Today Family Worship

All Things New

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW190008A

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:11 Hello, friends. Welcome to Family Worship.
01:13 It's time to open our Bibles and go before the Lord again,
01:17 and I have my copilot with me right here.
01:19 Happy Sabbath.
01:20 And this is my favorite time of the week.
01:22 That's right. Love Sabbaths.
01:24 So I welcome you to Family Worship.
01:27 That's right.
01:28 Not just the Lomacangs, but we have company.
01:30 That's right. If they took a wide shot,
01:32 you'll see a lot of people gather around the table,
01:34 having fun with us.
01:36 To my right is Pastor John Dinzey.
01:37 Good to have you here, Johnny.
01:39 A blessing to be here. We're like family.
01:40 That's right. That's right.
01:41 And my brother from another mother.
01:43 Yes. Tim Parton.
01:44 Good to see you, Tim. Thank you.
01:46 Great to see you. And who's on your left, honey?
01:47 Oh, Donald and Janelle Owens, wonderful married couple.
01:52 So glad to be here. So happy to have you here.
01:54 Yeah, likewise, it's a blessing
01:56 And this table represents so much of the gifts
02:00 and ministry of 3ABN, Tim is more than a musician,
02:03 he is a man of ministry in so many areas,
02:05 and we praise the Lord for that.
02:07 Pastor Dinzey, head of 3ABN Latino,
02:10 and he is doing pastoral department.
02:12 He has many hats
02:13 but the work in Latino is going worldwide
02:16 and beautifully
02:17 because of the work your wife and you do,
02:19 and we appreciate Idalia very much.
02:21 And Donald Owen, he's in pastoral department,
02:23 also personal ministries,
02:24 both he and his wife at our church.
02:26 And, Janelle, if you get a 3ABN world magazine,
02:30 she has a lot to do with it.
02:32 So thank you very much. Wonderful couple.
02:34 Praise the Lord. Thank you.
02:36 We have an exciting program today, honey.
02:37 What's the name of our program?
02:39 Well, it's "All Things New."
02:42 Everyone likes something new, don't we?
02:43 That's right. We like new things.
02:46 Yeah. And today, we're going to have prayer,
02:47 we're going to talk about
02:49 what it means to have a new life, a new walk,
02:51 the benefits of that new walk,
02:53 how can you tell whether a person is new,
02:56 how to get old things out,
02:57 so there's room for the new.
03:00 And before we do that, we are going have you do prayer
03:02 and after that we are going to sing some songs.
03:04 We've got... Yes.
03:05 This doesn't make sense to have Tim and not having the music.
03:07 I know, it doesn't make sense.
03:09 He's synonymous to music. Oh, I'm dreadful.
03:11 No, no.
03:13 That's one of the additional benefits
03:14 of having you on the program.
03:15 Honey, would you have prayer for us?
03:17 Sure. Let's go to the Lord.
03:19 "Our gracious Father in heaven,
03:20 we come to You in the name of Jesus.
03:22 And, Lord, we just are so grateful for Jesus,
03:25 where would we be without Him.
03:28 So, Lord, we thank You for the blessed Sabbath hours
03:31 that are before, that are here right now.
03:34 And we just ask that
03:35 Your Holy Spirit will come and anoint us,
03:38 each one of us need an anointing from you.
03:41 So bless our worship today.
03:43 May it be acceptable in your sight,
03:46 in Jesus' name.
03:48 Amen. Amen. That's right.
03:58 Sing them over again to me
04:02 Wonderful words of life
04:05 Let me more of their beauty see
04:09 Wonderful words of life
04:13 Words of life and beauty
04:17 Teach me faith and duty
04:21 Beautiful words, wonderful words
04:25 Wonderful words of life
04:29 Beautiful words, wonderful words
04:32 Wonderful words of life Last stanza.
04:36 Sweetly echo the gospel call
04:40 Wonderful words of life
04:44 Offer pardon and peace to all
04:48 Wonderful words of life
04:52 Jesus, only Savior
04:56 Sanctify forever
04:59 With those beautiful words, wonderful words
05:04 Wonderful words of life
05:07 Beautiful words, wonderful words
05:11 Wonderful words of life
05:16 Also Redeemed, 337,
05:19 how I love to proclaim it.
05:28 Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it!
05:32 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
05:36 Redeemed through His infinite mercy
05:40 His child, and forever, I am
05:43 I'm redeemed, redeemed
05:48 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
05:51 I'm redeemed
05:55 Redeemed
05:59 His child, and forever, I am I know there's a crown.
06:03 I know there's a crown that is waiting
06:07 In yonder bright mansion for me
06:11 And soon, with the spirits made perfect
06:15 At home with the Lord I shall be
06:19 Redeemed, redeemed
06:23 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
06:27 We are redeemed
06:31 Redeemed
06:35 His child, and forever, I am
06:42 Can we get an amen? Amen. Praise the Lord.
06:45 Thank you so much, Tim.
06:47 One again, our program is called,
06:48 All Things New.
06:50 And I think you led out by saying,
06:52 everyone likes new things.
06:53 Oh, yeah.
06:54 You go shopping whether you like to do,
06:56 buying something new makes you feel so good.
06:59 What is it about new things?
07:01 Tell me, what is it about new things
07:02 that gets us excited?
07:03 It's clean and fresh smell, you know.
07:06 Yeah, the smell. All of those things.
07:08 Smell, excitement. Excitement.
07:10 There's excitement, get something new job,
07:12 you get excited about it, don't you?
07:13 We go to the store, we get a magazine,
07:15 Angie always gets the one
07:17 that's like the third and the fourth in the back.
07:18 I said why not first?
07:20 She said, everybody touches the first.
07:22 Yeah, I'll never go for the first one.
07:24 I go for the one further back.
07:25 Remember when we were in school though
07:27 and you had the first day of school
07:28 back after vacation
07:30 and you were in your new clothes.
07:31 Oh, yeah.
07:33 I felt like a totally different person actually.
07:36 Yeah, the lunch bag.
07:38 It's crispy, the first page stuck together and...
07:41 Shoes are really hard on your feet,
07:42 you got to stretch him out. Right, right.
07:44 Isn't that weird? Yeah.
07:45 And we like things new in the physical sense.
07:49 But the Bible talks about the benefits of things
07:51 new in the spiritual sense.
07:53 So we're going to begin with a catapulting scripture.
07:55 Go to 2 Corinthians 5:17,
07:58 and this is the platform
08:00 on which we're going to build this program.
08:02 And we're going to talk about
08:03 the futility of trying to put new things in an old life.
08:07 Also the benefits
08:09 and what the Lord promises to do,
08:10 then the evidence,
08:12 how do you know a person is new,
08:13 and then the eternal benefits of
08:15 what it means to be new in Christ.
08:17 2 Corinthians 5:17,
08:20 the Apostle Paul said to the Corinthians these words,
08:23 "Therefore, if anyone is" where?
08:26 "In Christ, he is a" what?
08:28 "New creation."
08:30 How many things?
08:31 Old things had passed away,
08:33 behold all things have become what?
08:36 All things have become new. Amen.
08:39 Now let me just ask that question.
08:41 When you read that scripture,
08:42 because we've read this a number of times before.
08:44 Don, how do you feel
08:45 when you read that scripture about,
08:46 if anyone is in Christ,
08:48 he is a new creation or she is a new creation.
08:50 What is it? What does it say to you?
08:53 Okay. Brings me just peace and joy.
08:56 To be in Christ Jesus,
08:58 it really brings a sense of peace and assurance.
09:00 Okay. It's assurance too.
09:02 Yeah, old things have passed away,
09:04 you are new, forget about your past.
09:06 We're just brand new.
09:07 Lord has given us a new slate.
09:09 We can start all over again. Yeah.
09:12 You don't have to go back.
09:14 You go forward. What else?
09:16 And that say, marvelous, marvelous thing
09:18 because some of us,
09:21 I've seen most of us, including me.
09:23 We don't want the past
09:25 to be seen or heard anymore.
09:28 We want to start new, you know.
09:31 And that's a wonderful, wonderful opportunity
09:34 that God gives to us and it's...
09:36 I like the way it is said,
09:37 behold, old things have passed away.
09:40 I mean, God is trying to communicate something to us
09:42 'cause we like,
09:44 oh, remember when such and such thing happened.
09:47 No, God is trying to communicate something to us.
09:50 Old things are passed away,
09:53 behold all things have become new.
09:57 And I like the way
09:59 it is in the book Desire of Ages,
10:01 because it says,
10:02 the Christian's life
10:03 is not a modification of the old.
10:09 It is, say,
10:11 the transformation takes place.
10:13 It's everything new through Jesus Christ,
10:16 through the blood of Jesus Christ,
10:18 and that is more than you can find anywhere else.
10:20 That's right.
10:22 You know, I was also thinking about
10:23 how it starts with our thoughts.
10:25 You know, everything starts with our thoughts
10:26 and how He retrains our mind to think His thoughts and,
10:31 you know, and to not have a, you know,
10:35 a bad response if somebody does something bad.
10:37 Of course, you know, sometimes there's times that we,
10:40 you know, slip or whatever.
10:41 But for me personally, it's, you know,
10:44 maybe not thinking the same acts of revenge
10:47 or whatever if someone does something to me,
10:49 but thinking, you know,
10:50 what would Jesus do in the situation,
10:52 and how He can change my thinking patterns
10:55 and, you know and totally, totally different pathways.
10:58 Yes. Yeah. It's beautiful.
11:00 I think one of the reasons why people like New Year's Eve,
11:03 they rejoice for two reasons.
11:05 They rejoice that there's a new beginning
11:07 and then the past is gone.
11:09 They say Happy New Year,
11:10 they don't say, glad the old year is gone.
11:11 They say Happy New Year. Right.
11:13 And so this topic is talking about...
11:17 When Jesus says something can be new,
11:19 it can be new.
11:20 I'm going to have Tim...
11:22 We're going to kind of go through questions,
11:23 we put a syllabus together.
11:25 It's another way of saying, an outline to keep us flowing
11:27 but we are going to start with going to Luke 5:37.
11:32 And the question is,
11:34 what does the Bible discourage us from attempting?
11:37 What does the Bible discourage us from attempting?
11:40 Luke 5:37.
11:43 Tim?
11:44 "And no one puts new wine into old wineskins,
11:47 or else the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled,
11:50 and the wineskins will be ruined."
11:52 Okay.
11:53 And also add Mark 2:21, because that's kind of a...
11:55 Mark 2:21,
11:57 "No one sews a piece of unshrunk cloth
12:00 on an old garment,
12:01 or else the new piece pulls away from the old,
12:03 and the tear is made worse."
12:05 Okay, so what do we get out of that?
12:06 What do we discourage from doing?
12:10 Old ways don't mix with new ways.
12:12 That's right. Yeah. A person.
12:14 It's like oil and vinegar.
12:16 I like that, like oil and vinegar.
12:18 It also reminds us that
12:20 Jesus doesn't come to repair us,
12:23 He restores us.
12:25 It doesn't say we're a modified creation,
12:28 we're a new creation.
12:29 That's right.
12:31 So old things have passed away, so...
12:33 He said the key word, restores us.
12:35 He restores. That's right.
12:37 David the Psalmist, what he said?
12:39 Yeah, He restores.
12:40 It's about a week ago, I woke up in the night,
12:44 and I woke up, it came to me, He restoreth my soul.
12:49 And it came to me over and over the whole...
12:51 Lord woke me up and He restoreth my soul.
12:54 He restoreth my soul.
12:56 And I woke up the morning and the thought was gone.
13:00 I'm like what was it, Lord, what was it?
13:03 I should have wrote it down.
13:05 And while I was at work, it came back to me.
13:07 It came, the Lord is my Shepherd,
13:09 I shall not want.
13:10 And then it came to, He restoreth my soul.
13:11 I said, thank You Lord, You restored my soul.
13:14 So it was so enlightening to me.
13:16 And then we went to the Hobby Lobby.
13:17 And we went to Hobby Lobby
13:19 where you get little knickknacks and things.
13:21 And guess what we saw?
13:23 On a placard.
13:24 Nice. He restoreth.
13:26 And this in our wall, He restoreth my soul.
13:28 That's right. From Psalm 23,
13:29 and when you said that it just...
13:31 Another confirmation. Yeah, confirmation.
13:34 So that's new. And that's true.
13:36 He wants to restore us,
13:38 but He starts by kind of getting with all that stuff
13:41 that was in a way before.
13:42 I think of the examples that are used here.
13:46 I know when in the past, when I was growing up...
13:51 I think about that too long.
13:55 Some of you may have the same experience.
13:57 You may remember the days
13:59 when you tear your jeans or your pants
14:00 and your mom goes, get a patch, and she sews it on.
14:04 And you just buy them ripped already.
14:05 Yeah. Nowadays it is like.
14:07 Or you have a hole in your shoe.
14:08 Lot of change has taken place.
14:10 But do you notice, they're making things
14:12 that are falling that apart acceptable,
14:15 whereas in the past,
14:16 things that need to be renewed was really the focus.
14:19 The style.
14:20 The style nowadays,
14:22 if it's broken up or torn up, it's acceptable.
14:24 And I think there's a mindset that goes along with that.
14:27 Wrinkled up, torn up, you know, hair in like
14:29 19 different directions and your hair like...
14:32 You couldn't get a job years ago
14:33 looking that way, but nowadays
14:34 that's what you have to do to get a job.
14:37 Discombobulated to get a job.
14:39 Interesting thing is that people seem to pay
14:41 a lot of money for broken and torn up jeans.
14:44 Yeah. It's expensive.
14:47 And some people actually do it intentionally now,
14:50 to tear it all up and sell it, and the more holes you have,
14:52 the more expensive it seems to be.
14:54 But the Lord wants to do what?
14:56 He wants to put, and here's the key.
14:57 What do you think the new wine is?
15:00 Think, let's talk about what the wine is.
15:01 Don't put new wine in old wineskins.
15:03 Thank you for touching on that
15:05 'cause we were talking earlier about, you know,
15:06 defining what it means there by new wine.
15:09 I think Tim mentioned it too about,
15:12 it's new ways and it's new,
15:14 you know, following His ways and, you know, His path.
15:18 And the fact that it mentions wine is interesting to me
15:21 because you get wine from pressing grapes
15:25 and when He presses us, you know, in a good way,
15:29 you know, then outflows the new,
15:31 the new us that He wants to make.
15:34 And I think that's a beautiful picture of
15:36 what He wants to do in our lives.
15:38 That's right.
15:39 And what's the wineskins?
15:42 The old wineskins?
15:44 Wineskins is the old self. Whole body.
15:46 The old self that doesn't want to let go,
15:48 so like, it's like Paul putting, you know,
15:49 he says, the things I don't want to do that I do.
15:52 It's the old patterns, the old thinking,
15:53 the old habits,
15:55 those kind of things are the old wineskins.
15:57 What happens to old wineskins over the course of use?
16:00 There is something very deep in this.
16:02 What happens to old wineskins
16:03 when you keep pouring grape juice
16:05 in there or whatever and then you pour it out, it's empty,
16:07 you pour it in, you pour it out, it's empty.
16:09 What happens on the inside?
16:12 They harden. Say it again.
16:13 They harden. They harden.
16:15 And the wineskins, the leather wineskins,
16:18 the way that it's best written here is,
16:21 it starts up the moment you pour that juice into it,
16:24 the wall starts absorbing it.
16:26 And when you pour out that juice,
16:28 the walls don't come clear any longer.
16:30 Whatever used to be in there got absorbed into the walls.
16:33 This is really powerful.
16:34 Whatever has been in your life got absorbed into your life.
16:38 It got absorbed into your life,
16:39 so before the Lord puts anything new in your life,
16:42 He is not saying,
16:44 it's going to be kind of bad for me
16:45 to put new stuff in life that's absorbed with old stuff.
16:48 So that's why 2 Corinthians, "He makes you new."
16:52 So when He puts new things in you,
16:54 your life starts absorbing new things.
16:57 That's wonderful. Isn't that wonderful?
16:58 You can't absorb new things with old wineskins,
17:00 because the walls are not pliable.
17:02 They don't, you know, he says,
17:04 he is not going to stretch and why he says new wine
17:07 because new wine,
17:09 that's why the Lord gave the new wine
17:10 at the end of the marriage feast.
17:12 Because new grape juice,
17:13 if it's not dealt with immediately,
17:15 it starts fermenting, and starts stretching the skin.
17:19 So He left the new to the end
17:20 so that it wouldn't sit there and go rancid,
17:23 because when it starts stretching the skin
17:25 in the old life,
17:26 this is why people walk away from Jesus.
17:29 They try to put new things in their lives
17:31 without becoming new.
17:33 And when everything starts breaking apart,
17:37 I can't take it anymore.
17:38 I can't, I'm tired of these new songs,
17:39 these new doctrines, it's a new way of life,
17:41 I can't handle it
17:42 because they try to put new things in old wineskins.
17:45 They also, they ultimately blame God too.
17:48 Yeah.
17:49 They go and blame Him, they think, well,
17:50 this isn't working for me
17:52 so God must not be in a picture,
17:53 so where was He in this? That's right.
17:55 And it becomes more of like a behavior-based
17:57 instead of how He is transforming us.
17:59 It's more behavior-based and then
18:01 it doesn't last for very long 'cause it's not genuine.
18:05 That's right.
18:06 You know, when you look at 2 Corinthians 5:17,
18:09 and we see this picture of that,
18:10 the Lord is trying to help us understand
18:12 that He is saying,
18:14 "You have become a new creation.
18:17 Old things have passed away,
18:18 behold, old things have become new because,
18:21 unfortunately, we remember things.
18:24 And the devil makes sure that we remember some things
18:27 that we have done in the past to bring us down.
18:30 And that's why I like to read Philippians Chapter 3,
18:32 because Paul struggled with this himself.
18:35 In Philippians Chapter 3,
18:37 he's talking about the resurrection of the dead.
18:41 But when he gets down to verse 13...
18:44 Actually let me go to verse 12. Okay.
18:46 "Not that I have already attained,
18:49 or am already perfected, but I press on,
18:52 that I may lay hold of that
18:54 for which Christ has also laid hold of me.
18:59 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended,
19:02 but one thing I do,
19:04 forgetting those things which are behind or are past,
19:07 and reaching forward to those things
19:09 which are ahead,
19:11 I press toward the goal
19:13 for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
19:17 And so, when the devil brings those things back,
19:20 we can say, I'm a new creation in Christ.
19:24 All those things they're gone, all things have become new.
19:28 And so, we have to allow the Lord
19:31 to transform us and where I guess,
19:33 we're going to talk about that later.
19:34 By the renewing of our mind, we have to let those things go.
19:38 They are not supposed to shape and mould us anymore,
19:41 they are gone.
19:42 They are supposed to be gone from us.
19:44 Yeah.
19:45 And that's why these scriptures that we're reading
19:47 are so powerful, so full of meaning
19:49 that we have to stop and consider them
19:51 because God is trying to help us understand,
19:54 "You get a new start." That's right.
19:56 And, you know, I'm sorry.
19:58 I had a testimony that I was going to share.
20:00 We did a thing called moon star a few years ago,
20:02 and I had a couple of gentlemen,
20:04 their car had been broke down in this field
20:06 and they had a flat tire.
20:08 So they needed a 4-way,
20:09 didn't have a 4-way for the lug nuts.
20:10 So I ran everywhere looking, searching
20:12 and I ramped this family,
20:13 I have to have one, I ran back and gave it to him.
20:15 And he said, "Hey man, you know, thanks a lot,
20:17 it's really hot, would you like a cold beer?"
20:19 And the old self would have probably said,
20:21 "Oh, yeah. Sure, that's great. I said, "No, that's okay.
20:23 I don't need it, I don't need a beer."
20:25 He said, "How about a nice cold water."
20:26 Should I take that, so the old, that change,
20:28 you know, the old is gone and I'll become,
20:30 the new has come so... And the desire changes.
20:32 Yeah, it's gone.
20:33 It's totally gone, you know, I don't need that, that's fine.
20:34 So that's the thing is, you let go of those old past,
20:38 don't pick it back up again, you know,
20:39 talk about a man going to the bar,
20:41 he's just got sobriety.
20:43 He goes in, and guess what?
20:44 He's probably going to find himself
20:45 back in the same lifestyle, the pattern so...
20:47 And, you know, something that kind of
20:49 goes along with that is,
20:50 you know, as Satan wants to put a label on us
20:53 and sometimes we do it to each other.
20:55 We put labels,
20:56 you know, or there's the ex, this or that or the other.
20:59 And instead of you know,
21:01 they want to be known as a new creature now,
21:03 not as an ex, whatever, you know.
21:05 And so, I think that's important too
21:07 that we don't keep those labels going,
21:09 you know, it's like, it's not who I am now,
21:12 it's not who that person wants to be.
21:14 So those labels can be, you know, really damaging.
21:19 That's right. Yeah.
21:20 Tim, I thought you had a though you was going through.
21:21 Well, actually we've gone on to a different kind of,
21:24 different direction so I'll surrender my thought.
21:26 Okay. That's be some other day.
21:28 And so when you look at these passages,
21:31 even the prerequisite is we have to be new
21:33 for new things that come into our lives.
21:36 And this is really
21:38 I got to emphasize this for sure,
21:39 but very quickly here.
21:41 That's why when we have people
21:42 even become part of our fellowship.
21:45 Lot of times, people join a church
21:46 because they believe its teachings.
21:48 And you can't argue with the teachings.
21:50 The teachings are a fact whether you accept them or not,
21:52 but that's not the prerequisite to join a church.
21:55 Those things make sense
21:57 and they are easy to assimilate into a life
22:00 that's been made new.
22:01 Yeah.
22:02 See what happens is, when a life is not new,
22:04 those things seem to be adverse
22:05 or almost in an adversarial position.
22:08 Why do I have to do that?
22:09 Well, you know, when a vessel is brand new,
22:12 when our wineskin is brand new.
22:14 It's not arguing by saying,
22:15 "Could you pour some of the same wine
22:17 I used to get back in here?"
22:19 It says,
22:20 I don't want to be stained by that old stuff,
22:21 pour something new in me.
22:23 And so, it doesn't have any prerequisites.
22:26 It doesn't say this is what I want.
22:28 But it's new and fresh
22:30 and you kind of like anything new,
22:31 you always like the parent that gets that first child
22:35 everybody has to be without a cold,
22:36 you have to wash your hands,
22:38 you know, stay away, sanitized,
22:41 but after the third child,
22:42 you know, you can bring a dump truck
22:44 into your living room.
22:45 See, realize, this is the world of gems.
22:48 But look what the Lord promised to do.
22:50 Question number three,
22:51 what does the Lord promise to do
22:53 to those that come to Him?
22:56 Let me see, let's look at our syllabus.
22:58 Let's start with Ezekiel 36:26.
23:01 Want to read that one for us, honey?
23:02 Ezekiel 36:26.
23:04 "I will give you a new heart
23:06 and put a new spirit within you,
23:09 I will take away
23:11 the heart of stone out of your flesh
23:14 and give you a heart of flesh."
23:18 Now, you know,
23:19 this is one of the few times in the Bible
23:21 where the word flesh is a positive thing.
23:22 Yeah.
23:24 Because it's comparing it with stone.
23:26 You know, what stone mean.
23:27 Let's talk about stones for a minute.
23:29 Why is the Lord wanting to get rid of the stone
23:31 and give us a heart of flesh?
23:32 What is stone known for?
23:34 It's hard. Okay.
23:36 Yeah, it's hard.
23:38 Hard to tell the truth,
23:40 hard to convince them of the God's work,
23:43 hard to move them, hard to see it.
23:45 Unteachable. Unteachable. Yeah.
23:47 Can't change the shape,
23:49 you start, you know, tearing at it.
23:50 Yeah.
23:52 It's hard, it's uncomfortable when it's in your shoe.
23:54 It makes you walk differently.
23:58 Yeah, absolutely.
23:59 Oh, that's... I didn't think about that one.
24:01 You weren't thinking about that. Yeah.
24:04 That's right, to make sure walk quite different.
24:06 And so what he says, he's going to put a...
24:09 And when that new spirit comes in,
24:11 that new heart comes with a new spirit.
24:14 And then what he does?
24:15 He doesn't put it side by side with the old one,
24:18 what does he do with it?
24:19 What does he do with the old one?
24:20 Removes it. Takes it out.
24:22 Take the hard stone out.
24:24 It's like you go on the operating table.
24:27 And he says, "Now, are you ready?"
24:29 I'm ready. Okay.
24:31 Put him under.
24:32 And that's all baptism is all about.
24:34 There you go. Put him under. Right.
24:36 And he comes out to walk in the newness of life, right?
24:40 Newness of life, never the oldness of life.
24:43 Another one, Isaiah 43:19,
24:44 who would like to read that one for us?
24:46 That under number 3.
24:47 Isaiah 43:19. Anyone?
24:50 "Behold, I will do a new thing,
24:53 now it shall spring forth, shall you not know it?
24:55 I will even make a road in the wilderness
24:57 and rivers in the desert."
25:00 Now, what does that mean? Think about that.
25:02 Wow. Do new thing.
25:04 So what is it? What in essence is he saying?
25:06 He says, "I'm going to do things in life
25:08 that you never thought possible."
25:09 Yes. Yes.
25:10 You're going to see things happening in your life
25:12 that you never thought a possibility,
25:14 a road in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.
25:18 How does that happen?
25:21 Have you ever thought about
25:22 God is not able to do certain things.
25:24 Let's talk about that for a moment.
25:25 What is God not able to do? Can't lie.
25:27 Okay. He cannot lie.
25:29 Can't die, of course.
25:30 He can't fail, He can't change.
25:32 Okay, now that we got that out of the way.
25:35 Is there anything that's difficult for God?
25:37 No. It's impossible.
25:38 Now that's important
25:40 because let's just bring that out
25:42 and dive in at any moment.
25:44 So if we feel that
25:46 there's nothing difficult for God,
25:48 why do we sometimes hesitate
25:51 when the Lord says, "Come unto me."
25:54 You say, I don't know, I don't know if He could.
25:56 I don't know if you could change me.
25:59 I don't know if you could do that.
26:01 Can you work miracles?
26:03 Yes, is there anything hard for God?
26:05 No.
26:07 So what does that mean when you say,
26:08 "I'm going to do new thing."
26:10 How many people don't want a new thing?
26:11 Everyone wants something new.
26:14 Okay.
26:15 A new thing you're searching for.
26:17 Sometimes I want something new, but we don't want...
26:18 To surrender. Right.
26:20 That's the hardest surrender.
26:23 I'm looking for.
26:25 You know, I was going to say because in Ezekiel 36:26,
26:29 it talks about the Lord creating a new heart in us
26:33 and He really is the only one that can do that.
26:36 That's right.
26:37 He is the only one
26:39 that can create a new heart in us
26:40 and gave us a heart of flesh
26:42 and you can search another places,
26:46 you can make all the effort you want,
26:48 but the only one
26:49 that can change our heart is God.
26:52 So when he says, "I will do this,
26:55 our part is to cooperate and let Him do it
26:58 because the impossibility lies with us.
27:03 That's where the impossibility lies with God
27:06 all things are possible.
27:08 And when we think about ourselves
27:13 and we let self be the guide
27:18 then we have trouble.
27:19 And, you know, you were saying, "Oh, God can't change me."
27:24 There are thousands and millions of people
27:27 that God has changed already,
27:29 and you can be the next one, if you just allow that.
27:34 What else is on your mind about this topic?
27:36 Psalm 51. Okay.
27:37 Psalm 51. Oh, yeah.
27:39 Well, there's a few, in verse 10.
27:42 "Create in me a clean heart, O God
27:45 and renew a steadfast spirit within me."
27:49 And all of Psalm, I always people,
27:52 my nephew always tell him, he is going through something
27:54 and I said, read Psalm 51 and verse 7 says,
28:00 "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean, wash me,"
28:04 and what did he say? "I shall be whiter than snow."
28:08 That's a promise.
28:10 And then verse 12, honey.
28:11 There's so much. Look at verse 12.
28:13 Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
28:16 and uphold me by Your generous Spirit.
28:21 Then I will teach transgressors your ways,
28:23 and sinners will be converted to you then," right?
28:26 You're right.
28:27 Only if the Lord does something for you,
28:29 can you do something, something for anybody else.
28:31 My question is, we're just sitting there,
28:33 who are we converting people to?
28:36 To Christ? Yeah, we can't go to us.
28:39 Not to us, it's to the Lord, restore.
28:42 I think that's a really powerful scripture,
28:44 you know, he finally, gave you,
28:46 you know, like, Jacob, did he wrestled with the angel.
28:49 He was wrestling because he had something
28:50 that he wasn't willing to let go of,
28:52 but when he finally did, now that he can go and teach
28:55 because he knows he has been through,
28:56 he has experienced that.
28:57 Exactly.
28:59 I think we all have experienced something,
29:00 we have to so many share testimony
29:02 in some way or other
29:03 what we have been through to help somebody else.
29:05 So they can let go and become a new thing so.
29:07 I see a get away with that.
29:09 Well, I just think it's important
29:10 to remember what that verse
29:11 or what that whole chapter, the whole song
29:14 where it's based on,
29:15 and David coming out of the Bathsheba relationship
29:18 or situation.
29:20 And so, you know, to know that,
29:23 that's part of just humbling ourselves to God
29:25 and knowing that
29:27 if there is anything possible with God,
29:28 it's a fact that He will give us
29:30 another opportunity, another chance.
29:32 We just have to surrender to that
29:33 and admit that we made a mistake,
29:35 so that's the huge part of being a new,
29:39 of becoming a new creature is submitting yourself to Him
29:42 and saying, "I messed up."
29:44 Exactly. And not just...
29:45 We're often saying,
29:47 well, there is never any hope like you said this,
29:49 God could never heal me or could never.
29:52 Right.
29:55 But that's okay, so, and one of the prerequisites
29:57 and I'm glad you brought the story up,
29:59 one of the prerequisites
30:00 there is David was willing to say.
30:01 "Hey, this is who I am, this is what I have done."
30:03 Yeah.
30:04 So when you put it all out there,
30:07 the Lord is saying, "I already knew that,
30:10 I just wanted you to acknowledge it."
30:11 You know, that's why he also says,
30:13 "My sin is ever before me."
30:15 He knew that, "Hey, I can't hide this."
30:18 He said, "If I try to hide it, I'm just fooling myself.
30:20 1 John 1, I think it's verse 7, now he says,
30:23 if you say you have no sin, you deceive yourself.
30:26 Yeah.
30:29 Who you are lying to.
30:30 A beautiful Psalm 103:13-14 says,
30:33 "Like as a father pitieth his children,
30:36 so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.
30:38 For he knoweth our frame, he rememberth that we are dust.
30:42 So, you know, that just speaks to me,
30:44 you know, if your father pities you
30:46 and has mercy on you,
30:48 God gives you much more greater mercy,
30:50 and He remembers how weak we are
30:52 and how easily fallen into the temptations of sin.
30:55 Did you... What verse did you read?
30:57 Verse 13-14.
30:58 Okay, but look at verse 3.
31:01 Read that one.
31:03 Actual it's 1-22.
31:04 "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits
31:08 who forgiveth all thine inquities,
31:10 who healeth all thy diseases."
31:12 This is, I share this with a lot of people
31:14 in prayer line a lot.
31:15 That's right.
31:17 Who redeems your life from destruction,
31:18 who crowns you...
31:19 When we read a Bible sometimes,
31:21 it's kind of just hits you at a place where you think,
31:23 okay, today the Bible became more than just a good book.
31:27 Exactly. Real.
31:30 Just got real. Just got real.
31:32 You ever had those days where it just got real.
31:35 It was like, wow great instruction,
31:37 great for the Sabbath school material,
31:39 good stuff for sermon.
31:40 But there are those days
31:42 when all of a sudden become your life hedge,
31:43 your parachute,
31:44 you're floating in the middle of this horrible ocean.
31:46 Your cork that has been hit by a whale,
31:49 it refuses to go down.
31:50 Praise God for that. Amen.
31:52 And He promises to do that.
31:53 Anything else before we go on?
31:58 I was just thinking, just an insert this thought of,
32:01 you know, when you're talking about baptism is,
32:03 you know, when I was first baptized,
32:05 I think I was under the impression that
32:07 I would immediately,
32:08 you know, have this new outlook or new whatever
32:12 and it's a process you know,
32:15 and I like what it says here
32:17 and this is a Life Recovery Bible
32:19 that we use for recovery ministry
32:21 and it has some commentary on Isaiah 63:17-19,
32:26 it says, "Turning back to God
32:28 and renewing that relationship is not a push-button experience
32:31 that happens instantly.
32:33 We have allowed our heart to become hardened,
32:35 "like you were talking about earlier,"
32:37 and it takes time to soften it again.
32:40 We can begin this process
32:41 that God may not seem near immediately.
32:44 We need to move closer to Him
32:45 and our relationship with Him will blossom in time.
32:48 God is there,
32:49 we just have trouble seeing Him sometimes."
32:52 And for me that's been,
32:54 you know, kind of difficult thing is,
32:57 you know, if I don't feel like,
33:00 you know, that's obviously a key word is feelings.
33:03 Yeah.
33:04 We're not good to go off of but
33:06 and, you know, when I was baptized
33:08 and just journey till now it's just been an interesting,
33:11 how God has opened my eyes to how He wants to change me
33:15 and it's not an instantaneous thing that happens that,
33:19 you know, we have this instant gratification world
33:22 that we want to be just like Him right now,
33:25 you know.
33:27 So it's encouraging that He takes us where we're at.
33:30 Amen. Right. Share with us, John.
33:33 I was going to share something
33:34 from the Book of John Chapter 8,
33:36 you know, because the picture there
33:39 as he begin the Chapter,
33:40 Jesus had gone to the Mount of Olives,
33:41 and it says early in the morning
33:43 He came to the temple
33:45 and He began to teach the people,
33:46 but the scribes and Pharisees had laid a plan to trap Him,
33:50 you know, it's like they interrupted
33:51 what He was doing, teaching the people
33:53 and they brought a woman and they say,
33:55 we caught this woman in the very act of adultery
33:58 and they set a trap for Him.
34:00 You know, the law of Moses says that such should be stoned
34:03 Yeah. What do you say?
34:05 And this woman
34:10 was trembling in fear
34:12 because Jesus started writing,
34:17 He started writing
34:18 and He seemed to make, pay no attention
34:20 to what they were saying
34:22 and they repeated what they said.
34:24 And then Jesus says, "He who is without sin,
34:27 let him cast the first stone."
34:31 So this woman know, oh, no,
34:32 they're going to kill me because who are these people?
34:35 Scribes and Pharisees
34:37 that are supposed to be the elite,
34:39 and the squeaky clean,
34:43 righteous people in the society.
34:45 So she thought, okay, they're going to kill me.
34:48 But the sin in them
34:52 prevented them from throwing the first stone.
34:55 So when we talk about the mercy of God,
34:58 we all need the mercy of God.
35:01 And David when we were talking about Psalm 51,
35:03 I was looking ahead and, you know,
35:05 a top of it says,
35:06 David says, "Lord have mercy upon me, according to,"
35:11 abundant, you know, abundant.
35:13 Tender mercies.
35:14 Yeah, tender mercies,
35:16 "According to Your lovingkindness."
35:18 David knew
35:20 that God is merciful and loves us.
35:24 He did.
35:25 But he knew he had to humble himself before Him.
35:28 And that's what we all have to do.
35:30 We have to humble ourselves before the Lord.
35:31 I understand that He wants to forgive us,
35:34 He wants to restore us.
35:35 He wants to make us new,
35:38 and we need to stop resisting, you know,
35:41 stop resisting the work that
35:42 God wants to do is because He wants to change us.
35:44 And you know, when He changes us,
35:46 we will be happy, happier people.
35:49 Resist the devil. That's what we need to resist.
35:52 Resist the devil. Stop resisting arrest.
35:54 Yeah.
35:56 Spiritual sense. Yeah.
35:57 He can take hold of us and change our lives.
35:59 It was amazing you brought that up
36:00 because there're two parallels in the Bible
36:01 that we sometimes forget.
36:03 In reference to that woman,. he said in John 8:11,
36:06 "Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more."
36:08 And I thought that just buzz with me
36:11 because John 3:17,
36:14 "For God send not His Son into the world
36:16 to condemn the world."
36:18 And so a lot of times
36:19 we condemn people rather than sin,
36:22 says, neither do I condemn thee.
36:24 What did he come to do?
36:26 Romans 8:37,
36:27 He says, "For what the law could not do,
36:30 in that it was weak through the flesh,
36:33 God did by sending His own Son
36:35 in the likeness of sinful flesh.
36:38 On account of sin, He condemned sin in the flesh."
36:42 He condemned sin, He never condemned the sinners.
36:45 Amen. Yeah. It's true.
36:47 That's something we often miss.
36:48 So people that feel condemned,
36:49 they are less likely to want to come to somebody
36:51 who they are taught.
36:55 Got you.
36:56 That's why the Lord had to make it clear
36:57 before the Pharisees and Scribes.
36:59 This is not my job. I'm not here to throw stones.
37:01 I'm here to block her from getting hit
37:04 because we are all born stone worthy.
37:07 Right. Born in a sin.
37:10 We're all born stone ready. Yeah.
37:12 You know.
37:13 And so, but that's amazing.
37:15 Thank you for bringing that out.
37:16 You know, I have to say this because it's the reality that,
37:18 there some people think that
37:21 they have committed so many sins or such bad sins
37:25 that God cannot forgive them.
37:26 But the reality is that God is greater than any sins
37:30 that we can commit.
37:32 And so just, you know, come to Him
37:35 and allow Him to do that which He longs to do
37:37 and that is forgive us, and cleanse us,
37:41 and make us His children.
37:42 That's right.
37:44 That just doesn't say, just recently
37:45 I had something happened to me.
37:47 That's why so many songs have been really grabbing me
37:49 and I was running away from the Lord on certain issue
37:51 and He got a hold of me,
37:53 while back, was like 1:30 in the morning,
37:55 I was fighting him kind of the angel wrestling in...
37:57 Oh, man, it's,
37:59 I call it a spiritual root canal.
38:02 It was a spiritual root canal.
38:04 I mean I was really depressed
38:05 and crying at 1:30 in the morning
38:07 and the Lord had to get a hold of me,
38:08 I was running away from Him.
38:10 I mean, you don't realize and then you, why I says
38:12 because I actually had something deeper going on than
38:14 what was just there at the surface,
38:15 it was way deeper than that.
38:17 And he told me just kindly and mercifully He said,
38:20 the reason why you're having the struggles
38:21 because you didn't have affirmation
38:23 from your parents as a kid,
38:24 and I never knew that, it never dawned me till then.
38:26 It was just so amazing and I felt this,
38:28 I'm like, Lord, take this route away,
38:30 I don't want it, and He took it.
38:31 And it was like the most amazing thing
38:34 I could share with other people.
38:35 I could ask for forgiveness
38:36 and I could go out and was just so healing
38:38 it was that's what God wants to do as a healer.
38:40 Burden lifter. Yeah. It was amazing.
38:41 Semi-tile root canal.
38:45 I used to buy that, just kind of goes crazy.
38:47 Root canal. Root canal.
38:49 Pull that out from the root.
38:52 You'll leave me the root note.
38:55 Don't write that down.
38:57 But I want you to say something else.
38:59 Look at the question number five
39:01 and we're gonna look at Galatians 6:15.
39:03 This is a really amazing transition
39:05 because the reason for Galatians 6:15 is,
39:08 it's gonna sound unusual
39:09 but there's a purpose behind it.
39:11 Who'd like to read that for us, and I'll just break that down.
39:13 Galatians 6:15.
39:16 I guess it's my turn.
39:17 Well, Galatians 6:15,
39:19 "For in Christ Jesus
39:20 neither circumcision nor uncircumcision
39:24 avails anything, but a new creation."
39:27 Neither one avails anything but a new creation
39:29 by the circumcised or uncircumcised,
39:31 the Lord didn't come to enforce that on,
39:33 he was saying, I'm trying to make you knew.
39:35 What that is an essence says to me,
39:37 is a lot of times
39:38 people get stuck in religious form.
39:41 That's true. The things of religion.
39:43 And they, like the Jews were so desirous,
39:46 Tim, of saying to the Gentiles
39:48 but you're not circumcised,
39:50 was you and then the reverse,
39:53 watch out for those who are of the circumcision,
39:55 look out for those guys.
39:57 So there was this battle,
39:58 lookout for those who are uncircumcised.
40:00 Peter had to get that broken down in his own life.
40:02 In Acts Chapter 10,
40:03 the Lord sent him to Cornelius's house and said
40:06 what God has cleanse, never call unclean.
40:09 God has shown me that no man is common or unclean.
40:13 Acts Chapter 10 was the story,
40:15 not cleaning a food,
40:17 not getting rid of pork and shrimps and all that
40:18 and making that clean,
40:20 but he used this vision of unclean foods
40:23 to say God is showing me that no man is common or unclean.
40:27 Cornelius was a good man
40:29 but he just had, did not know the Messiah.
40:32 Interesting thing about that is actually Peter ponder,
40:35 questioned, what is that all about.
40:36 It didn't make sense to him, you know.
40:38 Yeah, he did.
40:39 Verse first 28 tells you the answer,
40:41 like you mentioned here, common or unclean to man.
40:43 Don't call man common and unclean so.
40:45 That's right.
40:46 So don't get locked in religious things
40:48 and those religious things is like...
40:52 I think Walmart is a good example.
40:54 They don't give you grocery bags.
40:56 They give you stuff
40:58 and you got to find a way to get it out the store.
41:00 You get the cart, you know that.
41:02 No, Walmart. They're doing until now.
41:05 Oh, Walmart. Sorry, sorry, that was, sorry.
41:07 Sam Crayon. Sam.
41:08 I'm talking about the Walmart.
41:10 Which is like a Costco. Right, right.
41:12 When you buy stuff, you know, it's in the cart,
41:14 you get to the car but when you get home,
41:16 you think, I'd love to take this all
41:17 at one time but like...
41:19 It's not in the bag. Like the car up to the door.
41:21 Yeah.
41:22 And we are sometimes like that,
41:23 we try to put religious things in our lives
41:25 but no place to put it
41:27 because this is an old vessel.
41:29 We're getting all the stuff we like it
41:31 but there's no place to put it because the vessel is old.
41:33 So I just want to mention,
41:35 you know, the circumcision or uncircumcision
41:37 were things of the law.
41:39 Right.
41:40 But it was but he says,
41:42 a new creation is what Christ makes us.
41:46 But we also,
41:47 I think have created
41:50 little things like
41:54 how to get through your sin,
41:56 or to get over,
41:57 like when you're tempted,
41:59 like hold your breath for 10 seconds
42:01 before you speak,
42:02 you know, before you say anything
42:03 or count to 10, or punch your pillow,
42:06 or take a cold shower,
42:07 or, you know, there's multiple things.
42:09 But, and so the reason
42:12 that following religious practices aren't enough,
42:16 that's just
42:20 modifying your behavior
42:22 but the Bible says we're dead to our trespasses.
42:25 Right.
42:26 So it's not about punching our pillow
42:29 or, you know, trying to change our behavior
42:32 in a, you know, in our morality,
42:35 it's becoming dead to sin.
42:39 So that's why religious practices aren't enough.
42:41 Right.
42:42 When you follow these, and by the way,
42:44 the Jews were so locked into this ceremonial rituals,
42:47 the ceremonial laws,
42:48 even when Jesus nailed to the cross,
42:50 they were still saying but, you've got to do this.
42:53 I mean, we've been doing this for thousands of years.
42:55 You've got to do this.
42:57 And Paul says, circumcision is nothing,
42:59 neither is uncircumcision anything.
43:03 Go to 1 Corinthians 7:19,
43:07 somebody read that for me.
43:08 He wasn't,
43:10 He was putting the proper perspective on
43:12 what God's laws all about.
43:13 They were locked into the ceremonial.
43:15 But 1 Corinthians 7:19,
43:17 whoever has that, read that for us.
43:20 We guess here.
43:21 "Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing,
43:26 but keeping the commandments of God..."
43:30 Is that the right one? That's it.
43:32 "Is what matters."
43:34 That's the rest of the verse. Is what matters.
43:36 So the Jews were locked to the ceremonial,
43:38 the Lord is saying, the ceremonial is gone,
43:40 the moral is here,
43:41 and I'm the only one
43:43 that can make you capable of living in harmony
43:45 with the commandments of God.
43:46 They were locked in there,
43:48 but there's something else that has to happen.
43:49 Now we talked about becoming new.
43:51 But how do you keep the new, new.
43:54 Let's go to Romans 12:1-2.
43:56 How do you keep the new, new?
43:58 Well, you know, one thing we have to do is,
44:00 we have to die daily.
44:01 Exactly. Right.
44:02 But there's something else,
44:04 you can't just sit around and say,
44:05 okay, it's morning time, I die daily.
44:06 It's morning time, I die daily.
44:08 Yeah. How do you do it?
44:10 How do you do? Wanna read that?
44:12 Which one? Romans 12:1-2.
44:15 "I beseech you therefore, brethren,
44:18 by the mercies of God,
44:20 that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
44:23 holy, acceptable to God,
44:27 which is your reasonable service."
44:29 Verse 2,
44:30 "And do not be conformed to this world,
44:33 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind
44:39 that you may prove
44:41 that what is good
44:44 and acceptable and perfect will of God."
44:47 Right.
44:48 Let me read that again,
44:50 "That you may prove
44:51 what is that good and acceptable
44:54 and perfect will of God."
44:56 So can you can you prove it until your mind is renewed?
44:59 Can you prove before your mind is renewed?
45:01 No.
45:02 Something I found interesting,
45:04 we were studying about these new wineskins,
45:05 and Jesus made the comment,
45:07 it was about the idea of fasting.
45:09 I thought that was rather interesting,
45:11 the Lord brought this to my attention
45:12 and He brought me into Isaiah 58.
45:14 And Isaiah 58, you see, what the people of God
45:17 were actually doing then on the renewing.
45:21 Isaiah 58 says,
45:22 the type of fast that they were keeping.
45:24 Oh. That's right.
45:26 So kind of ties in. What verse?
45:27 We're looking at verses 3 through
45:31 kind of 6, I think 5.
45:33 It says, "Wherefore have we fasted,
45:34 say they, and thou seest not?
45:37 Wherefore we have we afflicted our soul,
45:38 and thou takest no knowledge?
45:40 Behold, in the day of your fast
45:42 you find pleasure, and exact all your labors.
45:44 Behold, you fast for strife and debate,
45:46 and to smite with the fist of wickedness,
45:48 you shall not fast as ye do this day,
45:50 to make your voice to be heard on high."
45:51 And I think this is kind of Romans 12:2 is going,
45:54 "Is it such a fast that I have chosen?
45:55 A day for a man to afflict his soul?
45:57 Is it to bow down his head as a bulrush,
45:59 and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him?
46:01 Wilt thou call this a fast,
46:02 and an acceptable day to the Lord?"
46:04 This is the fast he's looking for.
46:05 "Is not this the fast that I have chosen?
46:07 To loose the bands of wickedness,
46:09 to undo the heavy burdens,
46:10 and to let the oppressed go free
46:12 and that ye break every yoke?
46:14 Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry,
46:16 and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house?
46:19 When thou seest the naked, that thou cover him;
46:20 and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?"
46:23 I think what Jesus speaking to on those new wines,
46:25 He's wanting to see
46:27 a new church in a sense.
46:28 He's seen, the old church was just sitting,
46:30 they're lording over one another
46:31 and they're beating one another up.
46:33 Where He's looking for these types of things,
46:35 He wants us to take care of the widows,
46:36 the poor, the orphans.
46:38 I break the yoke and that's what He's saying,
46:39 I think the idea of this being renewed
46:41 that's when we have a renewal in our heart,
46:43 we should be doing these things,
46:45 going out and take,
46:46 you know, helping these folks out,
46:48 living them the life of Christ like He did.
46:51 I think that idea of that renewing skewed me so.
46:54 Say that, honey, that's a very good point.
46:56 We were reading last night about being gentle.
47:01 That's something that's overlooked.
47:03 Matter of fact, go to Galatians 5:22-23.
47:06 We're getting there eventually,
47:08 but it's, it's a good time that you've inserted that.
47:11 Because, you know,
47:12 you have to look for some evidences.
47:14 Somebody says, well,
47:16 why Donald is different?
47:18 Now the last Donald
47:20 would have pushed me off a ledge.
47:22 Why didn't he do this time? What a man?
47:24 You know, the last Tim would have
47:26 slammed the piano shut and walk away,
47:28 but why does he not do it this time?
47:30 Look at Galatians 5:22-23.
47:33 Since you mentioned it, honey, why don't you just read it?
47:35 Wives submit, is that the right one?
47:37 Oh, no, Galatians 5.
47:39 Oh, oh, I'm in Ephesians.
47:40 It's good too. That's a good one.
47:42 Submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.
47:47 Okay, I got it now. I got it now.
47:50 Okay. This is in 22.
47:52 It says, "But the fruit of the Spirit
47:54 is love, joy, peace,
47:57 long-suffering, kindness,
48:01 goodness, faithfulness,"
48:02 and this is what we were reading last night,
48:04 "gentleness, self-control against such there is no law."
48:08 That's right.
48:09 We were reading that,
48:11 how to be gentle,
48:12 that's something that's overlooked.
48:14 Yeah.
48:15 Paul talked about that, he said.
48:16 James actually says, well, actually Paul says,
48:18 "Let your gentleness be known to all.
48:20 The Lord is at hand."
48:22 So God is right, He's watching,
48:23 He said, be gentle stepping so
48:25 and harshness is something that people have to get rid of this.
48:28 That's why they say gentleman, be a gentleman.
48:31 Okay.
48:32 I want to be a gentleman.
48:34 Gentleman. Gentlewoman too.
48:37 What a gentleman look like now.
48:39 It's okay, it's like,
48:40 gentleman talk to angel that often.
48:44 Gentleman, Gentleman. Right.
48:47 What is beautiful to see that,
48:49 you want to add anything to that any one of you?
48:51 Being gentle or even just the evidence
48:53 of the Spirit of God in our lives.
48:55 Yeah.
48:56 There should be evidence that we all knew.
48:57 When somebody says, I'm a Christian.
49:00 Are you happy now?
49:01 Oh, my goodness. He's like, okay.
49:05 Remind me not to join your church.
49:07 You know, I was thinking of
49:08 just like when someone does something to me,
49:11 like there was something that the Lord,
49:13 you know, brought to me was responding in the spirit
49:18 and not reacting in the flesh.
49:20 And that is
49:22 that's something I've struggled with before is like, you know,
49:24 when something immediately happens,
49:25 it's kind of like, you know, like wait a minute,
49:28 let me think about this
49:30 and, you know, give us, give us to him before.
49:33 Say something I'll regret or do something.
49:35 Yeah.
49:37 So to me that has been a huge thing
49:39 and I think that definitely an area
49:41 where he's working on me and giving me some fruit.
49:44 That's right. Anyone else?
49:46 I like the concept of the word,
49:48 it says, let this mind be in you
49:50 which was in Christ Jesus.
49:51 Yes. Not really think about that.
49:53 You know, if you really have
49:54 a transformation in your heart,
49:56 if you really have these fruit,
49:58 why won't you go out there
50:00 and try to bring people to have that same peace,
50:03 that gentleness, that joy of self-control.
50:04 I had a lady, I spoke to on the phone
50:06 and she said, she's a Christian but she said,
50:08 I just get so upset, I get so frustrated,
50:10 so I just start yelling,
50:12 and I have to apologize.
50:14 She is like,
50:16 how they look at me, like am I Christian or not?
50:18 What kind of Christian example
50:19 I'm giving if I'm yelling at them
50:20 and they're not doing, it's not their fault,
50:22 and here I'm yelling at them,
50:24 you know, I'm like
50:25 yeah, what kind of food are you giving,
50:26 you know, and I was actually had this in my mind,
50:28 it's so crazy.
50:29 I thought about this concept, don't actually like to do it.
50:31 But the young man who walks around
50:33 all proud and haughty and stuff in school
50:35 and he puts on the stick of deodorant,
50:37 he opens his, you know, medicine chest,
50:38 he puts in the stick and says pride.
50:40 So you see his big words, he proudly walks in like this
50:42 and all the kids are going like this
50:44 and they're falling and passing out.
50:46 You see this kind of reaction versus a kid
50:47 that brings in humility puts on a stick of humility
50:50 'cause they're just drawn to him,
50:51 you know, kind of given that,
50:53 you know, representation.
50:54 It kind of gives you an idea,
50:55 it's that pride and all that arrogance.
50:58 Oh, man, he is, so you can just,
50:59 you usually is seeing something else like
51:02 get away from me, I don't want it,
51:03 I don't want that kind of Christianity.
51:05 Anything else?
51:06 It's amazing that the transformation
51:09 that can take place in us as we allow Christ moments,
51:13 you were talking about daily,
51:15 you know, you wake up in the morning,
51:17 but every morning
51:18 we can place ourselves in the hands of the Lord,
51:20 let Him take control of our lives.
51:23 Otherwise we're gonna do these things
51:25 that we're gonna regret.
51:27 And He's the one that can make us gentle,
51:29 He's the one that can make us patient,
51:31 He's the one
51:32 that can help us control the temper
51:35 or to be quick to judge and quick to avenge,
51:40 you know.
51:41 And I remember when we were little,
51:45 it's like the kids had this little context as to
51:49 who can give the worse,
51:55 I don't know what, criticize or that,
51:57 you know, like you say, oh, you're so ugly.
51:59 But you're so ugly.
52:03 Dogging each other. Yeah.
52:05 That's and is seemed to be like a funny things
52:10 but that's the way human beings are.
52:11 Somebody offends you,
52:13 it's like you want to hurt them more.
52:15 And you keep escalating this thing
52:17 until you know there's great regret.
52:20 God wants to prevent suffering.
52:22 Yeah, that's right.
52:23 The suffering of regret,
52:25 and the suffering that we cause others
52:26 and ourselves.
52:28 You know, sometimes you have an argument,
52:29 you go home and you think of what you didn't say,
52:32 I should have said.
52:34 You call me at that argument they're not even around,
52:36 you're like fuming, why did I think of that?
52:39 You know, and then you wait, wait till I see you next time.
52:42 And you forget your Christianity
52:44 and we have to be mindful that
52:45 when you are new,
52:47 sometimes it's not always important to win an argument.
52:50 Sometimes it's not always important
52:52 for your humanity arise at the surface.
52:55 Let Christ be seen.
52:57 Let your light so shine, not your attitude burn.
53:01 Let your light so shine.
53:02 But sometimes you can slip up.
53:04 I know the song, we used to sing,
53:06 we fall down, we get up,
53:09 you get up, you don't stay down,
53:11 you get back up.
53:12 That's what Christianity is all about.
53:15 You know, it's interesting,
53:16 you were talking about these deodorants.
53:17 Yeah.
53:19 It says, we're connected to Christ.
53:20 Then people say you smell like Jesus.
53:23 Yeah. Wouldn't that be better?
53:26 Yes. Amen.
53:27 I wanna look at some of the quick benefits
53:29 before we end the program.
53:30 Oh, yeah.
53:31 Number 10, I want to have, Tim, read.
53:33 What are some of the benefits of the new life?
53:36 2 Corinthians, 2 Peter 3:13.
53:39 2 Peter 3:13,
53:40 "Nevertheless we, according to His promise,
53:43 look for new heavens and a new earth
53:45 in which righteousness dwells."
53:47 That's right.
53:48 You know, there would be no need of
53:51 I say this respectfully.
53:53 You don't have to lock your doors,
53:55 you have to make sure your garage is shut
53:57 because everybody in the neighborhood is new.
53:59 Yeah. Right.
54:01 Everybody, Hi.
54:04 I'm so glad I didn't know he's gonna make it
54:06 and he probably saying the same thing
54:08 when we walk but John made it?
54:10 No, he was gonna make it.
54:12 And then all of a sudden,
54:13 this new heaven and new earth,
54:15 you see the whole trajectory washes new life in Christ,
54:19 new power to live that life
54:22 because I can do all things through Christ
54:23 who strengthens me.
54:25 A new way of thinking, let this mind renew,
54:27 renewing of your mind.
54:29 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.
54:31 And a new spirit,
54:32 people start noticing the difference and then
54:34 when you are completely new in Christ,
54:37 then you could look forward to the new heaven
54:39 and the new words.
54:40 But I want to give a passage of encouragement.
54:43 This has become one of my favorite ones,
54:45 1 John Chapter 3.
54:46 Oh, yeah, it's your favorite. And just look at that one.
54:48 1 John Chapter 3,
54:50 because I want you to see right now
54:51 where you are in the present
54:52 and I wanna give you encouragement
54:54 because somebody's watching the program might say,
54:56 well, how is it gonna happen for me?
54:57 How come I don't yet see any evidences of Christ
55:00 in my life yet?
55:02 Pastor Dinzey, okay, 1 John Chapter 3,
55:05 you have the New King James Version?
55:06 Yes. Okay. 1 John 3:1-2.
55:10 "Behold what manner of love the Father has best owed on us,
55:13 that we should be called children of God!
55:16 Therefore the world does not know us,
55:18 because it did not know Him.
55:20 Beloved, now we are children of God."
55:23 When? Now.
55:25 "And it has not yet been revealed
55:27 what we shall be,
55:28 but we know that when He is revealed,
55:31 we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is."
55:34 Amen. Isn't it wonderful?
55:36 So He's working on us yet, Tim? Oh. Absolutely.
55:38 Is He still working on? He is still working on me.
55:40 That's right.
55:41 We should have sung that one day.
55:45 And so
55:47 don't be discouraged.
55:49 Do we ever get discouraged?
55:51 But, you know, that's not unusual,
55:52 we're human.
55:54 We are so not there yet,
55:56 but the beauty of it is,
55:58 he who has began a good work in you will what?
56:02 Complete it, isn't right?
56:03 That's the one right through my mind and soul.
56:05 He has begun a good work in you to what?
56:08 Complete it.
56:09 So one day
56:10 until these verses come to pass,
56:13 there's something we must do
56:14 and I intentionally left that verse 3,
56:17 Angie, read verse 3,
56:19 because, yes, we are being made new
56:21 but we have a part to play.
56:22 What does it say in verse 3?
56:23 "And everyone who has this hope in Him
56:27 purifies himself,
56:29 just as He is pure."
56:31 And how you gonna purify yourself
56:33 that you're pure.
56:35 Here's how you do it.
56:37 Who can tell me?
56:38 Make pure choices.
56:41 Make pure decisions.
56:42 Watch pure programming. Amen.
56:45 Don't put impure things in your mind.
56:47 That's right. Don't focus on impure thoughts.
56:49 Right. Amen.
56:50 Because it's like pouring rancid grape juice
56:52 in a brand new wineskin.
56:53 The wineskin said, I thought I was new.
56:57 So my, friends. Even pure commercials.
56:58 Pure commercials, that's right.
57:01 Oh, is it?
57:02 Is it 30 seconds already?
57:04 Yeah. This is terrible.
57:09 We want a new clock.
57:10 Well, since we can't get a new clock,
57:12 this is our prayer for you
57:13 from all of us around this table.
57:15 May the new Lord be in your life
57:17 to transform you from the old to the new
57:20 that one day in that new creation,
57:23 you will be able to inhabit the new heavens
57:26 and the new earth.
57:27 So on behalf of all of us,
57:29 may the Lord richly bless you until we see you again.
57:32 Happy Sabbath.
57:33 Happy Sabbath. Happy Sabbath.


Revised 2019-03-21