Today Family Worship

Keep A Finger On Your Spiritual Pulse

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW190009A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn,
01:10 and we welcome you to Family Worship.
01:14 It is so good to sit around the table
01:16 and open up our Bibles.
01:18 And we hope you have your Bible.
01:20 We hope you have a pen and pad.
01:22 And next to me is my wonderful godly husband.
01:26 Thank you, darling. Hi, honey.
01:29 I've introduced yourself for the rest of the people.
01:36 We were flirting. So this is fun.
01:38 JD, anyway JD Quinn.
01:40 We're just glad that you're with us
01:42 this evening.
01:43 We're going to have a wonderful time together,
01:44 wherever some of our wonderful friends,
01:47 I'll just go around, and we got Tim.
01:49 Yep.
01:50 We got Ryan, of course little Shelley.
01:53 We got Dee, and we have Robert.
01:55 Now this is the first time
01:56 that Robert's been able to spend the evening with us
01:58 and we just love Robert.
01:59 What all do you do at 3ABN, Robert?
02:01 Well, I'm in the production department,
02:02 and I do editing and some computer programming
02:05 and design work, and just kind of errands,
02:08 little bit of everything so.
02:09 He's a smart guy with incredible background.
02:12 He's very valuable to us,
02:14 he's been modest, he has a lot of talent.
02:17 Well, I'm proud to be here
02:18 and honored to be here, so thank you.
02:20 Amen.
02:21 And, Robert, we're excited that you're here
02:23 with us at the table.
02:24 And we're excited that all of you,
02:25 our family at home or joining us.
02:27 There is something so special about the Sabbath.
02:30 And I'll tell you upfront, if it weren't for the Sabbath,
02:33 I would probably work myself into an early grave,
02:37 because the Sabbath
02:39 is something that gives me permission.
02:41 JD always tell me, slow down, slow down, do this, do that.
02:46 And when the Sabbath rolls in, and you can just kind of...
02:52 And exhale.
02:54 So, that's what we're going to do here tonight.
02:56 We're going to talk about how to keep a finger
03:01 on your spiritual pulse.
03:03 But first we're going to open with prayer.
03:06 And then we'll have a song "Blessed Assurance,"
03:09 and the lyrics will be at the bottom of the page,
03:13 the bottom of the screen and we invite you to join us.
03:16 Honey, you want to pray? Most certainly.
03:19 Father, as we come to You this evening, the Sabbath day.
03:22 We just want to thank You, Lord,
03:24 for Your mercies for Your grace.
03:26 Thank You, Lord, that we can be here
03:28 to concentrate on Your Word.
03:30 And, Father, we invite the Holy Spirit in,
03:32 the Holy Spirit that will be there
03:33 to just to enrich us with additional thoughts, Lord,
03:39 and so, Father, as we just start this,
03:41 we just want to thank You.
03:43 Thank You for each other. Thank You for our loved ones.
03:46 Thank You for Your hedge of protection.
03:48 We ask this in the name of Jesus.
03:49 Amen. Amen.
03:51 Amen. All right.
03:53 Now, at least,
03:55 we've got a couple of singers in the group.
03:57 But we invite you to join us
04:00 in making a joyful noise to the Lord.
04:09 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
04:15 Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
04:22 Heir of salvation, purchase of God
04:28 Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood
04:34 This is my story, this is my song
04:41 Praising my Savior all the day long
04:47 This is my story, this is my song
04:53 Praising my Savior all the day long
05:00 Perfect submission, all is at rest
05:06 I in my Savior am happy and blest
05:12 Watching and waiting, looking above
05:18 Filled with His goodness, lost in His love
05:25 This is my story, this is my song
05:31 Praising my Savior all the day long
05:37 This is my story, this is my song
05:44 Praising my Savior
05:47 All the day long
05:52 Amen.
05:53 It's a beautiful song. I love that song.
05:55 JD picked that song, yeah, but it's beautiful song.
05:58 Thank you. Yeah, I love blessed assurance.
06:00 I love the way that Tim plays.
06:02 Amen. Amen.
06:04 Well, let's begin
06:06 by opening to 1 Corinthians 10:12.
06:12 1 Corinthians 10:12.
06:18 Isn't it amazing how?
06:20 Do you ever do this when you're up speaking
06:22 and you know where you want to go?
06:25 And you can't find it
06:26 just because your mind is somewhere else,
06:28 that's me.
06:30 1 Corinthians 10:12.
06:31 I remember when a gentleman, when I was first on 3ABN,
06:35 I volunteered here a couple of years,
06:38 did quite a bit of programming up here.
06:40 But I had a gentleman called me and he said,
06:45 "Sister Queen, I'm enjoying your programs,"
06:47 but he said, "don't forget 1 Corinthians 10:12."
06:50 And I jumped on it, and without looking it up,
06:54 I said, "Yes, therefore let him who thinks he stands."
06:59 Yes. "Take heed lest he fall."
07:03 Right.
07:04 That is something that I had prayed
07:07 for a long time because I think,
07:09 I'm following Paul's example.
07:12 That sometimes we can think
07:15 we're in a good place with the Lord,
07:17 but what we have to think about here
07:21 because I believe we can get so busy
07:22 doing good things,
07:24 we forget the best thing and the best thing is that
07:27 we maintain
07:29 that intimate relationship with God.
07:32 So we have to keep that finger on our spiritual pulse
07:35 and make sure that we are standing in Christ
07:40 that we really are united.
07:42 Now, honey, you've got 2 Corinthians I think, 13:5.
07:47 We just want to open up with a couple of scriptures
07:50 and we're just going to go for it.
07:55 That's 2 Corinthians 13:5.
07:58 Yes.
08:01 "Examine yourselves
08:02 as to whether you are in the faith.
08:05 Test yourselves.
08:07 Do you not know yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you,
08:11 unless indeed you are disqualified?"
08:14 Wow!
08:15 Now, here's the question.
08:20 We know that if we are in Christ,
08:23 we have assurance of salvation.
08:25 Nothing that we can do can save us.
08:28 Only we are saved by the grace in the blood of our Lord
08:33 and Savior, Jesus Christ.
08:35 But it's important to make sure what Jesus said in John 15:5.
08:40 You know, I mean,
08:41 he says, I am the vine, you are the branches.
08:43 But then I think it's John 15: 5 where He says,
08:45 "Apart from Me, you can do nothing."
08:47 We can't even stand apart from Him.
08:51 So how do we...
08:53 If we wanted to put a finger on our spiritual pulse,
08:57 how can we examine ourselves
09:00 and know that we are standing in Christ?
09:05 All right.
09:06 Well, the way that I start, first of all,
09:10 is I start every day with prayer.
09:13 You know, to me, that's...
09:15 And I think I picked that up from you, Shelley.
09:18 I used to have Shelley all the time,
09:19 because Shelley was a role model of mine
09:22 for many, many years.
09:23 Because she was in the Lord and I was searching.
09:26 I probably had a better foundation
09:28 then she did,
09:30 but I was lazy.
09:33 So I just kind of floated along.
09:35 So I kept asking, Shelley, says,
09:37 I want to know the same Jesus that you know.
09:40 And, you know, she said two things to me.
09:42 Number one was,
09:45 you have to surrender to the Lord.
09:46 Well, that kind of threw me off a little bit.
09:48 You know, you try to surrender,
09:50 but if you don't really understand the term,
09:51 you really don't know what that really means.
09:54 And the second thing she said,
09:55 "Start every day off with prayer,
09:57 give Him permission to come in
09:59 and to be the light to your path."
10:03 And so personally, every morning I start off,
10:06 "Lord, I just give the Holy Spirit permission
10:08 to work in me, through me
10:10 to be my guide, to be my comforter."
10:12 Amen.
10:13 So that's how I personally start.
10:15 Why is prayer so important?
10:17 Well, even starting off with prayer,
10:20 I mean, I try to hit,
10:21 I try to pray first thing in the morning.
10:23 However, even prayer sometimes,
10:27 it's how we're praying, where we are for prayer.
10:30 Because I work at a ministry, I'm the church treasurer,
10:35 I'm doing this, I'm doing that,
10:38 I am talking about God all the time.
10:41 God is part of my life.
10:43 It's ministry is just what I am and what I do.
10:47 However,
10:49 if you start the prayer off in the morning and you're...
10:54 Am I really talking to God,
10:56 or am I just doing prayer by rote?
10:58 That's a wonderful point.
11:00 See, we have to get,
11:02 the prayer has to be the relationship,
11:05 even with your...
11:08 Even with your spouse,
11:11 you can get into a rut with good morning,
11:13 hi, once you breakfast, bye, out the door,
11:15 quick kiss and you're gone.
11:17 You're not having a relationship
11:18 with your spouse,
11:20 you're going through the motions.
11:24 And if you're going through the motions with God,
11:28 and it's not a real conversation,
11:31 your pulse is off in one place there.
11:35 So the prayer can't be just a prayer.
11:40 And there has to be with prayer.
11:43 And I know you pray throughout the day,
11:44 you start off.
11:45 But I think with prayer,
11:47 we've got to do more than seek His hand.
11:50 You know, we can't just be praying about situations
11:54 and what we need and everything.
11:56 I think we've got to really seek the face of the Lord.
11:58 Amen.
11:59 And for me personally,
12:01 and you know, it was when the Lord taught me
12:04 to press into His presence.
12:06 When I was praying,
12:07 and I say when, because right now I'm not.
12:10 But when I was praying an hour every morning.
12:15 I mean, you really taken that time to
12:18 and then sit at His feet and listen.
12:21 I mean, my spiritual life just, so now and I just,
12:27 you know, it's not a requirement
12:29 to pray an hour a day,
12:30 but I guarantee you, if you do, it will...
12:34 It's so rewarding.
12:36 But you do have to be, I think,
12:40 going to the Lord to talk to the Lord.
12:44 And then I think that you need to
12:45 get to that point.
12:48 The reason I think it's different
12:49 when I'm not praying for a long time is that,
12:53 I rarely hear the voice of the Lord
12:57 and I'm talking about the impression
12:58 of God's Spirit.
13:00 If I rush in
13:02 and ten minutes later I rush out,
13:04 it's like you don't get in that still space
13:09 where you can be still and know that He is God.
13:11 But if you're praying and waiting and expecting it
13:15 to be a two way conversation, that's incredible.
13:18 Well, you don't go to McDonald's,
13:19 or maybe I shouldn't say,
13:21 you don't go to fast food and expect a hot meal,
13:27 like you would if you were to go to a restaurant,
13:29 you know, three store, five store, five star.
13:33 You know because fast food is different from food
13:36 that you have to wait for it.
13:38 Because the cook,
13:39 they don't have it already made up.
13:41 So in that kind of same atmosphere,
13:43 you know, it's not, he's not a fast food chef,
13:48 even an oxymoron.
13:49 That works.
13:51 The point that I was making is that...
13:52 It is.
13:53 The point that I was making is, made like that,
13:56 "Choose this day who you're going to serve."
13:58 Amen.
13:59 So as I get up in the morning, I can automatically say,
14:02 "Well, what am I going to wear today?
14:05 Or who am I going to see? How am I going to pay this?
14:07 How am I gonna be..."
14:09 But I just choose,
14:10 and this is a great practice I think we gonna...
14:12 As you open your eyes
14:14 and as you take that first step,
14:16 "Jesus," and that's the point.
14:18 And then as the day progresses,
14:20 I think that from then you probably call on Him
14:24 10,000 times, 100,000 times through the day.
14:27 And choose this day who you serve.
14:29 I try to keep an ongoing prayer going.
14:31 Amen.
14:33 What works for me, I don't know what works for other people,
14:35 but when I know that my relationship is...
14:39 The direction it's supposed to be going
14:41 is when I start my prayer,
14:43 when I start conversing with the Lord
14:46 is focusing on Him and not myself at first.
14:48 Seek ye space.
14:49 I love to start out praising and thanking Him.
14:53 Amen. And focus on what He did?
14:58 Who He is? Who He is?
15:00 What He did for me?
15:01 And if I start out on Him first in my prayer
15:06 and then eventually work down to me.
15:08 Because how does your relationships work best?
15:11 When you are giving to the other person
15:13 that you want the relationship with.
15:16 And so I don't know how other, everybody has their own way.
15:20 But praise and thanksgiving is just the way to start.
15:26 Amen.
15:28 But the point I think that we can make
15:29 because we want to hit several other things,
15:31 but with prayer,
15:33 prayer is communicating with God.
15:36 And as you said, Dee,
15:37 if you don't have an open communication
15:41 with someone,
15:42 then you know your relationship isn't as strong.
15:45 But if you're trying to keep a finger
15:47 on your spiritual pulse,
15:49 check your prayer life.
15:51 If your prayer life is waning, if you see that it's just not
15:58 what it used to be, that could be,
16:01 you know, a little red flag to say,
16:02 hey, I'm kind of backsliding here,
16:05 because I'm not depending on the Lord.
16:07 But something that happened with me,
16:10 when God was teaching me to press into His presence.
16:13 I was praying an hour a day for about a week.
16:16 I forget what it is but,
16:19 and I still didn't feel super connected to God,
16:24 until I started praying the Word.
16:27 And boy, I'll tell you what,
16:30 when I started praying God's Word,
16:33 that made all the difference in the world.
16:37 Let's talk about the importance
16:40 if we're trying to keep a finger
16:41 on our spiritual pulse, Ryan,
16:43 and you're not spending any time in the Word,
16:47 is that going to weaken your condition?
16:48 Oh, absolutely.
16:50 In fact, personally I see prayer
16:52 and the aspect of studying
16:54 or communing with God in His Word,
16:57 that's kind of a, you know, step A, step B type thing.
17:00 In other words, you know, prayer is not a monologue,
17:03 it should be a dialogue.
17:05 The conversation, as it should be a dialogue.
17:06 Have you ever talked with someone
17:08 who just hogs the conversation
17:09 or just you can't get a word in edgewise.
17:11 And sometimes I think we approach
17:13 a communicative relationship with God in that way,
17:17 that it's all us and not Him.
17:18 You know, we don't allow time for Him to speak to us.
17:21 And so when I go to the Lord in prayer,
17:23 you know, there are times that I do ask things of God.
17:26 In fact, He says,
17:27 "You don't receive because you don't ask."
17:29 But yet there are things that when I ask,
17:31 I plead for the Lord.
17:33 And this is very important we're talking about,
17:35 you know, checking our spiritual pulse,
17:37 you know, I find myself often praying, Lord,
17:39 and this is a hard prayer because you never know
17:42 what the response is going to be.
17:44 "Lord if there's anything in my life
17:47 that is not in harmony with Your will,
17:48 God, please reveal it to me, show it to me."
17:51 And I often find myself praying a prayer
17:53 that I've actually had Christian told me one time,
17:55 "Do not pray this prayer unless you mean it."
17:57 And I've asked the Lord on many occasions,
17:59 Lord, humble me.
18:00 Humble me, make me a humble servant.
18:03 Now, does God audibly respond,
18:06 do the heavens open
18:07 and you know, the clouds roll back,
18:08 and you know, well, you gonna hear that?
18:10 Absolutely not.
18:11 But then there comes the follow up response
18:13 from the Lord,
18:14 most 99% of the time through His Word.
18:16 Amen.
18:18 And you know, talking again about the aspect of spiritual,
18:21 checking your spiritual pulse, how can I know.
18:24 I think of this special scripture
18:25 and it's Psalm Chapter...
18:28 Psalm 119:11, of course tells us that,
18:32 "I have hid thy word in my heart,
18:36 that I might not sin against thee."
18:39 You know, God's Word has power, it has life transforming power.
18:45 And God will speak to us through His Word,
18:47 He will reveal His will to us through His Word.
18:51 And so when I'm praying to the Lord
18:53 and I'm looking for a response,
18:54 like I said, 99% of the time as I'm in the Word daily.
18:58 Jesus said in Matthew 4:4,
19:01 "Man shall not live by bread alone,
19:02 but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."
19:06 We live daily because we have to eat.
19:08 We need the nutrition,
19:09 we need that energy for us to continue.
19:11 Well, Jesus likened the Word of God unto real food, bread.
19:16 And so we need to eat of the Word of God daily,
19:18 that we might be filled up,
19:20 that we might have that open connection
19:22 and open response to Him that He may fill us up.
19:25 You know, in another word, another thing,
19:26 I know this is kind of on a,
19:28 kind of a scripture that we usually don't speak
19:31 of much more and more than a prophetic sense
19:32 because it is a prophetic scripture.
19:34 But you know, we are living in the last days
19:37 and Jesus said that,
19:38 you know, the love of many
19:39 in the last days will grow cold.
19:41 So if there's ever a generation,
19:42 ever a people that needs to be checking their spiritual pulse,
19:45 it is us in these last days
19:47 prior to the second coming of Jesus.
19:49 Amos 8:11 brings a clear reality to us.
19:52 It says, "Behold, the days are coming,
19:54 says the Lord God and I will send a famine in the land."
19:56 Notice that bread aspect, we need to eat every day,
20:00 okay, for that nutrition,
20:02 but we also need of the Word every day.
20:04 But you noticed what he says here
20:05 in regards to this famine,
20:07 "I will send a famine in the land,"
20:08 not a famine of bread nor thirst of water,
20:12 but of hearing of the words of the Lord.
20:15 You know, I heard a sermon by Pastor Ivor Myers,
20:17 it was camp meeting I think 2016 maybe,
20:20 and he talked about how we need to be gathering bread now,
20:23 kind of like Joseph.
20:24 He went, his purpose was to free Egypt,
20:26 he was gathering bread.
20:28 Because there's gonna come a time
20:29 when there's a famine
20:30 and those who have gathered bread
20:32 will have enough to share it.
20:33 So checking that spiritual pulse,
20:34 how do I know for sure, Lord,
20:36 that I'm in good standing with You, that I'm in that,
20:40 I'm involved and engaged
20:41 in that saving relationship with You.
20:43 We have to be in the Word daily,
20:46 every moment.
20:47 And let me say something because I don't want people.
20:49 There are actually days in my even recent experience
20:55 where you get up and you think,
20:56 okay, I'll do this or I'm running late,
20:58 I'll do it when I get to work and you come to work
21:00 and it's just like...
21:02 Everything's out the window.
21:03 Now at the end of the day,
21:05 I'm not unsaved if I haven't been in the Word.
21:09 And so I didn't want to give that impression.
21:12 But what you do that for two or three days
21:15 and you will find yourself in a spiritual...
21:19 Well, you can go several days without food.
21:20 Yeah, it's just like if you fast with it...
21:23 Fasting from the Word,
21:24 you're going to end up spiritually weakened so.
21:26 Right.
21:27 Now I do want to say one thing and then point this over.
21:31 When you said, it is I agree,
21:32 I use the Word of God to...
21:35 This is primarily how He communicates with us.
21:37 Absolutely.
21:39 But 1 Kings 19:12,
21:41 this is one of my favorite verses
21:44 about Elijah's experience after he prayed in the rain
21:49 and he's up on the mountain
21:51 and you know, he's run from Ahab and Jezebel.
21:55 And God comes to him and he goes out
22:00 and there's a wind that comes and an earthquake, fire.
22:03 And he keeps saying, the Lord wasn't in the wind,
22:06 He wasn't in the fire,
22:07 It's not like the burning bush experience.
22:10 But what it says in 1 Kings 19:12 was,
22:14 "After the fire a still small voice."
22:17 And I do believe,
22:19 you know, the audible voice of God in the Bible
22:21 is like thunder hitting many waters, you know.
22:25 And it's, I think the still small voice
22:28 is when the Holy Spirit
22:29 impresses a thought upon your mind.
22:31 And I would even go so far to say,
22:34 if you've not had, I mean,
22:37 we've all experienced it sitting at this table,
22:39 haven't we?
22:42 If you've never experienced that,
22:44 then you want to ask God,
22:47 you know, because for me personally,
22:49 when I go for a while
22:50 with not being impressed by the Lord,
22:53 I think oops,
22:55 I'm losing that intimacy in my relationship with Him.
22:59 So to me that's something,
23:01 that's very important and I just want to say that.
23:03 You know, go ahead, I'm sorry.
23:05 I wanted to give Robert a chance to say something
23:09 because he's brand new and he probably
23:10 won't chop in here.
23:12 JD was talking about when he gets up,
23:16 he prays and his prayer is a prayer of surrender.
23:20 When you said you want God to make you humble.
23:22 You know what humility is?
23:24 Absolute total dependence upon God.
23:26 Absolutely.
23:27 You know when Paul said,
23:30 "Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus
23:33 who humbled himself."
23:35 So when you're saying, Lord, humble me, it's let me make,
23:40 make me aware
23:41 that I am totally dependent on you.
23:44 But so JD is praying and he had trouble at first
23:48 with the word surrender.
23:50 It just means to yield,
23:53 to submit, give consent to God to being in charge.
23:58 That's right.
24:00 That is the most critical thing in the morning
24:02 to pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
24:05 And you always say, you know, increase my humility,
24:08 increase my faith, increase my courage,
24:12 and my wisdom.
24:15 But you, Robert, had the most amazing story
24:20 about the Japanese chef
24:23 that kind of goes with that surrender.
24:24 I had the same problem to the surrendering.
24:27 And I wrestled with that
24:29 my whole life actually, my whole Christian life.
24:31 And the Lord was recently helping me with that concept.
24:34 And it came through interesting way
24:38 in the way the Lord does.
24:40 There's a concept in the Japanese culture,
24:42 and there's a word called omakase.
24:45 And omakase literally means,
24:47 "I respectfully leave it up to you."
24:50 And where that comes from is in their culture.
24:52 If you go into a Japanese restaurant,
24:55 the chef, there are often very small restaurants
24:58 and the chef is the owner, and the proprietor,
25:01 and the shopper for the food, and the creator of the menu.
25:05 And when you go in,
25:08 the American way or our way of culture
25:10 might be just look for a menu and then pick off the items
25:13 that you want in menu.
25:15 But in their culture,
25:16 their ideal way or the best way
25:18 is to choose the omakase experience.
25:21 And what that means is
25:22 you go into the chef's restaurant,
25:24 you say, "I'm here, I respectfully leave it to you
25:28 to pick what you think is best for me for the meal.
25:31 And, boy, the Lord really touched my heart
25:34 with that idea that He is our great chef.
25:38 He's only created as
25:39 and so it helped me to move from surrendering to this,
25:46 you know, omnipotent God.
25:49 You know who as you know,
25:51 this, our lives lined out for us much more into,
25:55 He's our great chef.
25:57 He's our Creator. He's the one who loves us.
26:00 And If will allow Him,
26:01 He has the best experience for us for our meal.
26:05 And when you go into that experience,
26:08 they will suggest an item for you.
26:11 And then they'll actually take the watch
26:13 how you react to the flavors.
26:15 And they will tailor your continued meal for you
26:18 and your party depending on
26:21 what they know from their experience,
26:22 and they're the experts.
26:23 And so that has helped me a lot
26:25 and that idea of surrendering to God,
26:28 it's not a loss, it's a gain.
26:32 How arrogant and prideful it is to walk
26:35 into Japanese experts chefs
26:37 who have spent their whole life creating that experience.
26:40 How arrogant is to walk in there and say,
26:42 "Well, I think I should have some of that and some of that.
26:44 Could you put that together this way and leave off the,
26:46 you know whatever."
26:50 You know, on the face of is so arrogant,
26:52 and yet that's what we do with God a lot of times.
26:53 I know that's what I've done.
26:55 And we'd be much better off to just say, "omakase."
27:00 As you wish. Amen.
27:01 Tim, where in you a Christian experience
27:05 because I do know that you are led by the Holy Spirit.
27:08 And I know that surrender is something that,
27:11 you know, if you make it through the end of the day
27:13 and realize that you haven't been dependent upon God,
27:17 if you put the finger on your spiritual pulse,
27:20 that's an idea that it's weakened.
27:21 But where did that
27:24 the whole concept of letting God,
27:27 going the omakase route with God.
27:31 When did that become real for you?
27:34 I think that,
27:38 you know, having been raised in a Christian family
27:40 was to my advantage.
27:42 And I realized again
27:44 that didn't get me into the kingdom of God.
27:47 God doesn't have grandchildren.
27:48 But the fact that just it has been a pattern for me.
27:53 It has been,
27:55 I was led that way from the beginning.
27:59 I mean, you know,
28:01 my parents instilled that in me.
28:02 And so it's, it's again it's a matter of knowing the...
28:05 Yeah, I'm very blessed.
28:07 Knowing the steps of like this checking your pulse,
28:11 you know, we have even listed on our notes.
28:13 Some kind of a routine of what we should go through,
28:18 the prayer, and reading, and studying.
28:21 So all those have been instilled within me
28:25 and I don't know that I've ever questioned it.
28:27 I just have believed it and it's worked so well that,
28:32 you know...
28:34 Was part of your experience the fact
28:36 that you saw the results of doing that in your family?
28:40 I guess you could say that.
28:42 I think it's, you know...
28:44 This work so this is what I want to do.
28:46 So you knew the importance of the Holy Spirit
28:49 even growing up?
28:50 Right, yeah.
28:51 See, I grew up in a Sunday keeping church
28:53 that I never even heard about.
28:57 I mean, we never talked about Him.
29:00 And I remember when I came to Ephesians 3:16 through 20
29:06 somewhere in there.
29:08 When you know,
29:09 He talks about that we will be strengthened
29:12 by the power of God.
29:14 He's talking about the Holy Spirit.
29:16 And that Christ lives in our hearts
29:18 by faith through the Holy Spirit.
29:20 And that's when,
29:22 "Oh mercy, I was in my late 20s, early 30s
29:25 when it really became real to me.
29:28 And I think this whole idea of surrender,
29:31 I mean, I would pray but I didn't really get
29:34 into surrender till maybe I was in my...
29:38 When God called me to full time ministry
29:40 is when He really taught me that.
29:43 You know, I thought I was a good Christian,
29:44 but He taught me that.
29:47 I was just going to say as we have been in,
29:53 maybe it's because I have been in...
29:55 I'm almost 50 years old.
29:57 So I've been in this long time and I don't claim at all.
30:00 In fact it says, "Therefore let him who thinks he stands
30:03 take heed lest he fall."
30:04 So I'm always cautious of that.
30:07 But I think that...
30:09 Sometimes I think, are we still...
30:14 I know how to eat really well, because I do it every day.
30:16 Amen.
30:17 I know how to take a bath really well,
30:19 because I do it every other day, maybe.
30:22 You know, so, right? Exactly.
30:25 You don't know when I don't.
30:28 So, you know, in the same way, I think it's just...
30:31 I mean these are the things that we do,
30:36 but the thing about it is if we don't put to death,
30:40 the old man...
30:41 Amen.
30:43 If we don't put to death sin,
30:45 if we don't pluck our eye and throw it from us,
30:48 instead of putting it in a box in our top drawer,
30:52 for you know, when we need to go back to it,
30:54 to see something,
30:56 you know, it's a matter of putting to death the things
30:59 that are not of God.
31:01 And I know that sounds, maybe trivial.
31:06 But that's part of the relationship.
31:09 If your prayer life...
31:10 What we have talked about,
31:12 if your prayer life is real and it's a relationship...
31:18 And see, I hear people say all time,
31:20 "If God would just tell me what to do."
31:22 He's trying to when you read His Word.
31:24 That's how He's trying to tell you what do.
31:27 Then you see, you get into the surrender,
31:30 because you see that is the choice,
31:32 because it's all this building of relationship.
31:35 Right, yeah.
31:36 And when our relationship breaks down,
31:39 it's exactly what happened to Adam and Eve.
31:43 When all of a sudden,
31:45 we feel guilty or we're afraid,
31:50 so if we're not praying,
31:52 and we realize our pulse is off,
31:54 we're not reading the Word,
31:57 we're not walking into surrender.
31:59 Then Satan comes in, and he drags us into fear,
32:04 and embarrassment, and all these human emotions.
32:09 And then, we stop the relationship
32:12 because we're afraid.
32:14 We feel guilty, we avoid God. We feel guilty.
32:16 So we start avoiding God, and then our pulse gets weaker,
32:19 and weaker, and weaker.
32:21 I have this beautiful little book next to my bed,
32:23 I love it.
32:25 It's "Letters to the Lord from His daughter,"
32:28 and it's from the daughter.
32:30 So we'll say, every once in a while,
32:33 especially if I am feeling
32:36 not where I'm supposed to be, or I'm feeling guilty,
32:38 'cause there's this wonderful person there is,
32:40 "Lord, I failed you again.
32:43 I love you. I'm so sorry.
32:45 Help me come back.
32:48 Lead me back, I surrender, Father."
32:51 So there's all these different prayers
32:53 for different situations.
32:55 And I read this little book for encouragement.
32:58 But if we're going to be doers of the Word after...
33:02 If we're gonna have this relationship,
33:05 it is reading God's Word
33:07 that will help us overcome the guilt
33:10 and what we really need to tell ourselves.
33:14 I keep in mind,
33:16 "God loves me so much,
33:18 He wants me in heaven with every part of His being,
33:21 and He's doing everything to get me there.
33:23 He loves me."
33:25 If you are out of sorts with your spouse,
33:27 or your child, or your friend,
33:29 or any one that you have a close relationship with,
33:34 do they forgive you when things get out of sort?
33:36 If you go back to them
33:38 and say, "I'm so sorry, sweetie.
33:41 I did this, or I did that, or can we talk?"
33:45 No, they embrace you. They love you.
33:47 They want you back as bad as you want their relationship.
33:50 As long as it's not a habit.
33:53 Oh, that's a good point. Right.
33:56 There are boundaries on things. Yes.
33:59 If you have a normal healthy relationship,
34:02 and we've all done that where you said
34:05 we didn't read the Word today.
34:07 You get into a day where you're so busy,
34:10 things get away from you.
34:11 And all of a sudden you look around
34:13 and go, "Whoops,
34:14 I'm neglecting my relationships."
34:17 Right. I am a doer.
34:20 I am very focused one. You're a Martha.
34:22 I'm a Martha.
34:24 You're a Martha. Get the job done.
34:27 And we're talking for those who may be watching us
34:30 and don't know
34:32 what we're talking about Martha,
34:34 Mary and Martha were sisters of Lazarus.
34:37 And when Jesus would come to their house,
34:40 Mary would be sitting at His feet,
34:42 listening to Jesus.
34:43 And Martha would just be in the kitchen,
34:45 rattling the pots and pans.
34:48 And, you know, really I'm not Mary at heart,
34:52 but I live in a Martha's world.
34:54 So it gets really crazy.
34:55 So let me ask this question. Wait a second.
34:58 Oh, I'm sorry. I want to tell one thing.
35:00 The Lord told me, being a Martha is okay,
35:01 'cause He made me this way.
35:03 Sure.
35:04 I just cannot neglect the relationship.
35:08 Amen.
35:09 And He will take in and help soften.
35:12 I mean, people around here have seen me soften some.
35:18 God is working in on me.
35:20 So if you don't get in my way when I have a purpose,
35:25 then later, I'll come back and have a relationship.
35:28 And so, the Lord helps me. Okay, duly noted.
35:32 Yeah, the Lord knows, you know, when I've got to get this done,
35:36 and then it's like, "Okay, Lord, Dee,
35:39 you need to come back and sit at My feet
35:41 and be a Mary and feed on me
35:44 so that you can get the job done in My Spirit
35:49 and not your own."
35:50 And we can always tell
35:52 when you've been sitting at His feet.
35:54 Can we look at Romans 8:13 because something you said,
35:59 Tim, I just want to make sure
36:01 I agree with what you were saying is that,
36:04 this idea of putting to death.
36:07 You know, Paul said, "I die daily, brethren."
36:10 And Jesus said,
36:11 "You know, when you are to pick up your cross,
36:14 die to self is what this means and follow Him."
36:18 But you know, this is one thing
36:20 that I just really wanted to get across.
36:23 It is important that 2 Corinthians 5:17 says,
36:27 "When we are in Christ, we're new creations.
36:31 Old has gone, new has come."
36:33 But in Romans 8:13, Robert, why don't you read that?
36:39 "For if you live according to the flesh,
36:41 you will die
36:42 but if by the Spirit you put to death
36:44 the deeds of the body, you will live."
36:46 Okay.
36:47 So who helps us put to death the deeds of the body?
36:51 Spirit. It's the Spirit.
36:53 See, we can't even do that without Him.
36:56 Right.
36:57 I mean, that's what's so critical.
37:01 That's really a cooperation.
37:05 It takes the Holy Spirit and us,
37:07 because he says,
37:08 "If by the Spirit you put to death."
37:12 So you have to cooperate with the Holy Spirit,
37:15 He's not going to force you, but neither can he do it
37:21 without your cooperation.
37:22 Right.
37:24 You have to open the door,
37:25 and He'll come in and do the work.
37:27 Yeah, yeah.
37:28 So talk about being doers of the Word
37:30 because this is what James said.
37:32 Yeah, absolutely.
37:33 So you know, the Bible teaches us
37:35 that we should be doers of the Word,
37:38 not just hearers only.
37:41 And, you know, I gotta pause for a moment,
37:43 because I got to just kind of set this up.
37:45 And then somebody else can build on this,
37:47 because I don't want to hog all the time.
37:48 But I got a lot to say.
37:51 You know, when you're talking about having a relationship
37:53 with Christ, there are many people
37:55 out there that have this mentality.
37:56 As we're sitting here talking about prayer and Bible study,
37:59 and I'm sure we're going to note
38:01 just a few more things that we must do
38:04 as a response of being saved,
38:06 as being in a relationship with God.
38:09 But yet, you know, I grew up multidenominational.
38:12 I mean, I was Pentecostal for many years of my life.
38:14 But God set me on a journey
38:16 where I was, you know, studying with
38:18 Baptist Christians for a few years,
38:20 Methodist, and Church of Christ,
38:21 and I just kind of went on this nice denominational tour
38:24 where I was studying and trying to gather
38:26 and understand from a different perspective,
38:30 you know, the gospel and the understanding
38:32 of where people are coming from.
38:34 But I was taught in many aspects,
38:36 at least from certain people's perspective,
38:38 and that is, "You know what,
38:40 all I have to do is just believe in God,"
38:44 You know, manipulation of John 3:16,
38:46 "Just believe in the Lord, and I shall be saved."
38:49 And so I know I believe in Him,
38:50 I put my trust in Him that He has done
38:53 what I cannot do, and that is good enough.
38:56 So don't tell me that I have to pray every day,
38:58 don't tell me that I have to read my Bible every day,
39:00 don't tell me that I have to do all these things
39:02 because now you're applying a works approach to salvation
39:06 when really, "I'm already saved."
39:08 But really, the Bible supports the fact that we must be not
39:11 just hearers of the Word, but also we should respond.
39:15 That is the response of being saved
39:18 or in a saving relationship with Christ.
39:20 I think of that famous text where Jesus said,
39:22 "If you love Me," John 14:15, "keep My commandments."
39:27 Peter, when he was preaching,
39:29 you know, to the people in the Book of Acts, he says,
39:31 you know, we should obey God rather than man.
39:33 There's an obedience factor.
39:35 And so once I come to Christ,
39:37 and I realize that He has saved me,
39:39 and that I am now engaged in a saving relationship,
39:42 it should be my natural response.
39:44 And I'm gonna use the four famous words
39:47 of my good friend, Dennis Priebe, he says,
39:49 "Really, the human mind should only have two words.
39:52 We can only have two words in our vocabulary.
39:54 It should be Yes, Lord.
39:56 Yes, Lord."
39:58 You know, whatever is required,
40:00 and I have to even use that word requirement
40:01 but nonetheless,
40:03 you know, sometimes,
40:04 you know, God will call us to respond in a way
40:07 that we may think, "Oh, you know,
40:08 that's not necessary because I'm already saved."
40:10 But yet, we must be respondent to God,
40:13 and doing what is required, in showing forth
40:17 that wonderful Christ-like spirit,
40:19 and that wonderful character.
40:21 And, you know,
40:23 we live in a world and I hate to even say this,
40:25 but, you know, you've heard the expression,
40:26 "Monkey see, monkey do."
40:27 You know, people look upon us and they look,
40:29 you know, they they're looking
40:31 and I know, we're getting to this point,
40:32 I don't want to jump too far ahead
40:34 but we're getting to the point
40:35 where we're going to talk about,
40:36 you know, producing spiritual fruit.
40:38 You know, when you are a doer of the Word also,
40:40 and not just to hear
40:42 that you will produce the fruits of the Spirit.
40:44 The fruits of the Spirit will be evident in your life
40:46 and those around you
40:47 will be able to look upon your life,
40:49 your actions, your deeds,
40:50 and they will be able to see because of that,
40:53 they will duly note that, okay, this person's different.
40:55 This person does have a relationship with Jesus.
40:58 So back to that, again, checking your spiritual pulse,
41:02 you know, are you responding to the gospel
41:05 in doing something for the kingdom of God?
41:08 Are you not just reading the Word and listening to it,
41:11 and then saying, well, I'm already saved,
41:12 I don't need to do anything else
41:14 because I'm not going to work my way to heaven.
41:16 We don't work our way to heaven to be saved,
41:19 we do the works of a Christian because we are saved.
41:24 Go ahead. I just want to say one word.
41:27 I do believe
41:29 that all you have to do is believe in Jesus
41:31 and you'll be saved.
41:33 But let me explain,
41:34 I'm not contradicting what you just said.
41:35 No, yeah. Absolutely not.
41:37 Because the word believe in the Greek means
41:40 to adhere to.
41:42 To be living in, to put all your faith upon,
41:46 so if we are disciples of Jesus,
41:51 you know,
41:53 1 John says that, "We must walk as He walked."
41:58 And so this is something that He patterned for us.
42:01 But it's something that,
42:03 you know,
42:04 do you remember when you first fell in love?
42:08 Did your heart not beat strong,
42:10 did your pulse not maybe get a little,
42:12 you know, we get excited when you're around somebody.
42:16 We need to be filled with that spiritual zeal
42:19 in the love for God.
42:21 That it isn't when we say that obedience,
42:26 some people get all bent out of shape for the Word.
42:29 But I believe with all my heart that we only obey by grace.
42:34 It is as God puts His Holy Spirit in us,
42:38 He works to cause us,
42:41 to be what He's called us to be.
42:42 He works in us to will.
42:44 Just a quick object lesson,
42:46 to kind of cap off what I was saying earlier.
42:48 You know, my wife often tells me,
42:50 you know, I'm looking at the relationship with God,
42:52 I know it's not exactly the same,
42:53 but it's similar.
42:54 And, my wife often tells me,
42:57 and out of nowhere she'll just look at me and she'll smile,
42:59 and I'll look over and like, Why are you smiling me?
43:01 It's kind of weird, you know.
43:02 I'll see, she'll just give me a smile.
43:04 And I should say, I know,
43:05 but she will say, she wants to say
43:07 I know that you really love me.
43:08 And I'm like, well, of course, I love you.
43:10 She's like, we know. But I know that you love me.
43:12 I'm like, well, what are you getting at?
43:13 And she said, Well, I know that you love me
43:15 because of these little things you do for me.
43:17 You don't just tell me, you love me.
43:19 You show me that you love me
43:21 by doing these little things for me
43:22 that you don't have to do.
43:23 You just do it.
43:25 And so that makes me feel good,
43:26 it makes me feel
43:28 all warm and fuzzy inside to know that my wife,
43:29 you know, notices those things.
43:30 And I do the same for her.
43:32 I noticed that the little thing she does,
43:33 and just back again to the whole point
43:34 of a relationship,
43:36 you know, a relationship
43:37 you can't go and tell your wife or your spouse,
43:39 you know, just walk through the house and say,
43:40 "Oh, honey, I love you."
43:41 But yet, there's no outward showing of that.
43:43 There's no response of that.
43:44 So again, being doers of the word,
43:46 not just hearers of the word.
43:47 Amen. JD, you had a thought.
43:49 Well, I just want a new board,
43:50 you just segue right into it
43:52 'cause there's the see part of this particular verse.
43:55 "Be doers of the word, and not hearers only,
43:59 deceiving yourself."
44:01 So it's kind of like you just added right there,
44:03 you could just walk through the house.
44:04 Yep, you know.
44:06 That's James 1:22.
44:07 James 1:22.
44:08 That's just what we were reading.
44:10 What is the main cause
44:13 of a relationship?
44:16 Breakdown. Breakdown.
44:18 What is the root reason? Neglect.
44:21 Like intimidation and neglect.
44:23 So, well, finish your thought.
44:24 Well, no.
44:26 And so it just as we were saying,
44:28 there's got to be
44:30 some relationship in there.
44:32 Yeah.
44:34 The thing that,
44:36 if you do have a relationship with the Lord,
44:41 or if you want
44:42 to have a relationship with the Lord,
44:43 I think it's very important to know
44:45 that the Creator of the universe
44:47 has the supernatural power to woo us.
44:51 And wooing us,
44:53 then we're interested
44:55 because there's something going on.
44:58 And then I think we can go, then as we fall in love,
45:02 then we want to demonstrate that love.
45:04 I mean, it just comes natural.
45:05 We're in Jeremiah 31:3,
45:07 you know, He says,
45:09 "I have loved you with an everlasting love.
45:10 Therefore, I have to run you with cords of love.
45:15 I enjoy that.
45:16 Robert, I know that you have been very active
45:20 in your Christian life,
45:22 and in teaching classes, and leading,
45:26 how do you feel about fruit bearing?
45:32 The thing that helps me in this conversation
45:34 is first principles,
45:37 when I saw the title, pulse, taking the pulse.
45:39 Pulse is a measurement.
45:41 It's vitality, a measurement of our vitality
45:43 of our aliveness if you will.
45:46 And what helps me is thinking about the first principle,
45:48 that's the first principle of our human bodies
45:50 is our pulse,
45:51 getting down to first principle's on it.
45:53 One thing that helps me as the Great Commission
45:56 is we're called to be disciples and to make disciples.
45:59 When you said disciple, and that kind of segue,
46:01 I thought, well, maybe God wants me to share that.
46:05 If I'm a disciple, a disciple is a learner.
46:07 And if we're going to be a disciple of someone,
46:10 we have to spend time with them.
46:11 We have to learn from them.
46:13 And you don't do that by,
46:15 you know, going about your duties to the day
46:17 and then, you know, checking in at night
46:20 before you go to bed.
46:21 And so God...
46:23 Like you said, lose us and loves us
46:25 but our relationship
46:28 I think foremost is as His disciples.
46:29 We're learners, we're following Him,
46:32 He's given us a course, He's given us a mission.
46:36 And for me, that helps me to couch it
46:38 in terms of I'm a disciple of Jesus
46:41 and His disciples spent time with Him.
46:44 They had the privilege and the honor
46:46 of being in person with Him.
46:47 We don't have that. They walked in His footsteps.
46:49 But we can do the same thing. Right.
46:51 One last thing. Sure.
46:53 We talked earlier about hearing the still small voice,
46:55 and we do have all heard that.
46:57 But it only comes when we quiet ourselves.
47:00 Absolutely. And so those prayer times.
47:02 If, you know, have people that want to,
47:03 haven't heard the still small voice of God
47:05 and want to hear it more,
47:09 I don't know how to,
47:10 I don't know there's a formula for it,
47:11 but what I do know is your odds go way up,
47:14 if you'll pray and meditate.
47:15 Be still and know that I am God.
47:17 So I encourage everybody to do that, myself included.
47:21 I just gotta add something 'cause you set it up nice
47:25 where I was going with something.
47:26 I think there's a major aspect
47:28 of checking your spiritual pulse.
47:30 One of the common questions that I would receive
47:34 while I was travelling on the road as an evangelist,
47:36 I would have people come to me and say, Ryan,
47:38 how can I know that I know God?
47:40 And how can I know
47:42 that I'm being led by the Holy Spirit?
47:43 Now, I think all of us would agree that in,
47:46 you know, in checking our spiritual pulse
47:48 to make sure that we're in,
47:49 you know, engaged and actively living
47:51 in that saving relationship with Christ
47:53 on a day to day basis.
47:55 We must not just hear the Holy Spirit,
47:57 because the Holy Spirit's going to speak to everyone.
48:00 But we have to respond to now of the Holy Spirit
48:03 that is bestowed upon us.
48:04 And one aspect of the gospel
48:06 that many people don't consider
48:08 and you said it earlier, you mentioned the commission.
48:11 You mentioned the commission.
48:13 You know, a person
48:14 who bears the spiritual fruit of a Christian
48:17 is someone who is going to respond accordingly
48:22 when they receive that guiding spirit.
48:25 And one thing that comes to my mind,
48:27 I remember years ago I saw this,
48:30 one of the series that I saw by Pastor Lee Venden called,
48:34 "All About Jesus Revival Seminars."
48:36 And it really, really helped me understand,
48:38 have a better understanding too.
48:41 You know, making Jesus the focal point
48:44 of your relationship with God
48:47 and so, I remember him saying in there
48:50 and in throughout the seminar,
48:51 he sets up what is called the three legs of the stool.
48:55 And the three legs of the stool,
48:56 of course, is, we've talked
48:58 about a couple of them so far, prayer, okay, is one.
49:00 Bible study is another.
49:02 And these are just very fundamental.
49:03 He's not saying this is the only thing
49:04 but very fundamental,
49:06 you have to have these three major aspects
49:07 in order to be able to say, okay,
49:09 I'm heading in the right direction,
49:11 I'm in a saving relationship.
49:12 But the third leg of the stool,
49:14 of course, is witnessing, sharing.
49:17 And you remove any one of those and the stool isn't stable.
49:20 Absolutely.
49:21 You're moving one of those, the stool is not stable.
49:23 So the scripture that comes to my mind,
49:25 that's always stuck out to me again,
49:26 I have people saying, Ryan,
49:27 how can I make sure I have the Holy Spirit?
49:29 What's one of the indicators
49:30 that I'm being led by the Holy Spirit
49:31 or that I've received the Spirit of God in my life,
49:33 and I'm following that?
49:35 Acts 1:9, okay.
49:37 I love this verse.
49:38 And it really, really gives us some insight here.
49:40 I'm sorry, Acts?
49:42 Acts 1:9, and the Bible says here,
49:46 "But you shall receive power,
49:49 when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.
49:52 You shall be witnesses to me, in Jerusalem,
49:54 and all Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
49:58 So how can I make sure?
50:00 What is one of the indicators, those pulse indicators that
50:03 that I'm living in a saving relationship,
50:05 I'm being led by God.
50:07 When we receive the Holy Spirit,
50:09 one of the natural responses we can't keep our mouth shut.
50:12 We want to go, we want to go shout His goodness,
50:14 we want to go tell people about what He's done for us.
50:17 And, you know, I'm not trying to be critical or judgmental
50:20 because I've been in this situation
50:22 so many times in my life.
50:23 Where you just kind of become complacent, and stagnant,
50:26 and you kind of stop sharing Christ in the way
50:29 that the Bible encourages us to
50:31 because we kind of get settled
50:33 in the fact that we're already saved,
50:35 you know, we go to church,
50:36 you know, we do these,
50:38 we're in the motion, we're following emotion.
50:39 But you know, if you really stop for a moment
50:41 and ask yourself that question,
50:42 when's the last time
50:43 I really shared Jesus with someone?
50:46 How many people lately have I pointed towards Jesus?
50:49 How many people have I won to the kingdom of God
50:52 because I've shared the goodness of Jesus?
50:54 That's a great spiritual indicator.
50:57 If you're being led by the Spirit,
50:58 the same spirit that God gave to the disciples
51:01 and those on the day of Pentecost,
51:02 then you know, that same spirit is still at work today.
51:05 Can I give the...
51:07 Something that I think precedes that?
51:09 When someone asks me
51:11 and it ties right into what you're saying
51:14 because I agree 100%.
51:15 When some of you might want to turn
51:17 to 1 Thessalonians 3:12.
51:21 1 Thessalonians 3:12, people will ask me,
51:25 how do I know, if I have the Holy Spirit?
51:30 Well, in 1 Thessalonians 3:12,
51:33 Paul says,
51:35 "May the Lord make you increase and abound in love."
51:39 So who's doing the work here?
51:42 God.
51:44 "To one another and to all just as we do to you,
51:47 so that He may establish."
51:50 He's again the one that's doing the work.
51:53 "Your hearts blameless in holiness."
51:57 Boy, don't we wanna be blameless in holiness?
51:59 Right.
52:01 How does Paul say,
52:02 "Growing love, grow in holiness."
52:05 So he says,
52:06 "Blameless and holiness before our God and Father,
52:09 the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
52:11 with all his saints."
52:13 Romans 5:5 says that,
52:15 "God pours His love into our hearts
52:17 by the power of the Holy Spirit."
52:19 Love, unselfish love
52:22 is the essence of His character.
52:25 The fruit of the Spirit is love.
52:27 When you have the Spirit living in your heart,
52:33 the love of God loves the fulfillment of the law,
52:36 loving with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.
52:38 Love your neighbor as yourself.
52:40 It is love,
52:42 His character in you that makes you wanna win.
52:44 Absolutely. Absolutely.
52:46 It allows you to see, witnessing opportunities.
52:49 If you're looking out at the world
52:51 through God's eyes, spirit of love,
52:55 we don't witness to certain people
52:57 because we don't see that their need.
53:01 And it's God's love and the Holy Spirit
53:03 that lets us see the need and the opportunity to witness.
53:08 Amen.
53:10 Let's turn.
53:11 We're just almost out of time,
53:13 there's one scripture I really, really want to get in.
53:17 And I didn't come with a list of scriptures,
53:19 it just, they keep popping up.
53:21 We can do these for hours.
53:23 Amen.
53:25 But we do wanna mention what we're looking
53:26 at here and everything
53:27 when it comes to witnessing,
53:29 it may be as simple
53:30 as having a prayer with someone.
53:31 Oh, absolutely. Thank you.
53:33 And there's people that need prayer
53:34 on every block.
53:36 Absolutely. yeah.
53:37 Amen.
53:38 2 Corinthians.
53:40 2 Corinthians? Yes.
53:41 And actually we'll begin with verse 17, 3:17.
53:45 2 Corinthians Chapter 3, let's begin with verse 17.
53:51 It says, "Now the Lord is the spirit
53:53 and where the Spirit of the Lord is,
53:55 there is liberty.
53:56 But we all, with unveiled face
53:59 beholding as in a mirror
54:02 the glory of the Lord," what is the...
54:03 Do you have the Amplified today?
54:05 What does that say, beholding?
54:07 "And all of this, all of us with unveiled face continued
54:10 to behold in the Word of God."
54:12 In the Word of God.
54:13 Beholding the glory of the Lord
54:17 are being transformed into the same image,
54:21 from glory to glory,
54:22 just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
54:25 I think what this is saying,
54:26 and this is another way
54:28 to keep a finger on your spiritual pulse.
54:31 When your eyes are focused on Jesus Christ,
54:33 the author and finisher of your faith.
54:37 The Holy Spirit's working in you.
54:39 If you don't see transformation in your life,
54:41 you better check your spiritual pulse.
54:44 So the Holy Spirit when He says,
54:46 from glory to glory,
54:48 when Moses showed his glory,
54:51 or God showed His glory to Moses,
54:53 what did he do?
54:55 He declared his character.
54:56 So it's kind of like
54:58 from one level of God's character,
55:01 to the next.
55:02 We should be progressing, and if we're not.
55:05 The only way to do that
55:07 is as you're saying here beholding Him,
55:09 you know, I think it was Mrs. White that said.
55:12 In no other part of the Bible is salvation made more plain
55:15 than in John Chapter 3
55:17 and Christ's conversation with Nicodemus
55:19 and in John 3:14,
55:21 to feed on what you just said,
55:22 Jesus says in verse 14,
55:25 "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
55:27 even so must the Son of man be lifted up."
55:30 And you go back to that story in Numbers 21,
55:32 and you focus on what's happening there.
55:35 You know, Moses puts the serpent on a pole
55:37 and the only way they could be saved as by beholding.
55:40 And I think of also what Christ said in John 12:32,
55:44 "And I, if I am lifted up from the earth,
55:46 I will draw all people to Myself."
55:48 So just the practicality of what we're talking about
55:51 during this study
55:52 is it's just as simple as, you know, Ryan,
55:54 I'm not really praying like I should, Ryan,
55:56 I'm not really studying my Bible like I should,
55:58 you know, I'm not witnessing like I should.
55:59 But I think what really kind of gets us on that path
56:03 is simply take our minds off the distractions
56:06 that the devil is setting to eclipse that of Jesus.
56:09 And then put Jesus, behold it in front of us,
56:12 uplift him,
56:13 place him before us at all times,
56:15 and as we focus on the love
56:17 and the wonderful character of Christ,
56:19 all of these things begin to fall.
56:21 Turn your eyes upon Jesus. There you go.
56:23 Things of this world will fade. That's right.
56:26 You're going this way,
56:28 you can look in your rear view mirror
56:29 and all those places there, they get smaller and smaller
56:32 until you don't even recognize it.
56:34 Strangely down, brother.
56:35 Love Jesus, folks. Love Jesus.
56:37 And you won't have to worry about it.
56:38 Well, you know, none of us here ahead...
56:40 I just want to thank each one of you
56:42 for joining us and for your contribution.
56:44 But what we want to tell you at home is
56:47 none of us here feel that we've made the mark.
56:51 I mean, we're not trying to set the standard.
56:55 We all...
56:57 We each try to keep a spiritual inventory,
57:00 where we're constantly having it.
57:03 And I think when you're in a public eye,
57:07 it would be easy to get a big head.
57:09 I'm just going to say that.
57:11 But if you've got pride in your life,
57:14 it's just taking you in the opposite way.
57:16 So what you've got to do
57:18 is keep your finger on your spiritual pulse,
57:20 and ask the Lord cause me the hunger
57:23 and thirst for righteousness.
57:25 Fill me, Lord. Fill me.
57:27 And just rely on Him.
57:29 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2019-03-21