Today Family Worship

When Heaven Calls Don't Hesitate Part 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW018038A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:39 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello, happy Sabbath
01:10 and welcome to 3ABN's Family Worship.
01:13 I am so excited,
01:14 my name is Chris Shelton and I am here with my husband,
01:17 Pastor Kenny Shelton,
01:18 and we have wonderful 3ABN family here
01:21 around our table to worship with you tonight.
01:24 Pastor, who would you like to introduce first?
01:27 You want to introduce
01:28 those nice looking gentleman to your right?
01:30 Yeah.
01:31 I think I'll start right down the end
01:32 because it's like bookends, holding us together here.
01:34 That's right, yes.
01:36 Are we the bookends? The bookends.
01:38 Bookend, well, you know, Brother JD,
01:40 he really needs no introduction
01:42 and he talks probably more than any of us
01:45 because he's in pastoral,
01:47 so when you call in many times you may get Brother JD.
01:50 In fact both of you on the bookends,
01:52 you may get either one of you that's awesome,
01:54 but we'll start with Brother JD,
01:56 you've been here at least what, a couple months or so or three?
01:59 Couple of months I think,
02:01 couple of months plus 13 times 12
02:05 for you mathematic geniuses,
02:07 it's a long time but then again it's just like a start.
02:11 Yes. Amen.
02:12 I like that.
02:14 We were talking about living 100 years old while ago,
02:18 so at this time I'm still a baby in the Lord.
02:20 I appreciate that high five,
02:22 anytime he gets discouraged about age
02:25 or, you know, da-da-da, I say,
02:26 "Hey, you're not a 100 yet. You're not a 100 yet."
02:31 We'll think about it when we are a 100 here.
02:32 Nine hundred and sixty nine I think...
02:35 Very good, very good.
02:37 I guess what we'll do is,
02:38 we're gonna skip him for a minute.
02:39 We're gonna jump over here because over here to my left
02:42 the other bookend in pastoral is Don.
02:45 Brother Don, you're not a 100 yet.
02:48 I'm marching that way.
02:49 You're marching that way.
02:51 In the Lord's army, right?
02:52 That's right. That's right.
02:54 Yeah, to be a bookend,
02:55 thank you for that, I really don't...
02:56 I just thank you, appreciate that.
02:58 Yeah, but the Lord is good, He's got you in pastoral,
03:01 and you get to talk and pray with so many people,
03:03 you and your wife both do things on the side.
03:05 I know she's in graphic design here but, Janelle,
03:09 I know you work with him going to different churches.
03:11 You both have sang in our church
03:13 which is beautiful and...
03:15 I did a prison ministry last night,
03:16 which was man, shh.
03:18 You talked about...
03:19 It's amazing, you get to go in prison to see these guys,
03:22 it's incredible.
03:23 Yeah, these guys are hungry and thirsting to know Jesus.
03:24 They want to know they're son of God.
03:26 Amen. That's good.
03:27 I love that, I love that.
03:29 Now back over to my right,
03:31 I'm saving you for the last
03:33 because I'm gonna kind of combine you and ET
03:36 'cause we have Sister ET on the piano today
03:39 and you guys are in the music department,
03:41 so tell us about that?
03:43 I know you are loving, and we love having you here.
03:45 Absolutely, so I'm still relatively
03:48 the new guy even though that's kind of fading away.
03:50 I've been here about six months now.
03:52 My name is Ryan Day.
03:53 I work here with the music department
03:55 here in the sound center at 3ABN, and I currently,
03:59 I'm helping to assist Tim Parton in getting prepared
04:03 to launch our new
04:05 Praise Him music network in January, which is...
04:08 It's going to be really exciting
04:09 and, of course, Miss ET across the way,
04:12 she is also,
04:13 she's kind of a sound center manager
04:15 and she does a lot of the editing,
04:17 and she's just a vital important part of our team,
04:19 and it's a blessing to know her.
04:21 It's good to work with her from day to day.
04:23 Absolutely, absolutely.
04:25 I might say,
04:26 she's only being quite
04:28 because she's had a wonderful morning.
04:29 She told me, if she talks she might cry
04:31 'cause you and the Lord have really been working
04:33 on something today, so we love having ET around.
04:36 Love having music,
04:38 music is such a part of ministry.
04:39 Absolutely.
04:41 My mother always said that music can touch a heart
04:42 when nothing else can.
04:44 And today you have brought some music.
04:46 A lot of times we kind of skip over it when we don't have
04:49 you professional people with us,
04:51 but today we brought a beautiful song,
04:54 'Tis So Sweet.
04:55 It's our theme.
04:57 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.
04:58 That's right.
05:00 All right.
05:01 Sing along with us.
05:04 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
05:09 Just to take Him at His Word
05:14 Just to rest upon His promise
05:19 Just to know,
05:21 "Thus saith the Lord!"
05:24 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
05:29 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er
05:34 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
05:39 Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
05:45 Oh, how sweet to trust in Jesus
05:50 Just to trust His cleansing blood
05:55 Just in simple faith to plunge me
06:00 'Neath the healing, cleansing flood!
06:05 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
06:10 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er
06:15 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
06:20 Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
06:26 Yes, 'tis sweet to trust in Jesus
06:31 Just from sin and self to cease
06:36 Just from Jesus simply taking
06:41 Life and rest, and joy and peace
06:47 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
06:52 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er
06:57 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
07:03 Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
07:09 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
07:15 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er
07:21 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
07:27 Oh, for grace
07:30 To trust Him more!
07:35 Amen.
07:36 Beautiful song. Wow, wow.
07:37 Yes, it's good.
07:39 I think we can break this down and make this our study guide.
07:42 There you go. Amen.
07:43 Amen. It's so beautiful.
07:45 Today we are going to talk about "When heaven calls,
07:48 don't hesitate."
07:50 And this is part three because the Holy Spirit
07:52 I believe has been kind of stretching it out.
07:55 By the grace of God,
07:56 it's been such a moving study, I love it.
07:58 And you guys have been here for all three parts.
08:00 We have.
08:02 This is JD's second part and Brother Ryan's first part,
08:04 and I believe he's already come,
08:06 he's already said, this is a good study,
08:09 and he's gonna share what the Holy Spirit's
08:11 given him on this study.
08:13 Just a quick synopsis
08:15 of what we studied in parts one and part two.
08:18 We looked at what it meant to deny Christ in our character
08:23 and our daily lives,
08:24 and how important it is really not to deny Him.
08:27 That's right.
08:29 We also gave examples of what it meant to trifle
08:34 with the light and the privileges
08:36 that God has given us over the years,
08:37 and what it means to trifle,
08:39 and how actually how dangerous it is to trifle with God.
08:44 Let's see, we also looked at...
08:46 Oh, my, a lot of times
08:49 when we choose to not accept the truths,
08:53 we are left in darkness and we really found out
08:56 that is because of how kind Christ really is
08:59 because He's gonna give us what we ask for.
09:00 Amen. Yes.
09:02 And then finally,
09:04 we talked about whose choice it is that
09:07 whether or not we are lost or saved.
09:09 You know, is it our choice or is it really God?
09:11 You know, some people have different opinions
09:13 on that, and we found out that it is our choice.
09:17 God is seeking to save whomever He will,
09:20 He is calling day by day.
09:22 Amen.
09:23 Pastor Kenny Shelton,
09:25 would you please open our study with prayer?
09:26 Absolutely, let's pray.
09:28 You pray at home with us too please.
09:31 Our kind loving heavenly Father,
09:32 what a privilege it is that we've come before
09:34 Thee on this Sabbath day,
09:37 beginning hours we give You praise,
09:38 and give You honor, and give You glory.
09:40 You're the King of the universe.
09:42 We come to Thee, we bare no gifts,
09:44 we just come baring our soul to Thee.
09:46 Lord, we need Your Holy Spirit.
09:48 We realize that without you we can do nothing,
09:51 there's nothing good within us,
09:52 but today we just invite Thy Spirit
09:55 in a very special way.
09:56 Just enlighten these beautiful truths
09:58 that we will be going over.
10:01 Lord, also I pray for those
10:02 who are studying with us right now,
10:04 those at home, those who are viewing,
10:05 or listening, or watching.
10:07 Lord, I know they need a special touch today.
10:09 We need one every moment of every day,
10:12 so we pray Your Holy Spirit will now take possession
10:14 of each and every one of us.
10:16 May we sit at Your feet, may we hear Your voice,
10:18 may You be lifted up
10:20 and would draw all men unto You.
10:22 We here at this table not be seen,
10:25 but we pray that You will be seen and heard
10:27 and the Spirit will work and decisions will be made
10:30 that we need not hesitate
10:32 because heaven is calling and time is running out.
10:34 Amen.
10:35 Thank you for this opportunity. Thank you for Your promise.
10:37 I know You're going to be with us, in Jesus' name, amen.
10:40 Amen.
10:41 When heaven calls, don't hesitate.
10:44 And we're gonna start by looking at some words
10:46 that Christ spoke to disciple John.
10:50 John 17:18 and 19, it says, "As you sent me into the world,
10:57 I also have sent them into the world.
11:00 And for their sakes I sanctify Myself,
11:04 that they also may be sanctified
11:07 by the truth."
11:09 Those are such important words
11:11 because it makes a real difference.
11:14 You know, Christ also says,
11:16 "My people perish for lack of knowledge."
11:18 You know, truth is so vital,
11:20 especially in the time in which we're living in,
11:22 so when heaven calls us to the truth,
11:25 we need not hesitate,
11:26 we need to study to show ourselves approved unto God.
11:31 I'm gonna read on and this is taken
11:32 from the book, to be like Jesus,
11:35 it's a Spirit of Prophecy book.
11:37 Some of these words were written a few years ago
11:40 before even some of the science that we have now,
11:42 I hope we get to it a little bit
11:44 later in this program,
11:45 but they're so applicable for us today.
11:50 In The Parable of the Lost Sheep,
11:52 Christ teaches that salvation
11:54 does not come through our seeking,
11:56 and I found this so interesting, guys,
11:59 through our seeking after God 'cause we're always thinking,
12:02 we need to seek after Him but listen,
12:04 but through God seeking after us.
12:08 Isn't that encouraging? That's right.
12:09 Brother Ryan, he's looking down and He's not waiting on you.
12:12 Absolutely. He is seeking you.
12:15 He sought us. Amen.
12:16 That is so, so important...
12:18 I love that.
12:20 If you remember nothing, you have to remember,
12:21 Christ is seeking you.
12:22 Amen.
12:24 "There is none that understandeth,
12:26 there is none that seeketh after God,"
12:27 this is Romans 3:11 and 12.
12:32 They are all gone out of the way, and verse 10,
12:35 they didn't put that in this little synopsis but it says,
12:38 "There is none righteous, no, not one."
12:40 That's right, yes.
12:42 Interesting, we do not repent
12:44 and this is another powerful statement.
12:46 Oh, yes, yeah.
12:48 It helps us to get our thought processes correct
12:51 in the right order.
12:52 Yes.
12:54 We do not repent in order that God may love us,
12:58 that's a powerful statement,
12:59 but He reveals to us His love in order that we may repent.
13:05 Now that sets up our question,
13:07 our first question for this program is,
13:10 most of us realize that in order to be saved,
13:14 we must confess our sins,
13:16 repent of our sins
13:18 and thus turn away from our sins.
13:20 So how is it that God's love
13:23 brings all of this about in our lives.
13:27 And now the floor is open, Ryan is already...
13:30 Oh, Don, I can see it.
13:32 It's interesting because I just got the opportunity
13:34 to share a story with these young children
13:36 the truths told here.
13:37 And it was a story about two men,
13:39 they were in Scotland
13:41 and of all the things this beautiful green lush land,
13:43 and they're going along and hear this really eerie
13:45 sound coming from somewhere, so they're searching,
13:47 they're looking
13:48 and they find this big crack in the ground,
13:50 and in this crack in the ground,
13:51 there's something in there
13:53 and as the guy is pulling apart the grass,
13:55 he looks and there's a lamb inside,
14:00 and he reaches down gently
14:01 and pulled this little lamb out of the ground.
14:04 It's like what Jesus did for us.
14:05 He came to this world to pull us out.
14:08 That's right.
14:09 Out of the darkness, out of our pain,
14:11 all of our hurts, our addiction,
14:12 whatever, He's come to pull us out.
14:14 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, "He was made to be sin for us."
14:18 And you know sin,
14:19 that we might be the righteous of God in Him.
14:22 That's right. Absolutely.
14:23 There's so many applications we can go with that
14:26 'cause we have all fallen in so many cracks.
14:29 And again that's God seeking to save us.
14:32 That's right. Yeah.
14:33 Otherwise we couldn't pull ourselves out, it's impossible.
14:36 Absolutely, that was a beautiful point
14:39 and at any point of time
14:40 you guys can interrupt me to shut me up,
14:43 but I can say so much on this particular point.
14:47 I love this question because to me
14:50 it's one of the most important questions.
14:51 Yeah.
14:53 Okay.
14:54 And the way I kind of see this question
14:55 is I reworded my mind and I ask myself,
14:57 how can we live a life of sin
15:00 with the knowledge of God's love,
15:02 and I wrote a little phrase down here.
15:05 I heard a minister say it one time,
15:07 "Sin is the result of a misunderstanding
15:11 or misrepresentation of God's love and character."
15:13 Wow.
15:16 In our lives when we sin,
15:18 when we are living a life of sin,
15:19 that is simply result
15:21 of the misunderstanding of God's love.
15:22 That is powerful.
15:23 That is the response we get from not understanding
15:26 God's loving character for who He really is
15:29 'cause if we truly can just get a glimpse
15:31 of God's love for who He is,
15:34 then it would be almost impossible,
15:37 you know, as long as there is an enemy,
15:38 it's always possible,
15:40 but it would be almost impossible
15:41 for us to sin
15:42 because with the love of God manifest in our life,
15:45 I guess, the truth we put it up,
15:47 it would be impossible.
15:49 You know, I think of the scripture found
15:50 in 1 John 4:8 which says "God is love."
15:54 Amen.
15:56 Not that God is loving,
15:57 you know, 'cause we can be loving,
15:58 we can have expressions of love, feelings of love,
16:01 but the Bible doesn't describe God as that,
16:03 not as merely just a loving being,
16:04 but the Bible says that God is love
16:07 and what does that mean?
16:09 What does that mean that God is love?
16:11 And asking this question,
16:13 how is it that God's love brings all of this about.
16:18 In 2 Thessalonians 2:7,
16:20 it talks about the mystery of iniquity.
16:24 Just bring that really quickly, just really quick,
16:26 I'm gonna read that.
16:28 It's an interesting verse,
16:29 speaking actually of the work
16:31 of the antichrist in the last days.
16:33 The 2 Thessalonians 2,
16:38 and it simply references
16:40 the mystery of iniquity Chapter 2
16:44 and specifically verse...
16:47 Which one did I say?
16:49 Okay, verse 7 here, and it says here, it says,
16:54 "For the mystery of lawlessness..."
16:56 This is New King James Version but, of course,
16:57 the King James Version would say,
16:58 "The mystery of iniquity or again, of course,
17:01 lawlessness is already at work,
17:03 only he who now restrains will do
17:06 so until he is taken out of the way."
17:07 So this is talking about the work
17:09 of antichrist in the last days,
17:11 but it refers to him, or them, or the group,
17:14 or just the reality as the mystery of iniquity
17:16 and that's always interesting, the mystery of iniquity.
17:19 To me when I think of that,
17:20 I think of sin being a mystery 'cause sin is a mystery.
17:24 When you can fully contemplate or understand God's love
17:28 which sometime we feel like we can't.
17:31 Sin is a mystery.
17:32 It's a mystery to me. Why is it a mystery?
17:34 Because once you understand who God is
17:36 and what He's done for you, how can anyone sin?
17:42 It's a mystery.
17:43 It is a mystery,
17:44 but it also brings about the thought to me
17:46 because we are so questioning.
17:48 You know, we have a lot of walls
17:50 that have been built up.
17:52 There's been a lot of confusion in religious matters
17:56 and even in interpreting the Bible.
17:59 And I think once we understand more of His love
18:02 that also breaks that wall down.
18:05 And we can trust Him because there's many times,
18:07 you know, the Bible says that's a two-edged sword,
18:09 it's gonna cut, it's gonna separate,
18:11 it's gonna divide.
18:12 And we have to trust God to allow Him to divide us
18:17 from the things that we once love.
18:19 It's a healing.
18:20 It's a dividing to heal, but not dividing to destroy.
18:24 It's a good thing.
18:26 At the same time you said how could we, we couldn't,
18:28 but we have to remember a third of the angels at one time.
18:32 You know, now I think that even brings it even more to light,
18:34 when you think about the rebellion of Lucifer
18:37 and the angels in heaven, they have never known sin.
18:41 They have never even been in contact with it,
18:44 they didn't know what it was.
18:45 So that even more shows like
18:46 how could Lucifer had come to the point
18:49 to make the choice to reject the love of God
18:52 when he had never known sin prior to that.
18:55 The mystery of iniquity,
18:57 it's a mystery 'cause sin is a mystery.
18:59 I have a verse to share that goes along
19:01 with the question that how is that,
19:03 that God's love brings all of this about.
19:05 I like what it says in Romans 2:4,
19:08 and to me this just answers the question perfectly.
19:13 It says "Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness
19:16 and forbearance and longsuffering,
19:19 not knowing that the goodness of God
19:22 leadeth thee to repentance."
19:23 And it also reminds me of the chapter in Steps
19:26 to Christ on repentance.
19:28 And when I first read that, it really just...
19:32 God opened my eyes to what repentance really is,
19:36 and how it's not anything that we have inside of us,
19:39 it's the goodness of God that leases there
19:41 and, you know, that totally reposition things
19:47 in my mind and like my approach to God
19:49 and, you know,
19:51 I don't have to have any goodness
19:52 in me to approach Him,
19:54 I don't have to get it together to have repentance.
19:56 I need Him to work in me to re-repair.
19:59 You know, I think that, you know,
20:01 sometimes we get backwards in our minds thinking,
20:03 I have to have it together before I approach God,
20:06 you know, and so for me that gives me hope
20:09 that He's gonna lead me there and He has led me there so...
20:12 Amen.
20:13 And that's something that's important for people
20:15 that who listen to it,
20:16 because they get caught up on that.
20:17 True.
20:19 You know, they think that they have to do something.
20:20 I know that I had my priorities backward for a long time.
20:24 It says in James 4:8, "Draw close to me,
20:30 and then I will draw close to you."
20:33 And I had it kind of backward, you know, it's kind of like,
20:35 "Lord, You prove yourself to me,
20:38 You bring the smorgasbord to me,
20:42 and then I will partake and then I'll jump on board."
20:46 I mean, that's stinking thinking.
20:50 And I mean, I was honest about it.
20:52 Yeah.
20:53 And you would so, I mean, you can take a naive person,
20:55 a vulnerable person that doesn't
20:57 because they're not really seekers
20:59 that can be misled really inside.
21:03 Well, you know, there...
21:04 In Luke, was it Luke 19:10, he said,
21:06 simply he came to seek and save that which was lost.
21:10 And just simply adding just a couple of points,
21:13 what we're reading, each one was bringing in here.
21:16 It was in the what?
21:17 1 John 4, you were talking about,
21:19 starting with verse 10.
21:20 Verse 10, it says, "We're here in his love,
21:25 not that we love God, but that He what?
21:28 First loved us.
21:29 He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation
21:32 for our sins."
21:34 Verse 13, "Hereby know we that we dwell in him,
21:38 and he in us
21:39 because he hath given us of his spirit."
21:42 Verse 16,
21:43 "And we have known and believed the love
21:46 that God hath to us.
21:47 God is love, he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God,
21:52 and God in him."
21:53 Verse 19,
21:54 this is what we've been all saying, "We love Him,
21:57 because He simply first loved us."
22:00 You know, it's like that sheep
22:02 that you were talking about that fell in.
22:03 What happens when the sheep, you talk about the sheep.
22:08 Jesus goes in, He talks about the sheep,
22:10 you know, the 90 and the 9.
22:11 You know as pastors and working in what we work in here,
22:15 it's easy to stay with the 90 and 9
22:17 when things are going good.
22:19 But the one that falls by the wayside is the one
22:23 that's the most helpless.
22:25 It's the one that needs special attention.
22:29 It's the one that needs help.
22:31 It's the one that,
22:33 when you go out as pastor might do
22:36 and visit or pray for whatever,
22:39 and then that person begins as it were to come back.
22:41 The spirit's already working on them
22:43 to bring them back into the fold.
22:44 But you don't bring them back in by saying,
22:47 and people have done this,
22:48 shame on all of us
22:49 that may be have done this one time or the other.
22:51 We spank that individual.
22:53 We give them a good spanking
22:55 because they maybe fell by the wayside.
22:57 Right.
22:59 You see, they don't need a spanking at that point,
23:00 they don't need to say,
23:02 "Well, this wouldn't happen if you didn't."
23:03 That's right. They don't need that.
23:04 Yeah, I was gonna say that.
23:06 They need a special touch, they need a special word,
23:07 don't they in due season?
23:09 And they also, they don't need to be...
23:13 You take a rope and put it around them
23:15 and lead them back in the fold.
23:18 They are so damaged and so hurt that the good shepherd would do
23:23 this as he sees that poor wounded sheep there.
23:26 He sees him right there. Pick them up.
23:28 Yeah, he doesn't take a whip
23:29 and gave him a good sound whipping,
23:31 but he picks them up, and does what?
23:33 He puts...
23:35 carries and he puts him on his shoulder,
23:36 and he carries him back in.
23:38 Now that shows just real, real love
23:42 and it just simply boils down what everybody's been saying,
23:44 because He first loved us.
23:47 We can't even repent, right?
23:49 I had a gentleman the other night in prison.
23:52 He came to us,
23:54 he confessed what he went through
23:55 and he was pretty shaken.
23:56 He knew the Holy Spirit was prompting him and saying,
23:58 "Don't do this, don't do this."
23:59 And he went and did anyways, he got himself in trouble,
24:02 but we didn't, we didn't scold him,
24:03 we didn't yell at him,
24:05 we just got around him and prayed over him.
24:07 Galatians 6:2 says something beautiful,
24:09 "Bear you one another's burdens and so fulfill
24:11 the law of Christ."
24:12 Yeah.
24:13 We surround each other and support each other,
24:15 you need that support.
24:16 Yes, you do. It's really important.
24:18 Especially when somebody's being vulnerable and honest,
24:19 you don't want to, you know, you don't want to ruin that,
24:21 you know, because that's a very,
24:23 you know, touchy delicate place for a person.
24:27 It means that the way really that we always do it.
24:29 I find that it's not,
24:31 because if someone makes a mistake,
24:33 someone's weak, someone failed,
24:35 someone disturbed,
24:36 most of us as Christians try to separate ourselves
24:38 from that person, that's dead wrong.
24:40 Yeah. That person needs help.
24:43 They don't need for everybody to separate from them.
24:45 You don't want to talk to them,
24:47 you don't want to have anything to do with him.
24:49 The Bible simply said,
24:50 "All have sinned and come short in the glory of God."
24:51 We've all made a mess of our life,
24:53 only because of Christ we come back.
24:55 So the Lord's always impressed my heart, you don't just,
24:58 you know, separate yourself from that person,
25:01 we need to make an effort to get to that person.
25:03 That's right.
25:04 It's like sometimes, you know,
25:06 but any type of a difficult situation
25:07 we'd rather not get involved.
25:10 And that's the time to really step forward.
25:14 That's true.
25:15 And that separates character right there.
25:17 But could you get in trouble for that?
25:18 You bet.
25:20 Can you be blamed for that?
25:21 In ministry they say, "Well, my,
25:22 if I'm associated with the sinner,
25:24 I'm not going to get any support."
25:25 There's people not going to support this ministry,
25:27 because I'm associating with this or that rather than
25:30 and I understand disassociation,
25:31 but be careful with it,
25:33 but we need to seek like Jesus did to save
25:35 and bring them back in, regardless of the cost.
25:38 Christ will take care of things.
25:39 Does it not say that He ate with sinners
25:42 in public meetings?
25:43 Well, He sure did and He was...
25:45 He was who He says He is, what's He doing there?
25:47 And what happened?
25:48 You know, I tell you, guys,
25:50 that brought tears to my eyes
25:51 because of the love of Christ of just pulling us
25:53 out of all this mire.
25:56 You have it,
25:57 you've just kind of skimmed over,
25:59 I know you've got a real good example of that,
26:01 because years ago there were ministries
26:04 that shunned a pastor that fell,
26:06 and without saying...
26:07 Oh, my land.
26:09 Tell us that story?
26:10 Yeah, there was one, in fact,
26:11 we did a lot of work with this brother
26:14 and loved him dearly
26:16 and, you know, you can't help
26:18 but love when you think alike and you,
26:20 you're doing the same things.
26:22 It's just an automatic love relationship
26:24 that you have with one another
26:26 and especially working with this brother,
26:27 and he had written some books and just...
26:30 I mean, he was a tiger when it comes to the lion,
26:34 when it came to the truth, you know, who just...
26:35 Sure.
26:37 And he made a mistake.
26:38 He made a wrong choice.
26:41 And so everybody decided along that point that knew him well,
26:45 the best thing to do was to separate
26:48 and not have anything to do with him, you see.
26:51 And that was the wrong thing to do, because it was so,
26:54 it wasn't just the sin that got him,
26:57 it was the idea that he had been forsaken by family,
27:01 and by friends, and coworkers, and other ministers.
27:05 Well, what did he do?
27:09 He took a gun and he shot himself,
27:11 he killed and blew his brains out.
27:12 I'll just say it, he killed himself.
27:15 And the whole thing was just because no one showed
27:18 that they really cared.
27:20 He needed help and no one helped him.
27:23 And I'll never forget that,
27:24 because I was impressed to call before that, and I put it off.
27:29 And I'll never get over that. Sure.
27:31 I put it off, not that it may have changed anything,
27:34 but I was impressed,
27:35 I need to call this man and tell him we still love him.
27:39 He's made some choice and deceived but still love you
27:41 and what will it take to get you to,
27:43 you know, let's get things squared away
27:45 and let's get back into work together.
27:46 And I put it off until it was too late
27:49 and I've asked God to forgive me and the family
27:51 and best we can do at that point in time.
27:53 You know...
27:54 What is the title of our...?
27:56 When heaven calls, don't hesitate.
27:59 And that's just a result of hesitation.
28:02 It was.
28:03 You know, possibly a loss of life,
28:04 but you just think about,
28:06 and maybe while you were talking,
28:08 you said everybody wants to separate.
28:09 There are times when there is open sin,
28:13 you know that the Bible does teach
28:14 that we're to separate from them,
28:16 but there are people,
28:18 you know, still in that valley of decision.
28:20 You know, God is in the business
28:23 of restoration.
28:25 Yes, He is.
28:26 Every one of us are like that pastor.
28:27 Every one of us. Absolutely.
28:30 What if heavenly Father had said,
28:32 "Oh, they've done wrong, let's just do...
28:36 Wait, let's leave him in that crack
28:37 as it were in the ground."
28:40 They got issues don't bother with him.
28:41 Don't bother with him. No.
28:42 None of us would be here right now.
28:44 That's right.
28:45 God restores, He wants to rebuild in us,
28:49 as we're going to study a little bit later,
28:52 His character.
28:53 That's right Yeah,
28:54 I had a lady calling to our pastoral department
28:56 and she had backslid and she's trying to get out of.
29:00 And she was very shameful,
29:02 she felt very pressure to go back in
29:04 by one of her close family members.
29:08 And I just shared with her the love of Jesus
29:09 through the scriptures.
29:11 Yeah.
29:12 And one of these ladies, they began weeping profusely
29:13 when I shared Zachariah 3,
29:15 every time I stress Zachariah 3,
29:16 people break down.
29:18 But when I shared on how Jesus covers over you
29:20 with His robe of righteousness
29:21 and puts that golden crown on your head,
29:23 something just hits
29:25 these people and she began crying.
29:26 I said, "Why are you crying,
29:27 and if you don't mind me asking.
29:29 She said, "It's because I realized how unworthy I am,
29:30 but He calls me worthy.
29:32 That's right. I'm worthy.
29:33 Exactly.
29:35 She saw that in that picture and it just spoke to her heart.
29:38 You see, all this ties back to the love of God.
29:42 That's right.
29:43 It is understanding experience just a little bit of His love
29:47 that we begin to see who we really are.
29:49 That's right.
29:51 And we begin to see what He wants us to be.
29:53 I had a man years ago.
29:56 He was a Sabbath School teacher
29:57 in the Marion Church, a church not far from here.
30:00 And he also was the principal of our church school
30:03 at that time.
30:04 And I always loved it because he didn't see
30:08 who you were at that time.
30:10 He could always see where you could be.
30:15 And as Christ's shepherds,
30:18 you know, as He's calling us to be His disciples,
30:21 we need to be looking at other people,
30:23 not where they are, but where they could be.
30:26 That's right.
30:27 And sometimes, it even means...
30:29 'cause I just had this experience even this week,
30:30 it's not always even how they smell,
30:33 how they dress, you know?
30:36 Think about that little sheep.
30:38 We're not going to get past that little sheep
30:39 in that crevice.
30:41 He probably didn't smell very good anymore, you know?
30:44 But as we come up, God cleans us,
30:45 not only on the inside, but the outside,
30:48 everything with His love and His power.
30:49 You know, as you're talking,
30:51 it's given me a visual of something
30:52 I've seen before of a person,
30:55 you know, with their driver's license,
30:56 and over here's Jesus with,
30:57 you know, what we would think of His driver's license,
31:00 and then the transition of that,
31:02 you know, how your identity is not,
31:05 you know, who you are now
31:06 but who you want to become like.
31:08 Yes. Yes.
31:09 And I think, that's a powerful thought that,
31:12 you know, we're not of this earth,
31:15 you know, we're His, and that's our identity.
31:17 You know, that makes a big difference
31:19 in how we react,
31:21 how we even get dressed in the morning.
31:23 If we stop and think before we put on our clothes
31:26 or fix our hair who we want people to see,
31:30 are we trying to attract them to us
31:32 to think that we're something
31:34 or do we want people to see Jesus?
31:38 It will make a difference in everything we do,
31:41 what we put on, what we do, everything.
31:43 Oh, yeah. Go ahead.
31:45 We were talking before we started this program,
31:48 it was like we were joking around
31:49 about aging.
31:51 And 100-years-old came up,
31:53 and normally you think of 100-years-old,
31:55 should you reach that marker, that you would be mature.
32:00 When we were talking here,
32:02 I was thinking about the teacher
32:03 that you were talking about, Chris.
32:06 He was mature in the Lord and that he was accepting,
32:11 you know, in spite of warts or whatever may be there,
32:15 he was accept...
32:16 And that I think something that we all need to be working on.
32:18 Amen.
32:20 You know?
32:21 And pray for spiritual maturity.
32:23 One thing that I'm really...
32:25 The Lord's really impressing upon my heart,
32:27 and this gets so complex, and that is,
32:31 is that we all have different issues,
32:34 we're all praying.
32:35 That's right.
32:37 And we're so settled in the selfishness
32:38 and what my desires are,
32:41 "Oh, Lord, do You hear me,
32:42 do You hear me, do You hear me,"
32:44 whereas person B over here is also praying.
32:48 And so we never quite know
32:53 whose desire is going to be filled at that time
32:56 because God's the one that's orchestrating.
32:58 Amen. And so it may...
33:01 This particular project here may backfire on me,
33:04 or is this person over here,
33:06 they've been praying about this particular project
33:08 for years and it opened up.
33:10 That's right.
33:11 And so as we're looking at the depth of all of this
33:15 and the way that God is working because He's wooing all of us,
33:20 He's not just singling,
33:21 "Oh, Don, he's My project this week."
33:24 I mean, He's got projects every other day.
33:26 Amen, amen, amen.
33:28 And sometimes,
33:29 because of the lack of maturity that we may possess
33:32 is that we don't allow God to really work.
33:35 And so I'm really learning,
33:37 God may Your will be done and get me out of the picture.
33:41 That's right.
33:43 And win, lose, or draw,
33:45 if you are selling into that arena of maturity,
33:49 then you could accept whatever consequences
33:51 are because your...
33:54 He has your eternal interest and mine at all times.
33:57 That's the bottom line. That's good.
33:59 I think we could even substitute
34:00 that word maturity for love.
34:03 Amen.
34:04 Because as we are filled with love...
34:08 Let me just read Romans 5:5, it says,
34:11 "And hope maketh not ashamed
34:13 because the love of God is shed abroad
34:16 in our hearts by the Holy Ghost."
34:18 So as the love of God fills us up,
34:21 these broken vessels, these chipped vessels,
34:25 then we become mature in Christ.
34:27 Amen, Amen.
34:28 Amen. Beautiful.
34:29 And all fits, as you're talking,
34:31 I can see how it fits.
34:32 I mean things that keep us going somewhere
34:34 and may have already...
34:35 I think he was reading Romans 4 a while ago,
34:37 and Romans 5 and 8,
34:39 you know, it always comes back to my mind every time
34:41 and someone may have already said it,
34:42 but, "While we were yet sinners...
34:46 While we were yet sinners,"
34:47 you know, again that's showing is such an example
34:50 of what we should be doing and laboring
34:52 for so you can save that which was lost.
34:55 That's what Jesus did while we were yet sinners,
34:56 while we were enemies,
34:58 while we did everything
34:59 we could possibly do against God.
35:03 Actually, I thought they just want to make sure
35:05 that you don't understand they're against God,
35:07 and I have seen them actually raise their fist toward heaven
35:09 and curse God and say,
35:10 "I'll tell you, there is no God."
35:12 God is so merciful and long suffering,
35:15 you know, that He would put up
35:16 with that with someone like we are, and He's saying,
35:19 "I've been seeking you all the time.
35:21 I want you there with me.
35:22 Where I am there, you're going to be all."
35:24 So I think that's just such a wonderful thought.
35:27 And one thing that's helped me, quickly on the agnostic,
35:29 I've said it before on the program,
35:31 that my mother gave me a great illustration.
35:33 You know, our Mums and Dads can do great things for us
35:35 if we would just listen.
35:37 I had a hard time listening while I was at home.
35:40 As you're getting older, you think about these things.
35:44 And it's about the character,
35:45 it's about part of that lesson here,
35:47 about that when they,
35:48 you know, His character's fully reproduced in us
35:51 to have the character of Jesus.
35:53 That's such an awesome stretch for me as I look at it.
35:56 A lot of times,
35:58 I had tendency in years past to judge
35:59 by the outward appearance.
36:01 Oh, yes. You know, because...
36:03 You know, just look and say, "Well, my land,
36:04 this is a mess, it's not going to work.
36:06 He said it wouldn't."
36:07 And she, you know, gave the illustration
36:08 once again because she always did
36:10 the pillowcases back then and did all the...
36:12 I told you about the sewing.
36:14 What do you call that? It's a needle...
36:15 Embroidery? Embroidery?
36:17 Yeah. Pillow slip.
36:18 And you got the beautiful whatever it is on the surface.
36:21 And one day I said, "Well, that's really pretty, mom."
36:23 And she said, "Do you realize what this is underneath?"
36:26 I said, "No, what do you mean underneath?"
36:29 So she turned it wrong side out,
36:31 it was the biggest mess.
36:32 It was like a walk of spaghetti.
36:34 Just going this way and that way and threads
36:37 and colors and I could make out a thing.
36:40 She reminded me, she said,
36:42 "You know, what, that's how we look up.
36:45 And our life is like this.
36:47 It is a mess.
36:48 There is no way that it can be squared away.
36:51 There is no way to straighten out this mess."
36:55 She said, "But just turn this thing over, now look.
36:56 This is God's looking down.
36:58 He sees the finished product."
37:00 He is saying, "Oh, yes."
37:02 How wonderful that is because I looked at it
37:04 and said it is a complete mess.
37:05 I mean, I've taken a ball of string
37:07 and got it messed up to where I just threw it away.
37:10 It's just a little ball of string,
37:12 you know, sometimes,
37:13 there are so many knots and you're taking it
37:14 and you're cutting it...
37:16 God doesn't throw away anything.
37:17 He sees something good in each one of us.
37:19 He sees something good in you. He's not gonna throw it away.
37:22 He's going to bring it to oblation.
37:23 I like it that while we were yet sinners,
37:25 He came to seek and save us.
37:27 Oh, it's beautiful.
37:28 Matthew 19, Matthew 19...
37:32 Excuse me, Matthew 9:13.
37:35 It says... Matthew, what now?
37:37 Matthew 9:13,
37:40 "But go ye and learn what that meaneth,
37:42 I will have mercy,
37:43 and not sacrifice for I am not come
37:47 to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
37:51 I think this is so important because we may have people
37:54 studying with us at home.
37:56 They may be thinking right now, "I've just gone too far.
38:01 There is no hope."
38:03 And I think if nothing else that bits and pieces
38:06 that the Holy Spirit is bringing out in this study
38:08 is there is hope.
38:10 Amen.
38:12 You can you can kneel, you can ask God for His love
38:15 to fill your heart and your mind.
38:17 There is hope.
38:19 That's why He's calling you.
38:21 That's why He called each and every one of us.
38:23 I think we should segue into our next question
38:26 because this all fits together.
38:28 I'm going to read a little bit more from the book
38:31 to be like Jesus, it reads,
38:33 "The rabbi's had a saying that there is rejoicing
38:36 in heaven when one who has sinned against God
38:39 is destroyed."
38:40 When I read that again, I thought of a story.
38:43 It's a true story of a lady up in Northern England.
38:47 And it was a time when, you know,
38:51 I mean everybody was very critical
38:54 and they might have thought you were a witch
38:56 when you really weren't, they would,
38:57 you know, hang you or whatever.
38:59 It was just that type of atmosphere.
39:01 And this young girl had to be...
39:03 They were a very poor family.
39:05 And she was sold by her parents to go work somewhere else
39:09 to send money back.
39:11 While she was gone, someone took advantage of her,
39:15 and at the age of 12, she had a baby.
39:18 And then she came back...
39:20 Before she came back,
39:22 they gave the baby to someone else.
39:24 So she never told her family what happened.
39:26 Later on in years, the sad thing was that,
39:29 I don't know how much of the story I should tell,
39:31 but she was like 62, and this man came to town,
39:35 and she had no idea who he was.
39:37 They fell in love, and they got married.
39:39 And then when his family came,
39:42 they found out that she had married her son.
39:46 Everyone disannulled...
39:48 They disannulled the marriage.
39:51 They took her, I mean, they just let her,
39:54 basically she starved to death in her home.
39:59 It was so,
40:00 so sad because the people who claim to be Christians...
40:05 And at her funeral, her sister...
40:07 It remind me of these rabbis here
40:08 because her sister put her hand on the cactus and said,
40:12 "She's finally got what she deserved."
40:14 Oh, mercy. Wow!
40:17 Who are we to be that judge?
40:20 Yeah. And the little girls that...
40:22 One family that lived close,
40:23 they would send her food every now and then.
40:25 Again, the women couldn't go see her, but the kids could.
40:28 And one little girl, of course, she's an older lady.
40:31 At this time, she gave her testimony,
40:32 she said, "That was the sweetest,
40:34 kindest, loving old lady you could ever meet."
40:39 You know, but they shunned her.
40:41 And that's what the rabbis were doing.
40:43 Jesus taught that, "To God,
40:46 the work of destruction is a strange work,
40:49 strange work,
40:51 that in which all of heaven delights is,"
40:54 and this is what we just talked about,
40:55 "the restoration of God's own image in the souls
40:59 whom He has made."
41:01 Question number six.
41:03 Restoration is the process by which something
41:06 and or someone is restored to their former
41:09 or original beauty and or self.
41:12 Well.
41:13 So restoration, and in the beginning,
41:14 we were created in the image of whom?
41:17 Christ.
41:19 So we denote here that man needs to be restored
41:22 in the God's own image.
41:23 So let's all explain what... Yeah.
41:26 I was going to go into Ezekiel 16.
41:29 Ezekiel 16.
41:30 Very good scripture.
41:32 Ezekiel 16:4-12.
41:34 I'll read this,
41:35 this really came strong to my mind.
41:36 It says like, maybe a fewness prepared for this,
41:38 but God is good,
41:40 He brings things to remembrance.
41:41 Yes. Amen.
41:43 And Ezekiel 16 is a beautiful picture
41:45 of what God is doing for each and every one of us,
41:47 it says in Ezekiel 16:4.
41:49 "And as for thy nativity,
41:51 in the day thou wast born thy navel was not cut,
41:54 neither wast thou washed in water to supple thee,
41:56 thou wast not salted at all, nor swaddled at all.
41:59 None eye pitied thee, to do any of these unto thee,
42:03 to have compassion upon thee,
42:04 but thou wast cast out in the open field
42:07 to the lothing of thy person,
42:08 in the day that thou wast born."
42:10 Ezekiel 16:6 says, "And when I passed by thee,
42:12 and saw thee polluted in thine own blood,
42:15 I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, 'Live yea,'
42:18 I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, 'Live.
42:22 I have caused thee to multiply as the bud of the field,
42:24 and thou hast increased and waxen great,
42:26 and thou art come to excellent ornaments.
42:29 Thy breasts are fashioned, and thine hair is grown,
42:32 whereas thou wast naked and bare.
42:34 Now when I passed by thee, and looked upon thee, behold,
42:36 thy time was the time of love,
42:39 and I spread my skirt over thee,
42:40 and covered thy nakedness.
42:42 Yea, I sware unto thee,
42:44 and entered into a covenant with thee,
42:45 saith the Lord God, 'And thou becamest mine.
42:48 Then washed I thee with water.
42:50 Yea, I thoroughly washed away thy blood from thee,
42:53 and I anointed thee with oil.
42:54 I clothed thee also with broidered work,
42:56 and shod thee with badgers' skin,
42:58 and I girded thee about with fine linen,
43:00 and I covered thee with silk.
43:02 I decked thee also with ornaments,
43:03 and I put bracelets upon thy hands,
43:05 and a chain on thy neck.
43:06 And I put a jewel on thy forehead,
43:08 and earrings in thine ears,
43:09 and a beautiful crown upon thine head.'"
43:12 Praise God.
43:14 Good. Restoration.
43:15 Restoration. Restoration.
43:17 Of course, it mentioned about creation.
43:20 Absolutely.
43:22 In beginning, Genesis 1:26 and so on to 27,
43:25 it talks about that we made in the image of God.
43:28 And to me, when you think about that,
43:29 it means in the form of,
43:31 this is how personal that it gets, the form of God,
43:34 the features of God physically,
43:36 spiritually, all these things, character.
43:39 I mean that really puts it down to the...
43:41 You can talk about to the nitty-gritty
43:43 right there.
43:44 And I found something in Sabbath-School Worker,
43:46 just real quick, you know,
43:47 everybody's got a lot to share on that.
43:49 Page 112, it says,
43:50 notice this because we're talking about
43:52 the image of Christ, this is the importance
43:53 of gaining victory in our life and the image of Christ.
43:55 It says, and it's just real simple,
43:57 "All who enter heaven must have a perfect character."
44:01 I know people fight that all the time
44:02 and they try to make excuses for it.
44:04 That's what it says.
44:05 Number two, page 762 says, "Christ enables man,"
44:10 notice that, "to be," what?
44:12 "To develop." Right.
44:14 We look to our self, it's a total loss.
44:15 Number three, it says in Steps to Christ,
44:17 126,
44:19 "Perfect character here is developed," notice this,
44:22 "is by divine grace."
44:24 Praise God for that.
44:25 Sons and Daughters, 138,
44:27 "God can accept nothing short of perfect character."
44:31 He doesn't accept it.
44:33 And if you say, "How to obtain?"
44:34 It's pretty simple.
44:36 We're going that may people have
44:37 because I want to know,
44:38 you said, "Well, how do we obtain this?"
44:40 Others, you know,
44:41 get high-standard true education,
44:43 and it's certainly by beholding,
44:44 we become changed, but there's a lot more to it.
44:46 If we have time, I'll read that at the moment.
44:47 I think it's possible.
44:50 But a lot of people in the movement say
44:52 that's not possible.
44:53 We must have His character
44:55 if heaven is going to be our home.
44:57 Amen.
44:58 Image of Christ must be in the soul,
45:00 and it's attainable by who?
45:02 By God, by divinity living inside of us.
45:06 Christ does the work, we just need to submit.
45:09 You just got right in on my body.
45:12 No, no, it's fine.
45:13 Got to watch so I couldn't get off.
45:16 You were just setting up the stage
45:17 for what I was going to say here.
45:19 You know, there's two scriptures
45:20 that come into my mind when we're thinking of a man
45:22 being made in the image of God.
45:24 Now, obviously, most people think
45:25 in a physical likeness,
45:27 and we know that we were made in the physical,
45:28 literal likeness of God.
45:30 When I go to heaven,
45:31 I expect to see Christ and the Father with a face
45:33 and hands and arms, you know, I expect to see that.
45:36 But as you pointed out, you know, God is not only,
45:39 as we know, interested in the outward man,
45:42 but more than anything, the inward man,
45:45 and that is the character.
45:47 And so there's two scriptures that come into my mind here.
45:49 And I think they kind of feed one into another.
45:52 Romans 12:1-2.
45:54 "I beseech you therefore, brethren,
45:56 by the mercies of God,
45:57 that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
46:00 holy, acceptable to God,
46:01 which is your reasonable service."
46:03 And Romans 12:2, I love this, it says,
46:05 "And do not be conformed to this world,
46:06 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind
46:10 that you may prove that which is good,
46:12 and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
46:14 So we are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind.
46:18 Really, that is the avenue
46:21 in which the Holy Spirit communicates with us.
46:23 Yeah.
46:24 Once the mind is transformed, the rest of the body follows.
46:27 The question is, what mind?
46:29 What mind should I have?
46:30 Philippians 2:5. Amen.
46:32 Amen. Now you can't leave it out.
46:34 Notice what it says here.
46:35 "Let this mind be in you, which is also in...
46:38 "In Christ Jesus." There is that image.
46:39 We're in the image of God physically, yes,
46:42 but spiritually,
46:44 God desires us to adopt His mind,
46:47 His character, mind His character.
46:50 I love what the rest of the verses says,
46:51 "who being in the form of God,
46:52 did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,
46:55 but made himself of no reputation,
46:57 taking the form of a bondservant..."
46:59 Yeah. We are bondservants.
47:00 We should want and desire to be bondservants of Christ.
47:03 Amen.
47:04 "And coming in the likeness of men."
47:06 And I love Philippians 2:8,
47:07 "And being found in appearance as a man,
47:08 he humbled himself,
47:10 and became obedient to the point of death,
47:12 even the death of the cross."
47:14 What did Jesus say in Luke 9:23?
47:16 "If you desire to follow Me, deny yourself..."
47:19 Pick up the cross. "Take up your cross daily.
47:21 Deny yourself, take up your cross daily."
47:24 You know, that is a process.
47:25 It is a lifelong process.
47:27 Lots of sanctification involved,
47:29 constantly in surrender to Holy Spirit.
47:33 And I know I'm going to ramble on about this.
47:34 But I'm getting kind of to the point
47:35 that you are making.
47:38 I think when we're considering this subject,
47:40 people are going to respond differently
47:42 to this subject based on
47:43 their understanding of a gospel.
47:45 That's true. Yeah.
47:47 And you, all of us here, even our viewers at home,
47:48 there are...
47:50 It's a reality.
47:52 It's an inevitable situation
47:54 that there are two different gospels
47:58 floating around in the Christian world today.
48:02 It seems like within
48:04 these two different forms of gospel,
48:05 there's three different camps of people that respond
48:09 to these particular gospels in a particular way.
48:11 You usually have your ultra conservatives,
48:13 which seem to be a little bit more legalistic in mindset,
48:16 which is kind of
48:18 what we were talking about earlier,
48:19 which is the people who, you know, the rules, the rules,
48:20 the rules, the rules, but where's the ruler?
48:22 The ruler is not in the equation.
48:24 And you have the opposite end of the spectrum,
48:26 which are those people who kind of
48:29 the once-saved-always-saved mindset.
48:30 "There's nothing that I could do
48:31 that can pluck me from the hands of God."
48:33 And we know that that is true in the sense that no one,
48:38 nothing can pluck us from the hands of God
48:39 when we are in His will, we are following in His plans.
48:41 Right. Right.
48:43 What I want, what I desire to be,
48:44 and I'm not saying that I'm there,
48:46 I'm striving in that perfection,
48:48 I'm striving to be more like Christ,
48:50 which is to take a balanced approach
48:51 which is to fully surrender myself to Christ
48:55 and understand that Christ did come as we read earlier,
48:59 the while we were sinners, He did,
49:01 He was there for us.
49:03 He paid the price. Amen.
49:04 But many people would read that text and say,
49:06 "Praise the Lord.
49:07 In my sin...
49:09 In my sin,
49:11 Christ loves me and accepts me
49:12 and writes my name in the Book of Life."
49:14 We have to understand, there's a balanced, biblical,
49:17 kind of like, to consider it the full pictorial perspective,
49:21 full scriptural perspective, that's a mouthful.
49:24 And that is that Christ did come and save us
49:27 while we were yet sinners.
49:29 Yes.
49:30 But He doesn't want to leave us the way that we are.
49:32 Exactly. And, you know, a perfect...
49:33 Yes, good.
49:34 A perfect thing that really helped me,
49:36 I mentioned earlier,
49:37 and it's always going to be important for me
49:39 is that book Steps to Christ.
49:40 I think you quoted it too, Kenney.
49:42 I think that takes us back
49:43 to the foundation and the basics,
49:45 and what God wants to do to restore us, you know,
49:49 the confession, repentance, consecration,
49:51 all of those steps,
49:53 it's always going to be relevant.
49:54 And, you know, in my walk, and I...
49:56 You know, I read that book probably once or twice a month,
49:59 just, you know, either quotes or just anything out of there,
50:02 it's just like those.
50:04 If we ever forget those basic steps,
50:06 we're in trouble.
50:07 Absolutely. You know...
50:09 And I'm probably not going to say anything after this.
50:10 Give my spot in there
50:12 'cause I'm trying not to hog other's time.
50:13 But just kind of in response to what we've said so far,
50:17 the whole gospel perspective, the true biblical gospel,
50:20 Christ did come to save us.
50:22 He came to save us from our sin.
50:24 Yeah.
50:25 Not in our sin but from our sins.
50:27 Does He have mercy? Yes.
50:28 Yes. Is He forgiving?
50:29 Yes. Yes.
50:31 While we were sinners, has He come?
50:32 Yes.
50:33 But many people,
50:35 I think and I've even experienced
50:36 this in my life,
50:38 we tend to respond to the gospel in the sense
50:39 that we're in a prison cell.
50:40 When you're in sin, you're in a prison cell.
50:42 Oh, yeah.
50:43 Not only are you in a prison cell,
50:44 you're inside that prison cell, you're chained to the wall.
50:46 That's right.
50:47 And you're sitting there just wallowing in your sin,
50:49 you know, completely helpless.
50:51 Christ comes into that prison cell,
50:54 and He takes those chains off.
50:55 Praise God. Amen.
50:56 But here's where the difference in gospel mentality
50:59 has changed for some people.
51:01 Once Christ comes in and He takes those chains off,
51:05 He walks out of that prison cell
51:06 and hopes that we're going to follow Him.
51:08 But many people,
51:09 they're inside the prison cell rejoicing,
51:10 saying, "Praise the Lord,
51:12 I'm not chained anymore to that wall,"
51:14 but they're still inside the prison.
51:16 And Jesus say, "Hey, check the door."
51:19 Yes, yes. "Check the door.
51:20 Walk out.
51:22 Take in my goodness.
51:23 Partake in the divine character
51:24 that I want to bestow upon you."
51:26 And that's the true biblical gospel.
51:28 You know, I am seeing something
51:30 woven here through scripture today
51:32 because everything,
51:33 even the understanding of biblical perfection,
51:37 goes back to understanding the love of God
51:40 that He is love.
51:41 All these things begin to change in us to remake us,
51:45 to regenerate our minds, our bodies, our heart,
51:48 everything, by the love of God.
51:51 And I think, so much of that is summed up,
51:54 everything is summed up,
51:55 even biblical perfection is summed up in Psalms 51.
52:01 And there are so many, Psalms 51.
52:03 I don't even know if we have time,
52:04 I doubt we have time to read all of them.
52:06 We may have to...
52:07 We definitely have to come back for a part four.
52:10 Yeah.
52:12 This is too good, God is too good.
52:16 But Psalms 51, look at this, "Have mercy upon me, O God,
52:21 according to thy loving kindness,
52:24 according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies,
52:28 blot out my transgressions."
52:30 Isn't that saving us in our sins?
52:32 You just so applicably, you know, gave us an example,
52:36 it's blotting them out.
52:39 This is why we...
52:40 God says we perish for a lack of knowledge,
52:42 we're not picking up these Bibles,
52:44 we're not reading them.
52:46 Number two, Psalms 51:2, "Wash me."
52:49 What did it say?
52:51 Wash me. Wash.
52:52 "It's inside and outside,
52:54 thoroughly from my iniquity
52:55 and cleanse me from my..." what, group?
52:58 Sin. That's right.
52:59 Sin.
53:00 Three, "For I acknowledge my transgressions," God says,
53:04 come to me, but He doesn't leave us in our transgressions.
53:07 "And my sin is ever before me," oh, listen to this,
53:10 "purge me," with what?
53:12 Hyssop. Hyssop.
53:13 That's something that Jewish people used
53:15 to use to help purge the iniquities out
53:17 and the contamination.
53:20 "And I shall be clean, wash me.
53:24 And I shall be whiter than snow."
53:26 It's all God doing this.
53:28 We can't do it.
53:29 We can't make ourselves like Him.
53:32 We just invite Him in and ask Him
53:34 to make us like him.
53:36 In John 14:8, quickly, just says in there.
53:38 Was it Phillip that said, "Show us the Father?"
53:42 This is what we need to write, show us...
53:44 Show me the Father.
53:45 And what is it?
53:47 Jesus came to show
53:48 what it was all about right there,
53:49 God was... Christ was in...
53:52 What was it? Yeah.
53:53 "God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself."
53:56 That's right.
53:57 Because of the lack of time... Yes.
53:59 Well, maybe we could get some more here, let me...
54:02 Psalms 51:8, let's look at Psalms 51:8.
54:05 "Make me to hear joy and gladness
54:07 that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice."
54:10 See, He comes and He breaks,
54:12 He changes our heart and He begins to break us down.
54:16 "Hide thy face from My sins."
54:18 Remember David crying out? That's right.
54:20 "And blot out all mine iniquities."
54:22 Oh, Psalms 51:10.
54:24 Oh, here it is.
54:25 Everybody can read it if you want.
54:27 "Create in me a clean heart, O God,
54:31 and renew a right spirit within me."
54:34 Amen.
54:35 "Cast me not away from thy presence,
54:37 and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me."
54:40 Amen.
54:41 "Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation,
54:45 and uphold me with Thy free spirit."
54:48 That is biblical...
54:49 It's pretty heavy. Then Psalms 51:13.
54:52 Perfection. I don't know.
54:53 Psalms 51:13.
54:54 What would He do after we're cleansed?
54:56 Oh yes.
54:57 Oh, read it for me. I don't have that one.
54:59 "Then will I teach transgressors, Thy ways,
55:02 and sinners shall be converted unto you."
55:04 Not unto us, unto Christ. Yes, yes, yes.
55:06 Keep it going.
55:08 Because we want to give it away when you're so filled up
55:10 with the love of God, you want to give it away.
55:13 That's right. You know?
55:15 And there's many times...
55:16 Brother JD, I know you've got something
55:18 in your heart but there's many times
55:19 that we meet somebody and we want to give them
55:22 what God has given us but there's a wall
55:24 because they're not ready yet.
55:26 Jesus says, "I have so many things
55:27 to tell you but you're not ready."
55:29 Tell us what's on your heart.
55:30 Well, to me, this is one of those little nuggets.
55:33 There used to be an inward transformation,
55:37 the results of which are revealed
55:39 in the outward life.
55:40 Amen.
55:42 So you know, it's just...
55:44 It's all hand-in-glove.
55:46 So if He is living within, right,
55:47 He's gonna show with that
55:49 in whatever you do, yes, bearing fruit.
55:51 Well, yeah, and you want to be a demonstration of His love.
55:53 Amen.
55:55 Praise God. Praise God.
55:57 We just have to have the right perspective.
55:59 And that is that
56:00 we are striving for perfection,
56:02 not a perfected work that we will complete
56:04 but that He will complete.
56:05 My favorite verse, Philippians 1:6,
56:08 "We are confident of this thing that He who began a good work
56:11 in you will complete it."
56:13 Okay.
56:14 I've just got to throw one more scripture in.
56:18 Galatians 2:20, Galatians 2:20,
56:22 he just set me up again.
56:24 And it goes along
56:26 with what we're talking about here.
56:27 Help me with it. It says, "I am..." what?
56:29 "Crucified.
56:31 I am crucified."
56:32 We are crucified with Christ.
56:34 We need to do away with the old man.
56:37 "Nevertheless I live,
56:39 yet not I, but Christ liveth in me,
56:43 and the life which I now live in the flesh,
56:46 I live by faith of the Son of God,
56:49 who loved me, and gave Himself for me."
56:53 So as we're filled up with that love,
56:55 we're gonna do the good work.
56:57 Amen. That's right.
56:58 We got to reflect Jesus Christ.
57:00 We're going to come into that that perfection
57:03 that Christ pray, "Father, I pray that they'd be perfect,
57:05 they'd be one, as You and I are one."
57:08 It's all His love that draws us.
57:12 It is beautiful.
57:13 Now, Don, we just have a couple of seconds,
57:14 and closing quick prayer would be good
57:16 'cause somebody has made decisions today.
57:17 No doubt. Sure.
57:19 Let's pray.
57:20 Heavenly Father, you know that lost lamb
57:21 that's in the crack, Lord, that needs to be cleaned up.
57:24 And reaching out for You, Lord,
57:26 I just ask that You will guide them
57:27 and strengthen them and help them, Lord,
57:29 to respond to the voice of Your Holy Spirit.
57:31 We ask that You will guide and strengthen us
57:33 all while we're on this journey home.
57:35 We pray this in Jesus' name.
57:37 Amen.


Revised 2019-01-21