Series Code: TDYFW
Program Code: TDYFW018032A
00:02 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people 00:13 I want to spend my life 00:19 Removing pain 00:24 Lord, let my words 00:30 Heal a heart that hurts 00:35 I want to spend my life 00:41 Mending broken people 00:46 I want to spend my life 00:52 Mending broken people 01:11 Hello, friends, welcome to Friday night Family Worship. 01:13 Thank you for taking the time to tune in. 01:16 And I'm sitting here with my better half. 01:17 Good to have you here, honey. I'm so happy to be here. 01:19 Happy Sabbath, everyone. 01:21 Aren't you glad that of Sabbath? 01:23 I am. That's right. 01:24 Oh, I just love Sabbath. 01:25 That's right and we have a wonderful group 01:27 with us tonight. 01:29 We'll introduce them in just a moment. 01:30 But tonight's topic, hit that record button 01:33 because it's one that really calls us to a place 01:37 where we want to reflect the glory of God 01:39 in harmony with His will. 01:41 And I'll tell you in just a moment more specifics 01:44 but before we have our opening prayer, 01:45 why don't you introduce our panel kind of just... 01:48 Oh, I'm so excited about our guests today. 01:51 To my right is the Will Family. 01:54 Why don't you introduce yourself 01:56 and tell us what you both do? 01:58 Well, my name is Gary Will. 01:59 I'm a video editor here at 3ABN. 02:01 And my wife Tanya, let her introduce herself. 02:05 And I'm Tanya Will, and I'm a nurse 02:07 who is currently working as a cardiology consultant. 02:10 That's right. 02:11 All right. 02:13 And over to my left, everyone knows Tita, Idalia. 02:19 Tell us who you are and what you do? 02:21 'Cause there may be somebody who don't know. 02:22 Who is watching for the first time, yeah. 02:24 Well, welcome to the program 02:27 and Friday evenings are very special as we share, 02:30 my name is Idalia Dinzey, 02:32 and I work as administrative assistant 02:35 to John Dinzey 02:36 on 3ABN Latino Network, 02:39 and we've been doing that for a few years, 02:42 and we love what we do. 02:44 Right, babe? 02:46 This is my husband John Dinzey. 02:49 That's right. Don't forget it. 02:53 Never. 02:55 No, we are happy to be a part of the 3ABN family 02:58 and we're happy to be here for Family Worship. 03:03 And we say, happy Sabbath. Amen. 03:05 That's right. That's right. Amen. 03:07 And tonight's topic is the "body temple", 03:10 "the body temple." 03:11 So often as Christians and particularly 03:14 because we're Seventh-day Adventists, 03:15 as Seventh-day Adventist Christians, 03:17 we are very particular about what we put in our bodies, 03:20 you know, health reform in the body 03:23 has been designed by God to work optimally 03:26 when we follow His particular plan. 03:28 But if you have... 03:30 If you own a home, you'll know that 03:31 what happens inside your house is just as important 03:34 is what happens on the outside of your home. 03:36 And if you are a renter, 03:38 you know when you sign that lease, 03:40 any changes you make to the inside or outside 03:42 must be by the permission of the owner. 03:45 And so we're going to talk about tonight, the body temple, 03:47 not what's happening on the inside 03:49 but what's happening on the outside, 03:50 and what standards and what scriptures we can use 03:53 to govern our lives 03:55 and make sure that we are reflecting 03:56 the glory of God 03:57 and not really the substitute. 04:00 But before we go into the topic, 04:01 would you like to pray, honey, for us? 04:02 Yes, let's bow our heads. 04:04 Our gracious Heavenly Father, 04:06 we humbly bow before Your presence 04:09 and, Lord, we just thank You for the Sabbath, 04:11 thank You for Jesus, 04:13 and we just ask that Your Holy Spirit 04:14 that will come in to our midst right now 04:18 and that You will bless our viewers and listeners 04:22 as they are participating in Family Worship. 04:27 So, Lord, we give this program to You 04:29 and we just thank You for leading and guiding 04:32 as You always do. 04:34 In Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. 04:37 And as you know, if you have your Bibles, 04:40 that's really all you need. 04:41 If you don't have a Bible 04:42 you could just hit the record button 04:44 but we always have a conversation, don't we? 04:45 Yes, we do. This is a conversation. 04:47 This is not like the one by, two by, three, 04:49 even though our script is in order. 04:52 But we're going to talk about a topic 04:53 that's vitally important. 04:54 Now most of us... 04:56 I know the Dinzeys travel all over the world, 04:58 most of the Latino world 05:00 and we've been privileged to join you 05:02 in some of those events. 05:03 Praise the Lord. 05:04 To Spanish-speaking countries 05:06 trying our best to understand what they are saying. 05:08 It's not easy. 05:11 And I know that Gary and his wife Tanya are natives, 05:14 are you natives of California? 05:17 Actually no, I was born in Michigan. 05:20 Oh, Michigan? Yeah. 05:21 So you really appreciated a change in weather 05:23 when you went to California. 05:24 I did. 05:26 I'm a native of Texas. 05:27 Oh, small little state of Texas. 05:29 Yes. Wow. 05:31 But I'm sure you've traveled also. 05:35 We have travelled quite a bit. 05:36 Okay. I've been to Canada. 05:38 She's been to Ireland and Canada. 05:40 Oh, yeah. That's right. 05:41 Yeah. 05:43 And you've even gone to the small city of New York. 05:45 I have. I have. 05:47 Which we're natives of, New York. 05:49 Actually born in England 05:50 but one raised in New York City. 05:52 The reason why I mentioned that is because society in the... 05:56 real sense, each place we go, 05:58 there is a culture to that society. 06:01 Yes, that's right. 06:02 And when we look at the culture... 06:04 As I know, there are certain places 06:06 where if I go to preach in the Caribbean, 06:09 people are going to be saying amen all the time. 06:11 That's right. It is true. 06:12 It's just the way the culture... 06:14 And the singing. And the singing. 06:15 Mercy, you'll hear it down the street. 06:17 Yes. Right. 06:18 Also in a Spanish country. Yes. Oh, yeah, Caribbean. 06:20 We've been in Columbia and before the service even... 06:22 before the meeting even began, 06:24 people were singing as they just came in 06:26 and started singing. 06:27 Just popping their voice. That's right. 06:28 In New Guinea. Yes. 06:30 Before the meetings began, we just... 06:31 As we were coming in, 06:33 people were sitting in their seats 06:34 and one person would just start singing a song... 06:36 Oh, yeah. Everybody is singing. 06:38 There was no need for a director, 06:40 no musicians up front and the glory was wonderful. 06:43 Pastor. Yeah. 06:44 When we went to Como, Italy, 06:47 there was the majority of the people in a congregation 06:50 and I don't remember the name of the church 06:52 but they were from Kenya, most of them. 06:53 Yes. 06:55 And they harmonized every song 06:58 and it brought me back 07:00 to what we do with the Spanish community, 07:03 it was an English-speaking church 07:05 but we had the pleasure of listening to that too, 07:10 you know, worshiping with them in music. 07:12 Yes. Yes. Yes. 07:13 Absolutely. Any input? 07:15 Well, I had a privilege to go to Canada one time 07:18 and while I was at a little shop 07:20 getting some food, 07:22 they asked me where I was from because I had an accent 07:25 and I thought that was the weirdest thing 07:26 because I didn't have an accent, 07:28 they had an accent. 07:30 So, you know, it's interesting when you go places, 07:33 you meet people 07:34 and their perspective is often the opposite of yours, 07:37 the exact mirror opposite. 07:39 That's right. 07:40 And then when you go to New York City 07:41 and you go to church, 07:43 it's just a standard to be dressed to your best. 07:45 Yeah, that's right. You give your best on Sabbath. 07:48 That's how we were raised. That's how we were raised. 07:50 Everybody dresses, the suit, 07:51 the tie, everything is cordial... 07:52 Well, we couldn't wear pants to church either. 07:54 Right. But that's in New York. 07:56 That's in New York. It's still that way, isn't it? 07:58 It's still that way today. 07:59 But then you go to the Midwest where people are farmers. 08:01 Right. 08:03 And people have to deal with cattle. 08:04 Yes. They are... 08:06 There's a very slim chance of seeing a suit on Sabbath. 08:10 Yeah. Right. 08:12 And you don't stress 08:13 because that's the cultural effect. 08:14 Yeah. 08:16 Then you go to places like Australia, 08:17 where they may be a lot more contemporary 08:19 and you probably won't see many ties at all 08:21 among the young people, very casually. 08:23 Very casual. 08:25 But then you go to California, hey, any impact on California, 08:28 California is very contemporary. 08:30 Very. 08:31 Very casual. 08:33 Very casual. 08:34 And a lot of young people, a lot of college students, 08:36 university students. 08:38 So those are the things 08:39 that when you go from culture-to-culture, 08:41 those are things that you make allowance for. 08:44 But then on the same note, 08:48 there are aspects of the Bible 08:50 that should fit into all cultures. 08:51 Amen. 08:53 For example, the way we contend our body, 08:54 how, what we eat, 08:56 whether we drink alcohol, 08:59 the Bible doesn't make that permissible to any culture. 09:01 No. Or drugs. 09:03 Or drugs. Cigarettes. 09:04 Cigarettes, unclean foods. Unclean foods. 09:06 You can't say, "Well, in my culture, 09:08 we eat horse heads, you know." 09:09 Yeah. 09:11 Or "In our culture, you know, camel is normal for dinner." 09:14 And that might sound funny but in some places you go... 09:16 We've been in Asian countries... 09:17 Monkey brain... Yeah. 09:19 Yeah, what kind of? What did you say? 09:20 Monkey brain. Yeah. 09:22 It's a dish, I don't remember the place but... 09:24 Not that she eats it but she... 09:27 She has heard of a culture... Just verify it, that's right. 09:30 It's different cultures, you know. 09:32 And when we were in Singapore, we went to the market 09:34 and everything that moved in the ocean was there, 09:37 from starfish to squid to... 09:39 Some of the, you know, sea urchins and weirdest stuff. 09:41 Insects. 09:42 And then... It's a delicacy. 09:44 And in some restaurants, 09:45 they eat that stuff live in the soup. 09:47 That's right. 09:48 You know, a roach, just pick up the roach 09:49 and eat it while you snap its head off and swallow it. 09:51 Yeah. Yeah. 09:52 And please do not turn the channel, 09:54 that's not what our topic is about tonight. 09:57 That's what happens 09:59 when we sit around a table like family, we... 10:03 But what I want to begin with 10:04 is talking about the principle first. 10:05 Let's go to the 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 10:09 because it's good to have a principle, 10:11 and we all have a syllabus, 10:12 and we have our Bibles together. 10:14 So I'd like to... 10:16 Tita? Yes, sir. 10:18 Tita is our... 10:19 We call her Tita but, Idalia, 10:21 would you please read our first text for tonight. 10:22 This is the principle. Sure. 10:23 So 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, 10:27 "Or do you not know 10:29 that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit 10:31 who is in you, 10:33 whom you have from God and you are not your own?" 10:37 Verse 20 says, 10:38 "For you were bought at a price, 10:41 therefore glorify God in your body 10:44 and in your spirit, 10:45 which is God's." 10:47 That's right. 10:48 Notice two things, what are the two ways 10:50 that God is asking us to glorify Him? 10:51 In our body and spirit. 10:53 In our body and in our spirit. 10:56 And unfortunately, in many Christian communities, 10:59 there's no focus 11:00 on how to glorify God in the body. 11:03 But everybody says we're in the spirit. 11:06 You see, and then also John 4:23 says, 11:09 "Worship the Lord in spirit and in truth." 11:11 Very few... 11:12 Very few communities emphasize truth, 11:14 that are wise in the Spirit, you see. 11:16 Yeah. 11:17 "Be not conformed, be transformed 11:18 by the renewing of your mind." 11:20 So, you know, we must present our bodies 11:22 as a living sacrifice. 11:23 Yes. 11:25 Not just our spiritual worship, 11:26 but our bodies are really important. 11:28 Amen. Right? 11:29 Are you comfortable, Tanya, 1 Corinthians, the next one, 11:31 1 Corinthians 3:15-17? 11:34 Certainly. 11:35 1 Corinthians 3:15-17 says, 11:39 "Do you not know that you are the temple of God 11:43 and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" 11:46 Verse 17, 11:47 "If anyone defiles the temple of God, 11:50 God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, 11:54 which temple you are?" 11:56 And so let's talk about that for a moment. 11:58 What does the Bible say about us? 12:00 Let's look at those first... We're the temple. 12:02 We're the temple. Say it again. 12:03 We are God's temple. That's right. 12:05 And what does that mean, temple? 12:07 Okay, why do you need a temple for? 12:10 To dwell or worship. 12:11 Well, I was thinking Paul's talking 12:12 to a very temple-centric society. 12:14 That's right. 12:15 They had a temple there and they revered it, 12:18 they felt like it was their national pride, 12:21 even the Romans had lavished... 12:23 In fact, that's why Jesus got... 12:24 One of the reasons why Jesus got in trouble 12:26 was because they thought 12:27 He was speaking against their temple. 12:29 And yet God... 12:30 And here Paul's saying that no that's... 12:32 You're the temple of God, not the physical buildings. 12:34 Exactly. 12:35 And it was showing when Jesus died on the cross, 12:37 when the curtain was torn, 12:40 that the Shekinah Glory wasn't there. 12:44 And he's saying that 12:45 that Shekinah Glory should be in you 12:47 and in your body, your soul temple. 12:50 I would like to say something. 12:52 I guess I'm thinking of younger people 12:56 that may ask themselves, 12:58 "What does this mean about glorify God in your body?" 13:04 Because to them, 13:06 what do you mean by glorify God. 13:08 And I guess I'm thinking along the lines of that 13:12 we as Christians represent God wherever we go. 13:15 That's right. 13:16 And if we represent God wherever we go, 13:18 we should show the same characteristics 13:22 because we represent God 13:24 to other people that don't know God. 13:27 So as they see us, 13:29 the way we are dressed, the way we speak, 13:31 the way we behave, 13:33 it should point them to God 13:37 because there's something 13:40 that should be different, you know, 13:43 and I have to say that I have been in some areas 13:46 where there have been some of us Christians there 13:49 and I've heard people say, 13:52 "You know, you seem to project peace" 13:55 or "Why are you so happy? 13:57 What... Why is it that you are happy?" 14:00 And this is one of the things people have noticed 14:03 about our programs as well. 14:05 Yes. 14:06 I remember one young man that... 14:09 He was a drug addict, he was, you know, a... 14:12 "Hey, you didn't look at me right, let's fight." 14:15 You know, he was this type of person 14:17 and so he got home late one night 14:20 and his mother would leave the TV on... 14:22 On purpose. 14:23 On 3ABN Latino on purpose, 14:25 so that he comes, and he sits down, and... 14:29 At first, he used to pretend that he was asleep 14:32 but anyway, he watched the program, 14:34 he was watching one of the young... 14:37 One of the programs with young people in it 14:39 and he began to see a difference between his life 14:43 and the life of the young people 14:45 that were in the program and he says, 14:47 "They have something I don't. 14:49 They seem to be happy, 14:50 and they seem to have something that I'm missing." 14:53 And so that's what attracted him. 14:55 So that's what people that see Christians 14:59 should see a difference, you know. 15:00 Yes, that's right. 15:02 Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. 15:04 In other words, the Holy Spirit, 15:05 God is supposed to dwell in it. 15:07 That's right. 15:08 And so this is why we are sharing some things 15:11 to help people see that we should be different 15:16 in the way we do things. 15:17 If I may, it just takes me to... 15:20 We refer to going to church, 15:23 it is going to the temple, going to church. 15:25 To church, to worship Him. 15:27 But when we are preparing to go to church, 15:29 there is a different spirit in us 15:32 and looking forward to going to church 15:35 and our behavior is different because we're in church. 15:37 Yes. 15:39 But that, we're referring to the church, the building, 15:41 but we forget that we are the church. 15:43 The building is just the... 15:45 It just dawned on me that we should walk 15:47 as if we're in church every day, all the time 15:50 in the presence of Jehovah 15:51 because that invites reverence, that invites compassion, 15:55 that invites kindness, and goodness, and... 15:58 Okay, pastor, preach it. No, it's true. You're right. 15:59 It's so true. I like that. 16:02 And this is done because we love God, 16:04 you know, there is a difference of a parent telling a child, 16:08 "You better not embarrass me in front of other people, 16:12 otherwise when they're gone, you're going to get it." 16:14 So the child is, you know, he's behaving really nice, 16:17 he's not going around breaking things 16:19 but he's afraid, 16:21 this child is afraid to misbehave. 16:24 And so there's a difference because God dwells in us 16:29 and we have the joy, 16:31 the joy of the Lord is my strength, 16:32 you know, and it's... 16:34 That's why we're sharing these things, not that we... 16:37 We better behave, otherwise God is going to, you know... 16:39 But He is not going to zap us from one high. 16:41 So there a difference 16:43 because Jesus says, "If you love Me... 16:47 If you love Me, keep My Commandments." 16:49 There's a difference 16:50 and what we're saying here instead of "We better behave." 16:54 Yeah. That's right. 16:55 Moving right along, any other comments? 16:58 No? Okay. 16:59 Well, we're going to go... 17:01 We're not gonna go to the third point 17:02 'cause I was going in a different direction, sure, 17:04 actually we're going to go to the third point, 17:06 which the question is why is it imperative 17:09 that we show the world 17:11 that we are not led by its standards? 17:14 It's really important. 17:15 Who'd like to read that one? That's a good one. 17:16 Honey. Yeah. 17:18 Okay, 2 Corinthians 5:20 says, New King James Version, 17:22 "Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, 17:27 as though God were pleading through us, 17:31 we implore you on Christ's behalf, 17:34 be reconciled to God." 17:36 Okay. So we are...? Ambassadors. 17:39 Ambassadors. Yes. 17:41 Ambassador is somebody who represents a country. 17:43 Yeah. 17:44 Funny story, and, Danny, you remember the story, 17:46 we had an ambassador here from another country. 17:48 Ben. 17:49 Yeah, Ben, 17:51 and we were playing basketball with him 17:52 and one of the local guys wanted to beat him. 17:55 You know, he couldn't care less but he was a pastor, 17:58 ambassador or not, he wanted to beat him. 18:00 And we said, "No, let the ambassador win." 18:02 Right. 18:03 And then the other thing about ambassador, 18:05 ambassador, literally when they travel, 18:07 they are only governed 18:08 by the law of the country they came from. 18:09 Yes. 18:11 Not the country that they're in can't touch him, 18:12 they are like surrounded. 18:14 That's true. 18:15 And so we are ambassadors of a kingdom. 18:17 Wherever we are, we have to remember 18:18 that our allegiance is to a higher country. 18:20 Amen. Yes, no matter where we go. 18:23 No matter where we go. 18:24 And we have to make sure 18:26 that we are representing Christ in all aspects of our lives. 18:30 I liked how the text said that 18:32 it's God who is pleading through us. 18:35 This week I was thinking about that, 18:36 you know, our job is to help people 18:38 make a decision for Christ. 18:40 Yes. 18:41 Plant that seed but help them make a decision for Christ 18:44 and if we're not living for Christ, 18:47 how can we help anybody make a decision for Christ? 18:48 That's right. 18:50 It doesn't show on us outward and inward. 18:51 Yes. You know, we're not... 18:53 God won't be pleading through us to others 18:55 to make a decision for Him. 18:57 That's right. 18:58 If I may, I'd like to make a mention 19:00 that I love to see the men and women in uniform, 19:06 how crisp they are, you know, when they stand 19:10 and their shoes are shined, 19:12 it reminds me when my husband was raising our kids, Thursday, 19:16 you better be shining those shoes, 19:17 be ready for Sab, for Friday... 19:18 He was a military man too. 19:20 Yes, he was 19:21 but in Dominican Republic and in Puerto Rico, 19:23 it's our custom that you shine, get your shoe shine. 19:26 It's very common in Spanish countries, 19:28 in the Caribbean. 19:29 So anyhow, I like... I wish... 19:35 When it's within our means, 19:37 if we would worry about our outward look, 19:44 like we do 19:45 and the reverence that there exists 19:47 in the military ranks... 19:50 Yeah. 19:52 Ranks, yes 19:53 because when you see them marching, 19:55 they're all in uniform on one accord, in order, 20:00 and it's to be admired. 20:02 It's just beautiful. 20:03 And they represent their country, you know. 20:06 Exactly. A temporal power at that. 20:07 A temporal, yeah. Yes. 20:09 And they are neat, they're clean, 20:11 you know, the hair has to be a certain length, 20:13 they can't touch the shoulders at all. 20:15 That's true. 20:17 Remember years ago when we moved 20:18 from New York to Orlando 20:19 and I had my degree in electronics 20:21 and I was trying to get a job at Disney World, 20:23 and I had a mustache. 20:24 Well, I still have it now. 20:25 And they said, "If you work for Disney World, 20:27 you have to cut your mustache, 20:28 you can't wear a mustache at Disney World." 20:30 Yeah, no mustache. 20:31 And they had a whole lots of things 20:32 that I could not wear 20:34 or couldn't have on my body if I'm working at Disney World 20:36 and I thought, like she said, 20:38 your hair can't touch your shoulder, 20:39 it has to be nice, and neat, and groomed, 20:41 you can't have a mustache. 20:43 Girls can't wear big earrings is one of that. 20:44 Yeah, everything has to be mods and I thought, Disney World, 20:47 they gave me a different attitude about... 20:48 Wow. 20:50 If Disney World could have standards 20:51 and the military could have standards... 20:52 Yes. 20:54 And when you go to court, they have a sign, 20:55 when you're called to be a juror, 20:56 this is what you cannot wear in court. 20:58 But if you're going to appear before the judge, 21:00 do not wear this. 21:01 That's right. Halter top, strings. 21:03 T-shirts. 21:04 Anything immodest, t-shirts, no jeans, 21:07 you got to come 'cause you're standing 21:08 before the judge, an earthly judge. 21:12 So if those are required for an earthly judge... 21:14 Yes. 21:16 Are there any requirements for a heavenly judge? 21:20 I would think so. I would think so. 21:22 Tanya, what are we called to do? 21:23 I want to ask you to read the Isaiah reference. 21:25 What are we call to doing 21:27 and make comments, each one of us. 21:28 What are we called to do? 21:30 Isaiah, what? Isaiah 62:10. 21:32 Isaiah 62:10 says, 21:35 "Go through, go through the gates, 21:38 prepare ye the way of the people, cast up, 21:41 cast up the highway, gather out the stones, 21:45 lift up a standard for the people." 21:47 Okay, notice what... 21:49 You know what was happening here? 21:50 It's talking about prepare the way, cast up the highway, 21:54 gather out the stones, 21:55 this was in reference to the city of refuge. 21:59 People running for refuge, 22:01 they couldn't have anything in the way 22:02 that's going to make them stumble 22:04 because their lives were in danger. 22:06 If a person committed a crime and the people in the community 22:09 was seeking to kill them, 22:10 the only safety they had was running 22:12 to the city of refuge but if there was stones 22:15 or things blocking their way 22:16 and things that can make them stumble, 22:18 they would not get there safely 22:20 and their lives would be in danger. 22:21 And so in all of this, 22:23 the ending part of the verse says, 22:25 in order to make their redemption safe, 22:31 a standard needed to be lifted up. 22:32 That's right. 22:34 So when they made these roads, they used the highest standards 22:37 because there could be no hindrance 22:39 for the offender to get 22:41 to the city of refuge, to be there, 22:42 and as long as the high priest was alive, 22:44 he was safe or she was safe. 22:46 You know, and these... 22:47 We're talking about things 22:49 that perhaps somebody listening could say, 22:53 well, you mean I have 22:55 to change this, or this, or that. 22:57 You know, what God asked us to do... 23:02 May... 23:05 I don't know, may even hurt, how they say, 23:08 may even hurt some people 23:09 that are accustomed to doing things a certain way. 23:12 But everything that God asks us to do is for our own good 23:17 and for the good of God's, all of God's family. 23:20 Right. 23:21 So it's not that God is saying to us, 23:23 "Don't do this 23:24 'cause I just don't want you to." 23:26 It's for our own good and when we understand 23:31 that God says don't eat certain things... 23:34 Right. 23:35 And we have to ask ourself, why, why, what's wrong with it, 23:38 it tastes good. 23:40 See, but not everything 23:41 that tastes good is good for you. 23:44 So in the same way, 23:47 as parents we have to make decisions 23:50 for our children sometimes, 23:51 they wanted something that we know 23:53 was not good for them, we have to say, 23:56 "You cannot have that but you can have this." 23:58 Yes, there you go. 23:59 "You can have this, so you can wait till later." 24:02 And so everything that God asks us to do 24:05 is for our own good. 24:07 That's right. Yes. 24:09 Tanya is in the medical field. 24:11 Tell me what again... 24:13 You're into cardiologist, cardiology field, am I correct? 24:16 Am I using... 24:18 That's right. That's right. Are procedures important? 24:21 Procedures are very important. 24:23 I mean, it's basically the procedures 24:26 that I have been involved with in my career has been 24:29 because people's bodies are failing. 24:33 They're not as healthy as they should be 24:36 and a lot of it has been shown 24:39 because of what they put in their bodies 24:40 or what they do, their lack of exercise, 24:43 their lack of drinking water, 24:45 their lack of following a healthy diet, 24:48 those things that taste good aren't necessarily 24:52 the best things that are for us 24:53 and it affects insides of our body. 24:57 So if a doctor... 24:58 Let me finish. 24:59 If a doctor decides that he has to perform surgery. 25:02 Are any of the steps in preparation 25:04 for surgery unimportant? 25:07 Well, like, let's say, 25:10 if you don't clean off the skin, 25:13 you're pretty much guaranteed 25:15 that you're going to get an infection. 25:16 So if the patient eats before going under anesthesia, 25:22 then that patient is at risk for aspirating 25:25 and getting that stomach contents 25:27 into their lungs. 25:29 So every step that is preparing that patient for surgery 25:33 is designed to keep that patient safe. 25:36 And the only reason I mentioned this is 25:37 because Pastor Dinzey talked about, 25:39 and this is a really important point, 25:41 sometimes, he said, it may hurt some of us 25:44 but if we were going under the knife 25:47 and the doctor says, "Nothing past midnight..." 25:52 That's right. No food, no liquid. 25:53 "Nothing past midnight, no liquids in your stomach." 25:56 Not even water. 25:57 You might say, "Well, I'm going to drink a 7 Up. 25:59 I don't really care what time it is, 26:02 and I'm going to drink one before I go to surgery." 26:04 And that person may be in danger of even dying 26:06 and aspirating or... 26:08 That's right. 26:09 And we'll say, "Did they not follow 26:10 the specifics of the instructions 26:12 in preparation for surgery?" 26:14 Well, the reason I'm going to that direction 26:16 is we're not preparing for surgery, 26:17 we're preparing for eternity here. 26:19 Amen. That's right. That's right. 26:20 And if surgical procedures and... 26:23 Will, you like aviation, 26:25 just talk about some of the procedures. 26:27 What's the phrase you call, the death zone or what? 26:29 Oh, yeah, the kill zone. 26:31 The kill zone, talk about that for a minute? 26:32 Well, when you hear kill zone, 26:33 you think of maybe military and firing 26:35 but actually the kill zone in aviation is that time 26:38 that you get complacent in the aircraft. 26:40 So if you've been in an aircraft for 350 hours, 26:43 you think you know the aircraft 26:44 and you think you've mastered it. 26:46 And so you get overconfident. 26:48 But if you get overconfident, 26:50 you will find that the plane will not respond sometimes 26:52 because the winds 26:54 and different atmospheric pressures 26:56 and things that you would expect it to 26:58 and you can find yourself in serious trouble 27:00 because you become complacent. 27:02 What do you have before you take off in the plane? 27:05 What do you follow? 27:06 A checklist, you have to have a checklist. 27:07 And if you have a pilot 27:09 who doesn't go through a checklist, 27:11 you don't have a good pilot. 27:12 At what point do you not need the checklist? 27:13 I mean, in how many years of flying 27:15 do you not need a checklist? 27:16 Every pilot all the time needs a checklist. 27:18 Even 30 years after flying? 27:19 Yeah. Yeah. 27:21 Still need a checklist? Still need a checklist. 27:22 What about the guy that's flown every other plane? 27:24 Does he still need a checklist? Still need a checklist. 27:28 Okay, checklist. That's right. That's right. 27:31 No matter how long you've been a Christian, we all need a... 27:34 Checklist. 27:35 So we want to check the list to see 27:40 before we decide to take off to the kingdom. 27:42 Amen. 27:44 A couple of... 27:45 Yeah, you go ahead. 27:46 I want to mention something because I said that something 27:48 that God may ask us to do may hurt 27:50 but it's for our own good. 27:51 Right. 27:52 And, you know, since we were talking about the heart... 27:54 Right. 27:55 It's already been shown medically or scientifically, 27:58 however you want to phrase it, 28:00 that smoking does cause problems to the lungs, 28:04 to the heart, different organs. 28:07 But the people that smoke, they say it tastes good, 28:13 it makes them feel good, 28:14 you see, so there's one thing for an example... 28:17 Right. 28:18 That okay to you, it may hurt to put it away 28:21 but you have benefits in putting it away. 28:23 Right, the body... 28:25 You'll breathe better, you'll live longer, 28:26 you'll feel stronger, 28:28 and, you know, one of the things I learned 28:31 when we were doing 28:32 some door-to-door work is that if you give up cigarettes, 28:36 your body will try to fight back 28:38 and regain that health 28:39 that you've been losing as you're smoking. 28:41 So I want to get some good news to maybe somebody 28:43 who is watching this and smokes in here, 28:45 you mean, I have to give up smoking. 28:47 It's for your own good. 28:48 If you want to be healthier, you're going to see benefits. 28:51 That's right. 28:53 And so that's one of the examples I guess 28:54 we can say got away. 28:56 And it doesn't say in the Bible, 28:57 thou shall not smoke. 28:58 No. It says, "Thou shall not kill." 29:00 It says, "Thou shall..." 29:01 Including yourself. 29:02 But since we're talking about that body 29:04 is the temple of the Holy Spirit, 29:06 then you should not destroy the temple that God gave you 29:11 by taking something, 29:13 smoking something that's going to destroy the body 29:16 that God gave you. 29:17 Okay. Any input on that. 29:19 I like what you said before we guys go on this 29:21 about the trip from the Canaan... 29:24 What was that you said about that? 29:25 Yeah, the Lord brought them out of Egypt 29:27 without any requirements. 29:28 But they didn't get into Canaan 29:30 without following His requirements. 29:32 The wilderness journey was the place 29:34 where He was getting them ready for, 29:36 the land that was ahead of them. 29:38 He was disconnecting them from the land behind them, 29:40 getting them ready for the land ahead of them. 29:42 And when you read the journey of the Israelites 29:43 in 1 Corinthians 10, the Bible says, 29:46 you know, "They all passed through the cloud, 29:48 they all went through the sea, 29:49 they all were baptized unto Moses 29:50 and into the cloud..." 29:52 Yeah. 29:53 But with many of them, God was not well pleased. 29:55 No. 29:56 And in one day, 23,000 died 29:57 in the wilderness because of sexual immorality. 29:59 Wow. 30:00 And then you had others 30:01 who refused to honor the Sabbath 30:03 and they died by continually going out on the Sabbath 30:05 looking for manna when there was none. 30:07 Flesh between their teeth. 30:08 And they die with the flesh in their teeth. 30:10 So with so many... 30:11 And then the others when Moses was, 30:13 this is what we're going to kind of dive in right now. 30:15 When Moses was in the mountain for 40 days, 30:18 and Aaron was in the valley with the Israelites, 30:21 one of the suggestions was, 30:22 "We don't know what happened to this man." 30:24 Oh, yeah. 30:25 "Let us make us a golden... 30:27 Let us make us a God that we may go back to Egypt." 30:29 So what we're going to do 30:30 is we're going to take a turn right now 30:32 and look at that in particular because today... 30:35 Pastor Doug said this once, 30:36 he said, "If you look at us as modern Israel, 30:39 we've got enough adornment, 30:41 we have enough jewelry in our own congregations today 30:43 to make us a God to go back to Egypt." 30:46 That's interesting. 30:47 And how amazing it is, 30:49 and I want to just set this up real quickly 30:50 because when the Israelites left Egypt, 30:52 they had been slaves for 400 years, 30:55 430 if you count, when Joseph was there. 30:57 But for 400 years, 30:59 they were slaves and slaves don't get paid. 31:01 And then the Lord had plans to build a temple 31:03 but everything that He needed to build the temple, 31:05 the Egyptians had. 31:07 So when they left, the Lord gave them favor 31:09 in the eyes of the Egyptians 31:11 and all the gold, the jewels, the silver, 31:13 the diamonds, everything that's precious, 31:15 stones and metals, 31:17 they plummeted Egypt 31:18 and left Egypt literally bankrupt. 31:20 That's right. 31:22 Financially depleted, 31:23 they had nothing of great value there any longer. 31:26 But the Lord said, "Take all this stuff, 31:29 let the women carry some, the men carry some, 31:31 the boys carry some, the girls carry some." 31:34 And here they are carrying all this expensive jewelry, 31:36 all this expensive gold, all these diamonds, 31:39 and in the journey, 31:40 He was going to use that to build 31:41 the tabernacle furniture. 31:43 Yes. Yes. 31:44 And they said, "Wow, I like this necklace." 31:46 Looks good. 31:50 They saw Egyptian jewels and they started wearing it. 31:52 Somebody says, 31:53 "Hey, these are really nice earrings." 31:55 He didn't say big or small. 31:56 They started wearing that and they lost their identity 31:59 in the wilderness. 32:00 And when Moses was on the mountain 32:03 getting the Ten Commandments, Aaron, 32:06 he said that "People made me do it." 32:08 But they didn't make him do it. No. 32:09 He acquiesced to their request and made this golden calf 32:14 and when the Lord came down, he heard... 32:16 Moses heard this noise and Moses said... 32:20 Moses came down and Moses... 32:23 The Lord said, "What is that sound?" 32:25 And he knew what it was, 32:26 "Moses, is that the sound of war?" 32:27 He said, "No, it's not the sound of war." 32:29 The people are rebellious and he pointed out. 32:32 So here's the point of the story. 32:33 We're going to dive into some of the passages here 32:34 and then go back to the principles. 32:37 And I want us to go to the Genesis 35 to begin. 32:40 It's in here but just go to Genesis 35, point number 10. 32:43 We're going to look at that. 32:45 And here's the key, 32:46 the set up is when the Lord was establishing His people, 32:51 now remember, Jacob, how many sons did he had? 32:55 Have, how many sons did he have? 32:57 Twelve. Twelve. 32:58 But before he had... 32:59 Before he had any, 33:01 the Lord established a particular standard for him 33:03 and the Lord delivered him from his brother, 33:05 remember his brother's name? 33:06 Esau. Esau. 33:08 Esau saw Jacob 33:10 and because Jacob stole his birthright, 33:11 he's going to deal with him and the Lord delivered Jacob, 33:16 blessed his family, then he said, 33:17 "This is something I want you to do 33:18 before you go to Bethel," 33:20 meaning the house of God, "to bless them, 33:23 this is what I want you to do." 33:24 And matter of fact, who hasn't read yet? 33:27 Genesis 35, Pastor Dinzey, Genesis 35, 33:30 look at verse 2 to 4. 33:32 We're going to look at that and see what happened. 33:33 The Lord called them to the place 33:35 where He was going to sanctify their family 33:37 and look what He said they should do. 33:39 "And Jacob said to his household 33:41 and to all who were with him, 33:43 'Put away the foreign gods that are among you, 33:47 purify yourselves and change your garments, 33:50 then let us arise and go up to Bethel 33:53 and I will make an altar there to God, 33:55 who answered me in the day of my distress 33:58 and has been with me in the way which I have gone.' 34:01 So they gave Jacob all the foreign gods 34:05 which were in their hands and the earrings 34:08 which were in their ears and Jacob hid them 34:11 under the terebinth tree which was by Shechem." 34:14 Right. So he called them gods. 34:16 He called them gods and, you know, the reason 34:18 why he called them gods is his wife Rachel, 34:21 her father Laban sold idols. 34:24 Yes. 34:25 Remember when she had stolen some of his idols? 34:27 Yeah. That's right. And she hid them. 34:29 She sat on the camel and hid them. 34:32 But she brought those idols into their home 34:35 and the Lord says, 34:36 "As long as these idols were here, 34:38 including the jewels, I can't bless your family. 34:41 So before you go to Bethel, 34:42 there's some changes that need to be made." 34:44 And these changes 34:46 were in preparation for worship. 34:47 That's right. 34:49 God, before God could sanctify 34:50 the sons that Jacob was going to have, 34:51 he had to sanctify the leader of the family. 34:54 He started with the dad. Yeah. 34:56 He started with their father. 34:58 And notice it said in verse 4, 35:00 "They took off the earrings which were in their ears 35:02 and the foreign gods which were in their hands," 35:05 they had all kinds of foreign gods, 35:06 "and he hid them" 35:08 and if you look at the King James Version, 35:09 "he buried them under the oak tree," 35:11 which is the terebinth is oak tree, he buried them. 35:14 He didn't put him in his jewelry box 35:16 for when he came back home, he buried them. 35:21 So that when he came back home, they wouldn't be there. 35:23 You know, it's interesting and Angela mentioned it, 35:29 she said, "They called them gods," 35:31 he says, "The gods which were in their hands..." 35:34 That's right. 35:35 So what do you mean gods in your hands? 35:36 Well, you normally have... 35:38 People will normally have earrings 35:39 and they have bracelets. 35:40 These were gods that people had in their hands 35:42 and the earrings, 35:44 they were hanging from their ears 35:45 and people carried their gods with them wherever they went. 35:48 That's right. 35:49 Speaking... 35:51 Go ahead. Yes, go ahead. 35:52 Speaking of that, 35:54 years ago we were at a camp meeting up 35:55 in Wisconsin, you got to share what happened. 35:57 Very quick and to the point story. 35:59 I was preaching 36:00 at Camp Wakanda up in Wisconsin. 36:01 Oh, yeah. 36:03 And a young lady, 36:04 I was telling my life story and she said, 36:06 "I want my friend to meet you." 36:07 Yeah. 36:08 Her friend she told me was a Wiccan. 36:10 Wiccan. 36:11 You know, "a good witch," that's what they call them 36:12 but there's no such thing as a good witch. 36:14 But she says, 36:15 "She wants to meet you but then again, maybe but..." 36:17 And I thought what is this hesitancy then, 36:18 yes, well and then she said, 36:19 "Well, it'll be okay she has on her protection." 36:21 And I thought protection, protection from me, 36:26 and I said, "What do you mean her protection?" 36:27 "Well, her jewelry is her protection." 36:29 Yes. 36:31 And that ignited in me a study 36:35 that revealed what jewelry was all about. 36:40 Jewelry, the reason why it was not to be worn 36:42 by the Israelites 36:44 and the reason why pagans wore it or people 36:45 that did not acknowledge the true God wore it is 36:47 because it represented their gods. 36:50 And this came out of my study, when people died, 36:55 now those who knew God did not believe in the soul 36:57 leaving the body and floating around the earth, 36:59 but those who didn't believe in God, 37:01 believed in the immortality of the soul. 37:02 So to protect themselves, 37:05 they put a representation of their god 37:06 by every opening on their body. 37:08 So to protect this spirit from going into the air, 37:11 they wore an earring, 37:13 to protect the spirit from going into the nose, 37:14 they wore a nose ring, a tongue ring. 37:16 Yeah. 37:17 And to be very modest about it but wherever 37:19 there was an opening on the body, 37:20 they wore some kind of jewel there 37:22 to prevent this spirit from entering into their body 37:25 and possessing them. 37:27 That's why when the Lord called the Israelites out of Egypt 37:29 where this practice was very dominant, 37:32 He said, "No." 37:33 And this is the commandment 37:34 that is often totally misunderstood. 37:36 Do your own study, 37:37 "Thou shall have no other gods before thee." 37:39 We often think the fourth commandment 37:41 is the most misunderstood, it's really that one, 37:44 "Thou shall have no other gods before thee." 37:46 So let's go ahead and dive in a story, 37:47 we don't have a whole lot of time. 37:49 We might have to go to a part two 37:50 but I think we could cover most of this. 37:52 So now the stories again... 37:53 Who'd like to read point number 11? 37:55 Because here's the key, 37:57 when the Lord came down from the mountain, 37:59 He gave Moses a particular command 38:01 to give to the Israelites. 38:03 Honey, you want to read that one for us? 38:04 Yes. Exodus 33:4-6. 38:09 "And when the people heard this bad news, 38:12 they murmured 38:14 and no one put on his ornaments. 38:18 For the Lord had said to Moses, 'Say to the children of Israel, 38:24 you are a stiff-necked people, 38:27 I could come up into your midst in one moment and consume you, 38:33 now therefore take off your ornaments 38:36 that I may know what to do to you.' 38:40 So the children of Israel stripped themselves 38:45 of their ornaments by Mount Horeb." 38:48 Took them all off. 38:50 He says, "I want to bless you 38:53 but you got to take them off before I can do it." 38:55 And you know what it meant when He says, 38:57 "So that I may know to do to you or with you," 38:59 that's how the translation say, 39:01 it's because they lost their identity. 39:03 Yeah. 39:04 "I don't know what to do with you. 39:05 People know you as the Israelites 39:07 but I can't tell, I have no use for you." 39:08 They were stiff-necked, meaning they were stubborn. 39:11 They didn't want to listen to the Lord. 39:12 They didn't want to hear Him. 39:13 They didn't want to follow God's guidance. 39:15 So you're saying they lost their unique... 39:17 They lost their identity. Yeah, unique identity. 39:20 They became like the world. 39:22 They became after very nation they came out of. 39:24 Yeah. 39:25 They became just like the Israelites 39:27 and when you do more study... 39:28 I don't want to take all the time 39:29 but let me give somebody a chance 39:31 to comment, very powerful point, 39:32 he wanted them to be different 39:34 and God wants us to be different from the world. 39:35 To be a peculiar people. Say it again, Tita. 39:37 To be a peculiar people. 39:39 Okay, and the word "peculiar" 39:40 is not weird because people often think 39:42 "Well, if I don't look like the world, 39:44 I'm going to be weird, they're not going to like me." 39:47 But there's a standard that we must uphold 39:48 and that standard does not make us less, 39:51 it brings us up to a higher standard. 39:53 Any comments on that? 39:55 Well, I think the term 39:56 "peculiar" is actually not a negative, 39:57 it's actually a positive because it were... 40:00 It means different. Different. 40:01 And we are to be different in our dress, and our look, 40:04 and everything from what the world is, 40:05 and I think that's kind of where we've fallen short 40:08 within our church and in the Christian world 40:11 is that we've become to look like the world. 40:13 We kind of do the things the world does. 40:15 We go to their entertainment, we watch their movies, 40:17 we listen to their music, we dress like them. 40:20 There's really no difference anymore. 40:22 The other day, I was at the airport 40:25 and one of the gentlemen said to me... 40:27 Or said to another gentleman, he say, "Oh, well, 40:29 we can't talk like that around Gary, he's a Christian." 40:31 And I haven't made a big deal 40:33 about my faith or anything to them 40:34 but they know that I'm different, 40:36 that I don't talk like that, that I don't act like they do. 40:37 Amen. 40:38 So there should be that difference, 40:40 people should notice that difference, 40:41 and they should maybe even curb their own behaviors 40:43 around Christians. 40:45 It's true. 40:46 When I was in the secular world, 40:47 they said the same thing. 40:49 They wouldn't curse around me because of that same thing, 40:51 they knew I was a Christian. 40:53 So let your light so shine. See there... 40:56 What you're saying there is exactly what the Bible... 41:02 What we've been reading 41:03 that our body is our temple of the Holy Spirit, 41:08 that the way we behave and the things we say 41:11 and the things we do 41:12 will let people know we are different. 41:13 Yes. 41:15 And so this is interesting 41:18 when you say, "Hey, wait a minute, 41:20 he's a Christian, be careful, 41:22 don't swear around this person" 41:23 because apparently they say, 41:26 they notice we should have respect 41:28 or this person's belief, this person... 41:31 And that is something good because one, they notice, 41:36 two, they're letting others know, 41:38 I know, so that you may know. 41:41 So that's a good thing 41:42 that takes place when that happens 41:44 and I praise the Lord for that because I've heard it before, 41:48 I've heard it, you know, people say that about us 41:50 and it's something that is speaking. 41:54 That's why, you know, from time-to-time, 41:56 we mentioned this little sign that used to be here. 41:58 You remember, honey, 41:59 can you tell them about the sign 42:00 that used to be in the hallway? 42:02 Yeah, preach the gospel. That's right. 42:03 "If necessary, use words, if necessary. 42:08 Say that again. Preach the gospel. 42:10 And if necessary... And if necessary, use words. 42:13 Wow. Wow. 42:15 Yeah, as your testimony, you know, and as Christian, 42:18 I know this does not have anything to do with the topic 42:20 but just came to my heart, as Christian family, 42:26 and when we have children, they feel the pressure, 42:28 you know, that they have to, you know, meet certain... 42:34 Lift the standards, you know, when a lot of the young people 42:38 are not worrying about lifting the standards. 42:42 But by God's grace, anyone that's struggling, 42:45 you have victory in Christ Jesus. 42:47 Amen. That's right. 42:49 I heard a sign was posted I think at a auto body shop 42:52 or something that said, "Leave a lasting reflection." 42:55 And I like that 42:56 because normally you think leave a lasting impression, 42:58 that's just something somebody thinks about you 43:00 but if you actually leave a reflection, 43:02 then when you leave that person, 43:04 they're going to be mirroring now 43:05 what you've modeled for them. 43:07 So I like that, leave the lasting reflection, 43:09 not just an impression. 43:11 Amen. 43:12 Tanya, anything? 43:14 Well, I was reading through the Spirit of Prophecy 43:17 and I'm... 43:18 I think it's Adventist Home and it says, 43:24 it's comparing imperishable ornaments 43:29 versus the world's gold or pearls. 43:32 "There is an urn ornament that will never perish, 43:35 that will promote the happiness of all around us in this life 43:40 that will shine with undimmed luster 43:43 in the immortal future. 43:44 It is the adorning of a meek and lowly spirit. 43:48 God has bidden us 43:50 where the richest dress upon the soul, 43:52 instead of seeking golden ornaments 43:56 for the exterior, 43:57 an earnest effort would be put forth 43:59 to secure that wisdom 44:01 which is more valued than fine gold." 44:05 And that really impressed me today. 44:06 Yes. 44:08 I said, you know, 44:09 there are so many jewels out there 44:10 that are beautiful to the eye 44:13 but the meek and lowly spirit, that's lasting. 44:17 People spend thousands and thousands. 44:19 Remember we were in Tiffany's in New York? 44:21 Yeah, we just walked into the store of Tiffany. 44:23 We were walking through it... I love Tiffany lamps. 44:25 We can never afford anything there 44:27 but we were walking through it. 44:29 We went to the floor where they had... 44:30 'Cause you have to pass the jewelry section. 44:32 Yeah, that's the standard of Tiffany, 44:34 before you get up to the floor where they have like pots 44:37 and different types of things. 44:39 But we came to discover that in Tiffany, 44:41 we can't even afford a juice jug, 44:46 a nice juice jug, not even a nice juice jug. 44:49 This was the joke of the day. 44:51 I thought it was a joke but it wasn't 44:52 'cause Angie picked up, she said, 44:54 "Look, we are not buying the jewelry," 44:55 so we went to the floor where they have, 44:57 you know, stuff of the kitchen. 44:58 She said, "This is a really nice one, this is so nice, 45:01 we should get two of these, you know, 45:03 'cause it should look nice 45:04 when people come over for us to serve juice." 45:06 And I said, "Well how much is it?" 45:08 "$25,000." 45:10 Have mercy. 45:12 That's the juice jug. Oh, that's a shame. 45:15 They say, "Well, sir, that's gold inside 45:18 and it's platinum outlined, you want one or two?" 45:23 Neither. 45:24 I thought plastic will be just fine. 45:27 "Mind measures gold 45:29 but gold cannot measure the mind." 45:31 Wow, that's a powerful point. Yeah. 45:34 Say that again. 45:35 "Mind measures gold 45:37 but gold cannot measure the mind." 45:39 That's right. That's right. 45:41 It's true but when we saw that, it was like... 45:43 What? 45:44 We ran out of that store so fast. 45:46 Yeah, we thought well, 45:48 there must be a Walmart here somewhere in Manhattan. 45:52 Couldn't find one but in fact the point was well-made. 45:53 Well, the good thing is that 45:55 there are people that can pay $25,000 for that item 45:58 and just as they purchased that item, 46:02 I just pray and desire for them 46:04 to invest in the preaching of the gospel as well, 46:07 you know. 46:09 So, but yes that, the items and I'm thinking about myself, 46:12 I'm like sitting here and said, 46:14 "Lord, I need to really look at my life, 46:17 how many pots and pans do I have?" 46:19 You know what I mean? 46:21 Have they become my God? Well, you're a cook. 46:22 You're a cook. You know what I'm saying? 46:24 Yeah, yeah. 46:25 Because we don't need 10 sets of pots and pans. 46:27 Right. 46:30 So, you know, you invest in where your heart is, right? 46:33 Yeah. 46:34 I think the subject is about where our allegiance is. 46:37 Right. That's exactly right. 46:38 And I found this quote in Desire of Ages, 46:40 I thought was pretty appropriate. 46:42 It says, Jesus was talking to the people, 46:45 "But what went you out to see a man clothed in soft raiment, 46:49 behold they which are gorgeously appareled 46:51 and live delicately are in king's courts. 46:55 John had been called to reprove the sin 46:57 and the excesses of his time 46:59 and his plain dress and self-denying life 47:03 were in harmony 47:05 with the character of his mission. 47:06 Rich apparel and the luxuries of this life 47:08 are not the portion of God's servants 47:11 but for those who live in the king's courts, 47:13 the rulers of this world 47:14 to whom pertain the power and riches. 47:17 Jesus wished to direct attention to the contrast 47:20 between the clothing of John 47:22 that worn by the priests and rulers, 47:23 these officers arrayed themselves 47:25 in rich robes and costly armaments. 47:27 They loved display and hope to dazzle the people 47:30 and thus command great consideration. 47:33 They were more anxious to gain the admiration of men 47:35 than to obtain the purity of heart 47:37 which would win the approval of God. 47:40 Thus they reveal that their allegiance 47:41 was not given to God 47:42 but to the kingdom of this world." 47:44 That's right. And that's why Peter... 47:46 Let's go back to point... Thank you for bringing that up. 47:50 That quote was powerful 47:51 and it's strongly supported by the Apostle Peter 47:55 under point number nine. 47:57 Who would like to read that for us? 47:58 Point number nine, the 1 Peter 3. 47:59 I'll read it. Sure. 48:01 Okay, Idalia. 1 Peter 3:2-5. 48:04 It says, "When they observe your chaste conduct 48:08 accompanied by fear, 48:10 do not let your adornment be merely upward, 48:13 arranging the hair, wearing gold, 48:16 or putting on fine apparel. 48:18 Rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, 48:21 with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, 48:25 which is very precious in the sight of God. 48:28 For in this manner in former times, 48:30 the holy women who trusted in God 48:33 also adorned themselves 48:35 being submissive to their own husbands." 48:38 To their own husbands. 48:39 And there's a particular reason 48:41 why he said to their own husbands 48:42 is because the ostenty, 48:44 the women of the community that were not wanting 48:47 to just to get the attention of their own husbands 48:50 made themselves extravagant 48:51 to get the attention of the other men. 48:53 Yes. 48:55 See, so the modesty... 48:57 The modesty was important for them 48:59 'cause this is my husband 49:00 just, you know, this my wife, she's, I'm her husband, 49:03 I'm not going to be going outside 49:05 trying to get the attention of all these other men. 49:06 Right. 49:07 And today, the society which we live in, 49:09 Lord have mercy. 49:10 Wow. 49:12 How many women dress 49:13 to just get the attention of their own husbands? 49:15 Not this society we live in. 49:17 And unfortunately, many of our churches, 49:19 you have that effect. 49:20 I talk to men in men's ministries 49:22 in some places that I've traveled, 49:23 they said, "It's hard to keep their minds on the Lord 49:25 when they come to church on Sabbath morning." 49:26 Well, pastor, I'd like to share that 49:29 not only do I agree with your statement 49:34 but I also have experienced the same thing 49:36 when I've gone to speak in different places. 49:39 I've noticed... 49:42 Before I notice somebody's faces, 49:44 I've noticed the lack of length of their skirt 49:47 only because they're sitting in front 49:50 and the cleavage and it's distracting. 49:52 Yeah. It's honestly distracting. 49:55 And it's not that I'm there to judge anyone 50:00 but you're showing me what should be covered up. 50:03 Yeah. 50:05 And showing not just you but everyone else. 50:07 And then I think and I pray for those... 50:09 Men. 50:11 Poor pastors or deacons and what have you, 50:14 whoever takes part in the platform, 50:18 they see all this continually and we take it so lightly, 50:21 "Oh, it's no big deal. 50:23 If you don't want to see, don't look at me. 50:24 But, you know, we are responsible 50:26 if we want to be respected 50:28 and we need to dress respectful as well. 50:32 You know you made me think of the scripture that says, 50:34 "Follow me now." 50:36 And I do respect you too, sometimes he says, 50:38 "You know what, I don't think 50:40 that that outfit will do, honey." 50:42 Oh, yeah, my husband will tell me too. 50:43 So I'm like, "Okay, I won't get that." 50:47 Because you know what goes through our minds 50:49 and, you know, I guess you can say 50:52 people are thinking about women 50:53 but men sometimes dress in a certain way, 50:57 maybe with too tight clothing, 50:58 too tight 'cause I've seen some guys 51:00 dress like their shirt is about to break on them. 51:04 They're... 51:06 normally they are t-shirts. 51:08 But we need to be careful with the way we dress 51:10 and I'm thinking of the scripture that says, 51:12 "Be slow to speak, swift to hear." 51:15 Hear. 51:17 I've never used the scripture this way before 51:18 but maybe we should be slow to dress 51:21 and ask ourselves, "Will this glorify God? 51:24 Will this draw attention to God or attention to myself?" 51:26 Yes, amen. 51:28 Matter of fact, Romans 12:1-2 is a good scripture to fit here 51:30 under point number five. 51:34 You've been pretty quiet over here, 51:35 I'm going to have you read that for us, Romans 12. 51:38 Tanya. Sure. 51:40 "I beseech you therefore, brethren, 51:42 by the mercies of God, 51:44 that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, 51:48 holy, acceptable to God, 51:50 which is your reasonable service." 51:53 Verse 2, "And do not be conformed 51:56 to this world 51:58 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind 52:01 that you may prove 52:04 what is that good, and acceptable, 52:07 and perfect will of God." 52:09 Oh, that's amazing. 52:11 When you read the same scripture in the NIV, 52:14 when it says "Which is your reasonable service," 52:15 it says, "Which is your spiritual act of worship." 52:18 And that impacted me when I read that one day 52:21 and notice what it's saying, 52:23 "Do not be conformed to the world." 52:24 The world has a standard 52:25 and it's trying to mold the church 52:27 and unfortunately in many of the city churches, 52:29 it's not much of an issue out here 52:31 in Thompsonville or in West Frankfort, 52:33 but in many of the city churches, 52:34 in the metropolis areas and the warm climates 52:37 and the places 52:38 where people don't necessarily wear a lot of clothes 52:40 year-round anyway because it's so hot, so warm. 52:43 You have to really take an extra step as Christians 52:45 to not allow ourselves to conform to the world. 52:49 Yeah. 52:50 We were down in... 52:51 We were down in Southern California once 52:53 and we were just going to try to get some directions 52:55 and we walked into a restaurant to get directions. 52:57 On the way out, a guy said to us, 53:00 "You guys must be Christians." 53:02 He said, "I can tell by the way you look." 53:04 Praise the Lord. 53:05 Didn't even know him from anywhere 53:07 and that was just that short exchange, 53:08 you remember that? 53:09 Yeah. I know, yeah. 53:11 Went to Marie Callender's and they said, 53:12 "You must be Christians." 53:13 I'm like, "Oh, wow, praise the Lord." 53:15 That goes back to the sign that we were talking 53:17 about that 3ABN had, "Preach the gospel. 53:21 If necessary, use words." Yes, use words. 53:25 And I want to bring the principle out 53:27 because the principle is something 53:28 that we hadn't really catapulted so much. 53:30 We've talked about the specifics 53:31 and by the way, 53:32 this is not an exhaustive study on the topic. 53:34 There's so much more. 53:36 Prime example, you find... 53:39 When you look at the Old Testament 53:40 and the New Testament, the principle is the straight, 53:42 it supported all the way through about how Christians 53:45 should not look at when it comes to jewelry, 53:48 when it comes to alcohol, when it comes to unclean foods. 53:51 It's not how much, it's abstinence. 53:54 Yes. 53:55 And we live in a society nowadays where they say, 53:56 "Well, tiny earrings is okay, 53:58 tiny bit of wine on Sabbath afternoon 54:00 is okay." 54:01 We're getting to where it's creeping in like erosion 54:04 and before you know the whole house 54:06 is going to fall and somebody says, 54:07 "Did you not know it was leaking?" 54:09 And the whole foundation is gone. 54:11 But look at the principle, 54:12 Exodus 35:22 under point number 13.Whoever like to read 54:16 that will be great, Exodus 35:22, 54:19 and when the Lord brought Moses to the place 54:21 where the people had to make a decision, 54:23 look at what they did, Exodus 35:22. 54:25 Who'd like to read that for us? 54:26 I have it here and it says, "They came, both men and women, 54:30 as many as had a willing heart, brought earrings, 54:33 and nose rings, rings, and necklaces, 54:36 all jewelry of gold that is, 54:38 every man who made an offering of gold to the Lord." 54:41 And, you know what, this passage is, they said, 54:44 "Let's get back to the real reason 54:45 why God gave us these things." 54:47 Yeah. 54:48 "We want to build a temple, which one of you is willing?" 54:50 Yes. 54:51 And what kind of heart did they have? 54:53 Willing, it's so important. 54:55 The cardiologist... 54:57 The Will Family. The Will Family. 54:59 A willing heart, that's what Tanya is. 55:02 And so... 55:03 Yeah. 55:05 Pastor, I like where 1 Corinthians 10 says, 55:06 "Therefore whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, 55:09 do all to the glory of God." 55:10 It's often we stop there but the next one says, 55:12 "Give none offence, 55:14 neither to the Jew, nor the gentile, 55:16 nor to the church of God." 55:17 So it's talking about address even in the church of God, 55:20 "Even as I please all men in all things, 55:22 not seeking mine own profit 55:24 but the profit of many that they may be saved." 55:27 So we're talking about... 55:28 It's not just for us personally. 55:30 That's right. 55:31 It is also that we don't try 55:32 to becoming a stumbling-block to others. 55:34 Exactly. 55:35 You know, we start out with, you know, 55:36 we're to bring honor and glory to God 55:39 for His temple, He dwells in us, 55:42 and He doesn't want us to be offensive to others 55:44 and the things we eat, whether we, 55:46 you know, drink or whatever we do, whatever we wear, 55:50 we need to do it to the glory of God. 55:51 Everything. Amen. 55:53 Honey, you had a point you want to bring out before. 55:54 Oh, yeah, I was saying that some people will say, 55:56 "What about my car? 55:59 My expensive..." 56:01 "Oh, look at that person, they have an expensive car." 56:04 What's the difference between that and our body temple? 56:07 Well, that's... 56:08 You answered the question. That's the difference. 56:10 The car is not our body temple. It's not a sin to be wealthy. 56:14 The Bible doesn't say that. 56:16 Solomon, his house was adorned in ways 56:17 that nobody's ever before or since. 56:21 Abraham was a very wealthy individual. 56:22 God is not against wealth 56:24 and that's not the purpose of this program. 56:25 But it's what do we do with our body temple. 56:28 Yes. 56:29 If our bodies belong to God, which in fact they do, 56:31 we should let all things be done 56:32 to reflect the glory of God. 56:34 That's right. 56:36 Not the corrosion of the world and, you know, there's so many 56:39 more we're not going to get to but I'd like us 56:40 to end with this one, Matthew 5:16. 56:44 And this is a beautiful passage, 56:45 I could say it 56:47 and you could repeat it at home, 56:48 "Let your light so shine before men, 56:51 that they may see your good works 56:53 and glorify your Father which is," where? 56:55 "In heaven." "In heaven." 56:57 So we just wanted to, in a loving way, 56:59 say to our brothers and sisters 57:00 whether you're Adventist or other denominations 57:02 that as Christians, 57:04 there's a much higher standard we're called to bear. 57:07 Don't let the world bring you down to its level. 57:10 No. 57:11 Bring the world up to God's level. 57:13 One day, we're going to walk on streets of gold, 57:15 walk through gates made of pearl. 57:17 Can you imagine chiseling away 57:18 the gates to put them on our ears? 57:20 If that's not going to be the case in the future, 57:22 let's live for the glory of God now. 57:24 Thank you for tuning 57:25 into Friday night Family Worship. 57:26 We pray that we've been a blessing to you 57:29 and may the glory of God always be seen in 57:31 and through your life. 57:33 Amen. God bless you. 57:34 Happy Sabbath. |
Revised 2018-11-12