Today Family Worship

Standing Firm

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW190012A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:13 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello and welcome to our Family Worship program
01:12 and it's Sabbath.
01:14 It's always on Sabbath.
01:15 Don't you enjoy the Sabbath hour?
01:16 Oh, I love the Sabbath.
01:18 And the body just automatically just kind of,
01:22 in fact, it's scientific.
01:23 It's actually been scientifically proven
01:25 that the body just kind of automatically winds down
01:30 around the seventh day.
01:32 It's amazing and God created us like that.
01:35 And it's always is a reminder when we were kids at home,
01:37 you know, around Sabbath evening,
01:39 we'd be doing all the running, doing all the,
01:41 you know, all these boys and little girls
01:43 around all this but in Friday evening,
01:45 you know, when Sabbath came before Sabbath,
01:48 in fact, everybody start winding down
01:51 and then we always had our family worship.
01:52 Yes.
01:54 Singing around the piano and sometimes the guitar
01:57 and then we'd talk and read scriptures and so.
01:59 It's a great time and as you said,
02:01 when Sabbath comes even though
02:03 we travel and we do a lot of things,
02:05 Sabbath is still somehow relaxes me.
02:08 It does.
02:09 You know, I don't have to worry about other things,
02:12 you know, in life going on just,
02:14 this is the Lord's Day.
02:16 Amen. This is the Lord's Day.
02:18 Amen. We got some speaking of family.
02:20 We've family here today.
02:22 I know we have a real family worship right here.
02:25 Why don't you introduce them?
02:26 Okay, let's start with this side
02:29 of the table here.
02:32 My brother-in-law, your brother,
02:33 Pastor Kenny Shelton, his lovely wife, Chris.
02:36 All right. Great.
02:37 It's good to be here.
02:38 Yes. Yes.
02:40 Good to be here. Excited to be here.
02:41 Yes.
02:42 We love... We love sitting here.
02:44 I know.
02:45 Oh, no, we love being with family.
02:47 Yeah. We love it.
02:48 Yeah. Yeah.
02:49 It's such a blessing.
02:51 And then we have our son, Jason Bradley.
02:52 All right.
02:53 And he's here with us too,
02:55 and we're just so glad you're here too.
02:56 I'm glad to be here too,
02:57 you know, family worships are always nice.
02:59 And family get-togethers are always nice,
03:02 especially when there's food involved.
03:04 Oh, my word.
03:05 Today, we're gonna surprise, Jason.
03:07 We're gonna be looking at some spiritual food.
03:09 Oh, that's good. That's good.
03:11 And I'm sure you can heat up physical food.
03:13 Oh, right, right.
03:15 Yeah, there you go, as well as the spiritual food.
03:18 Amen. Yes.
03:19 But today you kind of picked out the topic.
03:21 So I'm gonna kind of just sit back here
03:23 and follow you lead.
03:25 Okay? Okay, okay.
03:26 All right.
03:27 Well, a few weeks ago,
03:29 I was thinking,
03:30 what in the world could we talk about
03:32 on family worship and I prayed,
03:33 I said, "Lord, what would you have us to discuss?"
03:37 And in my head it popped in, stand firm.
03:42 Standing firm. Yes.
03:44 And it's a topic that,
03:46 you know, you hear that expression a lot.
03:48 But what does it mean to stand firm?
03:53 Stand fast, being steadfast,
03:55 all of these expressions really mean to stand firm.
03:59 So let's start there. Okay.
04:01 What does it mean to you to stand firm?
04:04 Well, coming from a construction background
04:07 Kenny and me,
04:08 I would say that when you build a house and, Jay,
04:11 getting ready to build a house.
04:13 And that the foundation... Oh, come on.
04:16 You can only stand firm
04:18 when you have a solid foundation.
04:19 Come on now, come on. Yeah.
04:21 Now, that's right.
04:22 To dig down in the basement,
04:24 which you dig the footings you're gonna have then,
04:25 you know, a couple feet wide and some depending
04:27 where you live maybe a couple feet deep.
04:30 And so you pour this concrete and it's on that level,
04:33 and Kenny takes a right tools.
04:36 He knows how to get out there and...
04:38 Oh, mercy.
04:39 What do you, Kenny do?
04:41 To site that, the line it...
04:42 Yeah, we got to transit the level.
04:44 Yeah. Okay.
04:45 No, I haven't. Not transient, but transit.
04:49 I think of transit, I'm from New York.
04:50 I'm passing the subway.
04:52 Our transit is really important because you wanna make sure
04:56 you're not building something crooked.
04:57 Oh, I love it. Oh, that's good.
04:58 So what happens I take the dummy and I call it,
05:02 I take the end we have a long pole.
05:04 And we mark like inches one, two, three, four, five.
05:08 And so Kenny starts at the end where you gonna build solid,
05:11 you want your house, the corner of it right here.
05:15 So I go to the other end and this transit will shoot it,
05:19 he sets it up.
05:20 It's got a bubble on it.
05:22 When it's exactly zero if it says 24 inches
05:25 that means there's 24 inches difference.
05:26 Okay.
05:27 So we have to compensate
05:29 when we're putting in that footing.
05:30 So when you talk about standing firm,
05:33 you want to stand firm but it has to be
05:35 on the solid rock in Jesus.
05:37 Come on, come on.
05:38 Somebody said to the cornerstone, right?
05:40 Yeah. Yes.
05:42 It's got to be level with the cornerstone.
05:44 That's good. Yeah.
05:46 It's good.
05:47 And you'd like it too that transit's very good
05:49 about making sure that building,
05:51 I want to pay, it's square,
05:52 not necessarily you'll be squared,
05:54 but you've got to have good corners and building
05:56 has to be square.
05:57 If it does, nothing works.
05:59 Oh, yeah. No hope.
06:00 It holds, if everything is out of whack
06:03 when you go to put it in there so you level
06:05 and then square of the building right
06:07 to where all the lumber
06:08 and everything fits properly even...
06:10 That means putting sheet rock on the inside
06:13 and doing everything on the outside,
06:14 the decking, flooring, everything,
06:16 nothing would fit right if you got it out of square
06:18 and out of level.
06:20 To be balanced, want to be balanced approach.
06:22 Let me tell you a little funny story
06:25 of your mom, right?
06:26 Oh, boring. Here we go.
06:29 She says could we build a porch out,
06:31 you know, the end of the house
06:33 was a walkout basement.
06:35 I'm looking at Jay right now. He's chuckling.
06:37 It's a walkout basement and I'd had the house built it
06:41 years ago but never did really put a porch
06:43 and I said, sure, we'll do it so we'll make
06:45 like a 20 by 20 porch out that way.
06:48 So it's the head of concrete below, Kenny,
06:51 and so I got the post and ended up
06:53 getting a big metal square that you can stick the post
06:56 in and tied down to anchor it good and solid,
06:58 and Jay and Mark was helping me.
07:00 And so we leveled it everything, we transit it,
07:05 got it all level made sure that when we started putting
07:07 the floor joists down that you walk out on.
07:10 It was perfectly leveled.
07:11 She comes home.
07:13 She opens the front door and she looks out.
07:15 I say, "What do you think?"
07:16 We finally got all the post up, got everything leveled,
07:19 got the outside plates on,
07:21 you know, the floor joist is across,
07:23 so what do you think?
07:24 She goes, "Looks crooked to me."
07:26 Was it nice floor joist,
07:28 it's something nice but you always have
07:30 to say something nice before,
07:32 you know, yeah, yeah,
07:33 so I said, "Oh, it looks really nice
07:35 but it just looks a little crooked here to me."
07:38 Yes, she said, looks crooked
07:40 and she was looking at like this of the porch.
07:42 I said, "Well, if you'll stand up straight,
07:45 may be it look straight.
07:47 Oh, my word.
07:49 Can you believe it,
07:50 we put so much work into making sure it
07:52 was exactly level.
07:54 He should have asked me...
07:55 Well, you know, the good point that,
07:57 the point is though,
07:58 we can't tell by looking at things.
08:00 Come on now, see I love this, make a spiritual application.
08:05 No, really so.
08:06 So when you're looking
08:08 at and we're talking spiritual now,
08:11 but you have to have the Word of God,
08:13 Jesus is that cornerstone.
08:14 That's right.
08:16 And so now,
08:17 everything is built off of that.
08:19 And so, but in our own human eyes
08:23 we can look and see things out of kilter, as we say.
08:25 Right.
08:27 See things that we can't go by our mind, by our eyes...
08:29 That's right.
08:30 We have to stay with the foundation.
08:32 So even though she said it, it made me wanted to doubt,
08:36 but I'd already, we'd already had the string tight.
08:39 We had a little level
08:41 and the little bubble said exactly
08:42 where it's supposed to be.
08:44 So I knew, even though what she said
08:46 was kind of convincing.
08:48 Oh, yeah, I bet.
08:49 She said it like this point almost was really nice,
08:51 but kind of crooked.
08:53 And I'm like, man, what are we doing?
08:55 Then I said, no, no, no, we built this right.
08:57 So that's a Jay. That's an excellent.
09:00 That's an excellent application
09:02 'cause you're talking about standing firm.
09:03 So she was the one that was tempting you,
09:06 you know, with her thought of tries.
09:09 But you stood firm because you built on the rock.
09:12 That's right.
09:14 You had the right level, you had the moral absolute.
09:16 If we're talking about spiritual,
09:18 you know, when you're talking about the squares,
09:19 and it made me think of the New Jerusalem,
09:21 what is Christ building?
09:23 A city, four squares. Oh, yes.
09:26 It will be perfect. Built on that solid rock.
09:28 Yes.
09:30 Amen. Amen.
09:31 This is good. He keeps getting deeper.
09:33 I love it. I love it.
09:34 I love the way he talks it to you.
09:36 I love it, yeah. That's good.
09:38 Philippians 1:27 says,
09:41 "Nevertheless, conduct yourselves
09:43 in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.
09:46 Then," this is Paul talking,
09:48 "then whether I come and see you
09:50 or hear about you in my absence.
09:52 I will know that you stand firm in one spirit contending side
09:57 by side for the faith of gospel."
10:00 Amen.
10:01 Now, to me, this whole idea of standing firm
10:06 and contending side by side,
10:09 we not only stand firm as individuals,
10:13 but we need to stand firm as a church.
10:15 Yes.
10:16 Contending side by side,
10:18 there's so much coming up against us now.
10:22 And this, there was a commentary here
10:25 that I like to share about what was written
10:29 with this scripture in the original Greek
10:31 and it signifies to hold on
10:34 and to remain firm at one's post.
10:36 Yes.
10:38 It's derived from the combats,
10:41 from war, from warfare,
10:43 in which each endeavor to keep his place
10:46 and to maintain himself in his seat
10:49 without going back or being shaken
10:51 by all the attacks of the enemy.
10:53 So it's all about standing firm in one place
10:57 contending side by side.
10:58 Amen. Yes.
11:00 So that we march forward.
11:02 Oh, yes.
11:04 You ever see those armies that are in step as they walk,
11:08 you know, they're all in step.
11:10 That's what God I think expects of His church
11:13 for us to be in step and to move forward,
11:16 standing firmly in the faith.
11:19 Amen.
11:20 And that to me is what this verse is saying.
11:23 So it says, "In the spiritual warfare,
11:26 we should never allow ourselves to be drawn
11:28 from that position in which God has placed us
11:31 and that all together,
11:33 like his faithful and valiant soldiers,
11:36 courageously repulsing the enemy,
11:38 we should always stand firm
11:40 without quitting either the faith
11:43 or the profession,
11:44 which by His grace we have made."
11:46 Amen.
11:48 That's right. Oh, that's good.
11:49 You know, as a good soldier, you're gonna stand firm,
11:51 you were talking about
11:53 all of these battles going on and,
11:54 and you mentioned that looked crooked
11:57 to you 'cause a lot of times, we're in...
11:59 We're nowhere in a spiritual warfare,
12:02 and sometimes we look and we think,
12:03 well, maybe that isn't so crooked after all,
12:06 maybe that's the way.
12:08 You know, but as a good soldier in Christ,
12:10 we have to come back to thus saith the Lord.
12:13 That's right.
12:14 Go back to the Word of God to stand firm no matter.
12:17 In other words, you can't trust what you see.
12:20 We're not, we're getting to a point
12:22 we can't trust what we hear.
12:24 You can't trust what we feel.
12:26 I mean, 'cause there's a lot of spiritual feeling out there.
12:29 There's a lot of spiritual warfare going on.
12:31 But is that the Spirit of God?
12:34 And how do we know?
12:36 That is a critical, critical piece.
12:39 You can't trust what you see, right?
12:43 Because Satan can impact our senses.
12:46 It's happening, yes.
12:47 We have to have an objective standard.
12:50 That's why, you know, this whole thing
12:51 about my truth and your truth and what is your truth,
12:56 it's all relative.
12:58 Truth is subjective.
13:01 You know, I really like this part about
13:02 not abandoning your posts because if you think
13:05 about somebody guarding an area or being at their post,
13:11 they're not allowing compromise to slip in.
13:13 Oh, come on, come on.
13:16 Abandoning your post and you allow an entrance,
13:19 a weakness in the line of defense,
13:22 and then that compromise slips in.
13:25 And then as a result of that compromise slipping in,
13:27 you're moving closer and closer into the enemy's territory.
13:30 Yes.
13:31 But if you stand firm at that post
13:33 and you allow the Lord to strengthen you.
13:35 Yes.
13:37 That's good. That's good.
13:38 But you're gonna be challenged. Oh, absolutely.
13:40 I mean, the good part was challenge
13:42 because we're talking about the porch again.
13:47 But there's nothing wrong with it
13:49 because when you do something you think is right.
13:52 You studied it out.
13:53 You've done all necessary steps.
13:56 Somebody is gonna come up to you
13:57 and say this is not the way you should do it.
14:00 And sometimes they are in a position
14:02 to where they have an influence.
14:04 And then you're gonna say,
14:06 I wonder if I did the right thing?
14:07 Well, as Brother Danny mentioned,
14:09 I know we did because the way we set it up.
14:13 We checked, we rechecked it,
14:15 I'm talking about study the word,
14:17 spiritual application.
14:18 We went back to the word,
14:19 even though they challenge that this is not the truth.
14:21 We studied it, we looked at it, we know that it is,
14:24 it might look a little strange to some.
14:26 But, you know, a lot of times it looks strange to people
14:28 because the Bible says spiritual things
14:30 are spiritually discern.
14:32 That's right.
14:33 If we're not on the spiritual page,
14:34 if we're not led by the Holy Spirit
14:36 of living God,
14:37 everything that a Christian puts out
14:38 there somebody's gonna say it's crooked.
14:40 That's right.
14:41 You know, and you have to know that is right and you go back,
14:45 I've done it many times because you're challenged,
14:47 you go back saying that,
14:48 I wanna make sure I did this right
14:50 because a lot is on this.
14:52 Right.
14:53 Look and say thank you, Lord, that's what it says.
14:54 And regardless if they say it's crooked or not,
14:57 God said this is the straight road.
14:59 That's right.
15:01 And we're in that time in world's history
15:03 where err is becoming truth and truth is becoming err.
15:08 And I mean, we have actually,
15:09 I've even seen the video where a pastor's up front
15:12 in front of his church.
15:14 And they took, he took his Bible
15:15 and threw it across the floor.
15:18 We don't need that anymore
15:20 because a lot of things are coming into the church
15:23 that the Bible, they want to say that it's old fashion.
15:27 It's not present truth anymore.
15:29 But how, you know, they've lost touch
15:31 with moral absolute.
15:33 And so it's very, very dangerous time
15:37 in which we're living in.
15:38 Yes. You can be sure.
15:41 Like when you said that to us, I keep going back.
15:45 She started it. She started it.
15:47 It's a good illustration.
15:48 It's a good example.
15:50 Reason that we stuck where we were is,
15:54 Kenny, and I have built many, many houses,
15:56 some churches, garages,
15:58 all of these and I did the same thing
16:00 I've always done and houses that we built.
16:02 You can go into West Frankfort every day,
16:04 house we built in 1972 is still standing over there.
16:07 And I used the same principle and it look straight,
16:09 you know, we used the same.
16:11 So when you use the same principles
16:14 even though which for a second it's like what?
16:18 And in your defense when you were looking out,
16:20 it's a walkout basement so everything is downhill,
16:23 it goes like this.
16:24 So standing up in the living room,
16:26 I could say as you were getting ready to step out,
16:28 we were on the ladder,
16:30 looking at eye level at this thing up
16:32 about 10 feet high.
16:33 She was standing looking out,
16:35 but she's had all of these other things to distract
16:38 to make it look like it wasn't there.
16:41 So I think what you're saying is you can't go by the eye.
16:45 Exactly.
16:46 You can only stand firm
16:47 if you know, you're on that solid rock.
16:50 If you use the same principle that you've always used before,
16:56 then I think you can be confident and say no,
17:00 that's it's straight.
17:02 So I said to her, no, it's level.
17:04 We can prove it to you,
17:06 I have the eight foot level here.
17:08 Yeah.
17:10 She could made a bubble I know on that.
17:13 At least for eight feet I can show you,
17:14 eight feet at a time 'cause I said,
17:16 well that she wouldn't understand
17:17 some of the other things.
17:19 But if I set that level up there
17:20 and that bubble is right in the middle,
17:22 that means it's leveled.
17:24 So what you're saying then is perspective.
17:28 So my perspective was off.
17:32 But I needed that objective tool
17:35 to give me the right perspective.
17:36 Yes. Yes.
17:37 Okay. There you go.
17:39 You were on the solid ground in that room,
17:43 but I was looking from a different perspective.
17:46 So I needed an objective tool to tell me
17:51 what the true condition of that room was.
17:53 Yeah.
17:55 And that's what the Word does for us.
17:56 You were open to the truth. Yes.
17:58 I've seen sometime too where you put, Danny,
18:01 we put the level on it,
18:03 but because of the surroundings of it.
18:07 That's what I was talking about.
18:09 It looks like it's still not and you look back
18:11 at the level again, the bubble's in the center.
18:13 Again, it's all those things
18:15 that sometime want to throw us off.
18:17 And sometime we don't stand so firm.
18:20 And then you test the bubble.
18:22 Yes.
18:23 Because you can test the Word of God...
18:25 Come on. That's right.
18:26 'Cause there are times that the bubbles can get off.
18:28 They do.
18:29 When your levels up and it falls,
18:31 they're usually glass
18:32 and they got little screws on there.
18:34 And so the way that you know if it's off
18:37 or not as you flip it over,
18:39 and if it shows the same reading,
18:41 in other words, you can flip the bubbles over,
18:44 you can change hands with the level
18:46 and see if it reads the same,
18:48 but you have to go back because even the bubble
18:50 has to be tested.
18:51 So have to try those spirits.
18:53 So you say okay, what if,
18:54 you know, something happened,
18:55 somebody dropped that,
18:57 something happened that it's off
18:58 but you can do that,
19:00 so you can test the Word of God,
19:01 but it will always come true.
19:02 Amen.
19:04 You can flip the Word of God over, ain't that right?
19:05 Flip it over this way or that way
19:07 or from this end to that end,
19:08 it's still gonna ring true at the time.
19:10 That almost reminds me of testing the individual too.
19:13 Are they the same in public as they are in private.
19:14 There you go. There you go.
19:16 Do they still have the same relationship with God
19:18 in private as they do in public.
19:21 I like that being able to flip that over.
19:23 That's great, and that's good to know
19:24 for when we build my house.
19:26 Yeah.
19:27 That's something I didn't know.
19:29 The thing with the room that I didn't tell
19:32 was it was just gonna be a porch.
19:34 So I built this big porch and get ready build it out
19:37 and she came out and said,
19:40 "Oh, this is gonna be so wonderful,
19:42 we'll be able to see the sunset,
19:43 I can set out here and just enjoy reading."
19:45 I say great.
19:47 She said, "Well, what are we going
19:48 to do about the flies?"
19:51 I said, "What do you mean,
19:52 what we're gonna do about the flies?"
19:54 She goes, "Well, you know,
19:55 I can't stand flies around my food or around me."
19:59 I mean, I've seen her knock her salad bowl on an airplane
20:05 with the guy next to her,
20:07 fly landed and she knocked everything and...
20:09 Oh, my goodness.
20:11 She was going 'cause she can't stand the flies.
20:13 So she said, "Well, now what are we gonna do
20:15 about the flies?
20:16 How are you gonna keep those out?"
20:18 I said, "Well, you don't,"
20:19 it's just a front porch or just a big porch out here.
20:21 She goes, "Is there any way we could close
20:23 like maybe put a screen."
20:25 I said, "Big as this is, no, it's a devil."
20:28 So she's like,
20:30 "Well, how we're gonna keep the flies?"
20:31 It's a long story short,
20:32 it's closed in and then got the windows around it.
20:35 You still got a great view but now in that room is your?
20:39 Worship room. Whoo, Worship room.
20:40 Glory. Yes, it's wonderful.
20:42 Praise the Lord.
20:43 So he built protection, like the armor.
20:46 Come on.
20:47 The Lord's armor around this with the protection,
20:50 and we need to put on the armor of God,
20:52 the whole armor of God to stand firm.
20:54 Good.
20:56 And to know as you're talking about this
20:57 to even understand what truth is
20:59 because as I mentioned earlier,
21:01 you know, there's so much speculation.
21:03 Well, how do you know?
21:04 That's your thought.
21:06 That's your faith. That's your choice.
21:07 You know, but we need to go back like he said,
21:09 like is, like you can speculate upon the Bible,
21:12 it is thus saith, we have to go back
21:14 to the Word of God.
21:16 And this is good.
21:18 I love it.
21:20 Yeah, Praise the Lord.
21:21 Let's kind of...
21:22 Oh, go ahead. Okay.
21:24 Well, I was just gonna say this is good.
21:25 But nowadays, how do we put that into,
21:28 to where we are today?
21:29 May be that's where you're going.
21:31 Well, where I was...
21:33 We can, let's do that.
21:34 And then we'll come back to where I was going.
21:36 My point was, now today we have doctrine,
21:41 you know, but people are saying
21:43 because of the whole world around us,
21:45 nothing is solid.
21:47 Everything is changeable and so,
21:50 you know, they say,
21:51 there's 100 and some odd genders
21:53 when we all know,
21:54 a little kid knows there's two, right.
21:56 A little boy and a girl in the room without clothes
21:57 and they're embarrassingly know that something's wrong,
22:00 there's two genders,
22:01 but there's all of these things that,
22:04 you know, when you listen, even in political arenas,
22:07 arenas that everything is okay.
22:09 It's whatever somebody wants, and doctrine isn't important,
22:14 but that is now bleeding into the church.
22:16 The wounds of the world leading into the church
22:20 because there's people like,
22:21 well, you know, these things aren't really that important.
22:24 And so how do we,
22:25 how do we stand firm when it comes to doctrine,
22:29 and yet, they'll say, "Oh, that's all legalistic."
22:32 That's, you know, all the law stuff, all of this.
22:35 So how do we, the question is,
22:36 how do we stand firm in the doctrine
22:38 and yet show the love of Jesus and be balanced
22:41 as Jay talked about?
22:43 You're asking me?
22:45 Well, I'm asking anybody, you know, is it important,
22:48 in other words, how important is it?
22:50 And can we compromise some on doctrines.
22:53 You know, we are living in the 21st century.
22:57 You know, are we held to the same?
22:59 I would think that the question is
23:01 who's reigning supreme in your life?
23:04 You know, who are you serving?
23:05 What you have to have a standard.
23:07 You know, the Bible talks about living off principle,
23:10 not feelings.
23:12 What the world is doing as they shift due to feelings
23:16 and not just principles.
23:18 So it's a combination of the two.
23:20 I think somebody who's really good
23:21 to look at their story in the Bible is Daniel.
23:24 You know, when Daniel was in, he was in the government,
23:28 and he wasn't,
23:30 he didn't conform to the ways of the government
23:33 when the government was trying to trump God's law.
23:37 I mean, Daniel stood so firm,
23:39 that all of these people conspired against him,
23:43 people in government, and they couldn't even,
23:46 they couldn't bring him down.
23:47 They knew that they couldn't get him
23:48 because he was.
23:50 It says here in Daniel 6:5,
23:54 "Then these men said
23:55 we shall not find any charge against this Daniel
23:58 unless we find it against him concerning the law of his God."
24:02 They had to do something crooked to try and catch a man
24:06 that was serving the Lord and standing firm on principle
24:09 that they tried to catch him up
24:11 and then get him in the lion's den.
24:15 And it ended up falling back on them.
24:17 Yeah.
24:19 I think that's a really good example,
24:20 because when we're talking about,
24:22 you know,
24:23 how society is converging against,
24:27 really against Christians.
24:29 I mean, Christians are now being demonized
24:31 and looked at as weak or intellectually inferior.
24:35 And, you know, how do we stand firm
24:38 in the midst of all this political correctness,
24:41 in the midst of all of these things
24:43 that are converging against us?
24:44 How do we stand firm?
24:46 Daniel showed us he did not.
24:50 When these people,
24:52 these officials came up against
24:54 and went to the king and said, you know, before they went,
24:57 they said, how can we get him,
24:59 the only way is through his God because he stands firm
25:03 in everything that he believes in.
25:05 How can we get him?
25:06 The only way is through his God.
25:08 And every day, he was praying every day three times a day.
25:14 And he did not lower his curtain.
25:17 Once that law was proclaimed that you could not pray
25:20 to anyone else or worship anyone else.
25:22 But the king, he didn't stop, he stayed firm, he focused,
25:28 he prayed to his God, three times a day.
25:31 And I think living by principle,
25:34 that is the way we stand firm.
25:37 You know, you always talk about...
25:39 He's always talking about you guy's dad,
25:41 and how he taught you principles.
25:45 And you apply these principles to life.
25:48 That's what the Word does.
25:50 It gives us the principles to live by,
25:53 and they don't change.
25:55 They are timeless.
25:56 Principles are timeless.
25:58 Society might change, mores might change.
26:01 Morals do not change but mores change.
26:04 And so we have to live by the principles
26:08 and that's what to me standing firm is, living by principles.
26:12 When I would give dad,
26:14 and I know Kenny probably never gave him a hard time
26:15 but when I did...
26:18 When I gave him a hard time,
26:19 you didn't very much because, you know,
26:21 he didn't accept it.
26:24 But if I tried to reason with him,
26:26 he never sassed you but you could reason sometimes,
26:28 and I'd say but dad, I think such and such.
26:31 He said, "Son your opinion don't mean
26:32 a hill of beans to me."
26:35 Don't mean a hill of beans, right?
26:37 Did you hear that, Kenny? Oh, yeah.
26:38 Doesn't mean a hill of beans 'cause he wanted to based
26:40 on principle.
26:42 What's the principal?
26:43 Why are you saying where you're coming from,
26:45 is it a selfish motive?
26:47 Because he would say, "That's just me, myself, and I.
26:49 I'm not interested in me, myself, and I,
26:51 God put me in charge.
26:52 You're the kid, you're the child,
26:54 and I'm here to teach you what principle is."
26:57 But I don't care what you think unless it's,
27:00 you know, with the Bible,
27:02 your opinions and what kids that think at school
27:05 and you come home and said,
27:06 "Dad, the other kids are going."
27:08 He'd say, "Well, I'll tell you what."
27:09 We'd say, "Can we go uptown
27:10 'cause all these other kids are going."
27:12 And he would say, he'd say,
27:13 "Well, let me tell you something."
27:15 Because we thought, we'd say, "All the other kids are going."
27:17 He'd say, "No, not all the kids are going."
27:20 He'd say, the kids at 11, 8, 12 weren't straight.
27:23 Well, thank you, they're not gonna be there.
27:26 That was the end of the subject,
27:28 but with dad it's always principle.
27:30 It was principal and it's good because the Word of God
27:32 operates from principle.
27:33 You know, Ephesians 2:20,
27:36 there's three principles
27:37 when you're building on a firm foundation.
27:40 And that Scripture says is built upon the apostles.
27:43 And it's built upon the prophets,
27:46 and it's built upon Jesus Christ,
27:48 which is being the chief cornerstone.
27:51 So if we build on those three things,
27:54 we shall never go wrong.
27:56 These are the principle
27:58 that's what we're talking about today
27:59 is how can we be firm.
28:01 Thus be firm to the end.
28:03 And I'll share a story later on
28:05 we do the more talking about then,
28:06 because we come to that point
28:08 where we are challenged sometime with it.
28:10 Yes. And against odds.
28:12 Yes.
28:13 It's not going to work.
28:15 There's principle, you know, what you should do,
28:17 but everybody else has done something different
28:19 and you're challenged.
28:21 And sometimes even by the government.
28:22 And that's where I wanted to go next.
28:26 When have you been challenged in standing firm?
28:31 And how did you handle?
28:32 Well, you know, I don't,
28:33 here maybe just a good time just to quickly
28:35 and I could relate back some long years, Danny,
28:37 when I was in service that we went in,
28:40 I went in as a 1-A-O, conscientious objector,
28:44 be a medic, and went to basic training and so on,
28:46 and that's where you have to stand inspection.
28:49 You know, as a Sabbath day keeper,
28:51 I went and said,
28:52 I was the Seventh-day Adventist, you know,
28:53 but I'm the only one there among hundreds and thousands.
28:56 And it's about every Saturday is inspection, you know,
28:59 and the principle
29:01 that we grew up with was Sabbath,
29:02 the seventh-day Sabbath.
29:04 You don't do any work on that day
29:05 regardless if it goes against principles of God's Word
29:07 or a man says you don't do it.
29:09 So I just simply said, well,
29:11 it didn't mean 'cause you were a Christian,
29:12 you do everything right.
29:13 It was instilled in my mind that was what something
29:15 I want to do on the seventh-day Sabbath.
29:17 Right.
29:18 So I just simply said, then challenge
29:20 with the issue standing firm.
29:21 I just said, I'm not gonna stand inspection.
29:23 That's a lot of years ago,
29:24 a lot of time you just didn't say
29:25 I'm not gonna do that.
29:27 And they said, "Well, why not?"
29:28 And then they had to go through whole process
29:30 of how it came into service and so on, so forth.
29:32 So they said, well, you think, you're gonna get away with it,
29:34 you're not gonna get away with it.
29:35 You're gonna stand inspection.
29:37 And I just simply said, "You know, by grace of God,
29:39 I'm not gonna stand inspection."
29:41 And so finally they came to an agreement.
29:42 Juts quickly, agreement,
29:44 they said, "Well, I'll you what.
29:45 You think you're gonna get out of it but you're not.
29:47 We're gonna have you to stand inspection on Sunday."
29:50 So on Sunday in the barracks when everybody else
29:52 is kind of out of it.
29:54 They had a big night, doing whatever they do,
29:56 you know, in barracks and everything else there.
29:58 I'm supposed to be standing tall
29:59 and everything ready.
30:01 Well, when they came in,
30:02 they had an axe to grind anyway.
30:03 They want to find something wrong with the bed,
30:05 they want to find something wrong
30:06 with your footlocker,
30:08 and everything where everything was hung,
30:09 and they did their best to do
30:11 and I knew they were gonna do it.
30:12 So I did the best, I knew how to do, you know,
30:14 a couple times they took the bunk
30:15 and threw it upside down and you had to redo
30:17 and so on.
30:18 But then the guy would get right in your face, you know...
30:21 Anyway, God will honor, the whole point,
30:23 God will honor those
30:25 when you are put in a position to maybe go against the world,
30:29 you're butting against the world,
30:30 you've been talking about here things
30:32 that are going on in the world.
30:33 Now, world doesn't like you but against.
30:34 Right.
30:36 As a Christian to but against them,
30:37 they don't like that.
30:39 So he just simply said, well, I'll see you next Sunday.
30:41 You know and then I was ready again,
30:43 third Sunday come by,
30:44 looked at me and he was madder than a hornet.
30:47 I didn't know but he came at me,
30:48 and of course, that time they get right in your face.
30:50 His nose was against my nose,
30:52 you stand or you don't say anything to.
30:54 He said, "I don't know who in the world
30:56 that you think you are.
30:57 If you think that you're gonna make me come in every Sunday
31:02 to inspect somebody like you."
31:04 He said, "You're out of your mind."
31:05 He said, "You don't have to stand inspection anymore."
31:10 Okay.
31:11 Stand firm for what you believe and God will honor that
31:14 and reward.
31:16 So I was no longer a problem
31:17 because the guy just did not want to come in
31:19 on the wrong time and he...
31:21 Coming to the point he felt like I was making him.
31:24 Yeah. Right.
31:25 The other one told me I had to,
31:26 but see it gets reversed sometime.
31:28 Yeah.
31:29 Stand your ground, stand firm.
31:31 And for, I don't know for four or five months
31:33 I never had another inspection at all.
31:36 I just had to get out there for inspection day
31:38 and on Sabbath I didn't want to be around there anyway so...
31:40 God will do the work.
31:42 Thank you.
31:43 I remember a time I was on jury duty
31:46 and we had been in trial all week long
31:49 and the judge had told us, well,
31:51 we're gonna have to sequester you over this,
31:53 the weekend.
31:54 Well, I knew that week came at Sabbath
31:56 and I just kept praying about,
31:58 I didn't know what I was gonna do.
32:00 And at the last minute, I asked him,
32:02 if I can talk to him and so we went in the back.
32:04 And I wish I could remember what I said.
32:07 But all of a sudden it just started pouring out, this law,
32:10 that law, blah, blah, blah...
32:12 Religious freedom and ta-da, ta-da, ta-da...
32:14 Needless to say, we were not sequestered.
32:15 Amen.
32:17 They let us off, we got to go home and come back.
32:20 But you know, it was just amazing
32:21 because I wanted to be off, I knew it was important,
32:24 I asked God for help.
32:26 And he spoke through me to the point
32:27 that I don't even remember what I said,
32:29 but I can remember thinking wow.
32:32 Where that come from?
32:33 Yes, yes.
32:35 But it did, it really did and he stepped in and helped.
32:37 And another thing you asked a while ago,
32:39 how can we stand firm and still be loving?
32:43 And I was thinking of Daniel 2, there's a quote here,
32:46 but Daniel and God himself, but the quote, just finishing,
32:50 it's talking about the spirit that actuated Daniel,
32:53 but it talks here about whether with his brethren
32:56 or others he would not swerve
32:59 from principle while at the same time
33:02 he would not feel to manifest a noble Christlike patience.
33:07 And you mentioned God's the same yesterday,
33:09 today and forever and no one can argue
33:13 with what love that He has shown.
33:16 That's right.
33:17 What love He has given us,
33:19 and it makes a difference if we go to people in love.
33:23 Then they don't feel like they had been attacked,
33:25 they feel like you really care for them.
33:27 That's good.
33:29 That's good. What about you?
33:30 Was there a time when you did or did not stand firm?
33:33 Well, I think more of the times probably I didn't over my life
33:37 or you've misrepresented.
33:39 Yeah, sure.
33:40 Kenny and I used to play over 100 games
33:43 at fastpitch softball every summer,
33:44 you know, play doubleheaders two, three nights.
33:47 We work all day and then do that or weekends,
33:50 but we thought we were standing firm
33:52 because we told the guys on our team,
33:54 we're not gonna play on Sabbath.
33:56 You know, we won't play on Sabbath,
33:58 but what we would do is,
34:00 we would, Jay, if sundown was 8 o'clock Friday evening,
34:04 and we were playing in a tournament
34:06 at about two minutes till eight,
34:07 we'd take ourselves out of the game,
34:09 and then we'd go home.
34:11 But then Sabbath evening and for team,
34:13 more on we're playing the next,
34:14 you know, Sabbath and it was gonna be evening
34:16 maybe the game started at seven.
34:18 So we'd get in our ball suites
34:20 and drive out to the ball diamond
34:22 sometimes and sit in the car and wait till 8:01,
34:25 and then we can get out
34:27 and go put ourselves in the game.
34:28 Now that was very legalistic.
34:30 Yes.
34:31 It was very, you know, but we were trying to do,
34:33 we were raised kind of in a legalistic comrade books
34:35 we were loving but they still,
34:37 you know, a lot of things was do's and don'ts
34:39 more than the love aspect.
34:41 I think just for me I had to get older
34:43 and more mature and,
34:45 and after the loss of Melody's mother
34:47 and then I saw Melody,
34:49 11 years old willing to sing for her mother's funeral
34:52 when she had a broken arm, and cuts, and bruises,
34:54 and all these things.
34:56 I finally said, Lord, I want that kind of relationship.
34:58 When I asked for that child like relationship,
35:01 then I began to understand love and so.
35:04 Now, if we had do-overs,
35:05 which we don't go back
35:07 'cause we probably did more harm than good.
35:10 Sometimes because I knew we were right,
35:12 but the way we did it.
35:14 I remember one time that I got into this argument
35:17 when I was in about in the third grade
35:18 with the kid at school about Sabbath versus Sunday.
35:22 I went to public school,
35:23 so I took my Bible to school and we went outside recess,
35:28 and we were so upset at each other,
35:30 we got in a fight.
35:32 So I said, you're not going.
35:34 So here I'm thinking I'm doing some good showing him this.
35:37 Doing a Bible study, ended up in a fight.
35:40 And I ended up hitting him in the nose.
35:42 That sounds more you were at.
35:43 Yeah.
35:45 Good, Jason.
35:46 When I was a little kid, I had a friend,
35:50 he was of a different faith and he didn't believe in Jesus.
35:53 He didn't believe that Jesus was the Son of God.
35:56 And so he would say certain things about Jesus
35:59 and I was a little kid,
36:00 and I believed in Jesus and everything,
36:03 and he would say these things
36:05 and it would make me mad so I punched him in his face.
36:09 And then I make him take back what he said about Jesus
36:14 and then, I thought like I was fighting for the Lord.
36:18 I was so misguided in my approach.
36:20 I mean all of that is part of it.
36:22 As we, you know, we stand for...
36:24 It's not how much you know, it's who you know.
36:26 Right. That's right.
36:28 There you go.
36:29 We think, well, we know all the laws,
36:30 and we know the doctrine,
36:32 and we know all of this but without love,
36:33 this is sounding brass,
36:35 tinkling cymbal all that kind stuff you know,
36:37 because it's not there so as you get older,
36:40 I'm so thankful that God,
36:41 you know, has mercy and compassion.
36:43 Yes. Oh, I too.
36:46 It's easier for me to look back and see when I didn't stand...
36:50 If I didn't stand right,
36:52 I stood for something but you know,
36:54 but we all have to stand.
36:55 Our dad used to tell us,
36:57 "Boys, if you don't stand for something,
36:58 you'll fall for it."
36:59 Yes.
37:01 So, you know, when you find something
37:02 that you believe in, test it.
37:05 The Bible says try me, you know,
37:08 and so to the law and to testimony
37:10 if they speak not according to this word,
37:12 there is no light in them.
37:13 That's right.
37:15 And so, that's what we have to do.
37:16 So today, if I could have do-overs,
37:18 I'd go back and change but the good part is,
37:21 you don't have to go back and do anything differently.
37:24 You just, today, Lord, come into my heart, come in,
37:27 come in today, come in to stay,
37:29 come in my heart, Lord Jesus, old song says.
37:32 Yes.
37:33 And then say, Lord, You please forgive me.
37:35 And when we're sorry,
37:36 He's faithful and just to forgive us of our sin
37:38 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
37:40 Now, we develop that relationship,
37:43 now we have something we can go tell.
37:45 When I first started 3ABN,
37:47 I would travel and go to churches
37:51 and it was like, what am I gonna say, you know,
37:55 but after a while now it's like,
37:57 what I have to leave out.
37:59 Yeah.
38:00 So much to tell because of experience
38:02 in relationship over the years in seeing God.
38:06 Now, it's like every time we go, we went last week,
38:10 you know, out of state and that was, oh, man,
38:13 I wish I had more time
38:14 I could share this to encourage the folk.
38:17 So thing is don't worry about the past.
38:19 Amen. Yes.
38:21 Just worry about today and in future
38:22 when you come to Jesus,
38:24 you know, you get to start brand new.
38:25 You do.
38:27 That's a blessing.
38:28 I remember there was a time,
38:30 the thing that stands out for me most
38:33 when I did not stand firm was, I was singing at...
38:38 A producer friend of mine asked me
38:40 to come and do a session.
38:42 I was out of the church at that time.
38:44 And she asked me to come and do joint recording session
38:49 with someone that she was producing
38:52 who was a psychic.
38:53 Oh! Well.
38:55 And so I knew as a Christian...
38:57 I would still consider myself a Christian,
38:58 even though I wasn't going to church
39:00 and I knew that wasn't to have any dealings with a psychic.
39:04 But I went and I sang on the song,
39:07 and at the end of the song, I was headed out.
39:11 And she said to me, the psychic, she said,
39:14 "Can I speak to you for a minute?"
39:16 So I thought she was gonna say thank you
39:18 for singing on this session.
39:21 So I said, "Yeah."
39:22 So she said, she began to give me a reading.
39:27 Well, have mercy.
39:29 And she would say to me, she would say,
39:30 she looked to the side and she would say,
39:33 "Okay, thank you, thank you."
39:35 And come back to me.
39:36 She was actually getting a word from a demon.
39:41 And I was standing there, instead of saying,
39:45 you know, what?
39:47 I've gotta go. Yeah.
39:49 I was like Eve.
39:50 I was mesmerized, and guess what?
39:56 I was standing at that tree
39:59 and listening to the serpent and beginning to...
40:03 She was telling me things that no one would know
40:08 and instead of me standing firm and saying, you know what?
40:14 Stop.
40:16 I have to go.
40:18 I stood there and I listened and when I left,
40:23 I felt I've got in a cab to go back to my apartment,
40:28 and I began to cry because I knew I let God down.
40:32 I knew that by standing there and listening to that,
40:36 I had allowed myself to get caught up
40:38 into what she was telling me.
40:41 I was Eve at that tree, but what you said, Dan,
40:45 is so true that we serve a God
40:48 who will forgive us if we don't stand firm,
40:50 if you make a mistake.
40:52 Yes.
40:53 Don't say, well, now I've done it,
40:55 I've done the worst thing and now God won't forgive me.
40:58 No, He wants you to come to Him and say,
41:00 Lord, I'm sorry.
41:01 That's why that song I sang just once more.
41:04 It means something to me
41:06 because I know I've made mistakes,
41:07 but I know that I serve a faithful God,
41:11 a high priest who have been touched
41:13 with my infirmities,
41:14 with the feeling of my infirmities
41:16 one was tempted in all points yet
41:19 without sin.
41:20 And so I can come boldly to Him,
41:22 where I can obtain mercy
41:24 and find grace to help in time of need
41:26 and that's what you can do.
41:28 If you have not stood firm, if you've made a mistake,
41:32 which we all do.
41:35 Thank the Lord that He is righteous
41:38 and He is sinless,
41:39 and He is pure
41:41 because if it was based on our righteousness
41:43 and our purity, we never make it.
41:46 So I just praise the Lord that we can in Him stand firm
41:51 and when we mess up, we can say I'm sorry.
41:54 That's a good part. Praise God.
41:55 That's right.
41:56 Yeah, the High Priest, amen. Have mercy.
41:58 He doesn't treat us the way we treat one another.
42:00 Yes, or the way we treat Him.
42:03 That's true.
42:04 But you realize how you got in that situation
42:07 is that from your own words
42:09 that you consider yourself a Christian,
42:11 but yet really you know you weren't.
42:13 In other words, you were doing things on your own.
42:16 In other words, you didn't test the bubble.
42:18 Your own perception, it was your own vision,
42:21 your own eyesight,
42:22 you were kind of justifying though you...
42:25 And that's interesting thing, you feel like you're Christian,
42:29 but really, no, you're not.
42:30 You're not living right, what it is?
42:32 Right.
42:33 But you delude yourself into thinking that...
42:35 Well, I still pray, well,
42:38 I still read my Bible sometimes,
42:40 well, I don't...
42:41 And at that time,
42:42 I wasn't working on the Sabbath,
42:44 but it wasn't about the works.
42:46 It was about my relationship and who was king in my life,
42:51 who was sovereign in my life, who was my Lord.
42:54 Not just my Savior but my Lord Jesus.
42:57 At the time I was not walking with Him the way I should
43:02 and that distorted my view of who I was.
43:06 So today that same situation you would like,
43:09 you wouldn't look in.
43:11 I wouldn't even go to sing for that person.
43:14 I wouldn't be in that,
43:15 that wouldn't even be an option.
43:17 Yeah, and as you were doing like,
43:19 Kenny and I, you were doing the music
43:20 the way we were doing.
43:22 At least should say me, I can't speak to him...
43:23 Yeah, I was there too.
43:24 Playing softball,
43:26 even doing a softball or basketball thing,
43:28 and we felt like we were,
43:30 but now you look back on it and you say,
43:32 oh, Lord, thank You for Your mercy.
43:33 Oh, yes.
43:35 We didn't have to worry about so much
43:36 when you were talking about worry about the bubble,
43:37 we didn't even have the level.
43:39 Yeah.
43:40 You know, if you think about it,
43:42 that's how far but we thought.
43:44 That's what lukewarmness will do.
43:46 You know, as Christians when we're lukewarm
43:48 we see with different eyes,
43:51 it's not spiritual eyes anymore,
43:53 it's actually the eyes of an enemy.
43:54 Doesn't want you out doing, maybe just horrible,
43:56 horrible things,
43:57 but he wants you infringing on those things
43:58 that you know better
44:00 that will lead you into worse things
44:01 as you submit it and give in.
44:04 So, you know,
44:05 you read and Ellen White talks about,
44:07 there's the mind that's not totally
44:09 given to Christ, the enemy has full control.
44:12 Have mercy.
44:14 Think about the mind that's not 100%
44:15 committed to Christ...
44:17 That's true.
44:18 The enemy has full possession and that bothers me,
44:20 that worries me.
44:22 Yes. Concerns.
44:24 When you said lukewarm,
44:25 that is so true because you're naked,
44:28 and wretched, and blind, but you don't realize it.
44:31 What you think you're seeing.
44:32 You're thinking, you see lot better than most people.
44:34 You know, I don't need anything,
44:35 I'm fine.
44:36 But you realize that, you know, later you realize it,
44:40 you were naked, and blind, and wretched.
44:42 It's a process.
44:44 It's a process of sanctification to get us
44:46 to the point where we can stand firm.
44:49 It's not something that happens
44:51 just maybe the first time you pray about it.
44:53 It's a day by day process, it's a change.
44:57 You said who was thought of your life.
44:59 I guarantee until you begin to really commit to prayer,
45:03 really commit to study the other things,
45:07 we're still ahead of God in your heart and mind.
45:09 It's with all of us, my life really changed,
45:13 your life can change
45:15 once you really commit to spending time with Him
45:19 before anything else.
45:20 Don't let the TV be turned on or these are really,
45:24 you've got to really watch,
45:27 and I like to study with them but we've got to be careful.
45:30 We put God first, we eat, you talked about food,
45:33 we eat of the Word
45:34 before we eat of any fleshly food, right?
45:37 When I say flesh, I mean physical food.
45:39 Yes. Thank you.
45:40 So we eat of God's words,
45:41 we pray first thing
45:43 because otherwise the enemy comes
45:44 in to steal, kill, and destroy.
45:46 He'll steal that time away from us.
45:47 Absolutely.
45:49 But your life can change
45:51 and you can become as Mrs. White says,
45:54 "God is looking for men and women who are straight
45:57 as steel, who will not bend
45:59 with everyone wind of doctrine."
46:01 And we're being hit with a lot of wind of doctrine
46:03 that is so close to the truth.
46:06 So close, why?
46:08 Because he was in the kingdom of heaven.
46:09 That's right.
46:11 He knows what the Spirit of God is like
46:13 and he imitates it nearly to a tee.
46:16 But there will be a percentage
46:18 that's all that we can be deceived by
46:20 if we don't go back to that course.
46:23 That's right. That's right.
46:24 1 Corinthians 16:13 says,
46:27 "Stay alert, stand firm in the faith,
46:30 show courage, be strong."
46:33 Why do you think these characteristics
46:35 are grouped together?
46:37 Stay alert, stand firm in the faith, show courage,
46:43 be strong, especially in these times.
46:46 Why do you think
46:48 these particular characteristics are?
46:50 Well, you have to be aware of your surroundings
46:53 and what's going on around you,
46:54 you know, even in the spiritual sense,
46:56 you know, there are things
46:57 that it's like that creeping compromise.
47:00 There's things that are packaged in a way
47:02 where it seems like oh,
47:03 this is good, where, you know, like, for example,
47:06 meditation, you know,
47:08 we're to meditate on the Word of God
47:10 not to empty our minds out and allow things to come in.
47:14 So we have to stay alert
47:16 on this slight twist of the enemy.
47:18 We have to stand firm in the faith
47:21 because we are to be unwavering in that.
47:25 You know, God is so faithful to us,
47:27 we need to be faithful to Him,
47:28 and we need to be taking in His Word.
47:32 You know, when you look at Christ's life,
47:34 and what He did when He was tempted
47:36 in all of those things,
47:37 He stood firm in His faith
47:39 and He knew the Word so well that when the devil
47:43 tried to throw in one or two
47:45 or three words that were different
47:47 than the original message, He didn't go for that.
47:51 So you have to stand firm in the faith,
47:53 you have to show courage and be strong,
47:55 because you know,
47:57 there's gonna be those scary times.
47:59 There are those scary moments.
48:01 You know, think about the time where Shadrach, Meshach,
48:03 and Abednego were about to get thrown
48:05 and they did get thrown into the fiery furnace,
48:09 but they stood firm and who was in there with them?
48:12 Christ.
48:13 Christ came down there, He's in there with them,
48:15 so when we stand firm, we're not standing alone.
48:18 When we're having to be courageous and strong,
48:20 we're not doing it alone.
48:22 Absolutely.
48:24 And when you summit and commit your life to Jesus,
48:28 and you're standing on the solid rock,
48:30 it gives you peace of mind.
48:32 Yes.
48:33 That in a troubled world is invaluable.
48:37 I would venture to say there are many billionaires
48:40 who would trade all that money for peace of mind, right?
48:44 Because you have the peace of mind because you know
48:48 that based on the Word of God,
48:50 so you continually go back to the Word of God.
48:53 And so, you know, our doctrines are important
48:56 because they are the glue that holds us together.
48:59 Otherwise you you're tossing to and fro,
49:02 you're going here and there,
49:04 and you always confused and always questions
49:07 and the Bible says,
49:08 we shouldn't be blown by every wind of doctrine.
49:10 Thank you.
49:11 So the only way that happens is to stay in the Word of God
49:14 to know what it is,
49:16 what the Bible says to say, Lord,
49:17 I'm willing to do that,
49:18 Lord, what do you want me to do?
49:20 I can tell you ever since we started 3ABN,
49:23 I've never once and I'm sure Kenny would say this,
49:25 never once ever doubted this was of the Lord
49:28 or this is what I'm supposed to do.
49:30 And anybody that knows me before 3ABN can tell you,
49:33 I went from here to there to there.
49:35 I jump on, you know, different things.
49:37 I did colporteuring for while, you know,
49:39 then got in construction, I tried insurance,
49:42 I do anything,
49:43 you know, when I was in school I would do, you know,
49:46 all I wanted to do is get out of school,
49:47 you know, so I can go play ball.
49:49 Some kind of do this,
49:50 do that and the other but when 3ABN came,
49:54 I've never looked back, never said it, boy,
49:57 I wonder if I really did the right thing.
49:58 Always, no matter what happened and most of the darts
50:03 come from within.
50:04 I don't have, it's not the Catholics,
50:07 and the Muslims and, you know,
50:09 people non-Christians out there
50:11 who were targeting 3ABN, or who hate 3ABN,
50:14 or make the phone calls,
50:16 and write the letters and have even come trying
50:18 to kill us physically.
50:19 And that's not, you know,
50:22 and I have had that on the outside,
50:23 but not so much inside but the spiritual warfare,
50:27 the verbal and all of this comes from within usually.
50:30 It's people who make claim, they're part of what you are,
50:35 but they hate
50:36 because you don't do what they say.
50:38 And so, I don't want to get in more detail about it.
50:40 But part of it is this, that when you stand firm,
50:45 expect you're going to have tremendous trial.
50:48 Expect you're gonna have tremendous attacks.
50:51 That's right.
50:52 But the devil can only attack you as much
50:55 as you allow him spiritually.
50:57 So the devil, you don't have to worry about him to say,
50:59 oh, boy, he's scared me.
51:01 No, get thee behind me Satan, you know,
51:04 in the name of Jesus every knee shall bow,
51:06 every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ
51:09 is Lord.
51:10 So you can have a peace of mind,
51:11 but when people come into physical
51:13 you can say, you know what?
51:15 I'm very thankful someone said not too long ago,
51:18 if I have to take 3ABN down to get to Danny, I will do it.
51:23 And I said, praise the Lord, because now I feel protected.
51:27 Yeah.
51:28 Because the idea was if I had to take 3ABN down to get
51:32 to Danny, then I'm like, oh, praise the Lord,
51:33 now I'm gonna take 3ABN down that's God's,
51:36 so, you know, hey, that's much better
51:38 than somebody saying, I'm going after Danny.
51:40 I'm just a human being you know,
51:41 I can fail and fall in many ways
51:44 but when you say I'm going to take 3ABN,
51:46 I would praise the Lord for that.
51:48 But, so my thing is when you're secure,
51:51 and you know you're in God's will,
51:53 there is a piece that money can't buy.
51:55 That's right.
51:57 And so, we don't lose sleep over what people say
52:00 or what they think or bad letter
52:02 or ugly things people say because you know,
52:06 you're doing what God has called you to do it,
52:08 and He has a plan for every one of you.
52:10 Those of you watching today, listening by radio, online,
52:15 God has a plan for your life.
52:16 There is no substitute for.
52:18 You can look all around the world.
52:20 A friend told me, he said,
52:21 I felt like he ended up singing in gospel group.
52:24 He said all my life is like the earth
52:26 was a bunch of footprint
52:27 and I would just go from one set of footprints
52:30 and say maybe this is mine,
52:32 then a little bit later, no, they didn't quite fit,
52:34 then I go to this one, maybe that footprint's mine,
52:37 but he said soon as I stepped into this,
52:40 that's what God called me to do.
52:41 Amen. Amen.
52:42 I am about 3ABN, I knew immediately that was it.
52:45 Am I perfect? No.
52:47 Do I make tremendous mistakes?
52:48 Yes.
52:50 But you know what?
52:51 I can fall back on the Lord Jesus Christ just like you can.
52:53 He's willing to forgive and forget.
52:55 Amen. Amen.
52:56 Good. Awesome.
52:58 I think we answered that question.
52:59 Why were those particular traits,
53:03 those characteristics in one place,
53:05 stay alert, stand firm in the faith,
53:07 show courage, be strong,
53:09 because we're gonna get attacked.
53:11 Yes. Oh, yeah.
53:12 That's why.
53:13 And I believe it that's why Paul said that
53:17 because he knew that
53:19 when you stand firm in the Lord,
53:22 you're going to be attacked.
53:24 Yeah, you're standing firm, we still need a voice.
53:28 Why?
53:29 When you stand firm, we say, sometime people say stand firm,
53:31 I'm just doing this but we have to be proclaiming
53:33 something too.
53:35 Right.
53:36 It's Luke 19:40 about Jesus, triumphal entry,
53:39 you remember when He came in on the donkey
53:41 and so on and so forth.
53:42 Yes.
53:43 And He said, if these people who were shouting
53:46 and excited about,
53:47 if they had held their peace, you remember this,
53:49 He said even the stones would cry out.
53:52 Yes, indeed.
53:53 You know, so we cannot, we stand firm for principle,
53:55 but we're not gonna be quiet.
53:58 Because we have a message to give to the world
54:00 and it's again, it said love message
54:02 all you want it is,
54:04 but it's a warning message of the coming of Jesus
54:06 and we need to be ready.
54:08 Just real quick, I think to stay alert, to stand firm,
54:10 to have the faith, to show courage,
54:12 the beautiful thing,
54:14 all those things are gifts of the Holy Spirit.
54:15 We don't have to...
54:16 Because If have look at that, I think,
54:18 I have none of those things but only through prayer,
54:21 only through the indwelling of His Spirit
54:23 can we even do that.
54:25 And I think how important this message is standing firm
54:28 for the time in which we live in because the days ahead.
54:31 I mean, if we're not faithful in these little things,
54:34 we'll never be faithful when there's much,
54:36 when our mediator steps down, he says it is done.
54:40 So we need Him to have strength in us.
54:43 Amen. Yes.
54:44 I have a quick statement, I'd like to read.
54:45 All right.
54:47 It's from Acts of the Apostles, page 431 and it says,
54:50 "God desires his people to prepare
54:53 for the soon coming crisis,
54:55 prepared or unprepared
54:57 they must all meet it and those only
54:59 who have brought their lives into conformity
55:01 to the divine standard will stand firm
55:04 at that time of test and trial.
55:06 When secular rulers unite with ministers of religion
55:10 to dictate in matters of conscience,
55:12 then it will be seen who really fear and serve God.
55:16 When the darkness is deepest,
55:18 the light of a godlike character
55:20 will shine the brightest.
55:22 When every other trust fails,
55:24 then it will be seen
55:25 who has an abiding trust in Jehovah.
55:29 And while the enemies of truth or on every side,
55:32 watching the Lord's servants for evil,
55:35 God will watch over them for good.
55:38 He will be to them as the shadow of a great rock
55:42 in a weary land."
55:43 Amen.
55:45 Stand firm.
55:46 Jason, you've got a closing thought.
55:48 Yes, you know,
55:50 perhaps someone out there has been searching
55:53 and they've been searching in all the wrong places.
55:56 If you've been out there and you've been searching
55:58 and you've turned to drugs, you've turned to alcohol,
56:00 you've turned to women or men or whatever it is or money.
56:05 These things cannot fill the void
56:07 that is in your heart right now.
56:08 These things cannot take the place of Christ.
56:11 Christ is the only one that can give you that peace,
56:14 that peace that passes all understanding,
56:17 that peace that you're longing to experience.
56:20 Whether you know it or not, you're searching for Christ,
56:23 but you're looking in all the wrong places.
56:25 So stop going to all of the wrong places
56:29 and start with Christ, you won't regret it.
56:33 Amen. Good.
56:34 We're getting it.
56:35 1 Thessalonians 5:21, it says,
56:37 "Prove all things and hold fast to that which is good."
56:41 Amen.
56:43 I was just thinking, you know,
56:44 I was kind of on the same page as him
56:46 because without Christ we can do nothing,
56:49 but with Christ we can do everything.
56:51 That same power that resurrected Christ
56:54 from the grave is there to give us life
56:56 anew on this earth today.
56:58 Amen. Amen.
57:00 Well, it's been a great program.
57:01 Yes.
57:03 I know I'm blessed, somebody else has blessed me.
57:04 Me too. Amen.
57:06 We're thankful to be here, we're thankful for you.
57:07 Thank you for your love, and your prayers,
57:09 and financial support of 3ABN
57:11 as we endeavor to take this great gospel
57:14 of the kingdom into all the world.
57:16 Well, Yvonne, I brought the program in today,
57:18 so I'm gonna let you take it out today.
57:20 You have 17 seconds, what do you gonna do with it?
57:24 I'm gonna read another scripture.
57:26 You got 10 seconds.
57:28 Ten seconds, well, I'm not,
57:29 I'm just gonna say thank you so much
57:32 for joining us and stand firm in the Lord,
57:34 you'll never regret it.
57:36 God bless.
57:37 Amen.


Revised 2019-04-19