Today Family Worship

Surrender Made Simple

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW190019A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Family Worship.
01:13 We are all kind of giddy around the table today
01:17 because it's Sabbath
01:18 and we're just totally worn out.
01:20 I think everybody here are sleep deprived.
01:23 But we're filled with joy, right?
01:26 Amen. Amen.
01:27 Amen.
01:29 And we want to welcome you to our Family Worship
01:32 and it wouldn't be the same without you,
01:34 so thank you for joining us.
01:36 I'm Shelley Quinn. I'm JD Quinn.
01:39 And let me introduce you who's with us today, Shelley.
01:41 Okay. Okay.
01:43 This is Johnny and Idalia Dinzey,
01:45 very good friend of ours.
01:46 We live in the same huge town of...
01:49 That's right.
01:51 Where we live.
01:52 But anyway, we just actually love you
01:54 and appreciate you and all that you do
01:55 for the kingdom of God.
01:57 We also have Summer Boyd over here.
01:59 Summer's going to be playing the piano.
02:01 Amen.
02:02 We have our special song
02:03 that we're gonna sing here in a few minutes.
02:06 And, you know, before we have our song,
02:08 Johnny, you wanna open with prayer?
02:10 Amen. Sure.
02:12 Our loving heavenly Father,
02:15 we want to thank You, Lord,
02:17 for not giving up on us.
02:18 Amen.
02:20 We wanna thank You because you have been there
02:22 as You have promised.
02:23 We thank You, Lord, for during this week.
02:26 We could have been swept away,
02:27 the enemy would have loved to have
02:30 put us out of existence,
02:31 but You have protected us.
02:33 And we thank you, Lord, for the things
02:35 You have supplied during this week.
02:37 We thank You, Lord,
02:38 that You through the mighty ministry
02:41 of Your holy angels have done things
02:43 that we have not seen in our behalf.
02:46 And we thank You
02:47 that the door of mercy is still open.
02:49 We pray, Lord, that all the people
02:51 that are with us wherever they may be,
02:54 Your Holy Spirit will reach them
02:55 and that this program will be a blessing.
02:58 We ask You, Father, to bless us with the Holy Spirit
03:00 that we may speak the words
03:02 that Your children need to hear.
03:03 We ask You, Father, in Jesus' name, amen.
03:06 Amen. Amen.
03:08 Amen. Amen.
03:09 Okay, we're going to sing, and we need your help
03:12 because we're all kind of a little bit
03:14 scratchy voice today.
03:16 So sing along with us.
03:17 We're gonna make a joyful noise to the Lord,
03:19 as we sing number 516 from the hymnal,
03:23 but it the words will be on the bottom of the screen
03:26 and it is "All the way."
03:33 All the way my Savior leads me
03:37 What have I to ask beside
03:42 Can I doubt His tender mercy
03:46 Who through life
03:47 Has been my guide
03:50 Heavenly peace
03:52 Divinest comfort
03:54 Ere by faith in Him to dwell
03:58 For I know whate're fall me
04:03 Jesus doeth all things well
04:07 For I know whate'er fall me
04:11 Jesus doeth all things well
04:16 All of the way my Savior leads me
04:20 Cheers each winding path I tread
04:24 Gives me grace for every trial
04:28 Feeds me with the living bread
04:33 Though my weary steps may falter
04:37 And my soul a-thirst may be
04:41 Gushing from the rock before me
04:45 Though a spring of joy I see
04:49 Gushing from the rock before me
04:53 Though a spring of joy I see
04:58 All the way my Savior leads me
05:02 Oh, the fullness of His love
05:06 Perfect rest to me is promised
05:11 In my Father's house above
05:15 When my way to life immortal
05:19 Wing my flight to realms of day
05:23 This my song through endless ages
05:27 Jesus led me all the way
05:31 This my song through endless ages
05:36 Jesus led me all the way
05:40 Amen. Amen.
05:42 Amen I will praise God for His leading.
05:45 Amen.
05:46 Well, tonight, we will talk about a topic
05:50 that some people seem to make a little complicated.
05:54 We will talk about Surrender Made Simple.
05:59 And, you know, surrender is a word
06:02 that some people have a knee jerk reaction to.
06:04 But it simply means that
06:06 we are going to submit our will to God
06:09 and accept His choices for our life.
06:13 And I have to tell you,
06:15 even though we're talking about it made simple,
06:17 if you try to surrender in your own strength,
06:20 it's impossible.
06:21 So we're gonna learn tonight
06:23 how God intends for us to be.
06:29 Would you all agree? Let me just ask this question.
06:31 How are we saved?
06:33 Is it by our good works and our obedience?
06:36 What brings salvation?
06:39 God's grace. God's grace.
06:41 It's... Amazing grace.
06:43 The righteousness of Christ by faith is how we're saved,
06:47 right?
06:48 So let's look at John 17:3.
06:51 JD, you wanna read that?
06:52 John 17:3? Yeah.
06:54 And this is eternal life
06:56 that they may know You, the only true God,
07:00 and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.
07:02 Okay, now let's take that apart.
07:04 Yep.
07:05 What is eternal life? Knowing Him.
07:09 Knowing Him. Amen.
07:11 I mean, salvation depends on knowing God
07:15 and on knowing Christ.
07:17 So what does it mean to know Him?
07:22 I know what it means to me.
07:24 That means to know anybody but right now we're...
07:28 Thank you, specifically talking about God,
07:31 and that is by having a relationship with Him.
07:32 Yeah.
07:34 And, you know, actually the word in the Greek here
07:35 that is used,
07:37 this is the same word like
07:39 for Adam knew Eve.
07:43 This is a very intimate thing of knowing.
07:46 It's not...
07:48 Did the Pharisees know God?
07:51 Or did they know about God?
07:53 About God. Yeah.
07:54 The words of Jesus concerning the Pharisees
07:57 and other people around, He says,
07:59 "These people honor me with their lips,
08:01 but their heart is far from Me."
08:03 In other words, they did not know God
08:06 on a heart to heart level.
08:08 Amen. Amen.
08:09 So I think the point that we wanna make here is that
08:14 to know someone,
08:15 if you wanna have a relationship with someone,
08:19 where do you begin?
08:20 Well, definitely requires conversation.
08:23 Amen.
08:24 Conversation, heart to heart conversation,
08:26 sincere conversation.
08:28 I recall when Johnny and I,
08:30 we had a long distance relationship,
08:33 oh, I couldn't wait
08:35 until that man called my house,
08:38 and we would spend so much time with him on the phone.
08:43 And then I learned to spend time with God
08:48 in a Chevy old chair, pink chair, I still have it.
08:53 And I love to spend that time talking with the Lord, reading,
08:59 praising the Lord, and music,
09:01 but also when I'm about to do all my things around the house,
09:05 you're just going to continually
09:07 stay in touch with the Lord in conversation with Him.
09:10 Amen.
09:11 And so prayer is us talking to Him
09:14 like a friend,
09:16 in opening our heart,
09:18 and then when we read the Word,
09:21 this is something that
09:23 this is how He talks to us really,
09:26 I mean, number one way.
09:27 Honey, was something that you learned about prayer?
09:32 Well, in my particular case,
09:34 you know, I've always had a love affair with Jesus,
09:36 I never really understood a whole lot,
09:40 but I don't really know how that all even came about,
09:43 but that's neither here nor there.
09:45 But I did learn that to start every day off
09:48 with the first thing I do,
09:50 Lord, fill me with the Holy Spirit.
09:52 Amen.
09:53 I just for some reason,
09:54 that just whether I even knew what I was talking about,
09:57 at least that maintain a connection.
10:00 Amen.
10:02 I know that practicality is very important in my life.
10:05 And I know we've talked enough about different situations.
10:06 Yes. I love your potato story.
10:08 I wanna get to your potato story
10:10 here in a little bit.
10:11 Yeah.
10:12 But it was just so important that even to this day,
10:15 except now it's this with more.
10:17 It's just all I have.
10:18 Lord, please,
10:20 I give You permission to come into my heart.
10:21 I gave you permission
10:23 to the aid of the Holy Spirit to guide me.
10:25 I want my marching orders.
10:26 I won't divine appointments.
10:29 And that is that conversation, you know?
10:31 You know, it's very interesting,
10:33 somebody,
10:34 I guess trying to illustrate the scripture that says,
10:38 where Jesus says, "I will be with you always,
10:40 even after the end of the world,"
10:42 shows different scenes where Jesus is with people.
10:47 Somebody's fixing a car,
10:48 Jesus is right there under the car with the person.
10:51 And it even shows the scene where there's this guy
10:54 that his job is to work with the trash,
10:57 picking up the trash, and the truck,
11:00 and it shows Jesus helping pick up a can of trash
11:03 and throwing in the truck and then holding onto the truck
11:06 and going to the next place.
11:08 So like Idalia says, you know, Jesus is with us all the time.
11:13 And we can strike up a conversation with Him
11:15 and say, you know, what our wants,
11:17 our sorrows, our needs are,
11:19 and let Him know how much we appreciate
11:21 the things He does for us.
11:23 And in doing this,
11:24 we are connecting with Him
11:27 because we need a connection with Him
11:29 so that we can face the challenges of life.
11:33 I know in my growth, it was, "Lord, please give me,
11:39 please give me, please give me, please give me."
11:41 It was kind of like
11:42 that was the relationship that I know,
11:44 "Give me."
11:45 And then one day, it's kind of like as I matured,
11:48 and evolved into a more mature Christian,
11:52 "Lord, I thank You,
11:53 I thank You, I thank You, I thank You, I thank You,"
11:56 and rarely do I say, "Give me."
11:59 I certainly say, "Help me," you know, but it's just,
12:05 I would think that if I was a parent,
12:08 I would love to hear from my children, "Thank you.
12:13 I know that you've sacrificed to help me," you know?
12:17 And so that is going in a positive way, I believe.
12:21 Now you brought up parenting and,
12:23 you know, I cannot stay quiet when you bring up parenting.
12:27 It's interesting how we instill in our children
12:30 to be courteous,
12:32 and to be proper,
12:33 and to talk to Jesus when we pray,
12:37 to do all the right things.
12:39 And we want them to develop that relationship with Jesus
12:43 because we're their teachers,
12:45 we have to teach them to be conscious
12:49 that there is a Jesus,
12:51 but they're not gonna believe there's the Jesus
12:53 if we don't have Jesus.
12:55 So what are we gonna show them
12:56 if we don't have Jesus?
12:57 So how do we can communicate with Jesus
13:00 and our children grow or learn to communicate with Jesus?
13:06 You know, when we go for our works,
13:08 when we even look at nature,
13:11 you know, we recognize that God is God,
13:15 and He's a great God.
13:16 And you know what?
13:18 You are so important to Him.
13:20 I mean, you see the ant, how small...
13:23 Is there anything smaller than an ant?
13:26 God notices even the ant.
13:28 Why not His children?
13:30 So yes, the please and the thank you,
13:32 "Thank You, Father..."
13:34 how many times have we heard ourselves,
13:37 I have to speak for myself to JD.
13:40 I was, "Give me, give me, give me,
13:41 help me, help me, help me."
13:43 But there's a strength
13:45 that I feel within me when I say,
13:47 "I praise You and I thank You, Lord.
13:50 Thank you, Lord."
13:51 Thanking Him for those things that have not come to fruition
13:56 but that I know
13:57 that He's going to see it through.
13:59 So it's kind of like when as you...
14:02 Sometimes I think baby Christians,
14:04 it's almost like,
14:06 God is Santa Claus up in the sky
14:09 and you're just asking for all these things.
14:11 But that doesn't really bring you into relationship.
14:16 But I will say this, I do believe,
14:18 you know, the Bible says,
14:19 "You don't have because you don't ask."
14:22 Well, if God knows all things,
14:26 why does He want us to ask what He already knows?
14:29 You know what I think it is?
14:31 I think He wants us.
14:33 He does it for our sake that we begin to,
14:40 I guess you could say,
14:41 we're learning how to depend upon Him.
14:44 You know, "Give us this day our daily bread,"
14:46 we're learning that dependence.
14:48 But if I had met JD
14:51 and was trying to develop a relationship with him
14:55 and all I ever did or if you've got a friend
14:57 and if all you're ever doing is asking like,
15:00 "Do this for me, do that for me, do this,"
15:03 that's not much of a relationship, is it?
15:06 But you have a potato story
15:08 that we want you to share because...
15:10 No, I mean, this is good.
15:11 What it's all about is learning to,
15:14 if you're gonna pray without ceasing,
15:17 it's understanding He is always with you
15:21 and I just pray and say, "Lord, when I get busy,
15:25 give me a divine awareness of Your presence.
15:29 I know You're always there."
15:31 You know, we don't have to say,
15:33 "Oh, Lord, please be with us through the night."
15:36 He's gonna be with you through the night.
15:38 It's, "Lord, thank You."
15:39 Thank you for being.
15:41 "Thank you for being with us.
15:42 And give me a divine awareness of Your presence."
15:46 And in practice that presence...
15:47 Yes. As your potato story.
15:49 Well, my potato story,
15:50 but it could be somebody's carrot story...
15:52 Yeah. I don't know.
15:54 But as I'm peeling potatoes
15:56 and sometimes one has a default in it,
15:59 you know, it's been cut and they turn brown,
16:01 so what do we do?
16:02 We cut that brown part out.
16:04 I said, "Lord,"
16:05 just as I'm cutting this brown part of the potato,
16:09 I slice it up, and the potato is white, clean.
16:14 I said, "Lord,
16:15 please take the sins out of my life,
16:18 you know, the imperfections in our life."
16:22 So we surrender to the Lord,
16:24 our thoughts too because we could be prisoners
16:28 of our own thoughts.
16:30 But if we surrender our thoughts to the Lord,
16:32 as we pray, people are like, "Oh, pray without ceasing?
16:34 Are you kidding me?
16:35 I have to take care of the baby,
16:37 I have to cook, I have to drive.
16:38 How can you keep, you know, praying all day long?"
16:41 Easily, prayer,
16:44 and whilst you're doing your things,
16:46 praise the Lord, singing, right?
16:50 And testifying of His goodness,
16:52 I mean, I think that definitely connects us.
16:57 And, you know, I get in the shower,
16:58 I'll be washing my hair
17:00 and I'm praying in the shower saying,
17:01 "Oh, Lord, wash me thoroughly
17:04 and repeatedly and cleanse me from my sins."
17:07 It's unlike you.
17:08 I was in Walmart one day and I'm saying, "Now, Lord,
17:12 help me remember what..."
17:13 and somebody said, "Pardon me."
17:16 And I was wanting Him
17:17 to help me remember what I needed
17:19 'cause I forgot my list.
17:20 Yeah. Yes.
17:22 What were you gonna say, Johnny?
17:23 Well, I like to pick up on what you're saying
17:26 because you said
17:27 we should be aware of God's presence.
17:29 Knowing God, God tries to help us,
17:31 in the scriptures, even the disciples said,
17:33 "Jesus, Lord, teach us to pray,"
17:36 as John also taught his disciples.
17:39 And Jesus says,
17:40 after this manner, therefore pray,
17:42 and not that this is the prayer you should pray,
17:45 but He says, He started with,
17:47 "Our Father, which art in heaven,"
17:49 so God is trying to tell us,
17:51 we should recognize Him as our father.
17:54 And, you know, different people throughout our experience,
17:59 we pick up on things people have done.
18:01 I remember reading a book by Glenn Cohen,
18:03 and some people may know that name, Glenn Coon,
18:05 he wrote the book, "The ABCs of Prayer."
18:10 He was talking about this one day,
18:11 he still was driving on the road.
18:13 And he says, "Well, you know, the Lord says,
18:15 oh, He's with us.
18:16 You know, it seems to me like,
18:18 Lord, I have not acknowledged You."
18:19 He stopped his car.
18:21 He got out.
18:22 And he said, "Lord," opened the door,
18:24 he says, "Lord, Please come in."
18:26 How wonderful.
18:27 And after that,
18:29 he began his conversation with the Lord,
18:32 acknowledging His presence.
18:35 I've heard of some people that at their table,
18:38 there's another chair and a plate,
18:43 saying, "Lord, You are here with us.
18:45 You know, you are our guest at our table."
18:47 So different things people do,
18:50 but we should live with an awareness
18:53 that God is there.
18:54 He's ever with us.
18:56 Now what I wanted to share right now
18:59 is that there are people who are facing situations
19:03 that have never experienced God's power into your life
19:06 and they say, "God, if You are real,
19:09 if You are really there, and if You answer this prayer,
19:14 I will forever serve You."
19:17 Is that true or not?
19:19 Thank you, He certainly hears and,
19:21 you know, let's just say,
19:23 "Lord, if you'll get me out of debt this one time,
19:26 I'll help serve You the rest of my life."
19:28 And then they turn around
19:30 because they really didn't learn something,
19:32 and so here they are back in the corner again.
19:35 "Well, this time, I really mean it, Lord."
19:37 So, you know, I back it up a little bit.
19:39 And I think we're surrounding
19:42 this as I think that what Lord wants
19:45 from each one of us is involvement.
19:48 If we become involved in just little things,
19:52 probably in your question right there,
19:54 a matter of...
19:55 A matter of asking them a little different way, okay?
19:57 Yeah.
19:59 But you may not know any better way.
20:01 But I mean, He certainly will He...
20:03 He's not gonna, "Oh, don't listen to that person.
20:05 Don't listen to that person," you know,
20:07 it's all taken into account.
20:11 Now He knows the beginning from the end,
20:12 so when it's all said and done,
20:14 I believe, I've heard this from Shelley
20:16 the first time,
20:17 it's certainly not original.
20:18 But I heard it the first time is that the Lord always
20:21 has our eternal interest in mind, always, okay?
20:25 That's right.
20:27 Boy, that I might have heard it 10 times before it's sunk in,
20:30 but wow.
20:33 In a relationship, there comes a time
20:36 when in any relationship,
20:37 whether it be friends, whether it be husband,
20:38 what, there comes a time of that aha moment,
20:42 "Wow, I can trust this person."
20:44 And then that leads you to the next step
20:47 whatever the next step is.
20:48 Boy, let me segue off of that one because...
20:50 Oh, boy.
20:51 That's what, you know,
20:52 what God wants from us as His covenant children,
20:58 you know, I mean, the reason we pray for the Holy Spirit,
21:01 the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit,
21:04 we don't know how we even ought to pray.
21:06 So I always pray at the beginning
21:08 for the Holy Spirit because it says
21:09 that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us
21:11 and helps us in our prayers.
21:14 We know it gives us the power, but it's the idea of trust.
21:19 God wants...
21:21 His covenant is, "I will be Your God,
21:24 you will be My people.
21:25 I'm gonna put the Holy Spirit in your heart
21:28 that you cry out Abba, Father."
21:30 So He wants this relationship.
21:33 And if you don't have a relationship with God,
21:36 you're not saved.
21:38 And, you know, we're talking a lot about prayer.
21:39 I wanna kind of move on, but prayer is how,
21:43 I mean, it doesn't have to be a formula,
21:46 it doesn't have to be on your knees.
21:47 It can be when you're in the shower,
21:49 if you're peeling potatoes, or driving down the road.
21:52 I talked to the Lord
21:54 all the time going down the road.
21:55 I like my car is one of my favorite
21:59 prayer closets, actually.
22:03 But that's the main way we're speaking with Him.
22:07 How do we hear from Him?
22:10 It's mostly through the Word, right?
22:13 And even if you hear the still small voice,
22:15 if it doesn't line up with the Word,
22:17 you got to always check and make sure
22:19 'cause the Holy Spirit will never tell us anything.
22:22 That's not God's Word.
22:24 That's right.
22:25 I think that someplace along the line
22:27 in your walk of maturity with the Lord,
22:30 you're wanting to be more Christ-like.
22:32 Amen.
22:33 And so I know that one of the scriptures
22:36 that we use it,
22:37 2 Corinthians 3:18, okay,
22:41 and that is "By beholding Christ,
22:43 we become changed."
22:45 And so there's that...
22:48 Now you know that you can trust Him.
22:52 You know that you're actually praying to someone,
22:57 and now there's fruit that's being produced.
23:01 You're saying that, "Wow!
23:04 I believe in You, Lord."
23:08 And so now you begin to look at things
23:10 in a more clear way.
23:12 And now you're wanting to take that truth
23:14 that He's given you and now it's like a mirror.
23:18 And then it comes in
23:20 and the reflection of Jesus is coming into you from Him,
23:24 now you're projecting to someone else.
23:26 Let's read this, 2 Corinthians 3:18.
23:30 It says, "We all with unveiled face,
23:33 beholding as in a mirror,
23:34 the glory of the Lord,
23:36 are being transformed into the same image
23:38 from glory to glory,
23:40 just as by the Spirit of the Lord."
23:42 So what that says to me
23:45 is that when we look into the scripture,
23:49 we're saying how God sees us.
23:52 This is a picture of who we are in Christ,
23:55 we're beholding as in a mirror,
23:57 the new creation that He's making us to be.
24:00 He's speaking to us.
24:02 He's giving us His promises.
24:04 And what is the glory of the Lord?
24:07 Character. His character.
24:09 So it's the Holy Spirit that leads you
24:13 from one level of His character to the next.
24:16 This is all about that relationship
24:19 as you're praying to the Lord and getting into His Word,
24:23 and the Holy Spirit is leading you from one...
24:26 I mean, does it happen overnight?
24:28 No.
24:29 No, what did Jesus say first?
24:32 The blade...
24:33 Then the head...
24:35 Then the... The head or the...
24:36 The head or the ear, then the full kernel in there.
24:39 How many kernels of corn are there in an ear?
24:43 I think that we've sat the other day,
24:44 it was 800 and something.
24:46 Eight hundred and something.
24:48 And one year of corn,
24:49 and you started off a planting one kernel.
24:51 Like a seed.
24:52 It's kind of like, "Wow!"
24:54 And you talk about dividends, you know, "Wait a minute,
24:57 you got to have some rain."
24:59 "Oh, where does that come from?"
25:00 "We're gonna have some sun."
25:01 "Wait a minute, now it's getting complicated,"
25:03 and now you can see
25:05 why it wasn't that cheap start with
25:06 because you have to have all these gifts
25:09 in order to have this ear of corn
25:11 has got 800 and something kernels on it.
25:15 But that is the God that we serve.
25:18 But this as you, you know, these things tell us
25:22 that we have to have a participation
25:24 in relation too.
25:26 Now you talk about by beholding we become changed.
25:31 That's us having an active part in beholding,
25:35 reading the scriptures,
25:38 looking for the Lord in places of our daily lives
25:42 because daily He's trying to talk to us
25:44 through circumstances, people, and things that happened to us.
25:48 And so even the part where Jesus says
25:53 in Revelation 3:20,
25:54 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock,"
26:00 and that's this part.
26:01 "If any man hears my voice and opens the door,"
26:05 that's us now.
26:07 We hear the voice, we hear the knock,
26:09 we have to open.
26:10 So we have to have an active participation.
26:12 And then Jesus says,
26:14 "And I will come into him
26:15 and sup with him and he with me,"
26:16 participation again,
26:18 "and having fellowship with Him."
26:20 So what you just said,
26:22 and that's the point I wanted to get to, thank you,
26:25 is that if we are not participating,
26:29 if we're not praying, if we're not in our word,
26:34 we can't keep a relationship going with the Lord.
26:38 I mean, because you've heard this before,
26:43 prayer is the breath of the soul.
26:46 How long can you go without breathing?
26:51 I mean, physically, how long?
26:53 How long... Not very long.
26:54 However, you know, some people say,
26:55 "I can do a minute. I can do two, I can..."
26:57 It's not very long.
26:59 So what do you think
27:00 if prayer is the breath of the soul,
27:03 if prayer is like
27:05 oxygenating your spiritual life,
27:07 if you go a full day without praying,
27:10 what's happening to your spiritual life?
27:13 All right.
27:14 And then Jesus said that,
27:17 "Man should not live by breath alone,"
27:19 Matthew 4:4, "but every word that comes..."
27:22 We talk about the Word of God is what seeds us spiritually.
27:27 Well, now how long can you go without eating
27:31 and not feel weak?
27:32 Let me put that way.
27:35 I don't know, might be...
27:37 You know, some people can go a day or two days.
27:40 But I think that's what you just said
27:43 is what it's all about.
27:45 Amen.
27:46 We've got to learn,
27:48 if salvation depends on staying in relationship with God,
27:53 we need and this is all that God asks of us,
27:57 "Seek My face."
27:59 He wants to, He's your Father, you're His child.
28:03 He wants you to learn to depend on Him.
28:06 So, though we even try to do this...
28:10 Let's look at John 15:5
28:12 because we got to kind of move this along
28:15 and see...
28:17 Who's got john 15:5?
28:21 I can read it. Okay.
28:22 John 15:5, says,
28:23 "I am the vine, you are the branches.
28:27 He who abides in Me and I in him,
28:31 bears much fruit, for without Me,
28:34 you can do nothing."
28:36 So who's speaking?
28:38 Jesus.
28:39 Jesus is speaking and He says, "Hey, I'm the vine.
28:43 I'm the one that has the life and you're the branches.
28:47 And apart from Me, you can do," what?
28:50 Nothing. Nothing.
28:51 So do we realize then that
28:57 even surrender is impossible without Jesus?
29:04 Yes, it is.
29:05 You know, I tried, I don't know about you.
29:08 But I tried for so long
29:12 to surrender control of my life to the Lord.
29:16 You know, and I would say,
29:17 "Oh, Lord, I'm willing to be made willing, help me,"
29:21 you know, but I didn't understand
29:25 that it's being in that relationship with Him
29:29 'cause Philippians 4:13,
29:31 that's one of your favorite scriptures.
29:32 What does that say? Well, I love it.
29:34 What the Amplified says, you know,
29:37 that "I can do all things through Christ who empowers me.
29:41 He infuses His inner strength into us
29:44 and consequently we're equal to anything
29:47 and can do anything
29:50 because He's the one that's in us.
29:52 He is the strength, He is the sap,"
29:54 here we're just talking about the tree here.
29:56 You know,
29:59 that will help you get past any speed bump in life.
30:04 And so I mean, I just love...
30:06 Well look at the juxtaposition of those two scriptures.
30:09 John 15:5, "Apart from Me, you can do nothing."
30:14 And then Philippians 4:13,
30:16 "With Him, you can do all things."
30:20 So when it comes to surrender, and once again,
30:24 we just wanna give you the definition for surrender,
30:27 is submitting your will to God.
30:31 And in saying like Jesus said,
30:34 "Not My will but yours be done."
30:36 It's recognizing
30:38 that God is all knowing, all powerful, all loving,
30:44 that God knows the end from the beginning.
30:47 He has your eternal benefit,
30:50 everything He does in your life,
30:53 He has your eternal benefit in mind.
30:55 So it is coming to the Lord and saying,
30:59 "Lord, teach me Your will."
31:01 "Teach me Your will, get me out of the way,
31:04 I'm giving you permission."
31:06 And you've got to do it in relationship with Jesus
31:09 and know through Him you can.
31:12 So let's take a few scriptures.
31:14 I would like to bring out an illustration
31:17 that I guess could be a help to somebody that's listening.
31:20 Sure.
31:22 You know, when there are two armies fighting
31:24 and there's one that's overcoming the other,
31:28 the one that's losing
31:31 either becomes a group of people
31:35 that say, "Well, we're not giving up!
31:36 We're not gonna surrender."
31:38 Or they can say, "Well, they're wiping us out.
31:41 We're gonna all die here."
31:42 And they put up that white flag, which means,
31:46 "We're gonna stop fighting because we're gonna get hurt.
31:50 And our people are getting hurt.
31:51 We don't want anyone else to get hurt."
31:53 So when we surrender, we are saying to the Lord,
31:56 "I don't want to be hurt anymore
31:58 by making my own choices, by doing my own things."
32:01 That's good.
32:02 "I would like for You to take over, Lord,
32:04 take over my life,
32:06 I'm gonna stop fighting on my own."
32:08 So we are allowing the Lord,
32:10 we're giving Him permission to bless us and benefit us
32:14 because that's what God wants to do.
32:16 "I love you, I want to benefit you,
32:19 I want to help you,
32:21 I wanna give you strength, I wanna give you peace,
32:23 I wanna give you happiness, joy."
32:25 So we give Him permission by giving up,
32:28 doing stuff on our own, fighting on our own.
32:30 And, you know, as human beings,
32:33 I guess we're like the little children
32:35 that you're trying to help them do something,
32:37 "And I guess I grown up enough to say,
32:39 'I can do it. I can do it.'"
32:42 And they want to tell you,
32:44 "Stop helping me because I can do this."
32:46 Right.
32:47 But with the Lord,
32:48 we need to understand that without Him,
32:51 like you said...
32:52 We can do nothing. We can do nothing.
32:53 Well, I'd like to share one thing here
32:56 is that I need the spirit of humility.
32:59 You know, in order to surrender,
33:01 this is how I feel.
33:03 I need to recognize that
33:08 if I am too self-sufficient,
33:11 I'm not gonna have the will or the interest to surrender.
33:15 And, you know, it's interesting
33:16 'cause what are we taught as a child,
33:18 they're trying to teach us to be self-sufficient,
33:20 to be independent.
33:22 That's right. That's right.
33:23 But I just wanna thank the Lord for prompting my heart,
33:27 you know, the Holy Spirit prompts your heart
33:30 when you are not spending enough time with Him
33:33 or it's time to talk again,
33:35 "Let's regroup."
33:37 And God is just so awesome to just express yourself
33:43 and feel that you got it all out of your system,
33:47 and that something better
33:49 is bound to happen in your life,
33:51 so yeah.
33:53 But let me, I wanna just kind of,
33:54 I was just looking at the scripture
33:56 when you were talking about humility.
33:59 Yes. Boy!
34:00 You know, God has given me a new definition for humility.
34:04 Oh, really?
34:05 Humility is total dependence on God.
34:08 And here's why I'll say that.
34:10 Philippians 2:5, Paul writes to the Philippines.
34:15 And he says, "Let this mind
34:17 which was also in Christ Jesus being you, who,"
34:22 talking about Christ, "being in the form of God,"
34:24 in other words, Jesus was God,
34:27 "did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,"
34:30 because He was God,
34:32 "but he made himself of no reputation,
34:35 taking the form of a bondservant,
34:37 coming in the likeness of men.
34:40 And being found in appearance as a man,
34:42 He humbled Himself and became obedient
34:45 to the point of death, even the death of the cross."
34:48 So what he says, let this mind be in you,
34:52 here's God who came to earth in the person of Jesus Christ.
34:57 And although He was perfectly human,
34:59 He was still perfectly God,
35:01 but He totally humbled Himself to the will of the Lord.
35:07 And humility is just saying,
35:10 "Lord, I'm totally dependent upon you,"
35:12 'cause Jesus said,
35:14 "You know, I only say what My Father has to say,
35:16 only do what My Father shows Me to do."
35:20 So He was being completely dependent upon God.
35:24 That's what we need to do.
35:25 Our prayer is,
35:27 "Lord, help me to be willing to be willing,"
35:29 You know, to accept God's will for our lives.
35:31 This is true.
35:33 You know, it's interesting, it was just yesterday,
35:36 I was looking at the disciples
35:41 on the way to Gethsemane and on the way to cavalry.
35:45 They were talking about,
35:47 "Oh, when He's on that throne, I'm gonna be this,"
35:50 and they were arguing
35:51 who's gonna get number one spot,
35:53 next to Jesus.
35:55 And the lesson of humility is the next lesson
35:58 that Jesus taught them.
36:00 They were in the upper room,
36:02 Jesus put on the servant's attire
36:06 and started washing their feet.
36:08 This lesson of humility is one
36:10 that is very important for us to learn.
36:11 Amen.
36:13 And we need to learn
36:14 that this scripture Philippians 2:5,
36:17 Philippians 2,
36:18 helps us understand that God Himself humbled Himself.
36:24 That is an incredible picture.
36:26 It says, "Being equal with God,"
36:30 and then it says,
36:31 "Being like in appearance of men or fashioned."
36:35 He humbled Himself like a servant.
36:38 And that is something awesome to think about
36:42 that He's trying to teach us something.
36:44 And in humility and in giving up our own way,
36:48 we find strength, we find peace,
36:52 and all the wonderful things that God wants to do for us.
36:54 You know, can I say this, you know, we were...
36:59 Luke 22:42, Luke 22:42 says,
37:03 "Not My will, Lord, but Yours be done."
37:07 As I was looking at that, we're talking about humility,
37:09 we're talking about growing, we're looking for peace,
37:13 what a comfort zone that is.
37:16 Whenever if things don't go
37:18 just the way you anticipated it,
37:21 then you are mature enough, "Lord, Your will be done.
37:25 You're the one that's in charge."
37:27 And then so I remember I was driving an 18 Howler,
37:33 and it was a brand new truck.
37:35 First time I'd been out in it.
37:37 And I was in Lubbock, Texas, and I came in,
37:40 it was raining, raining, raining,
37:42 and the streets were really slick
37:45 and I came to a stop sign.
37:47 And there's a Polish truck after the stop sign.
37:50 The whole truck just kept moving.
37:55 And here came a car this away
37:57 and I just knew that I was gonna be hit.
38:02 And everything came into slow motion and rare
38:05 that everything just comes to slow motion.
38:07 And here I'm just barely moving,
38:10 here comes this car,
38:11 barely coming and I, "New truck!"
38:15 You know, a new truck.
38:16 And boy, I said, "Lord Jesus,"
38:19 you know, I may not called out His name.
38:22 And Wow!
38:24 I don't know whatever an...
38:27 What is the word? Infinitesimal.
38:30 Just a tiny of tiny this, I was protected.
38:36 At that time, I trust...
38:37 Squished the angel but...
38:39 Thank you, Jesus.
38:41 Thank you, Angel. Amen.
38:42 You know, that's exactly right.
38:44 But He was always there
38:46 but not knowing how it got over there
38:48 but this has been on my mind.
38:49 But anyway, to me, it gives me great comfort
38:54 to know that even if I had been hit,
38:57 "Lord, that Your will be done."
38:59 There was some lesson for me to learn there.
39:01 Today, I'm a lot more mature than I was then.
39:04 And I just thank the Lord for that comfort zone
39:07 that I'm in right now.
39:09 I'm gonna tell you now and I'm gonna tell at home,
39:11 be careful around truck drivers.
39:14 I always figured that they were really professional.
39:17 Here he is.
39:19 We sold our business and I always said,
39:20 he loved to drive
39:22 and he went up to work with his brother.
39:24 And he bought this 18 wheeler
39:27 and I thought, "You got to be kidding me."
39:30 Two hours of training and he was on the road.
39:33 Mercy. Wow!
39:35 Great experience in my life,
39:36 it's like a little boy going off to camp.
39:39 Anyway...
39:40 It was like just looking
39:41 for who they don't know who they are,
39:43 it's a great fun, but they'll be careful.
39:45 Let me pick up on what Johnny was talking about
39:47 because when you said
39:51 and I forget how you said it now,
39:53 but what thought came to my mind
39:55 is at the end of the day, sometimes, you know,
40:00 I start off surrendered, I pray.
40:04 And then by the end of the day, you feel like,
40:10 "Did I really pray about this project
40:12 I was working on?"
40:14 I mean, can you be surrendered
40:16 and not know you're surrendered?
40:19 Good question.
40:21 You know, I mean,
40:22 because really we are depending on God,
40:25 and that's something I was beating myself up like,
40:28 "Oh, Lord, I didn't pray before I did this."
40:31 But the Lord showed me, "Hey, trust Me."
40:34 Well, He reminded you that you didn't pray about it.
40:36 Yeah.
40:38 But it's like you're in relationship,
40:40 you prayed during the day.
40:41 It's not like, you've stepped away.
40:43 It's right.
40:45 So even though I may not,
40:47 we switch hats around here so often,
40:49 even though I didn't pray at the beginning of that,
40:53 you know, I just had to tell Him,
40:55 thank You for helping me through that
40:56 because You're the one that gave me the efficiencies.
40:59 You're the one, and I know that I don't know,
41:03 if Jesus prayed every minute before He said, "Spoke,"
41:06 but I think God shows us what to do
41:09 when you're in relationship with Him.
41:12 We just need to acknowledge, like Jesus said,
41:15 "Hey, I'm just doing what My Father shows me to do,
41:17 I'm just saying what He's..." you know?
41:19 Amen. Amen.
41:21 Don't you think? Amen.
41:22 I certainly know that we're work in progress.
41:25 You know, I don't know
41:27 which one of these two things to share first
41:28 because while somebody was talking,
41:30 this thought came to my mind, I said,
41:32 "How does this even fit
41:34 into our relationship with the Lord
41:37 and the talk progressed this way?"
41:40 You know, I don't know how many here or there
41:44 that are listening to us have ever tried
41:47 to help an animal that was wounded, a bird
41:50 or some other little creature.
41:53 And as you approach,
41:54 this animal is afraid and scared
41:57 and tries to bite or growl.
42:01 And God is trying to help us.
42:03 And here we are growling or trying to bite Him,
42:06 or you know, hurt Him when He's trying to help us.
42:12 And we need to stop doing that
42:14 because the Lord wants to help us.
42:16 Yes.
42:17 He wants to relieve the suffering
42:20 that we're going through
42:21 because anybody that is not with the Lord
42:23 is suffering.
42:25 Really, that's the reality of it.
42:27 And the longer we resist surrendering to God,
42:32 the longer our suffering is.
42:35 And so when we surrender,
42:37 begins our joy, begins our freedom.
42:41 And yes, we'll face difficult times,
42:44 but the Lord is with us to give us strength.
42:47 I think I'd like to read it this time,
42:48 Psalm 29:11, if I may.
42:52 Psalm 29:11,
42:53 because this is a scripture that one day I read and said,
42:57 "Wow! This is fantastic!"
43:00 And it communicates to us what God wants to do for us.
43:04 Psalm 29:11 says,
43:06 "The Lord will give strength to His people,
43:09 the Lord will bless His people with peace."
43:12 Isn't that wonderful?
43:13 Give that some thought.
43:15 That's what God wants to do for us.
43:17 Amen. Amen.
43:19 Well, He also has promised that in Jeremiah 29:13,
43:23 that when we search Him with all our heart,
43:26 we're gonna find Him.
43:28 That's right.
43:29 It says, "You shall seek Me and find Me
43:31 when you shall search for Me with all your heart."
43:35 Just, you know, take...
43:39 I don't know if the expression is take a gamble
43:41 or take a risk, you know, into trusting God.
43:45 Take a risk that God is waiting for you.
43:52 As soon as you surrender, He is going to cradle you.
43:58 And you're gonna know it's the Lord cradling you.
44:01 When you enter in that, in His presence,
44:05 as you surrender your heart, your thoughts, your life,
44:09 and I just want you to try it.
44:12 And it may sound hard to do
44:15 because our nature is self-sufficiency.
44:18 But we have a standing invitation,
44:21 an open invitation to come unto Jesus.
44:24 Amen.
44:25 And I hope that people hear
44:26 what you just said because that is an invitation.
44:28 Amen. Yes.
44:30 Well, and you know,
44:31 I love the scripture before that in Jeremiah 29:12.
44:35 He says, "I am the Lord
44:37 and I've got a plan for your life,
44:40 a plan to do good, and not to do evil,
44:43 a plan to prosper you."
44:45 And when transitions knew it
44:49 to the next scripture it says,
44:51 then, "You will come and seek Me with all your heart
44:56 and you're gonna find Me."
44:57 But when do we seek Him?
44:59 When we finally recognize,
45:01 you know, we have the humility to recognize.
45:05 We don't know what's best for us.
45:07 Yes. But God's got this plan.
45:08 And if you recognize God has a plan for your life,
45:11 that makes you wanna seek Him, I think.
45:14 I just get frustrated sometimes
45:16 because we tend to trust human beings
45:19 more than we trust our Creator God,
45:22 you know,
45:24 our parents will give us anything in the world, right?
45:28 But they're still imperfect, they are not perfect.
45:32 But God, who is the Almighty, all powerful, the perfect God,
45:38 perfect parent, we leave Him for last.
45:42 Why is that?
45:44 You know,
45:45 I just want to overcome that temptation
45:49 of surrendering or seeking, not that there's bad things
45:55 in praying together and seeking counsel,
45:58 I so appreciate your phone calls
46:00 and praying together, JD and Shelley.
46:04 Shelley, you know,
46:05 you've been there and I missed your phone calls
46:07 and stuff when we got so busy.
46:09 But it's interesting that if we would just pull away
46:15 and just concentrate and making a purpose,
46:20 effort or effort with purpose, right, of surrendering.
46:25 Just five minutes let's surrender our thoughts.
46:29 Five minutes, five seconds.
46:31 You know, how many things go through our heads
46:33 in five seconds, right?
46:35 You know, there's something interesting.
46:39 There are people that think being a Christian,
46:41 you're a slave, you're miserable,
46:45 but the opposite is true.
46:47 You know, and I've even wondered
46:49 why some people are atheists and there may be some atheist
46:54 or they think they're atheists listening right now.
46:57 And I said to myself, either people are atheist
47:00 because they haven't really tasted,
47:03 they haven't tried the Lord.
47:04 Or there are some atheists
47:06 that because something didn't turn out
47:07 the way they thought they should,
47:10 they know there's a God, but they're like,
47:11 "I'm not gonna follow the Lord, I'm not gonna acknowledge Him,
47:16 I'm just gonna live my own, do my own thing."
47:18 Or they've been taught maybe that He is a God
47:21 that's gonna burn them for eternity.
47:23 Yeah.
47:24 And they've been taught error about the Lord.
47:27 That's right.
47:28 But the people that like the scripture
47:29 says in Psalm 34,
47:31 "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good."
47:34 They know that their relationship with God
47:36 brings them freedom, brings them joy,
47:40 brings them happiness.
47:42 And where they go,
47:45 wherever they are, they have this peace,
47:48 they have this happiness about them
47:50 because they know that the Lord is with them.
47:53 "Oh, this situation is terrible,
47:55 but the Lord is with me.
47:56 And I don't know what He's gonna do with it.
47:58 But the Lord is going to help me through it."
47:59 You know,
48:02 I'm hoping to communicate to somebody out there
48:05 that has stayed away from the Lord,
48:07 because for some reason,
48:12 to realize that there's joy in knowing the Lord.
48:15 As the scripture says, and you know,
48:16 we're sharing scripture, it says,
48:18 within the presence of the Lord there is...
48:20 Joy forever. Fullness of joy, joy forever.
48:23 So I'm saying to somebody,
48:25 taste and see that the Lord is good.
48:28 Amen.
48:29 Let me ask the answer that will say one thing
48:31 to your point about thinking that you're gonna be a slave.
48:35 You know what, actually we're all slaves,
48:38 we're either slaves to the devil
48:39 or slaves to the Lord.
48:41 According to Paul, he says,
48:42 "Do you not know to whom you present yourselves,"
48:44 this is Romans 6:16,
48:48 "present yourself slaves to obey,
48:50 "you are that one's slaves whom you obey,
48:53 "whether of sin leading to death
48:56 or of obedience leading to righteousness?"
49:00 The difference is,
49:02 the devil is a harsh taskmaster,
49:06 very controlling.
49:08 Whereas when we come to the Lord
49:10 and trust Him
49:13 that He loves us that He, you know,
49:16 with a wholehearted love,
49:17 one that He was willing to die for us,
49:21 and that He wants what's best for us,
49:23 He designed us, He knows what's best for us,
49:27 then...
49:28 And when we know
49:29 all He asks from us is loyalty and love.
49:34 I mean, He just wants love, right?
49:37 So then if you realize, all He's saying is,
49:40 "Seek My face, child, come close to Me,
49:43 stay in relationship with Me, let's talk."
49:47 And then we know that it's Jesus,
49:52 all things we can do through Him.
49:55 So, honey, talk about some of the scriptures
49:59 about how much we need the Holy Spirit
50:03 in order to even say,
50:05 "Not my will, but Yours be done."
50:07 How do we invite the Holy Spirit
50:09 by scripture promises into our life?
50:12 Well, first, let me just back up because,
50:15 boy, you hit on something here, and I got to speak this
50:21 'cause we're talking about relationship,
50:23 we're talking about surrendering,
50:25 and there are people
50:27 that are looking for a ministry,
50:29 and it might be bit more difficult to find
50:33 if you're just fine and volunteer for someone.
50:36 Just do something good for somebody,
50:40 make that the objective for the day,
50:42 and then that will produce fruit right there
50:46 because that's what we're talking about.
50:47 We're talking about relationship here,
50:49 the very bottom line, relationship,
50:52 and it has to start some place
50:53 and if you don't understand truly who God is,
50:56 because you haven't had an opportunity
50:58 to mature in that area, or just help a friend.
51:02 And is that...
51:03 And then as you start that walk,
51:05 then He will start adding in,
51:08 all of a sudden, this kind of like,
51:10 you're regretting of this tree,
51:12 I understand there are trees out there.
51:14 I don't have a tree that has multiple fruit on it.
51:17 One tree, let's just say, it's a plum tree,
51:22 and they've gone in and they've grafted,
51:24 you grown peaches off the plum tree, plums.
51:26 I mean, wow.
51:28 And so that is available
51:29 if you will allow yourself to be involved.
51:32 What I love here and I think
51:34 that we mentioned a while ago, Shelley,
51:35 and that's Psalms 143:10,
51:37 and I know that's worked in my life.
51:39 "Lord, teach me, teach me Your will,
51:42 teach me what I do not see.
51:44 I do feel like I'm missing something.
51:46 Something's not aligning up.
51:48 There's got to be more to life than just a dead end street.
51:52 There's got to be more to life than just being selfish.
51:55 There's got to be more than the laugh and there,
51:57 you know, just so I'm giving You permission."
52:00 But what a powerful statement that is.
52:04 "I give you permission, you know, to do..."
52:09 And so anyway, I love Psalm 143:10,
52:13 "Teach me do Your will, Lord,
52:14 for You are my God, the Holy Spirit is good."
52:18 And what I'm looking for,
52:20 I don't wanna walk through life, I've been over,
52:22 I wanna be able to walk through life upright.
52:25 Okay.
52:27 So let's we're getting down to the little time,
52:30 kind of let's go back and recap.
52:32 What God is looking from us is our love.
52:37 He wants to be your Father, He wants you to be His child,
52:41 all He says is seek my face.
52:44 Now if we're going to have a relationship,
52:48 and Jesus said in John 17:3,
52:51 that this is eternal life that you would know Him
52:55 and the one whom He sent.
52:57 So to know someone, you got to have conversation,
53:00 so we've talked about that's prayer and Bible study.
53:03 And we don't study the Bible
53:05 for just to answer the Sabbath school questions
53:08 'cause that...
53:10 I mean, that's for head knowledge.
53:11 I mean, the Pharisees had a lot of hidden knowledge.
53:15 What He wants us to do is to get into the Word
53:18 and let Him talk to us and say,
53:20 "Wow, Lord, is that what you mean?
53:22 And oh, Lord, this is a wonderful promise."
53:25 Let me...
53:26 You know, just for example, in Luke 11:13, Jesus says,
53:32 if we ask how much more will the Heavenly Father
53:37 give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him,
53:40 so as you read, you just go on,
53:42 "Oh, wow, Lord, thank You!"
53:45 And you're just talking with Him,
53:46 letting Him talk to you.
53:48 You talk to Him.
53:50 Now we've decided
53:52 it's difficult to stay in relationship with someone
53:56 when you're not having a conversation.
53:57 You can go out
53:58 and do all the service in the world.
54:02 You can be a pastor.
54:04 I interviewed, we interviewed, I should say,
54:07 a pastor recently,
54:09 who said he quit for like 12 years
54:12 because he was busy.
54:14 He said it got to the point
54:16 where he still gave good sermons,
54:18 but he was only in the Word
54:19 to come up with sermon material,
54:22 not to have a personal relationship
54:24 with the Lord.
54:25 And he lost his relationship, and he walked away.
54:29 But God brought him back.
54:31 I mean, halleluiah. Amen.
54:33 So the idea of surrender is saying,
54:37 "Lord, I want Your will to be done in my life.
54:42 Help me by the power of Your Holy Spirit.
54:45 Fill me with Your spirit.
54:46 Lord Jesus, live in my heart,
54:49 And help me to accept Your choices."
54:53 That's another reason why you got to be in the Word
54:55 is so that we know what God's choices are for us.
54:58 But let's...
55:00 I want to be sure that we look at Romans 8:13
55:06 because, you know,
55:09 we usually talk about
55:11 picking up our cross and dying to self
55:14 and certainly we're asked to do that.
55:18 But we can't do it in our own power, right?
55:20 That's right.
55:21 And here's I wanted to just show in Romans 8:13,
55:26 that Paul says,
55:28 If you live according to the flesh,"
55:31 what's going to happen?
55:32 You'll die. You'll die.
55:33 "You'll die.
55:35 "But if by the Spirit,
55:38 you put to death the deeds of the body,"
55:40 who's doing the work here?
55:43 The Holy Spirit's not gonna do it all for you
55:46 but neither can you do it without him.
55:48 It's a cooperative work.
55:50 "If by the Spirit you put to death
55:53 the deeds of the body, you will live.
55:56 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God,
55:59 these are the sons of God," the children of God.
56:04 Oh, I hope that we made surrender
56:07 seem a little bit easier to you.
56:09 You can't do it apart from Jesus Christ.
56:13 But we know through Him, we can do all things.
56:16 So, honey, do you wanna close with a prayer
56:20 before we say goodbye?
56:22 Amen.
56:23 Father as we come together on the Sabbath day,
56:24 I just wanna thank You, Lord, for Your blessings.
56:27 I wanna thank You, Lord,
56:28 that we can call upon Your name.
56:30 I wanna thank You, Lord, that You are available
56:33 that we can have a relationship with
56:35 and, Father, with that relationship,
56:37 that we will progress positively
56:39 and we will be able, through cooperation with You,
56:45 fulfill our destiny on this earth.
56:47 Lord, we love You and we thank You
56:48 and give You all praise and glory
56:50 in the name of Jesus.
56:51 Amen. Amen.
56:53 Amen. Well, we just are so thankful.
56:56 You know we love you.
56:57 And I'm trying not to tap you on your sore arm here.
57:01 Thank you for the inspiration you are,
57:04 especially with the injuries,
57:05 you're still suffering from that too.
57:07 Praise the Lord.
57:08 You don't whine, you smile enough.
57:11 You just keep going for the glory of the Lord.
57:13 Amen.
57:14 And we wanna thank you, Johnny, because you do an...
57:17 God does an incredible work through you.
57:20 But I'm always very impressed with your humility,
57:24 and with your humility, my darling.
57:27 Amen. Amen.
57:29 And we just want to let you know
57:32 that our prayer for you
57:33 is at the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
57:36 and the love of the Father
57:38 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:40 will be with yours,
57:41 and you will understand all He asks
57:44 is stay in relationship with Him.
57:46 He'll do the rest.
57:48 Happy Sabbath.


Revised 2019-06-14