Today Family Worship

The Measure You Use

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW190027A

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Happy Sabbath and welcome to 3ABN Family Worship.
01:14 We are so excited that you're joining us
01:16 for this Bible study.
01:18 Tonight, we will be talking about the measure you use.
01:22 Amen.
01:23 And we'll be talking about condemnation and judgment
01:26 and forgiveness, studying, and all kinds of good things.
01:30 I am Shelley Quinn.
01:32 I am JD Quinn.
01:33 And we are so glad that you're joining us this...
01:35 You know, let me go ahead.
01:37 Honey, why don't you introduce everyone
01:39 who's here at the table.
01:42 Well, some are good, good friends, you know,
01:44 that I enjoy being around.
01:46 Robert, Robert over here, Robert Pierce.
01:48 This is one of my favorite teachers.
01:50 Oh, man.
01:51 You were really gifted, you know, Pastor Ryan Day.
01:53 Praise the Lord.
01:54 And one of my good friends over here
01:56 that I've just learned
01:57 to love more all the time, Eric Durant.
01:59 Love you too, JD.
02:00 And of course, my favorite of all favorites...
02:02 There we go.
02:03 You got it right. You got it right.
02:05 Happy Sabbath to you.
02:06 Yeah, that's...
02:08 You know, we love to study the Bible
02:11 and we love to be,
02:12 because through the Bible, God speaks to us
02:15 but why don't we speak to him right now,
02:17 Honey, you wanna open in prayer?
02:19 Father, as we come together, the Sabbath day,
02:21 we just want to thank you, Lord,
02:23 that we can take a refreshing breath.
02:26 Father, just knowing that
02:27 you are the one in charge of our life
02:29 and, Father, what a gift that is.
02:31 Father, be with us as we go through this study,
02:33 Father, that the words that come out of our mouth
02:36 will indeed make a difference, Father,
02:37 that we will stay on, stay on base.
02:41 We love You and we thank You.
02:42 We ask this in the name of Jesus, amen.
02:44 Amen.
02:45 Amen and amen. Amen.
02:47 We're going to,
02:48 want to introduce one more person
02:50 who will be at the piano as we sing.
02:52 We're gonna sing Trust and Obey,
02:54 and that's number 590 in your hymnal,
02:57 but the words will be across the screen.
03:00 But Summer Boyd is playing the piano for us,
03:03 and she's so precious and we're so glad.
03:05 Thank you, Summer. Thank you.
03:06 Amen.
03:10 When we walk with the Lord
03:14 In the light of His Word
03:17 What a glory He sheds on our way!
03:22 While we do His good will
03:25 He abides with us still
03:28 And with all who will trust and obey
03:34 Trust and obey, for there's no other way
03:40 To be happy in Jesus,
03:44 But to trust and obey
03:47 But we never can prove
03:51 The delights of His love
03:54 Until all on the altar we lay
03:59 For the favor He shows
04:03 And the joy He bestows
04:06 Are for them who will trust and obey
04:11 Trust and obey, for there's no other way
04:18 To be happy in Jesus,
04:22 But to trust and obey
04:26 Amen and amen.
04:28 Beautiful song. Wow.
04:29 You know, the Bible says that we,
04:33 in two or three witnesses,
04:36 something is established.
04:38 It is interesting to me in three different passages,
04:42 Jesus uses the term the measure you use
04:47 will be measured back to you.
04:49 That's right. What does He mean by that?
04:52 Ryan?
04:53 Well, obviously it's talking about judgment,
04:55 it's the concept of judgment
04:56 and His judgment necessarily a bad thing.
04:58 I think that it can be depending
05:01 on how you use it or exercise that.
05:04 And so I think we're going to deal
05:05 with a few passages
05:07 that where Christ brings this out.
05:08 But absolutely, I think that if we judge,
05:11 we should judge rightfully as we should judge it
05:13 because what measure as you said,
05:14 what measure we judge, what measure you use,
05:16 it will be rendered back to you.
05:18 And so, I think this is probably in the direction
05:20 that we're talking, judgment, condemnation.
05:23 What's the difference between the two?
05:24 We're going to talk about that also...
05:26 But he also uses it at a time
05:30 when He's not referring to judge me.
05:32 Absolutely.
05:33 So what does that term, the measure you use
05:37 will be measured back to you mean?
05:39 I almost imagined that God's law,
05:43 the foundation of God's law is love.
05:47 And when I hear him say that,
05:51 I think what He's saying is,
05:53 if you use love when you judge,
05:57 then you're going to receive the same love
05:59 when you are judged.
06:00 The foundation of our judgment
06:02 should surround and be based on love.
06:04 Amen. Amen.
06:05 Also think of the scripture, it says,
06:12 "What we sow, we will reap."
06:13 Yeah.
06:15 And I think that goes in many aspects of life
06:19 particularly pertaining to the concept of judgment,
06:20 but as you said,
06:22 it goes far beyond and outside of the subject
06:25 or the concept of judgment.
06:27 I guess my thought right now is,
06:29 and I'll be more clear is that
06:30 there are people out there saying,
06:32 "What do you mean, the measure you use
06:34 will be measured back to you."
06:36 And it's kind of this idea
06:40 of the law of reciprocity
06:43 that whatever amount you give,
06:48 what you measure, God mean,
06:50 they were talking measures
06:51 like bushels or pints or something.
06:54 But even in generosity, if you give,
06:59 you're setting up a spiritual principle
07:02 that God is seeing you
07:04 as a cheerful giver as someone who gives.
07:08 So it's measured back to you.
07:11 And what I have found in my experience,
07:16 is that God always outdoes
07:18 whatever measure we use, doesn't He?
07:20 Absolutely, sure thing. Yeah.
07:22 Okay, Ryan, why don't you read Matthew 7:1-5?
07:26 All right, Matthew 7:1-5, Jesus is speaking here.
07:30 Of course, this is the Sermon on the Mount
07:32 and Christ says, "Judge not that you be not judged.
07:37 For with what measure you judge you will be judged.
07:41 And with the measure you use,
07:44 it will also be measured back to you.
07:47 And why do you look
07:48 at the speck in your brother's eye?
07:51 But do not consider the plank in your own eye?
07:54 Or how can you say to your brother,
07:56 let me remove the speck from your eye and look,
08:00 a plank is in your own eye?
08:03 Hypocrite,
08:04 first remove the plank from your own eye,
08:07 and then you will see clearly to remove the speck
08:10 from your brother's eye."
08:12 Okay, so when he says not to judge?
08:15 I mean, you know,
08:18 earlier he had said
08:19 we were to expose false prophets, right?
08:24 We know that Paul talks in 1 Corinthians Chapter 5
08:29 about exercising church discipline.
08:33 So what does he mean when he says,
08:36 "Judge not that you be not judged?"
08:40 Well, I think the context of this particular passage here
08:42 is what needs to be considered
08:44 because obviously once he makes a statement,
08:46 "Judge not that you be not judged."
08:48 Everything that follows is from the perspective
08:50 of he's actually emphasizing
08:53 and addressing the issue of hypocrisy,
08:57 which would be obviously why would I want to go out
09:00 and judge my brother for something
09:02 or condemn him?
09:04 Obviously, condemnation comes from judgment.
09:05 We'll get to that in a moment.
09:07 We don't want to bring condemnation upon someone
09:10 when we ourselves deserve that same condemnation,
09:12 because we can't rightfully judge someone about something
09:15 that we obviously are still struggling with,
09:17 or we obviously have not gained the victory over.
09:19 And so in that case,
09:21 I would say that the context
09:22 of this particular passage is Christ is saying,
09:24 He's addressing the hypocrisy
09:26 that was obviously being exercised
09:28 during His time from the Pharisees
09:30 and from the spirit of Israel in itself
09:32 in that particular culture,
09:34 people would go condemning and judging people for things
09:36 that they themselves needed victory over.
09:39 So, in other words,
09:40 it's a hypocritical, judgmental attitude
09:42 where you're focusing on the faults of others.
09:46 And you're not even looking at your own fault.
09:50 And I mean, sometimes in psychology,
09:53 they call it projection, like
09:55 I was in a particular church many years back
10:00 that I came upon a group of women
10:03 and they were just biz, biz, biz...
10:07 And they were talking about this poor woman
10:10 and all of a sudden and I said,
10:12 "Yeah and she's pretty much a gossip too."
10:14 She said, "Oh, she is," and then biz, biz...
10:16 And I thought, how funny
10:18 because I was trying to get their attention
10:22 and sometimes we project on others.
10:24 Right.
10:26 The very thing we're guilty of is what?
10:27 What you look at.
10:29 Think about the guy,
10:30 the Pharisee who went into the temple to pray
10:33 and he's beating on his chest saying,
10:35 "I'm glad, I'm not like that publican."
10:37 And so it's that kind of judgment.
10:40 Sure. And it is easy.
10:41 I've heard someone say,
10:44 "Talk about the toothpick in your neighbor's eye
10:47 and the telephone pole in your own."
10:49 Right.
10:50 And sometimes we don't recognize
10:52 our own faults, do we?
10:53 No. Right.
10:54 You know whenever,
10:56 I think this is good news
10:58 that we're reminded first of all,
11:00 hey, let's play on a level playing field.
11:04 And to me, I like playing on a level playing field
11:08 because that is fairness.
11:09 Right.
11:11 And I like that Jesus is saying,
11:12 "Hey, man, there's different personality types out here."
11:15 There are some people that are trying
11:17 to take advantage of it,
11:18 there's others, who know that,
11:20 that it seems like perhaps, that they're out of place
11:23 and so then that creates
11:24 a whole different issue, you know,
11:26 but I just, I see fairness,
11:30 I see reciprocity.
11:35 I remember, I was thinking about this last night,
11:38 I hadn't even thought of this word in 55, 60 years.
11:42 Do y'all ever played scrub ball?
11:44 Scrub.
11:46 Waiting for your time,
11:47 scrub is whenever you get the neighborhood guys,
11:49 you all like to play ball,
11:51 you had an old ball that was half at around
11:54 and the field was just out there, full of rocks.
11:57 Someone's up, some was down but you love playing ball.
12:01 And so, all somebody had to do, scrub, scrub
12:05 and everybody, all the neighborhood boys
12:08 would come around and would play ball.
12:10 Man, it was tough playing scrub ball
12:13 on level field.
12:17 I mean, you know,
12:18 if you are at right field you know,
12:20 and the ball came your way,
12:21 you could stumble over a ditch even if we got the ball.
12:25 And for some reason,
12:27 I thought about that last night and,
12:30 but there was no judgment.
12:32 Nobody was being judgmental,
12:34 because we were all on the same page,
12:35 because we love playing ball.
12:37 Now to me, that's being fair.
12:39 That's the kind of people I want to associate with.
12:42 That's right.
12:43 But Jesus is sitting here saying us,
12:44 "Hey, guys, there's different types out here.
12:46 And you know, there's a lot of people
12:48 that are trying to create issues
12:50 out of non issues."
12:52 And so, that was the direction that I went.
12:54 But then again, I was,
12:56 sometimes I am a little off skew,
12:58 you know, but...
13:00 One of the things that I used to run into a lot
13:02 when I would talk to people, they would say,
13:06 doesn't the Bible say, "Don't judge me."
13:08 You shouldn't be judging me if you're a Christian.
13:10 And one of the things that I wanted to differentiate
13:13 was the difference between judging
13:15 and the condemning manner versus correcting a behavior...
13:20 Or discernment. Right, right.
13:23 That is out of line with the Word.
13:26 And I think that's one of the things
13:27 that as a Christian, we need to emphasize.
13:29 We're not condemning anyone.
13:31 We're simply pointing out problems
13:35 with the things that they're doing.
13:37 Right. There's a big difference.
13:38 Absolutely, in fact, Paul alludes to that
13:41 in 1 Corinthians 6.
13:42 Yeah.
13:44 Notice what he says here in verse 3 and 4,
13:46 1 Corinthians Chapter 6.
13:48 1 Corinthians Chapter 6 beginning with verse 3
13:52 and obviously we know he's addressing the church,
13:54 so he's speaking to God's people,
13:56 and I love Paul's writing.
13:58 I love all the Bible, but for sure Paul's writings
14:00 in a sense that Paul gives so much wise counsel,
14:02 he has a very intelligent counsel.
14:04 And notice what he says here in verse,
14:06 beginning with verse 3,
14:07 he says, "Do you not know that we shall judge angels?"
14:11 "How much more..."
14:13 Notice the question here,
14:14 "How much more things that pertain to this life?"
14:18 If then you have
14:21 judgments concerning thing pertaining to this life,
14:23 do you appoint those who are least esteemed
14:26 by the church to judge.
14:27 So the point that I just wanna make here out of this
14:30 is that he's saying, look,
14:32 there's coming a time when God is gonna trust you,
14:35 His church to judge angels.
14:37 And obviously the angels we're talking about
14:38 is the fallen angels,
14:40 the condemned angels, the ones, you know,
14:42 fell from the grace of God.
14:43 But the fact that he follows it up
14:45 with how much more things pertaining to this life.
14:48 So God expects us to judge, to use spiritual discernment,
14:51 the gift of spiritual discernment,
14:53 and the ability to rightfully judge
14:55 not in a condemning spirit or condemning attitude,
14:58 but to do it as you mentioned, brother,
15:00 perfectly spot on
15:01 in accordance with the Word of God.
15:03 There's going to be times that, you know,
15:05 we're also told to reprove and rebuke.
15:07 And again, those type of words are strong words,
15:09 you don't hear them much anymore
15:11 because people feel like condemn or,
15:12 you know, reproving, correcting,
15:13 or rebuking someone, that's judging,
15:15 we're not going to be someone's judge.
15:17 But yet, as you said, from a biblical perspective,
15:19 if you're correcting someone's behavior,
15:20 if you're pointing out in a loving Christlike spirit,
15:24 something that is not in line with God's Word
15:27 or not in harmony with God's Word,
15:29 then we have the right
15:30 to rightfully weigh in the balances
15:32 and judge something in that aspect.
15:34 But, Shelley, we can kind of step
15:36 into the direction of the condemnation aspect,
15:39 which is, there's people who judge
15:40 with a condemnatory spirit.
15:43 They're not necessarily judging
15:45 from the perspective of a spiritual,
15:47 a true Holy Spirit, spiritual discernment,
15:50 they're judging from the aspect,
15:51 they're looking at someone's actions
15:53 and they have this very self righteous spirit
15:56 that overcomes them
15:58 and it just and it's very dividing,
16:01 it's very hurtful
16:04 to God's people in the God's Church.
16:05 My wife Marylyn,
16:07 she was driven out of the church,
16:09 because her and her girlfriend,
16:10 they were a member of a church,
16:12 I won't mention the name.
16:13 But a member and elder came and said
16:15 that her grandfather was condemned to hell,
16:18 because he wasn't a member of this particular church.
16:21 Wow.
16:22 And being young Christians,
16:23 and they didn't understand the word at the time,
16:27 they listened to that and decided that...
16:29 That wasn't a Seventh-Day Adventist Church?
16:30 No, it wasn't.
16:32 Okay, I want to make sure 'cause they don't know.
16:33 They decided, Marylyn and her girlfriend decided
16:35 that they wanted no part of religion in church
16:38 because of this attitude,
16:40 and it wasn't later on when she met me.
16:43 And I told her,
16:45 this is not what the Bible says.
16:46 Amen.
16:48 And I showed her how you're judged
16:49 according to the light that you have
16:50 and things like that, that she softened up
16:52 and she fell in love with the church
16:53 and then Christianity
16:55 and particularly the Adventist Church.
16:56 Yeah, amen. Right, right.
16:58 You know what I was thinking the other day,
17:00 this thought came to me and it's not,
17:02 I mean, It's nothing great original.
17:04 It's not even original to me,
17:05 but I hadn't thought about it for a while.
17:09 We are to know people by their fruits.
17:11 And sometimes you look at somebody
17:13 and you think, oh, boy,
17:15 they've got this great ministry.
17:17 Right.
17:18 And you're judging that as the fruit.
17:20 But you know what?
17:21 I don't think that's what that scripture means.
17:23 I think it's the fruit of the Spirit
17:26 because I got to thinking about when, you know,
17:29 the people who are saying to Jesus, Lord, Lord,
17:32 did we not cast out demons in Your name?
17:34 Did we not do this in Your name?
17:36 That's right.
17:37 They had what some people consider fruit,
17:41 but that's not what he's talking about...
17:43 That's right, fruit of the Spirit.
17:45 So when we're talking about God saying to us,
17:49 "Judge not that you be not judged."
17:52 Then we're not to be hypocritical.
17:54 We're not to be unfair and condemnatory.
17:58 And if we are, he says,
18:01 "The measure we use will be measured back to us."
18:05 So, is that saying? What do you think?
18:08 I mean, God is a God of mercy.
18:10 If we're not merciful and kind to others...
18:15 It's the Good Samaritan,
18:17 everyone walked by this person
18:19 and left them at the side of the road,
18:20 and this one Samaritan met him
18:23 and took him and poured oil,
18:26 healing oil on them to resolve this problem
18:29 and to help him through his trial.
18:31 And as Christians we're called to do that,
18:34 and many Christians,
18:35 as in that example, that parable,
18:37 they put their nose up in there and said,
18:38 "I'm not even gonna touch him.
18:40 He's not worthy."
18:41 And we should never walk by
18:43 our friends, families, individuals
18:44 who may not believe exactly what we believe,
18:47 or who may be struggling,
18:48 we should never walk by these individuals
18:49 as Christians we're called.
18:51 Sure.
18:52 You know, I can really relate to what you said earlier
18:54 about struggling this as a young person
18:56 because this passage, you know,
18:57 I've dealt with all my life of...
19:00 How do you, what is the balance
19:02 between being making good evaluations and judgments
19:06 versus do not judge and,
19:09 you know, those, wrestling with that,
19:11 was kind of a personal thing,
19:13 but it wasn't until I had kids
19:14 and the kids started growing up,
19:15 my kids started growing up
19:17 that I really had to wrestle with this
19:18 because as they grew up in the church,
19:20 and then began to be influenced in school
19:23 by the world and friends,
19:24 you know, they would come
19:26 and we'd have to wrestle through this,
19:27 like the world has this philosophy
19:29 that you know, there's no such thing as truth.
19:32 Everything's relative, you know,
19:34 as long as you believe it, it's good,
19:35 it's okay you know, be true to your own self
19:40 and so wrestling with that,
19:42 we're trying to counter, contradict or counteract
19:45 that worldly philosophy or that viewpoint.
19:49 You come to verses like this and then, how do you...
19:52 So the conversation ended up going something like, you know,
19:55 we are called to be discriminatory
19:58 in the sense that the word discriminate means
19:59 to tell this from that, to, you know,
20:03 pull apart and understand the difference between things.
20:05 It's become kind of a negative word
20:09 in our culture as if it's laden
20:11 with some kind of racial component
20:14 or some kind of negative component,
20:16 but all it means is rational thinking
20:18 and understanding between this and that.
20:20 And is there a difference?
20:22 And so, trying to explain that to my daughter and sons,
20:25 and working through that,
20:27 I delved into this more than I ever had,
20:29 you know, we're not supposed
20:31 to give up our reason or rationality.
20:34 We're not supposed to be whatever goes, goes.
20:37 We're to hold fast to the truth, speak the truth.
20:40 Amen.
20:41 But not to condemn, that's not our job.
20:43 Absolutely.
20:44 I know, you spoke eloquently there but I,
20:46 that's how I've struggled that not with external people,
20:50 with my own kids trying to help them
20:52 grow and understand, okay,
20:53 from a Christian perspective, how does this work.
20:57 I'm gonna throw a quick story.
21:00 Many years ago, I knew a woman
21:02 who married for money and she made no...
21:06 I don't know if she ever told her husband
21:07 that she married him because of her money, but,
21:10 but she made no bones about it among her friends
21:15 that the reason she married him and she had four kids
21:18 and she needed somebody.
21:20 Now, this very person who married for money
21:25 was being very critical one day of a prostitute.
21:31 And we started talking and we were super close.
21:35 But she was being very condemnatory
21:38 about a woman that we know she did,
21:41 I mean, this was in San Francisco.
21:44 And all of a sudden her eyes were open.
21:47 She said, you know,
21:50 to this scripture is that I am judging somebody
21:56 and I did something very similar
21:58 and this is what human nature,
22:00 we don't recognize our own faults.
22:03 And sometimes we are so quick
22:05 to look and point that condemnatory finger
22:08 and we don't even know their story.
22:09 Not that I'm saying prostitution is right,
22:12 but you don't know how someone ended up there.
22:15 Right. Yeah. I love the story.
22:17 And it's funny because you went there
22:18 because I just had turned to John 8.
22:20 First few verses of John 8 gives us the perfect example
22:23 of the righteous judgment of Christ.
22:27 In fact, it was a situation where obviously it says here,
22:30 I'm in John Chapter, the Gospel of John Chapter 8,
22:33 it says the scribes, Pharisees,
22:34 beginning with verse 3, "Then the scribes and Pharisees
22:37 brought to him a woman caught in adultery.
22:39 And when they had set her in the midst, they said to him,
22:43 'Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery
22:45 in the very act.'
22:46 Now Moses in the law commanded us
22:48 that such should be stoned.
22:50 But what do you say?"
22:51 So they're putting the judgment in his hands.
22:53 Now you would suspect
22:55 that obviously when we think of sin,
22:57 I'm just gonna pause,
22:58 hit the pause button for a moment.
23:00 When we think of sin, we think of scriptures like,
23:02 you know, the wages of sin is...
23:04 Death. Death.
23:06 We know that sin does not dwell in the presence of God.
23:08 We know that in heaven, there is no sin.
23:11 And so when we think of that,
23:12 sometimes we think of in a very abstract,
23:14 very concrete way that we say, well, sin is against God.
23:18 God hates sin.
23:20 So then we automatically attach that condemnation
23:22 against sin to the person.
23:24 And sometimes, we got to be careful with that
23:26 because while God does condemn the sin,
23:29 He doesn't, He does not,
23:30 it's not in His character to want to condemn the person.
23:32 Amen. He loves His people.
23:34 He wants to see all His people saved.
23:36 That's why we're still tarrying I believe,
23:37 because God is working among His people.
23:39 But right here in this beautiful story,
23:41 I don't have to go much more
23:43 because we know what the story says.
23:44 Obviously Christ, you know,
23:46 He puts the judgment back on those,
23:48 kind of like what we just read
23:50 that the plank in the eye and the speck,
23:52 these men, well, maybe not all of them,
23:55 some of them have probably behind closed doors,
23:58 we don't know for sure,
23:59 have probably committed some type of harlotry
24:01 or adulterous sometimes or lust,
24:04 but they were for sure, in Christ's eyes,
24:07 they were committing spiritual adultery.
24:09 And so he spits it right back at them
24:11 and he brings the condemnation upon us
24:13 and says, "Look, if, you know, cast the first stone
24:15 if you are yet without sin,"
24:16 and they could not do so, but here's what's interesting.
24:19 Does Christ condemn the sin? Does He let the sin go?
24:22 Does He just brush it off and say,
24:24 "Oh, you know, hey, everything's okay."
24:25 No, He turns to the woman.
24:27 And instead of condemning her,
24:29 He condemned the sin by telling her,
24:31 "Look, where are your accusers.
24:33 Rise, go, and sin no more."
24:36 And if you read,
24:37 I believe it's in the Great Controversy.
24:39 She actually says that this lady,
24:40 she would go back probably seven more times,
24:43 five to seven more times.
24:44 She struggled with this and Christ still
24:47 in a non-condemnatory righteous judgment away,
24:51 He continued to forgive her because He knew her heart.
24:54 He knew that eventually He could reach that heart.
24:57 Amen.
24:58 And so, you know, I love the examples of Christ
25:00 because our example is Jesus.
25:02 Amen.
25:03 We should want to judge righteously
25:04 with love and compassion as Jesus did.
25:07 Is it wrong to say
25:08 that we should be liberal with others
25:11 and conservative with ourselves?
25:14 Is it wrong to say that?
25:15 As soon as you say you're a Christian,
25:17 but you're liberal with others,
25:18 it kind of has a bad connotation.
25:21 But at the same time,
25:23 you don't wanna be too critical where you run them off.
25:25 Sure.
25:27 What Shelley said, I really like
25:28 because it brought to memory something
25:30 I was thinking of last week.
25:33 A tree that has a fruit is bearing good fruit.
25:36 Eventually, that fruit falls to the ground
25:38 and becomes another tree.
25:41 So if you're bearing good fruit,
25:43 you're going to make good Christians.
25:44 Amen.
25:46 If you're bearing bad fruit,
25:47 you're gonna run Christians off.
25:49 Amen.
25:50 And I just thought of that when you said that.
25:51 Sure, sure. Amen.
25:53 You know, I firmly believe that the closer we come to Christ,
25:58 the more clearly in His light,
26:00 the more clearly we see our own faults.
26:04 Now, and I practice what you're talking about.
26:09 I'm much more...
26:10 Conservative.
26:12 I'm more condemnatory toward myself,
26:15 if I make a mistake and try,
26:17 you know, I'm gonna hit something that...
26:20 Please don't write in about this.
26:22 But like, if I go to a church
26:24 and I see a woman who's got on little earrings
26:27 or a little something, you know,
26:30 and they're not, I don't even notice that
26:33 people have to bring it to my attention,
26:36 because I'm more interested in the person
26:39 in what's going on, so that's something.
26:41 Sure. Okay.
26:43 There's two more scriptures we really want to get to.
26:46 So the bottom line on this is when Jesus said
26:50 the measure you use will be measured back to you.
26:53 Have you ever seen a critical, hypocritical person
26:58 who's always pointing out other people's faults
27:01 and not recognizing their own?
27:02 Guess what?
27:04 They end up having people
27:05 who are doing the same to them, don't they?
27:08 All right, JD, why don't you read
27:10 Luke 6:37 and 38?
27:13 Okay.
27:15 This is from the New King James,
27:17 "Judge not, and you shall not be judged.
27:20 Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned.
27:23 Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
27:27 Give and it will be given to you,
27:29 good measure, pressed down, shaken together,
27:32 and running over will be put into your bosom.
27:35 For with the same measure that you use it,
27:38 it will be measured back to you."
27:41 Amen. Amen.
27:48 One of the first lesson,
27:50 a lesson I learned in life was with my granddad's.
27:55 Mr. Jim, that's what he was called.
27:56 Everybody loved Mr. Jim,
27:59 and I was probably about seven, eight years old.
28:03 We were, it was harvest time
28:06 and this year we had planted oats.
28:08 And I don't know if you know anything about oats,
28:09 there's wheat, there's oats.
28:11 Wheat is heavy, oats is light.
28:14 Oats is 32 pounds to a bushel, takes up a lot of room.
28:18 Not very heavy, wheat,
28:20 you barely pick it up 60 pounds to that same bushel.
28:23 So he had a ranch over here
28:27 that wanted to buy two big burlap bags of oats.
28:31 And so there's nothing worse.
28:34 I had hay fever growing up,
28:36 man, the worst thing
28:37 I wanted to be is in a field with oats
28:40 because, boy, you're just itching everything.
28:41 We're taking those harvest oats,
28:44 putting them under the burlap bag.
28:46 All I could do is think granddad,
28:48 "When are we gonna get through?
28:49 When we gonna get through?"
28:50 No son, let's just be patient.
28:53 Get in there. Press those oats down.
28:56 We want to be honest with this man.
28:59 He's been good to us and push those outs down.
29:02 And so here you're setting here the life lesson.
29:06 That's right.
29:07 Good measure pressed down, shaken together.
29:11 Okay, you get that big old burlap bag
29:13 and running over we put into who you are.
29:17 Wow.
29:18 We packed those two big burlap bags
29:22 full of oats, took it to the man.
29:25 And then as I was walking out with my granddad,
29:29 not understanding the lesson in life,
29:32 the man says,
29:33 "You know, Mr. Jim, he is a special man.
29:38 He's never going to take advantage of you.
29:40 He's a man that you can trust."
29:42 God put me there at a special time
29:44 when I could hear that.
29:46 Wow.
29:47 And if now we hadn't press down...
29:48 That's right.
29:50 If we hadn't been a good measure,
29:51 we're being honest,
29:52 it would not have made any difference to me.
29:55 Okay. That's right.
29:57 So that's a great lesson
29:59 judge not and you won't be judged,
30:01 condemn not and you won't be condemned.
30:04 Forgive and you will be forgiven.
30:07 I mean, so here, we're going back
30:08 to that fairness that he was talking about,
30:10 that reciprocity, you know, that's present in life.
30:14 That's a great lesson.
30:16 So when he says, once again, with the measure you use,
30:20 it will be measured back to you.
30:22 There is a saying in the world, what goes around comes around.
30:26 That's right.
30:27 But this is so much deeper...
30:29 That's right, it is.
30:30 Than what goes around comes around
30:32 in a physical realm.
30:33 This is a spiritual application as you're saying
30:38 because here, now, of course,
30:40 your grandfather had a wonderful reputation.
30:43 People loved him.
30:45 And I'm sure that because of his generosity,
30:48 others were generously inclined toward him.
30:51 But your grandfather also had a lot of spiritual blessings
30:56 and I believe that you know, when we say them,
30:59 given it will be given to you,
31:01 well, God loves a cheerful giver.
31:03 But, do you think I've seen people
31:07 there's someone who works here that when she first came here,
31:10 she was so broke
31:13 and didn't have two pennies to rub together,
31:16 and she saw a man broken down on the side of the road
31:20 pulled over, helped him change a tire
31:23 and gave him her last $5 that she had
31:29 and I've never seen her go wanting.
31:32 I've never seen her go wanting.
31:34 So God, I think that the measure we use,
31:38 I think the angels are taking notice,
31:40 the Holy Spirit takes notice, God notices
31:44 and when we are compassionate rather than critical,
31:48 it's just something that comes back to us.
31:51 And the foundation of that
31:52 if you go under that a little deeper,
31:55 that's all comes from love.
31:56 Amen. A godly love.
31:58 Absolutely.
31:59 It is all foundation from a, that spiritual fruit,
32:04 the fruit of the Spirit is love and then it lists
32:07 few or some other stuff after that, joy, peace,
32:09 long suffering, patient, ego,
32:11 all those things after, that is the result of love.
32:14 And, you know, go back to
32:17 what we've been talking about up to this point.
32:22 I had something happen the other day,
32:24 I'm gonna tell this because this kind of goes into
32:26 to what we're talking about.
32:28 This young lady posts on Facebook,
32:30 she says, basically puts it out there
32:32 and says that when did it become wrong
32:37 to say that homosexuality is a sin or is wrong?
32:41 And she goes a little further and says,
32:43 I do not condemn the person.
32:44 I love the person but I will stand as a Christian
32:47 and say that, you know,
32:48 homosexuality is a sin, it's wrong.
32:51 The flood, the firestorm
32:53 of negative comments that she got,
32:56 and as I'm reading through these comments,
32:58 every single one of them was,
33:00 judge not that ye be not judged,
33:01 judge not that ye be not judge,
33:02 you judge, you do not, blah, blah.
33:04 And then people on that thread begin
33:06 because they knew her personally
33:08 began calling her out for her specific sins
33:11 and I'm reading through this
33:13 and my heart begins to break because
33:15 while what the young lady said was very, very correct,
33:17 all these other people were interpreting
33:19 what she was saying as a judgment.
33:21 Now that becomes difficult in and of itself
33:23 because, again,
33:25 we have to understand the relationship
33:27 between righteousness and sin.
33:29 Amen.
33:30 We have to understand that God does hold us responsible
33:33 to understand what sin is and what His character is,
33:36 which is the opposite of sin
33:38 and so we do need to be able to exercise righteous judgment
33:40 to be able to call the kettle black,
33:43 old saying, to be able to call it out
33:45 right for what it is and say, the truth of the matter is,
33:48 is that is sin and it is not of God's character.
33:51 That is not of God's plan.
33:53 But then with that,
33:54 we have to be able to tie to that,
33:56 that compassionate, merciful,
33:58 loving spirit that Christ would have
33:59 which would be, I love you,
34:01 you're my brother and my sister,
34:02 just go and sin no more.
34:04 You know, my response to that
34:06 is I gave my response to that thread
34:07 and I remember space saying specifically
34:09 gave you some scriptures about how homosexuality is a sin.
34:12 It's not of God's character.
34:14 But at the same time that person
34:15 who is a homosexual is God's child.
34:18 Amen.
34:20 And God love, He died for that person.
34:21 Amen.
34:22 And for whatever reason that person feels that
34:24 that lifestyle is okay.
34:25 We are not to condemn the person
34:26 we are to rightfully call what it is.
34:29 But with that, also have to remember
34:31 that while that person still needs sanctification from sin,
34:34 so do I.
34:36 So I say on that thread very clearly,
34:37 look, I'm not judging anyone.
34:39 Because the truth is,
34:41 we're all not making it out of here
34:42 until we surrender all of self and all of our sins to Him.
34:46 So whether you're, you know,
34:47 caught up in homosexuality or drug abuse
34:50 or whatever you're saying...
34:51 Or gossip or backbiting.
34:54 Yeah, all of these things that some of us
34:56 call little white sins,
34:57 a little white lies or whatever, you know,
34:59 sin is sin in the eyes of God
35:00 and until we surrender it all...
35:02 Amen.
35:03 All of us have no point to point another finger
35:05 at another brother and sister and say,
35:07 hey, you're this and you're that
35:08 you're gonna go to hell if you don't
35:10 and I've heard Christian say that,
35:11 you're gonna go to hell if you don't,
35:13 and there's where the condemnation comes in,
35:15 and I think that's the spirit that Christ is addressing.
35:18 Be careful.
35:20 Be careful where you're going with that kind of intention
35:23 that while we are to call it what it is,
35:25 we have to be careful
35:27 in the spirit that we deliver that
35:28 because if we deliver or condemn someone
35:30 to hell's flames,
35:32 because we think that they're against God, watch out,
35:35 because that same might come back.
35:37 In fact, let me address this.
35:38 I know I'm on this.
35:40 I better say this really quickly,
35:41 I'm gonna forget.
35:42 Paul, now this is where it gets serious I think,
35:46 this concept of judgment,
35:47 this is where it gets really serious
35:49 for me personally.
35:51 What is blasphemy?
35:55 Because oftentimes, we as Adventist I know,
35:58 we quickly go to, you know, the two major,
36:00 you know, claiming to be God,
36:02 you know, claiming to forgive sins
36:03 and we use that in a very appropriate way
36:05 in our evangelist series,
36:07 but I think sometimes we forget
36:09 that there's a third major aspect
36:11 of that and Paul, Paul brings it out right here.
36:13 Notice 1 Timothy 1:13, notice what Paul says here,
36:19 and we're gonna dig a little deeper
36:20 into the seriousness of this condemnatory spirit
36:24 that Jesus is addressing with this measure
36:26 that will be met back to you or given back to you.
36:30 Notice what he says here in 1 Timothy 1:13.
36:34 Paul is telling off on himself,
36:36 he is confessing who he once was, he says,
36:40 "Although I was formerly a blasphemer,"
36:43 and I know there's a comma there,
36:45 we're going to separate the thought,
36:46 but in the original there's not a comma.
36:48 There is no there is no,
36:49 there's a continual thought here.
36:50 Notice, "Although I was formerly a blasphemer,
36:53 a persecutor and an insolent man,
36:55 but I obtained mercy
36:57 because I did it ignorantly and unbelief."
36:59 Now what is Paul addressing here?
37:01 Paul called himself a blasphemer,
37:02 he blasphemed against God.
37:03 Now how did he blaspheme against God?
37:05 Well he says, he was a persecutor.
37:07 What was the foundation
37:09 and the driving vehicle of that persecution?
37:12 Because he thought he was doing God a favor
37:15 by playing the role of God and condemning someone
37:21 that he did not have the authority to do.
37:23 And so what I wanna just hit the foundational issue of this,
37:26 I believe, is that blasphemy is not...
37:29 Sometimes we just nail it down to three and not you know,
37:31 claiming to be God, you can be a blasphemer.
37:35 You can blaspheme against God,
37:37 by assuming any authority that only belongs to God.
37:39 Amen.
37:41 And we are to rightfully judge according to the authority
37:43 that has been given to us spiritually from the Bible
37:47 but when it comes to condemning someone else,
37:49 or telling someone you're going to go to hell,
37:51 and you're this and you're that because of something
37:52 they may or may not have done,
37:54 we have to be careful
37:55 because Christ warns us that same condemnation
37:58 may come upon you because you're playing my role
38:01 and you are not the judge, God is the judge.
38:04 And we forget, oh,
38:05 we have a grade system in our minds for sin.
38:11 That's a grade A sin, boy, that's a big E, you know,
38:15 and then we come down to our little sins.
38:17 We say, well, it's not so big.
38:20 And God doesn't have, in is sin...
38:22 That's right. For a holy God.
38:23 That is true.
38:25 So, that's where we're making our mistake.
38:26 Even, you know, and that's,
38:29 I think that's why we are to pray for our enemies,
38:34 love our enemies is because God loves us
38:37 even when we're enemies.
38:39 Amen.
38:40 And He doesn't judge us that way.
38:41 And he makes it perfectly clear.
38:43 Forgive and you will be forgiven.
38:44 Amen. That's right.
38:45 So, you know, I mean,
38:47 that spiritual love one more time.
38:48 All right, let's get to one of my favorite scriptures
38:52 and that is Mark 4:24-25.
38:58 Robert, you wanna read that one?
39:00 Yes, I will.
39:01 "Then he said to them,
39:03 'Take heed what you hear with the same measure you use,
39:06 it will be measured to you and to you here,
39:08 more will be given.
39:10 For whoever has to him more will be given,
39:13 but whoever does not have even what he has
39:16 will be taken away from him.'"
39:18 What a fascinating now,
39:20 let's read it from the Amplified.
39:23 I love it from the Amplified.
39:27 Mark 4:24-25.
39:29 He said to them,
39:31 "Be careful what you are hearing.
39:35 The measure of thought and study you give
39:39 to the truth you hear
39:42 will be the measure of virtue and knowledge
39:46 that comes back to you
39:48 and more besides will be given to you who hear.
39:53 And you know the word hear means literally,
39:57 I mean from the Old Testament
39:58 when it was saying, hear, O Israel.
40:01 When God said, if you will hear My voice, it meant to obey.
40:04 Oh, absolutely.
40:05 So he says, let's see,
40:09 the virtual knowledge that comes back to you more
40:11 besides will be given to you who hear,
40:14 for to him who has will more be given,
40:18 from him who has nothing,
40:21 even what he has will be taken away by force.
40:25 Wow, I just had an epiphany.
40:28 I'd never read that verse in that light before.
40:31 And you realize what verse 25
40:34 is saying in light of the previous verses.
40:36 Yeah. That is powerful.
40:38 It is.
40:40 That the knowledge that you judge by,
40:42 that is powerful.
40:43 The measure of the thought and study
40:45 you give to the truth you hear.
40:47 So in other words,
40:49 before we go into a judgment state,
40:52 we have to first educate ourselves.
40:54 We have to look into it, study the situation,
40:57 study what it is before we go to make a judgment on that.
41:01 That was a Holy Spirit light bulb moment.
41:03 Yeah.
41:04 What's amazing to me is that there is a verse
41:07 and I'd have to find it.
41:08 But basically what it says is, you can know all things.
41:13 1 Corinthians 13.
41:16 You can have everything down path
41:18 but if you don't have love, you have nothing.
41:21 That's right.
41:22 And I think that's the summary for all of this.
41:25 You supposed to, you have to guys
41:26 looking for us to love our neighbors,
41:28 whether the neighbor is right or wrong,
41:30 he's looking for that love in ourselves.
41:32 And if we don't have that love,
41:34 that's what condemns us.
41:36 So let's talk about this then, in the context of love.
41:40 To me, what Mark 4:24 is saying is, you listen,
41:46 and you respond, as you put into practice,
41:50 that which you are being taught.
41:53 You know, sometimes I'll study something out really deeply.
41:58 And man, it's good stuff but then if I don't go teach it
42:03 or if I'm not putting it into practice, guess what?
42:07 I'll find it again a year later,
42:10 and I'm reading it and going, oh, wow.
42:14 So, to me when he says,
42:17 be careful what you're hearing.
42:19 First of all, we need to be hearing the truth.
42:21 You need to be careful what you're hearing,
42:24 you know and if you don't know enough
42:26 to discern the truth,
42:29 stick to the Word of God, sometimes, now I love to read,
42:32 but some books you got to know enough
42:35 to where you can say,
42:37 well, this author's off a little bit here
42:39 or they are off, you know,
42:41 I was reading a paraphrase Bible the other day,
42:45 a New Living type version,
42:47 and it's really interesting, but then you come to one
42:50 that you knew was an interpretation
42:53 and you're on, let's scratch that part out.
42:56 But be careful what you hear
42:59 and then the measure of thought and study you give
43:04 to what you do here,
43:06 the more you put it into practice,
43:09 then it's only when you're practicing
43:12 the Word of God that he can help.
43:13 I mean that you're open to Him to receive more.
43:17 You had a thought on this, didn't you?
43:18 I was gonna say, in preparing for this,
43:20 I haven't heard quite the perspective
43:23 that I was coming from or getting from this.
43:24 Sure.
43:26 And it was more that,
43:27 I guess I was my more analytical side
43:28 was looking at the word measure
43:30 and the word measure means to compare to a standard.
43:33 And so I've come through,
43:35 come to this whole study a little bit differently for me
43:37 from where I'm at
43:39 and that measurement, all these,
43:41 every time I see the word measure,
43:42 I see comparison to standard, and Jesus is our standard.
43:46 Amen.
43:47 And he said earlier in the study,
43:50 the word focus came out of your mouth what we focus on.
43:52 So I see this all as a viewpoint,
43:57 a focus, a perspective, a standard.
44:00 So the measure is not, for me at least
44:03 where I'm interpreting now is not,
44:06 it's not a quantity of stuff.
44:07 It's a standard by which we're comparing.
44:11 It's a person.
44:12 It's a person.
44:13 And for me,
44:15 I've been kind of camping recently
44:16 on the word Behold and my,
44:19 and there's a lot there
44:21 but so in my one of my duties here
44:22 at 3ABN is to edit the Sabbath School panel
44:25 and that's really rewarding.
44:27 I enjoy it and but I get to sit and listen to YouTube
44:31 and among others, and in fact,
44:34 sometimes I'll go down the hall,
44:35 you know, spend hours editing,
44:37 looking at these guys listening to them,
44:39 it's a great privilege and a benefit.
44:40 Oh, praise the Lord.
44:42 But then I'll get up to go get drink water
44:43 and I'll run into one of you and I'm like, it's great,
44:45 it's kind of a weird situation anyway.
44:46 I bet it is. It's a lot.
44:48 Anyway, I was listening the other day.
44:49 Recently, Pastor Kenny Shelton said something
44:52 and you know, you've heard that saying
44:54 that we become like the people we hang around with
44:57 a more modern version would be like
44:58 you are the compilation
45:00 of your five people you hang around with the most.
45:03 Anyway, he was doing Sabbath School panel,
45:04 he said something almost as a little throwaway.
45:07 And you know how when you have that moment
45:08 like you just get hit by a thunderbolt?
45:10 And he just said,
45:12 simply that you become what you behold,
45:16 a man that God just stopped you on track.
45:19 Absolutely.
45:20 And I've been camping on that for weeks now just beholding.
45:22 Can I read something?
45:23 I want to read this because I love it.
45:25 And it's in 2 Corinthians 3:18, isn't it?
45:29 Where is, where is it?
45:31 I'm in 1 Corinthians.
45:32 I just love that when you're ready to read
45:36 2 Corinthians 3:18
45:39 is where this principle comes from.
45:43 Paul says, "We all with an unveiled face
45:47 beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord,
45:51 are being transformed into the same image
45:55 from glory to glory,
45:57 just as by the Spirit of the Lord."
46:00 One time the Lord.
46:02 You know, I love to pray God's promises.
46:05 So I am praying this promise and I'm saying,
46:09 and I know that he calls things that are not
46:11 as though they already were.
46:12 But I am praying and saying,
46:14 Oh Lord, thank you
46:15 that You're leading me by Your Spirit
46:17 from glory to glory,
46:19 from one level of your character to the next.
46:22 And, you know, by beholding You in the mirrors,
46:25 this is what I think of this the mirror,
46:28 that that You're leading me to become more like You
46:31 and all of a sudden, and you guys know me,
46:33 I'm not a weepy woman.
46:35 But in the presence of the Lord, I can be.
46:38 And all of a sudden, I'm weeping and saying
46:40 Lord, I don't feel like I'm becoming more like you.
46:43 I mean, I know this is one that
46:45 that I'm calling something
46:47 that's not as though it already were.
46:50 And God gave me the most incredible vision.
46:54 And I used that word and some people say
46:56 who do you think you are?
46:57 Yeah.
46:59 Have you ever prayed and while you're praying,
47:02 it's suddenly like there's a little movie going on.
47:06 And what I saw was the steps
47:10 that went way up into the clouds
47:13 and I am running along,
47:14 maybe like on the third of the way.
47:17 I'm running along this step
47:19 and I'm looking over my shoulder
47:21 and all of a sudden, wham, I hit the wall.
47:24 And oh, I forgot to tell you
47:26 that when I was praying as God says,
47:28 I will soon explain to you the wall that you are heading.
47:34 And I'm like, "Oh, that was just me.
47:37 I mean, I heard the still small voice.
47:39 It wasn't a voice speaking out loud.
47:42 But when he said that,
47:44 it gave me so much hope
47:45 because it was like, yeah, I'm hitting a wall.
47:49 Right. So I hit the wall.
47:52 The wall turned out to be the side of the next step.
47:56 And it's like, Lord, what do I do now?
47:59 You know, I mean, I want to come up.
48:03 And you know what he said to me?
48:05 The wall of resistance is what he called it.
48:07 Right.
48:09 He said,
48:10 "The wall of resistance that you are hitting
48:13 is the wall of self preservation."
48:19 How strong is that, think about that.
48:21 Wow.
48:22 The wall of resistance you're hitting
48:23 is the wall of self preservation.
48:26 So in order to go to the next level of His glory,
48:30 you become like who you behold,
48:33 but to go to the next level of this glory,
48:35 I had to be willing to give up more of self.
48:39 And then it's like, Lord, how do I get there?
48:42 Well, you know, David said in 2 Samuel,
48:45 he says, "By my God, I leap over the wall."
48:48 So he reaches down with his mighty right hand
48:50 when we're ready to give up a little more of self.
48:54 God reaches down and pulls us up.
48:58 Isn't that what love is?
48:59 Love is giving up himself. Absolutely.
49:02 That is where everything revolves around.
49:04 Sure.
49:05 I think of a little story really quick.
49:08 I was really young.
49:10 And I was always fascinated with science.
49:13 And I read the science book
49:14 that a diamond was the hardest substance on earth.
49:18 So my mother was in the shower,
49:20 she was a Baptist and she had a wedding ring.
49:23 And I went, took her wedding ring
49:25 and I took it down to the basement
49:27 and I popped a little diamond out of it on the concrete
49:30 and got a hammer and whacked it as an experiment
49:33 because a diamond is the hardest substance on earth.
49:36 I expected the hammer to bounce back,
49:38 the diamond would still be there,
49:40 well, it shattered all around,
49:41 it shattered like powder on the ground
49:43 and I started crying.
49:46 And I went to my mom, and I showed her the ring.
49:50 And I showed her the basement and I was on the floor.
49:53 I deserve the spanking or I deserve something.
49:57 And my mother does hug me and she said baby.
50:01 I still remember that she just said baby, you know,
50:03 that really warmed me right there,
50:05 my mother practiced love.
50:08 Praise the Lord.
50:09 She was more liberal with others
50:11 than she would be with her, with herself.
50:13 Yeah.
50:14 And I think that's what the Lord does with us.
50:15 Absolutely.
50:17 He sees our flaws, He sees our mistakes.
50:18 He sees the silly things that we do.
50:20 Sure. Yet He practices love.
50:22 That's right. That is His measure.
50:24 Absolutely. You know, I have to go back.
50:27 I mentioned I had an epiphany earlier.
50:32 Let's read these verses again.
50:34 We often isolate this text from Mark Chapter 4,
50:37 where it says take heed, what you hear
50:40 with the same measure you use,
50:41 it will be measured to you
50:44 and to you who hear more will be given
50:46 and then verse 25.
50:47 I've read this for many, many years
50:49 and I didn't quite fully understand it.
50:51 Notice this, "For who whoever has
50:53 to him more will be given,
50:54 but whoever does not have
50:56 even what he has will be taken away."
50:58 So we often also obviously,
50:59 sometimes isolate that text
51:01 and we often think you know more people
51:03 who have more and more given people who have less,
51:05 and we kind of generalize that text
51:07 but if you read it within context, notice,
51:09 notice Matthew Chapter 4, the context of Matthew 4,
51:12 Christ has just given the Parable of the Sower.
51:14 Absolutely. That's right.
51:16 And then right above,
51:17 right below that the Parable of the Sower,
51:19 which is above verse 24 that we just read,
51:22 notice what He says here,
51:24 is the lamp brought
51:25 to be put under a basket or under a bed.
51:28 So what is often we liken a lamp unto,
51:33 or the Word of God is likened unto the lamp
51:35 to my feet, a light unto our path.
51:36 And then if you read the Amplified Version
51:38 that we just read,
51:40 it just really kind of helped bring this.
51:41 It says here,
51:43 and he said to them,
51:44 "Be careful what you are hearing the measure."
51:46 Notice in parentheses here, of thought and study, you give
51:50 and then in parentheses again
51:52 to the truth you hear will be measured,
51:56 will be the measure and then in parentheses
51:58 of virtue and knowledge notice, that comes back to you.
52:03 So you read this in context of Mark Chapter 4
52:07 when Christ says for whoever has
52:10 to him will be more given and whoever does not have,
52:14 even what he has will be taken away from him
52:16 in context in this passage will come...
52:18 And in the Amplified, it's by force.
52:21 Yeah.
52:22 It's the devil
52:24 picking that seed off of the hard ground.
52:25 Absolutely, so when knowledge comes to us, we have, you know,
52:29 we have a responsibility to exercise,
52:32 good judgment to receive that light when it comes.
52:35 And another text that came to my mind
52:37 in connection with this is 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2.
52:41 Notice what Paul says here, we read it all the time.
52:43 But notice verse 10,
52:44 "And with all unrighteous deception
52:46 among those who perish,
52:47 because they did not receive the love of the truth
52:49 that they might be saved.
52:51 And for this reason,
52:52 God will send them strong delusion
52:53 that they should believe a lie."
52:55 Continue to believe that lie,
52:57 so when you read that in the measure you use.
53:01 When God sends you lie,
53:03 when God sends you truth, that's powerful.
53:04 I never considered it this way,
53:06 when God sends you life too much that has,
53:08 in other words, in order for you to have,
53:10 you have to receive.
53:11 If you come to me and say,
53:12 Man, I'm gonna give you a million dollars,
53:14 I have to receive that million dollars.
53:16 And so God is saying too much has,
53:18 in other words, you received that light,
53:20 you've received that wonderful blessing
53:23 that God has given you.
53:24 If you've received it, and you have much of that,
53:26 he's going to continue to give you more
53:27 because your receiver of that which is good,
53:30 but you, if you reject that,
53:31 and therefore you have none.
53:33 In fact, the New King James Version,
53:35 notice what it says here, we just read it,
53:37 not the Amplified
53:38 but the New King James it ends with
53:40 it says here, to him, more will be given,
53:42 but whoever does not have
53:45 even what he has will be taken away.
53:48 So in other words, you know, that's to me, that's important
53:50 because when you're talking about this subject,
53:52 the measure you use, exercising righteous judgment,
53:55 we have, we have a responsibility
53:58 on the part of ourselves as Christians.
54:00 Amen.
54:01 That in order to be able to stay in the Lord
54:03 and to exercise righteous judgment,
54:05 we have to be open to receive.
54:07 We have to be open to receive the blessings
54:09 and the knowledge and the wisdom
54:10 and the truth He has given us
54:12 so that we can receive more and more from Him
54:14 to exercise that good judgment,
54:17 that that mercy and that compassion
54:18 and that love can pour forth from us
54:20 as a good example to others.
54:22 So I have a question. Yeah.
54:24 Everywhere that I read measure,
54:27 if I replace it with love, does that fit?
54:30 I think so. So is love the measure?
54:33 That's my question. That's really...
54:35 Absolutely man.
54:37 Fabulous question.
54:38 Because you had said earlier, Robert,
54:41 that the measure is a standard and you know,
54:45 when you said that love is unselfish,
54:47 we don't think of that,
54:49 we're not talking about the word love
54:51 in the English language,
54:52 because love can be very selfish
54:54 if it's just among two people.
54:56 I can do all kinds of good things
54:58 for this man here just so he'll be good to me.
55:01 It can be selfish, I'm wanting something,
55:04 you know, I'm wanting his love.
55:05 God's love is totally unselfish.
55:09 When you think of, the creator of the world
55:11 came down and died on a cross.
55:12 Right.
55:14 I mean, first He became a human being,
55:16 I cannot imagine that.
55:18 So, yes, the measure is the love of God.
55:22 Praise God. It is Christ.
55:24 It is Christ. God is love.
55:26 Halleluiah. Praise God.
55:29 That's amazing. Halleluiah.
55:31 I want to say one quick thing.
55:32 I know we're running out of time.
55:34 So I just want to say this.
55:35 I'm telling on myself,
55:37 but you know, even in prayer,
55:41 if you wanna hear the voice of the Lord, for me,
55:45 15 minutes of prayer isn't gonna get it done.
55:49 I mean, it takes where Jesus said,
55:52 "Can you not tarry an hour."
55:54 It takes some time really,
55:58 presenting all my praise
55:59 and Thanksgiving and giving Him,
56:02 you know, praying back His word
56:04 and then listening for that still small voice.
56:07 You know what, can you imagine?
56:09 I did that every day for almost 12 years,
56:12 an hour a day
56:14 and I heard the voice of the Lord
56:16 almost every day and I mean, the still small voice.
56:19 But guess what?
56:20 When I get so busy that I don't do that.
56:24 I don't hear that.
56:25 And I was praying this past weekend
56:28 and saying, Lord, how can I hear your voice?
56:31 And I mean,
56:33 God doesn't speak volumes to me, few sentences,
56:36 and He usually says, look it up.
56:39 But sometimes what we have, if we don't practice it,
56:44 the measure of thought and study you use
56:47 will be the measure that's given back to you.
56:48 Wow.
56:50 Wow, praise the Lord.
56:51 We're out of time. Thank you so much.
56:54 Thank you first, we'll start with you, Robert,
56:57 that the measure is a person.
56:58 That's right.
57:00 And that you've said the measure is love
57:01 'cause we know the person is love.
57:03 God is love. Amen.
57:05 And thank you for sharing that epiphany.
57:08 And thank you, JD, for those incredible stories.
57:12 I love his insight, it's so powerful.
57:15 I know, I know.
57:16 We are so glad that you joined us tonight
57:19 and we hope that you have a very blessed Sabbath.
57:22 But our prayer for you
57:24 is that the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
57:27 the love of the Father, and the fellowship
57:29 of the Holy Spirit will be yours,
57:31 not just the Sabbath, but every day.
57:35 God bless you.


Revised 2019-08-22