Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW018030A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Family Worship
01:13 and whether you're watching this on a Friday evening
01:16 and a Sabbath is just beginning to come in for you
01:19 or a Saturday evening,
01:20 and you're getting ready to face your work week,
01:23 we welcome you to a time of prayer,
01:25 and praise, and study, and blessing,
01:28 as together we worship the Lord in spirit
01:30 and in truth.
01:32 I'm CA Murray, and I've got a wonderful group
01:34 of brothers and sisters with me today.
01:36 I'm giddy with this particular group.
01:39 These are students of the Word, people who love the Lord,
01:42 and people who have something to say about Jesus.
01:45 I'm in the company of my wife, Boo, better known as Irma.
01:50 Irma Boo Boo on a good day.
01:52 Good to have you here. Yes.
01:54 Good to be here with you, honey, once again.
01:57 Praise the Lord.
01:58 To my left, Mr. and Mrs. Quinn, JD and Shelley.
02:02 Good to have you guys. It's lovely to be here.
02:04 It's our pleasure. Yeah.
02:05 Love sharing Bible timeless studies with Shelley.
02:10 Whenever I call her, morning, noon, day and night,
02:13 she is on the spot.
02:15 And thank you guys,
02:16 like we got you kind of late on this one.
02:17 Yeah. So thank you.
02:19 Actually, I got to be kind of late,
02:20 so we're praising the Lord
02:22 because any time you can sit together
02:23 and study the Word of God, it's refreshing,
02:25 a refreshing thing that builds you up.
02:27 To my far right, Miss Dee Hilderbrand.
02:31 Hello. Good to have you here.
02:33 It is so nice to be here with the two of you.
02:35 Amen. Good to have you here. Yes.
02:36 And Garry Will. Good to have you here, man.
02:38 Thank you for inviting me. Good to have you here, man.
02:39 It's great to be here.
02:41 Another student of the word,
02:42 and I'm told he does little preaching on the side
02:43 when he get the chance.
02:45 So we pray the Lord. I love the way he studies.
02:47 He does, he does that
02:49 he is a good student of the Word.
02:51 We want you know and we're going to skew
02:53 the singing today
02:55 because we've got so much to talk about.
02:57 And we want to make current application
03:00 to some very pertinent Bible information.
03:02 So we're coming from actually
03:03 three different books of the New Testament
03:06 that all bespeak the same issue in the New Testament.
03:09 Mark Chapter 14,
03:12 John Chapter 12 and Luke Chapter 7,
03:18 all of them bespeak this incident
03:20 that happened at Simon the Pharisee's house,
03:23 where Mary performed a little act of obedience
03:27 to the Lord.
03:29 She was so thankful to the Lord
03:31 that she did something that put her in a little hot water
03:33 with some of the people that were around,
03:35 but Christ defended her, so we want to talk about that.
03:38 We're going to read a little bit of it
03:40 from each chapter and each book rather
03:43 because we want you to get the whole picture,
03:44 and each writer Mark, John, Luke,
03:49 approach the story from a slightly different angle,
03:52 and Luke and John give you
03:55 much more information than Mark.
03:56 You know, Mark is the miracle guy.
03:57 Mark likes to get right to the miracles.
04:00 Back end of Chapter 1, he's already into miracles,
04:03 so he didn't give you a lot of culture,
04:04 he goes right to what's happening.
04:06 John gives you much more information,
04:09 and then Luke gives you a whole other spin.
04:10 He gives you the interpersonal,
04:12 what's going on in the heads of some of these people,
04:14 so we're gonna read a little bit of that.
04:16 Then I want to do a quick reading from Ellen White
04:17 as she comments on this particular passage
04:19 and then you kind of get the picture.
04:21 Then each of us has a little something to say
04:23 as to how this impacts us, affects us,
04:25 and hopefully we'll have ramifications
04:27 for goodness in your own life.
04:29 So let's start with Mark.
04:31 Mark Chapter 14, and we're beginning at verse 1.
04:35 JD, is that yours?
04:36 That is mine.
04:38 And that's Mark 14.
04:40 I'm gonna read verses 1 through 4.
04:43 JD, before we do that, let's pray.
04:45 I just, you know, you get so excited to get into...
04:47 Shelley, would you lead us some prayer please?
04:49 Absolutely.
04:50 Heavenly Father, we come before You
04:52 in the name of Jesus Christ.
04:53 Thanking You for the Sabbath day,
04:55 thanking you Father that
04:57 it is a more a memorial that You are a Creator,
05:01 our Redeemer
05:03 that You're the one who recreates us
05:05 in the image of Jesus, and thanking You Father
05:08 that as Exodus 31:13 says that
05:12 the Sabbath is a sign that
05:15 You are the one who sanctifies us.
05:17 Amen. Salvation does belong to You.
05:19 Father, we are so very grateful to You for Jesus Christ
05:23 and Your Holy Spirit and Your Word,
05:26 wonderful gifts of grace You have given to us,
05:29 and we ask in Jesus' name that
05:31 now You would empty us of us, fill us with Your Holy Spirit.
05:35 Now send Your Holy Spirit to be our teacher
05:39 and may we Lord learn from the story of Mary,
05:44 what true worship is really all about.
05:48 We ask this for the glory of Your name,
05:51 in Jesus' name, amen.
05:52 Amen. Amen.
05:54 Thank you so much Shelley.
05:55 JD? Yes.
05:56 Once again, Mark 14:1- 4.
05:59 "After two days it was the Passover
06:02 and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
06:04 And the chief priest and the scribes sought
06:07 how they might take by trickery and put Him to death.
06:10 But they said, 'No, not during the feast,
06:13 lest there be an uproar of the people.'
06:15 And being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper,
06:18 as he sat at the table, a woman came having
06:21 an alabaster flask of very costly oil of spikenard,
06:26 and then she broke the flask, poured it on His head.
06:29 But there were some who were indignant among themselves
06:32 and says 'Why was this fragrant oil wasted?'"
06:35 All right. Boo, you pick that up.
06:37 Yes.
06:38 "For it might have been sold
06:40 for more than three hundred denarii
06:42 and given to the poor.
06:44 And they criticized her sharply.
06:47 But Jesus said, 'Let her alone, why did you trouble her?
06:52 She has done a good work for me.
06:54 For you have the poor with you always
06:57 and whenever you wish, you may do them good,
07:00 but me, you do not have always.
07:03 She has done what she could.
07:05 She has gone before hand to anoint, My body for burial.
07:10 Assuredly, I say to you,
07:13 wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world,
07:16 what this woman has done
07:18 will also be told as a memorial to her.'"
07:22 Very good. So that's Mark's recitation.
07:25 He has some very pertinent information,
07:26 particularly this last line,
07:28 "Wherever the gospel is preached
07:29 what she has done is going to be
07:31 from now on a memorial to her."
07:33 Let's go over the Book of John. As we are in John.
07:36 We go to Chapter 12
07:38 and we begin reading in John Chapter 12.
07:43 And, Dee, I think you have John 12.
07:46 Let's see...
07:48 No, Gary, Gary has John 12.
07:49 Gary has a different verse
07:50 and then I was gonna pick up at five.
07:52 Okay. Okay. So John 1:1.
07:55 John 12:1,
07:57 "Then Jesus six days before the Passover came to Bethany,
08:01 were Lazarus was, which had been dead,
08:04 whom He raised from the dead.
08:06 There they made Him a supper, and Martha served,
08:08 but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with Him.
08:12 Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard,
08:15 very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus,
08:17 and wiped his feet with her hair,
08:19 and the house was filled with the odor of the ointment."
08:23 And then starting with verse 4.
08:25 All right, no, go ahead and do fourth.
08:26 "Then saith one of the disciples,
08:28 Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, which should betray him."
08:33 What he said was "'Why was this fragrant oil
08:37 not sold for three hundred denarii
08:39 and given to the poor?
08:41 This he said, not that he cared for the poor,
08:44 but because he was a thief, and had the money box,
08:47 and he used to take what was put in it.'
08:51 But Jesus said, 'Let her alone,
08:55 she has kept this for the day of my burial.'"
08:59 Thank you so very much.
09:00 Now, Shelley, I'm gonna put Luke's recitation in your hands
09:05 and read several verses from that Chapter 7 if you will.
09:08 I'm just going to read because it gets quite detailed,
09:12 so I'll just read Luke 7
09:14 and this is verses 36 through 39.
09:19 It says, "Then one of the Pharisees,"
09:22 this would be Simon, "ask him to eat with him
09:26 and he went down to the Pharisee's house
09:28 and sat down to eat.
09:31 And, behold a woman in the city, "
09:34 now this is important,
09:36 "who was a sinner when she knew that
09:39 Jesus sat at the table in the Pharisee's house,
09:43 brought an alabaster flask of fragrant oil.
09:47 And stood at His feet behind Him weeping,
09:51 and she began to wash His feet with her tears,
09:55 and wipe them with the hair of her head,
09:58 and she kissed His feet,
10:01 and anointed them with the fragrant oil.
10:03 Now when the Pharisee who had invited Him saw this,
10:08 he spoke to himself saying,
10:10 'This man, if he were a prophet,
10:13 would know who and what manner of woman this is,
10:18 who is touching him, for she is a sinner.'"
10:22 Wow! Powerful. Powerful.
10:24 So you see now,
10:26 there are several layers of things going on.
10:29 Many, many layers.
10:30 We have to assume some things.
10:32 This supper, this feast was being held
10:36 at the house of Simon the leper.
10:38 Obviously, he was no longer a leper,
10:40 because had he been a leper, no one would come.
10:44 I mean, no one's gonna go to a leper's house for feast.
10:46 Plus, lepers couldn't have houses
10:48 and lepers would not invite anybody
10:49 and no one would come.
10:50 So he is post leprosy now.
10:53 He is there, having been as good as dead and revived,
10:58 and Lazarus is there,
10:59 who was dead and revived, so this is...
11:02 You've got many, many layers.
11:03 You've got the disciples there,
11:05 you've got Mary there, you've got Martha there,
11:06 you've got things going on in Simon's mind,
11:09 you've got things going on in Judas' mind,
11:11 you've got things going on...
11:13 You know, many, many layers of story,
11:14 and yet above all of this what stands out
11:16 is the sacrifice that Mary is making.
11:19 That's what I want to talk about.
11:20 Ellen White talks about this.
11:22 Just gonna read a couple of paragraphs
11:23 and then I want you to wade in and each person kind of give
11:26 what you're impressed to talk about.
11:30 This is called Nothing Too Costly,
11:32 "Christ delighted in the earnest desire of Mary
11:34 to do the will of her Lord.
11:36 He accepted the wealth of pure affection
11:39 which His disciples did not and would not understand.
11:43 The desire that Mary had to do this service for her Lord
11:46 was of more value to Christ
11:49 than all the precious ointment in the world,
11:52 because it expressed her appreciation
11:54 of the world's Redeemer.
11:56 It was the love of Christ that constrained her.
11:59 The matchless excellence of the character of Christ
12:02 filled her soul."
12:03 You know, when God does something for you,
12:04 you got to do something back,
12:06 there's nowhere to go around it.
12:07 "The matchless excellence
12:08 of the character of Christ filled her soul.
12:10 The ointment was a symbol of the heart of the giver.
12:14 It was an outward demonstration of a love
12:16 fed by heavenly streams until it overflowed."
12:19 I love that. Just a little bit more.
12:21 "The work of Mary
12:23 was just a lesson the disciples needed to show them,
12:26 that the expression of their love for Him
12:29 would be pleasing to Christ.
12:31 He had been everything to them and they did not realize
12:35 that soon they would be deprived of His presence,
12:38 that soon they could suffer..."
12:40 I'm sorry.
12:41 "That soon they could offer him
12:43 no token of their gratitude for his love.
12:47 The loneliness of Christ
12:48 separated from the heavenly courts,
12:50 living a life of humanity
12:52 was never understood or appreciated
12:55 by the disciples as it should have been."
12:57 He left glory to come down here,
12:59 and His closest followers didn't really get it
13:03 that He was separated from His fellows.
13:06 He was in a strange place for Him,
13:08 doing the work that is assigned to do,
13:11 and sometimes you just get lonely,
13:12 you know, when you're out there by yourself.
13:13 Last paragraph.
13:15 "The same want is evident in our world today.
13:19 But few appreciate all that Christ is to them.
13:22 If they did the great love of Mary would be expressed,
13:26 the anointing would be freely bestowed.
13:29 The expensive ointment would not be called a waste.
13:33 Nothing would be thought too costly to give for Christ,
13:37 no self-denial or self-sacrifice,
13:40 too great to be endured for His sake."
13:44 Amen.
13:46 And I think each of us in our Christian walk
13:48 has to answer the question,
13:50 how much is Jesus worth to me?
13:54 How much am I going to sacrifice for Him?
13:57 Am I going to give Him all,
13:59 or am I going to give Him nothing?
14:00 Am I gonna try to hold back part for myself?
14:03 Well, He gave all, He needs to get all.
14:06 Amen. All right.
14:07 Shelley, I see you got some stuff here.
14:09 You want to wade out for us.
14:10 Sure, the first thing that comes to my mind is, you know,
14:13 here it is just six days before His triumphal entry,
14:18 the crucifixion and everything.
14:22 Jesus has become very popular in Bethany.
14:25 I mean, his good friends
14:27 Lazarus, Mary and Martha lived there.
14:29 He went to visit them all the time,
14:31 but after He raised Lazarus from the death,
14:35 He gained even greater respect.
14:38 So He comes to visit them
14:40 during His final week of His life
14:43 and Simon invites Jesus, and when you invited Jesus,
14:47 all of His disciples come,
14:49 so here you've got a Pharisee, who as you said,
14:54 after he had that encounter with Christ and was healed,
14:58 this was the Pharisee who knew what it was like
15:03 to be unclean.
15:05 He had lived in a leper's colony,
15:08 he had to be separated from his family and his friends,
15:12 and he's throwing this feast.
15:14 Now, there's a lot of Bible interpreters
15:17 who will say because Matthew, Mark and Luke
15:20 don't identify the name of the woman.
15:24 They just say the woman, the woman.
15:27 Now here we saw in Luke.
15:29 Luke calls her a sinner.
15:32 Now this is significant because we've all sinned
15:36 and fallen short of the glory of God.
15:39 For him to put that designation shows that...
15:43 Can I say, she was notorious for her sin.
15:46 It said, had a reputation.
15:47 So there was a reputation there.
15:50 Now, we know this is Mary
15:53 who sat at Jesus' feet, who was,
15:56 you know, one of the three
15:58 that didn't leave Him at the cross,
15:59 who was the first to the tomb.
16:02 Here is a devoted disciple of Jesus
16:05 but because He brings this up,
16:07 you know, I believe there is a reasonable assumption
16:10 that we can say, this was Mary Magdalene,
16:14 that here she had fallen into this sin,
16:17 she'd moved away from her family,
16:21 you know, to another area so to spare them embarrassment
16:25 and she has an encounter with Jesus.
16:29 He cast seven demons out of her.
16:32 She is now a devoted follower.
16:35 John's the only one who tells us, in John 11:2,
16:40 what her name is, that she is Mary,
16:43 so that we know she is Lazarus' sister, right?
16:46 And once again, we see Martha.
16:50 What is she doing at this dinner?
16:52 Serving. She is serving.
16:53 She's in the kitchen rattling the pots and pans,
16:56 that's what she does.
16:58 But here comes Mary,
17:02 I believe because Simon knows and has,
17:06 he recoils and casts judgment,
17:09 not only on her but on Jesus for letting him touch her.
17:14 I believe he was one who had encounters with her,
17:19 perhaps even led her into sin,
17:23 and now think of what it had to be like for her
17:27 to walk into his house.
17:29 But you know what?
17:31 True love, true adoration for Christ,
17:35 you lose all self-consciousness,
17:36 you're not worried about what others will say.
17:39 She comes in, and when they were at the table,
17:43 all the men are at the table.
17:45 There was Lazarus giving silent witness
17:47 to the power of Christ's resurrection, right?
17:50 But what they did was when they ate in the east,
17:54 they reclined at the table,
17:56 they propped one arm up on the table
17:59 and their feet would be behind them.
18:00 Correct.
18:02 So she doesn't come around the front
18:03 to make a big to do out of this,
18:05 but she comes behind Him and as she,
18:09 you know, probably she heard like the other disciples heard,
18:12 that Jesus was talking about His death
18:15 and she probably knew His death was imminent,
18:18 and maybe she understood it
18:20 better than the other disciples did.
18:22 But she's at His feet, humbly she bows down there
18:26 and she just is overcome with emotion,
18:29 and her tears are flowing, and I love what Luke says
18:33 that she began to wash His feet with her tears.
18:37 I don't think this was planned, you know, why?
18:40 She didn't have a towel with her.
18:42 And so what she did was let down her hair,
18:45 which in their culture, a woman's hair was her glory,
18:50 so to let down the hair was not so acceptable,
18:54 but she's drying His feet
18:57 and then she's kissing His feet which is...
18:59 Did you know that was a common practice
19:01 to embrace and kiss the feet was considered an honor?
19:05 So there's nothing wrong there,
19:07 but this is a woman who takes,
19:12 the alabaster box was very expensive, very soft.
19:17 It could be carved and it was like a rose bud.
19:21 It was closed up and it didn't have a stopper
19:24 that you could take it out and just pour a little bit
19:27 like we do for your perfume bottles.
19:29 But as she pours this out on His feet,
19:33 she had to break open this alabaster box,
19:36 which was expensive.
19:38 The spikenard was worth a year's wages.
19:42 And, you know, I have to ask you.
19:44 I'll quit and let somebody, I got a lot I could say
19:46 but how would we feel
19:49 if someone came into our church service
19:52 and they walked up front and to honor the Lord
19:56 they took say $30,000 or $40,000,
19:59 and they let it match and it went up,
20:02 would be going.
20:04 What a waste?
20:07 Now that, you know, that's a waste.
20:09 That could have been...
20:10 We'd have probably been
20:12 just as guilty as the others saying,
20:14 "It could have been given to the poor."
20:16 Wouldn't we have?
20:18 But now we'll get into Judas in a minute.
20:21 But the whole point is,
20:23 I believe the only reason we have this story
20:27 is because Christ was memorializing
20:30 her act of worship.
20:32 Amen.
20:33 He said, "Where ever the gospel is told..."
20:35 And it's in all four gospels, it's in Matthew as well,
20:38 in Matthew Chapter 26,
20:40 "Wherever this gospel is told, this story will be shared
20:45 to memorialize what she's done here today."
20:48 So Mary was in an act
20:51 of humility and adoration for the Lord.
20:57 She loved Him so much.
20:59 She loved Him so much because He had done so much.
21:01 Mark makes it very plain and you really need
21:04 all four readings to get the equivalent
21:06 because there's so much going on.
21:07 John names names.
21:09 You know, Mark says,
21:10 "One of the disciples of John calls him up..."
21:12 Well, and John was written several decades later.
21:13 Right. Precisely so.
21:14 Because she was probably already dead,
21:16 the others out of respect.
21:17 But he also names Judas.
21:18 He indeed names names, you know,
21:20 and it connects him to Simon.
21:21 So, but with all of that Christ is reading that
21:24 and He comes to her defense, you know, He defends her.
21:28 And I love this statement, if you're a full gospel church.
21:31 You say you're full gospel,
21:32 you've got to put this story in there
21:34 because it's part of the full gospel
21:35 and it's because of what she did,
21:38 she took the opportunity that she had,
21:40 she flew in the face of convention,
21:42 she broke a lot of rules.
21:43 Absolutely.
21:45 During this time, she broke a lot of rules
21:46 but she wasn't focused on rules.
21:47 She was focused on Jesus.
21:49 Who wants to pick that up?
21:51 As I was reading this,
21:53 and we weren't there,
21:55 so we obviously don't know exactly what happened,
21:58 but she certainly was grateful
22:00 because if she was bringing up her mind
22:01 how special Jesus was to her, let her out of sin,
22:05 you know, raised her brother,
22:07 and so she went in
22:09 I think having this spikenard with the...
22:13 Perhaps the premise of saving this for His burial.
22:19 But yet, they started around the table,
22:22 start talking about Him being the next king.
22:25 All of a sudden, she became very confused,
22:29 and in her anxiety of that confusion,
22:33 we then have an accident,
22:36 and the accident was that...
22:39 That's not the right word, we had a happening.
22:42 And then all of a sudden,
22:43 perhaps what could have happened was
22:45 now we have perfume that is all over everywhere.
22:50 And, of course, she was trying to do this real quiet.
22:52 You did a great presentation in how quiet this was,
22:57 but because of the expanse of the spikenard,
23:00 all of a sudden, everyone in the room knew that
23:03 there was something different, and at that time,
23:05 you know, then the little whispering story taking place.
23:09 The keeper of the box,
23:11 the keeper of the funds for the poor
23:15 of which he was always into.
23:17 Yeah.
23:18 Judas was always snaffling out of there.
23:21 Yes.
23:22 Now the next thing that we know,
23:25 there's going to be a train wreck here.
23:27 Now we're looking at this good versus evil,
23:30 which that's where I'm looking at,
23:32 you know, you have the work of Satan over here,
23:34 but you have the work of Jesus over here guiding.
23:38 So now something is gonna have to happen
23:40 and then in few minutes as we're connecting these dots,
23:44 we'll see what happened
23:46 and how we still speak about this today.
23:51 Well, JD, I want to clarify one thing,
23:52 you weren't saying that her act was unintentional.
23:55 No. No. No.
23:56 Because the way you said, it was...
23:58 No. Okay.
24:00 But, I think that, the way that I read it and everything,
24:05 she was going there under the impression
24:08 that my savior is going to die soon.
24:12 So then there was that moment
24:14 whenever they were talking about kinship,
24:18 nobody could read the future.
24:19 So I mean, they had no idea. Could they?
24:23 I think of what you said that
24:27 the two mentalities, the two hearts
24:33 that were in that room is very impressive to me
24:37 because as you study
24:44 the sacrifice of Christ.
24:48 Sometimes, you know, I have in the past read and read.
24:55 You know, at times, you know... Wow!
24:57 This is really something
24:58 but when He finally comes into your heart,
25:03 then you understand and that's what was happening
25:08 and that Christ wanted the people to understand.
25:13 Christ wanted this story to go on
25:17 because we need it
25:20 to understand through the Holy Spirit,
25:23 when he meant that Christ was going to die,
25:25 no longer is going to be there.
25:27 But when you recognize what God has done for you,
25:33 and people criticize you, when you do something wrong,
25:38 and oh, well,
25:40 she did this or he did that and that we are so easily tend
25:45 to dismiss that person immediately.
25:51 And Christ instead,
25:54 you know, he was affirming that she was a sinner
25:58 but she had been restored.
26:01 He has restored her,
26:03 but nobody else there was understanding
26:09 what she was doing.
26:11 She had completely surrendered to the Lord,
26:15 and obviously more than once or twice.
26:19 So her heart was just so overwhelmed
26:23 on what Christ had done for her,
26:25 she didn't care, she didn't care.
26:28 And that's what He wants us to come to Him.
26:31 I'm busted here too.
26:33 Gary, you actually do get to talk.
26:35 I won't make comment, I'll just read this
26:37 because it goes perfectly with what you're saying.
26:40 In Luke 7:47, when Jesus said,
26:43 "Therefore I say to you,
26:45 her sins, which are many, are forgiven,
26:48 for she loved much.
26:51 But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little."
26:56 The one thing I want to add,
26:58 I see a parallel here with this little woman
27:00 and the woman's issue of blood.
27:01 When you want to do your worship to Christ,
27:06 you're not really looking for an audience,
27:07 you know, that wouldn't want us to sneak in
27:09 and touch the garment and get out of there.
27:11 And Christ said, "Wait, wait, wait,
27:12 who touched me?"
27:14 So now everybody knows.
27:15 Well, she wanted to come in,
27:17 wash His feet with her hair and get out.
27:20 But the spikenard broadcasted her activity,
27:22 so she couldn't sneak away because now everybody knows.
27:25 So the thing that says to me, when I'm worshipping Christ,
27:29 it's one-on-one.
27:30 I'm not worried about what you're thinking,
27:32 I'm not worried about what you're thinking
27:33 because as much I'm just focused on Jesus
27:35 and I'm trying to get that blessing
27:36 and I'm trying to let Him know
27:38 that I love Him and that I appreciate His sacrifice.
27:40 Amen.
27:41 Let me use this.
27:43 See I think that...
27:46 I think I knew your background,
27:47 I know most of your backgrounds.
27:50 I relate to Mary
27:53 because I lived many, many years insane,
27:58 and so when the Lord love...
28:03 When love raises you up out of sin
28:06 because there's no other place to go,
28:10 and people...
28:11 The thing is people don't think that you can be saved.
28:15 "You're so bad," then you feel so bad yourself.
28:18 And Christ saved me over and over many times.
28:21 I'm like Mary.
28:22 I didn't always take in,
28:25 you slide back and you come forward and you slide back,
28:28 and other people don't accept that you're a changed person.
28:32 They don't know, your reputation is out there.
28:35 Yes.
28:36 And I can understand when I first...
28:39 Where I lived before, everybody knew who I was.
28:43 So being a Christian was not something
28:46 even my own family really believed per se.
28:50 I've had people say,
28:52 "Oh, I don't think you've changed that much,"
28:53 and that just crushes you.
28:55 But that Satan, but when I came here,
28:58 see no one knew my baggage,
29:02 so then it was like,
29:04 "What if somebody walks in and tells."
29:08 So there are many people here who I shared with,
29:11 they knew where I came out of and what I came out of.
29:14 And then, you know, it didn't matter.
29:17 It was okay because I came to the point of,
29:22 "If God can save me, He can save anybody."
29:26 And see the whole idea of why you can't sneak in
29:28 and worship the Lord
29:30 is because that is praise to Him
29:33 that shows His power and shows what He can do.
29:37 And so you do want the world to know
29:39 how mighty and power, God, how powerful God is.
29:43 And you don't care when you're worshiping Him
29:48 and when you realize what He paid that
29:49 He did pay for, paid for everything.
29:52 It does bring you to tears when you're thinking like
29:55 what can I offer Him.
29:56 And really the only thing I have to offer is my life.
30:01 And then when you fail Him,
30:04 that, that rips me apart more than anything else
30:07 is when I feel like I failed Him
30:09 because anybody here at this table can know
30:11 when I didn't act.
30:13 You know, every one of us has acted like or thought like
30:19 Judas.
30:20 We have seen someone do something very spiritual,
30:23 very moving, very...
30:26 You mean like Simon, he was judgmental.
30:27 Simon, oh, Simon, yes.
30:29 Well, Judas judged too but Simon too
30:32 when they look and say if he knew who that was.
30:35 Because we look at people and we go,
30:37 I've thought it myself,
30:39 we've seen someone do something, we're like,
30:40 "Really, I know who you really are."
30:43 You know, but we don't know who they are, really are
30:45 when they're having an encounter with the Lord.
30:47 Amen, yeah.
30:49 You don't know who they really were.
30:50 Yes, right we don't know who they really are.
30:52 But Mary is so special in the Bible
30:56 because she shows, she gives hope to people
31:00 that don't have hope.
31:01 Yes, exactly.
31:03 She gave hope to me when I had no hope.
31:06 And it says, "God."
31:08 And we use that when we worship Him,
31:11 when we praise Him
31:13 and we give Him everything that we have
31:15 because that's all we have to give
31:17 then He does use that.
31:19 He uses it that why you couldn't keep it a secret.
31:22 Because then all of a sudden His spirit
31:25 and the beauty of the worship that Mary gave,
31:29 the beauty of the Lord surrounded
31:31 and covered everyone.
31:32 Amen.
31:33 And it just amazes me that Simon who was a leper
31:37 who really understood
31:38 what it was to live in a black hole
31:40 and to have no hope that God,
31:43 Jesus gave, stepped in there.
31:45 And gave him hope and gave him back his life.
31:47 And he was not willing to surrender and give to Him.
31:51 Yeah, and, Gary, before it comes to you,
31:53 this says something about Simon too.
31:55 It says that Simon was healed without a perfection of faith.
31:58 He's still thinking evil thoughts
32:00 after his healing.
32:02 Now, later on we found out that he finally does surrender.
32:05 But at this point he's still,
32:07 things are still going on in his head
32:09 and he's thinking even evil of other people.
32:12 It shows the length and breadth of the love of Christ.
32:14 Yes, absolutely.
32:16 To reach out to somebody who is not quite yet there.
32:19 But Christ does get him across the line,
32:20 but he ain't there just yet.
32:22 He never gives up on you. Never gave up on me.
32:25 Every time I called to Him and then I fall away,
32:27 He never gave up.
32:29 And He, and that's what He wants us to understand
32:32 and to believe because He can and He wants to change us.
32:37 He wants to change our heart. He wants us to be like Him.
32:41 And He will.
32:42 He has the power to do it Right.
32:44 We've known you since 2003
32:47 and you're one of the most godly woman...
32:49 That's true, I've told her that too.
32:51 And to hear the story of,
32:53 you know, when you bring this up,
32:54 it's always like, "Wow!"
32:57 You know, but then I look back on my own life
32:59 and realize how much God has transformed me
33:02 because I have my PC days too.
33:03 You're not the only one, you know, so.
33:07 That's what I like about the story so much.
33:09 It's about Jesus is more willing to forgive us
33:12 than we're willing to forgive others.
33:13 Yes. Amen.
33:15 And so if you ask the question,
33:16 "Why should this story be included in the gospels?"
33:18 The answer came back to me is,
33:20 "This story is about forgiveness and gratitude.
33:23 Yes, yes.
33:24 And that's why it should be included in the gospel.
33:26 And also some, going through the story,
33:28 I came across an interesting contrast.
33:30 And if you back up all way
33:31 to beginning of the story, Jesus...
33:33 In which account?
33:35 Well, just the whole story, you take it as a whole.
33:39 Jesus didn't own a home.
33:40 And so because of that a lot of people thought
33:42 He was too poor to own a home.
33:44 However the contrast is that
33:46 He owned everything in the planet.
33:47 Yeah. Yes, yes.
33:48 So that's an interesting contrast.
33:50 And so Simon thought that he was doing Jesus the honor
33:53 by preparing a feast for Jesus.
33:55 But it was Simon who Jesus honored
33:57 by accepting the invitation
33:59 and having His presence at the feast.
34:02 That's the contrast there.
34:04 Simon was cured of leprosy as we talked about by Jesus
34:09 but when He saw that a great sinner,
34:12 Mary was touching Him.
34:14 He purposed in his heart that, well, this can't be a prophet.
34:18 The contrast is, Jesus showed him unequivocally
34:22 that He was a prophet 'cause he read his heart
34:23 and then He spoke to him before Simon
34:25 ever had a chance to say the word.
34:26 Precisely, right, right.
34:28 So right there He showed that He was a prophet of prophets.
34:32 And that Simon was actually condemned in that
34:34 that he had said, "Well, He can't be a prophet
34:36 if he's let him touch His feet."
34:38 Another contrast is Simon had been cleansed by Jesus
34:42 of his outward ailment
34:44 but He didn't see his inward defilement.
34:47 Mary was sorrow for what she had done in the body
34:50 and repented and Jesus cleansed her
34:52 of the inward defilement.
34:53 Yes, amen.
34:55 I think that's a beautiful contrast between the two.
34:57 And then lastly, Mary shows her appreciation
35:01 by washing Jesus' feet with her tears and hair,
35:04 anointing Him with the expensive ointment
35:06 while Simon didn't even show common courtesy.
35:09 Because that was the host...
35:11 Because that was the host's duty, exactly.
35:13 So the story is full of contrast,
35:15 I think that really illustrate God's willing to forgive us
35:19 beyond what we're willing
35:20 because Simon wanted Mary condemned.
35:23 He wanted Jesus to condemn her.
35:25 Everyone at the place wanted Jesus to condemn her.
35:27 But Jesus wasn't going to do that.
35:29 He actually showed who was really in the wrong.
35:32 It was Simon.
35:35 Go ahead, yeah.
35:37 Everyone's around the table, yeah, yeah, go ahead.
35:38 If you can take a breath, I'm not gonna jump you.
35:40 Don't worry.
35:41 You know what you have to sit here and think too
35:43 is that Judas is sitting here
35:45 calculating the cost of his life as were others.
35:50 They only thought they were calculating the cost.
35:53 This was Mary's IRA,
35:55 her Individual Retirement Account,
35:58 the money that was in, I mean,
35:59 the money that had purchased this expensive alabaster box
36:04 and the spikenard had been money
36:07 that cost her her reputation, her self-esteem,
36:12 her lack of respect,
36:14 the cost that what went in to purchase this
36:20 with the wages that she'd earned
36:22 in her previous life.
36:24 This was something that cost her everything
36:29 until she met Jesus.
36:31 You know, and so to me, I think that that's something
36:36 that another thing is that sometimes we look at people
36:40 and we're trying to figure out
36:43 the value of what they're doing,
36:46 where as we don't know the back story.
36:51 We don't know like the widow with the two mite
36:54 and you think, "Oh, big deal, two mites."
36:56 But that's all she had to live on.
36:58 So this was such an act of worship, I mean.
37:03 I think it's interesting that you kind of touched on.
37:05 She seemed to be the only one that actually understood
37:08 what Jesus was saying about His death.
37:10 Yes.
37:11 'Cause she actually put that belief into action
37:13 and got something to prepare for that event.
37:16 Yes.
37:17 And like as you related to is, as she heard them saying that,
37:19 well, you know, He might be King.
37:20 They're going to make Him King when He goes to Jerusalem,
37:22 she got caught up in the whole atmosphere
37:26 and so she was like, "Well, hey,
37:28 I'm going to anoint Him now because He's going to be king.
37:30 He's not going to be dying like He said He was."
37:32 She wanted to be the first to honor Him.
37:33 Yes.
37:35 I think that's the wonders of God
37:38 that He cease where we are.
37:42 But He never stops to come and see how to move us
37:47 into to know Him personal.
37:51 Just like Mary became to know Him personal
37:56 to the extent that she didn't care about,
38:01 like, you said to you use whatever anybody thought.
38:04 Or that maybe that was her last money forever,
38:10 you have these so that people that are pretending to be,
38:15 to know Christ to the end,
38:18 yet their minds went on everything else
38:20 but the money, you know, why is she doing this.
38:25 We know who she is.
38:27 And yet Christ was there just to show love,
38:32 to shine in love
38:33 because that's what He chose Simon.
38:37 He knew, Simon is saying these things about Mary.
38:40 Jesus seen it and if he'd really knew.
38:42 Well, who could know better the heart of anybody but Jesus?
38:47 I don't think at that point all of the other disciples knew
38:50 what a devoted disciple she was.
38:52 It was really Simon
38:54 who was thinking of her in the past.
38:57 Do you think that...
38:59 You brought up something that now I just thought about
39:01 that she didn't know if Jesus was going to die
39:04 or if He was going to be king.
39:06 But what she might have known in her heart,
39:08 whether He was king or going to die,
39:10 this may be the last chance...
39:12 That she has, yeah.
39:14 That I can honor Him, that I can let Him know
39:17 what He's done for me.
39:18 So she was taking her last chance to say,
39:22 "You are my Savior, my Lord.
39:24 I want to give You all that I am
39:26 because You have taken darkness out of my heart.
39:28 You've taken all this pain out.
39:31 And You've given me joy and life.
39:33 Jesus gave a context because He said burial.
39:36 So He kind of played it out.
39:38 He said, that's what I was gonna look at.
39:39 Okay, yes. Mark 4:8, it says...
39:41 Precisely, precisely. She has done what she could.
39:44 She's come before head,
39:46 beforehand to anoint My body for burial.
39:49 Two, the gospels talk about her anointing His feet
39:54 that were soon to have the nails driven through them.
39:58 Two, the gospels talk about her anointing His head
40:01 which was soon to have that crown of thorns.
40:04 So I'm sure she did both.
40:07 But I think what Jesus is doing in my personal opinion,
40:11 the whole of this story is, yes it does show
40:15 the difference between forgiveness and unforgiveness.
40:17 I think He's holding her up as the model of worship,
40:23 unreserved worship.
40:25 Yes, yes. Agreed, agreed.
40:26 And here's something
40:28 if we're going to make the personal application.
40:31 Why do we come to church?
40:33 Do we come because it is culturally correct,
40:38 this is how we grew up?
40:39 Is it just habit?
40:42 Is it something that someone expects of us?
40:45 Some people come to church just to be with their family
40:50 or to be with fellowship,
40:51 others are coming to study the Word.
40:54 But the true reason for us coming to church is to worship.
40:58 And if we ever go to church
41:00 and leave without worshipping the Lord,
41:03 we'd miss the whole thing.
41:05 And you know, there is something about us
41:11 that we want to be soberly proper in our worship.
41:17 You know, there's people that I remember
41:19 and I'm going to tell the story of myself,
41:20 my first day at ASI, I'd only been,
41:22 I'd only been joined the church just weeks before.
41:26 And my first day at ASI, I'm sitting on the front row
41:29 and I think, "Oh boy this, oh, this man was singing a song
41:32 that was true worship.
41:34 He wasn't performing.
41:35 And I remember, I raised my hand
41:37 and I was just, oh, I was just caught up in the worship.
41:41 And then a gentleman,
41:43 a well-known evangelist came up to me afterwards
41:46 and he said, well, because he'd seen me on,
41:50 Danny had me up there
41:51 the night before giving a little testimony.
41:53 He said, "We're so excited that you joined the church."
41:56 And I said, "Well, I hope you won't judge me
41:59 because I raised my hand."
42:02 You know what he said to me, "I hope you won't judge us
42:05 because we didn't."
42:08 I think we're so quick to judge
42:10 but I want to read them with something if I may
42:13 before this time gets apart.
42:16 Because Ellen G White, Testimonies, volume 5,
42:20 page 317 and 18 says this,
42:24 "Praise the Lord
42:25 in the congregation of the people."
42:27 Yes, yes.
42:29 "There is too much formality in our religious services.
42:34 When the church is walking in the light,
42:37 there will ever be cheerful hearty responses
42:43 and words of joyous praise."
42:47 Love it. Love it, yes.
42:48 I think that much of our religious activity
42:52 lacks enthusiastic love for the Lord.
42:56 Yes. What would seem with mere...
42:57 Hearty relationship with the Lord.
42:59 Enthusiastic love.
43:01 None of us want chaos in our church.
43:03 But I cannot stop,
43:06 sometimes when the spirit is really moving on me
43:08 and I'm feeling, I raise my hands
43:11 'cause I can't not.
43:16 And there are times when I just,
43:19 I wish I could just drop to my knees but I...
43:23 But it's true that all the times that,
43:26 you want to and what happens,
43:29 the enemy brings that thought of, you know,
43:32 I can't do this because there's all these people are looking
43:35 and they're going to think whatever.
43:38 And yet...
43:40 And we don't want... We're supposed to be...
43:42 Praise and worship is what we're there for.
43:44 Yeah, it's like you saw this cup,
43:47 and you don't see nothing else.
43:49 This is Christ that we are supposed to be.
43:53 Just Christ. I'm sorry.
43:56 Excuse me, there's one thing, you know, I think
44:00 that Jesus certainly appreciated about Mary
44:03 was is that she was bringing her love to Him
44:09 while He was alive, sharing some of His love,
44:12 you know, He says, "Yes, Nicodemus and Joseph,
44:15 they've provided a place for me after the fact.
44:19 Yes there was this precious,
44:22 this other lady that showed up at the grave
44:25 with her perfumes after the fact.
44:29 But the lesson is, is that she was there
44:33 while He was living.
44:34 And I think it's a lesson for all of us.
44:37 You know, He said, we need to take care
44:39 of our brothers and sisters
44:40 and take care of them while they're living
44:43 rather than, well, we'll take care of,
44:45 you know, after the fact, you know.
44:48 And anyways I was reading in and I really like that.
44:53 Closing chapter of Ellen White's,
44:55 I think we need to open ourselves up
44:56 to worship to receive the Lord
44:58 and not be so constrained by fear or convention.
45:03 And I think as Dee,
45:05 someone said we don't want chaos.
45:06 we don't want bedlam in the church.
45:08 But I think we, if the pendulum is swinging one way,
45:12 it tends to swing a little too much towards conservatism
45:16 and kind of buttoned-down-ism.
45:19 And we need to let go.
45:21 There are some people who, I've heard people say,
45:23 "Hope you didn't mind me saying amen during a ceremony."
45:27 Mind? Please.
45:31 That time, my favorite and I'm just,
45:35 I don't mean anything by this
45:36 but I love to preach at a black church
45:40 because they're going, "Amen! Mercy!"
45:43 And they, as you're preaching
45:46 it draws the anointing out of you.
45:48 It does.
45:49 People are responding and you see this and I love it.
45:54 I just absolutely love it.
45:55 There is something with this call
45:56 and responses just fills your spirit.
45:58 Phrases catching is contagious. It is, it is.
46:01 And you don't want chaos or confusion
46:04 but if it is a sincere worship from you,
46:06 deep in your part,
46:07 you don't have confusion and chaos.
46:09 It is and it is a lifting up in joy.
46:12 It's a lifting each other up in praise.
46:16 One necessity that you're praising the same God.
46:19 If I could say one thing
46:21 and I'm going to get in trouble for saying this.
46:23 That's okay, we're all in trouble.
46:24 When we have praise and worship in our music.
46:28 And sometimes the Lord has just,
46:31 you know, that's what praise and worship is for
46:33 is to plough up the heart,
46:35 to get you ready to receive the seed.
46:38 And somebody stands up there afterwards
46:41 and starts joking around
46:43 or just even reading the bulletin,
46:45 it's like, that moment...
46:48 We have an announcement. I don't like that.
46:50 I don't like the announcements.
46:51 I wish they do announcements before...
46:53 Many times I said to you,
46:55 oh, that was the message was so wonderful.
46:58 And then they came with all that.
47:01 And then saying now, we're gonna do this,
47:03 and whatever, anyway, so like...
47:05 If I had, if I could write the order of worship,
47:08 I would do announcements before praise and worship.
47:13 And don't get up there and start telling me
47:15 a joke afterwards
47:16 because you think you're going to get my attention.
47:19 Because if God's been working on my heart in worship,
47:22 He's got my attention in what you're doing.
47:24 Yes, yes.
47:26 If you're in worship, you want to stay there.
47:27 I agree.
47:29 Gary, if you got something to say,
47:30 you better jump in because...
47:32 We're running out of time.
47:34 Well, it's not in the church service.
47:36 But I think God is wounded
47:38 when we don't show our gratitude
47:40 in words and deeds.
47:42 I found this interesting quote, I'd like to share, you know,
47:46 Simon was quick to condemn.
47:47 Christ is never is.
47:48 And this is an interesting quote,
47:50 "Christ might commission the angels of heaven
47:52 to pour out the vials of wrath on the world full of hypocrisy
47:55 and sin destroying those
47:57 who are filled with hatred to God.
47:59 He might blot this dark spot from His universe
48:02 but He does not.
48:05 This, but He's not.
48:07 He is today standing at the altar of incense
48:10 presenting before God the prayers of those
48:12 who desire his help.
48:14 Who is he that condemneth?
48:15 It is Christ that died
48:16 getting rather that is raised again
48:18 who is even at the right hand of God
48:20 who also makes intercessions for us."
48:23 Romans 832.
48:25 He could wipe us out because we deserve it.
48:27 But He doesn't. He loves us.
48:28 And so my appeal is, you may say,
48:30 I am sinful, very sinful.
48:32 You may be, but the worse you are
48:34 the more you need Jesus.
48:36 He turns no weeping contrite soul away.
48:39 He does not tell to any or any all that He might reveal
48:43 but He by, bid everyone trembling so take courage.
48:47 He will not reject any who comes to Him penitent
48:50 and believing.
48:51 Freely will He pardon all who come
48:53 to the forgiveness of restoration.
48:56 And another quote I couldn't find it but,
49:00 "God's blessing today is a guarantee
49:02 of blessings tomorrow."
49:03 Yes, yes.
49:04 And He loves you and He wants to forgive you today.
49:08 Just go to Him today and ask for that forgiveness.
49:10 Amen. Praise the lord.
49:11 Praise the lord.
49:13 You know, He wants to forgive you and love you.
49:14 And fill you with joy.
49:17 Yes, fill you with the joy of the salvation.
49:20 Quality of life. Yes.
49:21 You know what broke Simon's heart?
49:23 And this is this so wonderful.
49:25 Christ in telling him that parable,
49:28 he realized, had to realize that had Christ wished to,
49:33 he could have exposed him at his own party.
49:36 Tell what the parable is 'cause we didn't actually...
49:38 That's in Luke. Yeah, let me just...
49:41 Start with verse 40... It's in the 40, 44.
49:46 Forty. So that's the difference.
49:48 Satan get you to sin and exposes you.
49:50 Jesus saves you and protects you.
49:53 Yes, yes.
49:55 Yeah, at 41, there was a certain creditor
49:56 who had two debtors.
49:58 One owed 500 denarii the other 50.
50:01 And when they had nothing with which to repay
50:08 he freely forgave them both.
50:09 Tell me, therefore
50:10 which of them will love him more.
50:13 And, of course the,
50:15 it's a rhetorical kind of thing.
50:16 But because the one who was forgiven more would love more.
50:20 But by that he realized,
50:22 Christ knew what was going on his head.
50:26 And he was acting like the 50.
50:27 I think he acts like he had nothing,
50:29 he owned no one anything.
50:30 And she was acting like the one who owed the 500.
50:32 He realized then, He's reading my thoughts.
50:35 He knows what's in my heart.
50:36 And if you wish to,
50:38 He could publish this to this whole gathering.
50:41 But it was the fact and we see this
50:43 in that wonderful book, Desire of Ages
50:45 that Christ kept silent.
50:46 He knew Christ is holding on to a secret.
50:48 That's what broke his heart.
50:50 And see when we see ourselves as a sin as we are,
50:53 the fact is we don't often times take the time
50:56 to see ourselves as Christ sees us
50:59 because we tend to look around, me head's around,
51:01 so I look at, I'm better than Gary.
51:03 I got Dee covered, she's got that past.
51:05 Boo, I'll talk about.
51:07 Okay, so I'm the top one here at the table.
51:09 But I'm not supposed to compare myself
51:10 with any of you.
51:12 I'm supposed to compare myself with Christ.
51:13 And only in doing that do I see myself as I really am
51:17 then I have a lot to worship for,
51:18 a lot to be thankful for
51:20 because I know He has forgiven me much.
51:21 Amen.
51:22 Every individual feels that they understand
51:25 how much they've been forgiven
51:27 when they are a spiritual Christian
51:28 and connected with the Lord.
51:30 Very true.
51:31 That each of us feels exactly the way each of us does
51:33 that we have been forgiven much, everyone.
51:37 And it's a shame that so many times, you know,
51:41 we look at our brothers and sisters
51:43 that have been with the Lord
51:45 and have made a change in their,
51:48 do you see the humility in that
51:50 and then we look at them as such,
51:53 "Oh he's just a goody goody.
51:55 He's trying to be biased."
51:57 And we're not only being wrong,
52:01 but we are really blaspheming God
52:05 in that attitude because...
52:07 God has changed them. Yes.
52:11 And we all go on different routes,
52:15 you know, different routes to come to Christ.
52:21 And He brings us where He knows
52:23 that we need to be brought.
52:27 So it's not for none of us to criticize that
52:31 and put that down
52:32 because what we're doing, we're putting down Christ.
52:35 Amen.
52:36 You know it just occurred to me,
52:38 this was the second alabaster box
52:41 that she'd broken.
52:43 Because, you know, you've heard that song
52:45 broken and poured out to Lord Jesus.
52:48 Just think that at one point when she met Jesus
52:52 and she looked into His eyes.
52:55 And she saw understanding, she saw a real love,
52:59 her heart was broken and poured out for Him.
53:03 I mean, in unreserved love.
53:06 And He recreated, I mean, it's just like our hearts
53:09 that alabaster box needs to be opened up,
53:12 it needs to be broken and poured out for Him.
53:15 Yes.
53:17 What a joy to know that, you know, she came as,
53:22 you know, I think we look at our own past
53:25 because we know ourselves better than anybody else.
53:27 We can be like Paul saying,
53:28 "Lord, I'm the chief of sinners."
53:31 But it is such a joy to know that God will be praised.
53:35 Yeah, but it's just about time
53:37 when do, we are able to do that,
53:39 that Christ gone with All His love.
53:42 Amen.
53:43 And He says, "Child, I love you.
53:46 You are okay now."
53:47 Amen. Amen.
53:49 And He has the power to keep us now.
53:53 Let's run the table.
53:55 We're down to our last minute
53:56 so everybody give me that one or two lines
53:58 and we kind of pull a little bow on this.
54:01 Well, I just like, I just read this earlier.
54:05 And it answers your question right there.
54:08 Mary knew not the full significance
54:10 of her deed of love.
54:11 She could not answer her accuser.
54:12 She could not explain
54:14 why she had chosen that occasion
54:15 for anointing Jesus.
54:17 The Holy Spirit.
54:19 The Holy Spirit had planned for her
54:21 and she had obeyed His promise.
54:23 His promptings.
54:25 Inspiration stoops to give no reason.
54:27 An unseen presence, it speaks to mind and soul,
54:29 and moves the heart to action.
54:31 It's its own justification.
54:33 Amen. Amen.
54:34 Well said. Thank you, Jesus.
54:35 Well said. Shelley? Amen.
54:37 Worship prompted by love and gratitude
54:40 is what Jesus is looking for.
54:42 And the fragrance of a life
54:44 that is lived in obedience to Him.
54:49 Yes, well, I'd say, let's not discourage.
54:54 Let's be totally encouraged
54:57 because Christ wants us to be like He is.
55:01 And He will never leave anything unturned
55:06 to bring us there.
55:07 Amen.
55:09 And when we are there, we are going to really
55:11 experience that joy and that worship
55:15 that He deserves.
55:18 I think He...
55:19 This story just gives hope to everyone.
55:20 Yes. It shows you God's love.
55:24 Not only His love for you but that He has the power.
55:28 I worship a powerful God. Amen.
55:31 And He has enough power to not only save me
55:34 but He has the power to protect me.
55:37 He takes that old life that is so painful
55:40 and He fills you with joy.
55:43 And it's just walking whatever,
55:45 He has a very special path for each person.
55:48 And I think in this story,
55:50 He is showing so many different lives
55:52 in so many different ways
55:53 everyone can see themselves somewhere in this story
55:57 and have redemption
55:59 no matter where you're at or what you're doing.
56:01 Amen. Amen.
56:02 Jesus forgave us much, so we should love much.
56:05 Amen.
56:07 And we should show Him,
56:08 just the way the Bible tells us,
56:10 "But if you love Me, keep My commandments."
56:11 And keeping commandments is showing love to Him
56:14 and then love to those our fellow men.
56:16 Yeah, well done. Well said.
56:18 We are called by Christ
56:20 to be a pathway of grace to others.
56:22 The love that has been shown to us,
56:24 we need to show to others.
56:25 The forgiveness that has been shown to us,
56:27 we need to show to others.
56:29 The patience that Christ has shown to us,
56:32 we need to show it to others.
56:33 And if we would but attempt to exemplify these traits
56:38 how much nicer we would be, how much sweeter we would be,
56:41 how much sweeter the world would be.
56:44 We are told by Ellen White.
56:47 She says, "If we were kind,
56:49 tender, hearted, pitiful, loving,
56:51 there would be 100 sessions to the truth of God
56:55 where now there is only one.
56:57 Sometimes the greatest hindrance
56:59 to individuals coming to the Lord
57:01 are those who are already in the Lord,
57:03 but not living like the Lord and not showing God's love.
57:07 The greatest thing that Christ could say to anyone,
57:09 He said to Mary there in Luke 8:48,
57:15 "Then he said to her, Your sins are forgiven."
57:21 That's Luke 7.
57:22 I'm sorry it's 7.48, yes, Luke 7.48.
57:25 "Your sins are forgiven."
57:28 Nothing better. That's what I want to hear.
57:29 I'm sure that's what everyone wants to hear also.
57:32 Again our time has run out. We'll see you again next time.
57:35 Stay faithful and keep on loving Jesus.
57:38 Amen.


Revised 2018-10-15