Today Family Worship

The Vine and the Branches

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW190024A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:27 Let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello, we are so glad that you are joining us
01:13 for Family Worship tonight.
01:15 We are coming into the Sabbath hour.
01:18 And it is such a wonderful experience
01:21 to get together with our 3ABN family,
01:23 and you're part of the family.
01:25 We're glad that you've tuned into study with us.
01:28 I'm Shelley Quinn.
01:29 And I'm JD Quinn.
01:31 I just want to introduce
01:32 who we have here with us this evening.
01:33 We got Gary, we got Ryan,
01:36 we have Dee, and we have Tim.
01:39 They're all good friends of ours.
01:40 Yes.
01:42 We're just glad to be here and to share this time.
01:44 Well, I think we're gonna have a good
01:47 and lively discussion tonight.
01:49 We will be talking about
01:51 The Parable of the Vine and the Branches.
01:55 And so we want you...
01:56 I hope you have your bibles, maybe a pen and paper.
01:59 But before we do that,
02:00 we want to have a song and a prayer.
02:03 And our brother Tim who God has gifted on the piano
02:08 will be playing for us.
02:10 But, Gary, you wanna have our opening prayer?
02:13 Sure.
02:14 Dearly Father, we are so thankful
02:16 for Your love for us.
02:17 We're thankful for your much care,
02:19 we thank You for the word that we can study
02:21 and learn more about You Lord.
02:23 We just ask that Your spirit be here with us as we study
02:26 and with those who are watching.
02:28 May the truths that You have for us
02:30 be plain and true and beautiful.
02:34 This we put in Your wonderful precious name, amen.
02:36 Amen and amen. Thank you.
02:38 Well, we are going to sing
02:41 "Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine."
02:43 It's number 462 in your hymnal.
02:46 But the words will be across the bottom of the screen,
02:49 and we want you to sing with us.
02:51 We are not here to entertain you,
02:53 this is Family Worship, so join in.
03:02 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
03:09 O what a foretaste of glory divine
03:15 Heir of salvation, purchase of God
03:21 Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood
03:27 This is my story, this is my song
03:33 Praising my Savior all the day long
03:40 This is my story, this is my song
03:46 Praising my Savior all the day long
03:52 Perfect submission, all is at rest
03:59 I in my Savior am happy and blessed
04:05 Watching and waiting, looking above
04:12 Filled with His goodness, lost in His love
04:18 This is my story, this is my song
04:24 Praising my Savior all the day long
04:30 This is my story, this is my song
04:37 Praising my Savior all the day long
04:45 Amen and amen.
04:48 Love to listen to Tim play
04:50 and I love to listen to you all sing.
04:53 Well, as I said,
04:55 tonight we're going to study
04:58 the Parable of the Vine and the Branches.
05:02 But before we do,
05:04 we want to set a little background for you.
05:07 The... Excuse me.
05:09 In the Old Testament,
05:11 a symbol for Israel was a vineyard, the vine.
05:16 And I want to read something to you from Isaiah 5.
05:19 Actually, there's verses 1 through 7.
05:21 We're not going to look at it all.
05:23 But God is talking about His vineyard.
05:27 He's talking about the nation of Israel.
05:30 And it says,
05:31 "He expected it to bring forth good grapes,
05:35 but it brought forth wild grapes."
05:38 Instead of being fruitful,
05:40 all Israel brought forward was sour grapes.
05:44 And in verse 6, the Lord says to them,
05:47 what more could have been done to my vineyard
05:51 that have not done for it?
05:54 Why then when I expected it to bring forth good grapes
05:59 did it bring forth wild grapes?
06:02 So Israel was supposed to be a vineyard,
06:07 to be fruitful,
06:09 to share the message of the Lord
06:12 with the rest of the nations.
06:14 That's why God chose Israel.
06:16 And He even said when He told Moses,
06:21 He sent Moses to Pharaoh, and He said to tell Pharaoh,
06:25 "Let my son go, Israel is my firstborn."
06:29 That's a covenant term.
06:32 And it wasn't the order of their birth
06:36 because there were nations before them,
06:38 but it was a covenant term.
06:40 They would be His covenant son and share but they didn't.
06:45 So now He is so disappointed in His vineyard.
06:50 But we get over to Isaiah 27.
06:53 And, Tim, why don't you read that for us
06:55 because I love the way, the Amplified,
06:58 and you're reading from the Amplified,
06:59 says it Isaiah 27:2-6.
07:03 All right, verse 2 of Isaiah 27.
07:06 "In that day it will be said
07:08 of the redeemed nation of Israel,
07:10 a vineyard beloved and lovely.
07:12 Sing a responsive song to it and about it."
07:16 Verse 3, "I, the Lord am its keeper.
07:18 I water it every moment lest anyone harm it,
07:21 I guard and keep it night and day."
07:23 Isaiah 4, "Wrath is not in Me.
07:27 Would that the briars and thorns,
07:28 the wicked internal foe,
07:30 were lined up against Me in battle.
07:32 I would stride in against them,
07:34 I would burn them up together."
07:36 Verse 5,
07:37 "Or else, if all Israel would escape
07:39 being burned up together
07:41 there is but one alternative,
07:43 let them take hold of My strength
07:45 and make complete surrender to My protection,
07:48 that they may make peace with Me!
07:49 Yes, let them make peace with Me!"
07:51 And verse 6,
07:53 "In the days and generations to come,
07:55 Jacob shall take root,
07:56 Israel shall blossom and send forth shoots
07:59 and fill the whole world with fruit
08:01 of the knowledge of the true God."
08:04 That's the restoration of Israel.
08:06 Amen.
08:07 And it really didn't happen
08:09 until Israel was a spiritual name.
08:12 We remember that Jacob wrestles with God,
08:15 God changed his name
08:17 from Jacob supplanter to Israel,
08:20 one who has wrestled with God and won.
08:23 So when we see as you're following
08:26 the covenant sonship through this,
08:29 when Jesus comes, now He's got the message.
08:34 Israel, you thought you were the vine of the Lord,
08:37 I am the true vine.
08:38 Why don't you read, Ryan?
08:40 John 1, and we'll look at verses...
08:44 John 15, I'm sorry, verses 1 through 8.
08:48 Sure.
08:49 And give us a little background.
08:50 Yeah.
08:52 So basically, if anybody who understands the layout
08:55 of the book of John,
08:57 more than half of the book
08:58 is actually set in the final week
09:00 of Christ's life.
09:02 It's what we call the Passion Week,
09:03 that week leading up to the crucifixion
09:05 and of course, resurrection of Jesus.
09:07 And so from about John 12, John 13 and onward,
09:12 you are literally in the last week of Jesus.
09:14 And so John 15 is interesting
09:16 because actually this is a conversation
09:18 that Christ has begun to have with His disciples
09:22 coming out of what we would call the Last Supper.
09:24 In fact, you'll notice the last verse of John 14,
09:27 notice what it says here.
09:29 It says,
09:30 "But that the world may go that I love the Father
09:32 and as the Father gave Me commandments,
09:34 so I do..."
09:35 And then notice what He says, "Arise, let us go from here."
09:37 So they've just gotten up from the dinner table.
09:40 And interestingly enough,
09:42 the verses that we're about to read
09:44 is basically a conversation
09:46 that Christ is having with His disciples
09:48 on their way to the Garden of Gethsemane
09:50 where Christ is going to be, of course,
09:52 He's going to sweat those drops of blood,
09:54 He's going to have that beautiful prayer
09:56 on behalf of the saints there in John 17,
09:59 there in the garden of Gethsemane.
10:01 So as He's beginning to tell them this,
10:03 the scene that has previously taken place,
10:05 you can remember
10:07 they're setting at the Last Supper,
10:08 and of course, Jesus basically identifies His betrayer.
10:13 And so if you kind of take that in consideration
10:15 the scene that we just saw happened
10:17 in the previous chapters, John 13, John 14,
10:20 and now you come to the beginning verses
10:22 of John 15,
10:23 it'll begin to make sense
10:24 as Christ is now highlighting Himself
10:27 as this true vine
10:28 and showing basically, that really,
10:31 there's only two types of branches.
10:33 But just at that dinner table, at the Last Supper,
10:35 there were two types of branches present there.
10:38 There was a good ones and then there was a bad one.
10:40 And we're going to see that here in opening verses.
10:41 And that would be in Judas.
10:42 That would be in Judas Iscariot.
10:44 Absolutely.
10:45 So I'm gonna read from the New King James Version,
10:47 James 15, beginning...
10:49 Excuse me, John 15
10:50 beginning with verses 1 and through verse 8.
10:53 Jesus says, "I am the true vine,
10:57 and My Father is the vine dresser.
11:00 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit,
11:04 He takes away
11:05 and every branch that bears fruit,
11:07 He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.
11:12 You are already clean
11:13 because of the word which I have spoken to you.
11:17 Abide in Me and I in you,
11:20 as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself
11:23 unless it abides in the vine,
11:26 neither can you, unless you abide in Me."
11:30 He says, "I am the vine, you are the branch,
11:34 or you are the branches.
11:35 He who abides in Me and I in him,
11:38 bears much fruit.
11:40 For without Me you can do nothing.
11:43 If anyone does not abide in Me,
11:47 he is cast out as a branch and is withered,
11:50 and they gather them and throw them into the fire
11:53 and they are burned.
11:55 If you abide in Me,
11:57 and My words abide in you,
12:00 you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you.
12:05 By this My Father is glorified that you bear much fruit,
12:09 so you will be My disciples.
12:11 Amen.
12:13 You know what, I'm sitting here,
12:14 and I've never done this before.
12:15 But as you were reading,
12:17 I'm looking at how many times the word abide,
12:21 I count seven times.
12:23 Right, yeah.
12:24 Seven times He's talking about abiding
12:27 so we need to talk about what that is.
12:30 What jumps out at you most?
12:34 What scripture just lights up for you here,
12:38 that is your biggest takeaway?
12:40 Can I just tell you that it's the abide in the...
12:45 What's this called? Amplified.
12:47 Amplified, thank you very much, JD.
12:48 In the Amplified, the word is dwell.
12:51 Right.
12:52 You know what, I think of when I dwell,
12:53 I dwell in my house.
12:55 To dwell in Christ means to be at home with Him and in Him,
13:00 had to live in Him.
13:01 And that is the ticket in my opinion.
13:05 I mean, of being part of the vine,
13:08 being part of the Christian family,
13:10 it's to be at home with Christ.
13:12 And so that's living in Him
13:16 and doing everything I can to make it a peaceful home
13:20 and to make it a beautiful home
13:23 for Christ to live in, and me in Him.
13:25 So I got two takeaways.
13:26 One is bearing fruit, and then of course, abiding.
13:32 And also we read in Isaiah
13:34 how God's purpose for the people of Israel
13:36 was to bear fruits and even the restorer of Israel
13:39 is to bear fruit.
13:42 So there's two things God's trying to tell us.
13:43 One is we're to bear fruit
13:45 and but the most important thing
13:46 is how do we bear fruit.
13:48 And I think that's what we're going to develop here is
13:50 the abiding to bear fruit.
13:52 Sure.
13:53 And then I want to add to that.
13:55 You asked the scripture, which scripture pops out?
13:56 For me, it's verse 5.
13:58 Amen.
13:59 And then the reason why that is I believe is that,
14:00 you know, we live in a world today
14:02 where people have this gospel mentality of,
14:04 you know, Christ...
14:05 Could you read verse 5 again 'cause some people
14:07 may not have heard?
14:08 Okay, so verse 5, Jesus is speaking here,
14:09 He says, "I am the vine, you are the branches,
14:11 he who abides in Me and I in him bears much fruit
14:15 for without me you can do nothing."
14:18 And while all of that is so important,
14:20 the part that sticks out to me is that last part there,
14:22 "Without Me you can do nothing"
14:23 because again, there's a lot of people
14:24 that have this gospel mentality,
14:26 this approach that well Christ does part of it,
14:29 and I make up for the other part or,
14:31 you know, I work a little harder.
14:34 And what I can't do, Jesus kind of does the rest,
14:36 that's not how it works.
14:37 Jesus does it all. Jesus does that work.
14:39 He completes that work in me.
14:41 Now I don't want to,
14:43 you know, put down the fact
14:45 that we do have a responsibility to surrender.
14:47 Amen.
14:48 And that the do that we do is that we surrender,
14:50 the works that we do is that
14:51 we are in constant surrender to Him.
14:53 Can I make a little caveat
14:55 'cause I've always said that and now I changed that.
14:59 The do that we do is to dwell
15:02 to stay in relationship with Him,
15:04 to abide because I can't even surrender on my own.
15:09 Apart from Jesus, I can do nothing.
15:13 So to me what Jesus says is come to Me.
15:18 You know, I'm going to work in you
15:19 to will and to do your good pleasure.
15:21 Apart from me, you can do nothing.
15:26 But Philippians 4:13,
15:28 "With Him, we can do all things
15:31 through Him who strengthens us."
15:33 That's right.
15:35 So that to me is
15:38 it's changed the way I've thought
15:39 'cause I worked so hard on surrender all my life.
15:44 And I beat myself up when I felt like I wasn't.
15:48 And I love what Ellen G. White said.
15:52 There's one place where she said,
15:53 "Lord, take my heart, for I can't give it."
15:58 And when you think about that,
16:00 you know, I think we spend a whole lot of time
16:02 working on surrender when all God says
16:05 is John 17:3,
16:07 this is eternal life that you may know me
16:10 in an intimate way.
16:11 And the one, you know,
16:13 know God and the one whom He sent.
16:15 So that's to me...
16:18 This has helped me so much because what He asks of me,
16:22 He says, "Abide in my words, My word abide in you."
16:26 So all we have to do, spend time in prayer,
16:30 spend time in the word, God will then...
16:35 We love Him 'cause He first loved us.
16:37 And all of a sudden,
16:38 everything else starts happening.
16:40 That's right.
16:42 See, I think verse 9 is the one that...
16:43 I agree with everything you just all said.
16:46 And to me verse 9 wraps it all up
16:48 because it says,
16:49 "As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you.
16:53 Abide in My love."
16:56 When you love someone, you do abide in them,
17:00 you dwell in that love
17:03 and then you want to do all the rest of it,
17:04 you want to surrender,
17:06 you want to be a part of them,
17:07 you want to be one.
17:09 So to me, everything you said is absolutely right
17:12 but that's the one that ties it up.
17:15 If I will stay in that love relationship,
17:19 then I can put the rest of it together.
17:24 To me, the love comes first and then...
17:26 And you know what? Follow that through.
17:29 Go ahead and read the next verse as well,
17:32 verse 10.
17:33 "If you keep my commandments, you will abide in My love,
17:36 just as I have kept my Father's commandments
17:39 and abide in His love."
17:41 We've been discussing this
17:42 in our Sabbath school class talking about
17:45 and there's been other places I've been hearing it,
17:47 it's 10 commandments of freedom to me.
17:50 When you walk in God's commandments,
17:53 you have complete freedom.
17:55 And the Bible talks about running
17:58 and accomplishing things and being free.
18:00 When I walk in the commandments,
18:03 I have wide open spaces.
18:05 I can run, I am free to live my life to the fullest
18:10 and completely without binds.
18:12 When it is Satan who puts you in the box,
18:16 Satan is the one who,
18:19 when you step out of God's commandments,
18:22 His freedom,
18:23 it's when you get trapped and you can't enjoy life,
18:27 you can't do anything.
18:28 He binds you up in one way or another.
18:30 And I don't care if it's because you're a workaholic
18:32 or a drug addict,
18:33 it doesn't make any difference which way you go.
18:36 Satan is going to bind you in something,
18:39 and it doesn't have to be illegal.
18:41 You may not even know that you're bound up
18:44 but you're bound up in something
18:46 unless you're walking
18:47 in the freedom of God's commandments
18:48 that gives you the no horizon whatsoever,
18:51 it's forever.
18:53 Amen and Amen.
18:54 Let's look at 1 John 4
18:58 because we're talking about abiding.
19:01 And, you know, to me the book of 1 John,
19:05 and I know I didn't put this in the notes here.
19:07 But 1 John is
19:12 one of the best books
19:13 if you want to learn how to abide,
19:16 just read 1 John.
19:17 So 1 John 4.
19:21 And, JD, why don't you take verse 12.
19:28 1 John 4:12.
19:31 "No one has seen God at any time.
19:34 And if we do not love one another..."
19:36 If we love one another.
19:37 "If we love one another, God abides in us,
19:40 and His love has been perfected in us."
19:43 Okay. Amen.
19:44 So when you think about this,
19:48 when He says, if we love one another,
19:52 God's in us because God is love, right?
19:56 So that's one of the abiding things is,
19:59 and we're going to get to that.
20:00 But, Tim, why don't you take verse 13.
20:03 Yeah.
20:05 "By this we come to know,
20:06 perceive, recognize, and understand
20:08 that we abide in Him and He in us,
20:12 because He has given imparted to us
20:14 of His Holy Spirit."
20:16 Okay.
20:17 So in other words, to come to God
20:19 as John 1:12 said that,
20:21 you know, where Jesus said, as many as received Him,
20:25 He gave him the right to become the children.
20:28 So you have to accept Christ as your Savior,
20:30 obviously, and your Lord.
20:32 You know, so often we talk about
20:34 accepting Christ as Savior.
20:36 And people forget He's supposed to be our Lord,
20:39 as well that we walk.
20:41 But once we've made that commitment,
20:45 what's the next thing to know we're abiding in Him?
20:49 Holy Spirit.
20:50 And what does Romans 5:5 say?
20:53 That He pours out His love in us
20:57 by the power of the Holy Spirit.
20:58 Yeah.
21:00 I love what you're going with this
21:01 because when we were in John 15,
21:02 that's kind of where we started
21:04 and then we got into this how do we abide,
21:06 what does it mean to abide, John 14, 15,
21:08 we quote that verse off.
21:10 Oh yeah.
21:11 "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
21:13 But then one must ask,
21:15 "Lord, how can I have the strength?
21:17 How can I have the ability in and of myself,
21:19 I can't keep the commandments in and of myself,
21:21 I can't muster up the fortitude
21:23 or the strength or the ability to do so."
21:24 But Jesus answers the question in the very following verse.
21:28 Notice the following verses there,
21:29 John 14:16.
21:32 So we just read in verse 15,
21:34 "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
21:35 Notice verse 16, His response to that,
21:38 "And I will pray the Father,
21:39 and He will give you another Helper,
21:41 that He may abide..."
21:43 Notice, there it is.
21:44 "That He may abide with you forever,
21:46 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive,
21:48 because it neither sees Him nor knows Him,
21:50 but you know Him, for He dwells with you
21:52 and will be with you."
21:54 So that's amazing that God says,
21:56 "You know what, if you love Me, keep My commandments."
21:58 But how can I?
21:59 He says, I'm going to pray for you,
22:00 I'm going to send you a comforter.
22:02 It's by the power of the Holy Spirit
22:03 that that abiding love can dwell within you.
22:05 I love that. I love that.
22:07 Okay, so now, let's continue in 1 John 4.
22:12 And we'll look at verse 14.
22:17 John says, "We've seen and testify
22:19 that the Father has sent
22:21 the Son as Savior of the world."
22:23 Verse 15, "Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God,
22:29 God abides in him, and he in God."
22:33 So I think part of our...
22:38 We talk about being professing to be Christians,
22:41 there are people who say they're Christian,
22:43 they're not.
22:45 I mean, you know,
22:46 maybe they are a member of a certain church,
22:48 but that doesn't make you a Christian.
22:50 And sometimes, I'll hear people say,
22:53 "Well, I'm a fourth generation Seventh-day Adventist."
22:57 And I'll say,
22:59 "Well, are you a fourth generation
23:00 Seventh-day Adventist Christian?"
23:02 Because just because you have a heritage and a culture
23:07 within any denomination doesn't make you a Christian,
23:10 it's only when you've got that abiding.
23:14 But I think that when we confess
23:18 with our mouth that Christ is Lord,
23:22 and the scripture says, you know,
23:24 you believe in your heart,
23:25 confess with your mouth and you're saved,
23:28 because if we really understand
23:31 that Jesus is God,
23:35 I mean, God came down
23:36 and the person of Jesus Christ died for us.
23:40 I think that you can't help but abide in Him.
23:43 So what does verse 16 say, Gary?
23:46 Oh yes.
23:49 This is from Good News Translation.
23:50 "And we ourselves know and believe
23:52 the love which God has for us.
23:55 God is love,
23:56 and those who live in love live in union with God
24:00 and God lives in union with them."
24:02 Yeah, and in a way New King James says
24:05 "He who abides in love abides in God,
24:08 and God in him."
24:10 So there's another word for abide.
24:12 It's that heart to heart connection
24:15 with the Lord, right?
24:17 Absolutely.
24:18 Now let's look at,
24:20 to go with what you were talking about,
24:22 how about 1 John 3:24.
24:26 And I'll let you take that one, Ryan, since you brought up...
24:30 1 John 3:24, says
24:34 "Now he who keeps His commandments abides in him,
24:39 and He in him.
24:40 And by this we know that He abides in us,
24:43 by the Spirit whom He has given us."
24:46 So the question is,
24:48 can we say we are abiding in Christ
24:52 if we're not following God's commandments?
24:56 Can I read this?
24:58 Yes, please do. I have the Amplified.
25:00 "All who keep His commandments,
25:01 who obey His orders and follow His plan,
25:04 live and continue to live, to stay and abide in Him,
25:09 and He in them.
25:10 They let Christ be a home to them,
25:13 and they are the home of Christ."
25:14 Amen.
25:15 I remember, I've got to get my Amplified back out.
25:18 I love this.
25:20 Isn't that beautiful? Yes.
25:22 So the question is
25:24 can we say that we are abiding in Christ
25:28 if we are not walking in His commandments?
25:30 Absolutely not. All right.
25:32 And one of His commandments was John 15:12,
25:35 He said this commandment
25:37 that I've given you that you love one another.
25:39 So, honey, why don't you read 1 John 2:24.
25:45 1 John 2:24.
25:47 Let's see here, 1 John 2:24.
25:53 "Therefore let that abide in you
25:55 what you heard from the beginning.
25:57 If what you heard from the beginning abides in you,
26:01 you also will abide in the Son and in the Father."
26:04 So what's He talking about here?
26:08 I mean, isn't it basically,
26:11 that we continue to believe in the gospel?
26:14 What did they hear from the beginning?
26:16 Righteousness by faith, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
26:18 Sure.
26:20 So as long as we stay in that, we will abide in Him.
26:25 As soon as we think we can earn our way to heaven.
26:28 See, we don't earn salvation through obedience, do we?
26:32 Absolutely not. No. But...
26:34 If you're not abiding in the Lord,
26:36 if you're not abiding in Him and have this relationship,
26:39 you're simply following your own religion.
26:42 Absolutely.
26:44 You're deciding what religion is
26:46 and you're defining God in your small mind
26:52 and following your own religion,
26:54 you're not abiding or living in Christ religion.
26:58 Amen.
26:59 And God's promise is if we're abiding in Him,
27:01 He's gonna give us the gift of the Holy Spirit.
27:04 And the Holy Spirit is the one that affects in our life
27:06 the ability to overcome sin.
27:09 Ellen White says in chapter 73 of Desire of Ages,
27:13 "Sin could be resisted and overcome
27:15 only through the mighty agency
27:16 of the Third Person of the God head,
27:18 who would come with no modified energy,
27:19 but in the fullness of the divine power.
27:22 It is the spirit that makes effective
27:24 what was wrought out by the world's Redeemer."
27:27 So what Jesus did by dying on the cross
27:29 is wrought out in our life
27:30 through the power of the Holy Spirit
27:32 as we abide in Him.
27:33 So when it says, you know,
27:35 if we abide in Him, we keep the commandments,
27:36 again, we're not the ones that are trying to do,
27:39 you know, keep the Sabbath holy on our own power,
27:43 or love our neighbor on our own power,
27:45 it's because we have a love of God
27:46 through His Spirit who is working it out in us.
27:48 Absolutely. That's true.
27:50 You know, I always... Amen.
27:51 I said this once
27:52 and I had somebody get really upset with me.
27:57 Mark 12:30, the greatest commandment is
27:59 "Love the Lord your God
28:00 with all your heart, soul, mind and strength."
28:02 And I said, "I can't do it."
28:05 I can't do that on my own.
28:07 Right.
28:08 The only way I can do it is when...
28:10 Or love my neighbor as myself,
28:12 the only way I can do that is if God is working in me,
28:15 if He's poured His love.
28:16 And somebody said, "Well, I love God."
28:19 I don't know why you said that, that makes you sound.
28:21 And I said, "Do you love Him with all of your strength?"
28:26 I mean, you know, you can say,
28:27 "Oh, I love you with all of my heart.
28:29 Excuse me, Lord, I'm so busy over here."
28:31 If we really love God the way we're supposed to love God,
28:35 the only way we can do that
28:37 when He pours His love into our heart, isn't it?
28:41 All right, let's go back for just one second
28:42 'cause I want to ask this question in John 15.
28:47 What does Jesus mean
28:51 when He says...
28:54 Where is it?
28:59 Now if I can find it, what does He talk about...
29:01 Oh, here, verse 3.
29:03 "You are already clean
29:05 because of the word which I've spoken to you."
29:08 What does He mean?
29:11 You've already chosen to be a Christian,
29:13 He's talking about...
29:16 If He's talking to the disciples,
29:18 He's walking along with them.
29:20 They've already chosen to be Christians,
29:21 they've already chosen Him,
29:22 they've already chosen their life.
29:24 So you're clean because of the word.
29:26 That's what you've chosen.
29:27 But then what comes after what you've chosen?
29:31 Yeah, you know, I think of John 17:17
29:33 where He said, "Sanctify them by your truth.
29:35 Your word is truth."
29:36 That's that prayer.
29:38 In Ephesians 5:25,
29:41 Paul talks about the washing
29:43 of water by the word, you know,
29:45 that Jesus gave Himself up for His church.
29:51 And He talks about
29:52 how He sanctified her and cleansed her
29:56 with the washing of the water by the word.
30:00 You know, when you think about it,
30:03 the word...
30:04 I kind of want to mix a metaphor here.
30:08 We usually think of water
30:10 as the living water, the Holy Spirit.
30:13 But the word is also
30:15 the washing of water by the word,
30:18 I think of kind of like the word is like the soap
30:24 and the Holy Spirit is like
30:28 washing the water with that.
30:31 So He says right here in verse 7,
30:36 "If you abide in Me,
30:39 and My words abide in you,
30:43 ask what you desire, it shall be done for you."
30:47 So there is something, isn't there,
30:50 that as far as our part of staying in relationship,
30:54 if we don't stay in the word of God,
30:57 let God's word do a work in us.
30:59 Sure. Absolutely.
31:01 You know, I think of the scripture,
31:03 I believe it's over in the Book of Hebrews,
31:04 it talks about the word of God
31:06 being sharper than any two-edged sword.
31:09 And so, you know,
31:10 we're talking about on the same theme here,
31:13 you know, we're talking about the vinedresser,
31:16 who would be the Father,
31:17 He's going to do the cutting, and the pruning.
31:19 And the word in the original Greek
31:21 here is to clean,
31:24 to basically purge that person from sin.
31:27 That's basically what the pruning process is,
31:29 but what is it that does the cleaning,
31:31 what is it that does the cutting,
31:32 obviously that two-edged sword, the Word of God,
31:34 in this case is of course that tool
31:38 that is being used to cleanse us
31:40 or to purge us from our sin,
31:43 hopefully to that we may reach a state
31:45 in which we are bearing much fruit
31:47 according to this particular passage.
31:50 Okay, so let's get
31:51 into the difficult part of this passage.
31:52 We want to come back in just a minute
31:54 with another thought.
31:56 But verse 6,
31:57 "If anyone does not abide in Me,
32:01 he is cast out as a branch and is withered,
32:06 and they gather them and throw them into the fire,
32:09 and they are burned."
32:11 It's not enough just to choose to be a Christian,
32:14 being a Christian is a relationship,
32:17 it's a growth.
32:19 And so you can choose to be a Christian
32:22 and you can...
32:23 You can become a branch in the Lord
32:28 but if you do not allow Him
32:31 to dress you, groom you, grow with you,
32:34 you're going to die.
32:37 Nothing just sits there doing nothing,
32:40 you're growing or you're dying.
32:42 So once you become...
32:46 If you're not able to let Him prune you, and groom you,
32:50 and dress you to bear fruit,
32:53 you're going to wither up and die.
32:55 You're growing backwards out of Christ, you're not...
32:59 So you're saying we can't just make a casual confession,
33:02 a onetime saying like,
33:04 "I accept Christ as my Savior."
33:06 No.
33:07 And then not abide in Him or we just become a dead branch
33:10 that the vinedressers going to cut off, right?
33:12 Well, if you go back to where we started,
33:15 the setting is the 12 disciples,
33:17 you have 11 that are surrendering to Christ,
33:21 they're allowing Him to lead in their lives
33:23 and you have Judas on the other hand
33:24 who's with Christ every day,
33:27 just as the other ones are,
33:28 professing some of the same things
33:30 that they are.
33:31 But what's the difference?
33:33 Why is he then rejected and the others are not?
33:38 That's a powerful point
33:39 because when you look at the gospels across the board
33:42 and compare it to John,
33:44 when they're sitting around that table,
33:45 and Jesus makes the announcement,
33:48 "One of you is going to betray me."
33:51 The other gospels say that the disciples say
33:53 to one another, "Is it I?
33:54 Is it I? Is it I?"
33:56 Now that's a powerful point
33:58 because when you consider Judas,
33:59 and I'm glad you went there,
34:01 there was nothing manifestly obvious in his life,
34:05 and in his character, and behavior
34:09 that distinguished him as a false disciple.
34:12 Otherwise, they would not have all been sitting
34:14 around the table saying "Is it me?
34:15 Is it me? Is it you?"
34:16 You know, they all seem to be confused.
34:18 But yet there's one among them that,
34:20 as you said, is with Jesus.
34:21 And so my question kind of along the same theme is
34:24 is it possible to be with Jesus but not be in Jesus?
34:29 Amen. That's good. You know, is it possible?
34:31 And that's the thing I think
34:32 that the bulk of what Christ is saying here
34:34 is that, you know, there are a lot of branches
34:36 and they grow from that vine, but, you know,
34:38 some of them don't bear the fruit.
34:40 And in this case,
34:41 Judas was that bad branch that, of course,
34:44 ultimately was cut away or removed.
34:47 So Jesus was actually warning them
34:49 that they needed to abide in Him
34:51 and the Holy Spirit so that they could bear fruit
34:53 otherwise they were gonna be removed.
34:55 And it's interesting that the spirit aspect here,
34:58 the 12 disciples,
34:59 although we know that they were going to
35:01 basically betray Jesus in their own way
35:03 and kind of run and scatter.
35:05 But it's interesting that Judas had come to a point
35:07 instead of being surrendered to that Holy Spirit
35:09 that gives us the power to abide.
35:11 Bible says that the spirit of Satan entered him.
35:14 So when we come to a point in our life
35:15 where we're not completely surrendered,
35:17 where the Holy Spirit that we've created
35:19 that spiritual callus on our ears
35:21 where we're just completely,
35:23 you know, rejecting the Spirit of God,
35:25 then that brings us that much closer
35:28 to the reality and the possibility
35:30 to be led by the wrong spirit.
35:32 Absolutely.
35:33 And, you know, it's the same thing
35:35 when we try to save ourselves, you know,
35:37 people who begin to feel like
35:39 when you're talking about being with Jesus,
35:42 you can be going to church,
35:44 you can be mustering up all the strength you can to try
35:48 to obey His commandments.
35:51 And if you're doing this out of a prideful,
35:55 I mean, like, you think, "Oh, I'm holier than now"
35:59 type thing and beating on your chest,
36:04 you may be in the vicinity of Jesus
36:07 but you're not in Jesus.
36:09 Sure.
36:10 Because if you're in the vine, you know...
36:13 Here's something that Lord gave me a long time ago,
36:16 and it sounds sophomoreish but I still like it.
36:20 Why is when a branch is in living union with the vine,
36:24 what is it getting from the vine?
36:27 Sap. Nourishment.
36:28 Yes, sap.
36:29 I think of sap as the spirits' anointing power.
36:35 So it's as Jesus, the vine,
36:38 the Holy Spirit comes to us through Him,
36:41 that's what keeps us alive.
36:43 And if we are trying to do this in our own strength,
36:49 what do you say
36:50 apart from me you can do nothing.
36:53 If you're feeding yourself
36:54 and if you're not bound into the vine
36:58 and allow the sap to feed you from Jesus,
37:02 from the Holy Spirit and you're feeding yourself,
37:06 you're gonna die of starvation.
37:10 Practical application,
37:11 this week I was speaking. to someone
37:12 who is a Sunday school teacher of high school students.
37:16 And he was complaining how it's really hard
37:18 to get the children to appreciate and pay attention
37:22 if the parents are only going to church for church service.
37:27 He was saying they should be there
37:28 for the Sunday school,
37:29 in which we believe in, Sabbath school.
37:32 But I said,
37:33 "You know, you should take it even a step further."
37:35 If you eat once a week,
37:37 you're going to starve
37:39 so really the problem is not the parents
37:41 bringing the kids just to church,
37:43 it's the parents not having that relationship,
37:46 that family worship and that time
37:48 throughout the week, day by day.
37:49 And I talk to my kids all the time about
37:52 "You may be coming to church
37:54 because your parents are bringing you."
37:55 Who are your kids?
37:56 Oh, I'm sorry, the youth group.
37:58 I'm a Sabbath school teacher of 13-17.
38:01 Have mercy. Bless you.
38:03 I think they need somebody younger.
38:05 But I explained to them constantly,
38:08 "You are young adults now.
38:11 You may be brought to church
38:14 but you have to start making your decision right now,
38:18 are you a Christian or aren't you."
38:20 And we talk about
38:22 "Your parents may be Christians or maybe they're not.
38:25 I don't know what they're doing in your home,
38:27 but you're going to have to start
38:28 making your own decisions right now,
38:30 if you're going to abide in Him,
38:32 if you're going to be committed
38:35 and not just attend church."
38:38 You know, before we move on from this point, just part,
38:42 just stuck out to me just then
38:43 as we were kind of talking on this point.
38:45 Notice how Jesus start this passage in John 15:1
38:48 with I am the true vine.
38:50 Notice how He doesn't say "I'm just the vine.
38:52 I'm the true vine."
38:54 So what is the opposite of the true vine?
38:58 Sour grapes.
38:59 So the point is that you have a choice to make,
39:02 you're going to be connected to one vine or another.
39:04 You want to be connected to the true vine.
39:06 And what came to my mind is,
39:08 you know, it's interesting, this is John 15,
39:10 so the equivalent timeframe
39:12 or passage of this over one of the other gospels
39:14 would be Matthew,
39:16 and from Matthews perspective,
39:17 from Matthew 21, 22, 23,
39:19 Jesus spends those three chapters
39:21 in the last week of His life,
39:23 really unfolding and really ministering
39:26 to the Pharisees and to Israel because He's reaching the end.
39:30 He knows He's about to be crucified,
39:32 He knows they're going to deliver Him up,
39:33 and so He delivers His final appeal
39:36 and His final rebuke to Israel.
39:38 And if you remember Matthew 21,
39:40 notice this, Matthew 21, this is verses 18-19.
39:43 Jesus, "Now in the morning,
39:45 as He returned to the city, He was hungry.
39:48 And seeing the fig tree by the road,
39:49 He came to it
39:51 and found nothing on it but leaves,
39:53 and said to it,
39:55 'Let no fruit grow on you ever again.'
39:56 And immediately the fig tree withered away."
39:58 You know, that was a symbol of Israel,
40:00 they had rejected Him,
40:02 rejected Him, rejected Him, rejected Him,
40:03 but yet the people in Israel, the majority,
40:06 I mean, this was Holy Jerusalem,
40:08 this was God's chosen people.
40:10 The majority felt and thought
40:13 that the leadership of Israel, the pharisaical,
40:16 you know, teachers of Israel,
40:17 they had the truth, they were the truth,
40:19 they communicated that.
40:21 And it's interesting that Jesus would say to them,
40:24 and it's kind of on the same point,
40:25 you know, one vine or the other,
40:26 you can be convinced that you're in Christ
40:28 but yet connected not to the true vine
40:31 but to the wrong vine.
40:32 And Jesus says this in Matthew 23.
40:35 He says, "Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites."
40:38 And He's a leader, He's a spiritual leader,
40:40 "For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish,
40:42 but inside they are full of extortion
40:45 and self-indulgence.
40:46 Blind Pharisee,
40:47 first cleanse the inside of the cup and the dish,
40:50 that the outside of them may be clean also."
40:52 And He says, "Woe to you scribes
40:54 and Pharisees, hypocrites,
40:55 for you are like whitewashed tombs
40:57 which indeed appear beautiful outwardly,
41:00 but inside are full of dead men's bones
41:03 and all uncleanness."
41:04 And I think, you know,
41:06 many of us have probably experienced this,
41:08 where we appear to be Christian on the outside,
41:11 we put on the mask,
41:12 we put on the facade, but inside we're dying
41:15 because we're not connected to the true vine,
41:18 and I think that's really what sticks out to me in this.
41:20 So here's the point.
41:21 I want to kick this off to JD here
41:23 because the fig tree He saw put on a good show.
41:29 Had lots of leaves, showy, bushy,
41:35 but you get up close and there was no fruit.
41:37 So a lot of times when people are reading this,
41:42 that you will bear much fruit,
41:44 a lot of times people just immediately go
41:47 to soul winning,
41:48 that if you're not out soul winning,
41:49 you're not bearing fruit for the Lord.
41:51 But I think He is talking
41:55 as much about our character
42:00 as He is about the works we do
42:03 because if we don't have
42:06 the fruit of the spirit, the character,
42:08 what works can we...
42:10 I mean, we'll be like those who are saying
42:12 "Oh, Lord, did I not cast out demons in your name?
42:14 Did I not do this in your name?"
42:16 And He's gonna say,
42:17 "Go away from me, I never knew you."
42:19 So, JD, take us through some of the kinds of fruits.
42:22 So obviously, we've got to ask,
42:24 we're talking about bearing fruit
42:26 and nonbearing fruit.
42:27 So when we're talking about bearing fruit,
42:30 what kind of a fruit are we talking about?
42:33 And you'll notice that I used the word fruit
42:35 and not past or multiple fruits,
42:38 we're talking about fruit.
42:40 We'll go to Galatians 5:22-23.
42:47 "But the fruit of the Spirit," fruit of the Holy Spirit,
42:51 "Is love, joy, peace,
42:54 longsuffering, kindness,
42:57 goodness, faithfulness,
42:59 gentleness, self-control."
43:02 Nine qualities there.
43:04 Wonderful.
43:05 And we would assume
43:07 that as we give the Holy Spirit permission
43:11 to work in us,
43:13 that they naturally develop,
43:15 and then we can be known as a Christian.
43:19 Now what's interesting is you go back to verse 19,
43:24 and it shows you what is not of the Holy Spirit.
43:30 And it talks about past tense,
43:32 it talks about works versus fruit.
43:37 And obviously,
43:41 we can tie all this in with bearing fruit
43:46 through the aid of the Holy Spirit.
43:48 One of the words
43:49 that we probably need to bring in here,
43:51 one of the situations we need to bring in here,
43:54 so that we will be able to maintain this level path
43:57 of having the fruit of the Spirit is chastening.
44:02 Chastening.
44:03 Which is purging, which is cleansing.
44:05 That's right.
44:07 Which is testing, which is trials
44:10 that we all have to go through
44:12 in order for us to walk on this level path.
44:15 So they're...
44:17 A lot of times, "Well, I'm going through this,
44:19 I'm going through this, so the Lord must not love me."
44:22 But just the opposite is true.
44:24 That's right.
44:27 What did James say? Count it all joy?
44:29 Yeah. Amen.
44:30 When you fall into various trials
44:31 for the testing of your faith.
44:33 Yeah, the testing of the faith.
44:34 I think it's God sees our potential
44:35 and He is polishing our potential.
44:37 You know, when you look at the fruit,
44:39 and I'm glad that you pointed that out.
44:41 It's not fruits, plural,
44:44 this is the fruit of.
44:48 It's interesting
44:49 'cause when you think of love, joy and peace,
44:52 that's what you experience when the Holy Spirit's in you,
44:55 He pours His love into your heart.
44:57 The joy of the Lord is your strength.
45:00 And as you're keeping your eyes focused on Him, you know,
45:03 the author and finisher of your faith,
45:05 He gives you that perfect peace.
45:08 So that's an inward experience.
45:11 Then when you think about
45:12 longsuffering kindness and goodness,
45:15 that's what we express to one another.
45:18 You know, I learned to be patient,
45:20 learned to be kind, learned to be,
45:24 you know, good to people.
45:26 Be, not just act, I want to be,
45:30 I want to be kind,
45:32 it's who I really am not just practicing.
45:36 You see, I can't even do that without the Holy Spirit.
45:38 The Holy Spirit gives me those internal qualities.
45:42 He gives me the ability to react in love.
45:48 But then when you think about
45:49 faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control,
45:54 gentleness actually is another word for humility.
45:58 So faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control
46:03 is how I exercise
46:06 that when the fruit of the spirit's
46:08 developing in me,
46:09 that's my attitude toward God.
46:11 I'm faithful, I'm humble
46:14 and...
46:16 I had a teacher
46:18 in Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism.
46:20 He suggested, he said,
46:21 I think there's a punctuation mistake here.
46:24 He said, notice, how it says the fruit
46:26 as we brought out singular of the spirit is,
46:30 he said love and instead of a comma there
46:32 he said there should be a colon
46:34 because everything after that, you know, the joy, the peace,
46:36 the longsuffering, kindness, goodness,
46:38 it's all a response 'cause of the love.
46:41 The fruit of the spirit is love.
46:43 That's good. All right.
46:44 And then, I like that
46:46 because what identifies as a fruit,
46:48 it has a seed in it, right?
46:50 That's kind of what a fruit is. It has a seed in it.
46:52 And the love of God is planted in our hearts,
46:56 the seed and it grows up
46:58 and so when we think of bearing fruit,
47:00 it's not just about going out door to door,
47:02 but it's living our lives showing that love
47:05 and planting that seed in the others.
47:07 I mean, I spent a lot of time killing weeds in my yard
47:10 as much as I do growing good grass.
47:14 He knows that.
47:15 And I think it's because grass that we're trying
47:17 to put in the environment is not natural all the time.
47:20 The weeds are what's natural
47:21 and so God puts these seeds in us
47:24 that are not natural
47:25 to our sinful carnal environment.
47:27 That's good.
47:29 And they need to grow,
47:30 but then it's not just about just putting the seed,
47:32 it has to be nurtured,
47:33 that's what the Holy Spirit does.
47:35 And develop these fruits in us as they grow
47:37 so that other people can develop
47:38 and have that seed planted in them.
47:40 The fruit is showing in our daily lives.
47:43 It's how you treat the lady at the grocery store...
47:46 Absolutely. That is fruit.
47:48 It's not just winning a soul, but you can influence somebody.
47:53 Did you improve their day or did you not?
47:56 Jesus improved every life He ever touched
47:59 on a continual basis.
48:01 And so that is the fruit of our spirit to me.
48:03 And sometimes he preached. Amen.
48:05 That's true.
48:08 Okay, we want to get to something.
48:11 We might come back
48:12 to some more fruit here in a minute.
48:14 But Gary did such an interesting study
48:17 that he was sharing with this.
48:20 Tim, why don't you read Romans 11,
48:24 and let's just talk about...
48:28 Let's just do verse 17 right now.
48:31 I'm sorry, Romans 11?
48:32 Romans 11:17
48:34 'cause we're talking about Jesus is the vine.
48:39 We are the branches
48:40 but we weren't natural branches,
48:42 Israel was, right?
48:44 So Romans 11:17.
48:48 "But if some of the branches were broken off,
48:50 while you, a wild olive shoot,
48:53 were grafted in among them
48:54 to share the richness of the root
48:56 and sap of the olive tree..."
48:58 Go ahead and read 18.
49:01 "Do not boast over the branches
49:02 and pride yourself at their expense.
49:05 If you do boast and feel superior,
49:07 remember, it is not you that support the root,
49:11 but the root that supports you."
49:13 All right.
49:14 So Jesus is the vine, we are the branches.
49:17 And when you look at Romans 11,
49:19 He's talking about
49:20 the natural branches were Israel.
49:23 They were unfruitful.
49:25 So the vines men came along, the vinedresser came along,
49:30 God, and He gave them,
49:32 I mean, He had tried everything with Him,
49:34 we read in Isaiah 5, He's saying,
49:38 "What more could I have done, you know, I've dug around you,
49:41 I've done this, I've done that."
49:43 And so He did everything He could
49:46 to make them fruitful,
49:48 to make them have the character that He possessed
49:53 and to share His knowledge with the world.
49:58 But now they'd been broken off,
50:02 and we gentiles have been crafted in.
50:08 So tell us, Gary,
50:11 about your study that you did on grafting.
50:15 Well, I'm horticulturist
50:17 by any stretch of the imagination.
50:19 But I like to look at outside sources
50:21 when we're doing research and stuff.
50:22 And so I actually found a very good article
50:25 about grafting in Wikipedia.
50:27 And I was struck as I was reading it,
50:30 why God actually used the illustration of grafting
50:32 because there are some very interesting parables
50:36 into what actually happens in the process
50:38 as to what God does in our life.
50:40 Right.
50:41 And the very first thing is though
50:43 in order for it to be successful,
50:46 there has to be a joining of vascular tissue.
50:49 And we kind of talked about that,
50:50 you know, how it's the heart to heart.
50:52 In order for us to be really grafted in with Christ,
50:54 it has to be a heart to heart connection.
50:56 His life has to join with ours
50:59 and ours with His and become His.
51:03 Just a couple things here real quick.
51:11 The shedding of blood.
51:12 So in order to do a graft, you actually have to cut,
51:16 you have to make a cut in the root
51:18 and then you have to make it into what you're grafting
51:22 and both have to be cut.
51:24 Jesus was wounded for our transgressions.
51:28 And He shed His blood for us.
51:31 In Hebrews 9:22, it says without shedding blood,
51:33 there's no remission of sin.
51:34 So He was cut in order to receive us into Him.
51:38 And we in turn are cut
51:40 by the skillful cutting of the gardener.
51:45 And the knife He used
51:46 is not just any old dull rusty knife,
51:50 it's a very precise instrument
51:52 and He has very precise techniques.
51:54 And if you look at Hebrews like we talked about Hebrews 4:12,
51:56 "It's the word of God
51:58 that cuts away the sin in our lives."
52:00 Then finally, once the graft has been formed,
52:03 then it has to be sealed.
52:05 It has to be wrapped and protected
52:07 from the environment.
52:08 And God gives us the Holy Spirit.
52:10 In Ephesians 1:3,
52:11 He seals us with the Holy Spirit of promise.
52:13 That's right.
52:14 And then finally,
52:16 God doesn't leave us just there,
52:18 He binds us with our environment,
52:20 and that's the fellow Christians.
52:22 That's why it's so important for us to go to church
52:24 and spend time with fellow believers
52:26 because it helps in that whole grafting process
52:29 into the body of Christ,
52:31 that Christ wants us to be.
52:33 Wow! Powerful.
52:34 I noticed in verse 19 though
52:36 when you were talking about that we were grafted in,
52:39 it says in 19, it says
52:40 "Branches were broken off that I might be grafted in."
52:44 In other words,
52:45 the dead branches have to be removed
52:48 or broken off or taken away so there's room for us
52:51 to be grafted in, is that right?
52:53 Even on trees and...
52:55 I would say, yeah. Definitely.
52:57 There's a lot of things that will compete
52:59 with that graft that have to be cut away.
53:03 Otherwise, it will compete for the nutrients and stuff
53:06 even though, and it won't bear fruit.
53:08 So it's basic competition for resources
53:11 but they had to be cut away
53:12 'cause they're not gonna bear the fruit
53:14 that you're desiring.
53:15 And I think that's true in the Christian churches
53:17 where those had to be cut out.
53:18 Even after we're grafted in
53:19 then we still get pruned and cared for
53:24 because those little suckers on tomatoes will,
53:29 like you just said,
53:30 they'll take the nutrients away.
53:33 So I know when I'm taking care,
53:36 if I get that little sucker when it's really young and new,
53:40 I can break it off quite easily.
53:42 And it's not quite as painful to the plant or me.
53:45 But if it gets a little bigger,
53:47 I might have to take a knife to cut it away.
53:49 So it's a matter of allowing the Lord
53:53 to prune us the easiest hand we allow.
53:58 Well, let's look real quick at the rest of Romans 11
54:01 since you brought that scripture in.
54:04 Verse 20 says...
54:07 Well, He says,
54:09 "You say then branches were broken off
54:10 that I might be grafted in."
54:12 But He's saying, "Don't boast."
54:14 Verse 20, "Well said.
54:15 Because of unbelief, they were broken off.
54:19 You stand by faith, do not be haughty, but fear,
54:22 for if God did not spared the natural branches,
54:26 He may not spare you, either.
54:28 Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God,
54:32 on those who fell, severity,
54:35 but toward you, goodness,
54:36 if you continue in His goodness.
54:40 Otherwise you also will be cut off."
54:44 So, you know, this is something that...
54:49 I think it's so important this fruit bearing...
54:52 Right.
54:54 If we don't see ourselves
54:56 developing the character of Christ,
55:00 and we don't do the development,
55:02 He does, right?
55:04 He's working in us to will and to do,
55:06 but if we don't seek to stay in relationship with Him
55:11 through the word and through prayer,
55:15 then we're gonna find ourselves dead branches
55:20 that He's gonna have to cut off.
55:22 You know, as we were reading this passage,
55:24 Romans 11:19 and 20,
55:27 where the one that stuck out to me.
55:29 And the response He says from verse 19,
55:32 "Branches were broken off that they might be grafted in
55:34 or that I might be grafted in.
55:35 Well said.
55:37 Because of unbelief, they were broken off."
55:38 This is talking about Israel.
55:40 If you go back and look at the context,
55:41 this passage is talking about Israel's rejection.
55:44 And it's interesting that, you know, we are no different,
55:46 we are spiritual Israel, we are no different
55:49 than literal Israel in the sense that,
55:51 you know, we can be cut off because of our unbelief.
55:54 Now some people,
55:55 they take that word unbelief so literal to the point of,
55:58 "Oh, you know, as long as I just continue
55:59 to believe mentally that there's a God
56:02 and that He died for me on the cross, that I'm good.
56:04 But yet, you know,
56:05 sometimes we can express our unbelief
56:07 by not being obedient to the Word.
56:10 Paul says very clearly that, you know,
56:12 He's given us grace for obedience.
56:15 Romans 12:1 and 2 that we often read
56:18 is actually Paul's response to these verses in Romans 11,
56:22 where he says, "I beseech you therefore,
56:23 brethren, by the mercies of God,
56:25 that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
56:27 holy, acceptable to God,
56:29 which is no reasonable service
56:30 and do not be conformed to this world,
56:31 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind
56:34 that you may prove that which is good,
56:36 acceptable and perfect will of God."
56:37 Okay.
56:39 So it all comes down to this.
56:41 Believing in Jesus
56:44 is to be living in Jesus.
56:47 Amen.
56:49 It's abiding in the vine.
56:52 It's that heart to heart connection
56:55 that we all need.
56:56 And we just...
56:57 Our time's already gone, I can't believe it.
57:01 I want to thank each one of you for being here.
57:03 And I feel like
57:04 we're leaving you on a cliffhanger.
57:06 But you can go and study this word.
57:10 And remember Jesus said,
57:11 "Apart from me, you can do nothing."
57:14 So can we surrender by ourselves?
57:16 Not without His power.
57:18 But His grace is sufficient.
57:21 His power is made perfect in our weakness
57:24 when we just come to Him and say,
57:27 "Lord, You're the husbandry,
57:29 nurture me, prune me, take care of me."
57:34 God bless.
57:35 Amen.


Revised 2019-09-10