Today Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW108035A

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today Family Worship.
01:14 Happy Sabbath to you.
01:15 We're so grateful
01:16 that you have joined us this evening.
01:18 It's a busy time of year, isn't it?
01:20 With the holiday of Thanksgiving
01:21 and we have Christmas coming up.
01:23 Sometimes we can get so caught up
01:24 in just the busyness of life that we can forget
01:28 to sit back and say, "Thank you."
01:30 And so today our program is on praise,
01:32 praise to the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:34 I think this is a wonderful time of year
01:36 in the United States,
01:37 it's Thanksgiving season and here we are thankful,
01:40 we have a holiday actually for that,
01:42 we're thankful for the pilgrims
01:44 and all of the history of the United States.
01:46 But I don't think Thanksgiving is just for people
01:48 in the United States,
01:49 I think it's for around the world.
01:50 Amen.
01:52 So we're just grateful for your prayers
01:53 and financial support of the ministry of 3ABN.
01:55 So my thank you is thankful to Jesus Christ,
01:57 but thank you for your support all of the years
02:00 because 3ABN is here because of you.
02:02 What a blessing it is. Amen.
02:04 And Thanksgiving is not about a day,
02:05 or even a season, or a week, or two or three,
02:08 it's a lifestyle.
02:09 And that's all we want to talk about tonight
02:11 is the lifestyle of praise.
02:13 I know for myself,
02:14 if I choose to praise and make it a daily habit,
02:17 it gets out a lot of difficulties,
02:19 and a lot of junk, and stuff in life,
02:21 so if you're going through stuff tonight,
02:23 this program is for you
02:25 because it's talking about praise.
02:27 And we have not only you at home,
02:29 our 3ABN family,
02:30 but we have our family
02:32 around the table at this time, don't we?
02:33 We do. We have Brother Tim.
02:34 You're a great friend.
02:36 Hi, I am honored to be...
02:37 And you're a great asset to the ministry of 3ABN.
02:39 Thank you.
02:40 I love you and Jill wonderfully.
02:42 You are precious to me,
02:44 and we just have a good time working together
02:46 and living life together,
02:48 you know, here on the 3ABN compound,
02:51 we live life, we enjoy each other.
02:55 You share
02:56 from your sweet potato garden, so...
02:58 That's right. Yes, yes.
02:59 And hint.
03:00 And so...
03:02 Yeah, thank you for bringing that up
03:03 because my sweet potatoes have been curing,
03:04 you know when you dig them up,
03:06 they've got to cure a little bit.
03:07 You cured about that in Australia
03:09 that they were doing so, so we're back now.
03:10 Yes, exactly...
03:11 It takes six weeks to cure. Okay.
03:13 Yeah, so it's Thanksgiving time.
03:14 Okay. Good.
03:15 We're family, so I won't let you forget.
03:17 Thank you.
03:18 That's a blessing, thank you.
03:19 And we're family. We do.
03:21 But we appreciate you as the manager
03:23 of the 3ABN Praise Him network,
03:25 and it's exciting because it launches here
03:27 in first of the year, in a few weeks.
03:28 Oh, yeah, don't remind me. Yes, right.
03:30 So it's exciting. It is very exciting.
03:32 And so talking about our topic of praise,
03:35 praise Him.
03:36 And you mentioned this on a program some time back
03:38 that you're actually been going through the Bible
03:39 which is really cool.
03:41 Right, exactly. Tell us about that?
03:42 Going through each chapter of the Bible
03:44 starting from Genesis and finding...
03:48 In literally every verse,
03:49 something that we can praise God about,
03:52 we can praise Him for.
03:53 And, I mean, the Word is just full if we look for it.
03:57 And some sometimes it's very obvious,
03:58 sometimes we have to look and see how we can apply it
04:01 to our life and praising Him
04:03 because not every situation is good in the Bible,
04:07 it's not always maybe a praiseworthy
04:10 because it benefits us, but even the bad things,
04:13 the lessons that we can learn from other people
04:16 having gone through,
04:17 we can praise God that He gave us those examples.
04:19 So...
04:20 I like that because you think of psalms and stuff as praise.
04:22 Yes.
04:23 But you actually start in Genesis, didn't you?
04:24 You start in the Book of Genesis, and that's great.
04:26 Amen, amen. That's an exciting study.
04:28 And next on the other side of the table,
04:30 we have your counterpart, Pastor Ryan Day,
04:34 and we're just so blessed to have you
04:36 and your lovely wife, Stephanie.
04:38 I know she's not on the program here tonight,
04:40 but you both are a wonderful addition
04:43 to the 3ABN family,
04:44 and we're just delighted that you are part.
04:46 We are so happy to be a part of this incredible ministry.
04:49 And although my wife can't be here,
04:51 she wished that she could be here.
04:53 But you guys are wonderful, Danny has been wonderful,
04:55 everyone in ministry, Tim's been wonderful,
04:57 Jason's been wonderful,
04:58 it's just a wonderful place to work.
05:01 And the fact that we can sit around the table
05:03 right now
05:05 even though we're recording this
05:06 and worship God, it's just incredible.
05:09 I praise the Lord for that.
05:10 Amen.
05:12 And sitting next to you is Jason Bradley.
05:13 And, Jason, you are the general manager
05:16 of Dare to Dream Network,
05:17 and we're just so honored to have you here as well,
05:20 and we consider you as a brother in Jesus.
05:22 You know, I'm honored to be here,
05:23 and it's nice to be able to come together
05:26 and have worship together.
05:28 And I love Thanksgiving,
05:30 you know, you know, maybe because of the food and family,
05:36 maybe that has a small thing to do with it,
05:39 but, yeah the food is amazing, and God's been good to us all,
05:43 every day, all year along.
05:45 Praise the Lord. Amen.
05:47 You know, Jill and I, we appreciate,
05:48 we mentioned Tim is a great friend,
05:49 but you all are too.
05:51 That's right.
05:52 You're a great friend,
05:53 I know you're my neighbor technically
05:55 because your office is a diagonal to mine,
05:56 it's great.
05:57 So we're friends and neighbors in the Lord.
05:59 It's a blessing.
06:00 Great topic on praise, so with that we have some music
06:04 we want to do on praise, we should have a prayer
06:06 'cause we start our worship time together,
06:09 and we hope that you bow your head,
06:11 we want you to bring your Bible, pull it out,
06:14 and we'll study together this evening on praise.
06:16 Pastor Ryan, do you mind opening prayer for us, please.
06:17 Oh, absolutely.
06:19 Oh Father, we just want to say happy Sabbath
06:24 because You are the Lord of Sabbath,
06:26 and we just praise You and thank You for the rest
06:29 that You bestow upon Your people
06:30 and all the many blessings.
06:32 Lord, we are gathered here not necessarily for ourselves
06:35 but for You.
06:36 And we want to give You
06:37 the praise, the glory, the honor
06:39 that You deserve for You're worthy.
06:41 As we take the time now to study in Your Word,
06:43 and to uplift You in song, may Your Spirit be
06:46 with each and every one of us.
06:48 May You lead us and guide us in our study this evening,
06:51 and may You forever draw us closer to our Savior,
06:53 Jesus Christ.
06:54 We thank You for our listeners,
06:56 we thank You for the family that we have,
06:59 and we're very thankful.
07:01 And that's why we praise You today,
07:03 for You are worthy.
07:04 We ask these things in Jesus' holy name, amen.
07:07 Amen.
07:08 What's the song that Tim...
07:10 He's over the piano right now.
07:11 Bless the Lord, Oh, My Soul,
07:13 and connected with Here I am to Worship,
07:14 but I love it when Tim leads us in worship,
07:16 I want to encourage you to sing along with us.
07:27 Bless the Lord Oh my soul
07:32 And all that is within me
07:37 Bless His holy name
07:44 Bless the Lord Oh my soul
07:49 And all that is within me
07:54 Bless His holy name
08:01 He has done great things
08:07 He has done great things
08:13 He has done great things
08:18 Bless His holy name
08:25 Bless the Lord Oh my soul
08:30 And all that is within me
08:35 Bless His holy name
08:44 Here I am to worship
08:48 Here I am to bow down
08:51 Here I am to say that You're my God
08:57 You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy
09:04 Altogether wonderful to me
09:15 Amen. Praise the Lord.
09:17 Thank you Tim, and thank you everyone here.
09:19 And thank you at home for joining us,
09:21 we could almost hear you singing.
09:22 I just wish there was a connection
09:24 somehow that we could actually hear you.
09:26 It's neat as we go out...
09:28 And, Tim, your referenced this, thank you so much again
09:30 for leading us on powerful song on praise.
09:33 But you mentioned Australia here just briefly,
09:36 and I know that, Brother Ryan, you had a chance to go,
09:38 and Jill and I and several others.
09:40 And it's neat, as we're in the churches
09:43 to hear everyone singing together,
09:45 of course, it's in English,
09:46 but we've been in other countries
09:47 where they're singing in another language,
09:49 and I think about these praises being lifted up to God
09:52 as an incense as maybe a smoke of like an incense to Him,
09:56 and He's just gathering this in,
09:58 and what a way to go to worship God.
10:00 I just love these words in the song too,
10:03 so great topic.
10:05 Amen, I love this topic tonight,
10:06 talking about praise.
10:08 And let's turn for our opening scripture
10:10 to Psalm Chapter 103.
10:13 I love the Book of Psalms, I like...
10:15 I always say there's so many of my favorites,
10:17 one day it's John,
10:19 and the next day it's Paul's epistles,
10:20 and the day after something else,
10:22 but right now I'm really loving Psalms.
10:24 And David just runs the whole gamut of emotion,
10:27 you know, when you think about it,
10:28 one moment he's praising God and giving glory
10:31 for what God has done in his life and who God is.
10:33 And the next moment he might be depressed,
10:36 or he might be struggling with something,
10:38 or he might be dealing with some anger.
10:40 It always kind of gives me some hope,
10:42 you know, that we can be honest with God
10:44 in our own walk in our prayer time.
10:47 Just say, "Okay, God, this is where I am today."
10:50 But Psalm 103 specifically,
10:53 the entire Psalm is focused on praise and who God is.
10:58 Before we read the Psalm,
11:00 what is the difference between praise and thanksgiving?
11:03 Is there a difference between praise and thanksgiving
11:05 or do you think there are synonymous?
11:08 Any thoughts on that? It's a great question.
11:10 So what I'm going to do is pull my phone out,
11:12 look at Google.
11:13 So let see praise versus thanksgiving.
11:16 Go ahead.
11:17 While he does that, any thoughts?
11:18 Well, this is just coming
11:20 'cause you just sprung that on us really quickly.
11:21 I really did. I like it, I like it.
11:23 In my opinion, it doesn't seem like there is.
11:25 Well, I mean, I think there is some
11:27 synonymous connection with the two.
11:29 I praise God because I am thankful.
11:32 I mean, that's just the first thing
11:33 that comes to me, but yet we can,
11:34 I think, express a thanks
11:37 that almost comes across as a praise.
11:39 And so absolutely,
11:41 I think that's kind of
11:42 what's coming to my mind at the moment,
11:44 but what is Google saying, Greg?
11:46 I think it's a little bit confused here.
11:49 I always think, but I don't even know exactly,
11:51 but I always think that thanks is for things.
11:54 So thanks would be,
11:55 "I'm thankful I have a bed at night."
11:57 Or "I'm thankful for my eyesight."
11:59 Or "I'm thankful for my friends."
12:01 Things, but praise is different to me,
12:05 it's bigger, it's who God is.
12:08 So when I come to God, I give Him thanks.
12:11 Thank you for what You've done in my life,
12:12 thank You for these different things I have,
12:15 put then praises, God, You're great, God, You're good.
12:18 God, you're...
12:20 I don't know, that's in my mind,
12:21 but I don't know if that's...
12:22 Well, this actually says
12:24 we praise the Lord for who He is,
12:26 and we thank the Lord for what He's done.
12:28 Okay. So that will be okay.
12:29 Yeah, it goes along with what you're saying.
12:31 So fortunately, we get to have both,
12:34 and we don't limit ourselves to one or the other.
12:36 Praise the Lord, Tim. That's right.
12:38 So let's do both.
12:40 We've to be thankful and also praise.
12:42 Thankful that we get to praise. That's a good question.
12:43 Amen. That's right.
12:45 So we're going to look at Psalm 103,
12:47 so hopefully you're turning in your Bible to Psalm 103,
12:49 starting with verse one, we're going to kind of
12:51 clip along through some of these verses here
12:52 and see what we can glean from these great verses
12:54 that David wrote.
12:56 Amen.
12:57 Do you have your Amplified, Tim?
12:59 I do. Oh, yay!
13:00 I'll tell you what, this psalm right here,
13:02 if there were only one psalm in the whole Psalm,
13:05 I would choose this psalm just because it excites me,
13:09 and it's just...
13:11 Of course, like you said, this was when he was on a high,
13:14 and so it puts me on a high,
13:17 I mean, I could run around this table
13:19 if I weren't chained down to this chair.
13:21 And because this...
13:22 By a mic cord.
13:24 By a mic chord, right, right.
13:25 Yeah, we don't literally chain people necessarily,
13:28 but we just want to make that clear with all.
13:29 It's the mic cord that lay with the...
13:30 So let's praise the Lord that we're not.
13:32 Right, exactly right.
13:34 That's going to be violation of the penal code somewhere.
13:37 But truly, this is just a great psalm,
13:39 and so let's just start reading.
13:41 It says, "Bless the Lord, O my soul,
13:44 and all that is within me, bless His holy name!"
13:46 We just sang it.
13:47 "Bless the Lord, O my soul,
13:48 and forget not all His benefits."
13:51 Now who doesn't like benefits?
13:52 We live in, unfortunately
13:54 a very entitlement driven society,
13:56 and so this ought to hit home with multitude of people.
14:01 But these benefits are so much better,
14:03 in verse 3 it says,
14:05 "Who forgives everyone of your iniquities,
14:07 who heals each one of your diseases."
14:10 In verse 4, "Who redeems your life
14:12 from the pit and corruption, who beautifies, dignifies,
14:16 and crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercy."
14:19 You know, again,
14:21 this psalm is like one of those, drop the mic.
14:24 That's the way I feel every time
14:26 when I read clear to verse 22.
14:28 David couldn't say anymore
14:30 than just bless the Lord, O my soul.
14:32 And I like that line, "O my soul,"
14:35 he's talking to himself,
14:37 there's some self talk there,
14:38 you know, that psychology is big now on,
14:40 you know, pepping yourself up,
14:43 and, you know, whenever you go in for a job interview
14:46 or any kind of a tough situation,
14:48 you know, you speak to yourself in good thoughts,
14:51 you know.
14:53 Anyway, this is perfect for that.
14:55 "Bless the Lord, O my soul, forget not all His benefits."
14:59 It's just powerful to me.
15:01 It's easy to forget His benefits,
15:02 isn't it?
15:04 And that's where we can get down
15:05 in the dumps some times so to speak,
15:07 you know, and you've heard, been around people,
15:09 and I know even myself sometimes
15:10 you can start thinking negatively.
15:11 It's interesting how you can spiral down,
15:13 but there's always something to praise the Lord for.
15:16 Yeah, forget not all his benefits.
15:19 That's right. That's great.
15:20 You know, in the Old Testament when it says,
15:22 "God forgets, " it speaks of His pardon.
15:25 So in other words, God says, I forgot that.
15:27 Meaning, those sins were thrown into the depths of the sea.
15:30 But in the Old Testament
15:32 when it speaks of man forgetting,
15:33 it's talking about ingratitude or rebellion.
15:37 And so in this case, David's saying,
15:40 "And forget not all His benefits."
15:42 In other words, don't live in ingratitude, Jill.
15:44 You know, don't live in ingratitude
15:45 for what God has done for you.
15:47 or don't live in rebellion for what He's done.
15:51 That's good.
15:52 What have you seen it, Pastor?
15:54 Anything in these verses that we've been looking
15:56 at 1 through 4?
15:58 Yeah. Absolutely.
15:59 There's a lot there, isn't there?
16:00 I mean you could probably preach a sermon off
16:02 of one of those.
16:03 He was reading from the Amplified Version.
16:04 It's a beautiful translation, I love the translation
16:07 of the New King James Version as well.
16:09 I'm going to read verses 3 to 4 there.
16:11 It says, "Who forgives all your iniquities,
16:13 who heals all your diseases."
16:15 You know, we serve a forgiving God.
16:17 And some people when they think of the Old Testament, God,
16:19 they sometimes they see the difference
16:20 between the Old Testament and the New Testament God
16:22 as if the New Testament God is more lenient,
16:25 and more loving, and kind,
16:27 but the Old Testament God is stern,
16:29 but yet David served
16:31 what we would consider the Old Testament God,
16:33 but we know it's the same wonderful God across the board,
16:36 but He forgives, He's a forgiving God,
16:39 and He is worthy to be praised, He heals all of our diseases,
16:42 God still heals diseases today.
16:44 He is still the ultimate physician
16:46 still today, and so that's, these powerful words
16:49 that David is choosing here.
16:50 In verse 4, the New King James Version says,
16:53 "Who redeems your life from destruction."
16:55 Yes.
16:56 You know, God has a plan for us,
16:58 but sometimes we don't necessarily walk
17:00 according to that plan.
17:02 But, you know, He's a redeeming God,
17:04 He's there to save us,
17:05 He's there to watch our back and to keep up with us,
17:08 to make sure that that we can be saved,
17:10 and that we're not going to fall
17:11 into that path of destruction.
17:12 It goes on to say,
17:14 "Who crowns you with loving kindness
17:16 and tender mercies."
17:19 I just praise the Lord for the Lord,
17:22 for His loving kindness and His tender mercies.
17:25 Amen. Amen.
17:26 You know, Jason, as you look at verse 3,
17:27 it says, "Who forgiveth all thine iniquities."
17:31 That's a powerful,
17:32 just section of that verse, isn't it?
17:34 Doesn't say some of them, it says, all of them.
17:38 That's right. All of them.
17:40 You know, when I'm reading this
17:43 like, take for example verse 1, and 2,
17:47 "Bless the Lord, O my soul,
17:49 and all that is within me, bless His holy name.
17:52 Bless the Lord, O my soul,
17:53 and forget not all His benefits."
17:56 You know, sometimes we...
17:57 God blesses us, and...
17:59 Well, He's always blessing us, but sometimes He'll bless us,
18:02 and then we have
18:03 what I like to call a case of blessing amnesia
18:06 where we have been blessed,
18:09 we have been brought through a particular circumstance,
18:12 and then we end up going on to do the same thing
18:14 that we were doing before.
18:16 And, you know, when you look at the story of the Israelites
18:19 and Moses leading them through the wilderness
18:23 and all of these things,
18:25 and you end up seeing where God delivered them
18:31 time and time again, bless them continually,
18:36 and had the most patience
18:39 that anyone could ever have,
18:42 and yet they still had a case of blessing amnesia,
18:46 where they would complain and resort back to the same way
18:49 that they were going before, you know.
18:52 And there's been cases and instances in my life,
18:55 personally, where I've had blessing amnesia.
18:59 Me too.
19:00 Absolutely. I like that.
19:02 Well, I think that's because, you know,
19:04 life brings us situations.
19:07 I mean, you know, and you're absolutely right,
19:10 but it's almost like God is testing us to see,
19:14 He's giving us another opportunity
19:16 to see how we will respond the next time
19:19 when it comes around.
19:22 I like to...
19:24 I read something that says, "Praise is not the byproduct,
19:27 but the driving force."
19:29 It's not... So it's not...
19:30 And so whenever...
19:32 And it's not the caboose, but the engine.
19:35 Praise should be our first thought
19:38 and not the reason.
19:40 But when we've gone through something,
19:42 it's not the byproduct.
19:44 So when we...
19:46 Everything that we go through,
19:48 we need to just have
19:50 an instantaneous response of praise
19:53 instead of reacting negatively or...
19:59 But that's a process of learning.
20:02 It really is. Go ahead.
20:05 I'll jump in, I'll jump in.
20:06 Absolutely.
20:08 I'm so glad that you said that because like
20:10 whenever we're going through trials
20:11 and stuff like that,
20:12 there's still a blessing at the end of the tunnel
20:14 that God is refining our character
20:16 at that very moment, and we don't know
20:17 why we're going through something,
20:19 and it's so hard to praise God during those times.
20:23 But, you know, you never know
20:25 why you're going through a particular situation.
20:28 And first, it's important to know that
20:31 it's not God that's causing the situation
20:34 that you're going through, He's allowing it to happen.
20:37 And ultimately, God has...
20:39 He sees the end from the beginning,
20:40 so He has eternal life in mind, and your salvation in mind,
20:45 and so how does this trial
20:49 relate to where you can end up.
20:52 You know, years ago, I got in trouble.
20:57 I struggled with drugs and the sale of narcotics
20:59 and things like that,
21:01 and I was struggling with these issues,
21:03 and I remember getting arrested one day.
21:06 And, you know, now looking back on it,
21:09 that was a great time for me, you know,
21:12 because that was a turning point for me,
21:13 that was my rock bottom.
21:15 And so that particular event, which was tragic in my mind,
21:20 you know, my parents didn't raise me that way,
21:23 and I was allowed to go through that.
21:27 But when I think about where I could have ended up,
21:30 I could be dead,
21:31 I could not be sitting at this table right now
21:33 with you guys
21:35 or I could be in prison for a long time,
21:38 you know, but God spared my life,
21:41 and so that that blessing
21:42 that was at the end of the tunnel
21:44 that I didn't see right then, I see now.
21:47 Amen. Praise the Lord.
21:49 Great testimony. Praise the Lord.
21:50 Yeah, you know, I just wanted to mention
21:52 just response from what Tim just said that
21:54 that praise is the driving force.
21:56 In other words, pray should automatically
21:58 precede the blessings, the gifts,
22:00 the things that God bestows upon us.
22:02 And I think that's what you had kind of started with
22:04 in the beginning, Greg.
22:05 And, you know, the idea of that, you know,
22:07 in the Book of Revelation,
22:08 it tells us that God is worthy to be worshiped
22:10 just because of who He is.
22:12 He's the creator of all things.
22:13 And I kind of just insert the concept of praise there
22:16 because He is worthy to be praised
22:19 whether we receive those benefits or not.
22:22 And we kind of see this
22:24 even in the theme of the great controversy in the Bible.
22:26 For instance, in the story of Job,
22:28 there's kind of an implied accusation
22:29 against the character of God
22:31 right there as the devil shows up
22:32 to this heavenly, you know, meeting
22:36 and he basically just throws it right in God's face.
22:38 You know what?
22:39 You in and of yourself are not worthy to be worship
22:41 because, well, you give Job good things,
22:43 and that's why he worships you, that's why he praises you.
22:47 You just shower him with all those good things.
22:48 If you just take all those benefits away,
22:50 all of those gifts that he, you know,
22:53 he's going to curse You to Your face.
22:54 In other words there's an implied accusation that God,
22:57 You in and of Yourself are not worthy to be praised.
23:00 You don't deserve the praise. You don't deserve the worship.
23:02 But yet the truth is we know the devil, he's a liar.
23:06 Jesus says, he's a liar, he's the father of liars.
23:08 And so I love what you just said
23:09 because that is true
23:11 whether I receive the benefit or I don't,
23:13 whether I receive the gifts or I don't,
23:17 God is worthy to be praised,
23:18 and I love this psalm for that, absolutely.
23:20 Amen.
23:21 And you think in Job's life,
23:23 I mean he did have a lot of material blessings,
23:25 which you could have said were coming from God.
23:27 But what I like about this psalm
23:29 is these aren't material blessings,
23:30 these are blessings that all of us can claim.
23:34 You know, you think about forget not all of His benefits,
23:36 and what are those benefits?
23:37 He forgives all our iniquities,
23:38 that forgiveness is extended to everyone.
23:41 And, you know, that forgiveness is not just for certain people,
23:43 it's extended to all.
23:45 It says, "Who heals all your diseases."
23:47 Now if you do a word study,
23:49 that's talking about not just physical,
23:53 but spiritual healing, and emotional healing.
23:58 So when we read this we think, "Okay, I'm going to be
24:01 automatically physically healed,"
24:02 but God's also saying,
24:04 "I want to heal you spiritually,
24:05 you know, I want to heal you emotionally."
24:09 And, of course, physically,
24:10 and He will heal us all whether it's now
24:12 or not till the second coming, but, you know, He does heal.
24:16 One more who redeems your life from destruction.
24:18 The word "redeems" means to buy back.
24:21 And God wants to do that for all of us.
24:22 You know, He wants to buy us back
24:25 from the land of the enemy.
24:26 And every time I read that word, I just think,
24:30 you know, if I had made something,
24:33 you know, and you loved it with all your heart,
24:35 and then it turned away, and it spat in your face,
24:38 and just turned against you and said,
24:42 "I don't care about you," and yet He says,
24:44 "I want to buy that person back,"
24:47 you know, I mean how incredible.
24:48 So everything in this psalm,
24:51 who crowns you with loving kindness
24:52 and tender mercies.
24:54 Tender mercies in Hebrew means compassion.
24:56 So God's compassion is extended to everybody.
25:00 So this is for all of us.
25:02 And the crowneth part in Hebrew
25:04 also means to surround.
25:05 Yeah. So that's really neat too...
25:06 When you think of crown,
25:08 you think of putting on somebody's head,
25:09 but it's actually,
25:11 "He surrounds you with loving kindness."
25:12 So He's encircling you.
25:14 So if you feel alone or out there all by yourself
25:16 and nobody loves me,
25:18 and you're surrounded by God's love.
25:19 So it goes back to He's worthy to be praised.
25:21 He is worthy. Absolutely. Absolutely.
25:23 You know, and it's sad
25:24 because I think about just simple things
25:25 we talked about, again, I'm going back to Australia,
25:27 but, you know, the time,
25:29 the jet lag stuff is just pretty incredible,
25:31 time difference is incredible.
25:32 So when I wake up in the morning
25:34 and forced myself to get up at 5 am,
25:36 do you know I complain a little bit, "I am so tired."
25:39 I should have been, "Praise the Lord,
25:41 I woke up, I'm alive."
25:43 You know, so it's just interesting
25:44 how some of these things
25:45 you can get into a little bit of like,
25:47 "Oh, I'm so tired and man, that life is tough."
25:49 But it should be like, "Praise the Lord, I'm alive.
25:51 Someone else didn't wake up."
25:53 It's truly is a habit.
25:55 There you go.
25:57 And just as much as being negative is a bad habit,
26:01 praising is a good habit, and it's a choice, it begun as,
26:05 all habits mostly are, but we're choosing...
26:09 And I have friends that will tell me, you know,
26:12 even I have non-Christian friends
26:15 who will say of all the times I go to church during the week.
26:20 One guy told me, "You need to relax."
26:23 And I said, "Well, you know, it's just...
26:25 First of all, going to church is in my blood."
26:29 It's just been what we've done
26:31 when I started when I was a kid,
26:33 and we went to church,
26:34 and it never was a pressure to me
26:36 because it was where my friends were,
26:38 and I got to learn about Christ,
26:40 and, you know, it was just good time.
26:43 So, but truly, praising is a choice.
26:48 So, you know, it doesn't always necessarily mean
26:52 that we feel like it, but it is,
26:54 it's just something we...
26:56 Again, it's your first thought instead of the afterthought,
26:59 so...
27:00 And it should be. What is it like our driving?
27:02 Driving force.
27:03 Driving force instead of the byproduct.
27:04 That's something, but, yeah.
27:06 Sort of make a habit then,
27:07 I'm just going to divert a little bit,
27:09 how do we make that a habit?
27:10 I mean what would be something I guess just do it over...
27:12 It's a choice.
27:14 So it comes to like in the morning
27:15 when I feel really tired say, "Yes, Lord, I feel tired,
27:17 but praise the Lord, I'm awake."
27:20 Well, I think, you know, scripture comes to my mind,
27:22 and I can't specifically remember, you guys might know,
27:24 Paul writes in the Book of 1 Corinthians,
27:27 maybe 2 Corinthians, but he writes in the book,
27:29 you know, he talks about how that when temptation comes,
27:33 God provides the Holy Spirit there as a way of escape.
27:37 In other words, we won't be...
27:38 He says that we will not be tempted past what we can bear.
27:41 So I would say that a bad habit,
27:43 as it has become a habit, as he said, it is a choice,
27:46 we have to, in those moments, make the choice to say,
27:49 "Lord, I need to be rescued
27:51 from making the choice of this bad habit.
27:53 Lord, help me every moment to make the better choice,
27:58 to create a better habit."
27:59 I guess in those moments, as it is a choice,
28:01 we need to pray for the right choice,
28:03 the strength to make the right choice.
28:04 That's good. Amen.
28:06 I think they say that it takes like 21 days
28:07 to form a habit or change it or something like that.
28:11 So you need to be consistent...
28:15 And it's 21 days.
28:16 I've heard about how you lay out your clothes
28:19 before you go to bed, you know,
28:20 what you're going to wear or have some kind of a plan
28:22 of what you're going to be doing the next morning.
28:24 I think it's...
28:26 Praise is premeditated in my mind as well
28:29 that I'm determined.
28:31 In the morning when I rise,
28:33 I'm going to wake up praising the Lord.
28:35 And don't be surprised if there's every opportunity
28:39 not to, you know, like you stub your toe
28:41 on the end of the bed or toast is burnt or...
28:44 You missed your alarm. You missed your alarm, yeah.
28:47 But, you know,
28:48 even in the light of those things.
28:50 Good night, those are passing.
28:52 And so, you know, the toe will heal,
28:54 the bread just scrape up that little char
28:57 might be good on toast, you never know.
28:59 And alarm, you may have dreamed a better dream than, you know,
29:02 since you slept through the alarm.
29:04 Just praise the Lord, why not? Amen.
29:06 And don't you think you can ask God,
29:08 you know, because I mean,
29:10 I know, I've done that, saying, "Okay, God,
29:11 remind me when I need to praise You more,
29:14 or remind me when I'm in the middle of a fog,
29:17 or a situation
29:18 where I should be praising it this time, you know."
29:20 And God can tap us on the shoulder.
29:22 Remember, you're supposed to be,
29:23 you know, praising that way or something.
29:25 And if he doesn't,
29:26 maybe a spouse or a friend will.
29:28 'Cause nobody likes to be around somebody grumpy.
29:31 Yeah, that's true. To not praise.
29:34 You know, I think like stress, right?
29:38 If you're stressing about everything, you know,
29:40 it's a good time to just praise the Lord
29:41 because stress can kill you, but praise can't kill you.
29:45 You're not going to die from praise.
29:47 You're not going to die from praise.
29:48 I like the way to go.
29:50 But stress, stress can take you out.
29:52 Yeah, it's true. That's a good point.
29:54 Let's look at Hebrews 13.
29:55 Amen. All right.
29:57 Hebrews 13:15, it talks about sacrifice of praise.
29:58 Keep your thumb, finger in Psalm 103.
30:04 Hebrews 13:15,
30:08 someone have that, want to read?
30:09 Yes.
30:11 "Therefore by Him let us continually offer
30:14 the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips,
30:18 giving thanks to His name."
30:20 So what do you think it means the sacrifice of praise?
30:23 Does that mean that praise is a sacrifice for God
30:26 as in a sweet smelling savor as Greg talked about before,
30:30 or does that mean praise is a sacrifice on my part
30:33 in order to offer, or does it mean something else entirely?
30:38 Any thoughts?
30:39 You are asking some deep questions.
30:41 I believe it is a sacrifice to God,
30:44 it's not a sacrifice,
30:45 it's no sacrifice for us to do it,
30:48 I mean, if we look at it, right?
30:49 But certainly, I think it is a...
30:51 I see it as something God expects.
30:53 But go ahead.
30:54 I think the explanation's right there in the verse.
30:56 I mean it says, "Therefore let's go forward..."
30:59 Excuse me, verse 15,
31:00 "Therefore by Him let us continually offer
31:03 the sacrifice of praise to God,"
31:04 and then it says, "that is, the fruit of our lips,
31:07 giving thanks to His name."
31:10 In other words, you know,
31:11 God wants us to constantly be in a perpetual state of...
31:15 Go back to perpetual means almost habitual,
31:18 a continual praise, you know,
31:21 constant state of praise, praising Him in other words.
31:23 I love the beginning, notice the beginning though.
31:25 The beginning of that verse in verse 15.
31:27 This is the part that I just usually would read right over,
31:30 but notice what it says, "Therefore by Him..."
31:33 Oh. That's good.
31:34 That's a good catch. That is a good catch.
31:35 "Therefore by Him let us continually offer our lips."
31:39 What does that mean?
31:40 He's the one who does it.
31:42 Yeah. Yeah.
31:43 I mean, do we really have it within us,
31:45 in and within ourselves to change ourselves
31:48 to create those habits.
31:50 And so, no, we don't, I mean,
31:51 so I have to completely depend upon Him
31:55 to help me praise Him.
31:57 That's powerful.
31:58 That is, actually, that's a good catch there,
31:59 yeah, by Him.
32:01 Yeah, absolutely. That's just...
32:02 It's incredible.
32:03 I like Romans 12:1 says,
32:06 "I beseech you brethren by the mercies of God,
32:07 that you present your bodies," what does it say?
32:09 "A living sacrifice."
32:11 So what is that?
32:12 That is an offering to God,
32:14 and so I always tie those two in for some reason.
32:16 So the living sacrifice,
32:18 we're to present ourselves before God
32:20 as a living sacrifice, and in addition,
32:22 we present the sacrifice of praise,
32:24 and we bring that before Him.
32:26 Absolutely. Absolutely.
32:28 Amen.
32:29 Well, a lot of stuff. Isn't the Bible fun?
32:31 It is.
32:32 You just open your Bible
32:33 and there are so many treasures.
32:35 Yeah, you're highlighting away.
32:36 That's good that you're highlighting.
32:37 So this is Bible study. That's right.
32:39 When we get to these verses, you start reading something,
32:41 I'm like, "I've heard that before but I need to highlight.
32:44 And that's highlighted in my Bible.
32:47 But the Bible's exciting too,
32:48 because just like Ryan pointed out,
32:52 you know, you pay attention to every word,
32:55 you know, one word can make the world of difference
32:58 in a passage and you learn something new.
33:02 It doesn't matter how many times
33:04 you've read through the Bible,
33:05 God will always reveal something to you
33:08 if you ask Him,
33:09 and if you ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
33:11 Absolutely.
33:12 You know, and I praise God for the word,
33:17 you know, what is that the psalmist,
33:18 we're speaking about the psalmist here,
33:20 which I'm sure we're going to read a lot of text
33:22 with the remaining time we have from the Book of Psalms.
33:23 But, you know, I think
33:25 it was the Psalmist David that wrote, you know,
33:28 "Let me hide Your word within me that I may not sin."
33:33 I praise God for the Word,
33:35 and, you know, just like you mentioned,
33:37 sometimes we may read a passage
33:39 and we may think that we have it memorized,
33:42 or we get the concept I don't need to read that again
33:44 but there's passages I've read over and over and over and over
33:46 and I go back and I'll read that verse again
33:48 thinking that I already really knew it
33:50 when really there was something there that,
33:52 you know, my human eyes just overlook.
33:55 And I praise God for the Word because
33:58 the Word draws me closer to Him.
34:00 The Word helps me to see my need to praise Him
34:03 because He is worthy.
34:05 Amen. Absolutely.
34:06 And the Word is Jesus, in the beginning was the Word,
34:07 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
34:09 So I mean, we hear the Word of God,
34:12 and this is the Word of God, but it's also Jesus.
34:14 I don't even begin to know how that works
34:17 but the words of Him and His character is inherent.
34:21 Not him literally, I don't mean that.
34:22 But His character inherent, I mean what a powerful thing.
34:27 The Word of God is life changing.
34:28 Yes, it is. Yeah.
34:30 You know, I've heard people say that the Bible B-I-B-L-E
34:34 basic instructions before leaving early.
34:36 Like why wouldn't I want to read the Bible,
34:39 when it's been inspired...
34:40 It's the Word of God.
34:42 He knows the end from the beginning,
34:43 why wouldn't I want to.
34:45 That's like when you were in school,
34:47 and I don't recommend this.
34:50 Feel like when you're in the school...
34:51 A little disclaimer right there.
34:52 Yeah, disclaimer, and they had CliffsNotes.
34:55 All right. And you can get to the...
34:57 You can get to the point with a book.
35:00 I can avoid so many pitfalls if I just follow
35:03 what the Word of God say, I'd recommend,
35:07 but I don't recommend, you know, the CliffsNotes part.
35:09 Okay. Absolutely.
35:11 You know, it's hard.
35:14 It's not always easy to praise God.
35:16 That's right.
35:17 For instance, what about the people who are suffering,
35:20 the people who are dealing with trials.
35:23 Over the years in ministry,
35:25 I've had opportunity to talk with people,
35:26 and visitation, and counseling.
35:28 And, you know, you want to encourage people.
35:30 You know, give God the praise.
35:32 And it's like, well, it's hard, you know,
35:33 hurt people to tell me, you know,
35:35 it's hard for me to praise God when I'm suffering
35:37 and that is truly a dilemma, but, you know,
35:40 I want to share some scripture here
35:41 because this a scripture that often we kind of overlook
35:43 at times or what we know of it,
35:45 but it's not really read that much.
35:47 But I love...
35:48 This is found in the Book of James.
35:49 If you have your Bibles, turn in James Chapter 1,
35:52 and then we're going to read a text from James Chapter 5.
35:55 There's an entire sermon,
35:56 there's an entire study that could be done
35:58 just on this one point.
36:00 But still kind of connected to giving God praise
36:02 in moments where you may not even think
36:05 that you can praise God, but God says you can.
36:07 Notice, James 1:2-4.
36:11 It says, "My brethren, count it all joy
36:14 when you fall into various trials,
36:17 knowing that the testing of your faith
36:19 produces patience.
36:22 But let patience have its perfect work,
36:24 that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."
36:28 It's like, "Lord, I want to praise You,
36:29 but it's hard for me to praise You
36:31 through this trial I'm going through."
36:33 And James writes, you know what?
36:34 "That trial...
36:36 You should kind of enjoy that the trial's there.
36:37 We should be praising God that
36:39 that trial was sending you away,
36:40 because in some way, form or fashion,
36:41 God has sent that trial or allowed that trial
36:44 to happen to build character, to draw you closer to Him.
36:47 Sometimes it's through the trials
36:49 or having to walk through the flood
36:51 or endure the fire
36:53 that we sense our need of Him,
36:55 we sense our need to give Him praise, you know.
36:59 And I love James.
37:01 Try to tie to this James 5:13. It's a question.
37:04 "Is anyone among you suffering?
37:07 Let him pray.
37:09 Is anyone cheerful?
37:11 Let him sing psalms."
37:13 So, you know, if we're walking through those trials,
37:16 we still have something to praise Him for,
37:17 but, you know, God says, "Pray to Me.
37:19 you know, talk to Me, I want to hear you."
37:21 But if you're cheerful, sing me a praise for Him.
37:25 And so that's just... It's powerful.
37:27 And I appreciate the Word for that.
37:28 Amen.
37:29 This is interesting too,
37:31 backing up just a little bit in James 5,
37:33 there's a quite a bit said here.
37:34 We can just start with verse 10,
37:36 James 5:10 says,
37:37 "Take my brother in the prophets,
37:39 who have spoken in the name of the Lord
37:40 for an example of suffering, affliction, and of patience.
37:44 Behold we count them happy which endure,
37:47 you have heard of the patience of Job
37:49 and have seen the end of the Lord
37:50 that the Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy."
37:53 I don't know, Tim,
37:54 how does it state in the Amplified
37:56 that I haven't looked it up.
37:57 Yeah, the verse 10 says, "As an example of suffering
37:59 and ill treatment together with patience,
38:01 brethren, take the prophets
38:02 who spoke in the name of the Lord
38:04 as His messengers.
38:05 Eleven, you know how we call those blessed happy,
38:08 who are steadfast, who endured,
38:10 you have heard of the endurance of Job,
38:12 you've seen the Lord's purpose,
38:14 and how He richly blessed him in the end
38:15 and as much as the Lord is full of pity,
38:18 and compassion, and tenderness, and mercy."
38:20 We have the advantage of...
38:23 As we read the Bible, knowing how the story end.
38:26 But for those
38:27 who were going through the situation at the time,
38:31 as people are today going through situations,
38:34 they don't see the end.
38:36 And you, know, we can't.
38:37 We can't, in fact, back in Psalm 103 that says,
38:42 "Who forgives all our diseases."
38:44 That's one with that, when you mentioned,
38:47 the study of that word,
38:48 how it doesn't necessarily mean physical diseases
38:51 because as I have read that, I've thought,
38:53 you know, I don't know that I would want to read that
38:55 to a friend who is in a disease,
38:57 who has a certain disease,
38:58 who is going through an ailment right now
38:59 that it seems like this is never going to end
39:02 because, "Well, where's my benefit
39:05 for healing of that disease?"
39:07 But when we know that God has...
39:11 Well, I mean, it's a point under man wants to die.
39:14 So everyone goes through something
39:17 that will eventually lead them to death.
39:19 But the bottom line is I think it goes back to that
39:23 just drawing close to God
39:26 and knowing that He loves us so much.
39:27 And as we praise Him,
39:29 our eyes get off of our circumstance,
39:33 and they get on to who He is strictly again
39:36 because He is worthy of praise.
39:37 And I don't think people, the unbeliever has no way
39:42 of really understanding that until you truly...
39:45 And I tell you this is the bottom line for me
39:48 with anything that I ever encounter.
39:51 If you fall in love with Jesus so much,
39:55 all, everything else falls away,
39:57 and truly it just becomes about loving Him
40:01 because He is so precious.
40:03 And that's what praise is about.
40:04 Yeah, it's a beautiful thing, and it's...
40:08 I just want to make that my life.
40:09 And I don't.
40:11 And this is not as negative,
40:12 but it simplifies it, doesn't it?
40:13 It really does.
40:15 I mean that's just totally...
40:16 Yeah, love Jesus, it's a relationship we build
40:18 with Jesus Christ.
40:19 And in the complexity sometimes of the life, and the trials,
40:22 and all the stuff, they just melt away.
40:25 Good, Tim. No, you go ahead, Jill.
40:26 No, you go ahead, Jay.
40:28 Then you might, you know, people might think,
40:29 "Well, how do I build a relationship with Christ?"
40:31 You know, how do I build...
40:33 Well, how do you build a relationship with anybody?
40:35 You have to spend time, you have to spend that quality
40:38 one-on-one time, you know,
40:39 the Bible says somewhere in Psalms,
40:41 I forgot where.
40:42 "O taste and see that the Lord is good."
40:44 Psalm 34. There we go.
40:47 And I mean, just like if I have an apple
40:50 and I take a bite into this juicy,
40:54 crisp apple, right?
40:56 Tim at the other end of the table
40:58 he's not going to be able to taste
41:00 how good that apple is.
41:02 What's he going to have to do?
41:03 He's going to have to grab an apple for himself,
41:05 not my apple, but he's going to grab an apple.
41:08 You know because that's just Jay.
41:12 But then he's got to grab that apple,
41:15 he's got to take a bite out of that apple himself
41:18 to taste and see that it's good.
41:19 And that's what the Lord calls us to do
41:21 is to open His Word for ourselves,
41:23 and to find out that He's good
41:25 because character is not transferable.
41:27 And just because my mom or my great grandma
41:30 or whoever has a relationship with Christ
41:34 that relationship doesn't transfer to me.
41:37 They can't save me, only God can.
41:40 And so to build that relationship,
41:43 you have to spend time with God.
41:46 And how awesome is that the creator of the universe
41:50 wants to spend time with us.
41:52 Who are we?
41:54 Who are we? Amen.
41:55 Praise the Lord for that.
41:58 And all comments. Praise.
42:00 It's the truth. Right.
42:02 I just wanted to go back to suffering,
42:03 you talked about that, Tim, for just a moment, you know,
42:06 we say do Christians suffer?
42:07 Yes, they do. Absolutely.
42:10 Do non-Christian suffer? Yes.
42:12 Absolutely, so this world is full of tribulation
42:16 just because of the nature of sin
42:17 because of the nature of the world that we live in,
42:20 but I would much rather experience it with Jesus.
42:23 You know, to be able to learn to praise in the midst of that
42:28 because what you said, Tim, is so true.
42:30 Those who don't walk with Jesus,
42:32 those who don't know Him don't experience that peace,
42:36 don't experience that strength.
42:39 And praise actually brings strength, you know,
42:42 I know I have experience in my own life
42:44 when I didn't feel like it
42:46 and I made a mental choice to praise.
42:50 God changed my emotions, God changed my heart.
42:55 Do you think in praise you need to sing?
42:59 How much is music...
43:02 We got musical people here.
43:04 How much is music associated with praise?
43:06 Oh, man, story of my life,
43:11 every single day,
43:13 if there's not any other way
43:14 that that I can praise the Lord,
43:17 it's for sure through song, not just because,
43:21 you know, God has blessed me with a gift of singing
43:23 but, you know,
43:28 music is a language.
43:30 And through music,
43:32 and through powerful lyrics of songs,
43:34 and hymns, and worship songs, you know,
43:36 you can express your thanks, and your praise,
43:39 your gratitude to the Lord.
43:40 And there's not a day of my life,
43:42 and this isn't boasting,
43:43 this is just simply, if it is boasting,
43:45 it's boasting in the Lord as Paul would say,
43:48 "I lift up my singing voice every single day for Him."
43:54 And I think that that's vitally important for us to do.
43:57 You don't have to be a Pavarotti,
43:59 or you don't have to be a Tim Parton
44:01 to be able to lift up your gifts, your voice,
44:05 your instrument of praise for the Lord.
44:08 You should do it as we've already established
44:11 because He is worthy.
44:12 Amen.
44:13 And, you know, I've heard people that I would say,
44:17 "Ah, you know, that person can't sing,
44:19 they should never sing."
44:20 Is that so?
44:21 You know, you see it in your human nature,
44:23 you hear, sometimes hear that,
44:24 "Oh, please, hope that person never sings again."
44:26 That's the hobo thing to think of,
44:28 that's hobo thing to say.
44:29 You know, but truthfully you know,
44:31 what is God hearing from that voice?
44:34 We may hear this horrible wretched sound
44:36 of someone hitting wrong notes on an instrument or singing,
44:40 but, you know, what is God hearing?
44:41 We don't know that.
44:43 God, and heaven's probably rejoicing
44:45 because that person is uplifting their voice
44:47 in praise to God.
44:49 And I praise God for music.
44:52 I don't know where I would be without music,
44:54 I think Tim could attest to this
44:55 probably even more than myself.
44:57 You wouldn't be here.
44:58 I wouldn't be here, that's right.
45:03 That's the truth.
45:04 But I know that throughout the Bible
45:06 there are several examples of where praise was a song,
45:09 you know, Miriam,
45:10 as soon as they cross the Red Sea,
45:12 she grabbed her tambourine
45:14 and started dancing and singing,
45:16 and the song is written in scripture.
45:19 Paul and Silas in the New Testament,
45:21 at the midnight and in jail they were singing praise,
45:24 and it unlocked the door.
45:25 So praise is...
45:27 It can be a song.
45:29 There are some wonderful worship songs
45:32 that our scripture put to song.
45:35 And so the praise of that of singing those verses
45:40 and scripture verses back to God,
45:43 it doesn't matter about...
45:46 Style in my opinion or quality,
45:49 if you are singing to God,
45:51 praising God from your heart, let it rip tear the chip.
45:55 So that's what I say.
45:58 You know, I think also about David and Saul.
46:01 Remember he was there to quiet his spirit.
46:03 So music there again tells you the power of music
46:06 as he was there playing the music there
46:08 in his throne room.
46:10 Psalm 104:33.
46:12 Let's read it. Right.
46:13 Beautiful, take us to a couple of psalms here.
46:17 Psalm 104:33 which says,
46:19 "I will sing to the Lord as long as I live,"
46:24 that's awesome, "I will sing praise to my God
46:27 while I have my being."
46:29 You know, as long as we draw the breath of life,
46:31 we can always sing praises to God.
46:34 Another passage that comes to my mind, kind of, you know,
46:37 on that same, you know, praise and worship theme.
46:40 I love Psalm 95:1-7, it says,
46:43 "Oh come, let us sing to the Lord!"
46:47 It says, "Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation.
46:52 Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.
46:56 For the Lord is the great God,
46:58 and the great king above all gods.
47:00 In His hand are the deep places of the earth,
47:03 the heights of the hills are His also."
47:05 But I like how this starts with, you know,
47:07 "Let us sing to the Lord."
47:08 Someone is there singing these words,
47:10 I can imagine David singing these words.
47:12 It goes on to say,
47:13 "The heights of the hills are His also,
47:15 the sea is His, for He made it,"
47:17 which is going through, and he just...
47:19 I could just imagine him singing
47:21 these words to the Lord,
47:22 and I love the last verse, you know, verse 7,
47:24 I just want to highlight this one.
47:25 It says, "For He is our God."
47:28 You know, he could have stopped it right there, just end,
47:30 you know, drop the mic as Tim would say,
47:32 just be right there.
47:33 He's worthy, He is our God.
47:35 It says, "And we are the people of His pasture,
47:38 and the sheep of His hand today if you will hear His voice."
47:42 I love that. It's powerful.
47:44 We got to read the next verse.
47:45 "Today, if you will hear His voice,
47:47 'Do not harden your hearts, as in the rebellion,
47:50 as in the day of trial in the wilderness.'"
47:51 So, you know, that call is to make a choice for Jesus.
47:56 You know, we just...
47:58 I never want to take and pass an opportunity
48:01 to extend a call to you at home to make a choice,
48:04 to accept the Lord Jesus Christ.
48:06 He made you, He redeemed you,
48:08 and He wants you to be His child.
48:11 So just today, say, "Lord Jesus,
48:13 I know I've messed up,
48:15 and I know I've done a lot of things wrong,
48:17 will You forgive me?
48:18 Will You accept me right now?"
48:21 And you know what? He will do that.
48:23 His word is faithful and true.
48:25 And He stands back of all His promises
48:28 that He has made.
48:30 You know, haven't had time to actually research this
48:31 or maybe you'll help me on this,
48:33 but you mentioned sheep for the shepherd.
48:36 Don't shepherds, didn't they sing to the sheep,
48:39 have you ever heard that?
48:40 I may have just concocted that in my head right now,
48:43 but it seems as though
48:44 when we would travel to the holy land,
48:45 they actually mentioned about the actual shepherd
48:48 singing to his sheep.
48:50 And so it's just interesting as I was just thinking about
48:52 us singing to Him.
48:53 I think about Jesus actually,
48:54 can you imagine us being His sheep,
48:56 and Him singing to us 'cause I remember...
48:58 Because I remember, the Bible does say that.
49:00 It does say that. Yeah.
49:01 I remember my dad, who is,
49:03 he's not like a real strong musician,
49:05 but I tell you, when I was sick,
49:06 he would sing to me at night, you know, that's common.
49:10 So I think if our great shepherd,
49:11 you know, just singing to us,
49:12 "It's all right, child, you're good,
49:14 you're good, you're okay."
49:15 And I think also at this time
49:17 your tour holidays can be tough, right?
49:18 You know, people have lost loved ones,
49:20 they are going through terrible times.
49:21 And unfortunately, holidays can be really happy,
49:23 Thanksgiving, Christmas,
49:24 but then else we're really down.
49:26 So we want to encourage you to find something to praise
49:29 the Lord Jesus Christ for what you have.
49:32 I like what Ryan's brought up several times.
49:34 We praise the Lord for who He is.
49:35 So that's something, write that on your list.
49:37 If that's all you've got, that's a powerful one to have.
49:39 We praise Jesus for who He is.
49:41 It's been a great study. Amen.
49:42 By no hurry, any other points before we go to prayer?
49:44 Well, I think that it's important
49:46 also in the church today,
49:48 there are a lot of debate over style.
49:52 I've just mentioned styles of music,
49:55 and just styles of how we worship,
49:57 and praising God.
50:00 And I think that we get lost in all of that,
50:02 and that's just in my opinion the devil
50:05 or us allowing distractions, you know,
50:08 when we need to keep our eye on the prize,
50:11 keep our eye on the fact that, you know, God is worthy,
50:14 and that praise is something that becomes all of us.
50:17 It look so much better than
50:19 non praising or whatever.
50:23 It's... Complaining.
50:25 Yeah, complaining, yeah, right.
50:26 So praise, no matter the style, and just apply the Word of God,
50:31 or memorize these psalms and sing them in your own way,
50:35 sing them in your heart.
50:36 Yeah, you can't go wrong. Thank you very much.
50:38 I want praise to be automatic response.
50:41 My dad in West Virginia would teach me,
50:42 "Son, this is how you get out of a skid.
50:44 In case your car on a snowy road goes into a skid,
50:46 you want to steer into the skid,
50:48 and all this kind of good stuff."
50:49 So we would practice in parking lots
50:51 that were snow and ice covered.
50:52 "All right, son," he say, "get it."
50:53 And then he say, you know,
50:55 "we crank it, and, how, you know,
50:56 try to help me get out of the skid."
50:57 He said the reason we're doing this stuff is
50:59 because you want it to be an automatic response.
51:00 You don't want to be in a skid some day, like,
51:01 "I see, is it this way? No, this way, oh, that..."
51:04 Well, that time is too late.
51:06 So I think we're talking about here is
51:07 we're trying to make this habit, so it's automatic.
51:09 Wake up or stub our toe, wake up in the morning,
51:11 miss our alarm, whatever it is, it's automatic.
51:14 I praise You, Lord. That's sweet.
51:15 Amen. Let's go to prayer.
51:17 Smart. Absolutely.
51:18 Okay, well, then Jason, you want to start,
51:20 we'll just go around the circle.
51:22 Sure.
51:23 Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You so much
51:26 that we even have the opportunity to praise You.
51:30 We thank You for the love that You have bestowed upon us,
51:34 the blessings that You bestowed upon us.
51:36 And every day You're performing a new miracles,
51:39 Lord, every day that we have air in our lungs,
51:43 we are able to walk or even watch a broadcast,
51:48 Father, that's a blessing in and of itself.
51:51 And so we thank You and we ask that You would strengthen us,
51:54 help us to make our praise just an automatic response
51:59 as Brother Greg had said.
52:01 Help that to be the go to and not negativity.
52:04 We thank You for all that You've done for us.
52:06 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
52:08 Amen.
52:10 Father in heaven, praise You, Lord.
52:15 We cannot say that enough as we have established here
52:20 over and over more than once, You are worthy.
52:23 And there's not a single person on this planet
52:25 that can deny that.
52:27 Lord, You've been so good to Your people.
52:28 And as we read today, You are the redeemer.
52:33 And You forgive Your children of their iniquities.
52:37 Lord, I just pray for Your people,
52:38 I pray for myself,
52:40 and I ask forgiveness of any sins that I might have.
52:43 And I praise You in return not because
52:46 but just simply because of who You are,
52:50 not because You just forgive
52:52 or that You give us good things or all the many benefits,
52:55 but, Lord, You're so good to Your people,
52:57 and we praise You and thank You continuously.
53:00 We ask a blessing upon Your people,
53:03 we ask a blessing upon this particular program
53:05 and speak to someone.
53:07 Thank You, God. And draw them closer to Jesus.
53:11 Draw Your people together, Lord.
53:13 Heal our wounds, heal our...
53:16 Heal us and separate us from our sins.
53:19 And may we one day enter the kingdom to be with You,
53:22 and praise You, and thank You,
53:23 and ask this in Jesus' holy name, amen.
53:25 Amen.
53:28 Father, God, we just thank You because You are good.
53:31 We thank You because You are gracious,
53:34 You are loving, and compassionate,
53:36 forgiving, and You are sovereign,
53:38 You are on the throne.
53:41 Thank You because You called us as Your children.
53:45 And we just call You, "Abba" right now.
53:49 Thank You, God that You are always good
53:53 no matter what we do.
53:55 You are good in the good times and You're good in the bad.
53:59 And you are always consistent, and always love.
54:05 And oh, Father, I know that
54:08 I have not always reacted that way.
54:11 And so I ask for Your forgiveness.
54:14 And I pray Lord Jesus
54:16 that You are creating me a new heart.
54:20 Renew in me a right spirit.
54:23 We pray for our brothers and sisters at home,
54:26 our brothers and sisters here at 3ABN
54:28 that we would walk in unity with You.
54:33 And we would sense Your Spirit
54:36 and Your presence that we would long more
54:39 for more of You.
54:41 That we would spend time in Your Word
54:44 and that You would change us.
54:46 God, transform us into the image of Jesus.
54:53 Thank you.
54:56 Father, God, from the beginning of time,
54:58 You have proven Yourself by Your actions,
55:04 by Your creation,
55:05 by the way You have moved in history,
55:10 and You have moved throughout Your Word,
55:13 You have shown Your worth, You've shown Your value,
55:18 You've shown Your design for man,
55:20 You've shown yourself God,
55:25 and I,
55:27 in my short 48 years
55:32 can't imagine the things
55:34 anything being more worthy
55:38 than spending my life, giving You praise and worship
55:43 for all You've done in the past.
55:45 But, God, the future, I can't imagine all the things
55:49 that I'm going to be able to praise
55:50 and worship You for in the future.
55:52 So I'm just thanking You
55:54 that You have given me a future,
55:56 and that You have given our viewers a future,
55:58 and that as Your children,
56:01 we are going to be able to spend
56:05 the eternity around the throne, worshipping You,
56:07 and praising You just because You gave us breath and life.
56:13 And, Lord, I would just encourage
56:16 those who don't feel like they have a reason to praise
56:18 because of situations they are going through.
56:20 Oh, God, just encourage them, lift them,
56:24 may they just choose right now to praise You,
56:29 and to just surrender their situation to You,
56:34 and knowing that it's amazing what praising can do.
56:38 So we give You glory,
56:40 we thank You for being so wonderful.
56:42 It's truly, it's more than just words,
56:44 we are truly grateful in Jesus' name.
56:47 Amen.
56:48 Father in heaven, what a blessing it is,
56:49 we thank You for who You are.
56:51 We thank You for Jesus and the great gift that we have
56:55 in His dying on the cross,
56:57 and the gift of salvation we'll have.
56:59 We praise You for who You are as God and Creator.
57:02 Thank You for sustaining us,
57:04 and giving us so many wonderful blessings.
57:06 We thank You for the Sabbath.
57:08 In Jesus' name we pray, amen. Amen.
57:12 Hard to believe our time is almost all gone.
57:14 Thank you, Tim, thank you, Jason and Ryan.
57:18 Thank you at home for joining us
57:20 for family worship.
57:21 We just want to encourage you at home, spend time this week,
57:25 make a decision to praise,
57:27 make a decision to choose Jesus and His way.
57:31 Know that we love you, and we pray for you.
57:33 Happy Sabbath.
57:35 Bye- bye.


Revised 2018-12-17