Series Code: TDYFW
Program Code: TDYFW190022A
00:02 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people 00:12 I want to spend my life 00:19 Removing pain 00:24 Lord, let my words 00:30 Heal a heart that hurts 00:34 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:46 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:09 Hello and welcome to Family Worship. 01:11 Thank you for joining us. 01:13 My name is John Dinzey, 01:15 and it's a pleasure for me to be with you, 01:16 and also to be able to tell you happy Sabbath. 01:20 Thank you for joining us. 01:22 We hope that you are blessed during this hour. 01:24 And I would like to present to you 01:26 the family members that are here. 01:28 So I like to start at the other end. 01:31 And we have Jonathan Babb, welcome to Family Worship. 01:33 Thank you. 01:35 It's always pleasure to be here. 01:36 Thank you so much. 01:37 And next to you is Sister Janelle. 01:39 Hello. Owen, thank you for coming. 01:41 Thank you. Thank you for inviting us. 01:44 Ah, yes. 01:45 And she said us 01:46 because she's talking about her husband, Donald Owen. 01:49 Now, I have to remain silent, she just covered it all. 01:51 So... 01:53 Thank you so much. Thank you. 01:55 And we are glad that you are here 01:58 also to join us from all over the world. 02:01 We just praise the Lord that we can come together 02:04 to close off the Sabbath. 02:05 We're gonna talk a little bit about the Sabbath in a moment. 02:08 And then we're gonna talk about something very, very special. 02:11 And that is Psalm 23. 02:14 People know, or have memorized Psalm 23. 02:19 And it is very special 02:21 for many, many people around the world 02:24 throughout the history of Christianity. 02:28 And I would say Christianity, 02:29 also throughout the ages of the Scriptures, 02:32 because this goes back to the time of King David. 02:35 And since this song was written, 02:38 it has been a source of strength, 02:41 because of the words and the message there. 02:44 It's a deep song. It's a deep song. 02:46 Very much in there, yeah, it's a beautiful song. 02:48 So... 02:49 And we're gonna talk about this, 02:51 and I think it's gonna be a great blessing. 02:52 So we hope that you'll stay by. 02:54 I would like to ask Brother Jonathan Babb, 02:56 if you'll lead us in prayer, 02:58 and if you join us at home we would really appreciate it. 03:01 Let's bow our heads. 03:03 Dear, Lord, we thank You for a wonderful Friday evening 03:06 that we can open the Sabbath. 03:10 Bring in the Sabbath with our family, Lord. 03:14 Each one of us that we can spend it with You, 03:16 and set our minds and hearts on You 03:19 for the day and week to come. 03:22 We ask that You guide our thoughts 03:24 as we study Your Word, 03:26 that You may fulfill 03:28 and guide each of our words that we may speak. 03:31 Amen. Amen. 03:33 Amen. Thank you very much. 03:35 I like the way he mentioned, 03:37 you know, he said Friday evening, 03:39 some people for some reason are not fully capturing yet, 03:44 the understanding that the days of the week 03:47 began with the evening part. 03:49 And that's what it says 03:51 when you go to Genesis Chapter 1. 03:53 And later in Leviticus, it says 03:54 from evening to evening shall be your Sabbath. 03:57 And so Friday evening is when the sun sets 04:01 is the beginning of the Sabbath. 04:03 What is the Sabbath? 04:05 What is the Sabbath? 04:07 Of course, when we think of the Sabbath 04:08 is a day of the week. 04:10 Well, when you look in the calendar, 04:11 it doesn't say which one of those days, 04:14 it doesn't say Sabbath. 04:15 It says Sunday, Monday, 04:16 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 04:19 and then it says Saturday. 04:21 And it's a confusion for some people. 04:23 Which day of the week is? 04:25 Well, he already mentioned, 04:26 the Sabbath begins at Friday night. 04:29 But let's look at Luke 4:16. 04:32 And see some, 04:35 something that we would like to share with you. 04:38 Luke 4:16. 04:40 If someone has found it, 04:41 would you do us the favor of reading it? 04:43 Sure. 04:44 It says in verse 16, 04:45 "And He believed Jesus," right? 04:47 "Jesus came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. 04:50 And as His," being Jesus, 04:52 "again custom was He went into the synagogue 04:54 on the Sabbath day 04:56 and stood up for to read."? 04:58 Thank you. 04:59 And so we see here that it was the custom of Jesus 05:04 to go to the synagogue, in other words, 05:07 what was known as the local church 05:09 in those days, 05:11 on the Sabbath day and stood up to read. 05:13 So it was His custom to do this thing. 05:16 In keeping with the commandment, 05:18 the fourth commandment of the Ten Commandments 05:22 found in Exodus 20:8-11, 05:27 where it tells us to us 05:28 to remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, 05:30 and then it gives us details about the Sabbath day. 05:33 And it ends with saying, for in six days 05:35 the Lord created the heavens and the earth, 05:37 gives us the reason why He wants us to remember. 05:39 He wants us to remember Him as our creator. 05:44 Do you have any comments you would like to share 05:45 about the Sabbath or the custom of Jesus keeping the Sabbath? 05:49 You know, what's interesting, though, is that we really find, 05:52 I can't remember the scripture, just esc ape me, 05:53 usually it can come to my mind, 05:55 but Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath. 05:57 Yes. 05:59 And so why wouldn't He want to go in on the Sabbath day. 06:03 He's in since His synagogue really, 06:05 I mean Jesus, so He would keep the Sabbath 06:07 because He's setting us an example to follow. 06:10 And He delighted in spending time 06:11 with His people, 06:13 you know, sometimes do we, 06:15 you know, delight in spending time with people. 06:18 Sometimes, I don't know if we... 06:20 We want to just be recluse 06:22 but He always wanted to be about the people. 06:23 He's always throng, 06:25 He liked to mingle with the people, 06:26 where else would you be on the Sabbath, 06:27 but mingling there in the synagogue, so... 06:30 That's right. Yeah. 06:32 That's right. Anyone else? 06:34 You know, I'm looking here while you're looking 06:36 or you're thinking and looking. 06:37 And looking at Acts 18:4. 06:44 This is talking about Paul. 06:50 And so you can see this beginning of Acts 18:1, 06:55 I'll read verse 3 and 4. 06:57 "So because he was of the same trade, 06:59 he stayed with them and worked. 07:01 And by occupation they were tentmakers. 07:05 And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, 07:09 and persuaded both Jews and Greeks." 07:13 So we have here a scripture that helps us understand 07:17 that the apostles, Paul and others, 07:21 they kept the Sabbath. 07:23 And you see that it included both Jews and Greeks in here. 07:27 And so the Sabbath is still the day of the Lord. 07:30 He says, 07:32 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy." 07:33 Six days shall your labor and do all your work, 07:36 not only you, but your son, your daughters, 07:39 everyone in your household basically. 07:41 And so the Sabbath is a great blessing 07:44 and a great joy. 07:46 What could you share as far as the Sabbath being a blessing? 07:50 Any comments about that? 07:51 To me, the Sabbath is a blessing and I'm thinking 07:54 about how the Lord has always had a people 07:59 that have kept the Sabbath. 08:01 Always. 08:02 Like He's always had people through the ages. 08:04 And the word Sabbath, 08:09 I think is interesting how Abba is in there. 08:13 And Abba means father. 08:16 And so I don't know if that was, you know, 08:20 just because of the language 08:22 or if there was any kind of connection 08:23 there on that, but I always, 08:25 my eyes always go to those letters, 08:27 and in the word Sabbath, 08:29 and I think that's really cool, 08:31 how, you know, that it's in there, 08:34 but also the fact that God's always had people 08:37 that have kept the Sabbath, 08:39 and since the beginning, since He created it, 08:42 so that's amazing how He did that. 08:46 Amen. Amen. 08:47 And yes, it does go back to creation 08:48 before they were any division of... 08:51 Oh, he's an Egyptian. 08:53 He's a Jew. 08:54 He is from Mesopotamia. 08:56 He's from Jamaica 08:59 or whatever country you may want to consider. 09:02 God's children, we're all His children, 09:03 and had there not been 09:05 all these division of countries, 09:08 the Sabbath remain the Sabbath for all. 09:09 Yeah, you know, 09:11 and interesting as you talk about 09:12 the idea of the Sabbath and kind of hitting on the idea 09:15 that Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath again, 09:17 in Colossians it says in there. 09:20 We look in Chapter 1, 09:22 and they were talking about Jesus, 09:24 of course, in verse 15, it says, 09:25 "He is the image of the invisible God, 09:26 the firstborn over every creature." 09:28 But in verse 16 it says, "For by Him," being Jesus, 09:30 were all things created..." 09:31 Amen. That's including the Sabbath. 09:33 "That are in heaven, and that are in earth, 09:35 visible and invisible, 09:36 whether they be thrones or dominions 09:37 or principalities or powers. 09:39 All things were created," 09:40 and I'll just put in there, "by Jesus and for Jesus. 09:42 And Jesus is before all things 09:44 and by Jesus, all things consist." 09:46 So, you know, 09:47 do we really wanna be spending quality time, 09:50 we say, "We love Jesus." 09:51 You know, don't we wanna come and spend time with Him 09:54 on that Sabbath day. 09:56 That's where He is. 09:58 He was in the synagogue, we just read in. 09:59 So that's where He's waiting for His people to come. 10:02 And I'm not saying other folks as well, 10:04 but just saying the idea of the Sabbath day 10:06 is so important to Him and that we show 10:08 our relationship to Him in coming there. 10:11 And for me on the Sabbath, I never knew about it. 10:14 Actually, my mom told me when I was young, 10:16 we had a kid across the street, 10:17 who's a Seventh-day Adventist, 10:18 I didn't know what that was, you know, 10:20 but just the fact that 10:22 I'm learning for the Sabbath about for myself, 10:24 it's really a relationship. 10:26 Don't you wanna spend time with somebody who saved you, 10:28 somebody who redeemed you, 10:30 somebody who purchased you with their blood 10:31 that spent everything for you, 10:33 so that you can have that relationship, 10:35 intimate relationship with Him. 10:37 I wanna come and spend that day with Him, 10:38 I wanna delight in that day so, kind of for me, so... 10:40 Amen, amen. 10:42 So again, we say happy and blessed Sabbath to you, 10:45 those that are joining us, we thank you for it. 10:47 And we're going to mainly focus today 10:50 on Psalm 23, 10:52 where it talks about the one, 10:56 "The Lord is my shepherd." 10:58 "The Lord is my shepherd." 11:00 But when we look at Psalm 23 11:05 it's something very, very short. 11:07 It's only six verses, 11:11 but a lot of meat, that's a good answer. 11:15 Why do we go there? 11:17 And maybe we can just go ahead and start. 11:21 I'll start with the first one. 11:23 Then we'll go over to Brother Jonathan. 11:24 And then we'll just keep going until we read all the verses. 11:29 And then we'll go back and talk about it. 11:30 That way we get the full message 11:33 and then we'll go back and talk a little bit 11:35 about each one of the individual parts 11:37 of the song. 11:39 So Psalm 23, Psalm 23:1. 11:42 The Bible says, "The Lord is my shepherd. 11:45 I shall not want. 11:47 He makes me lie down in green pastures. 11:50 He leads me beside the still waters." 11:54 "He restores my soul. 11:55 He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness 11:58 for His name's sake." 12:00 "Yea, though I walk through the valley 12:02 of the shadow of death, 12:03 I will fear no evil, for Thou are with me, 12:06 Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me." 12:10 "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. 12:14 You anoint my head with oil, my cup runs over." 12:19 "Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me 12:22 all the days of my life. 12:24 And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." 12:27 Amen. Amen. 12:29 Well, thank you very much. 12:30 Let's go back now to verse 1. 12:32 And it says here, "The Lord is my shepherd." 12:38 Any thoughts about that? 12:39 You know, it's interesting. 12:41 We didn't intentionally do this, 12:42 but as we were researching this, 12:43 my wife and I, and she looked up something 12:45 that the exact same thing I did, 12:46 we looked in the Amplified Version. 12:48 And I like the way the Amplified put, it says, 12:49 "The Lord is my shepherd to feed, guide, and shield me." 12:54 I shall not lack so the idea to feed... 12:55 And what is He feeding us with? 12:58 I think about what Jesus said in the temptation there 13:02 what He said to Satan, you know, 13:03 "Man does not live by bread alone, 13:05 but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord." 13:07 So that's really, He's feeding us His promises. 13:12 Amen. 13:13 And it also says in there that, 13:15 basically I won't like anything, 13:17 I shall not want. 13:19 "I won't like anything because the Lord is my shepherd." 13:22 Amen. With everything you need. 13:24 Bible uses the parallels of a shepherd all throughout. 13:31 David loved to use it in the Psalms 13:32 and just all over in the Bible 13:34 Lord uses the idea of a shepherd all throughout 13:39 and, you know, you look at a shepherd, 13:41 he takes care of his flock, 13:42 the sheep don't need anything because he provides it all. 13:47 Provides where they eat, sleep, protection. 13:51 And so the Lord is showing that He does the same for us. 13:56 Amen, amen. 13:57 You know, I find that interesting 13:58 because the person here in Psalm 23, 14:01 that is talking is David. 14:02 And he also was a shepherd. That's right. 14:05 And when I think of a shepherd, 14:08 he knows the sheep, the sheep know him. 14:11 And he can, and right in this song he can, 14:15 which is, the psalms are songs. 14:17 He can relate to his experience, 14:20 his relationship with the Lord. 14:22 I had the blessing of going to Jerusalem several years ago. 14:28 And as we were driving down this road, 14:31 we saw a bunch of sheep following a shepherd. 14:35 And somebody says, "Stop the car, stop the car. 14:38 I can't believe they look just like the Bible." 14:41 And there was a shepherd 14:42 and the sheep and they were following. 14:44 He had a staff in his hand. 14:46 And all of them, you know, just following the shepherd. 14:51 And so we got out and we started going, 14:54 and as we were going towards the sheep, 14:56 they were going away from us. 14:59 They were not following us. 15:01 And so it's interesting to see these things 15:03 because Jesus Himself said, 15:05 "My sheep know My voice, and they follow Me." 15:11 So all of these things are very, very interesting. 15:13 And so David says, "The Lord is my shepherd." 15:15 And when you see the word Lord here, 15:17 we're accustomed to saying, "The Lord is my shepherd." 15:19 In Spanish, we say, "Jehovah is my shepherd." 15:24 Because that's really what the word is here. 15:28 In English, 15:29 they did the same thing that the translators, 15:32 some of the versions did, 15:34 which is being careful about pronouncing God's name. 15:39 But when you see the capital L 15:41 capital O, capital R, capital D, 15:43 that's where the name Jehovah was supposed to be. 15:48 So the Lord is my shepherd. 15:50 When we think the Lord, 15:52 how does that help you today 15:54 to think the Lord is my shepherd? 15:58 Yeah, you know, for me, it's... 16:00 Somebody said, 16:02 "Even when you're not thinking about Jesus, Jesus is there." 16:05 It's when you actually hear His voice, 16:08 for the first time you realize that 16:10 you never really were alone. 16:11 He was always there all the time. 16:12 He's never left you, nor forsake you that like 16:14 that shepherd will always be by his flock, you know. 16:17 I can't remember, it's in Desire of Ages, 16:18 but she wrote about how, you know, 16:20 Jesus went and heard the bleating of that one sheep. 16:22 Not bleeding, but bleating. 16:25 So as He heard it, 16:26 and He went and looked for in the darkest 16:27 and the deepest of depths 16:29 and pluck that sheep out of the thickets, 16:31 and didn't, like, 16:32 put a noose around, not a noose, 16:34 but like a something 16:35 that kind of pull him by the neck, 16:37 scolding and yelling, 16:38 but He put it on His shoulders and He carried him back... 16:40 Yes. Into the green pastures. 16:41 I think about that for me, 16:43 you know, like it says, to feed, guide, and shield me. 16:45 You know, and I don't lack anything 16:47 when I'm in His care, so. 16:50 Another thing I was thinking of is, 16:53 when the Lord is our Shepherd, 16:55 we have direction, He gives us direction. 16:58 And you look at so many people in the world 17:01 and you can look in their eyes 17:02 and you can see that there's emptiness 17:04 and there's no direction, direction or purpose. 17:08 And with Jesus as my Lord and my Shepherd, 17:11 I have direction and purpose. 17:14 Amen. 17:15 It's really a powerful thought. 17:16 Yeah, there's a lot of empty folks out there. 17:18 That is true. 17:20 You know, I think this is a good time 17:22 and maybe we can put a finger there in Psalm 23, 17:25 to go to John Chapter 10. 17:27 Because Jesus Himself said some words 17:31 that seem to be related to Psalm 23. 17:36 And so in John Chapter 10, 17:39 beginning in verse 11, perhaps. 17:45 Yes, it says here... 17:49 There are some verses before this 17:53 that is talking about Him being the Shepherd, 17:56 but here in verse 11 it says, "I am the good Shepherd. 18:00 The Good Shepherd gives His life for the sheep. 18:04 But a hireling, he who is not the shepherd, 18:07 one who does not own the sheep, 18:09 sees the wolf coming 18:10 and leaves the sheep and flees. 18:13 And the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them. 18:16 The hireling flees because he is a hireling 18:19 and does not care about the sheep." 18:21 I'll stop right there for now. 18:23 So when David says, "The Lord is my shepherd." 18:27 What does that mean? 18:28 That means to him, the Lord takes care of me. 18:32 I like what you said there. 18:33 That word hireling reminds is a temporary labor. 18:35 A temporary labor. 18:37 Wow, that kind of really draw 18:38 a different dynamic to that picture, you know, 18:40 this is a temporary fill in or something 18:43 that's not permanent, 18:44 whereas the good shepherd 18:46 lays down his life for the sheep. 18:47 I mean, would we do that for somebody? 18:49 Could I lay down my life for somebody, like, 18:51 I saw somebody is gonna get shot by a gun, 18:53 will I jump in the way and take the bullet? 18:56 That's a hard question. 18:57 But Jesus, you know, took all that 18:59 and then more for us. 19:01 And you saw in David's own life. 19:03 Bible has examples 19:05 of when he was taking care of a sheep 19:06 that David did not run away 19:08 from the threats that endangered his sheep. 19:11 Yeah, that's true. 19:13 That's a really good point. Wow. 19:14 You know, it's interesting when we consider this, 19:17 why do the sheep follow the shepherd? 19:20 Why do they hear his voice and follow him? 19:24 From experience, they have learned 19:26 that the shepherd takes care of them. 19:28 From experience, they have learned 19:30 that he will protect them, 19:32 and guide them to safety and provide. 19:35 So when we say, when David is saying, 19:37 "The Lord is my shepherd." 19:38 I would like to invite our listeners 19:40 or viewers to consider our friends 19:42 or family that are within, 19:44 on the other side to consider 19:46 if they haven't to allow the Lord 19:48 to be your shepherd, your protector, 19:51 your guidance, your strength, 19:54 and see the blessing. 19:56 Yeah. 19:58 I think they also what goes along with that 19:59 is first acknowledging that we're helpless... 20:01 Yes. 20:02 That we need Him. 20:04 And our world tells us we need to be independent. 20:08 For me, and excuse me, 20:09 that's been a struggle, honestly, 20:12 because I just kind of grew up forming 20:16 that independence that I thought I needed. 20:19 And so that's been a lot of unlearning 20:21 that God has had to do for me. 20:23 And so learning that I do need Him, 20:26 and I am dependent on Him. 20:30 It's not a fun feeling at first. 20:33 But when I realized that I am helpless without Him, 20:36 and I do need Him, 20:37 and what can go wrong when I don't have Him, 20:40 I think that is what has helped me and... 20:43 But I think that's the first thing 20:45 that we need to realize is that we are helpless without Him. 20:49 And if we're not teachable, 20:52 or in that vulnerable state, 20:54 we won't rely on Him. 20:56 It's very, very powerful. 20:59 When you're talking about a small sheep, 21:03 you know, you see the little kittens, 21:05 and even the little kittens, they can go like this. 21:08 And suddenly they have these sharp claws. 21:10 And their teeth are also sharp, 21:12 so she can't really defend itself. 21:16 It's helpless like you said. 21:18 And this is a wonderful picture of understanding 21:21 that the Lord wants to take care of us, 21:23 the Lord wants to protect us. 21:24 Amen. 21:26 You know, somebody that was speaking to me 21:27 telling about hearing His voice. 21:28 And I thought was really interesting 21:30 when he called Lazarus. 21:32 Actually, it's in Chapter 11, just looked at, 21:35 but the idea that Lazarus understood 21:37 when He called him out of the tomb, 21:39 and just heard His voice and he came out, 21:42 that speaks to me God's power, Jesus' power. 21:46 To not just protect us on this earth now, 21:49 while we're in this life, 21:50 but even afterwards, in the everlasting, you know, 21:52 whole power is given him heaven and earth so... 21:55 When He speaks, even the dead are raised. 21:58 Raised up. They're raised up. 22:00 So, I mean, that's a powerful thing to think 22:01 that He not only protect us while we're live now, 22:04 but when we come to that new life, 22:06 He's going to call us out, and we'll hear that voice 22:08 and we'll come out of our grave. 22:09 Amen. It's a powerful thought. 22:11 Well, how about the next little thought? 22:13 He said, "The Lord is my shepherd, 22:14 I shall not want." 22:17 Any thoughts 22:19 that you would like to share about that? 22:20 I think we've already shared a little bit. 22:21 But when you think about the Lord is my shepherd, 22:24 I shall not want. 22:25 There seems to be no doubt in that declaration. 22:30 Well, the Lord is my shepherd, I might want, you know. 22:35 I was just thinking of Paul, 22:36 you know, when he said that Paul said, 22:37 "I know what it is to have much. 22:39 And I know what it is to have a little. 22:40 So I'm content in every situation." 22:42 And I think that's having that complete confidence and trust 22:46 in what Jesus is capable of doing. 22:48 I mean, if He says He owns a cattle on a thousand hill, 22:50 do you believe Him? 22:51 Do you believe He has all things in His hands? 22:54 Do you think, you know, 22:55 do we trust Him what His promises say? 22:57 I think that's a really powerful thing. 22:59 So I don't lack anything if I trust in His promises. 23:02 They're for me, 23:03 no matter what the circumstance, 23:04 if I'm, you know, on a medical condition, 23:06 do I trust Him at that time? 23:08 If I'm financially broke, 23:10 I'm going through some difficulty with a marriage 23:12 or whatever it may be, 23:14 do I trust the Lord in those circumstances 23:16 to know that He's taking care of all this? 23:18 Amen. Amen. 23:20 Any other thoughts? 23:21 Or maybe an experience where you have seen 23:23 that the Lord has provided, has taken care of your needs? 23:28 And while are you thinking about that, 23:30 I'm going to read from Philippians 4:19, 23:35 because this is a scripture that speaks to us 23:40 of the Lord's care for us. 23:42 tells us the following, 23:48 "And my God shall supply all your need, 23:52 according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." 23:56 Amen. 23:57 And this is a reality 23:59 and a personal experience for me and my family. 24:02 We can say the Lord has supplied our needs. 24:06 He's able. That's right. 24:07 And you know, 24:08 the Lord supplies our needs and then, 24:11 He's not wanting either. 24:13 He continues to have to share with all His children. 24:16 We just, we just sold our house. 24:18 And a lot of people have been praying for that. 24:21 It was three years. 24:23 Praise the Lord. 24:24 It was about a three year long process. 24:28 And we really feel like God had a plan in now. 24:33 He always has a plan, but we, you know, 24:35 we wonder why it took so long. 24:37 But there were so many people we met along the way. 24:39 But through that process, 24:42 I was just talking to someone earlier 24:43 about how they asked the question, 24:46 how did you keep up with all, you know, 24:48 because we have a place we rent here, 24:51 and then we're paying double utilities, 24:53 everything and the mortgage on the place that we had, 24:57 and they're like, "How did you do it?" 24:59 All I can say is, it was all God, 25:02 because on paper, it wouldn't make sense. 25:07 Financial person would be like, 25:08 "There's no way that this could have happened, 25:11 that you could've, you know, kept up with all these bills." 25:14 But God provided. 25:15 Yeah, you know, 25:17 He sometimes when we first moved here, 25:18 how He provided was just incredible. 25:20 Just to let you know, He encourages us, 25:22 you know, when we first moved in. 25:24 We had a gentleman who became our insurance agent. 25:28 He talked to us, 25:30 "You guys are wonderful Christian couple. 25:31 I really appreciate you guys. 25:32 Donald, can you..." 25:34 And he's in his car, he said, 25:35 "Donald, come here for a minute?" 25:36 I said, "Yeah." 25:38 He said, "You know, as I'm getting older in life, 25:39 and you know, 25:41 I got a little bit of mine place." 25:42 And I'm like, I think, I know where this is going. 25:43 He said, "How would you feel 25:45 if I paid for your first year's renter's insurance?" 25:47 I was like, 25:48 "My insurance agent is gonna pay 25:49 for my first year insurance policy!" 25:51 He said, "What do you think your wife will say?" 25:53 I'm like, "Oh, yeah, she's gonna say yes." 25:56 I said, "Yeah." 25:58 So he literally did, he paid for that. 26:00 And just see how God's hand had moved in all that, 26:03 and just even get here to Illinois, 26:05 just how God provide. 26:07 I mean, we were sleeping in our car. 26:08 I had no money, 26:09 I had $10 to get back and forth 26:11 from here to Indiana, where our house was 26:12 for interview. 26:14 That was it, I had 10 bucks. 26:15 And I talked to a gentleman, 26:17 and we were camping on at Rend Lake not far from here. 26:19 We slept in our car, 26:20 laying the chairs back and slept, 26:22 and I talked to a gentleman and I felt encouraged 26:25 to give this man a Great Controversy. 26:26 He kind of struggled at first, but I told him, 26:29 "I'll give you the book." 26:30 And when I gave him the book, he said, 26:32 "I'm a recovering Catholic and recovering alcoholic." 26:35 I said, "That's interesting." 26:37 So he started thumbing through the book 26:38 and he saw Martin Luther in the book. 26:39 He was, "Oh my goodness, I love Martin Luther!" 26:41 He said, "You just might convert me. 26:43 I'm like, "What on earth?" 26:44 So this is interesting. 26:46 So I went back to my car 26:47 and the Lord impressed me in my mind, He says, 26:49 "He's gonna come back and give you something." 26:51 And so I said, "Really?" 26:53 I said, "Janelle, 26:54 I think the Lord's told me this guy's gonna come back 26:55 and give us something." 26:57 So sure enough, he came, 26:58 walked in my car, tapped on a window. 26:59 I rolled it down, 27:01 opened his wallet gave me a $50 bill. 27:02 He said, "Go and get you and your wife 27:04 something good for breakfast." 27:05 Well, he asked us too. 27:06 He said, "Well, you guys are the one who sleep in your car?" 27:08 He said, "I counted tents last night. 27:09 You guys didn't have a tent." 27:10 He said, "Well, you guys the one sleeping in your car, 27:12 like he's very observant. 27:14 He actually gave us a tent too. 27:16 How long ago was this? 27:18 It was almost six years ago? 2013, yeah. 27:22 This is before you came to 3ABN? 27:23 Well, it was kind of like in real transition. 27:27 Yeah, we were coming here for the interview, 27:28 or we had been here for the interview or something. 27:30 And we didn't want to drive all the way back home yet, so. 27:32 That's how God provides though. 27:34 Yes. 27:35 Jesus provides everything you need. 27:36 You don't lack anything. 27:38 I mean, here I got $50, I wanna get back home. 27:39 That's like, man, I got 10 bucks to get gas. 27:41 Oh my goodness, this is not gonna work too well, but 27:43 and that's the most I ever got for Great Controversy. 27:46 I was a literature evangelist. 27:47 That's the most I've ever got for Controversy is 50 bucks, 27:50 so... Amazing. Praise the Lord. 27:52 God is good. Yeah. 27:53 And more and more stories we could share 27:58 about how the Lord has provided for us. 28:00 Just given time, we can say, 28:02 "Oh yes, and this time, in this time, 28:03 in this time, in this time." 28:05 Because the Lord does do this, 28:07 you know, that we think of the Lord's Prayer says it. 28:10 "Give us this day, our daily bread." 28:12 So really, anyone listening right now could say, 28:15 "Well, you know." 28:17 I would dare say that some people listening to me, 28:21 could say, "I have never missed a meal, 28:22 there has always been the opportunity to eat meal, 28:24 I didn't eat because I didn't want to." 28:26 Yeah. 28:27 But they've had the opportunity 28:29 to always have something to eat. 28:30 And that's the Lord providing. 28:31 The Lord providing. 28:33 Of course, sometimes we do ourselves self-damage, 28:35 you know, we make decisions that hurt us, 28:38 so the Lord had to say, 28:39 "Okay, I'm gonna let you reap what you have sown, 28:43 what you have planted." 28:45 And so as we cooperate with the Lord, 28:48 and ask Him for our needs, He does do that. 28:51 That gives me the thought 28:52 that maybe we should read from Psalms 34, 28:54 because here is a clear, clear message for us. 29:01 And I see this as a wonderful, wonderful thing. 29:06 In Psalms 34. 29:07 Notice Psalms 34 I really, 29:10 when I look at Psalms 34, I say, 29:11 "Where do you start? Do you start at number one? 29:13 Oh, man, what if you start at number six, 29:15 and then you want to read number five, verse 5?" 29:18 But I'll start over here in verse 7, 29:20 "The angel of the Lord encamps 29:23 all around those fear Him and delivers them. 29:26 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good. 29:28 Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! 29:31 Oh, fear the Lord you His saints! 29:33 There is no want to those who fear Him." 29:38 So here it's connected a little bit to Psalms 23. 29:41 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. 29:44 And so the Lord provides for His children. 29:47 Amen. 29:48 And so I would like to encourage everybody 29:50 to trust in the Lord. 29:52 Amen. 29:53 And you will see that He will provide. 29:55 Even He says, "If you have faith 29:56 the size of a mustard seed that you can move mountains." 29:58 Not that you will move mountains, 30:00 physically you're not gonna move anything, 30:01 but He'll move obstacles and bless you. 30:04 Amen. And it's just incredible. 30:06 And we've just been so blessed since we've been here. 30:08 I mean, the Lord has grown us exponentially. 30:11 I mean, if we stayed back in Indiana, 30:12 we realized we talked about this, 30:14 we wouldn't be where we are today 30:15 as far as what we've been able to do 30:18 as far as ministry wise and the knowledge. 30:20 Personal growth. Yeah. Personal growth. 30:22 And healing. Amen. 30:23 And healing. That's a huge healing. 30:24 It's the big one. Amen. 30:26 How about we go to the next part in Psalm 23. 30:29 And consider there verse 2, 30:32 "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. 30:34 He makes me to lie down in green pastures." 30:39 Any thoughts about that? 30:40 Sounds pleasant. 30:42 I wanna be there. Green pastures. 30:45 Where's that green pastures mean? 30:46 You know this. 30:47 I have a little note here, it says, 30:49 pastures of tender grass, 30:52 because I don't know if you've ever, 30:55 I'm sure, you have throughout your life 30:56 at one point or another 30:57 been out in a picnic or something, 30:59 you lie down on some grass 31:01 and there's something poking you. 31:02 Yeah, bugs in your face. 31:04 And then you have to figure out what that is, 31:06 is it a little piece of a stick or a little stone. 31:09 And it's disturbing, isn't it? 31:11 Yeah, but here David is saying, 31:13 the Lord makes me lie down in green pastures, 31:14 tender grass that is soft and cushiony. 31:18 And you're not hurt, you feel comfortable there. 31:21 You feel like, you feel like you're cared for there. 31:24 So when He says, 31:26 He makes me to lie down in green pastures, 31:27 He means, He provides 31:29 that which I need for my comfort. 31:31 So I need a bed like that. 31:35 Yeah, bed like that sounds good. 31:36 I'm ready to take a nap. 31:38 But yeah, so that comfort that he brings, 31:40 you know, he gives you that calm assurance 31:43 that you don't have to struggle or be anxious for anything, 31:48 He provides and as I say, 31:50 I shall not want, you know, 31:52 that kind of leads right into it, 31:53 you know, he gives us those things that we need, 31:55 so we have that comfort 31:57 and that kind of padding, that cushion. 31:59 He gives us a cushion to walk on, 32:00 so we've got cushion. 32:02 That's right. 32:03 So we will for the sake of time move on, it says, 32:09 "He leads me beside the still waters." 32:14 Still waters. 32:16 And as I was studying this many years ago, 32:19 I said, "Why does He say, 32:21 He leads me beside the still waters?" 32:24 And it's interesting because the sheep, 32:29 if you take them to a river that is flowing, 32:32 they're afraid to drink that. 32:35 They will not do it. 32:36 So when he says, 32:38 he leads me beside the still waters, 32:40 the sheep see the nice calm water 32:45 and they feel safe drinking from there. 32:49 Yeah. Interesting. 32:50 You know, I think of that story in, 32:52 when the disciples were on the boat with Jesus 32:55 and they're professional fishermen, 32:58 you know, they've been on some seas before, 32:59 but anyways and all that. 33:01 Boat started happening with the winds 33:02 and the waves and the lightning crashing 33:04 and their boats done off, it's capsizing, 33:06 but it was getting hit some water in it. 33:08 And there's Jesus just lying in the hole of the boat there 33:11 and I'm sure the disciples like, 33:12 "What is wrong with this man?" 33:13 I mean, "How can He sleep in something so tumultuous?" 33:15 But He was always at peace. 33:17 And I just think about that 33:19 and I share sometimes on prayer line, you know, 33:21 when people are really like anxious 33:22 and fretting and stuff, I said, 33:23 "You know, Jesus said three simple words. 33:25 He stood up and he rebuked to us, 33:27 says, peace, peace still. 33:29 He just calmed the waters, calmed them. 33:34 You know, that makes me think about this. 33:35 He leads me beside the still waters 33:36 and just like He brings that calm at peace. 33:39 You don't like, 33:41 if you're in a stressful situation, 33:42 He can break that stress, He can break that anxiousness. 33:46 You know, I went through some places, 33:47 when we did a GLOW rally in Chicago. 33:50 We're out there for four days 33:51 is one of the deadliest weekends 33:53 and I went to a bar. 33:54 And I mean, in restaurants, whatever I'm going, 33:57 people are putting food in their mouth, 33:58 I'm putting GLOW tracts right in front of their table, 34:00 like, "What are you doing?" 34:02 So inside a bar, it was really dark. 34:04 And there's four people and there's two guys drinking, 34:06 and female bartender and a male bartender. 34:08 He was like, "Hey, here's a gift for you," 34:10 and put a little tract on the table. 34:12 And the guy looked at me, he goes, 34:13 "Where's your garbage can?" 34:15 You know, the bartender she just, 34:17 he just grabbed and he just chucked it, 34:18 she chucked it. 34:19 And as I'm walking out the door, she went, 34:21 "Hail Satan!" I was like, "Oh, have a good day. 34:24 Take care. Have a nice day." 34:25 That's what I've told her. 34:27 But it was just having that calm assurance 34:29 what Jesus had sent me there to do. 34:31 I could have that calmness, 34:33 that assurance that He was there with me, you know. 34:35 No, I had some lady, 34:36 you know, pumping her fist and saying, 34:38 "Hail Satan." I want to tell her. 34:40 She does not know what she was saying. 34:42 But when you mentioned GLOW tracts, 34:43 and perhaps somebody doesn't know what that is. 34:45 What's a GLOW tract? Does it glow in the dark? 34:47 Yeah. No, it doesn't. 34:49 No, it's like a little pamphlet. 34:50 Actually, I have in my pocket, I'll get up... 34:52 It's a certain kind of. 34:53 Yeah, little, they're like a little pamphlet, 34:54 like a trifle little thing 34:56 and it has like different topics 34:57 and you can give them out, they're easy give out, 35:00 we give them everywhere. 35:02 I think we gave about 200,000 in four days. 35:04 Wow, just you two? No, there was... 35:07 No, there was a team of about 30 35:08 and some five year old kids, 35:10 out in the streets of Chicago, little kids. 35:12 Now why would you do this? Why would we do this? 35:15 Why would you go out passing those tracts? 35:17 We want people to know about Jesus. 35:19 There you go, 35:21 that's what I was striving at, you know, 35:22 because when you have the blessing of the Lord 35:26 and the joy of the Lord, 35:27 and you know that 35:29 if other people taste and see that the Lord is good, 35:33 you want them to know, 35:34 you want them to have the blessing, 35:36 the experience and to know there is a Savior 35:40 because really, there're people that don't know Jesus. 35:44 They are miserable and they don't know it. 35:47 They suffer and they don't have peace, 35:49 they have an emptiness, and this is the way 35:52 we have heard over and over again, 35:54 the people that come to Lord say, 35:55 "Oh, before I came to the Lord, 35:57 it was this emptiness, I didn't know how to fill it, 35:59 I tried drinking, I tried drugs, 36:01 I tried, you know, 36:02 doing all kinds of evil things but I could not fill this void. 36:07 And so you're helping to fill this void 36:09 passing out the tracts 36:10 and letting people know about Jesus. 36:12 Yeah, you know, it was really interesting. 36:13 And God does have a sense of humor. 36:15 And there's a carnival going on across 36:16 one side of the street and I'm on the other 36:18 putting GLOW pamphlets of salvation at their door. 36:21 I'm not going to name the name of the song, 36:22 but it was a hard rock song, 36:24 talking about you're on the way to hell. 36:26 So while I'm giving out tracts there, 36:28 bringing people to Jesus to salvation. 36:31 I'm hearing the songs and you're on the road to hell. 36:34 It's like this conflict. 36:36 I was like, this is comical, I started laughing. 36:38 I said, this is funny 'cause I'm giving people, 36:40 you know, GLOW tracts that's gonna bring them... 36:42 Salvation. 36:43 Narrow pathway that's going to lead them 36:44 to eternal life, 36:46 not to the road of hell sitting on that path so... 36:49 I found a cross reference first 36:51 that goes with that verse we just read from Psalm 23:2, 36:56 it's in Revelation 7, it's Revelation 7:17. 37:00 I thought that was really good. 37:02 It says, "For the lamb which is in the midst of the throne 37:04 shall feed them and shall lead them 37:06 unto living fountains of waters, 37:09 and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." 37:13 And it's talking about feeding them 37:17 and leading them unto the fountains of waters. 37:20 That was the one to let them know. 37:21 The Lamb, Jesus and it's interesting 37:25 how he's the Lamb and the Shepherd. 37:28 Yeah, yes. 37:29 That's interesting. 37:31 Why would, for the sake of our people 37:32 watching our friends, why would you... 37:36 Why is Jesus the lamb as well? 37:39 I was thinking about that. 37:43 I think because He was the sacrifice 37:46 and sacrificed for our sins. 37:48 That's right. 37:50 You know, John the Baptist said, 37:51 "Behold the Lamb of God 37:53 that takes away the sin of the world." 37:55 That was a message for the people 37:57 because they knew that a lamb was offered 38:01 for the forgiveness of their sins, 38:03 and Jesus interesting the Lamb and also the Shepherd, he who, 38:09 who can take away our sins, 38:11 but He's also the Shepherd in the sense that He guides us, 38:14 He protects us, and He wants to save us. 38:19 He's also in the sense of the lamb. 38:22 He's a fellow lamb because He was one of us. 38:25 Yes. Beautiful. 38:27 You know, and in Genesis 3:21 and this is interesting, 38:30 because when we see who took and formed Adam 38:32 from the dust of the ground. 38:34 Really when you do the research and you studied out 38:35 was actually Jesus who formed. 38:37 So then it says, You're the Lord God, 38:39 which actually is Jesus says, unto Adam also 38:42 and to his wife did the Lord God, 38:44 basically Jesus made coats of skins and clothed them, 38:46 so He took an actual lamb. 38:48 That was the first sacrifice in Genesis 3:21, 38:52 where He showed them a lamb 38:54 would have to be slain for their sins. 38:56 Yes. 38:57 And Jesus Himself, showing them, 38:59 you know, skin that lamb, 39:01 so that's a powerful thought... 39:03 Amen. What He would come to do. 39:05 I'm gonna go back over here to John Chapter 10 39:11 and I'm gonna read now from verses 14 through 16 39:15 because of the discussion 39:16 that we're having now at this point. 39:19 It says in John 10:14,15, and 16, 39:22 "I am the good Shepherd and I know My sheep, 39:26 and I am known by My own. 39:29 As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father 39:32 and I lay down my life for the sheep." 39:36 This is talking about the sacrifice of Christ for us. 39:39 That's right. Jesus Christ for us. 39:40 And then He says, 39:42 "And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold. 39:45 Them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice 39:49 and there will be one flock and one shepherd." 39:52 Amen. Isn't that beautiful promise? 39:54 All the divisions will be gone. 39:57 Jesus will be, we will be all one flock, 39:59 all one large family of every nation, 40:03 kindred, tongue and people. 40:05 One flock, one family in Him, He being our Shepherd. 40:11 Yeah, you know, that's such a beautiful thought 40:13 and I just talked to somebody just a couple of days ago 40:15 about the idea of culture and color and you know, 40:19 we have different backgrounds, different languages 40:21 but there'll be all different ethnicities, 40:23 different colors, different, 40:25 it will all be but we'll all be one in Christ, 40:27 that's just the most powerful thought to me 40:29 that you know, no matter where you are, 40:30 I mean, you're across in Africa, 40:32 maybe you're somewhere down in, you know, South America, 40:34 maybe in Russia, maybe you're, but we're all going to be... 40:37 If we're in Christ, we'll all be brought together 40:39 and we'll all be able to sit down 40:42 at that supper table one day, 40:44 all the other and share a meal with Jesus, 40:47 that's gonna be incredible day so... 40:49 Amen. It's a powerful thought. 40:51 Well, let's see if we can go back to Psalm 23 40:53 and pick it up where we were, 40:55 such wonderful things are there. 40:56 Amen. 40:58 And so can you read the next one, verse 3? 41:01 Yeah, I'll actually read from the Amplified. 41:02 I really like this, 41:04 "He refreshes and restores my life myself. 41:07 He leads me in the paths of righteousness, 41:10 uprightness and right standing with him not for my earning it, 41:13 but for his namesake." 41:15 Amen. Wow. 41:16 I liked how he put that. 41:18 Any thoughts about that, Brother? 41:19 Our Brother Jonathan, 41:20 we haven't heard from you in a little while. 41:22 He restores my soul. 41:24 He leads me in the paths of righteousness 41:26 for his name's sake." 41:29 I find it interesting that, 41:34 you know, he does this, he's doing it for us. 41:38 But he's doing it for, you know, for his name's sake. 41:42 We are a reflection of God and Jesus' characters. 41:48 You know, it's us and our lives that ultimately 41:52 that vindicate God's character. 41:54 Oh, yes. Very nice. 41:56 And so, you know, 41:58 but we can't do it on ourselves. 42:00 We still have to have His help to do it. 42:03 So He restores our soul 42:06 and leads us on the path of righteousness, 42:08 to allow us to reflect His character 42:13 and ultimately become in the God's image. 42:19 Amen. Amen. 42:21 You know, it's marvelous, 42:22 because when we talk about 42:25 green pastures, still waters, 42:29 if we allow the Lord to lead us, 42:32 He's going to lead us down a safe path and any situation, 42:37 anything that comes, God has taken into account. 42:41 You mentioned earlier, 42:42 that Jesus was with the disciples on the boat, 42:45 and it seemed like the devil was trying to drown them all. 42:50 And this storm came, 42:52 and Jesus was in perfect serenity 42:55 and calmness, sleeping through this whole storm, 42:58 which is very, very interesting. 43:01 But they were safe there with Jesus even though 43:07 to them at the moment it appeared we're going to die, 43:10 we are going to die right here. 43:12 And they were just frightened to death. 43:15 They literally thought they were going to die. 43:17 Yeah, you know, 43:18 and then something that really thought, 43:19 made me think of, 43:21 He refreshes and restoring my life 43:22 and something you kind of touched 43:24 on this a little bit is the fact 43:25 we're talking about the Shepherd. 43:26 Well, He knows now that He can trust us 43:29 to lead others to the Shepherd 43:32 just like what Andrew Simon, Peter's brother did. 43:34 He lead people to Jesus 43:35 and he knows he can trust us now 43:37 when he we allow him to refresh and restore our life, 43:40 then He says, "I'm gonna make you a Shepherd 43:43 to lead My sheep to Me." 43:45 And I think that's just a really powerful thing 43:47 for His namesake as you kind of referenced, 43:50 you know, that we can't do, we don't earn it, 43:52 it is something that when we're free, 43:54 and we're relief, 43:55 relieved of those burdens off our life, you know, 43:57 it's like our house was such a burden 43:59 for so long, you know, but when you release it, 44:02 it's like now you can go on you can do things 44:04 to bring people to Jesus because you have an experience 44:07 and you can relate to other people. 44:09 And that restores folks, brothers and sisters to say, 44:13 hey, God, Jesus is real, 44:15 you know, He's in this world today. 44:16 And I see it because what you're going through 44:18 and, man, what a transformation you've experienced. 44:20 I want that. 44:22 So I want to know this Jesus, show me how to get to Him. 44:24 Yes, yes. 44:26 You know, so many of us, you know, 44:27 when we're talking about He restores and refreshes. 44:32 So many of us are tired and have been wounded 44:35 and we need healing from different things 44:38 and to know that we can rely upon the Lord, 44:42 the Lord is my Shepherd, the Lord is gonna, 44:43 I'm not gonna have any want. 44:45 He's gonna take care of us. 44:48 Sometimes we even worry ourselves 44:50 out of the hands of the Lord. 44:52 That's a good point. 44:54 It's true. 44:55 And so we constantly need the Lord. 44:59 Let's continue if we, how about we are at... 45:03 Oh, yes, we were talking a little bit about this. 45:07 "Yes or yea, 45:08 though I walk through the valley 45:11 of the shadow of death, 45:13 I will fear no evil. 45:15 For you are with me, 45:17 your rod and your staff, they come from me." 45:19 Any thoughts you would like to share about this verse? 45:21 I was thinking about when, you know, 45:23 a lot of times when you go to a funeral, 45:26 you'll see that the Psalm 23 on the... 45:30 I don't know what those are called. 45:32 It's not a program 45:33 and it's like, obituary, kind of, 45:36 with the person's name and everything. 45:39 And they have this psalm there. 45:41 And a lot of times 45:42 this gets associated with death, 45:45 maybe because it mentions death, 45:47 but I feel like we're in our life, 45:51 we're always walking in the shadow of death 45:53 because of sin. 45:55 So it really doesn't just apply when someone's dead 45:59 or if someone is in the process of dying. 46:03 But it's kind of like 46:04 we're always in that shadow of death, 46:06 and that's why we need Him. 46:07 Yes. 46:09 Yeah, you know, something I just, 46:10 when you said that, 46:11 says for you are with me and I just... 46:13 A German that came here a while back, 46:14 his name was Nico the dragon, 46:16 I calls him so Nico the dragon slayer but he was, 46:18 I talked to him personally about his struggle. 46:21 His name was Nico the dragon slayer? 46:23 That's what he calls himself. 46:24 Now, he was Nico the dragon, 46:26 he is a professional cage fighter. 46:27 Tough guy. Oh, okay. 46:28 Well, what was interesting is 46:30 he was literally trying to destroy himself. 46:32 He told me about how he had his windows 46:33 covered with the tin foil. 46:35 He was doing these things called eight balls 46:37 and different like drugs. 46:39 He tried to kill himself and in the midst of all this, 46:41 he's writing this most beautiful poetry 46:43 which he would be in reading to me. 46:44 Wow. 46:45 And I think about this, he said, I will fear no evil, 46:47 dread no evil, for you are with me. 46:49 Even when you're trying it, 46:50 when you're at your lowest and you think that 46:52 there is no help for you, there's nothing, He's with you, 46:55 in your shadow of death He's there, 46:57 when you're almost near death or when you want to die, 46:59 when you don't want to live anymore. 47:01 He's no, I'm not gonna let go of you, you're mine. 47:03 So just like this Nico, 47:04 now he goes in front of 1000's of people. 47:06 He shared his testimony on 3ABN. 47:08 Yeah, in front of thousands of people now, 47:09 20-30,000 people I'm talking biker gangs 47:12 and big auditoriums 47:13 and he's speaking about the gospel and, you know, 47:15 you're thinking you're at your wit's end, you're done. 47:17 There's no more life for you. 47:19 No, he says, you're with me, you're going to 47:21 and then the rest is your rod will protect me, 47:22 your staff will guide me and they will comfort me so. 47:25 You know Christ, He can comfort you, 47:27 even in those little storms, 47:29 we're talking about the boat and so He can protect you, 47:31 He can guide you through it, 47:33 and you just have to trust Him 47:35 and know that He has your best interest in mind. 47:38 You know, I find interesting. 47:40 Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 47:43 You know, when you think of a rod and staff, 47:46 you know, depending on how someone, 47:50 how those are used, whether they're disciplinary... 47:53 Yes. 47:54 You wouldn't necessarily look at them 47:55 as being a source of comfort. 47:59 But for a shepherd, 48:01 sheep know that rod is their protection. 48:05 It's there for their protection 48:06 and getting them out of times when they're stuck in trouble. 48:10 It's not to discipline them. 48:13 It's for their comfort and protection. 48:16 Well, as you're talking about that, 48:18 I was thinking about the Ten Commandments, 48:20 and how those are for our protection. 48:23 Really, you know, it kind of goes along 48:24 with what you're saying. 48:26 That's good. 48:28 You know, some of the, for some reason 48:31 they show paintings of the staff having this, 48:36 this shape like this, 48:37 and it seems like the shepherd could use that to. 48:43 As the sheep is trying to stray into, 48:46 go over a cliff or something, he could pull them in 48:49 and keep them from killing themselves. 48:51 And also, if a wolf is coming, 48:55 the sheep would see that he's using that staff 48:59 to protect them from the wolf, 49:01 because it can be used as a weapon as well. 49:04 And it's interesting to look at that, 49:08 that the Lord has many ways of protecting us 49:11 that we do not even know because we do not always... 49:16 We don't have the ability 49:18 to be able to see angels of the Lord 49:21 fighting battles for us and protecting us from harm. 49:24 Yeah, we had an incident like that what you're mentioning. 49:26 I used to have this little truck, 49:27 little Dodge Dakota, 49:29 and my brother and she were in, 49:31 of course, it's just a small single cab. 49:34 Anyways they were talking and going on. 49:35 It was just getting dusk 49:37 and I'm playing with my CD player 49:38 of six CD changer. 49:40 And I just felt this urge to look up 49:42 and as I did there's this farm equipment 49:44 have parked on the road, on the middle of the road. 49:46 I'm like, oh my goodness, 49:47 my first thought is jerking into the other lane of traffic. 49:50 And as I did, I saw a headlight coming for us. 49:52 I'm like, this is going to get ugly 49:55 because the other side was a deep ditch. 49:57 And also I just saw this light just go, down in the ditch 49:59 and I am like what just happened? 50:01 Where did it go and there was a motorcycle coming at us. 50:03 And it dropped down in about an eight foot ditch. 50:04 I'm like how did he not fall? 50:06 And he comes popping right back up, 50:08 I was like, and we, I mean, the Lord protected us there. 50:10 I mean, I should have either ran the back 50:12 of that big farm equipment 50:14 or I should hit this motorcycle. 50:15 How did I miss both those things? 50:17 You know, like, how did that happen? 50:19 Like it's incredible and watch that guy 50:22 not falling that motorcycle that was, 50:24 I don't know how he did that 50:25 but God kept him up so it was incredible. 50:29 The Lord is good. 50:31 Well, time seems to be running out. 50:34 I think we need to move quickly through these verses 50:37 because I would like, really like 50:38 to be able to get to the end of Psalm 23. 50:42 Perhaps somebody has a comment about, 50:44 "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, 50:49 You anoint my head with oil, my cup runs over." 50:53 I Actually like that analogy 50:54 'cause I think about, you think about, 50:57 He prepares a table before for us 51:02 in the presence of our enemies. 51:05 Not when we're all safe and comfortable. 51:07 It, you know, he prepares this table for us 51:11 that we may be at this table 51:13 but in the presence of our enemies. 51:15 So it tells you, you know, 51:18 He does us press for enemies and protects us. 51:20 Right. Amen. Amen. 51:22 It's a, you know, 51:25 a taunt as you will to the enemy. 51:27 You know, I'm protecting these people, 51:30 they can sit down at a table 51:32 in your presence and be perfectly safe. 51:33 Wow, it's a good thought. 51:35 There must be just about like we said of Job, you know, 51:38 when Satan came in, he said, hey, you know, 51:40 God said, "How about my righteous man, Job? 51:43 He's like, there's no one like him on the earth. 51:44 And he says, 51:46 "Well, I guarantee you let me do something, 51:47 like he's gonna curse you to your face. 51:49 He goes, well, you can go ahead and do this and that, 51:51 but you're not going to take his life. 51:52 But he had a hedge. 51:53 There's a brook, he had a type of tech around, 51:55 protection round. 51:56 So that's why, why he worships you 51:58 because you have a hedge of protection around him. 51:59 You watch you take the hedge away, 52:00 and I'll guarantee you. 52:02 So yeah, as you mentioned, 52:03 it's you know, that's pretty powerful. 52:04 There's also a footnote 52:07 that goes along with that verse that I thought was really good. 52:11 It comes out of the Amplified, classic version. 52:15 It says, "It is difficult for those 52:17 living in a temperate climate to appreciate 52:19 but it was customary in hot climates 52:21 to anoint the body with oil 52:23 to protect it from excessive perspiration. 52:25 When mixed with perfume, 52:27 the oil imparted a delightfully refreshing 52:29 and invigorating sensation, 52:31 athletes anointed their bodies as a matter of course, 52:34 before running a race. 52:35 As the body therefore, 52:37 anointed with oil was refreshed, invigorated 52:39 and better fitted for action. 52:41 So the Lord would anoint his sheep 52:43 with the Holy Spirit 52:45 and the oil symbolizes to fit them 52:47 to engage more freely in his service 52:49 and run in the way he directs 52:51 in heavenly fellowship with Him." 52:53 Amen. Wow. 52:55 I thought that was interesting 52:56 that the body was anointed with oil 52:59 to protect it. 53:04 Interesting, powerful. Thank you very much. 53:06 So, because of time we have to go to verse 6. 53:10 Surely, goodness and mercy. 53:14 He says, without a doubt, 53:15 "Surely goodness and mercy 53:17 shall follow me all the days of my life, 53:20 and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." 53:26 You know, you think about eternal life. 53:30 And the blessing that the Lord has for us, 53:32 David is here, is making a declaration 53:35 of dwelling in the house of the Lord forever. 53:39 It reminds me of that scripture that says, 53:41 "In My Father's house are many mansions." 53:45 And so any thoughts you would like to share 53:46 about goodness and mercy 53:48 following you all the days of your life? 53:50 Because we're coming to our final comment, 53:52 perhaps we can go to a final comment to Donald, 53:56 Janelle and then, Jonathan, before we finish. 53:59 Sure, you know, when I look at this scripture, 54:01 I just like that word, mercy, you know, 54:03 and so many of us, we think, 54:05 "Well, I'm not good enough for the Lord. 54:09 He doesn't want me." 54:10 But He's always there. He's like that shepherd. 54:13 He's always watching over you. 54:14 He knows like you're talking about earlier pulling them 54:16 from some kind of disaster, 54:19 yeah, or danger, pulling them back. 54:21 So I think about that mercy 54:23 and He's in there with that mercy, 54:25 to protect you and that mercy is to cover you 54:27 so that when you come to Him, 54:30 you will be in the house of the Lord forever 54:31 because you've surrendered everything. 54:32 And I like that word submit or surrender. 54:35 We need to surrender. 54:36 So I think that mercy is, 54:37 that really speaks to me, thankful for mercy. 54:40 Thank you. 54:41 I was thinking about how the first part of that verse 54:44 that says goodness and mercy, 54:46 and it's not the prosperity gospel. 54:49 This is not saying 54:51 that we're never going to experience bad things, 54:53 but God's goodness and mercy will get us through it. 54:56 And that's how we can be with Him 55:01 and have that being content 55:06 and have that joy that He gives. 55:08 Amen. Amen, Jonathan? 55:11 I think we all look forward to the day when we will dwell 55:13 in the house of the Lord forever. 55:16 That's such a wonderful thing to look forward to. 55:21 Dwelling in something that God has prepared 55:23 and forevermore. 55:26 Not something we can comprehend. 55:28 Yeah, precisely. 55:29 Amen. 55:31 Well, we want to thank each and every one of you, 55:33 Jonathan and Janelle, and Donald, 55:36 I would like to share concerning goodness and mercy 55:40 following us all the days of our life. 55:42 That means in the here and now, 55:44 the Lord can bless us with goodness and mercy. 55:47 And then this part about dwelling 55:49 in the house of the Lord forever. 55:50 The Lord does promise us safety within His house 55:55 and safety beyond even this world 55:58 because the Lord is gonna do away 56:01 with all suffering. 56:02 That's right. 56:04 And that's a source of comfort for us. 56:05 We'd like to read to you from 1 Peter 5:4, 56:10 and concerning their great hope or as we, 56:14 the Bible calls it blessed hope, it says, 56:16 "And when the chief Shepherd appears, 56:21 you will receive the crown of glory 56:24 that does not fade away." 56:27 Amen. 56:28 And so this is a picture of Jesus. 56:31 And when He appears, and blesses us, 56:35 you know, with a crown of glory, 56:36 and you think about, 56:38 wow, please, you know, this crown... 56:41 It's just going to be wonderful to know 56:43 that He has come to save us and deliver us. 56:47 And this is a promise and a blessing for all. 56:50 So I hope that you, as we have been talking here, 56:54 has created in you a desire 56:57 to really give your heart and your life to the Lord 56:59 and allow the Lord to be your Shepherd. 57:02 Jesus wants to be your Shepherd. 57:03 Jesus wants to take care of you, 57:05 and Jesus wants to comfort, and restore, and heal, 57:09 and lead you in the paths of righteousness. 57:13 Amen. 57:14 And so that you too may be blessed 57:16 with goodness and mercy, 57:18 and also to have the privilege and opportunity 57:20 to dwell in the house of the Lord forever. 57:23 And this is why I like to say, give your heart to the Lord. 57:27 Give your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ 57:29 and you will find peace and happiness 57:31 that begins in this world and continues forever. 57:33 God bless you. Amen. 57:34 Amen. |
Revised 2019-06-28