Today Family Worship

Growing In Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW190017A

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Family Worship.
01:13 We are so glad that you have joined us this evening.
01:17 It's always a busy week at 3ABN,
01:19 but we're always looking forward
01:21 to the Sabbath.
01:22 The Sabbath hours here we are Friday evening,
01:24 and we're looking forward to the blessed hours
01:27 that God has promised during the Sabbath.
01:30 We know that you probably had a busy week,
01:32 don't know exactly what you've been doing.
01:33 Sometimes you're writing emails and stuff to us,
01:35 we get a little glimpse, but here at 3ABN,
01:38 there's always programming that's happening,
01:39 trips or places that people have gone to
01:41 and coming back from,
01:43 meetings and all kinds of exciting things,
01:44 because God is continually growing the ministry of 3ABN.
01:48 And we again just always say thank you for your support
01:51 and prayers for the ministry of 3ABN.
01:54 That's a blessing to join you because you are family.
01:56 We have our family here around the table
01:58 and I know you're going to introduce them
02:00 to everyone in just a moment.
02:01 But this evening,
02:03 we're gonna talk about gardening.
02:05 And that doesn't really sound like maybe a Sabbath topic
02:07 that we should talk about that
02:08 but it's actually gardening in our own souls and the growth
02:11 that God can do in each one of our lives.
02:13 And relating that to a seed,
02:15 and watering, and cultivating the soil.
02:18 I know that I enjoy gardening.
02:20 You do too, especially the flower.
02:22 He's actually much better at gardening than I am.
02:24 I enjoy it, but he actually produces fruit,
02:27 which is a good thing.
02:28 Well, you know, I've had some of the plants die.
02:31 We were just talking...
02:32 Well, Tim's on the set, we haven't introduce everyone
02:34 but, Tim, we were talking about plants,
02:36 your blueberry bush is thriving.
02:38 It is. Mine unfortunately have died.
02:41 And we've tried them two times and they've died.
02:42 But there's other plants that are growing flowers
02:45 and that sort of thing.
02:46 But there's powerful lessons in the book of nature
02:49 that God wants for us to learn
02:50 so that's what we're gonna be talking about this evening.
02:51 Amen.
02:53 I'm excited about this program and about the topic
02:54 because God wants to grow His fruit
02:57 in each one of our hearts and lives.
02:59 And we're still thankful that you have joined us,
03:02 you're part of the 3ABN family.
03:04 And we have our 3ABN family around the table with us.
03:07 We're gonna start on this side with Dee,
03:08 Dee Hilderbrand, production coordinator.
03:11 But, Dee, it is always a joy to sit on the set with you,
03:14 and to work with you at 3ABN too.
03:16 I love working with both of you.
03:17 I love working with everyone.
03:19 We have such wonderful people here
03:22 and we pulled together, and work together,
03:24 and we're all producing fruit together.
03:27 Everybody has their own little job.
03:29 And together we produce.
03:32 Do you've been a 3ABN,
03:34 I wouldn't say since the beginning
03:35 but close to it.
03:36 Twenty two years.
03:38 That's a long time.
03:39 But they're gonna have their 35th anniversary,
03:41 so I missed out on those early years.
03:45 You have your big part of 3ABN and a lot of people know you,
03:48 whether they ever met you in person,
03:50 but I know you work with a lot of the guests
03:51 that are coming in at ASI and things,
03:54 so a lot of people know 'Dee Hilderbrand,
03:56 a senior name all on the Kruger's for many years.
03:58 They see the name sometimes.
03:59 That's right. Thank you for what you do.
04:01 Dee does a great job, we love working with Dee
04:03 and she's just a joy here at 3ABN.
04:04 She kind of keeps me in line to with the schedule.
04:08 Well, no, I don't mean in a bad way
04:11 but, you know, we have lots of schedules
04:12 because of all the program
04:13 and all the networks, Tim, and Praise Him,
04:15 and other networks Dare to Dream, and others.
04:18 And so Dee is always working with Jorge my assistant
04:21 on, you know, the schedule
04:23 and what's coming up months down the road,
04:24 weekly schedules,
04:26 it's a big job, so I appreciate it.
04:27 I gently nags, at least I try to gently nag.
04:30 Well, does, doesn't it?
04:32 That's fabulous.
04:34 You think of yourself much pretty.
04:35 Okay, go ahead.
04:37 Over here we have Tim Parton who is our friend, and brother,
04:40 and general manager of 3ABN Praise Him,
04:43 and we always love it
04:44 when we can have family worship with him.
04:46 Yeah, it's been a long time
04:47 since I've been with the Morikone's.
04:49 I always enjoy a family worship time with you.
04:52 So thanks for inviting me
04:53 and I'm looking forward to this study.
04:55 Always, Tim, it is a blessing.
04:57 We appreciate the gifts that God has given to you.
04:59 But, you know, it's not just the talent,
05:01 it's who you are as a person
05:02 and that's what we really appreciate is you.
05:04 And so yeah, what a blessing you are,
05:06 thank you for the good work
05:07 you're doing with the Praise Him Network as well.
05:09 Yeah, it's a real privilege.
05:10 Because this is worship and music is a part of worship
05:13 and we're gonna do a song here in a moment
05:14 but I know, you know,
05:16 that's the main thrust for the Praise Him.
05:18 And I think that's really key
05:19 because people can get in worship
05:21 throughout the week.
05:22 You know, as well but especially on Friday night
05:24 as we head into the Sabbath hours.
05:25 Why is music so important, Tim, you feel for worship?
05:27 Oh, my goodness.
05:29 Well, to me music is just a way,
05:30 a great way of expressing myself
05:33 and, you know, because it is the gift
05:35 that God has given me.
05:36 I remember just as a kid,
05:38 I would just sit in the dark and play the piano
05:41 and it wasn't about practicing.
05:43 It wasn't, you know, I was just...
05:45 If I felt like no one was watching,
05:47 and sometimes my dad would sit on the couch.
05:50 And in the dark,
05:52 we would just sit there and I would just play
05:54 and so still to this day, every once in a while
05:57 to steal away into the studio we're at the sound center,
06:01 and just turn off the lights and just play.
06:04 It's a great way for me to connect with the Lord
06:06 and just, you know,
06:07 just kind of speak my heart in a way
06:09 that no other way I've found that works for me.
06:12 Everybody has their way
06:13 maybe of expressing yourself to God and worshiping
06:16 but music always does it for me.
06:18 And I think also with music,
06:20 I'm not very good because I'm not a musician.
06:22 So the right terms, Tim, on this,
06:23 but, you know, there's the tune,
06:25 hope that's right but then there's also the lyrics.
06:26 Sure.
06:28 You know, those together, it's just a powerful thing.
06:29 You know, the words, the praise to God,
06:31 what He's done for us, it's very powerful.
06:33 Yeah. Amen.
06:35 And sitting next to Tim and next to Greg
06:36 here is Robert Pierce,
06:38 and you are a newer addition we could say
06:40 to the 3ABN family, working in production,
06:43 you wear several hats in production,
06:45 but we are so blessed
06:46 not only by what you do at the ministry here,
06:49 but your spirit and your walk with God.
06:51 So thank you for coming on the set with us.
06:53 Thank you for having me.
06:55 That's really interesting to go from behind the cameras,
06:57 behind the scenes to,
06:59 you know, coming out here and being on set.
07:01 I'm humbled, and grateful, and appreciative.
07:04 We appreciate you, Robert.
07:05 'Cause, I mean, you put a lot of effort,
07:06 you know, you go for perfection
07:08 which many of our employees do here
07:09 and it's a real blessing.
07:11 But you're always so willing to learn so many things.
07:13 And I wanna say,
07:14 push the envelope in the right way
07:16 some people that may take it as negatively
07:17 I meant that positively.
07:19 You know, you and many of the staff here
07:20 and we appreciate that so much.
07:22 God has given you many skills and talents.
07:24 And it's really neat how you and I met,
07:25 you know, several years ago.
07:26 I believe, you know, back in the day
07:28 now looking back, that was providential.
07:31 Our first meeting which has been
07:32 five, six, seven years ago,
07:34 and how God has brought you here,
07:36 and he live just down the road from 3ABN
07:38 and it just amazes me
07:40 the talent, you know, so close here,
07:41 just right down the road for a number of years
07:43 and we just didn't know it.
07:44 And here God tapped your heart and brought you here.
07:46 Sure, absolutely.
07:48 Couldn't have foreseen the Lord's moving.
07:52 And, in fact, I remember 10 years ago I moved here.
07:55 And drove to Thompsonville, little town here.
07:58 Five hundred and fifty people.
08:00 And I remember driving down the road
08:01 and looking off to the right and I think,
08:02 "What in the world is that?"
08:04 It's a huge building with satellite dishes
08:06 and all the stuff.
08:08 I was like, "What in the world is that?"
08:10 3ABN, what does that stand for? Very interesting.
08:12 Out of middle of nowhere,
08:14 you know, for those who have visited
08:15 it's, we really are out in the middle of nowhere.
08:18 But the Lord brought me here.
08:20 For people, just real quick.
08:21 Do you have a family, a wife Tammy,
08:23 you have how many children?
08:24 Four kids. And one grown grandbaby?
08:26 One grandson.
08:28 And he's as much fun
08:29 as they always said grandson would be.
08:32 That's right. Yes.
08:33 How old is he now?
08:35 He'll be two in July.
08:36 So he's just starting to talk a little bit,
08:38 got some words coming out, got some communication.
08:41 So that's really fun.
08:42 Is he saying grandpa yet?
08:43 He calls me papa.
08:47 So yeah, that's a blessing.
08:48 Amen.
08:50 Well, we should probably have prayers before we start?
08:51 We should. Absolutely.
08:52 We're so glad that you have joined us.
08:54 We hope your families around the TV,
08:57 hope you have your Bibles.
08:59 Join us for music
09:00 and for just a study of God's Word.
09:03 Amen. Yeah, let's open in prayer.
09:04 Dee, do you wanna open in prayer
09:06 and then we'll have some music next.
09:07 Please.
09:09 Our dear Heavenly Father,
09:10 we just thank You for these beautiful hours
09:11 that You have given us that we can come together
09:14 and come closer to You as a family.
09:17 That we can open our hearts with You and for You, Father,
09:20 this is the time that You inhabit,
09:22 and that You grow closer to Your people.
09:25 And we just thank You for this time,
09:27 and for the blessing that You give us.
09:29 That each of us learn something today
09:31 and share with each other
09:32 and grow as Your sons and daughters.
09:34 And we just thank You in Jesus' name, amen.
09:36 Amen.
09:38 Yeah, fantastic.
09:39 We're getting ready, Tim is on his way to the piano.
09:42 This is, this is live.
09:44 This wasn't prerecorded with piano.
09:45 He's gone over to the piano,
09:46 we're gonna sing a wonderful hymn
09:48 entitled Day By Day,
09:49 the words will be on the screen.
09:51 So sing along with us.
09:52 I love this song.
09:57 Day by day, and with each passing moment
10:03 Strength I find to meet my trials here
10:08 Trusting in my Father's wise bestowment
10:13 I've no cause for worry or for fear
10:18 He, whose heart is kind beyond all measure
10:23 Gives unto each day what He deems best
10:29 Lovingly its part of pain and pleasure
10:34 Mingling toil with peace and rest
10:40 Help me then, in every tribulation
10:45 So to trust Thy promises, O Lord
10:51 That I lose not faith's sweet consolation
10:56 Offered me within Thy holy Word
11:01 Help me, Lord, when toil and trouble meeting
11:07 E'er to take, as from a father's hand
11:13 One by one, the days, the moments fleeting
11:18 Till I reach the Promised Land
11:26 Amen. Amen.
11:28 Don't you love this?
11:30 I love the part of reach that Promised Land.
11:32 That's right. Amen.
11:33 Because it also mentions about the toils and the things
11:36 that we go through and trouble in this life,
11:38 none of us are immune
11:40 to that in our lives, but God is there.
11:43 Yeah. Pain and pleasure.
11:45 It's part of the growing process, you know?
11:47 Day by day, that's why I like that.
11:48 It's just, life is so daily.
11:50 It's not year by year, is it? No, it's not. It's no.
11:54 Moment by moment.
11:55 It's second. Yeah, exactly.
11:57 Thank you, Tim, for playing the piano.
11:58 I appreciate it.
11:59 Amen.
12:01 So we jump into our topic of Christian growth.
12:03 Let's look at a couple of scriptures here to start with.
12:05 And then we'll talk about the cultivation process,
12:08 and the planting, and the watering, sunshine,
12:11 and all of that process of growth we have.
12:14 Not only in the physical world in the garden,
12:16 but in the spiritual as well.
12:17 So let's look at 2 Corinthians 5:17.
12:18 So I love that scripture, yes.
12:20 This is probably one of my all time favorite scriptures.
12:26 I just did some women's retreats recently,
12:27 and this is our theme scripture.
12:29 So every single program by the end
12:32 I think we had it memorized.
12:33 Yes.
12:35 2 Corinthians 5:17.
12:37 Who has that? I have it.
12:39 Good. I love this one.
12:40 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
12:43 he is a new creation.
12:46 Old things have passed away,
12:47 behold, all things have become new."
12:50 That speaks so heavily to me because I guess when,
12:55 you know, the more God has forgiven the more you love
12:58 and he's forgiven me so much.
13:01 And the chance to be a new creation,
13:06 I need that so much because the old was so bad.
13:10 I think that's important to what you just said,
13:13 the old was so bad.
13:14 The fact, how long have you been a Christian?
13:16 Only about 20 years and I'm pretty old.
13:19 But even at 20 years, that's a long time
13:22 and I know a lot of people who have forgotten
13:24 what they were forgiven for originally.
13:28 You know, we were all forgiven.
13:30 You know, there's nothing like that new car smell.
13:34 But I think a lot of us have lost that.
13:36 Because this verse says,
13:38 "If anyone is in Christ, he's a new creation."
13:41 Some people have been Christian so long,
13:43 they forgot what new smells like,
13:46 what new looks like.
13:47 Wow, that's powerful. Yeah.
13:49 And so they forget.
13:51 And that's why it's important to pray
13:53 that restoring me the joy of thy salvation
13:58 that bring back the new again.
13:59 Yeah.
14:01 The whole, that's the important thing.
14:02 Even though I said 20 years, I better correct that.
14:05 It's been about 30 years.
14:06 I lost track of time 'cause I'm at 3ABN 22 years,
14:09 I'm excited. I was thinking that.
14:10 I was a Christian when I came here.
14:12 I was surprised, been five years.
14:14 But anyway you know I'm joking.
14:16 No, it's been about 30 years.
14:18 But the majority of my life was spent as an old person.
14:23 And even though I don't do, I never dwell or look back,
14:27 occasionally it kind of rises up
14:29 and it kind of pops into your head.
14:30 And it's like, "Oh, thank You, Lord."
14:33 You know, and you drive it out
14:35 that you have that new life, a new creature.
14:38 Well, the importance is that you remember
14:39 what new smells like?
14:41 Oh, yes.
14:44 I know you've got this nice iPad here
14:46 so you can change versions.
14:47 So the NIV, do you have that actually 2 Corinthians 5:17.
14:52 I'm just kind of curious as to like what the,
14:55 you have on this one, you can bring up any version.
14:56 You have NIV for that.
14:58 Yeah, so 5:17 What does that say from NIV?
15:00 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
15:02 the new creation has come,
15:03 the old has gone, the new is here!"
15:05 With an exclamation point.
15:07 Old is gone, the new is here.
15:08 Yeah, amen. Here and now.
15:10 Yeah, that's great.
15:11 Do you have the Amplified, Tim, I put you on the spot.
15:13 Did you bring Amplified?
15:15 Yeah, it's real similar, I mean,
15:17 "Therefore if any person is in Christ,
15:19 he is a new creation,
15:21 the old previous moral
15:23 and spiritual condition has passed away,
15:25 behold, the fresh and new have come."
15:28 Yes.
15:29 Yeah. Amen.
15:30 So the key there is to what be in Christ?
15:33 Yeah, I think that's what we're talking about here
15:34 is that Christian growth.
15:35 But I like that, that yours says spiritual
15:37 and it lists moral, it lists all areas.
15:38 Spiritual condition has passed away.
15:41 Yeah.
15:42 You know, in the Greek for new is kainos,
15:44 which is not new in time.
15:48 It's new in quality.
15:50 And so to me, I love that about this.
15:53 It's also translated in English, you know,
15:56 and in the Hebrew, the word is chadash,
16:00 but it means the same thing.
16:02 It's new in quality not new in time.
16:04 In Psalm 51, where it says,
16:07 "Create in me a clean heart, O God,
16:09 and renew a right spirit."
16:10 The word for renew is the same, as this word for new.
16:13 So instead of meaning,
16:15 God creates something entirely new,
16:16 what it really means
16:18 is He takes the old and He renews it.
16:20 You know, He take the quality changes
16:22 what we used to be the person is still the same,
16:25 but we just have new habits, and a new thought process,
16:28 and everything becomes transformed or new.
16:32 You're still outgoing or you're still shy,
16:35 you still are you
16:36 but you are the best you that He created you to be.
16:40 Nice. God's vision.
16:42 I'm thinking about, I kind of like building,
16:44 so for me it's like doing a remodel then.
16:46 I don't just tear the whole house down,
16:48 but I'm actually just redoing it,
16:49 doing some new paint, or refurb a little bit.
16:52 Yeah, that's good.
16:53 I like that. It's powerful.
16:55 Fresh. Yes.
16:57 Should we move to Isaiah?
16:58 Absolutely. Okay.
17:00 And then we gotta go to cultivation of the soil.
17:01 Yeah.
17:03 We're gonna go to the painful part.
17:05 That's right, that is a little painful,
17:06 isn't it, preparing the soil.
17:08 Isaiah 43:18, 19.
17:13 Who has that?
17:14 "Do not earnestly remember the former things,
17:16 neither consider the things of old.
17:19 Behold, I am doing a new thing!
17:21 Now it springs forth, do you not perceive and know it
17:25 and will you not give heed to it?
17:27 I will even make a way in the wilderness
17:29 and rivers in the desert."
17:30 Amen.
17:32 Yes. Yes.
17:33 Basically, that, to me almost seems impossible
17:35 to put a river in a desert.
17:37 So God can take something that's impossible
17:39 and make something, I think, worthwhile.
17:41 And I believe that's key for all of us.
17:43 You know, you may be at home
17:44 and you feel your life's worth nothing,
17:46 you have nothing to give,
17:48 but God can do something powerful in your life.
17:52 And I like that too, that God,
17:55 wherever we're at, accepts us wherever we're at,
17:58 and He expects us to obey what He's shown us.
18:01 And to go forward,
18:03 and not to just think about the past always
18:04 and be discouraged about where you've been,
18:06 but look that God can do something new in your life.
18:09 You know the desert,
18:10 it can look like it's just a desert,
18:13 but it can rain and it will bloom forth beautifully.
18:17 So even if you feel like a desert,
18:19 if you let the spirit rain upon you,
18:20 you will bloom forth, brand new and beautiful.
18:23 Amen.
18:25 Amen. It's beautiful
18:26 because often we might feel like
18:28 we're in a desert place, you know,
18:30 in life or in the journey we go through.
18:32 Just this week I went through a desert experience,
18:35 you can say one of those.
18:37 Oh, one of those days and you just think
18:40 this is, God can still pour something new.
18:42 God can still bring something beautiful,
18:45 even if it looks dry or it looks barren and dusty,
18:49 God can bring forth something new
18:51 which is just precious.
18:54 I know we try not to date these programs too much,
18:56 but where they had that lots of rain
18:58 in California out west
19:00 where it tends to be desert and they talked about...
19:02 Again, it's the great poppy bloom
19:04 of all those wild poppies out.
19:05 Have you seen those out there?
19:07 I haven't seen it, I just saw some pictures
19:08 that happened this spring
19:10 from all the rain that they had,
19:12 I guess all those valleys
19:13 and stuff out there in California
19:15 where it tends to be kind of barren,
19:16 looking just like, come to life and just all this orange,
19:18 it's just incredible.
19:20 Absolutely barren.
19:21 For sure there's life there.
19:23 Yeah, for sure.
19:26 So when you get ready to plant some.
19:28 Okay. You're starting, sorry.
19:30 No, I'm just thinking,
19:31 yeah, Dee, like you're saying this can be kind of painful,
19:34 the cultivation process.
19:36 In springtime here in Southern Illinois,
19:38 I like that because there's, you know, the tractors
19:40 and, of course, I like heavy equipment
19:42 and, man, they go out there in the field
19:43 and that ground that kind of gets compacted.
19:46 They take their little disks or little plows
19:49 and they start plowing that soil up
19:52 and there's a reason they do that.
19:55 Why did they plow the soil
19:57 in preparation to plant the seed,
19:58 do you think?
19:59 That's why they do it.
20:01 In preparation to plant the seed
20:02 you have to get the air.
20:04 You can't stick that seed down.
20:05 I just answered my own question, didn't I?
20:07 You did. But that was good.
20:08 And it's not just big equipment.
20:09 If I don't have big equipment,
20:11 I'm just planning little things and I have to take this spade,
20:15 and I drive it into the ground and loosen up.
20:18 And make it light, and loose, and airy
20:20 to get the seed down in there, and the water, so it can grow.
20:23 The seed can't grow if it's locked like in rock
20:26 and some of our ground feels like rock
20:28 around here sometimes.
20:30 But it takes strength to dig up that ground.
20:34 Yeah. The power of the Lord.
20:36 The personal, you got it.
20:39 God has His own.
20:41 I don't think He uses a big...
20:43 Sometimes you may have to use like a big cultivator.
20:45 But even more often
20:47 I find Him using like a little spade,
20:49 and I'm getting right
20:51 in the nitty-gritty, personal crevices
20:53 that He needs to get my attention.
20:55 And if He wants me to go there sometimes.
20:58 He's just run over me the tractor.
20:59 Yeah, right. That's true.
21:00 You may feel like you've been run over by a tractor.
21:03 But yeah, that's true too, anyway.
21:05 I think it's true.
21:06 Right, exactly.
21:08 The scalpel. Yep.
21:10 But it's important, I believe, to till the soil
21:12 like you're saying to, Tim,
21:13 because that's where it gets 'cause the seed,
21:14 if you just lay the seed out,
21:16 I mean, there's some seeds that would do this,
21:17 you laid it out on the table might somehow come to sprouting
21:18 if you got a little moisture there,
21:20 but most of the time,
21:21 the seed needs to be put and planted into something.
21:24 You know, there's the parable
21:26 that Christ gave of the sower and the seed.
21:28 Was it in Luke?
21:30 I think I wrote that down here in Luke 8.
21:31 That's why He takes our stony heart out,
21:34 and puts a heart of flesh in there.
21:37 So it is soft and can be planted
21:39 to grow what He puts in there.
21:41 So how do you think then God plows us?
21:42 We're talking about the soils we know about planting a seed.
21:44 So how do you think God plows us?
21:48 With the gentlest hand that we allow.
21:50 So what would that be?
21:51 I mean, what would be something in our life
21:53 that would be maybe a plowing apart?
21:55 Now sometimes if...
21:57 Sometimes don't we kind of go along
21:59 and we're kind in a rut or something,
22:02 and God can get our attention several ways.
22:08 There's been times when I thought
22:09 maybe God was telling me to do something,
22:12 and I didn't do it.
22:14 And then later there was this regret or you saw,
22:16 "Oh, I should have helped that person
22:18 or I should have done that."
22:19 So I think He gets our attention
22:21 by letting us see something that He was going to let us do.
22:26 And we were so hard hearted
22:29 that we didn't pay any attention
22:30 and didn't do it, so that's one way.
22:32 That's a small way that He can get our attentions
22:36 through big things like illnesses or death.
22:40 I mean, it can...
22:42 It's the gamut of whatever we need,
22:44 whatever it's gonna take to get our attention,
22:47 but it's usually something
22:50 that is not pleasant in our life.
22:52 It gets us out of our comfort zone.
22:54 There's some of the plowing that God can do.
22:56 Any other thoughts about plowing,
22:58 how our lives can be plowed?
23:00 I think this point in my life
23:03 being older and being around a while,
23:05 I often experiences not, "Oh, I disobeyed."
23:09 I heard God and I decided not to do it.
23:10 But it's much more for me
23:12 that just kind of closed my ears.
23:14 I don't want to listen right now, you know.
23:16 So that often leads to God getting my attention
23:22 in ways and that, to me, that's what I think of
23:23 when I think of this plowing as it.
23:26 He wants to do good work in me
23:28 and oftentimes I'll not be ready for it
23:30 or be unwilling.
23:32 It's not that I'm out doing bad things,
23:35 but I'm just not attuning my ear.
23:37 I'm not listening.
23:38 And the plowing for me at that point
23:41 is some circumstance or some remembrance.
23:45 God will either,
23:46 He'll get my attention usually in a way that is necessary.
23:50 I think one time He said last time or something
23:52 that the volume that's necessary
23:54 to get your attention.
23:56 So that's a good incentive to be,
23:59 to tune your ear to the Lord as quietly as you can.
24:02 That's good.
24:04 Maybe we get into where we're kind of
24:05 taking our relationship for granted,
24:07 maybe we're not doing bad things.
24:10 We're just kind of going along
24:13 with how we've always gone along and not grown.
24:16 So what happens if you don't grow?
24:18 If your blueberries are not growing, what happens?
24:20 Yeah, that's a good point?
24:23 I think He uses our friendships too,
24:26 till we kind of, I know,
24:28 with you and Jill, it's fun to know each other,
24:31 work with each other enough
24:34 to where we can be involved in each other's life
24:36 and speaking into, you know, and we can share things
24:39 and so sometimes I think He helps us grow.
24:42 And that's why it's important to cultivate friendships.
24:45 You're right. That's good.
24:47 The words, where we can speak into each other's lives
24:48 and not be offended
24:50 or not take it offensively when I see something in you
24:54 that I think that could stand improvement,
24:58 especially when you show signs of maybe something
25:01 that you're going through.
25:03 Yeah.
25:05 No, that's a good point, Tim.
25:06 Yeah, here God is using us as human beings
25:08 to actually speak into someone else's life.
25:10 I like that. That's loving each other.
25:13 Proverbs 27 says, "As iron sharpens iron,
25:15 so one man sharpens the countenance of his friend."
25:18 So God does some cultivating and some sharpening,
25:22 but we help to refine each other as well.
25:25 You know, that's powerful.
25:27 And use the person as a tool. Right.
25:29 I was gonna say that to add to my comment,
25:31 God's voice sounds remarkably like my wife a lot of times.
25:35 Yeah, that's sweet in other words.
25:37 Yeah.
25:38 You know, I think cultivation even for me personally,
25:40 could be like, you know, in the devotions,
25:41 you know, I can read a text one day,
25:43 and then I'm going through it again,
25:45 several months later, read the same text,
25:46 and it's like, oh, so to me,
25:48 it's almost the conviction of the Holy Spirit.
25:50 I think sometimes then, you know,
25:51 trying to plant that seed, trying to till that soil up
25:53 just so I'm like recognizing that,
25:55 wow, "I'm trying to plant a seed here, son.
25:57 You know, listen, I'm trying to speak to you
25:59 through the Word, through friends.
26:02 Yeah, to me that's cultivation too.
26:03 It's just the conviction of the Holy Spirit
26:06 stirring up the soil.
26:08 Don't you love how you read a scripture once
26:10 and God shows you one thing
26:11 and then six months down the road
26:13 you read the same scripture and it's entirely new
26:16 or what you glean from it
26:18 or what the Holy Spirit convicts you up.
26:20 I was thinking, we're talking cultivation.
26:21 I know we need to go to a scripture here.
26:23 Let's look at Hosea.
26:26 But as we turn to Hosea,
26:28 do you think cultivation is a one time process?
26:30 What I mean by that is cultivation the first time
26:34 when I accept Jesus as my Savior?
26:36 You know, does He cultivate my heart
26:38 before He first plants that seed in my heart?
26:41 And we could say born again
26:43 or born a new or is cultivation a process
26:46 that happens on a daily process?
26:50 It's daily.
26:53 How does the land work in the physical world?
26:56 Can you just plow up the ground once
26:58 and it never needs to be plowed again?
27:00 You got to go down the rows and get the weeds out.
27:02 The weeds out, yeah, that's correct.
27:03 Yep.
27:04 So that's still cultivation too.
27:06 Ongoing... And I believe that...
27:07 Go ahead. No, after you.
27:09 Well, I believe that God has also planted...
27:11 We have the initial seed,
27:12 let's say of, you know, the conversion experience.
27:13 But there's always these little seeds
27:15 that God is planting
27:16 and wanting to plant in my life.
27:18 It's just a great thing, I guess, I don't know.
27:19 But then so He tried to plant new things.
27:21 So that's where the soil needs to be fresh
27:23 and kind of tilled up,
27:24 then like you mentioned, Tim, taking out the weeds
27:26 and that for the stuff that's maturing.
27:27 Go ahead.
27:29 It was same thing when Jesus says
27:32 to, was it Peter about washing his feet,
27:35 and he says, "Well, just give me a bath."
27:36 The whole thing.
27:38 And He said, "No, just the feet is that all you need."
27:40 So you don't have to go out and till up the whole field,
27:43 just go down the rows in between
27:45 and around the plants that's going.
27:47 So, yeah. Oh, that's good.
27:48 You pick the right verse obviously for this,
27:51 talking about the fallow ground or the unplowed ground.
27:53 That's right.
27:54 Yeah, you wanna read that, Robert.
27:56 Well, Hosea 10:12,
27:57 "Sow righteousness for yourselves,
27:58 reap the fruit of unfailing love,
28:00 and break up your unplowed ground,
28:03 for it is time to seek the Lord,
28:04 until He comes and showers His righteousness on you.
28:08 That's a good verse. Wow. That's great.
28:10 What does your say, Tim, the Amplified?
28:11 Yeah, it just says, that one part says,
28:13 "Break up your uncultivated ground,
28:15 for it is time to seek the Lord to inquire for and of Him
28:18 and to require His favor till He comes
28:21 and teaches you righteousness
28:22 and reigns His righteous gift of salvation upon you."
28:27 So perhaps we have ground that we don't recognize
28:31 as uncultivated and He points it out to us.
28:36 Oh, you have this little piece over here then.
28:39 The back 40 as I say, till up the back 40.
28:44 Yeah, you've got the front done.
28:46 Let me show,
28:47 let me shine a light back here in the back 40
28:48 and so he was laying back there.
28:51 And that's what could be painful
28:53 and hurts a little bit,
28:54 but that's we have to learn to.
28:55 'Cause you're already a Christian.
28:57 That's true.
28:58 Yes, I think to answer your question.
29:00 As far as, you know, do we, is it just a once cultivation,
29:03 I don't think so.
29:04 What do you think? No, I agree.
29:05 I think it's,
29:07 I think you definitely are cultivating in the beginning,
29:08 we know it's the goodness of God
29:09 that leads us to repentance.
29:11 So for us to even desire God,
29:12 it means the Holy Spirit's working in our heart.
29:14 And that's a beautiful thing.
29:16 And then we accept Him as our Savior but then
29:19 that cultivation process is continual.
29:22 It's a lifetime.
29:23 It is a lifetime allowing Him to cultivate.
29:27 If we're lucky or if not we're lucky,
29:29 if we're smart, if we will pay attention to it,
29:33 those who again who don't take a clue from God,
29:38 you know, that things need to be weeded.
29:41 Yeah, because there are those who don't, you know,
29:43 and they, they've just stopped bearing fruit
29:46 because they've let the weeds anyway.
29:49 Yeah, choke them out. So, yeah.
29:51 That's how we stay new with the cultivation constantly.
29:55 Right.
29:57 I always look it as the Three R's
29:58 when we look at this whole section,
30:00 sowing righteousness, reaping in mercy,
30:01 breaking up the fallow ground.
30:03 To me it's recognition,
30:04 it's repentance, and it's revival.
30:06 That's good.
30:07 So first of all you have to recognize
30:09 you need your fallow ground plowed up.
30:11 You know, we have to recognize
30:13 that we need God to do some cultivation.
30:15 And the Holy Spirit is the one who shows us.
30:18 So the Holy Spirit does the recognizing,
30:20 if we're willing to let Him show us.
30:23 And then the Holy Spirit's
30:25 the one who draws us to repentance.
30:27 So and then the Holy Spirit's the one who brings revival,
30:30 so it's all about God is just me allowing Him
30:34 to plow up the ground,
30:36 me allowing Him to do that work inside.
30:40 That's a good point.
30:41 So really, we're not the ones that do the plowing, right?
30:44 No, He has to do it.
30:47 I think sometimes we may try and plow other people
30:49 or we try and do a little plow in ourselves
30:52 and make the road all crooked and not very straight.
30:57 You damage.
30:59 For the next verse, you picked out Jeremiah 24:7.
31:01 Oh, yeah, let me turn their real quick.
31:03 Robert's on a mission.
31:06 I love that one too.
31:07 Listen to this, I'll give them a heart to know Me.
31:09 Jeremiah 24:7.
31:12 This is the Lord speaking,
31:13 "I will give them a heart to know Me that I am the Lord.
31:16 They will be My people, and I will be their God,
31:18 for they will return to Me with all their heart."
31:21 Wow. Whole heart.
31:25 That's when I'm broken hearted is when I realize
31:28 that I'm not where I'm supposed to be,
31:30 or I hurt somebody else, or I hurt,
31:31 and really you hurt the Lord
31:32 no matter who you hurt, you hurt the Lord.
31:35 And it's like, "I want to come back
31:36 with all of me with my whole heart,
31:38 take my whole heart, all of me needs renewing."
31:44 And I'm just so grateful
31:47 that He returned that I can return to Him
31:50 with my whole heart and He accepts my whole heart,
31:54 even though that whole heart is not what it should be.
31:56 Yeah.
31:58 I love the verse before
31:59 because it goes with the planting as well
32:00 in verse 6,
32:02 "I will build them and not pull them down,
32:04 I'll plant them and not pluck them up.
32:07 Amen.
32:09 Yeah.
32:10 You start off talking about gardening.
32:12 I had a brooder pluck up one of my apple trees.
32:18 Several years ago I planted two apple trees
32:21 and for some reason
32:23 I don't know I think one withered,
32:25 one of them flourished and is flourishing.
32:27 In fact, this last week
32:29 had all the beautiful apple blossoms on it.
32:32 But the other one is withered, not that far apart really.
32:37 Isn't that the same with people?
32:38 Put the same love and care I think to both of them,
32:42 planted them the same.
32:44 And that's a good object lesson for me,
32:46 it's just.
32:48 I don't know.
32:50 I don't understand gardening enough to know
32:51 what exactly happened physically
32:53 but metaphorically
32:54 it was a very interesting lesson for me.
32:57 Two trees planted side by side, one flourished and one didn't.
33:02 With people it's the choices that we make.
33:06 Speaking of the planting process,
33:07 should we look at the planting?
33:09 I think we should.
33:10 So we're talking about cultivating the soil.
33:12 Let's look at John 12:24,
33:13 the planting process 'cause that's important.
33:15 Nothing ever grows unless you first plant it,
33:18 so that's important.
33:20 Yeah, you can just till up the soil nice, looks pretty,
33:22 without planting your seeds.
33:24 Free from weeds and I think it's even.
33:26 I got some volunteer dandelion
33:27 that I did not plant and they come up.
33:30 So I don't have to...
33:33 That's the weeding process.
33:34 You bounced that. Okay.
33:37 But they say that those dandelion greens
33:38 are good for you, so I don't know.
33:39 See, that's right. Yeah, though they say.
33:42 So you can actually eat the yellow flower too?
33:44 They say so, yes.
33:46 And the leaves. After you.
33:48 Don't go home and eat dandelions.
33:50 I always tell them they can have all they want
33:52 out of my yard.
33:55 So John 12:24.
33:58 Isn't this interesting?
33:59 Yeah, you read, Tim.
34:01 "I assure you most solemnly I tell you,
34:02 unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies,
34:06 it remains just one grain.
34:08 It never becomes more, but lives by itself alone.
34:12 But if it dies, it produces many others
34:14 and yields a rich harvest."
34:17 I want to just go ahead and read 25,
34:18 'cause it's so close.
34:20 "Anyone who loves his life loses it,
34:22 but anyone who hates his life in this world
34:23 will keep it to life eternal."
34:25 Amen. It's powerful.
34:27 So, the Lord has really shown me
34:32 a lot about death lately.
34:34 And how, you know, we are dead to our sins, that reminding me,
34:40 you know, I have friends who are battling addictions,
34:45 and,
34:47 you know, I try not to be
34:50 really over spiritual with it,
34:55 but I just, you know, say as a Christian,
34:58 "I am dead to my sin."
34:59 That means I'm dead to it.
35:00 You know, if a dead person doesn't know anything,
35:02 then I don't know to sin.
35:05 But I've got to take that on, I've got to die to it.
35:09 I've got to, you know,
35:10 I've got to sign the death certificate myself
35:13 and say, "I'm not gonna do this anymore."
35:14 So in the same way,
35:18 we have to die to ourselves as verse 24 is saying,
35:23 "If it dies, it produces many others
35:25 and yields a rich harvest."
35:27 So anyway. Yeah.
35:29 So when we die to ourselves,
35:31 it's really God who produces that produce,
35:33 that rich harvest
35:35 because it's His seed living in us
35:38 that grows abundantly.
35:40 'Cause we really can't produce anything on our own,
35:43 it's the Holy Spirit and God who produces it.
35:46 I mean, kind of sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it?
35:48 Actually, something die to live and to produce more.
35:51 I mean, you think about those people
35:54 in different parts of the country,
35:56 even up here in the US,
35:57 but they have seeds and it's like, let's say corn.
35:59 Okay, do I eat the corn because it's food
36:02 or should I plant some of that in order to make more?
36:04 Well, I know when I plan it, it doesn't make sense
36:07 it's like my food going into one kernel
36:08 at a time in there.
36:10 It's like, wow, I could eat that little kernel of corn.
36:12 But when you plant that kernel of corn,
36:14 and it dies, or as rots, so to speak,
36:16 and puts that little root down,
36:18 then before you know that little shoot comes up,
36:19 and then that corn stock,
36:21 they plant corn behind our house,
36:23 it grows 10 feet tall or so maybe even 12 feet tall.
36:26 And then sure enough,
36:27 there comes that ear of corn and then wow,
36:30 I don't know how many kernels are on that ear of corn.
36:32 Do you guys know?
36:34 Anyway, it's a lot more than one
36:35 because they planted one.
36:36 And then you have multiple ears of corn
36:38 and now that you have so much more.
36:40 And like you're saying, Tim,
36:41 you know, for us to die when we were all in agreement.
36:45 It can be a tough thing.
36:46 It may not make sense like why am I dying to myself,
36:49 but God can then make more fruit.
36:51 Yeah, and we can produce tremendous amount of fruit.
36:54 Because they make those packages
36:58 at down at the Rural King here in Illinois we have them
37:00 and they have these racks of seed packs.
37:04 And the picture is so beautiful.
37:08 So I could take that home and just set it on my shelf.
37:11 And there's I mean, it's just a pretty picture.
37:16 Yeah.
37:17 So that thing has to go in the ground to die.
37:19 And that's just like us we have to die.
37:24 Yep, anyway.
37:25 That's why spiritual things
37:26 have to be spiritually discerned
37:28 because they seem so strange to secular earth.
37:32 They're backwards of God's ways.
37:36 Opposite, yeah.
37:37 You gonna say something, Robert?
37:39 It wasn't really relevant.
37:40 I was gonna say it in my mind,
37:41 I was gonna go look at few times beforehand,
37:43 I looked up how many,
37:44 what the average number of kernels on it.
37:46 Yeah, on ear of a corn I can see your wheels turning.
37:49 Wheels turning. Yeah.
37:51 But it is interesting when we make those choices.
37:55 Do I plant the one kernel and grow a lot of fruit,
37:58 or do I hold on to this one, this is mine, it's mine.
38:03 So do I hang on to self or do I blossom?
38:07 You know, it's interesting to me
38:08 and I love the Book of Romans.
38:10 It's just one of my personal favorite books.
38:12 And if you look at Romans Chapter 7,
38:15 there's that whole battle
38:16 between what I do and what I wanna do.
38:21 So I want to do right but yet I'm not doing right.
38:24 And yet the things I don't wanna do,
38:26 I end up doing.
38:27 And he ends it with saying,
38:29 "Wretched man that I am, who can deliver me
38:31 from this body of death."
38:32 And then, of course, Romans 8 the Holy Spirit comes in
38:35 and we see the transforming grace
38:37 and power of God in the Christian's life.
38:40 But if you look at Romans 7:17,
38:42 this talking about this whole thing of death,
38:44 "It is no longer I who does it, but sin that dwells in me."
38:50 So on the one side, it's not even me doing the bad
38:53 it's because I allowed sin
38:55 to take up residence in my heart
38:57 and if you contrast that with Galatians 2:20, it says,
39:01 "I'm crucified with Christ,"
39:03 there's that death to self and sin.
39:05 "Nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ lives in me."
39:10 So the one case it's not me doing it,
39:13 it's sin that's living in me.
39:15 Over here, it's not me doing anything good,
39:18 it's Jesus that's living in me.
39:21 And the difference
39:22 is who takes up residence in our heart.
39:25 We're willing to die to self to have that planting process,
39:29 but then it's God living in us,
39:32 God's producing fruit, He's doing it.
39:34 It's not me gritting my teeth
39:36 and trying harder or doing more.
39:39 It's letting Him live.
39:40 The more we relax into the Lord and die to self
39:44 and just commit to that, the easier it is,
39:49 the more you walk in that life, the more you want it.
39:53 I do not wanna go backwards,
39:55 I don't even want to go back to what I was 10 years ago.
39:58 I appreciate what God is doing in me.
40:04 And it's what and who I want to be.
40:08 Because the closer you draw to the Lord,
40:10 the more you become like Him,
40:11 but the more you wanna be like Him.
40:15 So then you wanna die, you want to cultivate,
40:18 you want that cultivation.
40:21 I love having God use my friends and co-workers
40:25 to grow me.
40:27 I wanna listen,
40:29 and nobody hesitates around here to say now, Dee.
40:34 But it's you do it out of love.
40:36 And I wanna pay attention because and I love it.
40:39 Somebody said to me not too long ago,
40:43 that they could see a change in me
40:44 and so that's God also planting
40:48 into your life water to help grow.
40:52 So He doesn't just cultivate,
40:55 He plants the water to grow that makes you wanna grow more.
41:01 But that is interesting, you know,
41:03 there is that that seed of weed in there
41:07 because again as I'm looking out my window,
41:11 I'm seeing these dandelions,
41:12 I'm thinking nobody planted that,
41:14 you know, you got all this grass,
41:15 this grass is growing along.
41:16 Along come some weed, I'm thinking,
41:18 "How did it that even get there."
41:19 And so that sin it's not me, it's that sin that...
41:26 Satan is a roaring lion.
41:28 Yeah, but this seed of weed...
41:32 Sinful nature we're born with.
41:34 Yeah.
41:36 And yet we want Christ to be the overbearing,
41:39 overpowering source of course in our life.
41:43 But if you water and plant the grass,
41:46 the grass can outgrow the weed
41:48 if you don't let the weed get out of control.
41:50 If you let the weed get out of control,
41:52 it will take over the good.
41:54 But if you will keep that grass growing
41:58 and keep the good growing, you can overpower the weed.
42:02 But you have to be paying attention
42:06 I was thinking to the seed packs,
42:07 Tim, you unpackaged it,
42:09 like you mentioned Rural King,
42:10 well, you go to Rural King, right?
42:12 You know, the springtime all those seed packets
42:14 and you look at all those pretty pictures
42:15 like you're mentioning, Tim,
42:17 and, you know, you can see I mean there's like beautiful,
42:18 a watermelon, and squash, and tomatoes, and lettuce,
42:21 you know, you wanna like buy all of them
42:23 because like, "Wow, this is gonna be really good."
42:25 But you know if I just take those seed packets
42:27 and just sit them in my window
42:28 and don't do anything with them,
42:31 well that's not gonna give me anything.
42:32 I'm not going to get any lettuce, or squash,
42:33 or tomatoes, or anything.
42:35 So I have to do something,
42:37 I have to actually take the seed out and plant it,
42:40 and then we start getting a harvest just something grows.
42:43 Through our own lives, you know,
42:44 we can look at other people and say,
42:45 "Well, look at Mary, look at Tim,
42:48 well, they got so many talents, they're doing so well.
42:51 I'm just sitting back here."
42:52 But, you know, we ourselves can also become something
42:55 because easy to look and compare ourselves
42:56 is what I'm getting at amongst ourselves
42:57 and other people,
42:59 but God wants us to do something
43:00 in our own lives.
43:02 Take action, when He's speaking to us,
43:03 do some cultivation.
43:05 Let God plant those little seeds in our life
43:07 and let them come to a positive fruition.
43:11 See, I could be just very jealous of Tim,
43:13 I love music.
43:15 But I'm not,
43:17 God did not give me that talent.
43:19 So I could just sit back and say,
43:20 "Well, I can't do music so I'm not gonna do anything.
43:24 You got a lot of gifts, Dee.
43:26 I know, but everybody has a lot of gifts.
43:28 That's the point.
43:30 Do not covet other people's gifts,
43:33 pay attention to your own gifts.
43:36 Don't look at other gifts,
43:38 let God cultivate in you what He planted in you.
43:43 Not what He planted in someone else.
43:46 And there's too many people that wanna be somebody else.
43:51 Be yourself.
43:52 So once you plant the seed,
43:54 then it has to get some type of moisture, right?
43:56 You want to do watering.
43:58 Because you can put it in a dry ground
44:02 and it takes an awful lot if you just put it
44:04 with no water, no moisture, whatsoever.
44:06 For seed to sprout, to have seeds need moisture.
44:10 And it's really neat
44:12 if you've seen some of the time lapse,
44:13 if you ever seen time lapse,
44:14 you could see the sprout, isn't that neat?
44:16 You see swells, and also you can see
44:17 the little green thing come out,
44:19 you know, one leaves, two leaves, three leaves,
44:21 then there's the stock, it needs water.
44:24 What do you think the water is for us spiritually?
44:26 What is water?
44:28 Dee, you're trying to raise your hand?
44:29 You don't have to raise your hand,
44:31 just say it.
44:32 It's the Holy Spirit. Okay.
44:33 You have any scripture for that?
44:35 I think right. Let's see.
44:37 I'm in John 7:37.
44:40 Okay.
44:41 If I'm on the right page here, 37.
44:46 "On the last day, that great day of the feast,
44:49 Jesus stood and cried out, saying,
44:50 'If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.'
44:55 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said,
44:57 out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.
45:01 But this He spoke concerning the Spirit,
45:04 the Holy Spirit
45:06 whom those believing in Him
45:07 would receive for the Holy Spirit
45:09 had not yet been given there."
45:11 But this is where we flow the Holy Spirit and the water.
45:16 Amen.
45:18 Yeah, why do y'all think water is important?
45:21 What is it...
45:23 I mean, obviously we know it's important for the seed.
45:25 It nourishes the soul and water is life giving.
45:30 It is life giving.
45:32 Do you know what water does to a seed?
45:33 I don't, so I'm asking you.
45:36 I'm not a scientist or nor really a farmer
45:38 but to me it actually makes the seed
45:39 actually get soft,
45:41 you know the shell get a little bit soft
45:42 and then allows it...
45:44 I don't know how God does it to me, it's a miracle
45:46 that there's life in that seed
45:48 and it allows the shell the whole become soft,
45:51 and somehow it gets a little bit of life into it.
45:53 And it wants to put the little shoot out
45:55 because what's amazing to me it's buried in the soil
45:57 so it's not getting light, right?
46:00 But it's interesting that the root goes down
46:01 and the little shoot comes up to try and get light,
46:03 which is the photosynthesis
46:04 and the sunshine that we're gonna talk about.
46:06 But to me the water is actually with the softening of the seed.
46:09 I like to think and this just kind of popped into my mind,
46:12 no pun intended either way,
46:14 but like with popcorn,
46:16 you know, it's the moisture whenever the...
46:19 The kernel.
46:20 Yeah, in the kernel, that once it gets hot, it pops.
46:24 And so I think the kind of the same way
46:26 and so I'm trying to,
46:28 you know, correlate the spirit,
46:30 you know, allowing that,
46:31 the Holy Spirit in our lives to, you know, make us...
46:35 Open yourself.
46:38 Yeah, break through that shell, so to speak.
46:41 Yeah, that's good.
46:43 Maybe those of you at home can...
46:45 Let the Holy Spirit let us know.
46:47 Let us know right in.
46:49 He uses other people to do that too
46:51 because watering is when you also encourage someone else,
46:56 the Holy Spirit impresses upon you.
46:58 "Oh, that person looks like
47:00 they could use a word of encouragement."
47:01 A word of encouragement is watering too
47:03 and it's through the Holy Spirit.
47:05 And so it lifts you up and it expands.
47:09 So that when you're thirsty it satisfies you physically,
47:15 if you get thirsty and you drink water,
47:17 that's the only thing that's really satisfying.
47:19 Right.
47:21 Good. No, go ahead.
47:22 I was just thinking obviously,
47:23 you know, once the seed actually sprouts?
47:25 and comes through, that's not it.
47:26 It doesn't need the water just for that.
47:27 So we're not talking just watering
47:29 to get the seed going,
47:30 but we need to continually,
47:32 you know, water.
47:33 You ever water your plants, Robert?
47:34 Occasionally.
47:36 That means they need a little more watering.
47:38 You have all these stories.
47:39 I was just thinking my 19 year old daughter
47:41 she loves cactuses and desert plants,
47:43 so she had them all arrayed.
47:46 She recently moved out
47:47 and left her cactus collection at home
47:51 and my wife and I managed to kill her cactuses.
47:53 Certainly some of them. No way.
47:54 Not sure how we did that. You probably overwatered them.
47:55 Did you overwater them, you think?
47:57 No. Under water them.
47:59 I'm not sure.
48:00 Neglect, either way.
48:02 I say, I'll put a little green thumb
48:03 when you grow cactus, right?
48:05 Yeah, I'm not sure.
48:06 Yeah, but all plants need some type of water,
48:08 some like cactus don't need water, very little,
48:11 but everything needs, you know, some type of water.
48:12 Yeah, my little African violet, if you overwater it, it'll die.
48:16 It needs the right amount.
48:19 And the Holy Spirit knows the right amount,
48:24 but water is always...
48:28 Water is what it takes for the continual growth.
48:31 The Holy Spirit, we cannot lose the Holy Spirit
48:33 or we lose our connection to life.
48:36 That's a good point, Dee,
48:37 'cause the Holy Spirit knows how much water,
48:39 you know, if you plant like here,
48:40 there's a lot of soybean and corn.
48:42 And if you plant it and you get a heavy rain,
48:45 it'll actually make the soil so hard
48:47 once it dries out
48:48 that the seed actually they call it suffocating
48:51 is what the farmers here told me.
48:52 That it suffocates
48:53 and the seed can't even get through the soil,
48:55 and that's where it gets too much rain.
48:57 So I like what you said
48:58 the Holy Spirit knows just the right amount,
49:00 what type of plant we are for cactus,
49:02 or for an apple tree, or I don't know...
49:04 A blueberry. A blueberry.
49:06 Yes, cherries.
49:07 God knows exactly what we need and how to water us.
49:10 That's good, Dee.
49:11 And watering also is coming together
49:13 to worshipping together.
49:15 That's why it's important to fellowship together.
49:18 I know some people say,
49:20 "Well, I don't need to go to church to be a Christian."
49:21 Well, no, you don't.
49:23 But first of all,
49:24 you get watered by worshipping there.
49:26 If you go there and you worship
49:28 and the Holy Spirit falls upon you, it's watering.
49:31 But you water each other too.
49:34 Fellowship is very important for the growth
49:36 and the watering of each other.
49:39 Now, the studies have been...
49:40 I spoke with Jill earlier,
49:42 the studies been really challenging for me
49:43 because I've never really pictured in my life
49:46 and growth in Christ in terms of quite this...
49:49 Yeah, planting. Plants.
49:51 It's always been more
49:53 in context of Jesus is the vine,
49:57 we're the branches.
49:58 And so my concept of growing
50:00 has always been post to ground and seed and all that,
50:04 it's always been more
50:05 in terms of the vine and the branches.
50:07 And so it's been interesting
50:10 diving into this and breaking it apart
50:11 like you did, it's really good.
50:13 I guess I've just always
50:15 ties in with the Holy Spirit as I've always seen my recipe
50:20 for success and growth
50:21 in the Christian life has been being,
50:25 you know, I'm three parts basically
50:27 body, soul, and spirit.
50:28 And my body and my soul power in it.
50:33 And we've talked about this complicated
50:34 trying to unpack that, but basically our body and soul
50:36 are not very good masters.
50:38 They're good servants, but they're not good masters.
50:40 And my spirit,
50:41 full of the Holy Spirit is a great master
50:43 and should be the master and should be,
50:45 you know, controlling body and soul
50:49 subjugated to my spirit.
50:50 When I somehow get that aligned right,
50:53 that's when I'm most successful.
50:55 That's when I'm hearing the voice of Lord.
50:56 That's when I'm growing.
50:58 And so that's going through this kind of construct
51:01 the seed, and the watering, and the cultivating,
51:04 and all those things really been interesting
51:05 and fruitful for me.
51:07 No pun intended. Fruitful.
51:08 Well, it's good, Robert.
51:10 See, John. Go ahead.
51:12 It's been very helpful.
51:13 So I thank you for allowing me to join.
51:16 This has been very interesting and eye opening.
51:19 John 6:63, it says,
51:22 "It is the Spirit who gives life,
51:25 the flesh profits nothing."
51:27 The words that I speak to you, that's the Bible.
51:31 "I speak to you are spirit and they are life."
51:34 So the words, the Holy Spirit, they are alive.
51:37 Amen.
51:39 And if you take that along
51:40 with the words or spirit in life,
51:41 I think of Ephesians 5:26, it talks about,
51:43 "God cleanses us
51:45 with the washing of the water of the Word."
51:47 So the word that He speaks to us is the spirit,
51:50 but it's also the living Word.
51:53 And so I think about the Word of God
51:56 has to me equal part in this growing process.
51:59 We need the Holy Spirit desperately
52:02 in that growing process.
52:03 But I also need to spend time in God's Word
52:06 because when I read His Word, it changes me.
52:10 And God uses that in that watering process
52:13 and that, you know, soaking the soil
52:16 and helping the plant grow.
52:17 And it brings sunshine into our life.
52:19 Jesus, the Son of God is the sunshine
52:21 that grows us too.
52:22 Amen.
52:24 We have much more, we have sunshine.
52:25 So this is not the whole growing process.
52:27 We have the sunshine, the weed care,
52:28 and then we talked about the harvest and fruit,
52:30 but we are not gonna have time.
52:32 We might have to do part two.
52:34 We may, let's do that
52:35 as they're growing, planting, harvesting.
52:36 I tease Jill when I saw this,
52:38 I said, "Jill, you know, we only get to spend an hour."
52:41 But I think, you know, God wants fruit
52:43 to come from all of us,
52:44 you know, that's the key.
52:46 And so it's not just for ourselves,
52:48 to nourish ourselves
52:49 but to give fruit to others, and to be an example.
52:51 I like what you mentioned about the Word.
52:52 There's a lot that can be found in God's Word.
52:54 That's the cultivation of Holy Spirit speaking to us
52:56 as listening to him.
52:58 Should we have some short prayers here
53:00 as we close?
53:01 We hope that you've enjoyed the study.
53:03 And hopefully you pray with us here,
53:04 bow your heads and have your own prayers.
53:06 We pray here.
53:07 Dee, do you want to start this evening,
53:09 we'll just go around the circle.
53:10 My dear Heavenly Father,
53:11 we just ask that our hearts will be open to You,
53:13 so that You can plow the ground
53:15 and plant the seeds in us, Lord,
53:18 because we want to draw closer to You
53:20 and we'll spend the Sabbath hours with You
53:23 growing and being watered and we just thank You, Father.
53:28 Father, I thank You that Your Word is practical.
53:32 Thank You that Your Word is life.
53:35 Thank You that You can work in my life.
53:38 And as I allow You to,
53:41 You can make things obvious to me
53:44 that I need to work on.
53:45 I appreciate Your patience, Your guidance.
53:48 Thank You for not throwing me away,
53:50 not throwing me into the compost pile.
53:52 But I just pray that
53:55 You will give me the wisdom to continue to grow in You
53:58 and to do all the things
54:00 that I know Your Word commands me to do
54:02 and Your Spirit reminds me to do.
54:04 So, I want to be pleasing to You.
54:07 And thank You, Father, for this time together.
54:10 I love You, Lord.
54:12 Lord, thank You that You called me
54:14 and all of Your disciples to be followers of You,
54:17 to be disciples.
54:19 I thank You that You've equipped us
54:22 with all that we need to do that,
54:23 and You've not left us alone or astray.
54:28 You've given us Your Holy Spirit.
54:31 And, Lord, I pray for myself
54:32 and for all the people watching.
54:35 And we will tune our ears to hear Your voice,
54:40 and follow Your commands.
54:42 Lord, fill us with Your Holy Spirit
54:44 even more than we know how to practice.
54:48 I just thank You today, Lord.
54:50 You've given us what we need,
54:52 to fulfill Your commission and Your commands.
54:55 And I pray that we would all love each other.
54:58 Yes.
55:00 Thank You.
55:02 Thank You, God, You're on the throne.
55:06 Thank You for Your mercies that are new every morning.
55:08 And that You are the one
55:10 who draws us with Your courts of law.
55:13 Right now we just respond to,
55:15 Lord, we ask that You would come in,
55:18 that You would plant Your word deep in our hearts
55:21 that we would allow You.
55:25 I asked that I would allow You to do the hard work necessary,
55:29 Father, that I could die to myself and my sin.
55:34 And by the power of Your Holy Spirit,
55:38 that You would do a new thing,
55:39 God, where there's deserts where it's dry and barren.
55:43 Lord, we ask that
55:44 You would bring forth fruits in abundance.
55:47 I pray for my brothers and sisters at home right now.
55:51 And, Lord, You know what they're going through.
55:53 You know what's in their hearts.
55:55 You know the pain and burdens that they carry.
55:57 We ask Lord Jesus would lift them.
56:00 Would you fill them
56:02 with the sunshine of Your presence?
56:04 Would Your Holy Spirit rest upon them?
56:07 God, where they are right now
56:09 and that they would know that they are loved,
56:12 they would know that they are chosen,
56:15 and that You call them just now as Your son and daughter.
56:20 And we thank You.
56:22 Father in heaven, Lord, we thank You
56:24 for this time of study in Your Word.
56:28 And, Lord, in my own life,
56:29 I want to allow You to break up
56:31 that hard, compact clay soil, Lord, in my heart.
56:37 Lord, thank You so much
56:38 for being willing to plant those little seeds.
56:40 And You're there knocking at my heart's door.
56:43 I know everyone's heart's door.
56:45 You're not forcing Your way in, You're just knocking politely
56:49 and then You want to plant those seeds.
56:50 And, Lord, we want them to grow,
56:52 and to flourish, to water them,
56:55 to allow the sunshine of your love
56:56 to shine down on us,
56:58 and, Lord, that we'd be fruitful.
56:59 And, Lord, that we'd be able to share with others Your love,
57:03 and Your goodness, and the plan of salvation.
57:05 And You love each one of us.
57:07 We thank You and in Jesus' name, amen.
57:09 Amen.
57:13 Hard to believe our time's almost all gone.
57:15 Thank you so much, Tim and Robert.
57:18 And, Dee, thank you for sharing with Family Worship.
57:21 And we thank you for joining us as well.
57:24 What a privilege to come into your home.
57:26 What a privilege to call you family.
57:29 We're all part of the family of God.
57:30 Know that we love you and pray for you.
57:32 Happy Sabbath.


Revised 2019-05-23