Today Family Worship

The Presence of the Lord

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW190004A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello and welcome.
01:11 Happy Sabbath to you.
01:13 My name is John Dinzey,
01:14 and I am here with my wife Idalia.
01:15 And it is a joy for us to say Happy Sabbath to you.
01:18 Happy Sabbath. That's right.
01:19 It's the end of the week and God has been faithful,
01:22 He's been good, He's carried us through another week.
01:26 And we're here to celebrate that gift
01:28 with our friends and family here at 3ABN.
01:30 That's right, so I will introduce
01:32 the people to my left.
01:34 How about if you introduce the ones to your right?
01:35 Gladly. See, the family.
01:37 So we have to my left, Sister Xenia Capote.
01:41 Welcome. Happy Sabbath.
01:43 Thank you. Amen.
01:45 And next to you is Donald Owen. Yes.
01:46 Also known here and part of the family.
01:48 Thank you for joining us. Thank you.
01:50 Appreciate it. Happy Sabbath.
01:51 And we have Jorge Jaque next to me.
01:54 Thank you. Happy Sabbath.
01:56 Happy Sabbath.
01:57 Feliz Sabbath. Feliz Sabbath.
01:59 And Brian Dickens, welcome.
02:01 Thank you, and happy Sabbath.
02:03 Thank you.
02:04 You were able, you guys were able
02:06 to just put things aside and forget about our worries,
02:11 and just focus
02:12 in the beautiful gift of the Sabbath.
02:15 Right. Amen.
02:17 And the family members,
02:18 we have here work in different departments.
02:21 And maybe briefly, we'll start with Donald.
02:23 Can you tell us what are some of the things you do at 3ABN?
02:27 Well, I actually work in the pastoral department.
02:29 We take prayer requests, I work on prayer warrior list.
02:33 We also mail out materials
02:34 to folks who are in need of materials.
02:36 We help locate people
02:38 with the Seventh-day Adventist churches too,
02:39 so we got quite a bit we do, yeah.
02:42 And, Xenia?
02:43 I work in the accounting department.
02:45 I receive your donations and your prayer requests.
02:48 Amen.
02:50 Wonderful.
02:51 And, Jorge Jaque?
02:52 I am the assistant production manager for...
02:57 I'm an assistant production manager for 3ABN.
03:02 Something like that, yeah.
03:04 And also I'm a producer.
03:05 Okay. Great, great.
03:07 And next to you,
03:08 we have Brian that will share...
03:10 What are some of the things you get to do at 3ABN?
03:12 I'm the programming manager here at 3ABN,
03:15 and I get to help organize the schedules
03:19 and everything for everything that gets put on the air for,
03:23 you know, everything from the episodes numbers
03:25 to make sure the right episodes are playing at the right spot.
03:29 It's been a blessing to work here.
03:31 Amen.
03:32 Since I've started last year.
03:34 Is that just for 3ABN paternal network?
03:36 That's for the parent network, 3ABN English,
03:39 the International channel, the Latino channel,
03:43 Kids' network,
03:44 and the New Praise network that we just started this year.
03:47 So, yeah. Wow.
03:49 It's big ordeal.
03:50 Yeah, every second, every second
03:53 to play programs that you see on the air
03:56 goes through Brian's fingertips.
03:59 I get to help organize it all and,
04:01 you know, for God's ministry to get out into the world.
04:03 Amen. Amen.
04:05 Big responsibility. Yeah, it's amazing.
04:07 Well, you know, when we began, we said to you, happy Sabbath.
04:11 And to some of you, you're wondering,
04:13 what in the world is a Sabbath, because that's not a word
04:16 that you hear every day in the streets
04:18 or in associations that work or school,
04:22 but for some of the believers of the Lord Jesus Christ.
04:27 Sabbath means something in particular,
04:30 and that is found in the Bible.
04:32 And so we would like to point you to a few verses
04:35 that will help you understand that.
04:37 Very simply, the Sabbath is talking about the day
04:40 that God sanctified and set aside
04:43 for God's children to be with Him
04:46 in a special way to join in a holy convocation.
04:50 Now we can go to the church any day of the week,
04:54 but the Lord has put something special
04:57 on the seventh day in which, like I said,
04:59 you can go to church any other day of the week.
05:03 But on the seventh day Sabbath, He said,
05:04 "You're supposed to stop other stuff that you do,
05:07 like work and stuff like that that will distract your mind,"
05:11 like going to the stores, going shopping.
05:13 And so let's go first to the idea
05:17 that we mentioned we're saying happy Sabbath to you,
05:19 and you may be watching
05:21 or hearing this program on a Friday night,
05:24 then you say, "What are they talking about?"
05:26 So I'm just going to go to Genesis Chapter 1
05:29 just to establish a point of reference
05:31 as far as how the Bible
05:33 considers how a day is composed.
05:36 Genesis 1:1, 2, and 3,
05:41 and maybe we can ask Brother Brian
05:45 if you read Genesis 1:1, 2, and 3.
05:49 "In the beginning,
05:50 God created the heavens and the earth.
05:52 The earth was without form, and void,
05:55 and darkness was on the face of the deep.
05:57 And the Spirit of God
05:58 was hovering over the face of the waters.
06:01 Then God said,
06:03 'Let there be light and there was light.'"
06:06 Thank you so much.
06:07 And verse 4 says,
06:08 "And God saw the light that it was good,
06:11 and God divided the light from the darkness.
06:14 God called the light Day,
06:16 and the darkness He called Night.
06:19 So the evening and the morning were the first day."
06:24 And so here,
06:26 right in the beginning of the Bible,
06:27 God establishes that the days began with the evening
06:31 or the dark part of the day
06:33 and conclude with the light part of the day.
06:36 So when you see the sun setting
06:39 is really when the day is beginning,
06:42 which is a little different
06:44 from what the way we reckon our days
06:46 because you say,
06:47 "Oh, the day begins at midnight."
06:49 That's why, normally, people consider these things.
06:51 But the Bible says, "For when the sun sets,
06:54 when it gets dark, that's how the day begins."
06:56 And some people think, "No, that's the end of the day
06:59 because I go to sleep, and my day is over."
07:03 But what are the verse can we share
07:05 that specifically talks about the seventh day
07:08 as being set apart?
07:11 We can just turn the Bible to...
07:13 By the way, you can follow the creation story, thank you,
07:20 right there in Genesis Chapter 1
07:21 and Chapter 2.
07:22 But in Genesis Chapter 1, it says,
07:24 "After each creation day," it says,
07:25 "and so the evening and the morning,
07:27 first day, second day, third day,
07:29 fourth day, fifth day.
07:31 And then when you get to the end
07:32 of Genesis Chapter 1, it says,
07:33 "The sixth day is the evening and then morning."
07:39 But when you get to Chapter 2,
07:41 then we have this message beginning in verse 1.
07:44 "Thus the heavens and the earth,
07:46 and all the host of them were finished.
07:49 And on the seventh day,
07:51 God ended His work which He had done,
07:54 and He rested on the seventh day
07:57 from all His work which He had done."
08:00 Verse 3, "Then God blessed the seventh day
08:03 and sanctified it
08:04 because in it, He rested from all His work
08:07 which God had created and made."
08:10 So He set the example for Adam and Eve
08:13 which He had created.
08:15 They are to rest from all their work as He did,
08:19 and He sanctify this day, set it apart, made it holy,
08:23 and that is an example He has set for us,
08:26 and we are to do the same.
08:28 Amen. Yes.
08:29 And, of course, you can go to Exodus 20: 8 through 11.
08:35 Who would like to read that for us maybe?
08:38 We'll read it together?
08:39 Read it together? Yes.
08:41 Well, we may start in different voices,
08:45 we'll hit the different voices.
08:46 We can try that if you'd like,
08:48 we may be reading from different Bibles.
08:49 How about if you read it, Sister Xenia.
08:50 Okay.
08:52 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
08:55 Six days, you will labor and do all your work,
08:58 but the seventh day
09:00 is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
09:02 In it, you shall do no work.
09:05 You, nor your son, nor your daughter,
09:08 nor your male servant, nor your female servant,
09:11 nor your cattle, nor your stranger
09:14 who is within your gates.
09:16 For in six days,
09:17 the Lord made the heavens and the earth,
09:20 the sea and all that is in it,
09:23 and He rested in the seventh day.
09:26 Therefore, the Lord blessed the seventh day
09:30 and hallowed it."
09:31 Wonderful.
09:33 Thank you very much.
09:34 So that is the fourth commandment
09:35 in the Ten Commandments
09:37 that we have there registered in Exodus Chapter 20.
09:40 Any comments you would like to make
09:42 about the Sabbath briefly,
09:43 because we want to get to our topic
09:44 which is also very good.
09:46 You know, when it says that,
09:48 "In it nor thy stranger that is within thy gates."
09:54 We have somebody come and do the yard work for us
09:59 because it is too big of a field.
10:02 So we asked the people
10:04 that are coming to do a project in the yard
10:06 to please not come during Sabbath hours.
10:11 Usually, Saturday and Sundays are the days
10:14 that they like to do yard work, landscape, or whatever.
10:18 And so, as we shared our faith
10:22 with people that mow the grass,
10:25 they're like,
10:26 "Oh, so you don't do anything on Sabbath, on Saturday?
10:29 I said, "Oh, we do a lot but it's just not,
10:32 you know, the labor of your every days.
10:35 But it's a blessing to keep the Sabbath
10:37 and we just want you to please do the yard
10:41 on Sunday or Monday or whichever day of the week,
10:44 but not on Sabbath."
10:45 So one day, we were traveling back home,
10:48 and I received a text...
10:49 No, it was a phone call, actually.
10:51 And he says, "Hi, Dolly.
10:54 We went to your house
10:56 and we forgot that it was Saturday."
11:00 So we had to turn around and went home.
11:03 Amen. Can you believe that?
11:05 I'm like, "Boy, what a blessing!"
11:07 I mean, even sharing it with you give me goosebumps,
11:10 because they were willing, you know, to respect that.
11:16 And I know the Lord will bless their business
11:19 because they respected that.
11:20 I mean, it's not our wish is as the Lord calls us to do.
11:24 You know, when I think about the Sabbath's idea
11:27 of pressing into His presence on the Sabbath day,
11:29 and I think about in Colossians,
11:31 it's really beautiful, Colossians 1:16 and 17.
11:35 In there, you find a picture actually says,
11:37 "For by Him were all things created,"
11:38 and we're actually talking about Jesus.
11:40 "So for by Jesus were all things created
11:42 that are in heaven and are in earth,
11:44 visible and invisible,
11:46 whether they be thrones or dominions
11:48 or principalities or powers,
11:49 all things were created by Him and for Him."
11:52 So Jesus actually created the Sabbath.
11:55 That's a pretty interesting thing.
11:56 I mean, if you really...
11:57 And I'm just thinking about how many people we claim
11:59 that love Jesus, you know,
12:00 and finding out that Jesus
12:01 is actually the author of the Sabbath.
12:04 And you're pressing into the presence of Jesus
12:06 on the Sabbath, that relational opportunity.
12:08 Wonderful, wonderful. It's beautiful.
12:10 So many wonderful things. Yeah.
12:11 I believe this time that we're doing right now,
12:13 family worship, it's a time of transition.
12:18 We're transitioning
12:20 from what we do during the week
12:22 into the holy time of the Sabbath,
12:24 where we receive a blessing as we're together with God.
12:28 We're in the presence of God.
12:30 So that's why this is so important
12:32 because it sets your mind to that tone,
12:35 you know, "So now I enter into the presence of the Lord."
12:39 It's a special time.
12:41 Amen. Thank you so much.
12:42 Another thing Idalia was saying, it also...
12:46 The good thing about the Sabbath is,
12:47 you were telling the people not to work on your field,
12:51 you know, yard or anything like that.
12:53 But that's one of the things, you're taking rest yourselves
12:57 and you're giving others rest.
12:59 Yes, amen. That's right.
13:02 And it's a blessed rest.
13:04 You know, as you were discussing
13:06 about bringing in God's presence,
13:10 we listen to 3ABN radio.
13:12 Yes, we do.
13:13 So we invite our viewers too also,
13:15 you know, tune into 3ABN radio, it's a blessing,
13:18 so, and also the Praise Him Network.
13:23 But it's amazing how you put certain worship music
13:29 from the morning, Friday morning,
13:32 and all day you're listening to,
13:34 you know, that inspirational music
13:36 that soothes your heart
13:38 and brings your mind to a state of worship.
13:41 Even when I'm cooking or preparing everything
13:43 for the Sabbath to take for fellowship dinner
13:45 or what have you,
13:47 you can still be,
13:50 invite that presence of the Lord with you,
13:52 and you connect with heaven.
13:54 That's right.
13:55 But the Bible says,
13:57 "Come into the presence of the Lord
13:59 with thanksgiving in your heart."
14:01 Amen. That's right.
14:03 Well, before we continue,
14:04 we should take a moment to pray.
14:07 And I think, I would like to ask Idalia,
14:08 if you would lead us in prayer this time.
14:10 Okay. Sure.
14:13 Let's pray.
14:14 Father God, we want to thank You
14:16 and praise You for Your goodness
14:18 and Your mercy.
14:19 Thank You for Your faithfulness,
14:21 Your loyalty.
14:22 And thank You, Father,
14:24 that You are a man of Your word,
14:27 You are a great God, living God,
14:29 and You fill our lives with blessings
14:32 that we have never imagined to receive.
14:35 So, God, we thank you for the accomplishments
14:38 of this week.
14:39 Thank you for the challenges
14:40 that have provoked us to even press forward
14:44 and press on into Your presence
14:45 because we've needed Your intervention in our lives.
14:49 Lord, our burdens are many, help us to learn
14:53 to cast our burdens on You.
14:56 And that during these Sabbath hours, Father,
14:59 that our hearts will be mended and connected with You,
15:04 that our hearts will be filled with praise and thanksgiving,
15:08 and that we may sense Your sweet presence
15:11 as we go about in this day of adoration.
15:15 Please accept our worship and adoration to You.
15:18 Help us, Lord, to really savor Your Word
15:22 and may it be a blessing in our lives,
15:24 in Jesus' name, amen.
15:26 Amen. Amen.
15:28 Amen. Yeah.
15:29 Well, kind of touching on the Sabbath
15:30 just, when you pray, something hit me in my mind,
15:32 just thinking about
15:34 how I used to work in other jobs besides 3ABN.
15:36 I always had to make sure I told them,
15:39 "I will not work the Sabbath, I'll take it off."
15:41 And that was always kind of a struggle
15:42 because people are like,
15:44 "Why don't you work the Saturday.
15:45 Come and work, you know."
15:46 But me, I had to take it off because I want to come in,
15:48 in the presence of the Lord, and I want to worship Him.
15:50 You know, I want that time with my God,
15:52 and a lot of people didn't understand it,
15:53 but then God opened the door
15:55 where I didn't have to do that anymore.
15:56 When I came at 3ABN, He honored that.
15:59 I like that scripture says,
16:00 "He honors those who honor Him."
16:01 So I was really thankful that, by honoring Him,
16:04 He opened up the door so I could come here.
16:06 Now I don't have to worry and fret about
16:08 not being able to worship on the Sabbath so.
16:10 Amen. Amen.
16:11 That's good. Yeah. Amen.
16:13 You have a story about when you were in the military.
16:16 Oh, you don't want to share that story now?
16:18 Well, I'm just trying to figure out
16:20 which one you mean.
16:21 About the Sabbath keeping, how you...
16:24 Well, okay, in basic training, right, when you're going in.
16:27 And you're like, "Well, I'm a Sabbath keeper."
16:31 So, well, they've seen other Sabbath keepers before,
16:35 but they don't keep the Sabbath.
16:36 You know, they say
16:37 they were trying to take that Sabbath off.
16:40 So by our witness or testimony,
16:43 people will value
16:45 or just regard the needs of the sincere people.
16:49 So that's where I was going with that.
16:51 Ah, yes.
16:52 You know, it's marvelous when you think about it.
16:55 When I was in the military,
16:57 you know, they have activities
17:00 any day of the week, 24 hours, 24 hours a day.
17:04 And so the challenge was keeping the Sabbath.
17:08 But I can tell you,
17:09 God blessed in a marvelous way to be able to keep the Sabbath.
17:13 And I could tell you many stories about that.
17:16 That's why I say, I wonder which one she means.
17:19 But it's true, and it's interesting.
17:22 I would like to tell one of them.
17:26 It's kind of long, maybe I shouldn't.
17:28 But anyway,
17:31 the senior drill sergeant,
17:36 he found out that I was a Seventh-day Adventist,
17:38 and he said, "Come to my office."
17:40 And he said to me
17:42 that because he was going to allow me
17:46 to take the Sabbath off
17:50 and...
17:52 But he says...
17:53 He looked at the calendar, he says,
17:54 "We have this, this Saturday, we have grenade training.
17:57 This Saturday, we have this kind of training."
17:59 And he was telling each one of those things
18:00 that were going to take place.
18:02 He said, "You're going to have to make those things up
18:04 on other day."
18:05 That was no problem.
18:07 I didn't want to get out of,
18:08 you know, not doing something I was not supposed to do.
18:11 And really, when the people were off on Sunday,
18:14 I was out there raking leaves,
18:15 I was out there working, doing something
18:17 so that they could see, you know, that I was,
18:19 "Oh, this guy is getting out of something."
18:21 But anyway, he said, "This and of course testing,
18:25 I don't think we can give you that day off.
18:27 We'll see. I don't know yet.
18:29 I will see."
18:30 You know, it's interesting that God blessed
18:32 in a marvelous way.
18:34 That week came.
18:37 And on Monday, he called me into the office.
18:42 And he says, "I have worked this thing out
18:44 so that you can take the test on Friday."
18:47 Amen. Amen.
18:48 "It was supposed to be on Saturday.
18:49 I have worked this out
18:51 so you can take your test on Friday."
18:53 And so...
18:54 "But you better not fail.
18:55 Otherwise, you're going to have to go to basic training
18:57 all over again."
18:59 And so I said something that I kind of regret it.
19:01 I said, "I will get 100 percent, Sir,
19:04 Sergeant."
19:05 And, "Well, we'll see.
19:07 Anyway, I wanted to let you know
19:09 that you're going to go and take it
19:10 with the Bravo Company."
19:12 And I was grateful, you know,
19:13 I said praise the Lord, and I thanked the Lord.
19:16 And then I said to myself, you know,
19:20 "When I take the test on Friday,
19:22 everybody's going to say, "What was on the test?
19:23 Can you tell what was on the test?"
19:25 Yeah.
19:27 And I said, "You know,
19:28 I'm really happy to be able to do this on Friday,
19:32 but I...
19:34 You know, it's going to look like
19:37 I had special treatment, you know.
19:38 But anyway, that was my prayer.
19:41 And there was one sergeant
19:42 that was that people considered
19:44 particularly mean, particularly mean.
19:46 Now he didn't like the idea that I was going,
19:49 "You missing some training," as he said,
19:52 and I was going to church on Saturday.
19:54 And so, he even called me into his office twice.
19:58 "I thought you were just taking one Saturday off,
20:00 but you're taking off every Saturday
20:02 to go to church," you know.
20:03 He told me, "You know,
20:04 I can worship God wherever I am,
20:06 I don't have to be going to church."
20:08 Nevertheless, I continued to go to church.
20:10 And interestingly enough,
20:12 I remember I told you that on Monday,
20:14 he said, "You're going to take the test on Friday."
20:16 And I was getting ready for that test on Wednesday.
20:20 No, on Tuesday,
20:23 he makes an announcement.
20:25 There has been a change.
20:27 And everybody's taking the test on Friday.
20:31 Amen. Amen.
20:32 He announced, he said,
20:33 "Everybody's taking the test on Friday."
20:35 He said, "This means, you have less time to prepare."
20:39 And he says, "And you better pass
20:40 because I don't want to see your ugly faces here again."
20:45 So anyway, that's the way they talk in military training.
20:48 So anyway, I was grateful.
20:50 But remember, I told you there was a sergeant
20:52 that was particularly mean?
20:53 He wasn't there for the announcement.
20:55 Somehow he didn't get the memo.
20:57 So on Wednesday,
21:01 he had a day off on Tuesday.
21:05 So on Wednesday, he's back.
21:07 And he sees me coming out of the cafeteria
21:09 and he says, "Hey, Dinzey, come here."
21:13 He says, "This Saturday is end of course testing.
21:17 What are you gonna do?
21:18 Are you going to take this test
21:20 or are you going to go to church?"
21:22 Because he knew, if I don't take the test,
21:24 I would have to go back to the basic training.
21:26 I said...
21:27 I looked at him rather strange because he didn't know.
21:30 You know, he's part of the leadership.
21:32 I say, "Well, Sergeant, I guess you haven't heard
21:34 that is been changed to Friday."
21:37 And he was shocked, he opened his eyes really big.
21:41 He goes, "Well, I suppose to call that a miracle though."
21:46 And I said, "I believe it is, Sergeant.
21:50 I believe it is." Amen.
21:52 And he looked at me for a moment,
21:53 didn't know what to say.
21:54 "Well, go ahead, go on."
21:56 And I said, well, praise the Lord
22:00 that he saw that the Lord work something out.
22:04 And he said,
22:05 "I suppose you call that a miracle."
22:06 And I would say, you know,
22:08 "The Lord worked this thing out."
22:09 And I say to you, "The Lord will bless you."
22:10 I mean, there are some more
22:12 that are learning things on 3ABN,
22:14 and they are wondering about keeping the Sabbath.
22:18 I believe from personal experience
22:21 that the Lord will solve your problem.
22:23 Amen. Yes, He will.
22:24 Absolutely.
22:26 So anyway, we're going to talk more
22:28 about the presence of the Lord,
22:30 because the Lord promises to be with us
22:32 in different places in the Bible.
22:35 One place you can go to is Matthew Chapter 28.
22:37 And I'm just going to read verses 18 to 20
22:41 to set the stage for this,
22:42 but you may share any scriptures
22:44 that come to your mind, or testimonies, or stories
22:47 that you can see
22:48 where the Lord has been with you.
22:50 And Matthew 28:18 to 20.
22:52 Idalia, would you like to read that for us?
22:54 Sure.
22:56 Matthew 28:18 through 20 says,
22:59 "And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying,
23:03 'All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth.
23:07 Go, ye, therefore and teach all nations,
23:10 baptizing them in the name of the Father
23:13 and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost,
23:16 teaching them to observe all things
23:19 whatsoever I have commanded you,
23:21 and lo, I am with you always,
23:24 even unto the end of the world."
23:27 Amen. Amen, amen.
23:29 So what do you think about that promise
23:31 that Jesus said He will be with us always
23:33 even to the end of the world?
23:35 You know, it's funny that when Jesus says this
23:38 and many other things that He says in the Bible,
23:41 that we tend to say how is He gonna do it?
23:43 Is that real, you know?
23:45 Yeah, it sounds nice but how do you know?
23:48 So you know, this feeds on to the curiosity
23:52 and provokes for us to even study more
23:54 or just read a promise here, a promise there.
23:58 I think that, this is very encouraging.
24:02 It was very encouraging to me as a child or teenager.
24:07 I had my ups and downs in life and like just any other kid,
24:11 but we used to go door-to-door a lot,
24:13 you know, so we would claim this promise,
24:15 "I will be with you till the end."
24:16 Okay, the Lord is with us, you know, let's not be afraid.
24:19 One time, I knocked on...
24:21 We went into this apartment building,
24:23 and there was a mess going up the stairs.
24:26 The door was smashed in.
24:28 And, you know, there definitely
24:30 was a wrestling match in that home.
24:33 And I was like, "Wow.
24:35 Lord, I got to get out of here."
24:38 So praise the Lord, I left the track, you know,
24:42 we used to use El Centinela, what is that one in English?
24:46 It's like Signs of the Times. Signs of the Times.
24:49 Just drop a Signs of the Times
24:51 and I'm like, "Okay, in Jesus' name,
24:53 I'm out of here."
24:55 But you know, God is with us, He protects us
24:59 and when we sense His presence in different ways,
25:02 it's like you can feel a breeze caressing your skin.
25:06 And I started praying, I said, "Thank you, Lord, thank you.
25:09 I accept that as Your presence."
25:11 Amen. Amen. Amen.
25:12 Someone else would like to share something.
25:14 Yeah, You know, I was just...
25:15 Just recently, I had a phone call in pastoral
25:16 and a gentleman was really struggling,
25:18 he's got some health issues, and car not running well,
25:20 and all that kind of thing.
25:22 And just speaking to him,
25:23 I actually quoted scripture was out of 1 Peter 5,
25:26 I'll just read verse 9 and 10,
25:28 says, "Whom resist steadfast in the faith
25:31 knowing that the same afflictions
25:32 are accomplished in your brethren
25:33 that are in the world."
25:35 But verse 10 is really awesome.
25:36 It says, "But the God of all grace
25:37 who hath called us unto His eternal glory
25:39 by Christ Jesus
25:41 after that you have suffered a while
25:43 making perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you."
25:47 And he was speaking to me, thinking,
25:49 "I think God's just forgotten about me.
25:51 I think He doesn't care about me."
25:53 You know, he's like, "But after you read that scripture,
25:55 I realize now God's in the middle of this trial
25:57 with me," and He is in the presence.
25:59 And he said, "I felt really assured
26:02 of what you just told me there that God is in this,
26:04 I'm not alone."
26:05 So kind of what you're referring to Jesus
26:07 always there with us.
26:08 Amen.
26:09 And it says always, you know, it doesn't say,
26:11 "I'll be there from nine to five,
26:13 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays."
26:15 Yes.
26:16 Every day, all the time. Yeah.
26:18 I think it's very interesting to connect
26:20 what we're talking about with the introductory thought
26:25 that we shared about the Sabbath.
26:28 Because I think, the relationship
26:31 we have with God has to do with the time,
26:35 with the way that we conduct ourselves
26:37 but within that timeframe.
26:39 So we have a day starts in the morning
26:43 and God has, gave us the time
26:47 so we can understand a little bit
26:49 the way that He relates to us.
26:51 And in Romans 8:28
26:57 is a very wonderful Bible text
27:02 that remind us the way that God has...
27:06 Can relate to us and how can we relate to Him.
27:10 It says, Romans 8:28 says,
27:15 "And we know that in all things
27:18 God works for the good of those who love Him."
27:22 So it's our reaction to Him in that time that He gave us,
27:28 we love Him.
27:29 So who have been called according to His purpose?
27:33 What's the purpose for those,
27:36 God foreknew He also predestined
27:38 to be conformed to the image of His son
27:42 that He might be the firstborn
27:44 among many brothers and sisters,
27:46 and those He predestined He also called,
27:50 and then is a list of things that happen after that.
27:53 Those He called He also justified,
27:56 and those He justified He also glorified.
27:59 So in that list, in that form
28:04 that God has to relate to us,
28:07 we can understand the way
28:09 that He wants us to relate to each other also.
28:12 But the most important thing for me is to understand that
28:18 we have been predestined for a good thing,
28:22 for something that is eternal,
28:25 and that we're here not for just because
28:29 just because, we're here for a purpose,
28:32 and that is to accomplish God's purpose.
28:36 So going back to the Sabbath,
28:39 to the idea of the obedience to the Ten Commandments,
28:43 that put us in the perspective of God loves us,
28:47 He gave us this opportunity to live on this earth,
28:51 He predestined to be happy people.
28:55 Amen.
28:57 He called us, He also justified us.
29:00 And then He also glorified us,
29:04 make us glorious creatures happy to be with Him forever.
29:08 Amen. Amen. Thank you.
29:11 Are there any other scriptures that you can share with us
29:15 that talk about that God promises to be with us
29:18 that He promises to help us
29:20 that have helped you during your Christian life,
29:24 during your experience they come to mind?
29:28 Well, if you forgive me a bit, right, I can connect.
29:33 I can connect that we just finished reading
29:35 with a scripture that really, really says what you asked.
29:41 And continuing in Romans Chapter 8, says,
29:47 8:31,
29:54 "What then shall we say to these things?
29:58 If God is for us, who can be against us?
30:02 So like making a conclusion of the whole thing, said,
30:08 "If God is for us, who can be against us?"
30:12 Amen. Amen.
30:13 Praise the Lord, wonderful.
30:15 Beautiful scripture.
30:16 I would like to share one from Psalms 34,
30:20 and I think, you know, where I'm going with that one.
30:22 It's beautiful.
30:23 Psalms 34,
30:25 actually, I'm trying to remember the verse,
30:28 I have to get to turn,
30:29 maybe it's verse 6 or 5, Psalms 34,
30:34 there it is, it's verse 7, Psalms 34:7 says,
30:38 "The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him,
30:44 and delivers them."
30:47 Wonderful, and I like the word encamps
30:50 because that means he didn't just come passing by,
30:54 he didn't come just for a little while,
30:56 he encamps, he sets up...
30:57 He lives. A place to live.
31:00 So he encamps round about to us and delivers us,
31:05 and so you ask yourself, delivers us from what?
31:08 You know, the devil would like to do us,
31:11 everyone of us harm and even kill us,
31:15 and we have no idea
31:16 how many times he has decided or chosen to,
31:20 I think I want to kill of this person,
31:22 but God has protected us.
31:25 He sends His angels to deliver us and protect us.
31:28 Amen.
31:29 And so, this is one of the places
31:31 I like to consider or look at and say, you know,
31:34 God promises to be with us always,
31:36 He sends His angels to encamp round about us,
31:39 and God is a marvelous God,
31:41 and the Bible says that He is like a Father unto us.
31:45 And when you, you know,
31:47 why we use this father and also the word mother
31:50 to try to help us understand how He takes care of us.
31:54 How close, he can establish our relationship with us,
31:59 like they were fathers.
32:02 Jaque, I have to go back to what you are reading,
32:06 that was wonderful, honey,
32:07 but, you know, I was,
32:10 Johnny, when you shared Psalm 34
32:13 and I was attracted to the rest,
32:16 well, not the rest of the chapter
32:18 but quite a bit of it on Romans 8:28,
32:22 you left off there on verse 31, right,
32:27 "What shall we then say to these things?
32:29 If God be for us, who can be against us?"
32:32 And that's wonderful. And then who is God?
32:36 What has He done to prove this?
32:38 "He that spared not his own Son,
32:41 but delivered Him up for us all,
32:45 how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?
32:50 Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect?
32:55 It is God that justifieth.
32:58 Who is he that condemns?
33:02 It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again,
33:06 who is even at the right hand of God,
33:09 who also makes intercession for us.
33:12 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
33:15 Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine,
33:20 or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
33:23 As it is written, for thy sake we are killed all the day long,
33:27 we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
33:30 Nay, in all these things
33:32 we are more than conquerors through him that loved us."
33:35 Hmm. Yeah.
33:37 You have to finish verse 30 and 31
33:38 and different other verses.
33:39 Oh, yeah.
33:41 I was trying to stop but it's just so savory is this,
33:43 it's just filling my heart.
33:44 Yeah, it's everything, yeah.
33:46 "For I am persuaded," it says verse 38,
33:49 "that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities,
33:54 nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height,
33:59 nor depth, nor any other created thing,
34:03 shall be able to separate us from the love of God,
34:06 which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
34:08 Amen and amen.
34:10 Oh man. Whoo!
34:11 I guess, the first I thought Paul says, okay,
34:14 this is God, this is what He has done.
34:17 Now this is the reason why He has done it.
34:21 And then, he shows many departs in the Bible
34:25 and his writings actually says,
34:27 how come a God that does all these
34:29 and even He's willing to give His own Son.
34:33 He will not be able to do this for you.
34:35 Yes.
34:37 What a wonderful assurance, a promise and assurance
34:41 and, you know, what, when God promises something,
34:43 He makes it happen, He fulfills His promise.
34:46 Have you folks ever taken care of a baby or a babysat,
34:51 or where used to care there.
34:53 You know, when they are under our care,
34:54 when I used to teach I felt that,
34:57 man, I have to be with these kids,
34:59 I can't leave them out of my sight,
35:01 because their parents are coming back,
35:03 and I'm responsible for all these little ones,
35:06 they have to be safe and they were not even,
35:08 I didn't embarrassed these kids.
35:10 So then I get married,
35:12 I have my kids and to this day my boy say,
35:15 mom, we know you have eyes in Nebraska,
35:18 we know you have eyes in Tennessee
35:19 while you're back home.
35:21 You know, and you speak us, you know,
35:23 somebody might see my son and they will write me
35:26 or send me a picture or whatever you're doing,
35:29 I saw your son today what have you,
35:32 and I feel so happy, you know,
35:34 people can testify that they are doing okay
35:37 or if they're gonna need, whatever.
35:38 The point is that I want to make is,
35:40 it doesn't matter where we at,
35:43 as children of our earthly parents,
35:47 our parents are always concerned about your wellbeing.
35:51 But God,
35:52 if we're concerned about the wellbeing for our children,
35:55 our family members, our friends,
35:58 how much more
36:00 does God want to be there for you,
36:03 to protect you, to provide you, your provider, your healer,
36:06 and your counselor.
36:08 You know, go ahead.
36:09 I believe, you know,
36:10 how we're saying that we come into the presence of the Lord
36:13 and the Sabbath and all this.
36:15 To me, a very reassuring fact that God is with us,
36:20 and pressing of that time,
36:22 is the story of creation when the first Sabbath,
36:26 the Lord came and was with Adam and Eve.
36:30 If He could be with them at that time,
36:32 I always think of that as,
36:34 the Lord has come down to be with us
36:37 at that time like right now
36:39 that we're doing the family worship for Sabbath,
36:43 the Lord is coming down to be with us,
36:45 to begin, to be in His presence.
36:48 You know, it's interesting you say now is,
36:50 I didn't know if I was gonna share
36:51 but Genesis 3 is something interesting.
36:54 Genesis 3:8 says, "They heard the sound,"
36:55 we're talking about Adam and Eve,
36:57 "God walking in the garden in the cool of the day,
36:59 and the man and his wife hid themselves
37:01 from the presence of the Lord
37:03 God among the trees of the garden."
37:04 So it's it, when I thought about that,
37:06 I started kind of meditating it earlier,
37:08 it's God wants to be with us, He wants to dwell with us,
37:11 but they are running away from Him.
37:12 It's like, how would you want to run away
37:14 from such a loving God?
37:15 What caused them to run away and hide
37:18 from the presence of the Lord,
37:20 so it really reflecting on that,
37:23 you want to be drawn
37:24 because God is our creator and redeemer,
37:26 you want to be in His presence.
37:28 You would think you want to be in His presence.
37:30 You know, it's a...
37:31 Hiding.
37:33 It's interesting
37:34 some of the things that help us understand God's care,
37:36 God's love and the Bible shows many things.
37:39 But the experiences we have also help us to understand.
37:42 You know, we had chickens for a while
37:45 and the kids had fun finding where the egg was laid,
37:52 but there was one particular chicken,
37:55 this one was like an all white chicken,
37:56 we had some different color ones
37:58 but this one is all white hen.
38:01 And one day,
38:05 to our surprise they were like 12 or 13,
38:09 I don't remember how many little chicks
38:11 were all over the place following wherever she went.
38:15 And there was...
38:17 I was watching one time
38:18 when apparently one or the other chicken,
38:20 so even the rooster king.
38:23 And this hen has opened up her wings like this
38:29 and put herself in a stance to defend these chickens.
38:32 And all the little chicks went underneath the wings,
38:36 like they knew, I'm protected here,
38:39 and mom is gonna protect us.
38:42 Even from the rooster, I mean,
38:43 she made the space and I said...
38:45 Don't look at my kids
38:47 Wow!
38:48 She was willing to take on any chicken
38:49 that would come her way
38:51 to protect the little chicks, you know, and I...
38:54 That was so dramatic and wow, I was so impressed by that
38:58 and, you know, we think of God,
39:00 He says the angel of the Lord encamps round about them,
39:04 that fear him and delivers them
39:06 and when we are in the Lord's care,
39:09 we have to understand that He's gonna protect us
39:11 from all the unnecessary stuff that's gonna happen to us,
39:14 but He may allow certain things to come our way.
39:17 And that's why I'm glad we share this Romans 8:28,
39:20 because it helps us understand
39:23 that if God allow something to come our way,
39:26 He has already measured it.
39:27 He has already said to the devil,
39:30 this is far as you can go, no more.
39:34 And so read it again, it says,
39:36 "And we know that all things work together
39:38 for good to those that love God,
39:40 to those who are called according to his purpose."
39:43 So God allow something to happen to us,
39:47 then for some reason it's for our good.
39:50 And so when we know that, when we know that God loves us
39:53 and we gonna face difficulties differently,
39:57 we gonna understand that God cares for us,
39:59 He's gonna work us something good for us
40:01 in this whatever situation we're going through.
40:04 But there's one even more powerful than that
40:08 not because it's not Romans
40:10 what Paul says is not powerful and his writings.
40:15 But this one in Matthew Chapter 7
40:18 is from the lips of Jesus,
40:20 from the direct, from the source,
40:23 so this is even more powerful.
40:27 7:7, "Ask, and it will be given to you,
40:31 seek, and you will find,
40:34 knock, and it will be opened to you.
40:36 For everyone who asks receives and he who seeks, finds,
40:40 and to him who knocks, it will be opened.
40:44 Or,"
40:46 and this is the part that really makes me,
40:50 you know,
40:51 "what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread,
40:55 will give him a stone?
40:59 Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent?
41:03 If you then, being evil,
41:05 know how to give good gifts to your children,
41:08 how much more will your Father who is in heaven
41:12 give good things to those who ask Him!
41:14 Therefore,
41:15 whatever you want men to do to you,
41:18 do also to them,
41:19 for this is the law and the prophets."
41:23 So what a powerful statement from God Himself
41:28 being Jesus on earth talking to His followers
41:34 and that it makes us feel like,
41:37 wow, we are on under like you said, under His wings.
41:41 Amen. Amen.
41:42 Nothing to worry about.
41:44 There is a song that goes like that.
41:46 That was about saying, I mean, everything that you're saying,
41:49 everything that we started with as far as the Sabbath
41:51 and the presence of God.
41:53 All we need is basically the presence of God,
41:56 but we have to give the love to Him
41:59 to allow His presence to come to us.
42:01 You know, it says in Exodus 33:14,
42:06 "And He said, 'My Presence will go with you,
42:08 and I will give you rest.'"
42:10 You know, that's according to the Sabbath day,
42:12 but that is always rest
42:14 whenever you let the presence of God into your heart.
42:19 And I did find something very interesting
42:24 on Isaiah 57:15,
42:27 if you turn there.
42:28 Isaiah 57?
42:30 57:15,
42:34 it says, "For thus says the High and Lofty One
42:37 Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy,
42:41 I dwell in the high and holy place,
42:44 with him who has a contrite and humble spirit,
42:48 to revive the spirit of the humble,
42:50 and to revive the heart of the contrite ones."
42:54 So if you feel pains of anything,
42:58 if you are contrite and lowly,
43:01 and feel like you're not worthy of anything,
43:04 if you let love of God come in and fill you in the presence,
43:08 it's such a blessing to let Him into your heart.
43:10 Amen.
43:12 You know, and that feeling you get is a feeling of rest.
43:18 So you don't have the worries
43:20 and the sorrows that you normally have,
43:22 whenever you ask for the presence of God.
43:25 It is such a blessing to have that freedom
43:28 from the pain, from the sorrows.
43:31 And that was the wonderful thing
43:32 about the Sabbath.
43:33 Amen And so.
43:37 Now the presence of the Lord is just something
43:40 that we seek just for the Sabbath,
43:43 or every day, every trial,
43:46 or every situation in our lives?
43:50 We should be seeking
43:51 the presence of the Lord continually...
43:53 But I think the Sabbath presence
43:56 is different, is special,
43:59 and I think that's when the Lord Himself
44:02 encamps around you.
44:04 It's not just the angel of the Lord,
44:06 but it's different, it's like a date,
44:10 you know, it's a special time that you have with Christ.
44:14 He set it up before you came
44:17 and He expects you to be together with Him at that time,
44:20 and I think I get a lot from people on the phone
44:24 especially people that they are alone,
44:30 not because they don't have family,
44:31 which also includes them
44:33 but basically because they're the only ones
44:36 that are seeking the Lord at this time
44:38 and, you know, and they're testifying.
44:41 They feel alone
44:43 and they express that like what we're doing here.
44:46 Now we have radio, and we have TV
44:49 and they feel part of it,
44:51 and so they can be together with us.
44:54 But I found a verse very comforting
44:57 in Isaiah 46:4 that it says,
45:02 "Even to your old age and your gray hairs I am he,
45:08 I am he who will sustain you."
45:11 So there is no need for you to feel alone
45:15 or by yourself when you're worshiping God,
45:18 He promised to come to be with you
45:20 even when you think, well, I already live my life.
45:23 I'm here all alone at home.
45:25 You're not alone, He says, he sustains.
45:28 Please read that verse again for the folks at home?
45:32 Yeah.
45:33 "Even to your old age and your gray hairs I am he,
45:38 I am he who will sustain you.
45:40 I have made you and I will carry you,
45:44 I will sustain you, and I will rescue you."
45:48 Wonderful.
45:49 Well, beautiful. As Isaiah 57:4.
45:52 46:4.
45:54 Thank you, 46:4. Yes, Isaiah 46:4.
45:56 It was very frightening for people for all of us,
46:01 their idea of being alone
46:04 and in especially in the old age.
46:09 What if, you don't have family around you,
46:12 or friends, or anybody to take care of you,
46:14 and all of the sudden you're alone.
46:17 So but this is comforting, this is.
46:19 Kind of like why I like, when we talk about Matthew 28
46:22 it says, "Go ye therefore into all the world..."
46:25 So that's what we're really call to,
46:26 we really had a love of Christ in your hearts,
46:28 and you want to go and share that.
46:30 I kind of think of that, you know,
46:31 we have people who are seen behind close door,
46:33 you're talking about these older folks.
46:34 They're wanting somebody to come and love them,
46:36 and accept them, and bring them in
46:38 to the family of God.
46:40 If you want to be in a family of God,
46:41 why want you want somebody else to be in that family,
46:43 so embracing those folks
46:44 and going out and to meet them,
46:46 that's really important.
46:48 Very important.
46:50 Amen, amen.
46:51 You know, I was a...
46:52 I guess, I will share this real quick, I shared it before,
46:54 but maybe there are some new people listening.
46:58 I was driving to work
47:00 when I used to live in Chicago many years ago.
47:02 And it was raining
47:04 and it was just one of those pouring down rain moments
47:09 but for some reason I was,
47:11 you know, not even paying much attention to that,
47:15 and just as I was approaching this train overpass,
47:20 there was this lightning and thunder
47:23 and that was particularly loud,
47:25 it's one of those that sounded like it's not 400 miles away,
47:29 it's right here, it was like a boom.
47:33 And my heart went boom,
47:38 and I got scared for a moment
47:41 and then it was like if the Lord said,
47:43 you know, I didn't hear a voice that some people say
47:45 but it was so clear
47:48 that God said, why are you afraid?
47:51 I'm with you
47:53 and then there was this calmness,
47:55 this peace, tranquility that came over me
47:58 that I had to answer the Lord and say, yes, it is true,
48:02 Lord, you are with me.
48:03 I don't have any need to be afraid.
48:05 And this serenity,
48:06 it was just beautiful, beautiful
48:09 how marvelous the Lord is.
48:10 Whoa!
48:12 Our time is just escaping from us,
48:14 so maybe we can just go by
48:16 in a few words you can say something.
48:20 Well, at least have a minute each or two.
48:22 Brian, for you, what would you say?
48:25 What does it mean to you
48:27 to the assurance we find in the Bible,
48:30 the promises that the Lord, promises to be with us,
48:32 that His presence will be with us.
48:34 I was kind like, I was saying in 57:15,
48:38 in a way that kind of reflected on my own life,
48:41 you know, especially whenever about nine years ago
48:44 when things were looking pretty bleak in my life.
48:49 And, you know, I started praying to God at that point.
48:54 It was like, okay, I need, I need a way out of this.
48:57 You know, I need to find a way, and He took me over a long road
49:01 that brought me to where I am today.
49:02 Amen.
49:04 And, you know, it and back in Exodus,
49:06 when we're talking about His presence
49:08 giving you rest, you know,
49:09 and once that I finally realized
49:12 in the last couple of years,
49:14 you know, I started feeling better,
49:15 it's first physically and things like that
49:18 but as far as spiritually and thinking of God,
49:21 things were not right yet.
49:23 But when I started honoring the Sabbath,
49:28 and communing with God daily, and even more on the Sabbath,
49:33 and spending the Sabbath day with the Lord,
49:37 the hurt and sorrows just fade.
49:40 Amen. Amen.
49:42 Everything has gotten so much better,
49:43 even at the hard times and the trials
49:46 that in the past I thought were such a big deals
49:48 and now they are just trials and I see them,
49:50 it's like the Lord will provide and He will guide.
49:53 Amen. Amen.
49:54 And He gets us through, you know,
49:56 and He keeps our heart happy and joyful.
49:59 Amen. Amen.
50:00 Jorge? Yeah.
50:02 What if you think of, you know, your everyday life,
50:07 you face challenges
50:08 and sometimes financial challenges,
50:13 especially financial challenges sometimes make us think,
50:16 "Okay, what I'm gonna do?
50:19 I have to pay here
50:24 and there and other thing."
50:26 And then you go back to the Bible
50:28 and it's so simple,
50:29 it says, "Do not worry."
50:30 How can you not worry?
50:33 But you know it works.
50:34 Yes. Somehow it works.
50:36 So going back to now,
50:40 Matthew 6:25 says,
50:45 "Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life,
50:48 what you will eat or what you will drink,
50:50 nor about your body, what you will put on.
50:54 Is not life more than food and body more than clothing?"
50:57 It said and human, now we're human nature.
51:01 We said, no, it is important.
51:04 So what I'm gonna do,
51:06 if I don't have anything to eat?
51:07 That's right. God is there.
51:09 He's faithful. Amen.
51:10 He's faithful and never ever will let you down.
51:14 Psalm says,
51:19 I'm not gonna try to remember but it says,
51:21 I've never seen...
51:25 Righteous that has to...
51:28 Beg for bread. Beg for bread.
51:30 Amen.
51:32 So those things make you think, "Okay, well,
51:35 if we believe what we believe,
51:38 then we just need to trust."
51:40 Amen. Amen.
51:42 And you know that trusting comes,
51:45 becomes stronger and more real as so he faced the trials.
51:50 Because we can say we believe in God,
51:53 we trust God but when we are face with,
51:58 you know, issues that are beyond our control
52:01 that we cannot,
52:02 you know, say what's going.
52:05 Then it's like,
52:06 "Lord, give me the faith that I need
52:08 to be able to crush this, but don't leave me."
52:12 But yet in our heads that echoes sounds in our head,
52:16 I will never leave you nor forsake you.
52:18 You know, so when the storms of life come,
52:22 it's just like when Jesus was in the boat,
52:24 they forgot that Jesus was in the boat,
52:27 you know, and we sometimes forget
52:29 that we are in the presence of the Lord.
52:31 He is omnipresent.
52:33 Amen. Amen.
52:34 Xenia?
52:35 No, just a little encouragement because, you know,
52:38 we are talking about financial and things like that,
52:41 but sometimes our desperation is internal,
52:44 it's more like mental attitude.
52:48 And we can feel God's presence with us.
52:53 I've experienced that before,
52:55 you know where you actually feel like He is embracing you.
52:59 And I promise you that if you pray to Him, He will come.
53:02 He will come.
53:04 Amen. Amen.
53:05 I was just thinking of Psalm 118:6,
53:08 comes to my mind, it says,
53:09 "The Lord is on my side, I shall not fear.
53:11 What can man do unto me?"
53:13 That's really powerful thought,
53:15 and as we were mentioning finances,
53:16 you know, my wife and I had to make a decision
53:18 to go to an event over couple of weeks ago.
53:22 And we stepped on faith
53:23 and it was a big financial expense.
53:27 But in that it was such a blessing
53:29 because we got to bless people.
53:30 When we were on the plane,
53:31 I had a gentleman that was sitting next to me,
53:33 a husband and wife, they're kind of older.
53:35 They told me about their two sons
53:36 who had been born with fetal alcohol syndrome
53:40 and they were just young at the time,
53:42 now in their 30s,
53:44 and so I happened to have a Ministry of Healing book
53:45 in my bag pack.
53:47 And so the Lord told us,
53:48 "Give him that Ministry of Healing book.
53:50 Ministry of Healing book?"
53:52 "I'm like," Okay, Lord, I can part with it.
53:54 I got more pictured so".
53:55 But anyways it's just a blessing
53:57 and you know, I think that's for me
53:59 the biggest key is knowing that God is with you
54:02 and that you can go on and share with other people.
54:03 And it says,
54:05 you don't have to worry about what's going around,
54:06 even if you got financial burden, so what,
54:08 you can go and help somebody else.
54:09 That makes you joyful in your heart,
54:11 like if you give it to someone else who can heal.
54:13 Amen.
54:15 I want to share a dance lyrics, this lyric real fast,
54:18 I know our time is almost gone.
54:21 Is it okay? Sure.
54:22 Oh, well, anyway the song is "In the Presence of Jehovah."
54:27 It's a beautiful song but the message...
54:31 I just want you guys to think about this.
54:36 God Almighty Prince of Peace
54:38 Troubles vanish hearts are mended
54:41 In the presence of the King
54:43 In and out of situations
54:45 That tug-a-war at me
54:47 All day long I struggle
54:49 For answers that I need
54:50 Then I come into His presence
54:53 All my questions become clear
54:55 And for a sacred moment
54:57 No doubt can interfere
55:00 Through His love the Lord provided
55:02 A place for us to rest
55:04 A place to find the answers
55:06 In hours of distress
55:08 There is never any reason
55:10 To give up in despair
55:12 Just slip away and breathe His name
55:14 In the presence of Jehovah God Almighty Prince of Peace
55:18 Troubles vanish hearts are mended
55:20 In the presence of the King
55:22 Amen.
55:23 That was our special for today.
55:27 Well, here in Psalm 16,
55:30 David made this, the way he lived.
55:35 And I would like to share that with you, Psalm 16,
55:37 I will begin reading in verse 8 and David says,
55:41 "I have set the Lord always before me,
55:45 because He is at my right hand,
55:47 I shall not be moved.
55:51 Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices,
55:55 my flesh also will rest in hope."
55:58 And then I like to jump to verse 11,
56:00 why don't we read rest,
56:02 "For You will not leave my soul in Sheol,
56:04 nor will You allow Your Holy One
56:06 to see corruption."
56:07 Verse 11, "You will show me the path of life,
56:11 in Your presence is fullness of joy,
56:15 at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."
56:19 Amen.
56:21 And so this is something to consider, Psalm 16.
56:24 And so I would like to encourage you
56:25 to invite the presence of the Lord to your life.
56:29 I think we have all shared and we gonna continue sharing
56:33 about how the Lord has been good to us
56:35 and how the Lord has been with us
56:36 through different trials, and difficulties,
56:38 and problems of life.
56:40 But we want you to experience Jesus in your life
56:44 and with the fullness of joy that He wants to offer you.
56:47 So if you are wondering about that,
56:50 I would like to include this verse in your mind,
56:53 Revelation 3:20, and Jesus says,
56:57 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
57:01 If anyone hears My voice
57:06 and opens the door,
57:08 I will come in to him
57:09 and sup with him, and he with Me."
57:12 And the picture there is,
57:15 as one knocking and continues knocking,
57:18 hoping that you will open the door.
57:20 Open the door to Jesus.
57:22 And you will see that your experience,
57:25 He will fortify,
57:27 strength in you and give you His joy.
57:29 Thank you for being with us.
57:31 Give your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ
57:32 and you will find peace and happiness
57:34 that begins in this world and continues forever,
57:36 God bless you. Happy Sabbath to you.
57:38 Happy Sabbath. Happy Sabbath.


Revised 2019-02-18