And the other said, we don't have enough,
48:50 you're gonna have to go buy it.
48:52 And what happened?
48:53 When they went to buy it, the bridegroom came,
48:55 they went in and the door of probation was shut.
49:00 And they came back and Christ said,
49:02 "I don't know you.
49:04 I don't know you."
49:06 Now is our probationary time.
49:08 That's why this restitution of all things
49:11 is so vitally important
49:14 because Christ is preparing us,
49:17 He's restoring us into His image
49:19 and it means so much.
49:21 The more we talk about it,
49:22 the more we feed off of each other,
49:24 the deeper it gets.
49:25 Go ahead, Janelle, come one help me.
49:27 Oh, you know, Ryan and Chris, the things you're saying,
49:30 it's interesting, Ryan, you mentioned in Romans 6,
49:33 because then in the next Chapter,
49:35 Romans 7 is the part of this Christian struggle.
49:39 And I know I've been there.
49:41 And it's encouraging to me to know that you know,
49:44 other people still struggle after baptism,
49:46 because it's not a one and done.
49:48 You know, you're not...
49:49 you're not ready to be translated,
49:51 usually, right after you're baptized.
49:54 But it's just the fact that it is a struggle
49:56 and sometimes it gets harder actually after baptism,
49:59 and you have those battles,
50:00 you know, and those things that...
50:02 that, you know, we're trying to overcome
50:04 and we need the Holy Spirit's help.
50:06 But it's just the fact that, you know,
50:08 don't think that you have to be perfect
50:10 after you're baptized
50:11 because it's gonna be a struggle
50:12 and the enemy will comes out as harder
50:14 even right before and then even after.
50:16 I believe that's 8:1.
50:18 Oh, 8:1, that's the whole...
50:21 Romans 8:1, "There is therefore now
50:23 no condemnation for them
50:25 which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh
50:29 but after the spirit."
50:31 So when you're finally going through, right
50:32 with the baptize, giving your life to Christ,
50:34 really that's where the Acts 1:8
50:37 where we receive power from the Holy Ghost,
50:39 ain't that right?
50:41 That's right, to be a witness.
50:42 To be a witness, those are reasons.
50:44 And then there's more tests will come,
50:46 there's more trials will come
50:48 because they're God's little workman
50:49 right to perfect character, for perfection of character.
50:53 So that's why Paul asked us not to complain
50:55 and carry on like I do some time.
50:57 Lord have mercy and forgive me, right,
50:59 is everyone has these tests and trials,
51:01 there's a purpose for it.
51:02 Amen. Yeah, I was gonna say.
51:04 And he does and he does say...
51:05 He does say, you know, go,
51:06 you go from one level of glory to another.
51:08 So you know there is that potential of growth.
51:10 Yeah. Faith to faith.
51:11 You know that's what happened to us.
51:13 We experienced what you just talked about a little bit ago.
51:16 Somebody came to us as they were doing,
51:17 celebrating life recovery, we shares a few times,
51:19 but a lady was told that she's being taken away
51:22 from the prophecy seminar.
51:24 That she doesn't need to be coming
51:26 to our celebratory life recovery.
51:28 And this woman was struggling with alcohol.
51:29 She actually tried to commit suicide.
51:31 And so she came to our group and it was week five.
51:34 I said, "Look, just stick it through.
51:35 See how it turns out."
51:37 And she did, 14 weeks graduated,
51:38 two weeks later completely quit alcohol.
51:40 She was a, eight months later she married an Adventist man,
51:43 moved to Virginia.
51:44 She now on fire in her church
51:46 'cause she got the pieces in order
51:47 and it put her on fire.
51:49 But, you know, what you did?
51:50 You loved her anyway, you come anyway,
51:53 it doesn't matter
51:54 how much research we know or we do
51:57 or if we can explain every form of love
52:00 or every form of liberty or you know, what I'm saying?
52:03 It just doesn't matter
52:05 if you don't have the love of God in your heart.
52:08 And where is our first missionary work?
52:10 It's in our homes.
52:11 It's in our... with our families.
52:14 It's here at this table.
52:16 And everything must be in love,
52:18 whether it be a sheep, whether it be a lamb,
52:21 it just doesn't matter 'cause if JD,
52:23 he can sit there
52:25 and he can preach to me every passage
52:28 that dealt with love in the Bible,
52:30 but if he was preaching to me like this the whole time,
52:33 I would want none of it.
52:35 And that's all of us.
52:37 That's all of us. Right.
52:38 You know, who...
52:39 who do other see in us?
52:42 You know, as we've been talking about this walk,
52:45 don't forget what you're gonna share
52:46 but as we've been talking about this part,
52:48 I was thinking about being born again.
52:51 And when my life changed, I've changed.
52:53 I've shared this many times.
52:54 I guess I'll continue to share it.
52:56 But my life change when I said,
52:58 "Okay, I'm not gonna eat physical food
53:00 till I eat the spiritual food first."
53:04 So when I began to pray before I got out of bed,
53:07 when I began to study
53:08 before I would get up and do anything else.
53:10 My life began to change.
53:12 And then if I'm away from it a little bit
53:14 and these thoughts start coming into my mind
53:16 'cause your mind changes.
53:19 People, your mind changes.
53:21 That's right. You know, I...
53:23 You know, when these little things come in,
53:25 things that you would think are just nominal years ago,
53:28 all of a sudden, it's like, oh, Lord,
53:30 please I don't want that, please take that.
53:33 I don't want to think like that.
53:34 I don't want to be like that,
53:36 you know, because
53:37 we are beginning to reflect His image
53:39 internally and perfectly externally.
53:43 That's right. Yeah.
53:44 You know, so share with us.
53:45 Well, first of all, what really touched me
53:48 as the Lord put in my mind to be relatable
53:50 and not inflatable.
53:52 What I mean by that is you're...
53:55 Yeah, relatable and not inflatable.
53:57 That's good. You know that's good.
53:58 You know how to relate to anybody that's got some kind...
54:01 You can, there's a way to do it.
54:02 You know how to learning... Jesus did.
54:03 Yeah, precisely.
54:05 They didn't go to Him 'cause He looked good.
54:06 They didn't go to Him 'cause He was up and,
54:09 you know, real popular.
54:11 He wasn't... He wasn't in the government.
54:13 He wasn't the high priest at time on this earth,
54:17 you know, so they went to Him
54:19 because He was relatable and He was lovable.
54:22 Inflation is the dangerous thing, you're talking about...
54:24 what's you're talking about
54:25 because God has such wonderful ways
54:28 and loving ways still yet,
54:29 He can let the air out of you.
54:31 Yeah.
54:32 Really quick before He can do it
54:34 a little bit at a time.
54:35 I think I've had both. Yeah.
54:37 You know, you see some of these, you know,
54:39 blow up, and then, you know,
54:41 pull them behind, and boast the stuff.
54:43 You know, you can let the air out really slow.
54:45 Somebody stay with me.
54:47 Or you can take the big nozzle off
54:50 and you just, almost immediately...
54:53 You know, and sometime that might happen
54:55 in the Christian's experience if you're not careful.
54:58 If you're self inflated
54:59 and you get a big hit and you're just,
55:00 you know, too big for your britches.
55:02 God knows how.
55:03 That's true. It does.
55:04 I've been watching on YouTube.
55:06 I'm not gonna name the man's name,
55:07 but he's a street preacher and he went out there
55:09 and he was in the midst of this Peter parade thing.
55:12 He's going, you're not... He said...
55:13 First of all, he said, get right with God.
55:16 He's not gonna let you just because you eat vegetables,
55:18 get right with God.
55:20 Come on now.
55:21 You're not gonna get Him just because you eat vegetables.
55:22 I'm like, "Who are you even...? How are...
55:24 What is that even doing?"
55:26 And then people like this is the most amazing preacher.
55:28 Oh, this man knows his word.
55:30 I'm like, but what do you...?
55:31 Are you really accomplishing anything by doing that?
55:33 What are you doing?
55:34 Sometimes, you know,
55:36 I know that sometimes street preaching
55:37 can accomplish some things.
55:39 But a lot of times I think it, in our society today,
55:43 it pushes people away
55:44 because you find a lot like that.
55:47 It's very pushy in the heart. It's a meme kind of thing.
55:49 It's like you're not really, like you're talking about...
55:51 Not relatable. Yeah.
55:52 But that comes,
55:53 it comes in time, ain't that right?
55:55 It's a different thing. Jesus said what?
55:57 If I...? Be lifted up.
55:59 When you are on the street, to me as if,
56:00 if I be lifted Jesus says, you lift me up,
56:02 then all, you know,
56:04 that's what we need to be doing in His order.
56:07 Jesus always first.
56:08 If I can just share a story that you may think of this...
56:10 There is a lady, that, it's...
56:15 I'm sorry, I'll just save it for another time.
56:16 I know we're getting low on time.
56:18 Okay. All right. Well, that's...
56:19 I was started to get excited about that and weren't you?
56:23 I know that is for part four. You can't get no story...
56:26 Yeah, that was a teaser. Okay. You know what?
56:28 Teaser is gonna be, I think it should be right here.
56:31 I want to hear another verse.
56:32 Amazing grace, the last one, we've been there 10,000 years.
56:35 We'll go on that.
56:37 When we sing first and if we're not done with it,
56:39 you know Brother Ryan, then just pray us out of it.
56:42 That's right, absolutely. All right. All right.
56:44 When we've been there
56:49 Ten thousand years
56:53 Bright shining as the sun
57:01 We've no less days
57:06 To sing God's praise
57:10 Then when we first
57:15 Begun
57:18 Amen. Praise the Lord.
57:20 Father in heaven, you are so good to us, Lord.
57:22 Amen.
57:23 Lord, we have so much to thank You for God,
57:26 your love, your grace, your mercy.
57:28 And I want to pray that
57:29 this study has been a blessing to so many.
57:31 Amen. Yes.
57:32 Reach Your spirit out, touch hearts.
57:34 Bring us to You, we ask in Jesus' name, amen.
57:36 Thank you, Lord. Amen.
57:37 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2019-10-07