Today Family Worship

"When Heaven Calls Don't Hesitate" Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW018033A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:11 Hello and welcome to 3ABN's Family Worship.
01:14 I'm Chris Shelton
01:15 along with my husband Pastor Kenny Shelton.
01:18 Happy Sabbath.
01:19 We're so thankful that you have chosen to join us
01:22 to welcoming the Sabbath.
01:24 And around our table tonight,
01:25 we have some wonderful guests, Pastor Kenny.
01:27 Yes, we do.
01:28 Over to your right is a lovely couple,
01:32 and it's Don and Janelle.
01:34 Owen, I almost said some, I think I'm going to anyway.
01:37 Before we started the camera,
01:38 he said he wished he had grey hair already
01:41 and I was like, "What?
01:42 Wait a minute."
01:43 And JD chimed in and said,
01:45 "It's going to happen soon enough."
01:46 Yes.
01:48 But, you know, at least we can say,
01:49 with all of us here,
01:50 you're the young couple here and we're so happy to have you.
01:53 Glad to be here. Babies. Uh-oh.
01:55 Tell us what you do here at 3ABN, Don?
01:57 I work in the pastoral department
01:59 upstairs part-time
02:01 and also do Bible work for our church
02:03 and also do addiction recovery in prison
02:05 and outside in a community so we're busy,
02:08 and we're also mentoring young couples
02:10 and married couples so...
02:11 That is a blessing. It's very important.
02:14 Yeah, especially right now. Yeah.
02:16 And, Janelle, I know you have a special work here at 3ABN.
02:19 Tell us what you do?
02:20 I help in the publishing department
02:22 and that runs a gamut of a lot of different projects.
02:27 We work on the World Magazine, all the social media,
02:30 the websites, anything printed, we do it all of that.
02:34 I'd love to have you at BTLM.
02:38 She does an excellent job with graphics.
02:40 It's awesome.
02:41 She...
02:43 Now you have to explain what BTLM is.
02:44 Oh, Behold the Lamb Ministries.
02:46 Hopefully, people remember and they might see it up there
02:50 on the screen, Behold the Lamb Ministries.
02:52 And to my left is some wonderful,
02:55 some of my favorite people Sister Shelley and JD Quinn.
02:59 Sister Shelley, what do you do at 3ABN?
03:02 I know that's going to be tough
03:03 to come up with something, right?
03:05 My official title is program development manager
03:08 and I just do what I'm asked.
03:10 That's it, lot of hats, I understand that.
03:13 And, Brother JD.
03:15 Yes, I'm fortunate to be working
03:16 at pastoral department.
03:18 That's beautiful.
03:19 That is a fantastic opportunity
03:21 to share Jesus in the market place.
03:23 Yes.
03:25 And we talk to...
03:26 Don and I are peers together
03:29 and it is an absolute honor to represent God.
03:34 People all over this world are calling in
03:36 because they have breaking hearts...
03:38 Yes.
03:39 And we have the opportunity to talk with them,
03:41 to pray with them, and to share Scripture.
03:46 I mean, it's wow. It's awesome.
03:49 In a way that's like being on the frontline
03:51 because that's where people call
03:54 and they connect with your offices,
03:56 beautiful.
03:57 That's heavy. That's heavy.
03:59 I can say that's a heavy job
04:00 because, you know, the people call,
04:02 they have problems and they need someone
04:04 to help them and point them
04:06 to Scripture, point them to Jesus.
04:07 And if you're like I am,
04:09 after some time in two or three hours
04:11 or so, used to four, five hours,
04:13 I guess it'd be pretty heavy,
04:14 you have to remember who's holding you up,
04:16 you know, you have to remember the ones in charge.
04:18 I know this, it's quite hard work.
04:20 I remember Hal Steenson,
04:21 he was in the pastoral department
04:23 when he was here and he called it trauma center.
04:26 Wow. Yeah.
04:27 That's a perfect description right there
04:30 because there is trauma that's going on at all times.
04:33 Yes.
04:34 And today, we're fighting so much spiritual warfare.
04:38 Yeah.
04:39 Oh, my, increasing, it's increasing.
04:41 So this is time.
04:42 Well, this evening we're going to talk a little bit
04:44 about that spiritual warfare.
04:46 Our study is entitled,
04:47 "When heaven calls, don't hesitate."
04:50 And this is part two.
04:52 We did part one,
04:53 there were just four of us at that time.
04:55 Don and Janelle had joined us.
04:57 And we have been so blessed to receive your letters
05:00 and text messages and I don't know
05:03 if we've had any phone calls.
05:04 I think maybe we did have
05:06 a few phone calls as well over that.
05:07 So we're praying
05:08 and we've got to pray again tonight
05:10 with you at home
05:11 that the Lord will continue to bless us with His Spirit
05:14 as we get into part two of this study.
05:16 Pastor Kenny, would you have a prayer for us?
05:18 I think we should pray, right.
05:19 I'm going to invite you at home
05:21 to be sure and pray along with us.
05:22 It's an opportunity to go
05:23 to the throne room of God, right?
05:25 By faith, knowing that He will hear
05:26 and that He will answer
05:27 and good time to write fellowship together
05:29 and also fellowship with one another
05:31 and with all of heaven.
05:32 Let's pray, shall we?
05:34 Our kind and gracious Heavenly Father,
05:35 we do thank You for another Sabbath.
05:38 We thank You for Your sweet Spirit,
05:40 we just thank You that we have a God in heaven
05:42 who cares for each and every one of us
05:45 like there's no other on this planet
05:47 know that's a special love.
05:49 Thank You for the love letter
05:50 that You've left to us in the form
05:51 we call the Bible.
05:53 Tonight as we open these lovely beautiful pages,
05:56 these inspiring pages of Your Word,
05:57 we pray for the Holy Spirit power.
06:00 Lord, we just feel so unworthy that we just cannot understand
06:04 these on our own at all, we need your help.
06:06 Please send that special Holy Spirit right now
06:10 to illuminate these beautiful things
06:12 as we discuss them.
06:13 You already know what's going to be said,
06:15 You already know the decision going to be made,
06:17 and You already know all of these things,
06:19 but, Lord, we're coming to You in faith believing
06:21 that Your Word would not return void...
06:23 Amen.
06:25 That as this message goes out and to study tonight,
06:28 our hearts will be turned towards You.
06:29 Those who have, oh, they've been hesitating,
06:32 they've just hesitated and hesitated,
06:34 they have not fully accepted You
06:35 as Lord and Savior.
06:37 May the thought be brought out tonight,
06:38 probation is soon to close, Jesus is soon to come.
06:41 Amen. Decision is now.
06:44 Help us to make that decision.
06:45 Again open minds and hearts of the precious,
06:47 precious people who listen, who watch, who view,
06:50 wherever it might be that they may hear
06:52 the Word of God
06:53 that they may see Jesus not individuals.
06:56 My prayer tonight is that Jesus will be lifted high.
06:59 Lord, we give You praise, give You honor,
07:01 and give You glory that we have this opportunity,
07:03 this blessed privilege to be able to work
07:06 in Your vineyard.
07:07 I thank You.
07:09 Thank You again for the viewers,
07:10 those who watched tonight,
07:11 those who will make their decision in Jesus' name.
07:13 Amen. Amen.
07:15 Amen.
07:16 Well, before we begin, I mentioned to Sister Shelley
07:18 I'm going to do a strange ad.
07:20 I'm going...
07:22 to do a strange ad
07:24 because it's very difficult for me
07:27 to read something like this and not stop and comment on it.
07:30 But I want to just kind of give you
07:32 a short synopsis
07:34 of what we covered in part one without going into detail.
07:38 So I'm just going to read a little bit here, okay?
07:41 And then we're going to get into question number two.
07:44 All right.
07:45 This first verse comes from Revelation 2:4, 5.
07:50 It reads, "Nevertheless I have this against you,
07:54 that you have left your first love.
07:57 Remember therefore from where you have fallen,
08:00 repent and do the first works,
08:03 or else I will come to you quickly
08:05 and remove your lampstand
08:07 from its place unless you repent."
08:11 The Redeemer of the world declares
08:13 that there is...
08:14 That there are greater sins than that for which Sodom
08:19 and Gomorrah were destroyed.
08:20 Those who hear
08:22 the gospel invitation calling sinners
08:24 to repentance and heed it not are more guilty before God.
08:30 The more the dwellers in the Vale of Siddem
08:32 and still greater sin is theirs who profess to know God
08:38 and they keep His commandments,
08:39 yet who deny Christ in their character
08:43 and their lifestyle.
08:45 In the light of the Savior's warning,
08:47 the fate of Sodom is a solemn admonition
08:51 not merely to those
08:53 who are guilty about breaking sin
08:55 but to all who are trifling
08:57 with heaven sent light and privileges.
09:01 Wow.
09:02 If you want to know more about what I just read, call 3ABN,
09:05 ask for part number one
09:07 or maybe on the YouTube, correct?
09:09 You can look for when heaven calls
09:11 don't hesitate, part one.
09:13 It was a beautiful study. Amen.
09:15 We want to start tonight by this question.
09:19 Give examples of heaven sent light
09:21 and our privileges and explain how many trifle with them.
09:26 First of all, let me define trifle.
09:29 Trifle means it's a thing of little value
09:32 or no importance.
09:34 So many times as Christians, sad to say,
09:37 we are trifling with the light that God has given us,
09:41 with the privileges of being a Christian
09:43 that He has laid before us.
09:45 And I think of the Adventist church
09:47 in particular, the Spirit of Prophecy
09:50 that He has given to us and yet we trifle.
09:54 We look at it as of little importance.
09:58 So what is your thought?
09:59 How do you guys...
10:01 How would you answer this question?
10:02 I would go to what you just said
10:05 in a similar vein.
10:06 Psalm 119:105 says that "God's word is a lamp
10:10 to our feet and a light to our path."
10:12 And in Matthew 4:4 Jesus said,
10:15 "Man does not live by bread alone
10:17 but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."
10:22 And we know the Bible...
10:24 And if you've been in church or if you watch television,
10:28 we know the Bible is God's Word to us,
10:32 but there are so many who...
10:39 Particularly in western worlds where we have Bibles
10:42 that are so available to us,
10:45 there's many people who spend a whole lot more time
10:47 in secular activities
10:48 than they will in the Word of God
10:51 and we're all guilty sometimes of not spending the time...
10:56 I don't want to make it sound like we have to do it
10:58 for salvation, but I think the reason
11:00 we trifle with all heaven sent light is
11:03 'cause we're not convinced enough.
11:05 If you're in the Bible,
11:06 you're going to understand the various areas of light,
11:13 the points of light.
11:14 And it's funny when you see people
11:16 like in countries
11:18 where the Bible has not been available to them,
11:22 they get a Bible and they're just devouring it.
11:25 Oh, yes.
11:26 You know, I mean, they don't want to let it go.
11:28 It's their most prized possession.
11:29 Right.
11:30 And yet when you think, you know, people will admit
11:33 that they don't have a close enough
11:35 relationship with God
11:36 or what's wrong and you ask them
11:39 how much time they spend in Bible study.
11:42 It's really pretty little.
11:44 Yes. Amen.
11:46 When I was re-reading this for today, yesterday,
11:50 I began to think a lot of times people are studying,
11:54 they are hearing the Word,
11:55 but they don't think it applies to them.
11:57 "Oh, that's for the Jews.
11:59 That was for the Jews."
12:01 And sometimes,
12:02 they misinterpret scripture like in Romans 14,
12:05 where it talks about esteeming one day
12:07 above another
12:08 or don't judge somebody if they eat just vegetables
12:12 because they don't understand,
12:14 they're not putting it together with the Bible.
12:16 So they take those verses and they throw out the verses
12:20 that are very, very clear if it talks about food.
12:23 You know Leviticus, Deuteronomy
12:24 which is talking about the clean and...
12:26 "Well, that was for the Jews because now we can..."
12:28 But they don't read to understand.
12:31 We always need to pray
12:32 for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
12:34 But I think of so many churches today
12:38 where people believe they say, they're talking Jesus,
12:40 they're preaching Jesus and yet they're not.
12:43 They don't have the character
12:45 of Christ as we read in the Scripture.
12:47 They're not keeping things,
12:49 they're not obeying the Scripture as Christ did.
12:52 So I think there's a disconnect,
12:55 they're not connected into the true source,
12:57 which is what you were referring
12:58 to with those scriptures.
13:00 We've got to connect and we have to believe
13:01 that they're for us.
13:03 I think the word trifle you can...
13:04 I know JD wrote, you know, the idea of flirting.
13:07 We're really flirting with something,
13:08 we're kind of hesitant.
13:10 And I was thinking about the fact...
13:11 I had a lady I worked with years ago.
13:13 I just started coming to Lord and she said this,
13:15 she was like,
13:16 "Well, He's not coming in my time,
13:18 so what's the point?
13:19 What's the big deal?
13:20 You know, He's not coming in my time,
13:22 why should I make any effort, you know, to get ready?"
13:23 And I think a lot of people are in that boat.
13:25 Personally, I think they're saying,
13:26 "Well, He's not coming in my time,
13:28 so what's the point of getting, you know, prepared?"
13:30 They don't see the need,
13:31 necessary need for getting together so.
13:35 I was thinking...
13:36 You know, you mentioned food and it made me think of...
13:38 In the Seventh-day Adventist church,
13:40 we have this beautiful health message
13:42 and, you know, like,
13:44 you know, I'm guilty of this too,
13:45 but, you know,
13:47 like sometimes we ask God to bless food
13:48 that we know is not healthy, you know, and it's like
13:51 what's the point of praying if the food's not healthy?
13:54 I don't know, I just kind of fell conflicted
13:56 on that sometimes.
13:58 But how sometimes,
13:59 you know, we have all of this information,
14:02 but are we really, like you said,
14:03 putting into practice in our daily life?
14:06 And, you know, I think that's definitely an area
14:09 I could improve on,
14:11 so convicted of that one lately.
14:14 Well, and the enemy has had his hand
14:16 in so much of our food.
14:18 It can be confusing at times. Yeah.
14:21 And I was just...
14:22 I took a call...
14:24 I think it was Monday this week or it may have been last week,
14:27 I'm not sure.
14:28 But anyway, it was a gentleman
14:30 from California and he made this statement.
14:32 He said, "How many times does God have
14:34 to tell us the truth?
14:37 How many times?" Once. Once.
14:41 If He said it, He changes not.
14:42 He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
14:45 And so a lot of times,
14:47 it's us retraining our appetite.
14:50 You think about this.
14:51 I can't tell you how many times he has referred to,
14:53 this whole world was lost over appetite.
14:57 Yeah, it's true. Wow. Appetite.
14:58 I mean, there were other extenuating things
15:01 that were implied there, but it came down to appetite.
15:04 And the enemy uses our appetite
15:07 because if he can weaken these vessels,
15:10 clog the mind, make us sick, disrupt our hormones,
15:15 which we see that now through science is starting
15:17 to point that out,
15:20 he realizes he can work on us much better.
15:22 It's interesting
15:24 because I was sitting here the thing
15:25 just jumped into my mind
15:27 through the aid of the Holy Spirit,
15:28 this is really hunger and thirst.
15:31 Now, how am I going to bring hunger
15:32 and thirst into this conversation?
15:35 And albeit.
15:36 I mean we started within here,
15:38 we're here, and I can certainly speak
15:41 from experience.
15:44 Listen.
15:46 God has ears to hear...
15:47 Yes.
15:49 He is our Savior, He wants us, we're His mouthpiece,
15:54 we're His legs, we're His hands on this earth
15:56 so it's important to Him
15:58 that we fulfill our destiny in order to get the Word out.
16:02 Now how does that happen?
16:04 Because we all have mouths, we all have legs,
16:07 we have our hands and everything, you know.
16:09 We are missing that hunger and thirst.
16:12 Now how do you get the hunger and the thirst?
16:15 Now does He have ears to hear?
16:17 Amen. Yes, He does.
16:19 Is He the Creator? He spoke and it was done.
16:22 And so it just seems like if you're connecting
16:24 the dots here and you're sitting here
16:27 and you're making excuses
16:28 or you feel like you're coming up short,
16:31 maybe you need to change your prayer life,
16:34 maybe instead of just standing up
16:36 and praying,
16:38 it might not hurt to get to your knees.
16:39 Yes.
16:40 It does...
16:42 I mean, He hears you either way,
16:43 but maybe it means more to you.
16:45 Lord, I need some...
16:48 I need to make some changes in my life.
16:50 We're talking about hunger and thirst thereabout,
16:53 talking about appetite and how we do this or that.
16:56 I give you permission, Lord, to impress upon my mind
16:59 through the aid of the Holy Spirit...
17:01 Yes. Some changes.
17:03 Amen. Yeah.
17:04 Now it's my belief that if you asked that,
17:09 that God is not going to say, "Well, JD, I certainly hear.
17:12 Hey, guys, this is lunchtime.
17:15 Let's go have a good lunch and everything.
17:17 We'll get back to him later."
17:18 The minute that you're hungering
17:20 and thirsting for the Lord, something's going to happen.
17:22 Amen. Immediately.
17:24 That's part of thinking
17:26 what everybody's putting together here
17:28 is that we need to abide.
17:30 Jesus, you know, in John 8, He is the light of the world,
17:33 but we talk a lot about Jesus,
17:35 but are we abiding in Him and in His love?
17:38 Yup.
17:39 Because the question here is that it can trifle...
17:41 It comes back to trifling and that is...
17:43 Another word is joking.
17:45 You have a lot of people
17:47 when you want to talk to him about salvation,
17:50 you want to talk him to about their soul,
17:52 you want to talk about going to heaven,
17:54 you know, a lot of times they joke about it.
17:56 Have you ever talked to somebody...
17:58 In a joking manner, "Oh, was another time,
18:00 we're not worried about right now."
18:03 You know, we're talking about not putting it off,
18:06 abiding in Him.
18:08 But then what part do I play?
18:10 What part do I play in this question
18:12 you hear heaven sent light and privileges?
18:15 There's something here
18:16 I found in Manuscript of 17, 1899,
18:19 and it's again not abiding in His love
18:21 and doing what we're talking about here,
18:22 it's more than just talking.
18:25 We've got to be living, we've got to be abiding,
18:27 and if we are living and we are abiding in Him,
18:30 the changes are going to take place.
18:32 My rough character or my rough edges are going
18:36 to be buffed and sanded a little bit.
18:38 This article brings out...
18:39 I like it because again, I'm looking for...
18:41 We talk about heaven born love.
18:43 I'm not looking for love of the world in the way
18:45 they talk about love down here, but a love that's heaven born
18:49 that when I really accept that into my life,
18:51 something's going to happen.
18:53 That is a light,
18:54 that is privilege that God gives us
18:57 and we're going to be, in my opinion, accountable
19:00 for that in the judgment.
19:02 We're going to be weighed as we're in the balance
19:04 of the sanctuary by the light
19:06 or the privileges an opportunity
19:08 and responsibility that God has given us as people.
19:11 And many times, we spurn that.
19:13 Let me just read that real quick.
19:14 The article says here, it says, again Manuscript 17, 1899,
19:18 "Christ's love," notice this, "is deep and earnest."
19:21 I like that.
19:22 His love is...
19:24 It's not this, you know,
19:25 this fake love and I love you now
19:27 if you have, you know, this and that...
19:29 Deep and earnest.
19:30 "There is no selfishness in His love."
19:33 No selfishness.
19:34 See, sometimes love
19:36 we have is a little bit selfish,
19:37 you know, we're going to love and we're going to like,
19:38 we're going to do...
19:40 You know, yeah.
19:42 "If this, here again,
19:43 heaven-born love is an abiding principle
19:46 in the heart, if it is, it will make itself known..."
19:50 I like that.
19:52 You know, I try to convince them,
19:53 I'm a Christian.
19:54 "Hey, wait, you don't have to say you're a Christian,
19:56 you just..."
19:57 It's going to come out if it's there.
19:59 "To all who we come in contact with.
20:02 It will lead us to bestow little acts of attention.
20:07 If I have heaven-born love from God in my...
20:10 There's going to be a little acts, little things,
20:13 deeds of attention or things that are said,
20:16 things that are done.
20:17 Notice. "To all who come in contact.
20:19 Little acts of attention, to make concessions..."
20:22 Now, Lord, have mercy.
20:23 We're talking about of making concessions
20:25 sometime, you know, I want...
20:26 Ever since I heard that word concessions
20:28 or, you know, we got...
20:29 Compromise.
20:30 Compromise a bit in a way on what are we going
20:32 to compromise on,
20:33 so there's, you know, live in up.
20:35 But it says, "To perform deeds of kindness..."
20:38 If there's a heaven-born love, we're abiding in Christ,
20:41 there's going to be little deeds of kindness,
20:43 we're going to speak...
20:44 Lord, have mercy on us.
20:46 "To speak tender, true, and encouraging words.
20:49 So as a Christian,
20:50 we never should discourage, right, anyone.
20:53 We should be an encourager. Amen.
20:55 You know, no matter how deep they sought,
20:56 no matter what's going on,
20:57 they need words of encouragement
20:59 and we cannot really give that unless we have an abiding love
21:02 of Christ in our hearts and in our mind.
21:04 Jesus is the light of the world.
21:06 Amen.
21:08 And He's going to, remember, weigh us in those balances
21:10 because He's giving this opportunity
21:13 that every one of you were talking about
21:15 that Christ catch a view of it,
21:17 people know it, the Bibles, you know, reading,
21:19 all the privileges we have should know
21:21 Jesus is our Lord and Savior and then accept Him in
21:24 and then here comes those fruits.
21:26 Amen.
21:28 Let me mention this because then I like
21:29 because we're going to deal
21:31 with some first love in a little bit but...
21:34 And following what you just said
21:37 and I totally, totally, totally agree
21:40 that if you have a love for Christ
21:43 or for whatever you have a love for,
21:46 but I choose to believe the way
21:48 that the Lord has set this up that that there's no accidents
21:53 and so let's just say that you're sharing your fruit,
21:56 you're sharing this or you're sharing that.
21:58 I choose to believe that here
21:59 that right person is going to come up at the right time.
22:02 Oh, yes.
22:03 And they call those divine appointments.
22:04 Amen.
22:06 And those divine appointments then...
22:07 Because you're sharing your love,
22:10 the love of Christ,
22:11 then that's going to fill that void that they were...
22:15 They had been over here praying,
22:17 "Oh, Lord, I'd like to be able to understand this better."
22:20 And all of a sudden this happened where I'll be.
22:24 Yes. And now is that an accident?
22:26 Is that a coincidence?
22:28 Or was that a divine appointment.
22:29 Amen.
22:31 It's a divine appointment and it's also not trifling.
22:34 That's exactly right.
22:35 So you've given examples of people who do not trifle.
22:39 And I think a lot of people trifle
22:40 with the Word of God ignorantly.
22:43 You know, Revelation tells us how the enemy is using sorcery
22:47 and we have that sorcery,
22:49 we invited in many times on our electronic devices,
22:52 on TV, for those of you who do not have 3ABN
22:55 on all the time, and, you know, radio.
22:59 The enemy knows how to get our attention,
23:03 how to work on our emotions.
23:04 Think about the music, how it grabs your emotions,
23:07 how it makes you change the way you're thinking.
23:10 And so therefore, a lot of times
23:11 when you meet somebody who has that connection,
23:14 you trifle with, "Well, it's fine for them,
23:16 but, you know, it's for somebody else
23:19 or it's for later or I don't really need that.
23:21 I can be good."
23:23 How many times have we heard,
23:24 "I can be a good boy or a good girl
23:26 and go to heaven?"
23:27 You know, I don't have to sit and read, He takes our time,
23:30 He takes our attention.
23:32 Sister Shelley said it so eloquently
23:35 in the beginning.
23:36 We have light.
23:38 In this day and age, we have the old...
23:39 We have both witnesses.
23:41 We have the Old and the New Testament,
23:44 we've been given prophecy,
23:46 we can look back and pinpoint prophecy in history,
23:50 and through the Word of God,
23:52 we've been given the Spirit of Prophecy
23:54 that helped guide this church.
23:55 What a blessing.
23:57 God knew how confused this time would be for us
24:00 if we had not been given the mouth of a prophet.
24:04 But it's not diving into that word,
24:08 it's not diving into this book, it's not, as you mentioned,
24:12 praying and saying,
24:13 "Lord, give me the mind of Christ.
24:15 Give me Your understanding."
24:17 So there's just so much here.
24:19 And I think of my children,
24:21 I think of my loved ones who say,
24:23 "I don't want to hear it anymore, mom."
24:24 Because they're drunk
24:26 with the wine of the wrath of her fornication
24:28 with the false doctrine.
24:30 Here's a word that we're kind of like bouncing around here,
24:32 it's underlying, it's called surrender.
24:35 Surrender is like key, that's so big, you know.
24:37 Just to share a quick story, I like testimonies...
24:39 Oh, yes.
24:41 Last week, I went to prison, you know, all by myself
24:42 and like it's a little unnerving
24:44 when you're in there and hear the doors clanging.
24:46 But it took a while to get in there
24:49 and I was really getting kind of like,
24:50 "Come on, let me in.
24:51 Let me in. Let me in. Let me in.
24:53 I really want to get to these guys."
24:54 And one of the guys came in late and he said,
24:56 "You had shared your testimony the week prior."
24:58 And he said, "It spoke to me so heavily.
25:00 I went in my cellar, I fell on my knees,
25:02 and I asked the Lord in my heart."
25:03 And he said,
25:05 "I used to have 99% trouble in my life
25:07 and I had 1% this week, 1% trouble."
25:09 And it was like...
25:11 It's when you surrender there, when you allow Him to use you,
25:14 those privileges...
25:15 You go into prison, you know, we would stay home
25:17 instead of going to church on a Sabbath,
25:19 we stay home, you know, we just read our Bibles.
25:21 Like we don't need to go to church,
25:22 we could just stay here and follow through ourselves
25:24 and they're like,
25:25 "Something just started knocking on my heart saying,
25:26 "You need to go to church."
25:28 Two months later after I felt that conviction,
25:30 she's looked at me, she was, "Can we go to church now?"
25:31 I'm like, "Really you want to go?
25:33 Really? Seriously? Like, okay, what do we do?"
25:35 Wow.
25:36 So it's like...
25:38 Yeah, those privileges...
25:39 And it's such a privilege
25:40 to share the gospel with people.
25:42 It is. It's huge.
25:43 I like what JD said about the divine appointments.
25:44 It was making me think of the other day
25:46 we went to pick some apples,
25:48 and there was a young man in the orchard
25:49 that was helping us
25:51 and when we were getting on the trailer to leave,
25:55 Don gives him the Glow track and he...
25:58 I mean, this is the most excited
25:59 I've ever seen anybody get over a Glow track.
26:01 He said, "Thank you. I collect these."
26:05 And he's like, "I collect Bibles too."
26:07 And we're just looking at each other like wow,
26:09 we weren't expecting that.
26:11 But it was just like, you know, when you...
26:13 When the Holy Spirit prompts you and you obey,
26:16 and not only the blessing that they get
26:18 but the blessing that you get from that.
26:20 So it's exciting.
26:21 You don't know what their reach is,
26:23 you know, the people that were with us,
26:24 I think it spoke to them because they're still learning
26:26 in their Christian walk and I'm like,
26:28 "Wow, this God thing really does work, you know."
26:31 I had a little bit of an example of that.
26:33 I was at a family function this past Sunday
26:37 and I was talking to my niece and my brother and she said,
26:40 "Oh, don't listen to him.
26:42 He's been all worried about dying."
26:44 He said, "Yes, I just need to get
26:45 some of this out of my mind."
26:47 But I've been praying for my brother for years
26:49 and years and years, and it kind of struck me
26:53 because this is the second family member
26:56 that I pray for that says they've been really nervous,
26:59 really anxious, really upset over dying.
27:03 So in my mind, I'm immediately thinking
27:05 the Holy Spirit is working on his heart.
27:07 Yeah. And I kind of left it there.
27:10 And then the next morning,
27:11 I was looking over this and I kept hearing a voice say,
27:15 "You need to give your brother a copy of this."
27:19 And after about the third time, I said, "Okay, Lord."
27:22 But he's one of those that doesn't want this from me.
27:26 I said, "You'll have to open the door."
27:29 And so I called him
27:31 the next morning on my way to work
27:33 and I said...
27:34 Almost said his name.
27:36 I might as well say his name, Ted.
27:37 I said, "Ted, as I was reading..."
27:39 We love Ted. We love Ted.
27:42 And I said, "As I was reading this one,
27:44 I kept hearing a voice say you need to give this to Ted.
27:48 This is something that we're preparing to share
27:50 in the Family Worship.
27:52 Would you like to have it?" He said, "Yes, I'll take it."
27:56 Praise the Lord. It is.
27:59 And this is part of that first...
28:00 Go ahead.
28:02 This is all so much because this addresses...
28:05 It's almost like the next time
28:06 I looked at this the scales on my eyes,
28:09 I begin to see wow,
28:12 this is exactly what he needs and what you referred to.
28:15 I'm praying that God just works on his heart that he drops
28:18 to his knees as that man in prison did
28:22 and cries out to God to be his Lord and Savior
28:25 that he will stop trifling around the Word of God.
28:29 And this is what we're working around here is that first love.
28:33 Amen.
28:34 Someplace you've got to give it back
28:35 or if you never received it, you need to ask for it...
28:39 Amen.
28:40 Because there's nothing better than first love.
28:42 Amen. Yes.
28:44 The thought that keeps...
28:45 You know, I didn't come out here with anything
28:47 predetermined.
28:49 I said, "Lord, whatever..."
28:50 'Cause this topic is...
28:51 When you're talking about trifling
28:53 with heaven sent light, it's so broad.
28:56 But the thought that just keeps coming
28:57 to my mind, I think, Kenny,
28:59 when you were talking about the love of God,
29:02 what clicked for me
29:05 was how people trifle with forgiveness.
29:10 And what I would think...
29:13 Two things actually.
29:15 One, there are those who take 1 John 1:9,
29:20 "If you confess your sins,
29:21 He is faithful and just to forgive your sins,"
29:24 who take that almost like,
29:26 "Well, this is a vending machine.
29:29 I'll go do what I want to do.
29:32 Now I'll come and put
29:33 in that coin of confession, you know.
29:36 I've got forgiveness."
29:37 So there are people who repeatedly
29:41 do the same thing again and again,
29:44 same sin thinking that,
29:48 "You know, well, I can just confess."
29:51 And I don't think...
29:52 I think God is wanting us to be a little more...
29:57 I mean, we're supposed to repent means
29:59 that we turn away from that sin and we need to pray
30:05 that He will grant us repentance.
30:07 But the second way,
30:09 I think we trifle with forgiveness.
30:11 I don't know about you all, I have been forgiven much.
30:14 In Luke 7:47, "She who's been forgiven much, loves much."
30:18 That's right.
30:20 But I think that many people, I mean, anybody that...
30:24 Any of our brothers and sisters who are watching tonight,
30:27 you can say, "Yeah,
30:29 God has really forgiven me a lot."
30:32 But we trifle
30:34 with the principle of forgiveness
30:36 when we don't turn around and extend mercy
30:40 and grace to somebody else...
30:42 That's right.
30:44 You know, and we're not being forgiving toward them.
30:48 And isn't the mind of Christ. Yeah.
30:51 What if He did that to us? What hope would we have?
30:54 And how many times in ministry have we heard rumors
31:00 that so and so has fallen, so and so has done this
31:02 and instead of going to that person
31:05 and trying to help that person...
31:08 Yeah.
31:10 We begin to talk about them, we join the gossip column,
31:13 and we pull away.
31:14 If we were who we profess to be,
31:17 we would be going and trying
31:18 to help in the way to that person.
31:21 You know, you mentioned about the first love
31:23 and losing and then I think of James 1:8 says,
31:25 "A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways."
31:29 And that really brought me back
31:31 to the very beginning in Genesis
31:32 where the enemy Satan said to Eve, he said,
31:36 "Did God really say?"
31:37 And he caused that confusion, hesitation, doubt,
31:41 and I just see that in a sense
31:43 that's what causes us to trifle,
31:45 we have that doubt,
31:46 you know, we're unstable in all our ways.
31:47 Just a little bit
31:49 and we're unstable in all of our ways.
31:50 So that really spoke to me, you know, the idea of flirting,
31:53 hesitating, doubt.
31:55 We're talking about and losing your first love
31:56 and that caused
31:58 how many to lose their first love
32:00 and walked away from God.
32:01 You know, it's taking about given the responsibility
32:04 I believe that we have when you give a track away
32:07 or you say you've been impressed
32:09 to give this to somebody, they become accountable.
32:12 See, I'm talking about accountability to God
32:14 because we're talking about the light that's shining.
32:17 So when you knock on the door, you pass out,
32:20 you give an invitation to church,
32:21 you give an invitation for a Bible study,
32:23 that person is given the opportunity
32:26 to learn more about Jesus.
32:28 Where I'll say, we'll learn about truth.
32:29 Learn about Jesus.
32:31 And then they either have to accept that
32:33 or they reject it, trifle with it,
32:35 jokingly let it go, whatever it might be,
32:37 but when we do this as Christians...
32:41 And I've thought about so many different times,
32:43 people you love, people you meet,
32:45 you grow to love
32:46 and you want to give them Jesus.
32:48 Here's Jesus, lift up Jesus.
32:50 And then they don't want Him and you're thinking,
32:52 "Oh, Jesus has been offered to them
32:55 and they have rejected.
32:57 Not me but they've rejected Christ."
33:00 So, you know, again, it's not a joking matter at all
33:03 because it deals, here's the thing,
33:05 with like probation.
33:08 I'm a believer of that probation
33:10 is soon to close.
33:12 I'm a believer in that,
33:13 you know, God has a certain amount of time
33:16 that He gives to nations as we know
33:19 and individuals
33:20 that when your probation closes,
33:22 you don't know when it's going to close,
33:24 I don't know when it's going to close.
33:26 You've been offered maybe salvation,
33:28 you've been even offered Jesus many, many, many,
33:29 many times and you refuse it.
33:31 How do you know that that's not going to be
33:33 the last time that it's going to happen?
33:36 So this is the heavy duty thing because God only...
33:40 You know, we know what we talked about
33:41 before through Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece,
33:43 there's a certain amount of time
33:45 came to set up, they're taken down,
33:47 and that same way with me and you.
33:49 So when we give this gospel to someone
33:52 by the grace of God and the Holy Spirit,
33:54 realize it may be the very last time
33:58 that it will ever be offered to you.
33:59 That's right. You don't spurn it.
34:01 This is what...
34:02 Heaven calls, what? Don't hesitate.
34:04 Don't hesitate, accept it 'cause it could be the very...
34:08 If I'm thinking about death
34:09 and I'm thinking about dying, right?
34:12 Could it not be the Holy Spirit of God telling us,
34:15 "Life is short, there's more important things in life."
34:18 I have a difficult time with anything in life
34:20 other than the gospel and doing God's work anymore.
34:23 I don't know if...
34:25 It didn't make you good or bad, but I...
34:27 It's hard to focus on other things
34:29 because they're just so in the world and this...
34:32 They're trifling. Trifling.
34:35 You go out to mow the grass and spend four hours
34:37 mowing the grass and two,
34:39 three days later, you mow it again...
34:41 You know, and really...
34:43 We need to do those things,
34:44 but I'm saying does that draw me closer to Christ?
34:47 I'm just looking at the spiritual side,
34:49 the aspect of it and I'm saying,
34:50 "Oh, Lord, have mercy."
34:52 When heaven calls, don't hesitate.
34:55 That's right. That's what this is about.
34:56 And see, that's what happens with doubt.
34:58 That was such a pinnacle point that you made because so often,
35:03 when these things are presented,
35:04 the Holy Spirit is working on someone's heart
35:07 and yet there is that little seed of doubt
35:10 and because of the love of the world,
35:12 they want to hold on and that seed begins to grow.
35:15 And I think the best point right here
35:17 is to encourage all of us,
35:20 encourage you at home to put that doubt aside
35:24 and take God's word as it reads.
35:26 And then close it
35:28 with what you said, 2 Corinthians 6:2,
35:30 it reads, "Behold now is the acceptable time.
35:34 Behold now is the day of salvation."
35:38 Even for somebody
35:39 that may be watching here tonight.
35:42 This may be what they needed to hear.
35:44 They may have left the church many years ago
35:47 and they have been putting it off
35:49 because of doubt or some other excuse,
35:52 but as they hear Jesus calling, don't doubt Him, accept Him in,
35:57 pray that He will come in and make that heart change.
36:00 Brother JD? It's on my heart right now.
36:04 And we talked to quite a few people
36:06 that deal with this.
36:08 They need to have a new set of friends.
36:10 Oh, yes. That's on my heart right now.
36:15 And then here again, you just played right into it.
36:18 And if you're sick and tired of being sick and tired
36:22 and you know it, you feel it,
36:24 but yet you don't know what to do,
36:26 sometimes you have to walk away
36:28 from the environment that you're in.
36:30 Bad company corrupts good one. Yeah.
36:33 And so through the aid of the Holy Spirit,
36:35 you'll have the strength to be able to walk away
36:39 because He will prepare that way.
36:42 But you got to take that first step.
36:44 You do. Amen.
36:46 I just wanted to touch on something, Kenny,
36:47 you were talking about 'cause sometimes,
36:49 I think people take it wrong
36:50 when we talk about closing probation.
36:52 Oh, yeah.
36:53 And JD and I were ministering with a couple
36:57 when we were down south that the father asked us,
37:00 his son was getting ready to leave the church,
37:02 he and his wife.
37:03 And so we ministered with them and praise God,
37:08 they had a total turn around
37:09 and this was a young couple with a five year old...
37:12 four year old, five year old little girl.
37:14 Young couple, but they got on fire,
37:16 they were out giving Bible studies.
37:19 But what happened was they had accepted...
37:24 I mean, they really felt like this was the first time
37:29 they'd been born again, but probation closed for them
37:35 because they were in a car accident,
37:37 they were going to give a Bible study
37:40 and their car negotiated,
37:44 I guess it was detour and he didn't make the turn
37:48 and both of them were killed.
37:50 Young. Young couple.
37:52 So when we're talking about probation closing,
37:55 'cause there are people who feel like,
37:57 "Oh, I don't know any probation like..."
38:00 Well, some people feel like...
38:02 Maybe they think probation is already closed for them
38:04 and they've missed it.
38:06 We're talking about, you know...
38:10 When probation closes for everybody
38:12 and we see the signs
38:13 of when Jesus comes again because in Revelation 22:11,
38:17 He says, "He who is unjust, let him be unjust still.
38:22 He who is filthy, let him be filthy still.
38:25 He who is righteous, let him be righteous still.
38:28 He who is holy, let him be holy still.
38:30 And behold, I come quickly."
38:32 So there comes that point and we're seeing
38:36 all of the prophetic signs are lining up.
38:40 I actually was talking with a man the other day
38:42 that I don't even consider to be Christian
38:45 and he said, "You know,
38:47 I don't know if I should even bother with such and shuts
38:50 because we're at the end of the world."
38:53 And I'm like, "This is interesting."
38:54 There's a lot of people who are feeling like that.
38:57 But none of us know, and if you're waiting tonight
39:03 and you feel the tug,
39:06 if the Holy Spirit's tugging at your heart,
39:08 if you feel the Lord wooing you with His love,
39:11 none of us are promised tomorrow.
39:13 Today is the day of salvation. Amen.
39:16 So we just encourage you,
39:17 when we say surrender, we just...
39:20 It just means you're yielding to Him,
39:22 you're giving Him consent to work in your heart.
39:24 I was thinking earlier when Kenny was talking.
39:28 You know, we just finished the last quarter
39:31 in the Book of Acts and there's a story in there
39:35 when Paul is talking about...
39:37 It's somewhere in Acts,
39:38 I don't remember exactly the passage,
39:40 but he talks about how he is free
39:41 from the innocent from the blood of all men
39:44 and you were talking about the responsibility
39:46 that that person now
39:47 has when they have that information
39:51 but also that responsibility
39:52 that we have when we're given,
39:54 you know, those opportunities and how...
39:57 You know, that really spoke to me.
39:58 I said, "Well, can I really say that, you know, for myself
40:03 that I'm innocent of the blood of all men to where,
40:07 you know, did I speak the word
40:10 that I needed to at the right moment
40:11 when He wanted me to?"
40:13 And how that's a responsibility for us as Christians.
40:16 The assurance of that,
40:17 that's the passage I was looking up
40:18 when I came in was in John 12:48 and 49
40:23 because it says,
40:25 and this is what we've been talking about,
40:26 giving the word to someone.
40:27 They got to be open, they got to...
40:29 you know, things happening,
40:30 same things are happening in your life right now
40:32 that makes you think about heaven
40:34 or maybe think about hell or where's my life headed.
40:37 Just because I believe the Holy Spirit
40:39 is working on them right then.
40:40 And so then we have to make a choice.
40:42 The Bible says here in John 12:48,
40:45 "He that rejected Me..."
40:47 Talking about, it must be Jesus,
40:48 isn't that right?
40:50 "And receiveth not my words hath one that judgeth him.
40:54 The word that I have spoken,
40:55 the same shall judge him in the last day."
40:58 Now verse 49 may hit a little more
41:00 of what you were talking about.
41:01 Notice this, "For I have not spoken of Myself,
41:04 but the Father which sent Me."
41:06 Notice, "He gave Me the commandment
41:08 that what I should say and what I should speak."
41:13 Isn't that wonderful?
41:14 So we should be in that relationship with God,
41:17 you know, as a Christian.
41:19 You know, no longer I but Christ.
41:21 I don't have to worry about...
41:22 I speak that which Jesus gives us,
41:24 as you pray about the Holy Spirit,
41:26 you dedicate your life of the morning.
41:28 You meet people,
41:30 say what the Holy Spirit's impressing you to say.
41:32 Don't worry about the look of man,
41:33 what he might look like or what he might be,
41:35 just say it because you've been impressed
41:37 by the Holy Spirit of living God.
41:38 And that's the key.
41:40 You need to be impressed so that He will open that door.
41:43 We don't want to push something on someone
41:45 that they don't want,
41:46 but let the Holy Spirit open that door.
41:48 Let me read this next paragraph.
41:50 I just love part of this.
41:52 "The Savior watches for response
41:54 to His offers of love."
41:56 That's what we've been talking about,
41:58 sharing the love of God,
41:59 "and forgiveness with a more tender compassion
42:03 than that which moves
42:04 the heart of an earthly parent."
42:07 Think how much you love your children
42:08 or your nieces or your family.
42:11 And He's looking for that response
42:13 with a more earnestness than even that.
42:16 "To forgive a wavered suffering son or daughter."
42:20 Listen to this next statement.
42:22 "He cries, he cries after the wander."
42:27 We just mentioned a while ago someone is in sin,
42:30 you know, it may or may not be true,
42:32 but we just throw them out with the dishwater.
42:35 You know, and here it says,
42:37 "Our Savior cries after the wander,
42:40 'Return unto Me and I will return unto you.'"
42:43 Malachi 3:7.
42:45 "But if the erring one persistently
42:50 refuses to heed the voice that calls him or her
42:54 with pitying tender love,
42:57 he or she will at last be left in darkness."
43:02 I'd like to share on that.
43:04 Actually, this is what's been coming to my mind.
43:05 Yesterday, I found an article
43:07 which I really wasn't going to read it,
43:08 but I send it onto some folks
43:10 and they're creating this new thing
43:11 called Digital Eternity.
43:13 Digital Eternity, it takes all these different social media,
43:16 all your stuff that you ever went to,
43:18 like if you went to Facebook,
43:19 you know, YouTube,
43:20 and it conglomerates into an algorithm,
43:22 and what it does is it makes an actual
43:24 like if you were actually speaking.
43:26 Oh, yes. I've seen it.
43:27 Yeah, it was like called Digital Eternity.
43:29 And this is what I'm thinking about,
43:30 when man turned so completely away from God,
43:32 you're trying to escape death now
43:34 and create to where you have a digital eternity,
43:36 which I think is really interesting.
43:38 That reminds me of Romans 1:25,
43:40 it says, "Exchange the truth of God
43:41 for a lie
43:42 and worship and serve the creature
43:44 rather than the Creator."
43:45 Their own reasoning now is so twisted and mangled like,
43:48 "I'm going to escape death by becoming a digital person."
43:51 That's incredible to me.
43:53 That tells me that they lost their first love.
43:56 They didn't heed the voice that calls them.
43:58 They're plugging their ears.
44:00 Let's look at... Go ahead.
44:02 A lot of people may be asking,
44:06 "Can I have a do over?"
44:09 I know that,
44:12 you know, say if you're playing some golf
44:14 and you're five foot from the hole
44:15 and you putt and it goes a little bit off,
44:19 "Can I have a do over?"
44:20 Well, you know, that goes into life too.
44:23 And yes, you can have a makeover,
44:27 you know, by making better decisions.
44:30 That's right.
44:32 And we go back
44:33 because we're following the straight line
44:37 to our first love Who is love Himself.
44:40 But then, you know, it's easy to sit over here
44:42 and go askew.
44:46 And that's where we fall off from a slippery slope.
44:48 Yes. Okay.
44:49 But yes, if you will...
44:51 I'll go back to this.
44:52 If you will ask the Lord to come into your heart,
44:56 He knows your circumstances
44:57 as we just got through a saying here,
44:59 he even goes to the point of crying.
45:02 In my particular life,
45:04 I knew I was going back a little bit differed.
45:08 Draw nearer to me, JD,
45:10 and then I'll draw nearer to you.
45:12 See, I kind of had that backwards.
45:14 "Lord, You prove Yourself to me,
45:17 if You meet my qualifications, my expectations,
45:21 well, then I'll jump on this train."
45:24 And that was just thinking, thinking.
45:26 But it's not something
45:28 that's a lot of people feel that way.
45:29 A lot of people...
45:31 That's how they choose churches.
45:32 You bet, I mean, it's kind of like...
45:33 And then, boy, then just one day,
45:35 it just kind of like,
45:36 "Wow, there's a major difference."
45:38 You know, through it all, it says, it was John 15:16,
45:42 "Through it all..." It wasn't...
45:43 Jesus has said, "You have not chosen Me,
45:47 I have chosen you."
45:49 Think of the awesomeness of that,
45:51 that the King of the universe,
45:53 the God that sits on the throne,
45:55 "But you haven't chosen Me, I chose you."
45:58 You know, what's really cool too
45:59 is that He spoke that sun.
46:01 When I think about it, the power of the sun,
46:03 he spoke that sun, He's the same when it shows...
46:05 That blows my mind.
46:07 I mean, isn't that beautiful?
46:08 What blows my mind more than anything
46:10 is that before He created us,
46:13 before He came to earth,
46:16 He knew
46:18 He was going to have to become a human being.
46:23 That blows my mind,
46:25 and that He would die for us.
46:27 But what you said,
46:29 I just wanted to kind of add a caveat.
46:34 Yes, the scripture says "Draw nearer to Me
46:37 and I will draw nearer to you,"
46:38 but we've just got to understand
46:40 God is always drawn to us.
46:43 He is always moving us.
46:45 He says, "You know, I beloved you
46:47 with an everlasting love,"
46:49 so God is constantly...
46:52 So what it is is just to respond to His love.
46:58 You know, one time the Lord really impressed upon me
47:01 because I was running in the right direction,
47:04 kind of looking back over my shoulder,
47:06 and it was turned to me full face.
47:11 Full faced.
47:13 Sometimes we try to be part in the world,
47:17 part in the church, part in this and part in that.
47:19 And we're not responding to the love of God.
47:23 And the good thing is as we do He's just like He sweeps us up.
47:30 He's got those everlasting arms beneath us.
47:33 He is so anxious to have that intimate relationship.
47:39 Amen. Yeah.
47:40 And so as you're talking, I was thinking about how
47:42 you know, sometimes there's the mindset
47:44 that we want to have it together
47:46 before we come to Him,
47:48 and so sometimes we can fall into that,
47:50 it's like, "Well, no, I'm not...
47:52 You know, I need to do this and this and this first
47:54 and then I'll be ready."
47:55 And so that's an easy trap to fall into that,
47:57 you know, we think we have to have things together
48:00 before we...
48:01 A lie of the devil.
48:03 What does He say? "Come as you..."?
48:04 "Come as you are."
48:06 I'm so thankful for that, really.
48:09 Can you come as you are.
48:10 Because we can't change ourselves.
48:11 He looks at you says, "You're distasteful,
48:14 you know, you're a mess, you're the dust of the earth.
48:16 There's none good, no, not one.
48:17 You know, you're the pits, but I still love you."
48:19 Yeah.
48:21 I mean, that's the love
48:22 that's just hard to fathom and to...
48:23 He accepts those cries
48:25 even though like, JD, you were saying like,
48:26 you know, that's not the right approach,
48:27 but He knew your heart, He knew what you wanted,
48:30 so even though now
48:31 you can look back and say I wouldn't say that now
48:33 but He knows where we're at and He takes us where we're at.
48:36 And He won't leave us there. Right.
48:38 I'll always say that you can come as you are,
48:39 you'll say, but he doesn't leave us in that position.
48:41 Can I give a scripture for that?
48:42 Sure.
48:44 That would be Jeremiah 3:22,
48:45 "Return you, backsliding children,
48:47 and I will heal your backs."
48:50 Amen.
48:51 That's good news.
48:52 Let's look just in the last few minutes here
48:55 at question number three
48:56 because you guys are touching on the love,
48:58 you're touching on how He's crying out
49:00 for each and every one of us.
49:02 So the question is,
49:05 why then will we be left in darkness
49:07 if we persistently refused to heed His voice.
49:11 Yeah. Why?
49:13 Well, to me, the simplest is
49:14 because your heart is hardened,
49:17 so that's who you become.
49:18 Yes.
49:20 And it's just like putting a frog in the frying pan,
49:23 you know, it's turning up real slow,
49:25 so this is a nice little nest.
49:28 And some people feel like, "Well, it doesn't matter,
49:31 I believe in Him, so I'll be saved."
49:33 You know, they don't go any deeper.
49:36 I'm covered in grace, that's all I am.
49:37 Yes.
49:38 Yeah.
49:40 I think personally, for me,
49:41 I think it's like what Jesus said to Peter,
49:43 He says, "Satan is desired to sift you as wheat,
49:46 and I'm praying for you, Peter, that when you are converted,"
49:49 that's the key, conversion.
49:50 And I think that's where, for me, personally,
49:53 you know, the Lord has spoken to me recently,
49:55 this took me like 40 years
49:56 to realize the love God has for me,
49:59 and I just can't help
50:01 but want to give it to other people
50:02 and that's why I go into prisons,
50:04 that's why we go out and give Glow tracks.
50:05 Yes. Praise the God.
50:06 I was also just thinking about that question
50:08 on why will we left...
50:09 Well, why would we be left in darkness
50:11 if we persistently refuse?
50:13 It's, you know, daily choices,
50:15 you know, and He honors our choices.
50:18 Yes. Amen.
50:20 Encourage to what you're asking.
50:22 And remember, He's given this light,
50:23 this passage in John...
50:25 I think it's 12:35.
50:27 Jesus is telling us...
50:29 We think we have,
50:30 they say "all day, we have next year,
50:31 we've got 10 years, I'm only 25,
50:33 I'm only 30, I'm only 40.
50:35 I've got a lot of time yet to make a decision."
50:37 You know, but Jesus brings this so clear there in John 12:35.
50:41 He says, "Then Jesus said unto them,
50:44 'Yet a little while is the light with you.
50:47 Walk while ye have the light, lest...'" What?
50:50 "Darkness come upon you for he that walketh in darkness
50:54 knoweth not whither he goeth."
50:56 So while the light shine, while you are being impressed,
51:00 while you're thinking maybe about death or life
51:03 or maybe your life is not what you think,
51:06 maybe it's supposed to be
51:07 so you have a lot of questions about life,
51:10 the Holy Spirit is working wanting to shine more light
51:12 on your pathway,
51:13 you know, to help you along the way.
51:15 But here it says, "Well, it's shining,
51:17 you better react quickly on it
51:19 because it's not going to always be there."
51:21 I think the beautiful thing is that God will never force us.
51:26 He will never force us to love Him.
51:29 He will never force us to serve Him.
51:32 He'll never force you, we're not puppets,
51:35 He's not a tyrant,
51:36 He's a loving God and He is calling...
51:39 He emptied all of heaven.
51:43 That's how much he's calling us
51:46 to repent and to accept His Word
51:48 as the absolute truth in our heart
51:51 and in our lives
51:52 and to put on the character of Christ.
51:54 But he's not going to make you do it.
51:56 We're in a great controversy between good and evil.
51:59 You may choose which side you want to end up on.
52:04 It's our choice.
52:06 That's why we'll be left in darkness
52:08 because God is giving us what we asked for ultimately.
52:12 I think Shelley mentioned a key word,
52:13 she mentioned the word healing in Jeremiah.
52:16 And that's what you're really running away from
52:18 is God healing you, you're running away from that.
52:20 Don't you want to be restored and recovered?
52:22 I asked those guys in prison, I said,
52:23 "Do you want to know what it means to be a godly man?"
52:25 They're like, "Yeah, I do.
52:26 You know, I want to know what it means."
52:28 And so people want that,
52:30 most people you would think in their heart
52:31 would want the healing, aren't you?
52:33 Like you said, JD, you know,
52:34 aren't you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
52:36 Yeah, you would want that healing.
52:38 You're running away from the thing
52:39 that can heal you.
52:40 Amen.
52:42 Sometimes, we put off God to the last little bit
52:45 when He should be the first.
52:46 Amen.
52:47 But what you just said,
52:49 I just want to kind of hone in
52:51 on that for a second, shine the spotlight
52:53 because to me,
52:54 that's one of the greatest gifts we have
52:56 was the gift of an independent will
52:59 in the way Satan operates is the love of power.
53:05 Satan does control us, we...
53:08 You know, people don't realize that,
53:11 you know, I've heard so many people say,
53:14 "I just thought I'd try meth once,"
53:17 And then it was gone, you know.
53:18 So Satan loves the...
53:21 You know, it's the love of power.
53:23 "Let me see if I can control."
53:25 And God's government operates by the power of love...
53:30 Amen.
53:31 There's no coerciveness, we choose to respond to Him.
53:36 So I think it's important for us to remember that,
53:41 you know...
53:42 The Bible says that God is light.
53:45 In Him, there is no darkness at all,
53:47 but then it also says that some men love the darkness
53:51 and they reject it.
53:54 Yeah.
53:56 That's heavy. Oh, mercy.
53:58 I like what JD said earlier about finding new friends.
54:01 That was key for us
54:02 in our beginning of our journeys
54:04 was finding new friends.
54:05 Sometimes that's hard,
54:07 but God will show you the genuine friends
54:10 and, you know, that lot of them don't understand the new walk,
54:14 but, you know, if you want to follow God
54:16 and they don't understand it, then maybe someday they will,
54:19 but those influences are really strong.
54:22 We went through that and it's really important,
54:25 that's major in a Christian walk.
54:27 Yes, it is. Amen.
54:29 You made me think of the story of Abraham,
54:30 that makes it come to light,
54:31 you know, when Abraham was told to get you out of a country
54:33 and go to place I'm calling.
54:34 If he would have stayed with those family,
54:36 what would he have been?
54:38 You know, it's kind of like with us.
54:39 We left our families and we go back,
54:40 and not that we're,
54:42 you know, saying anything negative,
54:43 but you can just tell that all the influences
54:44 come right back on you.
54:46 I better stay away from now,
54:47 you know, I need to be separated.
54:48 Loving from a distance.
54:50 Yes 'cause you don't want to say that you're better,
54:52 that's not the key thing.
54:53 It's just, you know, the influences are still there
54:55 and it can pull you right back to world.
54:57 Oh, yes. You know, I read this.
54:58 This was in letter eight, 1891, by Miss White.
55:02 "Sin affects the entire being,
55:06 so does grace."
55:09 Amen. That's a good one.
55:11 "Grace affects the entire being."
55:14 And to me, the best gift there
55:16 is the gift of the Holy Spirit it's there,
55:18 that that if you do have a tendency to waive off,
55:21 the red lights would go off.
55:23 "JD, JD, JD,
55:26 come back over in the center line, you know."
55:29 Boy, that's powerful.
55:31 That's the gift that you have.
55:33 That's a gift and you can trifle with it
55:36 if you want to.
55:37 It's when you don't hear, "JD, JD, JD," anymore
55:40 'caused you push the Holy Spirit too far.
55:43 Yes.
55:44 You know, so if you at home,
55:46 if you're hearing the Holy Spirit say,
55:48 "You know, I need a closer connection
55:51 with Jesus Christ," you don't put it off.
55:54 If heaven is calling you right now, don't hesitate.
55:58 They need to pray with us as we close this evening.
56:00 Absolutely.
56:01 You know, one lady came up to me quickly and said,
56:04 "I believe I've committed the unpardonable sin."
56:07 And I said, "What makes you think that you have?"
56:09 She said, "There's no hope for me.
56:10 Heaven will never be my home.
56:12 I was kind of raised in Christian family
56:13 and I know... But I just can't."
56:16 I said, "What makes you think that you have?"
56:18 She says, "Well..."
56:19 There's just a lot of things she said,
56:21 but, you know, just lately more and more and more,
56:22 the thoughts keep coming in my mind
56:24 that I need to get my life right,
56:26 and I need to get back in church and everything,
56:28 but I know it's too late."
56:29 I said, "No.
56:30 That's the spirit of the Living God.
56:32 You've not committed the unpardonable sin."
56:33 As long as it's working on you
56:35 trying to get you to do the right thing,
56:37 that changed the whole life.
56:38 Amen. Whole thought process.
56:41 And that's what we need to do today for sure.
56:42 Well, pray with our audience, would you?
56:45 And pray for them and pray for these decisions.
56:47 Amen.
56:49 Most gracious Heavenly Father, again, as we come before Thee,
56:52 we honor Thee as God, Creator of heaven and earth,
56:56 the God of coming into our hearts and lives
56:58 and changing them and molding them.
57:00 Lord, today as we recognize,
57:02 we've read these passages of Scripture
57:04 and we discussed,
57:05 you know, the subject about heaven calls,
57:07 oh, don't hesitate.
57:09 I pray that no one's going to hesitate right now.
57:11 God is calling, He's calling everyone,
57:13 He's chosen us before the foundations of the world.
57:16 He wants everyone to be there.
57:18 And, Lord, we have to make that decision.
57:20 Bless us now we pray.
57:21 I see those who are making that choice,
57:23 that decision right now, just simply say right now,
57:25 "I want to be with Jesus,"
57:27 Fully turn to Him and watch how God works
57:29 in and through you.
57:30 In Jesus' name we pray and for His sake.
57:32 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2018-11-19