Today Family Worship


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW190028A

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello, friends, welcome to Family Worship,
01:12 it's Friday evening,
01:14 it's time to get in our Word together.
01:16 And we thank you for taking the time to tune in.
01:18 And to my left is my co-pilot. How are you doing, Honey?
01:22 I am doing well, happy Sabbath everyone
01:25 and we welcome you to our Family Worship.
01:27 That's right, my name is John Lomacang,
01:28 my wife, Angela.
01:30 And if you're part of our family,
01:31 you know that.
01:33 Tonight before we have our prayer,
01:34 just want to tell you, this is the time,
01:36 this is the program I could begin by saying,
01:41 slow down, take it easy,
01:45 relax, count to three.
01:49 Remember when I used to do that, Honey?
01:50 Yeah, yeah.
01:51 I would do it to you, where I say take a breath
01:53 and she's going, don't do that.
01:56 Tonight, our program is on a topic
01:58 that's going to make all of us laugh
02:00 because I would say to some degree,
02:02 this program is therapy for everyone of us.
02:05 And including to my right, my good friend,
02:07 Dee Hilderbrand, how you doing, Dee?
02:08 Hello, I'm doing great.
02:10 I'm doing wonderful.
02:12 What's our topic on tonight?
02:13 Our topic's on patience, I think you picked it
02:16 just because of me
02:20 or maybe it was because of Idalia,
02:22 well, the two most impatient people at 3ABN.
02:27 I'm one of the most impatient people here?
02:30 Really? Used to be.
02:31 You've overcome.
02:33 We've overcome a lot, used to be, past tense.
02:36 Well, I think you introduced her.
02:38 Idalia, good to have you. Thank you, Dee.
02:40 Yes.
02:41 Thank you for the invitation, pastor and Angie.
02:42 And you work where?
02:44 I work for 3ABN Latino.
02:46 Latino.
02:48 You work with your husband?
02:49 Yes, yes. That's right, Pastor Dinzey.
02:51 It's been a lesson in patience.
02:55 He is the boss, he is the decision maker.
02:56 That's nice, yes.
02:58 We work together.
02:59 Yeah, type A personality
03:01 and then my husband who is more conservative
03:05 and I'm not as patient, he's very patient.
03:10 And so I've learned, I'm learning.
03:12 Yeah, the neck that turns the head.
03:15 You help, you work together.
03:16 The Lord really helps us.
03:18 Yeah, I must say.
03:19 Welcome.
03:20 Well, we have a lot to talk about tonight,
03:22 it's gonna be an interesting program,
03:23 because we want to try to make this
03:26 less therapeutic and more scriptural.
03:29 But, I would say to you ahead of time in the program,
03:35 they're going to be quite a bit of object lessons.
03:37 And you might see yourself in some of them.
03:38 But before we go any further, Honey,
03:40 would you have prayer for us?
03:41 Yeah, let's pray. Okay.
03:42 Our gracious Heavenly Father,
03:44 we come to You in the name of Jesus
03:45 and we thank You for this blessed Sabbath evening.
03:49 Pray that Your Holy Spirit will continue to abide with us
03:53 and we pray that we all will learn something
03:56 from this topic of patience.
03:58 And, Lord, we thank You for hearing this prayer
04:01 and for answering in Jesus' name, amen.
04:07 Amen.
04:09 Today's program, patience.
04:11 Patience is a virtue I've heard,
04:14 but impatience is also not a virtue.
04:17 And so today,
04:19 we're gonna walk through the Bible
04:20 on this topic of patience.
04:22 And as I mentioned a moment ago,
04:24 and I'm smiling as I think about it,
04:26 because I was hurrying to get this outline done.
04:30 And I am talking about patience,
04:31 I was hurrying to get the outline
04:33 to every one of our program guests.
04:36 And we were hurrying to get here on time
04:38 and we're talking about patience.
04:40 So how funny it is.
04:43 We were talking about this earlier,
04:44 and I think we bounced this around the generation
04:47 that we live in today is a generation
04:48 that needs to relearn what it means to wait.
04:51 How many of you could...
04:52 Before we go to the text,
04:54 how many of you could share an example of waiting
04:57 that we still have to do today,
04:59 something that is outside of our control?
05:02 I have to wait for a doctor's appointment
05:04 to be available.
05:05 Yeah.
05:06 That takes forever.
05:08 I mean, six months wait
05:10 to get to a specialist, it's horrible.
05:12 And when you know, you want that,
05:13 like is it not opening next week?
05:16 Exactly.
05:17 And you have to wait in the waiting room.
05:19 I know even waiting
05:22 for a lot of people use microwaves now,
05:25 even waiting for the microwave.
05:28 They're like, I mean,
05:30 if you have to put the microwave on
05:31 for two minutes,
05:32 that's like forever or one minute.
05:34 So we're impatient even with something
05:36 that is really fast and we're still impatient.
05:41 You're right.
05:42 I stem up the stove
05:45 and they say I'll watch pot never boils.
05:49 And it takes forever to heat up, so impatient.
05:53 Yeah, and it's funny you said that
05:55 because on my oven at stove there's a,
05:59 what is it a burner that has fast, it comes out.
06:03 Instant heat and the gradual heat.
06:05 Yeah, the other three are gradual,
06:07 but that one is instant.
06:08 And she always uses that one.
06:10 I wanted to hurry up.
06:12 You're gonna say something?
06:14 Well, you know, it's interesting,
06:15 you get used to the internet speed here.
06:18 And I don't want to belittle the country that I was in,
06:21 but it was Cuba.
06:23 So after you get used to the speed here,
06:26 which usually you go somewhere
06:28 and somebody will complain about here,
06:30 but I remember when I went last time to Cuba,
06:32 and they said there was internet,
06:35 which was new to me
06:37 because the previous time I had to go to a hotel,
06:39 but this time it was available in a park
06:41 and you had to purchase a ticket to be able to use it
06:43 and you get a code and you go to the park.
06:45 And then you try to use it
06:48 and the first time I was in Cuba,
06:52 it was like,
06:54 are they using dial up still, you know?
06:57 You know, before you connect and you actually get there,
07:00 but it seemed to be slow to me
07:03 and so there are things
07:05 that people will always want quicker
07:06 than it is actually available
07:09 because of we're not patient, we're impatient.
07:12 Payday. Can we relate?
07:15 The elevator, you're waiting at the elevator
07:16 and it seems to stop everywhere,
07:18 you know, all,
07:19 there are different things that effect.
07:20 And you push your button,
07:22 you just keep pushing the button
07:23 like it's gonna come fast.
07:25 You do that? Oh.
07:27 I thought I was the only one to do that.
07:28 I have done that.
07:29 Or you're waiting at the light to change from red to green?
07:31 Seems like taking forever.
07:34 Or you're in a restaurant and you've ordered.
07:36 It seemed like 20 minutes ago.
07:37 And everybody else is eating but you're not.
07:39 And you start looking around like,
07:42 did they get their food yet?
07:44 We had that just happen in Russia.
07:47 It happened in Russia not too long ago,
07:48 we went to Russia and Danny, and Yvonne, and Bruce,
07:52 and Jason and, and all got there before us.
07:56 They were waiting at the hotel before us.
07:59 We came down, and everyone was already seated
08:01 and it was so funny, Jason Bergman,
08:04 who's the treasurer here at 3ABN.
08:06 He was sitting at our table with Fransi and Angie
08:08 and I was just four of us at our table.
08:10 And he made this funny statement to the waiter.
08:11 He said, "Now you gotta get him his food first,
08:14 because last time he got his last."
08:16 And this is so funny. He was just joking around.
08:19 But we were last to get there
08:21 and first to get our food and we're eating,
08:25 we're finishing up
08:26 and we're looking over Danny and Bruce's table
08:29 and Danny's gonna like this,
08:31 and he was looking and he says,
08:33 first it starts with a smile.
08:35 We've all been there first starts with a smile, like,
08:38 so nice you got your food,
08:39 but mine should be out in any moment now
08:41 and you're looking, you think right now.
08:42 Looking at the kitchen, looking at the waiter.
08:44 Then you start looking around you,
08:45 all the others, 27 people
08:47 that came with you got theirs already.
08:48 And then it got really bad
08:50 because then on Greg and Jill's table,
08:51 they were up to desserts,
08:54 before Danny's food even came out.
08:56 And then after a while, it got to the point
09:00 where it was no longer funny
09:02 and we started trying to get the waiter's attention.
09:04 They didn't get their food yet.
09:06 And the lady said, Oh, I think.
09:10 So the way she put the order in,
09:12 then we called the manager only to realize
09:13 that she was the manager.
09:15 It was just, you've been there, we've all been there.
09:19 So everyone, every human being
09:22 has some degree of an issue with patience.
09:26 That's right.
09:27 Some of us are affected
09:31 by how we're raised.
09:33 I didn't even understand about patience as a child,
09:36 I don't think.
09:38 So everyone, this is something
09:40 that the Bible will teach every one of us about
09:43 that we all need to learn in different areas.
09:47 You may be very patient with a two year old,
09:50 but you're very impatient
09:51 with your 45 year old daughter or something.
09:55 Exactly. Wow.
09:56 We know we raised nieces and even nephews
09:58 and there's time to,
10:00 it tests your patience raising children.
10:02 Oh, that's right.
10:04 And it's like, oh would you hurry up?
10:06 Would you get your homework done?
10:08 Would you clean your room, what's taking you so long?
10:11 I'm still waiting in the car for you,
10:13 you're making me late, hurry up.
10:15 Exactly.
10:17 And if you're a parent watching this program,
10:18 you might know what we're talking about
10:20 because it's those moments where you think,
10:22 did you hear what I just said?
10:24 Did I not just ask you to go to your room?
10:27 And they'll give you a look like,
10:29 I'll get to it and that will send you in?
10:31 What would that do to you, Tita?
10:32 Oh, no, they're not saying that to me.
10:35 The spouses too,
10:37 sometimes we're impatient with our spouses,
10:39 not just our children or coworkers.
10:41 Oh, goodness. Am I guilty?
10:45 And I'll say sometimes Angie, I'm in the car.
10:48 Yeah. I'm in the car.
10:49 And I am rushing, yeah.
10:51 And she says, "I'm right behind you."
10:52 And I don't even see her silhouette.
10:54 I'm right behind you.
10:56 I'm right behind you.
10:57 You know, you even smell her perfume.
10:59 No, I'm right behind you,
11:00 I'll be right there and then I'm backing out
11:02 so she can get into the car faster
11:04 because it's in the garage,
11:05 it's gonna make a difficult or some,
11:07 and then when she gets in, she's, okay I am here.
11:10 So we're going to start with a scripture
11:12 that's not in our syllabus.
11:13 Let's all turn to Philippians 4:6.
11:17 This is gonna be the catapulting scripture
11:19 for this topic.
11:20 I'm sorry, Philippians what?
11:22 Philippians 4:6. I love Philippians.
11:23 Philippians 4:6,
11:25 the Bible is a book that really,
11:27 somebody once said,
11:28 "Isn't the Bible written by men?"
11:30 Well, if you think about the topic of patience,
11:32 that's one of the reasons
11:34 I know the Bible was not written by men.
11:35 Amen.
11:37 Because I don't know of a patient person
11:38 on the earth
11:39 and they would not write scriptures
11:41 to reveal their own weaknesses.
11:42 Okay, let's start with that.
11:43 Honey, would you read that for us?
11:45 Yes, it says, Philippians 4:6,
11:46 "Be anxious for nothing,
11:49 but in everything by prayer and supplication,
11:53 with thanksgiving,
11:54 let your requests be made known to God."
11:58 Okay, and verse 7.
11:59 And 7, "And the peace of God,
12:03 which surpasses all understanding
12:06 will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
12:10 Okay, so the question,
12:12 this is the million dollar question.
12:14 Is there any reason why we should ever be anxious?
12:16 No.
12:18 So why are we?
12:23 We have our own agenda. We have our own pride.
12:27 When you tell your child to do something
12:30 and they don't respond immediately,
12:33 they're being what?
12:34 Disrespectful,
12:36 they're not listening to your wishes,
12:38 they're not obeying.
12:39 Disobedient too.
12:41 So disobedience, but it's our pride.
12:44 They're not obeying me, they're not respecting me.
12:47 Praise God, that when we do that to God,
12:51 do we not do the same thing to God
12:53 when he asked us to do?
12:54 Does He get impatient?
12:55 Or is His pride wounded?
12:58 Or does He surround us in love?
13:01 So this, this passage we just read,
13:03 it didn't just say in verse 6, "Be anxious for nothing."
13:07 It talked about how this relates to God.
13:09 And the peace of God
13:11 which surpasses all understanding
13:13 will do what?
13:15 Guard your heart.
13:16 In other words, if you're waiting on God,
13:20 isn't it really God waiting on us?
13:22 Think about it.
13:23 Because is there anything He doesn't know?
13:25 No.
13:26 Is there anything He couldn't deliver
13:27 at light speed?
13:29 That's our fastest measure of speed.
13:31 So why is it?
13:32 Why is God included in this scenario
13:36 about not being anxious?
13:38 Let's talk about that for a moment.
13:40 Why does the peace of God
13:41 need to be in the place of our anxiety?
13:43 There's a quote that says,
13:45 Jesus is the answer for our world today, right?
13:51 When we are facing the anxiety of whatever situation,
13:56 we forget that Jesus is in control
13:59 and we want to have it in control.
14:01 We want it at our time.
14:03 But eventually we mature and see,
14:07 things will happen at God's perfect timing.
14:09 He's is never late, He's never early.
14:12 So, but we have to go through so many trials in life,
14:16 in order for us to register
14:18 and for us to get it and trust Him.
14:22 Yeah, so true.
14:23 Which takes me to another scripture in the Bible,
14:25 Ecclesiastes Chapter 3.
14:27 You want to say something, Pastor Dinzey?
14:29 Well, patience is one of those things
14:33 that no one can say, I have enough patience,
14:35 all the patience that I need in life,
14:37 you know, we should live
14:41 in a constant dependence upon God.
14:43 Amen.
14:44 And the fact that we're in this world,
14:46 we are going to be tested,
14:47 we're going to face difficulties and trials
14:50 and Satan will be after us to try our patience.
14:55 Yes.
14:56 But thanks be to God,
14:58 that He does not allow the devil to do more
15:02 than we are able to bear.
15:04 You know, that's the scripture that comes to mind.
15:07 'Cause the Lord is constantly.
15:09 you know, you can look at it this way.
15:11 As a Christian, you're blessed.
15:13 The Bible says that the angel of the Lord
15:15 encamps round about them
15:17 and that fear him and deliver them.
15:20 In other words,
15:21 they are constantly delivering us
15:23 from what the devil wants to do to us.
15:24 So we should be continually grateful.
15:27 That's right. That's true.
15:28 That's a very good point.
15:31 And when you look at the reason I talked about the God factor,
15:35 look at Ecclesiastes 3,
15:37 whoever gets there could read that for us.
15:39 Ecclesiastes 3,
15:42 that's not in our outline.
15:46 Okay, Ecclesiastes 3.
15:49 Three what, Pastor?
15:50 And starting with just verse 1 actually.
15:53 Okay, 3:1,
15:55 "So everything there is a season."
15:57 Yeah.
15:58 "A time for every purpose under heaven."
16:01 Who knows that?
16:02 Who knows that better than us? Amen.
16:04 Yeah, if there's a season.
16:06 So if God doesn't respond right away,
16:08 what in this passage is,
16:10 are we being told has not yet come?
16:14 Season. Okay, say it again.
16:16 The season.
16:17 Right.
16:19 We can all look back on our lives
16:20 and I have an example
16:25 where I didn't understand why God,
16:28 why something happened,
16:29 it was like God had let something bad happen to me,
16:33 and yet, had to deal with a job but I didn't get angry.
16:39 I didn't get anxious.
16:42 My husband and I prayed
16:43 and we just waited upon the Lord.
16:45 And it's because he had something better in mind
16:47 that was gonna work out down the line much better.
16:51 But think of all that wasted energy.
16:53 Yes.
16:55 If I had worried and this is a lesson
16:58 that I've learned hard in life
17:01 that so often, my worry, or anxiety or whatever,
17:06 is totally wasted emotion,
17:08 was unnecessary and you work yourself up
17:12 and then you may upset other people
17:15 and you upset yourself and it's all wasted,
17:19 where if we just relax
17:23 and trust in the Lord and say,
17:25 okay, Lord, I can't see Your hand.
17:27 I don't see the plans.
17:30 But I'm gonna trust in You, and I'm gonna wait upon You
17:32 and watch what happens.
17:34 That's that peace that surpasses understanding
17:38 'cause it doesn't make any sense.
17:40 Right, it doesn't.
17:41 But it's what works.
17:44 When you say that surpasses all understanding,
17:47 I like because the NIV says,
17:49 "A piece that does not need to be explained."
17:53 It can't be explained. It can't explain it.
17:55 'Cause it doesn't make any sense.
17:57 So I've seen people that I say to them,
17:59 in the midst of all this turmoil,
18:00 I say, wait a minute,
18:01 why are you so peaceful?
18:04 What am I worrying about?
18:06 Why are you so fearful of Jesus?
18:07 And the storm is not going to pass over any quicker
18:08 if I get upset.
18:10 Somebody once said to me
18:11 when I was on a plane years ago,
18:13 I was holding on to the seat like this
18:14 and he says,
18:15 "Don't you know that if the plane goes down,
18:17 the seat goes down with it and I thought,
18:20 "You're right, there goes the seat."
18:22 Yeah.
18:23 We do those things in life,
18:25 we try to hold on to things that we cannot control.
18:27 But there's another passage
18:29 and I know the Lord is bringing these to my mind.
18:31 See, we all have an outline. Yeah.
18:33 But the Lord has given me a different direction in this
18:35 before we even go to the scriptures here.
18:37 One of the reasons, let me ask the question,
18:39 what do you think is at the root of impatience?
18:43 What's at the root of impatience?
18:45 Control.
18:46 Control, okay, what else? Selfishness.
18:48 Selfishness, what else?
18:51 I would say selfishness is one of the key factors in,
18:54 I want things this way, my way
18:56 and I'm not getting it fast enough, you know.
18:59 Yeah.
19:02 Let's go to Romans 8:28.
19:03 You all know it, but wait till you get there.
19:05 Okay.
19:06 Okay, do you know that, Honey? What is it?
19:07 Yeah, "For we know all things work together for good
19:11 to those who love the Lord
19:14 and those who are called according to His purpose."
19:17 Whose purpose? His purpose.
19:19 Okay, so when our purpose
19:21 is not in line with His purpose,
19:24 we somehow get to the point of anxiety
19:26 because we don't think it's gonna work out.
19:30 But if we believe and accept that we are called
19:33 according to His purpose,
19:35 sometimes our purpose has to languish
19:38 for His purpose to come to pass.
19:40 So we'll say, "Here are my plans.
19:43 Oh, I got 15 minutes before my plans are out the window."
19:46 You'll say, "Good and in 17 minutes,
19:49 my plans will come to fruition."
19:51 Another guy that said, I went to a one.
19:53 Only if we have to tell the story
19:55 about he went to a one hour cleaners.
19:56 Oh, yeah.
19:57 He's told the story so many times,
19:59 he said, "I need my suit."
20:00 He said, "I went to a one hour cleaner."
20:01 And he says, "I'll be back in an hour."
20:03 He said, "Oh, don't believe that sign,
20:07 we cannot do it in one hour."
20:08 He said, "Why are we advertising
20:09 things we can't do?"
20:11 You talked about another example,
20:12 about oil changes?
20:14 Yes.
20:15 Well, way back when the oil changes
20:17 when I used to live in Chicago,
20:19 I was surprised they had these 10 minute oil changes.
20:21 But recently we were in Nashville
20:24 I think it was and we were driving by,
20:26 I saw a sign that said instant oil change
20:29 which was a surprise to me, because I don't,
20:31 I mean, that means the moment you drive in,
20:33 your oil is changed, you can just drive out, sir,
20:37 because I mean, it doesn't make sense
20:38 how they could do that.
20:40 No, I can't understand it. That's right.
20:41 But don't we ask the Lord to do that,
20:44 change me instantaneously?
20:46 Yeah, want it now.
20:48 And is that how we really grow and learn?
20:51 It's instant.
20:52 You know, how many of us have said,
20:55 "Lord, fix this, and I want you to fix it right now."
20:59 But it's not instantaneous.
21:03 And what happens when we do the scriptures
21:07 that we've been talking about?
21:09 When we get to that part
21:11 where we are waiting upon the Lord
21:13 and we are patient and we're trusting in Him
21:16 and it takes us to that peace that passes understanding?
21:21 How does that affect other people?
21:24 Oh, okay.
21:26 What does that do for our witness for the Lord
21:29 when we do that?
21:30 It's true. This is true.
21:31 Good point.
21:33 You know, the Lord does not allow us
21:35 to face a problem or situation
21:37 for which He has not already a solution.
21:40 Yes. That's right.
21:42 And so but we,
21:45 like the little children
21:46 that just learn to feed himself or herself
21:52 and you want to help them,
21:54 he'd say, I can do it, I can do it.
21:56 You know, and we want to try it ourselves,
21:57 we want to do it ourselves.
21:59 But the Lord wants to let us know daily,
22:02 I think, without Me, you can't do nothing.
22:07 Without Me, you can't do nothing.
22:08 So let's look at this question.
22:10 What does the Bible teach concerning patience?
22:13 It's on our syllabus, Philippians,
22:14 1 Thessalonians 5:14.
22:17 What does the Bible teach concerning patience?
22:20 It's the first text on there.
22:21 Pastor Dinzey, you have that? It's the first verse.
22:24 Yes, I do have it.
22:26 And it's right here. Okay.
22:27 The first one is 1 Thessalonians 5:14,
22:30 "Now we exhort you, brethren,
22:32 warn those who are unruly, comfort the faint hearted,
22:37 uphold the weak, be patient with all."
22:40 Be patient with how many? All.
22:42 Oh, have you ever said,
22:44 you are wearing my patience then?
22:48 You've got on my last nerve.
22:49 Okay.
22:51 Yeah.
22:53 It's true but,
22:55 and I said this earlier,
22:58 you are joining us in a session of therapy.
23:02 So you might be going through with us.
23:04 But that's something we have to learn
23:05 to be patient with all people.
23:08 Because I know how many of us,
23:10 those of us who are working here at 3ABN,
23:12 I think it's the thing that we all need,
23:15 every one of us
23:17 because everything happens in,
23:21 program is done.
23:22 You know, we want to sit on the set and visit,
23:24 you ever did that before and the production team.
23:26 And here comes Dee.
23:28 Next program, we gotta move.
23:30 Yeah, I am like, I am trying to move you out,
23:33 because I don't move the new ones in.
23:35 You could talk on the greenroom because the guests are waiting,
23:37 and that happened to us recently,
23:39 we saw the graphic showing up
23:40 on the television screen in front of us so that,
23:42 well, those graphics are part of our program.
23:44 And then Jorge came in,
23:45 the other guests are waiting to come in
23:47 because you know, it's almost 1:30
23:48 and we have to be done by 3:30
23:50 because the next program has to be done by 5.
23:51 That's right. You all live in that place.
23:53 Oh, yes.
23:54 Scheduling pushes you
23:56 and sometimes we are not patient with all.
23:59 And there's some people that you say,
24:00 "But we told you
24:01 to do your makeup 10 minutes ago."
24:03 Now the program is five minutes late.
24:04 And that means we're going to be here
24:06 till after 5:45 or 5:30."
24:08 So we are really talking about the world we live in.
24:11 and that's why this topic came up.
24:13 Because as a pastor,
24:14 my ministerial director here in the Illinois Conference,
24:17 what did he just recently stated about schedule?
24:20 Oh, yeah, matter of fact,
24:23 we're just at pastor's meetings
24:24 and he says to me,
24:26 'cause I told him you have your weekly,
24:28 baptismal class, every Sabbath,
24:30 he has a baptismal class and he says,
24:33 "How does he balance his schedule?"
24:35 It's only God because we have so much to do,
24:39 but we have to be patient, right?
24:41 Have to be patient.
24:42 Sometimes people don't show up when they should.
24:45 Sometimes we just get there
24:48 and everybody says, "I gotta tell the story."
24:51 Okay, I know it.
24:53 We have kids at our church that says,
24:54 "Pastor, you're late."
24:57 Yeah, little kid used to say that all the time.
24:59 I beat you here, Pastor, you're late
25:01 and this is on Wednesday night premier.
25:02 How cute. Yes.
25:04 And I said he is so cute.
25:05 Can I run them over just incidentally?
25:07 No, I would never do that to kids,
25:09 but we joke and say that,
25:11 'cause you know the last thing
25:12 and I said, "Don't say anything,
25:14 because you have no idea
25:16 what I was doing on the phone before I got here."
25:17 And sometimes we're leaving the house.
25:19 Even today.
25:22 And that phone call comes in and you cannot shut it down,
25:25 because that person needs help right there.
25:27 You can't turn your back on pastoral duties.
25:30 Yeah. 'Cause we did chuckle today.
25:32 We are supposed to be here 15 minutes early,
25:34 where is the pastor?
25:35 Well, pastor is counseling.
25:38 And I don't think either,
25:39 no I didn't feel impatient or upset.
25:41 I just kind of teased about, I think you did, too.
25:44 None of us were impatient.
25:45 He'd get here when he did.
25:47 Yeah, exactly. And he did.
25:48 And here we are, Praise the Lord.
25:50 Which takes us to the next one who wants.
25:51 Wait, wait.
25:53 I would like to,
25:54 because he said be patient with all.
25:55 That's right.
25:57 I think this is where, in looking at some things
25:59 before they started,
26:00 I found this and I said,
26:02 you know, this is something that should be shared
26:03 because when you're talking about patience,
26:05 we have to be patient with all
26:07 because sometimes we can be patient
26:10 with everyone else,
26:11 but less patient with those in our family,
26:14 within our household.
26:16 And this is from a book called
26:20 Adventist Home Christian Home,
26:22 page 106.
26:23 "Though difficulties, perplexities,
26:25 and discouragements may arise, let neither husband,
26:28 nor wife harbor the thought that their union is a mistake,
26:33 or a disappointment,
26:34 determined to be all that it is possible
26:37 to be to each other,
26:38 continue the early attentions
26:40 in every way encourage each other
26:42 and fighting the battles of life,
26:44 study to advance the happiness of each other.
26:47 Let there be mutual love,
26:48 mutual forbearance, then marriage,
26:52 instead of being the end of love
26:53 will be as it were the very beginning of love,
26:56 the warmth of true friendship,
26:58 the love that binds hard to hide,
27:01 Heart to heart is a foretaste of the joys of heaven."
27:05 That's from the Ministry of Healing, page 360.
27:08 So this happens, especially to couples
27:11 and there may be some couples listening right now
27:13 that, you know, the devil puts a thought,
27:15 Oh, you made a mistake
27:16 in marrying this person or that person?
27:18 Maybe it's best to just end it right now.
27:20 No, don't think your union is a mistake.
27:24 And some, I would dare say,
27:26 the devil puts that thought in their mind,
27:28 oh, you made a mistake marrying this person,
27:29 but they were praying and asking the Lord, you know,
27:32 give me the person that I need.
27:33 Give me a wonderful husband, give me a wonderful wife.
27:36 And now they're together
27:38 and they're having these difficulties
27:39 and they're like, wait a minute, impatience
27:42 and they're not patient with one another.
27:43 So work together, ask the Lord to help you,
27:46 you know, and just as we read,
27:49 work together in advancing the happiness
27:52 of one another.
27:53 That's right.
27:55 And how many of us are serving the Lord?
27:56 How many of us serving the Lord?
27:58 Every one of us, we're all servants of the Lord.
28:00 So when we read this next scripture,
28:02 we can see that it's not about the minister.
28:06 Do you have that one, Tita, 2 Timothy 2:24?
28:08 Yes, it says,
28:09 "And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel,
28:12 but be gentle to all able to teach patient."
28:15 Wow.
28:17 So, are we ever at a place
28:21 where that's really pulling us?
28:23 I've had instances where in public,
28:27 I was called out in public.
28:28 I mean, right in the middle of the sermon,
28:30 I had one person call me out in the middle of a sermon once.
28:33 How dare you?
28:34 It was after the sermon. It was after the sermon.
28:36 Right after the sermon and it was,
28:38 it was a teachable moment.
28:39 It was.
28:41 It was a moment where,
28:42 are you going back to Brooklyn in your feelings?
28:44 Are you moving toward Jesus and praise the Lord,
28:47 I moved toward Jesus, wasn't that amazing?
28:48 Yes, the Lord.
28:50 And especially when everyone sees it
28:51 at the same time, it's like, what's he gonna do?
28:54 Is he gonna left hook, right hook, yell back
28:57 and that's that moment when I realized
29:00 the Lord inserted that disk right there.
29:02 Yes.
29:04 A servant of the Lord must not quarrel,
29:07 but be gentle.
29:10 You exhibited patience.
29:11 Patient and you know what, it was communion Sabbath.
29:16 And my wife and I got together with this couple,
29:19 talked it out, talked the lady through her turbulence.
29:22 And although it was couples Sabbath,
29:26 I said, Honey, you wash her feet.
29:28 And I did.
29:30 I'll wash her husband's feet.
29:31 Do you know what the devil attempted at that moment,
29:35 was immediately defeated
29:37 because we unloaded the situation.
29:39 And then it went a step further,
29:41 then that person was early for prayer meeting,
29:44 came time for Sabbath school,
29:46 spoke completely differently, was at vespers,
29:49 would walk up to me,
29:51 and whatever the case
29:52 may be struck up a conversation,
29:54 which was quite different before that moment.
29:56 And I said, so those are the moments
29:57 when our impatience is being tested the most.
30:00 It's an example, it's an opportunity for growth,
30:03 or the greatest moment of defeat
30:05 'cause you know what?
30:06 Sometimes you pop that balloon out of your own anxiety
30:09 and your own patience that runs into their patience,
30:12 but iron sometimes it sharpens iron.
30:15 The Bible says a soft answer turns away wrath.
30:18 Wow, very good, Honey.
30:20 And how do you teach another person in anger
30:25 by yelling at them or saying, you know,
30:30 you hear people say things to children
30:32 that just break your heart, but even to each other.
30:36 Somebody starts doing something
30:38 and you want to teach them to do it the right way
30:41 and you can't beat them over the head
30:46 or use sarcasm to teach somebody,
30:51 and can you imagine Jesus screaming at some four year old
30:56 or talking, you know, you can't picture Him,
31:01 He always taught.
31:03 Now, being gentle does not mean being weak.
31:07 Sometimes people get confused about that.
31:10 You can be strong.
31:12 Yes.
31:13 Greg Morikone is a strong boss,
31:16 he is gentle, but he is not weak.
31:19 So there is a difference we need to clarify,
31:22 there is a difference between being patient,
31:25 and being gentle,
31:27 and being a doormat and being weak,
31:30 they're not the same.
31:32 You can be patient,
31:34 you can be gentle
31:35 and not be a doormat or be weak.
31:38 Do you know
31:40 the greatest evidence of strength is
31:41 to have the power to call someone on the carpet
31:44 and not do it.
31:45 That's right. That's to do it gently.
31:47 That's the greatest evidence of strength and leadership
31:50 as you are in the position where you could,
31:53 you're fired and you say,
31:56 you take a completely different route
31:58 and use it as a teachable moment.
31:59 Let us reason together.
32:01 Let's reason together.
32:02 I remember we were in a country
32:06 and this lady approaches us
32:10 and I've been wanting to meet her
32:12 for the longest time in person.
32:14 I'm like, well, praise the Lord,
32:16 I get to meet you, I get to see you now
32:18 and here I am.
32:19 What can I do for you?
32:20 Well, I wanted to talk with you and let you know,
32:23 you're doing this wrong, you're doing this wrong,
32:25 this is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.
32:28 I'm like, oh, wow, I have to take notes.
32:35 It shocked me and anyway,
32:38 and I'm like, how do I respond to that?
32:41 I just kindly said, well, if you would like to help me,
32:44 I will give you my address and my phone number
32:47 and we can keep in touch
32:49 and I can make improvements
32:51 but you say Brooklyn, I go back to Puerto Rico.
32:54 Exactly, I think that's even more.
32:55 Even talking about New York, right?
32:57 I know, it's before Jesus has transformed my life,
33:03 it's history but anyway.
33:07 I would not have responded the way I responded now.
33:12 So, and we're talking about a few years back.
33:15 But it's incredible how the Lord will,
33:19 if you just take a deep breath,
33:22 one, count to three.
33:24 Count to three.
33:25 And you know, we have to do that to ourselves
33:27 because somebody tells us,
33:28 Pastor Dinzey, take a deep breath.
33:30 Ready with me?
33:31 One, two, it's like, don't do that.
33:34 You can't have people impose that on you,
33:36 it has to be our own.
33:38 But what happens when we respond
33:40 with that gentle answer?
33:41 Or we respond?
33:43 What happened to that lady?
33:44 It's like you kind of just take,
33:46 they're expecting resistance and they're prepared.
33:49 Well, when you can't fight against something that gives,
33:54 so if you give,
33:56 there's nothing to fight against,
33:58 they're just, it's gentle.
34:02 Let's go to Proverbs 14:29.
34:05 I don't know, did you read upon yet, Honey?
34:07 That's third scripture actually, you could.
34:09 Oh, John Dinzey probably.
34:10 He read the first one.
34:12 Yeah, Proverbs 14:29,
34:14 yeah it's actually right here, the second one.
34:16 Okay,
34:18 I have Proverbs right here.
34:19 Okay.
34:21 I just like to, you know, my young people in the class,
34:24 I'm always saying use, yes, use your electronics
34:28 but use your Bible too.
34:30 So Proverbs 14:29
34:33 and at Family Worship and on Friday evening,
34:36 we do have time maybe not here but we have,
34:38 normally at home we have time.
34:43 "He who is slow to wrath has great understanding
34:47 but he who is impulsive exalts folly."
34:51 Okay.
34:52 Boy, did you have me read the perfect?
34:55 What did you get out of that Dee?
34:57 Oh, I've lived it. I understand it.
35:00 If someone says something to me, and I don't,
35:04 if I will not respond quickly or in anger,
35:08 like how could you say that to me
35:10 or that's not right or whatever?
35:12 And I listen to them.
35:14 Yeah.
35:17 I can respond much better
35:20 because slow to wrath has great understanding,
35:23 your understanding is,
35:24 how do I think about giving the right answer,
35:26 a godly answer?
35:28 How would Jesus answer?
35:30 If you impulsively answer back,
35:34 you're then in a fight
35:36 or a disagreement or butting heads.
35:38 Tit for tat. Tit for tat.
35:40 And what does that accomplish
35:41 except tearing two relationships apart
35:46 or just you walk away upset and angry.
35:49 And you know what, Dee, I want to add this
35:50 because we've been there,
35:52 we both have a great relationship.
35:54 I remember when Pastor CA first came here,
35:57 we were in a production,
35:58 preparing for production
36:00 and Dee always reminds us all the things we need to do.
36:03 And we already knew and when you walked away,
36:06 Pastor CA said to me,
36:08 "Lomi, yeah, I respect that."
36:11 You know, he used to always say,
36:13 I respect that.
36:14 I said, "What do you mean?"
36:16 He said, "Man," he said, "You know what to do,
36:17 but you let Dee do her job.
36:18 I said "Yeah," he said 'cause everything she told you,
36:21 you already knew to do that but you just let.
36:24 I said, "I just let her do her job."
36:26 Dee already know that.
36:28 But you let her do her job,
36:29 and I think that in many cases sometimes our perception,
36:34 like is she trying to make me feel
36:35 like I'm ignorant or stupid, or I don't know that already.
36:37 I mean, how many times I've been here?
36:39 Because that's the human nature,
36:41 don't we say that?
36:42 Okay, is this my first program, Dee?
36:43 No, it's not.
36:45 But if we let a person do his or her job,
36:47 we recognize that they've been appointed
36:48 for that reason.
36:50 We had a funny exchange once on the phone.
36:51 Oh, yes, we had some.
36:52 I called Dee.
36:55 We have fun together as we know.
36:57 What I love about a person like this
36:59 is I don't ever have to guess.
37:01 And she's quick to apologize too.
37:02 Oh, but she's got the right heart, right spirit,
37:05 but she's doing her job.
37:06 So she calls me one day on the phone
37:08 and is like hello, Dee Hilder...
37:11 I said, "Dee, take a breath."
37:14 And I said, "Take a breath."
37:16 And then she went on and correcting me
37:18 and she said, "And, Pastor have a good evening,
37:20 take a breath."
37:22 We laughed about it the next day,
37:24 but you have to have experience with people,
37:27 you just don't meet strangers that way.
37:28 And we've all grown together.
37:30 But what's happening here at the Texas,
37:32 if you are slow to wrath,
37:35 if you listen to people,
37:37 it takes the person of understanding
37:39 to not lose it quickly
37:40 because this thing called patience.
37:42 Patience is not just one of the fruit of the Spirit,
37:45 it's included in the fruit of the Spirit
37:48 which patience is an example
37:50 that the Spirit is working in your life.
37:52 Yes.
37:53 You know, there's a scripture here in James 1:19,
37:55 that's very close to that.
37:56 Okay.
37:58 And it communicates the need for patience, it says,
37:59 "So then my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear,
38:05 slow to speak, slow to wrath."
38:07 Yes.
38:09 And this is practically the same thing.
38:13 And there is great benefit in doing what the Bible says
38:17 because you avoid unnecessary heartache
38:19 for yourself and for others.
38:21 That's right.
38:23 I think one of the best lessons,
38:25 now the best lessons I've learned about patience
38:29 is when I became a teacher,
38:31 I was teaching preschoolers, mercy.
38:36 I tell you these kids like.
38:38 They don't want to listen.
38:40 But then my sons,
38:42 being a mother has taught me the most tender lessons.
38:46 And yes, I am not the most patient person today,
38:51 but I am more patient than I was before
38:56 and when you see your son or your kids all grown up,
39:00 they are adults now, you know,
39:02 and so you need to reason with them,
39:05 it's no longer you're gonna do this
39:07 and you're gonna do that,
39:09 and now they're adults and now it's like,
39:11 "Well, Mason, what are you gonna do?
39:13 Yeah, you ask them.
39:15 Well, there's another part of this
39:18 as we're coming from lunch earlier today.
39:24 I told Idalia, "Hey you remember that story."
39:26 I don't know how many people
39:27 have seen this story, some video.
39:29 Millions of people.
39:30 That somebody prepared about,
39:32 there's an old man sitting on a bench,
39:35 seems like it's a yard or a park
39:38 and there is a younger man that's reading a newspaper
39:43 and all of a sudden, this bird lands on a tree.
39:46 And the old man looks and he goes, what's that?
39:50 And the young man puts down the paper
39:52 and he says, it's a sparrow and he continues reading.
39:56 The bird moved to another spot and he goes, what's that?
40:01 The old man says, "What's that?"
40:02 The young man says, "I told you, it's a sparrow."
40:08 He goes back to reading, you know, his newspaper.
40:11 And the bird moves to another spot.
40:14 And the old man goes, "What's that?"
40:17 "It's a sparrow.
40:18 I told you it's the sparrow,
40:20 s-p-a-r-r-o-w,
40:22 a sparrow, a sparrow."
40:24 And grabbed the newspaper.
40:25 And he grabs the newspaper, he's upset now
40:27 that he's asking again, you know,
40:30 and the old man goes,
40:33 he gets up, no wait a minute,
40:36 does he do it one more time, Honey?
40:38 I think he does it one more time?
40:39 What is that? A sparrow.
40:41 Now what's wrong with you,
40:42 you keep asking the same question
40:44 over and over and over again.
40:45 And the old man gets up.
40:47 Where are you going?
40:49 And he walks off
40:50 and he comes back with a diary.
40:53 And he sits down, goes through it
40:55 and he's looking at him like what's he doing?
40:58 He opens it up and he goes, read that...
41:02 Out loud. Out loud.
41:03 And the young man starts reading it.
41:06 Today, my son, that just turned four,
41:11 asked me 21 times, what is that?
41:16 The same question over and over again.
41:18 21 times.
41:20 And I lovingly answered
41:21 and gave him a hug every time
41:23 patiently answering his question.
41:25 I answered the same question
41:26 and the same question over and over and over again.
41:28 Wow.
41:29 The young man realizes the life lesson he is learning
41:35 that the things have turned around
41:39 and the reason I'm telling this story
41:41 is because there may be grownups now
41:45 that their parents are elderly
41:48 having dementia, having different issues
41:50 and they're not as sharp as they used to be,
41:52 they're not as fast as they used to be,
41:55 it's their turn to be patient...
41:57 Wow, great example.
42:00 To take care, you know.
42:03 I've already told my son once,
42:05 I've changed your diapers many times.
42:09 So the things have turned around
42:12 and we all have a lot to learn.
42:15 But that story, really, I was impressed with it.
42:18 That I said, "Well this is a real lesson."
42:20 Things turned around,
42:22 so I encourage those that are now mature
42:26 and their parents are elderly.
42:28 Be patient with them.
42:30 Well, may not obviously parents either
42:32 'cause I have someone I'm helping, this elderly
42:35 and God showed me, you're being impatient
42:39 and that you need to treat this person
42:42 with respect and dignity.
42:44 That's right.
42:45 And when I see other, it's kind of funny.
42:48 I will get impatient with her
42:49 but if I see somebody else getting impatient,
42:51 I'm like, hey, knock it off.
42:55 So I see it in others, but I want to grow in myself.
42:59 So God uses everyone
43:03 to teach us our lessons of,
43:06 and you know what?
43:08 When I relax and I'm impatient with her,
43:11 we have such a good time.
43:13 And life is so much better then.
43:15 That's right.
43:16 So that peace,
43:18 that peace that will come
43:21 if you will do that patience with a smile.
43:24 Compassion.
43:26 With compassion, you can't do patience
43:28 with your teeth gridded either,
43:30 I'm going to be patient.
43:31 I knew you both are playing right into James 5:10-12.
43:36 I'm gonna have Angie read that one.
43:38 I don't know. Look at this.
43:40 James 5:10-12.
43:42 "My brethren, take the prophets
43:44 who spoke in the name of the Lord,
43:47 as an example of suffering and patience.
43:51 Indeed, we count them blessed who endure.
43:54 You have heard of the perseverance of Job
43:58 and seeing the end intended by the Lord,
44:02 that the Lord
44:03 is very compassionate and merciful."
44:06 Wow, you know what that's saying?
44:08 If you just have been anxious. Yes.
44:11 If you just be patient,
44:13 you could be going through
44:14 situations like Job and the reason
44:16 why they used the prophets of old,
44:17 because Stephen said,
44:19 "How many of the prophets have the Lord sent to you
44:21 and you haven't stoned them,
44:23 they've gone through all of those things,
44:26 and they're suffering and their patience,
44:28 then you think that's not an example enough.
44:30 Let's take Job for an example.
44:32 And you never know, sometimes
44:34 God has to allow us to go through
44:35 the most difficult thing,
44:38 so that the end can reveal
44:40 that he has been compassionate to us
44:43 and merciful to us.
44:44 Amen.
44:45 And this example that you brought up,
44:47 Pastor Dinzey, fits right into that
44:48 because so many of us don't show compassion
44:49 and mercy to people that, you know, the age,
44:52 there's this age shift,
44:54 young and impatient and don't know anything.
44:56 You're getting all your answers now,
44:57 but now you're in the shift is, how's your mom?
45:00 What's your mom saying?
45:02 I was just thinking that. Yeah.
45:03 About her,
45:05 'cause she had dementia and it was so hard
45:07 'cause she would repeat herself and I would say,
45:10 "Mom you already said that."
45:12 And then at least he'd say, "Angie, be patient with her."
45:16 And I would be that, okay.
45:18 Listen to her again,
45:20 just act like you heard it for the first time.
45:22 And I would do that and say, "Hey, Mom."
45:25 And so I had to, I did learn patience.
45:28 You know, it's very difficult, though,
45:29 for us to see our parents go backwards,
45:34 but then that reminds us
45:36 of what they did for us when we were children.
45:37 Exactly, there you go.
45:39 You know, I like to go back to that,
45:41 you said because it's a very powerful thing
45:43 to consider and to apply to our lives
45:46 because we are impatient with people,
45:49 and God is patient with us.
45:51 You know, if someone does something to us,
45:56 we may forgive them once.
45:59 We may forgive them twice.
46:00 But strike three, you're out.
46:03 You know, Peter, you remember the story,
46:06 Lord, how many times should I forgive somebody
46:09 up to seven times?
46:11 And Jesus said until 70 times seven.
46:16 He thought he was being considerate
46:18 but you know,
46:20 we don't give people the same patience
46:24 that God gives us.
46:26 I know, we can say, "Well, I'm not God."
46:28 But we need to be more considerate
46:30 when we realize that God has forgiven us
46:32 over and over and over and over again
46:36 for the same thing.
46:38 Then we can begin to understand he says,
46:41 "I need to be more forgiving with other people."
46:42 That's right.
46:44 It's our character, that that one verse,
46:46 Romans 5:3,
46:47 see we're talking about what,
46:49 I know the joy,
46:50 I enjoy when I practice patience,
46:54 when I practice, when I'm doing
46:56 what the Lord wants us to do.
46:58 In Romans 5:3-4,
47:01 "And not only that,
47:03 but we also glory in tribulations,
47:05 knowing that tribulation produces perseverance,
47:09 and perseverance character, and character hope."
47:13 We want to reflect Jesus. It's a process.
47:16 We want to be like Jesus.
47:17 So working on that fruit of that patience,
47:21 that's almost the basis of where we have to start
47:25 so that we can be forgiving.
47:27 Idalia and I worked our way through many issues.
47:32 Yes.
47:33 Because we wanted to, we chose to.
47:35 Amen. And why?
47:38 What happened as a result of that?
47:39 Let's look at some of these other scriptures number 6.
47:42 Idalia, James 1:4,
47:44 Why we encourage to develop patience?
47:47 James 1:4 says,
47:49 "But let patience have its perfect work,
47:53 that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."
47:56 Wow.
47:58 So patience, what does it do?
47:59 It brings us to completion, it brings it to...
48:04 And we have seen,
48:05 over the years, some people have said,
48:07 "Wow, you've grown?" Yeah.
48:09 Now four years ago,
48:13 I would have been running for my life.
48:15 But look, and they say, "What happened?"
48:20 My hair has turned gray.
48:22 But the ones that know this would be the family.
48:24 Oh, yeah.
48:25 That's the hardest one,
48:27 your family to have patience with, right?
48:32 Confession good for the soul.
48:33 Confession good for the soul, hard on the reputation.
48:37 Yes, it is.
48:38 You family, Sister Lomacang.
48:41 My wife and her sister.
48:43 Me and my sister.
48:44 My wife and her sister.
48:49 I'm praying for the anointing of the Lord
48:51 on me in this area.
48:53 They test you patience.
48:54 They test my patience, I could repeat something like,
48:57 infinitesimally and they'll say,
48:59 you understand that.
49:01 Both of us don't get it.
49:02 But we didn't get it yet and I'll say,
49:04 "How many times will I have to say it?
49:06 Don't talk to me right now."
49:08 And it's true, we learn, I'm being honest.
49:11 So that whole thing about patience.
49:13 Yes.
49:15 Let's look at some other ones
49:16 because our time is going to fly away from us.
49:18 Let's look at another one.
49:21 Okay, Revelation,
49:24 oh actually no, go to Psalm 27:14.
49:29 It's almost like we need to start
49:31 with our families in work outward.
49:33 Yeah.
49:34 You know, if we could be patient at home.
49:38 But why is it so easy to be so patient
49:40 with a stranger that you just met?
49:43 And you're so impatient with your own family?
49:45 Because, you know, it's gonna be
49:46 just for a short time.
49:47 They don't affect your life.
49:49 But family loves you whether you are ugly.
49:51 Yeah, good hair day or bad hair day.
49:53 And we're not always. You said so much.
49:55 We're not always patient too. Psalm 27:14.
49:57 No, we're not always.
49:58 We're not with strangers,
49:59 because look at the person that waits on you or the person
50:02 at the grocery store or whatever
50:03 how many times are we gonna be patient.
50:05 I have to be nice to the waitresses,
50:06 because I didn't want food to be taken out.
50:08 And sometimes when the food comes,
50:11 my wife is one of those people
50:12 that will find ever reason not to give a good tip.
50:15 You say, "It was cold, they took too long."
50:18 I said, "Honey, they don't make very much,
50:20 give them a good tip."
50:21 And I said,
50:23 "Let me pay the bill so I give a bit.
50:24 How much did you give to them?
50:25 Honey, this is all they do for a living.
50:27 If they get $8 an hour, that's a whole lot.
50:30 But the store clerk, that sometimes,
50:33 if they're talking to somebody else,
50:34 and we're in a hurry, or it's very easy,
50:38 or we ask somebody, where's this at or that at or.
50:42 We are loving at each other, we're loving it.
50:48 We're in therapy right now. Yes, we are.
50:50 This is the program
50:51 that everybody's gonna learn something from.
50:54 Let's hurry up and focus.
50:58 Psalm 27:14, so we can talk that.
51:00 Okay, I'm there, it says.
51:02 Go ahead. Wait, Dee, wait.
51:05 "Wait on the Lord, be of good courage,
51:09 and he shall strengthen your heart.
51:11 Wait, I say on the Lord."
51:15 Amen.
51:16 But now I want to make application here
51:18 because somebody wants where the scripture says,
51:20 yes I am waiting on him,
51:22 but I don't have to wait on you.
51:25 That's the reason I had the scripture.
51:26 And there's some people that will take this literally,
51:28 but the Lord is in essence saying,
51:30 is if you wait, you'll be of good courage.
51:32 Not just waiting on him,
51:33 but if you wait, you'll be of good courage.
51:35 That's why I want to get this one.
51:37 It's patience with all,
51:39 you have to read the whole book,
51:40 all the scriptures on it.
51:42 That's right.
51:43 Not just pick and choose what you want.
51:44 Revelation 14:12. Okay.
51:47 Now all of us could say together.
51:50 "Here is the patience of the saints,
51:52 here are those that keep the commandments of God
51:55 and have the faith of Jesus."
51:57 Now watch this.
51:59 Are you all ready?
52:00 We love the emphasis on the commandments
52:05 but don't ask for the saints to be impatient too.
52:09 We will keep the commandments
52:10 but do we have to also be patient?
52:13 That's too much,
52:14 it's not in the Ten Commandments,
52:16 we're not gonna to do it.
52:17 In order for us to get like Jesus,
52:20 we have to learn what patience is all about.
52:22 Now, I know, somebody once said to me,
52:26 Jesus was not tempted
52:28 with the stuff we're tempted with today.
52:29 Oh, absolutely.
52:33 Which of you can put the weight
52:35 of the sins of the world on your shoulder?
52:37 Not one of us.
52:38 And not even open your mouth
52:41 when it comes time to defend yourself.
52:44 Why you're nailing Me to the cross?
52:45 Did I do that? Why is that?
52:48 Why are you doing this to Me?
52:49 If we step on a person's,
52:51 if a person steps on our toe more than once in 15 minutes?
52:54 Did you not see my toe the second time?
52:56 Is my shoe that invisible to you, Dee?
52:59 You know, we are not patient.
53:01 So what we're saying today is we are in a process.
53:04 We are in what? Process.
53:06 We're all in the process and we're saying
53:07 to those of you watching the program,
53:08 we're in a process.
53:10 Pastor Dinzey, what could you add to that?
53:12 Well, I was thinking of the words of Jesus
53:16 and He says, come on to me,
53:19 all ye that are weary and heavy laden,
53:21 and I will give you rest.
53:23 Learn of me that I am meek and lowly of heart.
53:27 And you will find rest of your souls.
53:29 Jesus wants to teach us and every day,
53:33 if we come to Jesus and say,
53:35 "Lord, here I am ready to learn from You.
53:39 We are placing ourselves under the leadership
53:42 and guidance of Jesus.
53:43 Amen.
53:45 This means that He may allow trials and difficulties
53:47 to come our way so that He can polish us,
53:51 remove things that shouldn't be there.
53:53 And if we learn those lessons,
53:58 the Lord is going to do that wonderful perfect work.
54:01 He that has begun a good work in us
54:03 will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.
54:06 That's right. Amen.
54:07 What about Isaiah 40:31, the last scripture there, Tita.
54:12 Isaiah?
54:14 Right there.
54:16 Oh, no, Isaiah 40:31, Honey, it's right here.
54:19 Why don't you read that and then we'll go?
54:21 Okay, "But those who wait on the Lord
54:22 shall renew their strength.
54:24 They shall mount up with wings like eagles."
54:27 That's right.
54:29 "They shall run and not be weary.
54:31 They shall walk and not faint."
54:33 Amen. That's a good scripture.
54:35 When you think of all the fruit of the Spirit,
54:36 let's think about love.
54:38 These are things that are not contributory
54:41 to natural human tendency.
54:44 Is it easy to love?
54:46 No. But it's a choice.
54:47 Are we always filled with joy?
54:49 No.
54:50 Are we always in peace, have peace?
54:52 No.
54:54 Long suffering?
54:56 Oh, no.
54:57 Gentleness, not a natural.
55:00 Meekness and the next one, patience.
55:04 Love, joy, peace, long suffering,
55:06 gentleness, meekness, patience,
55:08 and you know what the Bible says?
55:10 When it speaks to that
55:12 everything in the Bible is limited.
55:13 But you know it's amazing
55:14 how the Lord does not limit the exercise of love.
55:17 You cannot be too loving, you cannot be too joyful,
55:19 you cannot be too peaceful, you cannot be too long serving,
55:21 I cannot be too patient.
55:23 There's no law to limit that.
55:24 So what in essence is being said,
55:26 if you had a reservoir that had limitless capacity,
55:30 would you say that it should stop raining.
55:34 Now watch me carefully,
55:36 we need the Spirit of God to keep raining on us
55:39 because he wants us to get to the place
55:40 where as Christians,
55:42 we have an unlimited capacity
55:44 to be loving, joyful, peaceful,
55:46 long suffering, gentle, meek and patient.
55:49 He doesn't want our supply to run out and say, you know,
55:52 I'm impatient two days of the week,
55:54 and you just picked the wrong day.
55:57 Really, that's what happens in our,
55:59 sometimes with each other.
56:00 But the witness that we would have,
56:02 first of all our life is,
56:03 when I practice what you just talked about,
56:06 when I'm in that place.
56:09 My life is so full and rich right then
56:11 and it affects other people.
56:14 So you want to stay there
56:15 and then you turn around and go,
56:16 what happened to me?
56:18 Yeah.
56:19 God will take us back there if we allow Him to.
56:23 You know, it's interesting that you say that,
56:24 because I think that I have seen some days
56:28 where it's almost like the Lord is saying,
56:30 did you notice how this turned out really good
56:33 because you let Me work through you.
56:35 Amen.
56:36 And that's when you,
56:38 it's like one of those moments when the Lord says,
56:40 if you keep doing that,
56:42 you'll receive greater blessings.
56:43 You know, it's amazing, it's amazing.
56:45 Greater blessings, I like that.
56:46 Wow, I'm gonna end with a scripture
56:48 that we did not include in our syllabus,
56:50 but this is beautiful.
56:51 "Do not seek what you should eat
56:54 or what you should drink,
56:55 nor have an anxious mind."
56:59 Where's that from?
57:01 Luke 12:29.
57:03 So Dee, myself,
57:06 my wife, Idalia and Pastor Dinzey,
57:09 we are all growing together.
57:11 We're all growing.
57:12 And 3ABN, if nothing else,
57:13 if you want to learn patience,
57:15 we invite you to come and volunteer.
57:17 Because this is the best place on earth,
57:19 the devil's intense here
57:21 from the emails to the programs to our schedules, the travel,
57:24 patience is what we need.
57:25 And so we're praying that by God's grace,
57:28 my wife and I have learned to be patient 36 years.
57:30 By God's grace you can all grow in patience.
57:33 May the blessing of God's patience be upon you.
57:35 God bless you. Amen.
57:37 Amen. Happy Sabbath.
57:38 Happy Sabbath, that's right.


Revised 2019-10-07