Today Family Worship

Help Lord

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW018031A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:11 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn. And I'm JD Quinn.
01:13 And we welcome you to 3ABN Family Worship.
01:18 It is such a wonderful way to bring in the Sabbath,
01:22 to get together, and with our brothers
01:25 and sisters here, and with you.
01:27 And we hope that you have a Bible, and a pen, and pad
01:31 that you can join in the Bible study with us.
01:34 Let me ask you, how glad are you
01:36 to see Sabbath rolling on?
01:38 Amen. Always.
01:39 Always. Isn't it?
01:41 Isn't it? Amen.
01:43 My favorite scripture...
01:44 I say this frequently,
01:47 is my favorite scripture on the Sabbath
01:49 because in Exodus 31:13 God says
01:53 that the Sabbath is a sign that He is the one
01:57 who sanctifies us.
01:59 And so we're very excited to know that even though
02:02 work of sanctification belongs to the Lord, you know,
02:06 I try to be perfect for God for so many years
02:08 and couldn't, till I learned how to yield
02:10 and surrender to Him.
02:12 Honey? Yes.
02:14 You want to introduce them?
02:15 I would really happy to. Yes.
02:18 I'm such an attentive husband.
02:20 Yes. Yes.
02:22 We'll start over to my left, probably your right
02:25 and everything, we got Jason.
02:27 I'm just going to go by first names
02:28 'cause I'm a first-name-type person.
02:30 Okay, we got Jason. We got Ryan.
02:33 We got Dee and we have Tim. Yes.
02:36 And we're just all just glad to be here
02:38 'cause as mentioned, 3ABN is an absolutely
02:42 fantastic place to share your life with.
02:47 Amen.
02:49 But I must say the 3ABN is indeed workhouse.
02:52 But I think that all independent ministries
02:55 are like that.
02:57 You know, so anyway, go ahead. Everybody wears a lot of hats.
03:00 And everybody does double duty and triple duty
03:03 which is the same thing.
03:05 But we're all friends.
03:06 And I think that's what you said on first name basis,
03:09 we're not really too formal around here,
03:12 but we respect each other
03:13 and we respect the work each other does.
03:15 So it's always nice to be able to come around this table
03:18 and worship together.
03:19 Just like this. There is joy in our work.
03:21 There is, yes, a joy in our work.
03:26 Well said. Yes.
03:27 It has purpose.
03:29 Yeah, purpose. It's lovely.
03:30 Our purpose, we make a difference eternally
03:34 not just on this earth.
03:35 Amen. Amen.
03:37 And we want to thank those of you at home
03:40 for your prayers and your financial support
03:42 of 3ABN because you are the one
03:45 who is helping to make an eternal difference.
03:47 Every time, when you're supporting 3ABN,
03:50 you're investing in eternity for someone else.
03:54 So we're very grateful.
03:56 I'd like us to open with the prayer of praise.
03:59 Jason, can we just start with you, it will go around.
04:02 Sure. Something...
04:03 Just one thing you want to praise the Lord for.
04:06 Okay.
04:08 It's hard to limit it to one thing.
04:09 I know. I know.
04:11 I'll try.
04:13 Dear, heavenly Father, we thank You so much
04:16 that we have the opportunity to worship
04:18 and we thank You so much for Your wonderful Sabbath.
04:22 In Jesus' name we pray, amen. Amen.
04:24 Father, I just want to praise You
04:26 for the religious liberty and freedom
04:28 that we have to do exactly what we're doing right now
04:31 to come together to worship You in spirit and in truth.
04:34 And we praise You God and we thank You
04:36 for your never-ending love and goodness.
04:38 In Jesus' name. Amen.
04:40 And, Father, also, I just want to thank You for our families.
04:43 And, Father, just say this Lord that through the aid
04:47 of the Holy Spirit that each one of us
04:49 would turn our eyes towards You Lord
04:50 and accept You into our heart so that we can indeed be
04:54 the ambassadors that you created us to be
04:56 for Your kingdom.
04:58 Oh, Lord, I just always want to praise You
05:01 for Your three greatest gifts of grace.
05:04 Thank You that You sent Your one and only Son
05:08 to be our Savior.
05:10 Thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit.
05:13 Thank You for giving us Your word.
05:16 Father, I just praise You that You are a personal God
05:19 to each and every one of us that You're involved eminently
05:22 within our lives.
05:24 And I just praise You for that, Father.
05:26 Thank You.
05:28 Yes, Lord, and I just want to say thank You
05:29 for Your provision throughout this week.
05:31 Father, You have been faithful.
05:33 I haven't missed a meal, haven't missed a night's sleep.
05:37 You have just been there. And I thank You for that.
05:39 So I pray that You'll bless this time together.
05:41 And may we draw closer to You, and draw deeper in Your Word,
05:45 and may we be fuller for it.
05:47 We love You. In Jesus' name, amen.
05:49 Amen.
05:51 Well as Tim makes his way to the piano,
05:54 we're going to sing.
05:56 It's a song that we all love. I'll let JD introduce that.
06:00 But why don't we just do that first
06:03 and we'll do the song then we'll come back
06:05 to what we're going to do tonight?
06:07 I think this is a favorite topic of all of us
06:10 and that is Jesus.
06:11 And we're going to be singing
06:12 "What a Friend We Have in Jesus."
06:16 And if you've got your hymnal at home, it's number 499.
06:21 "What a Friend We Have in Jesus."
06:23 And the words should be
06:24 on the bottom of the screen in case you don't.
06:25 Amen.
06:31 What a friend we have in Jesus
06:36 All our sins and grieves to bear
06:41 What a privilege to carry
06:46 Everything to God in prayer
06:51 Oh, what peace we often forfeit
06:57 Oh, what needless pain we bear
07:02 All because we do not carry
07:07 Everything to God in prayer
07:13 Have we trials and temptations?
07:18 Is there trouble anywhere?
07:23 We should never be discouraged
07:28 Take it to the Lord in prayer
07:33 Can we find a friend so faithful
07:38 Who will all our sorrows share?
07:44 Jesus knows our every weakness
07:49 Take it to the Lord in prayer
07:55 Are we weak and heavy-laden
08:00 Cumbered with a load of care?
08:05 Precious Savior, still our refuge
08:10 Take it to the Lord in prayer
08:15 Do your friends despise, forsake you?
08:21 Take it to the Lord in prayer
08:26 In His arms He'll take and shield you
08:31 You will find a solace there
08:38 Amen. Thank you.
08:40 I love that song. Beautiful song.
08:42 I love those words. Thank you for Tim.
08:45 All right, what we're going to talk about tonight
08:48 as we get into the scripture, you know that I love
08:52 to make affirmations, right?
08:54 You know what I mean by affirmations?
08:56 When you take the Word of God and you speak it over your life
09:02 or you pray it back to the Lord,
09:04 affirming His truth that, yes, you've accepted this.
09:09 And so let me read you an affirmation,
09:12 then we're going to look at the various scriptures
09:16 that make this affirmation.
09:18 And I know that a lot of you can identify with this.
09:21 There is so much going on in the world right now.
09:25 And sometimes, we don't have a lot of peace
09:27 about the things around us.
09:29 So let me just read this.
09:31 "Help, Lord, I don't understand this situation.
09:34 And I really don't know how I should pray.
09:38 All I can say is please help me.
09:42 Father, help, what a relief it is to know
09:46 that the Holy Spirit
09:47 is interceding for me right now.
09:49 Thank You for hearing His prayer.
09:51 And how glad I am to know that You, Lord Jesus,
09:56 are interceding on my behalf.
09:59 I know you're able to save me completely.
10:02 Thank You, Father, for hearing and answering.
10:04 I will not be fearful for I am confident
10:08 you will provide a solution.
10:10 I count on Your help.
10:12 You will strengthen me and uphold me
10:14 with Your righteous right hand.
10:16 I will keep my mind fixed on You, trusting in You.
10:21 Thank You for perfect peace
10:22 that is above human understanding.
10:24 I will not be anxious about anything
10:27 because Your peace guards my heart and mind.
10:32 In Christ Jesus'..." Amen.
10:34 Amen.
10:35 You know, haven't we all prayed a prayer like this before
10:37 where you just feel like that everything
10:41 is crashing in on you?
10:43 In Psalm 12:1, that's how David starts off his prayer.
10:48 He feels like he is the only good guy left on the earth.
10:52 And he just starts off and he says, "Help, Lord."
10:55 And actually, what that is in the Hebrew is,
10:58 "Save me, Yahweh."
11:00 It reminds me of Mathew 14:33
11:03 where Peter is walking
11:07 on the water and suddenly the waves
11:10 and everything come crashing in,
11:12 he sees the wind, he see the waves,
11:14 and I think a wave got up between he and Jesus.
11:17 And then all of a sudden, he started sinking,
11:21 when he couldn't see Jesus, his faith kind of dropped down
11:25 and he started sinking.
11:27 What did he say? "Save me, Lord."
11:29 But there are times when I'm praying
11:32 that if it weren't for the promises of God,
11:37 I would be so confused, befuddled, hopeless, helpless.
11:43 But when you start praying
11:45 and you just lift up to the Lord,
11:47 it's just amazing.
11:49 The peace that comes back to you
11:51 because you know you've got two prayer partners.
11:56 Even if you are alone, you've got two prayer partners.
11:59 The Holy Spirit is interceding and Jesus is at the right hand
12:04 of the Father, and He is interceding.
12:07 Isn't he, Ryan? Absolutely. Absolutely.
12:10 You know, when I think of this particular subject,
12:12 Help me, Lord, I cry for help,
12:15 I cry for the Lord to bring us relief and peace,
12:19 especially in the times that we're living in.
12:21 We have beautiful promises in the Word of God
12:24 that helps bring this particular topic to light.
12:27 One text that comes to my mind is found
12:29 in Romans 8.
12:32 And I'm going to begin reading in Romans 8:26.
12:34 In fact, I encourage the viewers at home
12:37 to really get a good understanding
12:39 of the context of this particular verse.
12:42 Go back up to about verse 18.
12:44 Again, this is Romans 8 and you go up to Romans 8:18,
12:48 and just read downward.
12:49 But I'm going to, for the sake of time,
12:50 begin in Romans 8:26.
12:52 And this is a rather popular
12:55 and notorious verse for its content.
12:58 And it says here, "Likewise the spirit
13:01 also helps in our weakness."
13:04 So it's kind of like what you were saying, Shelley,
13:06 that we can depend on God's presence
13:10 to be with us at every time of need.
13:14 "Likewise the spirit also helps us
13:17 in our weaknesses for we do not know..."
13:21 excuse me, "for we do not know
13:23 what we should pray for as we ought.
13:26 But the Spirit himself makes intercession for us
13:30 with groanings which cannot be uttered.
13:33 Now he who searches the hearts knows
13:35 what the mind of the Spirit is
13:37 because He makes intercession for the saints
13:40 according to the will of God."
13:43 It is a powerful text because it provides us
13:45 with the promise.
13:46 It provides us with a beautiful promise
13:48 that there are some times we are in need
13:50 of God's intervention,
13:52 we are in need of God's divine guidance and leadership.
13:55 But sometimes, we really don't know what to pray for.
13:58 We can't conjure up the words to say to the Lord.
14:02 But, you know, we have a promise here that says,
14:03 "You know what, God's got our back.
14:05 God knows exactly what we need even before we need it."
14:08 And sometimes...
14:09 You know, in this life time, you know, sometimes,
14:11 we find ourselves sighing and crying, and in this case,
14:14 groaning for relief, for peace.
14:18 And the Bible promises us right here
14:20 that the Holy Spirit, he understands that
14:24 and He will take that link
14:26 which that we know not what to speak.
14:28 And He takes it before the throne of God
14:30 and He presents those petitions before the Lord on our behalf.
14:33 And that's powerful.
14:34 You know, I read the scripture and I couldn't help
14:37 but think immediately
14:38 because many of my Pentecostal friends
14:40 read this and they often, you know,
14:42 take this scripture and kind of turn it into,
14:44 you know, the groaning aspect of,
14:46 kind of the spiritualistic application that, you know,
14:49 the spirit forces you to groan and to, you know,
14:53 make sounds and utterances that is of God.
14:55 But we know that in this case it's just simply the context
14:58 of this passage is teaching us and providing a promise for us
15:02 that you know what, in this lifetime,
15:04 we're subject to this carnal body,
15:06 we're subject to all of the despair,
15:08 and the death, and the sorrow, and the pain,
15:10 and all the things that this life has to bring.
15:13 But we have the wonderful promise of God
15:16 to know that in times when we don't even know
15:19 what to say, God is there for us.
15:21 He hears us, He understands what we need in advance.
15:24 And could I interject something here because...
15:25 Sure.
15:27 I learned this actually from JD.
15:28 I don't think he knew that he taught me this.
15:31 I have always prayed for the Holy Spirit
15:36 before I read, before I get into the Bible
15:40 'cause I know I can't understand scripture
15:43 without the Holy Spirit.
15:45 But when JD began working at 3ABN
15:49 in the Pastoral Department,
15:51 one thing that he did repeatedly
15:54 on the way home from work.
15:55 I asked how did your day go?
15:56 He'd always say,
15:58 "You know, I don't know how to pray so what."
16:00 You know, when people called with horrible things,
16:03 so what he started doing from the very beginning
16:06 is he'd tell people, "Do you mind
16:09 if we ask the Holy Spirit to join us
16:12 and ask the Holy Spirit to guide this prayer?"
16:16 And, you know what, it took me
16:18 probably a week of hearing him say
16:20 that to where...
16:21 then I thought of Romans 8:26.
16:24 And I thought,
16:25 "Lord, if I really need the Holy Spirit,
16:29 I want to be aware of that like he was."
16:32 I mean, he does this to this day.
16:35 And so now I pray when I first start
16:38 and I just ask the Holy Spirit to help me pray
16:41 because we don't how to pray for somebody the way we should.
16:44 You know, there is a lot of complicated...
16:47 People go through a lot of complicated stuff.
16:50 And nobody's got the same story.
16:54 I want to tell you a humorous story,
16:56 it will take just a second.
16:57 As you were talking about this, I mean this just...
16:59 And this is humorous now that I could look back 50 years.
17:04 And I've laughed a lot since, but, boy, at this time,
17:06 this was serious, serious stuff.
17:10 We grew up with horses. I didn't get along with horses.
17:15 From day one, when I was probably four years old,
17:17 the horse that I got on threw me off.
17:21 Of course, like a strong...
17:23 Dad couldn't wait to put me...
17:25 brought back on him again, the horse threw me off again.
17:28 And since that day, I've been freaked out over horses.
17:33 But now I am probably 18 or 19.
17:38 Oh, I had this tame horse.
17:40 Let me tell you about this tame horse.
17:42 This tame horse, he sensed that I was afraid of horses.
17:47 And so, boy, I got on his back, and I mean he took off,
17:51 he took off, he ran, and he ran.
17:54 And it just seems like the scarier I got,
17:56 the faster he would run.
17:58 Then I know...
17:59 I know that my eyes were this big.
18:02 I didn't know what I was going to do,
18:03 how am I going to get off.
18:05 The Lord heard my prayer. "Lord, save me."
18:09 That fast, there was a lam that was right there
18:12 and just knocked me flat off that horse.
18:15 Oh, my Word. It knocked me off that horse.
18:18 The Lord heard my prayer.
18:20 That's right. That's right. Wow.
18:22 You have a strong hand. I mean it.
18:25 And I just sat there probably cuckoo, you know,
18:27 knocked off that fast horse.
18:30 The horse probably just looked back
18:31 with a big smile on his face.
18:33 But you know, as you were sitting here
18:36 because this is the way that God answers prayers.
18:39 Not always as we think that there should be.
18:41 But He heard my prayer.
18:42 He answered my prayer.
18:47 I think three wheelers might have come on the scene...
18:52 But anyway, thank you, Jesus, for that lamb being there.
18:56 But I did, you know, Jesus helped, and He heard.
19:03 Amen.
19:04 Well, in fact, that's what 26 says,
19:06 "The Holy Spirit comes to our aid
19:08 and bears us up in our weakness."
19:10 It's a personal, our weakness, not in your weakness for me,
19:14 you know, some way you handle things
19:16 whenever you're going through it
19:17 to be the same way he handles it for me.
19:19 It's in our weakness.
19:20 He is a personal savior, and I love that,
19:23 personal Holy Spirit.
19:25 Yes, He is always there.
19:26 One size fits all,
19:27 but it's not always the same fit.
19:29 So that's cool.
19:30 Thank you, Tim. Absolutely.
19:31 Yeah, you know,
19:34 when I was reading this passage,
19:35 this particular passage in Romans 8,
19:37 that if you would read the context close,
19:39 for instance, it's got a heavy emphasis
19:41 on the Spirit.
19:42 And so obviously, "Likewise the spirit
19:43 also helps in our weaknesses."
19:46 And then the next part, "For we do not know
19:48 what we should pray as we ought,
19:50 but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us."
19:54 When I was doing a little bit of research in regards to this,
19:57 it led me over to 2 Corinthians 5.
19:59 Now it's interesting because both of these passages
20:02 tend to be misunderstood a lot
20:08 across the Christian world today.
20:12 Paul is basically reiterating in 2 Corinthians here
20:16 what he has said in Romans 8.
20:19 In Romans 5:1-8 is that famous passage
20:22 where it talks about being absent from the body,
20:25 present with the Lord, okay,
20:26 even though Paul doesn't necessarily say
20:27 those exact words and just leave it at that.
20:30 At the top, notice these words and tell me
20:33 if it sounds familiar to what we just read in Romans 8.
20:36 You mean, 2 Corinthians 5?
20:38 This is 2 Corinthians 5. Okay.
20:39 I'm sorry.
20:40 I might have said something different there.
20:42 Notice what he says here.
20:43 2 Corinthians 5:1 he says,
20:45 "For we know that if our earthly house,
20:46 this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God,
20:50 a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."
20:52 Now we know that Paul often likens our body as a temple or,
20:55 as in this case, he refers to it as a house or a tent.
20:59 Notice what 2 Corinthians 5:2 says, "For in this we..."
21:01 there is that word, "we groan, earnestly desiring
21:05 to be clothed with our habitation
21:07 which is from heaven.
21:08 If indeed, having been clothed, we shall not be found naked."
21:12 And then 2 Corinthians 5:4 says,
21:14 "We who are in this tent," again, this body,
21:17 there it is again "groan because we are," what,
21:20 "we're being burdened."
21:21 How often in life are we burdened?
21:23 We feel the pressures of life, we feel the stresses of life,
21:26 the anxiety.
21:28 And sometimes, it brings us into a depression or despair,
21:31 and so we groan.
21:33 And we often desire for happiness
21:35 or relief or peace.
21:37 And ultimately, what we're saying is
21:38 "Lord, I can't wait for you to come back.
21:40 I can't wait for you to deliver me from this body of death.
21:43 I may have that new heavenly body
21:45 that you have given to us."
21:47 And then, of course, in the latter part, it says,
21:49 "Not because we want to be unclothed,
21:51 but further clothed," and I love this,
21:53 "that mortality may be swallowed up of life."
21:57 See, verse 4 is the key to understanding verse 8
22:00 that many people misunderstand because verse 8 talks about
22:04 "We are confident, yes, and pleased rather to be absent
22:06 from the body and present with the Lord."
22:08 We're waiting for that time, and sometimes,
22:10 we don't know what to pray, sometimes we struggle,
22:12 "Lord, I don't really know the words to say, but, God,
22:14 you know my needs
22:16 and we're burdened in this body."
22:17 We groan, and then we sigh, and we cry for the Lord's help.
22:20 And of course, I love the latter part of verse 5,
22:23 here it says, "Now He who has prepared us
22:25 for this very thing is God who also has,"
22:29 and then notice these words,
22:30 "given us the Spirit as a guarantee."
22:32 Amen.
22:33 In other words, you know what, we may be burdened now
22:34 but God has given us a relief.
22:36 He has provided us with the Holy Spirit
22:38 to intercede for us until that time comes
22:42 when He provides us with that beautiful heavenly body.
22:44 Amen. Amen. It's powerful.
22:46 And, you know, there are three states
22:47 since you brought this in.
22:49 There are three states of being clothed,
22:51 that's being in our heavenly tent.
22:54 Unclothed being, you're in the grave.
22:56 You've lost this tent, but then being further clothed.
23:00 So there are three states of being.
23:02 Excellent. Excellent. All right.
23:04 So we know that the Holy Spirit helps us
23:08 when we're calling, but let's turn to Hebrews.
23:11 And I'd like to look at
23:13 Hebrews 7.
23:19 I can get to Hebrews7.
23:24 And I'm going to begin with Hebrews 7:22.
23:30 He's talking about Jesus being...
23:35 I'll just read it.
23:37 It says, "By so much more Jesus has become
23:40 a surety of a better covenant."
23:44 First of all, you know,
23:46 we talk about Jesus as our Lord,
23:50 but He is our surety.
23:52 Absolutely.
23:53 He is our guarantee of the covenant.
23:56 Isn't that exciting? I know.
23:57 He guarantees that He's going to complete the good work
24:01 He's begun in us.
24:03 He guarantees that He's going to save you
24:05 by His righteous right hand.
24:08 And then it goes on saying...
24:11 Well, now let me go ahead.
24:13 So Jesus has become a surety of a better covenant.
24:16 And in Hebrew 7:23, "There were many priests
24:21 because they were prevented by death from continuing.
24:24 But He, because He continues forever,
24:28 has an unchanged priesthood.
24:32 Therefore, He is also able
24:37 to say to the uttermost."
24:41 There is nothing He can't save us from.
24:44 There is nothing He can't finish.
24:47 "For those who come to God through Him
24:51 since He always lives to make intercession for us."
24:55 Amen. How exciting is that.
24:57 Yeah, it's powerful.
24:58 How exciting is it to know that two persons of God,
25:03 the Holy Spirit, God's paracletos here on earth
25:08 is praying and interceding.
25:12 But then Jesus is...
25:13 1 John 2:1 says,
25:14 "We've got an advocate with the Father."
25:16 That's right.
25:18 A paracletos is what that word means.
25:20 So Christ is interceding on your behalf.
25:25 And He is able to save to the uttermost.
25:31 Nothing He can't save us from.
25:32 Amen. Amen.
25:35 Praise God because if he can't save you
25:38 to the uttermost, we're all lost.
25:41 That's correct. Yeah.
25:44 I know.
25:46 In Isaiah 41:13, he is talking about...
25:53 I love this.
25:54 After David died, someone gave me
25:57 some different scriptures.
25:58 Who is David? My husband, David.
26:00 He passed away and I became a widow.
26:02 And a couple of more in Isaiah because He lifts you up so much
26:06 and says so many things about saving you.
26:09 And Isaiah 41:13 says, "For I, the Lord your God,
26:15 will hold your right hand saying to you,
26:18 'Fear not, I will help you.'"
26:21 And to me, that has so many layers of meaning.
26:26 I can't even begin to unwrap them.
26:29 When I was a non-Christian, many times,
26:34 I was in situations where God held my right hand
26:37 and I wasn't paying any attention to Him.
26:40 He saved me.
26:42 There were a couple of times
26:43 where I felt physically threatened.
26:47 And even though I wasn't a Christian,
26:49 I knew God existed.
26:51 One very specific time, I was like, "Help me, God."
26:55 I knew that if He did not do something,
26:58 something bad was really going to happen.
27:00 And I just...
27:02 in my heart, in my being, it was like, "Help me, God."
27:07 And that's all I could say.
27:08 And later on, I looked back and I know God intervened
27:13 and made a difference.
27:15 He saved my life because He knows the end
27:17 from the beginning.
27:19 And of course, you make promises
27:21 that you don't keep at the time.
27:24 But life went on.
27:25 He did row me over the years and I did end up with Him.
27:30 When I lost David...
27:31 See, before I had that relationship with the Lord,
27:36 David was my all.
27:38 He was who I depended on, who I leaned on.
27:41 And I am so grateful that God brought me to Him
27:44 before I lost David 'cause I don't think...
27:47 I'm not sure how I would have survived that without Him.
27:50 But when I lost David, my complete leaning,
27:55 everything was on the Lord.
27:57 There was no one else.
27:59 And I remember, so vividly after David died,
28:02 sitting in front of the fireplace going,
28:04 "I'm yours, Lord.
28:06 There is no place else to go. There is nothing else to do.
28:09 I'm yours completely and totally.
28:12 Whatever You want, whatever You say."
28:14 That's saving to the utmost.
28:16 But I was admitting to that, I was committing to that,
28:20 and being willing to ask Him.
28:22 I came unto Him and asked Him for that help.
28:26 And now so much of my life before the Lord,
28:30 I remember being in darkness, or in pain, or being in fear,
28:34 or being mostly just in pain.
28:37 Emotional pain.
28:39 Emotional pain, not physical. Emotional, mental.
28:42 But after you come to the Lord, after you have Him there,
28:47 after He saves you to the utmost,
28:49 and when you're living in sin, that song,
28:54 you know, "Deep in sin.
28:57 Sinking to rise no more. And love lifted me."
29:00 He lifts you out of that.
29:03 He lifts you into the light.
29:05 And now...
29:08 I feel like I fail Him too often now.
29:12 So then Satan will come in and try to discourage you
29:16 because I disappoint my Lord too many times, I let him down.
29:21 And it just breaks my heart because He gave more than
29:26 I can even imagine to save me.
29:29 I know He went to the cross.
29:31 But what He sacrificed for me was so far beyond that
29:34 I can't even comprehend it.
29:36 And here I let Him down.
29:38 So it's these verses that you can turn to
29:43 to knock Satan down, where He says to you,
29:46 "I am the Lord your God. I will hold your hand."
29:50 He never lets go of my hand even when I fail Him,
29:54 when I let Him go.
29:56 He is faithful and true to the utmost.
29:59 And so when Satan attacks us, there are so many levels,
30:04 "Fear not, I will help you."
30:06 Whether I need physical help because of bad choices
30:10 and put myself in physical danger,
30:13 whether it's emotional, mental,
30:15 the world hurts us, it bounces us around.
30:19 As CA says, "If you haven't been there yet,
30:21 wait it's coming.
30:23 Everybody gets there.
30:24 Okay?"
30:25 Satan is going to attack.
30:27 He is going to send you pain and danger.
30:29 But these verses are the ones that will lift you up,
30:35 and take you into the light, and give you peace.
30:38 See, Satan can't take my peace very long
30:42 now because the scripture that I fed in
30:46 and I have it on my walls,
30:47 I have it here, I have it there.
30:50 I really want it in my heart.
30:53 I wish I knew more by memory,
30:55 but God brings things to you when you need it.
30:57 Absolutely.
30:59 So you throw Satan out and say, "No,
31:01 this is what I'm holding on to.
31:02 God is holding my right hand.
31:04 He is my God, my Lord.
31:07 And He will help me.
31:08 And I have nothing to fear."
31:10 You know, how many times I stumble and fall,
31:12 as long as I keep coming back to Him and saying,
31:16 "Help me" committing, submitting,
31:18 He will raise you up and save you to the utmost.
31:21 You know, I was just thinking while you were talking.
31:23 Tim, you have two gorgeous sons,
31:26 Grae and Eli.
31:27 Right.
31:28 I am sure there have been times when they've disappointed you.
31:32 I mean, kids are kids.
31:33 Sure.
31:34 But did you ever, when they disappointed you,
31:37 think like,
31:39 "I don't have anything more to do with you
31:40 or I don't love you?"
31:42 What is a father's heart like when you see your son
31:47 floundering, you see something going on?
31:50 It just makes your heart explode
31:53 with love and want to rescue.
31:54 Right. Exactly.
31:56 Well, I know that.
31:57 Recently, as they've become teenagers,
32:00 they have called me with situations
32:02 that they've found themselves in.
32:04 And my younger one gave me a situation
32:09 that he knew I would be disappointed,
32:11 he just called me and said, "Dad,
32:13 I know that you'll probably never even look at me the same
32:15 after I tell you what I've done."
32:17 I said, "Son, are you kidding me?"
32:20 I said, "I was never put in that position that you..."
32:24 Example that he gave me.
32:26 But I said, "I appreciate, first of all,
32:28 you telling me about it."
32:31 And I mean, there's just...
32:33 A Father's love is just...
32:35 You can't turn on that.
32:38 I do hear of fathers who turn on their children
32:41 because of things that they've done that,
32:44 you know, was disgraceful.
32:46 Really?
32:47 When I think of what God has done for me,
32:51 Lord I've got nothing but mercy to the extent.
32:55 Absolutely.
32:56 And you know, that's how God looks at us.
32:59 I love what you said.
33:00 There was someone local here who worked at 3ABN for a while.
33:04 And he had gone through a very traumatic event,
33:09 turned to drugs, his father was in law enforcement.
33:12 And his father loved him, loved him,
33:14 loved him no matter
33:16 what he was doing, he accepted him,
33:18 he loved him.
33:19 And of course, he wanted him to change.
33:22 But you know, that boy...
33:24 I mean the Dad took a lot of criticism
33:26 because he was so supportive.
33:29 But guess what, it was that love
33:31 that brought him around.
33:32 And that's why the Lord is.
33:35 God just will keep on loving you till He wooze you.
33:39 And then we have God's love in us.
33:42 That enables us.
33:44 You are filled with God's love,
33:45 and that's why you let God's love flow
33:48 through you and into your sons,
33:49 and you continue loving them.
33:50 That's right. Praise the Lord. You're right.
33:52 If you let go of your child...
33:54 God doesn't let go of us.
33:56 But if you let go your child,
33:57 then God's love is not flowing through you.
33:59 Right.
34:01 How many of you guys have been scared before?
34:03 Have you ever had a moment or a situation
34:07 where you were fear of something?
34:08 Yeah, sure.
34:09 Well, let's take a look at Isaiah 41:10.
34:13 Yes.
34:15 And we should already be right there.
34:17 Let's take a look at that.
34:18 "Fear not for I am with you.
34:21 Be not dismayed for I am your God.
34:24 I will strengthen you.
34:25 Yes, I will uphold you.
34:27 I will help you."
34:29 Excuse me.
34:30 "I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
34:33 Now let's take a look at that fear not.
34:36 Okay, "So don't be afraid
34:39 because that trial that you're going through,
34:41 I'm with you.
34:43 Be not dismayed."
34:44 And dismayed, according to the dictionary,
34:48 means to cause someone to feel consternation and distress.
34:53 So the Lord is saying, "Be not dismayed
34:55 for I am your God.
34:57 You serve me, I can do anything."
35:01 You know, God can do anything.
35:03 So don't stress about it.
35:05 Don't worry about it.
35:06 "I will strengthen you.
35:08 You know, where you're weak, Christ is strong.
35:11 And you know, His strength is made perfect
35:13 in our weakness.
35:15 "Yes, I will help you.
35:16 You're not alone."
35:18 You know, "I've got this.
35:19 I'm going to help you through it.
35:21 I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
35:24 You know, I don't know about you guys but I'm right handed.
35:28 So naturally, my right hand is stronger than my left hand.
35:33 You know, God is saying, Jesus is saying like...
35:36 He's right handed too, right?
35:37 Yes.
35:40 He is upholding us with His right hand, right?
35:42 He's holding us with His righteous right hand.
35:45 And during the Hebrews, I mean, that was...
35:49 You're right.
35:50 It was a figurative language to mean His strength.
35:53 He's talking about Jesus Christ right here.
35:58 It is His strength.
36:00 And you think about the right...
36:01 like you think, "Right path.
36:03 You're going in the right direction.
36:05 You're going down the right way,
36:07 you know, not the wrong way."
36:09 So it speaks to the moral...
36:13 The thing with the right hand, like this is just,
36:17 this is righteous, this is morally sound.
36:21 So you know, sometimes, we get in those moments
36:23 where we get scared.
36:25 The definition of "courage" is the ability to do something
36:28 that frightens one or strength in the face of pain or grief.
36:33 But where does that strength come from?
36:35 God.
36:37 Yeah. Absolutely.
36:38 So I mean, I absolutely love this.
36:40 I have moments where I get scared,
36:41 I have moments where I fear,
36:43 and then I've got to remember like,
36:46 "Oh, God's got me."
36:47 You know, when I was out in the world,
36:48 and my appendix ruptured inside of me,
36:51 and I was lying in that hospital bed.
36:54 I remember laying there and my mom was there with me,
36:57 my dad was there too.
37:00 But my mom...
37:01 Like I couldn't do certain things,
37:03 you know, things that I used to be able to do with ease.
37:06 I couldn't walk myself to the sink to brush my teeth.
37:09 So my mom helped me get to the sink
37:11 so that I could brush my teeth.
37:13 And when she felt like...
37:15 She was walking me over there,
37:16 she felt that I was skin and bones
37:18 like I was whether in a way dying in that hospital.
37:21 And I remember lying in that bed and I was saying,
37:23 you know, "Lord, if you help me.
37:25 If you just... Please help me.
37:27 And if you get me out of this situation,
37:29 I'll change."
37:30 You know, I was doing a lot of wrong things prior to that,
37:33 drugs and all that stuff.
37:34 And then that moment where I was like,
37:37 "Lord, you know, if you would help me get out of this thing,
37:39 you know, I'll change."
37:40 And I just remember, I felt a comfort,
37:46 a peace come over me.
37:47 But it was like, I still didn't give my heart
37:50 to the Lord at the moment.
37:51 And you see, Satan wanted to take me out at that moment
37:53 because I wasn't going,
37:57 I wasn't going to go to heaven at the resurrection,
37:59 put it that way.
38:00 And so, you know, it was just one of those things
38:05 where I was scared.
38:08 Got out of the hospital,
38:09 ended up having a case of blessing amnesia
38:12 where you forget what God brought you through
38:15 like the Israelites often did.
38:17 And anyway, long story short,
38:20 it took me years to come back to the Lord.
38:25 But once I did, I mean, it was the best decision.
38:26 But He honored your promise.
38:28 You said, "I will come back."
38:30 And He held you to it.
38:31 Well, you know, isn't that funny
38:33 because when you said
38:34 'cause it's saying here that I will strengthen you.
38:37 Here you are saying, "Lord,
38:39 if you'll help me, I will change."
38:41 And He is sitting there going,
38:43 "Son, you don't have the power to change you,
38:46 but I will help you.
38:47 I will work in you
38:48 until you're willing to do my good pleasure.
38:51 I, My grace is sufficient for you
38:54 because My strength will be made
38:56 perfect in your weakness."
38:58 He just had to wait till you got to that point
39:02 where you said, "Oh, Lord, I get it.
39:04 I can't change myself."
39:07 Or you even really wanted to change.
39:10 But didn't He...
39:11 I know He wooed me at different times
39:13 when I was still running away.
39:15 He tapped me on my shoulder and was like, "I'm still here.
39:19 I'm still waiting for those promises
39:21 you gave yourself to Me
39:23 at one time, I'm here to collect."
39:26 And He keeps wooing and lifting and drawing you.
39:31 Yeah.
39:32 And at the same time, that He is wooing and drawing,
39:34 you've got Satan in your ear saying,
39:36 "Oh yeah, you can't go to Him like this.
39:38 You're not good enough to go to Him like this.
39:40 He doesn't want you."
39:41 God is right there waiting for you.
39:44 He loves you so much.
39:45 He wants to spend eternity.
39:47 Do you know how long that is?
39:49 That's forever.
39:50 That's a long time.
39:52 I ran until I saw...
39:54 until God was able to show me His love
39:58 because I wasn't worthy.
40:00 And I didn't think He could ever accept me.
40:03 But He just put His love...
40:05 When you see His love, it's when it breaks you.
40:09 Yes.
40:10 It's like the prodigal son being off in the far country
40:13 and just going.
40:14 "Hey, you know, everything's better
40:16 at my father's house."
40:17 And he is practicing his speech all the way, "I'm unworthy.
40:20 Let me just be one of your hired hands."
40:23 And the father all along was just sitting there,
40:26 watching down the road, waiting for him.
40:28 And he sees him and what does he do?
40:31 Here he comes with the robe, with the ring,
40:33 with the sandals.
40:34 He kills the fatted calf.
40:36 I mean...
40:37 See, we've got such a crazy picture of God, don't we?
40:41 Yes. We do.
40:42 Now we just finished up a series,
40:44 I was talking about dominion.
40:47 And, man, it really touched my heart.
40:49 I was able to see with much more clear eyes.
40:51 There is a battle continually over dominion.
40:55 And at this particular time,
40:56 there was a battle over dominion over who you are.
40:58 It is. Amen.
41:00 I mean each one of us.
41:03 And you can see that battle...
41:05 If you're standing back,
41:07 you can kind of get a better idea
41:08 of what everybody else is going through.
41:09 Yeah.
41:11 And if you'd found a mirror and see
41:12 what you're going through, probably, you know, scarier.
41:15 Every heart is a battlefield.
41:18 But doesn't that bring you peace to think about,
41:21 you know, when you know that God's got your back...
41:24 He is your forward guard, your rear guard.
41:26 I mean, He is going before you, He is your rear guard.
41:29 He has got your back.
41:30 And that's what most people
41:32 are missing today in this peace.
41:35 And Isaiah 26:3, go ahead and turn to that.
41:40 And I want to remember back...
41:42 Just a few years ago, that I was out in California,
41:47 I've told this testimony a few times.
41:50 And I will always remember it just like it was yesterday
41:53 and not many do.
41:57 But I just got an email from...
42:04 he used to be a friend.
42:05 And so I read the email
42:09 and it was just nothing but bad news
42:11 and was not...
42:13 It was intended to harm me.
42:15 And so I got into my hotel room,
42:19 and truly, I felt so helpless.
42:22 I have not felt that way...
42:24 Man, there are most things that I have learned to cope,
42:27 you know, you figure out how things are
42:29 and God gives you strength gradually to handle.
42:31 But right there, it was like,
42:34 the bottom was just falling out from underneath me.
42:37 So I had left my Bible back on the bus
42:41 that I was traveling in.
42:43 And so there was a Gideon Bible in the hotel.
42:47 So I opened that, and I don't recommend just,
42:50 you know, letting the Bible fall open
42:51 to some random scripture, but this time, it worked.
42:55 And so I just said, "God, I got nothing."
43:00 And the Bible fell opened, Isaiah 26:3.
43:05 It opened to 26 and my eyes fell on 3.
43:09 And it said, "Thou will guard him,
43:12 keep him in perfect peace,
43:13 whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusts in thee."
43:19 Right? Amen.
43:20 So in the amplified version it says,
43:22 "You will guard him and keep him in perfect
43:24 and constant peace whose mind is stayed on You
43:27 because he commits himself to You,
43:29 leans on You, hopes confidently in You,
43:33 trusts in You."
43:34 So then I was strengthened by that.
43:39 That evening, we were loading in.
43:41 I was singing with a group
43:42 and we were loading into the church.
43:44 And in several places throughout the church
43:45 on the walls, they had big scripture.
43:48 And what do you know?
43:50 That scripture was laying right there...
43:53 hanging right there on the wall.
43:54 Praise God. Isaiah 26:3.
43:56 "Thou will keep him in perfect peace
43:58 whose mind is stayed on thee."
43:59 If you keep your mind on the Lord,
44:05 that is just a huge source of peace.
44:09 Now I'm intrigued by the fact that it says perfect peace
44:14 because I think of peace as being perfect peace.
44:17 I mean, you know, peace is peace.
44:19 It's like how much more peaceful can you get than
44:22 peaceful, peaceful?
44:24 And so it's peace, peace.
44:26 Wonderful peace, peace, peace.
44:28 But it says, "It's perfect peace."
44:30 And you know, in the world though...
44:32 In fact, Jesus said, "Not peace is that world gives,
44:35 give I unto you."
44:36 Yeah.
44:38 Because the world gives you peace like...
44:39 When you're ignorant about something,
44:41 you're kind of in peace about it
44:43 'cause you don't know, you're just kind of ignorant.
44:46 Then there is the stagnant peace like,
44:48 you know, which they were on the...
44:50 What vaulter do we live in?
44:53 San Andreas or whatever that is...
44:57 Underneath us, there is some stuff going on
45:00 and like in a volcano.
45:01 You know, but above us, it's peace.
45:03 But we don't know if friction would help,
45:04 or friction would break loose, you know?
45:06 But we ignore that.
45:07 Right.
45:08 And so that's a kind of peace.
45:10 But that's not perfect peace
45:11 'cause it's going to explode one day.
45:12 And then there is a dependence,
45:15 a peace that is dependent as long as...
45:17 like we've got programs and aid that provide us surface peace,
45:21 but one day, those pieces are all going to dry up
45:25 and then what are we going to do?
45:26 You know, when government aid stops being the form of peace
45:30 that's...
45:32 God provides perfect peace.
45:33 Yes.
45:35 But it's because that very last part of the verse...
45:37 If you have to turn your bible almost upside down
45:39 and start with it because "I trust in Him,
45:43 He provides that perfect peace because my mind stayed on Him."
45:47 So it's not just a mindfulness, you know?
45:50 Today, we live in a world where we study mindfulness
45:53 and in certain religions and even...
45:57 I like to just get by myself
45:59 and, you know, just clear my mind.
46:01 But it's not even all about what you put your mind on
46:06 which I do want the mind of Christ
46:08 and I do want my mind on Jesus
46:09 but it's because I put my trust in Christ.
46:14 And I put my trust in God.
46:16 That is where the whole keeping everything...
46:21 where He guards me is because I have trusted in Him
46:24 because I can put my mind on Him.
46:26 And I'll get distracted, you know, that...
46:29 My mind will wander,
46:31 or situations will overwhelm me,
46:34 and my mind will get distracted.
46:36 But if I trust in Him, no matter what...
46:40 And He says, "Thou will keep him
46:41 in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee,
46:44 because he trusts in thee."
46:47 This is part of the song if you read the whole chapter,
46:50 chapter 26.
46:51 In fact, I would just recommend reading the whole Bible.
46:53 It's a chockfull of goodness that,
46:59 you know, why pick a certain place?
47:01 Just read it all.
47:02 But truly...
47:05 And so we think with our head, but we trust with our heart.
47:08 So that's why...
47:10 Another thing about just being mindful isn't quite...
47:13 But that perfect peace
47:14 does not depend on any circumstances.
47:18 That's what makes it perfect.
47:20 It doesn't matter what's happening.
47:23 And that's why your point's well taken about the trust.
47:26 I have to just tell you quickly.
47:27 When God was teaching me to do affirmations,
47:30 I remember one morning,
47:31 I got up and I was praying His promises back to Him.
47:33 And this was one of them.
47:35 And I said, "Oh, Father,
47:37 I thank You that you keep me in perfect peace
47:40 because You're helping me keep my mind focused on You,
47:42 trusting in You, leaning not on my own understanding,
47:46 but leaning on what Your promises say,
47:48 what Your words say."
47:49 And so here I am praying that.
47:52 And it really does do something in your mind.
47:54 Well, JD was out of town
47:56 and it was just a couple hours later
47:58 that I got this phone call.
48:00 And this phone call was a horrible phone call.
48:02 And I couldn't get a hold of him.
48:04 And I mean I'm just pacing back and forth, and back and forth.
48:08 And it was just wringing my hands.
48:10 "And Oh, Lord, what are we gonna do?
48:12 What are we gonna do?"
48:14 And all of a sudden, the Lord just so clearly, audible voice,
48:20 but He just said, "Where are your eyes focused?
48:23 On Me or on the problem?"
48:26 And so my eyes were so full...
48:29 And when I returned my eyes to Him and could say, "Father,
48:33 thank You that You are going to uplift.
48:38 I will not fear.
48:39 You're going to lift me up by Your righteous right hand.
48:41 Thank you that Jesus is able to save to the uttermost.
48:44 Thank You, Father, that you know...
48:46 from the beginning, You can do this."
48:47 And I just started praying scripture
48:49 and the peace just flow through my body.
48:54 And guess what, within 24 hours,
48:57 the whole problem was solved.
48:58 Wow. Wow.
49:00 Let's see. And that's what I love about.
49:02 What you said a while ago, courage and your verse...
49:05 What was your verse again?
49:06 Isaiah 41:10.
49:10 So read it.
49:11 So, "Fear not for I am with you.
49:13 Be not dismayed for I am your God.
49:16 I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you.
49:18 I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
49:20 So it was the courage...
49:22 He made a comment about courage.
49:24 You made a comment about courage.
49:25 It was the definition.
49:27 When you do something that you're afraid to do.
49:29 Right.
49:30 And it's not about not having fear
49:32 because fear is natural,
49:34 but having courage through that fear...
49:37 And the verse says, "I will strengthen you."
49:38 The amplified version says something about I will...
49:42 What was the verse again 10?
49:44 "I will harden you to difficulties."
49:46 So it's like you will build a callous but we've got to go
49:50 through some of those things.
49:51 You know, how are you going to get biceps like me
49:54 if you don't work out?
49:56 Yeah.
49:57 Exercise. Yeah.
49:59 And one quick thought.
50:00 I know JD's got something he wants to share,
50:01 but courage is nothing more than were we bathed in prayer.
50:07 There you go. There you go.
50:09 That's true.
50:10 I want to go back to this first of all
50:12 because we're just sitting here dancing around this
50:14 and that's how we first started here.
50:16 In Romans 8:26, we keep going back there.
50:20 We don't really know how we should pray
50:22 or what we should pray for.
50:24 But every one of us has given an example
50:26 that in our time of "Help me, Jesus,"
50:30 I like to say that Calvary was there,
50:32 God was there to assist us to get us over that speed bump.
50:37 And we do find speed bumps all the time.
50:39 And, boy, I love Philippians 4: 6-7.
50:43 Philippians 4:6-7.
50:47 This is one that I will suggest that you mark in your Bible
50:51 because He is saying here...
50:53 This is a promise.
50:55 And there are so many of us out there that are combating
50:58 the enemy today with anxiety and panic attacks.
51:02 And he said, in clear sense,
51:04 this is Paul speaking to the Philippians.
51:06 Now you have to remember that Philippians
51:07 were the good guys.
51:09 These were one of the churches that really accepted him.
51:11 And so he was really bragging on them, at the same time,
51:15 he was loving them
51:16 and he still was encouraging them.
51:21 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything..."
51:27 Wow, we're going in two different directions there.
51:29 He says, "Hey, stop here, don't be anxious.
51:31 But in everything by prayer and supplication,"
51:35 supplication being that particular person need.
51:40 Yes.
51:42 "And supplication with thanksgiving."
51:45 Oh, boy, that's a tough one.
51:49 You know, you've got anxiety,
51:50 you've got, "Hey, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus."
51:53 And "Thank you. Thank you. Okay."
51:56 But it also tells us
51:58 that we're supposed to thank Jesus
52:01 and in situations.
52:03 Absolutely. In all situations.
52:05 Unnecessarily for everything
52:07 because I didn't want that horse.
52:11 And the horse was there, you know?
52:13 But after the fact, thank you, Jesus...
52:16 that lam was there.
52:17 Yes.
52:19 "So do not be anxious about anything
52:20 but in everything by prayer and supplication,
52:23 with thanksgiving...
52:24 Present your request to God.
52:25 Thank You, Jesus, I will call upon You."
52:27 Amen.
52:28 "And the peace of God."
52:30 Wow.
52:31 Now we were talking about peace a while ago.
52:33 Boy, what comes to my mind
52:34 when we talk about peace is quietness,
52:39 confidence.
52:43 Unity.
52:44 Unity. I thought unity.
52:45 Yes, with one.
52:48 "But prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
52:50 present your requests to God
52:52 and the peace of God which transcends,"
52:55 in other words, excels,
52:57 "transcends all understanding will guard your heart
53:00 and your mind in Christ Jesus."
53:02 Amen.
53:03 You know, I thought about too.
53:05 When you said that do not be anxious about anything
53:08 is the fact that God has the big picture.
53:11 He is thinking of things eternally.
53:13 You know, sometimes, we get caught up on this thing
53:15 or that thing.
53:16 And we don't think with an eternal mindset,
53:20 but God does.
53:22 And so that's why it's important
53:23 not to be anxious and anything
53:24 because, look, He wants to save us.
53:26 He wants to spend eternity with us.
53:29 So you know, we may be going through different situations
53:32 and certain circumstances to help to refine our character
53:35 and prepare us for that.
53:37 So we got to be thankful in everything.
53:39 You know, I was thinking
53:41 as we were talking about this whole,
53:44 you know, "Help me, Lord,"
53:45 you have to see your need
53:48 before you can ask for help.
53:50 It's true.
53:51 In other words, you have to see your need of Jesus
53:54 before you can really plead for Christ's help.
53:58 And this brings me back to the story.
54:02 We mentioned it earlier, the prodigal son.
54:04 So we know how the story goes.
54:05 He goes to the father and he tells the father,
54:07 you know, "I basically ask
54:08 for the inheritance in advance."
54:10 But if you look at this from a Middle Eastern perspective
54:13 because Christ is telling the story to Middle Easterners,
54:16 and in that particular culture,
54:19 for someone like a young man to come
54:22 to his father before he has died
54:25 and ask for the inheritance was the most shameful act
54:28 that you could possibly bring upon yourself
54:30 and your family.
54:31 In fact, there have been true stories,
54:33 real incidents where young men had went to their father
54:37 before they had died and said, "You know, hey, father,
54:39 can I have my inheritance?"
54:41 And this is literally happened.
54:43 In fact, if you did this today in a Middle Eastern country,
54:45 like a Palestinian country,
54:47 they would literally take you out into the quarters
54:49 and they would stone
54:51 or, you know, kill that young man for that
54:54 because he would bring
54:55 a supreme amount of shame upon his family.
54:58 When you think of the concept of the prodigal son
55:02 how eventually he decides,
55:03 "You know what, I don't need this.
55:05 I don't need you, father.
55:06 I'll go out and do my own thing,
55:08 I'll make my own way."
55:09 Eventually, he came to that point
55:10 where he saw his need.
55:12 He had become separated from his father.
55:14 And he reached the point
55:16 where he saw his need "You know what,
55:17 things were so much better back home then they are now."
55:22 He comes back home.
55:23 And of course, this is where I think all of us...
55:26 Sometimes, we feel so shameful, and perhaps,
55:28 maybe how we have responded to God.
55:31 And so the devil comes to us and says, "Oh, you know what,
55:34 why go back and even ask for help?
55:35 You know, you've brought shame to yourself,
55:37 and God's ashamed of you,
55:38 and you constantly done this and this and this.
55:41 But nonetheless, this young man came back.
55:43 And look, here's the powerful part of the story
55:44 'cause I know we're about to run out of time.
55:46 And I know Shelley has something to say.
55:48 The Bible says that, "The father ran to the son."
55:53 It reminds me of the song by Phillips, Craig, and Dean
55:54 "When God Ran."
55:56 A lot of times, we see that
55:57 from a Western cultural mindset.
56:00 And we see this happy father just like, "My son's home.
56:03 Oh yay!"
56:04 And I do believe that is the case,
56:06 but from a Middle Eastern perspective,
56:08 the father was running to the son
56:10 because the son brought shame before he left,
56:13 he was subject to death.
56:14 So he casts himself up on the son
56:18 to keep others from killing him,
56:20 in other words, placing himself as the sacrifice on the son.
56:25 But it all started because this young man...
56:28 And last in this story,
56:29 we have to see our need before we can come
56:32 to that point and say, "Lord, I need help.
56:34 Help me, Lord."
56:36 Amen.
56:37 Honey, did you have...
56:39 You know, I just want...
56:40 As we're winding down everything,
56:41 we can just simplify this, "Seek first the Kingdom of God,
56:46 and then all these other things will be given to you."
56:50 And that is the quietness, the confidence,
56:52 the harmony that we're looking for.
56:55 But I'd certainly agree,
56:57 without knowing that there is a need,
56:59 why would we even call upon Jesus.
57:02 So if you don't know Jesus, invite Him into your heart.
57:07 God will take us to a point where we see our need.
57:09 Amen.
57:11 I just want to thank each and every one of you
57:13 for being here, for your input.
57:16 And it's just so amazing to me how fast time flies
57:20 when you get into the Bible study.
57:22 But our prayer for those of you at home
57:25 is to have a happy Sabbath
57:27 and that the Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
57:29 the love of the Father,
57:31 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:33 is with you always.
57:34 Amen.
57:36 God bless you.


Revised 2018-11-05