Today Family Worship

The Blessing of Being A Christian

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW018034A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:06 Mending broken people
00:11 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:39 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello and welcome to Family Worship.
01:12 I'm glad that you have decided to join us.
01:14 My name is John Dinzey,
01:15 and I'm accompanied by my wife Idalia.
01:18 Happy Sabbath. Oh, well, happy Sabbath.
01:20 And welcome everyone.
01:21 We feel like family, and we praise the Lord
01:24 for each and every one of you.
01:26 Thank you for tuning in,
01:27 thank you for sending in your prayer requests,
01:29 thank you for sharing your praise reports as well.
01:33 And when we travel and visited with you,
01:35 what a blessing it is to just get together
01:37 as if we were family, like true family,
01:41 and that's exactly how we would like for you to feel
01:43 with our family here around the table today.
01:46 That's right.
01:48 And so we have part of the family,
01:49 we'd like for you to know them again
01:53 if you want to say that way.
01:55 Would you introduce our family members?
01:56 Yes, definitely.
01:58 I'm sure you've seen a lot of us,
02:01 but then we have...
02:02 Praise the Lord day, new viewers every day.
02:05 Yes, we do, yes, yes. Amen.
02:07 This is Dee Hilderbrand and what do you here?
02:10 I'm production coordinator.
02:12 I just schedule all these programs,
02:14 but I didn't schedule myself, you invited me.
02:17 I never schedule myself, but it's a joy being here.
02:21 You are a great blessing,
02:22 and I praise the lord for you, Dee.
02:24 Thank you.
02:26 So next to you we have Brian Dickens.
02:27 Welcome, Brian. Thank you. God bless...
02:29 And you work in the programming department.
02:32 Yes, I am the new programming manager
02:35 here at 3ABN,
02:36 just started taking over that spot last month.
02:39 Okay.
02:40 Having control. Yes.
02:42 It's a work in progress so far,
02:43 but it's getting better every day.
02:45 Oh, praise the Lord.
02:46 So it's such a blessing to work here,
02:48 it really is, you know,
02:49 and to be able to come here and praise God
02:51 for all the wonderful things that He's done for me
02:54 and for all of us all together.
02:56 It's just a wonderful blessing. Praise God for that.
02:59 And we have our friends Janelle Owen
03:02 and her husband Don,
03:05 welcome to the program.
03:06 Thank you, thank you for having us.
03:07 Thank you for having us. Yeah.
03:09 I feel my family, right? Yes.
03:10 You know, we share not only at work,
03:12 but we have the opportunity of sharing at church as well.
03:15 And, you know, we praise the Lord
03:18 for your ministry too,
03:19 here within the ministry,
03:21 but also I had our local church,
03:23 you know, it's personal ministry stream,
03:25 right?
03:26 Yeah. Recovering, they do recovery.
03:28 Yeah, we...
03:29 You know, we've been privileged and honored,
03:30 you know, we were just thinking about this
03:32 the privilege that God has,
03:33 you know, we mentioned earlier,
03:35 we were talking together about the idea that we were...
03:37 we didn't even want to go to a church,
03:39 but now here we are in church,
03:40 and God give responsibilities...
03:41 Yeah, right.
03:43 So I was really praising the Lord,
03:44 you know, it was like, "Really Lord want to use me?"
03:45 He has a sense of humor.
03:47 But I'm just thankful, you know,
03:48 especially like you mentioned addiction recovery,
03:49 and we've been doing a lot with young couples
03:52 and marriage issues lately.
03:54 The Lord is kind of directing us in that direction,
03:56 but I'm also getting into prisons.
03:58 It's been a huge blessing personally for me,
04:00 and I'm just working with folks,
04:02 and we've just been so blessed, and I'm really thankful
04:05 for this topic we're talking about
04:06 because that is...
04:07 It's a great opportunity to lead people to Jesus.
04:11 Amen. I would like...
04:13 Can you please share with our listeners and viewers
04:15 what you do with 3ABN? What do I do?
04:18 I work in the pastoral department,
04:20 actually just started last October,
04:22 so it's a year ago.
04:24 Very thankful that they put me in there,
04:26 they trust me.
04:27 So it's our responsibility
04:29 when you're talking to people online,
04:30 and then we also review programs,
04:31 and we also upload prayer requests.
04:35 We do a lot of things in pastoral
04:36 people don't know about,
04:37 but big things are really answering people's issues,
04:40 and Bible questions, and a lot of stuff we hear,
04:43 what people are going through and so it's...
04:45 That's right, and the pastoral ministry
04:47 also coordinates the worldwide prayer warriors,
04:53 kind of prayer warriors.
04:54 2004 I want to say now,
04:57 2004 prayer warriors around the world.
04:59 Amen. So if you...
05:01 If people want to be a part of that,
05:02 they can go to the 3ABN website,,
05:06 and you find information at the pastoral ministry page,
05:10 you can become a prayer warrior.
05:11 That's right.
05:13 And, you know, being a prayer warrior
05:14 not only helps other people but it helps you too.
05:17 You benefit from being a prayer warrior,
05:19 it strengthens you.
05:21 Yes, yes. This is a volunteer ministry.
05:23 Of course, yes, we do. Yes.
05:25 And so we encourage you to do it.
05:26 Yes, there's a great blessing in it.
05:28 And, Janelle, what do you do at 3ABN?
05:30 I'm a graphic designer in the publishing department.
05:34 And... Wonderful, what does that mean?
05:36 What does that mean?
05:38 Well, our department, I love our department.
05:40 I think we have a good team.
05:43 You know, I just like working with all of my teammates.
05:46 We all kind of wear different hats
05:49 like everyone here does.
05:51 We work on the world magazine, all of their websites,
05:54 for all the networks, and social media, anything web,
05:59 anything print to kind of sum it up,
06:01 that's what we do in our department.
06:03 Wonderful, wonderful.
06:04 So do you all speak several languages?
06:06 How do you do all that?
06:09 We have people that are usually bilingual
06:11 or we try to get others to help.
06:14 So... Could be a challenge sometimes.
06:15 Yes, it is.
06:17 Well, we would like to invite you to join us in prayer.
06:21 I'm going to ask brother Don to lead us in prayer,
06:22 and today, we are going to talk about a topic
06:26 that I think is a wonderful topic
06:28 and we'll share more about that after we have the prayer.
06:30 Sure.
06:32 Bow your heads.
06:33 Heavenly Father, what a privilege it is
06:35 first and foremost to come to You,
06:37 our Great Father in heaven,
06:39 thank You, Lord, for all of our viewers,
06:41 those, Lord, who are starving and hungry
06:43 to know what it is to be Jesus.
06:45 And as we're studying this message tonight
06:47 here on the Sabbath
06:48 or You put upon our lips or May Your Holy Spirit stir us
06:52 and help us, Lord, to reflect, reveal, resemble,
06:55 and most importantly represent You,
06:56 what is it like to be a Christian,
06:58 and how do we impact those around us.
07:00 Help us, Lord, to be that spiritual influence
07:03 to those around us be in our family, friends,
07:05 coworkers, or if it's in our community.
07:06 Whatever You'd have us to do Lord,
07:08 we can wrap up this message, we can see You face to face.
07:11 We ask this in Jesus' name.
07:13 Amen. Amen.
07:15 Amen. Amen.
07:16 Well, you know, we, in the beginning,
07:18 said Happy Sabbath for some people,
07:20 "Wait, those people don't even know
07:22 what day of the week it is."
07:23 And when we say happy Sabbath,
07:25 and it's commonly known as a Friday night that...
07:30 People get confused about that.
07:32 But the Bible tells us
07:33 when the days of the week begin.
07:35 That's right.
07:36 In Genesis 1, it says, "The days of the week began
07:38 with the dark part of the day."
07:40 And that's why it says, "And the evening
07:42 and the morning was the first day."
07:44 And you continue reading the description
07:47 of the creation of this world,
07:49 and it says, "In the evening, in the morning..."
07:51 Second day, third day, etcetera, etcetera.
07:53 So when we say Happy Sabbath on a Friday evening,
07:56 actually Saturday night,
07:59 which is kind of confusing to people
08:01 because on Saturday night, they think,
08:02 "Well, it's Saturday night."
08:04 You know, that means Sunday has begun.
08:06 That's right.
08:07 Because the days begin with the evening part.
08:09 At sun down.
08:10 But we like to share with you why we do this,
08:13 and we remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,
08:16 and so we like to encourage you to join us in your Bible,
08:19 if you have one, it is in Exodus 20,
08:23 and we're going to go ahead and read verses 8-11.
08:26 And if someone finds that first,
08:29 if you would like to read it for us,
08:31 I would appreciate it.
08:33 Now this is one of the Ten Commandments.
08:35 Commandment number four actually.
08:37 Commandment number four is, if you'll notice,
08:41 it's one of the longest
08:42 or it is the longest commandment
08:44 dedicated more time to writing
08:47 on this commandment than the others.
08:49 Not that the others are less important,
08:51 but this is the heart and center
08:52 of the Ten Commandments
08:54 because it really identifies
08:56 who gave you the Ten Commandments.
08:57 The other Commandments do not identify
09:00 exactly who it is,
09:02 but the fourth Commandment beginning in verse 8.
09:07 And, Brian, would you read that for us?
09:10 Oh, absolutely.
09:12 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
09:14 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
09:18 but the seventh day is the Sabbath
09:20 of the Lord your God.
09:21 In it you shall do no work, you, nor your son,
09:25 nor your daughter, nor your male servant,
09:27 nor your female servant, nor your cattle,
09:30 nor your stranger who is in within your gates.
09:34 For in six days the Lord made the heavens
09:37 and the earth,
09:38 the sea, and all that is in them,
09:41 and rested the seventh day.
09:43 Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
09:45 and hallowed it."
09:47 Amen. Thank you very much.
09:49 It's always good to start off the Sabbath
09:51 by reading that to remember what we're doing and why.
09:54 And it's probably even more confusing
09:56 to some of our viewers, Johnny, because of the time zones.
10:00 They could still be Thursday or they could be tomorrow.
10:04 So its...
10:07 But who doesn't love to extend the hours of the Sabbath?
10:11 It's such a wonderful day.
10:13 Amen. It's awesome.
10:14 Well, in order to enjoy the Sabbath,
10:17 there is a preparation, you know?
10:20 And in our family, for example, on Sunday, it's like, "Okay,
10:26 let's make sure all the laundry is done,
10:28 and we have our clothes almost ready for Sabbath.
10:32 Sometimes we need to iron it on Sunday, the week before.
10:35 Oh, the week before? right after Sabbath.
10:37 Oh. Wow.
10:39 And then when you have kids at home...
10:41 We work with menus, so I used to ask Samuel and Caleb,
10:45 "What would your taste like to eat this week?
10:46 What would you like for Sabbath?"
10:48 So it's preparation from the very beginning.
10:51 As soon as Sabbath is done, Sunday,
10:55 we start preparing and planning out the week.
10:59 So that is such a blessing to be able to say,
11:04 "Oh, finally," Thursday night we say,
11:08 "Tomorrow we're going to receive
11:10 the Sabbath in peace."
11:11 We already know what...
11:13 You know, we have everything that we need at home
11:16 for the meals, we have everything in order
11:18 for the clothing except shoe shining.
11:21 Show shining for the boys was always on Friday afternoon,
11:24 you know, to have it ready for Sabbath.
11:27 But there is not only a physical preparation,
11:31 but it's also our mental preparation.
11:33 That's a very good point.
11:36 That's right because really the greater benefit
11:39 of the blessing of the Sabbath is,
11:41 you know, really putting aside all of the things
11:45 of the world that may occupy your mind,
11:47 "Oh, I got to pay this bill and that bill.
11:49 I got to do this, I got to do that."
11:51 And you dedicate your time more to getting close to the Lord,
11:55 close to your family.
11:57 And so the Sabbath is a tremendous blessing
12:01 that the world is really missing out.
12:03 You cannot prepare...
12:05 You can't say, "Oh, well, Sabbath is an hour,
12:07 am I ready?"
12:08 And you haven't prepared.
12:10 Because I didn't have the children,
12:11 I probably wasn't preparing from start,
12:14 but if I don't start by Thursday
12:16 knowing that I'm going to be ready for Sabbath,
12:18 then you kind of get up to, "Oh, I got to hurry."
12:22 And that's stressful.
12:24 It is.
12:25 There's a psalm you kind of touching on.
12:27 Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still and know that I am God."
12:31 You know, sometimes if we just...
12:33 Kind of like you said, we rush through our days,
12:34 and we don't really be still, and...
12:36 I've had actually the privilege...
12:38 The Lord put on me a neat study to show
12:41 who is the Lord of the Sabbath,
12:42 and I've been showing it
12:44 to a lot of folks on prayer line,
12:46 and it's just blown people's minds.
12:47 I had a lady called up,
12:48 and she is just learning about the Seventh-day
12:50 and her husband already is.
12:52 And I shared this information with her through scripture,
12:54 and she actually saw Jesus
12:56 in the very beginning forming Adam,
12:57 then she realized that Sabbath was actually formed by Jesus.
13:01 And that just blew her mind, she was like,
13:03 "Oh my, this is mind-blowing.
13:04 I'm going to tell it to my church, you know."
13:07 So...
13:08 I like what you said about, you know,
13:09 preparing like as the Sabbath's over,
13:11 you're preparing for the next Sabbath.
13:13 And it's...
13:14 that really kind of brings the focus of what our,
13:18 you know, time should be. Our lives.
13:19 Yes, you know, plan our lives around the Sabbath,
13:22 and not try to, you know,
13:23 do everything at the last minute.
13:25 That's rights.
13:26 The purpose of our lives is Jesus Christ, not our work.
13:31 And so if we keep Him the focus...
13:33 then we never have got to our topic.
13:36 I know, I know.
13:38 But I wanted to share with you that we found opportunities
13:41 to speak to viewers on the telephone,
13:44 we were for 3ABN in the ministry
13:48 at the network of 3ABN Latino,
13:50 so I have the Spanish speaker said,
13:52 "We work with a lot."
13:53 So I remembered this conversation,
13:56 I received a call,
13:58 a non Seventh-day Adventist family,
14:00 and she says, "I love gathering my family and receiving
14:06 the Sabbath with you guys.
14:08 We're not Seventh-day Adventists,
14:10 but we really enjoy the singing, bible study,
14:14 the sharing."
14:15 And slowly but surely they were...
14:18 It was growing in them,
14:20 the appreciation of what it is to worship the Lord.
14:23 Just set everything aside and just focus.
14:27 But, you know, the devil is there too, you know.
14:30 He wants to interrupt our thoughts,
14:33 he wants to interrupt our prayers.
14:36 As we're praying, it's like something comes to our minds
14:40 like, "Oh, that needs to be done."
14:41 Or another thing and distracts us,
14:44 and somebody comes to the door is like,
14:46 "Lord, please," you know, it's a battle.
14:49 So you're not alone,
14:52 I just know that God wants you
14:54 to have super special blessed Sabbath experience.
15:01 So just hang in there and claim it on the Lord,
15:06 and He will deliver you from that.
15:09 Those distractions will go away.
15:10 Amen.
15:12 I'd like to say this one last thing
15:13 about the Sabbath day,
15:14 and, you know, we mentioned the word Sabbath,
15:16 and for some people
15:17 that actually means absolutely nothing
15:19 because you don't recognize that as the name of a day
15:22 of a week because in English,
15:25 it's a borrowed term from the Hebrew, "Shabat."
15:29 And so it's Sabbath, which means rest.
15:33 And that means you stop doing your work.
15:36 So that's a borrowed term.
15:37 But in some other languages,
15:39 the word is exactly as it is sound.
15:43 When you go to Luke 4:6
15:47 and you find that Jesus went into the synagogue
15:49 on the Sabbath day.
15:51 The actual word Sabbath is there in other languages,
15:55 it's Spanish.
15:56 It's Sabado, which means exactly the name that you find
15:59 for the seventh day of the week.
16:01 So there is really should not be any confusion
16:04 as far as the Christians are concerned as to which day
16:07 it is meant by the Sabbath day.
16:10 I have heard some people that mainly go to church on Sunday
16:15 used the word Sabbath for that day,
16:16 but that is incorrect
16:18 because the seventh day is the Sabbath.
16:20 But that's as far as we're going to go
16:21 with that today.
16:22 We're going to talk to you about a topic
16:24 that we have chosen
16:25 because, you know, when you go to a company
16:28 for the first time you're being interviewed, many companies,
16:33 in order to entice you to be part of the company,
16:38 they say, "Our benefit package is this."
16:41 And this is what really helped me to...
16:44 As I was praying to figure out.
16:46 Let's, you know, this...
16:47 Christians have benefits.
16:49 Amen.
16:51 That, you know, it...
16:53 You know, They are found throughout the Bible,
16:56 but we have benefits...
16:57 Definitely.
16:58 Being part of the family of God.
17:00 And I thought we should talk about the benefits
17:02 of being a Christian.
17:05 And it's not one, and really, every benefit you cannot...
17:09 I don't know how you can put a value on these benefits,
17:12 you know, you have companies that say, "Well,
17:14 we have 41K and we give you such and such a percentage,
17:18 and we give you this day off, and that day off."
17:21 But the benefits that God gives far, far...
17:24 You cannot even have...
17:25 You don't even have anything in this world
17:27 that you can compare
17:28 with the blessings that God gives to you.
17:31 And so I praise the Lord for that.
17:32 Amen.
17:34 You're mentioning about jobs, you know,
17:35 it just popped in my head
17:36 when I first started working more...
17:38 I don't want to be, but secular world,
17:39 I was working in a grocery store.
17:40 It was so amazing.
17:42 We lost our jobs,
17:43 and we went to a local store in our community
17:45 back in Indiana, and they supposed to...
17:47 They needed a meat wrapper.
17:49 You know, like, "Well, maybe I guess."
17:50 And she said, "Why don't you apply for it?"
17:52 And as soon as I said, the laid said, "Oh, oh, oh."
17:53 She's like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go meet the meat manager,"
17:56 like, "I didn't even put in application yet."
17:58 And she's said, "Go meet him. Oh, you're hired."
18:00 I'm like, "But I didn't put an application in."
18:02 And she's like...
18:03 So the thing was that the Lord opened.
18:05 This is where that benefits for me.
18:06 They let me put anything
18:07 I wanted Christian material on their tables,
18:09 it's a particular grocery store,
18:10 you put things in your bag personally.
18:12 And people put all sizes at times,
18:14 we put out Steps to Christ,
18:16 Desire of Ages, all that.
18:18 And it was amazing.
18:19 And in two years later,
18:21 I became a colporteur and I met the very same people
18:23 that were picking those up in our store.
18:25 And they're like, "Oh, my goodness,
18:26 I kind of know all this stuff I want to know."
18:27 But it was really cool, but just to get...
18:30 I think yeah, having that...
18:31 I think it's really the motive of what you're wanting
18:33 to get involved in.
18:35 And I would actually get in trouble many times
18:36 for praying with people I was working
18:38 or give them material or give them tracks.
18:40 They're like, "You're supposed to be working back there,
18:42 you know, in meat wrapping."
18:43 I'm looking, "This is my ministry."
18:45 I'm so glad you said that because praise the Lord.
18:48 And here are 3ABN,
18:49 we do stop and pray with each other
18:51 and for each other.
18:52 And this lady right next to me,
18:54 I was going through some really turmoil.
18:59 And one day, I said something...
19:01 Oh, my goodness,
19:03 I can't believe I'm getting so emotional.
19:05 She took the time to just hug me and pray,
19:08 you know, so what a blessing it is to be a Christian
19:12 and share the love of Christ with each other.
19:16 So to take that time out and pray for each other,
19:20 I mean that's just that moral,
19:22 spiritual support that we all need,
19:24 but not everybody's willing to do, so anyway...
19:29 And that's happened enough times
19:30 that I'm not even sure
19:31 which incident you're referring to because we,
19:34 you know, we'll pray at a drop of a hat.
19:38 Anytime you...
19:39 Even walking down the hall,
19:41 there's been times when it's like,
19:42 "Oh, do you need prayer?"
19:43 You look at somebody and you just...
19:46 And all of you have done that, I know, I have seen that.
19:48 And it's...
19:50 The blessings are amazing, and the Bible's full of them.
19:54 That's right. Our benefit practice.
19:57 I'm thinking of it, scripture that comes to my mind
19:58 is Galatians 6:2, it says, "Bear one another's burdens,
20:01 and so fulfill the law of Christ."
20:03 And that's kind what you're touching on.
20:04 And that's what we...
20:06 I think is Christians are really a support group
20:07 for one another, we support one another
20:09 through our journeys,
20:10 we're supposed to uplift and edify one another,
20:12 you know, and I think that's so important.
20:14 But God promises blessings.
20:16 Even in the Old Testament, it started like...
20:18 I was looking up where on blessings, and it's amazing.
20:23 And Deuteronomy 28:2
20:25 and I can't read the whole thing
20:27 'cause there's too many blessings.
20:28 But it says, "And all these blessings
20:32 shall come up on you
20:33 and overtake you
20:35 because you obey the voice of the Lord your God."
20:38 And then it follows.
20:40 All of these blessings.
20:42 If you are a Christian, and you follow the Lord,
20:45 and you have this relationship with Him,
20:47 He just blessing after blessing,
20:51 and it covers everything.
20:52 And it's like what a difference between this life
20:58 and my previous secular life, incredible difference.
21:02 You know, I think it also depends on our mindset in life
21:05 what are our focus is because,
21:08 you know, if we realize how much God has done for us,
21:11 we'll see those blessings,
21:13 but if we're focused on ourselves,
21:15 and, you know, the negative things,
21:17 we will pass them right by,
21:19 you know, and it's like where is the focus?
21:21 Where do we recognize the blessings when they come?
21:25 That's a good point.
21:27 When you are sharing that, it brings me to the thought of,
21:30 you know, we all have a past,
21:32 and it's funny how Satan
21:35 wants to slap us with the past,
21:39 but if we are feeling weak,
21:43 we entertain or feed the past.
21:47 And you find yourself into depression
21:51 or what have you.
21:53 But praise be to God that we can enter His gates
21:57 with thanksgiving in our hearts and saying,
22:00 "Lord, thank You that I'm no longer there."
22:03 So it's just a simple whisper.
22:06 You know, it's amazing how God's Spirit,
22:10 you know, that negative spirit,
22:12 the Lord just makes that go away.
22:14 Yeah, I had a lady on prayer online,
22:17 like I can't say her name or anything, for over 50 years,
22:20 she was struggling with this one particular thing
22:22 that she had done to somebody close to her.
22:24 And I just started talking to her and I said,
22:26 "Have you asked for repentance over that?
22:27 Have you confessed it?"
22:29 And she was, "Yes."
22:31 I told her, started talking about 1 John 1:9,
22:33 "If we confess our sins,
22:34 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
22:36 and it cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
22:37 I said, "Do you realize what that means?
22:39 It's that when you confess that and repent of it,
22:41 it's wiped out of the books,
22:42 so remember, it's no longer there.
22:43 When you go to heaven, it's gone."
22:45 And she was, "Are you kidding me?"
22:46 She started weeping bitterly.
22:48 "No way."
22:49 She is up in her age, and she finally just...
22:51 Her eyes were opened,
22:52 and that's why I think we as Christians
22:54 can encourage one another,
22:56 and it lifts that burden off, you know, the heaviness.
22:58 That's right.
23:00 It's just incredible.
23:01 And most of us, like you said, we do have a past.
23:05 But when I think back to that past,
23:08 when we did get discouraged
23:11 or people put us down or you got depressed,
23:16 there was always this black hole I knew
23:18 I couldn't fall into 'cause I'd never find my way out,
23:22 but it was there.
23:23 Now other people are unaware of it because
23:26 I had a good life.
23:27 It looked like I had good work, I had a marvelous husband,
23:31 we did, you know, there was many times when financially,
23:35 and by the world's standards, we were really doing great.
23:39 And outwardly we laughed and had fun,
23:42 and we loved each other,
23:44 so there was happiness in our lives,
23:46 but there was always these little times
23:50 things could go wrong in a heartbeat.
23:53 In a heartbeat,
23:54 things can change in your life
23:55 whether you're a Christian or not a Christian.
23:58 But when you're not a Christian,
24:01 it can devastate you.
24:03 And here you are trying to pull yourself up out of it.
24:08 And your friends can help or maybe they can't.
24:11 But when you're a Christian
24:14 and you get pulled down in or Satan attacks you...
24:21 Ephesians 1:3 says,
24:23 "Blessed be the God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
24:27 who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings
24:30 and heavenly places in Christ."
24:32 So when Satan attacks me,
24:36 I don't have to depend on my husband.
24:38 I'm widowed now but...
24:40 or my parents or my brother or my sister
24:43 or other people in the church, I go straight to the Lord.
24:47 And I can get in this word, and I can be so depressed,
24:50 I can hardly read or I can be so hurt or so injured
24:55 or weeping so hard you can hardly read.
24:58 But God will bring scriptures to your mind.
25:01 That's right.
25:02 He will lift you up, he will pull you out.
25:06 And if you're not a Christian,
25:07 you've got a struggle to overcome
25:12 when you get knocked down.
25:13 But as a Christian, what a blessing
25:16 to be able to go immediately to the word.
25:18 All of you have got scriptures, right?
25:20 Oh, yes.
25:21 Then you go to...
25:22 and it just lists blessings, and blessings, and hope,
25:25 and joy.
25:27 Amen.
25:28 Well, one of my favorite ones and is Psalm 103.
25:32 And Psalm 103, let me find it.
25:35 I have a bilingual Bible because sometimes some words
25:39 are like I was...
25:40 I'm like, "How exactly...
25:43 What does that mean in Spanish?
25:45 And vice versa."
25:46 But anyhow I know that Christianity is a lifestyle.
25:51 You know, it's a lifestyle.
25:53 It's not just...
25:55 I'm a Christian on Sabbath.
25:57 I'm a Christian 24x7.
25:59 Okay, so I want my heart to bless the Lord or my soul,
26:05 and all that is so with then me bless His holy name.
26:11 Bless the Lord, O my soul,
26:13 and forget not all His benefits.
26:15 Hey, there it is.
26:18 What benefits?
26:19 What are you talking about?
26:21 You know, to many...
26:22 at times people focus on the negative.
26:24 "Oh, you're Seventh-day Adventist, you can't do this,
26:27 you can't do that, you don't do this, you don't do that,"
26:29 but there are so many benefits to be
26:32 and faithful to the Lord.
26:33 Verse 3 says, He forgives...
26:37 "The Lord forgives all of my inequities,
26:40 who heals all the diseases,
26:42 who redeemed thy life from this destruction."
26:47 Thank you, Lord.
26:48 "That crowns you with loving kindness
26:52 and tender mercies."
26:54 So, you know, it's beautiful when you can dig into the Word,
26:59 and yes, it will lift your spirits,
27:03 you will see the benefits of following the Lord,
27:06 and you could be your own worst enemy
27:09 because you don't forgive yourself.
27:12 So the Lord forgives you,
27:14 so we need to celebrate that forgiveness
27:19 and that freedom that comes with forgiveness
27:21 and bless the Lord.
27:23 Amen. That was Psalm 103.
27:24 Yes.
27:26 And remind us that He not only forgives a bit,
27:29 like Don said, He forgets.
27:31 And that's why we can let it go ourselves too.
27:34 Amen.
27:36 Now many a times like
27:38 whenever you were talking about your job,
27:39 and you were talking about the things that you do
27:41 without Christ in your life.
27:44 Last year, I was in a completely different place
27:46 than where I am right now.
27:48 I was still in a worldly job in the secular world,
27:51 you know, where they tempt you to come to work,
27:55 you know, they have all the benefits that,
27:57 you know, the benefit and they want you to stay
27:59 and work for us,
28:01 but you got to work too on the Sabbath.
28:03 You got to forget your blessing of the Sabbath,
28:05 you know, you kind of let that go.
28:07 And, you know, when you don't have Christ in your life,
28:10 it's like Dee said, when something happens,
28:13 your whole world just crashes down.
28:16 That's right. You have nothing.
28:18 And it is such a lowly feeling.
28:23 You have nothing else.
28:25 You know, but when you do have Christ in your life,
28:26 when you do have the word go back to,
28:29 there is power in that word, and it does,
28:33 it fills your heart, and it fills you with joy.
28:36 Even when things are going at their worst,
28:39 if you sat down with God, and you pray to Him,
28:41 and you open the word, and you stay with Him,
28:45 it's like in Romans 5:8 says,
28:48 "But God demonstrates His own love toward us,
28:52 and that while we were still sinners,
28:54 Christ died for us."
28:56 Now even though I was in the world last year,
28:59 I was coming out of it.
29:01 And I realized Christ did die for us,
29:04 and He was bringing me out,
29:05 and then I got baptized last December.
29:08 Me and my wife, you know,
29:10 she got rebaptized with me whenever I got baptized,
29:13 and it was such a wonderful blessing,
29:15 just for us to share that wonderful gift
29:18 that God gave to us together.
29:20 And it's not just the spiritual blessings,
29:22 God takes His blessings, and He gave you this job,
29:26 He places us in places and gives us lives
29:29 that are amazing.
29:31 He gives us blessings that we can touch,
29:33 and feel, and live.
29:35 Right, you know, it's like Idalia was saying,
29:38 you know, it's like some people look at it as if they're having
29:42 something taken away from them.
29:44 Exactly.
29:46 And then they don't realize the gifts,
29:47 the freedom that is given.
29:48 Amen. The freedom.
29:50 Whenever you have...
29:51 When you stay in the laws of God,
29:55 you know, that which aren't really laws at all.
29:57 It's just more or less if you do this,
29:59 it protects you from the bad things,
30:03 it protects you from the evil things,
30:04 it keeps you from going down the path that leads to sorrow.
30:09 But you can stay within those laws
30:12 with the relationship.
30:13 With the relationship.
30:15 It's because of the relationship
30:16 that you want to do
30:18 what he asks you to do,
30:20 and then there's all these benefit packages
30:22 that come with it.
30:23 You know, are you missing any of those packages
30:25 since you started, I mean,
30:26 because Satan offered you the biggest packages,
30:29 but here you are, have you lacked anything good?
30:32 No, not at all. Not one thing have I lacked.
30:33 Praise the Lord. I mean, I had...
30:35 I don't even want to think about the past anymore,
30:39 you know, it's because the things
30:42 that were there were not that great.
30:44 You know, it was nothing but sorrow most of the time,
30:47 I mean the majority of the time.
30:49 You know, now there are times whenever, of course,
30:52 I started reading the Bible,
30:55 you know, within last few years
30:57 and started praying again, yeah,
31:01 things were starting to look up.
31:02 But last year, it was still,
31:03 you know, I was still trying to dig myself out of the hole.
31:07 But once I got out of it, it's like the...
31:10 I was just won over, you know, God's love won me over.
31:14 God found me and brought me back here.
31:16 To talk about the biggest blessing
31:18 in the world right there
31:19 was when God found me and brought me here.
31:22 God gave me the choice,
31:23 He gives me the freedom of choice.
31:25 That's right. I'm glad you touched on that.
31:26 He gives me the freedom of choice
31:27 to take the blessing in,
31:29 and to feel it, and to keep it.
31:32 You know, but, you know,
31:33 He also gives me the choice to fall back.
31:36 I don't know why I would.
31:38 I mean, I don't... You don't want to.
31:40 No.
31:41 there is no want or will for me to go back to that ever at all.
31:46 Praise the Lord.
31:48 I had an experience, you know,
31:50 early in my Christian walk
31:52 when we used to go to wineries,
31:53 and I have a friend that I was talking to one time,
31:58 and she said, "Oh,
31:59 you and your husband should come with me,
32:01 my husband goes to a winery for birthdays,
32:03 you know, celebrate birthdays."
32:05 And she said, "Oh, I forgot, you guys are in bondage,
32:07 you can't do that anymore."
32:08 Again, she's pretty blown about it.
32:11 And I said, "No, I don't feel like I'm in bondage."
32:15 And it was just kind of where the conversation ended,
32:18 but, you know, I was just like, "Wow,
32:20 if people only knew the freedoms,"
32:22 like you're saying the blessings
32:23 and the freedoms that are there,
32:25 it's like Satan's so totally perverts things
32:28 that are good and makes them like they're not good,
32:30 and vice versa.
32:32 And it's just sad that people, you know, want to live.
32:36 I mean, when we were in that life,
32:38 we thought we were fine,
32:39 you know, we thought we were...
32:40 Everything was okay, and just be a good person.
32:43 And, you know, it's amazing
32:45 how God can bring you out of things,
32:47 and you can look back at that journey,
32:49 and just thank, and praise Him for,
32:52 you know, how He's brought us, given this new life.
32:55 Amen.
32:56 People get confused on surrender to the Lord
33:00 actually takes you out of bondage
33:03 and gives you freedom beyond your wildest dreams.
33:06 You can't even imagine
33:08 what it's like until you experience it.
33:12 And then when you actually live it, and experience,
33:15 and have that relationship with the Lord,
33:17 and know your freedom,
33:19 and how you can live when you look back
33:21 at what you thought was your freedom and free will,
33:25 and go, "Oh, oh, what I...
33:30 What I lost, what I cheated myself
33:33 out of by not making this decision
33:35 so much sooner that God will take us."
33:37 When we do make that decision, He makes the changes.
33:41 It's never too late. Amen.
33:43 And I think to walking in this, this new Christian life,
33:47 you know, what 2 Corinthians 5:17 says,
33:49 you know, "That the old is gone, and new has come,
33:51 we're a new creature in Christ."
33:53 Your perceptions, your desires,
33:55 your motives are totally shifted,
33:56 they're totally different.
33:58 And you begin to see the world
34:00 in a sense what Christ saw the world as,
34:02 and He came to seek and save that which was lost,
34:04 and that's why I really like the benefits of a being
34:06 a Christian is that we get the privilege
34:08 to walk alongside Jesus,
34:10 and walk with Him on this earth,
34:12 and talk to people that are broken
34:14 and hurting as a song said earlier,
34:15 you know, I want to spend my life
34:16 mending broken people,
34:18 and that's what your focus is now.
34:20 You want to mend broken people,
34:21 and that's just been to watch that grow,
34:24 and to see how people flourish in the Lord.
34:26 You know, I have one young man,
34:28 I worked with that particular store, and I...
34:30 He was doing some things to me that was not proper etiquette
34:34 towards me, and it was really disgusting
34:36 what he was doing, I won't go in detail.
34:38 But anyways, I just said to Lord,
34:39 "I can't deal with this anymore,
34:40 I got to do something about this."
34:42 I said, "What I'm going to do is I'm going to give him
34:43 this stuff to Christ book.
34:44 And when I get him alone, I'm going to give it to him."
34:46 And I put it in the back here, and I said,
34:49 "Oh, he's alone, I'm going to go do this now."
34:50 You kind of have to open the door, and so I went,
34:52 I said to him, "As I really care about you,
34:53 I want you to read this."
34:55 And he looked and he was, "Well, that's interesting."
34:56 And then three months later, he came back in the store,
34:58 and he was clean cut, totally different,
35:00 shook my hand, told me who he was,
35:02 and we became friends,
35:03 and it shifted the whole...
35:05 And that's what God does is He breaks that stony heart,
35:09 and then He gives you a whole new purpose,
35:10 and a whole new outlook.
35:12 And it's just been incredible to watch, so...
35:13 It blesses you.
35:16 You know, Idalia once put on a CD
35:18 that when the song began,
35:20 I don't know where is this song going?
35:22 And I kind of remember a little bit,
35:24 maybe that it can help me,
35:25 it says, "Life without Jesus is like a donut."
35:27 "Is like a donut.
35:29 Like a donut. Like a donut.
35:33 Life without Jesus is like a donut
35:36 'Cause there's a hole in the middle of your heart."
35:43 Oh, my God.
35:45 Well, it's a children's song,
35:47 but it has very powerful meaning.
35:49 True.
35:50 Because when you don't have Jesus,
35:52 you really don't...
35:53 You have like a hole in your heart.
35:55 And that's what I've heard a lot of people say that
35:59 when they become Christians, they said, "I was empty,
36:02 there was an emptiness in my heart,
36:04 there was an emptiness in my soul."
36:06 And when they find Jesus is when they realize,
36:10 "Wow, this is great, you know, this is marvelous."
36:16 And that is true, that is so true.
36:18 Well, I would like to share that...
36:20 Okay, being in the church, it was a behavioral thing,
36:27 you know, and the outward thing.
36:29 And we can be Christians for 50 years,
36:32 but really not truly be heart Christians.
36:36 I don't know how to put it in words.
36:38 Real relationship.
36:40 But that was the me, you know, "Okay,
36:44 we were supposed to go to church,"
36:45 I went to church, mom had worship with us.
36:49 Like at 5:00 in the morning, she would wake us up as kids,
36:51 we would have worship in the morning,
36:53 worship in the evening, and it was all a routine.
36:57 And one routine after the other,
36:58 and then when I became old enough to drive,
37:01 I would tell her, "Mom,
37:02 I'm going to go to another church today,"
37:04 but I would go somewhere else to hang out with friends
37:07 or what have you.
37:08 So, you know, what we see in the surface
37:11 and what we consider as routine or that's right,
37:15 it's not necessarily that you have gotten
37:17 to the point of saying,
37:19 "Wait a minute, wait, what am I doing?"
37:21 You know, and it takes years, but you can make the change,
37:28 you know?
37:29 I praise the Lord that I'm not the person that I used to be.
37:32 Amen.
37:34 And I'm glad, and I praise the Lord,
37:35 and I thank the Lord that I have experienced His peace.
37:41 You know, when you said He still know...
37:44 That I am God.
37:46 I'm like, "That is so beautiful,
37:47 but yes, it is true."
37:48 And the Lord offers us all peace, you know?
37:52 And it's our choice to take it and make it ours
37:55 in spite of whatever circumstances
37:58 that we are facing.
38:00 So it doesn't matter
38:01 what the Satan wants to throw at you,
38:04 remember, "Lord, give me Your peace right now."
38:06 And the Lord will do it.
38:08 There, you know, when you said that,
38:09 a phrase came to my mind.
38:11 You were talking about that earlier years,
38:12 the term is, "Fake it till you make it."
38:14 Fake it till you make it, yes. Fake it till you make it.
38:15 And you know, when I was just thinking about
38:17 how Jesus came to Peter, and he says,
38:19 Jesus, Satan has asked for and desired
38:21 to sift you as wheat,
38:22 "But I am praying for you, Peter,
38:23 that when you are converted,
38:26 that you will strengthen your brethren."
38:28 I think they were converted,
38:29 that's conversion is the word we're looking at.
38:31 Conversion is where it's really taking root in your heart.
38:34 I think that's really a powerful thought.
38:36 When it really gets in your heart,
38:37 as you mentioned, that hole,
38:38 now it's filled, now when you get that feeling,
38:40 you're going to just keep it to yourself?
38:42 Is that going to be what you do or you should...
38:45 You can't.
38:46 When you're really filled with the joy of the Lord,
38:50 It's impossible not to share it.
38:53 And I think if people,
38:56 the more I understand and comprehend
39:00 God's love for me, I mean, it's just,
39:04 I just know and grow more in that love and understanding,
39:08 you can't help but love Him back.
39:10 People do not grasp God's love,
39:13 and they don't understand that He is real.
39:16 They take it in their minds and make it a fairytale,
39:22 and they don't understand the real power
39:24 and the real love of God.
39:26 And when you really comprehend His power and His love
39:31 and that it can be yours,
39:33 all these blessings, and peace, and joy,
39:36 it's overwhelming.
39:38 And you want to embrace it with everything that you are.
39:40 Amen.
39:42 You know, I was just thinking of the Great Controversy,
39:44 and how we're in the great controversy with,
39:47 you know, the battle between God and Satan.
39:49 And when I...
39:51 The first time I read their Great Controversy
39:52 and really understood that, we are in a battle,
39:55 and that we have an enemy that wants to prevent us
39:57 from growing and knowing God more,
40:01 I think that puts everything in perspective.
40:03 And it like...
40:04 In my own life, it puts things way more in perspective to know
40:07 that we are in a battle, we are in a great controversy,
40:10 God's character is under attack by Satan.
40:13 And if we recognize the spiritual warfare where...
40:15 And, you know, it really...
40:18 I just, you know, I'm thinking about another conversation
40:21 I had with someone one time
40:23 that they said they don't believe
40:25 that Satan exists,
40:26 they just ignore that he exists.
40:29 And so I think that's really dangerous,
40:31 you know, to ignore him because he is real.
40:36 And so it was just an interesting conversation,
40:39 but, you know, just because we want to believe
40:42 that something isn't real,
40:43 it doesn't make it not real, you know?
40:46 And, you know, just the idea
40:48 of the Great Controversy that God,
40:51 you know, His character,
40:53 in this world, it's under attack.
40:55 And, you know, the way it were...
40:57 Well, I was that spiritually,
40:59 I always thought God was a dictator,
41:01 you know, like 10 years ago,
41:02 when my idea of God was that He was a dictator,
41:05 ready to punish me as soon as I did something wrong.
41:08 And now that I understand, you know, the real, the truth,
41:11 of what He really...
41:13 His character really is,
41:14 it really makes me appreciate Him even more,
41:16 you know, and to know that He is loving,
41:19 He wants the best for me.
41:20 Well, with my kids,
41:24 I don't know how many of you have helped young people
41:27 in their walk with the Lord.
41:29 I know that Dee has a lot of spiritual kids
41:33 'cause she is one of the teachers,
41:35 you know, at the church.
41:38 But with my kids, I said, "Sons,
41:41 I'm so sorry for failing you as a mom.
41:46 And I did not picture God's love
41:51 the way I should have pictured it to you, you know?
41:54 And the reality is that, yes, I'm not perfect.
41:58 Honey, I know, you don't know that,
42:00 but I'm not perfect."
42:03 But I tell my kids, "I'm so sorry,
42:06 I just wished that that today was..."
42:10 Back then, where I can improve in so many areas
42:15 because the picture that we picture of Christ
42:19 to our kids also has something
42:24 with your growth as parents, as adults,
42:28 I just wanted to share that because there are some parents
42:31 out there that are probably thinking,
42:34 "Now what do I do in order to help my children understand
42:38 God's great love, His forgiveness, His attention,
42:41 that His undivided attention, His omnipresence,
42:45 you know, the Almighty God
42:47 that takes care of you and is your provider."
42:50 So I praise the Lord that He has provided,
42:54 and this is the text that I wanted to share with you,
42:58 it's Galatians 5.
43:02 And we'll just go right to the verse 22.
43:06 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love,
43:09 joy, peace, longsuffering,
43:13 gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness,
43:17 temperance, against such there is no law.
43:20 And they that are in Christ have crucified the flesh
43:27 with the affections and lusts.
43:29 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
43:34 Let us not be desirers of vain glory,
43:38 provoking one another, and being one another."
43:41 Yeah, that really speaks to me 'cause I think of...
43:44 If we could really nail down 1 Corinthians 13,
43:47 oh, my goodness, it would be incredible,
43:50 you know, like it says in verse 4,
43:52 "Charity or love suffereth long
43:53 and is kind, charity envieth not,
43:55 charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
43:58 does not behave itself unseemly,
44:00 seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked,"
44:02 Oh that's a good one.
44:03 "Thinketh no evil, rejoiceth not in iniquity,
44:05 but rejoiceth in the truth," and said, "Beareth all things,
44:08 believeth all things,
44:09 hopeth all things, endureth all things."
44:11 I think these are.
44:12 And I tell the guys when I'm in prison, I said,
44:13 I believe that this is what it looks like
44:15 to be a godly man, right here.
44:17 And I take him in the Steps of Christ which it talks about
44:20 how Jesus, He looked in people's eyes,
44:22 and He even sense your weakness.
44:23 That just blows me away.
44:25 "How come you can't get together?
44:26 Come on, man, I mean,
44:28 get your boot straps on, let's go."
44:29 He didn't even do that,
44:30 he didn't even sense your weakness.
44:32 He's like, He looked at the people,
44:33 He saw what they could be.
44:35 That speaks to me, I'm like, "Wow, that's..."
44:36 Because what God wants us to be,
44:39 what He gave us to be is a reflection of who He is.
44:44 And that's how He treats us, and we don't recognize Him.
44:48 Exactly.
44:49 'Cause not even any of the disciples were perfect
44:51 whenever He picked them,
44:53 you know, they had faults of their own.
44:55 That's true. Right.
44:56 It's like...
44:57 But He saw the potential and what they were going to be
44:59 able to do later, you know, so, you know, it's like,
45:03 you know, you brought up 1 Corinthians 1:9,
45:07 the verse says, "God is faithful,
45:10 by whom you were called into the fellowship
45:12 of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord."
45:14 Yeah. Amen.
45:16 You know, it's like God is faithful with His love
45:18 that He gives to us, you know, He's ever faithful.
45:21 Wow.
45:22 So that is the blessing in itself.
45:24 That's a good point. Wow.
45:25 Amen. I like that.
45:26 Made new every day.
45:28 Amen.
45:29 Well, we've been talking about many of the blessings
45:30 and there are multitudes more,
45:34 but in contrast with those that are not Christians,
45:38 you know, because the people that are not Christian,
45:40 they believe that God...
45:42 either they choose not to follow the Lord
45:45 or they think God does not exist.
45:48 It's interesting, those that worship the devil,
45:50 know that he exists for some reason.
45:53 And those that worship the Lord,
45:55 I'll say the majority know that He exists.
45:58 But those that are not Christians,
46:01 really this life is all they have
46:04 to look forward to,
46:05 while the Christian has a great and marvelous future
46:11 because when you think of John 3:16, it says,
46:15 "For God so loved the world
46:17 that He gave His only begotten Son,
46:19 that whosoever believes in Him will not perish
46:23 but have everlasting life."
46:26 Then you begin to...
46:28 your eyes begin to open, he says,
46:29 "Wait a minute, you mean,
46:31 this world is not all there is?
46:34 And you talk about everlasting life?"
46:36 That's life without end.
46:37 Yes.
46:39 And so I like to tell people that
46:40 when we're talking about life without end,
46:42 it's not life such as we have it today.
46:44 Yeah.
46:45 You know, if you had everlasting life
46:47 and it was being taxed,
46:49 having diseases come and go, and, you know,
46:52 the common cold, and insects coming over you,
46:55 and all of the different things that could happen.
46:57 And there are people that they fear being robbed,
47:01 so they get alarms for their cars,
47:04 they get alarms for their homes,
47:06 they put railings,
47:07 they put walls in their house, they put barbed wire,
47:10 and they get animals to protect their homes,
47:12 they even hire guards.
47:14 And there are people that live in buildings that are secure,
47:18 and before you get into the building,
47:20 you have to pass several checkpoints, and guards,
47:23 and there's somebody in the gate,
47:25 and, you know, and there's this fear.
47:28 And there are places you can go in some cities
47:31 that people tell you, "Don't go down there."
47:33 So if life on earth
47:36 was everlasting in this world the way it is,
47:38 God is going to create a new world
47:41 where none of this...
47:42 The sufferings of this world aren't there.
47:44 Amen. Yeah.
47:45 They will not be there.
47:46 Let me say it that way, they will not be there.
47:48 And so those that are not Christian,
47:50 this is all, in their mind,
47:52 they think this is all there is.
47:54 But there's much more than this world has to offer
47:58 and that's what God has to offer.
47:59 So my hope is that as people have been listening
48:03 to what we are saying, they'll say,
48:04 "Wait a minute, I'm missing out."
48:08 You're missing out. "I'm missing out."
48:10 And we have only begun, we have only...
48:12 not even begun to scratch the surface
48:14 of all the blessings of the Lord
48:16 because you're never alone.
48:19 You may be by yourself but you're not alone,
48:21 God is with you always, and perhaps,
48:24 we can talk about some more of these things that...
48:27 Sure.
48:29 Sure, something that I just recently read,
48:30 it was an article that I really wasn't thinking about reading
48:32 about but then this really felt impressed to open up
48:33 and this is how dark our minds have become
48:36 and who are chasing after the world,
48:38 they're now creating
48:39 what's called a digital eternity.
48:41 A digital eternity, what that means
48:42 is they're taking all of your different places
48:44 you've been to, social medias, off your YouTube,
48:46 all that stuff and are conglomerating this all
48:48 into one package,
48:49 and they are making avatars of human beings
48:51 who die so you can in a sense,
48:53 like they said this businessman when he loses his business
48:56 to someone can ask this avatar who is him to say,
48:59 "Well, is this a good decision?"
49:00 And this avatar who is you will say this is not good
49:03 or this is good.
49:05 You know, and this is what the world is coming to,
49:07 they're actually saying that you can even now put yourself
49:09 into a robot someday soon
49:11 that you'll be able to live on in a robot.
49:15 Just as man tried to build a tower to heaven,
49:19 they are now trying to create their own eternity.
49:22 Yeah. Yeah.
49:23 How sad.
49:25 Wow. Incredible.
49:26 And this is a sign of the emptiness,
49:28 the misdirection there is when you don't know the Lord.
49:31 I mean, when you know
49:33 that if you have citizenship in heaven,
49:36 that you have a better world to look forward to,
49:39 then you begin...
49:40 See there's this verse, I'm just going to quote it,
49:41 I'm not even going to look it up,
49:43 it's in Psalms 34,
49:44 so if I say the verse, then that's good, I mean,
49:48 I have it here in my notes, but Psalms 34, it says,
49:51 "O taste and see that the Lord is good."
49:56 Amen. Yes.
49:58 That's what we ask people, taste and see.
49:59 Test Him.
50:01 That the Lord is good. Yeah.
50:02 And, you know, in some companies,
50:05 when they want you to buy their product,
50:07 they offer you a 10-day trial or 30-day trial.
50:13 Then if you don't really like it,
50:14 you can return it,
50:16 you know, without any cost, you have to pay the shipping,
50:18 of course, and all those type of things,
50:20 but we're saying taste and see that the Lord is good.
50:23 Amen.
50:25 And when you taste, really taste
50:26 that the Lord is good,
50:28 you're not going to want anything else.
50:30 You know... I mean, we have...
50:32 Several of you have expressed that,
50:33 "I don't want what I had before,
50:34 I don't want the world,
50:36 I don't want the emptiness I had before,
50:37 the suffering I had before," because God changes your life,
50:40 changes your perspective,
50:42 and every day is a wonderful day
50:44 because you know that this world is not your world.
50:47 You have a better world that God has planned for you.
50:49 Right.
50:51 And this is a reality, you know,
50:52 it's a reality that we have to look forward to.
50:54 Amen.
50:56 Even this life is so much better with the Lord.
50:58 Even this life, that's right.
50:59 This life, in reality,
51:01 with everything that goes wrong,
51:04 and happens, and Satan's attacks,
51:06 this life with the Lord is so much better
51:10 than this life without Him.
51:12 And then of course, like you said,
51:13 there's eternity,
51:15 which is a real life in a real world
51:18 and not floating on a cloud with a harp.
51:21 With the little time that we have left,
51:23 I know you may have all something to share,
51:25 but we have such limited time now, I would, like,
51:27 just like to go down each one, give an opportunity, Brian,
51:30 if you were to say to someone that doesn't know Jesus,
51:34 what would you say to someone so that they may be encouraged
51:37 to try Jesus?
51:40 Well, the fact that we were talking about earlier
51:42 how things seemed to be a jail cell,
51:47 that you were talking about, you know,
51:49 that your friends told you that you must be living
51:53 in a confined space,
51:55 unable to experience joy
51:59 when the space that we have is an abundant amount of joy,
52:05 it is not confined at all.
52:07 It is boundless, you know, the joy that, you know, God...
52:12 The love that God gives us
52:13 is just an overflowing cup of joy,
52:17 you know, it really is.
52:18 You know, that, you know,
52:20 not being able to go to a wine retreat or something,
52:24 you know, waking up the next day bound to a bed
52:26 because your head hurts so bad,
52:29 that sounds like a bigger prison
52:30 right there myself,
52:32 you know, one that I've experienced in the past
52:34 and never going to go back to, so...
52:37 And how much we embarrass and humiliate ourselves,
52:39 those things too...
52:41 Dee, what would you like to share?
52:44 Romans 15:13, if you're not a Christian,
52:48 try the Lord but you have to try it
52:50 with your whole heart.
52:51 Yes.
52:53 And this is my prayer for you if you do that,
52:55 "Now may the God of hope
52:57 fill you with all joy and peace in believing
53:01 that you may abound in hope
53:04 by the power of the Holy Spirit."
53:06 The power of the Holy Spirit is powerful,
53:09 and if you will try the Lord and taste it, He is good.
53:14 He will fill you with a joy that you've never experienced
53:18 before, and a peace, and a hope,
53:20 He will give you life, instead of death.
53:23 Amen. Amen.
53:24 Donald. Yes.
53:26 Actually, it was your speaking that came to my mind,
53:28 it was Romans 12:1-2, I'll just read this real quick,
53:30 "I beseech you therefore, brethren,
53:32 by the mercies of God,
53:33 that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
53:36 holy, acceptable unto God,
53:37 which is your reasonable service,"
53:39 I really like that word.
53:40 Verse two is the biggest one,
53:41 "And be not conformed to this world,
53:44 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
53:47 that you may prove what is that good,
53:49 and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
53:50 That word "transformation" and I think for me,
53:53 that's what has spoken in my life
53:55 personally is that God has come in and transformed,
53:57 He's given me a whole new perspective
53:59 and a desire to see people know who Jesus is,
54:01 and that's what I want for our viewers, listeners,
54:05 whoever you are that this Word,
54:07 the gospel will really transform your life.
54:10 It'll give you a new hope, and new glimmer,
54:12 and a promise that He is going to complete the good work
54:15 that He's begun in you, so just renew you.
54:16 Amen. Amen.
54:18 Janelle.
54:19 I would just like to say that,
54:21 you know, for those out there that haven't tried the Lord
54:24 that maybe you've tried other things
54:26 to fill that hole we were talking about earlier.
54:30 And you've tried to fill it with things of this world
54:33 but God made you, He's your Creator,
54:35 and He knows how to fill that hole that you fill.
54:38 So I hope that you'll try Him today.
54:40 Amen. Yes.
54:42 Idalia, what would you like to share?
54:43 Oh, my mind is running,
54:45 but I think what I would like to share with you
54:51 is to just give God a chance.
54:53 Amen.
54:54 Give yourself a break, you know,
54:56 don't carry your burdens.
54:57 Give them to the Lord
54:59 and you're going to find freedom in the Lord
55:02 because this bondage of sin, of discouragement,
55:07 or frustrations, or whatever you're facing,
55:11 there's freedom from that and it's only found in Christ,
55:14 we cannot do it on our own.
55:15 That's right. Amen.
55:17 So I can do all things,
55:19 all things through Christ who strengthens us.
55:22 Amen. That's right.
55:23 And I would like to share that, you know,
55:26 be not afraid to come to Jesus
55:28 because you can come with confidence
55:32 knowing that you're not going to be rejected,
55:34 you're going to be accepted. Amen.
55:36 And John 6: 37, Jesus says, "He that comes to me,
55:40 I will in no wise cast out."
55:42 Amen.
55:43 So you can come
55:45 with your worries, your concern,
55:47 be not afraid to come to Jesus
55:49 because what He is going to do is accept you.
55:52 And, you know, some people say, "Well,
55:54 I don't think He's going to accept me
55:55 because I'm just so sinful."
55:57 Jesus Christ died on the cross
56:00 so that the worst person in the world
56:03 could be cleansed, forgiven,
56:06 and become a child of God.
56:08 Amen.
56:10 So I want to encourage you to come to Jesus,
56:11 give your heart to Him, and, you know,
56:14 there's this marvelous thing in John chapter 1,
56:17 I'm just going to say the chapter
56:18 so that at least you remember that
56:19 'cause if I say a verse, "Oh, where's that..."
56:21 John chapter 1.
56:23 It says there that "He came unto his own,
56:27 and his own received him not."
56:29 And this is the next part, it's interesting,
56:31 "But as many as received him," you see,
56:34 some people think
56:35 "Is the Lord going to receive me?"
56:37 "As many as received him," you see,
56:38 Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart,
56:42 inviting you to open the door so that he can come in.
56:46 Amen.
56:47 "And as many as received Him," so if you will receive Him,
56:52 you begin to taste and see that the Lord is good.
56:55 Amen. You really do.
56:56 And I want to encourage you to do that
56:58 because when you do that,
56:59 you will never want to go back to whatever it is
57:02 that you think you had before that was good
57:05 because there's nothing in this world
57:06 that's better than what God has to offer.
57:09 Amen. Amen.
57:11 And I encourage you, read in the Bible...
57:13 we didn't read...
57:14 Revelation 21,
57:16 "God is going to take away
57:17 all tears, all pain, all suffering."
57:19 Yes.
57:20 And I want to encourage you to follow Jesus,
57:22 give your heart to Him.
57:24 And as I like to say,
57:25 give your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ
57:27 and you will begin to have peace and joy
57:29 that begins in this world and continues forever.
57:33 We say happy Sabbath to you.
57:34 God bless you. Happy Sabbath.


Revised 2018-11-26