Series Code: TDYFW
Program Code: TDYFW018036A
00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people 00:13 I want to spend my life 00:19 Removing pain 00:24 Lord, let my words 00:30 Heal a heart that hurts 00:35 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:46 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:09 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn. 01:11 And we welcome you once again to 3ABN Today Family Worship. 01:15 How many of you can say "It's Sabbath?" 01:18 Amen. Praise the Lord. 01:19 Amen. Amen. 01:21 This has been a long week, a very busy week, 01:27 a very blessed week. 01:29 But we are so glad that you're joining us 01:32 for family worship. 01:33 This is such a special time as we welcome in the Sabbath, 01:36 get into the Word of God, 01:38 and put our focus entirely on Him. 01:41 Honey, why don't you introduce the family that's at the table? 01:43 Well, I'll tell you, 01:45 this is a special, special group. 01:47 I love each and every one of you. 01:48 We have Danny and Yvonne. 01:50 Amen. Good to be here. 01:51 This is wonderful. We have Tim and Dee. 01:53 Yeah. All right. 01:55 And we're happy to be here. 01:56 We're happy to be here. 01:58 And I'm happy to be here. 02:00 Shelley, what have we got planned for this evening? 02:02 Well, tonight, we're going to talk 02:04 about thanksgiving. 02:07 And you know, in James 1:17 it says that, 02:10 "God is the giver of every good and perfect gift." 02:15 And let me ask you this question. 02:18 Have you ever and I'm thinking of somebody 02:20 within our immediate circle 02:22 that we do wonderful things for often 02:25 sacrificially giving to them often, 02:28 and hardly ever express gratitude. 02:31 And have you ever had somebody like that, 02:33 that you're just constantly... 02:34 How does it make you feel? 02:37 Well, I'm the church treasurer, 02:39 so I don't get upset for myself. 02:44 Because sometimes I do wonder it's like, 02:46 well, your church family has really helped you 02:48 and down the line it's like, you're not helping back. 02:53 When there's no gratitude, 02:55 does it ever make you kind of feel like 02:57 maybe you should withhold from them 03:00 just to kind of teach them a lesson. 03:02 That's the humanness in us. 03:04 Isn't it? 03:05 But, you know, it's interesting 03:07 because in Luke 17:17 and18, 03:12 Jesus is telling the story of the 10 lepers 03:16 or Luke is sharing the story of the 10 lepers. 03:18 And Jesus heals them, 03:21 and they all go off on their merry way. 03:24 And only one comes back to thanking 03:27 and here's what he says, Jesus asked, 03:30 "Where they're not any found 03:32 who returned to give glory to God, except this foreigner?" 03:38 And I've wondered if for our own good 03:40 and I mean, I don't mean to put words in God's... 03:44 I mean, this isn't in the Bible. 03:46 But I've wondered, 03:47 if sometime when we don't show our thanksgiving to God, 03:52 if He ever is kind of like, 03:54 "Okay, let me stand back here for just a minute" 03:58 because it obviously grieves the heart of the giver 04:02 of every good and perfect gift 04:04 when we don't express thanksgiving. 04:06 I wonder if He ever stands back and just says, 04:09 "All right, let me withhold this 04:11 for a little bit until they can appreciate it." 04:14 I don't know. 04:16 It's just a thought provoking thing for me. 04:19 Shelley, I was gonna say that it reminded me this week 04:22 that something I've never had happened in my life, 04:26 we say, ran into this lady who is homeless, 04:30 there's not that I know are very many homeless people 04:33 right here in this area, but literally homeless. 04:35 And I was able to check it out later. 04:37 And they said, "Oh, yeah, 04:38 she just sleeps wherever she can." 04:40 And so we were able to help her. 04:43 We said, "Well, we're going to try to help you 04:45 and do what we can for you." 04:47 And she wasn't asking, you know, but we said, 04:50 we understand you need help, and we're going to help you. 04:53 So she said, "Well, thank you so much. 04:55 I appreciate it." 04:56 She was walking away and she said, by the way, 04:59 I'm supposed to be coming into some pretty big money. 05:02 And when I do 05:03 I'm going to donate everything to 3ABN 05:05 that my tithes, and offerings, 05:07 and all this stuff I'm going to donate to 3ABN." 05:10 So I checked that out and it really is a possibility 05:13 that she has some trust and some other things 05:16 that, you know, her grandfather died 05:19 and left her some money, but she didn't have it. 05:22 But we didn't know that when we told her 05:24 but it's so surprised me, "I'm like what," 05:26 she's like I'm going to be coming in 05:27 with some pretty big money, 05:29 but when I do 3ABN is the first one 05:30 I'm going to give to. 05:32 You guys have been so helpful, you know, to me. 05:34 Well, you know, the thing 05:36 that we want to talk about tonight 05:38 is what is thanksgiving? 05:41 What is the personal... 05:43 And we're not talking about the holiday. 05:45 You know, 05:46 sometimes we've got a holiday in United States 05:48 and people it seems like that's the only time 05:50 they remember to give thanks. 05:52 If they do, you know, over their meal. 05:54 But I think thanksgiving 05:57 needs to be an important part of our daily worship. 06:01 And there are definitely personal benefits. 06:05 We're going to find out tonight, 06:07 why God prescribes thanksgiving for our own benefit. 06:11 And then we will look at 06:14 some difficult things about thanksgiving as well. 06:17 But first, we're going to have a prayer. 06:20 And then, Tim, we're going to scoot you off 06:22 to the piano so that we can... 06:25 Why don't you stay for the prayer though? 06:27 And what I'd like to do is just go around 06:31 and let's each just thank God 06:33 and give a short prayer 06:35 of something you want to thank God for. 06:36 We'll begin with you. Amen. Wonderful. 06:38 Father God, what an honor to come to You 06:40 and just lay our hearts before You, 06:45 my goodness there's not a moment goes by 06:47 but that You don't bless me perhaps with something, 06:51 with the breath, with water, with food. 06:56 Just Lord, I'm grateful. 06:57 I just truly am grateful 06:59 and thank You for loving me so much to meet my every need. 07:03 Thank You, Lord. Yes. 07:04 Oh, Father, thank You so much that You do meet our every need 07:07 that Father, I want to thank You personally 07:09 because You go so far above and beyond, 07:11 You give me a blessed life, a life work, 07:15 and more than just a home and a place, 07:18 You've given me a place in Your heart, Father. 07:22 And I just thank You for the sacrifice 07:24 that You've given to me in the life You've given me. 07:28 Dear Lord, I never tire of thanking You 07:31 for what You did for us. 07:33 So I thank You Lord Jesus 07:35 for becoming a man and taking on our human flesh. 07:39 I thank You Lord, for dying for us. 07:41 Father, thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit. 07:44 And we thank You for Your Word. 07:46 Oh, how we praise You, how we love You, Lord. 07:51 Father, I just wanted to just thank You so much 07:54 as we come to You in the name of Jesus 07:56 for what You offer each one of us, 07:58 Lord, that we have the freedom of choice. 08:01 And, Father, that I know me personally 08:04 I choose to serve You. 08:05 And so, Father, just continue to be with us, take my hand, 08:09 continue to be a lamp to my feet. 08:11 And I ask that for each one of us here 08:12 to type them for each one 08:14 that's that loves You, dear Father, 08:17 we know that all good and perfect things 08:19 do come directly from You. 08:21 So we thank You, Lord. Thank you. 08:23 Lord, I just want to say thank You. 08:25 Lord, thank You so much 08:26 for the privilege of being able to come to You at all. 08:30 You are the creator of the universe. 08:31 You are the sustainer of all life 08:33 and yet You invite me, 08:35 us to come and to cast our cares at Your feet 08:39 because You care about us. 08:41 Thank You so much for Your love, 08:43 and Your care and Your goodness 08:45 and Your mercy in our lives, Lord. 08:47 We just praise You and thank You. 08:50 Amen. 08:51 Lord, I just want to thank You for life, for health, 08:54 for strength, and especially tonight, Lord, 08:56 I'm just praying for those 08:58 that are watching by TV or listening by radio 09:02 that maybe don't have a thankful heart. 09:04 Maybe they're looking at themselves and wondering 09:08 why am I, where I am, and who cares? 09:11 Does anybody really care? 09:12 Tonight, I pray 09:14 by the anointing of the Holy Spirit 09:15 that the love that is here, 09:17 that You have put within our hearts 09:19 that we can share it 09:20 with those literally watching around the world 09:23 or listening around the world 09:24 that we all can leave this program 09:27 with a thankful heart. 09:28 We give You honor, and glory, 09:30 and praise in Jesus' name, we pray. 09:33 Amen, and amen. 09:34 Thank you so much. 09:36 We are going to sing a song that the only reason 09:39 we were brave enough to do it 09:41 is because we've got Danny, and Yvonne, and Tim here. 09:47 This psalm is not in the Adventist hymnal. 09:52 But the words will be up on the bottom of the screen. 09:56 So we ask you to sing along with us. 10:07 Give thanks with a grateful heart 10:12 Give thanks to the Holy One 10:16 Give thanks 10:19 Because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son 10:26 Give thanks with a grateful heart 10:31 Give thanks to the Holy One 10:35 Give thanks 10:37 Because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son 10:45 And now let the weak say, "I am strong" 10:52 Let the poor say, "I am rich 10:57 Because of what the Lord has done for us" 11:05 And now let the weak say, "I am strong" 11:12 Let the poor say, "I am rich 11:17 Because of what 11:19 The Lord has done for us" 11:25 Give thanks 11:30 Give thanks 11:34 Amen. Amen. 11:35 Amen. Amen. 11:37 Thank y'all. Thank you, Lord. 11:39 Thank you for Tim Parton. Amen. 11:43 I met a man, whatever key, whatever you need, 11:45 it's been so blessed. 11:47 We appreciate our, Brother Tim so much. 11:49 Absolutely. 11:50 All right, let's start off 11:52 and let's talk about what is thanksgiving. 11:57 When we say give thanks, what are we talking about? 12:00 Well, let's define thanksgiving. 12:03 Somebody jump in there. 12:05 I think of thanksgiving is more of a state of mind 12:09 and how you think and feel about things 12:10 more than an actual action. 12:13 It's just kind of who you are, if you giving thanks is, 12:19 is a part of you. 12:20 I totally agree with that because I think that leads back 12:23 to the question that you mentioned 12:25 about not giving thanks. 12:28 You know, it rains on the just and the unjust. 12:33 Food is provided for the just and the unjust, 12:35 for those who are saved, for the non Christian, 12:37 for the believer, the unbeliever. 12:40 We all receive gifts and, you know, 12:43 sometimes we're not grateful, 12:44 sometimes we forget to give thanks for them. 12:47 But still, you know, 12:49 John 3:16 is the greatest example 12:52 that God says, you know, 12:53 "For so loved the world that I gave my only Son." 12:59 There was no guarantee, you know, 13:01 that anybody would be grateful for that. 13:04 But He gave until therefore I think it is a character, 13:08 it's part of you, when we have to develop that, 13:11 we have to work on being grateful, 13:14 but it is something, it's a trait. 13:19 What that means I'm not sure. 13:21 It says, we're not good. 13:23 I don't say I'm good. 13:25 Whenever I think about thanksgiving, 13:27 I think of being appreciative, and I think that is something 13:31 it's either in you or not in you. 13:32 Does it mean that if it doesn't come natural 13:34 that you can't work on it. 13:36 You know, that may be a trait that, 13:38 Lord, please help me with that. 13:40 And others it just seems like it's just easy. 13:42 So I mean it seems like as I listen earlier 13:45 that was kind of an agreement among all of us. 13:48 I mean, I think all of us here are givers. 13:50 Now I don't know if that's a genetic thing, 13:53 or if that's learned, or what? 13:54 But don't you know that whenever... 13:56 Have you ever seen around little children, 13:57 whenever like their parents will say, 14:00 "Somebody give that child something." 14:01 And the parent will say, "What do you say?" 14:04 And there's so many times that they're reluctant 14:06 to say, "Thank you." 14:08 So I don't know whether it's out of shyness 14:10 or, but I don't think, it's real natural 14:13 for people to be thankful. 14:15 You know, I don't know, as a child, 14:17 I've seen that in children. 14:20 They don't want to... 14:21 I think it's something you develop 14:22 because you choose to. 14:26 To your point, it's like children expect, 14:29 I mean, their parents are always giving something 14:31 so you give them something and it's kind of like 14:33 there's that attitude of expectation. 14:35 Like, I just expect people to do good things for me. 14:38 And I think that sometimes, you know, 14:41 there's things over the last few years 14:44 that God has helped me 14:45 to recognize that as I recognize them, 14:49 that thanksgiving wells up in my heart. 14:52 Because it's like, there are things 14:54 that even I'm a very grateful person. 14:56 I mean, probably, 14:58 I think it's easy to say 50% of my prayer or more 15:02 is thanksgiving. 15:04 I'm a very grateful person. 15:06 But as He's showing me some things 15:08 that I really didn't understand, it just, you know, 15:12 my heart just overflows with thanksgivings. 15:15 I think of thanksgiving is recognizing 15:17 what God has done, 15:19 remembering it, acknowledging it, 15:22 and then expressing your appreciation. 15:25 And it is a learned thing. 15:27 Say, is thanksgiving good for us, 15:29 or do we have a God 15:31 who just wants everybody to constantly bow down, 15:34 and worship Him, and praise Him, 15:35 and tell Him how wonderfully He is, 15:38 because He's got some kind of complexes and He doesn't know. 15:43 To me this whole, the whole great controversy 15:48 between good and evil comes over flesh, 15:51 comes over self. 15:52 When you're thankful and you give thanks to God, 15:56 that benefits you 15:57 when you give thanks to your family, 15:59 your wife, your husband, 16:01 your children, your friends, your pastor 16:03 is taking your eyes off of yourself 16:06 and putting them on someone else 16:08 to love one another. 16:10 And how can you love one another, 16:11 if you're not thankful for the friends and family, 16:14 and those around and thankful for a God who saved us? 16:17 Because here we are living a short time on earth history, 16:21 a short time and then we're dust 16:22 and that's it. 16:24 And there would be no hope. 16:25 So who wouldn't be thankful for this plan of salvation 16:29 that Jesus did so, 16:30 to me thankfulness is more for us than God 16:36 'cause I've heard people say, "Well, If God just wants 16:38 somebody to serve Him and do praise Him all the time. 16:41 You know, that's kind of, that doesn't sound right." 16:43 I said, "No, we do the praise for us." 16:47 It's like God could save everybody 16:50 or take the gospel just in our mind. 16:52 So Holy Spirit can impress everybody on earth. 16:55 But why does He say, "Go ye into all the world 16:59 when He could do it Himself? 17:00 And I've had people say, 17:02 "Well, you know, God could do it, 17:04 so I don't have to do it." 17:05 No, He said, "Go ye into all the world, 17:07 preach the gospel to every nation, 17:09 kindred, tongue, and people, for me." 17:11 Because in order for me to be saved, 17:13 I have to care enough to get out of my home, 17:16 and my comfortable spot, 17:18 and everything I like to love someone else enough 17:22 to go out whether it's a mission field, 17:23 or just add on to my neighbors, out to my family, 17:27 to whomever is around me, to love them, to go ye, 17:30 to take the gospel to them for my own salvation. 17:33 So God could win everybody without us. 17:37 And He chose not to force people 17:40 to serve Him, 17:41 but He could have saved everybody, but witnessing, 17:45 giving thanks, giving honor, giving glory, giving praise 17:49 is really for our salvation. 17:50 I agree. 17:51 Well, to expand on that a little bit. 17:54 Even physiologically, when we praise God, 17:57 when we have an attitude of praise and thanksgiving, 18:00 our brains light up in certain places 18:03 like they can measure that. 18:05 And so it's for us, 18:07 as you were saying, it's for us, 18:09 because it plugs us in to the divine. 18:13 It gives us that power from God. 18:16 And so it's... 18:17 Electricity we need to plug it in. 18:19 Yeah, plug it in. 18:20 We get that power from God. 18:23 So it's not God being some kind of ego maniac 18:26 that He needs our praise for Him. 18:29 No, it's because it does something in us. 18:33 It brings us closer to Him. 18:35 And so it is a physiological, and emotional, 18:40 and spiritual experience as well. 18:42 Think about when you're praising God, 18:45 what you're doing and how you're feeling 18:48 because you're right, it lifts us up 18:51 and when we think about how you feel 18:53 when you're praising the Lord and seem to enjoy. 18:55 It lifts you up, it gives you a different way of thinking, 18:58 and it draws us closer to Him. 19:00 It doesn't draw Him down to us. 19:02 It draws us up to Him. 19:03 And it is very physical, 19:06 and emotionally, mentally, and psychologically. 19:08 And Satan is so cunning, 19:10 because sometimes He wants you to live on that emotion. 19:14 So you can get so much out praising, and so happy, 19:18 and so excited, and so doing all this stuff, 19:20 because it makes you feel good. 19:21 And so sometimes I've been to place 19:24 where they put the Bible aside, 19:26 basically, to spend all the time 19:28 praise and worship. 19:29 But sometimes now, I know everybody has their 19:32 differences of opinion about this, 19:35 but praising the Lord is really should be praising the Lord 19:38 for who He is and not because, I hear people say, 19:41 well, thank the Lord. 19:43 In fact, somebody years ago said, "Well, thank the Lord. 19:45 You know, my mother sick, she's here another week, 19:47 God is great." 19:49 And week after week, 19:50 while we thought mother's going to die, 19:51 she's, you know, still alive. 19:54 God is great. 19:55 So after one of the times, we were around together, 19:58 having worship I said, "I want to ask you a question, 20:00 what happens when your mother dies? 20:02 Is God not great? She's like, "What? 20:04 And I said, "We're so God answered what we wanted. 20:08 So is He still great?" 20:10 And she goes, "Oh, well, yes." 20:12 And I said, "I don't mean that in a bad way." 20:14 But I saw she was putting so much on to that. 20:17 I thought she's going to be so probably upset at God, 20:20 "God, My mother died when she was 85." 20:22 You know, we're only given 70 years 20:25 and some of us know about that. 20:26 And so anything extra is a gift. 20:29 And so we have to be careful and that we are praising God 20:32 and not just because He's giving us 20:35 or blessing us how He makes us feel better. 20:39 JD? No, that's exactly right. 20:41 And you know, there has to be some, 20:42 I think that Yvonne kind of hit it physiologically, 20:45 how about spiritually. 20:47 How do we benefit spiritually 20:49 whenever we're praising the Lord. 20:51 Number one, it makes us feel good. 20:55 One little thing that I really appreciate, 20:57 Shelley and I've always come to work, 20:58 we live say 11 miles from 3ABN. 21:01 And one of our traits is to come to work together, 21:03 to go home together. 21:05 And, lately our schedules 21:09 have been a little bit differently. 21:11 And so I take one car, Shelley takes one car, 21:13 and one thing that I've always enjoyed. 21:16 And I can't carry a tune and I'm the first 21:18 to say that I love to sing. 21:20 And it seems like sometimes that the Lord 21:22 that day that I was created, did not give me... 21:25 Anyway, I love singing and so as I'm coming to work, 21:29 I just start singing, she just start singing. 21:32 And I mean, it's amazing. 21:33 I thought the two of you many times, 21:36 no worries Danny and Tim, what I mean, 21:39 this needs to be recorded though. 21:41 Oh, my goodness. 21:42 Seriously, you know, 21:43 because to me it seems like he is ingenious. 21:47 And I'm sure that the Lord probably sitting here, 21:50 "You are doing good, JD." 21:51 No, Again have him praises. 21:52 That's right. That's right. 21:54 But in doing that, 21:56 it just enhances my faith with Him, 22:00 my walk with Him because, you know, I just sense it. 22:04 I can tell you. 22:05 I mean, it took me a while to realize that, you know, 22:08 praise doesn't change God, it changes me. 22:10 That's right. 22:12 And when I start thanking God for things, 22:15 it takes my eyes off of my problems, 22:20 and I'll share story in the later if we have time. 22:22 But sometimes, you can get into that 22:26 anybody here ever get 22:27 into the poor pitiful meat party, you know. 22:30 And you go before the Lord, and instead of whining, 22:35 and murmuring, and complaining about your circumstances, 22:39 if you start, if you train your focus 22:42 to look at what God has done in your life, 22:45 it's a faith builder. 22:46 You know, you may be feeling down in the mouth, 22:49 poor pitiful pearl, 22:51 but all of a sudden as you start thinking 22:54 about what He's done, and you start thanking Him. 22:58 To me, it makes my faith sore. 23:01 And I realized everything He's done in the past, 23:04 He can do again. 23:06 And I love Psalms 103, 23:10 Psalm 103:3-4. 23:15 Tim, you want to read that? Do I? 23:17 King David exclaimed, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, 23:20 and forget not all His benefits, 23:23 who forgives all your iniquities, 23:25 who heals all your diseases, 23:26 who redeems your life from destruction, 23:29 who crowns you with loving kindness 23:31 and tender mercy. 23:32 Yes. Yes, He does. 23:34 He understood, didn't He? 23:35 'Cause we can forget God's benefit. 23:38 Yes, that's very true. 23:40 And that's why I think thanksgiving is important. 23:43 I think it's really good too... 23:45 Well, let me back up for a second. 23:47 So one of the pastor's came here to talk to us about, 23:53 just about His ministry, 23:54 and we were talking about prayer. 23:56 And he suggested a notebook 23:59 where you write what your petitions to God 24:03 and then when He answers and then you have... 24:07 A lot of times we forget what God has done. 24:09 But if we write it down, 24:11 if we write down what we asked for, 24:13 and then write down how He's answered. 24:15 I have a little... 24:17 There's an app on my phone that's a prayer app. 24:20 And I write some things down, and you can modify it, 24:23 and you can, you know, edit it, and all that. 24:26 And I see how God has answered all of these prayers. 24:31 And it's just, He's so amazing. 24:33 And it fills you with thanksgiving 24:35 because you are like, He's such a great God. 24:37 He answers my prayers. He hears my prayers. 24:39 It's just like Shelley said that 24:41 that's what thanksgiving does. 24:42 It changes her. 24:45 It changes us. Prayer does the same way. 24:47 Prayer is not so much about God 24:50 because like you said, God already knows the need. 24:52 He knows how He could save the world without us. 24:55 But prayer changes me. 24:56 Thanksgiving changes me. 24:57 You see a pattern of how God does these things for us 25:01 because they affect us, not so much that He needs it. 25:05 He's got the whole world. 25:07 That's right. That's beautiful. 25:09 In His hands. 25:10 In His hands. Right. 25:12 That sound likes a show. 25:14 Picked the whole wide world in His hands. 25:16 JD, I know this is your favorite, 25:19 Philippians 4:6-7. 25:21 Because to me, I think the reason God prescribes 25:25 praise and thanksgiving. 25:26 Thanksgiving really does help us 25:29 keep a positive perspective. 25:32 Yes. 25:33 That's Philippians 4:6-7, 25:35 this is one of my very favorites. 25:37 "Be anxious for nothing." 25:39 Wow. What a beginning. 25:41 "Be anxious for nothing, 25:43 but in everything by prayer and supplications, 25:47 that particular need that by prayer and supplication 25:51 with thanksgiving." 25:52 Wow. 25:54 "Let your requests be made known to God 25:56 and the peace of God that surpasses 25:59 all understanding will guard your heart and your mind 26:01 through Christ Jesus." 26:03 Part of this was a formula, 26:05 a very important part 26:07 of this formula is thanksgiving. 26:08 That's a happy heart. 26:10 You know, that's stepping forward. 26:12 If you're vulnerable 26:13 or whatever the situation may be 26:15 is, Lord, thank You 26:17 that I don't have to have anxiety attacks 26:20 because I'm coming to You with thanksgiving, Lord, 26:22 You're the one that has the plan for my life. 26:24 Yes. Amen. 26:25 And if you truly and, boy, 26:27 this should be a prayer for morning, 26:28 Lord, please let me truly believe 26:33 that our relationship exist 26:35 because lot of people go through the mechanisms 26:38 and everything. 26:39 And may keep one eye open, 26:41 their fingers crossed behind their back, you know, 26:43 "I hope this works." 26:44 But if you truly believe, 26:47 you know, and add a thanksgiving, 26:49 I think that your prayers 26:50 are going to be excitingly good. 26:52 This scripture for me is the scripture 26:56 that actually was instrumental 26:58 in bringing me back to the Lord. 26:59 Amen. 27:01 A friend of mine sent me, yes, and whenever I hear it, 27:03 it's just like, wow. 27:04 Because I was out of the church, 27:07 and I was going through a bad time. 27:09 And a friend of mine sent me this scripture 27:11 from the Living Bible. 27:13 And the Living Bible says, "Don't worry about anything. 27:16 Instead, pray about everything. 27:18 Tell God your needs. 27:19 And don't forget to thank Him for His answers." 27:22 And if you do this, 27:23 you will experience God's peace, 27:25 which is more wonderful 27:26 than the human mind can understand. 27:28 And when I read that, I was like, 27:30 "That's what I need. 27:32 That's what was missing. 27:33 I had the money, you know, 27:35 the show business thing, I had that. 27:36 But I didn't have that peace 27:38 and that joy that goes along with knowing Jesus. 27:42 And so this scripture for me is so meaningful 27:45 because when you tell God your needs 27:47 and you don't forget to thank Him for His answers, 27:51 you do experience peace. 27:53 You know, I'm very fortunate that I had a dad, 27:56 he was very practical, and common sense, 27:59 and he had eighth grade education. 28:01 But probably now as I look at it, 28:03 one of the smartest man I ever knew, 28:05 but you were saying, 28:07 "Well, do we ever have pity parties?" 28:09 And it didn't occur to me until several years ago, 28:13 'cause someone said to me, "Don't you ever get depressed?" 28:17 And I said, "No. Am I supposed to?" 28:19 And you know what? What's going on? 28:21 Because my dad was disabled at 36 years old, 28:24 but he always had a good attitude. 28:25 He's always, you know, when he was around people, 28:28 everybody really liked him. 28:30 He always, he seemed 28:31 in much better health than he was. 28:32 But like, when we were young, Tim, 28:35 something would happen to me. 28:36 And I'd say, "Why has that happened to me. 28:38 Why don't..." He'd say, "Son, why not you?" 28:42 And I look at him like what? 28:43 He'd say, "Why not you?" 28:45 There's about 5 billion people on earth. 28:47 Now you think you're going to be exempt from everything. 28:49 Then he'd do me this. 28:51 The Bible says as Tim said, 28:52 "The rain falls on the just as well as the unjust." 28:55 This world doesn't revolve around you. 28:58 You're just a grain of sand, you know. 29:00 But God loves you. He created you. 29:03 He's coming back for you. 29:04 But don't expect things are going to happen for you, 29:07 the life you're not going to get anywhere in life, 29:09 if you concentrate on you, 29:11 when you concentrate on God 29:12 and you concentrate doing His will, 29:14 then things will happen. 29:16 And besides, he would always say, 29:17 "Gold is made when it's tried in the fire." 29:20 Yeah. 29:21 So don't give me any this, 29:23 "Why me? Or why don't I get?" 29:25 And I always think about there's been times 29:27 when I had this just three and a half months 29:30 or so ago, 29:32 open heart surgery that is no fun 29:33 for those that had it. 29:35 You know, the quadruple bypass, 29:37 it really didn't occur to me to say, "Why me?" 29:40 You know, 'cause I'm a vegetarian, 29:42 ate some fish. 29:44 But basically I eat well, I exercised. 29:46 You eat a Christian diet. 29:48 I exercised a lot, 29:49 played basketball at 67 years old, run for court. 29:53 But it never occurred to me to say, "Why me Lord? 29:57 I've tried to eat right, 29:59 I've tried to exercise, Why me?" 30:02 Honestly, I can raise my hand before the Lord. 30:04 I thought, well, why not? When I found out why not me? 30:07 We're here and God's blessings whether I have this or not, 30:12 whether I go to sleep during that, 30:14 I'm still blessed. 30:15 I'm still thankful. I'm still grateful. 30:17 So when I never knew what would it be like 30:20 if you really facing death. 30:22 I had a friend two weeks after me, 30:23 same hospital, knew him all my life. 30:26 He didn't come out of it. He has same operation. 30:29 But when I was laying there, and they were getting ready, 30:32 and a lot of folk around, some of you were there, 30:34 and they were getting ready to take me into surgery. 30:37 And I thought, well, this is a win-win 30:41 because should I live through it, 30:43 this is going to be great 30:45 because I want to be here for family. 30:47 But if I don't, the very next thing I will see 30:50 will be the face of Jesus, Jesus coming back. 30:52 I mean, this is a win-win. 30:54 So I hadn't realized what that, you know... 30:57 So it helps to get our mind off ourselves 30:59 and thank the Lord 31:00 that He found a way of a plan of salvation 31:04 for sinful human beings like us 31:06 who would otherwise go to dust and never return, 31:10 go anywhere. 31:12 One thing that I've noticed also about you, Danny, 31:15 is that practical man of your father 31:17 is transferred to you. 31:19 You are a very practical man. He does. 31:22 I mean, I just learned a little bit about you've 31:24 just that... 31:25 And I've heard that story before, 31:27 but I didn't connect the dots. 31:28 Why not? Yeah, yeah, why not? 31:30 You know that's a big one right there. 31:33 In other words, be count your blessings 31:34 even if it is, 31:36 you went something you didn't like or want. 31:38 You still count your blessings because you know Jesus, 31:41 you know, you've given your life to Him, 31:44 so you win. 31:45 But let me ask you a question. 31:47 Do you wake up after this surgery 31:50 when you're doing well now, 31:52 do you wake up with a new thankfulness. 31:54 I mean, we all thank God 31:56 for thank you for life today and everything, 31:58 but when you nearly lose it and then you've got it. 32:01 Do you have a new appreciation for it? 32:04 Well, especially when I got off life support, 32:08 I didn't enjoy that woke up to early, 32:10 so I was there and couldn't move 32:12 or make contact to let them know. 32:14 But no, absolutely, 32:15 of course after that everything is different now. 32:19 You look at things because you're so much closer 32:21 and see where you could have been, 32:23 so much more thankful for 32:25 not that it wasn't already for my wife, 32:27 for our kids, for family, 32:28 the ministry God's allowed us to be in, 32:30 for health. 32:32 I love playing balls, 32:34 I went out of three, four weeks ago, 32:35 just by myself to shoot, I could hardly do a layup. 32:40 Doctor said, "Well, you can do some." 32:42 And so I did that. 32:44 And then pretty soon I got far as the free throw line. 32:46 And, but that was another trip or two. 32:49 So last Tuesday night, I went out 32:51 and was able to finally get some three pointers up 32:53 and I'm thinking, 32:55 "Wow, I've never really appreciated that before." 32:57 But it's been such an effort. Now, it's like "Wow. 33:00 Thank You, Lord, You gave me the strength 33:01 to actually get out here and do this." 33:03 You know, since my vocal fold has been scarred by that virus, 33:10 I didn't realize how much I miss. 33:13 I mean, how much I appreciated singing 33:15 till is couldn't, you know? 33:17 Yes, yes. 33:18 And so there's sometimes we just need to recognize that. 33:20 But I want to take us a step further. 33:23 And, Dee, I want to ask you to read Romans 1:20-21, 33:27 because in my viewpoint, as I'm reading the Bible, 33:31 it seems that thanksgiving 33:33 is a very important part of our prayer life. 33:36 It's a very essential part of our worship. 33:40 And I think it comes down to either unbelief or belief. 33:45 So if you read Romans 1:20-21. 33:49 "For since the creation of the world, 33:51 his invisible attributes are clearly seen, 33:54 being understood by the things that are made, 33:57 even his eternal power and Godhead, 34:00 so that they are without excuse because although they knew God, 34:04 they did not glorify Him as God, 34:07 nor were thankful, 34:09 but became futile in their thoughts 34:11 and their foolish hearts were darkened." 34:14 Isn't that interesting. Nor were they thankful. 34:16 So what is that saying to you? 34:18 Well, see, I remember, when I wasn't even a Christian. 34:23 I've never really been accused of being a pessimist. 34:25 So kind of an optimist, 34:27 but even when I was in bad places, 34:30 and things were harder, tough, I remember, I thought, 34:33 and I didn't have a dad who pointed this out to me, 34:36 but thing, it would come to me. 34:38 Well, there's people that got a lot worse, 34:39 and I would start thinking I would think of what... 34:43 I'm better off because of this 34:45 or I'm better off than the person that. 34:47 So I would think more on the positive side 34:50 and be grateful 34:52 because I was in church as a little girl. 34:55 So Vacation Bible School 34:58 and learning to pray and be grateful there. 35:01 And I think it fed over. 35:03 And so when you're being thankful 35:05 is not just being thankful when God is blessing you. 35:10 It's being thankful when you're in the hard places, 35:13 in the dark places, and still being thankful, 35:16 and thinking of those things 35:18 that He's still blessing you with. 35:20 If you start focusing on the blessings you have, 35:24 just like Dan and Yvonne, all of us have said, 35:27 it takes your eyes off of you, 35:30 and it puts them on God and on others. 35:34 So that you don't have time to wallow in that self pity. 35:40 I don't stay in self pity very long. 35:43 I just can't because it doesn't accomplish anything 35:46 and it just makes you feel worse. 35:48 But if you start, if you lay like you said, 35:52 "Tell the Lord what the problem is." 35:55 But then you need to start talking about, 35:57 "Thank You, Lord, for being here for me. 36:00 I don't have to walk through this alone." 36:02 Start talking and thanking Him or the obvious stuff, 36:05 and then work up from there. 36:06 I love that app thing because when you're there, 36:08 you can go, "Oh, Lord, 36:10 look what you've done for me in the past. 36:12 I know You're with me now." That's right. 36:15 So you know what Romans 1:20 and 21 says to me, 36:19 he's talking about the people of the world 36:21 and they don't know God, they don't glorify God, 36:24 they're not thankful. 36:25 It's a sign of unbelief. 36:27 When a lack of gratitude on our part is like, 36:33 we're not recognizing God 36:35 as the giver of every good and perfect gift. 36:38 So if that's the sign of unbelief, no faith, 36:44 what does Hebrews 11:6 say, 36:46 "Without faith, it's impossible to please God," 36:51 because we're supposed to believe that He is 36:53 and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. 36:57 So it's interesting to me. 37:00 I mean we can look at this conversely. 37:02 If the lack of gratitude is unbelief, 37:07 then suddenly as we are giving our thanksgiving to God 37:11 is because we believe in who He is 37:13 and what He's doing. 37:14 We see His hand moving. 37:16 And I think that changes our prayer posture, 37:20 it changes everything. 37:22 When you come before the Lord like you said, you know, 37:26 when I have my ankle surgery and you can't walk around, 37:29 and I'm just going, 37:31 "Thank You God, that I've still got foot. 37:32 Thank You God." 37:34 You know, you just go, and you start thinking, 37:36 and you start praying for other people 37:37 who are in a more permanent situation, 37:41 but it get your eyes off the problem 37:44 until your problem is solved. 37:46 But now, Yvonne, read Psalms 100:4 and 5. 37:51 One thing where this has became futile in their thoughts. 37:55 See, if you're not thankful. 37:58 This is saying, if you not have faith, 38:01 if you don't have belief, if you don't grow, 38:02 and you're not thankful, 38:04 you become more and more futile. 38:08 And you get more and more foolish, 38:09 and you get in darker, darker places. 38:12 So if you're not lifting up, if you're not going up, 38:15 you are going down 38:16 and you're getting darker and darker, 38:18 there's no... You don't just stand still. 38:20 It gets worse. That's true. 38:22 Look at all of our educational system 38:23 here in America and in the United States, 38:26 and the people who think professed to be smart, 38:29 really, you know, 38:31 just the opposite to very foolish, 38:33 they ain't say fool, but very foolish 38:35 because they don't believe in God. 38:36 Many of these professors, 38:38 many of these what we consider 38:39 the smartest people and scientists on earth 38:42 because they don't really give God 38:44 and trust that there is a God. 38:46 They profess to be wise. 38:47 But yet, it's really very foolish 38:50 if you don't know God, 38:52 because that's really the only thing 38:53 that matters on this earth is we know God, 38:55 we submit and commit our lives to Him, 38:57 and we go and tell what He's done for us. 39:00 What I see in this before we go to the other with Shelley, 39:03 is in contrast, without faith, it's impossible, 39:07 but with faith it is possible. 39:10 So if you are walking down into that cellar 39:13 and getting darker and darker, 39:15 perhaps you need to ask how to increase the faith. 39:19 So that I will be able to light up the room, 39:22 so that I know that there is someone above faith 39:25 that can take my hand. 39:27 Sure. 39:28 I don't know why, I just feel this is important 39:30 to share what you pray every day. 39:32 Lord, increase my... 39:35 I read this from one of Miss White's books. 39:38 And I don't remember where but, Lord, increase my humility. 39:41 Lord, increase my wisdom. 39:43 Lord, increase my courage, and Lord increase my faith. 39:48 And you set a new start dissecting everyone 39:51 and that's where we fall into that category someplace. 39:55 And some days, you know, you may feel a little prideful, 39:58 Lord, increase my humility. 40:01 I want that base covered. That's a heavy prayer JD. 40:04 That is a heavy prayer. Sometimes... 40:05 That is a heavy prayer. 40:07 But you've given Him permission, 40:09 like it's the first thing that I'm learning, 40:11 I'm learning, I'm learning. 40:13 First thing I do when I get out of bed, 40:14 Lord, "Fill me with the Holy Spirit." 40:16 I mean, some days 40:18 you may stumble going to the bathroom, 40:19 you know, but Lord, you know, fill me with the Holy Spirit 40:23 because I'm just... 40:25 You're planting those seeds and as each day goes by 40:28 and maybe you're going to get a little water here, 40:30 little sunshine here. 40:32 And wow, I didn't notice that before. 40:34 Thank You Jesus that now I could connect that dot. 40:39 Glad, I just, I'm sitting here. 40:42 I just have to respond to that about humility. 40:44 You respond, I don't want you to have horrid time. 40:48 About the humility, you know, true humility 40:52 is just to learn absolute dependence upon God. 40:55 I mean, Philippians 2:5-8, when Paul said, 40:58 "Let this mind be in you. 40:59 That was in Christ Jesus who humbled Himself 41:02 and became totally dependent upon God. 41:05 And so what God has taught me 41:07 is humility is not like going around and saying, 41:09 "No, well no, not me. 41:11 No, not me." 41:13 Lack of humility is when I don't pray about something. 41:16 Lack of humility is when 41:18 I tried to do it in my own strength. 41:20 So praying for humility isn't really that frightening. 41:25 It's more what you're praying is saying, 41:27 "Lord, thank You that I can depend upon You, 41:29 teach me to depend upon You, 41:31 increase my dependence upon You, 41:33 increase my humility." 41:34 And it's counter cultural 41:36 because, you know, we're taught to be self reliant 41:40 and to, you know, pull up your own bootstraps, 41:43 now go for it. 41:45 And so we tend to not pray about what we need to. 41:48 Sometimes, I'll get into the day, and I think, 41:51 "Oh, I didn't pray about this or you know," 41:53 and it's... 41:54 The Holy Spirit will remind you to pray, but it is, 41:58 it back you up because if you don't, 42:01 we tend to think we can do it on our own, 42:03 we tend to just not think about it, 42:04 just go ahead and do it. 42:06 Lack of humility, yeah, yeah. 42:09 All right, so why does... 42:11 Read Psalm 100:4 and 5 42:14 'cause we're actually commanded to praise. 42:20 Let me ask you a question before you do that. 42:22 As I was reading through this, that it says, "Command." 42:25 What does that mean? 42:26 Well, that's a word that I need to understand. 42:30 It's not a suggestion, 42:32 it's something that you are supposed to do... 42:34 It's an order. It's an order, that's good. 42:37 Okay, so He's ordering us to be thankful. 42:40 He's ordering us to enter... Oh, let her read that. 42:43 Yeah, we keep jumping ahead. 42:45 Okay, Psalm 100:4 and 5. 42:49 "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving 42:51 and into His courts with praise. 42:53 Be thankful to him and bless his name. 42:56 For the Lord is good. 42:57 His mercy is everlasting 42:59 and his truth endures through all generations." 43:02 Here it is, JD. Here it is. Please. 43:05 Okay. 43:06 "For the Lord is good, 43:07 when you enter into His courts with thanksgiving, 43:09 and in His courts with praise, 43:11 and you're thankful and you bless His name, 43:13 He's gifting you, He's promising you, 43:17 you're all of a sudden experiencing His goodness, 43:20 His mercy, His everlasting, 43:22 His everlasting truth endures to all generation." 43:24 So when you say command, it sounds like, 43:27 "Oh, He's making us go in there." 43:28 No, what He is saying is, 43:30 "You go in here, and you do that, 43:31 and I'm going to bless you." 43:33 It's like you say with its promise, 43:34 like the Ten Commandments or not, 43:36 Ten Commandments are ten promises. 43:38 And so, to me that command again always when you say 43:43 command or do, God is not... 43:45 If He wanted to command us, 43:47 He could have just forgot that and create a robot, 43:50 you know, but He didn't. 43:51 So when you read that, 43:53 I always have to take that and say, 43:54 "Okay, now how does this fit me?" 43:56 God's not just saying, "You do this." 43:58 He's telling me to do something for my benefit. 44:01 And for your eternal benefit. 44:02 Yes. Right. 44:03 Everything He does is for eternal benefit. 44:05 That's right. 44:06 If you're drowning 44:07 and someone reaches out and says, 44:09 "Take my hand," 44:10 they're ordering you, "Take my hand." 44:12 Is that a bad thing? They're saving you. 44:17 And when the Lord reaches down and says, 44:19 "Take my hand," is to save you. That's good. 44:23 But you know what I think is that when God really, 44:26 He changed about 2000, He taught me about, you know, 44:31 how to press into His presence, and I enter with thanksgiving. 44:35 And, boy, it just changed your attitude in a hurry. 44:38 And then enter His gates with thanksgiving, 44:41 enter His courts with praise. 44:43 And what I learned was, it is for our benefit. 44:47 Suddenly, my faith in His ability, 44:51 as I'm praising, 44:53 thanking Him, recognizing this, praising Him, 44:56 my prayers got so bold 44:59 because it changes your viewpoint of God. 45:05 You know, a lot of people come before the Lord 45:07 and they've got their little list 45:09 like He's some Santa Claus 45:11 up with vending machine or something up in heaven. 45:14 But when you are thanking Him for everything He has done, 45:18 acknowledging what He's done and praising Him. 45:20 All of a sudden your faith is just soaring. 45:23 And you get bold in your prayers. 45:27 You have that assurance of His love and salvation. 45:30 And you know His peace is. 45:32 Yeah. Okay. 45:33 Yeah. He is. 45:34 Yeah. It's good. 45:36 All right. Being grateful. 45:38 There's something, 45:39 there's a counter addiction in my life, 45:41 the longer, being grateful, and thanking Him. 45:44 And I remember just recently I was outside 45:46 and it just overcame me with like, 45:49 oh, thanking the Lord for something very specific. 45:52 But the more I love the Lord, the more I grow with Him, 45:56 and thank Him, and the closer I get to Him, 46:00 I have a contradiction of one, the more I feel unworthy. 46:03 Of course, that's natural. 46:05 But the more I feel loved. 46:10 Okay. 46:11 The closer you get to Him, the more you feel that love 46:15 and acknowledge. 46:16 You feel unworthy, 46:17 but it's not a self esteem thing. 46:19 It's you feel so loved and so... 46:23 And that light just shining on you 46:25 and you began to recognize... 46:27 And then you want to thank Him, even Lord... 46:28 Yeah. Amen. Amen. 46:29 It's like you are ridding yourself of trash. 46:32 Yeah. What a wonderful way to put it. 46:34 That's good. Yeah, yeah. 46:36 All right, we've only got about 10 minutes left. 46:40 So there is something I want to get to 46:43 because this is such a difficult thing 46:45 for many people. 46:47 And JD... Well, why don't... 46:50 I'll have you read 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 46:57 and then, JD, I'll let you read, 47:00 if you will, Ephesians... 47:04 What is that? 47:05 Ephesians 5:20. 47:09 Ephesians 5:20. 47:10 All right, and here's the point. 47:14 The point is, Paul says, "Give thanks in everything." 47:21 And then there's another place where it says, 47:22 "Give thanks for everything." 47:24 And there are some people 47:26 who are in such horrible situations, 47:27 they're like, 47:29 "How could I give thanks in a situation." 47:33 How could I give thanks for this situation? 47:35 So, Dee? 47:37 I've been here, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. 47:42 "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, 47:47 and everything give thanks, 47:49 for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 47:53 Even when I'm sitting there 47:57 and I've lost my David, he's died. 48:00 And him and I were one, 48:04 I still remember... 48:07 I was grieving, 48:09 but God was there with me grieving. 48:12 So He was with me. 48:14 He was going to walk me through that. 48:16 He had a plan for me. 48:19 And so I don't know how to explain 48:22 that you can be grieving 48:23 and still have joy in your heart. 48:25 But that's where God takes you. 48:27 And that verse is real and it is real, 48:31 if you will just kind of fold into Him. 48:35 Nehemiah 18, 48:37 "The joy of the Lord is your strength." 48:39 Have you ever been in a spot 48:41 where it was difficult to feel thankful that like... 48:47 I'll give you an example of something 48:48 and I've said this before there's, 48:50 I could give many examples, but this one's fast. 48:52 For one year... I had vertigo 24\7. 48:56 I was like a top. It never stopped. 48:59 My little pupils were like little pinpoints. 49:02 I was nauseated all the time. 49:04 I couldn't read, I couldn't watch TV. 49:06 I mean, and at the same time 49:08 I'm trying to take care of my mother-in-law, 49:10 and father-in-law, and a niece. 49:12 But it was so horrible. 49:16 And God ended up, 49:19 that was the worst year of my life, 49:21 but it was the best year of my life. 49:23 That's when God taught me to get in... 49:25 Did you know when you were going through it or...? 49:28 Not for the first eight months. 49:29 I figured it out the last four months because... 49:32 Now I had to figure it out first two weeks, 49:34 you made only had for a week. 49:37 Well, God taught me to get into His Word. 49:38 There is that practical side. 49:41 And return His word that it wouldn't returned void 49:43 that He was watching over His word to perform it. 49:46 And so, you know, at the end of that year, 49:48 God healed me. 49:50 And it was a full year. 49:52 So I look back and I can easily say 49:55 that the worst year of my life was the best year of my life. 49:58 Okay. 50:00 And sometimes when we're in circumstances 50:03 that we don't understand, 50:06 we can find a reason to thank God. 50:10 Have you ever had experience like that? 50:20 Let's say somebody's lost a loved one like Dee. 50:23 She was thanking God that she had David... 50:26 But I think that I'd had David, but I also was thinking God 50:31 that He was there with me to walk me through this 50:33 because I couldn't get through it by myself. 50:36 So I was like, "Thank You, Lord, 50:37 for being here, lifting me up." 50:39 And I was thanking Him that, "Okay, I'm Yours now. 50:42 I know You have a plan and You will reveal it to me." 50:45 So there was a trust there of leaning on to Him. 50:48 He didn't say, 50:49 "Oh, you're going to go to work for 3ABN, 50:51 and everything's gonna be okay." 50:52 I did not know at that time how I was going to survive. 50:57 I didn't know emotionally more so than anything else. 51:00 But even financially, David didn't have an insurance. 51:05 And so there's many unknowns there. 51:07 But it was like it was a surrender 51:10 of "Okay, I'm yours. 51:12 Thank You, Lord for the family 51:13 that I have here surrounding me." 51:15 You find little things that they... 51:18 Even being able to grieve, you know, that you have. 51:21 There are some people who can't grieve. 51:23 They just, they try to stone. 51:24 They don't have the capacity to love. 51:25 Yeah, they just turn to stone and they're just... 51:29 And so, but I chose to trust in the Lord and to go forward. 51:35 So there are times, 51:38 there's been times here at 3ABN. 51:41 I went home one time and started packing 51:43 'cause it's like, "Lord, I'm leaving here 51:45 with or without Your permission." 51:47 Because this is not a perfect place. 51:50 People think it's already paradise. 51:52 It's not quite there's people that work here, 51:53 and we love each other, 51:55 and we forgive each other quickly. 51:56 But somebody that I love dearly had wounded me desperately. 52:00 So I went home and start packing suitcase... 52:04 "I'm leaving." 52:07 So but, of course, I didn't 'cause God just laughed at me. 52:09 Was it Tim, was it? 52:11 No. No. 52:12 Many years ago. 52:14 Tim doesn't have know, how he could. 52:17 But I started, "Okay, so, Lord, You have to help me." 52:20 I am talking to the Lord while I'm doing all this. 52:24 And He'll bring you around to, "Okay, I'm sorry. 52:29 This is not the way it's supposed to..." 52:32 You will calm down 52:33 if you will start talking to the Lord 52:35 and in listening to Him, 52:37 He will get you back to where you need to be. 52:41 And He will give you a piece 52:43 and you can start thanking Him then. 52:45 Well, I was thinking of what you were saying 52:47 when you thought it could be the end 52:49 and you hear people that are close to the end 52:53 and what they find is they're thankful... 52:55 You know, sometimes it's not just thanking God 52:58 for what He's done for us. 53:00 But thanking Him for who He is. 53:02 I mean, that should be the number one thing. 53:05 But like, you know, I remember what you said, 53:09 "If I go today, I've had a good run." 53:12 That's right. You know? 53:14 And I remember you're laying there, 53:16 and it was just like, you were so peaceful, 53:18 you weren't worried, you were thanking God, 53:21 'cause you were thanking God for the blessed hope, 53:25 you knew that you'd have eternity. 53:27 And even if you've lost someone, 53:29 you know, especially if they are Christian, 53:30 at least you can thank God for the eternity 53:34 that you have to spend with them. 53:35 That's what I was going to say that in 2009, 53:39 for me was just across the board, 53:42 like it's such a wilderness time for me 53:44 'cause I lost my sister and my dad had a stroke, 53:48 then I gave up my career 53:49 because the Lord brought me out of it. 53:51 And so all of these things were going on, 53:55 but yet the Lord was preparing me to be here. 53:59 I didn't, you know, 54:01 we don't know what God is doing. 54:02 We just know that He is doing something. 54:05 He doesn't take you out of one situation 54:08 and then say, "Okay, now you're on your own, 54:10 you know, like, do the best you can." 54:12 No, He brings you through from situation to situation. 54:18 And so for me, 54:20 I felt the support of the prayers 54:23 that were going on my behalf. 54:26 And I also realized later in retrospect, 54:29 that God was preparing me to come here 54:32 'cause everything was, 54:34 there was no reason for me to... 54:35 But even when they were going through it, 54:39 weren't you thankful at... 54:40 Oh, I was. 54:42 I was thankful that my sister went to sleep in Jesus. 54:45 I missed her desperately, but I was so grateful 54:48 because she died in Him. 54:49 Okay, right down to the wire. So let me say this. All right. 54:52 So we know that thanksgiving is recognizing, remembering, 54:58 you know, realizing what God's done or who He is. 55:01 We know that God prescribes it because it changes us, 55:05 it increases our faith. 55:07 And we know that we can really if you know the Lord, 55:10 you can find a reason to be thankful 55:12 in all situations. 55:14 I would like to just go around very quickly, 55:17 whoever wants to jump in here 55:19 tell me something you're really thankful for. 55:21 I just want to say as far as the commanding goes, 55:24 the doctor gave me prescriptions and said, 55:27 "You go to the drugstore and do it." 55:29 I didn't look at that. 55:30 I said, "Why is he commanding me to do this? 55:33 Well, he just cut me open, he knew me inside now. 55:36 So really it was a blessing to me like, 55:39 oh, but anyway I'm sorry I got off the topic. 55:41 But that hit me, you know, that's how we are 55:45 when God commands us or appears that He commands us. 55:49 He's doing it for our benefit, for our own salvation. 55:52 And I'm so thankful for my wife. 55:54 I'm thankful for the ministry of 3ABN. 55:56 And I'm thankful for the viewers 55:58 that have supported 34 years 56:01 and still yet we never have money in the bank, 56:03 right now only by their support where we end up, 56:07 and we go financially in the black 56:09 by December 31 this year. 56:11 But somehow, I just have to believe 56:13 we're going to be there 'cause God is blessing. 56:15 So I'm thankful for not only life, health, and strength, 56:18 but the ministry that God has allowed me to be a part of 56:21 for all of these years. 56:22 Amen. I'm thankful... 56:25 You go ahead. Oh, it's only right you go. 56:27 I'm thankful for my family, for my husband, 56:29 and children and for what God has done 56:32 by restoring my husband from the surgery, 56:34 and also for what He's doing with my children. 56:37 Amen. You should be. 56:39 Their goal. That's good. 56:40 Amen We have 20 seconds left. Twenty seconds. 56:42 I love each and every one of you. 56:43 I'm thankful for you. 56:45 It's wonderful to talk to you daily. 56:47 And I thank You for my precious wife 56:49 and I thank You for the opportunity 56:51 to work in God's vineyard. 56:52 Amen. And you know, quickly... 56:55 I'm thankful for the Holy Spirit. 56:56 Amen. Praise the Lord. 56:58 I'm thankful that my work 57:00 makes a difference to somebody else, other people. 57:02 That's good. 57:04 And I'm thankful for the opportunity to be here. 57:06 We're thankful for the opportunity 57:07 to connect with you. 57:08 And just for the privilege 57:11 of working in God's harvest fields. 57:14 Thank you for joining us tonight. 57:16 I'm thankful for the grace of God 57:18 and our prayer is that the grace of our Lord 57:21 and Savior Jesus Christ, 57:23 the love of the Father 57:24 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit 57:26 will be with you today and always. 57:29 Happy Sabbath. Amen. 57:31 God bless you. Happy Sabbath. 57:32 Praise the Lord. 57:34 We had a wonderful day. You're precious. |
Revised 2018-12-24